Lucky Lead: Can Ledger Recover, Opepens Pump, Convo with SneakerDad

Recorded: May 17, 2023 Duration: 0:42:48



GM, GM, thank you for joining us here this morning. We're gonna start the show here in just a few minutes. We'll give it a few for folks to filter in. Get our speakers up on stage while we wait. Here are some tunes.
One, two, three, four!
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
3, 2, 1, yeah!
(upbeat music)
All right good morning and welcome to the Lucky Lead. Today is Wednesday, May 17th, the summer's shining. Iftees are sitting green
again, it feels like this NFT depression that we've been in is starting to lift a little bit. I'm here for it. I see some friendly faces out there, Hunter, Julian, Chris, Willis. Thanks for joining us here this morning. As a reminder for any new listeners, we do run this show every week
day Monday to Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. It's a 30 minute show covering all the major news and crypto, web 3 and entities. The show was meant for those interested in discovering the space, those actively buying and selling in the crypto and NFT markets and those just here doing research. I'm your host Tyler D. I'm joined today by some amazing
We've got Emily loves crypto web 3 security expert and co founder of the foolproof app We've got logan his cock editor and chief over at lucky trader reppin the lucky trader account. We're gonna get him up on stage here in a second and we've got ghost content star quiet whale dip in his toes and AI still rocking that knock amiga
go. Though he's desperately trying to acquire an Opep and from release one. Go. Good morning. How you doing? Good morning, Tyler. I'm sad today. I was really trying to get an Opep and I had an eight-Eath collection offer out all day yesterday. Nobody took it. The floor is rising now. Everybody's talking about it. So I feel like I missed the wave there. I don't know. It might be#
out of a reach for me here. Well I think you might still have a shot. Today we've also got Sneaker Dad on with us to tell his story to talk about what he's got cooking right now. Quick funny story about Sneaker Dad. I actually found out about him through my hairdresser. It turns out
about sneaker dad and I live in Chicago and back in 2021 when I was first going to NNFT's I was talking about during haircut of course because that's what we talk about and my hairdresser Molly shout out to Molly told me that she has another client who is in NNFT's as well long story short it turned out to be sneaker dad
So super excited to have him on the show with us here today as well. All right, so let's what's on the docket for today? We're gonna revisit ledger and cam ledger recover from this recent release. We're gonna talk some old pepins some heavy metal reveal and then save the back
the AI space the same way that we do the NFTs base and it's really exciting times in AI so make sure you give that a subscribe we'll pin that to the top as well. Awesome ghost will thank you for that. All right let's get into our top story can ledger recover. You know we talked about this on yesterday's show when the news is breaking but I think it's big enough for us to
revisit it here today. Certainly Ledger became the main character of the crypto Twitter drama yesterday. And if you're not familiar, you never want to be the main character. And this backlash was tied to their announcement of their new Ledger recover product. The Ledger team immediately went on a full press tour yesterday.
They held their own spaces, trying to set the narrative straight, but it feels like the damage was done. So again, what happened in case you missed this yesterday? So ledger's newest product, ledger recover offers a backup option for the secret recovery phrase via a monthly subscription service.
to support mainstream users who don't want to be fully responsible for management of their secret recovery phrase and want that peace of mind of a custodial solution. So quickly how it works, let's recover in Cripsons blitzer private key into three fragments, securely stored by three different parties. The process is not
The service is optional and not automatically enabled, which was a key aspect of this announcement.
They had pulled their user base and the majority of their users wanted this feature. So why the backlash? Again, I think the main concern raised by most of the crypto OGs who were speaking out is the risk vector that this new feature opens up. I mean, the prior understanding was that these
devices were closed, there was no way to extract the recovery phrase. Now there's essentially a way to do that. Even if it's opt in only, you know, it perhaps opens up an API, it opens up a potential channel for this to happen. So there's a new risk vector. There's a lot of hot takes
We read food bars. I think DC investor had a fairly level headed one. I'm going to read a few of his tweets. You have to trust the new firmware, which is now explicitly capable of exporting your encrypted started key to three trusted parties will not do so without your consent. They say it can't. Now, maybe it was always the case that your key data could be exported
in such a way, but many users misunderstood and thought that your key data was sacrosanct on these devices and could not be touched in any way other than design transactions. And it definitely feels like it comes down to trust and maybe that trust has been broken. So I've got a few other thoughts, but I want to open it up to our speakers. We talked about this yesterday.
I think there were some pretty mixed reactions on the timeline. I was in spaces where law folks said that reaction was overblown and that this this update from Ludger was perfectly fine. So I'm curious if anyone's opinion has changed since we talked about yesterday. Emily, I'll let you go first. No, I still don't trust
ledger and haven't for a very long time. I think what's clear about this is that they have always had this ability, that functionality's been built in, and when we've heard Whisperings about it in the past, people vehemently deny it like they know it as fact and didn't want to accept it, but the service
has been known to exist for private clients for quite a while that they can force force their way into your ledger if you lose your seed phrase. Sorry, so what bothers me the most about it is that this is not a separate piece of hardware they're updating all ledger
So if this is functionality that you don't want anywhere near your device at all, you don't have a choice. You have to change your security systems. And like I understand the need for it. I understand people saying this is something that they want, right? Like that doesn't surprise me.
me thoroughly. But at the same time, I don't want it. And I don't know anybody who wants it. This is not the type of update. I think that current self-custody users want at all. If I wanted my
CryptoCustveid or a portion of my CryptoCustveid, I would just spread it across multiple exchanges after doing extreme due diligence, making sure that they have an infect at each other like 3AC and Celsius right all had. I would not put it on a ledger at all.
Right, and I think that's what the biggest driver of the outrage is is they didn't do it via a new product stand alone. They're kind of backfilling it into their existing products, which are now not quite as trustworthy as they were. I think what was other, what else was telling from me yesterday is one of the
that ledger is team members. I think it was Ian. He kept coming back to that they've got $50,000 in coverage for any loss. And, you know, my read on that is it reinforces who they're going after. Like they want to go after mainstream who is going to have less than 50K on their devices and they're basically telling you
you, don't hold more than 50 km/h with this cause. That's my interpretation of it. Go see who got your hand up. I'm curious if your reaction has changed at all or your thoughts in the situation. Yeah, I've seen a lot of people in both camps and I know that there was a lot of initial reactions that were super
negative and then I've seen some other people who were saying that they're it's kind of after reading and doing some more diligence on it that it's kind of like in the never mind it's it's fine camp and I'm not a security expert by any means and I don't know where I stand on the issue. I do think the main thing that happened here is that it's a horrible comms from
from the company and that's one way to lose customers and lose trust in people really fast. So I think they need to get their shit together on that on that front regardless. But I'm still waiting to hear from them on an official update that is really clear, like really clarifies the situation because I think there's still a lot of confusion from everyone over what's going on.
So it sucks because I think that they had a, they were probably the leader in the space regardless of how people felt of them. Like I think everyone really knew Ludger over some of the other companies and it really seems that they've had a misstep here just by how they've rolled this out in kind of a shady way here. Yeah, I think the comms are bad and I don't think they've fully have addressed
the concept of this risk vector being new and like that the primary concern out there. Emily, additional thoughts on your end? I think there are comms and their trajectory over the past year has basically shown how much they really don't understand
and the culture of crypto. They seem to be going after a lot of people who are inexperienced, which I understand as far as tam, right? They want to go after the bigger market. They want to go after the people that don't know any better. But at the same time, like
Those are not the people that are going to set the course of popular acceptance, right? Like the older or sorry more experience, more informed people are going to be the ones that are really like
saying, "This is the device you want to use. Here's why." I think that they've lost that audience and I think that's a huge disadvantage to them. You went to where my next question is, is it worth it? Is it worth sacrificing your OG supporters to pursue broader mainstream adoption?
and Emily, it sounds like you kind of already answered that it's a misstep because they're not going to have those voices telling newcomers know what to use. Exactly. I think that they have set themselves back enormously and they don't realize that yet or maybe they were starting
to realize it yesterday when they had their announcement and then went on like a road show when they expected a bunch of positive feedback. They clearly expected positive feedback. The light that they had written that announcement in was like, look at us. This is so great. It just shows how extremely tone deaf they are.
Yeah, I'm with you there. I think what's also interesting about the situation is I think it's going to be a problem that a lot of Legacy in a T projects will face right where they're going to have these OG holders who have one set of demands and then now they're trying to figure out how to reach mainstream.
And I think we'll likely see some similar issues coming down the line for those products as well. But it's going to be an interesting situation to see how this continues to develop and how ledger addresses it. I want to move on. I want to talk, oh, pepens. Before we do that, let's read the news.
Today's top headlines powered by Lucky Trader. Trading volume knocked up to 13,000 teeth on Tuesday with annotations of major green on the day. Not in green, you got revealed the heavy metal collection to generally positive community feedback though the floor did fall 31% to zero point
8.7 ETH post reveal. In other, you can news they also released a strategy guide for the upcoming Legends of the Mara game. In other news, NBA Top Shot upgraded their mobile app, including a Discover function, pack opening, offer notifications, and more. Invisible friends, as launching its first ever physical collectibles in two sizes.
24 inches and 8 inches priced at 0.6 ETH and 0.18 ETH respectively. Looks rare to have viewed their raffles where users can enter low-cost contests to win big prizes such as board apes. Then, ape coin down open applications to run for their special counsel open through May 20th. Giancarlo, his new project Mint or Skip
crypto and web 3 news crypto was down on the day Bitcoin minus 1.75% at 26,620. E thana percent and a half at 1790 a couple of huge headlines this morning one out of tether starting this month tether will regularly allocate up to 15% of its net realized operating profits towards purchasing Bitcoin these Bitcoin
I'll be considering on top of the minimum reserve assets that 100% back to their tokens. Then breaking news right before the show, the European Union has passed a law requiring identification for all crypto transactions. That's a big one. I want to start right there. Emily, you share that one. So can you give us maybe just
quick, quick back on one of this means so this means KYC and how could this even be enforced? I'm just curious for your immediate take. Okay, so Europe in general has been a lot more forward moving than you know the Americas for one.
So I think that they could try to use this advantage where people are more openly KYC'd and reporting their taxes and these paths are cleared for them. I think they would use that path in theory, but they may limit it
it entirely to off ramps. I'm not sure. I think there's some nuances of the European culture that I don't necessarily understand. So I can look more into it and get back to you. But I think they have the same problem that anybody in the world is going to have using the internet, which is that there are uncertain
exactly who is doing what? The only thing I could think of is something similar to a soul bound token that needs to exist in a wallet that a crypto transaction is coming from into a centralized exchange. That's an interesting idea. I'm certain we'll see a lot more coverage of this over the next few days. We'll continue
to cover it on the show. Logan, I've got to you up here. This invisible friend toys, I feel like is right up your alley. Rate your excitement levels on one to ten. Are you going after these things? I'm actually not just because of the mechanics of the
drop. So it's dropping an NFT which is then redeemable or burnable for the physical collectible. And the redemption period appears to be a ways away. I think like six months from now is when they plan on officially shipping things. So I'm envisioning that as you
attention shifts away, you may be able to find cheaper prices than even the mint cost. Though perhaps not, it could be playing that completely wrong. But I think they are really interesting. I just have some weird affinity for, I think many people do, the tangible collectibles that are attached to the brands of digital collectibles
that we've come to, you know, a door. So I've picked up some things along the way, Feebo sneakers, things like that. So yeah, I do like this a lot. I think it's really really cool. I know invisible friends in particular probably has not capitalized on, you know, what many suspected it would have given the hype surrounding the hype
when it first launched. But this is a first test, I guess, to see if people may be excited in a different way. I like the toys. I think they're cool. I like the concept that they're two feet tall, but a thousand bucks is not cheap for invisible friends toy. So we'll see how
the market. You can get the eight inch ones which are open to the 24 inch ones to start are only available for 3D or 2D and visible friends holders but the eight inch ones there's a general open public sale that's like .16 ETH which I don't know if the
US dollar thing is at this point. But you know, like 300. A bit more reasonable, of course. Yeah. Then another toy news, the budget toys are hitting the shelves. I think officially tomorrow, I've already seen some some screenshots from Amazon that folks have been able to buy. So the toys are coming out. Emily, more reactions from you.
Yeah, like a thousand dollars is a deep price for a toy I think but at the same time that's pretty in line with art toys of that size for the past like 15 to 20 years So like while it seems kind of like you know shocking to us if you were if you were to go
look into buying something from like Toad Toad Kadoki I think or like Labid or you know Kid Robot like one of those older kind of more like Streetwear design art toys they're in that price range for that size that's not in totally
have normal price rate. However, personally, the reason I buy NFTs is because I don't have any room for physical kids in my house. Yeah, we're going the digital route back to physical. We'll see how these IF toys, how they go.
Before we get to sneaker dad and we'll get to him here a couple minutes I want to just briefly touch our no pepkins as we keep Headlining them on our spaces and we're not giving them much to do justice so the Jack buttersville pepins are soaring I'm calling them the hottest of tea project of the week Jack is fresh office Christie's debut for checks element
the the Opeppin floor has been lava so quick look at the numbers the overall floor 0.28 ETH up you know 30 to 40 percent nothing crazy the release one floor at 16.9 ETH this morning I want to say that was like three ETH last week so it's up 500 percent
No one knows it more than ghost and I want to get his thoughts here in a second there were at least two floor 1.15 E the unrevealed floor for the one of fours One E I'm revealed floor for one of ones now eight E I know that was down in the two or three eighth range maybe just a day or two
ago. So more of the rare op-ep and they're really starting to get high up there at this point. And I mean, if you want to talk about, you know, double digit sales, not many collections are really seeing these outside of the majors like Yuga, Memeland, D. Gods, and the Zuki. So it feels like a
and the Rua starting to make a splash on the scene. Ghost, I just want to get your thoughts on the price action. What have you been thinking? Do you have a shot at R1? Are you looking at R2? What's kind of your general strategy? I really wanted an R1 here. I think I'm going to up my collection bid to Tenneef.
After this I'm going hard for it, but I love what Jack's building and I think that as we've seen the NFT space kind of bleed and people you kind of reveal your true colors of like who wants actually wants these NFTs or wants these certain projects I think that the Jack but your ecosystem has been one that's kind of bucked that trend and everybody
is I feel like the people that are collecting that are collecting because they really resonate with Jack Butcher and what he's creating in that whole ecosystem and it feels a lot different than what has been going on over the last six months or so and I really loved what he's doing. I honestly was more focused on checks. I think the no pep and I think that's where the blind spot kind of hit to where I got
caught off guard by not grabbing this R1 and I think I have 10 unrevealed Opepins but they and I opted them all into round one and didn't get any and then kind of forgot about it for a little bit but hoping that someone accepts my offer and I think that they are a really nice pfp and a great kind of a cultural movement here in the NFT space.
Well, certainly good luck to you. We see Sir Punk listening here in the audience. He's got a nice Opeh and P.F.B. and they do stand out. That is clear. I like them as well. I want to get into some strategy talk. Maybe we'll save it for Friday show, but for those holding unrevealed, you know,
what is the best path forward at this point, thinking about upcoming release three or release four versus future drops. I saw an interesting thread comparing it to a wife selection process in the optimal way to choose your wife and how that relates to picking your out your old pep it. So I cannot wait.
to talk through that on Friday. This is going to be a good one. Set your reminders. A wife picking process, picking the ideal wife, breaking down a wife selection to basic mathematics.
I'm absolutely here for it. We don't have any opinions. Well, excited for that. I'm going to leave that as the cliffhanger. You'll have to tune in to Friday's show to hear about how to select your wife. I want to talk to Sneaker. He's been patiently waiting on stage with us for 20 minutes.
Now, again, he's been deep in Web 3 for years now has history with Drifter Shoots, deep in the NFT and art collecting game. He's managed artists now, he's involved in a new project. Sneaker, welcome to the show, how you doing today?
GM. Oh, we can get you just fine. All right. Cool. I'm good. How are you doing? I'm good. I'm excited to see you know a little uptick in the market. You know, we're seeing some art get back into relevancy with Alpacentory Kid, Grant Yoon, Christie's now Jack. So it feels like there's some
posm momentum. I'm stoked about that. I'd love me for our listeners who don't know who you are. Maybe just give us your quick background, your Web 3 story and how you... Totally.
Do you have the same hair or bar or hair stylist? I should say I need a haircut so badly. So I hope that our hair she's actually out of she's been out of commission. So I hope she's okay now because like I need she's back. I'm going to death. Oh shit. Okay.
Alright, well, I guess I'm Texaner. Well, anyways, name is Spencer, or sneaker-dead. I've been collecting NFTs since 2020. Well, I collected crypto-kitties a little bit before that, and didn't really do anything with them.
Um, was always a memorabilia collector. My uncle and I like managed a like a $50 million memorabilia collection for about the last 25 years. So we, uh, I've really been into like memorabilia collecting and thought
There was like something to it like there needed to be some sort of like Facelift on the whole entire industry and market and when I got in and I heard about NBA Top Shot that was kind of when the light bulbs kind of started going off for me It was just like okay
you know, this is a way for people to have verification, like a verified way of having provenance on chain, not tampered with, and just dealing with like very like nuanced and weird provenances and whatnot for very like
old memorabilia, it just was like a no-brainer to me and also just a fair and equal market versus the way it is now. So yeah, I got in the NFTs in 2020, Met Drifter shoots pretty early on.
Got burned by NBA Top Shot like everybody else I was thankful that a bunch of people that NBA Top Shot like we're into Board apes So I got in as well like when it was minting and got really lucky And so yeah, I kind of like the right
I got into like because of Drift I got into like photography and more like art related like NFTs pretty early on not that I wasn't collecting PFPs and whatnot but after Bored Apes I kind of like I don't know I definitely wasn't as active
active as all my friends were in terms of like the daily trading with like doodles and cool cats and and all that stuff more was looking at like one-of-one art and managing an artist and so yeah did that for the last couple years now and
And more recently, I've started to take on some different projects working with some athletes that are looking to like not rug pull or like do like a project like a typical NFT project, but more on like the memorabilia side, like, you know, the kind of like memorabilia side.
of things without going into detail, but like, you know, it's something that I've always wanted to explore. So looking at that and also managing a band currently called GXTP. Sure. And I want to get there. I want to save that. A couple of reaction questions. First, can we talk a little bit about the
$50 million dollar memorabilia. This is like what kind of memorabilia was this? So it was like $50,000. Like everything from, you know, we sold like a couple of years ago in like 2019, we had like a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or a game or#
Bruce fully game worn met a jersey like from yeah, and it was like only one of two Game War and jerseys and like full jerseys in the world from Babe Ruth so that That one sold for like 4.2 million. It's crazy. Yeah
Yeah, the coolest thing, he's really big into like boxing and stuff like that. Joe Frazier was like, so the person that we represent is a cardiologist. So like, he was a Joe Frazier's doctor for a long time, the boxer. And so he has like a bunch of trunks from like
Muhammad Ali Joe Frazier a lot of different random stuff like that my favorite thing he has he has like because he has like a bunch of game oranges He's from like very old athletes, but he has every single bat that was used to hit the 500th home run in the 500 home run
Yeah, so Pretty cool Yeah, so he's a not ball. I'm sure Yeah, so you know you you kind of like learn the ins and outs of the industry though like yeah, and it's not very fair like you know the people who have the most money
get to the nicest things. I mean, that's the way a lot of things are, but the thing I really liked about the NFT space and like crypto is like everything was public and not to say it's like always going to be fair, but if you put it out on an open market, you know, everyone's free
to do what they want. And that was half the battle was like even knowing that something existed or was available to purchase. So yeah, it was definitely some interesting stuff that we messed around with. That is such an important takeaway and it has definitely a benefit of the NFT space.
something that drew me to it. It feels more open, more fair, right? It's not closed door auctions. They're rich as know about Emily, your hands shot up during the memorabilia talk. So jump in. Okay, so this is not completely foreign to me. My grandma's best friend was in the same business and let
like for a really long time she had Mickey Mantle's speedboat parked in front of her house and like, you know, the original "Howdy-Duty" puppets, like weird, weird things like that. And what I think is really interesting about memorabilia specifically, and how it relates to NFTs, is a portion of NFTs that people
people are not currently collecting, but I think in the future is going to be incredibly high valued. And that's the ownership history of a specific NFT, where it has less to do with the artist itself and more to do with who owned it before you. And I think that that is a really interesting component in something that we're
seeing a lot of collections throw away in favor of doing things like building a marketplace and royalties into their collection. And I just wonder, you know, what is going to happen to those in the long run as a result of it. Yeah, I'm totally with you. Sneaker, I thought on that.
No, I agree. I think it's really cool to like it sucks when things get traded over and over because then it kind of kills the whole provenance of it like it just kind of muddies it I Don't necessarily like look at that always but when I see something that
clean it's kind of cool or like when I'm able to see like the direct history like randomly like when I've bought stuff that drift has put on for sale that I didn't even know he had listed or like that was his right before I bought it and vice versa like he
these bots stuff that I had for sale. And it's just kind of cool. It's like seeing that kind of stuff is cool. And I do think like, I don't know how many years, 50, 100 years down the road when things become like a little bit more like historical. I think there will be a lot of like
important to and like significance to some of these like very clean pieces that have only had like one or two significant collectors or been held by like a specific person. So yeah, I agree. I think like what's really fascinating about how it relates specifically to things like
like sports memorabilia is like you can buy a hundred year old baseball jersey right like that's not special but like what makes it special is who owned it or like when it was being used or like what happened of significance right so like you know maybe there's gonna become some sort of signage
against of like what pfp was an artist wearing when they dropped collection x that ultimately broke records right like that's how these things establish and they're kind of going completely ignored at this point and I think that there's I think niche collectors will surface with that in mind absolutely like buying snoop dogs board ape
is much cooler and much more valuable in three years than buying one that was blur-farmed and traded 250 times in 2023 during this bear market. So I went to there. Sneaker, our Spencer, I'd love to get just the quick story on how you met Drift and started to venture.
Yeah, so I met him just randomly. I was a collector of his when he first came out with. So I originally found out about his story and saw he was releasing some stuff on foundation and we had connected and I wanted to buy a piece and he had let me know about the where my van is.
go collection that was coming out and so then we just started talking, bought a piece on the first like there was like four or five different releases of where my vans go and so after the first drop we had finally met in person and I bought a piece and we kind of just
He needed help. It wasn't really like there were a lot of people, especially given his situation. He didn't trust a lot of people and we had been talking for a little bit of time at that point where he felt comfortable and it wasn't necessarily looking to do it.
kind of one of those things where it was like this makes sense and and like you need kind of like a big brother to kind of like help you out and like give you some guidance and also like just help you with your shit while you're getting your your life back in order. So it kind of just like organically happened it was like
"Okay, well, you know, let me just help out with these things." And then it was like, "Well, I need more help." And this and that, and it was like, "Okay, well, I can do that." So, yeah, it kind of just happened organically after we were already talking. And I was just a collector looking to, like, buy his work.
It's really fascinated with his story and we kind of just headed off. It was just something that happened out of nowhere. It was a blessing in disguise and yeah, we did a lot of stuff. It was a super cool story and I feel like it's
also kind of reflective of what 2021 was like and a lot of collectors, not me not a lot, but collectors who were in the space who had the chance to kind of make these connections with artists, especially those that had some connections and whatnot could help out. So it's very cool to hear your story and that connection. I want to
you know, fast forward to now. So now you're managing a rock band guns and toilet paper. The greatest fucking rock band of all time a Web 3 experiment is this tagline. You gotta give us the quick story. Yeah, definitely check it out. Like we're going to be coming out with stuff down the road, but I worked for
I work my agency is called DOM and we, one of our projects and clients is called GXTP created during COVID, guns and toilet paper were two of like the most sought after items that were like, like just getting hoarded by people, especially in 2020.
And so the two band members one is his name is Jason Paul or is Poo Bear is his name professionally. He's like written for like all Justin Bieber songs usher and a few other people and then this guy
Sasha soroda They are like the two front men and they kind of were like oh Gods and toilet paper How funny would that be if we made a band and it was kind of like silly and just kind of like joking around for a little bit But then they started making music and it was like well, this is pretty fucking good like and they're like we kind of want to do this
like seriously. And so we figured, okay, this is a brand new band, even though they both have multiple gramey, many grameys individually because of the new band, they were willing to do what a new band would need to do to like get started.
with obviously maybe a little bit more and like kind of like power behind them just being such such strong artist individually so we we thought that doing a community or kind of like a community surrounded in web 3 like a web 3 community excuse me will be something
different and unique. We're not trying to make music NFTs, but we, you know, community and like super fans are really what we've created in a lot of these Web 3 projects. Obviously we've made a lot of friends and I would say community is the one thing that like you can't replace and is something that is
Consistent amongst all the strong projects and so we thought why not build super fans and community amongst Web 3 people by you know creating activations and projects That you know kind of give you free NFTs and free stuff basically along the way and
for just participating. And hopefully like the music. And so the idea is basically every time we come out with a music video, so for this first activation contraband, it's basically about finding some golden toilet paper. And so it's basically gonna do a bunch of puzzles.
And you're going to get some free toilet paper at the end. And I'm not supposed to say what it's used for, but Mayor may not be able to use that to like exchange for like maybe some merchandise down the road, some free merchandise. I don't know. Mayor. So like, yeah, we're trying to, it's all entirely free. And the whole point is we want just people to engage.
and just see something different and new. Awesome. I love it. I think it's such a cool story. We are out of time here. I would love to dive in. So Spencer, we might have to have you back on the show here in a couple of weeks once GXTP is up and running off the ground. But it's such a cool
story, love hearing your background in memorabilia. So this has been an awesome conversation. I definitely appreciate you coming on and we'll have to have you back. Thank you folks. That is it for today. Just a couple of quick things. I'm going on Derry SRS open med of our show here right after this.
talk with Lee and I just about the booming Bitcoin market. So come join us over there. Later tonight at 5 PM Eastern we've got Jason Rowson back with his PGA championship preview. So check that out or in the golf. Then I'll be out tomorrow going to be con. Logan Hitchcock will be hosting the show. I'll be back on Friday. But you'll be in good hands. What's dropping today we've got
Redders at 1 p.m. Creators at 130 Rainmakers PGA coming at 3 in addition to coming at 6.30 folks that is it that is our show thanks to Spencer thanks to my co-host thanks to our listeners everyone have a great day and we'll be back tomorrow