Let’s talk Gaming! #10

Recorded: Feb. 14, 2024 Duration: 1:18:01



all right so as we're waiting for one more speaker i figure you know what
why don't we just get started with the introductions of the tonight's spaces
i move into some introductions of the speakers that i
invited today on a very special day on valentine's day
um to talk gaming what what better topic to talk you know on valentine's day but
um yeah to get started just wanted to say hello everyone welcome to episode 10
of let's talk gaming brought to you by merit circle and merit circles beam
um yeah at let's talk gaming we talk probably what you guessed gaming and
they i'm really excited to talk about what is hot in gaming right now
we're going to talk about some of the reasons and upcoming milestones for our guests we're going to talk about
what is it like to mint and have an nft collection in your projects and honestly there's going to be
a whole bunch of other topics but uh yeah figure why don't we get started with some panelist
introductions and that being said i like to keep them short and sweet so that we can just dive
right into the topic we have a few new guests today so new faces really fun as well but yeah
let's get started by introducing yourself who are you and what is the role at the studio you work for
and i'll start with the face that might be behind the planet mojo account either mike or tes and then
mojo milli will be the other one go ahead time to roll the dice hey it's mike how you doing
thanks for having me here um from planet mojo mojo melee obviously huge uh supporters and partners
with merit circle and really excited to be here with these other amazing projects and
learn more and talk about some fun stuff lovely thanks for being on the space again mike it's
been a while it was time it was time to get you on again uh but uh yeah very happy to have you here
tonight we're here in las vegas at dice so you know we're we're making this happen we'd be
able to find a nice spot to to for this absolutely i really appreciate it and we'll uh we'll talk
a little about that about that later as well just curious how you're uh yeah how are you holding up
there um yeah next next introduction why don't we just stick to to mojo for now mojo mealy do
you want to introduce yourself yeah how's it going uh this is ted head of marketing at planet mojo
um mojo melee obviously the first game from planet mojo um super excited to be here huge fan of merit
circle um yeah let's get this going perfect thanks for being here tav um yeah moving on we
have brom here from forgotten playland brom please introduce yourself hello hello uh my name is brom
i'm working for duckland games together with you guys building forgotten playland i'm responsible
for most of the marketing materials you see on twitter and uh yeah we're looking forward
to talk more about the game today sounds good sounds good thanks for being on the spaces i think
it's your uh at least the first basis here with us but maybe your first base in general we'll find
out in a bit cool thanks for being here man all right then on the space nation accounts who do
we have on it if i'm correct should we bury how are you doing yeah that's uh that's correct and
i think i'm the second duchy that you're going to hear tonight so it's pretty cool um yeah happy
to be here happy to be a great partner of merit uh we're both working on ziki epm you know like
it's going to be uh going to be a blast and looking forward to this ama awesome and uh
funny your dutch as well i didn't know that see i learned something new immediately at the start
of this basis love it and then finally we should have shawn here on the ff4 account how are you
doing man hey marco how's it going everyone yeah this is shawn uh we're building ff4 here on this
account but i'm from t3 play um i'm the co-founder there and my role is day-to-day operations
lovely thanks for being here so yeah just just for the listeners tonight if you're new to let's
start gaming what i like to do is i typically like to run the spaces for about an hour
we go over honestly so many different gaming things but also just project related we go
not too in that but i would say just dive into like i said the milestones what's coming up just
the hot and exciting stuff and yeah for today what i wanted to start with were a few quick
updates on what's new in the merit circle ecosystem if you're new to merit circle definitely check out
the accounts one of the speakers here tonight are the host basically of the spaces so yeah you can
just go to the twitter account to check it out but yeah new things here on our end is we started
the tiktok and youtube shorts accounts obviously targeting gamers we're gonna experience much more
with video content throughout the next couple months so yeah if you like gaming there's honestly
so many games coming in early access phases right now we all fast bet as early access or full launch
even we're super excited to release more content on that so yeah big thanks to the marketing team
for that and obviously our content creators um on top of that we have i i find this personally
really exciting as well an upcoming Q&A event in amsterdam so uh yeah very you're in the netherlands
you should definitely uh attend if you're uh if you if you go make it it's gonna be in may i believe
it's the 11th of may i have pinned a tweet here at the top as well so yeah if you're in or around
the netherlands please you know feel free to to come and tune in and join us yeah and as the
winter has been super wet may is normally the perfect weather so be in amsterdam in may yeah
that's where you where you want to be in may exactly i hope i hope we're not gonna get rain
because it is on a roof there so yeah let's just hope that it's gonna be sunny may is dry sunny
perfect weather beers on top everything yeah exactly should be good perfect and yeah final
quick update before you move on to some gaming stuff is that orange pill is also hiring for the
merit circle DAO so we're looking for a desktop devops engineer we have a few more open spots so
yeah if you're excited to start working in wet 3 or you're already working in wet 3 check out the
second season maybe there's something for you all right then now to the good stuff so yeah what's
hot in gaming right now and usually i like to zoom in on the wet 3 kind of things here but honestly
there were some pretty big things that i saw in general gaming that i wanted to bring up tonight
first of all we have disney to invest 1.5 billion dollars in epic games and i was wondering here
from the panelists tonight like what is your thoughts on this is it the smart move is the
risky move because just some background information epic games had recently uh let go of 16 of their
staff mainly because they're now more into the revenue sharing aspect with more user generated
content and whatnot so obviously that hasn't done amazing for the company's revenue and profits
but yeah which is very curious what are your thoughts on disney investing in epic games and
are we going to see more beyond just disney characters in existing games do you think
they're gonna ship a title together yeah anyone has any thoughts on this or is this completely
new to uh to all the panelists here go ahead very yeah no hey first of all you know like i've got
an enormous respect for epic i worked with these guys for a long time you know like my first mmo
in 2004 was built with with unreal what was it 2.7 or something like that you know like i think
we're now at five so i'm a bit of an old old dude and you know over the time they've been
collaborators in my last company before space nation they were a competitor of mine although
i know a lot of those people and work there some of them some of people have been laid off which
is of course always super sad but what i also saw was when the money came streaming in you know a
lot of these was like during covet the sky was the limit you know like and then a lot of projects are
starting and i think they saw from a lot of like projects which were basically experiments that
that they were not paying off and i think in the end that they made something different and they
went a different direction and that's sort of what they're doing at the moment you know like having
somebody like disney you know like even though disney is a little bit in a weird weird bind now
and to be honest i'm not a big fan of their tv shows at the moment you know i love all the old
marvel stuff but that's that's a personal thing i do think that this is a marriage that is that
is pretty cool if they can pull it off you know like they have a certain audience that fits quite
well you know like a fortnite audience i don't know if yeah they need if they want to build a
platform they need more than just fortnite so yeah yeah i think it's pretty cool but building
a platform takes time you know steam took more than 20 years absolutely took a long time yeah i
was watching the trailer earlier or better said tease earlier today and that's why i brought up
like are you only going to see characters being put into existing games because we saw like
i think it was definitely fortnite but also in uh one of the i can't think shooting other people
well sit well sing rocket league that was yeah like the rocket league also with the cars cars
being in there just really really fun stuff but yeah we just was wondering where is this going
um Sean you wanna you wanna weigh in there
yeah just just quickly i guess mainly because we're building an unreal engine if it owns
unreal so um as most of you involved in gaming have seen the last couple of years have just
completely changed uh in terms of what's possible with unreal and even even with Disney and
cinematic trailers and all that sort of things so not just from the gaming side but you can see
they they're clearly positioning themselves like they can see there this they're calling it that
they wanted to build a metaversal theme park um in a 1.5 billion stake and if it games it's
they're not mucking around so i think it's a perfect platform i mean we're familiar with it
but unreal engine itself is so capable of so many things not just on the gaming front you got
cinematic trailers but then yes if this is their plan i mean i agree with space nation i'm not a
huge huge fan of the movies but um i think either way this is a positive thing for us in this
industry uh so it's a lovely pretty cool perfect mike you uh you have a complete different opinion
here that's gonna blow us away or you're lying with the other two speakers as well
you're muted by the way yeah mike
sorry yeah here's here's my hot take i love it and i hate it i love it because
it is of course going to make some amazing content right and i think it is a smart move
for disney because you know having a lot of friends who've worked there and seeing what
they've done over the years you know i'm just going to say it disney doesn't understand video
games at all okay so this is a move for them to partner with a company that clearly understands
it and they're going to make incredible things here's why i hate it the games industry is already
broken okay that's why a lot of us are here right in web 3 the games industry is already
too top heavy and dominated by these giant companies and this is going to really let them
double quadruple down on that right and as you guys are saying the public is tired of these
franchises and these ip's i grew up with this stuff i was a avid comic book reader collector
i still haven't sold any of my comments and you know a few years ago yeah it was great when i
started making superhero movies but they just you know they've milked it to death with star wars
and really the world needs new original fresh ip like we are independent game developers we're
living in this age now where everything is a sequel and recycled and brought back from the past
like how about some original stuff right how about new ideas and new stories and that's what we're
trying to build at planet mojo so i think you know there's two sides to this and that's why i
love it and hate it yeah i very much understand where you're coming from and actually i hadn't
initially thought of it that way but i think the way you put it is actually very very interesting
because like you said there's those not just in the game industry also beyond it there's just
a lot of i wouldn't necessarily go that far and call it monopolies but there's just always a few
really large parties right now dominating the industries and it's the same in gaming largely
so yeah i agree i would love to see new stuff at the same time like you also said disney is maybe
not amazing in gaming but that's why maybe we're gonna see their characters just in well initially
the most popular games maybe there's room for growth there still for the game studios themselves
rather than disney trying to compete and create their own games here but guess we'll we'll have
to find out as we move forward um yeah so moving on on another stuff to someone that is unique
i saw this post that said you know xbox welcomes gonzilla so basically i think this is the first
web3 game that i might have seen that is launching on xbox which i'm very happy to see correct me if
i'm wrong and if there's other games on xbox already but very exciting to me so my question is
is anyone here uh in the panel you know planning to release ultimately on console be it playstation
be it xbox and if so do you think that this is very hard to pull off did they have to adjust
things in the economy or what's forever already about three elements or do you think this is
actually very very doable um yeah i would love to hear someone weigh in on that
i think it's a it's a very daring approach i've done a couple of console games when we were doing
racing games and there was uh you know like you you put yourself in a you know like in a in a in
a framework where you have to adhere to you know like with playstation there's a lot of qaing going
on in a certain amount but it also shows that you're willing to do that so i think it shows
quality if you are willing to do that it shows quality that you get
accepted so i think in a way for the industry it's amazing uh on our end i would say we will do
some console games but i don't think we well we don't have space nation the mmo currently set
on the console games because like console games market is not necessarily very strong on mmo's
taking aside things like fan of fantasy and destiny of course but yeah so that's uh that's
my take on it but brave a brave take and it also opens up my belief that windows uh game store
could be working for us yeah oh that's that's pretty interesting i haven't thought of that
part yeah that might be interesting yeah yeah well you you briefly unmute yourselves well you
want to weigh in here before i give mike a shot oh uh well so i mean we're still deep in development
of forgotten playland and as a party game you want to play these with friends and other people
as much as possible uh so obviously we would also love to bring forgotten playland to consoles
over time uh the thing that makes me curious mostly is obviously with the rise of
uh web3 and nfts a lot of these marketplaces have been hammering down on access steam has been very
open and loud being against the whole web3 world epic has been very accessible for it and open
armed and as space nation also mentioned consoles are a completely different ecosystem so i am very
curious to find out how gonzilla will be launching on xbox and playstation and if they have to
make any big changes to the game and the ecosystem as a whole to adhere to the rules and kind of
infrastructure that they yeah need to adhere to on those platforms yeah yeah it's gonna be a really
good case study i feel like uh like i said i just haven't seen any other web pre-game to this yet
so yeah i agree there uh daring approach but uh very curious to see it in action mike you wanted
to weigh in go ahead well i was really just gonna ask a question because i've been at dice and
haven't like i'm curious have they announced at all if they're going like how if they're gonna
have to remove the blockchain features i guess from the game to be on console and you know if
we assume that's the case since there's been no publicly stated you know that i've seen from sony
or xboxing they're going to allow this thing then i think it falls into a similar pattern of we've
seen some other web3 games get on steam right and have to kind of strip out all the blockchain and
you know that to me is like a whole separate discussion of like is that really the way forward
for this industry right can make the argument that well it's a it's a mass adoption tool and
then hopefully some of those people move over to playing the web3 version but i'm sort of more in
the camp that like if we're ever going to bring this to the masses it it it really has to be
integrated into the game for for people to experience it and understand it so i think
it's it's complicated and it'll be very interesting to see you know how it does on console right yeah
i was honestly hoping that one of you would have the the latest on you know is anything publicly
available on what that's going to look like because i checked their their twitter feed i checked their
website not much on there yeah i guess we'll just have to wait and find out but uh nevertheless
like i said interesting case study super exciting to see that happen um cool so next phase i want
to talk a little bit more with bum about forgotten playland because we've made some really exciting
announcements uh and we you know it's our co-launch studios we're gonna dive into that
for a little bit but before i do that i would love to ask the audience what always helps to get more
listeners in the space is we have over 125 people listening live right now so first of all thank you
for that i would love to get that to 300 listeners just as many as you can so if you can give the
space a little like or a comment if you have a question that definitely helps the algorithm
to push it to more people so really appreciate that and of course if you have questions and you
do tweet them i'll see if i can yeah get through them throughout the spaces and then the usual
thing that i love to do as well just shout a few familiar faces out that that are here again so we
have sam stephanina again in the crowd thanks for tuning in man good luck on the gamified episode
later tonight we have tug kate okay it's always here always love her we have sar pizza honestly
so many familiar faces aka you can love it thanks for thanks for tuning in everyone and i hope that
you you already enjoyed the spaces so yeah that being said well i just mentioned we've just had
some amazing you know announcements made with studio for million so over seven million dollars
race in the seed rounds we've just today announced the upcoming tge february 21st through
ape terminal what's the sentiment in the team like right now like are you very much focused on that
are you just not getting any distraction and just focusing on the game development like what's your
take what are you up to right now oh well first of all it's absolutely crazy the amount of engagement
and reactions that we're getting all across the space is uh heart melting and overwhelming to say
the least uh we we i mean we started off with this little idea right what happens if you're a toy in
an attic that's abandoned and you just start playing games and have some fun and this became
bigger and bigger and people clearly want to see more no more and well yeah play play the game
so when we uh made the raise announcement what was it two weeks ago of seven million
that was absolutely mind-blowing and uh yeah now the upcoming tge next week it's it's exciting
uh it's it's it's a lot but we're super excited we're super motivated and uh yeah we're just
building around the clock to bring the best game to everyone once we release definitely i'm super
excited to get the game in people's hands because you know i've gotten the i've gotten the privilege
to be able to test pretty frequently and i'll give the first tip use a controller it's way
smoother than keyboard obviously built for small movements and and whatnot so use the controller
because i used my keyboard and the main dev got very mad at me and bought me a controller just to
never see that happen again so well we we want to give you the best experience possible right so
yeah that's uh for sure with a controller yeah i love it love it so we've already introduced
you know some of the team members i would say most of the team members throughout you know the
reason tweets uh and whatnot but you know i kind of imagine people new to if we're going to playland
with the upcoming you know whole face that we're entering can you talk a little bit about how big
is the team currently and you know with the reason the race is the team going to expand
significantly like what are those funds going to be used for what's the vision uh well i mean
we we want to take a realistic approach right so currently the team at duckland games is about
eight people big uh five of those have been announced recently and we kind of got in a couple
new hires this week um and obviously we're going to expand uh the the yeah like i was saying the
community is massive we want to provide the best game out there and for that we need more
more hands and deck but at the same time we want to make sure that it's done in a realistic way
you often see that when there's this big bag of cash suddenly handed over to you through a
successful raise or through whatever means that you start throwing more money at it but
at a certain point there comes this this uh this tipping point where yeah too many people is too
much and will work against you uh so yeah we are obviously going to expand the team but how quickly
and by how much yeah we'll have to see exactly yeah no makes perfect sense and i think you know
when you mentioned the aid as well you know obviously people from merit circle side have
been contributing we have external developers also working on the game side so oh absolutely
it's quite some hands on deck already yeah oh for sure i mean it's uh it's not that it's uh
like this this uh little uh game made in an attic i mean it takes place there but uh we we do have
some more people and putting work in there so 100 so one of the other things i wanted to talk
about tonight is launch is scheduled for q1 2024 is what the bio says and i was initially just
gonna do a fun hint here and ask you know what as far as this launch is there gonna be a token is
there gonna be nft but you know we've already announced the upcoming token so that joke kind
of kind of lost its power but can you talk a little bit to set expectations what can people
expect to kind of see i would say around end of q1 since we're already almost there yeah it's uh
time is running out we're we're halfway there uh so yeah uh within q1 well obviously we're gonna
have our tge first next week uh and the game launch the game launch itself will include the
social hub which is the attic that we've been showcasing which you can look at as kind of this
interactive lobby if you would boot up any game where you can team up with friends usually that
is just a static main menu um screen and uh well we want to have fun so we made it an interactive
level where you can hang out with more than just the four people you can play the minigames with
so you can emote with each other you can hang out and then you can start the minigames and during
this initial launch we'll launch with two minigames uh jungle rumble and bumpa ball
uh and obviously we're working on many more to come post launch um but in between those two
moments we're uh also very likely to do our first nft drop which will be cosmetics or your
plushies to bling them up and absolutely make them yeah the personification of your personality
right yeah i think on on the the uh cosmetic side as well those that have kept an eye on the
forgotten playland account probably have already seen hints here and there on what these
cosmetics are gonna look like but there's definitely a bunch that haven't been shown yet
and yeah i just love seeing it all coming together um so launch coming up with the game
two minigames social hub is there anything that you can share or tease about other minigames
that are coming up or is nico and yourself gonna kill me if we talk about that at all at this moment
well i mean that is also part of my job uh as a part of the development team you obviously want
to keep your lips shut as much as possible because you don't want uh yeah leagues going out before
you want them out there uh but being in charge of marketing you also want to bring as much
information to the community as possible so it's this constant struggle within my body
of wanting to share more and uh shutting up um but yeah we we have actually teased a first
yeah hint of one of the upcoming minigames post launch during one of our tweets i think last week
or two weeks ago uh as uh mark has been pushing hard on a certain minigame including bombs and
that has been in active development and yeah i i think that is a good spot of something that will
release post release i love it that is that is honestly a very very big hint so
uh i love we like explosions exactly yeah so final question before i move on to some of the
other panelists who are going to talk about some other topics is what is kind of your take on what
is the strategy going to be around releasing new minigames like what is the frequency that you have
in mind right now on that so uh in in in that sense i can be kind of brief uh we want to provide
quality but also not want to have the community wait for six months to have a new minigame to play
so our current goal is to provide a new minigame every single month
cool that's very brief and very clear to be fair all right so yeah uh i saw some comments
just briefly going through that asking about details on the tg i would honestly say go to
the forgotten playland twitter accounts there's a recent twitter thread that gives you all the
details on the upcoming token launch um and then yeah one comment also to weigh in and back to the
xbox discussion that we had on uh yeah you know what is their stance towards it aka on a comment
i i feel like i'm very lying here i don't think the console makers have taken a hard stance
against crypto elements but really doubt there will be any sort of marketing push for it from
sony risky as fuck for them to look like they're publicly endorsing boxing technology so yeah i
think that's overall the sentiment that that most of us feel so yeah let's just see where that goes
and um yeah we're gonna learn more soon cool so yeah again we're about half an hour into the
space is really hope you're enjoying it yeah uh obviously still a lot to talk about and once
again if you're listening it if you're enjoying it what helps a lot is if you could just give
the spaces a little like such shows up on more people's timeline and again if you have questions
for any of the panelists or for myself just comments uh we're here i'll read them i'll see
if i can can walk through them cool so one of the things when you know i i figured out who are
going to be the panelists for tonight i was looking at what does each of your projects have
in common and the main thing that i found relevant to talk about right now is because the timing is
just perfect is to talk a little bit about having an nat collection in your project but also nft
min strategies since there's so many different strategies that your projects are taking or have
taken so yeah on that note i wanted to start with you mike plan a module and before we dive
into the nft side you're currently you already mentioned that you're in las vegas you're there
for the dice summit for those not familiar what is the dice summit and yeah how's going so far
how are you enjoying it um yeah it's uh it's great so dice um is it happens every year a few
weeks before gdc honestly i've been in games a very long time this is my first dice and i've
sort of hard to believe i've never been here but i think it's more of a conference for
gaming executives um a lot of the big triple-a games and others and it's sort of more of a
high-end i guess specialty really big connector event with uh networking vcs other game companies
so yeah it's been great and of course there's a little you know web3 contingency here that
has all found each other and um you know sort of bonding uh in our own right cabal yeah and what's
your what's your main goal while you're there are you really there mainly to network and get to
other founders in the industry see what you can do together yeah that there's a lot of meetings we
have really across the board different not just game devs but also different uh technology
venture capital other interested parties so um yeah it's been really good so far and we have a
lot of great meetings today love it love it love it good luck and have fun obviously um but yeah
i'm not done with you uh yet so hang in there so look so like i just said something that a lot
of breaks here in common is the the nft collection site and you and space nation both have had a
freemint in the past and now pavement so i wanted to ask you mike to start off is you have an
upcoming genesis mint on the ethereum network so can you to those are not familiar with planet
mojo explain a little bit about what is the game about and what is this mint going to be about and
you know what is the utility of the nfts are coming up yeah sure okay a lot there um first
of all just say this this new ethnft really marks a new era for planet mojo and a new chapter
and you know up to now we were very efficient we made our first game mojo melee it's been out there
a lot of people have been playing it on web and some on mobile which we still plan our our full
release for that soon this nft though is really going to be the beginning of a set of major
announcements from us over the next i would say month and this is going to be really uh you know
we've always our vision has always been to build an ecosystem of interconnected games where
holders of the nfts have added benefits throughout across all the games with a unified token
and more kind of so you know this really is the beginning of unveiling a lot of those things and
this nft in particular um will be gorgeous and will be will have a reveal after the fact where
we'll be turned into one of six i won't say what they are now because we're literally about to
reveal this stuff over the next few days including our partner we've also announced it is going to
be a free mint so i can say that part and this nft if people know our ecosystem we have something
called the collection tier system that we've had for quite a while a lot of projects now i'm seeing
having point systems it's similar to that our system really rewards points and puts you into
different ranks in that system based on the core nfts you hold and how much you play with them
this nft will have a very high collection tier value for our community and for new people coming
into the ecosystem it will unlock exclusive rewards it'll be eligible for in-game playable
assets future ecosystem benefits early access to upcoming new games intent and more utility
revealed soon so i'm being intentionally a little cryptic but this is crypto
well i'm just gonna say no no direct straightforward alpha tonight
no i love it love it no it sounds really good so my follow-up question on that is just to dive deeper
into the whole strategy why min it's the timing right in terms of q and d sentiment is it the
right time in terms of game development what is your approach to launching this collection now
compared to let's say three months ago or in six months from now
well i think you know as of you know a couple months ago i think we've sort of entered into
a new chapter in web3 gaming and you know we've come out of the bear market there's a lot of
excitement and for us especially with the things coming up you know we've as you said we've done
freemen's before we've also been in partnerships with amazon prime gaming and congregate and others
in this space and so for and we knew this was going to happen for our polygon collections
we have minted thousands and thousands for amazon alone over 25 000 nft so while those
collections are still critical to the ecosystem and have value we also wanted to have sort of
more of a top level symbolic nft that would sort of be binding for the entire ecosystem
as a sort of pass for the community for the people who've been here from the beginning
and people who are just discovering the project so it we wanted to have something that would sort
of separate itself from those polygon ones and stand alone and you know we seem to be
in the season right now of ethnft's and you know with our upcoming partnership announcement
i think it's gonna make even more sense cool well we'll keep our eyes on the the upcoming
announcements but uh yeah no i think it makes makes honestly a lot of sense i feel like sentiment is
good there's so many games launching right now it honestly feels like to me this is one of the
most exciting times that i've seen in web3 gaming and and you know we've seen a lot of attention to
the gaming industry before the big difference is now the games are actually playable and that to
me is just super super exciting um so yeah honestly sean the same same can be said for you
so fight force four is having an nft mint i believe is happening tomorrow uh whitelist i think
is closed but can you talk a little bit about the mint and and why is the timing now uh same for you
yeah we've we've done a few minutes now we've got character mints on eth we've got assets on
polygon so multi-chain approach but yeah the mint tomorrow uh the timing i guess to be honest is
three months later than we were we were hoping uh we've we've added a few things improved some
systems but yeah there's a there's a lot going on with the characters and these are for flight
force four there's two species uh in the game and this is for the second species which are the
the alien characters in the game so there are 2d representation of your 3d character in game
but they come with loads of benefits um the the initial um collections they came with the token
claim which we'll be launching uh later this in this half of the year hopefully um and they also
come worth in-game asset airdrops these are weekly so we've given back to our holders already
what to over 250 000 worth of assets and these are all assets that are not not just usable in
ff4 which is the account i'm on but we've also got t3 play up here we're working on three three games
so interoperability is our focus between all of our games so those assets will will will be usable
in all of our games um but yeah the timing i guess has worked out well for us uh in terms of the
the market the market improving and and all of that sort of stuff that helps and and yeah the
resurgence in gaming you know we all we all saw the big run that happened kind of what a couple
months ago i think we're ready for another one and everyone in here recognizes the importance
of web3 gaming and in in blockchain and uh so yeah i think uh good times ahead but yeah looking
forward to them in tomorrow have a look check it out there's so many benefits um but yeah exciting
times exciting times so i want to weigh in on something you just mentioned that's the interoperability
part so to me when often we're talking about hey what is interesting about you know what are
interesting things you can do with blockchain elements and people mention interoperability
obviously there is still very few live examples that we can name where that is actually the case
so my question to you is what is kind of the timeline for you on that interoperability piece
um very curious to honestly dive more into that when it's uh yeah when is an action
yeah i agree it's a bit of a buzzword in web3 isn't an interoperability but yet there's not
really any kind of concrete examples uh for us the first example will be we've got our polygunners
game which is the second game we're working on that'll be launching in about four months
uh that'll be the first time you'll be able to use an asset from this ff4 collection for example
that's minting tomorrow you'll have uh the ability to unlock things in in the sec in that other game
polygunners so that's the first time we'll see that for us personally so about four months and
then from there as we release these other titles those will be usable in those as well nice i'll
keep my eyes on it nice happy to uh to learn more maybe by then when the time is right love to have
you on uh the other spaces that i host which is high gamers meet axe um and that spaces those
that are not familiar in the audience as well as the other one on the bi-weekly wednesdays is
just a one-hour one-on-one deep dive just learn everything about your game about your ecosystem
and whatnot i invited mike with plan emoji as well to come aboard sometime maybe if barry's
kind enough tonight he'll get an invite in the future as well we'll see but i always like to
do this well so yeah eager to uh to learn more um cool so yeah barry space nation you've done a
free mint in the past on magic eating as well i saw you've done another mint as well i wanted to
dive a little bit onto the free mint aspect and you know i know plan emoji has done one so it can
weigh in as well but free mints have usually the purpose of distribution so you want those nfts to
come into player's hands to try out your game really just use them but obviously what you
sometimes see is they get value they get you know just swamped up by either bots or by people just
hoarding them so my question is looking back at that free mint how how are you looking back at
it are you satisfied with how that campaign wins what you've done it differently and yeah what
what's up with the new collection right now but let's first dive into the first part and then go
into the second part no it's cool it's cool and let's definitely talk about interoperability
for later nfts as well that's that's clearly a topic i love about we just gave some announcement
about about some of that although it might not be read like that um yeah our free mint it was
basically mid last year and i think the first thing we wanted to do was that we wanted to give
out a small amount it was 550 so not massive amounts but like small amounts and it was basically to
make certain that we activated our community which was around 50 000 twitter followers back
then we're now over 200 000 i believe you know like probably a lot more we have about 500 000
plus signups and a lot more than that but those are the numbers that i've got top of mind you
know like easy ones and what we want to do before we had an expanding community we wanted to reward
our what i call atomic community the people that make the bare bones of your community
and that's one of the funniest funniest things of web 3 is that it's different from any other
gaming project i was part of i've been part of like mmo social casinos racing games whatever
you know i can but always it was the developers promising things then people aren't there from
the start and often your sort of like core community your pre-alpha community is sort of
under snowed by the later massive beta communities where whoever shouts the loudest gets gets there
you know like and i think by being able to to give this reward to your earlier community
that works very well one of the things we did was we built our our system logisticus and the system
logisticus what we did was it's not just a questing system it was also certain that we could filter
out or had the most chance of filtering out bots to be honest you know like at one point we ran of
course into some some back doors that that that still gave bots a chance but that was done during
the campaign so thankfully we we picked up on that and we could close that back door and then
just remove all those so i'm i'm fairly confident that we did a good good drop there it was it was
like well it was free you know like now we're over 2.2 eth you know like so people who who got
a chance and picked up on it you know like they they got a they got a good good value out of this
and what we do see as well is like there's a good liquidity there you know there's a lot of spread
ownership so that also tells us you know like it's not just in the hands of a few big parties but
actually spread across a wider community so that's cool um yeah we tell people you will have
privileges all along the way of of our project you know that means it starts with the alphas
betas launches and as jerome our ceo says like we're not building for today or tomorrow we're
building for a decade as he has been with world of warcraft since the start and he was still there
in 2014 you you know that's a person who understands that an mmo can run for a decade um yeah so then
the next part was basically our uh our first ship drop uh efes you know like again we did
we did a small amount it was like 1155 and we kept also the the the amount low the price low
because this was not about us trying to grab money out of the market this was actually
about us like launching our first ship so that people could get a feel okay what is what are
the ships about seeing the utility of the ships having a clear understanding of that and getting
clear benefits out of that as well why we do ships still is that our community will be able to grow
ships well not grow they have to mine they have to produce ships by themselves they can mint them
then unfortunately there has been the ever aged discussion about what comes first the chicken or
the egg and unfortunately within a space mmo you need to have ships first to be able to to do stuff
so we will be ceding ship nfts the coming time to make certain that we can populate uh space nation
but once we see that that that hatchling is coming out you know we will make certain
that then the economy is grown by our people themselves uh so the nft mint strategies has
always been like showing utility rewarding early community right that's that's important yeah sorry
i keep on blabbering yeah no worries no worries i appreciate the i appreciate the the walkthrough
no i'm happy to hear also that that mean you know has been successful i've seen stories where
founders are like you know looking back at it i would have done things differently because it didn't
go with the distribution as we initially planned so i just like to hear about you know how do you
look back at that at that mint and mike i wanted to ask you the same thing like how do you look
back at the the freemen through magic even that you've done or maybe even on the amazon prime
like what you say it did the job that you had in in mind or what you've done things differently
looking back at it um i don't think we would have done things differently for those mints uh they
they definitely achieved our goals they had different objectives you know what we're doing
with amazon prime we knew you know we wanted little sort of hurdles in the way and it was really more
of a mass adoption strategy for for this upcoming easement and we've announced this you know if you
get a whitelist spot this is a guaranteed whitelist spot because we know we've seen some of the other
mints and frustrations and things that have happened and so we're trying to like be adaptable
and you know we want people to be not pissed off right after this mint so if you get one of our
tier one whitelist spots in this mint and we've allocated you know a large number to our community
in terms of you know not just players but for people who in our collection tier system for
people in discord where we have an amazing point system and shop for the actual game all these
different ways and the tournament we just had last weekend all these ways available so our core
community can can have access to those whitelist spots as well we thought that just as last speaker
was saying that that's really important to sort of balance your core og community but at the same
time you have to grow right everyone in this space needs to grow and welcome new players and people
into their community so that's that's i think the thing we're trying to balance 100 very cool very
cool so for those who are listening they are new to the game how you say and i'll ask the other
panelists in a bit but how would you say they can pass just tune in start playing the game
is on your website is enjoying your discord where can people learn more
yeah for planning if you want to play mojo melee you can jump in right now in your desktop browser
it's at play.planetmojo.io and you know you can set up an account dive right in we have very little
barrier to entry we like to get people right into the game and improving and learning their
skills and yeah like if people and if also you know the game's been out for a while people have
maybe not played it in several months we have continued to add new features improvements
listen to the community in terms of what they wanted in our new season which just launched last
week the dao of war we've added many new features of just ones coming to mind which is letting
players choose what where what what characters what champions get the xp they win up to now
you sort of get it based on the champion you're using but with our holders right who may have
multiple brookas or other champions they've been asking us for months like let us choose right so
we sort of looked at games like marvel snap and things like that and now anytime you win xp
you get to choose if you have multiple champions where that xp goes and you know on top of that
of course we've been developing some major features in the game in-game minting so people
can directly mint their characters once they've leveled them up to level 20 and our mojo maker
which is our on-chain avatar system we think it's more advanced than anything we've seen out there
and we're going to continue to improve about it and i'll just last thing i'll say since interoperability
has come up several times on this um you know with our mojo maker where you really have complete
ability to customize ugc your mojo um we're not talking months here we're talking days to week
or weeks that very soon we will be debuting full interoperability in new games and you know we
think that's so exciting to hear other projects also working on this because i think that is one
of the keys to web3 so that's you know really one of the things i'm most excited about moving forward
and expanding even outside of mojo melee but still having all these games interconnected
nice nice interoperability exactly well you you two should connect after the space just share your
learning share your feedback and ideas and keep pushing on that from because like i said i want
to see more of that actually in action rather than being used as a buzzword so keep up the
good stuff yeah like you said as well some people might have not played it at all some people might
have not played it for months i haven't played it in a couple of months i'll be honest there
just because i had so many other games to test out but i'll probably play some tomorrow i think
if i do tonight my girlfriend might be mad because it is valentine's day after all but uh maybe
tomorrow maybe tomorrow i think you guys should go head to head for valentine's day that would
really i'll see if i can i'll see if i can convince her let's see let's see and then of course let her
win that's the key part no i'm not letting her win i'm too competitive for that but that's okay
that's okay cool so just keeping my eyes on time we have around seven minutes left on the usual
clock i hope you know the panelists here today are good to go over by like 10 minutes or something
like that we'll see how much we need but then i'll just slowly round it off if you have to up off
that's completely fine just uh yeah speak up here in the panel a little bit uh with otherwise
just yeah feel free to stick around um so bum on the note of nfts you've already managed and
for forgotten play lens there's gonna be cosmetics coming up and whatnot before we dive a little bit
deeper into that i saw a question from kate here in the comments i know how much she loves her
uh plushie penguin plushies so she was wondering are there gonna be ever physical
plushies from forgotten play length at all
if it's up to me i would say absolutely i mean yes obviously we we're looking into
yeah expanding the ip as it is uh plushies are perfect to turn into real life plushies so we're
we're looking into the possibilities uh sadly not tomorrow or next week that we can announce
physical plushies available but but it's absolutely on our list cool cool love it i can't wait honestly
maybe you know kate if i'm one of the first to get the plushie i'll ship it to you how about that
we'll see we'll see one of the test test products cool but only on the upcoming nfc site obviously
right now main eyes are on the token main eyes are also on the upcoming nft sorry minigame launches
the nfts are you expecting for them to be released before the first two minigames and social hub are
launching are you expecting it afterwards what's kind of the timeline right now that you have in
mind there i mean we're still looking into the the the right time frame but internally we have
been talking about releasing them either before or alongside of the the game watch yeah so also
happening in q1 busy q1 busy busy honestly q1 is almost not the end here you are aware of that
right yeah yeah i'm very aware perfect no very very exciting obviously and more information to
be shared throughout the tweets that will go out but um yeah just just on the note of everything
that's coming up on a forgotten playland i wanted to ask you like if people are new to forgotten
playland where would you love for them to be because i was you know is it going to be the
discord is it going to be it's twitter uh yeah where do you want people to uh to check out and
learn more well our main source of info uh is here on twitter or x uh we are in the panel here so
if you're listening to this uh open the participants list clicker account follow us
turn on all the bells and whistles uh we also have a link tree uh in our bio with all the other
important links up there so it's a direct link to our discord which we actually slowly opened up a
bit more uh today as well uh so everybody who joins is now able to speak we're still in a
closed setting but yeah if you're not feeling as much uh home here then on discord feel free to
join us there and then yeah add to the conversation uh and those are our two main
pages we have right now and obviously our website forgotten playland cool yeah and on the discord
side as well if you are joining don't try to say the word gm because we had to honestly black place
that were it's really funny because when barry was saying you know hey we had our free entertainment
we lost the distribution part and we want to build this you know figure out this core community
we wanted to do the same thing on the forgotten playland side by just saying hey if you
uh claim this early plushie role in our discord within the next couple of days
you know you're gonna come in this gators chat just to speak with other early participants
25k accounts claimed that role so we were like oh well okay you know what not as not as we we
thought it would go and most of them were actually just saying gm and hello so yeah we had to
blacklist some words but if you're a legitimate user trying to learn more trying to talk gaming
be welcome in the discord just come chat with us we uh we don't bite but yeah just very
found it hilarious to be fair yeah absolutely kind of blew our expectations once again
exactly yeah just just a lot a lot of fun honestly so honestly for this for this twitter
spaces i had so many questions lined up i could go for another hour we're not gonna do that
i want to ask you know each one of you tonight a couple more questions before we slowly round it
up and that my question is honestly two-sided what is the most exciting thing that you you know
to you that's coming up this quarter and what is the most exciting thing for you that's coming up
this year and then obviously for the game or whatever aspect is irrelevant to that but uh
mike i'll start with you what are you excited about for this quarter and then what are you
excited about for the rest of this year oh boy um i'm excited about a lot of things i can't talk
about i can't imagine but this is also this is the the end of the spaces this is the moment to
get some alpha you cannot leave without it so go for it um i would say make sure you're paying
attention to our twitter tomorrow um we'll have some major announcements about that and i think
you know this quarter coming up really excited about all the things i've been overly hinting
slash probably more revealing than i should about just in terms of our upcoming um initiatives
and and new projects that will be debuting and announcements um you know some other things were
touched upon in this call recently that i'm not gonna say anything about yet but um yeah just
really excited to unleash this and you know not just selfishly i'm excited to see how this space
evolves over the next year and all these other great projects and watching sort of the rising
tide lift all boats nice short and sweet honestly that's a very good summary and uh we'll keep your
eyes on twitter because uh yeah you've mentioned it a couple of times cannot not do it right now
cool so shawn yeah moving on to you honestly i have an additional question to you as well
you know i'm new to flight 44 a few others might be as well also to treat t3 play can you in a nutshell
explain a little bit what is the current stage of the game what is it about what makes it different
from other shooters and then same question for you what are you excited about this quarter
what are you excited about this year but yeah let's just start a little bit on the game slide
yeah you ask a good question i'll try and keep it brief but uh right now we have a single player
demo that's that's free to download from seven different web 3 launches so uh you can play that
for free right now so that's a single player demo but right now we're working on the multiplayer
demo for for ff4 and the goal is to have that launched in the first half of this year with some
web 3 integrations there'll be wallet connect and then high stakes mode um what's the game it it's
this is our flagship game so our focus is uh cinematic trailers story lore as i mentioned
earlier there's two species they're in a war for zanite which zanite is the the power supply for
basically everything in the game so um there's an extraction side and mechanic to the game where
you're going to have to have this power supply zanite if you run out it powers everything so if
you run out you you can't shoot your your armor systems are going to be down you'll be a sitting
duck uh so that adds an element of uh you know a very different element um for our game including
some new game game modes so we've got a game mode for example called extract or destroy which we've
coined eod uh where it's a large map small teams multiple teams on the on the on the same map and
you either have five mini missions that you can take part in together and uh have you focus on
comms and playing with your friends and and you can either complete those missions or you can go
and take out the other teams um and then at the end there's a there's a final mission to extract
a bunch of that zanite that power supply so everything in the game revolves around zanite
but also some some different game modes so uh and as i mentioned a big focus for us is story and
lore you know kind of i guess comparing maybe to something like halo where it's another space
themed game which also had like a story mode um we won't have a story mode initially but we
definitely want to integrate a lot of those kind of you know once you achieve something you unlock
a cinematic trailer that tells you part of this story behind flight force four so uh that's one
big focus for for that and i guess some of the unique features of ff4 um but in terms of this
quarter and this year uh this quarter i think the thing i'm most excited about is to onboard a bunch
of new gamers and and community members into our ecosystem sort of starting tomorrow with our mint
um and then being able to reward those community members and surprising them with a lot of cool
stuff coming for not only this quarter but the rest of the year uh so that would be my my thing
i'm most excited for for for q1 uh rest of the year the roadmap it's a big one we got a huge year ahead
so as as as i mentioned earlier we've got another game called polygunners so we're launching the
the phase one alpha of that uh in this well in four months roughly uh from there we want to
relaunch that multiplayer i mentioned the the ff4 multiplayer and again this will be a free to
play multiplayer um we want everyone playing this test in it giving us feedback uh playing against
each other in this next one so uh excited for that then we got our token launch and and a couple of
other game launches so i mentioned we're working on uh three games potentially acquiring a fourth
so the goal is to get some kind of playable version of each of those out by the end of the
year but uh the main focus if we can get there is to launch the alpha for ff4 which would include
uh all of those mechanics i i mentioned the xanite gameplay and at least uh extract or destroy game
game modes so huge year ahead uh for t3 play you you you're gonna have your hands full and not just
you your old team that that's gonna be uh quite the year for you but uh no thanks for the walkthrough
honestly it's been a pleasure just to briefly get to know you know what your ecosystem is like
this is why i like the space as well it's just me talking with a bunch of you know founders
marketing people talk about what are you working on you know there's so many different games and i
love learning about each one of them so yeah thanks for tuning in and and thanks for the the
run uh run through of uh yeah your 2024 very same question for you i i was new to space nation before
tonight you've already kind of you know set the tone on what is it really about and then how is
the ecosystem look like but yeah if you feel like you've missed anything out in a nutshell that
describes well what you're building and then yeah the quarter and your question for you as well
yeah i'll combine the quarter the first quarter a little bit with what we're about you know like
we we've got four original founders uh probably the most well-known is Roland Emory the movie
director of independence day stargate you know like he's he's yeah a lot of people will have
seen his movies you know like that's the type of like storytelling and world building we're looking
for uh our other founder and ceo is like Jerome Wu he is most known for being the first employee
of her world of warcraft in china so what's that from the start you know like he was part of like
some of the bigger problems programs that that world of warcraft has seen in in a decade following
that i met him actually when he was working on world of tanks back in 2050 so that was fun
to work with him tony tang worked on warframe marco vapor also like very well known movie director
but also at the same time a media entrepreneur and super successful and a super nice guy to work with
as well uh having that as a team at one point of course it's also good for people to to speak with
them so one of the most exciting things we're going to have is like a physical event at gdc
where we're going to have a fireside chat with Roland Emory and Jerome Wu and basically we just
we just announced it today i think it's on collider so if you look at collider space nation
there's an rsvp link in there as well so uh if you're at gdc and you want to see something cool
you want to hear some real world builders talking please rsvp and come over you know
like uh i'm super excited to actually hear what what uh what Roland has to say one of my favorite
movies is the day after tomorrow so don't look forward to that uh what i'm more excited about
that is like in q1 and we already announced about it is is our ai gameplay that we're
having as a side gameplay of course when the whole large language model stuff came out
a little bit before we we already were inspired by a few of the of the proto large language models
that were going on and we said like we want to have do something with our crew you have to think
about the fact in the core mmo crew is more or less a numeric it's a booster to your spaceship
you know like an nga will do a little bit of extra this a good captain will do a little bit
of extra death but what happens when the crew is actually sitting unemployed in a bar what are they
doing so we thought like when you are having your loadout and that loadout the other loadout is not
being used you can actually place your crew in a passive mud and during in that mud the the crew
will actually play out their own missions there they will go on mission and if you stake them
if you put them in that in that game they will come back with growth so they will grow as an
as a crew so they will grow as an nft as well they will get more personality we've set them
up with a sort of like myus bricks type of personality and they will grow with their
memory bank and that's our first set for like interoperability you know like we have on the
one hand we have the mmorpg which is like a space mmo it's it is on the one hand build your spaceships
grow your spaceships grow your crew grow your empire and on the other end is of course for
miners and everyone builds your economy but as a sidestep there will be like spin-offs and those
spin-offs will be accessible through people with who have nfts so again giving that nft the utility
and again thinking i think in a very original way of what interoperability means for us yeah and of
course in future we will think about other interoperability but i hope that that works
out uh q2 we will have a q1 after gdc we will start our closed beta again that's that's you
know people who've been in our alpha they've seen features of the game but closed beta will show
seven acts of content it will show a complete rewrite of the placeholder mission text that was
in there and it's written by uh jess lebeau who's basically the original writer of guilt wars
so he's our narrative lead on the on the game uh people who have heard texts they will hear
voice actors as well which i'm pretty sure he's listening now more it's is going to do fly off to
l.a and actually doing the voice acting next week together with jess together with marco so it will
have a hollywood panache on it we will have a lot more like the gaming loops linking all the
features together so that's that's our closed beta q2 is going to be our soft launch q3 is
going to be our global launch and in between we will have a token event but what we said we want
to do we want people to be able to play the game we want people to see what the game is about so
the token event is separate from what the game is about so that people understand okay the token is
not to build the game the token is actually to get like ownership of the game to get like part to
to to to find the utilities of what it will bring in the game you know like with the token you can
actually buy and sell ships those are important things to us and uh yeah hopefully i'm telling
all the secrets here and if not please please search for um uh venture beat space nation and
collider space nation those are the two spare uh press releases that were out last week and this
week nice yeah i was gonna say it's quite a mouthful there's obviously a lot of your timeline there's
a lot of moving elements in your ecosystem um yeah for people that are new they want to learn more
good start your twitter account you know you could think you're on the main account so you
can just check out if you're listening you're interested check out the twitter account give
it a follow where else should people go to learn more and and play later on ah that's true yeah
like for everybody who wants to get access to beta for instance you know we close beta will have
five thousand places uh sub launch will have massive amount of places but close beta is still
like five thousand which is already like a lot more than than we did in the alphas uh if you
want to take place in that you know like become part of our of our network sign up to logistic
course on space nation dot online become active in our discord uh do the things that that that
gets you rewarded in logistic course and then you should be able to get a place in the in the close
beta and later on in soft launch and who knows you know you might even pick up some of the oik drops
get whitelisted all that stuff that's uh that is cool from website yeah cool awesome yeah thanks
thanks thanks for the walkthrough bomb i've gotten to talk quite a bit with you tonight
so i'm just gonna ask you one thing what are you most excited about this year because i think the
road map for q1 that's the main important thing right now talks a lot about it so yeah what are
you most excited about this year well is there anything i'm not excited about uh like we already
discussed at length uh we have so many things coming up this q1 so yeah the whatever is left
there we're also going to go to gdc uh we're going to showcase the game there so if you're also
at gdc um after listening to all the other talks and roundtables come by our booth and
play forgotten playland i i think that kind of sums it up and uh yeah as you've already
went 12 minutes over time i think i need to get back to work before you start whipping me
for being over time i was gonna say i was gonna say no it's again it's sanitized nothing but
love no whipping tonight cool yeah no thanks so much for uh for being here today um and yeah i
think on that note indeed i went around 30 minutes over i mean typically i tend to go over
a little bit just because i just enjoy talking and learning more and usually this is right when
the flow starts to go well so perfect timing but i think for tonight we've honestly hit quite some
topics uh we've done a lot i think you've already gotten to mention you know where people can learn
about about more about your projects so i wanted to just say again if you're listening in the
audience tonight you enjoyed it you know really hope that you give our panelists a follow a like
just so that you can learn more and to support them and support our show you know keep coming
back keep listening keep learning more and yeah like i said earlier as well these twitter spaces
are bi-weekly and the other bi-weekly is the hi camera meet ax so next week we're gonna have
on another guest i believe it's gonna be parallel if i'm correct so pretty big game that's coming
on next week then i'm gonna talk with fitch super excited about that so yeah if you want to learn
more about parallel come tune in next week come chat with me ask your questions and learn more
about what this game is about but also how it came about um and i think yeah tonight for the
panelists do you feel like i've uh missed anything you still wanted to mention or am i good to to
round it up if i'm good to round it up give a quick thumbs up if you have something to say
speak up now or forever be silent good we're good okay well then again thank you all for tuning in
thanks so much for the panelists to uh join me tonight i really enjoyed it uh to the listeners
happy violent times day uh enjoy playing games you're gonna play games and i hope to see you
again next week so enjoy your day and talk soon bye gamers thanks everyone