Leveling Up AVAX Gaming w/ RPD & Metaops

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2023 Duration: 0:52:48



All right.
We got rouged, but it's all good. What's going to work? Can you guys hear me?
All right, great. All right, we're gonna do a little amplification here because...
We got rugged.
So, Kyle, I'm gonna...
(keyboard clicking)
All right, looks like people can hear us. Let's get a little retweet train going out here and we'll pull everyone in. We'll talk to the MetaObs people.
We got people trickle all good all good
I'm gonna pull
for other people to get in here. All good. Let me see if I can add you as a host.
Parker Kyle added you guys as hosts. I'll start pulling some speakers up here
You guys see those speaker requests?
Your low is a thing on. Yeah, this thing is on. Where do you get a retweet train going? If you guys are on here, we're retweeting. We're getting people to join.
(keyboard clicking)
(keyboard clicking)
Quick retweet train gone. Let's get some people in here. Pull ready player down up to the stage.
Alright, we're gonna get some more speakers up here. Ready Player. Ready Player J. I see you. We're getting you up here. Invite Cent.
(keyboard clicking)
(keyboard clicking)
What is up happy almost Friday? Happy almost Friday. So happy Friday, junior. So we're gonna we're gonna explain why we got rug, you know, they were
was that Elon thread recently, I can't remember what it was about, there was that Elon thread recently and I think I think Goon tried to ratio Elon in his own thread and this is the punishment that's being exacted on us. The main avalanche
was unable to host the spaces. But we are here, we're live, we're going to talk through content creation and gaming. Let's get another quick retweet train going. We're going to try to get some more folks in here.
The real question is, can we ratio Jonah Blake on his space? Let's see where that man is at. All love and respect for that guy, but let's see if we can get it.
get more people in here.
And we'll get started in a quick second. I think this thing is getting recorded.
Yeah, pulling you up here meta ops coupe Jacob you guys are all getting pulled up here. Oh the party's getting live. Yeah, we're having a party up here
Yo, how's it going? I like those Doritos you guys have his profile pics Doritos those are old PFPs good sir
They basically went from 2D images to 3D characters in game, but we can talk about that later. They're cool. I like it.
I think our tournament team this weekend should be Team Doritos. Team Doritos, alright. Seems like a good way to try it. Yeah, let's get some sponsorship for our meta ops tournament entry. Look, I'm really
excited about the tournament but Garrison is setting us up to be like shit on by the community after we lose and I'm anxious about it. You know we can't save you for $5.00 dollars.
Alright, let's get this kicked off. We'll keep going. Hopefully people join. We'll record this space, but let's get started because time's taken. Thanks y'all for joining. We've got the wonderful meta-offs team. We've got some folks from Avalabs.