Recorded: Jan. 19, 2024 Duration: 1:34:52



Can you guys hear me?
I don't think my fucking headphones are connected.
No, it's good.
You can talk.
I gotta get my headphones working.
It's a piece of shit.
GM, can you hear me?
I'm guessing yet.
I can hear you.
It's just not connected to my...
I don't know what's up with my fucking shit.
Yeah, I can hear you.
It's just muffly.
But GM, GM, GM.
Hey, sorry.
My headphones are fucked.
Now I got my headphones going.
Yeah, I was late.
I was in the bathroom.
I lost jackets on.
What's up, bro?
Not much, dude.
I didn't do much today.
I just...
I always forget it's the end of the day for you.
I'm like, I'm just always waking up and like, I'm always fucking two minutes before this
thing starts.
I'm like getting out of bed.
I'm like, what the fuck's going on?
And you're at the end of the day.
It's all...
Yeah, I always forget that.
So anyway, sorry.
You claimed it.
Well, so like, it was live when I was...
It was at 9.30 AM UTC yesterday.
But obviously the network was down, so I couldn't call it down.
So I was like, I'm not going to call it down.
I'm not going to call it down.
I'm not going to call it down.
I'm not going to call it down.
I'm just going to wait because it's so much fun on this thing now and it hasn't dropped
any lower.
So like, yeah, I feel like the people who are fighting it had like $200 worth of it, right?
And then they still haven't sold anyway.
So like, I feel like it'll...
And the market is down today overall, so it's probably going to bounce back like a bit.
But we'll see.
I haven't lost anything.
I'm in profit.
So yeah, I'm not really concerned.
I don't think this drops like drastically.
People are kind of waiting and watching.
I claimed it really late last night because I went on and it like worked and then I
just fucking dumped it and moved it back to Mainnet.
But I left the other ETH on there because, yeah, I don't want to swap for stone.
I don't know.
Maybe if the liquidity pools get better, I'll do it, but like, I don't know.
I just wanted to move on.
Had the Manta.
It was only like...
So I got way less out of this.
I don't know what the math is.
Maybe I got 25% total with the NFTs I sold and the Manta that I sold.
And I guess we'll get this extra Manta incentive.
Shouldn't be a lot.
I'll get some layer bank points and shoebill.
I don't know.
We'll see.
Yeah, I just fucking sold it.
I didn't want to...
I don't know.
I just don't care.
I just wanted to ETH back on Mainnet.
I'm tired of these guys, but that's probably mid-curve.
You know what I mean?
We're probably around the bottom.
Yeah, I'm in no rush.
The low-tier NFT strategy worked, so I'm fine.
I've got a bad and I'll just hold it.
It really is bad at the moment swapping out and stuff, so I'm just going to sit away and
see how it works.
On Azumi Finance, I don't know what was going on, but I got a way better rate than was on
Coinbase or Max-C.
I think I sold it for $2.28 or $2.29, and it was like, yeah, like you say Coinbase
Sorry, not Coinbase, Max-C and CoinGecko with all the shitty exchanges they're trading
Yeah, they're all like $2.17, $2.18, but then Azumi was higher for some reason, I don't
I'm just going to wait and work it out later.
Again, I'm not too fazed.
We'll see how it goes.
I don't think this is going to massively boom in the 72 hours, though.
I think this might actually be a longer hold.
This might take a week because of that FUD recovery kind of point on it, but yeah,
I just don't see it dropping.
There's been so much FUD already.
What's the catalyst for people to start dumping this right now?
That's just what...
But I mean, a $2.29 trade is a good trade on this anyway, right?
It's not something to be bullish or whatever on it, it's just this disappointing thing
that exists right now that may go up and probably is not going well, in my opinion.
Well, I think it's pretty good.
It's just like it didn't live up to expectations because everybody was hyping it up, depending
on where you were getting the information, but sugar and pyro were in their telegrams
being like, oh yeah, it's going to be a six figure airdrop and all this shit.
A lot of people thought it was going to be so big, right?
I think taking some ETH and locking it up for liquid staking yield and then getting
whatever it was, 25% back in ETH or like shit I can liquidate for ETH in six weeks is actually
like really, really good, right?
With the only risk being the protocol risk of this sketchy fucking weird ass network that
you put your ETH on and then the Q bill looks like a rug and layer bank looks like shit.
That's the risk, but it's not like price risk.
So 25% in that period of time, in any industry sector, whatever pick in the world in human
history, like that's, bro, my banker homies would be like, what the fuck, that's insane.
You don't even make that trading like US equities in six weeks usually, but yeah,
we thought it was going to be a lot more.
So I'm still like, fuck this thing, it's a rug.
It's funny how it works, but I mean, ultimately it's pretty good.
Couple ETH, no price risk.
The B O F E would have made like a hundred grand a day off this thing.
So I give it a, I don't know, seven out of 10 for return and a four out of 10 for experience.
Ultimately it was a medium cook.
It was all right.
If you rolled the expensive NFTs, like it was a good cook.
I mean, that's, I mean, I made profit off like, but this is the kind of thing it's
like, I didn't need to, I bought them on the secondary at the start and then traded them
in when they, when they hit that, that one ETH mark.
So I made money there and I pulled one of the high end NFTs out, which is already an
ETH and I was like, I'm not even a bad airdrop, like $2,600, right?
Like if it hadn't just been that like, like that's it, but it's just people got,
didn't get the lock and they got like just tier one backers and they put their money
in too late.
I think the guys that put their money in like way early, like didn't give a shit, right?
Because they had like 20 box unlocks or something like that.
And so like, it was just a lot of people shield this, who didn't read what it was.
The only guy I know who read what it was, was my whale friend and he was like, yeah,
this is what you do.
And I'm like, why do you lock your money up?
He's like, you shouldn't like don't.
And he did, but like he was like, I just want the yield.
Like I'm not doing that for boxes.
Like I'm just I've got nothing to do with like this huge bag of staples that the
rest of us would be like creaming ourselves over.
Like I just got to park this, this 200 grand somewhere.
And just to see risk tolerance is insane.
But yeah, like he did well.
But dude, was I was like, even though he told me there was no way I was putting more
money into this stupid NFT, like I just wasn't going to like, even though he'd
done the math and the math was correct at the end of the day, but like it's just
something about buying an NFT that that just put me off with this whole thing.
Because like, again, like you just stuck with this piece of shit.
I rather have a token that goes to zero.
I don't I don't want to have to be reminded that I bought like absolutely useless
NFT on mass like this crap.
But yeah, a few wells made out.
Well, I think a lot of wells got wrecked today.
Yeah, it was like TVL.
Well, most of them, like, I mean, buying the NFTs would have fucked you up unless
you bought the bottom of the tier one backers only like the NFTs only went
down. I sold one of the gold ones.
And it was the smartest thing I did for like, I don't know, 0.8 or seven.
I sold I sold like a bunch of NFTs for like a total of 0.8, I think the 0.85.
And then I started to hold them.
And in the time that I held them, the gold ones went down from like 0.8 to now
they're 0.25. So like, if you're a whale, you could have just been selling
into bids like all the way down.
They got down to like half an each before everyone before the token was out.
So I was like, yeah, I should have sold more of them.
I had I opened six of them.
I don't know. Like, ultimately, it's like, whatever.
Like, you don't fucking know.
I'm glad I sold a few.
But yeah, fuck.
I don't know, man.
I think that like.
Most of the whales probably got well, not wrecked.
It's back to what I said.
Like, if you just deposit the money and open the boxes, you would have probably
got 25 percent. And that's sick in any industry in the world.
It's just that like, yeah, I got like eight or nine grand.
Like, OK, cool, whatever.
I could have just made like a trade.
You know what I mean?
Like, it's not it was just way hyped up.
That's all.
Well, that's what I was saying to them.
So like, I mean, for reference, I bought my one back is like a like a while back.
I was scooped.
I was bidding into them at low.
Like I got them for lows.
I got them for like three dollars fifty right on bids.
So like like way lower than they got it.
Like six bucks or something.
So I didn't buy any more after a certain point.
But like I was telling people, I'm like, oh, yeah, this is like I made
because I got a two X right on return.
And they're like, oh, that's great.
That's that's fucking awesome.
And I'm like, yeah, it is.
But like, also, it took like six weeks. Right.
So like you got to like and it was weird and hard.
Like, you know, it's like it was this other weird, hard thing.
In addition to the time. Yeah.
So then you got to be like, all right, actually take that two X.
And do it in a weekly allotment and it's still good, but it's not live.
Then you're like, oh, actually, OK, that makes a lot more sense.
Like it's not just the instant trade on the day where you take the profit,
like your money's locked and all this stuff.
And like the NFT is like a useless asset until the air drop.
So yeah, like it's not like, you know, with a token you can get in and out.
Like, you know what I mean?
Like, you can still do a legendary trade over time, but the liquidity is never locked.
But this was like, OK, six or seven week liquidity locked commitment
on speculative gain, which happened to work out.
But then, yeah, like you've got to extrapolate it over a couple of weeks
and be like, OK, you could have used liquidity here.
You could have used liquidity here, here, here, here, here.
OK, here's the final result.
OK, good. But like, yeah, not mind blowing.
But what do we guess? We'll just move on to the next thing, right?
Like next week, no one will talk about this ever again.
So it is what it is.
Yeah, it is what it is.
It's all right. We move on.
OK, I got a new weird idea.
You should buy an OK bear.
Everybody's buying OK bears now.
I got a I got a whole rationale.
But you ever seen these things?
What do you think about them?
The my fellow countrymen's rug project.
Yeah, yeah, guys.
Yeah, yeah, I've seen them like, OK, pitch, pitch me, pitch me this.
Tell me this pen.
Well, all right.
I'm not I'm not actually shilling it so much.
I did actually buy like a bunch of OK bears yesterday.
But all right.
This is my thesis.
And I've already started started like turning,
turning the cranks of scammery on this.
If you're actually in the chat like more yesterday, you would have seen
actually already so many people bought these fucking things.
I got Jakey buying one.
He doesn't know why he's not in on the like scam level of it, right?
He's like a wagney tier guy that we now have like tweeting about it
on the fucking on Twitter.
But anyways, this is the thesis.
So pudgy penguins, you know, are going to infinity
and everybody's priced out.
And they're like, first of all, I love pudgy penguins
and like Luke is one of the most base founders there is in crypto.
But they're like, yeah, they're like a pretty vanilla
like middle curve branding IP thing, right?
Like they get all this success from like that lane.
OK Bears is like the best project to ever do that on soul.
I want to underline and stress again that like I kind of think most
of this shit's gay, like I don't really like the OK Bears very much.
I think they have really good PFP art.
But yeah, so they have this branding thing like they maybe
Kyes is like sort of a Indonesian flea market Lucanets.
You know, he's like a really shitty version of them.
Like he got the OK Bears in Zara.
Like they have like three t-shirts in Zara,
like all across the states, I think maybe Canada.
And there's three different bears that one from the community.
And like those guys get royalties or some whatever.
But like point is he's doing these mainstream web to deals like.
Not Walmart, but he's getting shit done.
He's pretty smart.
I talked to one spaces once.
I did a coup versus guys for like two hours.
And I like them like and actually there's a lot of intelligent
design to the project, whatever.
So this is all the mid curve thesis.
The 20 IQ thesis is Solstice bought 30 of them
and he's like the best for market trader ever.
Not because he like knows something's going to happen.
He'll create the fucking outcome like he's been doing it for a few
months now if you watch it.
He did it all in 2021 on his soul.
And then so basically I started talking about it with people
and stuff and then we all decided to buy them.
And I think over time you'll see they're kind of at the bottom.
They don't really go lower than like 12 or 13 soul.
And they're usually around like 40.
So I think it's a pretty easy trade.
Cause I think eventually people on soul will be like,
Oh, well this is the pudgy penguins of soul.
It's the best branding project on soul.
And we'll see,
but I don't think there's a ton of downside risk.
And also it's kind of funny because like
they have a really good community on Twitter.
Like if you care about this shit, I don't.
They're actually like, I used to fund these things, right?
Obviously, like it's not my style of project.
I've funded them for like a year and it was hilarious.
The reason I like to fund them is because
they have this super active,
like passionate diehard community of like mid curvers
that are terrible at trolling.
So if you fund them,
like they'll hit you with the fucking lamest bullshit
in the comments that sucks.
I'm like, you just feel bad for them.
So yeah, I don't know.
But they don't go away.
Like they lasted through the whole bear market,
like wrapping these PFPs and like,
I don't know, being on Twitter,
it's like, they're pretty sticky.
I don't see them going away.
I don't think there's a lot of downside risk.
They actually, like, I think it's good PFP art.
You'll see smart people in the space that just like,
they're not even a part of the community,
but they just wrap a bear.
Like Zimbara, if you've ever heard of him,
he's like this Portuguese guy lives in Dubai,
big brain on markets.
He comes on, he used to come on the spaces like before.
He's been on here once or twice.
But anyways, that's a lot of shit,
but basically I think there's a lot of stuff
that comes together.
There's an underlying scam pump being orchestrated.
And I don't think there's a lot of downside risk.
And it's fun.
Cartoon trades are fun because now I can just get one
and tweet, right?
Like I tweeted yesterday about how WAGBO was a cultural
movement and all this shit and then Kai's
and the okay bears account are both in the comments
and whatever.
And then I tweeted the next tweet that like,
everything you are going to see was orchestrated
and I'm just going to pin it
because it's fucking base bro.
No one knows.
So I get to have fun with this kind of shit.
And that's probably why I like this trade
because it's not just a trade.
It's like a 4D psyop trade.
These kinds of tweets get no likes,
but like this is right after a tweet about the bears
where like Kai's is like, yeah, welcome.
Like all this shit, kooch face.
Yeah, I think that's a narrative that we'll play out.
Like we talked about it with like,
everybody looking for the next Solana, right?
Going to all these like shit of chains
and stuff like that.
Well, now they're going to look for the next pudgy penguins.
Like that's the narrative, right?
And like, it's already happening.
Like people are like, oh, well,
the seals are the next pudgy penguins.
Like look at them.
They're also cute and stuff like that.
Like, and the floor price went up bro.
Like it went up from like 0.6 to 0.84
or something like that, which is like whatever,
but like it still went up.
So bro, it's like 75%, you know, like I'll take it.
Pump the bears.
Yeah, like it's going to happen.
Like I think it's going to happen across the board
with this kind of like cute PFP thing.
One of them will come out.
One of them will actually probably gain traction.
I won't buy another seal, but like I'm actually, I may,
maybe I like spec into it and try and let the seals again.
Just buy one of these bro.
The seals are NGMI.
Youth is retarded.
This thing like, yeah, it's not even expensive.
Like it's cheaper than a seal.
Telling you bro.
It's a way better play.
I got some cells sitting there from some shittas
that I made today.
Maybe I'll buy one.
Do I buy one like yours, the lesbian bear, bro?
I just, that's my, that's my deus looking one.
Like, but I just, honestly, I just buy the floor once.
Who cares?
Like on soul, especially, like, you know,
how blur kind of turned every NFT into a shit coin
with like a JPEG, they're basically fungible.
It's the same on soul, but worse.
Like, I don't know, unless there's something near the
floor and you're like, Oh, that one's cool.
Cause actually this, I think it's really good PFP art.
Like, you know, scam pump orchestration aside,
like it's always been good art.
There's cool traits like, but I just, I stick to floor.
That's why I bought the lesbian bear.
Like it's not like I like those traits.
Yeah, I'll have a look at them.
I'll look, I bought a loomy today.
I actually liked them.
I think they're cool, but that's not going to
make any money.
Don't don't.
What's it?
What's a loomy?
That's a guy era paradoxes project.
It just looks cool.
I just, I just like, he gave me a lawless and I fatal it.
So I just bought one today.
I just think they look cool.
Wait, should we go to Sammy?
I totally, I didn't even realize you didn't stand up.
Yeah, go to Sammy.
Sammy, what's up bro.
Buy an okay bear.
How much is okay bear?
I think it's 16 soul.
Okay, maybe.
You got it.
Wait, before you buy it, go in the chat,
like the terrorist writing chat and just like,
you'll see everybody's got an okay bear PFP now
and start talking about okay bears.
You'll see everybody's maxis and that's the,
that's the like center of the evil hive mind.
That's going to propagate this scam pump narrative.
It's already started, but that chat go in there
and talk about the bears and then see if you went by one.
I was going to ask as any of you,
this is not a new thing.
Actually it's a new thing,
but you probably already knew, knew this,
but there is the cosmos inscriptions.
Yeah, the little guys just came in,
but yeah, he put on the group that something
and I had been meeting those like,
I don't even know how many I have those,
but I'm thinking that,
do they have a future or not?
Maybe not, but if they do, at least I have something.
I have a bag of polka dot inscriptions.
If you want to trade, you can do one to one.
Did I tell you about my weird soul inscriptions,
the F O C S thing?
I can't remember if I told you guys about this yesterday.
Did I tell you what I was going to do?
Did we talk about it at the end?
Maybe we're not for long.
Oh, but they're like, yeah,
I got a fucking bunch of them.
I got 55 of them.
And that's only because I had a hundred,
but I couldn't get like them inscribed or whatever.
Yeah, because it was like a two step thing.
Anyways, given as you can tell,
I don't know even what the fuck it is or how to do it.
I like got them inscribed,
but like they weren't part of the main collection
or something or like they weren't, yeah,
I don't know something about how I did it.
They weren't like on the hash list.
So they looked the exact same as the ones trading
on magic Eden.
When I last checked, they were like one and a half soul,
but they're, they like don't count.
So they're just like weird NFTs I made
that are in my wallet, which sucks, you know?
Cause then if I, if I would have done it right,
it would have been like fucking 10 grand and they were free.
Like you just had to go click buttons
and figure out this weird website.
You said the one you sent me one,
one that I share a PFP picture, SPL 20.
No, okay, it's not that it's like,
this is where I'm a bit confused.
So those are SPL 20s, right?
And the guy who sent this new weird thing in this chat
and he was like, boys, you got to make this thing,
whatever it's going to be, he's like,
it's this new kind of inscription on soul.
I don't know what it's called,
but it's like a new Metaplex standard for it.
And he was like, yeah, this is a non guy
who just made this one, this FOCS one
with this weird tweet that says how to mint it.
He's like, I know it's the guy who did the souls
like the first SPL 20.
He's like, I fucking know it's him.
He's going to come out and say it's him
and these things are going to moon mint this shit.
And then those things went to like 90 soul.
So I don't know, that's what I mean.
I don't know, actually know what they are.
They're not SPL 20s, but they're like a new thing.
I think there were zero to be very clear.
I just wanted them because they were free.
And if the guy was the same founder,
then people on secondary would have like scrambled
to be exit liquidity.
But no, they're not those things.
They're a new thing like those things.
I've been inscribing.
In L2s, those inscriptions on ck-sync
and bombarding them to different L2s.
There's no like value, but I was like so pissed
off the man that I think I don't know how many I sent them.
Sent there to fucking-
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Are you, you're doing hostile inscription attacks
on L2s that fuck you around?
Oh my God, let's go, dude.
Because I want my eat the fuck away from that chain.
I just look at my metamask and it's,
there is three transactions still waiting.
So they're producing blocks,
but I don't know how long it will take.
The first one that was failed transaction
was around seven o'clock that I put it
and just recently it went through.
So I think that tomorrow or day after that.
Yeah, and I don't know.
Wait, can I just say for the audience
because I feel like because we're both deranged
and want to like do things like attack these networks.
Maybe they don't really understand what's going on here
because we glossed over it really fast,
but so like some of these fucking EVM chains,
inscriptions really fucked them up.
Like when Avax gas went like, you know,
to $40 a transaction
because they didn't have a solution for inscriptions.
So, cause Sammy hates Manta.
He's like making inscriptions and sending it to them.
Oh my God, it's so based.
Dude, did you see the fucking co-founder of Manta yesterday
had to turn off comments on his Twitter
because he was getting trolled so bad?
Yeah, they did.
Yeah, on the discord team thing.
And by the way, I remember I was listening the orbiter
when they told that the collaboration,
the collaboration, they said that, yeah,
it doesn't matter if something went down or blah, blah, blah.
And we have a fair safe mechanism.
And they had yesterday some sort of, how do I say it?
Emergency Twitter spaces
because I think they were being funny too badly.
But it was not recorded.
Wait, wasn't it boot there?
Boot was posted screens from it in the chat.
Oh yeah, I read the hot scoop on that one.
But were you on stage?
I couldn't tell cause you were right at the top,
but was it just them on stage?
Yeah, they wouldn't let anyone up
and it went for like 10 minutes.
I was just writing it like a little breaking point.
The only time I was in a space
where they wouldn't let anyone up,
I was like, wow, Jones.
And then anyways, they started to like,
they pinned a link and they're like, yeah,
it's a free claim, blah, blah, blah.
And like, they wouldn't let anyone up.
And then it turned out it was a dream.
So I'm always real sketched out
when they don't let anyone on stage.
Well, he started the space and he's like,
Oh, I'm like a co-founder or whatever.
It would matter.
And he's like, can anyone hear me?
Can anyone hear me?
Is anyone, can anyone hear?
And like, he was doing this for like 30 seconds
and it's like, give a thumbs up if anyone can hear.
And everybody was doing it.
And he just kept asking the question.
I was like, Oh my God, this is making me so bearish
because like the chain is fucked.
The RPC shit's going on and this boomer comes on.
They're using spaces for the first time
like in the industry that fucking depends on it.
Like fuck bro.
Yeah. And then I was like writing this empirical
like breaking news, which is like,
I think you can read the tweet.
Like what does it say?
It says like 155 million transactions
like networks functioning fine.
Like funds are safe.
Like that's, that's all he said.
And then he was like, you know,
sorry that like this malicious attack has,
you know, ruined our, you know.
I'm savvy, right?
The inscriptions.
It's targeted attack from Indonesia and America,
which I was quite bullish on actually.
These Indonesian guys don't muck around, right?
Like, so yeah, that's the most bullish thing the attack is.
And then, so like at that point,
I was like, they've fucked up so much now.
Like I'm bullish because it can only get better.
So like couldn't claim, network goes down.
Like token prices is whatever like Wales fud.
So I'm like, it's up only, right?
This thing is going to be $12 in a month's time
because they can only improve.
I actually really liked the end of that.
And you make a very good point.
I will say, if you weren't here at the beginning,
I already claimed my manta yesterday and dumped it
because like Sammy,
I think these guys are absolute clowns
and I don't like them
and I don't even want to be on this network.
But boot, you kind of, you reminded me of node monkeys.
Like max fud, right?
Yeah, what's up?
Yeah, sorry.
How are you able to claim?
I was trying to, when they're claiming open it,
I was trying to claim it and nothing fucking happened.
Yeah, you know, it was a complete rug like the whole day.
And I was just, I tried once or twice
and then I just even like closed the window.
And then, I don't know, just super late last night,
I just tried and it worked.
And then I was like, oh cool, I got the coins.
And I'm like, I'll just dump this shit, fuck it.
But yeah, just throw it, just randomly worked.
It kept saying too many requests,
like all the other times I tried
and then one time it just worked.
Yeah, I submitted my transactions and went to bed
and then like when I woke up, it was claimed.
So yeah, bullish man, like L2 scaling solution,
12 hours transacting time can only improve.
If they get to 10 hours, this price is 2X, right?
At that point.
So yeah, I'm really, I'm bullish on scaling solutions
that fail to work.
No, but bro, this is on the node monkeys thing, right?
Okay, before the mint, before all the FUD,
everyone was all hyped up about these things.
Oh my God, you got to donate $800 to charity,
minimum to get a mint spot.
And then they got FUDed,
then they did the weird Dutch auction and nobody cared.
And the average mint price ended up being 0.04 Bitcoin
and literally no one gave a shit about these things.
And then they go to 0.3
because it was max FUD
for something that was relatively important.
So it's not like I'm gonna go buy Manta.
I'm glad I dumped it.
Fuck it, fuck the network.
But you actually could be right.
I think you have a pretty good business.
No, I have a full case for you as well.
They're accused of money laundering in Korea.
So like that's-
That's actually so bullish, dude.
Yeah, yeah.
That's a huge buy signal, honestly.
Cause I mean, like if you're pricing-
We are not joking.
Like if they're, bro,
if they're getting accused of money laundering in Korea,
they know how to scam pump stuff.
That's all crypto is.
How do you think they got to this
releasing an L2 network level
if they're clearly scammers?
Like they're the best scammers.
So actually that's bulling.
That's not a joke.
No, cause the mid curve is a like,
oh, like all this stuff is gonna send the token to zero.
Billions of dollars of token to take profit on.
A busy, you know,
like running this through the Korean,
you know, Yakuza or whatever it is
to like buy organs on the black market
and then siphon the profits back into Manta.
Increase their yield, bro.
Penty yield.
What are they calling it?
Penty yield on those fucking infographics.
That's a Yakuza chain.
That's how you guys should view it, right?
And chains run by gangsters,
AKA another chain that we know,
which we won't mention,
like a bullish, like up only.
Fuck, I actually,
if I knew the money laundering stuff,
I honestly, I probably would have dumped half
because I'd wanna wait and see.
It's too bad.
Sorry, go ahead, Sammy.
I'm switching the chain narrative to a chain.
I will be releasing L3.
It will be fastest chain ever.
So wait like a week and there will be a tweet
and you can fucking donate millions of dollars.
No, it has to be with the Finnish mafia,
though, Sammy.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm the fucking boss of the Finnish mafia.
I have a question.
I know you were joking, Sammy,
but you said L3
and I'm getting to the point
where I'm embarrassed to ask this,
but I think it's early enough that I can still ask.
So I've seen L3s mentioned or referred to,
yeah, maybe four or five times.
And I think it's usually a joke,
but I'm not totally sure.
So at the risk of exposing myself as a dumbass,
are L3s an actual thing?
Like they will be,
for sure one day it's a good buzzword,
but like, is it a thing now?
It's a bit ridiculous.
And I think that app chains are more of a thing.
Like when I refer to the L3s,
I think I'm not that technical on the eat,
but what I have been heard,
yes, they will be like every L2 has their own SDK kit.
So I think you can,
I think even that what was the perps option thing
that I fucking, the air drop thing
that might be pretty good actually,
but you have to put a lot of money on that.
Where you get that GK Zinc box,
I think that it's its own app chain, if I'm correct.
I think I am.
So it's built on GK Zinc's stack and it's,
yeah, if I remember correctly, it's an app chain.
So basically it's an L3 or not.
Isn't dimension an app chain as well?
Right, is that?
It is an app chain and L3,
like are they synonymous or is it like,
I just don't know if people say L3, are they joking?
And if they say it and they're not joking,
what do they mean?
I don't know.
We should just start saying L3 first
and then people think we're the smartest
because then when they come out,
they'll be like, oh, yep, Sammy and Poop
and Poop were talking about this shit like six months ago.
Yeah, but I don't wanna kind of say misinformation
if I'm wrong.
I specifically do wanna say misinformation.
Beary shake, Sammy, just say everything
and then delete the incorrect stuff, right?
Little hot tip.
Yeah, let's go.
We got dog with coin back.
I got it.
Wait, we got to announce dog with coins
attendance every single time.
The greatest meme coin in history.
We love you.
He still has not given us money though.
So I wanna eBay.
Can I have money?
No, we're not getting down to the beggar tier, man.
We just don't make it.
We've got to demonstrate to the audience
what the beggar tier is, right?
And I think the best demonstration of that
would be an actual real world occurrence of that.
So dog with coin, if you send me money,
like that's a demonstration of the beggar layer.
We should actually, like you should actually send me money
so it becomes like a real demonstration.
The leech layer we have to get to,
what was the next one?
What do we got?
We got the layer.
Then there's good layer and they're like good layers.
There's like low tier scammer layer.
I don't know.
Like the guys who drop rug contracts and like
discord chats, but they're like chads
because they're like dropping contract
and they start selling like.
Yeah, low tier, industrial level rugger and meta.
But they're the god tier like gangster
institutional level scammers.
Yeah, the mafia of rug.
But what's, who are the normal people?
Like what's it, what's Sammy's?
Like Sammy's not.
Crypto doesn't have any normal people.
That's for sure.
Sammy's just like a, Sammy's like a benevolent scammer.
Like he's just like a, like a street level,
like benevolent scammer who's interested in chaos
and like a prophet max.
Like he's like, he's on the good side,
but like the base side.
There's another matrix, the retarded and autistic matrix
So like, you know what I mean?
Like, like to have a comp, like you, if you go,
like what, what was it again?
Devs are autistic.
And then all our devs, yeah, you want a retarded dev.
You don't want an autistic dev,
but then you can be based and autistic
and based or retarded.
Like this is not an insult.
It's just like your, like your level of competency.
So like a retarded dev is like.
Like King Arthur is based, but he's not, no, no, no, no.
He's retarded, but he's not autistic.
You know what I mean?
But like the puppet staff is probably,
the puppet staff is autistic and based, you know?
And they're both compliments.
It's just that like King Arthur will come
and hang with you and chat with you
because he's retarded, right?
But he can whip up some cool dev shit on the side.
But the puppet staff is like in the basement,
eye contact, but also like he's pretty based.
Like if you, if you talk to him online,
like he won't talk to you in person
or look you in the eye,
but through like the group chat, he's cool, right?
Like, and like maybe you'll come
on a Twitter spaces and be okay.
So like that's the level of it.
Like, so like, okay, we've got the,
the beggar layer, the leech layer,
then you've got the based,
which skews to retarded or autistic.
Then you've got the, what is it?
The low tier scam layer,
the industrial tier scam layer, crypto undead.
And then you've got the-
Yeah, and like a 10 fund.
10 funds in there.
Yeah, 10 funds, 10 funds there for sure.
And then you've got like manta slash new narrative,
L2, roll up, modular, something change.
Yeah, so everybody fits on that pyramid
in one way or another.
You want to be at the base, the autistic part though.
There's a mid-curve part in there somewhere as well.
We need to draw this all out.
We've got one, one, fin scam.
So which one?
Fin scam.
The finished scammer?
This is a pretty niche layer, I think, Sammy.
Yeah, but they exist.
Okay, I'll be aware of all fins, yeah.
That's in the like based retarded like sleeve,
but it's like some siloed pocket.
It's very unique.
Oh man, that's a pretty good like holistic coverage map
of probably all of crypto.
And then yeah, you have the normies and the larpers
and like the branding experts
and the content about content about content people.
Maybe that's a separate like pyramid
we don't give a shit about because it's gay.
We need to draw this up, man.
We need to get an artist on board
to draw up the crypto matrix.
If we had some like, you know,
if only there was a really rich meme coin
and the audience that could fund our artistic experiments,
you know, advance the arts within the ecosystem.
Well, bro, here's the thing.
You never know about this stuff, right?
Like, okay, the Dev of Doge,
like he sold it all for like a used 2013
Honda Accord or some shit, right?
Like that's true.
Like I think he made 13 grand.
So the best and most hilarious thing would be
if the dog whiff guy is like, you know,
he's like 17 autistic in a basement
and he like sold it all for a new Xbox or some shit,
but he's still running the account for the culture.
Like you really never know.
It would be also cool if he has like $200 million
in giant bags and he's 17 and autistic in a basement
and smoking joints.
Both versions of the story are cool.
He's like at the omnipotent level.
Like he's in a serial beam.
Like he's not even on the chart.
Like he's just like a vapor, right?
Like you kind of, you put your hand through him
and it fucking goes through the other side
of the wall or whatever, right?
Like this guy, he just is.
He's like a light, a beam of light, pure energy.
Yeah, we love him.
Dog whiff is the goat.
I wonder about, do we even, it doesn't matter what we say.
It's not like we can like help him out, right?
Like the guy's the fucking biggest meme going on Soul.
But for the audience, this is not a paid advertiser,
but we love this coin.
I think it's the coolest coin.
I think it'll flip bonk.
I think it has more normie appeal.
It's just like, you know, it's pretty funny.
It's like still vanilla, like normies will love it.
Like it'll play really well on sexes and everything else,
but it's like a touch more base than like doge.
Like for a normie, they'll be like,
oh my God, so silly, you know?
So it's like the right mix.
You can't be bringing these guys like fucking Solano
like slow, right?
Like the real autistic shit,
or like, you know, most of the Eve coins.
I just bought one right before I got on spaces.
That's why I was three minutes late.
It's called pepstine and it's a Pepe version of Epstein.
The buy bots are really based.
It's fucking ridiculous.
But that's what I mean, right?
On the autism scale of like retarded memes,
we're way out there now.
And normie, they're probably not buying pepstine, right?
So these guys kind of hit all the boxes in the right ways.
I think that's why you see the success.
Anyways, I just think they're based.
But pepstine, yo, you got to get pepstine.
I spat out wine when you said that.
Like it's like, you ever made up that meme?
Bro, I go by the buy bot, bro.
Like obviously in my telegram,
I called that grimace thing yesterday
and like it went down.
Lots of these things go down.
But the buy bot, did you see the buy bot of grimace?
Just like, and it's shaking
and it's got like a joint in its mouth.
And it's like, bye.
It looks like the Mortal Kombat writing.
Like, bro, the pepstine buy bot,
it's got this like creepy, like a pepstine at the top.
And he's like, oh, man, dude, it's too good, bro.
This is investment analysis, by the way, in 2014.
Who is the one, like, this is what I want to know.
Like, obviously there's a rug cartel,
like a scam coin rug cartel.
That's cool, I didn't care about that part.
But who are they getting to make the memes?
That's the person I want to meet.
Because this shit is good.
Like it's fucking gold.
Like they just understand every element of the industry
and they're just able to keep like pumping out
like the funniest shit.
Like that person is a comedic genius.
Like whoever's doing that stuff.
And they need to be recognized.
We should have a shrine to that person.
Well, there's bad teams and good teams.
Yeah, you start to like,
yeah, there's teams that, yeah, you know,
and the good teams will have like hit after hit.
And it's because they'll, yeah, man,
there's like a template, right?
Like, yeah, there's a certain style of meme
that people think is funny,
but like it also has to be original, but it has to fit.
And like, yeah, dude, it's crazy.
Like that clippy one, right?
That's like, it's perfect because everybody
in this fucking space with money
that's gonna ape these things this early
is kind of the same.
Like, I don't know if I said this yesterday,
I think like 24 to 40 or whatever.
Probably upper middle class, like white guy,
fucking with a little bit of disposable income,
like the ones that are gonna ape dollars into this stuff,
like Patty Ice, right?
That's why he's the fucking mascot of this shit right now.
But that clippy one, right?
Everybody's a fucking boomer.
You were like using Windows fucking 2001 or whatever,
clippy there pissing you off, Windows 98.
And so that's a great meme.
And it's original, it hasn't been a clippy.
Even though it's like all of these things are so rehashed,
like a slight originality, like used car, right?
Like, yeah.
And then there's for every one good one
that's actually like a good meme that has a chance,
there's like 999,999 shitty ones
that are just like forced with zero creativity.
Yeah, I'm all about the real one.
Oh, I should update you on my vape.
Should I give a review on my vape?
Yeah, wait, yeah.
Did you, did you, I can't believe it was,
I'm not shilling Pepstein, by the way.
I'm actually gonna check right now.
I'm gonna go in my bonk bot and see if it rugged yet
because I think the contract was like three minutes old,
Like I like to throw a little bit
in these like super early ones.
Let's see if Pepstein's a rug.
No, it still lives.
110K market chat.
Yeah, go ahead, dude.
Yeah, I'm trying to get product endorsements here,
by the way, in the audience.
So I bought a haze, like a pod vape from New Zealand.
What flavor am I vaping?
Some Chinese chemical,
scent of Chinese chemical with tears of some young boy.
And it's quite flavorful.
I'll give it, I'll give it a,
probably a three out of 10 for flavor.
It's not much strength though.
Like it's kind of like, it's pretty weak.
Let me, let me live vape.
So you guys can hear, hear the timbre
in this cheap USB that is probably giving me cancer.
Pretty, pretty good, pretty good suction.
Yeah, three out of 10 experience.
Not as good as the Vietnamese.
The turbo.
Most anti-tistic.
Can you talk about it, Waluigi?
Give your assessment of that vape, please.
Oh, the, the orange bomb looking vape.
Yeah, that was, I don't know.
And the one with the skull in it.
Yeah, we had some interesting,
interesting ones.
They're pretty crazy.
By the way, I should say for everybody listening,
cause you're going to think we're all fucking weirdos.
We're going to trip together in Asia, the three of us.
And they're just vaping all the time,
buying these weird ass vapes.
We're in fucking Vietnam, so all the vapes are,
yeah, they're all sketchy looking weird Chinese packaging.
Which is fine, obviously I'm hitting the vape
here and there, I am a crypto incel.
But I just smoke two packs of cigarettes a day like a man.
Like it's Asia, everybody's smoking all day every day.
So I'm just smoking cigarettes,
cause I'm not a fucking weirdo.
And they've each got like three vapes in their pockets.
Like, yeah, it was funny.
Yeah, bro, we were vaping and we went out shopping.
We bought clothes at the mall.
So like, I did the girly stuff.
I liked that stuff.
I liked going shopping and vaping, right?
I'll stand by that, it's fun.
But yeah, you're too busy smoking 50 packs of darts,
sitting around aching shitters.
You won't live in the cultural experience
of going to a Western shopping mall in the heart of Saigon.
You know what I mean?
That's what tourists should be doing
when they fly overseas.
Let's go.
It's all about smoking darts, aching shitters.
Sammy, what's up, bro?
By the way, we can get more speakers on stage.
Like, this isn't like, it's not like a podcast.
You guys can come up and talk about whatever.
I feel like, I don't know, they don't want to.
Sammy, go ahead.
About the scam thing,
my friend just left and wrote me a message.
So we talk about the scamming thing.
It's not that we are scammers or we do scamming.
So don't take it fucking literally.
I'm sorry for that.
And maybe if the person listens to this,
the person hears this.
And yeah, so that's just what I wanted to say.
Don't fucking do that.
I'm irritated now.
Like, really.
That was an accident.
I think Twitter just auto does that
in regards to scams, the inbuilt feature.
No, Sammy's not a scammer, by the way.
Sammy's a good dude.
He's a friend of the show.
And yeah, we like him a lot.
What's he lead?
Oh, fuck.
Oh, shit.
I'll make him get him back.
That's okay.
I thought that we aren't truly scammers.
Disclaimer was nice.
You have to mix in fake disclaimers
to make people think you might not be a scammer.
So I appreciate it.
Yeah, what's up?
We got this new guy with the puppet.
I love that puppet, bro.
I like that hat.
I mean, all the traits, the traits on the,
I love it, bro.
There's so many traits
and there's so many based original ones.
It's like a shit coin.
Everybody uses the same traits.
Like that one's even got the 3D glasses,
but people like that.
That's cool.
They take accepted models
and types of traits, whatever,
but that one has so many based original ones.
Like I love those puppets, bro.
Yeah, big, big glad to have grabbed this one.
Yo, what's up with Manta?
I missed it.
Heard a lot of people bridged a bunch of eighth
and then kind of got, it was a big flop.
Is that true?
Yeah, I would say it's nuanced
because their farming program was so complicated,
but yeah, overall it was like a big letdown.
I'd say if you missed it,
you got really lucky because it turned out,
like they had this deadline for when deposits closed
and it was the other day, like three or four days ago,
but your ETH is locked
in their liquid staking version of ETH until March.
But yeah, they weren't that clear
that you can't actually farm
the like 50 million Manta reward tokens
from now until March
because that airdrop happened yesterday.
So now a lot of people have a bunch of ETH on there
and like you can swap it, whatever.
You're gonna take a pretty big hit
because the liquidity pools are thin.
But if you were on there a while ago,
like I was on there for six weeks, maybe seven weeks,
like not right at the beginning,
but I maybe got like 30% return, 25.
So it was okay, like it was all right.
But like, you know, a lot of people thought
it was gonna be really, really good.
And if you were just hearing about it
and then the narrative was like,
oh, this thing's gonna be really good,
you should like deposit some ETH.
And that was like two weeks ago, you really got fucked
because you only got to farm the rewards for like a week.
So yeah, it was a bit of a bait and switch for like,
and that was their marketing.
Like that's why that guy was like,
he had to turn off comments on Twitter,
like the co-founder and they had to do an emergency spaces
and like, cause they did this shit on purpose, bro,
like obviously.
Yeah, is there, is it for everyone with these big airdrops,
the ones that are getting touted
as having tens or hundreds of millions,
I always get this sense of like,
uh, but now it seems like there's a flood.
Like there's so many people
and just like Mansa kind of flopping out,
it's hard with the optics from an outside view.
Is it the flood of people?
Is it just getting diluted to hell?
Or is it the protocol that's, you know,
kind of their mechanics, their distribution mechanics
was kind of wonky or, you know, what specifically,
or is it a combination of everything
that just made it a big flop?
Cause it was so hype.
Yeah, bro.
It's a good question.
I think from my perspective,
their distribution mechanics are way too confusing.
But yeah, it's mostly that this stuff's
probably overcooked, right?
It's like too, it's yeah,
there's too many people talking about ways
to get too much money that's too easy.
And so then everybody thinks they can go
and like put this money on Manta
and they're going to get like two, three X
and doing nothing.
So I think this like dream of like
everybody getting super rich.
Fuck, my phone's not working.
Can you guys let DJ and Gem Hunter up?
My screen's not working.
I come in with one.
Yeah, it's not working.
Maybe it's bugging.
I did it.
But thanks Waluigi.
But yeah, bro, I think maybe the sense I have
is now it's like you're late
or like to these new things, right?
Unless there's a new big one like blast
and you get in there early, whatever.
Cause then everyone's on the same playing field.
But all the ones you're hearing talked about now
like Jupiter or like Margin-Fi,
like blast, like you're probably not going
to get a great return going in there now.
It's already over a billion like for a long time.
But yeah, dude, I think it's overcooked.
I think the most of the money to be made
from airdrops this year,
you probably already have to have been farming it
or be staked or whatever.
If you already did the work,
you're probably going to get a bunch of drops
but coming in late to something like,
man, people will still sell it to you that way.
But I think it's going to be a lot harder now.
You have to have already been doing it.
It was diluted as well, right?
Like when it was a good value prop
was like at 300 million.
Well, you get the same amount of token, whatever maybe,
but the price would be way higher,
like less, less circulating supply, I think,
or maybe you got dropped.
No, you would have been the same TG.
No, no, you're right.
Yeah, you would have got way more.
That's what we thought, right?
Because I think we were doing it at like 250 million
and then it was like, oh, 50 million tokens,
like plus 65 for the incentive.
But yeah, when the TVL goes to fucking a billion,
it's way different.
Do you guys think that blast is pretty much cooked now?
Should I stop putting funds over there
after the whole Manta at the buckle?
Or do you think blast might still be pretty good?
Bro, I'm a blast maxi.
For me, it's like 20 IQ.
I think obviously it's going to cook, it's paradigm.
They're going to like, like look at blur,
it's Pac-Man and all this stuff.
I think, yeah, like where people thought Manta
was going to be six figures, whatever.
I never thought that by the way.
I was thinking low five figures would be sick.
I got maybe nine grand out of it.
But yeah, blast is going to be fine.
I think now, like if you have spare eath
and you're like, oh, well,
I just want to park this somewhere and get native yield,
like that's pretty good.
And you'll get some points from blast.
But it's like new eath in there with the time remaining
and the TVL at 1.3 billion or whatever it is,
the return on like strictly that eath,
like your marginal return on eath is obviously lower.
Because you'll get less points
and there's, you know what I mean?
But I still think it's a really good use of eath.
Like I've added to there a lot actually
since the beginning.
Like I try to do these things in one big lump,
but then blast I actually like throw an eath or two
in here and there.
So it's not a bad idea,
but you're not going to like three exit.
Yeah, for blast like every week,
I'll throw like 0.5 eath in there
just because they have like the points
that you can claim every week.
So that's kind of been my strategy.
And then I guess with it coming to an end in February,
quote unquote, or at least that's what they're saying.
Probably just unload the tank now
and then wait the next 14 days and see what happens.
Yeah, I think it's never a bad idea, right?
I don't know.
I kind of think of it in a deranged dgen
like savings account kind of way.
Like if your base currency is eath, right?
So you're not taking a price risk
and the upside there versus other ways to use eath
where you're not taking price risk
is probably very high, like, or the highest, right?
Like I can't think of another,
so like I can layer two, right?
But the liquid staking caps close them on there.
I hope you guys are too.
Like that one's probably gonna be good.
But yeah, savings account, bro.
Dgen, retard, savings account.
Stanley, what's up, bro?
Yeah, first I was not going to do one at all.
I was going to test out what I put in one to the blast
on top of what I have there.
But yeah, it is what it is.
I remember when the sovereign,
when I get fucking get to the margin five,
there was not that much users,
but now there is starting to be like dropping down
like 10,000, the leaderboard.
I'm not anymore.
I think I was in the top.
Top 10,000, yes.
And now I'm like in top 30,000 or something like that.
So I think that is also fucking there is users.
Yeah, so.
There's some alpha on man, so Sammy.
That's true.
I don't know if you guys know,
Shrew Gaines' friend was talking about
if you still want to farm matter,
like he was bridging across tier
because like nobody bridges across tier.
And he was just like taking loans out against it
on layer bank.
I did that.
Yeah, he did it at scale though.
And by scale, it's not like at the level scale.
And he's like on in the top 200 on the leaderboard.
So like you'll probably get a good airdrop from that
because people aren't like, I know you did tier,
but like at the average person didn't do tier.
So like, I think if you wanted to still get an angle
there, Amanda, you could,
but like probably none of us are going to do that.
I'm not sure.
But when I look at this Manta scanner,
I can see the tier that I bridged to that Manta.
I think there is some NFT that I got out of that.
I'm not sure.
It doesn't show on the ERC,
what the number of saw, but anyway.
I think I was it what some bank I did alone
and some transactions.
It was pretty early on the paradigm thing.
The new paradigm.
New paradigm.
I hate new paradigm.
What else is going on?
What is interesting?
Actually, if I could chime back.
Yeah, go for it.
What's the deal with the for Manta?
Just to chime back circle back there.
One of the thresholds was like folks that had spent
20 East, what was it?
It was like on Ethereum.
It was five or 20 East was a 20 East.
No, it was a, I think what you're talking about is
once you bridge 20 East to Manta,
you got an unlimited invite code for your like team.
Cause then when people on your team contribute,
then the total goes up like the team total
and it impacts your like lock and shit, I guess.
What was the eligibility threshold for the Manta AirDrop
when sending the Eats over there?
Or actually there was some and maybe I'm pretty sure
it was Manta, they were like, you're eligible
if you had spent five East or 10 East,
whatever it was on Ethereum from 2021 to now.
Maybe this is frame or dimension.
I don't think that's Manta.
Yeah, it's not Manta.
Manta is only the minimum bridge was 0.25
to be eligible to open a box.
Okay, all right.
Yeah, yeah.
Different one.
So that's just it.
And that's one thing I was thinking about yesterday was
I didn't for that specific AirDrop didn't get eligible
because apparently from 2017 to now,
I haven't moved around 20 East on Ethereum,
but I've moved 20 East around on layer on different layers
and like overall.
So I was kind of bummed that it didn't take into that account.
It didn't take into like the ETH you put onto
other layers of Ethereum.
Cause I definitely moved around 20 East
in the past few years, just not on Ethereum.
I thought that-
I think you're talking about,
it's gotta be dimension, right?
Cause they're doing ETH mainnet, Stoltea,
yeah, Cosmos.
Yeah, Sami knows.
What's up, Sami?
You know what he's talking about, eh?
Yeah, it's the daemon.
It's base Cosmos.
It has many chains.
So I think-
Oh shit, is base on there?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, what?
I gotta check some more addresses.
Check your friend tech account.
Yeah, I didn't check that.
Let's go.
It closes soon, right?
I don't know when I claimed it already.
Is that for Manta?
No, this is dimension.
Oh, okay, great.
But I have-
Bro, I move-
So you guys have to keep going.
No, no, go ahead.
I forgot it was something about Manta, but I forgot.
I moved fucking way more than 20.
I'm not gonna say how much
because of tax implications,
but yeah, I didn't get anything
from the dim airdrop based on Ethereum.
And I absolutely qualified
in the top 1% of ETH moved around for people.
But like, yeah, no shit for that.
But I got it for like a bad kid
and like one tier stake and stuff like that.
But none of my ETHs was qualified.
Like literally none of them.
So I don't know what the fuck was going on with that.
But yeah, like I have no fucking idea.
It's still open.
Yeah, it's still open.
I'm doing it now.
Yo, Basie is on here.
What do you mean?
Yeah, I think Basie is on here.
Oh, no, you can't select Basie as the chain.
Yeah, it's EVM and then it will check the base.
Just use the...
Yo, my guy just got me another wallet on my dimension here.
I got like fucking 20 wallets on five chains
qualified for this thing.
Let's go.
Cool, man.
I'm in at the last minute.
Thanks, Sammy.
Let's fucking go.
Wait, actually, so people know,
it says two days, zero hours, 49 minutes.
That's how long the plane is still live for, on dimension.
We'll do it tomorrow.
That's just reserving your tokens, right?
That's not actually...
The actual claim isn't live, right?
No, yeah, exactly.
It's just telling you what you're gonna get.
And I don't think you have to claim them.
I'm not sure.
Just congrats.
The following dimension address will receive
at least the following amount of dim on Genesis.
I don't know if receive means they airdrop it
or you have to like go claim, but either way,
you get to do it when they put it up.
Is there an avalanche one?
I don't know, like I didn't...
The thing is, I've got 50 fucking wallets, bro.
And so I checked the first few.
All the big ones were eligible
and then a few of the ones that I just used
for like special purposes weren't.
And then I didn't think about other chains.
So now that I got, I checked this friend tech one,
I'm thinking like, I'm on 15 chains.
Like, yeah, Avax, Sammy, what's up with Avax?
Yeah, I'm not sure.
But if it is, it's going to be that C chain.
I guess it's not a roll up.
It's not in the drop down.
So it's not going to work for like E, right?
Okay, yeah.
I don't know much about the Avax.
But what I was, I'm not sure about is that
when you select the T and then in the end it ask
your EVM address and will it air-crop it there
or how it's a little bit.
Yeah, I'm a little worried about this part, bro,
because I got a few T addresses and then I have
like all the coins that are eligible for the thing, right?
Like, so I had a lot of addresses coming from Cosmos,
but I just put in the same ETH address for all of them.
But you can't see like a running total.
Like each time it's just as this address
will receive at least this, at least this, at least this.
So I don't know.
I hope they don't like override each other.
I don't know how it works, but I put one EVM address in
and I don't know how like you go get the tokens for it.
Oh, I just claimed some more fucking ETH shit.
Like, this is so fucking weird.
Like it's not showing on some and it is on the other.
This is like weird and retarded.
Like my main ETH wallet, uneligible.
Dude, you know how you told me the VPN trick?
You're like, oh, do the VPN
and then more accounts will be eligible.
I did VPN yesterday.
I think I tried it when I saw that thing was closing
and I only tried it from one account,
but I did it from like my main account
and it said I wasn't eligible on VPN.
And I'm like, what the fuck?
Like this one was getting the most tokens.
So I disconnected from VPN and it's like, oh yeah, you're good.
Like you're going to get all these tokens.
So I don't know what the hell is going on with this thing.
We're going to have to wait and see.
Yo, did anybody receive any of the airdrops from 2021?
Like I kind of want to go on a side note
for something I'm noticing, is that cool, dude?
Yeah, you can talk about whatever, man.
Yeah, so like I got the ENS,
the IMX, the
Arbitrum and optimism airdrop
like 2021, 22 and
the IMX and the ENS.
I sold pretty much instantly the OP and the ARB I held on to.
Now, what I've noticed over the past year, however many months, 18 months,
everything dipped and like the IMX and the ENS dipped hard.
I mean, hard, but man, there are all bouncing back
and like the OP and the ARB that I got airdropped and held on to
for the past two years.
It's a substantial amount now.
And so I'm like, you know, the winners of these airdrops,
the protocols that have lasting power,
like those tokens in a number of years.
What's ARB going to?
Is it going to 10 bucks?
Is it going to more like?
I was amazed and I kind of wish I never sold my ENS or IMX,
like especially IMX.
I think IMX got a lot of a lot of leeway,
but that was one thing I noticed, you know, these airdrops,
like some of them, if you believe in it or if you have like an inkling
of some confidence, like it might be worth,
you know, not flipping them, but holding on to them.
Did you get any of those from a couple of years ago, Koot?
Yeah, I got all of them.
I dumped them.
I got a shitload from my intro.
Token hasn't really done much, bro.
Like I think I dumped it for two bucks, like maybe a little more.
I don't remember 160, 70.
It was like, like, let me look at the chart.
Yeah, one year.
So actually, yeah, it stopped.
It went over two bucks.
I must have dumped it around 150, like right when it came out.
Usually you do better doing that.
I'd rather add the ETH, right?
Because then I can use the ETH for stuff.
But yeah, I feel you.
Like I'm also an Arbitrum Maxi.
Like I had like the Max airdrop on three wallets and then like a smaller one
on a few others like and I wasn't even farming it.
I just was on Arbitrum doing a lot of stuff because it was the best
scaling solution and the most advanced first.
And like Polygon was a piece of shit.
And I just like go everywhere and do everything.
And so that was like a legit airdrop actually.
Like I didn't even know they were going to do it.
I didn't really, I wasn't thinking that way.
And just because I was like moving so much money around on that chain,
doing so much stuff.
I was in game five projects.
I was doing all this shit.
Like, yeah, I just got paid.
It was cool.
So, yeah, no, I got all those.
I think usually, like, yeah, Arbitrum was the biggest best first.
Like, you know, L2 doing the most stuff.
TVL growing the fastest.
They're still the biggest.
I'm bullish on Arbitrum.
I just rather own the main tokens, man.
Like I just want the ETH.
Like on Soul, I just want the Soul for the most part.
And then I like to fuck around with shitters and this and that.
I think usually dumping an airdrop for the base token is going to be the play.
But you're right.
Like, there's going to be huge winners like Arbitrum.
It's a sick L2.
They keep adding new like pack and different chains and whatever.
Right. So I think they'll always be a leader in EDMs.
So holding the token is also a good move.
Yeah, and I guess also your style of trading has to come into play a bit
because I'm a terrible trader.
So but I had to learn the hard way.
And so my mostly my technique now is just hold for stuff I believe in.
I'm finding a little bit of success with the NFTs, but the long term holds is my style right now.
Me too, bro. I don't really trade.
That's what I mean. I either just like.
Yeah, my decision with something like Arbitrum would be like, I'm not looking at a chart or anything.
I'm like, I either want to eat more or I really believe in this thing.
And I'm going to hold it like for a long time and see what happens.
But it's usually with these like, I mean, that's a yeah, Arbitrum is a good one.
But I don't know.
I'd usually rather dump it for the main token.
But I'm with you.
I don't really trade.
I trade shitters like fucking lunatic and get rugged 75 times a day.
But that's not really trading.
It's like investing decisions at light speed based on retarded autism memes in a casino
where 90 percent of the stuff is a scam and it's just fun.
I look at it. It's not trading.
I look at it like I'm walking into a fucking casino and I'm trying to find the funniest
thing that's not a scam or is a scam, but not a complete rug pull LP rug scam.
Anyways, yeah, I don't like to trade so much either.
Sammy, what's up, bro?
Yeah, I'm thinking about the Arbitrum.
It has mentioned this before, but best dabs that they'll choose has like the GMX,
GMX, GNS magic, the gaming thing.
What else there is.
But I'm a little bit turning bullies on the CK, I think, because they have the...
Is it the bot chain is going to do some fucking game there or something?
I've seen some stuff and the insane perhaps options trading that is coming to coming
there. So it will be kind of a big competitor to Arbitrum, but yeah, it will take probably
some time that the TVL gets to the same size as Arbitrum, but I would definitely do you
look those two.
I know that there is people like me next for like linear and maybe doing big scroll.
Those scroll would be probably only play I would at this point do because linear has
run so long that there is so much people that the crop is not going to be big.
But I think that people are fading a little bit scroll.
And yeah, but I don't know.
This month kind of took my energy away a little bit.
Gross, Sammy, I'm a little bit fatigued.
Maybe in Monday I'm feeling better.
I have no interest in going to farm another fucking elk tree right now or anything like that.
I don't think I'm going to.
Yeah, I've already got so many of these farms that I'm monitoring and stuff, and it's nice
to take one off the board with NASA, even though I guess a lot of youth has to sit there.
But I have way more fun day to day trying to trade shitters or even like...
I love NFTs, but I think they're terrible investments, but sometimes they're interesting.
The culture and the space is really fun.
I think that's why I bought the Ok Bears, bro.
I've been doing all this fucking DeFi farming, and NFTs are fun, and you control on Twitter,
and it's a whole different thing.
I think I was bored, and I wanted a good NFT trade.
World peace.
Well, I like the puppets.
You want to know what?
It's kind of sad.
I had 39 loans against these puppets on Aquitium, and the original 38 are all expired,
and the only reason I have 39 is I just got a new one.
And so none of them defaulted, so I thought I was going to be a big-time puppet's owner,
but your fellow holders are responsible, and they all paid me back.
But yeah, I have exposure to the puppets through lending.
I love the puppets.
But everybody should buy an Ok Bear, because Ok Bears, you should see the inside information
on the illegal scam pump that's being orchestrated.
There's rumors that Kai's is going to rug the treasury.
It's rumors is what I have to say, but we talked on the phone about it yesterday.
He's going to rug the treasury, pump the floor to 100 Sol,
and then over a period of two weeks, we're going to do Frank-style marketing,
where we're hyping up a pending thing,
and we're going to slowly unload our treasury bears from different wallets
into the unsuspecting exit liquidity on Twitter.
And then we're going to go to Bali and do drugs for one month.
Me and Kai, it's confirmed.
So this is an easy way to make 100 Sol if you buy an Ok Bear right now.
I need an ordinal.
No, it's not an ordinal. It's a Sol.
No, no, I need an ordinal.
Yeah, I think if you need an ordinal, you should get a puppet.
I think it's the best.
No? You don't like them?
I would have thought you would have liked them, because you're pretty pissed.
Yeah, there is a reason behind it.
Oh, because the founder's French, and it took me a long time to get over that.
But it's okay.
Is this just a thing in Canada where you make fun of French people,
because we hate Quebec?
Like, I just always make fun of French people, but then no one laughs.
No, it's the thing. It's the thing.
I got you, bro.
The Canadian hate for your French is the real one.
Canadian cockpunch.
No, I don't like French.
The French, the New Zealand is...
You know what I mean? To what? Right?
I guess that's...
No, that's not right, because everybody says that you guys are the Americans
to the New Zealanders, and they're the Canada.
Bro, there's like 12 New Zealanders.
They can go fuck themselves, right?
That's what an American would say about Canada, that's what I mean.
No, but it's like, come on, really, there's none.
Can anyone here tell me one...
What's the capital of New Zealand?
Somebody tell me.
Is it? I thought it was Auckland.
Maybe it's Wellington, or maybe it's Auckland.
I actually don't know either.
I don't know. I was just fucking guessing.
Great white guy.
You proved your point. I don't know. It's one of those.
Norway is gay.
Do the Canadians hate French?
No, it's not. Okay.
There's a bit of a beef. They're not really French, right?
The French Canadians are a whole different thing.
The French Canadians are really weird, because they hate Canadians,
they also hate the French, and the French hate them,
and Canadians hate them. They're just dicks.
But they're cool too, right?
It's like this love-hate relationship, like we're the same country.
They tried to separate a few times.
I think especially for my generation, like I'm like 39,
when we were like 12 or 13, like in school,
there was this big national vote, because the French wanted to separate.
And all our boomer parents basically in Ontario or wherever you live,
you're like, fuck these guys. We do everything.
Anyways, they don't even do anything.
And politically, with the economics, whatever, it's the whole thing.
But the vote ended like 51 to 49, like a reverse Brexit.
And they stayed, but they were pissed about it.
And we were kind of pissed about it.
And so it was just this long-standing beef.
But then you also make fun of French people.
You kind of hate the Quebec people, but the French,
you're just like, ah, the French, cheese-eating surrender monkeys,
like whatever. It's just like you make jokes about them.
Dude, I traveled with these two girls from Montreal,
and I dug it, because they had the French.
Well, the whole porn industry has run out of Montreal.
I don't know if you know that.
Pornhub's headquarters is in Montreal.
The whole amateur porn industry is in Montreal.
Montreal has the best strip clubs in the whole world,
because it's basically the Emmy circuit for the big leagues of porn.
Yeah, I was in Montreal not too long ago,
for the first time, actually.
And I was like, holy shit, this city is actually crazy.
First time. Bro, you're a cuck.
What are you doing?
I used to go there on a weekend all the time from Toronto.
You know what's funny?
What are you doing with the boys?
I lived in Ottawa for a year and still never visited.
Oh, what? Bro, were you going to Hull?
Hull is the spot if you're in Ottawa.
Oh, come on. No way you know Hull.
Yeah, yeah, bro, come on. I'm from, yeah, dude.
One of my best friends in university is from Ottawa. Well, Orleans.
And so I would go up there and stay with him and stuff sometimes.
So I've been around Ottawa. Ottawa's cool.
Dude, that's way too based.
The space is about to end.
And I didn't do my daily pulse change show, yo.
But the pulse chain is up 20% since our space yesterday.
So it continues to pump. It's the only green in the market.
I actually saw it. It's been pumping. I haven't gone there yet.
I'm not going to do it. I'm too, it's Friday.
I don't want to go and sell myself onto another chain.
I've just been a semantic shit. I want to chill out.
I got 10 node monkey loans that are supposed to expire in the next day.
And I got to find a new wacky trade. Well, no, I did already.
It's okay bears. Everybody buy an okay bear because they're going to 100 sold.
Sammy, what's up?
Yeah, in Finland, I don't know.
Probably anyone in here doesn't know, but this is a two language country.
Actually, there is more languages than two official.
But the two main ones are Finnish and Swedish.
And Finnish people hate Swedish.
Swedish like not Swedish people, but the Finn of Swedish.
There is difference, big difference.
So we want them to get the fuck out of this country, go to Norway
or some other gay country. But Sweden is cool.
And yeah, that's it. Finnish is the base country.
Bro, that's hilarious. It's kind of like Canada where they're not French
and they're not Canadian. We hate them, but we don't really hate France.
Like, you know, we kind of chirp them. Yeah, that's very interesting.
Finland's cool. Finland sounds cool. I want to learn more about Finland.
Actually, I learned a shitload about it.
I feel like I know a ton about Finland, because of Sam, to be honest.
Who's the guy, Sammy?
He got his face shot off, but he killed it.
Bro, it's the White Death, man.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that guy.
There is another guy also.
It's my profile I painted.
It's another war hero.
We love them, we love them.
The guy's face.
But I wanted to say the shitest accent actually is the New Zealand accent.
Probably, right?
Like, I used to date this girl from New Zealand,
and it's like, it's just the irritating, worthless...
Like, the Australian accent is really bad.
Like, I know Americans like it, but please, guys,
it's like someone's holding their nose.
They're congested while they're speaking, right?
It's not cool.
But the New Zealand version is just so much worse.
It's like, I can't even explain how bad it is.
They say pen.
Like, I'm trying to say pen.
I can't even do it.
I can't even do it, it's so annoying.
Like, yeah.
I've got no examples, what am I going to say?
It sucks, but that's a bad example.
Yeah, say pen.
Like, how do you say pen?
You know, like you would write...
Yeah, so it doesn't sound ridiculous,
but a New Zealand person would be like,
pen, pen.
Yeah, and then we'd say yeah.
And they would say like...
Yeah, that sounds ridiculous.
No, yeah.
Beer, bro.
Let's get a beer.
Yeah, you want to get a beer?
It actually sounds kind of cool.
It is cool.
It is cool.
And I think it's funny how they had ours
to the end of everything.
He was like, Australia is cool.
And I think Australian girls a lot,
when they say no, they go, narrow.
Dude, I can't...
I don't know why that's a thing that people like.
Like, Australian girls...
No, I hate it.
I really hate it.
And they just sound like, oh my god.
It's like, I just want to punch them.
It's so bad.
But there's so many other accents in the world
that don't hit women, first of all.
That's not an endorsement.
It's a theoretical, hypothetical, intrusive thought.
But in terms of accents,
I think South African is cool.
That's pretty base.
That's the most base white accent.
If you're a white person,
and you have a South African accent that's cool,
I think a Russian accent is pretty cool as well.
Like Ukraine, or something like that.
PM2, absolutely everybody.
PM2, absolutely everybody.
Can we start doing accents?
I think that's probably true on the note.
PM2, absolutely everybody.
I'm going to do something else.
Are you active right now?
I will listen to it.
Guess who I am.
Guess who I am.
Are you active right now?
Finnish rally drivers, or formal event drivers,
when they speak English,
usually it's not very good.
Like Kimi Raikkonen,
or Calla Rolande Vera,
there is many champions in rally,
and Formula One,
their English is like total shit.
But yeah.
But that's like...
Same like mine.
But that's...
Look, I'm going to draw...
We're going well off the topic here,
and it's the end of space,
or whatever, it's fucking Friday night,
I don't give a fuck.
But like, okay,
if you have English as a first language, right?
And you have to pick from an accent.
Like what is there really to choose from
that is based, right?
Like I mean,
I know Americans probably think
Australian accent is cool.
But also African accents sound based as hell.
No, but it has to be from a primarily
English speaking country.
So like, the choices would be like
Ireland, like Scotland,
anywhere in the UK,
Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa,
like the Commonwealth kind of like,
but like Anglo Commonwealth,
because that's like English.
Let's say you're...
Irish, for guys, Irish people are the best.
They talk the coolest,
and they're the funniest.
Yeah, I think Irish would be the coolest accent.
For me personally,
if I could switch to one.
Outside of South Africa,
because I mean,
if I ever wanted to start like,
selling blood diamonds,
or smuggling arms,
I think it's pretty,
you get like a bit of base.
Or engagement farm.
Gee, I'm to absolutely everybody.
I don't want to start doing accents,
but I do.
But I'm not going to.
Well, it's not racist.
It's not like we're doing like a chat.
Yeah, I guess it's not.
If you do an accent of somebody who's white,
it's not racist.
Like that can't be,
like I hope people are be like,
oh, he's doing an African accent.
It's fucking South African.
He's my boy.
Like it's cool.
I have a sick idea,
but I'm not going to say it.
Okay, we're going to taper it down.
This was a fun.
I really liked the end of that.
Yeah, it was cool.
I agree with you on the accents though.
Most of them are retarded
and New Zealand people sound kind of ridiculous.
Australian sounds cool,
but I feel you guys do sound a bit nasally.
I understand how it could be annoying.
And Irish people are the funniest.
And I also like,
there's probably a lot of UK boys in here from England.
Scottish people sound based like they're,
I don't know, man.
They just sound fucking based.
They sound like barbarians or some shit.
I don't know.
And then English people sound sophisticated and cool.
Unless they're from, yeah,
one of the, I don't know,
you know, you know,
some of them like Manchester and shit,
but they're always funny.
They're like a low tier.
They're like a shitty Irish derivative basically.
And then a lot of Canadians talk too slow,
sound retarded.
Like I feel like to me,
okay, let's talk about this before it ends
and then we're going to end it.
But this might sound like a ridiculous question.
I might sound like a total fucking retard.
But now we're talking about English, right?
And to me, that's American English.
Like I speak the base level
and everyone else is a mod or like a derivative.
No, I know that sounds ridiculous.
What's the base English to you?
Well, then, okay.
Like, let's, let's actually,
let's quantify this with, with change.
If we really want to do it this way,
then the UK has to be Bitcoin
because it's like the first,
you know what I mean?
Like it's the old one.
North America is Ethereum, right?
Like that's, that's how it goes.
Like obviously the market cap there
doesn't make much sense in this analogy,
but just go with the on this.
Like then Australia would be like probably Solana, right?
I think that's, that's accurate.
Like Ireland and Scotland and Wales,
let's just lump them together.
They can be like Cosmos ecosystem.
Yeah, actually it makes sense
because there's so many different accents
in a small like packed in area,
like you drive an hour
and you hear a different shit.
It's like the Cosmos ecosystem.
Everything's its own chain.
Yeah, one million chains,
one million accidents, right?
That kind of area.
Then like South Africa would be,
maybe they're like the car.
Turkey's, Turkey's A-Max.
No, but they're not evolution.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
They're avalanche for sure.
And then what's New Zealand is like?
New Zealand is like their shit.
Yeah, they're an L2.
They're like Australian L2.
Yeah, that's right.
It's a lot of scaling solution.
That's what they are.
Yeah, I think it's pretty accurate to be honest.
Okay, we're going to end it here.
Thank you everyone for coming.
And I'm going to say the funniest L2 joke
I ever saw was like last week.
And it was about the Jew tunnels,
which you all saw, hopefully.
If you didn't, you got to Google it.
I'm not being racist.
I didn't make it out.
There was literally like Hasidic Jews digging tunnels
in New York, like in the sewers.
And there was a guy, there was two,
there was one guy who had been reporting
that there was people speaking Yiddish
under his apartment and there was no basement.
And he thought they were digging tunnels.
That was really funny, the progression of those tweets.
But one guy was like,
the Jew tunnels are the L2 of New York City.
And I thought that was really funny
because it kind of hurt.
I'm not commenting on this one on record,
on this recorded space.
I think you sent it to me.
It was either you or Mason that sent it to me.
Mason's based.
It was not me.
Oh, was it you?
It was one of the guys that,
because Boots and the Milady like onion now, right?
And so a lot of the guys he follows are Miladys.
And I probably don't have to tell you,
but the guy who sent that tweet was a fucking Milady.
So yeah, you probably follow him.
Anyways, a lot of those guys are based.
Let's go.
We'll see you later.
Come back next week.