Live From Consensus 2023: Takeaways for Crypto’s Future

Recorded: April 28, 2023 Duration: 0:07:54
Space Recording

Full Transcription

All right, welcome everyone. I hope you can hear me. This is Amitabh Singh. I am a regulatory reporter at Coindest and I am the moderator of this particular Twitter life spaces. This is a special one.
This is day three of consensus 2023. We're coming to you live from the Austin Convention Center in Texas. This is all about as we close the curtain on crypto's biggest stage of the year. If you didn't know what that was, that's basically consensus 20.
I'm just a big picture at consensus in 2023 and the critical discussions that will shape how the next phase of the industry unfolds. We have with us several of my colleagues, I want to introduce them very quickly, Nick Baker, Deputy Editor-in-Chief at Coindes, Nikolay Shreve, managing editor-in-chief policy in
I just want to quickly start with Nick Baker, that is because we have another Nick here, Nick, you've been busy at mission control, really watching everything happen to make sure that you're not going to be able to do that.
We bring to the audience the major takeaways of different panels and everything that's really happening you've written You know a bit of a takeaway on what the former CFTC commissioner aka crypto dad what he said on a panel Kindness new bit kind trend indicator. You've talked about that. But can you just tell us what has been your biggest takeaway?
Yeah, I'm surprised by it's no surprise to anyone watching crypto even even slightly lately that it's been a really rough time for crypto as far as the regular story hurdles that the industry clearly faces. And yet you've seen in the months leading up to consensus you've seen
the crypto go massively up. And similar, there's a similar tone here at this event of optimism, which that juxtaposition with that really uncertain, difficult future, the crypto-mectates, it's striking to get a juxtaposition. And I really, some of that's like a self-selection bias, anyone who's paying
to come to this event is probably going to be a crypto optimist. But nevertheless, I'm still struck by that sense of optimism. My background is, you know, I came over from, you know, covering more traditional markets after, you know, two decades in that realm. And like so the people I probably know
best in the space or so, or Trab-5 folks. And they have that same sense of optimism, which is surprising. I mean, I, you know, Trab-5 for years, I've been trying to move kind of some of their basic infrastructure over to sort of crypto, you know, over to blockchain and stuff like that. And it's been mixed results certainly over the years. I mean, it's years ago
was they were going to do private blockchains and move the fundamentals of markets over to that and that failed miserably and now they're talking about using public blockchains. They continue to talk about that and it sort of rhymes with my initial point but there's a sense of optimism and among tradify they're still trying to make a go of it and this move the ways of moving money and conventional market
markets over to crypto infrastructure. And so I think that sense about these remains is still striking to me as well. Yeah, I want to talk a little bit about your experience at TradeFi and how you literally maddy that would now be at consensus. We'll come to that
I want to go to the other Nicknick Lachde. Nick, are you breathing okay? First things? Hey, yeah, I mean, I think things are going well. Obviously, I'm, I'm ever the pessimist, so I'm always, you know, curious to see how things going out, but