
Recorded: Nov. 9, 2022 Duration: 0:09:12



Hello. Can you hear me? Hello. Hello, Alicia. So hi.
I guess we can start from here. This is Chris from the Rahax. A bit background intro about the Rahax Grand Dow. It is a community driven, grand program. We aim to use this, this grand out to support the truly innovative ideas that
by a global talent to attackers and developers. And with this granddad, we hopefully we can use it to sustainably provide enough funding and other support for them. And ultimately, we want they can build a innovative
and also everyone can join a grandile and get involved by this grandile by taking Dora and they will receive VC Dora and they can use this VC Dora token to vote for the products that they like in this
So yeah, today we are very happy to have Lwik with us, which is one of the 15 finalist grand-out team with us. And Alisia is the co-founder of the projects. So yeah, that's welcome Alisia to give your finalist introduction about the project.
Hi everyone, thank you for having me here to present Adora Hacks or door grant down. I'm the co-founder of Look. We are actually adding a protocol so we call ourselves Look Protocol. The goal here is to create
objectively like quantifiable proof of talent to protocol so that we can build gaps on top of it. The problem we're trying to solve is that we believe the existing methods of evaluating the talents are not sufficient enough for the current online base work because typically in Web3
people come from all sorts of backgrounds and not traditionally when you look at a talent, you look at their school diploma, job titles and previous work experiences, etc. But we think we actually are kind of like a controlling thought.
that we believe is that what matters is actually what your actual skill says and also your willingness to learn. The future of work will be more like work and learn and work and learn and it will continuously going like this. It's not like
learning once and you know be okay for the rest of you know your career. So we think by quantifiably like measure a builder's contribution in GitHub and we create an algorithm to quantify the scale score based on the contribution in all sorts of languages and also the course
This person has taken and also the contribution to other top repuls like 5 star plus repuls can give insights on the skill sets of this talent and on top of that we actually want to integrate a peer review system which is kind of like a decentralized triple-by if you know what to do
buy is. So we want to utilize the semi kind of like interviewing process. You know, typically when you know, when you're going through the job interview process, the interviewer will interview the candidate and give kind of like a strong higher a weak higher, etc. And we
want to be able to codify this through smart contract and let the interviewer vouch for the interviewer or a candidate and turn this into a so-bound token, hence through peer review and also quantifiable measurements through GitHub
contribution to other notable projects and also completing bounties for DOWs through our platform. We can build out a Web 3 portfolio for Web 3 builders, hence we can expedite the hiring process for crypto startups. So essentially,
you know, on the crypto startup side, we actually have already partnered up with parallel finance and magic and also a couple of other crypto startups and they post their job opening on our platform with the bounty and in that sense, everybody else, everybody actually on our platform can refer
candidates who are suitable for the row to get hired by the company and once the referred person gets hired and whoever referred that person will get the refer about it. So essentially it's a decentralized recruiting model so that we can get rid of the minimum and because
you know, recruiting usually take up to 25% of the first year salary and we can kind of decentralize the recruiting fee to, you know, back to our community. So, yeah, I don't, yeah, I haven't kept track of time. I don't know
how many minutes have spoken so far? If you want to add more things please feel free to do that. Yeah, but if no, we can't end up here. No worries. Let's see.
Um yeah um yeah our um I guess maybe you can give a brief intro about like the team background. Oh yeah for sure so um I'm Alicia I have been a

FAQ on 📻Lewk | Twitter Space Recording

What is the Rahax Grand Dow program?
The Rahax Grand Dow program is a community-driven grand program aimed at supporting truly innovative ideas by global talent including hackers and developers.
What is the goal of the Grand Dow program?
The goal of the Grand Dow program is to sustainably provide enough funding and other support for innovative ideas that can be built sustainably.
What is the LwIK project?
The LwIK project is one of the 15 finalist projects in the Grand Dow program and aims to create an objectively quantifiable proof of talent protocol to build gaps on top of it.
What problem does the LwIK project aim to solve?
The LwIK project aims to solve the problem that traditional methods of evaluating talent are not sufficient for the current online-based work. They believe that the actual skill set and willingness to learn should be the focus.
How does the LwIK project quantify a builder's contribution?
The LwIK project quantifies a builder's contribution through an algorithm based on their contributions in different programming languages, completed courses, and contributions to other top repositories.
What is the peer review system in the LwIK project?
The peer review system in the LwIK project is a decentralized triple-buy system that utilizes a semi-interviewing process. The interviewer vouches for a candidate and turns it into a sound token.
What is the purpose of the LwIK project's platform for hiring crypto talent?
The platform for hiring crypto talent on the LwIK project is designed to expedite the hiring process for crypto startups by creating a decentralized recruiting model.
Which crypto startups have already partnered with the LwIK project?
Parallel Finance and Magic are some of the crypto startups that have partnered with the LwIK project.
How does the LwIK project's platform benefit its community?
The LwIK project's platform allows everyone on the platform to refer candidates to suitable job openings posted by partnering crypto startups. Once the referred person gets hired, whoever referred them will get the referral bounty, thereby decentralizing the recruiting fee and giving it back to the community.
What is Alicia's role in the LwIK project?
Alicia is the co-founder of the LwIK project.