Litecoin: Dogecoin

Recorded: April 13, 2023 Duration: 3:23:55



Yeah, I mean, you know, it's been a couple weeks. I was on vacation for a week out of town if you guys checked in last week I think it did like a 40 minute show or something I Was out in like on the histories to her basically of the US doing To get these birds
went to Jamestown, we went to DC and Williamsburg. It was pretty interesting, man. It was like everything from, I don't know, 1600 through today, I guess, in the history of the US. So I don't know. I mean, maybe we can talk a little bit later, but
Definitely interesting to watch the kind of the evolution of
kind of how people lived and just where we are today. DC is just kind of crazy when you look at how far we've come from these people that came across on boats and couldn't even survive, you know.
couldn't survive at all for the first whatever few years of James Town. So that was kind of interesting but yeah I don't know what's the been on my mind like I was dry I do a lot of driving you know on this trip and been listening to some podcasts and
I think one thing that's really struck me that motivates me the most every week is like this idea of You know crypto is like the world crypto not all crypto, right? But this like truth machine, you know that
There are so much misinformation, disinformation that floats around. You saw the Elon interview this week and how journalists twist the truth and create narratives and
Yeah, basically build stories from however they want to drive whatever story they want to drive. And, you know, one of the few things you can reliably trust is the fact that
when you get a light coin it's a light coin that hasn't been manipulated. You know what I mean? It still is that sounds. So yeah, I don't know if you guys want to come up because I still talk about, you know, I don't have a ton of, I have kind of a smattering of topics. So I don't know if you guys, I can tell you what I jotted down from this week that things interesting.
She kind of acted like...
Why do you care that much? Like, what's the big deal? I mean, like concerned, but not really all that concern.
I think this whole, well, I mean, Litecoin related, David Burkett announcing it sounds like we're going to have an upgrade coming soon. Maybe the end of the summer, which have mobile M web, if there's more details you guys have, that's all, that's what I understood it was.

FAQ on Litecoin: Dogecoin | Twitter Space Recording

Where was the speaker on vacation and what did they do?
The speaker was on vacation for a week out of town and visited historical sites including Jamestown, DC, and Williamsburg.
What was interesting about the speaker's vacation?
The speaker found it interesting to see the evolution of how people lived and how far the US has come since the Jamestown settlers who struggled to survive.
What motivates the speaker the most every week?
The speaker is motivated by the idea that crypto is a truth machine compared to the many falsehoods and manipulations in media and journalism.
What example does the speaker use to illustrate the unreliable nature of journalism?
The speaker mentions the recent Elon Musk interview where journalists twisted the truth and created false narratives.
Why does the speaker believe that cryptocurrency, specifically Litecoin, is trustworthy?
The speaker believes that Litecoin is trustworthy because it has not been manipulated and its value is based on its sound attributes.
What announcement related to Litecoin does the speaker mention?
The speaker mentions David Burkett's announcement that there will be an upgrade for Litecoin, potentially with mobile and web capabilities, coming soon, possibly by the end of the summer.
What did the speaker jot down from this week's interesting topics?
The speaker jotted down a variety of topics, but does not specify what they were.
Did the speaker indicate any skepticism or concern about the topics they jotted down?
No, the speaker did not indicate any significant concern or skepticism about the topics they jotted down.
Did the speaker discuss any other cryptocurrencies besides Litecoin?
The speaker only mentioned crypto in general and did not discuss any other specific cryptocurrencies besides Litecoin.
How long was the speaker's previous podcast episode?
The speaker mentions that their previous week's episode was about 40 minutes long.