๐ŸŽ™๏ธ KyberTalks | Synergy Across DeFi Projects: Is This The Future? ๐Ÿšจ

Recorded: April 5, 2023 Duration: 1:12:19



Hello everyone. Let's welcome some people in for the next couple of minutes. You guys are early. Thank you for being on time. Thank you for being early. We have an amazing, amazing AMA today with various leaders from the DeFi
all coming together to discuss what is the future of DeFi and talking about various campaigns that we're running right now. My name is Emran and I'm the head of marketing. So we'll touch back again in a couple of minutes. We'll just let a few more people come in.
What's really really important is you guys say hi is you guys like the stream you guys share it out and you guys give it some love to the elbow right so what I guarantee you is that there's gonna be a lot of alpha a lot of big brain
things going on today. We will answer as many questions as you can from the audience as well. So what we need from you in order to give all the guests and speakers as much motivation and love is to give us that like and give us
that comment, give us that share, let's get that ball rolling right now, so like it out, share it out, comment out, maybe you can even take a couple of friends if you like, and we will start in a minute. So for now, I'll get my team to welcome
all the speakers in as well. So I see some of the projects and some of the speakers already in. So I think my team can start leasing with you guys and also invite you guys as a speaker and we'll start very shortly in a minute or two.
So for all the invited speakers my team will be inviting you right now What I really hope is that Twitter spaces and Elon doesn't rug us today So that's been the pattern where we get rubbed by Twitter spaces. I don't know whether
anyone has experienced this sometimes the speaker is speaking and no one else can hear sometimes we invite you and then you can't get the invite or you tick yes or you accept but you still can't speak so so these things have happened so we'll do our best
just to make sure that everyone is on and everyone can speak. So meanwhile all the listeners here today, thanks again for being here, we'll start in just a minute, we'll require you to engage, that means send us your love, send us your like, your comment, share it out.
You might even want to share which project you are rooting for today. You can share how you got to know about today's spaces or the campaigns that we're running today. We'll start in just half a minute right now.
I see Handel is on from Handel. I think it's Josh. Josh is at you. Yeah, how's it going?
Great man. Thanks for coming on. Welcome to the rest as well. From Bob, I think we will have Mochmer. Is that you? Yeah, my name is here. Hi guys. Thanks for coming. Most welcome. Let me just grab the rest on as well. Just give me a sec.
- Hi there.
So I see MetaVolt as well from MetaVolt I think we have Anna. Is that you Anna? Yes. Hi. Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you as well. You know what I have to say Anna is that there are so few females in
in the crypto space, far fewer who are guest speakers, so I'm very happy to have you here with us. I'm also really excited to be here and must say I'm hearing this very often. But yeah, it's great to have mixed gender and yeah.
Yeah, great. Okay, cool. I think we have a couple more coming in as well. But I'm going to start off the session. So I think I want to respect everyone's time today. We probably have an hour or just over an hour. We have six projects today with us, including with Kibusol.
this will pass right in the flash. So let me welcome everyone again. Welcome to this space hosted by KiberSwap. My name is Imran and I'm the head of marketing for KiberSwap. We're excited for you to join our latest round of the trading ground campaign. So as a recap what happens with these campaigns is you guys can come in, you park
support the projects that you love. You will even find out more about new projects that you might even fall in love with. Today we have guests from projects which are currently running campaigns with us. We'll get them to share the thoughts on the campaign, share the thoughts on how you work together and the benefits for you guys are coming
We can't do any of this. We can't grow. We can't build defy without all of you guys here. The community members, the users, the people on the ground. So we want to give back to you guys. You want to share our thoughts. We want to share some of our fun. And maybe even some tactics and strategies that can help you the listener.
community member the MVPs to take advantage of the benefits provided by our respective projects and the joint ecosystem. So if you guys like that as users please again give the Twitter Spaces some love, some algo, like it out, comment and say hi, comment and say which projects you are.
part of or supporting or excited to find out more about tag a couple of friends and share it out. So we want to also give you some gratitude for your participation. We are actually announcing an exclusive giveaway for our listeners here today. So if you are here, congratulations.
You already one step ahead from 99% of the people that didn't even turn up, that didn't even bother to show up. All you need to do is to retweet to the space link and ask questions during the AMA in the comments. And you could win a price pool of $400 sponsored by
ZKBOP and L Finance today. Thank you guys again for being sponsors. We're selecting 10 lucky winners today, so don't miss out and good luck to you. So besides this AMA, we also have another cool event on our disc cart. So that's on disc cart the Kaiba Network official server and this is what
recall learn to earn. DeFi can be a little bit complex sometimes, you know, even for people in the space, it's something that takes time to learn. So we want to give an opportunity for you guys to pick up some knowledge and earn some sweet rewards. And the price pool in the learn and earn is $600 worth of PMG
and VX and KMT tokens. So we hope really again as many people can join and benefit from this. So feel free to invite my friends and community members and we can't wait to hang out with all of you there and again that's on our Discord server. So let me start off today by running through the live
of fantastic gas. So that's much more the community lead from ZK Bob, sponsored $200 worth of Bob for the AME, Shiloh Cliff, the core contributor at Alt Finance, Anna, BDN Marketing Lead at Metable, MK, directed at Pommerium, who sponsored $200
each rewards for the AMA as well. Fish Market Account, the Chief Strategy Officer at Carbon and Josh Contributor at Handle 5. So I just wanted to shout out everyone and make sure that everyone's known. Before we kick off the discussion, let me take a moment to get everyone
to introduce yourself and your project. So everyone with the guest, I'll give you a quick half a minute to introduce yourself, your project and what you aim to provide as a real end goal to your users. So let's start off with ZKBOMB.
Hey guys, yes, sure. Like everyone, my name is Moimir and I like commentally, but is the K-bop and really appreciate the invite. So I will try in like super short to give a overview of the Bob and ZK Bob. So we are building a decentralized table coin called Bob is
So optional privacy features. I think many of the cyber community are already familiar with the Bob as we are now in already our second trading campaign for Bobo and we have many joined activities in the last couple of months together and also there are now some Bob farms on Kyrie
So you can find them on polygon and also on optimism and So yeah, all in all I would say like the Kyber is one of the primary exchanges for Bob and As we have to talk and currently deployed on it to remain an optimism on BNB sharing on polygon and Arbitrum and on all of these chains you can
And actually use the Kiber to trade the bot. So yeah, as I already said, the twist for the Bob comes from its optional privacy features. That means that the key use case for the Bob token is to use within the ZKBop TAB. So we need Bob to use the ZKBop. So yeah, and just
I think it's a super short overview of what the Zika Bobbi is. So something we have been working on researching and building for over two years now and launching September last year in short Zika Bobbi's privacy, the air bits currently deployed on polygon, but we are actually working on deploying it on other chains.
the new future. So yeah, I can share that turning deployment will be very soon and it will be on one of the most user ops. So stay tuned for that. And yeah, the application is using Zika Snarts to animate sender and receivers and through the use of various commands.
compliance features and limits we are positioning the protocol to focus on ledgidious cases and time to deter the back actors from using the protocol. So apart from just depositing and withdrawing from the privacy pool, you can also make a transfer directly within the privacy pool and actually a few weeks ago we have rolled out.
which something is we call the direct deposit function and the which makes all the third part integration with the K-bop much much easier. So like whenever there is a need for a private transaction, you can integrate ZK-bop so it can be for payments, donate fund raising and so on.
So yeah, this is something interesting for you. Please reach out and we can chat more or just if you are interested more. I don't know about the Bob or ZK Bob. So yeah, very cool. Very cool. Thanks, your moimer. So let's do this. If you guys are a ZK Bob
Bob, will or supporter or Maxi. Let's see some fireworks give them some love, some hearts with your emoji comments. I would love to see all the Bobboos in the house. So moving on, do we have elk finance in the house? Is Shiloh around?
I see a lot of fireworks. Thanks guys. Shaila you're out. If not, I will move on to Anna. Can you introduce yourself in Metabolthes? Yes, sure. Thanks, by the way, for inviting us to this AMA. It's really great to be here. So my name is Anna.
I'm marketing lead and this is the medival trade also medival Tao and then soon Zero is bad So basically about the project were spot and perp decks where users can trade many large cap crypto assets with up to 50x leverage so currently we only deploy
on polygon but hopefully also soon we're deploying to zk sync so stay tuned to that. We actually have added binary options trading as well to our product suit. You can check it out on our D app. We have also made an extra UI for that which we hope that you are all
finding great and regarding crackkiver you can trade and buy and make some kivers well on and in general we are thankful for this great initiative by kiver this is actually the the first trading campaign that we're joining our kiver so yes so great for that and
more on the perpetuals, so we basically offer spot trading and perpetual futures trading. We were really a product cause, so we pay out 100% of the platform earnings back to stakers of our MVX token and also to liquidity providers. So the key benefits, how users would benefit from meta-vote trading,
is on one side the traders, they can of course benefit from a professional trading interface. They have many features to trade with such as for example recently we added the training stop, stop loss and also limit orders that we had from the beginning and whereas as a provider of liquidity
you know anyone can provide liquidity it's completely hassle free so we would like to call it that way you can simply be your own bank because we're completely decentralized so no KYC or else required. Very cool so again thanks enough for all the metal vault bulls and metal
Let's give an eye, let's evolve some love, show us the fireworks, make sure you share it out. Next, let's welcome pomerium, it's MK there. Hello? Hello? Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, thank you for this opportunity, Kiber Swap.
Yeah, I'm going to miss the endk from the familiar room. So let me introduce premier first of Miram is actually gaming studio based in Singapore and Dubai. There are personally Alexa remembers in house and for 50 of them are actually game developers. Miram was founded in May 2002 and we
We have been working on this project on Ben Beach for about a year. Right now 2Gain, Tom Pomeran and Pomsur Bible have been published on mobile and we have about 1000 DAU for Pomsur Bible right now. Thank you for the contribution for
increasing DAU to OKPROSTAR as well. So yeah, for the last, there are going to be a B-Update for POMSAR WebAlSoon. You'll be more entertaining and challenging for users as well. So yeah, looking forward to more partnerships.
and further progress with the K-Post swab as well. And if you're interested, please check out the Pumps of Bifold from episode where Google Play. Thanks. Awesome, thanks. Nick's a welcome fish market accat. He's a chief strategy officer of carbon.
Here everyone excited to be here. I am CJ also known as fish market arcade on Twitter and I'm representing carbon and carbon is a DeFi focus L1 on cosmos, but we are the first cosmos to arbitrum bridge. So any arbitrum user can also use our app from the arbitrum and mask and on our platform you can do all the
things defy, like from trading a perpetuals or spot something like Divided X or if you are more of like a passive investor, you can provide market making liquidity on our other books, something like GLP or if you want to do like landing and burying like AVE, you can do it all in our single platform and you don't have to like jump between different
applications and more. So yeah, we are really excited to be here and to learn more about everyone else as well. Very cool. I just wanted to track back and check whether Alc Finance is in the house. I still don't see them. If not, I'll move on to Josh from Handel.
Hey guys, yeah Josh from handle here. So handled does multi currencies on our betrum. We're actually one of the first protocols to go live on our betrum a couple years ago. And our thesis is that a lot of the stablecoin providers and stablecoins in the space are all
around, uh, dominate around the US dollar or euro and we are actually focusing on a lot of other national currencies. So you can do CAD, uh, Korean, uh, you, um, Japanese yen and other, uh, Singapore dollar and other national currencies.
And you can settle your trades actually in your national currencies, which is kind of cool. And our liquidity pool is half US dollars and half the DXY index, which DXY is a basket of global currencies. And our main
This is that 4x represents $7 trillion in trading volume globally daily and that's quite a huge marketplace. We think some of that will come on chain over the coming years and we want to be positioned to take advantage of that market. If you go to handle,
Now you get a really awesome trading interface and you can access these markets with 100X leverage and you could do various different things converting currencies trading on leverage or staking Forex tokens that you
you buy in the Kiber campaign and our symbol is Forex FOR EX. And I actually use Kiber for the first time through this trading grants campaign and I absolutely love your interface and your product. I think you guys have a really great platform so congrats on that.
Very cool and thanks for the plug. Yeah, so I think I think that's everyone that we have right now. We were meant to have Alc Finance across chain protocol, but maybe they might join us later. So I want to move on, which is the the next segment of today, which is really talking about
Why are we working together in terms of having a trading campaign on KiberSwap? So just as a recap, right? So every one of the projects here today, we are working with them on KiberSwap. You can go to kiberswap.com/campaigns right now and you can act
actually earn rewards, you can find out more about the project, you can trade their tokens and you can also win rewards as well as even custom NFTs. So I think there's a lot of stuff that for users you guys can learn about in the DeFi
ecosystem to learn about projects, to learn about tokens, to learn about using DAX, to learn about the whole experience of trading. We are actually awarding up to 30,000 in K&C prizes to the six projects each of them with slightly different
terms and conditions. Right now we have more than 3,400 traders that have so far traded more than $3 million worth of trades in this campaign and on various chains including arbitrum, polygon, bnb chain, ethereum,
optimism and with the participating tokens. So I think what I like to get and maybe we don't need to actually go one by one. I would love to understand from the perspective of all the guests here and I think we can have it a bit more flowing. What do you think? Of course this is
a temporary or a short-term trading incentive. At least for Kiberswap, there's a few things that we want to achieve here. One is we want to expose users to define knowledge, to great Defy projects, and get rewarded through
that effort, we can bootstrap some volume. Through that effort we work with projects with great projects and seed some liquidity and build the fight together. And I would love to hear the perspective from any of the speakers right now about what you hope to achieve with it and why should we run more campaigns like this together.
Yeah, I'm happy to start from the Bob from the Zika Bob site as they said we are already running the second campaign with the with the Kibertswap. So the first one was happening in January and I think it's it has been a great success. So
the primary goal of ours is to just to get the word out about the Bob and what we love is the campaign is running for a couple of weeks. And like I just said, currently there are 3,400 participants, but from our previous experience, the last week and last days,
really the most busy. So I think the activity will ramp up in the following days before the campaign concludes. And I think it's just a great tool to build your community as a project with Fairling new. And yeah, I think real love it and also working with
the Kiber's Web, like we have initially boosted up the liquidity for Bobo, and it's what we do, but actually when you check the markets for the Bob, you can see that most markets are currently on Kiber, because what the flexibility, what the Kiber is available on each end where the Bob is currently
So it's like super easy for us to see the new polls now. We also do have some farming campaigns like join the ones so the reverse for the users are actually in K&C and also in Bob. So it's also great. And yeah, I think like the second second campaign like trading campaign
is going to be even better than the first one. So we are absolutely clear to be part of it. Super happy to hear that man. Anyone else? Yeah, I can go next. So from outside, so from Medovod, we are happy to be joining the training campaign for the first time though.
And I'm honestly really feeling positive about everything that Kiber is doing for all the projects. Because in my opinion, this trading campaign, it's a great initiative for projects to create traffic and also to get their own community involved. So of course, we also
touch on KiberSwap's big community in turn. This is creating awareness for MetaVolt and can also hopefully lead users to our platform as well to explore the great trading features we offer and on the other side it's also great to strengthen our relationship with you guys so with Kiber because Kiber is a really competent defy leader
and whatever we decide on doing together is always fun. So for the campaign, we're hoping to achieve more many participants. I think we now have six days left and we're almost at 740 participants now. And also if we're not at the top one, we could prove that we have a loyal community out there.
This is much more important in my opinion than achieving the highest trading volume and Additionally the fact that there is a great price pool for participants makes it even much better for our community Very cool. Thanks Anna. Anyone else? Yeah for us we have um
you know, FX USD is one of our currencies and so we actually did a pool that was USDT to FX USD so that drove it to option of the handle USD or the FX USD token. So that was kind of nice and then
And that was the trading pair against the Forex token as well. So FXUSD then to Forex. So for us it was really good to have some of our stable coins involved. And specifically the USD token have involved in as a trading pair as well. And I think actually the handle community
is second in trading volume. Last I checked the other day so we had about 400 or $500,000 in volume which was pretty cool to see. So a competition is great. Trading your governance token is awesome.
and it gets the community going, but it's driving real adoption for some of your products in terms of getting users to use FX/USD was awesome. I think that was something that you guys were able to support no problem.
Again, the interface looks amazing and you guys have done a really good job building it really professional as well. The team behind Kyber is actually very competent and they're on every single detail. I'm constantly tagged on Telegram, which is great. The team is good and not many
like it existed D5. So yeah, that's high praise. Thank you. I just wanted to just welcome Elk Finance. Shailo, is that you? So we are already in the main segment, but you can quickly introduce yourself Elk, as well as why you excited about the trading campaign that we're running together.
Actually, it's not Shiloh, it's Greg. Fox 42 is my moniker on Twitter and Telegram. But yeah, here with Elk Finance, I think I might as well spend a little bit of time co-zing up to Kibaswap. We're big fans of Kibaswap, every single train that you're on.
and we'd like to be integrated into your decks and please add us into your aggregators as well, then everyone's happy. We do cross-chain, we do cross-chain interoperability. At the moment we've got Elk moving
freely between 20 plus blockchains and in due course we will be opening the doors for any project or protocol to set up their own bridge and move their token. As if it were elk, native on any chain, one to one, never been lost.
you control that bridge so you're not using elk you are building your own bridge on top of the elk net and then you can reap the rewards that that brings with regards to the trading competition I mean what a great way to promote your brand or one's brand
getting people out there, getting the trading going, keeping DeFi ticking over and with KivaSwap looking pretty sweet at the moment we were more than happy to jump in. Thanks man. I think we have a couple of speakers that want to chime in as well. Yeah, here everyone. Good to
to be back on Kibalsword to this basis. We started in 2017 for Carbon and we also knew about Kibalsword back in 2017. So it's really good that we finally get to work together after six years because I mean I think we are both based in Singapore as well. And yeah, so just a little bit about why we decided to join.
We are a crushing product and we basically bring assets from all across crypto into our Cosmos chain and this products this assets can come from EVM to non EVM right and basically with our new cross chain bridge that we built recently I betrum the cosmos we wanted to find more partners to
bring their assets over onto Cosmos to get more exposure to the Cosmos community. So every application right now is on our become as well as also on this to the spaces. We would like to see if there's a way we can synergize and bring their asset over onto Cosmos and we also have a landing and Boeing market
which means potentially we can increase the utility of those assets by making it eligible as collateral for users to borrow against as well. So that's going to help improve the utility and there's a lot of potential synergy that I see and that's one of the great benefits of joining this
a Kiberswap competition, we get to know a lot more protocols and we get to see if there are interesting synergies that we can find together. And I think generally speaking, Kiberswap has a huge gigantic community and audience in the DeFi space and we also just wanted to let more traders and broader DeFi community
to know about our product. And so hopefully they will come and try out a carbon where you can do all things D5 from trading, lending, borrowing. And we have like about a million in daily trading volume right now. And we are trying to bring this to 20 million a day. And all of this exposure that the driver has brought for us.
It's really really helpful and we look forward to having more participation in these campaigns in the future as well. So yeah, thanks so much. Thanks man. Do we have one more? Okay, can I go? Yep. All right, so well, I like to say it's just awesome to be playing
part of this kickass campaign. And yeah, well, our ultimate goal for participating in this campaign is to increase the number of the users on the platform, obviously. And I believe Kramer saw creating a great campaign, it contributes a lot in terms of marketing aspect and
active transactions. Besides, he's one of the top side events through the campaign like AMA to promote the project and campaign and get connected with others as well. So, yeah. Thank you. What I would love to say is that we really appreciate the kind of words from all the
projects here today. I think for those who are here today, I think you guys got to understand that DeFi is really early, that maybe we might be all considered frenemies, but really we're all early and we all need to work together, right? So the space is early, the user base is early
regulators are trying to come after us, the traditional finances are trying to come after us. So as a user base, as projects, as builders in the industry, we actually got to come together and make a stand for D5. We got a participate in D5. We got to really stand up for D5 right
into our governments, our elected representatives, we've got to tell them that DeFi is the human right for everyone. And I think that's really what KiberSwap believes, right? A Kiber has always like what FisherCAD said. We've been around since 2017 and we are here, we subscribe to this because
because we are D5 Maxis, we are decentralization Maxis and we inherently believe in that human freedom. And I think that's what we're really, really here to do today altogether. So I really loved everyone's answers. Now I'm going to move on to the next segment, which is really trying to get a bit
bit deeper with each project. So I have a question that I've prepared for each project and I think the first one is I'm going to direct it to Anna from Metal Vault and I'll just want to ask you how do you think your community will benefit from how Metal Vault is working with Kibaswap or partners like Kibaswap right now.
Yeah, thank you for the question. That's a great question, by the way. And first of all, I want to mention that we really believe in Kyber because they're one of the first DeFi platforms on the market who had actually proved themselves as a really trustable protocol with strong competency and not to forget
with a friendly approach to partnering. So I must say, you know, even for newer and smaller projects as we were back then, we were hosted by many protocols at the beginning, but happily not by Kiver. And so far users, you know, working with Kiver enables us to first of all align with our
vision of complete decentralization and trust for our users. And it also of course allows us to partner with one of the leading tech aggregators out there and more about our partnership. So having widely listed and integrated our MVX token into a cyber swap spot trading.
Users are able to trade out token with the best rates and those slippage are possible. And so apart from this partnership, we're extremely happy to be working with a team that's constantly trying to support each other, like especially with this trading company.
Very cool. Thanks Anna. I'm going to move on to the next question which is directed to Moimer and I wanted to ask you, you know why do you think, you know, for example, Kaira Swap and our liquidity protocol elastic which is a concentrated liquidity protocol? Why would that be a natural home for both liquidity and trading in your opinion?
Yeah, I think I already like said a little bit about this in my previous answers. So, first of all, like what we really appreciate on Kyber is the core team behind the project. So, yeah, like the connection together going for
the last couple of months and really loved working with everyone in Caiber. So already around the learn and earn campaign already had some trading campaigns before and for the liquidity standpoint, when we were launching the protocol, like the way how the
in Bob inventory polls are managed. We need the we need swap with three or protocol with similar functionality to bootstrap the liquidity on each chain. And when we were looking for some other place where yeah, just trying to get the get the more users get the get the more volume, get the
more activity for the Bob itself. We thought the Kyber is a perfect place because it's already available on all the chain. The such functionality like the elastic pull is already available, which is very beneficial for us. And we just see the liquidity utilization
on Kyber is great also compared to other devices. So for example on the BNB chain Kyber is actually the primary decks for the for the book. So yeah and now I said like we have the farms going on and more and more collaboration
and so really enjoying ourselves using the Kybra and also feedback from the community is great. So yeah, we hope to increase the presence of Kybra for sure. And I hope so too as well. Thanks, man. So the next one would be for MK from POMP
and what is your plan to work to increase your project's TVL using a partner like Kibaswap? All right, so the fact that Kibaswap is known among the Webster users to be the best tech aggregator with the
Trust helps protect a lot, attract more users and grow TPL. Right now, approximately 90% of PMR, the Premierium Utility Talking is focused on CairSwap. I believe this is based on the trust between the Premierium and CairSwap.
And to be more efficient, primarily focusing on increasing number of users on the platform so that the size of the liquidity actually means something. So I would like to highlight, Kibersob is definitely the long-term partner.
you'll like to keep on working with and hope everything goes well. And one more thing, the announcement for the listing of the Pomeranium Government Store, KUNPMG on MEXC has been just pulled up. So looking forward to, yeah.
So looking forward to more hype from that. Thank you. And the next one will go to Greg from Elk and can you let me know a little bit more about how you think Kiber
has worked with Alpsofar in terms of fathering of goals. What would you see as next in terms of favoring the benefits and objectives for your community? Okay so as a cross-trained bridging solution, we're in a marketplace where there are some big players, be it
sea bridge or multi chain or axel art. There are a lot of early movers there and a lot of people trust those and they can just walk up and get knocked the shelf solution for their product. But they kind of lose the control because they're completely beholden to that particular bridging solution.
We're looking to be a little bit more kind of open with it, you know, you said earlier about We're frenemies, you know, we're all working towards a collective goal which is to make defies as strong as possible and Kind of really want to work we excuse me. We really want to work together with us
many protocols as possible giving them them the control that they want over their bridge. Now some of them may well want to just use one of the main or the larger established bridges and that's absolutely fine we're not going to try and convince them otherwise we're just going to do what we're doing as best as we possibly can and we can
Work around and work alongside these other other players where Kyber comes into it is with that aggregation Now we have a DEX We're going to be involved with the Kyber swap aggregation. We are bringing out farming as a service. So that means new protocols are going to be creating liquidity pool
tools. On the Outbex they will be in control of those liquidity tools. They can add in their own reward tokens, one bonus token, two, three, four, all squaring out extra liquidity incentives. Now they can also be integrated into the KiberSwap aggregator. And in that way
we're driving TVL to us, we're driving volume through KiberSwap. And it's that, I mean as a portman, so Fredomy is kind of a little bit harsh. I think we actually want to become an integral part of the cross chain discussion, whether it's
through farming solutions or bridging solutions as long as liquidity and volume increases for the protocols that we are involved with and what that we're partnered with, then we're happy. Yes, the inevitable feature
and I really wish you guys the best for this and that we can work together even more. So the next question will be for fish market. I would like to ask you, how do you think carbon is contributing to the broader DeFi mission? What we're building together is a DeFi community.
Here everyone, come over here. Can you guys hear me? Because I see in one, okay, he's no longer speaking. Yeah, so thanks for the question. We basically started in 2017. We were previously known as StrayTro Labs and we have seen throughout the years the rise of DeFi and also unfortunately the fall of C-Fi.
especially during the FTX crisis. This really reinforced our belief and vision of building a truly non-tastodial DeFi hub where users can do all things DeFi from trading to doing liquidity provision to lending and borrowing and everything else that DeFi has to offer.
So, what I'm trying to do to push the broader defamation is to always be on top of the innovation and on top of what the users want. And right now, for example, we have seen after FTX fallout, a lot of traders have moved over to GMX, for example.
I think GMX model is really interesting with their GLP token where anyone can be a liquidity provider, a sort of like a market maker in that sense. And so we are trying to also build a similar counter-party zero-sleep page vault that anyone can be a market maker on.
And this is going to be on a limit order decentralized exchange. So it's like a clock similar to on centralized exchanges. And that gives us a lot of customizability. So like GLP unfortunately only can do your sleep page. You can't make it have sleep page.
It's built into the infrastructure. But if it's a vote on a CLOB, a central limit on the book, then the vote, the monkey making vote, can have zero slippage and can also have more interesting parameters. And it also allows us to
Inbuilt put in more different purposes as and when so somewhat similar to like like games networks G die So this this way right if I am a liquidity provider in V5 I can choose many different type of vaults to put liquidity in and not necessarily be restricted to only a
a set of assets, a set basket of assets like in gel piece case and it also allows pub traders to trade without experiencing slippage on a central limit other book and one of the benefits of trading on club taxes central limit other books is that you get maker rebates
You pay lesser maker fees when doing limit orders and this basically is a good way of matching the liquidity providers and the traders together. So hopefully this is a way we can get the public to be market makers and move away from centralized and opaque market
makers on central exchange platform and this will allow DeFi to be a lot more robust relying more on the public rather than centralized parties. That's why we are trying to build. I love it. The whole DeFi movement is really about that, about empowering the individual person.
and we kind of stay here in the past with traditional finance. You could not march it, you shouldn't go to a bank and they hit Alex's market with you. It's not just not possible. Sorry to interrupt dude, but it's a little bit low. I can't really hear you. Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?
Okay cool outside the well okay cool so what I was saying is that in the past it's not possible to be a market maker you can't go to a bank of America any of these guys and say I'd like to market make you guys right but in DeFi everyone
At least in theory, it has access and the ability to do so. For example, with Kibaswak, you can trade and you can market make with any of the pools of the projects here today. And I really love that vision. And I think that's really one thing that I think most is not all
Sorry, sorry we cannot hear you. Yeah. Yeah.
Can you hear me now? Yes. Okay, it's gone again. You're on it's gone. No. Okay, now can you speak now? I can speak now.
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Good. Josh, handle. I would love to ask you. We are looking for ways to engage with users and traders in DeFi. I would like to kind of tap your brain. You know, besides campaigns like these where we do trading campaigns, do you
and handle have other ways that you engage users in DeFi to get more volume, more users, more transactions. Any thoughts on this? I was worried. Oh, this question's to me. I was worried.
we're going to lose you there. Your voice also might not be heard by others, but all good. So more users, honestly, it just comes down to building something that's easy to use for people. For us specifically, I think some of
One of the other speaker said, "GLPs, Vault was extremely innovative and allowed. Anyone to be a market maker." That is so amazing, actually. Anyone can earn income from trading fees of other people. That's just never been possible. I actually am amazed
and I've been around the crypto space for eight years and we've never had anything like this. It is so cool to see because it used to only be the world of professional traders as an institution, institutional capital or high net worth individuals that had those opportunities. It's really cool to see anyone
anywhere in Earth that can provide liquidity and provide value and receive decent income from it. Same thing for us. I mean, we, one of the angles I think that's great about HLP, which is our liquidity pool, is that it's just a basket of stablecoins. So you really are not
exposed to the same market risk that you are with GLP when you mint into other liquidity pools that are based on crypto tokens, crypto assets. You still remain exposed to those assets and if you're not hedging that exposure, then as the market swings down or goes up,
you know, you kind of see both sides of that trade. Whereas with us, it's just stable coins. So you take your stable coins, you put it in HOP, you earn yield from traders, and on top of that, it's just based in stable coins. So there's no, there's no risk market price fluctuation risk that you see.
As you do with crypto assets and we've just stuck in that niche like we're just focused on Forex trading I mean you do you can trade we do route trades through GLP so that traders do have access to even Bitcoin but a smaller portion so build great products do things that are different and you know users will find out
about you. We do actually have a trading competition pinned in our profile. If you trade 10,000 no shall you just qualify for Forex tokens and it's pinned in our Twitter. Hey there, so Mr. Handelfy, when we get our cross-chain stablecoin
in CHFT Swiss Frank linked. We definitely need to have a call and have a chat. - Yes. - Jumping in your basket because we love CHF as well. So we'd love to make a pool that's our FX CHF and your CHF as well.
Yes, truly a truly cross-chain stablecoin additive basket sounds sounds like a perfect Easter treat. It's not really this Easter unfortunately, but one for the future. So what I love is to kind of really see all these kind of collection that being brokered even live during
A.M.A like this. Guys, you guys are watching history being made, right? Deals going live. I love it so much. So we do have to move on. We're 11 minutes from the hour. I hope my voice is better now. Now we're going to go into the live comments questions. I'm going to get my team to identify
and line up the questions right now. So in this segment we will pick up questions live from the audience. We will direct it to the guests or the guests and then each of the guests can have 30 seconds to a minute at most to answer it and we will
do this for up to 10 questions if I'm not wrong. So the first question is from Twitter, Bui Van Son, 112311 that asks, how can ZK technology be integrated into ZK bot? So I think this is for bot, of
private transfer is one of the use cases of ZK but in some situations how can users check if they don't in the case that they don't actually receive the fund will they be able to identify any loss funds in any cases of transactions that somehow didn't go through
Yeah, this is actually one of the quite big challenges when building and using the ZKX stars and building the privacy preserving protocol like the ZKB obis. So we are trying to like obviously there is a venue for example Megatron so we tend to
the privacy pool, like there is basically no information which you can look up on the polygon scan and other block explorers. So primarily you have like when you go to the CKBOP UI, you have the history tab.
which can help you see what is happening in the account you can see all the deposits, video balls, transfers, you can see the ZK address which is unique and you can generate the new one for each transaction.
the ZKBOWBAP and also we have introduced something which we call the support ID which is greatly helping guide the users because the information is very limited. The user always has the ability to support and share this
ID, this is the team, it's obviously just up to them if they wish to do so. And then like B as a core team are able to check some parameters inside the protocol and just try the L and navigate the users in the app.
Very cool. Thanks for that. There's definitely something that users will want to understand. The next question.
If you can give me the next question.
from Twitter, Abdul Rahim 1739, they ask, and this is directed to Anna from Metavolt. Can you tell us the unique innovations and analytical tools that Metavolt brings to the table to make perpetual training
more flawless. Yeah that's a great question thank you so first of all I want to highlight that's basically as a as a perpetual dex you know it's not easy for us dexes to be honest like we know that
centralized exchanges have a good and easy to use interface and we are all trying to kind of bring this in and defy and so this is what we are trying to do and this is why we are trying to add feature after feature that would benefit all trades
to trade more flawlessly on a perpetual, you know, we also try to make good partnerships with, for example, like we did with buffer finance, we were using their infrastructure in order to set up binary options on our page.
In general, we want to operate as a cross-chain tax aggregator, so ensure great interoperability. This is where we can, for example, unify liquidity, aggregate the best prices, lowest fees and available
But you know we are already doing this by having great professional features on our site. So for example, we have trading view pro analytical chart for traders so you can easily manage your positions and we have also doing dashboards that you can
show for example great insights about something that was like often asked by our community like with our arbitrage but everything that it creates in our revenue for the protocol for example so everything is completely transparent
Thanks. Moving on to the next question from the community from Twitter, Dalma 344, he or she asks and I think this is for
Greg, how does the elk aggregate us then not to be different from other waves based defy protocol? What is unique about it that makes it different from others? I hope you understand the question Greg.
Well, I think I do, but I will admit to the fact that Elk is not an aggregator. That's you guys. Kibers, the aggregator that we're in bed with. How we are different from bridges, I suppose I could answer. And so I'll go down there.
that road in that the elk token is like an exemplar. That currently exists on all of the chains that we're connected to, completely natively. It's not raps, it's not synthetic, it's just that token and they reside in reservoirs. These reservoirs
transfer across the L-net any token that needs to be moved so one reservoir will reduce whilst the other one will increase as it moves across the chain. As I said it's an example token at the moment, Elk is the token that does this but any token can
be set up to behave in the same way. So it be it MBX or any of the other folks here on the call that they were to make their token a bridge as a service token or a proxy token. Then their protocols could exist
on every single chain that Elk is connected to and the token will move fluidly and easily between the blockchain or cryptographically secured. No Elk has ever been lost and a long way that continues. So yeah, unfortunately not enough
aggregator, although it could be considered an aggregator of liquidity as then it can move it wherever you want it without any fear of exploit. Aha, that was a trick question and I'm glad you answered that Greg.
answer. Let me move on to the next question and that is for pomerium and this is from Maysile 2206 from Twitter. What are the benefits of the NFTs featuring 26 different dot breeds? I have to say I have no idea what this is about and I hope you do.
So yeah, in Premiere we have the NFTs that users can use during their games. So yeah, so there are server tiers for the NFTs. A total number of the tier
So there are seven tiers of the NFTs. Oh, you can actually combine the NFTs to the level of the NFTs. So the higher the number of the tier, the stronger ability you can
have during the game. So that's the utility of the NFT in the game. And FT's, Merit NFTs currently listed in element, open sees and to find FT. So we have, we also
I have partnership with the Lmanen 12th NFTS as well. So, yep. Cool. Thank you. Let's move on to the fifth question. I think we can probably have time for one more question after this question. So this fifth question is from
Jenny J10 that says, and this is directed to carbon, I read that this month carbon will launch a new valid data model. Can you explain how this will work? How can one become a valid data? How do you ensure that the valid data is on
Either find a completely new question or another question that's directed to carbon that's valid so Jenny J. Tan? Bad question totally wrong So let's move on to the next question it happens guys So I think the one thing
thing that we can admit and I'd love to share to everyone is that there are just so many spammers in Twitter. If everyone can petition Elon Musk to remove all the spammers, like as long as someone is just copy-pasting some sort of random
comment somewhere from Twitter that account should just be like banned or something right? He's probably but at least tweets are unique. Do we have a new question team? Let me just double check again.
Okay, I have a next question and I think this is for Handel. So I think carbon, we might move back to you if we find a good question. So I think this for Handel, this comes from PYUQPAM on Twitter that asks what is the main focus of Handelfi? Is it to trade, convert, borrow multi-currency stablecoins back by Ethereum and more?
Yes, that is correct. Our main focus is on what we call FX tokens, and I mentioned them earlier, but basically that you can access DeFi and international currency. That's what we're focused on. And thank you for that question, user that I cannot remember your name because of
a bunch of random letters and numbers, but appreciate you. Thank you. There was a very simple answer and a simple question. Hey guys, team, next question please. I think we'll have time for one last question and then we'll have a very quick roundup and we'll end off. We're already into the hour.
And the next question is
Question for carbon. Hopefully this is a valid question this time. The utility of the token is one of the factors that evaluates credibility and potential of the project. So what is the use of dollar sign SWTH token in
the ecosystem, how can users earn more tokens through the incentive program? Yeah, I love this question. So just a quick clarification, our token is called SWTH because we were called Situ Network and then we moved to Cosmos and called it Carbon.
and time, more and tune with the team. So SWTH is the governance token of the carbon network and it is a real-yout token that it doesn't have much inflation and every single trade that happens on our network whether it's a normal trade, whether it's a lending and borrowing
kind of trade, there is a brokerage fee that goes to all three stickers. So if you are a three-staker or if you are looking for some kind of like a passive income on the entrived transaction of the chain, you can basically stick with and as long as someone does
a trade whether it's like a leverage trade on the perpetual market or it's a spot trade or the borough some asset and pay borrowing fees a portion of all of these fees would actually go to swift takers and this does mean that if you stick swift and someone trades arbitra
Then you'll get some arbitrum someone trades if you get some if so you stick one asset and you get a whole basket of different tokens and this is sort of like a way where you can just sort of Unpassive income in a sense where as long as the trading volume is really good then you just keep earning all of that
is a really awesome tokens from the staking page and that's one of the really interesting mechanics of our our token and and how you can earn more swift we have like LP we want so if you provide the creativity to the ecosystem I don't know to the other book or on to
the money market, then there are some additional Swift incentives that is coming from the foundation and this is how you can earn Swift as well. And of course, we are a proof of Stink token. So you can stick Swift to earn more Swift, but like I mentioned, our inflation will only have about one
plus left so there isn't a very high inflation but it is still around I think 6 to 10% depending on trading volume and that's not too bad as well. So yeah excellent question and yeah yeah like a real youtube can. Super cool I'm glad that everyone had a chance to answer
question here. So we're kind of at the end of our session today. I really appreciate all the guests here today. I would love to get a very quick one thought from each speaker that you'd love to leave the audience here with today and feel free to anyone to go for us.
I'll jump first, this Greg again, Elk Finance. I just want to finish off on a little thing about the Elk token itself. At the moment it is our cross-chain medium, but when we have the Elk net
no running and when we're running bridging the service and farming the service then it is going to be the means of payment it is going to have it to utility in supporting every single farm that gets set up every single token
that moves across and that's what the Alcanette Fee is going to be paid in. It's a pretty keen price right now. Thanks very much, Kaiba. You've been immense and everyone else as well. Thanks for your time. Love you Greg and I up here. Next.
Yeah, I can go next. So I just want to point out that, you know, follow us, please on Twitter and Telegram for most alphas from Steve or Cordez. So you shouldn't miss that. I want to thank the Kiber team for organizing this because this was just perfectly organized and I hope that we can
do this much more often. And thank you for the great initiative for this trading campaign. And yeah, watch out just for updates for the MetaVault and what we're trying to build, which is the most user-friendly decentralized derivatives hub. And yeah, hope that you can follow
on our journey and take care. Bye. Thank you, and I met a vol. Next. So, okay, so can I go? All right. So, oh, well, thank you for this opportunity, cover swap, and we are looking forward to, yeah, definitely looking forward to more progress with the cover swap and long-term
like I said before, Premier Wea has just is looking for to listing the its governance talk and PMG on MEXC and we're also looking for to having big update pretty soon. So look
I hope for a lot of support from everyone. And it's really great to meet you all here as well. Thank you. Cool, next. Yeah, thank you for coming. Okay, yeah, so just wanted to say a huge
Thanks to KableSop for organizing the competition as well as the campaign. And if anyone wants to find out more about carbon, our Twitter is 0X Carbon. And we're basically trying to view the future of DeFi and we'd love for you to be part of it. Thanks. Awesome. Bob.
Yeah, I think on the last one. So yeah, thanks. Thanks for organizing. I think this is great. Thanks everyone for tuning in and just a reminder to there is I think like last six days to participate in the trading campaign. So make sure to head out to Cabras.
I think it's for Bob, you have five different chains available, so it should be pretty easy to get involved and there are some nice prizes and also the reminder about the learn to earn activity where you can also earn some Bob, it's very hard and yeah make sure to reach out on telegram with
If you have any questions, we have the links in the profile. Thank you. Thank you. Did Josh from Handel speak up? Yeah, thanks everyone for having us out. I pinned a tweet that when you buy your FX USD on Kiber through the trading competition, you can bring it to Handel and you
can participate in the just by trading on handles. By you can participate in that competition you don't need to do anything else and we'll just slightly trade 10,000 Oceanal. You'll get entered into the Forex competition. So go buy it on Kiber, bring it to handle and you can use it as collateral.
Thank you guys, you guys heard it here first, we're building the future of DeFi together. So for everyone to even then you go to kibasop.com right now, we are building what I really believe. What we really believe is the plumbing of the whole of DeFi, the best decks and aggregator out there.
You can use us on 13 chains, you can swap with the best rates, you can buy and sell at the price that you want with our limit orders, you can farm with great pools and great farms at great yields, safely, permissionlessly, trustlessly, DeFi is a future, self-custody is a future.
And right now with all the wonderful projects and guests here today, you can go to kibberswap.com/campaigns and you can trade, you can find out more about the projects, you can support the projects that you love and you can get rewarded as well. So I'm going to end off here. I think the future
is bright we had a lot more than we thought we would have today I think more than 500 so far tuned in and I think the conversation doesn't stop here make sure that you give us a love a comment a share out even friends who did not tune in right now who are maybe not awake or away from the
the mobile right now can still continue to enjoy this session even after it's ended. So let's continue that conversation for all the guests here today. Thanks again. And remember to trade smart with Kiva Swap. Love you all. See you soon. Bye bye.

FAQ on ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ KyberTalks | Synergy Across DeFi Projects: Is This The Future? ๐Ÿšจ | Twitter Space Recording

Who is hosting the AMA on this podcast?
Emran, the head of marketing for Kyberswap
What is the focus of this podcast?
The future of DeFi and various campaigns that are currently running
What is the purpose of the trading ground campaign?
To allow users to support and learn about various DeFi projects
What is the benefit of participating in the joint ecosystem of DeFi projects?
Access to various strategies and tactics that can help users take advantage of the benefits provided by the projects
What is the exclusive giveaway for the listeners of this podcast?
A $400 prize pool sponsored by ZKBob and L Finance
How many lucky winners will be selected for the prize pool giveaway?
What is the Learn to Earn event on the Kyber Network official server?
An opportunity for users to learn about DeFi and earn rewards
What is the project being introduced by Moimir on this podcast?
zkBob, a decentralized stablecoin with optional privacy features
What are the DeFi projects being represented on this podcast?
ZKBob, Alt Finance, Metable, Pommerium, Carbon, and Handle 5
What is the common goal among the DeFi projects on this podcast?
To provide value and benefits to their users