Let’s talk with Moonland’s founder! Qtum 1st crypto gaming partner

Recorded: Oct. 19, 2022 Duration: 0:37:09



Hey guys, welcome in. We're gonna wait for a couple more listeners to join and we'll start.
We'll give it two more minutes and we'll go ahead and start asking some questions soon.
Okay guys welcome into our first Twitter space we're super excited to talk to you guys We're gonna be asking some questions to Mike who's mullens Founder and we also have some of our team members here in the Twitter space
Here's Brandon, Amalicia, Danny, Keiran, and yeah, basically we're just gonna do a little Q&A from the team and from some of our telegram community members that send us some questions.
Hey my how are you? Hey, Daniela, how are you? Thanks for having me here. I'm just trying to say hi to everyone and thank you for joining our first tourist basis live with the Moonland team here. So yeah, it's gonna be a look at you and here.
Okay, yeah, that's pretty exciting. So well, we have some questions from our Telegram community members, so I'm gonna go ahead and do a little Q&A with you and anyone from the Moonland team feel free to answer any of those.
And yeah, we're just gonna talk a little bit about what Mulanese are plans, our team and everything. So yeah, so basically one of our first questions is if you can describe some of like the stuff that we have accomplished, accomplished so far.
our top milestones and everything. Oh yeah, moving. It's a metaverse that was the concept came around last year, around August of 2021. And the idea was to make something new.
making a metaverse that was not just focusing on the cryptosiled things and NFTs, but we wanted to open up to many more different options and give people a much better experience by being
more open, more immersive and focusing on entertainment and over time we started to realize that we could do so much more. So you know one of the goals that we're going towards is to bring in different partners that will make more
than like metaverse entertainment with different video games that will join this platform as well. We are also partners with the cloud foundation and we do have several partnerships that will be announced in the next couple of weeks. So it's interesting

FAQ on Let’s talk with Moonland’s founder! Qtum 1st crypto gaming partner | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the Twitter space?
The purpose of the Twitter space is to do a little Q&A with Mike, who is Mullen's founder, and the Moonland team members.
Who are the team members present in the Twitter space?
The team members present in the Twitter space are Brandon, Amalicia, Danny, and Keiran.
What is Moonland's main goal?
Moonland's main goal is to create an immersive metaverse that is not just focused on crypto and NFTs but also on entertainment and opening up to many more different options.
When did the concept of Moonland come around?
The concept of Moonland came around in August of 2021.
What type of partners is Moonland looking to bring in?
Moonland is looking to bring in different partners that will make more than metaverse entertainment with different video games joining the platform.
Who are Moonland's partners?
Moonland is a partner with the cloud foundation and has several partnerships that will be announced in the coming weeks.
What did Moonland want to accomplish with their metaverse?
Moonland wanted to create a metaverse that is more open, immersive, and focused on entertainment.
When will Moonland announce their upcoming partnerships?
Moonland will announce their upcoming partnerships in the next couple of weeks.
Who is Mike and what is his role in Moonland?
Mike is Mullen's founder and his role is to lead the team towards Moonland's main goal.
What is the Moonland team's plan?
The Moonland team's plan is to work towards bringing in different partners that will make more than metaverse entertainment with different video games joining the platform.