Lucky Lead: Blur Sets Lending Record, New Goblin mint, SI & NFT Tix

Recorded: May 3, 2023 Duration: 0:38:18



GMGM. Thank you for joining us here this morning. We're going to start the show here in just a few minutes. We'll give it a few for folks to filter in. Get our speakers up on stage while we wait. Here are some tunes.
One, two, three, four!
(upbeat music) (upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Good morning and welcome to the Lucky Lead. Today is Wednesday May 3rd. Folks that the NFT market might feel a little
slow right now. But man, things are starting to pick up. We've got sports illustrated launching NFT tickets. We've got LeBron James rocking artifact kicks pregame ahead of the playoffs. We've got goblins and truth labs coming back for more. We've got new AI shit coins running wild.
and blur had a huge day as well yesterday. There's a ton to break down. I see some friendly faces out there. Alex, Mike, Bill, Hunter. Thanks for joining us as a reminder for any new listeners out there. We run the show every weekday Monday to Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. It's 30 minutes
show covering all the major news in crypto, web3, and entities. The show is meant for those interested in discovering the space, those actively buying and selling in the crypto and in a team markets, and those here just doing research. I'm your host Tyler D. I'm joined today by another full house of folks who got in
We love crypto, a Web 3 security expert and co-founder of the foolproof app. We've got Logan Hitchcock, Reppin the Lucky Trader account he is our editor in chief over at L.T. We'll get him up on stage here shortly. We've got ghost content star over at Lucky Trader, quietly a well NFT trader in the market rocking that Nakamega
still. And today we've also got CT. She's a writer and producer for Web 3 companies and also our resident Bitcoin NFT whisperer CT. Good morning. How are you doing? Good morning. What's up guys? Yeah, I do really well. You know, I was looking at Nakameco's last night to buy one. So I did eat, I hate to break it to you, but
I think that's a good sign maybe for the market. See how close exactly are you to buying a Nakamega? I think everyone wants to know. I'm not super close but I'm still thinking about I promise. Okay well we'll keep this posted on your Nakamega journey. We've also got Jason Rowson on with us here today.
He's our director of draft Kings Rainmaker's tools and content over at Lucky Trader. He's going to help us with a quick PGA preview for the Wells Bargo event here this week. I'm excited for that. On the docket today, we're going to start with Blur's record setting day, how Blan compares to other NFT lending protocols.
calls plus some early market reactions. We're going to talk about truth labs launching goblins to LeBron, Rock and Artifacts, you guys see oh hacked and why is he still repping a mutant sports illustrated getting into tickets and launching a new NFT ticket product along with that PGA preview before we jump in though ghost any housekeeping items.
Yeah, as always Tyler does a great recap of the NFT space every morning in his morning minute newsletter So we've got that pins at the top make sure you subscribe to that if you haven't already and then we've got our roundtable show a little lunch episode today Change in times a little bit. So we'll be live at 12 Central one Eastern there. I just pinned our YouTube to top. So be live there
and then we'll also stream it to Twitter. So we'll be breaking down all the latest NFT topics there and tune in if you are interested in that. Yeah, come check out our beautiful faces and hot takes while you eat your lunch. I'm excited for that one later today. All right, folks, let's get into it. Top story today is blur setting records.
in the anti-lindi market. According to them, they have now set the one-day record with $8,800-EAT loaned out on their first day of their new blend protocol going live. That's $16 million. Though we have started to see that the market started to cool off.
some of those featured collections. So just quickly looking at the big three, the wrapped punks are at a 54-E floor. Now they're down 3% on the day. Azuki's at 15.6. E they're down 7% and then the ladies at 3.25, they're down 9%. So we saw an initial pump
which is large, cold makes sense after the launch of the lending and buy now pay later program for those collections. The other metric I've been tracking is how many of these are actually in that escrow wallet from blur, so in that BNPL program. So there's 43 punks in the escrow wall, so that's up six.
on the day, 217, Zuki's up 60 yesterday. That's a pretty substantial number and then 238 ladies in that screw. That's up 27 on the day. So, Zuki's showing by far the most interest in this BNPL program, the issue in a Zuki way.
Well, dumped 60 for a thousand each overnight, which pretty much that transaction alone set the market down about an eith. So we're likely going to see some loans get liquidated here in the next 24 hours if the floor doesn't come back up. So that's going to be one to watch in the Zuki market. I want to read it.
take from serious notable trader deep in the anti-lending game from Monday. So his take on the blur and blend program is this. So I think the new system plus the fact that blur is likely to incentivize loan offers is a huge benefit to borrowers and a huge hit to lenders.
If you want to lend, you are likely going to need to offer extremely favorable and in turn risky terms to compete. Blend is launching with collection offers only, so if you want to borrow against non-floor entities, you're better off using other peer-to-peer platforms. So is this good or bad? I think it's good until it's bad. The main thing that worries me is the incentive to give and take.
loans to start borrowers are likely going to capitalize on rates that are probably the best they've ever been leading to a leverage field run in NFTs but the cascades will likely get ugly. The incentives are bound to draw in many first time winners who give dangerously high LTVs and won't realize it until prices take a turn. So I thought that was a pretty
Intelligent and fair take on the market here, but I wanted to start to open it up to our panel. We've got some additional folks on with us here today. CT, I think you just published your morning newsletter on the topic of Blurred Blend. I'd love to get your thoughts on the new
Brokego. Yeah, I think like most people have been trying to get my right my arms around everything in the past 48 hours because I don't have experience in borrowing and lending. So I thought services threads were some of the most insightful and I thought is follow up tweet to that was even more insightful to me when he was kind of like looking at the
top nine lenders on the platform and seeing what they're going to be earning. And Serious was like, I'm going to be earning tons more than that with much less ethos. And so I feel like, you know, we'll see if the blur token is going to be worth all this. I mean, that's the end of the day, right? Like, Machi is still the biggest lender on the platform, I think.
the biggest farmer. So he's betting it all on this token. So I don't know if the token's going to be worth a payout of people think it's going to be. But yeah, I don't know. I love the metric that you're tracking Tyler as well about what is in that final pay later wallet. I think that should be continued to track and like the ups and downs as well.
I appreciate your take there. I think the situation here is that the product is good, but the incentives are just wrecking everything. I love that there's lending. I also enjoy this BMPL program, but the reality is it's driving these
lenders to make these loan offers which don't make sense to make in a normal market. They're doing it because Blur is effectively paying them with these reward points. That's taking us out of a normal market and I don't think it'll really normalize
until those rewards start to to dwindle back down and then we'll get to a more normal lending market. But we brought a Maker Lee on the show here today. He reached out has some thoughts on blend and how it compares to other NFT lending protocols maker. I'd love to get your thoughts on this. Yeah, thank you.
so much for having me on here. I'm just enjoying my coffee on this beautiful Wednesday morning. Yeah, I mean I have a couple thoughts. The main thing, you know, I did a tweet right when this launched that kind of blew up way more than I expected. But essentially what I was seeing was this lack of understanding
that people who are not familiar with DeFi lending, borrowing and lending in general, interest, like loan terms, just any very simple concept that people need to realize when you see, oh, I can buy a Suzuki for, you know, one eighth from the floor is 17. You know, I
And I'll, I guess, commend Blur for their interface, like making it very kind of hyper gamified and super user friendly. I think they, I think they killed it on that. I mean, there's no question that they have the interface down. I think my concern coming into this and, you know, I work for Len
protocol and one of the, you know, we have compliance officers and we have risk assessment protocols to make sure that we are not necessarily creating predatory environments. And I think that's kind of the definition of what's happening is where Blur is saying like, oh, well, we're not taking any, you know, marketplace fees.
So we're all good and it's like, no, you're creating a system where in-experience lenders will get wrecked, where in-experience borrowers will get wrecked and none of that will be good for the market as a whole. Yeah, that is a fair take and I do think they are exposed
to some of that. I think another feature I'm watching is in the the by now pay later program. You know, when you read through the docs, it does feel at least at a high level that a component of that program is that you're able to chip away at your loan over time to acquire it if you do want that NFT.
So let's say you bought Nizuki for a 0.5 ETH, you start to love it. Over time you can add like an ETH here or there until you pay off that principle. Well the issue is that feature is not available yet. So you cannot add to your balance. So if the floor does dip an ETH like it did today, you don't really have any options.
other than getting liquidated or just kind of praying for a high sale or someone else to pick up your loan in the dead jox and process. So I think launching without that feature ready was miss CT I'd love to get your thoughts here. I just wanted to add I think wasn't it something that like when there's
can pull their loan at any time to start that oxy process or find a new lender. So I mean, people do need to be careful about what they're getting into with the oversight interest because you can lose your principal plus the NFT, but that you never really owned. But isn't that true, Tyler, that lenders can start that process at any time?
They can, if they call the loan within 24 hours, they get docked 250 points. But I think we've already seen examples where the lenders don't care about that. They'd rather get their 15th back and lose the points. So it's not enough of a barrier.
Asperger to this discussion and make her I'd love to get your thoughts on maybe some other features You know how other you know lending protocols, you know might stack up without You know calling any you know going shilling or going into too many you know in the detail But you know we've seen peer-to-peer lending protocols
before, like NFT5,, they've got some similar features. We've got Bendow, which is more of your Oracle-based, you get liquidated at a price point. I'm curious for your thoughts on where Blur fits in and maybe some other features that Blin maybe
missing compared to some other lenders out there. Yeah, definitely. I think what's interesting is you know you can summarize lending in general through honestly through the liquidation process which is a very simplified way. Obviously there's way more details that you can go into it but in terms of what makes
We'll say passive, LP-ing or passive borrowing versus an active borrowing experience. So we'll use AVE or, well, let's use, let's use Bendow for example, we'll stay in the NFT realm. You know, Bendow is notorious for these kind of like liquidation events based off of price
volatility. So, you know, some funnel happen, apes will dump, and then all of a sudden, you know, obviously Franklin has stepped down, but he was a large user for his bend. You know, some thread will come out, like people are going to get wrecked, the floor is going to go blah, blah, blah. And that's what's called price-based.
liquidation. So based upon the collateral value, the loan health or the, you know, in good standing of the loan will fluctuate. And to protect the LPs, this auto kind of liquidation happens based off of price. Then on the other side, you have
something that's more traditional to the tradfire or web2 realm, which would be time-based liquidation. So think about, you know, you have a mortgage payment and if you don't make your loan payment, that's when the bank could then come and default on the loan to repossess the house. But if the housing
market crashes, you're not susceptible to getting your home taken away just because of the market crash. And so that would be the price-based versus the time-based. And then Blur and Blend created this system, which I've kind of dubbed auto-liquidation, or they dubbed it, which is so interesting because
they're filling a gap in the space that people didn't necessarily ask for or need, which is this new form of auto at any point, the LT can liquidate. And so what does that mean? That means the LT, a lender who's giving these very aggressive yield, right? So some of this APY can be as high
high is 50, 100, 200% for some of these loans. But they have to very, very carefully and cautiously be watching the floor prices to be village that this super, super, super under collateralized loan is still safe within their, their
of loss. And so it's just so interesting and so you know the company that I work for teller we again not to shill just to put it out there as the proposal of using the time-based liquidation where regardless of market events regardless of price volatility regardless of what the LP wants to do to auto-liquidate
something. There is no liquidation. It's very similar to Tradify, which protects the borrowers so they're not going to get wrecked from market conditions that they can't control. And it gives a passive LP experience for the lenders. Yeah, I think that makes a ton of sense. I think one of my takeaways here is
is the launch of Blends will likely drive more interest in NFT financialization and NFT lending. And I do hope that it benefits the existing protocols. Certainly, liquidity probably going to take a hit here in the first few months with Blarial.
launching with all these incentives. But there is a huge aspect of empty learning that just doesn't make sense to do on blur one against any kind of art you can't even do on blur or blend. And then really like I serious mentioned if you've got anything above floor that you have any attachment to, it doesn't make sense to land on
blur right now. And then if you're any, if you're someone who doesn't want to check the market every single, you know, four hours, you probably want to go that passive route as well. So make sure I think you describe that really well. And we had love to get your thoughts and maybe we'll move on. Yeah. What I think is really curious.
about just the direction that tools are being built in is that, you know, what I think about what blockchain is really for and the people that can benefit the most from it are people that are like unbanked and underbanked. And we come up with these hyper aggressive versions that are just like not really
And it is, I find it so bizarre and dystopian. That is a fair take for sure. I think what they're trying to do is help drive the M.T. market towards more mature financial markets with this protocol launch.
But I think we spent enough time on this, maker, you were great. Thank you for joining us. Feel free to stay on stage as we get into our next conversation point. But before we do that, let's read the news. Today's Top Headlines, powered by Lucky Trader.
16,000 aeth on Tuesday, though the initial pop from the blend launch appears to be fading in FTC a mix of red and green. Bollard said a new daily lending record as we covered with a $16 million in loans and its first day. LeBron James rocked a pair of artifacts shoes in his pregame entrance for last night's playoff game
against the warriors, which the Lakers won and drove some interest into the clone X PFP. The other side shared new details for how sediment tiers will matter in the other side with higher tiers, core laying the higher production, tier three will have the best production and additional farmers and enchanters will enhance production. And then another use
good news. You can see Daniel Legre had his Twitter hacked yesterday. So hopefully no one clicked on those links. In the Web 3 in crypto space, a lot going on. So crypto did rebound on Tuesday, Bitcoin up 2% at 28,600, eth up 1.8% at 1865. Pepe, the recently hot meme coin did fall 30%
that two of 360 million dollar market cap. I think that's all 400 right before the show. While hot new AI created meme coin turbo skyrocketed 1100% to a 30 million dollar market cap. I think it reached 50 million at one point overnight. Another headlines coin base officially launched their first offshore derivatives
exchange in Bermuda, called Coinbase International Exchange, allowing non-USBase traders the ability to bet on Bitcoin in each futures with up to 5X leverage. Florida Governor Ron Assantis bowed to BANCBDCs in his speech on Tuesday, also staying at the US government doesn't like crypto because they can't control it. And then Bellagy posted a video
explaining why he made that $1 million Bitcoin bet from a few months ago highlighting that the US government printing trillions and its potential impact on the economy. And then US representatives AOC and Matt Gaetz introduced a bipartisan bill to ban Congress members from trading and owning stocks. Some some crazy and important headlines
yesterday go some curious. Did any of these catch your eye? Yeah, I thought that LeBron James wearing the artifact shoes was absolutely awesome. And just like those little things would have absolutely broken the NFT space in like 2021. And while it was still super exciting, like it didn't seem like it moved the market or anything.
And then I just pinned Joel and Beads post to the top and it doesn't have anything to do with NFTs. But if you look at his profile picture, he's rocking an NFT profile picture. And I saw that when he posted it and I was like, what is that profile picture? And it's apparently a loaded lion, which is on Kronos, which I guess is the chain.
I just find it insane that the MVP of the NBA is rocking a cronos loaded lion NFT that I've never heard of, but pretty wild there. So that definitely caught my eye last night. I thought that was hilarious. I mean, it just proves that if you pick any animal and any adjective in a madlib style game, that NFT problem exists on some block.
chain that's out there. Shout out to Jolombi for rocking the loaded lines. CT, I want to get your thought here in a second. Speaking of people who are rocking strange PFPs, can someone explain to me why the UGA CEO still has a mutant SSP? Can we get this guy graduated up to a board api?
Has he not made enough money at you go yet? Maybe he's worried about losing the board. I've been getting hacked there since he already got hacked yesterday. Oh, no too soon. It's an ugly ass mutant too. I'm not a fan of Daniel Ageris P.F.P. I'm sorry Daniel. CT, are the thoughts in your mind? Yeah, I'm now.
I was like, "I don't buy anything except for Ethan Bitcoin." I was like, "When Pepe came, I was like, whatever, that's stupid." I was like, "Washington Horror as what happened happened?" I would like to say that two days ago I did FOMO into Turbo, which had a combination of two
two hot things, web 3 and AI, because it was the first token created with AI or something. And I'm just saying I'm very proud of myself for taking my principal out and then riding the rest. So doing well with Turbo, but I think it's my first and only Shadecoin of the year.
coin coin jump and into the scene. Turbo is interesting. I had to share this story. First, this is total NFA. We're not showing turbo. It could go to zero at any time. Our block's artist Brian Brinkman is how I found out about this. Apparently he got in on the ground floor put 0.1.
Like the initial valuation he's up like 600x on this thing I was in some chats with him and he's saying how he's still bullish. He started to sell some and take some profits, but he thinks artists rowing around this this AI concept and creating more of these AI turbo toads could drive
this thing forward, the discord is thriving. But of course meme coins are the wild, wild west. But this is an interesting one that the founder basically used chat GPT to write up the contracts, to write up the narrative and everything. Chat GPT driven from
start to finish. That's the basic story behind Turbo. Ghost would love to get your thoughts in an in-line. I just need to bring out the loaded lines. Again, I went on their webpage. They have $51 million in volume and the floor price is $1,300. Are we missing something here on Like on a different chain?
- Oh my god. - That is absurd. - Yeah, my mind is boiling. I feel like I just stumbled into a new universe or a multiverse of a new NFT space here. So maybe we're just missing the Kronos NFT surge here and loaded lines to the moon, I guess. - BRB, I'm gonna go buy some loaded lines. Emelling your thoughts?
Yeah, um, the news is such a funny thing when there's like a shiny drama that is unfolding in front of us. So like the the chronos thing I think is absolutely wild. An AI in AI Shikwain. That one.
That one is tricky for me to really wrap my head around on its success. I guess it makes sense for like this version of Shikwans. And I'm unclear. Did you say that you get some sort of a turbo-toad in association with the amount of the coin you own? No, yeah, though I have seen some
artist in the discord talking about that. No, basically they're just creating AI-generated memes and posting them on Twitter. Got okay that confused me. Yeah, like it's, I don't know, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's#
But to see the differences that people are applying to it from a much larger NFT participation this time around and what the results are, how they plan to incorporate it is out there.
absolutely wild to me. So I don't know, I guess we'll see where this evolution takes us, but I don't think the shit coin season is anywhere near over. I think we're maybe out of the first inning. - I'm right there with you. - Yeah. - I called the top on shit coin season foolishly two weeks ago.
A-a-all over my face. I don't think this is stopping any time. You can't even trade entities in this market. It costs $100 to make any transaction at any point during the business day. Well, you can trade expensive NFTs. That's fair.
I just find it like super dystopian where it's like oh yeah, we're gonna we're gonna change the world and it's gonna be better and we're gonna do it with crypto and it's like only if you're super fucking rich And I've got a question for you so this idea pops into my head have we ever seen a
a meme coin or a shit coin that kind of reverse engineers at PFP where you start with a token launch and then over time you roll out custom images as digital collectibles or NFTs to holders based on how many tokens they hold or how long they've held. Have we seen that concept play out?
Not exactly. I think the closest thing that I've seen is ETH wrapped into an NFT that grows and then you can burn the NFT that turns into ETH. Interesting. It breaks open the ETH but like I wouldn't be surprised
at all if that was, uh, if that's what happened eventually, like, now that we have these, now that we have this culture of people that are like NFTs are way cooler than Chick Coins because they can do so much more and then we just like treated them like Chick Coins and threw some T-shirts on it. Um, yeah, I don't
know, like maybe we'll get some really interesting iterations of what's going on. It's how we can trojan horse NFTs into the crypto crowd enormous who just hate NFTs by giving them a custom ones attached to how many coins they hold. That's my new million dollar idea. CT distal
thoughts here. I just wanted to say I'm turbos gonna be my entire personality now after this conversation and I just have I love that. I was gonna be so that's it. When turbos told PFP take the squiggle down it's it's only dropping in value by the turbo is. It's probably gonna go to zero just FYI.
Put it on. Likely. We're on blurry yet. We loaned out on blur. Turbo could go to zero as with CTs person out after adopting it. Well, this has been some some great riffing. I don't think we're going to get to the goblin. Losh, maybe we'll do a quick TLDR. I know Jason is with us. He's going to have to drop here soon.
Jason, why don't you come up, give us the quick preview this week and maybe give yourself a pound of back. I think a few of your tips from the last few weeks have been playing out pretty well. Yeah, Tyler, not too bad of a stretch of tournaments that we've had up here for myself and for hopefully anybody that has joined in with me on that.
especially Cam Champ. He was, you know, bargain basement price his last week and he came in the top five there in Mexico open. So really good start for him. He is playing this week, but so was a bunch of other great players at the Wells Park or championship. It is a new elevated event for the PGA tour, which basically just means all of the world's best are supposed to come here and play now.
We are missing John Romance got a Sheffler they decided not to come this week, but we still have a ton of great golfers. It is considered a lots of events for rain makers so there's $350,000 for the prize pool going on over there. There was a really great backdrop this week as well for the event. Tyler, it's a really fun one.
it takes place just out to have a Charlotte and for a couple of targets this week, I know because we're coming up on our time. I've got an article that's going to be coming out within probably the next 20 minutes, highlighting a couple. And then later today at five o'clock, you can join me and Peter Jennings and Jason Bales for the new Rain Makers report. Just going to focus on all things
rain makers, including of course this week's Wells Fargo and UFC 288. Jason, I love them. So stoked that you're launching your own draft Kings Rainmaker show. That's going to be every Wednesday at 5 p.m. Eastern. So if you're into this niche, folks, this is the show to check out. It's covering more
than just PGA, PGA is what's hot right now, but as Jason mentioned, it's going to be UFC. And then when other sports are in season covering those as well, so set those reminders. Jason, well, thanks for coming on. We've got a few minutes left. So I'll quickly do the TLDR on this goblin town news. So truth, laughs, coming back for more.
launching goblin season two and they're including a pepe component of this. You know, my first question was, do we need more goblins in this NFT market? But I guess we are going to find out. Here is the TLDR. So the theme for season two is big ink, a large corporation in goblin town. It's going to be 15,000 of these in a
So a large supply priced at 0.096E, though free for the top 1000 worst-in-ft traders and free for some truth labs and FT holders as well, the date TBD and there will be a 50% discount for those paying with Pepe. Truth wants your Pepe, it seems.
They did have a fun application site where you can answer a few questions and then see where you rank on the down bad board, ranking the worst traders in the NFT space. And again, the bottom one thousand of the worst traders in the NFTs will be compensated for their terrible decisions with the freement of this goblin of goblin season two.
So, pat on the back for them. The market had some mixed reactions. So, grumpels were up 80% to 0.23. ETH Illuminati was up 23% to 0.29. And then the goblins themselves, the foundational PFP though, they did fall 11% to 0.29. So, it feels like the NFTs in this ecosystem are
converging in that 0.23 to 0.29E range. My gut is that this thing will mint out with truth behind it with their marketing machine and given how many days will be free. Though I'm not sure how they'll perform on secondary, you know, adding another 15k to a 22,000 NFT ecosystem.
system. But I'm curious for our panelists quick reactions to this one, Ghost or CT or anyone, I'm not sure if you got into gobbins when they first came out, but the reactions to this CT. I didn't get into gobbins when they first came out. I don't really have any tooth lab stuff actually, but I saw this tweet go out from truth lab yesterday.
And it looked so spammy. I was like I'm not clicking this it looks like they got hacked because So spammy I'm sorry. I said so spammy Yeah, it was kind of like um, you know, it had like Gabe vibes from Digi Degy Degaku But yeah that I went and saw that coin desk published an article about it
I was like, all right, it's probably legit. And I got my score for the down bad score because they're only rewarding. They're only giving like the allowless two terrible NFT traders that's based on a score. And that score is made up of embarrassing things you've minted, eathlosses, you know, how much gas you've lost.
and things you bought at the top. So I thought it was really clever and I think like in these times where kind of like everyone is you know down bad on a lot of things. It's sort of a way to make light of it and try and bring some positivity out of it. So I thought that was kind of cool.
Yeah, I think I'm with you. It is a fun launch. Go some additional thoughts and then we'll close. Yeah, I don't know how this will affect Galbontown or anything like that, but I do think that they are really great at marketing and seeing that all over my timeline yesterday and kind of capitalizing on people down bad was really sharp and also capitalizing on the Pepe surge. They clearly saw that that's
been all over the timeline and now they're offering that as as a inclusion in the mint, which I thought was really smart. So I don't know what the long-term future is for Goblins or how this really weaves into the project or if we really needed this many more NFTs, but I do think that they are proving again that they are really good at capturing attention here. Yeah, you know, the Pepe inclusion was such a wild card.
in this man. I think that definitely gives it more exposure. Again, there's so many people in the empty space who got into Pepe early and firing some Pepe at this, it's going to be just like water for them. It's similar to the big ape holders and how they don't mind throwing ape at some of these hoodies.
and gear and whatnot because they just have so much of it flowing. Also, we're starting to see that that uses a currency here. Now you can start to buy things with it, which is also starting to submit its legacy. So we'll see how it continues to trend. As Emily said, meme coin season does not seem to be over just
We are five minutes over time. So we're going to shut things down here. But before we go, what's dropping today? A handful of drops. We got the means by 6 529 here in 11 a.m. We've got Art Blocks presents augury by lovin coming at 1 p.m. Eastern and sanctuary by Ryan Coutman's coming at 2 p.m.
definitely a slower day of drops. We've got the standard meme card coming. We've got the R blocks. It's a fixed price, 270, 270 supplies, 0.1 each mint. It feels like some of that early excitement from the blend and by now pay later launch has faded. It's kind of hard to see what's going to catch demand in the market.
today. My god is most likely nothing is going to be a quiet day. And T.D. Jins are going to focus on meme coins. But of course, we will see what surprises we get. Folks, that is it. That's our show for today. We'll be back tomorrow at 2 a.m. Eastern. Thanks to our listeners. Thanks to my goals. Thanks to Maker for coming on today. Everyone enjoy your Wednesday.
Let's make it a great day. Bye everybody.