Recorded: Jan. 23, 2024 Duration: 0:11:27



Thanks for watching!
What's up?
I heard there's no music, so it's probably boring for you guys if I'm not talking.
How's it going, Waluigi? We don't have boot here. I'm surprised you're on the space already.
It's going good. I'm just waking up, waiting for some coffee to be delivered to me.
Waluigi's in bed. She's literally... I think I don't have bed yet. Because I know this because I
just got out of bed like 30 seconds ago. And that's why I'm a couple minutes late.
I never want to get out of bed.
Okay, amazing coffee. Yeah, that's why I could use some speakers too. Because this is when I
would usually be like, hey, boo, what's going on, buddy? And then we'll just talk about something
for 30 minutes. Well, I'm excited to talk about these little loaf gremlings. I love them so much.
I can't show those things two days in a row. Well, I guess I already put them in the title.
I didn't know what to... Yeah, no, I don't know. They're sick. I just looked at... I don't know
if anyone in here cares about this shit, but for your information, you know how I was showing you
that I set up that A&M? How I was going to automatically buy and sell them?
Yeah, bought and sold a whole bunch of them yesterday. Because the price went to 60,
then went to 90, then went back to 60. So the A&M was just sitting there buying and selling them
taking spread the whole time and making it... It only buys them lower than it's selling them.
And so, yeah, I would have made a bunch of sold. Now, the shitty thing about that is
sold is worthless now because the whole crypto market crashed and I think it's all over and
they got to get a real job. Have you seen that? No. No, I hope that's not true. That's not true.
It'll be okay. No, it's fine. I actually don't give a shit. I wrote about this in Telegram, but
it's like, yeah, I don't know. It doesn't look good. There's going to be people that are going to be
freaking out, thinking it's all over. I'm just joking when I say it's all over.
Oh, the guys, they're here. This would be sick. Look at this.
I wonder if they'll come up on stage. Now, this is not the project. It's like,
well, I mean, maybe they can tell us. I don't know a lot about this project, to be completely honest.
I just saw them and I thought they looked really, really fucking cool. Hey, DJN,
what's up, bro? Fair goo. This guy's sick too. I think it might've been on one of your tweets
I first saw these things. I don't remember, but yeah, it's funny. So did we get them?
Let me do that. Anyways, they're not the official account. It's all community run and all this
stuff. Anyways, it's all very bullish actually. There's a power this thing has to bring a community
together that's pretty loud. That's what I look for in this kind of shit. They look cool.
They have a community. They're pretty based. Everything I saw in the community was all jokes
about rugs and scam pumps and all this stuff. Then I was like, I'm going to scam pump these
weird little demon goblins. And then there's like a banner five minutes later of like immediate
scam pump. Oh man, it's sick. Yeah. I really like these things. So how are you doing buddy?
I know you're like the, you're the account owner, I guess, community account owner. Like
what's the TLDR on this project? I really don't know a lot.
Can you hear me? Yeah, you sound good, bro. Nice to talk to you.
Nice, nice. GM, GM. Well, basically it's, it started as a, just an art project by
Mr. Uramaki from what I recall. He has this art made for over a year and he made a post
that he's going to delete it because it's worthless. But Dan's come actually convinced him to
make it like a DJ and mint. It minted on Metaplex like a week ago. The mint price was 0.17. So
and they had an initial run like up to 0.8, 0.9. But as you know, due to some so on,
they are mostly in for the pump and dump, the scam pump, the quick flip and they like the
real scam pump. Like, you know what I mean? They want the actual rug and then the actual
cool project. They might just like, you know, take a lot, a little bit longer to have a look at.
Yeah, honestly, no one cares what it is. As long as it goes up and that is formal
and they get that little adrenaline rush. So, you know, they'll just tape and see if it goes
down. They will sell in five minutes for a loss and move on and forget about it.
Yeah, that's true. Selling in five minutes for a loss. It's definitely
like part of the Ten Commandments of Soul. It's Coach R, man.
Okay, so yeah, I mean, what can we talk about with these things? I know there was a,
this is kind of cool. Maybe you can pin a tweet or something if you have access to one.
But I saw that you guys were on Times Square or something yesterday on the billboard or whatever.
Yeah. Did you see, you must have seen that. I think I saw in your account. Yeah,
pin that for the people. We got to, we got to get engagement so that we can continue to
scam pump the little evil bugs. Okay. Since I don't usually participate in spaces,
I don't know how to pin this, but I will give you the link.
It's actually, yeah, it's actually. You don't have to do anything.
Yeah, I got you. It's actually, yeah, bro, it's stupid the way spaces works. You got to learn
this because you got to go around from space to space preaching the good word of Bell's eboo.
You just, you know, when you go to send a tweet, like if you see a tweet and there's on the right,
there's like the arrow and you can be like, Oh, copy link or send to DM or whatever.
Yep. If you're on a spaces in like a speaker spot, there's a new thing there that says
share the space. Yeah, it's impossible. You never would have found that ever.
Twitter spaces is fun, but it's okay. Don't worry. I was just trying. I think so.
Nice, nice. Yeah. Now I know. Thank you. So yeah, one of our holders decided to do this. It was not
me. He paid 40 bucks for this out of his own pocket and left from the project. So yeah,
he asked me if he should do it. I was too busy spamming memes, so he just went ahead and did
it on his own. And yeah, basically we had our 15 seconds of fame up there, which is pretty cool,
actually. I mean, I don't know. I've fucked with stupid shit like this. It may not pump the floor.
People may not appreciate it, but it's dumb as fuck. So I fuck with this.
Yeah, yeah, I don't know what's happening. There's okay. Hey, boot, what's up? Can you
hear if you can't hear anything going on? So I'm not sure what's happening. Yeah, I can. I can hear
you guys. What's going on? Yeah, I just, he, he can't hear any of us. So it's a Kukla space.
GM GM. Hey, hey guys. Yeah, that's weird. That happened. Yeah. Earlier in the space. Yo, yo, yo.
Uh, can you hear me? I think, sorry. I think this space is going to end.
Oh, it's going, it's going to zero already. Well, this happens in spaces. It happened to me
earlier in the day. I was on one and like the host couldn't hear anything. So I don't know what's
going on with this stuff. You can't rejoin as a host. That's an issue. So I don't know. Do we
rug it and restart? No, I think it's okay. Now there's spaces to ship.
Continue the story. Be able to be a community account guy. How much did it cost to put that
shit up on? Um, it was time square, right? Like, uh, 40 bucks, $40. Yeah. That's a good deal. I
should be putting stuff up there. She put my face up there.
How long is it there for? It's 15 seconds.
But that's, uh, that's like longer than my usual bedroom session. So it's okay. Okay. All right.
There's too much information for me. I'm not accustomed to the pause of Solana who are
now rich, who are now poor again because Solana has crashed. Um, but okay. Tell me about this
project. This coop shielded to me yesterday. I bought one. I was going to buy more. I actually
think you're really cool. I like it a lot. Um, in terms of the art style, um, what's the history
behind it? Like, was it part of a game or something? That's the rumor that I heard.
It was going to be part of like, um, some expanded sort of game universe, kind of like law.
Well, I mean, hello.