Let’s Talk About Web3! Ep. 2 w/ Zaal @nftgamerweb3 and @ohnahji B

Recorded: Jan. 24, 2024 Duration: 1:07:09



Heard by Anaji everyone welcome to our
second podcast
we'll take the next five minutes and I
Don't know if Brian can play a song, but if not, we'll be just sending out invites
for the next couple of minutes while we get started and
Yeah, I'm excited to chat about this topic today NFTs
So let me pin a couple things to the top send a couple things here and there and we'll get started
Sounds good sounds good. I think see the Twitter space music is already gone
I don't have let me see. I don't have another device to play any music on right now
But we can add that in later. That's all good. That's all good
Working out we're working out the you know, let's talk talk about web 3, you know, grung fangs here
It's you know, it's learning experience. Thank you guys for joining us for episode 2. We'll get started in just a second
But we've got we've got video hopefully this week. So
Everything's all good. We're rocking rolling. Hope you guys are doing well out there
Are my levels good shoot me some emojis shoot me a thumbs up if my levels are okay
But yeah, let's let's do that there
We're also gonna tweet out the space and let people know that we're here as well, and we'll get going
Well, I'm going through some grung pans on my computer so we will
see how just going on the phone with some weird audio works or
Transcribe the audio over after and figure it out. So excited to have everyone here. I have a
A nice little visual for today for episode 2
One thing we need to eventually create is a nice intro theme song
Perfect looking good. Perfect looking good. Also. Yeah, both of us changed our
PFPs, you know, shout outs is all for rocking me his own aji
Yeah, we got the cheaper PFPs. We can talk about that later on the future as well, too
But yeah, let's get into it. Let's get into it. This is let let's talk about web 3 episode 2
I'm one of your co-hosts on aji be
Brian for those who don't know me
But yeah, we've got energy gamer web 3 here as well to solve the man
The myth the legend joining me for another episode two weeks ago
We started this new podcast journey talking about web 3 and talking about some of the cool use cases and things that you know
We've seen some of the different projects we you know
We wanted to highlight and just just you know
Bring our bring our closed-door conversations that we have that are that are pretty awesome pretty lit
And we just wanted to bring those to you know a public forum
Web 3 is you know
A place where a lot of people say build in public build in public and that's one of the things that we wanted to do
kind of follow that mantra
We wanted to join you guys in on our conversations as you know, we we
Continuing this journey of black thing blockchain tech AI
Emerging technology web 3 all that good stuff as well, too
So yeah, let me tap you was also got him back at colors was goods off
Welcome everyone to episode two. It's called decentralized dreams
Exploring the world of nfts. So my first question to you brian
In your words, what is an nft?
Oh, let's get into it nft. No, it's funny because you know, a lot of people my wife or the jokes. She'll say no effort. Thanks
You know, it's kind of the sentiment of uh, you know a lot of people out there but uh, it's
How technical are we gonna get just you know basics?
Um, are we gonna dive into the nitty-gritty of what it really is? Um, we can keep it base level right now
Basically, it's a it's a digital token that is kind of stored with some information attached to a blockchain
Which is like a digital ledger that you know, anybody can access globally. So it's we're in a new
We're in a new stage of the internet where
It's cool for creators, especially when we talk about nfts
It's cool for creators to create their own tokens create their own assets
But also be able to you know have their own ownership of those assets whether it be, you know, um
Their written works or their artwork or their music or basically anything, right?
And we'll get into this too
But i've been i've been pushing a whole bunch of my people like like utilize this tech for whatever you do
Like I was talking I was talking in the back like years ago about like tarot readers like
Do tarot readings as an nft like use, you know
Pour it over your part of the business
Into nft is just step a step a foot into it, you know, that's one of my little things I used to say. Um, but
It's basically, you know
Tokenized asset it could be digital we're getting into where you where real world assets actual actual things clothing different
Even uh up to like real estate like actual real estate is getting tokenized and putting getting attached to blockchain to this
You know these different ledger networks, which is which is pretty cool
So it's all tell me what I always go too deep. I always go too crazy. So let me know like what is your
Elevator page what's an ft? Like why should people care? What is it? Why does it matter?
That was a definitely good explanation I would say in my
Shortest terms, uh, the way I could explain it is the ability to digitally own assets
and be able to verify that that
asset is owned by
Uh the individual that's saying that owns it and there aren't any other copies that other individuals can say
That they own that asset as well where in the digital realm that has never been possible before
Um, we're taking something that a concept from the physical realm to to the digital realm
and I think that's a really cool concept where we can do a lot of things with that because the use cases are really
Just being started to be learned
And um, i'm really excited to see what the next
wave of individuals
And minds think of ways to integrate what they do currently with nfts
100 yeah, you know it's all okay. So how how is that important to you know guys like you right?
You're the you're the manager of you know z talent which is you know a music
Uh a music conglomerate. So, okay, you have artists that are under you right and for a while music artists
So how is this technology beneficial for you and them?
What can you amazing question what can you do now that you couldn't do before?
That's great and um, I like to
I mean there's a lot of people that use the term on chain and I like that as the concept of
Potentially new online, but ultimately
Being able to be on chain
My favorite thing is that the ability?
for an artist
but also musicians in my case because I have musicians under me but uh
Any artist in general has to the connection they have to their fans. There's a new ability
um being added with the use case of nfts and
With that you have to learn a little bit about the ability to have a wallet and uh a wallet
There are public and private keys to the wallet and the public key is kind of it's kind of like your email address
on the blockchain
um, and just like
uh the old days of uh
Collecting emails and distributing email lists and that becoming the whole economy
Token while or wallets in general wallet addresses will become that new
Form of email addresses for on chain for the kind of like the equivalent of the email for the online world
And I think that opportunity for an artist to now reach all of their
Fans and or collaborators and whomever on chain
And see all of the transparency that goes along with that. I think that's the most valuable thing of it all so
But my artists always say the coolest thing about all this technology is instant royalties
Because that is the beauty of the blockchain and a smart contract
An nft is actually a smart contract on the blockchain. I know
Um brian went a little deep at the beginning, but you know if you're just here for the first time
Nfts are used on the blockchain
They are a form of a smart contract, but not all smart contracts are nfts and um
The smart contract has the ability to
Payments towards different wallet addresses vis-a-vis whoever the collaborators are of said artwork
um instantly when someone purchases their art without waiting for any intermediaries months and
However long a long time, but I see
Um web 3 candy has her hand up and I would love to pass it over to her
Hi, thank you. Um
Yeah, I wanted to just add another way of looking at it
Uh, nfts are really just a file type
Uh, the same is like an mp4 or yeah mp4 or a jpeg or a png or pdf
It's really just like another file type except for this file type has a barcode and serial number if you
So to speak
Um is kind of another way of looking at it. So that serial number
Makes it unique which the serial number is you know, it's contract number but um makes it unique and
the barcode essentially, uh the ability to
Buy and sell and trade. Uh, it is
So it's a good way of looking at it. It's that way too. It's just another file type with a serial number and barcode
That's dope that's dope appreciate you at 3 candy, thank you for coming up and saying that yeah, that's uh
I haven't really thought about that perspective. That's you know, that's that's awesome. Like I talk about, you know, this whole
ecosystem this whole space that we're in
Um being like a whole new medium for artists. I never thought about it being like an actual file type. So that yeah, that's pretty cool
That's it might confuse some people because we can we can throw in, you know
we can attach all different file types that we have existing now on to chain but
Um, I like that. I like that. What do you think? Thank you. That's a dope. That's a dope explanation
Yeah, I think uh, that's a very
Amazing way of saying that and sometimes i've been able to say that to some people who haven't heard that
uh who don't understand what nfts are um to their core concept and it's
um really in the type of medium you want to
Share with your artist whether that or with your fans as an artist
whether that be
Fan memberships
Why am I blanking on all of these things but uh music in different forms
um tokenized uh tokenized discords
um different ways of
Valuing the fans that are there for you. Um, and one of the really cool
Music projects is an individual who founded it is inherent jaden
And i'd love to have him come up and potentially speak on some of the use cases
he's seen in nfts in in the
However much time he's spent in web3 music if he wants to jump up
but if he's a
Content remaining a listener that he can uh, he can listen as well and give his thoughts after but
I think the opportunity
Musicians and all artists is really there to connect with the artist in so many different ways
One of the ways i've was doing that and towards the end of 2023
Was I was creating newsletters for z talent to try and educate artists about
diva's to demus by emerging technologies for musicians and uh
Ultimately, I realized that doing it on paragraph made it so that every
Blog post I posted became an nft as well that was collectible in the future
And I knew at some point potentially I could do something with that. But just having that out there is pretty cool
um another
Strategy i've heard uh is a really good way to start to get on chain if you don't have an on-chain presence in any capacity
Um is to try and start with a free mint in some capacity and just giving people
Getting your fans to interact with some of your music
On chain and just trying it out in different capacities because I think
a lot of people in
crypto and blockchain potentially say we're
Um, you know beta testing some of this technology and some of it'll get abstracted away in different capacities
Um, I think the use cases of nfts will continue to grow and i'm really interested to see
Uh what other utilities there are out there especially?
Non even non music nft or music musician artists related nfts
but nfts in terms of supply chain management and
Or just utilizing the blockchain and in that capacity
Um, I think there's tremendous use cases to
This newfound technology and like you said
Um earlier candy, um, it has its own serial
Serial number and barcode, right? So it's um
really cool some of the use cases we have and uh
Ryan i'd love for you to go a little bit deeper into
What you decided to do with uh onaji nft
The nft world was back then when you released it versus how it's been to the you know
The time we we've come today. Um, i'd love to hear a little more of your thoughts on that as
You've been in space a little bit longer
Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, shout out to uz. That's what's up, man. Um, I appreciate that
Yeah, we actually just on sunday a couple days ago
We actually just crossed the two-year anniversary mark for onaji for for the og project that started this whole
Uh community
So yeah, very cool. You know i've been in the space for quite a while
Um as a founder, you know
On the building side behind the scenes, you know april 2021. Uh, we didn't really launch until um
2020 uh 2022
So i'm i'm kind of like a newer founder, but I have seen some things in the space
So one of the coolest pieces, right? I intentionally
Um hops into this space, right? I wanted to join a pfp
project, you know for those who aren't familiar that's like like the
10 000 piece or rent around 10 000 pieces maybe eight thousand nine thousand, whatever, uh these different individual
Um avatar style pictures that's the that's the kind of the pfp space that we're in for nfts
Um, i was looking for like community to join because you know, that's a cool
Uh new ecosystem and new, uh landscape of you know, the internet, right?
It's kind of we've had discussions in the past and how it's like a return and how?
Different artists and different communities have done this and tried this
Um back in the day, but it didn't have like the blockchain ledger those receipts, right?
That those barcodes behind it that anybody could access so it's a new groundbreaking, uh space that we're in
But I was looking for a collection to kind of join and I was I didn't see anything that I really vibed with
You know, there's a lot at the time
The trend was kind of like, you know animals and different things like that and I was like
Let me just create my own right? I didn't see anything like super
That spoke to me kind of culturally, right?
So I wanted to start uh something that kind of looked like me or some of me my family things like that, right?
So naji was born. Um
I got with I got with a couple different artists
About one of the artists marcus prime. He actually was like, yeah, let's do this
I actually played with some nfts. I have a couple coins like the year prior
So he he already knew he was already tapped into the space
So, uh, you know, we he was like, okay, so tell me more about what's different about 10k pfp's
And so I told him like we got to do traits. We got to do generative. We got to build this art engine
He's like, what are you talking about bro? So i'm like, okay, I can do it. I'll handle it
Right the decision sketches i'll vector them. I got a graphic design background
So I was like let's do it. We got to do it. Like it's one of those things like this is happening now
We got to hop in let's go
So we we did that started like april 21 got everything kind of finalized figured out. Um
drop that
Available to mint for you know, our our fans, right?
In january and it's been amazing so far. We are 10k. We didn't mint out. Uh, we're still minting
So if you know if there's some people out there that want to support us
There's onaji still available to scoop up. Um, but uh, yeah, we're we're over 4800 tokens minted
So yeah across like a thousand wallets. So yeah, it's it's been a cool journey
One of the cool things that you know i've done in the future
Right or that kind of spurred from onaji. That was like the main the main like this is what I want to do
I want a pfp. It looks like us right and that resonated with a whole bunch of people from there
It kind of evolved into
Oh crap, a whole lot of people don't really know anything about this like they don't they're like what's bitcoin i'm like, oh crap
So so that started happening. Oh
I was like crap. We got to educate people. So we started doing that
We educated we started educating people. Um, and you know, the community just branded us like oh onaji
That's that's the blockchains first hbcu. That's you know, the hbcu vibes. That's web3's hbcu
So that's kind of the vibe we went with it was like an organic
You know thing that just kind of bloomed and that's what we've kind of been ever since just trying to help
You know bipoc and you know marginalized communities and different people that have kind of been on the outside of this this tech
Information and kind of bringing them in and letting them know why blockchains important and things like that and why they should care
So yeah, but a couple of things i've done specifically with nft's this is long but i'll cut it short. Um, I actually built
uh a metaverse gallery to showcase some of the nfts that we created re-created and
Collected from other artists that we love. I think we talked about that on episode one
Another thing is I was able to create a generative
Art drop a 2d generative art drop that was all code based and I dropped that as a holiday gift
Um, uh during christmas last year, so
It's cool because you know, we're talking about the connects especially in the music world. We're talking about connection to fans different things like that
Um, this gives you like a list like a revolving list that you can always track
The fans right and I know you know, shout out to um, jayden, but steph steph carrera one of the um
She's heavy in the music industry as well too heavily in the ubr fan with jayden
She's always talking about this like this is a this is a groundbreaking space to connect
Artists with their fans and to and to be able to elevate them and give them experiences that they've never ever seen before
The craziest part about this space is we have to remember that
It's super groundbreaking that in this space everything that's been done couldn't really have been done before
Without this merger of all these like five to ten different technologies at the time that we're at so
That was long. Let me let me keep it. How does that sound like?
Tell me your thoughts on that. That was a lot of time. My bad
Nah, nah, I liked it a lot. I had a lot a couple of different ideas
During that about different things that we can do for the future this podcast which could be uh in some way we could uh
Meet a couple onages on on screen maybe on hypeshot or something like that
And uh, and then share it with the fan, which would be really cool. Yeah, that would be sick. That's a dope little idea
Um, but alas, no, I like that journey
I think that's a really interesting way of getting into everything and being able one of my favorite things
Being an engineer it is that I like to
figure out what the actual
Kind of start to finish of the problem is in some capacity. So um, if i'm
helping out an engineer
Makes his music. I want to at least learn how
He's doing at least some of the technical things and and be there asking questions
So I think part of that background of where you said you had some some graphic design background
But like you've never taken on a undertaking a challenge like that before that really resonates with me because it's
Really cool that you you know, you had a little bit of a background in this but you decided to go for it
Really get get your hands dirty with something you knew and then now
start to figure out different ways to make that better in other capacities and
Automating it in in in one way, right because you made your code based one and that was really cool
And i'd love to know a little more about that and how you made that why you made that
um, but yeah
Yeah, most definitely um
From I mean that it's like a that's a long story
I'm a big fan of you know art math tech all that i'm a super nerd, but when it comes to um
The nft space there's a a group that's called art blocks, right and it's kind of like a collective. Um
that is basically
Kind of cultivates
Um a bunch of different artists that that generate uh art through code. Um, so i've kind of been
Emulating that but i've also been like kind of studying that
Definitely want to pick up some some pieces for my favorite artists from those collections, but those are like
Who 40 50 60 100 is all like
And that's it. That was a that was a pretty fun time in the nft space
But rightfully so, you know, I think you know
It's a super talent for some of those coders to be able to generate something cool. That's visual as well, too
So that's something that I wanted to do
the coolest part about that though is that
One of my uh deans at the at the u or one of my super ai gurus. He's been kind of teaching us
Um ai along with like this nft web 3 space, right?
So the ai piece is like a whole nother tangents. That's
Also super super important, uh to where we're at now
But the way that I generated that collection it was actually started off with ai prompts
so I I asked
You know gpt
Like how do I create?
Um a generative art, you know drop on uh p5.js and that's the the the coding engine
Um that a lot of people use to make generative, uh visual art
So it kind of spits, you know, something like a template out for me there
I have some a little bit of like, you know, a little coding background and knowledge
So I was able to tweak some things to where I wanted it to go
Um, you know, I had to build the little metadata
Engine inside of that as well, too. I was kind of proud of my stuff, you know farmer college for that but
Yeah, that was all basically started from ai
So one thing about me is i'm definitely a tinkerer i'm going to take whatever new
Cool tool whatever new tech is out there and kind of try to like intentionally
Tailor it to something that I want to create and that's that's kind of what i've been doing for the past decade to be honest
I like that a lot. I like that a lot. Um, very cool
Um, let's see
It looks like we have a
soul librarian in the house
So what are your what's your take on nfts? Where where do you come out on this spectrum of?
Um, how useful nfts are in our daily lives?
Look at that
I didn't even know I came up as a speaker
I have I have my son talking in the background. Hold on
uh, my perspective on nfts I
myself have five on how to use um to gift it to me and then three, of course, um or
Vice versa. I can't remember but I have them
Roaming my own little virtual library here at 717 with entrepreneur library. Um on my other page actually
I am a nerd for cartoons and like
things of imagine it uh
Of your imagination and art of that sort. So the nfts helped me
welcome that in the digital realm as an adult
And it made me even happier that it came along with communities and things of those sorts
So when ananji you came about I wasn't I didn't have one nft by the way at the time
So ananji you community came around and gave gifted me
One that looks like me and she was like, oh this one looked like you and then jt hooked me up with some
You know extra stuff on that. Um
Design wise i'm not saying I got the exclusive or anything, but he design wise
but I I enjoy nfts to the point of like
The art aspect of it a lot of people like the invest of it and what they can get out of it right now
I know i'm getting out
out of it the the community, um the
I don't know i'm an art collector more or less so
Anaji you and everybody from that community has been teaching me here and there and i'm sure by the time i'm like, okay
I'm ready to get really hanker down and um serious about it. I will
Understand it more fluidly because of them. So hopefully I answered your question
I was picking up my son while you guys were speaking
So I heard some of it and i'm sorry. I apologize if I didn't answer the question
Nah, so you're good. You're super good. Thank you. Uh, I appreciate you. So, um, thank you for all your support, you know
throughout this whole journey
Uh, yeah, but you know you touched on it. No, you you brought up a bunch of cool points you brought up, you know, um
This virtual world building right this digital world building you brought up ip you brought up, you know
Just so many different use cases and in that right there, right?
I wanted to highlight, you know the piece that you said like, you know
we wanted to create something that kind of looked like us kind of looked like our family members kind of looked like you know people that
That was relatable right it was relatable to our community and I think that was super important because
It's easier to
You know teach that way right? I do a lot of work
Well, I don't do a lot of work, but I do i'm in schools all the time. I got a special needs child
Um, that's in sixth grade. So i'm at this i've been at the schools every day, you know
Uh doing my stay at home dad thing just checking on him doing a pulse check out lunch every day
Um, shout out to him. He was actually in a little spelling bee around two didn't get through but he was he was up there trying
He's killing it. Um
But no, you know
I think especially in the school system, right?
It's easier to teach the kids it's easier to teach anyone if you can relate to them, right?
It's easier to teach anybody anything if you can speak their language and you can break down terms and complex
Whatever anything that you're trying to teach to a language that they understand. It's a super important piece of education as a whole
And I think that was missing
You know not only in this emerging tech spaces, but just in regular general ed, you know
I'm seeing that on a daily basis, right? So I think you know
Shout out to you. So we're bringing that up. That was a little bit of a tangent by me
But um, no, you know, I I would definitely love to talk more
As all about like the world building aspect, you know the ip these you know these cartoons, right?
that that fun childlike
piece that
Is is entering into this adult space where it's like so adult that it's in a financial tech space
This is like one of the most adult things we can get right?
But we're bringing like cartoons and we're bringing fun and we're bringing art we're bringing music into it and I think that's a that's a key piece
Regarding like nfts and the nft side those tokens versus like the d5 side where it's just like
Numbers, right? So, um, yeah, what do you think about that?
Yeah, well, I mean lots of things to say
essentially, one of my favorite things soul said was
That yoro naji collection was the first nft that she got because
quote unquote everyone remembers their first I think it's a very cool concept of
Um, i'm i'm a not avid gamer, but I play video games
I went to packs east once and I realized i am in like the one percent of video gamers, but nonetheless
video games and a big part of that is
collectibles in different capacities from all of my different video games and if at my age of 24
I could have a collectible from every single video game i've ever played and still look at them
That would be a really cool aspect and I think of just that as a somewhat of a collector
That can be a really cool
Thing for children growing up right now that might be in a world where every video game they do play
They do have this collectible
In the gaming industry, especially
One of the other huge use cases is i'm a trading card game player
That's my bread and butter. That's that's what that's what i'm good at. That's what I enjoy
That's where I spend most of my time
And with trading card games a huge part of that is in-game transactions for cards that are just owned by the company
and I think
Um if enough of these gamers understood
Um or wait, I mean there are some interesting games already out
Um that are trading card games
but understood the concept of being able to actually own your asset as opposed to
The gaming company owning your asset and then being able to do potentially what you want to do with it and then
You know even in the potential of
Um, we were talking you were just saying a little bit earlier. One of the really cool use cases is ip
If a game released the ip as part of the nft
When you got this card and maybe it was a custom unique card
You could make your own if you're a really big streamer of the game or whatever it may be
You can make your own t-shirts. You can make your own merch and sell that
as that ip
So, uh, I think it's really cool the different
potentials out there for creating communities in every different aspect and uh,
You guys were all saying or you were just saying that
Um people were saying that it brings out the kid in them. I'm still 24. This is uh, that's still me right now
um, but I get that nostalgia aspect of like trying to
Game if I have something in your life that uh, you're going towards and joining in different aspects and
Meeting people that share a similar vision of something you're enjoying
Um, it's a cool people always ask. How do you meet friends after college?
Um, how do you make meet uh, like
people other than dating apps
um, I think meeting always the main advice is to go out and do something that
Like that you have a hobby in and meet other people that are communal of that
And you'll eventually find someone who is in that who would have a positive relationship with you in whether that be a friendship or um
non-platonic relationship, um
Alas, I think a huge part of that kind of comes into this
community building aspect where there are different communities out there that have garnered this amazing support
And respect from the people that have bought these nfts that they wear it as a badge of honor
And like you were saying earlier pfps
Um, I know you always get ahead of yourself for people that have never
Uh heard of what a pfp is. It is a profile picture and on twitter
That is your main kind of avatar as you go about your daily business
a lot of people take uh
or some people take
Big stake in their pfp and what it is and and that avatar in this digital realm
Is definitely an interesting use case, but it's not going to be like 2021
Ever again where people are only just buying some avatar just for the sake of it for a lot of money
But um, i'm really interested to see
as this next two years
Come along i'm uh new into the space but uh
Have been learning more and more about all the different things I missed and one of the big things in this nft mania
speculative bull run
Profile pictures that were just just there right and on ethereum very basic not a lot of things out back then
Um relative to what we have now technology wise
Most of it was speculation on different different assets. So I think now
Coming along to this bull run. We have a lot of nfts in the last four years that have or three
Four and a three four years that have come out and have been building this whole time and have now created
These real world use cases for nfts
All of these layer twos that are coming out. Um on top of ethereum being their settlement layer potentially
These layer twos will add a whole another
um layer of scalability and block space on the blockchain
for people to try out and test different things and um
if we look a lot of people are talking about the crypto era as a
Similar trajectory money wise and liquidity wise to the internet cycle
and when we talk about
all of these nfts, I think a big thing we need to remember is
Um a lot of different
Use cases out there or ideas out there
May not be a long term
full in uh long term, uh
viable investment you could say because
It's a crazy place. That's what i'll say. Um, and essentially
I think a big thing to keep in mind is being able to learn about the technology and
Be up to date with you know, what you're doing and and and working on is a huge part of
This space because I think not getting invested in one asset here or there
Because of this or that is a huge. I don't know. I don't know what to say there. That's uh,
What where where do you want to bring it out without uh, brian?
Now you now you're cooking saw you were cooking. I loved it. Um
No, you know
I don't know. I think you know, there's a couple things
I don't know. I think I think
Going back to what you said about like the pfp era and you know, I don't think people will just be buying them
For you know, maybe like just a hype or the money attached. I don't know
I think I think what we'll see is I think we'll see
more projects that will actually be
Will kind of match that price point right the the collection that ends up being you know, 20 30 40 eth or whatever
Whatever chain currency that we're on in the future. Who knows? Um
I think it will it will more match
That price right? It won't just be the speculative thing
Oh, it's that price because it is or it's no it'll be that price because
They built this they built seven video games that
100,000 kids are playing around the world that type of thing, right? They'll be
Behind the work that these that these companies are doing and i've seen you know
A lot of you know pfp is on the on on the back end some of the lesser known ones
That have been building some really cool stuff. One of my favorite ones
Shout out to ai friends, right? Their whole discord is
basically powered by ai
The founder has just been building all these super super tools in their discord and this playground
That's a standalone website that all of the the holders can actually use and i've been playing with that since before
You know gpt came like I was uh, you know me and my son
We were on there looking up shark facts and just random things just because we could you know for that
That big buzzword in the space that utility thing, right?
I think we'll see more more collections
Uh, well the space will evolve to where more collections will be providing something cool for their for their people or for
The public or for you know different things like that, right? We've seen that right now with um, the rise of pudgy penguins
And you know how they're
Stepping into this toy space the cute cuddly toy space, right? They they put um plushies on on amazon
The kids are scooping up like crazy, right?
Now i've seen them in uh, have them in walmart and have them in five below's and they like they're kind of taking over
With this this ip rise that's looking kind of like
Like a disney like a peanut. It's like, you know what i'm saying? Like like a nickelodeon show
Exponentially faster than we've seen these previously previous ip's build, right? Um, I don't know it's
It's it's all it's all it's all hard to say because you know, uh, go ahead go ahead
Yeah, I was gonna say I think building on that a huge part of this space
And the coolest thing about the web 3 ecosystem
is that your
investor and your customer become the same shareholder
and when those two become the same shareholder
They can they become a community member and that community member might become a content creator as well
For that brand and I think that is one of the coolest reasons we're seeing some of these ip's build so fast because
When the ip is being able to be spread through a decentralized network of individuals all over the world
That is an opportunity that has never been heard of before
Right in the vast millennia this earth has
Been around there has not ever been a time like now where
Anyone on the globe could potentially be connected to anyone else on the globe pretty reasonably
Um, maybe not anywhere, of course
There are definitely places out there that don't have internet technology, but there are
It is a different world than we've ever been able to reach across worlds
And one of the craziest use cases also of this is in some of those countries that don't have great banking
Um is sometimes using some of this blockchain technology
Um, and I think one of the use cases we haven't talked too much about is transparency
um transparency is the
um, I think lifeblood and thesis of
web 3 and uh, one of the coolest things about
Nfts is like you could look through the code you could see where the where the money is going
And what it's being spent on because you can follow the money
Um on chain which uh in the online world, there's no way to do that without being
behind some centralized entity in some capacity and knowing whatever information they have so
I think transparency is one of the coolest things we'll get from
Blockchain as a whole and in it nfts will be able to
I think there's a lot of value in that transparency
Absolutely, absolutely. That's one of the reasons why you know, I hopped into space. Uh pre nfts is like oh
A ledger that anybody can access can't really be tampered with. Oh, yeah
I mean like I can see how that can benefit, you know, my family people that look like me
Um, yeah, just just that right there is such a key piece. It's interesting though because
A lot of a lot of people in the space prior prior years kind of use the opposite as like a selling tactic
They're like, oh you can come into space. It's kind of like the wild wild west. You can be whoever you want
You can be this anonymous person and it's actually like quite the opposite
So i'm glad that you brought that up. It's all that
Like ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of the space is all trackable
You know what i'm saying? And that it was kind of the point that's kind of how
This thing functions and runs. So yeah, thank you for bringing that up z that's what's up
No, a hundred percent. I I appreciate that. Um, I think another crazy use case of nfts is
this ability to
Crowdsource capital without needing necessarily venture funding or um
Or big investment banks, um and having to take out loans in some capacity
And I think as an artist that's a huge use case because for an artist to come into this space
Make a piece of art to crowdfund money
Crowdsource money for some piece of art in some capacity and then share
That creation with the people that helped invest in it in different ways like helping them produce the music video
If that's what you're doing
Or helping them pick which songs are on the mixtape or whatever. It may be
Um, there's some crazy crazy leverage in
In that and the ability for anyone anywhere to utilize that
and and reach out to anyone and I think
That's another reason why it could be quote unquote like the wild wild west where like you really
um, unless you do your do your due diligence and your research you really don't know where
Um what who anyone could be if they are anonymous, which is uh, definitely
Some of the space but um them being anonymous doesn't mean you can't see what they've been doing in the past
what transactions they've made and and somewhat of
What their on-chain presence is?
Everywhere and anywhere, which is really cool. Um
Is the evolution of you know that little piece is the next evolution in indiegogo kickstarter
And I said that a couple years ago and yeah, i'm glad you brought that up. It's like
There's so much potential so much like I don't know every time I think about this space like our mind's going crazy
Like i'm like, oh, I want to do this. I want to do this. It's like it's nuts. It's nutsy. I mean
I don't know you tell me like what different things what okay, so you've been in this you've been in the space
Uh a little bit less time than I have so what different types of things do you want to see?
That you're going to build for you and your community and your artists and different artists out there and how do you want to use?
This technology to better
Assist artists, um in the future like what things are you trying to build right now?
Great question
um, we could go with
I'm trying to build right now or we could go with the
where I see
potential use cases of nfts with the artists, so
Um, what are what are you?
Whichever one you're comfortable with, you know, you know, we got some things cooking in the back in that okay
Why don't I invite anyone up here to come speak about nfts?
And I also have some things listed down here as uh different ideas for potential
artists to
um in different capacities to
utilize this relation fan to
Artist relationship. So if anyone wants to jump up feel free chat
Chat with us. We have about uh 12 minutes left
Uh here of our power hour here on tuesday
so some of the ideas i've had uh along the way of
uh of all this is
Utilizing nfts to create customized mixtape mixtapes, which could be
personalized mixtapes for fan club members, you know
Featuring whatever your specific tracks are that are your favorite some of your favorite songs by other artists in this space
and hidden gems
Um before I get into the second one, we will bring it over to web 3 candy
Oh, thank you, um, I don't know how if you want me to how much you want me to
say here now, but um
we've got some
Pretty good kind of use cases that i'm excited about
Um, one of this is around the token bound accounts, which is actually the erc
6551 token and that's the token that
basically acts like a folder or is a wallet itself to where you
tokens or nfts go inside the
The other nft or the nft holds other nfts whichever way you want to look at it
So i'm personally really excited for that. There's a quite a few uh use cases for that in all different
parts of the market, but
For particularly for music it it allows you to actually
own an album
Like you would you know
Own a whole album in each song individually be an nft
So you could sell the token bound account nft and then each song individually inside of it could be
Um, you know individual nfts
And that's uh, one thing I think is going to bring
bring a lot of like cool, um
creative stuff to the music industry
but I there's also
Some ideas kind of that I think about like I was in I well
You'll know exactly how old I am when I tell you I was I was in the spice girls fan club the in sync fan club
Backstreet boys fan club and a leonardo dicaprio fan club
I enjoyed that and I think about like
Nowadays, we've kind of lost that with music
And I think um, well with nfts just in general, but also like specifically the token bound accounts
Um, I feel like we can bring some of that back
uh, one idea is like, you know, you can have the
You maybe you put out a single or maybe you put out a whole album
But you can also within if you're using the token bound account within that you could attach a biography
You could attach stems you could put cheap music
And like honestly, uh
Like a content marketplace like a curated content marketplace is something that
Zal and I know we're all kind of excited. We've been talking about a little bit. I don't want to say like too much, but um
We've been thinking about
Doing something there with like sheet music stems biographies
Um all sorts of different aspects of like the musician
What makes of a musician? So that's that's what i'm excited for
Fire fire fire candy. Yes, like I love protocol talk. Let's go
But no, yes, you know a lot not a lot of people are talking about talking about accounts and you know
The that nft nesting and you know different, you know housing and nf. Yes. Yes
We need more of that talk. So appreciate you one of the one of the
the cool things about that tech
That kind of is different from how we can do that now is like artists and different
Um, uh, whoever
creators they don't have to
Like track a list of you know wallets like their fan wallets anymore after this token bound accounts, right?
So you can create an nft
You can store all those cool different things like biography and things like you were talking about
And you can just track the actual nft
And not have to do like a snapshot on wallets every time you want to do like a future drop
So that's the coolest piece and that's what got me so hype about uh token mount accounts
Um aside from you know, I really want to see like a diablo inventory style, you know
And that gets us one step closer to that as well, too. So yeah, shout out to uk. That's what's up
Diablo inventory style you're gonna have to send me a picture of that because I do not know what you're talking about
Yeah, no, I know I call myself a gamer. I'm not really a gamer
Yeah, that's another thing i'll have to look up. We'll do now
um, one of my coolest
thoughts of the idea of one of the things in the space is just like the idea of a
achievements board kind of vis-a-vis like minecraft
um in a community where it's just like building you
To understand the community and how it's built and how it's run and how it's
organized and what their vision is and
What the things you would need to then?
Um create whatever you want for it. Whatever you're
brought on this earth to
um to add value in in whatever way your strengths have right because everyone has strengths everyone has weaknesses so
the ability to
For everyone to show
their strength
In so many ways and be supported by other community members is such a cool opportunity in this space
That's a dope piece that's a dope piece of all yeah, you know
Um, I like that that call to action to artists and just people who don't consider themselves artists, right?
Yeah, I know you like everybody makes something right all the humans we recreate something that's dope. I think now
um as we're seeing and
You know, not just in the web 3 space but in this, you know, emerging technology of just social media, right?
The rise of like tick tock and short form of content and youtube shorts and things like that, right?
We're going to need to see more people step into you know, this is what I can make and show it to the world, right?
and AI are kind of like
butting heads when it comes to like
That in general just people creating stuff and and putting it out
But I think it's the perfect companion. It's like the perfect duality of those two
Technologies to where people are going like you have to put out your stuff like show the world your stuff
I think it's going to be it's going to get to the point to where
Right our social media comparison culture is going to get so bad that if you're not creating then you're only going to be consuming
Right if you're not showing the world your talents
You're only going to be consuming and that's not that's not what we want to see in the world
That's not what we want to see in the space for web 3. That's not what
You know artists music web 3 nfts is all about we want to see you know
People create the new coolest things the new coolest ip and put that out to the world
So he can help you brainstorm and build on that right like you were saying earlier
This is a diverse space of people right you can connect to anybody globally now and build with them
Right and track earnings and track royalties and track shares and different things like that
It's an unprecedented space that we're in and just build together and I think you know
That's one of the coolest parts about onaji and the onaji university fam
Is that I have so many people my deans. I got 14 deans
That have been shooting me ideas left and right helping me build different things, you know, like soul is saying
And shout out to rick the ruler as well down there as well, too
He's been using his ip for for onaji been embroidering them on shirts different things like that
It's like everybody in the community is helping grow the ip and grow the community together
And I think that's that's the biggest use case that we'll see when it comes from
Not just only in a season the future but the current state of like the pfp space
That's how everything has been like building exponentially and it's it's really fun
I can tell you from you know being a founder in a founder spot like it's really really fun
And it's really like rewarding to have people help you build something that you care about
So yeah, I just want to say that piece
That was fire I love that every word of it wouldn't change a thing
Let's see we got three minutes, uh
Does anyone in the audience feel like they?
Want I guess it's just candy here
Um, do you have any closing thoughts on on our hour long conversation here today?
Seeing none, um, I will roll it into
Let's see nfts
Where where are we going? Where are we going with nfts?
Ryan in the next in the next two years was still what's the most exciting use case for you?
I think in the next two years, we're gonna see stuff created that we've never seen possible
Like like I think you know, i've been in this space long enough where i'm like, I see something and i'm like
Holy crap, that's genius, right?
Um with jayden, right? I was like he told me his idea for you know attaching pfps to the music
It's like he kind of went the like a different backwards route like he's already making music
He's like no, I want to make pfps for our music make the characters nine characters. I'm like bro. That is genius
I didn't think of that
So we're gonna see more of that we're gonna see
More people just be able to create and brainstorm things that they've never been able to do before
I'm gonna shout out rick the ruler again, right?
He just he just dropped the nft project that is attached to real world assets on the clothing with you know
Nfc tags and also you can scan those and like it it goes in the ar you like it's
Like zall we're gonna see some stuff. That's you're like, oh crap, like that's nuts, especially with ai too, right?
I've been asking ai like ai like you know
Gpt what what's some of the coolest news cases like brainstorm the future of whatever and it'll kick out some wild stuff
You're like that's genius
I don't know zall. What do you what do you think like I have plans, you know, I have my own little
Plans for onaji, right? I have big dreams for me like people ask me how how do you how long how far do you take this thing?
I'm like, oh, I want to build like onagi land like black disney land. They're looking at me like, excuse me. What bro
I'm like, yeah, sure like 20 30 40 years. Let's get it started
You know what I'm saying?
So I think like anything literally anything I want I want people to know this and hear this anything in this space is possible now
Like anything it's crazy. It shocks me. I'm like 40 years old
I can't wait till the kids like get a hold of this and go crazy
Like oh these future generations are gonna go ham
But I don't so I can't even really answer you the next two years. It's gonna be nuts. It's gonna be nuts
I promise you it's gonna be that
Onaji land i'm with that. I love that as division. That's sick
I definitely like that and i'm excited to to try to bring that forth. Maybe we'll we'll have to
we'll have to
Manifest that in this in these podcasts. Just put it in the corner at the end, you know a little onaji land
I gotta remember
So yeah, no, I think that's uh, that's super exciting. Um
I love that you have big dreams because I think there's a lot of people out there
With a similar mindset and vision where they have big dreams and if people could help
contribute in some capacity
Like you said you have 14 deans which is amazing and those people helping you out in different capacities and giving you pieces and bits of
advice and information
Super huge and I think that collaborative
Effect of web3 is going to be unbelievable. Um, we'll shoot it over to candy before we uh, give a little outro here
Yeah, I know we're running low on time, but I just wanted to add in there, you know
You mentioned like if you're not creating you're just consuming
And that's one thing that I really hope the web3 and blockchain and ft's and everything
does for the world is
gives everybody a community since it is global and permissionless, um, but it gives everybody a community and i'm hoping that it it helps
Substantially cut down on this disposable
Consumer materialism that like kind of we've built in america. Um, I can't help but laugh like
Americans we got we get all the betas
So like my bags are full of starbucks nft's and dot swoosh, but i'm not eligible for any air drops
so it's like it just kind of
Says something about like the consumer culture that's been built in america and i'm hoping that like as we move more digitally
Than like this, uh fast fashion and this like, you know these little toys that are just constantly accumulating and like hurting our planet
Kind of go on the cool down because there's a lot more, uh, you know
meaningful things, uh digitally
I like that a lot and I think uh
Brian we're gonna just next podcast is gonna just have to be blockchain
Why what what do we just talk about blockchain?
Just in general what we love like about it what we what we want to see what we want to grow. Um
Should be really cool. Um, I like uh, what you just said there candy a lot. I think
um, it resonates with the message of what we've been talking about today is um
Start becoming a contributor in some capacity instead of a consumer if you are and if you are already a contributor
Potentially using what we utilizing web3 as a creator is a new way to utilize this huge
Wild wild internet and wide internet that we have out there
and utilizing that
like you said
Brian for your kids like them growing up it's gonna be crazy and i'm excited to
You know help build that world for them
Like you said this world building aspect also of all of these communities is insane
Uh, you even have your own metaverse that you know, new people can come and join and see what different nfts you guys have bought so
um, yeah, i'm very excited for
the future
And uh, yeah, I want to shoot it to you to close it out
Absolutely another this this is a firebangers. I appreciate you. I appreciate everybody for coming out
Um, thank you so much candy for staying up on stage and contributing to the conversation as well. Uh, shout out to soul
I think she she dipped out but shout out to soul as well, too
Um, yeah, this has been episode two of let's talk about web3
You know web3 and emerging technology AI blockchain is all about exponential growth and
So we have had some exponential growth in this pod right here too from episode one two weeks ago to episode two today
Superfire, uh, i'm
I'm inspired i'm ready for you know, the the next coming weeks as well, too
Um, so appreciate you for being the co-host on this journey. Thank you for inviting me
Onaji b brian for those who aren't familiar. I go by a lot of different
Names aks and stuff
But appreciate you for inviting me on this journey
Uh, yeah, let's talk about web3 episode two in the books and man. It was a lot of fun. I appreciate you. It was all
Uh, what you got what you want to say to end us out, man?
Uh, well to everyone in our audience view on a wave as we ended off
But we appreciate everyone here. Um, I always like how brian always says that i'm like, yeah, fuck I should have said that
But I appreciate everyone who came out. It was uh, it's always awesome chatting
I love talking about this stuff. Um
It's a lot easier
When it's something you love and I think this space gives everyone an opportunity
To do what they love and i'm excited to see how
the rest of the space grows and other people other than just
artists in the just visual and
Uh musical art forms can actually start to create the space
Thank you everyone