Lucky Lead: The Burn Wars Begin

Recorded: April 10, 2023 Duration: 0:38:19



GM GM. Thank you for joining us here this morning. We're gonna start the show here in just a few minutes. We'll give it a few for folks to filter in, get our speakers up on stage while we wait. Here are some tunes.
One, two, three, four!
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
3, 2, 1, yeah!
(upbeat music)
Good morning and welcome to the Lucky Lead. Today is Monday, April 10th. Happy Monday. Hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. A lot of
people unplugged over this weekend as evidenced by our market volume. I did a bit yesterday as well for the masters what a final that was. You know, I thought it would be a very slow weekend in NFTs, but Grimplin had other plans. I cannot wait to get into it with you here.
this morning I do see some friendly faces out there Liz, Darren, Alex, Rashi. Thanks for joining us. As a reminder for any new listeners out there, we run this show every weekday Monday to Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. It's a 30 minute show covering all the major news and crypto, web3 and NFTs. This show, it's meant for those
and cheese over at Lucky Trader. And then we've also got ghost content star over at LT deep in the So Rare Streets, quietly a whale in a tea truer. He's rocking the Nakamegos PFP ghost. Good morning. How you doing? Good morning, Tyler. Doing well. I'm plugged a little bit this weekend. Like you said, and the weather is finally turned into
Chicago and it was beautiful. So spent a lot of time outside but it was a very nice weekend. Yeah, we were finally in the good season here in Chicago. The weather is amazing. And we are kissing those winter blues. Goodbye. All right, well, on the docket for the show today, we're going to start with Grimplin. Grimplin's burning the knock us and are the burn wars about to begin.
Weaved helmets surge and we're going to talk about their value proposition and then do a quick preview of NFT NYC along with all the headlines before we jump in a few housekeeping items ghosts. If you can take us through those. Yeah, so as always, if you enjoy these shows, Tyler does a great recap every morning in the morning, mid and newsletters.
So we've got that pins at the top. Please give that a subscribe if you haven't already. And then we also have an announcement recently that we launched our Lucky Traders Lucky Lens product, which is powered by ChatGPT4. And it's basically like ChatGPT for Web3. And so you could check that out if you want and get beta access to use that by liking
and commenting beta on the announcement that we have pins at the top there. So a very cool Web 3 resource there that you can check out. Ghost, thank you for that. All right, let's get into it. Our top story, Grimplin Burns, the Nakamegos. Grimplin made some digital RMPFP history with his epic burn to redeem events Saturday night
with the Nakamegos, but has he opened up Pandora's Box? So just a few days ago, their speculation that Grimplin, in fact, might be the artist behind Nakamegos, well maybe that speculation didn't sit well with him in a massive surprise event on Saturday night. Grimplin did a stealth
for a new edition called an IFA, the kicker here is it required the burn of one knock amigos to mint the piece. This had never been done before, as artists have required burns of their own editions, their own artwork before but never pieces from another separate and distinct collection.
and history was in fact made as his stealth launch edition of 69 did meant out in just a few hours. And now the question becomes what are the implications of this new burned-to-redine feature for Grimplit and for the larger space. Before we talk about that, a few figures from this
event. So two hours, that's how long it took for the stealth drop to mint out on Saturday night. 69 is the number of Nakamegos that were burned in the mint and now gone forever. 0.7 ETH was the price of the Nakamegos for at the time of the mint and thus the cost to mint this rinplin edition.
15% that's how much the Nakamea goes floor is up since this major event soon this morning around 0.8 1.42 each is the highest sale on Grimplin's collection the name did change so it was called an eye for a fry on the Mint website it's called fry harvesters in the Open Seat collection so we'll call it fry harvesters
going forward. So those saw a high sell at 1.42. They have fallen back to 0.75. This morning, in thus the Fry Harvestor floor is now below the Nakamegos floor, which did there was an arbitrage and scalp opportunity for a bit there Saturday night and into Sunday.
So, like, why does this matter? First, I want to start with the Nakamegos and then we'll move on to the broader market. So, just to recap, the last seven-day stretch for the Nakamegos, we had people memorializing the Nakamegos in and every day, and then promising a chapter two piece if they reach a one-eighth floor, and he's
already included them again in more every day since then. We had 10KTF, Highlight the Nakamegos, and a one-in-poster from their main Twitter account, and then now Grimpleen cementing them in history with his first of its kind, Burn to Redeems. That's three major artists or teams, okay, using the Nakas in the last week, and the collection is just 18 days old. So it's definitely adding
to their cultural significance. Regarding the broader market, so this is a major feature from Manifold. You know, Grimplin, in some of his discourses, said he's been waiting for this feature for quite some time. So just quickly about this, creator can now use any NFT as a burnable token for their
and can also change the burnable token for a given redemption anytime. So there's a few different use cases here including one and artists can clean up their history so to speak. They can burn old collections that they perhaps don't like or want to get on the new contracts perhaps for royalty enforcement. Project teams can now do like a burn to expand doing a one
One for one replacement with older collections versus diluting with a new eardrop. And then what might be the juiciest is now new PFP collections could require the burning of other PFP collections to mint, which could really launch some burn wars here. So there's a lot to unpack here. I want to hear from our speakers.
on this one goes, maybe I'll start with you. You're not going to be going to tell me, did you burn and what were your reactions to this? I did not burn. I kind of feel like I like the upside of Nakamego's over another Grimble and PC. He has a lot of pieces out there, different strokes there. So I wanted to keep my Nakamego's, but I thought it was really cool
I want to also shut out like manifold for I feel like a lot of their innovations have helped create a lot of new use cases for different stuff that we didn't use to see before because it wasn't as easy for people to like deploy new contracts and do different stuff like this. So I think it's really cool that we see a lot of this. And I also think that like the idea of a PVP like
And I wonder if we see some of that with all the performance art that we see in the space these days. Something like, I was the first thing I came to mind was we saw like the gemesis and blur kind of drama over the weekend. And like what if what if blur and sentiments people to burn gemesis or something like that.
I would bet that we see something along those lines, not necessarily from those companies, but from someone in the space at some point, which I think is pretty fun and interesting. Yeah, I think you nailed it. One, manifold is definitely coming out as a winner in all this. They continue to innovate an unlock new functionality that we can all participate in.
And yes, we were definitely going to see more burning events in the near future. And I want to speculate on some of those. But before we get there, I kind of want to tee you up as well for what your reactions were to this event, what it might mean for Grimplin as an artist. And if you think maybe he'll be facing any pushback.
I mean, like him pushing back on saying that he's the not the Nakamegos artist by telling people to burn Nakamegos for his own thing. I feel like it's just such a
I don't know.
like, you know, he's got to be hinting at it, right? Like, imagine, imagine some artist saying, uh, come destroy somebody else's thing to get one of mine. Like, I think it's, it's just
very unlikely that it's not him at this point because that's just really poor sportsmanship. Oh, interesting. So now you you are thinking that in fact he might be more tight in to the Nakamegos collection because of this event.
Yeah, I just, I don't know. I think it's really weird to ask someone to bird somebody else's art to get one of yours without it, you know, being yours. Maybe it just seems like in such a poor
- Four, four, I don't know how to say it. - I mean, it's about the most controversial thing you could do. It's definitely one of the most controversial and artist could do. And it definitely sets them up for some potential big implications down the line. Logan, you've got your hand up. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Yeah, perhaps it's just an aged opinion of Gremplin, given all the contributions he's made to the space. I really felt like there was no malice here, at least no malice intended. This is more or less someone who's very interested in trying to lean into innovation.
when possible and trying to be unique and that's what this was. That's at least the feel and read that I've gotten from some of the responses and he even responded to you Tyler in one of your tweets about the entire thing and seemed like of course didn't really want to
to be upsetting people about this thing and may have been a little bit upset about people suggesting that was the case. Yeah, it's interesting. I tend to agree as well. I don't know that he is acting with malice. But at the same time, I can understand the perspective of someone who thinks fairly
It's fairly upset with 69 of a new collection being burned forever and impacting the collection. Go some additional thoughts. Yeah, I didn't take it as as malice at all. I just thought of it as more performance art to kind of add a new dynamic to the to the project. And I think with 20,000 supply, I think you have a little bit more wiggle room where
people wouldn't be too upset about it. And having the strategic like 69 mint, that's like low enough where I don't feel like anyone would be upset. If you were launching a new 10k collection, you're like, oh, burn these knock amigos and it was something really exciting. And actually, people wanted to burn it. If you're cutting the supply in half there, I think that's a
but only 69 out of 20,000 that's like a small drop in the pond there. Only 69 so far. So we'll definitely see if this is the only burn to redeem using the Nakameco's collection. My gut is no at this point given the success and the attention on
on this one. Logan some digital thoughts? Yeah, I just want to add two really quick things. One thing regarding the 69, I wrote up the post for Lucky Trader yesterday in the morning. 69, Nakameez makes the burn address, at least at the time I wrote it, like the 26th
largest holder of Nakamega. So I just thought it was a financial note. It doesn't really mean anything, but of course that could change over the course of history. I'd like to do a little bit more research about other collections and where the burn address ranks overall. And secondly, sorry, besides that point, which doesn't matter really at all, I really love
of ghosts calling this performance art, I very much think that's what it is. And I think it's going to lead to others who have already showcased their ability to more or less implement performance art, A la Jack Butcher, and all these other folks who have been very much at the forefront of what the technology allows you to do.
I think this is just going to shift some paradigms and open up some really fun potential game theory mechanics, etc. I'm hopeful that it doesn't lead to too much of the tribalistic stuff, which of course it has the potential to do. Maybe fun for onlookers, but for participants,
perhaps a bit less. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely, it could be a two-edged sword. It can be done in a thumb and playful way. It could also be, you know, a little bit more violent if, you know, PFP collections are being involved in some burn to mince where they're not really consenting. So that's going to be interesting to see
So G-Funk came out in tweeted, he's the founder and CEO of Pixel Vault, he tweeted Saturday night, essentially a challenge for any collection who wants to go head to head versus Pixel Vault in a burn battle. He had the winky face in the tweet, but it seems like he's at least half serious in this.
be very interesting if Pixable jumps in. Well, Pixable has enough supply of their collections that they certainly have a lot to burn, so that's kind of an unfair fight there. Yeah, they would be the number one collection, most likely, to participate in something like this. But you know, a couple of ideas when I wrote this up in the morning, the small
But a couple more use cases. So like there's been a lot of knock emigos derivatives lately. And of course, you know, most of them are junk and going to zero. But we can now see like rival derivative project rival derivatives kind of requiring burns of other derivatives, which could you increase both of their relevancies.
We could see like a cat battle, the cool cats doing battle with gutter cat gang and a head to head burn of it, you know, cool pets, cool pets versus gutter clones as the stakes. So I'm definitely excited about this and I'm curious if any of our speakers have thoughts or ideas for what's fun burn battles could be. Logan.
Yeah, I was actually this is maybe a question in potential segue to an idea is the the manifold feature is it ERC 721s only or is it 1155 ERC 20s? Is it is it basically anything? You know what I don't have all the fighter details in the post. Okay, no problem. I should have done a
a little bit more. Okay, okay, okay, cool. No problem. I didn't have an immediate idea based on the 721s, unfortunately, but I wrote up something this morning regarding Wolfgame and the Wolfsync. I'm just wondering if there's like, we talked all the time about the silliness of governance tokens and some of these NFT ecosystem tokens, but if there's
something there to be played in the same way, right, where you're creating some deflationary mechanics by allowing people to burn their wool or whatever for some menial reward or whatever. Yeah, no, it's going to be interesting to see. There's certainly a lot that project teams can do with this. Some additional thoughts that maybe we'll move on.
Yeah, I just wanted to call what you said about the derivatives. I think we already kind of saw that this weekend in an interesting way. There was the Naka apes and then there was the Naka monkeys. And I think one was stolen art and the one that was stolen was actually encouraging their holders to burn the other supply and people were kind of confused on which one was the real one. So, and I think that branch eventually rugged.
Some interesting use cases there for burning. Yeah, definitely not the last time we have seen that. So it's definitely going to be interesting to see where we go from here and we'll Grimple and be involved in any more burn events. I mean, certainly he is in the spotlight. All right. Well, I want to move on and talk about Yuga and the winged helmets. But before we do that,
Let's read the news. Today's Top Headlines powered by Lucky Trader. TrainVoyne came in at just 16,000 a.m. on Sunday with OpenC Pro seeing 1280 about 7% share, Blur holding 63% share, but the lowest levels since early February. 33
top ponds were sold in one transaction overnight, though the floor is down just about 2% so far at 56.5. The other side and you get completed their winged helmet air drop on Friday with the floor opening at 0.6. It dips about to the 0.3. ETH level before rebounding over the weekend and now back to 0.6.
5. Azookie Grail sales poured in over the weekend with top sales including a 200-eat double gold skateboard and 160-eat devil and a 165.5-eat sale on triple water. Azookie. X-copies the burning sold for 242-eat on Saturday in a very nice sale in this
Art Bear Market. The checks by Jack Buncher briefly serves 50% on Saturday after seed phrase tweeted out a black check, though they have since retraced to 0.43. Magic Eden debuted its Bitcoin launch pad over the weekend allowing creators the functionality to launch ordinals directly through their platform.
nights of DGIN have launched their staking function as of Friday.
exploit resulting in the loss of at least $3.3 million from one user with any of those who interacted in the last four days potentially impacted and told to revoke permissions, the exploit was tied to an approved related bug on their router process or two contract. So ghost, I'm curious, those are the headlines, anything there that kind of caught your eyes to that?
Yeah, a couple things. I mean, the Azuki Grails at this point are pretty hard to ignore these sales. Regardless of what you think of Zagobon and stuff like they've clearly become the top in the top conversation of P.F.P. is in the space behind probably punks and apes, but like man, those those Azuki Grails just continue to roll. You got all of this
spirit ones that are constantly selling for like a hundred and fifty two hundred a.m. and people are continuing to find the ones that appeal to them that are visually like appealing more so than like necessarily the rarity which I thought is really interesting. I also thought that the magic eating Bitcoin ordinal stuff was interesting because we
We keep seeing the ordinals inscription supply creep up and I feel like it we haven't been talking about it as much and we haven't seen it that much on the timeline anymore but it's still going on so I'm curious to see more ways for people to get in on that and more marketplaces kind of adopting that yeah and then finally the the checks thing with Jack but you know I'm a huge
which checks Maxi. I've kind of held from the beginning that as soon as someone goes for the black check or we see one created, I think that things will start to really pop off because that's just such a huge supply of the collection that would be burned there. Do you think Seed Freyze is serious about this? I mean, if he actually goes for the black check, this
would be one of the most important and market impacting moves that anyone can do. You know, for those who may not be aware, again, to get the black check, you have to burn 64 of the single checks, which is a 4,096 check burn. So the supply would be reduced by that amount. Ghost, do you think he could actually pull this off?
Oh, for sure. I mean, if you've seen Danny or C-Phrase go into other projects, you've seen the volume that he moves. And like the most recent one that I remember is Wolfgame when he bought up like such a huge supply of the land and owned all of these different areas. So I would not be surprised to see him jump in if he truly is bullish on the check
ecosystem there.
So on Friday, the winners of the other side's second trip, the team Garcia, they were airdroped these winged helmets. They're essentially a skin that can be equipped in the other side. As far as we know, it's just purely a cosmetic enhancement. It is a collectible. The official collection link is at the other side,
That's where you can find them. There are 2218 of these winged helmets. Again, the floor price started out above 0.6. It fell to 0.3. I thought these things were going to trend closer to 0 originally. They bounced back. I think they got close to 1 at high or single 0.65 this morning.
A few people were talking about these. I'm going to read a tweet from from franellations, a very active trader and holder in the UGA space. My outlook on all these new UGA labs assets is simple. I will be grinding the other side meta every day for years. These are game pieces to me and I own them to use flex to have some advantage in the game.
They're not an investment per se, though. I think playing will be profitable. So he's kind of pointing to the use of the flex of things like the winged helmet. I'm curious for our speakers here. Folks, think these are valuable or not. Would you buy or sell? Maybe I'll tell you up. And I think you were airdrop to helmet.
Yeah, to use the famous Tyler phrase here, I've got egg all over my face this weekend. I dumped mine immediately thinking that it would kind of trend zero, like you said. I mean, we've seen a lot of those digital or just cosmetic type drops just kind of go to zero and I wanted to get out as quickly as possible and it couldn't have been more
wrong. So I think I sold mine around .33E right away and didn't look back and now I am looking back and I'm upset about it. So and I've kind of changed my stance on it as well. I've seen a lot of people calling it the first, it is the first relic in the other side which I do think will hold value when you look at it from that perspective which I wasn't really thinking.
And people have kind of compared it to the party hats from Ruinscape, which are like the one of the older collection. I think it's the first cosmetic or something in that in that game that started in like 2001 and they hold just insane value. But I have turned bullish a little bit. I'm not following back in yet. I'm hoping that the price drops some more, but I might
pick one up just to hold for a long time as that potential hedge that if other side does blow up, this is the first kind of cosmetic. And I think being capped at 2000 or whatever the supply was, like if you think that the other side is going to continue to grow, like this is this might be the lowest level air drop type thing that that we'll ever see.
there are more people playing depending on how they reward it. Yeah, I think that's that spot on and certainly I was actively encouraging you to sell this as quickly as you could on Friday when we were when we were chatting so egg all over my face on this one as well and I have also turned bullish. I don't know that I kind of put put all the pieces together.
together, the low supply of this thing, it's just 2,200. It's effectively a bet on the other side in one of the absolute smallest collections. So the low supply bet you can make on the other side at least right now. So that makes some sense to me. Low gain, some additional thoughts.
Yeah, I feel pretty similarly that this feels like the type of collectible that is akin to the other side's rookie card, if that makes sense. One of these more limited edition unique type pieces that people years from now,
If there is success on the other side, would look to acquire, perhaps it, you know, much lower liquidity, much less trading overall. But this feels like to me, I don't know why I'm thinking of this, but one of those things that if there were a virtual pawnstars, you know, this would be one of the things that somebody years from now
could take up to the counter as an nostalgic reminder of the other side's second trip. And those things typically carry some value down the road. Yeah, I'm with you. So I'm with Ghost. I don't think today is the day to kind of foam all in on this, but I wouldn't blame
anyone and again, you know, if the price dips here ahead of the next major other side event, certainly will be looking closely at this one. All right, well, I want to spend a few minutes doing a quick preview of NFT NYC. Before we do that, go, so why don't you take us to the top NFT market headlines from the weekend.
Let's do it. Here's some of the top head lunch from the weekend powered by Lucky Trader. Former NFL Y receiver in Web 3 NFT founder, Des Brian lost his longtime board ape in a fishing scam over the weekend. You always hate to see that feel for Des and use use good wallet security there. Talk to Emily if you need any wall security tips there. In IRL Web 3
news, Coinbase partnered with the New York Knicks this weekend to drop up a poll up at Sunday's game, offering a digital collectable to fans who scanned the QR code at the main Jabotron, cool to see that IRL there. Moonbirds Diamond exhibition news hit with Day Zero Birds getting airdrop to free mint pass coming up, artists include Dirty Robot, Torell Dom, Beeple and several others
with the full 12 generative artists being introduced at NFTNYC. A Zuki tweeted an image teasing a Vegas party coming in June 2023. A gemesis is currently at 89,000 mints and a .05 floor price. We saw some controversy of the weekend as blurred disabled points for being accrued on the collection, which sparked some
controversy, though Pac-Man tweeted that it was because they detected washtrating, which I found interesting because I feel like there's washtrating on most collections there. And finally, I admit one surge 99% overnight to a 4E floor after some big double digit sweeps came in from G-Money's ecosystem token there. Some interesting headlines. Thank you for that.
I missed that Belir disabled points on gymsys. That is an interesting little attack. I don't know the right word you want to use there. But I mean you want to see a wash trade collection go look at the wrapped crypto punks. You know it's the most wash trade collection in the T's right now.
And it was an NFT stats who I think originally tweeted it and then Pac-Man kind of tweeted back at him and it was like, you're spreading fake news here. This wasn't anything malicious. So it was interesting to see them go back and forth a little bit. Very much so. I think the other piece that jumped out to me, a few high profile hacks. I mean, it was more of a
fishing scam. It seems like I'm a friend of the show, Nikolai. He was hacked on Friday night. It kind of made me realize I was carrying a few too many NFTs in my hot wall, my trading wall that had value. So I moved them to my to my vault on Saturday morning. I got a plug open C pro here so they have the
bulk transfer feature, I don't know if other marketplaces had this in just a few clicks. I was able to move in bulk like 30 to 40 NFTs over to my vault. It took 15 seconds and costs like 0.01 in gas. So I definitely encourage folks to do that.
would love to hear your thoughts on this as well. Can't you do that on regular OpenC? Can you do it in bulk? I've always done it on a one by one basis. So maybe I'm just close to it. Yeah, you could definitely do it in bulk. Okay. Oh, I've been wasting a lot of time in
my previous trades. But I think Emily on previous shows kind of shared a nice security setup to kind of the way you think about it. It's have a hot wallet where you're doing your minting and trading. Anything that you want to hold kind of have an intermediary wallet and then have a wallet since
very cold that you never touch if you want to move anything if you want to interact with anything if you want to move any of those assets move them into your intermediary before I'm oversimplifying it. Like corrections like correction. You don't have a specific wallet for sales. A vault wallet and a
I got it. Thank you for that. It's becoming increasingly important in the more of these security events that we see. We've got a few, just a few men's left. So NFT NYC is starting this week. Logan, I think we've got a guide over on Lucky Trader. Maybe we can get that pen to your end of the spaces for anyone
and just kind of looking to a 10 wants to know what's going on. I'm flying in quickly tomorrow morning. I'm gonna be somewhat in and out coming in Tuesday, out Thursday. I think one's around would love to meet up. Emily, I think you are flying in as well. I'm just curious maybe quickly what are you excited about for NFT and my C.
Yeah, I get in tomorrow morning. I had no idea or tomorrow afternoon. I had no idea you were going though. So we're going to have to meet up. I think I'm most excited to see a lot of the smaller community events from some almost unexpected projects that seem to have really
done a lot to bring value. Like, I'm RSVPed to a whole bunch of events that don't have a ton of budget but have managed to like get together all kinds of founders and investors and interesting stuff like that. And I think it's really indicative of an interesting shift in the culture of NFTs going forward.
And where a lot of these projects are saying you don't need an enormous amount of money to be able to drive a enormous value. And I'm excited to see how that plays out. Yeah, that makes it to a sense and definitely hopeful that we can meet up here at some point as well. I think something I'm excited about is just meeting some, you know, some collector.
some artists, some big Twitter profiles, influencers, if you want to use that word, I want to get a sense for what happy people are feeling. Are people bearish or people bullish? Folks don't always kind of share publicly what they're truly thinking. So I'm hoping to get a good boost on the ground, feel for this ecosystem.
system and sentiment. I also want to get our folks thoughts maybe Logan or ghost is the empty market going to tank during this we've certainly have seen that type of action in previous years so should traders be concerned headed into this event this week but ghost some thoughts.
Yeah, I definitely think there's definitely a slowdown during these conferences that we see on the charts. I'm curious to hear from you, though, Tyler. I know that one thing that sticks out to me was like a Zuki dropping the beans air drop at their event. I don't know if that was an FTM why I see you last year or where it was.
I can't quite recall. It wasn't. There's going to be. Okay. I'll I I'm curious to hear if you think that there will be any big type of air drops or projects that kind of take the center stage of capturing people's attention during the conference. Great question. And my bet would be on Frank DeGaz and his ecosystem.
I think they've teased an air drop, right? I think it is expected to come this week. And that crew is known to be party animals. So I think their events will be some of the marquee events. I don't know if you want to call it a sleeper event anymore, and it's not official, but the unofficial Nakamegos event
On Thursday night is going to be one to watch now with that ecosystem, you know, in the headlines and holders feeling a little bit better about their bags. Logan some additional costs, and then we'll close out. Yeah, I just wanted to add, we do have a guide and lucky trader. I have a few events that trickled in from over the weekend with these
details that of course need to add. So that'll be, I'm going, it's a dynamic piece. If you see things that aren't listed that you'd wish to list, either for your project or project you're interested in attending, please shoot us a DM at Lucky Trader, the handle I'm speaking from, and we'll make sure we get the guide updated. And I think you're right from my perspective, Tyler.
I think you're right. If I were to bet on a project doing something, it would be Frank and team. I know there's been a lot of talk about the Apple stuff, right? And they made that D-labs with the Apple, like the Macintosh type thing. Perhaps that's more of an ode to the big Apple versus Apple the software company, meaning I don't know.
something at NFT NYC. That would make sense to me. But I, from the last few years, just in covering the news, we've seen at least one project try to do something quite notable. I think last year's NFT NYC was doodles in the Genesis boxes and the Holgen news, et cetera. This year, yeah, I think
go and make the bet on D-labs that makes a lot of sense to me. But don't sleep on the founders of Nakamegos making a surprise splash announcement. That's the wild card. Oh yeah. We do have, sorry, I just wanted to add, we do have the Nakamegos unofficial event details in the guide, a lucky trader. So don't spoil them here, Tyler.
So folks are forced to go to the site and learn more about it. Of course, check out all the other news on site. But that is there in the NFT NYC guide. And we'll push it on socials a bit more this week. Thank you for that. And folks check that out. If anyone is in NYC and wants to meet up, my DMs are open. We love to meet up with folks if we can make that happen.
and quick housekeeping because both Emily and I are traveling and we're gonna be in NYC. We are gonna take a break from the show. So no show Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of this week. We will be back on Friday and then next week we'll be back to full normal five shows. So just wanted to share that to set
expectations. But before we close here, what is minting today? So just a few drops. We've got he-dong. I've actually dropped this morning at 90 in Eastern. We have art blocks presents this afternoon. It's called "Elums" by Wolfe, B.I.E.K. and Modus Art. And then the draftings UFC Rainmaker's craft
and burn portal open today as well. It's a pretty slow day. I would expect a pretty slow week of new drops again as folks are at NFC and YC. The main event today definitely that our block spent is a 200 supply fixed 0.5 East men. I've given some recent liquidity was in the
box space. It's not a guarantee to mitt out. But if it does, sorry, but it comes one to wash. Alright folks, that is it. That's our show for today again. We'll be back on Friday. Thanks to our listeners for tuning in. Thanks to my co-host everyone at Georgia Monday. Enjoy your week. If you're in New York City, let's meet up.
Otherwise, we'll talk to you about it. Bye everybody.