Let’s talk Nodes! #AptosMoveMonday with NodeReal and AptosLabs

Recorded: Dec. 19, 2022 Duration: 0:59:31



Hello, good morning everybody.
Welcome to move Monday. Sorry for bringing few minutes late. Twitter spaces was not working. So, you know, blame me on mosques. As we wait for people to trickle in here.
We have some speakers, exciting, exciting.
Hey guys, hello
and we have no real joining us today.
And we're truly all over the place today because I'm on East Coast, Max is in the West Coast with Sherry and we got no real from elsewhere. Hello. Hello. Good morning.
Happy Monday everybody. Hope everybody enjoyed the final of workup.
I heard it was great.
Amazing phenomenal. Yeah, it was really amazing
I actually missed it.
I woke up at seven o'clock just to watch that game and it was worth every minute. The whole time Fox Sports kept telling me that I was no longer allowed to watch it so I would jump on to a different network and continue to watch from there.
We should get sponsored by NordVPN, I think, given how much we use it. It's a lifesaver. - Lifesaver is a lifesaver. - Lifesaver is a lifesaver. - Lifesaver is a lifesaver. - Lifesaver is a lifesaver. - Lifesaver is a lifesaver. - Lifesaver is a lifesaver.
Yeah, with life here.
That would be something.
We can check if we can do our next world club partnership between Apple's live peer description. Next one is going to be USA.
Nice. When? I know nothing about this whole thing. Every four years, so just be patient. Yeah, okay. So, you know, we got four years to do the deal happen. Perfect.
Good morning everybody, we have no deal ready. Before we jump in, I just want to say that if you are wondering what the best way to, you know, hop on here and be part of the Optus Labs team, the best way is to go to Optus Labs.com/Greas.
We're hiring aggressively across a wide variety of specialties, engineering, marketing, BD design, and many, many more.
If you have a job, take a look at this love of the commas test careers and maybe you can have a job with us too. Also, let your friends know.
Yeah. Well, cool. Do you want to do you want to get started here? No, real. Would you like me to call you no real?
Yeah, you can tell me not real or Jimmy actually I'm Jimmy the same architect
Welcome Jimmy. Sorry for putting you up. So tell me a little bit about NoDril. Oh, sure. Good morning. Actually, I'm Jimmy from NoDril. I feel really honored to be invited here.
today. So for those who are not familiar with NodeReal, maybe I'd like to make a very brief introduction first. NodeReal actually is the one-stop infrastructure service provider for Web3 developers and the
Because we are very optimistic about Web 3 and blockchain technology and our team actually is distributed across globally myself and based on Rotterdam Netherlands.
with the top D apps and the platforms like a coin market market cap pancake swap coin gecko or coin 98 of course app tools as well. Yeah, so yeah, that's pretty much our team max
Awesome. So for these partnerships, what services are you guys offering?
Of course, basically, our service is focused on the infrastructure part. Of course, the node is one of our most important products. We provide the standard API.
So if you are using the optos or any other blockchairs, I think we can provide the best in class solutions and technology to simplify your development work. So for the optos itself,
First, we, uh, the standard API service, we provide a fast and reliable. And, uh, of course, you can choose our free or premium note services to stop your development on the app toes. Besides the, you know, the standard API service,
API, we also provide the enhanced API. Actually, the trace move explorer is based on the enhanced API we built by ourselves. So with this, the enhanced API, you can develop a very