KOOK VS ZACH XBT πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€£

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 1:45:31



Yo, I wasn't going to do this, I was just going to sleep in, because I'm too tired from
shitters yesterday, but I figured I'd do it because I haven't done it.
I'm kind of bored of spaces, to be honest, but let's find it.
I got to find it and show you guys.
This is my second time getting Zac XBT'd, and it's hilarious and bullshit, but whatever.
He doesn't even say anything.
I swear to God, this guy's losing his touch, and he just doesn't like me.
I'm looking for the thing, but I can't find it.
Ah fuck, it won't take me a minute.
Anyways, I'll just wait until some people come and find this thing, and they need to find
it this way.
Alright, I don't know if anyone wants to come up on stage, but having a conversation
with myself is retarded, so I won't talk much, I'm going to make a coffee.
This is the Zac thing, this is fucking hilarious, the screenshot.
I don't know man, I got a problem with these guys, everyone in crypto's a fucking idiot.
That screenshot's clean, I like it, I'm happy to talk about it, I bet you the people trying
to fuck me for it won't talk to me about it.
Actually that's a guarantee, Zac XBT won't talk to me about it, that fucking salami
mommy faggot juice head steroid piece of shit won't talk to me about it, but yeah whatever,
not actually that upset about it.
I do want to talk about it though, because anyone who wants to fuck me has to come talk
to me about it.
Let me know what you actually think, come talk to me about that trade and tell me
why it's not clean.
Because they can't, there's no way, it's just sensationalized bullshit.
The screen is clean.
I'm going to let this develop organically, I think people are going to want them, let's
buy a bunch of them and let's sell it to them when it pumps.
Is this crypto?
That's just coop nailing another trade you fucking haters.
Yo what's up?
Yo right, obviously I just want to share my thought about this, right, because first
of all, this is all about Zebu or whatever you call them, and if you go on the profile,
every single screenshot they talk and they share this, this is a scam, yo getting scammed,
welcome to the scam, is the whole thing, so how can you even make it a thing, do you
know what I mean?
They love me, I put the fucking project on the map dude.
And that was before, that was me deciding to put that project on the map.
This shit is ridiculous, like that's why I want to talk about it, I would usually just
ignore it.
But it's funny because it's like, oh wait, you mean I actually put these guys on, their
floor price went to almost two, the community had a bunch of fun, everybody saw them on
Twitter, like and I made a bunch of money, because I'm a good fucking trader, like what
the fuck, and I didn't do anything crooked, I literally say, I'm going to like develop
Bro, shit's hilarious, and now you got Zach XBT, sorry bro, I used to like this guy, this
guy's a fucking larder, he's going to throw two real businesses with some capital funding
under the bus, he doesn't even know what he's talking about, bro this guy's embarrassing
Yeah I was going to say, surely when he's someone like Zach and he's so big and so well respected
in the space, at least have the decency to message you privately, say dude what's
this, don't just go and fuck someone based on a screenshot that anyone could have made.
Yeah it's, no it's crazy, that's the second time he's done that too, I think he doesn't
like me, I must have trolled him once, he's, that's twice now where he's responded
to me, with like a meme, this is even worse than a meme, this is like, oh, he works
with these guys, I'm going to try to get him in trouble, like this is fucking little
kid faggot shit, like if I ever talk to this guy I'm going to make him cry, he's a pussy,
but yeah I don't know dude it's ridiculous, I have no idea, dude I tweet so much ridiculous
shit about rugging everyone in scams and whatever, you could like, like I said yesterday
in my telegram I called actual rugs, right, obviously not on purpose but like I'm like
oh I hate this, get it, it rugs, fuck me for that bro, like I'm going after weird
shit, I don't know, these guys are pukes.
Yeah no, that's what I wanted to share my thought because obviously I'm in your chat
and I follow it and we get rugs together, it's how it works, I mean if you're going
to go after cook whatever, what about Salsa, it's everyone else, everyone shares rugs,
it's the game, it's how it works, if you don't know the dev, shit happens, do you
know what I mean, so how can you go on about it, it makes no sense.
Yeah also I want to say that, wait can you hear me, my shit working, yo, yo I want to
say that like Zach XPT does not work on soul which is kind of fucked so he is like
picking on cook like just because like before and people would say oh like there's a rug
on soul this happened on soul he says oh I don't get donations on soul so I don't
look at anything, so like he actually must have a thing for cook which is pretty fucked
up and he does dude, did you read the screen, I did read the screen, that's really fucked
up, there's nothing in it, there's like a lot there's like a lot of really bad actors
in this space and you being like in spaces every day you kind of just like chilling with
everyone working with these products and you do a fucking good job with these products
I know because I want to hire you and I've wanted to hire you before because like look
at Starz Arena it crushed, this shit crushed too like this guy has a thing against you that's
fucking bullshit and I mean bro there's worse people than space man, it's funny.
Starz Arena was a fucking scam and it got rugged but guess what bro, I was a strategic
advisor and my responsibility was advising him on strategy and growth and what was
the fastest growing fucking crypto protocol of all time right I'm not a dad I didn't
do the fucking security like get out of here with it not I mean you thank you for
saying that because people seem to forget they're like oh he was advising
Starz Arena and that thing was a mess yeah bro I wasn't doing everything I was
on the phone giving him fucking lit ideas that made them explode like don't
at me yeah what I would do it was I would call out Zach XPT for first off he
doesn't yeah he just doesn't do any investigation on soul so I would say
that and also like the fact that he takes donations and then won't do
anything else except taking those donations and just doing specific shit to
that like super fucked up but it's what it's 5 a.m. for me I'm going to bed
kook fuck that guy go by our own Twitter and show them the fuck up peace
out peace bro nice to talk to you have a good sleep okay I got most of my like
anger out on this now I think it's fun yeah bro it's just messed up though like
actually gets me annoyed and I've got nothing to do with it you know I mean
it's just especially imagine imagine let's say you were directly working
with them two companies and he now put it up for you yeah dude I'm gonna say I'm
on the cap table with these two fucking companies I'm not just like you know
what I mean like yeah he's fucking around with people's lives he has no
idea what he's doing and he's a fucking idiot based on flippin Solana mummy or
whatever you call her hey what am I mommy yeah so I'll tell you about that
guy first of all you know fucking steroids and all he does is thread
people into dm's including sugar now he's trying to take a fight with him if
you saw that yesterday but that guy quit his job at the top to be a part of
sniper Dow and do NFT promo scams like the soul top last market quit his job
at the top panicked sold all his crypto because he was making no money and got
his job back at the bottom and now he's just completely outside line mad at
everyone because he's the worst trader in the world and so he just keeps
trying to get little spree excuse me little screens of me and sugar and like
taking shots at us it doesn't work you fucking idiot obviously right but I don't
know him it's like whatever this guy's just like a 80 IQ Neanderthal juice pig I
don't care it's don't address him but Zach it's like bro you got to actually
read what you're commenting on like you gotta act so he just doesn't like
you must have seen a tweet yeah yeah cuz that is a different league you know I
mean like I actually look up to him like everything he says he makes a thing okay
let me wonder or let me let me actually do some investigation myself so for him
to just go on about it without actually knowing anything or messaging you
privately it's kind of messed up yeah no he that's like I said man he did it
twice we did it before too with the stars arena thing he had some comment
with a meme under a post I made but again it's like bro like if you know
what I do like what you work at a fucking building site you make the
stuff and like make the fucking pipes and like it's there's different stuff
like I don't know it's frustrating I sound like a fucking idiot but I don't
know man being a part of a team or playing a role somewhere and then you
just get lumped in with this shit that was you know that was the fastest
growing crypto protocol of all time and within two months I successfully like
co-founded something with the boys and then sold it like a successful exit
multiples it was fine and my job if you look at it on paper I got the
fucking numbers to prove it the shit I was there to do I nailed it it was only
stuff that went well I don't mind saying it so yeah I don't know it's just
they're like fuck let's fucking get this guy but I'm kind of used to it but
maybe it's a step up so I'm like oh Zach again right I'm used to the idiot
haters trying to flood me but some guy who's supposed to be smart he's
exposing himself for being a fucking retard like it's a little surprising yeah
so what you thinking are you going to address it you ignoring it no I'm not
gonna do anything I sent that tweet up there and if he responds he won't and no
one will say anything I'll sit on spaces for an hour and a half today like I
usually do most days and that's it there's not a talk about right cuz I
don't have to defend anything no no I agree I agree cuz at the end of the
day if he wants something message you privately and all right this is how I
see it look at your tweets yeah every like project yeah that was they can go
talk to the fucking community they can talk to the project those guys would be
like we love you he actually yeah it's stupid man so yeah it's done like
whatever and I mean it was a good trade look I got out with 20 of those things
I still have them they got some recognition on Twitter like everything
that I wanted to happen happened what was I supposed to do by 80 of them and
holding forever fuck off yeah bro obviously in this space if you buy a
coin you're not allowed to sell it if you buy it you're not allowed yeah fucking
annoying it's full of retards it's full of retards bro let's see yeah so now
I'm gonna have a fun day of fucking people asking me about this shit what is
this thread on you there's no thread on me is there a thread on me out there I
don't think so no
wait I'm gonna have to show this guy this shit
I got everybody asking about this shit now this is just annoying yeah no that's
the thing is obviously Zach so everyone's gonna ask you know I mean yeah
oh my god and I didn't address it anywhere except for that response to
digi this other one just because fucking I don't like to respond to dumb shit and
digi pissed me off so I'm like I am I'll say something this fun but so I can
never find the thing where actually wrote the real like what happened but
anyways fuck who cares
so what's going on bro I don't know if this is bullish or bearish private
bullish to be honest attention to all this bullshit yeah dude just tweet DM at
me for promise oh my god yeah I didn't even get anything from the Belzebus
right like it's no secret you guys are fucking dumb if you think influencers
aren't getting stuff but the hilarious thing is this one they didn't give
me anything I literally saw these things after a minute on secondary decided
they were cool decided myself I was gonna buy a whole bunch of them I think
I went but 50 at like point two and then I started telling the guys in my
chat hey I like these things I'm gonna buy a bunch we should get them they're
gonna get popular let's let it happen organically like what the fuck this is
cool you're doing the same shit you're just not as good at it as me
like yeah right the only thing people could say something about it's the
language you use but that is a language you tweet every single tweet so no one
can do you know I mean if I wasn't funny like I'm funny then I'd probably have
500 followers like you know what I mean yeah that's just how I am yeah yeah I
know oh it's funny
yeah it's funny it's retarded now I'm now I'm back to being like it's funny I had
to get the like anger of it over because obviously if they're gonna flood me I
have to approach it with like humor and not caring about it so I just woke up I
like woke up looked at my phone was like 956 and I'm like what the fuck is this
yeah I guess the only thing is obviously you have to chat with wasabi and
liquidium to make sure everything sweet you know I mean well it depends my
perspective yeah they're not gonna I mean fuck dude I've been with these
guys for a year each but I think probably what was obvious base this fuck
man one time they tweeted a meme for an announcement where it was like fucking
Paulie's head getting chopped off I was like yo guys this is like a bit gnarly
like yeah so they're pretty base like they're gonna know they're gonna want
to talk to me for sure but that's fine but that's the thing like I got to go
talk to these guys about this stuff and be like hey guys you probably saw
this this is what it was and they're gonna be like this is annoying I don't
know it's fucking stupid but it's funny too because bro Zach XBT here's the
thing wasabi will mid or wasabi will will 200 IQ this one and liquidium
will mid curve it so they'll be like oh what's going on and I'll have to
explain it to them wasabi will call me today laughing being like Zach XBT just
tagged us yeah it's free marketing
yeah fuck man it's funny yeah it's free marketing it'd be good if it was a
scandal like if there was actually something bad going on it would suck and
I would feel bad but when it's like okay I just made a trade and he's posting a
screenshot of me making jokes and giving other people a trade here's another
plug for the fucking chat if you're in there we've got those fucking cartoons at
point two or point three and they went to one and a half so yeah coop wins
again I don't know haters and disbelief bro yeah that's why I think that's why
I'm so vocal about it as well because I know it totally benefited me and not
from scamming anyone no one made me buy them I like the look of them and I made
some money on it it's a good trade what are you meant to do in this space if
you don't make money like it's so so stupid bro cook what's up yo what's up
bro I was just thinking about this man if I don't know what I just woke up to
but man if you start if you change the way you post I don't know what's gonna
happen man your name is coop bro you got to keep posting exactly like you've been
doing you're the coop bro just shit post just say whatever you want bro
that's why I followed you so man like have a bigger cup of coffee I don't
know what the hell's going on I don't care but you're the coop dude just say
well here bro I'm gonna give you I love that you said that because I was like I
get up and I'm like looking at Zach's thing and I go to respond and I like had
a couple bullet points I was writing I'm like first of all this blah blah blah
like I didn't and then I'm like wait a second no I just deleted it all and I
wrote this is bullish so then he's gonna get the response and be like fuck this
guy and then he's gonna hate me more but whatever it is bullish he's the
mid-curver in this one I'm sorry but yeah thanks for saying that I appreciate
that that's the thing I got it I got a certain style of humor like the funny
thing is if you get to know me I'm actually making a lot of people a lot of
money usually especially right now so I'm not really scamming I guess the guy
on the other side of the trade gets scammed but he's got to get better at
trading sorry bro once all the new liquidity starts pouring in you know
once this jump air drop hat Jupiter air drop happens and then you know things
start picking up we're already in the bull market people gonna be making so
much money all this little petty stuff's gonna fall down for at least a year
right well that's why I said he's a broke larper now because what the fuck
is he doing you don't have shit to do on shame like I know you just got sued
and you needed a million dollars for legal fees and you had to take fucking
donations nobody knows my name everybody knows Zach FPT's name why the fuck do
I have more money than him so anyways yeah you find these guys that are broke
and they're hating people winning not like it's not like I'm winning big like
I'm not on his radar but it's still weird that he's just seething right no
information and just being a hater tagging you know my like clients I'm on
the cap table of like with no information it's really weird that's
broke boy behavior bro that's like salami mommy's just targeting sugar
every day me sugar sharp food salami mommy's tried to say is still trying to
say that there's an influencer cabal I mean they're sure there are there are
hundreds of them I'm not even in them because fun fact most influencers hate me
and at least like 10 or 15 percent of them have me blocked so I'm not in any
group chats that's why I have my own shit I have my own chat because a I
don't want to be around half these guys and be even if you try to add in your
group chat usually you can't because somebody in the chat hasn't bought but so
yeah I'm not even in the fucking cabals bro I create my own trades like the
bells are bubbling that worked really good but it would meet okay me sugar
charp obviously if you've been around this space you know we're homies and
usually you know the three of us we're not always all on the same trade but
we kind of think similarly a lot of times you like the same trades anyways
we've all been tweeting about mock juke right and I was talking about it
forever I got a big bag now so we all like Machu and this fucking guy is trying
to convince people that there's a influencers cabal and we're
manipulating Machu motherfucker this thing is 14 million market cap what the
fuck bro and it's Jupiter like this guy stands for the pinnacle of like
goodness on soul like now right like oh my god these guys are so dumb bro
they'll just say anything I wish I could manipulate a 14 million dollar
market cap soul shitter I wouldn't be here right now bro I'd be in Bora Bora
because I made three million dollars yesterday dumping on your motherfuckers
and then I would tweet about it and tags against PT but no unfortunately I can
only manipulate a very small illiquid cartoon collection of weird dogs the
bells are bugs you can manipulate those can't manipulate mocks juice get
your shit together fucking ridiculous no yeah hey don't forget don't forget about
that one time you took the bears all like 20% of the way to 100 foot four
soul prize that was pretty epic oh my god they're gonna fucking they're
probably gonna fuck me for that too because I'm like oh yeah I'm gonna scam
pump the bears like let's go illegal insider trading no no in my chat I've
been looking at him for two months and the other smartest fucking guy I know in
his face with trades bones randomly he's like yo I like these I'm like yeah I've
been thinking about it for two months I interviewed Kai's one-on-one I have a
massive thesis about why it's a great project I even tweet about it and I also
tweet that it's a fucking scam and I'm gonna scam pump it and we are gonna
scam you and if you're ad IQ and your Zach XBT and you're gonna say like
bro the Bears community fucking loves me Kai's fucking loves me those bells
abuse fucking love me all the people following my trades making mine fucking
love me this shit's retarded these guys are idiots they're sidelined
I'm just rolling a cigarette we should get more speakers it's like I don't know
what to say right I don't have an agenda
maybe the right move whenever stuff like this happens is just to keep on trolling
like actually don't take it serious I mean we're in crypto Twitter I come in
here for entertainment as much as I do anything else like I don't know maybe
that's the move is just constantly having fun like let's just make this the
most fun bull run ever because I don't know about you guys but I feel like I
at least I'm at least 30% smarter than the last one in 2020 so yeah I agree
bro like that that is it isn't it it's like if if someone actually goes on
Twitter just to get I don't know information all the time or be serious
then you following the wrong accounts like you everyone's here to take the
piss have a laugh and make money if you don't see that and you're flipping
idiots yeah big facts broke two types of people in crypto was probably ten
types but I don't know who knows bro I don't know well just
rolling a cigarette I don't I won't it won't faze me don't worry I'm not gonna
get less funny I'm probably motivated to become more funny I'm gonna get rid of
the first tweet so everyone can see the actual exact XB T1 if anyone wants to
come on stage would really appreciate it I always get stressed out when there's
like two speakers because I feel like the host has to like carry the burden of
always talking I don't know what to talk about yeah dude I'm just driving I
thought I'll hop on for a bit yo kook or anybody did you guys invest in what WUT is
that like the next play after when I think it came out before didn't it it
wasn't it's the first one that on me I started engaging with and that's why I
picked up a bag of it just to be clear but I'm just curious if anyone thinks
that thing is gonna run when Jupiter runs yeah because keeping engaging with
dude the way I see it you have what WT and mock tube which I think I actually
think a lot of people are sidelined or almost just waiting to see what's gonna
happen and they actually have quite a bit of liquidity to just maybe they think
oh I don't know the coins gonna dump a bit or something but I actually think we
won't see much of a dump and however when Jube comes we're gonna see quite a
bit of like especially the main projects I've been sitting a couple mill for a
while I think I think they're gonna do really well but that's just me maybe I'm
a bit biased because I have a lot of money invested in some of them so that's
why I'm that's why I have the money invested because I think it's gonna do
well you know I mean but I think WUT yeah it's definitely one of them that's
gonna do well
I'm gonna I think I'm gonna write about it and yeah I'll address this in
telegram only and I'm gonna give a full breakdown of what happened with those
those cartoons can you do me a link my telegram yeah it's easy it's t.me
slash hello coop and actually because I made it easy and funny there's a guy
with a scammer link called goodbye coop and he named himself coop and he just
forwards calls from other channels and then says DM me I have a favor he asked
you for two soul or some shit I was on spaces one time a guy came on and
he's like hey coop like yo so nice chatting with you like did you do that
thing where's my two soul or whatever I'm like what so yeah hello coop not good
by food okay what's it what's the URL it's just like T just type in HTTPS or
whatever it t.me slash hello coop bro you shouldn't say that cuz you'll have
Zach say that's all fake coop the hustlers scam people he got at least a
few people his telegram you know what happened cuz fucking sugar and fast
Edward shouted it out one time and like I forget there was like that guy had
tweeted a link or some shit but anyways they shouted out the fake coop
telegram and he went from like a couple hundred followers to like 4,000 and he
was just posting all this bullshit and he was like DM me I there's only a
couple people that I heard of that you got to be dumb right like bro I'm not
asking for fucking money in the DMS despite what Zach XBT might tell you
yeah so he was pretending to be fast Edward first because he had the same PFP
and fast DM'd him to change his profile picture and he said nah he was it was not
doing it after fast Edward gave him a shout out so he was pretending to be fast as well
he's a funny guy actually that's funny because yeah he moved him down from
fast Edward to me or some shit but I DM'd him too when I found out about it
I'm like hey man I was trying to be nice I'm like nice channel it's growing
really fast like since you're really big now you mind like changing the name and
PFP and he was like no and I'm like okay see ya but whatever he's fucking yeah
hello coop not goodbye coop and also I'm just gonna say even if you click the
wrong link and you go in there within reading three fucking words you should
know it's not me you'll know what I mean if you ever check it out yeah
because it's a scammer telegram the guy's clearly like Malaysian in the
fucking jungle or some shit you know you know I write and I don't DM you for
money promise okay yeah maybe I'm not gonna post this to tell you that's
stupid I don't want to give the guys fucking visibility yeah cool what else I'm
moving today that's gonna be cool phase two started the first half yesterday
are you moving to a house an apartment it's an apartment but it's pretty sick
and it's like on the beach I can walk to the country Portugal bro everyone knows
in Portugal dude no I didn't know that's sick you know where I want to move
is Matt the era does it feel weird how conversation we just help coop no but
my dear like I don't know man maybe just the Instagram reels that people are
posting but that place looks unbelievable yeah dude my dear is
awesome that's I haven't been there but like a lot of people that move to
Portugal move to Madeira they have I couldn't tell you the specifics I live in
Lisbon but there's some different tax thing there's like a there it's it's
better to live there like administratively even then Portugal and
Portugal is really good but it's like because it is Portugal I think it's like
the dr like it's like a it's like a state of Portugal or something yeah one
out gave me a hundred so he knows cuz he's in Lisbon too you can buy a house in
Madeira for 150,000 euro yes like still Portugal's going up Madeira will get
blown out maybe should buy a fucking house in the theorem talking about the
shit it's right there and I'm already a resident so I can do it cuz I'm kind of
Portuguese ish right now do you speak it do you speak the language
no no no it's that's the problem well it's not it's a good and bad right like
yeah so I've been here for like a year and a half maybe and I started the
process like a little over two years ago I was back and forth in Canada and
stuff but okay so for the last year solid all I've been doing scripto shit
and so I'm in the house a lot and that's fine like you still go out and
I have friends but the thing about Lisbon is all my friends are like crypto
people and they're all from other places too generally oh I've got a bunch of
Portuguese friends but they're all really good at English everyone in
Portugal is really good at English and they'll see me and I look white and so
it's like no I haven't tried once I try right I have that's the that's the
part about me being in the house but yeah everyone's really good at English
bro they watch movies and TV and English and shit and so you can't like
they'll see you and just be like oh hey dude like how's it going so I have to
pass a language test in like two years or something two and a half years and I'll
go to school and stuff but the the thing I have to take to like not have to
write the test with the government it doesn't have doesn't start until like the
fall so I'm like whatever I'll learn in the fall hopefully I'm also shit at
languages so I'll never be very good but I got to get the thing done to get
the citizenship you want you want the alpha on languages though so it's a duo
lingo the real hell is to get a girlfriend yeah I mean my wife speaks five
languages like and she doesn't think it's a big deal it's so crazy um the
the alpha on languages is by apparently medical research shows that like when
you when you learn a different language it actually fights off Alzheimer's
because it's like activating certain parts of your brain firing a bunch of
stuff off it's like super healthy for brain development so I don't know man
maybe you're gonna help yourself later in life by like forcing yourself to learn
all that it's not even that much later bro like 20 years but that's cool I
never see the problem for me I mean it's an excuse too but like fuck there's
try some Canadians in here but like bro I'm from Vancouver and so everybody in
Vancouver speaks English obviously and the French part of Canada is like 5,000
kilometers away and we hate them and they hate us and you just never you know what
I mean like I feel like you grew up in Canada or in some parts of the states you
get zero exposure to other languages and then it's like really hard to speak
it I took French in school and stuff I was good at it but you don't like
talk to people in French so it's not like you really learn it so it's hard
for me I figure out my advanced age I'll be if I can get to like the level of
like a five-year-old I'll be chillin I'll be happy
here's Waluigi I'm gonna invite her up
I can't believe they're not more people that want to like but me or something
you know what I mean like where are they all these larpers are always on
spaces all day I thought they'd want to come to know with that with that PFP and
then you're the lovable kook man come on I think most of the fudders are scared
of me to be honest because they'll never address me they take these shots and
then run away and hide like fucking pussies that's salami mommy's bro
this guy's so weird because I'll roast him right now I'll be like hey bro
tell them all about steroids and how you quit your job at the top and how
you sold all your crypto at the bottom and how you have no money and your whole
idea was to do crypto promos something that was working for three weeks in
sniper dow in a bull market of Solana cartoons these people are really stupid
bro I'll make this guy cry on the fucking call in front of everyone but he won't
come talk to me that's the thing none of them will really annoying stuff bro
well excuse me Waluigi how's it going sorry I'm just getting out of bed GM
everyone you've been joking about scams here and there you know you're my
girlfriend Zach XBT is gonna come for you soon he seems like the type of in
cell pussy that's gonna troll a girl or something I hope so that would be
hilarious actually but actually I don't want that but I don't care these people
are fucking idiots so whatever yeah I'm over it yeah what else Chad I remember
yeah okay former okay Bears team that's why I've seen you around and then I'm
yeah anyways used to be on the okay Bears team that's cool yes sir I'm
actually I was friends with Kai's IRL we in Australia we work together before
bears so it was a fun ride up like getting involved with that project since
pre-launch and just seeing seeing your friends just completely smash it out of
the universe so that was like a really unique experience and obviously with
those guys having the IMG you know they can just they're like pudgy penguins
or like you said at any moment they can just take this huge swing out of
nowhere and then all of a sudden they're in like Target right so it's a
fun project I have no alpha on why the good why they turn their profile
pigs green but I have seen the animal X art and it's freakin dope so everything
you love about bears is it's definitely in the animal X art that's cool man
that's cool you're friends with Kai's my uh actually suby suby as well but he
could be onboarded all of us to web 3 suby minted a he right when he onboarded
us thugbirds was pumping he minted an underboss thug bird bro that thing was
worth eighty thousand Australian dollars when he was talking to us about Solano
and crypt and board apes were at 400k it was like right at the Pico top I just
came in like an absolute dummy that's bass that's hilarious
shit I'm muted sorry I was saying uh I had a thug bird I like thug birds those
guys are cool that was an OG and I like cause that's so I started seeing
pudgy penguins and I used to actually do real spaces where I'd like get gas and
stuff it was like too much work yeah I had Luca on one time and I did like a
interview with them on video was really cool and I always looked up to Luca not
looked up to him but like a lot of respect right he's like one of the
biggest chads he's had the most success of like anyone on the founder side
probably in NFTs and then I'm like I talked to Kai's right and that was
probably my favorite space ever bro that was sick and I always knew Kai's
was smart I liked him like you look at the bears you got to be impressed I'll
make jokes with fuck around bears boring mid-curve community whatever so like no
he did something really special and then he's kind of like he's stacking up
all these wins and I was seeing it right like you're hearing about like the Zara
stuff and this and that whatever I forget what sequence of things he had
done when we talked but like he walked me through the whole vision all the
planning like he's really measured like he's smart he's mature I was like he
even got into like the style of the collection and there's like no like
degen traits really right and so there's no weed or like booze or like drugs or
this kind of thing and he's like yeah we want it to be this way and like this
kind of people to gravitate towards it and maybe we'll do a more fun thing kind
of like M.A.Y.C.B.A.Y.C. and like yeah I liked it and then if you think about
the kind of people that rock the Bears all the guys I know this was the
other thing about it I know a lot of smart guys that aren't like in the Bears
community like there's this Portuguese guys in Barra he lives in Dubai he's like
a big whale Bitcoin mining expert looking at the macro stuff and like
he's got a bear but he just likes the bear right and he's like not really in
that community I find I don't know I just figured it would grow over time and
Kaiser keep nailing it so it's a good trade but I will call it a scam pump
the whole time I'm talking about it that's just how it is and Zach XBT will
come find me and you'd be forced to realize Zach XBT is dumb. The story on the
Bears is like first of all when I remember talking to the guys like I
was like you know how many whitelists can I get said or say he's like hey man
we're doing a 10k collection we want a bunch of people you know once we once
we do a whitelist just just let me know and you can have as many whitelists as
you want like this was in the beginning right and so like that that's absolutely
went away I was like hey man can I can I come clean on that promise you made me
he's like oh no it's impossible now but the funny thing is they didn't plan on
going that big like their plan was to have you know a mediocre size floor
like say tensile slowly build up because they knew they wanted to get
signed by a big brand right like they knew that was gonna take time the
community actually did them like they hurt the project in a weird way by like
pumping it so big so early because nobody wants to wait six months for you
to sign an IMG deal right and that's and actually signing an IMG deal in six
months it's kind of like a miracle in itself anybody who's in the industry knows
those and can take up to a year so they actually it's pretty incredible they
got it when they did and you know I'm not from like this kind of thing like
this world what's an IMG deal so IMG.com IMG info money group like this that's
not what it stands for but IMG they're the biggest branding agency in the world
like they I mean if you go look on their page and that's that's what's so
frustrating I guess for a lot of a lot of the bears is that you know you see
their name next to like Coca-Cola like stuff like that like you know the red
deal was another one no one cared and I'm like this is red dude when I was a kid
Echo Red blew up for five years like the Echo collab they did it was the coolest
thing to wear yeah there's been probably a tribe he probably knows he's Canadian
but like there's been three or four times over the last like 35 years where
there was a red collab thing that was like the hot item for like a season
okay this is the problem it's like it's like cancer breast cancer awareness
month right like by now because they've been doing it for so long people like
bro are you guys are gonna solve this like do we literally have to keep giving
money every year like can someone fucking beat cancer so like I don't know
a lot of that may just be like fatigue because the markets like hey man we've
been donating like solve this shit already so yeah I don't know but the
point is is that with what they're doing that's why you'll never see their
purist and like eventually like surely it's gonna pay off right like they
they're like yeah we could do a coin but we don't want to do a coin like we don't
want to do a shit coin coins have no value we're trying to build something
with real value so luckily you know we got to see pudgy penguins and I think it
just shows like proof of concept because without the penguins you
wouldn't know that it could work but I think like what's in their head you
know like they got a good shot oh I totally agree and me and bones when
we're talking about this narrative that this is like a long-term scam narrative
right like making the bears look cool not like we get to decide right but we
can reinforce the things already happening and present shit in like a
different way but it's all like it's literally pudgy penguins IP data play
that's it like keywords that you're just gonna keep repeating repeating
repeating this children's everyone's head and once people associate the bears
with like the next IP data play that'll follow pudgy then they'll go up
a lot and the good thing about that is you can brainwash people but it's also
true for all the reasons you're mentioning that's how I always kind of
thought about pies like like ethos where all the money is right and all the big
blue chip projects and you have soul it's like the shittier version not now
but like you know soul is kind of like the dollar store eat or it was you got
Kai's coming out it's kind of like the Walmart Lucanets which is a huge
compliment that makes them like a top five founder you know but he's like he's
got the business acumen he's got the wins like they'll get bigger and the
only missing piece is like everybody caring a lot like they started to with
Luca right and that happened pretty fast even though people were taught
like just like now people were talking about how Luca is really smart we love
Luca one of the best founders look at all the stuff he's doing but the
penguins were like 4e like you know and now they're 20 or whatever and what
happened in between what did Luca do like I think the winds were before the price
rocket weren't they like most of them now Luca now what Luca did let's let's not
forget he did something that is extremely difficult which is to get Walmart to
pay no not only he's the top G right like Zara's like Walmart's better than Zara
that's what I mean he's like the you know he's he's like Luca but Luca's on a
different level right now what I mean is when Luca landed the Walmart deal and put
the penguins in Walmart they were 4e they weren't 20 when that came out they
like it was this realization when I interviewed him so when did it pump did
it pump when the sales numbers came in like just how many toys they sold is
that what I don't own a penguin I'm not exactly sure but like I was looking at
them I was always kind of one eye on what Luca's doing just like guys like
when guys like this have a win I'll hear about it and I'll know about it and so
that you couldn't avoid the Walmart thing that was everywhere but it
already happened they were in stores you could go there and buy them it had just
happened but penguins were four and a half feet and they pumped a bit and
people were like oh yeah Walmart they were kind of excited and Luca was like
kook how many penguins you own bro and I'm like oh not man I don't know you
know I'm not really fucking with cartoons but like I think they're cool
like they're really cool I might buy one and after the thing like after the
spaces I went and I was like on open scene I was gonna buy a couple but I'm
like oh four and a half each for a cartoon that's why I remember bro they
were like 4.4 something and then yeah I don't know when that was man two
months ago and so I don't think what I'm trying to say I don't think there
was a big win I could be wrong I can't remember a huge win like in between that
and 20th price it was more people coming around to the realization of how big
this guy's gonna be and like what else he's gonna win I think maybe that's how
I'm looking at it so I try to I try to convince myself as long as ties keeps
doing what he's doing and doing a good job eventually he has to get a bit
more credit right it's not a 17-sole bear like it's probably like a 80 to
100-sole bear when you compare it to other things in the space I'm getting a
thumbs down he hates you hate the bears oh well you're gonna buy them at a hundred
bro I got bad news for you you know FOMO okay you got a long-term engineer okay
so you can't avoid it you're gonna have to delete Twitter or you're buying that
bear at a hundred so that the thing that's all right what let's figure it
out then like why do we get the thumbs down why do we get the reactions is
because of how high the poor price went and so many people burned dude I said
that on it it was really interesting he's like man it honestly kind of sucked they
went up so high everybody who worked hard to get it you had to sell it like
he was talking about all the IRL engagement stuff I mean I remember it
right it was so hard to get whitelist everyone's going crazy if you're some guy
who like grinded boots on the ground IRL pictures for two months you get
this bear you really want to stay in the community but some motherfucking exit
liquidity BAYC from ETH is just desperate to give you 40 grand for it you
live in fucking Indonesia in the jungle yeah you're probably taking it right so
it like washed out the community created all these bag holders and then he had the
hardest job ever but he's still working but yeah it's true that pump man
like that was the worst thing to happen with the bears was good I
flipped it man and I wasn't really great at flipping mints but I like the
bears I minted two and I'm like what the fuck 120 soul like I gotta sell this
thing and they went to 250 both of them yeah that's when I sold mine as well and
watch to go to 250 yeah that's how I know that right cuz I'm like oh my god
this is the world I'm like coping but it's like you know I just made 60 grand
off to bear cartoons like thank you guys but yeah that's like a nuke for the
community right because like everyone I paid $40,000 to get into this
community like pump a cartoon it's like well soul went to ten dollars bro like I
don't know but he's still here
and they're green yeah what's this green thing I didn't see man because I just
woke up and yeah I'm the guy to fuck in crypto today so I haven't seen the okay
bears be a piece I don't even know but as soon as I ask the team like they're
just gonna play around with it cuz that's what they want they want everyone
speculate so I'm just gonna speculate inside let's see I'm gonna go to the ties
and see oh it's the background a they just they go green background I like it
yeah the whole team everyone on the team's gone green today okay and there
was someone in the you know do you know do you know how they can change their PFP
without I'm assuming you know I'll just tell everybody if you don't know
for a thousand dollars a month you can get a badge on Twitter so they have
that little okay badge you can put your logo in there it's 1g a month and anybody
who has that badge they can change their PFP with no no review and not no
losing their blue tick mark I think it's it's a it's a thousand dollars a month
for the business registration to get okay bears the square and then it's
like 50 a month or something per user with the badge like so Kai's would be
yet he's on it and whatever because I have one right for easy and it lets you
change your PFP or do whatever without or your bio without losing your check
which is so stupid I don't know why can't bro I try to change my picture from
like one cartoon to another like the girl omb to this and it's like oh yeah
we're under review like a week till you get your blue checks back like what
do they have to validate that I'm going from one retarded cartoon to another
like no but that's the genius because they can charge for it that's actually
just a day okay we got a new guy on stage I'm I'm waiting for the first
person to come up and start fighting me it has to happen I'm not ending the
space until somebody comes in you know I was just actually looking at the okay
burst floor and I noticed one of my birds was was on the floor man I used
to buy the tinsel I sold it than 160 and the guy was just trying to sell for
15 he basically held it for a fucking year or no two years or something like
that bro buy it back close the loop on it someone bought and sell it again for a
hundred I was thinking about buying it back but I mean that's the only NFT
that guy has I checked his wallet and he basically is in the net loss of 170
soul like I feel bad for this motherfucker yeah I need to dude I
don't like to see people get wrecked but I guess that's how it is I've
round-trip a ton of cartoons I love buying tops but that's pretty funny same
bear like the exact same one a yeah and I saw it on the floor I even
screenshot it that's funny I kind of I hope to get some old NFTs back there's
two I sold my SMB and I sold my my PFP be God I don't actually pair like holding
those things would have been dumb they cost way less than where I sold them now
but yeah if I was like if I saw one of my old NFTs sitting on the floor I'd
probably buy it if I had to look ready like I'd probably scramble you'll buy it
it's kind of funny if it was cheap right you're not gonna get like you're not
gonna extort money out of me selling me that fucking D got back but I'll take
it off your hands when they're like half and eat yeah that's funny dude it's not
really high chances that maybe a cuz like a lot of these things I figured go
away in a wallet or hopefully that's the goal hey since no one's fighting you yet
can we talk a little bit of alpha cuz I had a question about your PFP are you in
are you in my ladies sorry I just triple muted myself this is funny bro so
this is your Romeo but people kind of look at Ramelios and the ladies the
same I guess and then in the whole malady universe with the Ramelios and
the maladies and I don't actually know right I developed this opinion from the
outside cuz I'm not like in this I don't know if there's a discord I'm not in any
fucking group chats I don't know shit but my outside observations seem to tell
me that the knee quad was the most based one like the coolest one the guys with
the knee clubs were all the shadowy guys nailing the trades with the alpha
the maladies were running the shit coins in the Pepe season like the knee
club guys were doing the most and they're all fucking faced right so I
was just kind of like okay I want a new PFP what fits my vibe what's super based
and it was this but I don't know actually very much about the project at
all nor do I care and I actually yeah I like it that way okay let's let's
maybe try and level up on these maladies and Ramelios because I have some alpha
yeah okay okay are you talking about we'll talk about the asset then if you
like it or don't like it but there might there might be a trade around
Ramelios to make actually I put it in my telegram yesterday but so what do you
like them is that what you we think well I don't know much about Ramelios I got
to go research those like is that a sub collection of maladies so yes it's
sort of like the MAYC to the maladies like there's 10,000 of them they're
cheaper they're really based like a lot of Ramelios are fucking cool and they're
way cheaper but they're not I think and the coolest thing don't quote me
on this if people know the malady history but I'm pretty sure this is what
happened because my buddy told me I think the Ramelios were released like
guerilla psyops style by like a different team like the Amelia Corp but
they made them appear to be like affiliated with maladies you know like
they forced themselves into the ecosystem and just like got all his
attention and then we're part of maladies I'm like I think somebody told
me that but either way it doesn't matter like the situation now is yeah
wavy will know these and the other thing why I like this every time you talk to a
malady they're either like totally autistic fucked in the head and also a
pretty smart okay BAYCs are the guys that are in the middle of the curve and
they're trying to pretend they're on the fucking tails right maladies are on the
tails they're trying to pretend they're in the middle of the curve or they're
on the right and they're trying to pretend they're left or they're on the
left they're trying to pretend they're right and they're just I always like the
vibes from these weirdos but not wavy's actually based and super smart but yeah
dude yeah I was gonna say what's your question bro on on Ramelio and malady
I'm in there okay okay okay I didn't mean I got in pretty late but maybe I
can help so what I what I because I was actually talking to our team about
should we pick up on malady because what I heard is like the best alpha
collars on shacoins are in there and they're just
like that sounds like a that sounds like a good so does like Ramelio's get you
access to that or do you have to go that'll be malady so that was kind of
the vibe maybe six seven months ago where nearly every single call coming
out discord for malady's was on every other coin and a lot of things were
hitting but if I'm honest that wouldn't be the reason to get into
malady's like if that's something that you're looking for that's that's
really the wrong reason to get in all I would say is you've got to have a strong
stomach be able to hold your own and have an open mind if you're gonna come
into malady's and that's about it and if floor price goes up it goes up it's
very simple but Ramelio's are a really fucking good play at the moment at
half an eighth point six it's a fucking fantastic play if you can afford
it I'd get a malady hold on because yeah my expectation is strawberry hat 50
eth minimum otherwise I wouldn't have spent five eth on my malady if I love it
yeah and you know I think it's I think it's based and it's always the weird-ass
traits right like the nequavs is only 50 of them they'll be fucking 20
and I like that I like that trade what I was gonna say before when I was like
oh if you like them talk about it have some alpha or maybe a trade yeah this
isn't insider scam information this is yet again trying to make a good trade
with the information that's available to him but so Ramelio's pumped like 0.9
the other day right and that's like so now they're back at like 0.6 0.5 and
people are like oh they're a good buy I think they are a very good buy I love
Emilio's but so I pin something from serious right he's one of the like pop
blur farmers and he's a really smart trader and so what happened with the pump
was one for Emilio fucking autists you just went ham on leverage boring
boring boring buy more for Emilio's just juicing the floor and so now the
floor started to come down and there's like what does it say
yeah so the the loans are starting to get liquidated this was yesterday for 48 p.m.
UTC I guess and there's 320 loans on Ramelio's still underwater that this guy
has so the lenders on blur will call them this guy may or may not be able to
pay them all back probably not definitely not all of them would be my
guests and so they'll get liquidated and then those NFTs will get like the
lender will take possession and then the lender will instantly floor them into
bids and if that happens on 320 and the guy rocketed the floor price in a couple
days so all the liquidations will probably come around the same time TLDR
just keep the fucking tab open on the loan liquidations on Emilio's on blur
and when they all get liquidated and watch the listings and when you see
everybody fucking firing them into bids and shit they'll new and then you buy
them and then they'll normalize and then one day some other autistic malady
retard will come by with fucking giggle average again and pump in the one for
you so that's the trade if you ask me and go tell Zach XBT because this is a
that's a fucking crooked trade kook scamming again
but yeah good dip juicy dip may be coming watch the loans
Oh sorry it was letting a cigarette man I really want more speakers coffee guy
knew man what's up are you gonna be the one to find me it's okay like hey what's
up bro I want to hear it no you've been dropping little alphas here in there
bro I've been keeping my eye on your profiles like hell yeah bro I didn't
even mean to come up my app was glitching it out of me so I guess I'm
talking now I don't know nice to have you thanks for saying I drop alpha I try
to sometimes but you know it's crypto if I'm telling you I think I have a good
investment idea I already own it I'll tell you that that's crypto so I don't
know why people are fucking surprised about this shit now I'm getting heat for
owning stuff before I tell people about it like what is this altruism I'm gonna
find a fucking ticker I think it's gonna cook give it to my channel so 50
people buy it on top of me get out of here you know you know what I'm
appreciating about you dude it's not your bluntness when you're showing
tokens like I like the raw like what's the word I'm looking for oh I don't know
you're I appreciate the bluntness so I'll say that man it's funny cuz like
anyone who's actually fucking around with on-chain shitters especially in
Seoul right so first of all you don't have to be in the telegram like and
definitely if I post some fucking contract you do not have to buy it like
that's on you bro entry exit that's your shit but wait how did you turn it down
to you I paid that one the other day well that's a good one I love lieutenant
Dan and they're trying to fund me on that one I'll explain the screenshot
the screenshots me making a call and then I don't know some period after I
sell some of it right but this is what I do with these things so if I have a big
bag especially on the I like the low caps right so maybe before lieutenant
Dan like if you're following these calls I was the first person to call
Arab cat I was the only person who fucking called it because they didn't
go to KOLs or anything it was pure organic meme I found it I loved it I
called it at 90k it dipped to 50k I had like 2% of the supply by this
point I called it again at 50k I'm like guys yeah this thing's down I like it I
think it's gonna I've hated that one too no I know but you know what I mean I'm
just like what's good that shit went to three fucking point eight millions
you know what I mean and same with smork I called it 300k I'm like yo this is
insider shit this thing's cooking it's weird it came out of nowhere went
down to 120 called it again I doubled down it was like two in the morning
went to bed woke up 2.6 million GG like this is shit coins and lieutenant Dan so
I called that one again one of my guys good alpha he'd been talking to the dad
he's like this guy's working hard he's funny he's always active he's a shit
poster right it's a fucking meme coin if you see the dad he's always around he's
like messaging girls being like I'm so insulted you have legs and like he's
funny but so I called it right 45k it went to you can only measure it to the
high rate like this shit's a casino thing can be up 500% and then run but it
went it went 48k I think to like 260 was like just over a 5x and so when I sell
these things if I have a huge bag I just clipped 2% cuz I don't want to fuck
the chart up you know I've got a huge position I can't go sell hat then
everyone's gonna be like puke you're a scammer so they're like oh coop you're
broke you called this thing and then you're selling for 50 bucks yeah I'm
like and I'm doing it 50 times and I still have 65% of the bag after calling it and
putting this guy on on Twitter if you go see the one where they funded me and
they're like oh who's made this call and then he's selling and he's broke
he's making 50 bucks bro go look I didn't really address it until digis
like oh stinky and I'm like okay if these guys have been a pile on I'll
just actually put the facts green cap of the call screen capital all-time high
and under that comment in the thread where I'm getting flooded the fucking
death is there meaning right lieutenant that cuz he loves me guess why cuz I
fucking put the coin on bro it wasn't going anywhere if I didn't talk about it
so yeah they're fighting your boy and I think they're just sidelined bro like
what you want me to sell more like okay cooks rich he just dumped six grand
out of this coin and everybody got wrecked like no you don't want me
selling that you want me selling 2% 2% 2% like shit's ridiculous bro anyways yeah
I've had a couple huge bangers I think that's why like in three days I called
to like 25 X's so and you know obviously some rugs bro you think I'm not getting
wrong you should see how many I don't call that I ate and run because I love
like five minute old contracts but yeah and that's a bro do I or like get out of
the channel if you cry to me not you I mean in general yeah what's that yeah
the other night I hit like eight eight rocks in a row all right I'm going to
sleep yeah I feel you dude yesterday was a bad one for me because after all
these big wins I started to size up right so I'm like oh yeah ten soul
minimum in a contract yeah it doesn't work with the low-caps bro I put I
averaged down three times into this one called Swifty Taylor Swift Super Bowl
sounds like it's no way oh that was the thing on a California radio station
they used to call her paid off simpler and her fans were swifties dude it was
like it's her in like the fucking Kansas City Chiefs jersey with pads and
it was ridiculous but anyways I put 15 soul at 20k or 10k and I had I think I
had like 8% of the supply I was the biggest holder other than the fucking
radium cool and I went to zero so I'm always doing dumb shit but I only call
the ones I think can cook and if it's a if it's a new contract I'm like bro like
watch out but I think I've called more 25 X's than I have rugs and then
obviously there's a lot of coins that just end up hovering around 50k because
they can't get traction and like the meme dies that's just shit coins yeah I
don't know
I don't know bro I was really expecting to get flooded it's weird oh well any more
speakers I don't want to talk about now usually I would have food here but I don't
know where he is yeah are we doing chills in here or no chills is this the no
chills room you can chill yeah don't be a dick about it I guess but I stumbled
into this like we'll hold this closure I have like a little like I have but
point like point nine percent of the supply but uh some little super low
tap sugar called PTSD did you guys stumble across that one already I might
have seen the ticker a couple times but not recent it's a teacher teacher
Tetris Sega dildo and there's this dude walking around with fake tips what is
that bro I saw that sorry please the name when I saw the dude there's this
kid walking around painted yellow with fake tits strapped to his chest and I'm
like yeah okay I did see this bro and I saw the video and first of all I like
the stuff that's like mind-blowing the autistic like and obviously that thing
takes the box I didn't buy it cuz I was like oh this is just the same as the
Bitcoin video because the first video I saw in Bitcoin was like I don't know if
it was even the same guy like but this weird-ass guy painted blue same shit he
didn't have tits so I guess it's cranking it up a notch but he was like
in the boiler room of like a fucking apartment building fucking with these
things like I'm smoking crack it was the weirdest video I've ever seen so I guess
that's like a that's a sector in shit coins now like fucking mentally ill
insane psycho asylum autism whoever this is actually autistic because if
you go to their little landing page they're hosting an Excel spreadsheet
with the list of every rug that's taken place over the past four years it's
fucking crazy I actually think that's fucking hilarious man I got this guy
some guy retweeted the space 25.6 tape all was confirmed to capital is a piece
of shit and proud of it but he won't come in the space like oh yeah I kind
of like that one you know what I do a lot bro I don't know what it is I got it
I got a break out of this this mind frame so I'm not like with shitters
right like I just throw in a couple soul like if you're going early right like I
said I sized up to 15 early like that's stupid because then people even get
scared because one account holds them most you got to do it on multiple
accounts but I just have this thing where I just like fucking around with the
early ones and I usually flip them like two three four five X is awesome on like
to soul like cool but the thing that I should get better at like you know I have
a bunch of Arab cat got a bunch of s'mores like I'll end up with big bags
sometimes of the winners but only if I buy it really early which is actually
dumb because like that's why I started buying mock juke like I had a little bag
and stuff and I was like talking about how I thought it was gonna be really
important but I didn't go put a hundred soul into it till it actually made the
move which is kind of dumb I just did it the last couple days but yeah that's me
trying to be like okay buy the proven majors like which one has the best case
to stay around if you're buying with at like 10 million 20 million 30 million
you'd be very happy so I guess I'm trying to get better at identifying the
ones with real strength and like that'll happen over like 10 million you
but it's hard because a lot of these ones like go up to 10 20 and they're gone
and whatever so I'm still early contract shitter flipper except mock juke I love
mock juke it's my favorite one I think it'll be the biggest pop mean point on
Solana forever it has to be it's too funny so I'm buying that one every day
more and more and more just a little like I'm DCA I think I'm at a hundred
soul but I want it I want to hit 200 like yeah if it nukes because of juke
then I'll be a big buyer
you like mock juke a lot of people are telling me I'm a retard which actually
has me bullish the only guys who love mock duper me HGE sugar and chart food
pretty good scam team I don't know if that's bullish or bearish what's the
market gap battery now it was about 13 million before the spaces and it's been
about that for about two days it's just bouncing around like same range
but I kind of I I feel like it's gonna play into this sigh off by meow and me
how knows what he's doing you know he keeps talking about I was just a test
token and it does nothing and it's the first zero token all broke he knows this
guy's 9,000 IQ he knows it's it's such a funny it's the perfect meme right
when he was like what if juke is a meme like leading up to this people are like
are you gonna release a meme coin he's like well we respect the meme culture and
I can't say it as good as him I'm trying to paraphrase but he was basically like
real tokens can also be meme tokens and blah blah blah was conceptual stuff and
why would he put out the meme yeah you know I just I think it's gonna play in
not actually not like you're gonna get money for having it but he's always
gonna be talking about it like he knows what it is he knows what he did he's
waiting for people to realize it but I think this will be like top salon a meme
coin like a whiff type thing forever because the longer jukes around the
bigger juke is and the more meow cements himself into being the king of
soul the Savior of soul the fucking Jesus of soul which he is right I think
this guy's amazing then how is his first token not important that's my thesis
right I'm not trying to lead you into it I'm not gonna dump on you I can't move
the market cap of a 13 million dollar coin despite what salami mommy the lea
thomas of crypto will tell you but yeah I really like it my favorite shitter
check it out yes I figure my trade like what I'm actually trying to do when I
will dump out dump on you is probably like three-quarters of it at a hundred
milk and I've been buying it from 10 to 13 mostly I had like 10 soul in it before
it rocketed maybe less hair you strictly on Solana no man I'm everywhere those two
clients that homies trying to tag me he's saying I'm draining people and
scamming people on Solana my one advisory clients on Bitcoin and the other ones
on EVM so I'm pretty cross-chain I don't think there's as many people doing as
much shit cross-chain as me to be honest nice
yeah bro I'm everywhere cosmos fucking name a chain bro I got I got assets on
chain everywhere
oh okay what else we got a new guy mass crypto how are you I like your PFP
no we couldn't hear you me now we got you oh you can sweep right how you going
pretty good that's good just you know standard morning but combating yeah man
that's been hilarious I've been listening
yeah you're are you here to flood me no look I'm actually not no I'm a fan
I'm a fan you're funny ass thanks man you love to hear it especially on the
days when I'm getting flooded as long as people are laughing is my number one goal
and making people money is my number two 1a 1b hi that's the other thing that I
got digi under my comments you guys know this guy's business model like go scroll
his Twitter all he's done for two years is ask people if they're active that's
it and then do threads where he tags every project and then host spaces where
he puts projects on the space as a showcase and tells you it's the hot
thing to me and they all pay him right so to me this guy is a business model
where he extracts money from the people that follow him and I don't really have
a business model I only make money if I make it off a trade and I give the
trade to other people it's better and I make money off my actual real you know
adult work which Zach XBT seems to have a problem with now because he's a
fucking idiot but yeah I don't know man the guy's fighting me where their
business model is dumping NFTs on your head right for two years and that shit's
not even gonna work anymore no wonder they're fighting me bro these guys can't
figure out crypto they still think it's a bear market kooks printing like I'd be
pissed to facts yeah and I just salty back yeah bro that's this is bro the
market starts to turn half the guys don't have life jackets on and they
drown and half the guys are on boats and they rise with the fucking tide and then
all these guys get jealous because they don't know what to do idiots bro but I
love it man I'll just keep my foot on these guys next bro I'll just keep
clowning these idiots yeah yeah well this is okay yeah let's go funny thing
about digi too I know this guy in real life because he came to came to Lisbon
for like three months to stay with his girlfriend and he'd call me to hang
out because he's a nerd he had nothing to do and I brought him to a party a
couple times these guys that work at ripple had this big party and I brought
him and he's kind of dick right I didn't hang out with him after that but yeah
interesting thing so at that time OMBs were about six grand and I had 21 of
them and I guess he learned that you could do a call with zk if you're on an
OMB he would do one call with you and this is the thing like you got digi he's
the top NFT inspector right or something this fucking LARP list but like guys that
actually matter in the space aren't gonna talk to him they won't answer the
I mean we can call him me and zk are homies like I was personal phone number
like we know each other IRL so that's shit nobody knows right like these
guys I think they got numbers they had influence bro get the fuck out of here
but he asked me he was like trying to get me to lend him an OMB and put it
in his wallet so that he could do a call with zk and I was like fuck like is this
guy broke like I don't understand six grand like he's larping like he's this
big influencer and then you know what I did so because I'm a nice guy no I
didn't give him the OMB because I'm not a fucking idiot but I called zk and I
said hey bro this guy wants to do a call with you I think you'd be good for
him you should do it when he did a call so like and these guys are still
gonna fuck me bro get the fuck out of here I know so much shit about all these
idiots yeah right what are you doing what are you doing you're number one
you're number one on the NFT inspector what do you mean there's no money in that
awesome yeah no you know why because no one's buying the NFPs he's trying to
get you to mint that's why so you just got to look at what these people are
doing and what they're mad about and what they're continuously doing he's
got a showcase coming up this week bro go listen to eight salon of rugs tell you
they're the next big thing bro fuck this guy I had enough of these guys bro
like it's it's ridiculous like come talk to me bro you know what I mean we can
talk about it anytime pick the time pick the place for I'll be drunk high
blindfold me I'll fucking whatever I'll spin around a circle 20 times like we
got to do something to handicap me all right it's not gonna be fair
just dumb bro anyways this is the kind of stuff I never talked about that thing
with the OMB like that happened in July maybe right and I don't even talk
about this shit bro I can roast these guys like yeah it's just dumb bro yeah
you're just being crazy around some people just don't take that well
yeah the broke boys don't take it well and the funny thing now is like this one
don't understand salami mommy's I blocked him a long time ago so I'm like
whatever this guy's just a hater but this guy he just keeps targeting sugar
and me right but like sugars bigger and sugar is making way more money so I
think he hates sugar more you know and so he's been like kind of picking at
him and stuff and it's just like bro like beyond the like okay it's clear
you're jealous that this guy just fucking took crypto and ripped its dick
off and he's like the top G right now you know and for me I'm like that's face
how do I play that well this guy's already my friend let's go you know and
I don't understand the mentality of someone who's like like they've met IRL
like they're at some point at least they're like had a beer and we're like
hanging out at a conference or something and then this guy flips the
script and decides he's gonna try to flood the other guy who's now the king of
crypto at least in the shitter side and like okay this is gonna make it harder
for you to make money just in general facts right like why why go at the king
because you're mad he has more money than you it's just ridiculous you should
go try to be his friend like these people are just dumb just silly it's
weird yeah it's just trying to be an influencer he's trying to be an
influencer up he's trying to be an influencer on Solana bro and so the guy
who runs the coin world like the guy who everybody wants to have a look at their
coin if sugar buys a coin bro everybody's got wallet trackers and copy trade bots
now all he has to do is buy a coin any coin it will 5x like it's crazy and so
you're gonna try to flood that guy like dude I'm gonna go hang out with him
buying beers and becomes best friend like I just don't understand the mentality
bro broky mentality yeah man broke mentality who knows with these guys
shit I'm a bit distracted I'm looking at this Uranus what's that wait it's a
it's a clean to come out like three hours ago it's just playing on like the
juke narrative seems to be um I know the devs seem to be alright I would have I
would have bought that if I saw it if I saw Uranus ticker I would have ate it
that would have been a yes early contract yeah that's pretty cool okay
what do we think any more speakers I'm pregnant and it soon it's been our 15
minutes this was kind of fun I kind of wanted some blood cuz like I don't know
man if I was gonna put somebody I would address it like it's not hiding in the
shadows and putting out like weird tweets that don't make sense but yeah
bro people been drinking too much soy in their conflict avoidance that's just
it bro the internet made all these guys so like it's not like I want to yell at
each other but like yo just come up tell me what you think I'll explain
the situation I already explained it but they don't want to look at it like so
yeah it's just frustrating I think I'll just have to ignore it but yeah Zach XBT
fudded me one time before with stars arena when I left stars arena cuz like
yeah there was a whole bunch of shit going on in there fuck that place was
ridiculous but I don't know if you guys remember this sweet I didn't delete it
ever though even though everyone in the world told me to delete it I sent
this big hilarious like shit post sweet but it was it was like written kind of
like a letter kind of extorting a Vax anyways it was huge that was the first
one Zach XBT didn't like but it was another weird one where he just posted
a meme under and said I was a scammer he didn't actually say anything so I'm
like oh weird this guy doesn't like me so yeah he's back with more non-evidence
and just like sensational shit he's losing his touch bro gotta watch out for
Zach XBT okay I think that's it let me end it maybe get my shit together start
right there thanks for coming everyone oh wait we got one guy maybe this guy
wants to fudd me I'm gonna give him a chance please please please please I
want the fudd that's the thing like I want to hear it cuz that's bro the
approach to dissenting opinions that idiots take is put their fingers in
their ears and reinforce why their opinions right and everyone else is
wrong don't listen to him I actually want the bear case like I want the fudd
because I have to understand it you know what I mean so master decrypto how are
you buddy I'm doing great wish I could say the same for you I'm chillin man I
mean how does it feel having someone like Jack XBT coming up the youth it's
the second time and yet it really made a dent so it feels pretty good no one
but it does but it does hurt the reputation right because the fact that
he's doing so much of good work for the space and suddenly he's committing about
good I mean in relation to me what's he doing good what was the last good
things at XBT did well at least he tried try to expose people I'm not
saying that he's trying to expose you because he's exposing one of the fucking
best actors in the space I don't say that a lot but it's facts like this
I hope I hope that's true what you're saying now but I definitely feel that he's
not a clown and I think he just trying to you know trying to get some sort of
authentication from this community Solana community I don't know all I'm saying
is all I'm saying is stop stop collaborating with this cami projects
that's what I'm saying wait a second okay now we got to talk about it okay
so let's let's move away from abstracts so let's talk about me collaborating with
scammy projects what is it that I've done or that you've heard I've done that you
take issue with I specifically in specifics okay okay I get it so in
specific I have nothing against you zero absolutely I want to talk about the
trades so you've heard I've done this and I've done this scammy thing I want
to know what is the scammy thing allow me to talk about it specifically allow
me to complete please so yeah exactly so I don't know much about you that's first
second I'm pretty confident that you don't know much about myself either
right we are just two profiles from Twitter but if you're gonna be disrespectful
then we won't be able to continue this conversation now I didn't call you scam or
all I said it don't stop collaborating with the scammy projects now when I say
scammy project that's right when I say scammy project now it does mean project
which only have NFPs or project which only have tokens right now it's all
about the intention I mean you have been into the space for quite some time no
quite some years now right how many a second hold on a second hold on man we
I'm with you and I'm not challenging what you're saying you've now skipped
ahead I'm specifically asked you can we be specific so you said stop
to tell me why that's back but you have to first prove that I've
collaborated with scammy projects let's talk about that which projects well let's
just say okay I will definitely not get into the details but I will help you
understand right so you don't you can't allow me to allow me to just go on for
another 10 seconds but you're no because you're telling me that I've
collaborated with scammy projects and then you're giving everybody that
assumption what I'm saying is okay one second all I'm saying is there is no
smoke without fire do you agree well what's the smoke that's what I mean
let's talk about the smoke the smoke all these people for example Zach XBT mommy
these people are posting screenshots that's why so let's talk about the
screenshot that's what I mean let's be specific so tell me what you're saying I
did that was scanning so you've seen a screenshot okay from a fundamental
perspective from a fundamental perspective you are not supposed to dump
on your followers right that's one but then again it's only for a Solana which
is definitely doesn't matter hold on a second hold on hold on so why do you
have the impression that I dumped on my followers because I read it I want to be
specific what did it what did it say read it again okay allow me a moment
no like read out loud I can read it to you please go on please go on wait this
is Zach Zach doesn't even post it oh yeah this screen okay these are the
messages and this is in my telegram people will want these I want to see how
it develops the last one listen which I think it will go really well and we
will own a lot of them then can make a scam exit pump ourselves by calling and
so what's the issue with that let's talk about that specifically well the issue
definitely you haven't scammed neither you have exit on it I mean like you
haven't you have only stayed up wait before you tell me why this is an
issue you kept throwing around the word collab uh-huh so you also think you've
also made the leap to say that there was a collab there yeah project well
because I have been watching you for I mean like for a very long time right
for example right now you're advertising for liquid liquidium and also
watch be right but then again I have seen multiple projects on your bio before do
you agree or not where are they today what sort of collaboration was it yes
let me complete please allow me to complete was it for a week a month a
quarter six months happy early what is it so this this is what I'm saying
right all I'm saying is you I mean like reputation once this goes away no
project will be able to bring that back to you you met you may get
opportunities to earn money but the kind of respect I mean like people know who
cookies right at least in crypto Twitter at least Solana crypto community they
know who you are right so once you lose that operation all I'm saying is don't
lose it I'm not saying that you are doing everything but so the stuff you're
saying I agree with you don't be a scammer people won't hire you but then
you're just tossing out names and saying you've seen projects in my bio of
course you have so right now my bio is liquidium and wasabi I'm on the fucking
cap tables I've been an advisor for those businesses for like a year each you
know like I've done real work their success each of those teams will tell you
I was a massive part of each of their successes and they're in completely
different sectors and crypto on other project like look bro I worked in
banking for 15 years like I do actual work right and those things represent
that on other projects in my bio what did I just remove travel swap not I didn't
remove it for any reason like when I was traveling around Asia the guy who runs
travel swaps my homie Eric he sponsored me and he's like throw it in the bio do
some tweets will cost you some money for hotels and shit because they like my
content style they thought it was good advertising so I'm like cool I'll throw
it in the bio do some tweets was like a two-month thing and they're like yeah
you know we don't need it right now so whatever contract over for a bit I'm still
as homie I still support travel swap like this is just called work man I think
it's probably something you want to be doing but you're not able to because
I'm just better than you had it but like oh no come on come on I don't need
that for example you have 15 years experience in banking right so when did
you start in crypto let me just ask you this I mean first of all I don't owe you
shit but of course one time ago and you know I was the COO of an NFP fire
protocol like my background is demonstrated they're not just coming to
the cartoon character and saying hey you want on the path table bro like what do
you think this is but I get it I mean I mean I need a screenshot so so the
thing is about the collapse right so you're talking about projects in my
bio I've explained that they're real businesses did you know that liquidium
just raised 1.25 million dollars pre-seed in January they're valued at
25 million and they're doing another round in February and finance picked up
the story and all this shit like if you don't think that the work I'm doing for
these kind of businesses is good I'm sorry but you're just a dumbass and
so I'd like to move past the fact that I actually do work in the space and
talk about the screenshot so you think that I had a collab with this project
first of all I did not I'll tell you what this project was it's those
bellsaboos it's a Solana cartoon everybody knows I like that fun trading
NFTs I saw those things I thought they look cool as fuck I had a couple shit
coin wins free money free roll or else I usually wouldn't touch NFTs I see them
they're a free mint they're 0.2 soul I say alright I'm gonna make a trade I
think I bought I bought 40 of them 50 I think the first go and then I started
talking in the chat and that's what I said I said hey look at these things
they're fucking cool I like them I'm gonna buy a whole bunch I'm gonna see how
it develops organically you know why because I was watching the community on
Twitter I liked what I saw and I knew that they were gonna get some momentum
so I buy them it's a trade guess what I tell the guys in my little telegram
group they're my homies hey guys get in this trade I think it's gonna work
dyor NFA right and then I say you know what I think's gonna happen they're
gonna develop organically in the future people are gonna want them we'll fucking
sell it to them isn't this just me doing what you wish you could do in crypto
bro I just nailed a trade and the best part about it is that project loves me
go look at all the custom graphics and honorees they did for me they didn't
pay me any money there was no collab they didn't give me any free NFTs
nothing I bought them all I talked about it because I liked it the theme
pump from 0.2 to 1.5 okay I put the fucking project on the map for free and I
made some money and the boys made some money so what's wrong with that
there is of course definitely nothing is wrong with that right but before I
start up here saying it was all right right I'll just I'll just take one
moment I just allow me to complete before I start I'll just say that I know I
don't need to raise my voice to prove my point now moving on you did definitely
good for your friends I'm getting too excited so it diminishes what I'm saying
bro you're out of stuff to say come on complete please finish this up where's
the fun I mean the fud the fud is that you know so I just explained the fact
I explained the trade so what was the what was the bad part about it whatever you
was whatever you just said I there is nothing there's nothing bad in there
right but then again you just mentioned that you have worked with projects
before right so imagine you are switching you're switching your
companies or I don't know what else to say projects right every single
party I was making a trade dude I'm in crypto like I have nothing to do with
this project okay okay okay see there is a lot of way these are a lot of way to
explain this right maybe this is not the good way so I'll try another way so
imagine project that are listed on coin market cap let's say top hundred top
500 as a matter of fact exactly exactly exactly exactly exactly what a point is
right the people who are selling cartoon and raising money I mean I'm not
talking about famous Fox the gorge and all that stuff right the small people
the small projects that are coming out of nowhere the only reason they are
reaching out to you is because they have no plans to do anything
no no no no you have to say I have been listening I've been really calm start
your timer start your timer allow me to speak for a moment come on I came up I
came up here to support you now don't make me go against you but you can't
just make stuff you're saying now they reached out to me I just told you they
did not it's very important I have to interrupt you they did not reach out
to me anyways whatever it's good right and all I'm saying is stay out of trouble
because a lot of people left crypto right all of people like you right I know your
name cook apart from that I don't know shit right so a lot of people were there
and we are nowhere to be found today right so what's happening is that people
are getting people are getting into all these complicated deals all these
complicated wallets and eventually they are forced to leave the space right so
all I'm saying is don't do bad shit and maybe you have to tell me what's bad
still you have okay I'll replace that I'll replace I'll replace stay out of
trouble stay out of controversy yeah okay I don't want people fighting me that's
for sure it I don't love it but you still haven't told me what's bad and I
explained the whole trade and I don't think anyone thinks it's bad so why so
why you guys are just jumping on stuff without knowing you're talking about and
you don't even I just explained it to you you're here I agree to the guy you're
fuddings you got the whole story and you're not even listening to it and
you're still I mean it's something bad but you can't tell me what I did that
was bad I mean the people who raised their finger on you they are not in a
space right you are the one who's in a space you are the one who these
people are blaming right and you are out explaining
that's what I'm trying to get to what are you well dumping on people
please I mean let me just have a try I just want to say I sold them in a docked
wallet and I was tweeting about my AMM pool like this is you guys are insane see
the crypto what we have to establish here is are people allowed to make money
and I think you really ask yourself that because are you allowed to make money
if I go in a telegram group right and someone says hey I just bought this
that's the Intel I want is then up to me to decide when I sell or not now I'll
give you this if kook is saying hey I just if kook is going hey I just
bought this and then within five minutes exiting his position well yeah I got a
problem with that personally but he just told you as a docked wallet so
absolutely as soon as kook makes a call within you know 24 hours or so from that
call I got decisions to make that are based on me being a grown man so I
think like it seems to me like you're not you're saying you're not allowed to
have a telegram group where you buy and sell things and make money I think I
think any valuable telegram group would be like trying call stuff early write it
up take a little profit keep a moon bag I mean I think that's what we're all
here for so you know I think the real question is are people allowed to make
profit in the space and here's the second question why do you think those
things went up from point two to one and a half you think it had anything to do
with me buying in the docks wallet like what are you even saying dude and here's
the other thing so they're docked that's a docked wallet everybody knows
it that's why I'm getting fudded I knew it was docked why do you think they
know it because I was posting screens of my AMM settings saying hey check out
this new cool tech you can make money doing it like bro this shit I'm
getting fun for is insane but anyways here's the other thing that's a docked
wallet go check it you know what you're gonna find I still own 20 of these
things rare ones and I have seven floors in an AMM still so like all I did was
identify a project I liked buy a bunch of it tell my boys I think it's a good
trade some of them followed it's in a docked
wallet I tweet the art I like guess what people want this stuff oh kooks a good
trader he's right a lot maybe I follow him then the price goes up I make some
money I think I sold half massive gains more than half the AMM sold 130 or
something and bought 80 or whatever I had the fees is a great trade but yeah
I don't understand the bad part of it and you don't seem to be able to explain
it to me and again go look in the wallet I still have 20 of them and you
know you know what else you should do go talk to that team and the community
because when I started talking about their project that was a 20-sole floor
that they all loved that nobody was noticing they started making custom
kook art honoraries banners they never paid me anything I didn't even ask so I
just really want you to be specific about what I did that was bad because
where I'm standing the project loves me the projects community loves me the guys
that followed the trade love me I've never had anyone come to me say they
lost money on it they're mad about it actually it's all these other people on
the outside saying I did something bad so please tell me one more chance where's
the bad thing in that well after analyzing everything what you just said
I will say maybe the part where you shared it with your boys that's the
problem because they are the one who's sharing the skin church now fuck this
idiot that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard so you make all your crypto
trades in a vacuum you don't tell your boy like come on man you sound like you
got here yesterday with that PFP fucking checks out you're an audience
this is crypto find the boys find the community find the guys with the big
brains collectively find the trades make them try to make money this is
crypto bro this is called investing and guess what you know why my
telegrams cooking so hard because I've been in crypto a really long time you
asked me that oh how long you've been in crypto who are these projects in your
bio guess what they're building important infrastructure that you're
gonna be hearing about in 10 years do you know why I have opportunities like
that because I've been in crypto a long time do you want to know why my
telegram is cooking so hard there's 50 people in there and they are experts
from all corners of crypto every chain every sector I brought them all together
so why do you think I'm nailing shitter trades cartoons infrastructure on Bitcoin
everything else bro it's not a coincidence
so yeah yeah okay it's bad nailing trades is bad I understand to you it's
bad because you're probably losing money but I appreciate the fun go tell your
friends I'll talk to them to breaking news could can we move on breaking news
yes I would love to but anyways sorry I get a little heated up because try to
though I guess I'll just say I think you're cool I respect you your
perspectives fine I wish it was a bit more specific I would hope that after
talking about it and I explained it you realize I actually did it three good
things and not a bad thing but yeah I get a little heated up at this right you
can imagine if you're me you would be a bit frustrated because that project
actually loves me dude like they're like holy shit you put us on like they
were really happy the community was happy you like the guys in my telegram
are happy so this shit's just frustrated and that's where I think Zach
XBT is a bit of a clown because he has no idea what he's talking about he's just
tweeting sensationalist stuff yeah but whatever yeah let's move on you got a
topic Chad I can end it in ten minutes yo breaking news my boy TQ is in the
group let's bring him up as a speaker he's on the okay bears team he's
actually the web developer we need Intel what's this green background TQ
don't even try and exit the space now we got you get up here we need you up
up here I think that okay bears has probably maybe I don't know like the best
website in crypto or one of them oh it's really it's really clean what
they've done with and whatnot and a lot of the back-end mechanisms very very
clean like that was just I wasn't surprised when I went on the website
but I bought the pink hoodie well I didn't buy it oh you guys fud me for
this guys gave me a free hoodie yeah guys it's a really nice hoodie it's $170 he
sent me for free is this scammy then I'm pumping the Bears fucking 30 million
dollar market cap project kooks a scammer guess what no he DM me and he
said bro that was such a good spaces best one I've ever been on you're the
goat and then when I started talking about the Bears again he's in the DM's
he's like oh yeah let me get you a hoodie man you're based like that's what I mean
like people fighting me for dumb shit bro the founders like me like I'm giving
these guys free visibility bro and I'm doing it because I like the project I
didn't get anything free cartoons I mean I already own three okay bears when you
reach out to me for the hoodie he didn't even know I owned him he just
liked the shit I was saying and I was saying stuff for free before I talked to
him about some dumbass hoodie I like guys he's nailing wins this is a great
play IP follow-on beta play to pudgy all this stuff that's what I think why
do you think I put my money there so anyways yeah clownery bro this space
children bro children yeah I was a trad fine investor like heavily still am but
like that was my main focus even professionally for like 15 years so yeah
a lot of this stuff to me people get emotional there's no more emotional
investment industry in the world than crypto and that fees for all and there's
no more like there's zero zero barriers to getting in here and like having an
opinion and like trying to be a trader like most people just don't know what
the fuck they're talking about but anyways yeah is he gonna come up
can you make him come up I can invite him let me look at you let's go come on man
that's a beast bear we want to get that boys and I will say a sweet sultry boys
TQ get up on stage yeah I had never been on I'd never been on the website I own
the bears already but I had to go on to order the hoodie and I was very
impressed bro it's a really good website and then I checked out the three or
whatever and like yeah I start talking shit if you don't come up TQ because you
know it does it is a really great way when it takes one year you want to make
sure you get your tickets right so you can claim
teach me what's up bro not much man just cruising it's been a long time how are
you I'm good man I'm having the most fun in crypto I have had for years I
love this market there's exciting trades and sectors and new tech and stuff
everywhere it's super fun yeah and your project obviously you've heard me talk
about it a bit I'm very excited about it I think you guys are you guys are
getting no respect and I think it's coming and I put my money where my mouth
is on that trade I appreciate I really appreciate everyone on the chat giving
us a shout out yeah we work really hard on three and I just jumped on now
just to just to speak to some devs and I thought I'd listen in the community I
thought chat up here as a speaker so I'm always here to like to listen in
understand a bit more about the space so yeah I mean you guys did it to
yourself if you want to remain incognito you can't change your background
agreeing so good give us a clue lead us astray just say something make it up
we need some Intel bro did I wish I wish I fully understood why we're going
green like oh she doesn't even know brah like case messaged me like six hours ago
he was like are you gonna be online in two hours we're changing our PFPs that's
essentially it that's all I know I think I know what it's related to but
you know it's you know it's good when like tastes and so we add you to a
private chat like be online like skip everything else like hi I'll be there I'll
be there oh man what do you think Chad but you know I just think you know since
since we're speculating let's just talk about the color green I mean it's such
a nice shade I mean really really a lot of thought I'm sure Kai's worked on that
choosing that color green for at least three months so I want to just take a
moment here and applaud the design direction on that shade of green it's
absolutely flawless nailed it good job boys I like it yeah I really like it and
yeah psychologically there's only a few colors that are usually like dudes
favorite colors right I think a lot of guys like blue and they like green when
I was growing up in Canada was two banks you had to pick one RBC was blue TD was
green I picked TD because I just like the green better I feel like there's
like these strong associations for some people with these colors I like it I
think it looks cool but I'm yeah the part I'm most interested in way beyond
the color is the Kai's psyop it's insanely bullish to me if you don't even
know what the hell this is that's sick let's go now I'm actually gonna like try
to figure that like I'm gonna be paying attention now for sure imagine that's
how that's how tight they handle leaks like not even the people doing it have
any idea it's just it's something in Kai's and Subi's head and that's it
it's like just roll with it yeah bullish yeah that's that's insanely based okay
I'm gonna shut this down TQ do you do you maybe a last thought or something I
know you came in late I'm not trying to be on the spot I don't have much to add
all all I've got to add is I've seen the art for some of the new shit that
is coming out it's it's wicked it is it is crazy like I don't know much about
art I just know we have the best art team so keep an eye out I like that and I
would say I would say it but I think it's one of the best PFPs ever lots of
traits you see people like yeah you got the bucket hat right the Portuguese guy
in Dubai I was talking about big whale big smart money guy yeah he's he's not a
cartoon investor but he fucks with the bears it's his PFP just because he likes
it but he's always wearing a bucket hat and he has a few bucket hat ones
he's like yeah it's just my thing you know I like bucket hats but you see that
it's like an adult collection I see a lot of smart adults using them I think
he gets traction over time and on the art yeah I don't care about the art
either right like it looks cool I'm not trying to say I'm an art critic arts
better the higher the floor is but okay is always had like yeah and I guess
you're part of this massive part with the website and everything else you do
that I don't know sorry that but anyways cohesive brand imagery is all tight
colors styles like it's yeah you went on that website it's all it's just good the
whole thing looks expensive it feels expensive feels like a premium project
from every aspect very good job guys I'm excited to see what the psyop is I
still hold bears I'm underexposed actually I was waiting if they go to
like 12 again then I'm gonna have a big bag then I'm really gonna have to
scam pump them so yeah then you're really gonna start fighting me decrypt
though okay okay all right guys this was fun see you later I promise I'm not a
scammer or maybe I'm lying and I'm just a really good manipulate liar who knows
see you later