Litecoin - Reverse the Curse

Recorded: June 22, 2023 Duration: 0:15:57



Every day I'm hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling, hustling#
Every day on, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day on hustling, every day#
I'm like at
I'm gonna
♪ When they snatched black and cry for hundred nights ♪ ♪ He got a hundred bodies, serving a hundred ♪ ♪ Like everyday I'm hustling, everyday I'm hustling ♪ ♪ Everyday I'm hustling, everyday I'm hustling ♪ ♪ Everyday I'm hustling, everyday I'm hustling ♪
We never steal cars but we deal hard with it real hard with it real hard I call the child with it real hard with it real hard They back no funny stuff feel flipping
Hey, what's up, baby buddy?
I guess I'm gonna start a number. I actually went back and checked it out this week. This is number 88. The 88th week in a row. We've done these Twitter spaces. Kind of hard to believe actually. I know there's been a couple I've been on vacation or something. I've kind of just hopped in for a half hour or something.
but keeping the streak alive, I'm not sure how long I can keep this going. I started thinking about, you know, this isn't going to be forever. I'm certainly going to have to take a week off someday, I think. But I don't know, right now I'm at least going through the having. So, um,
Yeah, I also kind of learned a valuable lesson about Twitter this week. If you're in here, you can see my logo changed. I was kind of fooling around with it, trying some different things and didn't think much of it, changed my profile picture. And when you do that, Twitter takes away your blue check marks.
So if you have a blue check mark, I'll tell you posting without a blue check mark is seriously different. And I almost like, I feel like I actually most people in here don't have a blue check mark. But the reach I have, like people reading my posts is like 10
percent of what it normally is, or maybe even like a third of it. I have almost no engagement, no comments. If I'm commenting on people's replying to a post, it goes into that kind of neverland where people don't see it unless they try to see it.
It does make a big difference and it is I'm not really sure what to think about it. You know, it's you've got like It's like pay to play essentially if you want to fully participate in Twitter and you want to comment and get engagement You pretty much have to pay the eight bucks or you're gonna or probably be like a very
limited on what I'm wanting to talk about as odd as it is. There's a lot that's happened. The biggest news probably being this exchange, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, and Blackrock, I believe, are all
coming together to put this exchange together and it's intended for institutional adoption and it only includes four coins. Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash, which seemed to be these anointed four coins.
that are really everywhere. Like up in Canada, there's a limit on how much cryptocurrency you're allowed to buy unless it's one of those four coins. Then you can buy as much as you want. If I think in Europe there's futures markets in
at least three of the coins. I'm not sure if Bitcoin cash has it over there. Obviously PayPal and Venmo have chosen those four coins. So I think when I think even in Hong Kong there's maybe like eight coins in those four of course part of them. So I think
I think it's, you know, I've mixed feelings about it. I do worry that this large institutional adoption kind of opens up some possibility of a lot more, maybe suppression of price, suppression of adoption for sure, because people aren't going to view it as something they're going to use.
as money they're just going to see it as paper just like they do paper gold today or paper silver and if you get futures markets and spot markets it starts to be I don't know very different than what was probably in the
intended. That being said, you know, it's a free market money and people who are going to choose to use it however they want to use it. The good thing is you can still hold it privately and use it privately, but it's going to be an interesting few years if
If these entities start to really focus on putting it in their portfolio, so to speak. So like what I'm envisioning is you're going to see something from Charles Schwab and they'll offer you, you know, in your IRA or your 401k, something like that.
you'll have a crypto fund and if you want to have exposure to cryptocurrency you'll be able to allocate a certain amount of your 401k and then that fund will hold a blend of those four coins and yeah I mean the
ratio. I've been thinking a lot about how many dead Bitcoin there are. I looked up an article today. There are some articles that claim that there might be as much as 6 million Bitcoin that are not like lost forever essentially. I read a more in-depth
article that said realistically that numbers pile like three and a half million, but nearly 30% of the supply hasn't moved in over five years, which is pretty wild. You're talking or 19 million.
So close to 6 million coins haven't moved in over 5 years. And I'm just wondering what that kind of has played into this, you know, the way Litecoin, first of all, had a much more, I guess,
fair launch. People were aware right when light coin launched, they knew that Bitcoin had value. So people were mining, knowing it had monetary value day one. Those people were much more aware that, you know, to not lose their coins, they saw it as money. They were spending money to actually get it. It wasn't
just a hobby. And so I think there's actually probably a much bigger supply difference than we might realize. Like there may only really be 15 million Bitcoin and there's, you know, again, there'll be actually a true 80
Let's say 80 to 84, so I'm sure there's some light coin there lost. So you might be more like 6 to 1 instead of 4 to 1 something like that 5 to 6 to 1 something like that. And yeah, and the other thing, you know, the inflation change with the having coming up, we're talking about
Litecoin is going to drop to 1.5% inflation. Bitcoin is currently... Oh man, I had this written down. It's actually currently above that and it's going to drop to... I ran some really weird numbers.
the lost coins and how many will be in existence once the having comes. Bitcoin's inflation rate will drop below 1% essentially in the next having. So we're really running out of coins and I'm wondering how much impact that has
on kind of the markets when there's just no more mining there's no more coins actually coming onto the market when you consider today light coin is 7200 coins a day so
times what's that seven oh man what's the math on that guys seven hundred thousand seven hundred and twenty thousand dollars yeah so almost three-quarters of a million dollars essentially have to be
bought every day just to keep up with the inflation. Alright, and I got one other thing is fungibility, which maybe we can talk about fungibility. I don't know if you want to start out with that. I have a theory about fungibility. Does anybody want to talk or you guys just want to hear me
ramble. This is my lack of reach because I don't have a blue check mark right now. So, all right, I'll give you my fungibility theory and then we'll run these numbers later. All right. So, fungibility.
Here's the title of my thesis. Fundrability is about blending in Not about standing out and one of the I got into discussion with the menor
a few weeks ago. And you know, there's this idea that without absolute privacy, you don't have fungibility. And I actually think that
Manero having absolute privacy kind of puts a target on its back and makes the entire the entirety of Manero becomes I guess suspect in a way.
I don't know how to put this way. Like if you're concerned with fungibility, the reason you want money to be fungible is you don't want someone to reject your money because they're concerned they won't be able to spend it somewhere. Like, or that someone commits a crime with money
money, it gets sent a couple steps down the line. You receive that money, you go try to send it to an exchange or some sort of a white market business and they flag your UTXO and say, you know what, this money was used in a drug deal back in whatever
A couple of years ago, we don't accept your money anymore. That's to me is the fear. I don't quite understand. Outside of that, I don't know what the fear is of money being traceable.
legal trouble or the vendor will censor like the recipient will say I don't want your money. And to me if money is outlawed like if Manero is outlawed it can be absolutely private but there's a lot of people that won't take that money purely because
They don't want to touch it. They're just like look, it's illegal. I don't care where it's been. I'm going to censor your money. So that's number one. So you're losing, you could lose that battle purely because the recipient doesn't want it. The other thing you could lose is if the government outlaws all men
narrow, then purely the knowledge that you have it or that you spend it somewhere, right? Like an undercover cop. You spend it with them. It's almost an admission of guilt right off the bat. I don't know. Somebody help me out here. Like, what do you guys think that
by Monero being absolutely private and by being banned everywhere in a way they're standing out and all Monero becomes non-fungible because it cannot blend in with other coins. Does that make any sense?
You gotta save me here by the way. I always want to talk today. What do you think? I'm going to answer your question with another question. Yeah. How many things they bend and they got disappeared?
Well, it's not well, I hear a saying I'm not saying minerals like going away. I Just think that it not not not not not not only Monero all of that stuff We mean like drugs and stuff
No, I mean like all the other crypto history.
My point is like you can't bang you're gonna bang No, I get that you can't I mean you can't they can ban it I mean they could make a law says hey span obviously it doesn't shut down the network that doesn't make it unusable I think it just
it makes it a very niche. Whatever they make illegal it spreads. I don't know if that's true. I mean I think that like drugs are illegal but drugs were prevalent before they made them illegal.
you know, it's not like the law. It's not like nobody wanted marijuana when they made it illegal or else they would have never made it illegal, right? Yeah, but they all go on the Bitcoin when it's illegal. That's what I'm saying. But do you think it prevents