🔥🤝👥 Let's connect in LunCo! 🚀🌱Streming on YouTube #gitcoin #desci

Recorded: April 21, 2023 Duration: 0:25:38



Hey, you're too. How are you? I'm trying to set up YouTube stream.
I think I found the link but it will take me some time to copy it. So today I'm doing a quite strange event for me. It's for the first time so I'm trying to
stream a YouTube video of the long calculator. I hope I'll be able to use that video
to make a small promo.
Oh, okay, thanks.
I'm trying to find...
link to the corp here.
I have no idea how it should took off here.
Oh, yeah. Oh, I know that.
I think they're out.
[Sounds of a bird]
So the link
is in the description.
on Twitter, phrases.
Okay nice, so I've shared the link and we did now I came to the actual streaming, I'm not sure I think they have to do
really slow my computer is quite slow but yeah I think I'll just run to the modes
Actually, this room is pretty fast. I can see it on another computer.
They're amazing.
Okay, so let me start.
Yeah, I think maybe like one second delay or maybe two second delay.
So right now, look, it looks quite simple.
So yeah, unfortunately the video is hit like on YouTube.
it works. So in look there are these are 3D simulation world, basically everything in look a little bit in one

FAQ on 🔥🤝👥 Let's connect in LunCo! 🚀🌱Streming on YouTube #gitcoin #desci | Twitter Space Recording

What is the speaker trying to set up?
The speaker is trying to set up a YouTube stream.
What kind of video is the speaker trying to use for a promo?
The speaker is trying to use a video of a long calculator for a promo.
What does the speaker say about their computer?
The speaker says that their computer is quite slow.
Is the video working properly on the speaker's computer?
No, the video is not working properly on the speaker's computer.
How does the speaker describe Look?
The speaker describes Look as a 3D simulation world.
What is the delay time in the stream?
The delay time in the stream is about one or two seconds.
Where is the link to the stream located?
The link to the stream is located in the description and on Twitter.
What is the speaker's reaction to another computer's speed?
The speaker is amazed at the speed of another computer.
What type of event is the speaker doing for the first time?
The speaker is doing a strange event for the first time.
What is the content of the long calculator video?
The content of the long calculator video is not specified.