Kava Rise Office Hours

Recorded: Jan. 4, 2023 Duration: 1:23:31



Good morning everyone. We're just going to wait for more people to join, but today I have a couple of announcements about CAVA platform. Just CAVA rise, you know, the current growth that we experience is
And happy to talk to any founder, developer, BD person from teams who are considering joining a new EVM chain. So here we are. This why we're all here. So yeah, I'm going to wait for a couple more minutes, see if more people join, but yeah, we can start
So I think we can just start, you know, briefly guys, give you a rundown about cover, what's happening, the cover rise, which is the incentive program that cover has right now. My name is Rebecca. I'm a co-founder of Alpha Growth. Without a team, we do work with multiple ecosystem to unbord projects on their new home chains.
of our biggest ecosystem partner right now and we are on a mission to bring over 100 defied apps on Kava in this 2023 year. Kavis having a big momentum right now. As you may or may not know, Kavis on cosmos, you know, as we've been feeling for like over four years now and
in May of 2022, Kava launched their own EVM, which is they do it from EVMOS. So it was a fork on EVMOS, very scalable and very fast, very low transaction fees, very user friendly and very developer friendly, and basically KavaRise
incentive program was launched in tandem with their EVM to help developers get started, especially with a longer vision. So a little bit about like, cover rise and wide different from like, grants program. So it's not at an upfront, grant funding option, but it's more of like a
launch. It's great for teams who know how to drive TVO definitely so let me just give you a quick rundown so basically the team would say defy DAP, deployers on the cover, they get list on defy alarm on. They pretty much async getting 7.5
founding percentage on their growing TVO from Kava's fund. And basically, project business to have more than 10K of TVO on chain to receive monthly payouts in the next month. It's pretty straightforward. We do
have also complimentary grants and we do have some uh a review place for some infrastructure things but yeah pretty much pretty async program you just need to deploy get less than deflama and just drive tvl and of course have on team and ourselves as well we provide onboarding experience so any developer
developer questions you guys have, RPC providers, anything you guys need, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at the Alpha Growth on Twitter. You can always DM me at Rebecca over double K-P-R-O. I always will address any questions about Kava or in other chain.
It's pretty straightforward and we do have like some other complementary grounds available So it just depends where you guys add with your project again, please reach out So something really interesting happened in public a system actually yesterday, so axelar which is a
new Christian solution on the blog right now. They completely went on May night on Kava yesterday, so I believe that right now Axelara supports over the 29 chains, which is pretty massive when they're taking lots of projects and pericles from
Cosmos ecosystem which is again played really nicely with the architecture of Kaava which is obviously on IPC and also EVN compatible. So looking like I would really happy to see lots of movement of digital assets between Cosmos and EVN chains right now. It doesn't look at
bunch of projects and does unlock a bunch of opportunities for teams, for users as well, and then just to bring more liquidity from the Cosmos side right now. So yeah, just a quick rundown of Axelar as well. Axelar is like one of the participants of
cover rice as well. So please again, have any questions, you know, how to be a part of cover rice, please feel free to DM us. We do want to onboard even more question solutions, like, you know, like we are also likely talking to a zero in a that would be also interesting to unlock more stuff on like L2s.
Because a bunch of versions also building a layer zero. That is also really interesting like how this kind of solutions work. Let's say it's XLR layer zero. I also heard about hyperlame.
It's really beneficial when projects start building on those kind of questions solutions because you literally can just then unlock your projects to in the case of axelier to over the 29 chains.
And it's easier to go on any L2 after that, which obviously that bridge supports. It's easier versus, you know, like actually deploying first on a chain, let's say it's Kava, and then...
already building on like axel are all year zero. These are just to build it natively. So you automatically have access to all of those chains. So yeah, that's a bit like axel are, but basically quick rundown. So
The ecosystem incentive program was launched in May. Oh, I have another speaker given a second, guys.
Thank you so much for joining us. I was a little on the side and by the guys if you ever want to ask a question if you want to speak please just request and I will make you a speaker but
pretty much Brian I know if you joined as a listener before I'm just giving a quick rundown I don't know if you noticed about 15 hours ago Axler went on Maynath on Kawhan which is pretty exciting yep very exciting
Yeah, that's like the biggest I would say recent integration and obviously, you know, we unburning a bunch of other infrastructure in first chain so that would be super cool. But yeah, every single project guys, everything infrastructure looks more pretended, but those are looks more projects for partnerships and stuff. So that's why we're here just to highlight some of them.
And yeah, basically what I was saying and you're trying like the program started in May and we started working with Kava in October. It was a thing around like 20 projects back in the day like 17 I think when it was like 8th of October and now we basically are like 52 projects and I right now have when the books 18 projects joining
as in January. So like super exciting. I just crazy amount of projects. I know, I know. And everyone you know like wants to tap into like Cosmos assets. Now like I can just have them roll over to the EVM sides. Because all users are there, you know? Yeah.
I mean, just in terms of like actual like amount of projects, you know, they'll be surpassing a lot of the top 10 projects in terms of chains, right? So I think for 2023, I
I don't see any issue of COVA becoming a top 10 chain. Now, it could be like, okay, that's a vanity metric, but in terms of like the community that we're building and the integration with all of the different projects, there's effectively going to be 100
different new tokens and a hundred different new DeFi projects. What should create a lot of activity, a lot of action, a lot of opportunities for vaults and real yield and dexes and yield farming and all of the above. So it's super exciting.
No, definitely. Yeah, because so far we have like people who are benefiting curve, you know, social cores, you know, like, but I do have like some players like, you know, K-Purpose, we recently onboarded, I think we launched in the December 1st. They also like driving, uh, TVM, massive, um, covenants. So, uh, L-Core's core is
If you know like all the you know good stuff that we've seen from before But yeah guys, there's still so much room for you know being first on this fresh soil. So Please, you know, like let me know if you guys are building after we're building what you guys looking for But yeah, here we are
Definitely one more feedback. Brennan, what's coming up in our end? What's really the most exciting about? Most excited about in terms of Kava is the infrastructure that's being built right now. I think pretty admittedly,
from on the EVM side, a lot of the infrastructure was flushed out on the cosmos side. But when we joined, I think the biggest lesson is really around how much infrastructure is needed to make a very, very smooth transition for developers to build on the Kava.
Right so if you're like oh that's kind of boring but but it's a reality right it's like you can't get you know from city to city or you can't get to where you want to go unless there's like the rails in place and the and the bridges and you know it's a lot of a lot of the transport terminology that that comes on to this it's like
It's very very accurate, right? So if you if there it doesn't have a port if it doesn't have a bridge if it doesn't have like an airport like it's not a real city, right? So a lot of the infrastructure that we're building is talking about transportation. It's like yes, we can have projects built within the ecosystem and it's siloed but like the network effects of
of blockchain and crypto really start to affect take place when you have things like axel are come on board and when you have a lot of the infrastructure. I mean there's a bunch of projects you know we're working on is you know this is all like enough is being recorded but I think I'm okay to say we're working on a multi-sig solution
So there's a bunch of projects that we're waiting for a multi-six solution. We're working on a concentrated liquidity, two or three concentrated liquidity solutions. So different bunch of vaults. We're already in a build until there was a concentrated liquidity. There's, you know, we're talking to some liquid-staking providers where we're
talking to some VE decks we're talking to, definitely some money markets, some V2 AMMs. I mean we are talking to like all of the players in the space and they're excited. So if you're kind of following a big D5 follower you could see the kind of key bringing
explosion of different things that came into the phantom ecosystem last year. And I think a lot of that was inspired by their incentive program. So we use that inspiration and the leadership team at Kava used that as an inspiration to really build and really look at
what could be done at Kava and how to really incentivize the right actions. A lot of the interactions that we've had in giving grants, we could see anywhere from a 10 to 15% breakage, meaning that for grants that we gave out,
10 to 15% of the companies didn't hit the next milestone. Some of the grants programs are not aligned. I think there was an announcement about near, changing the functionality of the grants program. A lot of the grants programs are realizing this and then
and Kava had the, you know, the, the forethought to say, "Hey, why don't we incentivize what the actions that we really want?" A couple other, you know, grants programs are really optimized around wallet creation and transaction volume.
But for DeFi, TVL is the number one metric. And so if you can create token and create demand and create TVL in your DeFi project, like then Kava's deal is an incredibly generous offer. Yeah.
Definitely it combines, you know, two worlds, you know, the grants program, which is a kind of incentives and like a small grant, of course.
But yeah, I mean like infrastructure speaking like I'm super excited. Obviously it's not set on stone, so I'm not gonna share any like company names, but I'm really excited to onboard IPC providers. I think that would be like definitely like making it much easier to build on Kava. Yeah, Multiseak is also probably will
We don't have like a date over the launch, but yeah guys, you know, like we're gonna keep community updated on that because I think it's like pretty significant and yeah, Brian, I completely agree with you. I think it was the first time that we actually learned like how much like it's
Almost like by default that the infrastructure is super important but only like in this case we're just yeah I mean the incentive structure needs to make sense and onboarding needs to also align with it and obviously I'm super excited just to get
that this will set up and see the flow of developers and every other fun stuff that we can also do. I really, really, really, really want to see more people building on Kava and meet more teams as well in person.
I think we should definitely throw an event there with Kava on there. In terms of this office hours, I'm going to go on mute for a while and if there's any questions or need me, I'm very excited and I think there's a lot of opportunity and this is something that we need to
I think the bad, you know, let's be a little bit self-critical. I don't think we're getting the message out there about this program enough. Right? And I think the speed, I mean, we just met with a project today and they were like, oh, wait a minute.
second, Kava is now EVM compatible. And I think we have to do a better job about communicating that message, getting that message out, that you get the different EVM projects, because in terms of like Cosmos, it's Russ-based, it's a little bit less built
There's a lot more builders building on solidity and debt and projects on solidity versus compiling to Rust on the Cosmos side of things. Part of our job in this office hours is just getting that information out there that it's EVM compatible. We've seen projects
Not live stuff front end, but you know be able to deploy contracts within like 48 hours if they headed from another EVM change very very limited Changes that are needed when you're going from you know EVM to EVM So that's that's super exciting, but not a lot of people know that a comma is EVM compatible
Yeah, definitely. This is why we're here for, and I'm just going to go to the winners and like, Kava, what the teams are there. The updates, but yeah, definitely Brian agree. And I think that's even though like, marketing spend is getting cut through protocols from projects from like, agencies and quick to right now, obviously to macro, but
Still, the message needs to be out there and people need to know what they don't know because they're in their own information bubbles, which is completely fine because we all keep grinding and stuff and we don't know what other opportunities are being built right around here. So this is why we're doing that.
But yeah, Brian, feel free to meet yourself. I will just see if there's any questions. Okay, I actually got to get Brian feel free to mute or leave a chat for sure. Thank you. Yeah, I actually have one of questions from my DMs on TG.
Does the TVL have to be on the cover? So, yes. So, pretty much, you know, like, as we already said, you know, a cover has a door to take short of course more than event compatibility. And yes, if you guys deploy, please get a defire adapter so you guys do need to be listed directly under
Kava or D. Phylama to kickstart basically the incentive programs to actually do receive monthly payments. And yeah, this is a domestic how the payouts will be paid out. Okay, and okay, I have a clarification on the questions of the talk and
If you don't mind, maybe can you please clarify that as well? What do you mean by that? And I know you're listening in real time, so feel free to send more clarification to your question.
But yeah, Nathan, just like as an overview, to be eligible for the cover rise, because it's like we attracting developers to the EVM side, it should be on the cover EVM side.
Oh, okay, so I did receive a clarification. So in this case, the project is asking like the TV was on carbon network, but the talking is our project talking that this
That's a good question. I wish Brian was still here, but basically, if I'm understanding correctly, let me just see you right now.
I do think it should be actually it.
Actually, that's a really good question. It's the first time that someone really asks them. But then, all of us, we see right now. Give me a second.
Oh, yeah, actually, I'm gonna wait for Brian to respond just so I don't, guys confuse you, but yeah, pretty much, I mean, that's actually great if you do have a token and you launch and you're on token and it's been state, but I think it's just like
I'm pretty sure because I onboarded someone who had
their own tokens launch. And obviously because of it was when you're talking something new, you know, people aped in, you know, I can, they were great APIs. By the way, this is also how you can reuse basically the incentives, the monthly payouts, you can keep
re-incentivizing your users to keep staking and, you know, all the good stuff. I do actually have a request for Speak From Juan. Let me connect you, but who is the email on Telegram? Please, you know, throw more questions and I'm happy to answer.
Juan, just made you a speaker. I see your web3 founder. Hi. Hey, hey, how are you? Thank you very much for your patience to have some questions. And from Pixel. I received the information related to a grant. I just would like to clarify.
After we finish we are planning to create this market in order to mint and of this in our marketplace and cover. The question is related to after we finish the the contract and after we follow the
procedures, well on the message we receive. We will receive the token just right away, the grant token just right away or you have a different system or we will be based on a based schedule
How will be the procedure to receive the grant?
it's on leaves on our website, it's our widget, I'll actually DM you on Twitter just in case you have it. But basically I will just need two wallet addresses. So I would need a wallet, a contract address, so to track TVO, and I will also need a wallet address for you to receive the grant of, you know,
which is right now the component and ground of 5,000 in Kava token. So yeah, I would just need to have that information. And upon your launch, you receive the ground directly to your preferred wallet and payouts as well. It's usual, let's say if you guys were deploying in December, like fully
on Maynet, all the steps are good. You would start receiving your TBL based incentives in the second week of January. So this is based on incentives. But yeah, Grant, you really receive upon deployment and confirming that you guys are fully live. OK, thank you.
much. And my last question is, like, do you have any criteria related to the project you want us to deploy to develop on Kava blockchain or it doesn't matter in our world
For us, our site is just NFT, smart content, to mean NFT. That is okay for you, or you have any criteria, any specification about which kind of value you want us to do.
pretty much like right now, like we are focused in the incentive program is around DeFi Daps, so like you know, but I know you guys and I briefly chapter out right now on your website, you are like an NFT marketplace. If you are having like any NFT low cups or it's like I like have a financial
to them, you know, a flavor. That's great for talent because again, like this is just how you would be eligible for a grant and also eligible for the incentives because again, like you would have associated TVL with your project. But pretty much like, yeah, as they told you, like, you know, obviously
So, you can see that there is a lot of things that you can do, but it makes more sense if you are a defined type or there is some sort of financial flavor to your project.
that's also great. There's actually one bridge that I think is coming over. I can confirm with you later. That is also doing NFT bridging, so that could be also interesting. But if you don't mind, if you're free to share a little bit about your project,
Yes, of course. Well, we have a website on the website. It's everything about the creative white paper and everything and I can send you a DM. We are marketplace to mean NFTs related to crypto games, play to learn
play an R and etc. So that's why we are planning to create this mark on drag to meet the NFTs of those games on the cover of blockchain. So yeah, later on I can send you more information and I can explain
when you're a little bit more about Tixbo and if you can tell me it's okay or plan or if you need anything else because we are also developing a DX platform so maybe the DX will be more related to your criteria.
the DFI apps. Yeah, I'm also reviewing right now. Oh, okay, oh great. And like the play to earn component that you guys have, like, is there any going to be like associated like everything, all the activities on the
game would be on chain as well, like enough for people to basically play and interact with everything. Yeah, basically we are a platform between the players and gamers, sorry, between the developers and the gamers and players and the developers means
the NFTs in our NFT marketplace and the players who use those NFTs to play on those games. So we are working right now with the Concordia blockchain and we are looking to do a multi-chain marketplace
And of course, well, because we're starting those brand incentives will help us to choose different blockchains like you. So I talk with a team and the other team say, yeah, let's do it. Just let's clarify the criteria.
area of this specification that you're looking for in order to get the grant that of course it will help us and it will help the people to choose which blockchain to mean their NFTs. I see and how do you guys go across chain I'm just curious like doing
you guys built on any other question solution like the example axel art or maybe layers zero or any other like alternative to them. What's your plan and what do you guys use to go crocheting? We are doing right now just in composing blockchain because well they gave us a grant and
They have a later idea that help us to create an insurance policy. This is one of the things that we are implementing in our microphone, which is an insurance policy. It's like a warranty in order to avoid drug pools or drug slips.
And because they could have a layer ID, it helps us to reduce the possibilities for the bad developers, the bad intention developers to do a red pool. But of course, the creators of
of the game, so the developers don't always want to take in one block chain. And this is something that we are aware of, we are different game developers, so we are thinking in the future, they're in a new future to do a multi-chain marketplace, but this is the
This is a plan that we have right now. And you know, because you offered the grant to us, maybe, okay, let's do our first step with Kava. Sure. I will confirm on the nature of your project, if you like for sure, for sure, I'll let you go, because I definitely don't want to tell you, yeah, for sure, deploy and then you
So we'll look more closely into your category because obviously you do have many components inside. You do have like the financial aspect, the game files have an FTE minting which is great but also you do have the insurance so I just want to make sure that your category completely aligns with the incentive program so let me
just quickly make a note about you. And by the way, is it better for you to communicate on the telegram or Twitter? It's up to you. Yeah, that's Twitter, Telegram. Either it doesn't matter. Yes. We can start talking about Twitter and I think my Telegram, which have
There no problem Okay, perfect. Well, thank you very much. Let me just I appreciate your Oh for sure. Yeah, I'm sure I'm just gonna grab your handle so you know if anything I will either DM you on Okay, I think I have you yeah, I have it Twitter. So yeah, great great. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Sure
And I think I was saying a few labs. If you still want to talk, you know, please request again, I will make your speaker. But yeah, anyone else that has any other questions, please, you know, raise a request. You know, happy to make your speakers. Well, let me see if I have any more questions and DMs.
Hello, hello.
Hi, yeah, this is Fuleb. How are you doing? Doing great. I wanted to get a feel about how Cava are two areas, two domains, one is identity and the other is metaverse.
and how that fits into the growth plans of Kava. Yeah, please, you know, begin throwing your questions, but, you know, if you're aware or not, you know, it's on Cosmos and also on the EVM side. But yeah, I hope you to discuss it basically the positioning of Kava lightly, because obviously we're entering a new year and
We have like lots of exciting things coming up on the cover so I will try to share as much as I can but I like what's your maybe initial questions Well, I have a project looking for a home basically is a it's a metaverse builder I don't necessarily want to use the word
no code but it reduces the effort of building a metaverse to what I call single-frame. So you don't need to hire a blockchain expert, a gaming expert, a visual design
expert. So let's you we very much believe in like a multiverse environment and we're not really looking too far in the future we have some use cases around one is DeFi where we
can create permittives to let people, for instance, drag and drop to create escrow payment systems, which might be very complex in multi-party and can't be handled today in any kind of out-of-box fashion. They would basically need to pay
to build on smart contract and the other domain that we're really looking hard at is areas where a 3D could actually bring a lot of the complex technologies
We work a lot in Africa and one of the things we noticed is that we automatically, but people have been exposed to the internet since they were young and playing games. They can manage fairly sophisticated websites, web 2.0 websites.
In some areas of the world that experience unfortunately hasn't occurred and the ability to use 3D something we might call low res, metaverse technologies can actually from a UX standpoint help
reduce the complexity of a lot of applications. So we see those two and we do run a few supply chains in Africa. So we see these two areas of focus for ourselves.
So in the way you're also doing like a hardware as well, right? No, we have actually not not the hardware we do have a mobile app. But yeah, I think we just we take
a perspective that the mid-averse may one day be grand and immersive and using a lot of goggles but today the mid-averse is that actually have traction are going over the internet and
So using technologies like one called voxel that allows people to build their own images, their own 3D images is a good start and we'll let rather than trying to project the world, what the world will look like
in five years we'll start today using our UX design to find where a 3D interface today can actually make a big difference whether we use the word metaverse or 3D interface or
It's just another dimension that makes things a lot that gives us a more capability to convey ideas on our site. I see what you mean by 3D modeling and the UX. Sorry, I misheard
Very understandable to see as hardware, but yeah, we're not we're kind of shining away from trying to make Two-year have a two-year view of the world. We're like what can medley work today and that is simplified yeah
Yeah, I definitely see lots of emerging of meta versus which is like desktop or mobile versions because like, you know, if you think of like meta versus and just gonna have like a slight tension, it's kind of like a pretentious word in terms of like we already living in meta versus in a way like any single game that we ever played, you know, it's a meta
I think it's sad to kind of weird expectations I think for the mass public, but yeah, I mean I like the message that
It's really here. We're just trying to optimize it for why they're adoption and plus adopting blockchain as technology for transparency, ownership and other good stuff. Can you please tell me more about metaverse and defy connection that you guys are building?
Yeah, so I think areas, for instance, we're very interested in creating primitives for D-Flight and allowing using a drag-and-drop interface to connect these primitives. So maybe that we add primitives, you know, as far as
automatic market maker. But we've done some prototypes where we sort of like let's say you have a real transaction. I mean everybody kind of goes to like the two-person transaction in a escrow payment but you know
Let's say there's a real transaction and there's a lawyer and he gets a part when the success happens. There may be a shipment, a handover, so there may be seven or eight parties and you know at several points where the deal may fall apart. We need to revert percentages of funds.
certain parties must may have to pay into different escrosse. So it gets really, really complex and I think that's a, that's an area we really like. It's when we find that kind of a use case. People really, really need but it just, because it's a little bit all-arranged both because of the tech
and the complexity of the technical aspect, but also the UX aspect. How are you going to, in a way, it's kind of a single implementation that works for everybody in any size. How are you going to sort of,
allow create an interface where somebody could who is non-technical be able to create a specific contract around a multi-party escrow contract.
And we really like that and we have solved it actually and it's kind of been prototyped. Another case is our supply chain management where you have a lot of a lot of inter-party connections. We work with Singapore on paper lists.
cross border transactions. So there's a lot of areas in these highly complex software that we can simplify and then we can move away from having static one-size-fits-all configurable trains.
parameterized smart contracts, but rather sort of drag and drop interfaces that allow one to create a customized contract and then deploy it to the smart deploy it to the blockchain. So I think it's a
special technology and we've managed to create this in such a way that we can increase the transaction flow between the 3D to 3D ADAP or the what you might call the
There's kind of like a big problem there that the metaverse has a lot going on it, you know, a lot of transactions, but if you, you know, the trend, the block chain is obviously very limited resource-constrained, so you don't, you know, you, you, you,
tend to have very limited flows between the metaverse layer and the blockchain layer and these flows tend to be like a deposit withdrawals, but we can sort of make that into a wide river. So that's our sort of special sauce.
Yeah, I'm like super excited that you know like users like we don't even need to like talk about all the technicalities like I mean we as B2B like can but I'm like I'm really excited for like users not even needed to know anything like which you know like which chain maybe the project is on like obviously I know it's
to be really down the line, but right now, especially if you have a little bit of code, but you do need to know too many technicalities that a regular person using email does not keep you to know. So I'm like, "I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm#
Yeah, yeah, overcomplicated and like but yeah, it's definitely mission and like no call this and definitely in general will be like I think the key to To adoption and like obviously bringing more developers because like guys like I work with multiple chains and like everyone wants a huge you know like pool of talent. You know joining their change, but we're still
We're still working with a pretty limited pool of developers. We think we're all know each other and we're all like there are so many people to know more. It's still pretty limiting. I've seen that a lot and I think a lot you see goats or like let's build with another language or more powerful.
like JavaScript or Python, but that has a weakness that we don't have and that's it. The more layers you add, the more brittle your code becomes. The more you're susceptible, because obviously there are errors
and Python, compilers, and JavaScript compilers. So as you add layers, you decrease reliability, whereas our system is built so it doesn't decrease reliability. >> Got a really nice building on which language?
So, I'm an ex-google and I worked in some of the language departments there, transpilers specifically, and I created a sort of a metal language, we call it L, and it subsumed
like let's the underlying layer do a lot of the you know it's basically a control flow language so it doesn't manage resources threading as a there is no threading that doesn't manage memory etc it differs to the underlying language so
How it's implemented is or how it's used is we create a smart contract using the language of the native program so solidity for instance if it's if it's a cerium or or a
teal of its algorine and then inside us we build something that can interpret a special kind of mathematical language so we can compress the logic flow. So what this does is it is sent
allows us to multiplex or sequence a large amount of complex logic to exist on the application tier. Because if you get into like a real supply chain management work well, you know, it's not going to be like something
you do two loops or three if else statements, it's going to be a massively complex amount of logic. And the ability we have is to pre-execute this using our language off-chain and then
identify those parts that need to be executed on chain and then execute them on chain so essentially we can map this giant process hundreds of lines of code perhaps into small bits that can then be run on the block
block chain without losing any of the cool properties of blockchain. For sure guys, yeah, you're doing a God's word. I definitely think it will be a next way of adoption for younger generations to play around and just say if they need to or if they want to, they can dive deeper into languages and start
But yeah, like I think it's a good starting point for some developers adopting a trying to a blockchain in their practice. But yeah, pretty much just to address your question. I mean, anything like DeFi is completely eligible for the grants and especially anything that can drive TBO because also this is how you guys gonna be
benefit from the rise of TBL as more projects join and more tokens launch. But pretty much you guys to be eligible for you to benefit, you definitely need to have a strong component of D5 that drives TBL for your project and obviously drives TBL on
kind of as well. But if you have any particular question, let me know. But metaverse, again, anything with DeFi, is it a metaverse or NFT category, anything that drives TBL and will value completely eligible for cover grant and also the cover rise incentive program?
Okay, awesome. And is your program? I don't want to monopolize this. Is there someone else waiting to speak? Am I going too long here? I think I have one speaker that I
I don't want to mispronounce your name by the thing it's a perngel. Whenever you want, you can start speaking, basically, asking questions as well. But yeah, it's a free discussion, so guys, please chime in, ask questions, share your opinions, and if feedback, please welcome all.
So, I am a developer from Azure Procans. So, like we have also applied for this report program in center programs. So, I have some few questions that I
need to clarify because as I'm a developer which I just onboarded after just applying on Kava this program. So I just want to know like as we have a very big ecosystem as a Azure web network on Azure
and we have a multiple more than 20 decentralized application including charity, betting, certification and survey and there are many more applications that are apart from these applications we have some 5 projects like some
So, you can say some SIP programs where you can grow your money with a very good amount of interest and all. But these are things that are being executed on a RISWP network only. Now my question is like if I
is this build up incentive program like something token from on Kava then how can I connect these like our ESN network with Kava so that like it would be easy for a user
who are on board it on kava who can use es and network and vice versa like the people who are just using are currently at a web network and they have es ends and they just want to like come on the kava network so how we can do these things
Yeah, that's a good question actually I'm writing this down so basically your question is how pros you score build already on ESN correct how they first gonna launch on cover and and also how users can bridge assets right and interact basically within cover consistent if the project comes from you
Yes, yes. Okay. And see just doing a lot of research. Have you, have you, uh, do you know how yes and usually projects integrate on like EVMs?
EVMs in terms of like no I think like initially we have a plasma network on Ethereum to just creating a bridge for like ESN network to cover or like sorry my bad ESN network to Ethereum network because some of the folks just want to
of the network and this is one theme money to strive with the Ethereum. So that's why we just have created a bridge to like ESN network to Ethereum network and then and where like for each native tokens on ESN we can try these native tokens to the
So we have a plasma network for the same. I see. So I know that Kava's EVM is work of Elvmos. It doesn't bring any bells in terms of how composability will work.
and bridging will work because I would talk with one of the dexas and they also were on like ESN and they were using plasma basically and there was like they still figure out on composability but being knowing that Havas EVM is fork of EVMOS doesn't give any like clarification on your question
I am not like can you please like to verify these things like for being eligible for this Kava Ryzen center program what exactly I we need to do like as I can see deploy your protocol on Kava EVM. So, as I
can see some documents so this is something that we are building on Kava but I really want to make this utilize for our people who are just using ESN network so I just want to like is it possible to make a cross bridge connection between
like our Azure network and with Kava. >> For sure. Okay. That's actually a great question. I would just research because we do have a bunch of questions solutions. I'm pretty sure one of them will definitely support you then. Let me quickly check.
Pretty much like I have, you know, sellers, bridge, or accelerers already there. I just check I don't think they just support. Yes, and yeah, I don't think so. Let me check multi chain as well. Yeah, like I'm I'm
I'm pretty sure there's one question we already have that will help basically users to bridge their assets, like native assets to Buddy Eladnese. That's great. That's a great question actually.
So let me see about a bridge.
Because we really want to onward all users, all customers who are on your network, we have more than 10,000 users on our intercept network already. And we are running this in like a one year. But we are not like we don't have a very vast
Because we don't have very like a gloss plate form. So like a transition is not so smooth. So we really want like apart from this incentive program. So we really want to like we are very super useful connection between ESN network and carbon network.
Let me also save your hand on in the meantime. So, you know, if I'm not going to get an answer to you, I can just say, you know, DM as well. Yeah, that's also works like we can connect on all the DMs.
We can like check more cool awesome But yeah, yeah definitely you know bridging is super important like that's something that I definitely need to check on You look actually a second project who mentioned about like ESN and how it will work on college
Because if your users are not going to be able to bridge or not going to be able to, on boarding we'll just am asking you have to figure out a converging solution for them basically. So we'll get you.
You know, as I described, as I said, you like how we have our own networks. So like for a DeFi project, what exactly you were supposed to be created from our site?
So if you guys deploy on any VMs before which it sounds like you guys did Honestly, it's like pretty pretty anything so we can know you deploy any defied app that you have on cover So you know once a little test net it's no good main app in grade
So we do announcements of course, like marketing, co-partnerships and stuff. So any retweet, it's tweets, you know, like articles, like any marketing support that you usually expect from the chain, we also offer. Once you on Maynet, guys, you get defied adapter to be listed on undercover.
you guys get a grant as well, upon going in Maynet and also incentives rose out the next month, basically, after the deployment. But yeah, it's pretty simple. I think obviously it's a heavy lift to first use as a figure out how to go on cover, how long it will take you
you guys, how many developer hours you're going to spend, but also just like the bridging situation. And you know, if you guys obviously need any other technical support, which is, you know, by supporting me like infrastructure. So for example, in your case, what kind of infrastructure you need to exist on AVM chain for you guys to have a small experience.
So for example, aside from the bridging, right, from ESN Network, what do you guys usually
need for your daplik, do you need lots of liquidity, concentrate with liquidity, what kind of infrastructure partners in the ecosystem you need to be successful.
So, like obviously, so we are just planning to create a swapping platform, swapping depth, swapping protocol for our like asset transfer on carbon networks, which will also work like so we are just supposed to
work that get it done on like doing a breeze from UPM site as well using the S&. So that's the whole idea. So let's see if we can do something. Can you please remind me your project name?
It's aero-swept token.
>> Are S token? >> Eraswap, eRA SWP. I'm just DMing you this name as well. >> Okay.
Oh, DMU for the team. Perfect. Let me just see. I quickly checked because now we can just discuss it right now.
I'm not going to be able to walk again.
Okay, so you guys have a token, right? So and yes, we have a token. Yeah, so half example. Okay, you're down. So what's your like, you know, you guys are still doing this one thing, right?
Can please come again? So you still building your swapping mechanism right? Yes, for like obviously on Kava we don't have any swapping mechanism, so we are just planning to do the same.
On our network obviously we have.
but on Kavanet for B2N.
So basically with which project you guys would want to come on cover? We have multiple projects but still I am confused like how we can come like what like we have as you know I have told you
to a real like we have our own network. So like I just want to I just want some suggestion from your side as well like what like we can like what type of projects we can have like which can which is also like we have all ready on
our Azure network and we can use the same on Kava EVMS. >> Got it, got it, got it. I understood what you mean. Yeah. So, like, I just cannot find on your website, like, the, the suit of products, you know, like feel free to obviously DM me a link so I can see which projects you already have live on your network. But pretty much, you know, like, yeah,
Yeah, but pretty much it's like I'm shading a link with you Perfect, but pretty much yeah like any like if you guys have a lending platform protocol Yeah, like lending or maybe like swapping like bolts options on Let's say like insurance and not as much but
aggregators like anything like that you usually see or I mean derivatives
like perpetuals, you know, like, like this is south of the Cavalry's right now, it's just like that kind of like movement. So if you have any sort of
Yeah, any sort of projects like this in DeFi, that's perfect for Kava. So let me know when you send me a link, you can just quickly double check. So I see. Yeah, I'm pleased it was. Yeah, if you have some like.
what I can say. I am sharing some like I am sharing a product which are already on our network and which is completely a DeFi project. So, this time is basically a completely cryptogra
like cryptocurrency with accumulated wealth in the future economy. So this step has multiple projects for like it has distribution, it has some active stakes. So we have many
like many programs with it like if we have our staking program we have our named like SIP program named these these TSCAP which always gives more than 9% of interest than both most of our owners and compounding and all so we have a lot of things like this
So you can check this portal like name time a life which is I've shared that link with you on DM as well. So yeah, yeah, basically with like time alia and just like the real day look your native token which is nrt right
So yeah, TAs, the whole, okay, the talking and then they stake it and okay, and then the users basically get rewards on the amount of time they spend and you guys always work on loans, they see. Okay, yeah, definitely. Okay.
So yeah, if it's if this is this is the product, let's say you deploy on cover, it just needs to like have locked tokens, like locked value basically on cover network. So, you know, like, let's say you would have like a pool, you know, just obviously this is the most obvious one. If you
like have a pool with what Kava talking or just even looking your native tokens but on Kava network on EVM side that's also fit but yeah I just need to see how you are okay I'll also connect my wallet my dummy wallet and I will see if time only does it isn't migrating
Yeah, it is really like but for that you have to connect with our networks, which is a result network. So let me share you the network name and some details on that. Yeah, I'm like a sucker to explore new projects and that's so you know, how to do this.
But yeah, like any other DApps, you know, maybe like if you guys work on the governance votes, it goes to every listener as well. Like if you guys work on like any governance voting or VE or anything that was concentrated liquidity, which is like you need the three like algebra finance also was a really nice way to work
constantly with video on Kava. This is the project that Kava needs and I'm really happy to incentivize coming on board. Thank you so much for your time and questions. But yeah, please feel free to always DM us, if you need any clarification. I also just see you sharing another photo.
about how to look at it. Thank you so much for that. I hope you can discover more how we can work. I also have another speaker, but please feel free to chime in more discussion. I think I do have here Alberto from Stabli. How are you doing today? Hey, how's it going, Alberto?
Business Development Manager at Stabley. I think the Alpha team, Cova Growth team sent me some documents about the Cova grant program. We're interested in building however before we apply, I just wanted to get some insight on Cova and their needs. So I can best tailor the proposal.
We build stablecoins, US dollar back stablecoins that I'm sure it's a hot topic right now. We can also white label it for Kava, so Kava wanted to say KUSD or USDK, whatever it is, right? We can do that as well.
Most importantly, we provide efficient FIA on and off ramps for Web 3 applications. So very similar to like transact, RAM, wire. However, we kind of look at them as like the UniSwap of FIA on and off ramps. We want to focus strictly on stable coins kind of being like the curve of FIA on
on in off ramps where we can integrate directly with wallet, stexes, lending platforms, yields. We already support 12 different chains for EVM, non EVM run for building our most recent stablecoin expansion was onto Ripple. We're also on V Chain
harmony and a few others. And we're about to be integrated with the LIFI. The X-Pridge Aggrator, which will, by the end of the month, allow us to expand on to almost 30, we'll be able to support over 30 different chains. So that being said, quick rundown on what we do, build stable
to provide via on and off ramps for these stablecoins. Is there one, I'm assuming there's some sort of need for via on and off ramps, but I guess some more concerned about the stablecoin. See if that's even of interest for the cover ecosystem. Sure again, I'd like to thank you so much for running down the
on Stably, we connected like not that long ago so like you guys are really new to me. But yeah, pretty much like, not now. We do not have any on or of ramps for like stable coins or anything actually on cover right now and like we do I would say like likely exploring it with cover team. I took to some teams who are building
the solution and I'm happy guys to make it for you in the introduction as well so you have a chance to pitch your project and how you guys different from your competitors but yeah it's definitely a need I wouldn't say it's a pressing pressing need for like the one and all friend right now but obviously as myself as a heavy defy user I do need
on and off ramps to basically provide liquidity and especially if I don't have exposure to the token. But pretty much like, okay, so for stablecoins, are you aware of like, how in terms of like their own stablecoin situation right now or what's going on? I know that they have their stablecoin, I haven't
If there's been a recent update, I'm not too sure about it. >> Just quickly again, guys, COVID-19 is built on Cosmos SDK, but it has EVM compatibility. Yes, COVID does have a stable coin as of now. It's called USDX. I've never been exposed to USDX.
So like I honestly would even say like I don't want to talk about the stable point is because I honestly didn't have time to talk to Scott which is the founder of Kava in terms of like their long term position and like what's their mission and idea for the stable coin at Kava if they think something that definitely
me in this water, actually, a capable position and make it more public about what's going on with the IUDX. The only thing that I know about it and I know about it, you know, at the radio, sorry if I'm repeating myself, but basically, I think a wide deep paging is because of the old
that's the only information that I know actually I can even share. But yeah, I honestly do not know the concrete plans for Q1 or Q2 for the stablecoin, but I'm happy to make an introduction to Calvertime and just to see, you know, once they figured out how they want to go about it.
But maybe that's also an option. Because in general how Cabo is taking care of this decentralization and moving forward, it's actually something setting a bunch of in-house projects. So for example, just to give you an idea, Cabo has maybe four in-house
projects like Cavalain, Cavalman, Cavasswap and stuff. And they leave all on the Cosmos ecosystem, on the Cosmos side. So what Cavalys trying to do right now is basically on board a bunch of people on the EVM side. And I'm pretty sure something also will happen on decentralizing probably their stablecoin as well. But you know,
I can not say anything just because I actually have no idea but I think definitely this is something that you know we can talk more about and I'm happy to provide you updates from the cover team directly. Yeah definitely I'll be more than you know happy to you know we would even be able to assist the cover team and
and getting USDX out to the hands of the users through our FIA on an off-ramps by listing it. So I think there's some sententies there if they're looking to make this token very widely available. So basically, Stablet only is doing stablecoins, correct?
We focus on US dollar stablecoins, however, we have experience with Canadian dollar, Vietnamese dollar. Yeah, and we also work with Kiko, which is a gold dealer in tokenizing gold KGLD.
So we focus strictly on US dollar or Fiat as well as commodities. We stay away from securities stuff like that. Kind of the whole idea of stable
about with, you know, gift cards becoming gift coins branded stable coins. So we're fully compliant, right? We work with Prime Trust, who's our SEC Qualified custodial. I see. No, no, that's nice.
Sorry, the dogs go parking a little bit. That's kind of how we work. We have our NTO licenses here in the States. We can KYC and KYB users in over 200 different countries. However, the most important thing
efficient on and off ramps is here in the States. Yeah, definitely like I you know like I wonder how cobble will think about you know having on enough ramp because like literally this week I was just like whoo then I have enough on enough ramp that's really just and that's really good because like we only
So before on ramps, but we didn't see many solutions, I would say that also offer an all frame solution at the same time. So that's like super valuable in my opinion. Yeah. Yeah, that's something that we want to differentiate from our competitors. We have different rails on and off ramps.
ability to ACH wire as well as soon to come swift so if international you want to wire out. Nice. Can you tell me a little bit more about like life? I in terms of how you guys integrate them and what it looks for you because like life by being this kind of solution. I think it's
Is build natively on axillary kind of mistaken? No, I think you're talking about squid. Squid is built on axillary cosmos. Lify is focusing on EVM chains. For now, eventually they'll be expanding to cosmos in Salana.
But we're there essentially a Dex bridge aggregator that we are integrating in the back end of our infrastructure to be able to sell these stable points on bridge assets through through LAMLIFI without having to go through a
bridge or anything like that. One thing that does differentiate us from our competitors is the ability that is that we have our own stablecoin. So, you know, there are times where, say, for example, we send USDC have a lunch to purchase, you know,
USDX on Kava if they ever integrate with life by right then at that point there might be some incurred fees from Say sourcing circle might be 20 30 boobs For for getting that liquidity however, we have usds which we can mint and buy
for free, reducing the cost for selling these stablecoins. And that's the reason why we're bullish on our infrastructure and being able to go in and out of crypto, web 3, your crypto wallet quickly inefficient.
I'm not sure yet. It's actually interesting that you guys also have a stable client. Yeah. So it allows us to reduce the cost when we're selling crypto to users. So pretty much. I'm just really curious about the li5. So pretty much you guys.
like build on life, right? I mean, I guess it's a really, right? And this is what allows you to basically interact with, as far as I'm aware, like 14 chains, right? And like, yeah. Yeah. So does it does it like
Does it make it like with any like index or bridge that is on those 14 chains that you guys like easily can support them? Yeah, exactly. So any bridge, any wallet, decks that are built on say optimism, we can
go and be able to support them now that we're integrated with LiveFight. So the user can, so our widget will be integrated into their project. The user can purchase crypto, send it to their wallet and do some swapping directly on their platform without having
to go to a different page or anything like that. And with LIFI, we're essentially able to swap tokens as well. So if somebody wants to come in and with Avalanche USDC and then wants to take out Phantom
So, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you#
can go from USDS on Harmony to Avalanche on USDC very quickly or if they want to go from Avalanche USDC to USDS on XRP they're able to swap it directly through our widget.
Yeah, which is also looking at the lifeline terms of like wouldn't make it like how it would be I'm super curious how Let's say you guys deploying on cover raid would it be easier for lifeline ready to support cover initially for you to integrate
Yeah, it would be easier. It would be way easier. Yes. Okay. I want you to look at it like I revealed their chains and I was like, I know we don't support light fire. And it's actually something that on the back of our mind, which is, yeah, I think we should open conversations with them. I think they connect you. They're really good friends of mine. Yeah. Perfect. That would be wonderful. Honestly, I#
But I'm also thinking, please let me know, like, I'm looking at the bridges, and for example, cellar bridge and multichin bridge is one of the bridges that Kava supports. But obviously, like, anyways, I find it's going to grade on Kava for cellar, let's say, to support bridging of Kava.
Yeah, the chain would need to support it or life I would need to support the chain and then the projects can go after yeah So basically it's automatically kind of unloading all the bridges right?
Yeah, life I suppose oh my god, this is cool because before this We were thinking of integrating with maybe two or three bridges, you know that we thought you know were efficient You know reputable however, you know, I'm sure there were some hacks that we all are aware of earlier last year
That we're like, "Alright, what can we do?" So that's kind of where life I came in. It kind of solves a little bit of the security issues that we had for a lot of it. And we can, and the slippage costs and stuff like that is pretty efficient when we integrate with them.
I see, okay. Okay, I think I definitely would like to have an introduction to Wi-Fi and see, because if it will be easier for you guys also to own board and cover, that's great. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of other projects who will be unlocked. Do you have any particular questions that I didn't answer?
on like for example, Stabley and CavAVM? No, I mean, I just kind of wanted to get a feel of you know what what the community with the foundation was thinking how we can better position ourselves for a potential grant. Sure, because like okay
So when you guys, let me see which the latest chain you guys supported. Okay, actually, let me know like which the latest chain you inverted. Our latest chain was XRP. Okay. So we're just launched the first natively issued stablecoin on ripple.
So basically like you guys and let me know if it's something you know like you would like to discuss for record but you guys get a grant from like XRP or ripple or both of them to basically support them. Yeah, just
Just XRP ledger the foundation. So we would get one developer grant that we can apply for and potentially future if need be. Yeah. Yeah, never. I'm happy obviously we do have did you know with each other but you know
And then for example for chains that are already integrated on life I it makes it a little bit easier to right so at that point what we would ask for is for maybe like a liquidity loan Maybe some marketing grant to do some promotions with the community That's kind of where we would
go if the chain is already integrated with lifeline. Yeah, because we don't really have to build much, we'll just integrate into the ecosystem. Yeah, for sure. I think that for me next step, I mean, I literally opened this Pandora books with on and off rounds like yesterday.
So, I'm definitely getting a bunch of solutions that are available on the market, which will be most beneficial for Kava. Basically, I could say safely that Kava would go with a solution that unlocks a bunch of other opportunities, obviously for users and for ecosystem growth.
So that would be the metric, but let me talk to the team and see how we're thinking about you, the ground and stuff. And I definitely want to see what you guys need in terms of the ground size and stuff, but obviously it's going to be off the record. But yeah, the capy-tube, you know,
more about your process so I can, you know, adequately address it to the foundation. Yeah, sounds good. Yeah, we can, I'll DM I think we have this telegram group. I'll send you some information as well as on make you the intro to the life I team. For sure. Thank you so much. And by the way,
we're still listening or listening after the fact we actually doing a really great AMA to more with Alberto as well on our Twitter as well so it's going to be January 5th Thursday and let me double check our time I think I was also either 10/11/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10#
Let me just quickly check it.
Yep, so tomorrow same time guys at 11am we do have an e-mail with Alberto so you're like we I definitely want to deep deep really deep into how you guys work your ecosystem partnerships and you like how off-a-growth can help you and obviously you know continue and so
supporting you with your chain expansions or with your raisins, funding and stuff. So do a very nice useful case to see how you guys utilize our platform and how obviously we can help just be to be to other businesses. Yeah, definitely. I'm excited for the chat.
tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Sure. Thank you Aaron for listening. Alberto, thank you so much. Vitali, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you all for all of your questions. I will DM you the clarifications from our team directly. Thank you so much guys. Take care later. Bye bye.

FAQ on Kava Rise Office Hours | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
To make announcements about the Cava platform, specifically Cava Rise and its incentive program.
What is the role of Rebecca in the podcast?
She is a co-founder of Alpha Growth and works with multiple ecosystems to onboard projects on their new home chains.
What is Cava's momentum right now?
It is having a big momentum right now since it launched its own EVM, which is scalable, fast, low transaction fees, user-friendly and developer-friendly.
What is Cava Rise incentive program?
It is an incentive program that helps developers get started and provides 7.5% founding percentage of their growing TVL from Kava's fund. It is great for teams who know how to drive TVL.
What is Axelar?
Axelar is a new cross-chain solution that supports over 29 chains and has integrated with Kava recently.
What is the benefit of building on layer zero solutions like Axelar or HyperLinq?
It is beneficial because it allows projects to automatically have access to all of those chains and it is easier to go on any L2 after that.
What is the goal of Kava's ecosystem incentive program?
To bring over 100 DeFi apps on Kava by the end of 2023.
What is the most exciting thing in terms of Kava?
The infrastructure being built right now to make a smooth transition for developers to build on Kava.
How do you contact Alpha Growth for onboarding experience?
You can reach out to Alpha Growth on Twitter or DM Rebecca at Rebecca over double k-p-r-o.
What is the potential of Kava in 2023?
It could become a top 10 chain with 100 different new tokens and DeFi projects, creating a lot of opportunities for yield farming, real yield, vaults, dexes, and more.