Lucky Lead: NFT NYC reactions, Crypto pumping, Fewo + Paint

Recorded: April 14, 2023 Duration: 0:51:19



GMGM, thank you for joining us here today. We're gonna start the show here in just a few minutes. Give it a few for folks to filter in. Get our speakers up on stage while we wait. Here are some tunes.
One, two, three, four!
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Good morning and welcome to the Lucky Lead.
April 14th. Happy Friday. We are back. I'm still in recovery mode from a whirlwind two days at NFT NYC. Had I stayed another day, I am very confident I would have zero voice left. But we are fighting on as a reminder,
And we're going to hit NFT NYC hard. If you've got any takes, feel free to request. Come up on stage. We'd love to hear from you. I see some friendly faces out there. Alex, Darren, Rushy, Hunter. Thanks for joining us as a reminder for any new listeners out there.
We do run this show every weekday Monday to Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. It's a 30 minute show covering all the major news in crypto, web 3, and entities. The show is meant for those interested in discovering the space, those actively buying and selling in the crypto and entity markets, and those here just doing research. I'm your host Tyler D. I'm joined
day by some amazing co-host. We've got Emily loves crypto, a Web 3 security expert, co-founder of the foolproof app. She's been in New York all week. Can't wait to hear from her. We've got Logan Hitchcock, Reppin the Lucky Trainer account. He is our editor in chief over at LT and then we've got Ghost, content star over at Lucky
trader deep in the so rare streets quietly a whale and FT trader still rocking that Nakamego ghost. Good morning. How you doing? Good morning, Tyler. Good to be back. There was a lot of fun to be had at New York. So I'm excited to hear about your trip and what the conference was like.
Indeed, there was a lot of fun, perhaps too much a few of those days. And I'm excited to hear from Emily as well. No CT today, she's over at Coachella. Happy for her. Hopefully onboarding some new squiggles buyers live at that event.
we definitely need them. All right, on the docket for today, we're going to do a recap of NFT NYC along with some takeaways. We're going to talk about the market reaction, crypto surging, NFTs are down. 10KTF is talking about some PFPs. NFT finance seems to be blowing up. We've got the woecious and pain
and we're going to head all the major news from the week before we jump in though a few housekeeping items goes to two of those for you. So if you enjoy these shows as always Tyler does a similar recap of the NFT market every morning in his morning minute newsletters so we're going to pin that to the top of the spaces but make sure to subscribe to that if you haven't already.
And then some more housekeeping. We launched our AI product, Lucky Lens recently, which is powered by OpenAI's ChatGbt4. So basically, like ChatGbt for Web3, very cool. And if you want beta access to that, feel free to go over to the Lucky Trader page there and like, retweet and comment beta on the announcement suite there. So some cool stuff.
up there. Awesome. Go. Thank you for that reminder. It's casual Friday. So we're loosening up the tight the the segments. If you've got a take, feel free to request. Come up on stage. We'd love to hear from you. All right. Well, let's start with NFT NYC. I covered this in my newsletter this morning. I titled it the
good, the bad, and the ugly. We're going to start with the good, as we typically do on the show. The New York Post had an interesting flashy headline yesterday for their NFT NYC event coverage. And I'll quote NFT NYC events head to dive bars, apartment buildings, as crypto crashes.
So, apparently that author and their editing team hasn't been following the crypto market too closely here in 2023. And in fact, I would say that that that headline couldn't be further from the truth from what we actually saw on the ground there. So, certainly take my perspective with a bit of a grain of salt because this was my first time
year attending NFT in West East. So I didn't see that the 2021 or 2022 events. But I would say from from the events I was at the parties I was at, you would not have known that NFTs are in a brutal bear market. Lines where everywhere, you know, people still seem as excited as ever and eager to connect
with fellow web three participants, fellow community members, you know from the PFP groups and whatnot. A few stream of conscious takeaways from my time there and it's just a quick rundown. Some of the events I was able to hit, I was able to hit a private artist and collectors dinner, I was able to go to the blur
launch I went to the D.Gods kickoff party one of the 50 events that the D.Gods threw. I made it to the budget penguin party as well as the unofficial Nakamego so that they're on Wednesday night. So you know a few of my takeaways is one, artists and collectors feel as strongly as ever about the digital art market in its
future. I feel like digital art was a clear winner from the conversations I was having. I'll say there's alpha shared at these events that you won't get anywhere else, especially from those who are investors and investing in these teams and products. I'd say anyone who is serious about investing in NFTs in this space,
you must attend these events. Along those lines, so many people are building Web 3 products or projects that they were everywhere. I especially saw a lot in the infrastructure and NFT finance space. I think we'll cover that a bit later in the show. Another takeaway is this very distinct unique
different groups of people in these various NFT communities. The groups of folks at the art collectors dinner versus the folks at the D. God's party versus the folks at the D. God at the Pudgy Ping ones event. Clearly all very different niches and I'd say the differences were quite striking across those groups.
So I think that was interesting. It's, you know, while it is, you know, a smaller web3 group, it definitely feels that way. It's still, it's not the same people in every pocket. And there are a lot of different folks just kind of wearing different hats. You know, a few other fun takeaways. NFT holders love showing up to parties early. There was length
lines and those lines start well before the events start. And then merch was everywhere. And I'd say D. God's merch might have been the most seen, at least from where I was at. So, I don't know, those were my kind of stream of conscious takeaways. Emily, I'd love to hear just some of your thoughts, some of your takeaways from your time at the event this week.
Yeah, for sure. You're breaking up for me and I don't know if it's me or if I'm the one who's breaking up.
You're doing all right, so let's just power through it.
Alright, word. Yeah, so I only made it to the conference one day so far. I was gonna try to pop out again today. Like I think the culture is still really vibrant. People still want to be here. And what I thought was really interesting is how many people that I'm not recognizing right away. I'm not sure if that
us to do with new people coming in or other kind of ecosystems getting more robust. Like I was at a Cardano party last night and only recognized one other person which was like super weird but that party was huge and like pop and hard.
It's definitely interesting. I think there's always going to be a core amount of people that come through. I think what people want to see the most is projects really start to evolve and understand what their role really plays into the
I think people are really starting to get their heads around the fact that like NFT projects as they currently exist are not able to take over the entirety of the world and like put everything on an NFT or whatever, but there are needs to be a lot of these partnerships built in and you're starting to see
Some of the infrastructure required to make that happen. I think that's what's more interesting than just kind of like the involvement overall right because Making them useful and like not in the utility way but like making them making them mean something and like
create that accountability with the creators and the project runners. I think this is a super important component. I'm starting to see a lot of the booths out at the conference where some of these service-based platforms are a lot less so
So I'm excited to see what it turned into. And then, you know, eat this pumping so people are always a little bit extra happy about that. Yeah, definitely some happiness there, although, you know, combine the fact that everyone's at these parties.
parties have been sold day, no one's tracking the market, so no one's buying and then the crypto popping has definitely hurt NFT prices and we'll get there in a minute. I appreciate your comment on products needing to find their lane and what their purpose is. Specifically at the Pudgy Penguin party, I feel like Luca has done a good job about
that. I think it's very clear they are leaning hard into the IP, the collectibles, the toys. Toys were center and stage at that event and I think there's going to be some more news coming on that front. So that was definitely an interesting
take away from me from that party Logan you have something else to add here? Yeah, so of course not an attendee this year myself I've been the previous few years I'm really actually glad Tyler in some ways to hear your description and depiction of the different demographics
and the distinction between them. We've, I think we spent some time talking about that in recent months, you know, a lot of these projects that blossomed in the early bull market didn't need to pick their lane, right? Or find really the people who are best suited to participate in their community.
or to be active holders and instead it was just literally about whatever goes up. I think we're finding this time where those who are leaning into the appropriate demographics, projects like Kanpai Pandas, projects like Blista, a hundred others that are actually leaning in
into people who care about the ethos and the interests of the product links down, another really good one, right? Golf people are into links down. I just think it's super important, actually, for the growth of a lot of these brands to find the real demographic that can push them forward.
and not just instinctively try to capture literally every person ever. I think that's been a struggle perhaps for some newer projects. Yeah, totally agree. And I think, especially in the PFP sector, if you were holding a PFP project, I think it's typically from one of
two reasons. A, you firmly believe in the leadership and the founding team in their vision for the project or two, you really enjoy the community and you're there for the vibes. If it is number two, I definitely encourage you to go to these community events so that you get a true understanding of who the holders are, what's the base
is what the vibes from these folks are so that you really understand who your fellow collectors are to make sure this is in fact kind of what you're signing up for. So that's some advice from just a few PFP parties that I was able to go to. I want to hear thoughts that if anyone's had any predictions from some early winners
from the event. I'll go ahead and go first. I have to say it's to gods. From talking to the folks that I met at the D.G.A.S. Party 1, it definitely feels like it's own niche. It's a group that I see really isn't necessarily totally overlaid with a lot
of the ETH NFT market and a lot of folks that I talked to just seems like they're not selling their digouts. If they have more than one, they might do some trading, but these are folks who've had them for a long time and believe firmly in this brand. They're rocking
the merch everywhere. I think one really cool thing Frank did is I believe they got custom D. God's gear. Everyone was asked to submit their preferred PFP in advance of this hotel package. That included like a it's a three night hotel stay along with dozens of parties.
I think a part of that package was some custom merch. So I thought that was really smart because you're going to be a little bit less likely to sell your PFP if you're rocking its merch everywhere. Ghost, you got your hand up, some additional thoughts? Yeah, I agree with the DeGods comment. A ton of stuff on the timeline. As someone who wasn't there, I was kind of just
tracking what was going on via social and saw a lot of the gods love there. And then I thought another big winner was Moonbirds and Proof. It seemed like people really enjoyed that event there. They had people doing a live every day, which is always cool. And I think that one of the coolest parts of these events is that you get such great
access to these major like talented artists that are at the top of the space and they're so accessible. And I think that proof is leaning into that art world there and I think that it looks like that event was a really good indicator of how they're leaning into that. So I thought that was a one that really took over my timeline.
you say that, a couple reactions. One, I think my gripe with the Moonbirds party, and I guess if you're a big enough project, you have to do this, but it was a rattle entry, right? So not everyone who wanted to attend this party could have. So that's always kind of a downfall, you know, for me, I guess that kind of
It's part with the the course, but this is a major event if this is one of the primary utility benefits of me holding the NFT and I'm unable to go that's a downer for me Big time on on people I mean people was everywhere. I don't know how this guy did it and the access to him
was a lot more than I was expecting. I got to chat with him for a few minutes at the Blur launch. I think one interesting takeaway from my talking with him is he's very bearish on any project reliant on royalties as his primary source of income.
I'm merely because of the fact that it's so misaligned with building a holder base that doesn't turn over. If you rely on royalties, you want that churn, you require that churn for income, which just doesn't fundamentally align with growing a strong holder base that doesn't sell.
And he threw Yuga into that mix. I didn't quote him in my newsletter, but he basically said he doesn't feel like Yuga as they are will still be relevant in 10 years. So I thought that was a very interesting hot take from people. Emily, you've got your hand up some additional thoughts.
and allow you with us.
Sorry I was in the wrong screen. I believe the moon where it's event started as a raffle and then anybody who was Applied for the raffle was able to go oh
So I think that is a really interesting, I don't know, perhaps tell of what they're doing. Either were they able to--
and they initially intended. I don't like it when projects play that kind of high priority game. If people are traveling across the country and maybe even across the world to participate in your community and you can't find
space for them. I feel like you really do not value your holders. Yeah, I would agree there. So it's interesting to see maybe the, I guess the demand wasn't there. I guess it's kind of what you're saying. And that would be the reality if they ended up opening it up. But ultimately good. And more folks were able to join the Singh Beep
people do a live every day would be very cool. I thought that was definitely a nice looking event. Certainly that ecosystem is at a very pivotal moment. They've got that the evolving pixels drop is opening up to the Moonbirds today. Some of the outputs are already
trading below the mid price. So it'll be interesting to see if that one does in fact, mid out today. Yeah, I think that's that's most of what I wanted to cover. I'm curious. Am I did you go to any of the actual like sponsored events or speakers, you know, from like the NFT NYC panel itself?
And may I be king or yeah? Thank you for asking for me. But if you asked if I wanted to any sponsored events, I went to like that Jake's account and then I was at pizza jail and then earlier after that I was at the Adidas
party and they were doing like a PoEp type activation with like a special you can only get it in real life NFT action. I don't know, other than that I went to like DGEN Arcade which is an interesting one. You know I'm uncertain about their
specific product, but their marketing is great because they just kept hosting other projects or other parties at their location. And like the activity there was to use like the DeGenericate stuff. So it kind of like funded itself almost, which was really interesting.
Yeah, that does sound interesting. I haven't heard too much from people who actually went to the speakers and events, but I think it's pretty consistent with how NFT NYC goes. I think if you look at that lineup of speakers, it's not even that much of a Web 3 native group. I did see some really
interesting speakers at an event I accidentally snuck into. At the SAMSug flagship store, and they had a couple of interesting panels. One of them was, I forget what his position is, but he's from Salesforce and talking about
The rest of the panel was like fashion, like, members fashion based in talking about, you know, what that future looks like. And, you know, they were demoing, they were demoing basically things like filters that you can put on for your, oh my god, stop texting me. Um, filters that you can put on.
Your body in meetings right and like oh, you know, I'm dressed in my pajamas, but it looks like I'm wearing this high-fashion item And I thought that was like super interesting. I don't know so there's definitely some interesting technology coming out and I really like to see the less of the NFT projects and more of the
companies making a place for these things to exist like coming in with a business model and then utilizing these goods like I find that oh my god a lot more interesting than just kind of like oh we like hired some artists on fiber and minted out and we've got vibes and merch come on and get it like to me that
That's the type of thing that's going to kill the entire industry and it's holy shit and it's gonna have to be like can you guys hear my phone going off? We can it's gonna like have to be reborn But you know as those other companies come in I think that's really the the type of runway that we need and the example that we need
a lot of these projects you'd be like, "Oh, like we don't know what we're doing. We're not doing enough. This is not going to succeed in the end." And just kind of have that self-realization that I feel like has been lacking. Now that is exciting to hear. I think that's one regret I had. I wish I would have been had a little bit more exposure to some of
the tech, some of the companies building in that space. Hearing that from Samsung definitely sounds like a cool thing. Adidas feels like a big winner from this week as well. Certainly, the NFT, the Alts, have done well. I want to say they're up like 50%. Adidas seems to be everywhere. While I didn't see this,
first hand, I heard a second-hand account that FIWO was repping all Adidas yesterday in NYC. So folks are already speculating on what that could mean. I want to get to FIWO here in a bit. Let's quickly just talk market reactions. So we've talked about the word on the street.
The blur board was washed and read this morning just a few notable floor prices in their chain so the RAPT cons are 54.5 E3 down 4% the Apes BAYC at 53 they're down 5% on the day the mutants at 12.2 down 6% a Zooker
at 14.4, Clown X at 2.32 down 11%. And I want to say that as close or below mid price for the Clowns. So this is the lowest we've seen them and will that go sub two? Beans are at 1.34, down 11% D-gods at 8.3%
they're down 10% those were not going to on 10 just a few days ago. And then the other deeds the other deeds expanded were down 8% of the day they're at 0.89. So that's certainly the lowest we've seen the the other deeds as well. You know I think many people expected an NFT NYC dump.
They did indeed get one. Crypto certainly is surging, has not helped. I think now the question is, how long will this downtrend last? Certainly, there's some speculation out there that crypto is going to continue to run through April and then that old, you know, sell in May and go away. So there's a school
thought that crypto runs till May cools off and maybe that's when we get a new NFT spring that could just be pure hope young. Go so maybe to you up on were you surprised with the NFT market reaction here this weekend or you concern or making any moves? No I wasn't concerned I think that
that the simplest answer is usually cracked one. When people see crypto pumping, they want to go get exposure there and they rotate over. I don't think this was a surprise to see NFTs bleeding because people would rather be in crypto and speculating on that instead of NFTs. I'm not really making a ton of moves right now.
I know, especially like big ones. I think that there's probably some good buying opportunities for a few projects here, but I'm kind of sitting on my hands. I was already a lot in crypto, and I hadn't been making a ton of NFT plays outside of like things like Nakamegos, and then I made a few plays on Memeland a couple of weeks ago.
But um, other than that, no, I wasn't surprised and I am I think that will stabilize once crypto stops ripping and For NFTs it's always the best when ETH is kind of ranging or in a in a more stable position there So I think once that stabilizes is when we'll start to see NFTs kind of move back up there
Hopefully we do find a bottom here soon. Alright, well I want to keep our conversation going and get to some of the other major headlines from the week, but before we dive into that, let's read the news. Today's top headlines powered by a lucky trader. Trade invoim came in at 26,000 ETH on Thursday, up 30
percent on the day. At the highest level in about 10 days, OpenC Pro captured 6.5% share with blur holding 67%. As we talked about NFTs, we're read on the day with most products down in the 3-10% range. 10KTF confirmed that their G-Tags will indeed be the ecosystem
PFPs sending their floor from 0.78 to 0.9 in just minutes. NFT-5, the lending platform announced a snapshot has been completed regarding all historical lending and borrowing on its platform, now with many speculating about an upcoming air drop. Fibos paint surged 23% to 0.4%
8th yesterday after the artist alluded to some secrets and previews coming soon. Jenkins the ballet shared plans for overhauling its writing room and an incredibly lengthy 57 tweet thread. Congrats to you if you read through that one. Notable whale and B.A.Y.C. holder Franklin shared that he lost 2,000
in a bad investment and will be stepping back from NFT training. Then outlaws lead some of the top movers. They pumped hard to 0.2 ETH ahead of a major reveal that coming later today. In other web 3 in crypto news, the crypto market up big yesterday Bitcoin plus 2% at 30,800.
ETH up 6% at 2110, 8% up 2.5% at $4.60 an Arbitrum, a whopping plus 19% on the day at $1.56. A few other headlines that stuck out MasterCard unveiled a new free limited edition NFT. It's MasterCard Music Pass, kicking off its artist
Accelerator and Educational Program in collab with Polygon and then Solana Labs announced that it's crypto phone the saga It's gonna go on sale on May 8th While the Solana token is also now over $25 So ghost those were the headlines on my list. I'm curious did anything else jump out to you
Yeah, there were a couple other headlines that I saw that I found a little bit interesting. The forgotten runes wizard called founder bear snake tweeted wizards, handshake, epic, which led some speculation there on a partnership with epic games. So that was a cool little tidbit there. We'll see what comes of that.
meme land announced that they minted over a thousand Bruce Lee NFTs from the open edition from Shibuya and people pleaser there and that was a .008 mint eith mint called the House of Lee and they minted over 50,000 there or nearly 50,000. In terms of the headlines that you were mentioning
I saw the outlaws earlier this week. There's just so many red flags, man. And I am shocked to see, I guess I'm not shocked because I know the NFT space is just full of weird things. But a lot of people are showing it on the timeline. And it just feels like they're ignoring a lot of red flags there. So in my gut there, I've been
I know that it went up a lot, but I'm a little bit scared of a rug or what's going on there. Just a lot of contract issues. The whole Jeremy Booth, very similar art there, and they were kind of DMing people saying it kind of like a looting that they were affiliated in some way. I don't know.
It's just all sat the wrong way with me. So that was going on this whole week, but I wasn't a huge fan of that Ghost is bearish on the outlaws. I think what surprised me from the your headlines there was the forgotten runes and potential partnership with Epic Games. I feel like that would be just a massive
headline a massive event one that would move the market and I feel like we haven't seen that. So that surprised me a little bit. Yeah, they they're up 5% to like a point nine floors and not not huge. I wonder if it's just like an inclusion as like their characters in the game or something. I don't know how big the partnership would be.
It's funny to see that I am surprised to see that still a point nine I haven't heard that in a while and Forgotten Roons was like one of the first projects that I made like a really nice flip on or in the early days of edit the off-tease base But haven't heard a ton from them over the last few years
Logan, I wanted to see you up here. So you thank you for filling in for me on the morning minutes. So you covered our daily newsletter Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday. I'm kind of curious what what do you think we miss? What were some of the the biggest stories? Was was it the truth metadata change? Was that the biggest kind of head
line from the last few days. I definitely think so. And actually, like, it happened kind of quietly, I believe on Tuesday, maybe, or maybe even late Monday. It didn't seem like it really caught some steam until the later stages of Wednesday
after noon into yesterday. But yeah, I think that's definitely one of the most important ones. It ties really conveniently actually to your anecdote regarding people's note on royalties. When I talked about this in the newsletter filling in for you yesterday,
I think there's two really clear important pieces of the metadata change that people kind of lose sight of. One of them being that you don't really control the metadata and you're at the mercy of these projects unless they sort of burn the deploy your keys or the metadata is frozen.
That's one point. And then secondly, the royalty thing is it's never going away at least not anytime soon. So definitely think it's a major story, but probably one that's going to play out in a variety of different ways and a variety of different projects over the next six to 12 months.
Yeah, I mean, it's a big deal to just kind of surprise change the metadata on the images there for the goblins. So do we know what's going to happen? How is it going to play out? Logan, are they just going to replace it on the new contract? Is that essentially what they're doing? Are folks going to get their goblins back? Yeah, more or less.
And I mean, this is where you're trusting truth to make that change, which is fully expect will happen. But they pause like bidding. They're doing it very, very similar in nature to the way that creeps did their contract migration. You pause the bidding and all that stuff on blur to avoid people.
picking up these what will now be an equated NFT is obsolete NFTs and then they will get holders will get air dropped basically their former NFT from its its goblin town illuminati 187 and grumbles as well so like all four of the the kind of
notable truth labs NFTs. Certainly some edge cases for them to work through like folks who have their gobblin's and NFTs loans to see how they're going to be able to claim their new ones. So I'm curious how they they will get through all that while we're talking Logan a couple other headlines right in your wheelhouse a that this claim of source part
yesterday, apparently had a 500-person line around the block. You are one of the leading clay NFT enthusiasts in this market. I believe it's still a cleanest or holder. How does it make you feel saying that such a demand for the Clay Nose Party?
Yeah, it's a funny pleasant surprise, I guess I should say, but I'm not entirely surprised for a variety, for actually like, you know, two key reasons. One, Solana NFTs and the communities that have formed around them, you know, D-Gods has one clear example. It's like a weird rabbit.
for those in those communities. So that's one thing. That part doesn't shock me. Secondly, people love parties and the option to go to parties. So in my brief time at NFT NYC events, try not to really use the participation, read into that too much, but it's still good to see nevertheless. Secondly, for Clayton,
I think to speak as objectively as I can, though I am somewhat biased, I just think the social presence is something that's very difficult to overlook for that project. There's done a fantastic job of leaning into all those things in a very similar nature to D-guides, Pudgy Penguins, Sappy
right? Like very mimetic in everybody's responses and they just seem to gain a ton of organic traction in that way, in a way that has been showcased as a means of picking up followers and engagement and social activity organically. So it doesn't necessarily surprise me and I'm happy to see of course Clay based NFTs
It's very interesting to see and certainly with Frank having exited the Solana ecosystem, there's now a gap, right? Who's going to step in and be a leading project and certainly Klanosaurs is taking advantage of that right now. You know, we talked about FIWO a little bit. Logan, maybe I'll also get your
take on this, any thoughts on why paint might be pumping here? Certainly, Feewo is one of the most active and present artists on the ground at NFT NYC. He does those, the paint hangs. I've seen several collectors who were able to meet up with him.
And do that. It seems like he's left clues that there would be some previews or secrets regarding that PFP coming soon. I'm curious if you've got any additional thoughts or insight into what might be going on here. Yeah, no specific alpha regarding leaks.
share all three species of upcoming filos, right? The humanoid's, I don't even know all the names, it's just really sad for such a big filos stand. But all three species have now been leaked, you can find them in filos, discord. I think I did a post on them maybe last week, this was last week sometime. I just think
I think we've got to be approaching some next step. It's been more than a year for FIO world. I don't think anybody is really too worried about the time it's taken to do these types of things, given what we suspect is quite an ambitious undertaking to build an immersive kind of world experience, build
thousands and thousands of NFTs. I don't think people are too worried about that. I think things are probably coming to a head and we're getting a little bit closer towards something happening with the paint drop NFTs. I would imagine that maybe the culmination of people getting together with FIUO, the one-year anniversary, the
recent leaks of all the species, like people are perhaps, you know, just drawing a little bit of a map for themselves that something's coming soon. Yeah, I think that all makes sense. I think the other trend at play here is just the general flight from the utility PFPs and that we were
we'll see some rotation into, you know, just artist based PFBs where artists are the founders, the art is the collection. So Alpha Centauri kid has, it's not a PFB, but he's got his piano collection dropping soon. I think that will see a lot of demand. And then this fee will be when it is here and ready.
certainly is going to be a force. So I think some people are just accumulating ahead of that. I think that's what I've got on FIWA, just 10KTF, PFPs, Ghosts, maybe I'll tell you what for this one, you know this has been rumored for a while, the G-Tags
going to turn into PFPs. We saw a bit of a spike in the market yesterday. I'm curious for your take on these. Do you think they will do well? I guess my second part question is who's the audience for this? Certainly we're getting a flood of new NFTs and PFPs in the EGGO system right now. Do we need more?
Yeah, I mean it's interesting. I think that there's a lot of really passionate 10K TF fans and they are one of the best projects at building a lore and some serious speculation around their stuff. So I think that they'll execute well from that perspective. I haven't been following it super closely. It is really detailed.
and hard to follow ecosystem as we all know. Kind of just those kind of speculative posts from Wagme Sahn on Thursdays is pretty much the only information we get for a long time. But I'm cautiously optimistic. I think that Yuga is doing an interesting job right now of tying together
a bunch of different communities and storylines and I think that that wag me son and 10 k tf is a big part of that. So I think that once people see the involvement with the other side or what else 10 k tf has up their sleeve with with regards tying it back into the other you get asked that's we could see a nice increase there.
I think there's a bigger market for it than you think. Yeah, I'm included. There's a rabbit fan base behind that brand. On the topic of PFPs, I am curious as someone kind of watching back from home, how do you feel like the Nakamegos vibes have held this week across some of the events across
across maybe some of the new theories that have been kind of circulating. We saw the Nakamegos billboard in Times Square. There was the unofficial party on Wednesday night and then it wasn't from the team last night but it definitely seemed like a more official party. I'm curious kind of what your read or reactions to that product from this week of bed.
Yeah, I mean I think it's still holding pretty steady that that party looked pretty wild I saw some like some nude body painting going on there I am curious if that was a community led or actually by the team because I know a lot of people are saying how cringey it was but like if it was a community led thing you can't really blame the Nakamego's project for a cringey
party there. But it looked very interesting and I still think there's so much smoke with Richard and Barat in terms of who might be behind this project. And we saw Manifold's involvement with the Grimplin burn. I just feel like there's a lot of smoke around there. People keep putting in the
every day which is like I was like confused at first I thought it might just be a one-off and now he's done it in like five or six straight so like maybe he has a relationship with whoever's behind it I don't know but I still think that there's a lot of fun speculation going on and a lot of us still just like the the PFP aren't there I think it just makes a really good PFP
A couple of reactions. It's very interesting to hear that. One, after listening and talking to people for about 10 to 15 minutes, unless he is a very good liar, I do not think he has any ties to the Nakamego project, nor do I think he likes the project. So I think that was one of my surprise takeaways. Some of his descriptions
of the art were not this is to say he's not super bullish on the art itself. I think that Barat is a I didn't talk to Barat as well at the event. He is a collector but I wouldn't say he has any ties to the actual team. I think the Richard theory is interesting and we know we're a
Of course, the community is going to keep speculating on who the founder is until we find out the details with the tie to Manifold and that Grimplin burn. So that might have a little bit of a day. We'll see how that transpires. Logan, some additional thoughts? Yeah, I just wanted to say
is a non-knock-a-me-go holder and of course not a hater either. My feed has felt a little quieter on knock-a-me-goes during this week. Sorry, not really objectively. Annic-dotally, I should say. I was mainly curious, like, the one thing I am seeing every single day about knock-a-me-goes is just moon cats daily up to
about the floor price and stuff. And I'm wondering how many other people are basically seeing that as well. And really, I'm curious what it looks like, not going to be goes in the future if MoonCat is not consistently doing something like that. I think he said, he or she said that
Today was there yesterday's was the last one for a while I don't know that's felt like what the only thing that's propping up the attention on my my timeline in particular No, it's a very important point I think the bear case one of the bear cases for not amigos was that the holders weren't going to be able to keep the attention like they're not going to be able to keep
the marathon space is going. I think certainly it's hard to view this week as potentially confirming a trend just because of how many people were kind of out and about in NYC. So I think it, but it will be important to see how that trim continues next week. As for Mooncat,
I'm in the Nakamego's well, group chat with Mooncat. He's an interesting character. Certainly he is the biggest holder. We will see how his presence in that community continues to trend over time. But I don't think the product would be hurt if he sold off his bag and back.
I think it could be just fine. But it's going to be another interesting one to watch. And then before we close out, I think the other headline that's interesting to me is, so we have the NFT-5 snapshot yesterday. So this is the lending protocol. So we think there is an air drop potentially coming this summer for anyone who has
historically used the NFT-5 platform. There's not a whole lot of actions to take right now for someone who hasn't used that platform. Other than if you're just interested in P2P loans against your NFTs, it's certainly one of the leaders out there. One of my takeaways from NFT and YC is how many more
of these protocols are popping up. And I think one that was specifically aggressive was Arcade XYZ that they've recently launched their own NFT lending protocol. If you go on the site or just chat with that group, it seems pretty clear that an
drop will be coming in the future for that site. So for those who are interested in the NFT lending space, that seems like kind of a no-brainer one to tie. I've got no ties to this protocol. I don't care if you use or not, but I just thought that was interesting. And kind of one of my bigger takeaways in that financial space. But clearly,
there's a lot of building happening over there right now. Go Samkirks, have you used any NFT lending sites or is that a little bit too de-gene for you? I've never used it. I'm always scared of doing things with leverage, especially in a space that is already feels very risky to begin with, so I've never touched
any of those personally? Well, that certainly makes sense and can definitely respect, though. I'm certainly laying a little bit on the other side and I have certainly used quite a bit. I'm curious, I think we've covered a lot. Go slogan, Emily, any other major headlines that you think we should chat through here?
more? Just two minor mentions for me, Tyler, that I think weren't perhaps a bit more research on my end in particular. The Zuki IPX partnership, or sorry, Chiru Labs IPX partnership, seemed pretty well received, at least from the casual
that I did when I wrote up the story earlier this week. I don't know too much about IPX but has worked with BTS, which I believe is the hopefully the Korean pop band, is that correct? Are my messing that up? I'm not the best with pop culture. Okay, so that's
That's one that I want to do a little bit more into. And then also to yesterday, may have caught it eruption five for V friends were approaching Vcon. I think these eruptions, and I'm not sure how many more exist, but they keep increasing in terms of the potential value that somebody could earn.
There's a crypto pump up for grabs and all you have to do is burn a V2 to have like a shot at it. It's like, I don't know, a couple hundred bucks maybe a V2 at least that when I wrote it yesterday. Yeah, and then like a punk from Gary's vault is up for grabs. You got to be creative to win it and I'm sure there will be plenty
plenty of entries to do so. But just another notable one that gives you a shot at a crypto punk if you didn't already have an opportunity to get that. Yeah, I haven't even seen that really spread around too much. I wonder how many folks even know that there is essentially a punk rap one. There's not too many hundred thousand dollar
pop prizes, you know, up for grabs every day. So that's the interesting one. So briefly had your hearing up additional. Yeah, I wasn't sure if Logan was saying that the IMX was the pop band because I think that he's the GFBTS, but or IPX, excuse me. But the line friend's thing I think is really interesting.
I believe line friends was like based off some stickers in like a WhatsApp type app that's very popular in Asia. But apparently it's a huge IP and I found that really interesting and I think that is ookie's doing a good job. We mentioned it with beans how they made an Instagram just for beans that doesn't even really post NFT really
it's stuff that's just kind of building an IP behind the characters. And I think that this is a really interesting move in that direction. Yeah, that's exactly what it is, Ghost. So yeah, the first kind of official collaboration between the pairing is Beans IP kind of crossover with line friends, which is from the line messaging app. Yeah.
Like 200 million users or something like that So definitely intriguing they're I'm not sure if they're still available now at this point in time But sort of the first iteration was beans being showcased above the line friends Flagship store in New York. I'm not sure the location for anybody who might still be
be there, but that will be displayed there. And that's kind of the first collaboration is those two. And they look similar. Seems like another one of these instances where very clearly understand their demographic and are trying to attack that as opposed to just blindly chucking things around.
Well, certainly a lot of major headlines from the Zuki group and we'll see how they continue to trend kind of clearly holding up better than the rest of the market here this week. Thanks to some notable whale support. I think Dingling sold a rare than bought several more for his
collection so that they clearly have the whales supporting that project right now which is one of the most important things you could have in the the PFB space. So we'll see how they turn the head of that party in Vegas in June which is probably the next major event for that. All right well I think we've done a nice job covering all the major heads
headlines from this week. We can start to wrap things up. Before we go, what's dropping today? We've got the proof curated of all being pixels coming to 12 PM Eastern. We've got our blocks presents systems managed by Claudia Hart and Andrew Plane coming at 1 PM. Let's dance by David Bowie's DVD, the parallel play test.
is also coming today but time is TBD and then the outlaws reveal. Certainly going to be one of the bigger events. I think the proof of bobby pixels again open to Moonbirds, raffle winners going live later today. That collection floor is below the mint price right now for a few of the different collections so it depends on
which collection you are able to met and receive. We have seen some sales around the money, ethrange. So this one likely is going to mint down, but we'll see how the secondary action trevs. Alright folks, that's it. That's our show for today. We'll be back on Monday at 10 a.m. Eastern and every day next week. Thanks to our listeners for tuning in.
Thanks to bike co-hosts, everyone enjoy your Friday, enjoy your weekend, let's make it a great day. Bye everybody.