Kill Crypto: Pitch your Project. Ep#3

Recorded: Feb. 22, 2024 Duration: 1:02:49



a little thumbs up if you can hear
can you hear what's going on
we got our little bugs up from Joe
oh my gosh it's coming
it's coming
it's coming
alright so this is a new time
let's see what happens
this could be a good time
this might be a bad time
but we're learning
you know you wanna see me
Joe what about think about getting
our own theme song
we'll get Dua Lipa to sing it
that's a fun idea
that's a really fun idea
we'll get Dua Lipa to sing it
we'll make it as an NFT
and we'll launch it
alright that's actually
that's your best idea
you've had all afternoon
Dua Lipa's the best
I totally fangirled for Dua Lipa
alright we got like
one contestant here
we'll give it another minute or two
unless you wanna go like
let's just do some news while we kinda like
start to fill the space up with some
funsy stuff
Joe what's the hottest thing
the thing you're most bullish on recently
probably things I'm not a lot of talk about
let's talk about things
you're not a lot of talk about
in an anonymous way
that thing about the thing
with all that thing
if you do a thousand dollars worth of things
you get ten thousand dollars worth of things
well that's a good thing
I have to get you in on this thing
with that thing
we should talk about that thing later
because it's even
and it's looking like
a one hundred and one type of thing
okay well
I like that
you like one hundred and ones
I will take that all day every day
any day that ends in Y
that also isn't guaranteed
so it could go bye bye
what is the net present value on a one hundred and one
depends what's the percentage
answer goes bye bye
good question good question
what would the opportunity cost
it would have to be like a
less than a ninety nine percent chance
that it goes bye bye
percent chance that it goes bye bye
is probably in like
the ten to twenty percent chance
oh then you're solid
yeah absolutely
I gotta tell you
I am bridging from
kava squid router right now
they're charging me
one hundred dollars of kava to bridge
I was quoted when I tried to bridge
when I tried to bridge kava
about a month ago
I was quoted
three hundred and fifty dollars
holy mcmoly
that is a lot of ducats
that's a lot of kava
alright what else is going on
dude the bears are fun
I like the bear chain people
those guys are fun
compound is a lot of fun
we're doing a lot of compound stuff
that's a lot of fun
we're getting a lot of
the restaking market is super hot
we got we talked to a restaking
not eigenlayer but one of their derivatives
and dude that's super hot
the amount of money that's piling into restaking is like
what else is hot
the Athena guys
twenty seven percent
embedded yield in a stable coin
they were super smart
it was just a market play
it's basically a hedge fund
package it as a stable coin with APY
sometimes all you need to do
is just package a different idea
the same way as a stable coin
with twenty seven percent embedded APR
like WTF mate
you know what I'm saying
I know what you're saying
you don't have to
you don't have to reinvent the wheel
you just have to repackage it
you get attention you get the right attention
and get to repackage it then
then you get all of the Schmeckles
all of the Schmeckles
bro I gotta say
this doesn't
this doesn't feel like a bull market
what are you talking about bro
tell me tell me more
I mean just some of the
the conversations that we've had with protocols
over the past few days
I'm not gonna say any names or say any numbers but
just it seems like there's a lack
there's a general lack of conviction
on the business to business side
of the crypto industry
like we're not at the point yet where people are going
I'm ready to throw spaghetti at the wall
here's a bunch of Chuck E. Cheese tokens
make everybody rich
we're not there yet
we're not talking on the right people
so who do we need to be talking to
see you have these like true believers
of these products and then you have like the pure Ponzi guys
and you actually need to find
this overarching thing where there's a little bit of Ponzi
and a little bit of Fonzi
and like but they're also true believers
so it's it can't be 100% Ponzi
and it can't be 100%
capital efficiency because there's just not enough juice in between
it's actually like a rare breed
you need that tension
in a good protocol
where like
to be honest with you it's like why
why working with Compound is like
really really cool because we're the guys that are gonna be like
pushing the edges and then there's also
conservative nature individuals that are like
whoa whoa whoa guys slow down
while we can't do that that's it's too degenerate
so but you need that tension
if you don't have that tension
and turn on the company then you get too Ponzi
or you get too conservative
alright so there's a need for a little bit of political
yeah so what we're basically
what you're basically saying to me is like
some people are like
coming out of the gates
like like 200 million
500 million like valuation
like what are you doing bro
like where are you gonna move from there
as a brand new protocol
like there's only one way to move
if you just launch it like a 200 million
or 500 million or a billion dollar valuation
that direction is down
I think the biggest like proponent of this is
uh uh StarkNet
they launched a token day one with
30 billion dollar fully diluted valuation
where in the heck is the protocol gonna go from there?
down dude
30 billion
takes you to
like right underneath Solana
like what are you doing bro
like there's no place for you to go but down
you can't come out of the gate and say we're Solana
I want to give these guys the benefit of the doubt
I also I invited somebody from the audience up here
to speak about a project that they
they raised for at
a pretty wild valuation
and if they're willing to come up
and talk about why they did that
I would love to hear but Brian
what is your opinion?
what is the incentive
for a project to come out
a project that has not raised a lot of money in the past
it's not like they're in their series C
they don't have that much money that they raised
why would you
I'm trying to think of a good analogy for that
but why might you
come out of the gate
with that kind of insane valuation
like dude I have no
I have no good reason
like okay so start that
full identity valuation
they came out of the gate
they came out of the gate at 36 billion
a couple days ago
two days ago
and now they got their market cap
cut in half
to 18 billion
in two days in
dude I think it's down only
until you find like a stabilization price
which I think will probably end up around a couple billion
like it's a good project
I would much rather
be a proponent for
finding that stabilization price
from under than from above
right you want a nice linear
you're never going
you're never going to be able to raise money
if your price discovery happened
from above
then you have to rebuild
then you literally have to rebuild
so I mean unless your
plan is we're going to dump on retail
I don't know
that's like every airdrop ever
the reason why you airdrop
is that you give crazy like pool incentives
and then you just slow rug retail
it's bonkers bro
like airdrops
don't make any sense
airdrops would make sense
the token itself
oh here's a fun idea
a token that was a voucher
so it's almost like you're not
you're not airdropping chucky cheese tokens
you're airdropping vouchers
for chucky cheese tokens
so it's still a marketing thing
it's kind of like airdropping points
and then you take those points
that's exactly what I was just going to say
that it's like 100% points
that way it can't be gamed huh
yeah and then you can kind of like
adjust your points and like discount points
so this is a new time
uh subscribing we usually have
like double triple what we got like
tacky vn who's tacky vn
do they want to come up and speak
I don't know these people's
I've been fine here we go we got
hey can uh you guys hear me
yes subscribey
welcome to our
third or fourth episode of
kill crypto
we're switching into a new time
because 4pm I usually have to
pick up my kids and it's just not ideal
I'm gonna check here this also
may not be the most ideal
there may be a lot of competition
so we might we might do late night
we might we might change it up to early morning
do late night let's see what else is going on
here in the uh
spaces world um
Brian you want to hit that music
oh yeah you want
the music's too good too distracting
it's way too good yeah I can't focus
on that voice beat
yeah you can't focus on that voice of mine
I've seen you in the audience before
I would love to let's get intimate here
we got we have you know like
that's the recording we send this to
Ecosystem BD we send this to investors after
the fact that I want to learn
on your project today
Patreon for
DeFi and the
answer to cancel culture
building a crypto patreon
all what do you call it
an alternative that makes sure content
you know let's say
creators can always
receive their funds
we do this by letting
them deploy
their own subscription smart
contract from our central
you know what do you call it a contract so we
then pretty much act as a
third like party between the
sub what do you call scriber and the
sub scribey and then
this then pretty much always make sure
that they can always get their what do you call
tokens so
on like what do you call top of this we also
plan to add a sort of social
like media aspect
in like what do you call which that content
you know a creator can
sort of upload their you know content
and then they're like what do you call pain like members
can like leave you know comments
and then like also watch
what do you call exclusive
content so I
you know made a version 1 of the protocol
back in 2022
that focused more as a payment
like a gateway but
now with a sort of this sort of
updated cancel culture
the assistant crypto like a
Patreon focus I am pretty
much updating the protocol
and then making sure that
you know everything is
what do you call up to what
do you call date and then we plan to do a
new like launch within 3 what do you call
a months and then pretty much
from there we can
we you know either in
like what do you call tend to do grassroots
funding or then work with certain
content you know
what he called creators that wanted
a test out or a
you know a system
the biggest
pushback that I'm going to
say is getting these creators
how are you going to get the creators on
start there so
I think that the best way forward
target let's say
content you know let's say
creators that have made
sort of multiple anti
cancel culture videos
right so like ones that
have sort of focused on
man I like hate how I'm being treated
by these what do you call companies
we can then come up to
like them and say hey we are actually
giving you the tools
to pretty much have that sense of
security and then
you know you can then test
our system for like free
so like pretty much we will then
let them test the system for
like free right they can like get
like those tokens like coming in
they can upload content
for like free so pretty much my whole
idea with getting those content
you know creators in
is pretty much fighting those
ideologically sympathetic ones
and then sort of giving them either
a discounted or then a
free rate
very cool
Joe what do you got
well hold on you still
didn't exactly answer the question as
are you doing hand to hand combat
what's currently working to
the highest conversion rate
of reaching convicted
so my best targeted
strategy because this is
currently a self funded project
is pretty much trying to
break into that veil and
get a I mean like a sit down with them
I mean obviously with different like content
you know creators there's different like methods
but normally sometimes
they I mean like offer like services and like
which like you can sit down with them for like 15 and like
30 minutes but pretty much
trying to break the
limits and pretty much find the ones that are
you know ideologically sympathetic
and I don't know if I am
answering the you know a question right
but let me know if not
no you're not really you're not really
answering the question
I know you said it's a self funded project
that's very respectable
but in terms of all the different experiments
you've run to try and onboard users
what has been
the closest thing to a silver bullet that you have found thus far
people love the idea
and getting
and then getting pretty much the message
out there and getting to sit down
with them on a sort of face to face level
I mean last year I went to East Denver
and I matched the network a little
but you know
doing that I sort of found that
people really definitely do dig the idea
it's just getting them
to like sit down sort of
you know I sit through with them
test like the protocol and all that
hand to hand combat
one person at a time
sit them down
so that is actually my
primary strategy
sort of like secondary strategy
is that I'm pretty much the first
content creator
I am pretty much the first
person to use the system
you know so it's like
I will then offer my own
like a contract and then
if you want to fund it
we will then also have a test
like a contract right
which then let's say interested parties
can test it
let's say either test like chains or then
use test like tokens
and in that sort of manner so this is
pretty much the
two strategies I have
for gaining attraction
all right and then
is there something I can use
today to really check this out
I'm a visual person
I actually had a
V1 that I made in
I actually took it down because
it's kind of far from
the vision that I have now and it's
just not as efficient
as I would want it to be
but I am certainly
open to giving a tour of the
V1 protocol
like I still have everything
so I don't
mind giving
pretty much showing it off
and then kind of showing the things
that I would change
okay what about strategic
partnerships to
drive traffic and
interest and engagement
in what you're building have you already
explored some partnerships are you
actively seeking partnerships
yeah yeah
I mean I am certainly
open to you know
partnerships with either certain
let's say people or then
companies that kind of want to get in on
yeah I mean I'm certainly open to
partnerships I haven't
really solidified any
of right now
but I have
I like what
he called have had talks with a few
what he called companies
but this would have to be followed
through once the project is
right on right on
yeah it's pretty much uh that's pretty much
my thoughts I mean you're definitely
you're in a pretty tough spot in terms
of onboarding
it's not super straightforward
your audience
and your TAM isn't massive
so it's not tiny
but it's not immense
I don't know Brian any other
any final thoughts
it is so you have
yeah I do I have lots of thoughts
this getting creators
on board is
probably into crypto
is one of the hardest things
that you can do
reason is that most creators
are not professional and the ones that are
professional that drive a lot of the traffic
they need to get paid
right and so the ones
that need to get paid
you have to have so much capital to just buy
your way in
the best way to do it is find have this already
for a creator that exists
and you're building it for them and then they kind of are
part of your company
because the capital required
is just so immense
the other thing you can do is find an
untapped network
and one of the people that
basically built
and this is kind of the direction
that they're going in
was one of these individuals
who was getting cancelled from
cancelled culture so
known problem, understandable
the thought process here on my side is like
how do you get that first creator
partner and how much revenue
and attention can they have
like an earned median
because if you don't have that then you have to raise
a massive amount of capital and they're not going to take
you know, Chuck E. Cheese token
they're going to take real dollars
so once you have
your platform, Justin Bieber
you know, the thing I always say in these
Kickstarter didn't make Pebble Watch
Pebble Watch made Kickstarter
meaning that as soon as Pebble Watch raised a million
dollars on Kickstarter, Kickstarter
was like, okay cool
why can't go raise
a million dollars too, if I just have a good enough idea
and a good enough design, I too
can go raise a million dollars
so it kind of bootstraps the
attention framework, otherwise you have to buy
your way in and every time you buy your way in
it generally pumps
and then dumps
you can have some crazy tokens, some crazy
token dynamics that encourages creators
but what you're basically going to happen is
a bunch of like civil creators
that aren't going to be able to create that viral loop
where creators
play right now is
this should exist
this will exist and this should exist
but YouTube is
almost the only thing
YouTube and TikTok are like the two things where anybody
cares about right now
so when you're trying to go into this
kind of game of
how do I get this game with the YouTubers
and the TikTokers
it's a tough challenge
man, so my fear
for you is
the capitalization without
a true partner from the very beginning
yeah, I mean
you know, I mean
that is why I mean
I am like what he called
looking for
a funding obviously
but I am also looking for
like DMO partners as well
you know, like someone that
could bring an
idea and a check
not just a check
so yeah, I mean
I am like what he called
I am definitely open
to that type of partnership
you know, they would just have to come
totally, yeah and I think
before that occurs I think
that's going to be like the main
thing that
or makes or breaks this concept and idea
alright, well you know
thank you very much for your time
yeah dude, that was rad, thanks for coming
we are just going to sit
here and chit chat a little bit more about
what other cool things
that are going
on in the market
there is a real estate one that we recently got
engaged with and
kind of Airbnb for
real estate on crypto
I really like the concept, Joe, how are you feeling about that one?
that's the book trips
no, the one
the Nibiru guys
introduced us to
yeah, give me
I met with them
it wasn't
entirely clear to me
I still need to, I want to hear
the dumb down pitch
the dumb down pitch is
two fold, a fractional real estate
in Abu Dhabi and Airbnb
in Abu Dhabi
is where they are starting
as an investor can
put some capital
towards recurring
revenue in the form of an
in Abu Dhabi
tokenize your
real estate
you bring your real estate onto the platform
and maybe you
get a premium by taking crypto
and maybe there's less fees
then let's say Airbnb, less rules and
regulation, kind of like regulatory arbitrage
for taking this
on the Airbnb side
or you can invest
an apartment that
produces a stream of revenue
via their Airbnb side
just a little bit more clear
the question is which one do they start with
and depending upon where
they're able to pass through the regulatory framework
they're going to go with
the fractionalized real estate
the Airbnb, both products
they don't have the regulatory stuff
together for
selling the fractionalized real estate
but the Airbnb side
it's just one of those things where you just have to get started
you have to
you have to like
it's a re-hypothecation
of real estate assets
and same with like
subscribing dude
it's a re-hypothecation of like
dude just go after all the Patreon people
once you have a platform
and you have a thing it's like hey you can earn more
fees and you don't have to pay less fees
and you don't have to pay less fees
where's the juice
in the arb
yeah I mean
sorry I was
going to say that yeah I mean when I was
originally developing
I was like alright what already
exists within the fiat
world it just kind of dragged it into
what he called a crypto because
everyone is trying to do
like asset
a fractional
these highly
financially complicated
projects but nobody
is actually trying
to bring the things that people
use every day into
a crypto and really
until that happens
you know and this is just in my
a what do you call opinion I've been following
the crypto market for like
seven years until
we actually bring in everyday
services into crypto
itself it's always
just going to be this sort
of big money making thing
it's not actually going to be
a system like that people
use so that's what
I try to do
hear you bud
sharp elbows let's get those things
alright Joe what else
what else
I don't know man
I want the chaos I want to see the chaos
I'm really pumped for Denver
I think Denver is going to be
that might be why
everybody is kind of just
sitting on the sidelines they're expecting
you get a lot of new business done
in Denver
that really might be I just heard of
I just heard a rumor
Ethereum foundation backed
launching in Denver
yeah bruh
it's got all the ZKs
it's all got the sequencer
decentralized sequencer
dude I love your dolly image
I'm already posting it
that could be huge
that could be really huge
what took
him so long
I don't know
I guess yeah
also they're selling pick axes
dude I'm posting
I'm saying who's ready for
Denver with that clown image
it's so good
alright wait we got
this is amazing
Casey imagination
interested in coming up
and pitching your project
right Mr. Casey
let's see
maybe not
that's okay
that's okay
well this one might be
this one might be shorty
sorry man do you
actually mind if I get to drop my
site and everything just because I didn't
get to do that
go for it
sure so you can actually go
onto my site
there is a
contact form at the
bottom if you ever want to talk
reach out all of that
has a few basic
questions up there that used to be
the holder for my
one but yeah thank you guys
thank you for having me out
of course
happy to have you
dude this image is
crazy Joe
it's so accurate
I hate how accurate it is
the problem is
data availability decentralized sequencer
that anybody can use as a form of
infrastructure to re-hypothecate
LP tokens
across chains
alright Casey
imaginary dude
what you got?
how you doing nice to meet you
how's it going why you guys are working with some
pretty deep financial
products there
well yeah you haven't heard about my new
cross chain
LP tokens
would you like some?
let's get it
let's get it
you got something you're working on?
yeah yeah I don't know if I'm in the right place here
I've got a
web 2 project that is
web 3 heavily
web 3 influenced and web 3 funded
does that count?
yeah dude let's do it
alright cool so
from like
23 years in lending
and 8 years of that working with
non-profit housing counseling agencies
prepping and training
their counselors to deal with the general public
and after
8 years I realized
at the end of every single conversation
the counselors are
drawing pictures
every time you go into NeighborWorks
in southern New Hampshire
and they've got buckets of crayons and markers
and loose paper all over the place
I have been developing an
reflects your financial
position onto a
3D avatar
kind of like a budgeting
in order to facilitate the work
that the counselors are doing in the office
and then I'm linking
the data outputs of the
app to a very simple
chatbot so that people
can get counseling
outside of sessions
my niche is specifically
the counseling financial literacy
counselors and
non-profit organizations and then
the education system and non-profit
tax services after that
fully bootstrapped
actually making progress
I was lucky enough to get
seed funding and engage
with the right developers and we're
prototyping right now
how am I doing
so far? Does that make sense?
It does. Who's
your customer?
My customer is a B2B
white label business
so first customer is
NeighborWorks of Southern New
go ahead. So is this
a lead generation tool or
is this a kind of visualization
custodian reporting type of tool?
This is an educational tool
you have financial literacy counselors that
are overworked, they have too many people
to counsel and it
takes too long to do it
so this tool helps them in their counseling
Who pays for the education?
You mean like
who pays the counselors right now?
It's a combination of state and
federal and donation.
Yeah, so this is a grants game.
this is a new way of going after
grants and you
go after federal and state grants
for financial literacy
you know,
long tail
what I would do is
find a channel partner
so figuring out how you get into high schools
or how you get into like colleges
or community colleges for this
type of range.
Education is a channel partner game
unless you have something that's spicy
that's new that financial literacy
if there's budget for it
you find the channel partner, you create the
contracts and you go from there.
If you're like financial literacy
info product you then
would go the commission junction
affiliate network route
but it has to be like
something spicy is like learn about
the next 100X in crypto
and how to trade it or whatever
that is kind of like where
I would focus on
because education
is costly
and it's probably the most expensive
thing that any B2B or B2C
company can do is spend money on education
because it's infinite
and people have to
become educated and
problem aware enough to be able to buy
the product so I see
this as a couple different ways
I don't know all the
bolts and nuts
but it feels a little bit like
a lead gen product like
log in with your Robinhood and
we will see what
your portfolio stack looks like
as you get more complicated
it kind of starts to
feel like RIA's hedge funds
Morningstar so depending upon
the level of education
of people leveling up
on their financial literacy
the details
of the interface could get more and more advanced
until the point where they're at
a full RIA
engagement or a
consumer to professional trader
level of education and the interface
starts to change as the level
what would you call it
at the level of intelligence or
ranking or sophistication of the product
thing to do is
you have hundreds of thousands
probably like 200,000 people in crypto
that basically have
a portfolio connected to their wallet
a quick, fun, easy
thing in crypto would be attach your wallet
or link to your wallet and have some sort of
pseudo-visualization of what
you're at and what different
types of opportunities you could look at
Zappify raised a whole bunch of money
and Debank raised a whole bunch of money for this
type of stuff
type of this type of engagement
they're going very, very
specific in their engagements
but getting
educationally, getting people on board
the other people that kind of like do this
is a set of quests
so think Rabbit Hole,
a galaxy layer 3
they're doing all of these different quests
that you have to get and then
they literally pay you to take these quests now
learn to earn
so there's a lot of innovative
plays in the crypto sphere
touching around the points
that you're describing
yeah, I don't think you're wrong
in anything you said
from first-hand experience
I've been finding that out
right now, I'm in early
and my goal is to volunteer
at the Housing Counseling Center
and use this in the field real time
and get beta feedback on it
make sure that the aesthetics
and the functionality is
actually going to work
and actually going to do something
once I've got
subscriptions signed up
so I actually have a revenue and cash flow
then I'll go from
prototype and start approaching a VP
and at that point
yes, and further
gamification is 100%
on the roadmap
right now, I'm just
I happen to be at an early stage of prototyping
and making sure that this
concept that I really love
actually plays out
in the field, so before I dump
a ton of money into it
I'm going to make sure
the concept works
yeah, you're in a hard space
dude, like really diving into
channel partners from a business point
of view is probably the number one thing
becomes the challenge
education is
it's one of these black holes where you can spend
an infinite amount of money to get people
up to speed
so gamifying the educational
financial literacy is super
super important and
has figured this out
better than
anything since
here's $10 to join PayPal
it also feels like
did really well at this
credit karma
nerd, was it nerd wallet?
something like that
also did really good at this
what they ended up doing is creating all of these banking
affiliate deals after you attach your bank account
so I know
I think it's nerd wallet
these guys
did really well, all of these
guys, if you're able to carve out
that interface, attach to the right bank
accounts, it's like
it's very useful
it's incredibly
useful, I don't know if you've looked at the latest
Wells Fargo
avatar app component
sniffing at the same idea
one of the things
that I hope will
translate down the road is the fact that
I personally
have come to separate financial literacy
financial education and
financial advisement
and I try to hone in on financial
literacy as the foresees
drive that home just so that
people have a reflective mechanism
so they can actually see their position
versus where they believe they're at
because after decades
of writing mortgages it was so
common to look at a
file that has a 70
percent debt ratio and the people are like
yeah no that's fine, we can afford it, it's good
I'm like your debt ratio is
blown, do you not see
your cash flow? And they just don't
so I feel like
part of the counseling
and actual financial literacy
is literally
in reading, so my hope
is that I can provide an
analogy to that data transfer
so people aren't trying to read
charts, graphs, percentages
because in my experience the lay
person shuts down the second
you say well you're
using up 80 percent of your cash flow
and this is your disposable
they're done, the language
so to your point earlier
crypto has done an
amazing job at re-tidling
the information
you know it's a reflection
it's not a derivative
you know what I mean like
it's unique and engaging terminology
that has been driving the education
and the crypto space
and it's dangerous
but awesome
I think is how I feel about that
100 percent
yeah as long as people are
reverting to emojis and hieroglyphics
the more you can communicate
in emojis and hieroglyphics the better
people will be, the more people will be able to
consume the information
I totally get it
and first off
thank you for this conversation
this is awesome for me, I really appreciate it
so as an example
one of the themes is a samurai
so you can say I want
my character type to be a
samurai, if your debt ratio
is very bad, if you've got a very
bad debt ratio
the sword will be like a pocket knife
but if you've got a 20
percent DTI, a really nice
cash flow, he's got a
blazing katana
reserves is the armor
if you don't have
one month reserves, he's got
a loin cloth, but if you've got
12 month reserves and cash
he's decked out with armor
very cool
that's the type of analogies we're going through
to get the information and education across
it's like
people don't like to look at the truth
I don't even like
nobody does
nobody wants to know
it's so sad
it is, dude it is
do you know how much power people gain
by just seeing the truth
taking a look in the truth mirror
and seeing where they're actually
do you know how many people I've counseled
who came to me in a panic
and once I showed them, look man
this is your debt ratio, here's your reserves
based on your living expenses
this is your credit stance, dude you're doing great
man, you've got 7 years
reserve, you've got a 7.50 FICO
higher score doesn't do you any
you're running a 25% debt ratio
what are you panicking about
and it's a way
to combat FOMO
and the emotions of investing
to realize where you're actually at
and granted for some people
it's not a pretty picture
but it's amazing to me
how even when you
detail an ugly picture
the positive aspects
of it are almost always lost
through the emotion of being in a bad situation
so when you can break it down
and show somebody, look I know things are tight
but you actually do have an extra
250 a month that you can start
using to get yourself back on track
emotions and
money is a wild thing
that's awesome, dude
yeah, I'm always scared of
killing the messenger
on the opposite side, people think that they're
like, I was just
making a ton of money living in San Francisco
and I was telling people on this call
here, whatever, how much money we were making
and our take home after the expenses
with kids in San Francisco was nothing
I was making the most money I ever made
in my whole entire life but
our burn was so high
that it was just like, we'd have nothing
at the end of the year
so, you know, all of those things
it's like, alright, time to get the F out
that's one of the reasons why we left, plus the pandemic
and the political stuff, but we don't
need to get into that
dude, this is known
take a look at Financial Samurai
I know the guy
owner over there, this is kind of what
he was going for, he's one of the biggest
affiliates, bloggers in the space
there might be something to do, work with him
there, and what I
you know, the financial blogging
and kind of Reddit and Wall Street Bets
this is a hobby
like, if you're going
to go to customer, or go to consumer
what you're basically trying to
tap into is the
fintech hobbyists, the
trader hobbyists, there is
a big market, crypto Twitter
for trading, I'm sorry, not crypto
Twitter, but financial Twitter
before crypto Twitter there was
the stock sharing Twitter, so
there is a prosumer type
play there
financial literacy as a hobby, there
are a whole bunch of people that do that
but getting the
right channel partners is basically
makes or breaks you
So first off, I immediately followed
Financial Samurai, thank you for the tip
off, I'll absolutely be engaging
I followed part of my
thought process on this was that
the latest
reports, which is a year and a half ago
say that we're blasting
$265 billion a year
for lack of financial
literacy, and that
education component is on
the top 50 list
and it's I think number 13
of industry's upcoming
for funding.
So it's a
$1 billion industry
for the solution of a $265
billion problem.
And I feel
like that's an opportunity
is what I think I see.
It's either that or nobody cares
that I'm barking up the wrong tree.
I think it's a little bit of both
bro, that's what I'm trying to communicate
is like when we
like I was at 2014, 10 years ago
we're selling hedge funds online, the first
company ever to sell hedge funds online
to direct a consumer.
The people that
we would be able to get into it were
angel investors that wanted a different
return profile and
then these prosumers.
And to gather these prosumers
prosumer, the
financial educated prosumer
believes that they're smarter than the
market and they're looking for alpha and they're looking
for an edge and
this tool feels like it's cool for them.
However, it's
What I was kind of keep on trickling
was this idea of lead generation.
You sign up for this
tool, you understand your financial literacy of
where you're at and then you can start
to serve them affiliate deals because
these are the type of products
that you need in this particular financial
situation is
the play on the prosumer play.
Now, if you're trying to
really help and educate people that
aren't motivated,
I think motivation is like the number
one thing that you can't change in people.
So you have to kind of build
things that people are motivated already
for. There's a lot of things that
you can influence people on but motivation
is not one of them.
Dude, I love what you're saying.
I'm in such agreement with you and that's
why I selected
this particular niche
because I believe
that I can sell this tool in this
very small niche
and once I have a business established
with a positive revenue stream,
even if it's tiny, I don't care if it's a penny
towards the black,
I feel like that's
going to set me up in a position
for better funding
to go MVP and go to
market. So I
tried to niche down as hard
as I could to
what I felt was my comfort zone
and see if I can turn a
dollar over there and
then go for
the bigger partners and investors
and scaling. I don't know.
That's been my philosophy. Does that sound
too slow?
It's just
I don't know man.
You're in a very
you're at the
fork in the road.
For sure.
Sounds like
you have kids in the background.
You're probably
a bit older
you're probably not in your 20s.
the older I get
the more conservative approach
that I get into the beauty relationships
instead of trying to go consumer
and build something that's
super hip to the 20
year olds and the 18 year olds and that type of thing.
It's like channel partners
mortgage brokers
I lean into that
versus like
trying to do it on my own.
Serving more big
buckets of money that can throw 25K
budget at something.
I lean into that more than I'm like
I'm going to build this thing and it's going to go
I'm down.
I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression.
I'm not looking for that.
My specific
a couple businesses that have
counselors and I'm selling them a tool.
Yeah, you did say that. I forgot about that.
Just do that.
Find a hundred of those.
My next beat of
my next beat of beat.
My whole thing is that my overhead
and my cost of ownership is very low
because I've been bootstrapping the Jesus out of this.
My hope is that
I only need
three subscriptions
to show a
2X return on cost to
Yeah, so this is a Sharp Elbows game then.
It's LinkedIn. It's RAAs.
It's like here's another tool to help you
describe where your customers are at.
Here's a free trial.
You get them on the phone and it's a big
beauty sales cycle.
The affiliate side of it looks pretty
If the imagery and it resonates then people will share with
their friends like, oh look,
I'm a financial stud.
I'm a financial samurai.
I'm a financial farmer.
I've got a couple thousand people
in my community so far
and the concepts
are awesome.
Dude, so cool.
Your theme can be a car
or a samurai or a tree
or like there's
a couple dozen different themes and
we're just going to keep growing the themes
and we've got some 3D artists in the community
so vis-a-vis
the community resources where we're
building out more 3D assets to use as well.
So, yeah.
100% with you.
Casey, this has been rad.
We're getting up to closing time here.
I am so appreciative of all this time.
I'm so sorry to everybody else. I hope you don't
mind but thank you very
very much. Thank you.
Thank you. I get to stretch my brain
and my growth hacking rails a little
bit more outside of just
crypto only now.
I'm down for it. Let's do the crypto
talk sometime too though. I'll come back and
we'll ruck it up on the crypto side. I'm totally
down with that.
Yeah. You put in a
wallet and they sign up their
wallet and you put in the same visualizations
and hey, you've been sitting
on the 20,000 of
for six months. Why don't you
have that in a money market? You could be
holding 6%, 10%
APR on your
while I was just sitting there.
Giving them kind of advice and actions and then
having an affiliate model between these
DEXs and money markets
might be a cool play.
Always good to see where you're at. Brian, are you
guys doing this on the regular? I see this is
episode 3. What's the
schedule here?
We're trying to do it once a week.
I don't want to call it the
worst one, but this has been the least
attended. We were usually doing it
at 4pm EST and we would get
100 people in here.
I think there's just a lot of competition
at this time on Twitter Spaces
and we kind of changed
the time. We were doing it at 4pm EST
in the past. We're going to try to do it once a week.
We're going to fluctuate on the time
and the whole thing here is
come up, do a one minute pitch for your
crypto project. If it's hot, we'll introduce
you to some ecosystems and
investors and if you think it needs
work, we won't.
It's a way for us to generate
clients. It's a way for us to generate
deal flow to the investors and
ecosystem people that we have. We're always
looking to get
more people on board
and we're going to move over to
Alt-T-Where and see
if Alt-T-Where is going to take it from
and do a quick one
before we outro.
While he's connecting,
I think we got
Alt-T-Where. I'll just say thank you.
Thank you so much. That's awesome.
So nice to meet you. Followed everybody.
Thanks again.
Hello. Thanks Casey.
Alt-Where, what do you got?
Sorry, I joined very late
because I had something to do
that clash with the time
for the...
I'm very offended.
How could you do that?
I'm really sorry about that.
You should be.
What do you got?
My project is not
really crypto based but there is a crypto
aspect to it. I don't know if that's
or if that's fine with my project.
Stop apologizing.
A bit of a back story.
I launched a brand
in around 2021.
A clothing brand.
My major sales channel
was social media like Instagram
and all that. organic
which was fine. We get orders from
various European countries because I'm in North Cyprus
The account was growing.
That was the major sales channel we had
besides our website. All the traffic
to our website came from our social media
platform so we would get orders
frequently. Then around
2023 I noticed a very sharp decline
in organic reach and
it was basically removed
from Instagram. Constant
algorithm changes like our
post where there was
barely any return. Alt-Where.
We have like
one minute left. What's your pitch?
I'm getting...
So basically it is
now there's been a very sharp increase
in clothing brands.
There are a lot of clothing brands especially amongst
Gen Z founders. A lot of Gen Z
people are really into
that really launched a lot of
clothing brands right now. So now the pitch is
Unarchived is a platform for
clothing brands specifically. It's a social
network for clothing brands.
Because now the organic reach
on Instagram doesn't
favor brands. Doesn't allow smaller
brands to gain proper
growth on these platforms. So now it's a separate
platform for clothing brands where they
can get exposure. They can
really grow their brands from the platform
called Unarchived. Now
the crypto aspect of it, because I'm trying to solve
various pain points. So we wanted to allow
brands to release NFTs
that customers
can buy into. It's like investing in a
specific collection. They could release a collection
as an NFT. Then
the brand could give out
profits to people that invested in
NFT basically. So that's
just a rough estimate. That's just a rough
pitch basically.
Alright. So crowdfunding
for exclusive
collections of clothing
brands. Yes. Backed by
NFTs with crowdfunding
aspect in it. Yes. That's cool man.
I think that's a very interesting
concept. And I would
love to...where
are you at in your process? We are building
out the NVP right now
of my team. So that's actually the meeting
that I was in meeting with one of my devs
before I came here. So we're building out the NVP
right now for the platform
Cool. Why don't we do this?
I gotta run. We're literally
shutting down here. Why don't we
come back another time? We'll have
you present again and we'll be able to give
a little bit more
conversations and thought process
into this. But it's a very
cool...I think it's an interesting
concept. I think a lot of these
a lot of that market right
now is handled by the agencies.
This is an agency
game. The agencies that
handle the marketing for the
clothing brands are the ones that you need to go to.
And so you
need a winner out of
the gate. You need a big
brand or a winner out of the gate or
a big enough groundswell
that you can start to capture a large enough market.
But happy to discuss this another time. Gotta
bounce. This was
Kill Crypto. We're gonna do it every week.
We're gonna find the right time to do this
and thanks for everybody who popped up
and joining. And we'll do this again
next week. Actually we're gonna skip next week.
We're gonna be in Denver. We're kinda booked
back to back to back next week. So we'll probably
skip next week and do it the week after.
Thanks for everybody for joining.
Thanks again.