Launchpad Candidates ‘Check In & Updates’ w/Ekonavi

Recorded: Aug. 23, 2022 Duration: 0:52:49



Hello hello.
Just invited both you'd speak. Hello. Hi, hi. Do you hear me loud and clear? Yes, yes, definitely. Very good. Well, okay, here's the two others.
May just be a conversation between ourselves today.
You think so?
I don't think so. Usually there's not that many people listening in the Twitter space's life, but a lot of people actually replayed a space later.
Yeah, yeah. Now I remember when we'd spoken before there's maybe 20 or 30 people.
And I think so. And and and and if you guys getting through to Cosmiverse. Bren was getting to come Cosmiverse. Bren, are you tell them about that?
Hello, do you listen me well?
Yeah, it's hard being a holiday. Good, end of you.
Very good, very good. Nice. So yeah, I'm going to the Cosmoverse. I'm going to Colombia on the 15th September, a bit before and I'm also taking the opportunity to visit some projects there that have a
resemblance with our projects with agroforestry things like this. So I'm also taking the opportunity of this agenda to invite more people to Econavi since we are also making the translations for Spanish, English and other
others also. So yeah, I'm excited. I have talked with some people beforehand now, some participants. There is a big group in Telegram with more than 400 people that are going to the
So I think it's a great opportunity for us to know more about the projects in the ecosystem and meet the people from the community. So yeah, I'm very excited and looking forward to being Colombia.
Brilliant, brilliant. That's, yeah, I don't know how many of us are going to get there or if any of us are going to get there. So we will certainly rely on you to kind of spread the good word and make connections there.
Yeah, you, Bruno can represent Ixo from on behalf of Echo Nauti for sure. Fantastic. Yeah, absolutely.
So, I thought Alwyn was coming. You're not coming.
I would buy it in the speed. Yeah, I went his here is listening. So the issue is that it's really, really far from us. It's like a 72. You have to go to Europe, right? Yeah, it's exactly. We're so close, you know, like
just seeing so frustrating because it's just across the water from us and yet we have to go all the way around and so it's literally 72 hours of travel and then all the kind of recovery time and all of that and so
So it's going to take a huge chunk of work time and we just have so much that we have to deliver at the moment and so really exciting stuff. But between now and the end of the year, there's no time for anything else but building and delivering
Hey guys, I see. Hi, how are you doing? Good. Yeah, like Sean said, I mean, it's a hell of a trip. So I got the ticket, the conference ticket, but we'll see whether we get there or not.
Okay, yeah, so if there is anybody that you can recommend me to meet there and things like this, we are open to discuss with other people there also the project, so any help is good.
And yeah, it's a pity that you can't come, but I understand yeah, it's like so close but so far. Yeah. Cool. Hi command. Good to see you here. We seem to have a very small
group of people on today's call. It might be nice just to get a general update from you guys. Congratulations on getting your website live, the updated website. So how's it all going? What's the latest in Ikonavi?
I guess I'll start with this. Thank you. Thank you for the chance to speak again on the Exo Twitter space. So yeah, after lots of hard work, lots of testing and great effort.
We finally launched, as you said, a major upgrade of the Econavi website. On the first hand, there's some major revamps for UX, UI, as well as SEO to make it more visible on internet and when people search.
And then also we're starting to put, I guess, the building blocks for Web3 functionality and really building the bridge facilitating people in the field in Brazil to be able to join this space. I guess, well, in a moment I'll let
I'll give some insight on the tech-nical parts, but the main and new feature right now, I guess, is some gamified feature to engage the community and also to support and showcase impact activity. So this is like whether it's planting in the field or
If someone is organizing an event to share it, then they would get points. There's multiple rounds of points accumulation at the end of which the ones that accumulated the most points earn rewards.
And these points over all the rounds will be accumulated. And this will be a proto-form of currency that at some points will have a value that can be translated in dollars, hei's, in Ixo, and so on.
And then from what is my builds, we will then move on to other new functionalities, including a marketplace. We'll also have a library for literature that will be open source. And then a number of ways to really incentivize
planting, growing trees, reforestation, extending agroforestry and whatnot. Ismail, do you have anything you want to comment on the technology? Hey, can you hear me, everyone? Glad I'm clear. Great, great. Well, once again,
Thank you so much for this opportunity. It's good to see everyone here in the ReFi space. Good to be here with friends, with people who have similar visions, who want to make positive transformations here in the world. And so yeah, we're all here because we work hard at this every day.
great to be able to share some time and also catch up on the new happenings and you know, convene about what's next on the plate. So thanks everyone so much for what you've shared so far. And yeah, I'd be happy to
give a more, I guess, technically related update about things that status of our new site and our integrations with the Web3 tools that it's so it's providing. So the SDK is looking good and also all the different cosmos updates
been phenomenal in this very phenomenal just in this last few months. So really excited about the .46 upgrade from the Cosmos development team and looking forward to interacting with that. So but let me first start with the economic site.
We're live, we've deployed a new, I guess, new era of web deployment, web design using CDN edge delivered, statically generated content to the websites loading super fast. Lots of people have said that they've really
experience a fast loading page and that you know it's easy to use and that it's an enjoyable experience so that's what we're going for but it's just the first step right now we do see an other
in the amount of users we made it super easy for people to join the website, log in, create a recount, and we're looking to add even more features to make the user experience seamless and super fast, very pleasurable. So there'll be more iterations like we're just like
excited to get the first iteration launched and have people use it. And as the weeks and the months move on, we have a whole set of features that we're planning to launch. I have a long to do list, which I'm salivating at actually to just see like all the awesome things that we get to
get into and just increase our technical stack. So like I said, it's right now deployed with Cloud Flare using edge compute function. So all the computations happen at the nearest edge around the world. We're looking to
go international as much as possible with this. So as Brino mentioned, we have four language translations that we're going to be launching shortly. So we have Portuguese, which is default language because we're based here in Brazil. We're also going to add English because we want to be able to
Allow a global audience to see how our site functions. We have Spanish because that's one of the largest languages in the world. And then also because Simon, he's fluent in French and there's also a large French speaker.
population in Africa, that's going to be the fourth language. So once we've got the translations complete, we'll launch that feature so it'll be really easy to just click and instantly change your language and it will allow a wider audience to interact because we've been speaking with a few folks
around the globe already who are interested in launching their projects, getting up on Echo Navi so that they can showcase their agroforestry and ecological projects. And so yeah, we wanted to open the doors to the entire world because impact
is global, Ixo wants to make global impact a reality. And we're just as market relays with with Equinavi, that's like what our goal is is to help open these doors to help open these these ecological markets to allow people around the world who want
want to make a positive difference in their communities with the environment, combating climate change, increasing biodiversity, social aspects as well, improving the quality of life, improving the basics for
Oh, it's not, I think we lost you there.
Yes, we seem to have lost a lot of smell so I'm keen to ask you smell about the SDK integration and the plans for that for everyone else who hasn't visited the economic website it's
And it's maybe Simon, you can take this next question ahead because I remember you said that you're actually incentivizing as part of the gamification, you're incentivizing people not to spend much time on the website, which I think was a really interesting kind of
dynamic. Do you want to just talk a little bit about that? Well, I mean, I mean, the not to spend too much time on the website, it was a thought. We did not establish it though. I mean, like with this idea of limiting, we were thinking of keeping
it to 15 minutes, but ultimately we put the limits rather on how much points one can accumulate. So this is to say that, okay, if one is to make a post, you can earn points for two posts per week. If one is to post an event, you can keep it only to two per month.
But because nobody organizes that many events, whether it comes for education or what else. Like, you know, a planting, gathering activity. And so, but the point is really here to get people
to use the system more to engage with it and to also get people used to with the rewards to get them used to using, you know, decentralized finance. Since one day these points will be compensated whether it's about
and then given that the activity of the community is basically around agroforestry, perma culture, bio-construction, all these different activities that
that we tend to support and that helps go towards a more sustainable future. Then we can see that all the content is going to be pointing to that, which will incentivize people to continue their activities. And for that matter, in the gamification, one of the next nuts to crack is
how to, you know, the MRV invalidation of impact, impact activity, something that was achieved and that we know that there is a before and then after. So let's say, you know, let's say someone posts about a set of trees or an agro for a set of
very cool.
It's not mentioned that the visits to the site have increased. What's actually happening on the ground with the networks and, you know,
I guess membership of the network and real activities that are kind of progressing this marketplace as a connected network marketplace.
Yes, so the community in the ground is slowly starting to use the new platform, which is my own mentioning. It's much faster, much more efficient. So that's quite an incentive for people to
to start using again because they discover this new website much faster. So I have been talking to people inviting them to practice with the new tools and they have coming every day a bit more people arriving.
Also, that you ask it about the time thing and how we make it so people don't spend too much time. I think, basically, like Simon said, that we have a list of rewards that you can make so you can access
In the day, you can see things you can do like like in posts and commenting which are simple things and doesn't require a lot of time. So that's the way that we make it. So since the rewards are kept in certain amounts,
It doesn't matter if you spend too much time in short minutes. You can make your post, it's very fast. In five minutes you can have posts in the platform, you can also like other posts. What happens is that when
you like another post from another project this project also get a point so it's also a kind of way to say like if we can establish some democratic process at some point also to choose projects
So the community itself already like when they click and they like the other projects they are signalling that that project has something that has a value so that's a way also to create these values that we have found.
And, and I, it's my own is back. I don't know if his internet is good, but like I was saying, I also think that when the website is in English, it will be easier for the broader community to understand
and the things that are happening there. But like we say, it's very simple. It's fast, simple. Like people creating their diaries. They also have a page for their project. So for people starting any
They can open a page in Econavi which they can use to, you know, for example, if they want to ask for funds, for government, for foundation, for whatever they want to do.
once they can use their page in Econavi, with their activity dated. So, you know, like any person can track what you have been doing. And I think that's quite an issue.
and that's quite a look at for people, especially because associations working with organic product, but that doesn't have like an official stamp. They need this kind of verification things, so the customers can check
the farmers and see that they're doing exactly like they're saying. So I think that will be quite a good aspect from Econavi that will be used by farmers in associations. Yes, I think
The cool thing that you guys are doing from the technology perspective is really integrating Web 2 and Web 3 in a way that makes it accessible for the people who are not familiar with Web 3.
get an entry point, get used to things like collecting points in an incentivized gamified kind of way and then being able to at some point then transfer them into tokens. And the other is the integration then of the SD
and into the the Excel blockchain integrating with two and with three. So I'm keen to hear from you, Ishmael, kind of what the plans are around this and for us it's a really great model because we have a, you know, open source
to the wide label marketplace application platform, so the web application, mobile application is coming very soon. And that's kind of provided as the standard application as part of the XOR stack, but what you guys have done is built.
your own website and now integrating through the SDK, which I think is a really great demonstration of how to build out a diverse and kind of more use case specific marketplaces with these technologies.
Yeah, absolutely. So I don't know where I got cut off last time. So I will say that I am, I guess, living
at the edge where the impact happens on the ground in a Brazilian rainforest home-stepping. And so I actually recently, I guess a week or two ago, actually dug the
holes so that we can set up the post to bring broadband internet out to this community. So if I have some technical difficulties, I apologize, but it seems to be working right now.
Okay, so talking about the integrations, yeah, we really needed to have kind of like our own, well, there already existed an echo Navi brand and
There already existed a platform, a 2.0 platform where our user base was interacting with our website and posting their ecological activities. So integrating with Web3 and the XO suite of tools was actually
really nice fit. It just kind of extended the the intention of what we were already doing. But now it's leveraging W3 and blockchain and a whole new
Variety a whole suite of tools that's going to allow our user base to interact with the base wallet. I'm not sure if the part that I was sharing about the wallet integrations that we're looking at was cut off or not. But
what we're able to do through the marketplace through the website is to allow users to connect their wallet. So let's say they're using the Opera mobile wallet. They'll be able to access the site and even log in with the wallet credentials so they'll keep the
own private keys, they'll have the autonomy, it will be a trustless system. And with that information, we'll be able to open up the marketplace to them and allow them to interact with web three digital assets that are generated
it on the X of blockchain. So we're looking at NFTs, we're looking at alpha bonds, we're looking also at the token itself and how we can use that as parts of the currency
or the package are different currencies that users will be able to interact with. And then you take in the fact that we have ICA or interchained accounts that are coming down the pipeline very shortly and the cause in those hubs. So it's just amazing. It's mind blowing. It's kind of like a Cambrian experience.
which is taking place. So everyone that's in it now and able to see all these new connections take place and formulate and grow and reach out and form these new types of
It's a new type of alchemy, so to speak, where we have all these different tools, all these different chains, all these huge technical stack, and all these opportunities for us to iterate upon and just evolve the ecosystem, evolve the space.
We're going to allow through the connection of a crypto wallet, such as Opera, the users to connect to the Excel blockchain and actually leverage the content that they've created in the Web2 interface and put that
on chain. So submit their claims reports to the interface. Actually have publicly verifiable and the community can verify the activities of certain users and kind of create
a graph of authentication, a graph of reputation, and that would be supported by the tools that are provided in the dids with the XO blockchain.
Right now we have a nice SDK that's available that exo developers have created and allows us through the API to make these calls from our front end webpoint to point out front end to the
the blockchain and actually broadcast these transactions. So through the SDK, there will be a seamless connection between the Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 world. So it's just right now a matter of going through adding the different
commands that we want to open up to the users initially, going through the testing iterations of those phases. And by giving feedback, that's very important. Getting feedback from the user base to see what people are enjoying, see what questions they have, because there are some, I guess,
I'm still in. Still all. I thought it could offer me again. Okay, so there are some some barriers between people who are accustomed to the web 2.0 world feeling comfortable in a web 3.0 and understanding what the crypto
the wallet is and what type of autonomy they have and how they can acquire and transact and share different work through assets. So we'll be definitely getting feedback from the community and helping them
along in this process because we want to onboard more and more people to the space and allow them to get a custom, I guess, to this new frontier that we're that we're trekking out upon. So yeah.
Yeah, that's excellent. So yeah, great milestone having got to this upgrade, having users now interacting with site and then next step is the integration bringing in the way
three components and then I guess it's really about connecting these tools to like the real needs on the ground and the marketplace that connects
Farmers to verification services and funding to be able to mint tokens as assets in a T's and so on. What do you see the main kind of needs be
in the near term, obviously there's a whole kind of universe of possibilities. But what are you finding the main kind of initial use cases and needs are within this community and this network?
I'll start by saying that I'll let my colleagues continue. It's a very good question and it's one that like it's not just figuring out what but it's also the issue of how because
Because, you know, like, when, for example, we've been thinking and working on a trying to come up with an agroforestry token, which basically is generated upon regeneration of degraded lands. And by holding the token, kind of like a utility token and holding it, you can
earn dividends for plants that produce that sold both food and timber, things like this. But it does require strong and detailed methodology that has taken consideration a lot of variables all at the same time.
When we look at this space, there's so much going on, so many new groups that are being created and so much like NFTs being sold out there with varying degrees of detail or substance as to us attached to them.
which obviously, okay, not everybody is super serious or some are more serious than others. But it led us also to think that maybe we want to start with something and then go as we move along.
maybe proposed products that get more serious or more substantial as we navigate the space, which is to say that the first thing that we're going to sell in our marketplace will
be an NFT that's an art NFT, but where a big part of the funds go to planting, which the idea with this is, okay, so we work with a couple artists in Brazil or Brazilians around the world and we'll be open to other artists that have a piece of digital art
someone who would buy it so owns this piece of art but then I'm part of the funds generated will go to you know Agroforestry or Reforestation which also I would dare say maybe this sounds a little romantic but the you know the engaged artist or the artist
as an activist can here be fulfilled like in the most tangible of terms because their work will actually go to growing forests and this is just the beginning and as we go we'll see more complex things I'll let Brenno and or Ismail continue
Yeah, so I think you explained it well Simon So we are facing all these possibilities for a long time We have been maturing the thoughts and the experience and well, I think Challenge for hearing
the field like there are lots of challenges for sure. But in terms of Web 3, I think the educational aspect must be very well-worked. And I mean it's sometimes a bit difficult for us to
prepare all the methods that must be made for the community, but we are figuring out how to do it, but basically teaching people how to, how they can perceive the benefits, how they can see the utility of these two, because
others have said there. I mean in Web 2 people were stuck in the kind of technology that didn't give them a lot of benefits but became a work for them and sometimes even stressful. So there is this barrier
where I think the Web 3 is a technology being used in the benefit of this project. So it's a process, it's a process, and that's why we are doing it slowly. We created this point system. We'll figure out how we can
You know give some small rewards to change the points and that's how we've been approaching people telling them to start Figuring out how would work this kind of platform in web3 and we get feedback we discuss a bit is true
the very beginning. I mean, I don't think we have reached 20 days of launching. So it's a very, very beginning. And like Simon said, also, so we also are choosing for our first product to be an art and FT, like Art and a College
Art and Ecology and FT. It can go like artist work, benefiting directly, an unity in Nekonavi and this, the unit shows how it's going to be used, the resource and the
they show it with images and later they will also be able to show with video. So I think the main point here is to build the trust. So we choose for an easier kind of NFT which is an art. It's already there. We don't need to
establish a crazy methodology like we are doing for this possible AgroFords NFT which would be more complex and with financial rewards also for investors. So I think before that we built the trust with this Art NFT
people who start seeing that once they buy these tokens it caused direct impact in the field. So I think that's kind of the gap of this field that we are working which is environmental field that I mean there are many foundations many
projects everywhere, but people supporting, they usually feel like there is a gap of seeing with clarity what's going on, you know, and that's the kind of tool that we're building so people can instantaneously look and
buy a token and look the impact so we are saying like making the impact right away. And yeah, so I think building this trust and with time we can develop more complex tokens and keep scaling this process.
So yeah, I think it's on this path that we are walking now.
Yeah, that's great. And I think so last week's call we had a conversation with Clermont who's on the call today. And we were talking about these different token models, different uses of tokens, different token economics and so on.
a lot of this is still quite experimental and to have the opportunity to try different things out, share our experiences of what works and what doesn't work and so on and then continue to build from there. And yes, that's really good. And so in terms of
Like between now and the end of the year, what would you say your one sort of main achievements that you're hoping to do will be having largest achieved their launch of the new websites and the platform? What is the the thing that is going to
be defining for you for the coming months. Yeah, absolutely. That's a great question. Before I get into that real quickly, I just want to kind of piggyback on what Simon and Bruno said in response to your question about what are
some of the challenges. What does the community need? What are they looking for? And indeed, I would say in the entire REFI and impact space, it's that last mile, bridging the gap between the technologies
and the land stewards, the people that are on the land and kind of showing them what the possibilities are and helping them to make that connection so that we can connect this entire system, that the value proposition just continues.
to grow with these interactions. So we did have a live community called to introduce our communities, the different projects, the different landowners and the different people who have their agricultural plots and we gave them a walk
to the site and so I think really did a great job. It was entirely in Portuguese and I had to speak it as well. But it just was amazing the type of feedback. I remember one of the the the land stewards she said this is like a dream come true like she
She's been hearing about all these technologies and NFTs and everything, but she had no idea how to get started. She was just really stoked about the work that we're doing through XOB and so yeah, that's the challenge.
is bridging the divide between the natural world and augmenting the tools that we now have available that we're developing and experimenting with in the Web3 Tech World. And so what would be
everything, everything. Let's do everything before the end of the year. No. So my hopes are that we can continue to just iterate. So we do have the language translations, which is I think very important.
And especially we want to have that launch before Cosmoverse because we want everyone who is at Cosmoverse, we want the Colombians, we want the Argentinians, we want the Americans, we want the South Americans, we want South Africans, South Americans as well, we want everyone
to be able to access the site and understand the types of projects that we're involved with. So this is definitely a huge goal. Finish the language translations before Cosmoverse, which is next month. NFT is definitely
required ASAP, the integration with the the XO tool set to also a wallet. We need to get the wallet integrated. I would say that these are all things that are our definite before the end of the year.
next four months requirement. And then we'll start to build upon those first integrations. Once we have the first channels, the first APIs, we're testing our user
is getting more and more comfortable with using a crypto wallet, then we'll start adding new features that they can take advantage of through that channel. But I think first and foremost is the language translations that we can
open up the site to a wider audience. Second is to get this NFT, the NFT version launched, and then third is to have the wallet connection with Opera and perhaps a few others.
We'll see how those integrations go. And yeah, finally, we want to start interacting with the Excel blockchain using the SDK. So as a developer, those that's
It's kind of like what the milestone looks like of what's possible. And then of course there's a lot of creative ideas that are coming from the team, from Simon and Bruno. So there's lots of things that the project scope
other developers probably know project scope is never ending. There's an infinite amount of possibilities and cool features that can be built in. But I think those four are a it's shoe in before the end of this year. So those will be our goals. Yeah. And it's I think it's
very much, you know, as you once says, bear market time to build. This is definitely building and showing the results of building. So very cool. I wonder if there's anyone else who wants to chip in here, then you're up here
the speakers as well, like do you know I've asked any final questions before we wrap up? Yeah, I'm happy to speak some words. So what I really like about what Econavi is doing and why I'm so excited about the project is that in Web 3
What you usually see is that people only focus on the web-free community, which usually has little interest in the regeneration at all. And it's kind of makes sense because, well, web-free in general is a very for-profit-driven industry, which is very much focusing on monetary values.
And then they launch a project and kind of hope that takes to have a savvy farmers or agroforesters or the region community. So it speaks, speaks hopes in. But what economy is doing is creating infrastructure for our regenerative community that is actually very familiar to the social
websites, they're already, these people are already used to using. So you're really significantly reducing the tech barrier that exists and then functions like having a sovereign identity for regenerative farms and allowing them to build a node code homepage
having a knowledge-based event, incentivize participation, and then eventually marketplaces, I think it's looking like a really good foundation to build on and really make the ecosystem come to life.
Thanks, sir. That's an option. Yeah, no one, it means a lot to us that, I mean, it gives us, I guess, the confidence or the notion that we might be on the right track because just like it was said a couple times earlier that, you know, okay, we have a new system.
And from the beginning, the economic process, it has been like a lot of interaction with the community to see what works, to see what makes sense to them, to see if their experience is good and we build on what we're
works and what doesn't. But if like from from the interpretation that you give this it makes us feel like we're doing something right and yeah we want to do it for the farmers for the people committed to regeneration, sustainable agriculture and well yeah maybe we're maybe
Maybe we're doing we're on the right track. And on that point I want to ask about your thoughts for rallying the community and maybe allowing them to do some a little bit of governance themselves as well. Have you thought about a dar structure and perhaps member voting that sort of thing?
Yeah, I think definitely that's a great issue that should be present in the platform. So just adding what was said, I think for the until the end of the year, we have these goals and definitely one of the main goals is to raise
funds, especially with these art and fts, which we have found interest, we have found people interested in investing in them. So in this way we can also keep our growth, which means investing a bit more in the educational aspect.
So our bridge, we make with the community, we can make it more clear, we can get more feedback, we can understand more what is the comprehensive side in the field. And in terms of
like walking towards a dau. I think that's one of the most interesting things that we can do, which is kind of creating a forum or a community inside the platform where people can vote things, you know,
So like they do in WebTree, but kind of the same, you know, like bringing some proposals, you know, like so they can understand that, you know, like it's possible to take collective decision and legitimate decision.
I'm also looking forward in terms that we can decentralize more because as more with the centralized it's better for I mean the direction of the project because once the decision is legitimized
between the group of people and the community. It becomes a collective decision and it's not a one person decision. So yes, that's definitely one of the steps that we are walking also to do. Maybe until the end of the year.
like Ismail said, it's a privilege to have a developer like Ismail, but he's also full of work. And yeah, but we have been breaking barriers, so I hope we can keep on this rhythm until the end of the year and forward.
Yeah, that's brilliant. And I really commend you guys for taking this path and working really feet on the ground, applying the technologies and step-by-step, working towards getting
user adoption and people to understand the technology and use the technology and build that base because that's really the hard part of of of ReFi and Web 3, 4 impact is really doing the hard work of of engaging community
communities and people who are doing the good work on the ground and building capacity and so on. So really commend you on that and I know it's something you've been doing for a while now and you're hugely committed and dedicated to that.
fantastic and congratulations again on the achievements that you've been able to make within the context of not having a lot of funding and all the other challenges that we face in this
of real world of building, world changing technologies and systems and networks of people and so on. So congratulations. And we look forward to hearing from you as things progress over the coming months and as we continue the path through the launch
and to actually having more products and services out there and generating data and value flows, I think there's a great future ahead. So thanks guys, it's always a great pleasure speaking with you.
to Matilda and Mike for setting up the call and yeah to everyone for being on the call today and participating and listening in and Mike do you want to make any kind of final final words and close us off?
Sure, yeah, if anyone still has any questions or wants to hope in, then by all means raise your hand and I'll get you on stage. One last comment that I could maybe make is that I was actually excited to see that there are already quite a few entities or farms, agroforesters
on the on the icon of your website hosting and posting their events. So really showing their intent of one that you know this is something that they can work with and also this is something they want to work with. So yeah I think there's an exciting future ahead and I'm looking forward to see the further development.
Well, thank you, thank you, Mike, Sean, everybody at EXO. It's a pleasure to collaborate with you and yeah, we've been on this for a while now, but we're only getting started.
Perfect, then I think that's a good note to end the space on. I want to thank everyone for coming and yeah, see you next week.
Thank you. Thanks. Bye bye. Bye.