Let’s talk about @magiceden 💎💎💎

Recorded: Feb. 4, 2024 Duration: 1:43:54



gm ga that's wild gm ga and gm everybody welcome to the iphone showcase another week
another spicy little show for y'all we like to keep that sunday hot digi how are you
yo what's happening yeah just trying to run this uh with some technical difficulties as always
but we're here baby we're back it's sunday and i'm excited for a for a good showcase
excited for a good showcase got some cool guests coming through this uh this week i don't think
it's going to be extremely long but i do think it's going to be absolutely information packed
which is honestly my favorite combo for the showcases so uh yeah i think we are counting
on a good one today jordie my boy how are you how's your sunday been
apologies gentlemen uh hold on can you guys hear me having also having technical difficulties
good afternoon boys hopefully everyone's doing doing well i just picked up some uh groceries with the
you know the juke money um help help keeping me alive you guys know how it goes but headed back
home now shout out meow for covering uh jordan's grocery bill this week that's very kind of him
i'm glad uh you can afford sustenance for for another fortnight here um but yeah dude i think
i speak for most of us on salona when i say thank you meow after that lovely lovely airdrop
i know a lot of us got super blessed hell of a lot of free money um i don't even know what to say
fucking it's a win did you how do you feel about your free uh your free juke bro i feel good i feel
good king um finding another little another little stimmy uh sitting in the the icon squads wallet
was also just you know fantastic you love to see that but yeah we we thank meow you know the
the ever great the ever wonderful and yeah man stimmies send more send more
name of the game is more stimmies always more stimmies never enough stimmies but uh i definitely
don't think we're anywhere near the end of stimmy season yet so you know keep your eyes open i know
digi has been very very good about uh updating people on his farming lists a lot of the icon
content creators with different strategies make sure you guys are interacting with these
platforms and protocols bro make sure you're interacting with the ones that no one is talking
about uh jordan dude side note what's your uh what's your favorite like low key
farming opportunity right now that you think is going to print for you
um my favorite at the moment is definitely magic eden's uh magic eden's diamonds uh i don't
but that's not low key like oh is it not low key dude you know me i'd say maybe parcel right if
if those were to be okay jordan is out here giving everyone's favorite farming opportunities
dude all right maybe i don't know the low key ones i'm not i'm not him i'm not that guy you know
no we'll give you the pass on that one did you go ahead bro i've got a lucky one bro it's some
bro some fucking defile protocol on aptos no one uses aptos but this thing is printing this
thing is absolutely printing stacks every single day and it's oh it's phenomenal bro i think there's
like four people that use it and i'm three of them um fantastic that's a fucking banger dude you
love to see it why why haven't you told me about this what's what's going on bro because
i know i know my boys don't mess with aptos they're salon and native bro did you spin on aptos
i think you don't understand that he never left bro we're out there we're out there on avacs bro
we're doing some polygon shit we're on suey we're on say um the only one we don't fuck with is
codano that one that one is is a mortal sin bro that's the one you know oh you can see cosy's
throwing throwing the thumbs down bro he's a codano maxi cosy please see yourself out exit stage
we all know you have bags that you just don't want to share with people
bro absolutely bro i'm trying to eat i'm trying to eat like sharing my bags with people i build them
for me the only time you share bags is when there's when there's a referral code that's when
you share you know now now i see how authentic and genuine our connection is digi it's all about
the money i see that is that's crazy that's crazy and hurtful and cozy i expected better
from you to be honest let's listen before we get too into this and cozy you know and digi have a
falling out of lovers of epic proportions cozy are you going to be coming to salona toronto this
month dude i wish i'm in switzerland i won't be back until end of march leading into easter so
if there's something going on just before nft nyc in toronto maybe a salon in toronto but
nyc for sure uh definitely not i'm just switzerland right now i was actually just in paris this past
weekend so that was fun hey fire how was paris uh i mean other than the fact that tractors are
surrounding the city and preventing everybody from going into it everything's great shout out
agricultural protests bro but uh yeah we're not going to talk about those at all i don't think
you can say that um just kind of you know as as pr and as human resources uh i'm pretty sure that's
just news i'm pretty sure that's just like sharing the news i don't know what you guys
right that that sounds like cordono maximalism bro right there bro that's so i literally have
no cardano and you're like i just said like why are you hating on one single chain that's all
i'm saying did you literally just went on this rant about how if it's making you money it
doesn't matter i'm the problem i'm him uh basically digi hasn't been offered a way to make money on
kardana yet so that's why he's not saying it's good bro the only person who makes money on kardano
is charles hoskinson bro wait wait i have a kardano nft okay chef you're out as well bro exit
stage left i didn't pay for it but it's it's worth like actual money i think right last time
i checked it was anytime kardano nft's become you know become actually worth something is when
magic eden does a lot you know does a marketplace on there so until then until then it's like uh
it's like a pepe one and it's i i was told it's worth like 300 bucks finally got around the
puppies did they yeah they did and apparently there's like a coin that comes with the pepe
it's called friend and there's there's some people that are super bullish on it but
those two people are crazy bro those two i'm gonna be honest i don't even remember
the wallet that i put it in to be honest
he's like you got to make this wallet i was like what wallet do i make i've never had a kardana
wallet before and then i remember he told me but i still don't like i have to go to the specific
computer that i downloaded the wallet on or else i'm never gonna see that again that's probably
my biggest fear and that's why i fade kind of like going to other chains is because i'm get
scared that like i'm gonna accidentally forget that a wallet exists and then i'm gonna turn into
all these other influencers that suddenly came into like the bear or leading into the bull and we're
like oh i just found this old wallet that i haven't seen in like six months to a year and oh it has
like five hundred thousand dollars worth of nft's in it or something like like that scares me wait
cozy what you're telling me is you're not intentionally making wallets on different chains
so that you can do that six months down the line come on come on now wait what i have a
i personally like to hide money like a squirrel so i can just find it
isn't that what you're that's like chapter two and how to become an influencer bro
yeah dude it's like the grown-up bro having lost wallets is the grown-up version of leaving
birthday money in your good suit if that's what it is as long as you're trading on them and then
you can get rewarded for things like jup for being on multiple different wallets and so forth
oh he's spitting now well i went down with jup i literally had like a bunch of little like little
easter egg surprises i was like i thought i only had two wallets that i had to share and then i
realized that i was farming like like burning nana uh between like five or six different wallets
because i i had this theory at one point that if i burn nana that the reward you got with soul
incinerator you actually made more money than nana i quickly figured out it wasn't it wasn't
the case but i did it across like five or six different wallets and then i went to jup and i
realized that i trade so much i traded so much trying to burn it that i actually got like 1200
from every single one of those wallets and that turned the juke drop don't don't flex on us right
now bro i know you don't say that i'm flexing i never flex did you don't you say you have the
most you sound you sound like a defensive person right now cozy it sounds like you're in a corner
and you know nobody puts cozy in a corner i sound happy the real the real question cozy do you still
have that juke okay full disclosure sold 10gs worth of juke oh okay yeah right condor your
maximalism and selling juke could never be me yeah no no get your money bro get your money
full on full on for the recording full on for the recording i literally sold 10gs worth of juke
at 68 cents and then i just bought another thousand at 52 cents tell me i'm stupid mofo
uh get your money get your money okay before before we get into just cod on a maximalism and everything
that's wrong with cozy right now orange we've got some cool people up here before we welcome them
i think you know let's let's do the the damn thing but before we do there's a little purple
button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen go give that a tap drop a like drop a
retweet drop a comment help us get out there this is the icon showcase and we're about to run into
this orange take the wheel for a second while i have a breath and then we'll get going let's
fucking go my boy all right all right all right so welcome back to the icon showcase ladies and
gentlemen we are your host digi and orange and this show is proudly sponsored by robert
robert is kryptos most innovative casino you can try your luck in a multitude of casino games
sportsbooks gambling loans and futures trading with up to a thousand x leverage is available
uh please be careful don't be like orange he gets liquidated on the daily
and you can play today with your favorite coins orange are you ready well not anymore dude
now i'm thinking about all my liquidations bro so they used to for the people down below
there's some there's some deep deep archon lore here we used to have a segment in the show
called oranges fumbles of the week um and i think we're gonna have to bring that back
because man's been cooking and not in a good way i've been known to be a prolific loser of
money uh from time to time for sure i thought you were going to say more to defend yourself
what am i supposed to say not going to lie oh he fumbled that bag jordan what do you what do you
think about oranges fumbles of the week i think that um i really don't like that he peer pressures
me into uh gambling and rope it every single day um you know he says jordan put another
hundred in put another hundred in but that's that's just what good friends do
that's just what good friends do jordan because one of these days we're gonna hit it big
and you don't want to be missing out on that one king let me tell you that much
that's a direct quote from me every time i'm trying to convince him to add more money to the
balance that is true jordan don't talk about the peer pressure up here there's you know we're
in public we're in public this is not uh you know this is not the back alley chats
shift go ahead and then we'll get started here king um yeah so i just want to have a quick talk
with you digi and uh guys if you could go into the comments and vote on the poll that i made
it'll be really helpful for for what we're doing here so just go into the comments vote on the
poll on the poll thank you um so i was telling you the other day that i was uh watching uh
jersey stream shout out jersey i was watching jersey's youtube stream and uh digi got a big
little shout out on the stream um dope digi legend of course um so i was making sure everybody knew
but it almost didn't come to fruition i'm gonna let you guess why the shout out because of the
handle because of the handle digi yeah change that shit and somebody has the king digi handle i
own king digi with two eyes at the at the end but it's it's not that it's not the same thing
where you can actually see king digi with two hours at the end down below right he's called digi
twin and he's an absolute absolute g um but yeah i've been thinking about that but it just seems
i'm sure we can figure out a way there's got there's a way that you can slide that in there
throw a ox here throw a soul there throw a nft in the middle you know there's got to be some
sort of variation that that'll work digi has like an is like an onlyfans account he has like
a backup account to the backup account so that way just in case he gets blocked yeah of course of
course bro there's ops out here cozy you weren't around when the icon account got gunned down
by the ops bro it's prime bro you got to have backups on backups on backups and if uh again
that's that's the first page in the influenza book um you know have backups because you know
if your account gets gone that that's it you're done bro you fade out of relevancy so quick but um
before i don't want to talk about me the entire time we can do it a little bit later because you
know there's there's there's nice things to talk about but orange let's we got some cool people
here we haven't done well comes let's do that and then let's get right into it absolutely
absolutely obviously jordan already addressed don't need to do it chef don't need to do it
okay liz off the stage now we're gonna go straight over to tiff tiff what's up
up hey what's going on it's been a hot minute i haven't been on a space in ages how are you guys
doing happy sunday happy sunday doing good also hope you're doing good very excited to talk about
magic eden today but uh yeah thank you for taking the time in the middle of a sunday we know it's
not always opportune um no it's all good i just has up like i'm in an uber and i have 13 battery
left so yeah it's like we'll see if i get home in time before the battery reaches zero but if i
mysteriously drop it like i'll be back like in five minutes oh no we're against the clock yeah
okay orange yeah quick quick questions bro we need to we need to get it no i'm just kidding
yeah that's enough time call me call me james bond yeah it's like that movie with kiano reeves
and the bus basically yeah what is it called am what is that what's that serious jack
speed are you guys serious you don't know the title speed sorry no i'm disappointed shift shifts
i'm not mad i'm just disappointed movie shaming but no okay we're not we're not going to talk
about movies we're going to talk about magic eden right now we have 13 minutes cozy counter down
put a timer on the clock oranges get going okay going hold on liz welcome hello having a good
sunday so far hey orange yeah having a good sunday i just had some cheese and crackers
storming outside and a lot of space so pretty good sunday let's fucking go dude i hope the
storm is not too bad hope you don't lose you halfway through um i think first things first
what's magic even been up to dude from a very high level i think we've seen a lot more
conversation about magic eden over the last three to four weeks in a fucking like massive massive
way uh if you guys want to sort of just give a little high level on what's been going on recently
and we can sort of dig into it yeah for sure um yeah liz you can jump in at any time too but
oh you know like we haven't been we've been doing like just a couple small things but i guess maybe
let me start with like um i think in the last year we did a lot so uh the way i usually talk
about the story is like a year ago we were like man how do we compete like what's gonna be the
source of differentiation for magic eden because if you're like a dap on one chain and you have
a marketplace like it's so easy to just get token vamped or you know it's so easy to be vulnerable
to somebody else who builds like a an aggregator on top of you like how do you actually defend
your your business right um and then that was actually the reason why even when we started we
always had launch pads so for the longest time we had let's say two things we had a marketplace
and we had a launch pad on salona and then we were like okay what will actually make us stronger as
a business is if we go cross chain and i know like that was very fun for everyone like when we went
to polygon right there was like a whole lot of drama but the point is like we went across chain
to four different chains um and then ethereum is like taking a nap right now but it will wake
up in like the like sometime next month um but the the point was that like if we go across chain
and then we have like a launch pad on every single chain then we have four times two we have eight
things and then on top of that let's also like you know own the entire user relationship
and that's where magic eden wallet comes in so basically um that's like what nine things
and on top of that we have rewards okay that's 10 things and on top of that we have like smaller
products like lucky buy which we call like entertainment projects which is like okay 11
things and so all of a sudden you go from being like adapt that has two things to adapt that has
11 things which makes us a lot more defensible which has like you have to try really really
hard if you were trying to kill magic eden so um i think if it has like a really long game of
chess that we like played for a very very long time because all these things took ages i mean
like we've gone to bat on ethereum like already twice right but it's just like that perseverance
of like continuing to do it and even when we fail like just trying to get better um so it's really
nice now to see like us getting some some credit for like all the things that we've done when in
the past yeah i think there was a lot of like criticism and a lot of that was fair like it's
chill like yeah we we obviously learned a lot in the last two years um but it's really really
nice to see all these fruits come to fruition like i mean i was even talking to liz like two
months ago you know she was like down about certain things and we were basically like liz
like don't worry in two months you're gonna have like a fucking ak47 and like none of this is
gonna matter like we will be just fine and i think that's what we're seeing today um and
yeah basically over the last two months we rolled out um we rolled out the wallet actually
that was just like a week or so ago we rolled out rewards on salona we're gonna bring rewards
to every single chain um next stop is going to be launching the ethereum marketplace which
will also have rewards and then we'll bring rewards to polygon and bitcoin and then on
top of that we're going to continue scaling the wallet um on salona specifically there's
just like a lot of cleanup we need to do like i'm very very aware that there are certain
flows that are just not ideal things feel a little clunky sometimes like rarity is an issue
everything that you've experienced like we most likely already know but i think we're we're just
like trying to do things one by one in an ordered way so we don't kind of like uh we'd resource
against problems um optimally but yeah a lot of salona is like cleaning up the marketplace experience
and making sure that we're like you know really rich with our features um so yeah i'll stop the
academy award speech now but yeah i hope that answers questions my my favorite kind of you
know caveat there is don't worry you're going to have an ak real soon an unlimited ammunition
and i definitely think we've seen that as you know a lot of things have been rolled out
over the past couple of weeks um obviously you know rewards the wallet many many many
cool things that you guys have been doing um obviously in in the lead up to to all of this
you know what was the most difficult thing um first firstly with rewards and secondly with with
the wallet oh man um well i can talk a little bit about i don't i don't know if liz like if
anybody actually talked about this but man we've been building the rewards experience for like
a year and it was to the point where we built a lot of stuff that we never ended up shipping
because like it took us a while to get our history on what what the goal of the rewards
program was so for example like oh okay like char food's in the audience like people won't
believe this this is actually kind of comical now but we were like at one point we were like we
should build this like super jacked 3d experience where people can like walk around in like the
garden so if you go to magic eden.io rewards like there's that map that you see on magic
eden.io rewards it's actually like at one point we built an experience where you could be emmy
and like walk around in the map and like it was for us needing to just like control the scope
of the project to figure out like what's the highest impact thing we can do instead of like
trying to build the Rolls Royce right off the bat and giving ourselves like a lot more margin
for error so i think on rewards specifically it was about making sure that the scope was
really tight so we can deliver so if you notice like there are a couple things that we've done
recently right where we didn't need to delay we said the diamond drop was going to be on
february second we delivered it on february second we said the wallet was going to launch
on january 29th we delivered it on the 29th and i think that just like takes time right
for teams to like get more professional and more diligent around doing things
with like highest impact for lowest amount of work so i think that was like on reward
specifically on wallet i would say like yeah maybe initially like so the the wallet is
actually a partnership with exodus right if we didn't like build it from scratch so exodus
we are you know built like a white label market uh built a white label wallet on top of exodus
so i think the dynamics of that project were just like how do you work really well with a partner
and like that took a really long time to figure out and they're like amazing they've done really
well you know for us um and then on top of that i was like getting people to download the damn
thing like you know there are like a lot of wallets already today right and so what was the
edge and what was that you know what's gonna make people download it and i you know men and
credits to liz and like the rest of the team they all like figured out like hey if we release these
codes people will just naturally become excited because it'll feel like this like invite only
experience and then we did that for a really long time and now i think it's like i don't know how
many downloads now liz do you know yeah last i heard was like 40k a few days ago so i'm gonna
assume at least 50k yeah i think last time i checked it was like 45k but yeah that's like
a week so uh excited to you know keep expanding that way absolutely i think i think i don't stand
alone here um i got a code pretty pretty early on um patting myself on the back for that one um
but you know as as codes were going out and people were seeing you know all of their homies
getting codes um that FOMO could definitely be felt across you know across the timeline across
different discords um and yeah i mean those codes were going out at a rapid rate and people couldn't
eat them up quick enough uh which i mean you know him making something you know almost unattainable
but or feel you know a little bit unattainable um probably was the best approach to that getting
people in their early tests and art i'm sure you guys got some amazing feedback from from
the people that were testing kind of early on and were able to identify some some problems or
some hiccups that may have you know arisen um but yeah for anyone that doesn't know the wallet
the wallet is you know open to the public now if you have not downloaded it and given it a try
definitely go and do so um yeah man you know you know it's always good to have many many wallets
and this one might be the one for you uh but i'm gonna throw it to cozy and then to chef cozy
please go ahead what up what up uh hey tiff i i actually just wanted to ask because obviously
we're talking about the wallet and i think the multi-chain wallet uh kind of seems like
it needed to happen with that pivot towards the multi-chain marketplace uh i just want to kind of
even pull it back a little bit like did you notice lots of resistance you mentioned about
the wallet resistance but like lots of resistance on the marketplace and then saw the things flow
because i i noticed kind of like these ebbs and flows of people that were flooding towards
marketplace and obviously you have like open sea that was trying to do the same thing as well
but then you also have other marketplaces you've just decided i'm not going to go into this
multi-chain they're just sticking to their chains so i'm curious to see how that kind of came out
for you guys and then leaning into that wallet how that i don't know affected how you guys
developed the wallet whether it was the wallet kind of a further reinforcement of the marketplace
it would be cool to kind of understand the context behind that yeah for sure i'll try to
answer and then like yeah liz again like just jump in if i've misspoken or anything um i don't know i
think the way magic eating went cross chain was like a little like uh in a non-pc way a little
autistic like we didn't do it very well in the beginning like last year it was just kind of
like oh man we used to be so like emotionally immature we were like just fucking wanted to
break everything and like run as fast as we could and we weren't very mindful about the
way we did it um but i think i don't know like especially after ordinals popped up i think
everybody understands that multi-chain is like not the enemy by any chance by any means i think
it was also like yeah i just in candor like we went to other chains like when ftx happened on
salon so there was this yeah big feeling of like oh betrayal um but then i think ordinals was like
another example of how we went cross chain and people saw that as like additive right like people
you know bringing the bitcoin community to magic eden is like you know great right because then
they will discover salona collections and now we are actually seeing like a lot of creators
crushing actually everyone is interested in salona now like there are ethereum collections
that are interested in salona there's bitcoin collections who are like interested in salona
and so i think people are like a little more tolerant of like this narrative and don't see
it as like oh magic eden is trying to like exploit salona and then so i think when the
wallet came around like it was pretty chill and like yeah the whole valley proposition of
being able to build with exodus was that they had cross chain capabilities so um yeah it's all it's
all good i think uh yeah whatever like different marketplaces want to do focus on different
things i guess like you know magic eden i guess this is not me saying it it's like something jack
has said like man like we want to build this company for like years it's not like we want
to just you know like do something for a hot second and then and leave like like it's kind of
like magic eden's goal is is being that one platform and the way you think about it is
like okay for the longest time there was one clear industry leader right it was open sea
like you think about nft it's always open sea and then last year you know all this should
happen on eth and today there is to me not a clear industry leader and that is like the whole
that magic and wants to fill this year it's gonna take a really long time right like it's never
it's like rome takes like a very long time to build but because i think we've finally like
you know been playing chess for so long that we have all the right pieces it's just a matter of
like refining the execution to make sure that all these pieces flow well together
and then the really big challenge is going to be like on ethereum like can we actually gain
you know attention and mind sure there so um i think solana is like definitely doing a lot
better than before and um yeah the coin's doing just fine so i'll stop rambling but we've seen
liquidity go into solana from ethereum already and i don't want to say magic eden is the reason for
that but it's definitely not a coincidence that both wallet and uh yours marketplace have probably
had a big effect on that so i would say congrats on being that first kind of forging that pathway
open for sure yeah the last thing i'll say is that there was like an electric capital um
study you guys should like check it out but there's one slide on there um if i find it i'll pin it
it's like it talks about how 75 of all nfc transactions are actually all on either bitcoin
or solana so it feels really good you know to like see the market affirm our positioning of like
you know the fact that we're on both chains so yeah yeah i i think jesus christ like listening
to you sort of elucidate like the strategy and the exact path is pretty wild because
and like not sucking dick or anything but the foresight required to build like i have to be
honest right now the foresight required to with chartfume make the make the ordinals move which
was extremely controversial continue going into other ecosystems building up dedicated
usership to eventually centralize them all on the one platform keeping the scope tight
around nft trading until you have like the full sort of support system on all of these different
chains uh to centralize everybody into one place it is like extremely impressive and i'm also
starting to realize how much you guys drove the sort of chain agnostic nft economy narrative
over the last six months yeah thank you thank you i don't even have a dick to suck anyway so it's
chill but like yeah um yeah man like there were times i honestly like i'd open twitter and be like
god i want to fucking die right now because it was just so hard like every i felt like everyone
was against us like nobody understood and it was just like magic magic aden is a big bad guy and
and you know i was like the second employee i was like man like yeah we were at one point
it's a really small guy too and like how did we get big we fucking worked hard so that's what
it is at the end of the day you know like build experiences people like um we could do that too
that's not something that's owned by anybody so yeah um i'll stop before i get too carried away
absolutely tough no i mean how does it feel kind of coming full circle from being
that that kind of seen and vindicated as that big bad guy um now having gone you know almost
the full 180 and being you know everyone's you know savior like like uh like it was you know
a little little bit back in time um now i mean you know that the props are flying in you're
gonna get you've gotten a lot of flowers here already and i'm sure on the daily um magic
in and its employees have been getting flowers for the amazing work that you guys have been doing
and you know like orange said having the the foresight to to kind of plan this out and execute
on it in a timely manner and not you know just drop things for the sake of dropping them when
they're not you know perfected and you know all shiny um what does it feel like now i'm sure
morale in the camp is is extremely extremely high um but can you give us a little insight
into that what is it what you know what is the work environment like how people feeling
yeah i i might pass this to liz i mean people are bullish like super bullish um like i think it's
just so satisfying nice i don't know what that was oh that was a bull oh nice job nice job um yeah
it's just it's just fucking satisfying because like man like we worked so hard for this and um it's
really nice to to show people the full power of like what we can do um but yeah i don't know liz
if you wanted to add anything else yeah yeah i'll take it uh i was pretty early to magic even i think
april's like my two years but uh so i was there for the highs and i was there for the super lows
and you know around 100 people were two and it's just really good to see our work from the last
two years and especially the last year the last six months last month especially on all the go-to
markets kind of just come to fruition and the sentiment really shift in our favor and you
know people are excited about magic eating again it's not just fud 24 seven even though they're
still as fud uh which some of it is warranted but you know it's just really good and everyone's
super excited um there's a lot of other stuff that we haven't even released we haven't even
teased yet so just keep your eyes peeled there's a lot more coming okay you can't say
that and not expect some some prodding and prying um so you can't say you got a whole
lot of ammunition still left in you know left in the belt uh so before i throw it to chef uh
you know can you guys drop any tidbits on us i'm not gonna you know corral you in any type of way
but you know if you can drop a little bit honest right now i think the people would be
very very excited very happy and you know it will make for a very good sunday
yeah yeah i'll uh i'll share a bit that we've shared a little bit of but uh yeah my my boss is
in this space so uh don't don't want to get mad at me um so some of the stuff that we've been working
on on salona is going to be duplicated on other chains such as the retro drop and i think people
on ordinals are going to be really really excited for that and of course diamond earning
across other chains our eth marketplace coming soon with yuga labs and some other eth partners
that we're going to be rolling out pretty soon obviously that's a really big thing we've been
working on uh it's supposed to come last year but of course delays are bullish anyways so it's fine
um and then obviously like uh we're doing a pretty cool event for new york city um
dijan yat party 2.0 if you guys were there in april two years ago we're running it back
and planning a little earlier than you know four weeks ahead this time so it'll be a really good
time so what they're saying is get your tickets now just drop you know and drop liz or tifa dm
blow their dms up completely um they did say that you can get tickets just by adding them on the
time i heard they respond to everybody absolutely absolutely no i'm just kidding but you know that'll
probably happen um i'm not going to be there but you know please hook my boy orange up give him some
tickets that'll be much much appreciated i will live vicariously through him um but before throw
to chef collect xr did have his hand up collect you still got a question okay it was good it's
actually a collector sir not collect xr just wanted to give like some further flowers to magic eden like
you guys were innovators with the space with the whole ordinal stuff like eight eight months on
open sea still doesn't have any kind of like bitcoin integration and shit so you guys are
definitely like pioneers in that space i remember when like magic eden was like the random solana
nft marketplace like i think it was like solana art or some shit was like the like the leader
somehow i didn't even know how the fuck that happened and um yeah now look where like magic
integrated at the core of like solana and other chains and like what you're doing with um b-a-y-c
and yuga is going to be huge as well that that could probably drive a lot of that eave traffic
that you're looking for especially if they go with some exclusivity and you don't want to drop
the alpha because your boss is listening but i'm not affiliated to magic eden so i think there's
more than just a diamond drop there's some nft token i've seen somewhere as well uh i don't
know if that's just like speculation or whatever very very bullish so yeah shout out to you guys
if you need a space host or a co-host help my dms man they're open there we go thank you uh
thank you collect uh yeah i misheard what you said the actual name was but thank you for coming
up thank you for contributing we do appreciate that collectors okay cool awesome awesome thank
you for coming up king we appreciate you um yeah i mean if we're throwing spaces hosts around
i'll throw my name in that hat um but anyways anyways chef please go ahead and then i do have
some questions but please feel free thanks crucer um hey tiff hey liz i don't think we met yet i'm
chef how's it going um so a couple questions uh number one i think i'm going to nyc now
uh i was contemplating it and that uh yacht party so i'm down for that i might have to get a ticket
uh okay you want some tickets yep yep there there it is just hit the dm chef i told you either
add them on the timeline or hit the dms hall no i i would be related listen i do it i do it the bozo
way i purchase my tickets on the site where you purchase tickets and um you know i pay the royalties
and that that's how i do it i like to support people yo all of our event tickets are free
we've never charged let's go well there we go i'll pay my zero percent royalty on my free ticket
let's do it um okay so the the couple questions that i have if if i can be allowed for multiple
questions i only have two um the first one is that um i i do like the idea of a magic item wallet
um but like you said yourself there's a lot of different wallets that are out there
for people to choose from there's almost too many wallets out on the market like
um and a lot of them just kind of offer all of the same thing like you can put your
crypto in here and you can spend your crypto in here and you can do this have you guys had any
plans on um you know what you could do to set yourself apart from other wallet choices or
um you know is there anything that you can talk about in that aspect
let me let me take this one liz don't don't even worry about it chef you obviously don't read
read digi threads because we broke we broke this down we broke down all the benefits
you know the multipliers the things that you can be getting um if i'm not mistaken it's 1.25 percent
multiplier on uh liquid liquid something they can they can help me out there um you have a booster
chance in getting ink on btc allow list um and and i forget the last there's there's a there's uh
increased chance in what is it uh increased chance of using the magic you wanted on saturn uh you
can get i think it's the the moon token an increased chance or allocation for that don't quote me i
might be wrong there was one more thing con you know remembered off the top of the dome but yeah
there are definitely incentives but i'm gonna throw it over to liz and tiff to you know kind
of flesh that out yeah yeah there's a ton of different perks um we have a really cool
in wallet minting capability and it's kind of geared towards normies and non-salon natives
because it just says claim it's not like go mint this nft and here's a bunch of other artists blah
blah and you know the first one's going to be klanos then dia and maybe madagos and some others
hopefully i guess it means collections and ornal collections to do that as well but um we're not
making anything no one else is making anything it's just you pay the minting fee which is uh
set by metaflex and you get a cool little memorabilia nft um and maybe something we used
with those in the future maybe not um we also teased that the wallet will give you some type of awards
and it'll be tied to diamonds in some capacity um so yeah more to come on that but i think just
in general having an nft first wallet is something that the space hasn't seen most wallets i think
every wallet's really traded really created for you know trading coins and ours obviously you
can do that but you know it really is a collector and trader first on the nft side
so okay i like that yeah i i'm mine is like my d gen wallet because i just threw like my
gambling money into it for like lucky buys and shit and so i've been having a lot of fun with it
um okay second question is i know that like for a long time in salona and i'm gonna speak like
specifically for it because there's a lot of salona maxis here um for a long time in
salona magic eden's been like the obvious top dog in marketplaces on salona like that
nobody can really argue that that's just kind of hands down how it's been for a good amount of
time but now you're seeing a lot of competition especially with tensor come up um how do you
guys feel about the marketplaces that have came up and and um you know done really well in this
space on particularly that chain do you guys enjoy that competition does it motivate you
how do you feel about that yeah i'll take this one and i'll let tip time into after but i think
competition's good obviously we were at the small fish small fish in the big pond at 1.2 and
you know competition breeds innovation and i think it's just good for everyone it's kind of kicked
our butts into gear a little bit which is great we've worked a lot on our core site our launch
pad you know some other features and just innovating as much as you can especially with
wallet with our awards with our youth marketplace and ordinals are a really big one of course
yeah i think it was good um taught us a lot taught us that we needed to be a lot tighter
like running our ship uh also taught us like reminded us i guess i could just say about
the importance of building alongside the community um because that's you know what nfts are still
all about it's like really that native tapping into that native of through user um i think there
were sometimes we kind of overshot the things that we wanted to do um maybe like you know instead of
focusing on the quality of our product we tried to chase expansionary ideas you know like really
simple things like man we like built an entire lucky buy but we still don't have rarity um
so i think sometimes when you get big and like there are things that you know you get
distracted more easily so i think having that competition has been good to kind of refocus us
um of course yeah it's like very fucking irritating though right like because
you know sometimes their marketing is like directly taking punches at us which is just like i don't
know i guess like we did the same thing like two years ago with open sea we don't do that shit
anymore um but it's fine it's not something that like um it's not consequential you know
like it's just it's just like the fight of the day um like and that's that was my point like because
i actually like kind of directed the the rewards video and i don't know if this really got through
but what i was trying to say was like man people are not going to forget they're not going to
remember these like little fights on twitter nobody's going to remember that shit at the
end of the day five years from now people are going to use the platform that's like easy to
use accessible to them has all the chains that they want has like the breadth of you know communities
as well as the depth of product experience and like that's it end of story so yeah we're good like
i'm good it's funny you say that because like i i um like anytime i'm like especially on other
chains too like salana i've always been using magic eating so it's just like habit for me
but especially on other chains people i'll like be looking at collections like on like let's say
ethereum and then i'll be like oh yeah look at this one you know this number and they're like wait i
don't see it what are you looking on i'm like i'm on magic eating and they're like oh what what are
you talking about and i'm like yeah dude why wouldn't you not use magic so it's like funny
because it's it's the usability that you guys have especially when it comes to other chains in
my opinion is like bar none way better ui um it's just like obvious to me so i i think you guys
have a big big um uh head start in that sort of part of the competition
yeah thank you thanks a lot um i do think it's good to have like a ui that's more normie friendly
i think some parts of it could still be better right now but um i think we're positioned to be
that kind of gateway drug absolutely and i think just just kind of refocusing in on you know that
that competition and breeding innovation um you know for as far back as we as we can remember
after i wasn't even around back then but salon art digitalize whatever it was first um after
kind of taking that that top spot and being there for you know have a long you know it was
before any kind of competition emerged um post competition emerging um i think as the community
we definitely saw um you know new innovations quicker shipping um and and and that's you know
for for the end user for you know your average market participant that is a really really good
thing um because if someone sits at the top with no competition you know where is the incentive to
to innovate to to bring new things to the table to you know have that kind of competition so
you know as as a market participant i know obviously for you guys it's a bit different
but as a market participant i'm super super thankful for you know the competition that that
is kind of going on yeah i don't know if you want to call the competition but you know and
it is at the end of the day um but yeah that that's really enhanced the the end user experience and
you know that that's a good thing in my book and i'm sure you know it's a good thing in your
absolutely dude i i think coming directly off the back of that
one of the the things that made it i i think easier for the market to hold magic even under that
critical lens for a long period of time was that sort of monolith effect that paradigm of you know
you you see this marketplace you feel like they're the biggest thing in the in the ecosystem why
can they not do this why can they not do that and constant expectation of more which can be you
know unreasonable i think but i think part of the benefit of competition too is it it shows sure
where you could have gone better but it also it gives the market to see where you could have made
different mistakes um and i think sort of continuing to chase down like a well-defined north star
is you know the way you sort of just continue to push through those things like you guys have
uh to come out shining so brightly uh going into 2024 here but uh kenny please go ahead
what up orin uh first of all pause on coming directly on the back that was that was very
interesting uh word bro your world um second of all uh i did i loved the new magic unit wallet
i've been exploring it but i just i'm curious when like i plan on moving my nfts there like my
dot nft got a mid sandbar put it all over there so i'm really excited about it but right now
especially with me uh chilling on meme coins i've been going like redirecting my focus towards
airdrop farming and re exploring more nfts but and i'm a multi-chain guy so i use wormhole a
lot um but i can't use magic eden wallet for some of these things right for like wormhole or
like on parcel stuff so i was just curious like when that timeline would be because once i can
do like that then like majority of my liquidity will probably be in magic eden wallets because
it's super cool but i guess like there's some functionality outside of what it currently has
and i know it's super early there's no mobile version but would love some uh any uh insights
on any of that yeah yeah i think chiff dropped but i'll take this one um i think right now we
we've been in talks with a lot of different partners on the defy side just trying to integrate
as well as we can um so this is stuff that's you know we're already working on it uh we are
working on mobile as well of course it's a really big feature and a mobile app takes quite a while
just like a chrome extension takes a while to get approved this wallet didn't become a wallet
overnight didn't get approved overnight so same thing with the mobile app but um on your point
yeah we we are working on it we're aware a lot of people want these kind of features
let's go open sea who you know magic either to the top here let's go
bro kenny waited until open sea was right in the grade for that one
bro no kenny kenny's really beating a dead horse there bro that's crazy yeah you know that's how
i do bro kenny we i'm not gonna lie bro i thought we lost you to eth maximalism bro we thought codano
maximalism was was the worst thing that could happen but then kenny came up um no i'm just
kidding we love eth but you know it's cool not being the poor chain anymore bro why did you think
i was a eth i hate transacting on kenny we're not gonna we're not gonna dive into this bro
can you're a larp bro kenny is not uh not salanin native anymore bro crazy that's a lie
bro kenny loves the magic even wallet because he'd be chain hopping dude
that's true that's true bro that's his vehicle to to jump all over the place um yo back off my boy
man come on chef don't go way too far to my guy don't jump in the far end line here king but no
okay before we get 2d rail there's there's some questions i'm not sure who was first so i'm
going to throw to cozy because i know him and then we'll throw to stash next but cozy please go ahead
yeah sorry to jump in there stash because i think you reversed but it's um i just wanted to i think
that it chimes in perfectly to what we were just discussing first of all i would say open seas
already been crushed i'm gonna say that right now kenny just affirmed it uh the ui's statement
i'm sorry but the ui is trash on open sea i used it for five minutes and then said
if this is where eth lives i don't live in eth literally made that decision in the first
five minutes and then i went into soul and that was early when in like 2022 when i actually came into
the space and as like a noob quote unquote like i'm sorry but if you're trying to onboard noobs
in any way shape or form that's not the way to do it so i would say magic even gets the check
mark on that regardless of the facts you've won on that ui wise and the fact that you guys
are continuously trying to improve on that and move into mobile and all these different things like
that you're just going to continue to to thrive on that side when it comes to eth and then obviously
when it comes to btc i'm not or like uh bitcoin i'm not sure i don't actually actively use myself
i'm not as uh let's say diversified as most of the people up on this stage but uh i would assume
that if you're keeping the same thing like it's it's probably above and beyond the other market
places that probably exist for bitcoin um i i just wanted to kind of chime back a little bit when we're
talking about like the tensor magic eden conversation i think you know liz we chat about this kind of
briefly at one point but i think honestly there's something to say obviously we're talking tiff about
competition but i was saying in business there's always people that are going to choose to more
or less specialize in something and i think you guys have made it very clear that you want to
be you know the number one you know cross chain multi-chain wallet uh in web 3 i think that statement
has been made with the fact that you guys have the direction you've taken with the marketplace but
then also with the wallet now like i said earlier uh and you know that for me means that you're not
really competing with tensor anymore tensor is chosen to lean into into into salona they're
continuously doing you know some things for salona in a different way and like in in any
business uh in any like area of business uh people choose to specialize and they end up becoming the
you know the niche of that space and people go there if they want that specific type but if you
want to go for multiple chains and things like that that's where you're going to go to uh to
magic eden i think personally that's probably where the future is going to lie anyways and i assume
that's where all the why all the attention is going there is because cross chain is where people
are going to bring their liquidity across different chains and move between nfts and
move between different tokens and and we're already seeing that you know i mean obviously
from being more of a salona maxi the amount of ethereum money that's come over here obviously liz
is rocking obodago we saw how quickly obodago went from two to fourteen soul in like i don't know
three or four days or something obviously stabilized a little bit now but it just goes to show you
how quickly you know a chain can be affected by uh by a cross chain tech like tech right so i think
i honestly think that uh you guys are on to something you're only at the beginning it's still
very much like early bull i would even say late bear so to be honest if we go towards obviously
our all-time high of 250 of salona and beyond like you guys are well set up to be that and
obviously we're looking at ethereum and bitcoin who are going to be the the ones that lead that
before salona even follows so uh i'm just going to give my flowers exactly as everyone has said
and i think you guys are in the right direction there's probably a lot more improvements to be made
and things with ui and stuff like that and people are always going to make their comments and say
how things need to be improved but i think you guys are going to take that into account and
you know make it the best product possible so yeah thanks so much for saying that um
can you guys hear me this is working yeah you're good okay sick yeah psa i'm now back home and
my phone is charging so um back at home safe completed my mission um i think the only reason
why people even see us as competitors is because like there's not a lot of retail in the market
like i mean just think about it like like okay bears right they just you know they sign that
thing with zara uh which platform do you think they're going to go on to like look at the
bears it's obviously magic eden and that's exactly what happened they chose what bears to
like put on their shirts because the executives at zara looked at magic eden um and if there's
anybody who wants to like buy their first nft yeah just magic eden is like way more approachable and
and simple so um i don't know like i think the good news is like if the market continues to expand
i think there will just be different use cases you can already see we have different types of
products right like and that's that's a good thing so um i think it's great that there are
so many talented teams building on salona um and i think we'll just eventually have very different
spaces and i think it's going to be very exciting to watch touching on sort of different different
services and and expanding the way people can can use magic even and the way magic even can
serve the market i am curious and i'm not sure if you know i've i've heard some hearsay
about you guys you know having a bit of a look into rwa's and rwa marketplaces i'm not sure
that's something you can touch on not sure if that's complete rumor um but would really like to
to get some insight speaking on you know expanding the scope of the marketplace yeah we had a lot of
fun um i think last year we did a couple drops of pokemon cards and then we did like a speaker
drop with soul plug and klex and um i'm trying to remember what else did we do shadow plug there
was definitely a watch with watch king yes yes we did a watch king thing that that made that was
incredible um i think we were just experimenting so here's the tricky thing with these all these
like assets is that uh you if you do it the official way you need to like twice this thing
so like the the whole value chain is like really convoluted right so let's say if i like
so for watch king right we just did it on like pure trust and we like know this guy's not kind of like
rug right so we did a launch by within the guy sent the watch like it was all goody but you know
technically if you wanted to be like super by the books about it you would need watch king or
whoever to go and send the rolex to like some tokenizing platform that tokenizing platform
then you know gives him some kind of token that represents that item and then you also need to
like get that item um evolted and then whenever somebody buys it then you need to like go and get
the things that kind of all like it's really convoluted um so there are other platforms now
that are emerging like one of the leading ones are like americana which is evolved that i think
like open sea invested in there's another one called dibs um they they've been talking to us
but so i think because um there's like two parts like we did all this experimentation and realized
that like hey the right thing to do right now is probably not build like a whole vaulting service
or even integrate with someone because that takes like a lot of work um but we can continue to do
like little experiments and then we proud like there's another part of the um so that's that's
kind of like part of the the the flow there's another part of the flow outside of just
tokenizing the asset in order to sell it that's like when somebody buys it they need to what
should they do right they have to go and like go through like a burn and redeem process or some
other process in which it's clear that like they bought the thing and they should get the real item
so that is also something that we currently don't have the bandwidth to build but i think the good
news though is that like you know we just open source all of our protocols or open source like
a bunch of our protocols and we're going to open source all of our trading and minting protocols
on all four chains soon and so like we look forward to helping marketplaces that actually
want to like take this on to use our api so collector crypt is like the one platform on salona
that like tokenize a ton of cards like pokemon cards udo cards um baseball cards etc and they
are actually using our marketplace layer for their marketplace so every transaction on collector
crypt is technically a magic event transaction and so we look forward to like kind of like finding
those other players that like want to take that on and like you know helping them to build that
and i think like we just hired on like a new developer relations person so excited to get
those projects off of that um closely related to that is like gaming um which you know we just
helped launch like honeyland's marketplace uh fidelian is in progress so excited to just like
yeah help power more liquidity that's not technically automatic eating but off off platform
and like the things that these things have in common right whether it's pokemon cards or gaming
these things are all like long-term beds that we can imagine new users actually getting into
this phase because of these types of use cases um but it's kind of like yeah i don't think we're
full on ready to like yeah launch those things directly on magic speed in maine but want to
help the ecosystem that's like doing that orange can i ask my question now because
that's exactly what my question was about yeah absolutely go ahead hell yeah hey tiff uh so
this is tor i met you last east denver at the safari meetup we had a nice chat about oh sick
how you been hey what's up good how are you still building um but this is sick and this is where i
thought you guys were going you were kind of hinting at it before and i love the wallet
play and it's going to be so genius wait do you have a mustache i think i remember your voice
i have a beard now i don't know what i had yeah okay yeah i remember you yeah yeah yeah
so i dating myself i've been building full-time in this space since 2017 leading growth for a bunch
of ecosystems now i'm ceo of stash and we do you know cross-chain social collecting but what we
don't do that we want to help you do that we wanted to work with magic eden on specifically
because of how sick the ux is is driving distribution so we have some of that technical
bandwidth we've been looking at for like where can we push some of this stuff that wouldn't
necessarily get like magic eden is kind of high intent you got to be there as a collector creator
know what you kind of wanted to do you heard about a drop that you wanted to participate in you knew
you wanted to get in on a collection because you're discovering and stuff somewhere else but
i heard from a couple people who were trying to integrate with magic eden that they've been able
to add things like minting directly in their social feed like on platform minting from magic
eden getting magic eden to be a marketplace partner essentially so when you're looking
at people to help drive distribution for trading on magic eden how are you thinking about that right
now are there different ecosystems at a chain level that you're prioritizing or like what would be
most valuable to magic eden right now to continue differentiating just on just on how you get new
user discovery of all the sick you get ux you guys have already accomplished let me make sure
i understand the questions are you saying like um how can you use magic eden's minting
protocol on other apps or are you saying that you want other chains minting to be on magic eden
the first sorry the first the first question okay yeah yeah um so i think right now the minting
protocols have not yet been open source is like the thing we need to do next so right now the
the marketplace protocols are open source on salona and bitcoin when ethereum launches it will
be open source i believe it'll be open source then if not like soon thereafter and then polygon
as well and then after that we would do the minting protocols yeah my dream has always been to
to do exactly that so um there are like ways that you can power you know minting on other platforms
through the magic eden stack and like a lot of people have asked us for this um i think it's
just a matter of time before we actually open the minting protocols but the the deeper question
of what you're asking is like how do you create these like onboarding experiences because
yeah like basically what we've found is that most of the new wallets like come to magic eden
it's like it's like mostly on the primary side because people come to mint and then they come
to trade um but i think there needs to be like more than more ways for users to discover
magic eden nfts instead of only launchpad and so in the near term before we like open
source all the minting stuff it's probably going to be like something related to the wallet
because the wallet has like you know fiat capabilities and integrated with moonpay right
like the ability to just get somebody to download the wallet and like download an open edition like
that's you know on the wallet i think is like a really really simple task um maybe there's some
way that like yeah there are other incentives to like get people to download the wallet and then
um from from there you know there will be other other things but
yeah i hope that answers the question i'll jump off this so people can ask questions you can get back
to the story but if you're looking for people to help you with the go to market and be launch
partners not just like for the wallet which i think is so sick we'd love to add wallet support
for the magic eden wallet but if you're looking for people to keep testing out these open
marketplace tools so people can kind of like one click trade from our social feed on stash to go
straight into magic eden we don't want to capture all the volume like you said i think end users really
benefit from the healthy competition you guys just keep coming out on top when it comes to that ux
competition so let us know how we can be helpful i'll i'll dm you but stick space thanks for
bringing me up thanks for talking tiff all you you always tell it real thanks yeah nice to hear
from you too absolutely fantastic um we'll call that innovation through connection things we
absolutely love to see stash thank you for coming up thank you for contributing um but you
are taking it back a couple couple notches there um you know we we heard a hell of a lot
um i said in the beginning of the space you know how much more ammunition can you have
and it seems like that ammo is you know an ending uh which is which is very very cool
uh but wanted to kind of dig into to this uh this partnership with yuga and obviously the the
ethereum marketplace is there anything that you guys can uh any more info that you guys can
give to us uh obviously not looking for timelines or anything like that but uh you know what what
can we expect what is that gonna look like um anything that you guys can share would be much
appreciated yeah definitely uh obviously our partnership with you guys been in the works
for quite a while and it's it's coming to fruition very very soon um i believe next
week we'll be making an announcement on the date and you know just some other cool stuff
we've been working on that nobody really knows about yet um and it's including a lot of
key ecosystem players which is something we're you know very passionate about and just you know
encouraging creators and traders to use the best experience that is available to them which
hopefully will be magic even um we hope our marketplace uh exceeds the expectations everyone's
had it's you know like i said delayed as i mentioned earlier um so hopefully it was worth
it and you know we've had it in beta testing right now there's a few people i think they're
on 20 or 30 people are testing it and we're gonna open that up next week a little bit more
and you know just make sure there's no bugs and everything's going well very similar to how we
did the wall that we opened up to i think 100 and then 300 and then a few thousand um with with
all for beta codes but um you know like i said it's something we've put a lot of time into and
we hope it does exceed expectations absolutely fantastic and now i'm going to ask a personal
question um you know i've been diamond fisting these nfts for a very very long time and and
you know that equated to not enough diamonds um do you suggest that i actually start selling nfts
um you know this this has been something that i've stood by you know somewhat died on that hill
now after all my homies got hundreds of thousands of diamonds um but what do i do like you know
please yeah this is this is an nfas space but uh the way to earn diamonds is to buy magic
in listings on magic even that's always the easiest one and everything that goes around that
such as amms and listing on magikita near the floor um but i would say i mean i'm personally
stacking my diamonds in our chart through down there he's stacking his hundreds of thousands
and it's just stacking hers so uh take with that what you will but an affair is always
of course never never financial advice um you know i'm just asking here can i get a crumitat
you know man man did not get enough diamonds and i'm not ready to to part ways with with
all of these beautiful nfts that i own you know the ones that are worth something and the ones
that have gone to zero you know no use in selling them no nobody wants them um so what do i do um
well i think you can first make sure that your loyalty is at 100 because then you'll
earn like twice the diamonds and then yeah i think liz is saying you get diamonds for buying
you get diamonds for selling and then listing uh like creating bids and accepting bids um i think
there are gonna be more quests along the way too um but nothing that we can speak publicly about
just yet but yeah i mean you you should just live your life you know like like you should do
what's right for you and when you're ready to sell just make sure that whatever you're doing
you're doing on magic medium so you can just like get get rewarded for it i love how digi says he
doesn't want to be the center of this space but then like immediately after we stop talking
and magic eating about magic eating he immediately makes it about himself and his bags but look at
the discourse that it's created cozy look at it look at it you know there are real issues here
with these identifiers you're not buying enough nfp if you're not gonna sell any you need to
double up that by pressure things yo orange are you in a closet right orange is talking through a
microwave right now my pinky was over my money it didn't get better you sound like you're talking
through like a mask or something but that's not good because now my pinky's not over my
mind yeah no it still sounds like you're underwater or in a washing machine or you know on a boat
that's sinking okay you you're gonna have to sort that out but we do have some hands here
um turf i will do that i'll just live my life and whatever diamonds come my way
you know i'll i'll grab them put them in my pocket and just continue on
uh but dhc you came in please go ahead and then we'll throw it to chris
hi guys how is everyone of everyone's good on this wonderful sunday
um i just wanted to i just wanted to ask the magic even guys meaning so obviously i did the
whole claim diamond stuff collected whatever i was eligible for so to accumulate more tokens
now do i just simply need to use magic neaten as my go-to place for trading nfts
yeah so the the best way to get diamonds is to buy magic in listings on magic and list your nfts
on magic in the other floor if you list it for 500 soul and the floor is one obviously you're not
going to get anything for that um using amms and providing liquidity is is you know the best way
and then of course trading any of the collections out of 50 bonus i think there's around 14 right
now um in the popular collections i think famous boxes they're trans-dimensional collections up there
so you get 50 bonus for trading those and then later today when teddy's mints uh they will
have a boost live for two days so you guys can check out those collections and then as tiff said
staying on 100 loyal if you're not at 100 loyalty you can go to your rewards page and just see a
couple quick steps to get it there and you can go fuck yourself oh oh why why would you say that
chris no i'm just kidding hey hold on chris uh 100 loyalty uh speaker here across six different
wallets by the way i feel so good about it right now i'm gonna tell you guys all the hack here's
the hack so you go to if you don't want to sell your shit right or if you don't want to do an amm
pool let's say you've got 15 salah you don't have 100 salah but you want to start farming gems
so use math ladies and gentlemen go to collections that have the 50% as was just mentioned but
don't start buying and selling which magic eden probably doesn't like me to say that but i've
got a better trick for you so lucky buy will allow you to change your odds up to like 75 or 80% right
so you go to a collection like um famous fox transdimensional that's like 4.1 solar 4.2
soul and you take like 15 soul and you give yourself a 65 odd to win the nft you just keep
doing it over and over because statistically speaking just like a casino as long as you've
got five or six purchases the chances of you actually losing money very little the chances of
you winning 65 or 70 percent of the time are static which is not the case with like raffles
for instance right so what i've been doing the last couple days and i've got 60,000 diamonds off
of this so it's not bullshit frog ganas and trans dimensional foxes i've been giving myself
a 65 chance to win rolling over over over and over until i have enough to break even i
instant sell all of those and then i do it again and i just keep doing it over and over
and over and in the last 30 hours i've got about 60,000 diamonds so thank you for the alpha
thank you there is a there's a you know a trod and tasted strategy everyone's running into
their computers right now i'm so excited we'll think about the casino we'll think about the
is another man's gambles well hold on hold on hold on casinos operate like for instance blackjack one
of their most profitable games operate at a 1.5 advantage over the player right so over time it
is guaranteed that the casino is going to profit at least 1.5 percent so when you look at lucky
buy the fact see like when you look at famous fox raffles i know they've changed a little bit
but when you look at raffles it's like you can buy like 20 of the tickets or something like that
or like 30 of the tickets well with lucky buy you can go up to 75 or 80 percent so statistically
speaking you will come out on top as long as you have enough soul to supply the math is
mathing chris i don't think anyone is darting darting the stats here um like you said you
have been accumulating diamonds at a you know at a rapid rate and i hope that continues for you
my good sir um but before we start getting into gambling and and you know after mathematics um
let's you know let's get back to questioning i know we don't have all the time in the world
orange is your mark back are you fixed are you good i'm hoping bro yeah you see you sound like
a new man you sound like a new man welcome back i'm sure you have some some big brain
questions or some little brain questions so orange please go ahead i don't really have any
like any more i think like really strong questions um one of the things that i did sort of just want
to highlight um is you guys spoke a lot like thematically throughout this about building
alongside the community um and i think that's something that we've sort of seen you know the
fruits of very very uh loud and very visually um on the timeline and elsewhere over the last
few months i'm curious and wondering what's next for the users supporters and community
around magic union yeah i'll i'll take this so obviously we just rolled out the diamond program
and that's just for salona um there's a lot of other stuff that we're working on for east for
ordinals and of course you can't forget polygon of course but you know this is going to be the
biggest and i think the first cross chain nft rewards program i think some other marketplaces
and platforms have done it on one chain but no one's really gone to do do it on multiple
chains and they definitely haven't retroactively rewarded people diamonds and points or whatever
they're using on multiple chains and that's something we're doing i think one of the biggest
things that people are really excited for obviously besides their east marketplace is that
ordinals retro drop that we've teased out um it's coming the devs are devving people
really want it i personally really want to have few ordinals and you know that's that's something
that's super exciting um on the non you know tech side we have a bunch of irel events planned
this year we have some of our team members going to paris we have some things planned
for gdc we have some pretty big events planned for new york we have stuff for art basil even
though that's like nine ten months away um so there's a lot of stuff we're doing and you know
just looking to partner with a lot of other daps and d5 protocols partners on the ethereum side
of course like i mentioned ordinals just keeps ramping up um and then our sole launchpad also
heating up i think we had 15 launches 13 launches something like that last week
we have tidies later today we have some others that are pretty hyped that we'll be announcing
soon um and you know everything just kind of goes back into one right and you know there's
where you guys can earn some pretty sweet perks just for using the wallet and just using it as you
normally would with any other wallet um and then those those free claims of those open editions
which is one per wallet um so you guys can get those i think starting the 14th i want to say for
the klanos one which is a cute little dinosaur with emmy riding it so a lot of fun stuff a lot
of free stuff and just you know good vibes all around i didn't hear nftla yeah dude i uh i
don't think we're doing anything i think two years ago before i joined magic and they did
an event with uh with frank and waka flaka which is like a really really strange combo but um
yeah i don't think we've done an event since then so it might have been kind of traumatic
traumatic that was that was peak bowl man yeah i uh it's not even called nftla anymore fy yeah
it's like edge of nft something but yeah i was on a stage with waka flaka who is very drunk
to be honest and frank and um uh who else was there there were two other people there i think
the founder of oh the thugbirds um and then good old good old bad god bad mom yeah bird mom
bird mom was there and then what's the third person i think it might have been another person
was it holy no i wish but yeah it was the it was the weirdest panel to be honest
and then for that a while after like i actually have waka's number and he like was like would
text me once every few months be like oh i want to do an nft thing and then it would never materialize
anyway it was uh we learned from our mistakes she was like no waka bro no no
oh yeah it's chill um but yeah i don't think we're doing anything probably unfortunately
it's okay nobody cares about the west coast anyways yeah you should at least listen the west coast
is a vibe all right you guys can do some amazing things on the west when when is unappealing is it
may or i don't know last year was march okay i'll take a look you know they're gonna do it
just for you chef not financial advice do you earn research look at the announcements but um
yeah bro i'm getting that vibe that you know coming to a west coast city near you
you know there could be some partying going on i'm gonna throw it to cozy and then to cp and then
you know we'll we'll let these lovely ladies go on their way uh but cozy please go ahead
yeah first of all it's march 20th to the 23rd if anyone wants to know but i'm i'm not going so
that's my birthday no reason to be there i'm just saying all three days bro everyone is busy
on chef's birthday let's go baby i'm sick that day chef i'm sick first i actually have a few
questions because i'm orange said he didn't really have any questions and then i took that
opportunity to be like i do um but if you want to be co-host cozy no no i'm just i'm not poking
come on we're all on the same team here don't be don't be poking come on go ahead
no no the the first quick question i just gonna ask is like uh i actually didn't properly process
this and maybe it's just my ignorance or naivete but like you guys use launch you guys are long
launch pad for multiple chains or just salona yeah we have every chain uh go ahead just no
yeah you do it yeah yeah we have salona we have ordinals i think we were the first like official
launch pad on ordinals definitely the first audited launch pad on ordinals uh east coming
soon we actually had an east marketplace a year ago dark time didn't go well but we had it i think
probably 20 east launches and then of course we'll have a east launch pad when we get there yeah
because i was gonna say that i didn't really ever process that but that that's obviously another
big piece is that if you're launching projects as well as selling them well and then on top
of that have the wallet like jeez is there a portion of the the market that you guys
still need to corner in order to become like the like oligarchy of web 3 or how does this work dude
i don't know we've kind of got everything on the nfc side i think uh more trade features for season
traders would be really cool we have our vip program um which is really interesting if you guys
want more info i think it's on our site but yeah we have that but i think you know more charts
and stuff like that kind of treats salona and nft's meme coins which you might like it you
might hate it but i think having a view for traders would be really cool to follow you take it
yeah i'd say that's always a tension right because we want to be a platform for retail
but there's so many active traders and i think especially on salona because the tech is so
good my personal thesis is like salona will always skew more trader because people have
the luxury of like flipping for ten dollars um but yeah i think the we have the right pieces but
we need to have the best quality and i don't think we're there yet i think we're on our way
we know what needs to get fixed we just need to actually do it and so it should just feel
like magic even at the most seamless platform for whatever you want to do um and that's
that's actually what i'm just excited about like just getting it to 100 versus you know
sometimes we've had the bad habit of like putting two people on a project that needs like a lot more
resources and then we do it kind of like halfway and then we ship it and i think we've learned our
hard lessons of like we can't do things like that anymore we just need to be really militant about
like execution and quality and everything will be fine after that did your main host here so i i
have a couple more but go i forgot what i was gonna say king all right you ruined my whole flow my bad
i was just gonna say no i was just gonna say because you literally just said it and i think
it ties in perfectly here tip is like because i was gonna ask is there future for more chains
and if you do do you have some front runners but you kind of just kind of said answer that a
little bit because you said you kind of want to perfect things a little bit more or get things
good better before you kind of like open up but it would be interesting to hear if that is something
that's coming sooner or later yeah okay okay i think we're always talking to different chains
there's always a lot of interest um and us adding other chains i think we definitely believe in a
multi-chain future and we want to add more chains that's always been something we wanted to do it
just since we've been on salona we wanted to get other chains we've done it so far with three
others um but right now yeah i think we're focusing in the short time short term at least
to perfect our craft on the chains they'll be already up because as tip said we did kind of
rush again a couple ways and you know we want to get it right this time around before going
somewhere else cozy you actually just reminded me that that was that was my question so i was
gonna say um but you guys kind of answered it now already but please please get in there and save
the suey and say bags please the infrastructure there's not great please please you know just throw
it throw it in the priority somewhere they're obviously not at the top you know there's
things that are coming before that but you know just on the agenda suey and say it would be very
much appreciated i would personally love to see say i'm magically not financial advice i don't think
we're doing that right now but i love say and i think it'd be really cool no i want suey
because i don't understand how to use hyperspace that's basically why i've been dcating into suey
for ages but i still don't know what to do with it uh that would be great but anyway no i agree with
digi help her bags uh sorry tip's gonna say a funny story like i i met brian john today
like no way yeah did you guys have a mortal combat to the death or what
it was pretty wild like i went to this place for brunch and then i i like was looking for a seat
i was like holy fuck that's brian john and so i like went up to him and i was like hey man like
what's going on and then you know i was like wearing a salona beanie and like a degenerate
sweatshirt and he's like oh i see anyway yeah gave him a hug and like it was all good but
it's chill like yeah we're happy for them that they're doing well um but yeah it's kind of
funny to be honest i was i was just about to say i've got uh got nfts of brian in my avax
wallet so shout out him i guess and you know with the test launch that's uh that's hilarious but
i'm gonna throw it back to cosy i'm sure he's got a couple more questions then we'll throw it to cp
and then we'll we'll we'll move on to the next but cosy go ahead yeah my this is my last one
and uh i think yeah again vol uh uh liz unfortunately we were supposed to do a space but i'm glad i'm
part of the icon team and i love that i'm able to be part of this and and chat more about
the launch and obviously there are things coming up so i'm glad we were able to do this
just and fortunately circumstances kind of prevented me from doing the space i wanted to do
but uh one of the things you talked about frequently was the you know the origin
roots i guess of magic eden you know that scrappy kind of tweeting you know intern
you know reactive style that kind of got you guys on top at the early ages and i know that
you guys are leaning more into more professionalism a little bit more strategic direction and
obviously now multi-chain and it's looking great i'm just curious because you did mention
this is that you didn't want to lose those roots and i'm just curious to to hear um how you guys
are planning to keep that you know the essence of magic eden from the early days yeah uh no
definitely i think as tip said like we professionalize a lot we've sucked the timelines uh minus the
youth marketplace um but we've scaled up our team we've got a lot of very professional people in
there um we just hired a new head of marketing his name is santo he comes from binance who's
the head of growth there so he's obviously a seasoned veteran a lot of people like that
have joined the team recently that are a little crypto curious where they've done crypto we've had
crypto jobs before maybe not nfts so we're kind of giving them the deejay culture and they're
fitting in really well um but yeah i'll just like say a quick anecdotal story is on thanksgiving
there was about like seven or eighteen members that spent i want to say 12 15 hours on thanksgiving
away from their families listing spl 20s uh and soul inscriptions just sitting there in a call
or just sending them into a chat um and that was it was just us like tweeting out and we were like
hey like you know who wants to be listed and just getting all the information in the dms and
hash lists and all of that and you know we it was like probably the most scrappy thing we've
done in in a while um just getting out there and doing that i think something else is just like
giving out these wallet beta codes like this is like full gorilla marketing of just hammering the
timeline obviously you guys saw it was probably annoying it was annoying to me because i was
getting you know hundreds of gems a day but um you know we just want to be deep in the community
obviously you know tiff and i chart through uh and if totally nick you know all the team members
that are super forward facing like we are collectors we're traders we're you guys and
that's kind of always going to be in our roots and something that we want to stay with forever
yeah i can i get your story and this might be like a nice way to round out the conversation
i spent thanksgiving weekend listing a collection called uranus like i was away from my family
at dinner listing uranus well i didn't actually i wasn't the ones that actually listed but i
was the one you know helping coordinate um and that was just like man like when uranus was being
listed on magic you didn't that was like a real wake up call to me personally and that
we spent a lot of time in 2023 trying to do like the expansionary things the pokemon card stuff we
did lucky buy we did you know games api and at the end of the day the thing that made
salona grow the most last year were these fucking spl 20s that were basically you know it wasn't
like they were creating the future of culture right they they did an amazing job at bringing new
users to magic you in um and to salona in general but the lesson was like you just never know what's
actually going to pop off and you cannot will the market to go in the direction that you want
and this is like a philosophical discussion that i've had like many times over because sometimes
people are like oh you guys should you know why are you guys focusing on this kind of stuff
like why don't you build use cases for normies and like it's a blessing and a curse to have to
navigate this tension but the fact of the matter is like we are still in a spot where like sometimes
the market wants uranus like that's like the easiest way to say it and so in order for us to be
sometimes the market wants uranus and you have to be ready to do that and and so it's kind of
a metaphor of like you have to remember your roots because sometimes the things that will
actually expand the market the most is the degen shit and that is the value of it right
it's not like some fancy thing that's going to all of a sudden bring like you know i don't know
millions of people into salona right it's not going to be the celebrity drops most likely right
that's what we learned over over the bull market so with the exception of like tomorrow land which
brought like a ton of new wallets who had never experienced nft's so i think um yeah we will never
forget our roots because we understand through experience that you have to stay close to the
community to understand what's actually going to pop up and that's why like people like chakra
were like infinitely valuable to us right as a company because he's like so on the ground like
he knows he knows like the newest protocols that are coming out like he knows what conversations are
happening and like we really heavily rely on him to like kind of keep us honest so yeah i think
magic you know will always be like a good strong company if we can always know what's going on and
we don't kind of get to you know up in the clouds right um two in our like um kind of like what do
you call it ivory tower but yeah i don't i don't think we'll forget where we came from because
yeah we know we can't we will we will never forget the listing of uranus on on magic eden
that will be you know that'll be a story that i tell my grandkids and you know they will tell
their grandkids and and so forth and so forth um but no i think you i think you pretty much hit
the nail on the head there you know you no one can be sure what what is going to you know cause
that those many explosions and you know in this case it was the spl 20s who knows what it'll be next
um but i'm sure magic eden will be at the forefront of that uh cozy cozy how many questions
no no no no no this wasn't a question i was just trying to be polite get here it's cp's turn
i just wanted to know whether or not uh salami mommy's fake out of having beta codes was planned
or not that bastard pissed me off and i put it in the comments but it was great engagement tactics
it was not planned he tweeted out and he's like he's none he messaged me he's like dude people
want codes i was like can you just give them some here you go and he's like oh shit okay
that was that was it was a genius tactics i was just i literally were just like popped in the web
three because i was out of it for like a week and then i looked at twitter and i see this guy
getting like massive engagement i'm like wait a second is he an ambassador and then i look
afterwards and he tweets like what like a couple days later he's like i actually didn't
have any codes but now i do yeah before we move on to the next thing i just want to know
who was the first intern magic even put on to do this shit posting because that dude was a fucking
goat bro wasn't it warbucks i put in the comments yes he shot out warbucks because i
missed that dude so much who was it yeah it was warbucks and then like actually it was tip and
then warbucks it was yeah it was actually i ran the twitter till like 200k followers myself
so bring back tiff bring back tiff twitter and like everything it was a dude because he jumped
in one of my spaces like dude this was like so long ago it was either box or first it was warbucks
it was yeah warbucks yeah it had to be him it was warbucks he was a fucking goat dude and then
after warbucks yeah after warbucks we have we brought on anathole where is warbucks can we get
him back i actually don't really know i think he's doing well fair enough fair enough we will have a
second you know moment of silence for warbucks he's not dead but you know he will be he will
be missed um i had one more thing to kind of wrap it up i'm going to throw it to cp real quick and
then i've got one more burning question uh and then and then we'll move on but cp i know cozy
was very rude and interrupted you on countless occasions he will be lashed after this for that
but cp please go ahead oh it's all good man uh i richton was gonna ask a question about additional
chains just because i was looking at the rewards graphic and you have like the four little like
portal looking things and then there's two extra ones so i just thought that was interesting
but you guys kind of covered it so i wanted to ask a question about um ordinals like indexing
um i was wondering if if you guys have plans to do like more detailed indexing because
like what i'm seeing play out on ordinals is kind of what you see with other chains where it's like
everything's kind of collection based um but i kind of like envision a scenario with ordinals
like down the line where maybe like you know let's say some decent selling author wants to
release a book like via ordinals but it wouldn't necessarily be a collection so like how let's say
somebody had already done that if i wanted to go find that on magic eden um how would i be able to
do that without like detailed indexing for like different categories of types of ordinals as
opposed to um just like collection uh searching if that makes sense yeah no definitely makes sense i
think chart through is an audience is probably one of the best people to ask about this because
he's kind of the one that that forces your ordinals marketplace which we love him for
um but i mean it's never out of the question i don't think we have our eyes set on it right now but
i think general filtering and you know something like tags would be really cool it's something
i've been suggesting and you know it might be something we're looking into soon such as a
gaming tag a one-on-one tag a collection that's like generative stuff like that could be really
cool um but yeah i would totally sync with uh chart through and let you know
yeah dm dm taught fungus he he got you covered um
um um thank you cp sorry he had to wait so long that was definitely all cozy's fault
and you know he will be punished accordingly i dare you to touch me bro i'll fight you um
but anyways bro don't interrupt me i'm driving this i'm driving this bus bro i'm in the pilot
seat here um but i have one more question burning a hole bro where does shrimp fit in
with all of this bro he's been calling himself the other for what feels like what feels like a
millennia now um please tell me how does shrimp fit into this uh into this equation
he's just our unofficial ceo and that's uh that's right now yeah he's shrink yeah he's our official
ceo bro bro somebody somebody clip it somebody clip it we all work we all work for shrimp there
is like a shrimp shrine in every office we almost called it shrimp eden actually yeah i'm just
gonna hate on shrimp right now and say that dude's just an ambassador now he's not even
just the the really work here though because he really worked for magic
no i just there's something he's put on his twitter and we were like uh okay yeah we'll just
entertain shrimp in this in this uh in this endeavor no but just wanted to end it there
on a light note ladies thank you so much uh we i think we've all learned a hell of a lot here
about magic eden um i'm very excited about the future we had some cool questions coming from
the panel uh if there's anything else that you guys want to leave us off with real quick
please feel free to do so um and thank you very much for the time we appreciate you
cool thanks so much for having us you guys are great have a good rest of the sunday can i ask
one question to them before they leave oh yeah sure that's up to them that's up to them i don't
get to make that cool did you guys did you guys get into the shit coin trading too come on
bros asking these guys dude come on i just want to know the do you think the answers no i i i
know they did they literally just said they're in touch with the salana community and if you
think they're not having fun like we are what's the ticket what's the ticket oh i kind of fucked
around with ultra um and that uh yeah it didn't really pan out um i and i got air dropped a bunch
of stuff like this weird elizabeth warren one and a bit of bozo collective and i don't know
there's a lot uh i got some gecko at one point i don't what else um i mean it's definitely
this is not a shit coin at all we should not call it that but i definitely like
yeah i really appreciated the jupiter drop last week um yeah and then i don't know
if you did anything you probably were more detailed yeah my uh my bonk bot kind of it's full of a lot
of shit um obviously shrimp's favorite token used cars is always cool to see jakey and him make
videos but uh i have a strict rule of not showing any tokens or tickers so uh i'm gonna
yeah the the ticker is null and void especially on this space we're not doing any financial
advice we're not giving out any tickers um but yeah you know sliding to oranges dms i'm sure
he's been cooking up this whole time but um yeah probably losing money as well but you know
there's always fun in that um thank you call it's cool to see you back bro i know it's been
it's been a minute been a long time i still love you absolutely love all you much love king
uh but liz tiff thank you guys so much we really appreciate all the work that you guys do for this
ecosystem we appreciate you taking the time this fantastic sunday uh and we'll see you guys soon
uh thank you so much appreciate you thanks bye bye we love magic eating dude
absolutely absolutely i need to go for a cigarette orange i'm gonna give you the reins
right now um just in a short little intermission you know there was a lot of information there
you know who can i cut in for a second there's absolutely no way is your interrupting me while
i'm talking crazy bro hey yo bro go have your cigarette dog bro bro stop stop real quick there's
a little purple button at the bottom right hand corner of your screen chef i'm sure you haven't
retweeted the space as a penalty for trying to talk over me go and retweet it everyone else
follow in chefs you know follow his lead uh that little purple button drop a like drop a retweet
drop a comment tell us what you thought of magic eden um but orange i'm gonna throw it to you and
not to chef because he's being very rude on this sunday um and yeah i'll be i'll be here
yeah is this digi's new thing orange to bully people into retweeting bro i retweeted like an
hour ago just to throw that out there did you did this to me the other day he literally i told
him i didn't i checked something i read it and he literally was like okay and now because you did
that now you have to retweet is this how you get engagement i'm sure like you just believe you have
no idea the harassment that goes on on the back end for the tweets bro we're not we're not going
to air dirty laundry right now again we're in public no laundry's being hung out to dry it
okay orange orange kick cozy from the space and then we'll know i'm kidding but no let's just
carry on let's not get too derailed here people jordan bro if you talk up like that again we're
gonna have some problems king hey is uh anybody here like really techie no we're all dumb hold on
what do you it's web three bro there's oh chris is here that doesn't even know how to use the
tank what do you like hold on a second dude what do you mean techie okay chris okay chris so i got
i got a new monitor um but the the um resolution no there ain't no they shift there is this it
orange i can't get my computer to work no no we're not doing that orange take control here king
we're not doing it support we're not doing monitor installation bro rate rain it back in
here gentlemen rain it back in so here's the thing right first of all don't even know how
to get my own computer to work properly so your sol don't respond to that i do want to welcome up
the scary beans boys that's a scary odd bean you got there what's going on
hold on we'll give them a second oh no oh no oh my god this is so much more interesting
i'm on the edge of my seat right now i'm just curious i'm trying to smoke i'm trying to smoke
the cigarette bro i'm trying to just regain a little bit of a little bit of semblance of
of reality here and and we're doing it support chef we're gonna we might have to put you in
time out here soon king just to just to reevaluate scary beans are you there please please looks up to
beans yes sir we here bro what's up what's up thank you so much for having us uh first of all
my dog is here just just wadding out so just give me like 10 seconds and i will be here so yeah
bury me no worries bro i hope the dog is okay this seems like a perfect opportunity for me to
ask jordan what he's been doing for the entire duration of the show where he hasn't unmuted once
all right listen right he's been farming i've been farming on the railroad
i'm glad to hear that like jumping in is actually a good thing because digi like hates on me every
single time i do it but then now i'm the boss doesn't do it i'm the boss i'm the boss i'm the
boss cozy you should be continuing your cigarette because aren't we supposed to
continue this i'm i'm i'm currently i'm in i'm in the zone i'm in the zone jordan what have you
been doing please contribute you know you guys asked me jordan why don't you ever support us jordan
come through come through i'm here i'm here i'm also in multiple discord i'm doing what i can
boys y'all y'all are hurting me right now jordan has the strongest shoulders
bro where did we go wrong where did we go wrong scary beans go ahead tell us what's what's going on
yeah yeah what's up sorry guys so that was you're just just going well uh so yeah what's up what's
up thanks for for having us here uh once again and and let's peel some beans um so i think i can
start by introducing the company behind the behind the scary beans projects so we are back by glow
studio we are a web tree company and powerhouse that has been crafting products and solution for
well-known clients like artifact the project from nike and clonex clash royale the game ztx
metaverse coin telegraph polygon foundation cyber brokers nifty island with with their recent
drop as well we did all the integrations the avatars the some of the metaverse renders and
all that shit so you can get a little peek of what we do and yeah those are the the solutions
that we offer and deliver in our studio and yeah those are metaverse ready creations
cinematics marketing videos gaming assets gaming solutions ar and vr solutions and of course 2d
and 3d digital digital collectibles as well um and now to to shed some light on scary beans
it's the first glow studio ip and we have been designing and crafting uh the art for like almost
a year now uh so yeah it's been a long journey for us on the arts and also um on the tech side of
things we have been building not just ip but also