#Litecoin: great, or the greatest?

Recorded: March 23, 2023 Duration: 3:08:54



Yeah, you know, it's, you know, these things do matter, unfortunately. As much as we'd like to see here and say we're in this decentralized world or
that nothing impacts these uh...
blockchains, not pretty much Bitcoin Litecoin. We're pretty immune to anything bad happening to the blockchain itself, but things can get very, get much more difficult if
The government doesn't approve of our behavior so to speak but
I kind of want to get into some things about like there's a lot of negative there's a lot of people that are like kind of mocking Jay Powell about
He's like, "Hey, the banking sector's strong. I've got plenty of liquidity, plenty of capital." But the reality is that they do. Everyone seems to think this is a joke, but I've said this for a couple of years. They've got a bottomless pit of money, right?
Federal Reserve has an infinite supply of cash to throw it any problem to put out any fire. Whatever comes up they can usually solve it with a little with the cash infusion as they're kind of seeing like yeah things might get reorganized but your average person
isn't really even paying attention to like what's happening. There might have been, oh, your bank, you're worried about getting money out of the bank one day, the next week everything's fine, you just move on with your life. Because the problem got papered over with some literal cash.
So I don't know what that means. Like in the short term, I don't think people are
that freaked out about hyperinflation or even a little bit of inflation. It's almost like they expected it and they're just dealing with it. I'm sure there's some

FAQ on #Litecoin: great, or the greatest? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the impact of government approval on blockchain?
If the government doesn't approve of the behavior on blockchain, it can get much more difficult.
Are bitcoin and litecoin immune to anything bad happening to the blockchain?
Bitcoin and litecoin are pretty immune to anything bad happening to the blockchain itself.
What is the view of people on Jay Powell's statement about the strong banking sector?
Many people are mocking Jay Powell's statement about the strong banking sector.
What does the Federal Reserve have?
The Federal Reserve has an infinite supply of cash to throw it at any problem to put out any fire.
How do people react to sudden bank concerns?
People are not freaking out about hyperinflation or even a little bit of inflation. They are almost expecting it.
What is the short-term impact of inflation on people?
In the short term, people do not seem to be that freaked out about hyperinflation or even a little bit of inflation. They are almost dealing with it.
How do people deal with sudden bank concerns?
People move on with their lives since the problem gets resolved by papering over with some literal cash.
Is the banking sector capable of handling any crisis?
Yes, the banking sector is capable of handling any crisis since they have plenty of liquidity and capital.
What is the significance of government approval for behavior on blockchain?
Government approval is significant for behavior on blockchain since it impacts the ease of operations on blockchain.
What is the impact of negative sentiments on the banking sector?
Negative sentiments do not affect the banking sector since they have a bottomless pit of money to solve any crisis.