Magic on Kadena! Wizards Arena x Kadena Ecosystem AMA

Recorded: May 17, 2023 Duration: 1:03:19



Hello, hello, hello testing testing Hello Ron how you doing today? I'm good. How you doing Chris? Doing well another fabulous day Well, that's good to hear so it's really nice out ever ever here
Yeah, it's not too bad here. It's a little cold, but it's warming up. Summer's just around the corner. Yep. Yeah, that's always a good feeling. Yeah. All right. Well, we'll give her a few minutes for people to show up and then we'll get things started. All right. Sounds good. All right.
While we're waiting for people to join up, make sure everyone goes and checks out cadena It is the website for all your cadena needs. It's got all of the different projects that are currently actively building on cadena ecosystem. If I calendar that list, all of our upcoming AMA event, we have some.
really good ones lined up and also a build section where you can find jobs from around the Cadena ecosystem and possibly your dream job so make sure you guys go check that out cadena also make sure if you haven't already check out colo wallet wallet.i
It is your passport to all your cadena needs. I'm repeating myself here. Everything's for all your cadena needs. That's just what all we do here. And then I just find Ft support and apps, swaps, wallet, connect. Lots of really cool features down the pipeline that I can't say
too much about it here or my boss will yell at me and no one wants that. Kobe is a nice guy and we don't want to turn him into a mean guy. So make sure you guys go and if you haven't already the app is available for both Android and iOS. So give it a download, give it a try and if you like the app
app, make sure to leave a positive review on your respective app store. It would be very much appreciated. Once again, that's koala Also, if you want to get some really cool swag, we have a little swag store that has a whole bunch of different koala wallet gear. It also
has some cadena themed gear as well so if you always want to go get a cool hoodie t-shirt, there's some hats, there's also stickers, lots of really cool stuff on there make sure you guys check out swag.collo and go give that a check out and get yourself some really awesome swag.
Also, we have just released a new Explorer for the Cadena ecosystem, Make sure you guys go give it a whirl, type in your address, you can see all your transactions, all your different tokens, and you can even see the
NFTs in your wallet. You can also just click right on the NFTs action and see all the different collections that are building on the Cadena ecosystem and lots of other cool features. If you have any feedback or things you'd like to see on the Explorer, there is a bottom button in
the footer for feedback. Make sure you guys go and leave any suggestions. Things you'd like to see in the Explorer and we would love to have your input. So that's
Alright, well we record all of our AMAs so if anyone's not able to catch it live, they can always listen back to it later. It'll be live here on Twitter for 30 days, but we also download the spaces ourselves and upload them to both our YouTube and SoundCloud accounts. So make sure you guys click on our account here in the space.
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find out so make sure you guys go check that out but let's get into this and catch up with our good friends over at Wizards so welcome everybody to another AMA with Kadina ecosystem today we have back with us our good friends over at Wizards Arena gonna be catching up to them with them to see what they've been up to so Ron why don't we just start off
with the usual kind of elevator pitch of what Wizards Arena is all about just in case this is the first time listeners heard about this so take it away. Yeah for sure I know this little pitch like the back of my hands by now so you know it's not too much of a pain. So yeah Wizards Arena is an FTE game
on the Canadian blockchain. It's an old style RPG game and the form of the game is play to earn. We were working on different models like like play versus environment or like free to play. A couple things like that but for now
it's played to earn NFTs can be state, battled, upgraded and even burned. We have an entire economy ecosystem around the NFTs and the Wizatoken multiple ways that you can spend
your Wizards token, rather that the upgrades are just small, cool features in the game. And we also have multiple game modes. So whenever I mention that, you can battle the NFTs. You know, you can have like a tournament where you don't know who you're going to battle in completely random, or I could say, hey, Chris.
My best wizard versus yours and winner gets 10 cadena you can do that too. That's one of our newer features and really that's what we're focused on is just trying to make new game modes and Really get the game mechanics down to the point where it's not only fun, but it's also profitable
Speaking of new game modes, you guys are in the midst right now of a big league tournament. Maybe you want to discuss a little bit about what that's all about. Yeah, for sure. This is our second league. Second time we've done this.
around New Year's. I think it was January 9th. We had pretty much what's called the 12 league. It's like a season kind of like how you would see in a video game like maybe like Call of Duty or Fortnite where
They have a way of kind of breaking up time frames and setting okay whoever has the most wins in this time period is the champion of that time period So that's all the seasons working last time at last
Lasted 9 weeks with 1 tournament every week. You get normal prizes and rewards every week like you would with any other tournament. But on top of that in the 12 league everything is counted as like an overall ranking style.
So, you know, you're going to get your prizes if you win a couple of tournaments within there, but if you also win a lot at the end of the season, then you're going to get bigger rewards. So, last season was nine tournaments. We are doing 12 this time. There is no I-12, is it because every tournament
Every tournament we have one for every element. So there's 12 kinds of wizards in which are Zarina. It's the 12 elements and that's like water, fire, earth, spirit, psychos, stuff like that. And so there's 12 tournaments in
this season because there's 12 elements and in each one of those tournaments, an element gets boosted. And so it's a really fun time. I think it makes the game fun and makes it more competitive. I could see how just tournaments weekend and week out could get kind
of boring so kind of adding some competitiveness on top of it definitely spices it up a little bit in my opinion. Now this league also involves another aspect of wizard that I think is really cool and that is the clans
And I'm glad you mentioned that. And actually, I want to get a Koala clan set up and those who we've talked about. So pretty much the way Klan's work is it's really important to have a
really like, I mean a lot of us are gamers, okay. A lot of the people who are more adrenal are gamers, they grew up playing games like Runescape, even stuff like Call of Duty, Pokemon, League of Legends, Dungeon of Dragons,
I can stuff like that. I think a lot of people are familiar with the whole clan thing. That's really all it is is where you have a group of friends and you guys decide to dance together and then you can have a clan work where it's you and your buddies versus another guy and his buddies.
That's really all it's been. What we've really tried to do with it is bring the community together. Even outside of Game of I, I've noticed that people in the Cadena ecosystem just like playing games, like going almost any discord in the Cadena
ecosystem, they're going to be arranging like Smash Kart games and Tetris games and like, Pictionary games and stuff. So people like playing games and stuff like that. And so we really tried to
focus on when I lost my train of thought a little bit. But we really try to provide that and realize that, you know, I'm getting off track a little bit. But pretty much,
We want to provide a game like that and with making the clandet we brought these other projects in trying to bring the ecosystem together and Pretty much say you know you guys can play like stuff like smash cards and stuff I mean I love playing smash cards, but why not having a project in the ecosystem?
where two people can come do it out if they want to or you know two clans like for example we have the KMC clan which represents Kedana Mining Club and the FSM clan which represents will spend mining you know we could have a minor war and they battle each other and
And so the way that all this is working on top of what we were just previously talking about Chris with the tournaments is that pretty much we just have like a point system assigns to how good wizards do and the tournament and what clan they're with and then at the end of each tournament you
each clan or to send them out of points. We have a clan leaderboard and at the end of the season there will be individual winners but there will also be a clan that wins and they will get a bunch of free upgrades for a wizard of their choice that's in their clan.
Awesome, so there's quite a few clans now I see that have opened up which one is probably the largest clan is there is the numbers kind of skewing towards you know like a K the KMC being the largest or which one of them seems to be getting the most traction so we are
decided to place a cap on it. We made it 25 members per clan on there's no cap on how many Wizards can be in a clan but 25 owners or wallets and yeah it has been KMC. So Kedena Mining Club they have really aped in and came over and braced our game.
A lot of the guys actually almost anybody who's decided to really give us the time of day and check us out falls in love and they're like oh my god this this game is so cool and we've been fortunate enough to have a lot of those guys and One of our own Maconiebert. He is a huge KMC holder. I think
he holds like over 50 of them. He loves KMC. He's really deep over there and so with his help he's made that possible and they've grown really fast. They were actually so big that they were at the cap. They were at the limit and I pretty much had to
tell their clan leader, "Hey, you know, if there's anybody in your clan that's not really like playing active or anything, you might need to kick them if you want to put someone else in it because you're getting towards that cap." So it's definitely KMC, but what's interesting is that they're not the most powerful although they're the biggest.
Well, that goes to show that, you know, it's not always the number of warriors that you have or the number of wizards in this case that you have, but how strong those wizards really are because the way it works for the clans if I'm not mistaken is pretty much it's built up like it's added all of the different levels and everything.
So, I think we're kind of added together to kind of have a base level for the whole clan. Is that correct? How that works? The clans don't really have a level, but once we start doing clan wars, we will make it such that whenever you go to battle, if say I have a clan that's filled with level
50s which is our level cap and you have a clan that's filled with level 250s. Number one we probably shouldn't battle each other but number two say it's a clan that's pretty well distributed and we have a battle we're not going to want like my 350 to fight your 250
level we're going to kind of want to delegate it so that my 250-50, my 350-50, if that makes sense. But there isn't really like a metric that we've applied to Clans. We just know how many wizards are using that Clantag and how many members are in each Clan.
Okay, good to know. So now one of the newest little upgrades I could say would be that you guys have completely pretty much revamped your website and I have to say it's very pretty very well laid out. I'm glad to see the dark moments finally been adding because the
white mode was definitely burning the hole through my brain. Which I'm sure a lot of people feel the same. Once you go dark mode on all your websites, it's really hard to go back. When I see people using Twitter without dark mode, I just kind of make the, I get this cringe inside of my head that
makes me go like that's just wrong. Yeah, but it's like that it's like that meme wherever like they call people psychopaths that use light mode. Yeah, it can be something but it's very much well. It's very well laid out.
I can't hear you're going in and out for me.
I don't know if you're still there or not. So to say you guys have definitely stepped up your game when it comes to that field.
Hey, can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you were going in and out a little bit on the last thing that you said can you like just restate it a little bit. Oh Yeah, I was just saying how like the websites very much well laid out now and I have to say
very much improved from the state it was before, not that the previous version of the web thing to go at, but this one is much more laid out, very simple to find everything, you got everything all well sorted.
I'm just very excited to see that you guys are continuously working to improve your system. Is there any other kind of improvements I know last time we talked about?
We were speaking about how the wizards would interact during a battle and things like that. Have there been any more upgrades to any of those kind of systems?
So I guess whenever it comes down to the battle ever since the start of the game there's been like a fight algorithm and you know that pretty much just dictates you know You need some kind of math in the background saying you know how many
times will this level of attack hit this level of defense or percentage chances it has. So the algorithm something that we've never changed, the only thing that we have done is the speed stat got buffed a little bit because people thought it was pointless and known for using it. And with what the
speed stat does for you is whenever you go to battle another wizard. If you normally have a good bit higher speed than they do, then you're going to go first. Going first is a big deal because it's how you do enough damage to kill your
opponent in one hit going first is like really a matter of life and death. Aside from that, we buffed speeds because nobody was really using it. What else?
in response to you talking about the website, it was definitely well needed and actually believe it or not, I was talking to a few like crypto magazine, I was talking to a few like groups trying to market with her, and believe it or not, a few of them didn't really
like the whole pixel thing we had going on on our website before. Actually a few of them were like, "Do you guys have any plans to change the UI up or anything?" And I was honestly kind of offended because I like the whole pixel art thing and I like how I had the whole old school pixel art thing going on, but it was definitely well needed.
it looks a lot more clean. One thing I've always liked about our website is that it looks nothing like any other NFT projects website or anything like that. I think it's very useful and intuitive. You don't just have a slide deck and meet the team.
Here's the Tesla we're giving away, you know, like you just open the page and you have everything that you need to do to interact with. But yeah, aside from that spiel, no really pretty much the way the battle has came down is that nothing has really changed since we last talked. I think since the last time we talked we actually
had our ring meant. I don't think we've felt since then. But yeah, the ring meant changed fighting a little bit because you can pretty much equip a ring to your wizard and boost one of their stats depending on if it's like a defense ring or an attack ring. But yeah, aside from that, really
We kind of want to keep the gameplay mechanics the same that they were in the beginning because we always feel like it would be unfair to just completely change the game on the people who invested into the product for a reason and then we would never really want to change that reason if that makes sense.
No, that totally, I totally understand like like he said though like the website itself before it was actually really I really enjoyed the website and kind of liked almost the 8-bit theme that the website had and now it's just a lot more polished like he said it's just
a lot more laid out, a lot more polished, a lot more kind of professional looking because as you guys build, you know, this is going to be, it's just a building process. So, you know, you guys are obviously started off a little bit small, have now emerged and become this kind of larger beast of a system on the Cadena ecosystem.
and just you know there's nowhere to go but improve, improve, improve. So you guys are definitely on the right track and with your amazing dev that you have behind you guys it's obvious that you know there's nowhere else to go but up and more crazy things to see from the wizards. Now right now when
to come to different collections and things like that. You have your original wizards, your clerics and your druids. Are there any other plans that I don't know of of any other future collections? Besides obviously there's the equipment with the rings. We're going to see other types of
equipment possibly or things like that. Is there any kind of maybe alpha you can drop on that field? Yeah, so I'll do a little recap. So when the project started, our dev and founder, Alario had vision to make three collections
I don't think he had any plan on ever making equipment, but that's something he's ended up doing. So yeah, he planned for three collections, we've dropped three collections. And the project launched in October, we're in May now, so it's been like seven or eight months.
We actually don't have any plans for another collection yet. We actually haven't even talked about this much. I know for one thing that we don't want to inflate the collection too fast. Yeah, we definitely don't want it to grow too fast, but definitely see that if
our player base starts growing really fast or something then maybe another collection would be necessary because we don't want it to get to the point where it's just the same people getting more and more reserves obviously. If we say we have more than 3,000 active players and
we have 3000 and FT's in our collection right now. That means only each holder can have one and that would suck. We're not planning on any new collection expansion. Yeah, we're not planning on any new collections right now.
maybe in like I would say maybe like six months or something so from now but we it's something we really haven't talked about much but but but but but but okay this is it this is like a major butt Chris this is a big butt so I've hinted at this a little
bit of total few people I'll be dropping some out for today. We are discussing another collection meant, not collection equipment rather. Another equipment, there probably be another collection of 4,000. It definitely won't be rings. The way that rings worked was that they affected your stats, so like HP and stuff.
that this new equipment meant that we're thinking about it won't have any effect on your stats and that's for one main reason is that it would have a negative impact on the market for rings if that makes sense. We don't want to
Interfer with that at all, you know like there's a certain amount of rings right now at a certain amount of price and we don't want to just go ahead and just drop more things that could improve your price or maybe drop something better than rings and then pretty much Rings are useless and people spent money on them for no reason so we're looking at something more like
Say you have a wizard who has the fire element and their resistant to water. Maybe you can mint or ice ring that makes your wizard also resistant to ice on top of water. So we're thinking along those lines, maybe some kind of ring that helps you heal yourself through battles.
A ring that helps you do critical hits. What that would mean is if you have a wizard that's doing 40 damage, it's kind of like in Pokemon, they don't do 40 damage every single time that they hit. They might do 39 this time, they might do 42 this time, they might do 38.
Critical hit dam a critical hit ring would probably make it so that You like almost always do the critical hits and don't do your re-kits things along those lines that that's that's the main thing we've been talking about it's still very um or a
We have another month away from this. We have an announcing officially. This is the first time I spoke of it to anybody. But yeah, that's our plan. We'd like to drop another collection of equipment. And then after that, we have kind of like an event type thing, kind of like a
click we have going on right now planned but built around another game mode. I don't want to give as much away on that as I will on the mint but that's what our plans are and pretty much as a recap we just we just don't want to pretty much expand the supply
or render rings useless. So it will be a form of equipment. It won't be like another collection like Proids or Clarex, but it's definitely something that I'm excited for as a player and not just like a team member. It's definitely something that I think is really cool.
Now one of the coolest things I think about the equipment and the rings you have right now is the whole forge thing. Will that be carried on to this, whatever this new form of equipment is going to be as well? This is something we have to think about. We're not sure yet. We even thought
about being able to maybe forge your rings with the new equipment. We've thought about dropping equipment that almost needs to be forged where you know you meant a piece of something but that piece doesn't do you anything you know you have to mint all four pieces to
or something and then put them together to actually use it. We thought about that. Another thing to keep in mind is that whenever you add that forged thing and it makes them deflationary. So your supply you would probably want to make it higher than you would originally, once you decide to
make a deflationary. I know the rings came with a check real quick. The rings had a supply of 4,000 and now there's only 2,500 and 8. So, almost 1,500 rings have just vanished.
appeared because people have forged and so that's interesting because now there's less rings than there are fighters. So there's not a ring to go around for everybody. That's the mother thing we're keeping in mind but yeah we're not sure but I
Yeah, I'll note that. It's more than likely that that forage will be a part of this new mint. And then we also with the current forage going on with rings, the new mint will probably unlock some probably new recipes.
There are only certain rings that you can forge with each other right now. Whenever this new mint comes out, the quality unlocks new recipes that you'll need a certain forging level to use. Forging level is just made up of how much of your wizard you'd spend on forging stuff.
We're thinking of multiple different things to do once we announce this meant number one, obviously being that meant number two would be the league that I talked about, which I'll talk about more in the future. And number three being that
I was like, I'm going to say, changing four dress of piece and stuff and how the new equipment will fit into pretty much the rest of the ecosystem and how it can interact with other things like rings or how you can use wizard for them.
Speaking of using Wizzah, I see that for example for the rings themselves you can purchase them in the marketplace for Wizzah tokens. Any thoughts of possibly making the future equipment mints available like minting for Wizzah tokens.
that the token seems to be doing very well and kind of holding even comparable to KDA seems to be holding its weight a lot better than even KDA is because obviously people are really enjoying playing the game. They want their wether they want to be able to use them to purchase rings
do whatever they want with them, forge things like that. So, you know, being that you do have the ability to interact with the Wizatoken on the website, has there been any discussions of possibly opening Wizatoken up as a minting option? Yeah, so this is something we talked about with
with the rings whenever we dropped them. Pretty much what we decided was you would mint in KDA and then have a secondary marketplace in WISA. So if you want to buy a ring now, you have to buy your cell at WISA.
makes that a good system, I would say, is the money that we receive from the Mint is in KDA, and then the royalties that we get from secondary sales makes it so that we receive both cadena and whizza from the equipment.
And that's really pretty much the reason why we did that is because we don't really have that much liquidity in the LP when it comes to whizzah. You know, like if we had some of these Ethereum whales over here in Kedana, they could take the entire LP. This was like one big buy. I heard completely dump it, you know? So
A big reason why we did that format was because we're using equipment to put towards LP proceeds from that. And that's actually a good point. So we have talked about minting in WIZA, something that I'll bring up in.
again, actually, because this is something that I want to talk about. I know that that might create some buy pressure because people who want to mend but don't have whizzah will then have to go to Katie Swap or our website buy some whizzah give us some nice buying pressure. And also the first half
having of the wizard of the wizard token is in 20 days and that's an estimate 20 days from today is supposed to be the first having of the wizard token. That means that the staking rewards you receive from each of your wizards will be cut in half.
And so I think that once that happens, maybe Chris, we might have just thought of a good formula. You know, you meant in Wizzah that creates some buying pressure, having the having happens, that creates quite literally half of the selling pressure. I like how it sounds.
Yeah, there's lots of ways you could work that it seems like I was actually gonna ask a little bit more about the having and What made what brought that idea on because that's not something you usually see in
a secondary token kind of situation that's usually something you see on an L1 situation like Bitcoin or things like that. So what was the driving factor behind that and was that something that was planned from the start?
to have this happening? Or was this something that you guys decided on that would be a way like you just said to incentivize certain pressures to be put on and things like that?
me and the team actually had no involvement in the tokenomics at all. Those were all created by Alario, but I do know, excuse me, so I do know that
You know, you look at a lot of these other tokens that I guess you could kind of compare to WIZA. I mean, look at your, you know, your baby doges and your safety lawns and what have you. They're gonna have freaking 400 and trailer
good tokenomics, why can't you apply that to a smaller token on the blockchain? Why does it have to have 420 trillion tokens? I think that was a big part of it, but on top of it,
that having worked out perfectly with the rest of the game because
It gets to the point where you have all these people staking their wizards and earning the wizards a coin for upgrades and quite honestly, majority of the people who are staking their wizards just sell all of their wizards on the decks for cadena. They just use them as miners.
And this is something that's actually interesting that a lot of wizards know and you know, I don't want to you know to our own horn or anything so that we're better than anybody, but a force spell wizard ever since the project has been created has had a probably twice has probably ROI fat
twice as fast as a mining project. You know, we've done the math on this multiple times. It's really crazy how fast the ROI is and you know whenever you have an ROI that fast people are going to sell they're not going to spend all of it on upgrades. And so it just goes hand in hand because number one
you would have to have a big supply and find a way to create buying pressure for it if you want all of that selling pressure to remain sustainable. And that's really where the having comes into play is that you know it's really not sustainable for people to make that much cadena
daily for, you know, a long period of time. I mean, unless we like artificially pumped the token and then everybody else just sold all of our pumps or whatever, but you know, that's, it's not very organic or efficient, I would say. So it works out well and
It's kind of a joke that we all make with each other is POW isn't proof of work, it's proof of WIZA. And it's kind of funny because Wizards act like miners and the tokenomics of WIZA is just like something like Bitcoin or Kadehina with its having and how the Wizards mine it and stuff.
That's pretty much like what goes into that and pretty much why I think it fits into the game so well, you know, something with like a quadrillion supply wouldn't really fit the role as much if that makes sense.
Now, is this going to be a one time havining kind of thing? Or is this something that's going to be like Bitcoin that happens every few years or set amount of time frame between them? There will be two more havinings.
And every time that they happen, it will take longer for the next one to happen. Because really what propels us towards the next having is people staking their wizards, earning the wizitogun, and then spending it.
that's really, that's, I mean, if you know anything about cryptocurrencies and mining, what not, that's just how it took onomics works. You know, we're mining more and then that makes less supply. And then, you know, after this happening, people will make half and then it
slow down and then after that happening people will make half which would be a quarter from now and then that would take slower and then after that people would make half again and it would just take slower so it's a pretty good schedule. This is something we're lacking is kind of like the
data department, analytics and statistics. It's kind of funny considering that I'm an economist, an economist, and that's all I do all day. Just look at data and analyze trends and stats and stuff.
look at that stuff a little bit more and maybe think of a number as you know when the next happening happened and you know when mother was a supply run out but we've already done a little bit of stuff to get an idea kind of a ballpark number whenever this first happening will come.
Well, it's obvious that people are definitely taking advantage of it because just looking at the dashboard right now, there's 2,922 wizards that are staked. So it's pretty obvious that people are trying to get that staking in before the halvinging starts.
And after it happens, I don't think that number is really going to change too much because why wouldn't you? There's no reason for you not to stake and claim Wizard tokens from it. It's a win-win for everyone. I guess the supply out. The supply is reciprocal.
where it comes back from people buying equipment or from forging, which goes back into helping the team. So really there's no real downsides to any of this. And really it's just going to, like you said, just bring more in-suclic inclusivity to the wizard
And to the users and it just incentivizes people to continue to play, keep interacting, keep doing the tournaments, keep doing the BVP, keep forging, keep buying equipment. You know, like there's no real reason for people to really ever stop playing. Once you get kind of hooked in, I'm
I'm sure you guys have probably one of the most active Discord's on. I'm in pretty much if there's a Kedina project that has a Discord server. I'm in there and by far you guys are the most active Discord server out of them all. So, you know, it's very good to...
obvious to see that the community is very much staying behind wizards and just kind of doing whatever they can to be part of this ecosystem. And really that's really the key. That's the thing that really will either make a project
or make a project die is the community that surrounds them and you guys have definitely surrounded yourself with a very high caliber community that just wants nothing more than to see Wizards succeed, whether it's just for their own purposes or for the better of cadena.
and you guys are definitely like I keep saying is stepping up the notch on what a project on cadena can be and the things that you can do with these amazing NFTs with the different standards things like that. Now has there been any thought of
branching outside of your own marketplace and possibly opening up the sales to be outside of the WIZA arena dot net kind of marketplace and maybe do a collaboration with a like an Asaku once they open their market
marketplace or any of the other type marketplaces. Has there been any discussion of opening up that feel just to bring even more awareness to the project and to bring even more people into it? Yeah, so we have actually, I've talked with Arcade a little bit, something we might do eventually.
that I, something that comes up whenever we discuss this is that, you know, there is a lot of people that use arcade, there's a lot of people that use, uh, hypersent, um, but
Something that we consider is that it seems that we're getting to the point we're going to be hitting a cadena plateau. I just feel like there's so many people who are inactive during the bear market not even here. I mean, it's almost like the same people that we see every day in spaces and in discord servers.
during this bear market, it's almost like if you're going to market towards cadena, then you're just stuck with those guys. You know what I mean? Like, it was really not much else to go. It's just these cadena folks who are here every day. So it's definitely something we've talked about. We've actually been to
discussing going cross-chain too, and multiple different ways, rather than having our tournaments and gameplay on the cadena blockchain, but maybe you can ment on Ethereum or something along those lines. We've thought about doing that.
So yeah, but to really answer your question, I have talked to Arcade a couple of times. We're willing to work with them. They're willing to work with us. I think most of the times it's really just came down to a neat thing and before
kind of just ended up prioritizing like building a new game mode or like something like that rather than just like listing on one of these marketplaces and like it's nothing against any of those marketplaces or anything not that like it wouldn't help us because it would be like cool but we always just think that like
doing so might not even have that much of an effect. You know, like whenever it comes to adoption and growing the game.
Yeah, that makes sense out of out of all of my fuel arcade probably would be the best bet because you know they have kind of 8 bit video game style seems to be their trend and you know wizards kind of fits perfectly into that trend.
And it would be also cool to see the wizards in some of the games that they're producing as well, like the arcade fighting game and stuff that they're developing. We were just speaking with them last week about all the games that they have upcoming.
And I think Wizards would just walk in and just clean house with all of those characters. I think so too 100% and this is definitely something we'll have to do and get on top of and also another thing that we can talk about too is um uh
We don't think it has all the features that we need yet. Also, we want it to be fully functional and deployed on every chain and not just chain 8.
it we don't have any like huge plants to go to Marmalade just yet but obviously we can't just stay not on Marmalade forever like eventually we will and whenever that day comes you know we'll probably have to talk to not even talk to some of these marketplaces because I think the point of Marmalade is
If it's a Marmalade NFT then it can just List on any Marmalade marketplace without like any like Centralized authority being like yeah, we'll add this to our website or something right like isn't that the point of well one of the points of Marmalade is that you could trade it anywhere So you know whenever whenever that day comes I'm sure that we'll be on plenty of Marmalade
places as well. Yeah, it's definitely a good thing to kind of maybe wait a little bit just to see where the cadena team goes with Marmalade and a more finalized, more fully stable version. And like you said, one that can exist
on all 20 chains as opposed to be relegated to just the one chain eight. So definitely probably the best idea is to kind of take it slow. There's lots of things that you guys obviously have planned that it's going to keep you more than busy doing those things as opposed to worrying about
switching standards or moving to other marketplaces. It's obvious that you guys have lots of really great things in the plans and things to work on. So it's not like a lot of you are going to run out of things to do anytime soon. Yep, I always say that he always has a trick up his sleeve.
I'm on the team and honestly some people ask me sometimes they think they're like I'm the dev not like if my project and stuff and I just think that you know the name Ron and was her Jareena had just been so synonymous and obviously I'm kind of like the voice in the face of the project so people think that so often but at the end of the day there's
some updates that a lawyer just comes out with, I don't even know they were going to happen. I'm just surprised as the rest of the community is. He always has a plan, something up his sleeve, and he's never done anything that I didn't trust or question. He always knows the right thing to do. Definitely a good guy there, and I think a lot of the wizards have invested in
him and his work ethic even more so than the content and the project. Well, I feel your pain of being kind of labeled as the head of a group just because you're the most vocal out there in the community. I'm
And pretty much people think that cadena ecosystem is just me when in fact there's a whole team of us behind the scenes working like much gel and Adam and even like anyone pretty much everyone on the eucalyptus lab team we all kind of work together on all of the different projects that we're building and producing. So you know it's just because people always
hear my voice out here and stuff like that, they just kind of assume. Michelle gets kind of obsessed sometimes because she'll be speaking with someone through Twitter DMs or things like that through the Kedina ecosystem account and they'll be like, "Oh, thanks, Chris." And she's like, "Oh, no love for Michelle."
It's like, "Yeah, that's not what it is. I'm always the one speaking on the mic." I remember when you pretty much joined the Wizards team and you did your first AMA with us here at Cadena ecosystem. It's definitely like when you become the marketing person, you definitely become
the face and the voice of the entire entire project as a whole. But that doesn't mean that there's not an amazing team behind the scenes doing all of these amazing things like you guys have with Wizards. You know, if it wasn't for Alario, there wouldn't be a Wizards, there wouldn't be, you
you wouldn't be sitting here talking with me right now. And there wouldn't be this amazing game for these people to play. So people always have to show, you know, make sure that they know that there isn't just the one person that runs the ship. It's a whole crew of people. And without that crew, that ship will sink. Right?
right down to the bottom. Wait Chris, so you mean to tell me that you're not the founder of Kandana? No, people, people, we get messages all the time asking us to do things that are totally like, you know, oh, you should get Kandana listed on this exchange. It's like
Well, we don't do that. Out of our scope, we can reach out on behalf of the cadena team or we do have direct contact with the cadena team members so we can suggest things to them. But it doesn't mean that we have no control. We even get people asking me, "Why
Why don't you do something about the price of cadena? We are. We're out here promoting the ecosystem and talking about it every day. There's not much else we can do. We can't put a gun to people's heads and say buy cadena or else or anything like that. There's nothing that can be done in that
sense. And like he said, it is a very small community. The last time I did my research, I looked at the community can't be more than about 300 people that are like solidly committed to the ecosystem and are really kind of driving all of these projects and everything. But all that's going to take is for something big
big, something kind of mainstream adoption, or even just a next big bull run that pushes Kadeena back up into that kind of top 100 of CMC. It kind of seems like unless you're in the top 100, you kind of are under the radar and you're not noticed, but that doesn't mean that you're not an amazing
blockchain, an amazing protocol, an amazing project, and the time will come. The time has come from many projects I've seen that I'm looking back at them now, don't deserve to get the clout that they did back in the days and the rise that they did.
socials, make sure all the links were active, check the socials to make sure that the team was still active. There was a lot of projects that were just kind of the teams of just stop communicating with their community and things like that. So like at one point, I think we were at about 130
something projects listed on the Cadena ecosystem we're down to 106 now but you know we're still getting people sending in applications we're still seeing new projects popping up but you know like we like we keep telling people we're in this bear market there's not much we can do about it right now but keep our
heads down, keep building, keep promoting, and just keep pushing cadena in front of people, and hopefully more people will catch on. So, Wizards has been doing a great job with that. You guys did a great job speaking yesterday in the space that we held with Wolf Finance. So, that I think will hopefully bring
even more eyes to cadena because they have a fairly large following across multi-platforms so hopefully that will help as well and it's just a matter of staying active, staying keeping your head down and just keep on building and you guys are definitely on top of your game for that. Yep, that's obviously the plan we're gonna keep on building, keep on going.
There's multiple projects in the Zika system who have used the bear market as an excuse to not build. I think it's all bullshit. You know, not going to drop any names, but you know, it is no excuse. I think that if you can find success in the bear market, then you would find a thousand
and time to success in a bull market. You know what I mean? So why not try it out now? It's kind of like how well Martina always talks about kind of the advantages of a bear market. It's like it's not as much pressure on you. You know, you can kind of experiment something. See what works, see what doesn't. You know what I mean? You have time, you don't have pressure and stress. You know what#
For sure, yeah, this is the time where great projects are built. It always has been in all of the bear markets we've seen in crypto. It's the projects that keep their head down, keep building, and just keep producing things without worrying about price or anything like that, knowing that that
day will come. And when it does, all these projects that have continued to fight through and continued to build through will be the ones that come out on top and the victors and be taking the most from it. So Wizards Arena is definitely on its way to being one of those top projects.
the cadena ecosystem. So I don't know if anyone listening has any questions that they'd like to ask. I'm sure Ron wouldn't mind answering some questions. Feel free to send in and invite to speak. But I think it's been great catching up with you guys. You guys are constantly working. Is there anything that we haven't covered that you'd want to speak on?
I actually, what we wait for any questions is come up. I actually had a question for you, Chris, going back to what we were just talking about about five minutes ago. So I know that cadena ecosystem, KPN, Kuala Wallet, all that is not affiliated with cadena in the early cadena core at all. So I know that
that. I'm at least that smart. Here's what I don't know. Here's where I get confused. Maybe some other people get confused here too. You have the cadena ecosystem and you also have cadena eco. As cadena eco, like cadenas team towards
like guiding the ecosystem where you guys are kind of your own thing that's like not affiliated with cadena at all. Does euclid just labs receive any payment or anything from cadena or anything along those lines? So euclid just labs is a grantee of the cadena ecosystem.
The Cadena ecosystem is a hundred million dollar grantee thing that you hear about is totally separate from Cadena ecosystem. Cadena eco focuses mostly on giving grants to projects that are building directly on top of Cadena and
working directly with their team to build infrastructure, things like that. Hence, why we've seen recent partnerships with ones like Teller, things like that, things that are building real infrastructure type things. And then Kadina ecosystem, we focus more on the individual projects that individuals
are building on. But that's not to say that there can't be some crossover between the two. For example, recently Swarms Finance has been listed as a Cadena grantee. So really, it comes down to the project you're building, things you want to build. Anyone can apply for a Cadena eco grant.
Tyler is very open. You can speak to him directly. He pretty much heads the Cadena ecosystem, but they are kind of a subsidiary of the direct Cadena core team. So that makes sense. So you're familiar with how the wizards have applied for like a
like a grant through eucalyptus labs is that through cadena or is that like just through you guys and like like do you guys just make those decisions or is that like money that you guys are like managing for cadena or something? No that that is just us we are we decided that since the
Edina Eco Grant System was focused more on the larger players that we would provide funding and help some of the smaller players of the projects that are really building things to showcase what cadena can do like wizards and others. I see. Okay. That makes
I really kind of clears it up for me and I hope there was someone else out there that was kind of wondering that. Yeah, it's like Cadena Eco that the main Cadena team runs is for the big dogs to apply to and our system was more for the little guys that just need some help.
help because we are in a bear market and the economy is not that great. So we decided to step up and help out the smaller guys and make sure that they keep their heads afloat, keep working hard and keep building these amazing things on top of Cadena.
We've been very lucky that way that we've been able to do these things and hopefully in the future we can open up even more grants to projects around the ecosystem because hopefully in the near future we're going to see some more really amazing projects pop up. So hopefully like I said we haven't had any
set dates or plans yet of when we're going to reopen that grant process. But hopefully we will soon because there's lots of projects out there that I'm sure could use a little help, use a little push and even a little guidance because like as you've even seen having that wizard has a direct chat in our
you call this discord as do many other projects in the cadena ecosystem. Pretty much all of the big dogs we have a direct channel with. And that's because we want to work with everyone. We want to help everyone. And you know more hands make a lighter work and we can all help each other. So you know that's one of the main things that we're trying to focus
here at Eucalyptus is to make to bring the ecosystem together to all work for the betterment of cadena itself. Well that's exactly why I love you guys and why I think the rest of the ecosystem does too. I mean you guys are here fighting a good fight every single day. You know you guys see a need for something.
something and you do it, you know, ask for money, ask to, you know, buy my token, buy this. Speaking of that, I thought it was funny how many people were making memes like Koala was a freaking moon coin or something, not knowing it was a wallet. Yeah. It's even called Koala wallet on the Twitter, so I don't know
where the confusion was there. A simple look at our profile or a simple Google search would have found that out. But that's fine. For anyone who doesn't know, Koala Wallet right now is running a little meme contest. So if you are a meme creator and you're creating cool memes, you can go to the Koala Wallet profile.
I think it might be pinned or won't be too far down on the tweets. And you can put in your entry, you just post your tweet into that thread on Twitter and then also join the Discord and there's a Koala memes channel in our Koala Walla Discord. Post it there and then people in the Discord can then vote with a little hard
emoji on which ones they like the best and the top winners with the top votes are gonna get a little surprises at the end of the week. So I think the the leader right now is the one that you said that you really liked of the the wizard talking to each other. Yeah that one's pretty much way in the leader at
right now. But yeah, anyone that's interested, you can go check that out. There's also, I believe there's also, yeah, there's a swag giveaway we have going on with Cadena ecosystem and Koala wallet where you can win a Cadena hoodie or a Koala little cool thumbs up t-shirt or some really sweet
We're a wag me stickers. So make sure you guys go check that out. It should be I believe it's pinned on to our profile here Let me just check to make sure if not I will pin it to make sure that people can see it But yeah, it's pinned right at the top so that's going on again till Friday right on our website. Could you need to ecosystem?
I'm going to thank you again Ron for coming and speaking with us. It's been really great catching up. It's always great talking to the team with Wizards and hopefully in the near future we can do this again.
and hopefully maybe once the next batch of equipment comes out, we can do another catch up and promotion for that. We definitely will and you know I want to get on one of these KD Talks sometime. We should have a KD Talks gamify, get a Wizard Run up there, get a couple of other gamify guys up there. I think it would be a good time.
Yeah, we have to start planning our next one anyhow, so I'll bring that up with the Fanzo and maybe Game Fire will be the next topic that we discuss and what we do will definitely be reaching out to Wizards. - Oh, I'm completely down for it. Thank you, Chris.
Awesome. Well, thank you very much everyone for joining us today. Make sure you guys go follow Wizards Arena. Check out their website, Get yourselves a wizard. Play some of these cool tournaments. Get involved.
also join their Discord which is very active, very involved so make sure you guys go and check them out. So thank you very much everyone for joining us today and have a great day. Thanks Ron. Thanks Chris, take care.
Thanks everybody who came and listened. I appreciate it. Have a happy Wizard Wednesday.
Have a good day everyone. See you next time.

FAQ on Magic on Kadena! Wizards Arena x Kadena Ecosystem AMA | Twitter Space Recording

What is Wizards Arena?
Wizards Arena is an NFT game on the Cadena blockchain which is an old-style RPG game and the form of the game is play to earn.
What is the economy ecosystem around the NFTs and Wizatoken?
Multiple ways that you can spend your wizards token, rather that the upgrades are just small, cool features in the game.
What are the different game modes in Wizards Arena?
There are multiple game modes, including battling the NFTs, having a tournament where you don't know who you're going to battle in completely random, and challenging other players.
What is the current league tournament that Wizards Arena is running?
Wizards Arena is in the midst of their second league tournament where everything is counted as an overall ranking style with 12 tournaments for every element and rewards increase with the overall ranking.
What are clans in Wizards Arena?
Clans are a group of friends who decide to dance together and then you can have a clan work where it's you and your buddies versus another guy and his buddies to bring the community together.
What is and what can be found there? is the website for all your cadena needs. It's got all of the different projects that are currently actively building on Cadena ecosystem, a calendar of upcoming events, and a build section where you can find jobs from around the Cadena ecosystem.
What is and what features does it have? is your passport to all your cadena needs. It has everything for all your cadena needs, including ft support, apps, swaps, wallet, and connect. There are also lots of really cool features down the pipeline that can't be revealed yet.
What can be found on swag.collo
On swag.collo, you can find a wide range of cool Koala Wallet and Cadena themed gear, including hoodies, T-shirts, hats, and stickers.
What is and what features does it have? is a new explorer for the Cadena ecosystem which allows you to see all your transactions, tokens, and even the NFTs in your wallet. You can also see all the different collections that are building on the Cadena ecosystem and there is a bottom button in the footer for feedback.
How can people listen back to the AMA with Wizards Arena?
The AMA with Wizards Arena is recorded and available live on Twitter for 30 days. Additionally, the spaces are downloaded and uploaded to both the YouTube and SoundCloud accounts of Cadena ecosystem.