Litecoin: CBDCs, world currency, why LTC matters

Recorded: March 30, 2023 Duration: 3:30:42



(upbeat music)
♪ There'll be strong and hold the bone ♪ ♪ The sun came out today ♪ ♪ They're born again ♪ ♪ There's new grass on the field ♪ ♪ Grounded and heading back ♪
♪ It's a round I can't imagine ♪ ♪ Everyone is in a mess ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Oh, who the info, I'm ready to play ♪ ♪ The game, coming in cold ♪
I'm ready to play the game Look at me, I can see, I can see you There was this time in the mud before back Watching it from the back
♪ You know I took some love ♪ ♪ But the mighty case started ♪ ♪ So say hey, will it tell me how ♪ ♪ And don't get my deal ♪ ♪ Don't say that so ♪ ♪ You know the time is now ♪
♪ Oh, put me in cold, I'm ready to play ♪ ♪ Today, put me in cold, I'm ready to play ♪ ♪ Today, look at me, I'm ready to play ♪
(upbeat music)
Gotta beat up the flow of homemade fast and then I found new paradise You know I think it's time to give this game a
♪ ♪ ♪
Man it's just that time of year dude, you know I still cold here
I'm going to the mid south for spring break so I'll be a little warmer next week so hey man I'll take it this point take whatever I get of course
Of course, of course. Oh, they're cold in the Bay Area? How cold you guys got it? True. It's raining like for months. Oh, it's still been going, huh? Yeah, it feels like never, it's never going to end. Is it heavy rain? It's heavy rain, yeah. Would they have any
what's the explanation for it? atmospheric rivers what atmospheric rivers this is how we call it now not raining oh got you yeah well that's good if you had new dry lake beds or low rivers you're
like in November the whole state was like oh shit we know how water and we're gonna we're gonna die and everything is gonna go to hell and then boom all the water right yeah now it's an emergency because it's too much water that's crazy it's crazy in three months
just northern California or even southern California. Oh, California. That is weird. Because northern California was fine all the time. We even have snow and shit in Lake Tahoe. And even northern, like, well Bay Area's UNAC
You can see yourself in Northern California, just like Central California. I guess. Yeah. Yeah. But it was never raining yet. I was like for four years. Never rained like this. That's good, man. It's good. It's good. Yeah. But it's too much. You'll probably
appreciate the sun when it comes back. What if it net what if like this was the climate change we got it wasn't like hyper colder where just certain parts of the world became drier and other ones just became soaked. I think that that was that was always always the point. Well the Sahara right don't they say the Sahara at one point was like a
I mean, rainfall, the same was in ocean. And it makes sense to be in ocean. Right.
Right. Yeah, it is weird to that. So it's just that the, I guess the ocean currents themselves would drive moisture away from North Africa, like, doesn't make any sense to me. We're having a weather conversation here today. Yeah.
Earth change shape or some shit, you know what I'm saying? I just can never know Earth is here like for five billion years, bro. Yeah, I know like obviously the currents have a lot to do with Europe's climate and all that. All right, we can get in that later. We can get in that later.
Yeah, good to have you up here, Bob. Bob wants to be a little disappointed. You're my sound effect, man. And you've just been kind of slack in the last couple of weeks, you know? Oh, yeah, busy. Well, I think

FAQ on Litecoin: CBDCs, world currency, why LTC matters | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the song played at the beginning of the podcast?
The name of the song played at the beginning of the podcast is 'Centerfield.'
What is the podcast discussing at the beginning of the recording?
At the beginning of the recording, the podcast is discussing the weather.
What is the explanation for the heavy rain in the bay area?
The explanation for the heavy rain in the bay area is atmospheric rivers.
What is the concern regarding the heavy rain in California?
The concern is that there is too much water and it has become an emergency.
What is the podcast speculating about regarding climate change?
The podcast is speculating about the possibility that climate change could cause certain parts of the world to become drier and other parts to become more soaked.
What is the name of the individual that the host is speaking with throughout the recording?
The name of the individual that the host is speaking with throughout the recording is Bob.
What sound effect does the host expect from Bob?
The host expects Bob to be a sound effect.
What is the complaint the host has about Bob's recent performance?
The host complains that Bob has been slacking in the past couple of weeks.
What topic does the host suggest they can discuss later in the podcast?
The host suggests they can discuss Europe's climate later in the podcast.
What is the tone of the conversation in the podcast?
The tone of the conversation in the podcast is casual and relaxed, focusing on small talk about the weather and climate change.