MAJOR FEWO WORLD & 0N1 FORCE UPDATES!! ☀️☕️ GM W3B3 Morning Show Ep208

Recorded: June 1, 2023 Duration: 2:07:24



Yo! What's up, Terry? What's up, ArtSnitch?
Happy Thursday, Thursday.
Last show of the week.
Congrats on Oni Day, ArtSnitch.
Seems like a big ol' success. We're going to be talking about that.
What's up, Sarah Script, GM. Happy to see you here. First thing in the manana.
About to get it going.
Check, check. Yo, yo, yo. What is happening in the wow, wow web?
Holy heck, I definitely almost slept in my alarm this morning, but I did not.
Could not. The show must go on. We're here. Last show of the week.
Could not miss it.
This is important, but I am caffeinating as quickly as humanly possible.
We're waking up. We got things to talk about.
Couple big project updates to discuss that are going to be very interesting and fun, you know it.
Keeping it positive, a little bit more positive than some of the other stuff's been going this week.
Back in the conversation.
Previously started his Fewo World project.
Watched the paint drops and then kind of went silent for a while.
You know, says he's been very busy, which is good.
Hopefully that's what he's been doing. They're actually working on it, but big announcements there.
We'll cover regarding Fewo World utility for paint holders and one of one holders and all of Fewo's collectors.
And that sounds very interesting. The floor and the paint drops did start running.
I, of course, fucked that one up because I was holding onto it for a while and then felt like nothing was happening.
And then I floored it. And so I have no I have no paint drops now.
So I've been watching them thinking, should I should I sweep the floor on some Fewo World paint?
I don't know. We'll talk about that and what all of these announcements could mean.
And then, of course, Oni Day yesterday.
Lots of big announcements coming through there.
Very, very interesting things to follow up on with our conversation with Starwardy that we had a week or two ago.
More pieces to the puzzle coming together on their team.
A lot of things happening and some pretty pretty big announcements.
New ones that I don't think we had heard yet to talk about.
So, yeah, there's a couple of good things.
And then, of course, we'll dig into all the other headlines and news things happening.
GM, sir, how are you?
Yeah, I'm doing well.
I started off the morning a little spicy with the open sea tweet, but pretty good.
Oh, what? I probably haven't seen it yet since I'm literally rolling straight out of bed.
Oh, no, that was just the first thing I thought to say.
I jumped up here because what's it?
I heard you say that you were interested in buying the Fewo paint and then it will like jump into it later.
But I would wait like a week.
Unless it's coming out next week, I would wait like a week for the hype to die down.
That's exactly what I'm. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I agree with you, Sarah.
You're a smart one.
Big brand to 200 IQ over here.
Oh, my God.
No, it's true.
I'm so dumb.
Oh, well.
Oh, well.
You win some.
You lose some.
A week or two.
Yeah, because it is obviously hyped up right now with the announcement.
But I believe the actual like reveal or when when this is actually transpiring with the next mint for this 20 K PFP is not till like August.
This is a why it's it's well, we'll talk about the timing of it because it's a strange announcement for that far out given how long it's been already.
But again, you know, maybe they're really just working really, really hard on it.
That's fair.
But to me, I think they're trying to be very strategic about timing and like announcing and like not rushing right now in this market.
I feel like they like I feel like they wanted to announce something to keep people interested and let them know that they are working.
And that's good.
But also like they don't want to watch it right now because the market sucks.
That's kind of what I feel like is going on.
And maybe again, it's just not ready because it's probably it's a lot of work if it is a high quality 20 K PFP.
But yeah, because I think it's it's not even like a month out.
It's like almost two months out.
I think it's out of August.
But anyway, we'll dig into the details.
We'll get into all of that.
Felocius, you know, commented on our tweet.
That was nice. I was like, hey, come on in.
We'd love to have you.
We'll see if I'm awake.
I can make it.
So who knows?
Maybe Felocius will pop in.
No promises.
Definitely no promises on that one.
But GM, to you all, we're going to be digging into the headlines here in just a little bit.
We will kick it off with some music, of course, like we do.
This is GM Web 3.
You know, you all know what it is.
Or if you don't know what it is, it's the greatest morning show that anybody ever concocted anywhere.
There's never been anything like this morning show.
It's absolutely better than any morning show that's ever existed.
And that's science.
I am gifted your humble Web 3 shirt, but happy to be joined by my favorite coast and contribute to Sarah script right now.
And you know, some of our friends pop it in here already on a Thursday.
Happy to see y'all sesh face.
That looks like that looks like the only that I that I sold for way too cheap.
That literally looks like the exact same money that maybe I sold.
So if if you got that only from the nifty castle recently sesh face, good for you.
I sold it way too cheap.
But hey, I'm still holding my forever only.
And that's my PFP.
But anyway, what's the point?
The point is, shout out to you all.
Keith Nifty Q Terry Arts niche.
NFT goes here, fam.
We'll talk a little bit about NFT go today.
We'll probably be using their platform both on this show and on NFT live because it's one of the best platforms out there for all types of data and analytics.
And yeah, we'll talk a little bit more about that later as well.
So anyway, what's the point?
The point is we're waking up.
We're getting into it is hashtag thirst trap Thursday.
If you haven't gone down to that bottom right corner where your thumb sees the little thumb can click on the little speech bubble icon, go ahead and do that.
Put some love on the show.
Give it a retweet.
Share it out, fam.
Let some friends know.
Let's get some homies in here.
Let's have a great show today and maybe just drop some dank memes or drop your favorite Sarah script PFP in the comments or maybe I don't know.
Maybe just some like some rock emojis since we hit rock bottom earlier this this week.
We could try to summon ferocious adding him in the comments.
I'm going to post my calligraphy video where I wrote his name like two years ago.
Everybody go tag ferocious in the comments and let's try and summon him.
And let's be let's be obnoxious.
But in the fun Twitter way where we want to talk about his awesome project, you know, like like toxic good, you know,
like the good kind of toxic.
That's what we're here for.
Just her just harassing people on Twitter to try and get them to come and tell us about their awesome PFP project that they just announced.
Yeah, that's I feel good about that kind of harassment.
All right.
Everybody tag for us in the comments.
Share it out.
Share out the room.
We're going to get it going.
All right.
We're going to kick it off with a song that that's what's a remix of a very awesome justice song called dance.
But it's the logic reprise.
So it's dance X logic collaboration between logic and justice.
And I hope you like it.
We'll be back in just two minutes.
And I'm going to just I'm just going to take this coffee to the face right now and see if I can wake up some more.
Attacking go.
All right.
More more more more more.
But they figured through my hair.
Can't fade the thirst.
Chill out.
Wrote it.
Let me get it.
Let me bring it back.
It is talking shit.
But I can't put you when they're doing it.
I am pursuing that number one album.
Well, why the fuck whoever doubt them.
Oh, baby.
That is dance the logic reprise.
When did that come out?
That's a great question.
See if we can cause they say call.
My name is Bobby.
Like the hundreds.
I was like, yeah, it says 2022.
Oh, my goodness.
That's so cool.
For some reason, I don't know.
I would have thought it would have come out a while ago.
I mean, that that song by justice dance came out quite a while ago.
But you know what?
You know what?
Logic keeping it fresh, bringing it back, keeping it interesting.
We and we appreciate that.
Shout out Chris Mullins hopping in here.
Happy to see you fam.
We're just getting it going.
Oh, my gosh.
All right.
We're here.
We're awake.
We're doing it.
We're doing the darn thing.
I was just following up on the our force one launch, which, of course, was Nike's first
big drop.
Sarah, did you get any of one boxes?
Are you in the dot swoosh?
I did not sign up.
No, I know.
Like 50,000 people signed up or something.
You do suck.
That's what I was going to say.
No, that's not what I was going to say.
I was just curious if you got any.
It looks like almost 100,000 items minted, though, because it did close.
It's officially closed.
It's public sale is done.
And of course, again, there are two different types of shoeboxes that you could have gotten
the classic remix or the new wave box.
And it looks like if you look on open sea, there's 97.6 thousand.
So just shy of 98,000 items minted in the our force one collection.
So that sounds that sounds pretty successful.
I know, you know, like middle of the mint, they crossed a million million dirty fiats
in revenue and sales.
And that was like a big headline.
People were excited and thought it was going well already.
And that was, I think, around like 55,000 or 60,000 minted.
So I don't know if they got to two mil, but I would I would guess that they got to
at least like one point five mil total revenue on this.
Maybe we'll see some like follow up headlines coming out in the next week or two on how
But just as a check in, seems like pretty big success with almost 100,000 Nike, our force
one boxes minted and now living on the polygon blockchain.
I got three, I think I meant to three of them.
So very excited for the reveal.
I don't know when it'll be.
I'm going to go check the dot switch Twitter right now while we're live, actually, and see
if there's any update on the reveal.
Where do you think all this goes?
Go ahead, sir.
Did it cost you no, you couldn't buy in crypto.
That was one of the interesting decisions I think they're I think because of uncertain
regulatory situations and all this that they're still and also just to make it easy.
Again, like their whole it's very web 2.5, you know, so I think for a few different reasons,
they didn't accept crypto at all.
Like you could only buy with credit card and pretty affordable, just $20.
But definitely an interesting choice to have NFTs not available with crypto.
So here you go.
The sale is over.
This is what this is from dot switches, Twitter.
The sale is over, but the our force one journey continues.
Keep it locked for more info on what happened and what's coming next later today.
So they just tweeted this 51 minutes ago.
So apparently more updates coming later today.
For now, we're looking ahead to the next play and big news coming your way at 8am PST.
So that's what they just OK, so I guess the big news is must be what they just tweeted
19 minutes ago, which looks like an EA Sports collaboration.
All right.
Is this this?
This must be it.
This must be the big news of the day.
So what's I'm gonna go and pin this up top to retweeting it.
So this could be exciting.
I don't know exactly what this means yet.
It looks a little bit vague.
They dropped a like a graphic, a gif with it just saying kind of coming soon.
But it does say EA Sports X dot swoosh.
What's in the game?
Only time will tell, huh?
Seems like an announcement of announcement.
Seems like Nike's getting comfortable here already that they know what they're doing.
But I don't know.
That's cool.
You know, it's a massive partnership, gaming partnership, sports and gaming coming together.
That makes sense for Nike's brand and for Web three.
So you know what?
That's a fucking that's a cool little insight point right there that we probably haven't
talked too much about, which is just that I mean, obviously Nike has access to the biggest
partnerships in the world if they want them.
But the fact that with a Web three native initiative like dot swoosh, that they would
specifically be targeting maybe gaming partnerships, which is also relevant to the owning force conversation
as we got our switch up here, because that had part of their announcements and the biggest
announcements was massive gaming publishers.
So I think this is really interesting because what what I think we're starting to see
here is that instead of a lot of these big publishers necessarily jumping headfirst into
trying to launch their own their own sort of like crypto native brands or IP, it seems
like a lot of the publishers are starting to do the collaboration, tie in, you know,
partnership route to get exposure to Web three.
So I don't know.
This is interesting.
EA Sports X dot swoosh.
That is a big announcement happening that is literally just happening right now in the
last few minutes.
Art Snitch.
Welcome to the stage.
Jim, Jim, Jim.
I don't know if you follow that swoosh on Instagram, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim, if you
follow that swoosh on Instagram, you'll see that they had a thread post to that and
their stories that kind of made it seem like you can also design your own shoe.
I don't know if that means you physically get to buy it or if it's something that you'll
use someplace later or what.
But check that out because that's definitely some more info on that they released today.
Well, Nike has a like you can go to like the Nike website and design your own shoes.
So that would make sense if they were just using that ability to create custom Nike
Yeah, it seemed to be very dot swoosh oriented with very specific like options that I'm
guessing are only available to dot swoosh people.
But I haven't done the research on making my own Nikes for a long time.
So I don't know if those some of those I mean, obviously some colors match, but I
don't know if I I don't know.
They just posted that.
So that's the that's the graphic from the tweet.
And it's heard it.
I was hoping that it had the sports, a sports.
It's in the game.
Yeah, I hope it I hope it I was hoping it had that in it, but no, it didn't.
It was just a cool sound effect.
But anyway, pretty exciting again that dot swoosh is moving forward with some big
partnership announcements and some interesting things.
Again, this is going to be one of the biggest brand case studies that has ever
existed in web three that almost every other company and brand around the world is
going to be looking at.
So the fact that this first mints appears to have been a pretty solid success is a
massive deal that cannot be understated because these are the types of things
that go into all the all the pitch decks, all the case study decks that get
circulated around agencies and then all the other big brands try and figure out
what to do, how you know, what are the best practices, what works, what didn't
they all analyze these types of projects and try and find their way.
And so really, really big deal to see this moving forward.
And also just seems pretty cool.
The overall other than like, you know, they had a few sort of snags with the
initial launch, like their website being slow or down or something like that.
But other than some of those initial snags overall, I would say that the
experience was really solid.
The quality of everything so far has been great.
The art seems cool.
The concept seems interesting and cool and on brand.
So I'm here for it.
I'm excited.
I also like, sorry, I also like how they gave you time to do things like it
wasn't like a five minute window for you to mint this and then, oops, sorry,
you're out, you know, they gave it like a couple of days and kept posting.
Like it's coming to the end, you know, make sure you get it.
So that was kind of, uh, I thought that was a favorable way to do it.
And that's definitely, yeah, I agree.
They're not rushing it or making it an off experience.
I mean, it is their first big watch.
So they need time to figure it out for themselves.
Um, you know, make sure everything's working and yeah, I think they even
extended like the public mint a little while and obviously it's on polygon.
So you don't really have the same issue around gas surging or anything
like that, but even still just, you know, getting as many people in and
not, not making it a difficult experience and people freaking out and all that shit.
So anyway, good communication on it.
Uh, yeah, it was, it was pretty solid across the board.
So, all right, sun always rises and things always get better.
That's the theme today, fam.
If you haven't shared out the room, go ahead and do that.
Excuse me.
Shout out more of the friends.
Quasar in here.
Kromer, Mo Runda, Knox, Steven, that are, everyone hopping in here.
Happy to see y'all share out the room.
I'll wait.
We need your engagement, fam.
The algo needs you.
We need you.
Go ahead and put some, uh, comments in the comments.
Tagful washes in the comments.
Let's get fuel in here.
Uh, all the things.
Anyway, we appreciate you being here and helping to get some more
friends in here as well.
All right.
The theme today, after a rough week and web three is that the sun always rises again
and things always get better after a dark day in the space.
Things bounced back yesterday in a good way.
We saw the highest volume we've seen in nearly two weeks.
We got bullish news from doodles.
Apparently I haven't even seen that.
So we're gonna have to check in on, on the dudes got bullish news from
doodles, only force, ferocious, and others.
And finally, we saw Eath flip last year's price for the first
time, barely, but I'll take it.
Uh, that feels good today.
We've got several art projects and a BTC project minting.
So hopefully this will set the stage for another great day.
Uh, there's some things that are going on right now.
Uh, crypto punk one, four, six two sold for just 60.
I feel like that's a little bit low.
The seller took a 37 Eath loss.
Um, all right, here's the doodle.
You know, let's just, before we get into like fewo and only forest,
and I am happy we have arts and cheers so you can do justice to
all of the only update.
So we'll get into that here in just, just a couple of minutes.
But, uh, let's hit, let's hit doodles real quick.
And while I'm at it, I'll go ahead and post my super controversial tweet
about doodles and moonbirds up top as well, because here, I mean, here's
the situation as far as I see it, right?
Like both, I think doodles and moonbirds are in very, very similar
situations right now, like two of the biggest projects.
They're actually by market cap.
They're currently sitting at 11 and 12.
So across all NFT projects, including gaming, like what through
game, like axi infinity across everything moonbirds and doodles are
still the 11th and 12th largest projects by total volume ever to very, very
big, successful projects with brands, IPs that are beloved that have
done very well in a lot of ways, but have experienced lapses in leadership.
Let's put it that way there, but it, but my whole point here is that
like it, it wasn't just one shitty mistake by a founder that got them
into this situation, right?
It's, it's been kind of a string of not great execution and poor leadership
and, you know, not great experiences.
And then that all of that kind of culminates with, with the, you know,
the, the face of the projects sticking their foot in their mouth, you
know, and in a public way that then it just kind of like, it's, it's
the icing on top of a, of a shit cake.
Um, and that's, you know, whatever it gets everybody talking and, and
talking about it, but then, you know, when you actually dig in, there's
kind of been, uh, you know, over the last year or so, quite a few
different situations that have either underwhelmed the community or not
lived up to expectations or just created bad, it's just been bad
communication or whatever it is.
It's kind of been like this string of bad execution and bad leadership
that then has culminated with both of these projects having their, their
founders kind of famously now make missteps publicly.
Um, so they're, they're just in very similar situations.
It's kind of remarkable how similar, uh, moonbirds and doodles trajectory
has gone from the tippy top, the all time high, you know, riding the
wave being the next biggest thing to kind of just like, are they even
going to make it like they're like, but I feel like both of them are
in the spot. Like, man, they, I mean, obviously they, they have good
chances to still become something great and awesome, but there's a lot
of work to be done.
I think on both of these projects right now to turn things around.
So that's, that's my kind of take.
I just think it's, it's a very interesting situation that they, they
both found a way to come so far from the top to be kind of where
they are now with a lot of people questioning, uh, where they're
going, given how much positivity and momentum they had.
So doodles though, apparently has some, uh, some big news.
So let's, let's talk about this real quick.
Doodles partners with camp to double down on immersive experiences.
So I'm not very familiar with camp.
Let's see what we can learn here.
Here's the alpha Doodles is watching its first ever retail and
entertainment experience this summer in partnership with camp.
This represents a new chapter in the evolution of the Doodles brand.
So camp stores offer shoppers a unique experience that combines retail
and play at their physical locations across the U S.
Do y'all know, have y'all heard of this?
Have y'all ever been to a camp store?
I've never been to a camp store.
I want to say I have, uh, but not good enough to remember, I guess.
I don't know.
It's so is, is this big news then?
Like, all right.
So camp stores offer shoppers a unique experience that combines retail and
play at their physical occasions across the U S collectors of original Doodles
will get exclusive benefits, including complimentary admission, merchandise
credits, and unique opportunities to create custom pieces.
So while Doodles has seen many new developments recently, including
Doodles to wearables, the team is doubling down on immersive experiences.
Some of their previous events, such as South by Southwest and doodle put
doodle putt, uh, which I believe was like putt putt golf in our
Basel in Miami, um, they were beyond some of the most innovative in events
in the web through space and the team wants to continue what they do best
growing the Doodles ecosystem, IRL.
Now they'll be doing it at camp where customers can meet Doodles
characters on their shelves.
The partnership will feature Doodles first kids and family focused
merch, a specialty toy store, featuring, featuring new Doodles toys,
daytime programming for families, adult focused evening events, and more.
Once they're acquainted, the goal is that customers will be seamlessly
onboarded to the studio Doodles is digital collector experience.
Physical retail is no longer a passive environment.
This is a quote, physical retail is no longer a passive environment.
The best retail activations are experiential, ultimately creating a
lasting relationship with someone that discovers you IRL, the Doodles
team tweeted, we're doubling down on what sets Doodles apart, immersive
experiences and quality products.
All right.
So I'll go ahead and pin this, uh, this tweet up top as well.
Here it is.
Here's the announcement.
I don't know.
What do y'all think about this as like a big announcement?
I mean, I agree with being physical and, you know, taking it to retail
stores and having more people experience it, but if it's not executed
well, it's, which is going to be really tough to do, uh, then I
don't think it, I think it could hurt.
As much as help, right.
And that's kind of been their weakness, hasn't it?
It's been execution.
It's kind of, it's kind of been the big issue.
I mean, I don't know how many stores there are, but I mean, if there's
hundreds or thousands to get signage up in the stores and the employees
didn't understand what they're offering and where to go and all that stuff,
it's going to be, and then to be programming across all of them, both
daytime and nighttime activities and actually getting people to show up
and care, that's a lot.
Here's the video.
All right.
I mean, another very cute, I mean, they're, the quality of their content
is always really good.
Like they have this whole studio that they acquired or whatever.
Who, who's that?
Do you remember that studio that they partnered with?
They partnered with some big studio.
Uh, so yeah, the content's always great.
It always looks very professional.
They definitely have that family friendly kid vibe.
I feel like there's, you know, the similarities here between them
and pudgy penguins and going for this, uh, you know, toys, kids toys thing.
Um, and I do think that having physical locations as, you know, places
and opportunities to onboard is potentially great.
Um, but yeah, what does the execution of this actually look like?
That's the question.
I was on a, I was on a space yesterday talking about, you know, gaming.
I mean, I joined a space and gaming and, you know, IP growth and
everything like that.
And, you know, when you talk about, you know, like call of duties
and stuff like that, and, and, and, and probably it helps to this a
little bit in the sense that you need financial, I mean, huge financial
investment in these things in order to make it work, right?
Like you need not hundreds of thousand dollars, but like tens of millions,
if not hundreds of millions in order to really market and execute and,
you know, get it to, you know, happen.
And I hope if hopefully they start out with like a pop up store, do one or
two and see how they execute and fix it.
If there's any issues based on the ideas and actuality at that point.
So they can grow it with a test versus just rolling it out across a bunch of stores.
But I mean, there's a lot of investment that goes into these things that I don't
think people or companies sometimes realize how much people spend in order
to, to get these kinds of distribution.
Yeah, it's, it's crazy.
Also like I'm looking at camp stores, excuse me, on Twitter, excuse me.
They have less than a thousand followers.
I guess they just set up a Twitter because of this announcement.
So that's an interesting situation.
Um, yeah, I'm not familiar with camp.
Like, I guess this is a, is a big thing.
I guess they're all over the U S or what like locations.
Okay, here we go.
Here we go.
So it looks like there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Looks like they've got just eight locations.
So, okay.
So it's not like thousands of stores or anything like that,
but they're coordinating across.
It's not too many, but looks like in, uh, they've got two in New York, one in Atlanta,
one in Burlington, one in, well, three in New York.
They got one in Brooklyn, two in New York, nor one in Norwalk, one in LA.
There's one in LA, one in Dallas, one in Atlanta.
So, okay.
Good test.
Good test.
That's not too big.
I just, yeah, I guess I, I, I probably cause I don't have kids.
I assume if I had kids, I'd be probably more familiar with this, uh, this brand.
Um, you, you got kids arts in this.
You should know all about this.
They got one in LA.
Where, where, where are you at?
You sleeping on a camp?
I, I, I, what do you mean?
I went to camp every day.
All right.
Thanks for being a good sport, playing along with me.
Um, all right.
You know what?
That's the, that's the dudes.
That's the update from doodles.
And, uh, since we got you here, man, let's, let's talk briefly about oni force.
Let's go ahead and run it back.
Cause there was a lot of, uh, big announcements, a lot of big things happening
on the oni day space, which was huge.
I mean, how many people ended up listening?
Is there like over 5,000 listens?
It was around like 2,500 or something when it ended.
I know like on average, there was like 1,400 people in the room.
Uh, and that's not including any course listening later and
people coming in and out.
So, and it started out with like three or 400 people, like, and then 15 minutes
into it jumped to like 1,400 and it never stopped from there.
It never got lower than that.
So yeah, I mean, there was a lot of hype.
They did a good job of the last, I don't know, two, three, four weeks of making
some announcements of the team, but they sent out that kind of rock tour poster
that gave people, you know, enough information to know that on this date,
something was going to be released or info or whatever it was.
And it culminated to, it culminated to yesterday.
So, so yeah, I think a lot of people were ready for it.
It was, it's, we should write that down and put it in the.
Did you say cumulated?
I didn't like coffee too.
I'm doing it right.
Hey, cheers, fam.
That's, that's what we need.
You know what?
Let's, let's all take a coffee break here.
Coffee moment.
That's, that's good.
It was at this moment that he knew he fucked up.
That's, that's our coffee sound, I guess.
So yeah, let's talk about what was announced though.
Cause it was a big space, lots of people in there, lots of listeners.
So yeah, congrats on the, like, I don't know how involved you were with the
whole thing, but I know you're, you are involved with the team.
So I don't know.
Congrats anyway, on whatever part you were part of.
I know you got, you got the shout out.
You're up on the stage there at the end.
That's pretty hecking cool.
Um, but, but yeah, let's, let's hit some of the, the biggest news.
Cause there was some big news.
And again, like, like we kind of knew some of it.
I knew about the ordinals, but that was one of the big things that I, you know,
I guess they, they really hadn't talked about, which I, he, start already
said that like, nobody had shared it anywhere, even though they, they did
share it at NFTLAs event.
I don't know if that's true or not, but if so, I mean, that's pretty impressive.
But either way, they only did not officially announce it publicly.
I don't believe they told her to NFTLA, they had one internal like discord
meeting for holders who want to show up to kind of hear the same
alpha, like two or three weeks later, but he asked them not to share.
No one tweeted out, no one shared anything specifically, like it didn't
virally go anywhere, uh, which was kind of cool.
Um, and a little bit shocking, but kind of cool.
I feel like it kind of flew under the radar, under the radar.
You know what I mean?
Um, like, like I'm not sure, I guess that part of the question is because
nobody really knows like how important of a headline it really is, but it's
definitely cool and interesting, especially when you pair it with the
character art, because I think part of the announcement here is actually
getting to see what the comic book characters are.
And the fact that I am complex, you know, as the artist behind him, which,
you know, I mean, we all love Cro Magnus a ton, but you know, I am complex
is the creator and he didn't do the first comic that we all got dropped at one point.
So it's kind of cool that, you know, he was, you know, creating a full, full, full
character, and then he's fully involved with the comic that's coming out.
Although I don't know if he's illustrating it or not.
I can't confirm that, but, uh, he's definitely heavily involved in the
story and everything like that.
So that's really cool.
The other thing that, you know, I don't, I think got thrown on the radar
yesterday, uh, a little bit is that, you know, there's really going to be a
chance for, you know, someone to own each one of these characters and have a
more, have a heavier role with their characters in the story moving forward.
Uh, which is really cool.
And I think that they're going to auction off most of them to, you
know, some bidders, and then they're going to raffle off one for sure.
Maybe two, don't quote me on that, but, uh, that, uh, you know, someone will
be able to win without having to pay a ton of money for it in Bitcoin.
So, uh, it's really cool opportunity.
It's really cool.
It's a cool case study.
It's kind of leading the charge, do something different from, you
know, a community ownership standpoint.
So pinned up at the top, you can check out this specific announcement
that we're discussing seven characters.
And these are all basically, you know, brand new characters.
They're obviously inspired from the collection.
Like all the traits basically are taken from the original collection, but
these are basically new characters designed by the original artist.
I'm complex.
And these are going to be the lead characters in the only forest
comics, that's my understanding.
And so what they did is they basically minted seven ordinals for each, one
for each of these characters, put them on Bitcoin on the Bitcoin
blockchain forever in theory.
And they did it pretty early.
So they did it a couple of months ago.
So they're relatively early inscriptions and part of the thing.
And so, uh, sorry, and like you, you were saying, artist, I think you
said they're, they're going to auction them and then they're going
to give one or two away, but they are going to auction the others.
So if people have a chance to bid on it and to own some of them, and then
they're going to raffle off, like I said, one or two, I don't, I don't
know, um, exactly how many and where they're going to start as far as
price or anything like that, but opportunity to really own one of the
characters, these are not in the original 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, uh, like you
mentioned, these are new characters with traits taken from all of those.
So they're very familiar.
These are the characters for the first Oni Force comic series.
Now the, to clarify that is going to be dropped preview, um, at Comic-Con
this year, but then there's also Oni Hunter X, which is also a
character that was, well, those characters actually redrawn, were
drawn by I am complex for this Oni Hunter X was somewhat, was a
character that didn't make the 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, um, but there's a
characters that were just kind of, um, you know, I just didn't make
it. They were created and, uh, Oni Hunter X was one of those.
And that's also going to be a comic and that, and it's being
written by a bunch of us in the community have been working with
Paul Jenkins to write it.
And, uh, so that's going to be a six issue series.
And as Star Lordy put it, Oni Hunter X is kind of like the
Marine and the seven ordinal characters are kind of like, as he
puts it, like more like the X-Men or the Avengers or something
like that, then they'll give you an idea of what, how they're
pairing it.
And so two things that Star Lordy said that I really, really
agree with that, that like resonate, right.
Cause I think that he's, he's been, I think that like, you
know, the whole team that, that has been put together behind Oni
for us, including yourself is, is really strong.
And so it seems like the, the amount of thought and the
consulting that's gone into a lot of the work that's being
done, I think is, is pretty strong here because these,
these things really make sense to me.
So one is the idea of treating ordinals kind of like the,
you know, this, this museum, right?
So it's like, they're, they're not really necessarily great
for like trading or like the day to day collecting.
Um, but for like, you know, premium collectibles or like
these museum pieces, you know, I think that like kind of
makes sense for like why you might want to put these
there and it kind of separates them.
And so I like, like the strategy, you know, just like
making them their own very, very sort of premium
exclusive museum type esque collection and, you know,
putting them on the Bitcoin blockchain forever, these,
these characters to immortalize them.
Like that makes a lot of sense to me.
But then the other part is like the ability to own
one of the original characters and like share in the
IP that in that way has always to me been one of
the most fascinating concepts of what NFTs could
provide to collectors.
You know, again, it's like that, that idea, like what
if you could own like the original Iron Man NFT,
you know, from 20 or 30 years ago or something
like that, right?
Like that idea has, has just stuck in my head always
as being like the potential of like what this
could do for collectors and for collections.
And the new IP here, like why is it interesting
to collect these characters?
It's because, you know, if, if these IP do, do
transcend and become something very special, getting
to participate in that in some meaningful way and
share in the value that's created in some
meaningful way is, is fucking cool.
And they're like, like, start what you literally
said, like, you know, that's basically what this is.
Like, these are the original seven characters
that were building this comic around.
And yeah, these NFTs will be the only ones of
these characters on Bitcoin.
Yeah, it's, it's, and look, this is the first
round of this, there's going to be opportunities.
I mean, we talk about the franchise model and
some of the other, you know, programs that star
and I'm working with him on putting out, you
know, there's opportunities to get your current
only that you own to be, you know, submitted
for things like that, as well as if you have
an idea to write a story or you want to draw
or you want to, you know, whatever it is that
you can be an expert on or an expert on.
Like for me, I'm not an expert storyteller.
I'm not an expert animator.
So I'm going to, mine are going to be submitted
and there's lawyers that got to be involved
in order to get it right.
But it's going to be opportunity for, you
know, people to submit and whatever level
they want and get only for corporate to support
you and give you tools and assets to get
distribution because the comics, the two
comics we're talking about are already set
to be distributed across comic stores all
over the United States.
And next step will be around the world.
After Comic Con, it's already in place.
We have the distribution set up.
It's just a matter finishing the printing
and all that stuff.
So it's not just, oh, we're dropping a few
comics, it's digital and hopefully like
the story.
This is like, you know, fully set up with
Josh Blalock said, helping us get that
distribution who does, you know,
distributes comics for Voltron and
GHO and a bunch of other, you know,
really cool publications.
And then, you know, I don't know if I'm
stepping ahead, but David Olson, who was
introduced yesterday on the space,
he, his family owns the rights to
Batman, all the Batman movies.
So they are the ones that all of them
like even even the new ones, like the
DC ones, he owns the rights to those.
If you look at every single one of
those movies, if you look at one of
the executive producers, it's going to be
the Olson family.
David Olson is the son, Matt Olson is
I don't know which ones on there.
And I've had the privilege of sitting
with Star and him for a couple of
lunch meetings to talk about how this
is going to work.
And they come on board to advise and
they're, they're connecting us with
distributors around the world, because,
you know, if you know how to distribute
in the United States, it doesn't mean
you know how to distribute in Asia.
And by the way, the story shouldn't
necessarily be the same as
distributing in the US that should be
distributed in Asia.
They also are going to get us
connected with, you know, obviously
they know Warner Brothers, they know
DC, they know all of these people,
they work with them regularly.
I mean, they're the guys that broke
the deal that got that like Michael
Keaton Batman done.
And they've had executive producer
rights ever since then, because they
were the team that did that.
So, and if you look them up and you
say who owns the rights to Batman,
there's actually a lot of people that
wanted different levels, but no one's
disputing their rights to own the fact
that they brought the Batman franchise
to Warner Brothers and all the movies
That's crazy.
Yeah, and I was there for basically
the whole comic.
So I heard, you know, they're very,
very bullish on the IP and excited
about it, which is that's tremendous.
Again, the team and like the people
that are involved with Oney right now,
I think is like, I don't know how
many other teams in web three other
than maybe like you go labs have this
much like firepower right now.
Like, I don't know.
Maybe like a moonbirds does maybe, I
mean, like doodles has like, I guess
Pharrell involved somehow, like people
like that, but like how many other
projects have a have a team like this
that is like, I can't really think of
that many.
Well, and not to mention the fact that
the ownership group.
I mean, way who is the main lead of it,
they, you know, I mean, ex CFO finance
Asia, right?
So you can imagine what kind of money
was made there, but he bought grinder,
you know, that app for a couple
hundred million and sold it for over a
And that was something he did not out.
Not having to do with Binance and
he's had other ventures.
So there's a lot of money sitting in
the bank for them only forced to invest
in the right ways.
I mean, the Fortnite thing, which
we'll talk about, I'm sure is purely
because of the fact that they have
the funds to create partnerships like
this and and build them out and they
have the connections to do it as well.
So there's there's they're not trying
to make money right away.
They want to grow this IP and invest
in it so that way they can make money
a lot more money later.
Yeah, which I think the crazy thing
to me is that assuming, you know,
like there's a lot of steps that have
to come together.
You know what I mean?
Like it's not it's not easy.
This shit just doesn't just doesn't
happen, but you have the team in place
to create really, really strong
foundational IP in the form of like
comic books and things like this.
And assuming that they're decently
good and decently well received,
there is actually a real avenue
and potential for this to turn into
shows and movies because like that's
that's the that those are the types
of people that you have on your team
is the people that produce
world class, you know,
like Marvel films and like DC
films and shit like that.
Like those are the people that are
already talking about this
and like working on it.
So it's that's pretty fucking crazy
to think about.
Again, these are all things that
we've all kind of just like
thought could happen with NFT IP.
And we all kind of like hope,
you know, and we all kind of
speculate that like, oh, of course
in the future, like all this is
gonna happen, but this is actually
coming together in real terms.
Yeah, I mean, look, it's gonna
take a while.
I don't care how good your team is
and how much money you have or
don't have.
It's still gonna take a while
to build all of these things out.
But the plan and I think what's
really cool is that the seeds
are being planted, right?
We're showing up a comic on.
We've got two physical comics.
We're gonna get distribution of
the comics across comic book
stores and Barnes and Nobles
and everything like that, right?
Then I mentioned it earlier
and then we'll get into it.
We're creating a map on Fortnite,
which doesn't guarantee any
kind of success.
But if you add that plus the
comics plus bringing on an
advisor like David Olson,
plus the animator, the lead
creative that we brought on
Hachimura, and then all of the
other people that have come on.
Those are the pieces that
will all come together at some
point and will cause an
But you still got a lot of
building to go.
It's gonna take a little time.
So we got two other big
announcements pinned up top
that we're gonna hit on real
quick before we get into some
of the other news and maybe
talk a little bit more about
the FEWO world announcements.
So let's just hit the Fortnite
situation since we've already
been kind of like hitting on
This is definitely one of the
biggest announcements that I
think was brand new.
I don't think I'd heard
anything about this.
Like even at the NFTLA,
like to me, I think this was
this was a brand new
announcement that to your point,
like it doesn't guarantee
anything per se.
But the potential is absolutely
massive because Fortnite is,
you know, one of the biggest
games in the world.
There's what?
A hundred million like monthly
active users or something.
Something crazy like that.
I don't know the stats,
but I mean, you know,
I think it was funny and I
texted you yesterday after the
space, but it was like,
you guys are talking about
meta-versus and I think I
think about how, you know,
Roblox and Minecraft and
Fortnite, you know,
have built this and they're
spending money to maintain
their market share and they're
not going to, you know,
people don't think of them as
the same meta-verse as,
you know, voxels or,
you know,
Decentraland or whatever.
So it's like,
it's really interesting.
So when you talk about
building in a space where
people already are,
and then people go,
what the hell is this?
That's a really cool opportunity.
But you also talk about
a place where,
you know,
there's multiple uses to this
island and this map that
they're building.
Not only can people come
play whoever they are,
they don't have to know
what the hell an oni force is.
But, you know,
it can also be a place
to create events for holders
that can be gamified
and things like that as well.
So, you know,
does that,
like I said,
ensure that we're going to
become a worldwide IP
because we're in Fortnite.
hopefully it gets to that point
and it's definitely there.
But there's multiple uses for
this that are beyond just,
you know,
everyone's going to come
play the oni force map,
which we're going to invest
a ton of money to make sure
that people find out
that it's there
and they explore it
and they come
and they experience it.
And we're going to
try and get the word out
through multiple channels
of doing so.
And I can't really
break that down,
but it's there's going
to be investment behind that
to make sure the world is aware
because what are you going to do?
Find this out and
never heard of
and then go play there maybe.
But if you get some people
talking about it
and some excitement around it,
you'll get that.
But holders will get something
because they already
know it's there
and they'll have the opportunity
to go play it
and play on that as well.
So it's multiple levels.
And I can already see,
you know,
Kaku performances live there.
I'm really so we had a,
you know,
our space yesterday,
I think the headline was like,
is the metaverse
just a pipe dream?
And we're discussing like
all the issues
with the metaverse
where it's at.
Where do we think it should go?
Or, you know,
what is it?
All the different things
that have been happening
with the quote unquote metaverse.
I'm coming to the point
where I hate the word.
Like I want to just like
never use the word metaverse again,
because I actually think
at this point it's a negative.
Like I don't think it helps.
I think it creates more confusion
than it does actually help anything.
So I kind of want to just like
try and stop using it
as much as I can.
But Fortnite is,
you know,
one of the biggest virtual worlds
with actual DAUs, MAUs
in the tens and hundreds of millions.
It's massive their economy
that they already have.
It's obviously not crypto native
and it's owned by Epic Games.
But this is where I see
the real potential happening is
instead of these crypto native
virtual worlds
thinking that they're going
to be able to compete,
it's that the big IP
or the big projects
start to infiltrate and partner
and bring web3 values
into those spaces.
And that's where it starts to converge.
Like it'll be really interesting
to see like to me,
where's the conflict?
Where's the overlap
between web3 and web2
in Fortnite,
like inside of it?
Like what are the web3 values
that you can bring into this
when it's like a fully open
and accessible web2 experience?
Yeah, I mean, it's,
I think all of those things
are kind of like
needs to be figured out, right?
And we'll see how like
people gravitate to it.
And I agree.
I mean, the meta robots
and Fortnite are meta versus
they just don't call themselves that.
No, because it's dumb.
I'm so over that word.
But the other thing about Fortnite,
different things is that Fortnite
specifically has really led the way
and what some people might call
a metaverse experience,
but just in these big virtual events.
So like things like having
Travis Scott performances
that like millions and millions
of people show up to go watch
in inside of Fortnite.
So to your point,
it's like this development
is not just,
hey, you can come and play
the game in this new map.
It's like this is an activation space
that could that's integrated
into a much larger ecosystem
that could be used
for all kinds of cool things.
So again, you know, I mentioned
like Cocker could go perform there.
Who knows what else could happen there,
you know, but the potential,
hopefully being to get exposure
to a much larger ecosystem
of gamers and users
and build IP that way is huge.
And so just to like round out
this headline,
basically what it is is that
it's not a direct Fortnite
partnership with Oniforce.
It is a sort of back door partnership
with Fortnite through
one of the Unreal Engine developers.
That's kind of what I like.
So I guess it's Thea 3D
is one of the main
like Unreal Engine developers
and Unreal Engine is owned by Epic Games,
which owns Fortnite.
So it's like,
it's sort of like tangentially partnered
with Fortnite this way.
But by partnering with this company,
they're going to get a super high quality
Unreal Engine map
that then is integrated
into the Fortnite ecosystem.
So that's kind of how I see it.
But what they say here in the tweet,
Thea will help expand our IP
across the metaverse.
Starting with Oni World
in Fortnite Creative 2.0.
I mean, you don't get into Fortnite.
Well, they don't do the work, right?
Like the Epic Games
doesn't create the partnerships.
They work with the teams
like that are Unreal Engine partners, right?
And so there's a connection.
But Fortnite is going to work with you.
They're going to throw you
to one of their partners
to design, develop, and move it.
So it doesn't,
there is no direct next step, right?
So you have to work
with one of these preferred partners
to work within their approved ecosystem.
So yeah, this is exactly
what you need to do
in order to be there.
And will Fortnite advertise this?
Probably not.
But who knows?
Will they allow us
to advertise the hell out of it
and bring people in?
Hell yeah.
Well, if it's a really cool map,
a cool new utility,
basically for the Fortnite game.
I mean, why wouldn't they
want to at least highlight it
or let people know?
I would be surprised
if there was zero marketing at all.
But who knows?
There will be.
I meant to the fact
that you won't see a TV spot.
But you're going to see,
they're going to, they want,
look, every one of these people
who play this game
and they wait for the new season
and then they can't wait to play again
and then they burn out a little bit on it
and they come back for a new season.
So, you know, having these types of things,
everyone's going to start to explore it.
And then if you get the right people
talking about it
and saying that they tried it out,
then it's going to, you know,
introduce a lot of people
to the Enclave that we're building.
Great success.
Yeah, and it's called the Enclave.
And I really like the graphic
of this like floating balloon type thing
that they shared with it.
So it definitely gets me curious
of like what a 3D Oni Force Enclave environment
would even look like.
And so having like one of the top,
you know, unreal developers
partnering to build this out
is going to be absolutely fucking cool
to see it come to life that way.
And you know what?
Here's the interesting thing that I'll say.
I think it's a win for Fortnite
because I've been in gaming.
I've literally been working in gaming
for, you know, five or six years.
And I've never played Fortnite.
I've literally worked on Fortnite
like projects and like been around it.
And I've never wanted to play it myself.
This actually makes me want to maybe go in
and play Fortnite
or like jump in to like see this specifically.
That's awesome to hear.
I will let Fortnite know.
Well, I think that's, you know,
it's an interesting onboarding
for Fortnite as well.
If you're actually bringing,
you know, the Enclave in
and people like me who have been,
you know, maybe not really interested
in that specific game.
Now, maybe I have a reason to go get into it.
Sorry, the last announcement
that will hit briefly
before we keep it moving
How are you guys?
Doing well.
How are you doing?
I've decided I need to do a loom today.
I'm touching grass.
Love to hear that.
It's important.
It's very important.
I would go out and touch grass too.
Maybe it's just still so great.
This weather has absolutely sucked.
Like the last week or two in LA has been trash.
It doesn't feel like LA.
It feels like I'm in Toronto right now, Mo.
Not gonna lie.
It's just gray.
Toronto is hot and steamy
and sunshine today.
So it doesn't feel like you're in LA.
It feels like you're in LA
with a marine layer above you.
That's what it feels like.
Can we trade?
All right.
So the last announcement quickly that worked.
One more thing I have to announce.
I found poison ivy in my garden
and I may or may not have touched it.
I am super allergic to poison ivy.
I've gotten it really, really, really bad several times.
And yeah, no bueno.
I hope you're gonna be all right.
But yeah, that poison ivy got you.
It's like, surprise motherfucker.
Sorry, Mo.
All right.
This last oni force announcement up here
that will hit really quick
is, and this is already live, I guess,
is that they partnered with Origin Protocol
to create their own marketplace.
And it's not just, you know, unique to have
your own oni force marketplace.
It's specifically because they want to gamify
the trading experience and reward top traders.
That's my understanding is that by using and this new marketplace
through Origin Protocol, you can get different types of rewards.
Yeah, I mean, ultimately, it was shared,
but there's gonna be a lot more information about it.
We've been working behind the scenes
to create a lot of different experiences.
NFT drops, art drops, partnerships
to go along for the next 30-ish days
that if you, you know, similar to some of the other marketplaces
where you buy and trade and hold.
And by the way, holding is going to be important.
And what's in your bag is going to be important.
And you will get rewards by gaining points
on the Origin Protocol marketplace.
So, you know, it's not, they're an interesting group
because they're not trying to be blurred.
They're not actually trying to create flippers.
They're trying to create collectors
and incentivize collectors for, you know,
moving on their platform.
Obviously, if you're going to decide to move something
and, you know, it's not that they're against traders,
but, you know, they want to incentivize both sides of it.
And, you know, you're going to get rewarded with,
like I said, collectibles, experiences.
I think they announced that the top collector
is going to be flown to get off Spence Pay Trip
to Comic Con and be at the booth with us
and everything like that.
So it's, they really like to create marketplaces
that reward and give royalties
and help the collection, the artists, the collectors
and give more bonus points if you hold more
for the longer you hold and things like that.
They'll be releasing more of those details.
But, yeah, I mean, if you're going to buy and trade an oni,
you might as well do it on Origin Protocol
and it kind of goes full circle to help oni force
to help yourself, you know, collect
and win something for collecting.
And, you know, it's kind of cool.
And like I said, a lot of thought
and time was put into building that.
So it's going to be now, you know,
players giving away money based on their season two
and who knows how much.
And it's really frustrating if you ask me,
but they, you know, this will be a lot more transparent
and a lot more open on what you get
and what you can earn.
And so it's cool.
Yeah, it is cool.
It'll be interesting to see, you know,
what kind of interest and adoption it gets
and if it can actually get people to use the marketplace.
But to your point, there are some,
it sounded like what was announced.
There's some really, really exciting high end benefits
or rewards for people that, you know,
get up the leaderboard or whatever
are able to accumulate points through this marketplace.
You know, like trips to Comic Con, things like that.
So yeah, I think it's cool, man.
And the cool thing I'll say about it is just that,
you know, if you're an oni force fan,
you're going to want to trade here
because it's going to be oni force, you know,
connected or directly associated stuff
that you're going to win, right?
It's for the fans.
It's for those that appreciate it.
Isn't like you're in your, they have their own tokens.
So you're going to get some of that too,
but it's like they, you are, you're doing it
because you were a fan of the project
and you want to collect some more things from it
by doing the same thing you would do on another platform.
So, and that's what they're focused on
is really kind of like supporting the project
and making it more inclusive for fans
versus someone who doesn't give a shit about your project,
just flipping because they see some opportunity there.
This is really more about like, you know,
creating that connection.
Well, thanks for being here, ArtSnitch,
sharing all of this awesome info,
talking through it again with us.
It does look like the floor is dipped a little bit on Odes,
but it's holding strong around like 1.6, 1.7.
Right now, it got up to around two ETH,
I think in the, that was the sort of like,
by the news or no, by the, what's the same?
By the hype.
Yes, to both of them.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So it seems like in the lead up, you know,
the floor's been pumping, got up to about two ETH.
And after the event yesterday,
it has dipped just a little bit.
Yeah, I've sold quite a few Odes over the last year,
just like when they pumped at different times,
just to, you know, stay liquid
because I thought that they were, you know,
seemed like good prices.
But the last one I sold, I kind of regret.
It's the one that I, like,
because when it pumped to one ETH recently, I sold it.
I was like, oh yeah, it might come back down.
It's just the way that it's been going.
Like, I don't know if this is like going to keep going
and then it ran up to two ETH.
I was like, ah, well.
So anyway, I'm, and I'm feeling more and more bullish too.
And now I'm just kind of like,
shit, mate, what if I had just held on to like,
all the Odes that I've had instead of just like,
the ones that I have now.
Because I'm watching the floor, like, man,
should I be buying more right now?
I'm feeling very bullish though, I have to say.
Not financial advice.
I've actually, because I bought quite a few last year
when it was like 0.4, 0.2, 0.6.
I've sold a few,
and I've upgraded to the more rare ones
with the goal of trying to use some of those rare ones
potentially in stories in the future.
So I could own more.
I still want to own more, but yeah, it's tough.
The price is creeping up even at,
whether it's two or 1.6, it's still pretty bad.
But I, okay, let's go ahead and hit this.
This is important, fam.
If you're hearing my voice, you know what it is.
You know we got to say it.
For your safety and for ours, this is not financial advice.
And information was found publicly on the internet.
Opinions shared on this episode are solely of the Web3 team
and all information is public domain.
So please do your own research, DYOR.
Nobody ever does, but you should.
You should do your own research
because we're not financial advisors up here.
But I'll say this much, Art Snitch.
Given what has been revealed,
what I've seen of Starwardy and the team
and the people that were on that stage yesterday,
I'm starting to feel a little bit,
starting to feel a little bit like
that whole board ape situation
where I bought one early on and then watched it
and didn't buy more.
Where it was like, you know, it just kept going up
and you're like, oh, but I don't know.
Oneeth, I don't know.
It seems kind of expensive right now.
I don't really have a lot of liquidity.
And then it's like, oh, Twoeth, like, I don't know.
That's pretty high.
Like, do you really think it can keep going up from here?
You know what I mean?
So I'm starting to feel a little bit of that
where it's like the potential for this project right now
is so high that there's a chance,
looking back a year from now,
one, two, Threeeth on this thing.
And again, obviously, now this is financial advice,
but like, I'm starting to feel a little bit of that
where like, is it crazy to not just be fucking
buying all of these right now?
I mean, I'm probably not the best person to ask either
because I'm, you know, pretty, pretty emotionally tied
to the project.
But I will say like, you know, I do think this
and I've said it before on the show,
a week or two ago, I think when you look at the brands,
the IPs that are truly building teams
that are truly putting an effort
at investing in their product,
I think that there's a few that can grow a lot
and where there's a lot of other projects out there
that, you know, have the potential to buy
and flip and sell and make a few bucks here and there.
These are going to be growing over time
to the point where, you know, in a few years back,
you'll be like, damn, you know, like,
that was the opportunity.
That's the way I see it, you know,
but I also will say, the owner's announcement
happened in February.
The old founders were out in the U.S.,
it jumped to 2E, then it fell actually down to 0.6.
Then they started to make more announcements
and all this stuff.
It hasn't really dropped between below 1.3, 1.5
in the last couple months with the new announcements
and I don't personally, my opinion,
see it dropping much farther than this.
I think it's just going to be growing
and growing and growing
and it may dip a little here and there,
but I just think, not just the only fours,
but I think some of the projects
that are really doing a good job of building
are going to be the ones that,
everyone's I've invested in.
Yeah, well, and the difference between this
and so many others is that it actually has
that strong foundation and IP
that can actually have the legs and grow.
There's so many of these other projects
that people are spending crazy numbers on
thinking that they're going to be huge
in the next cycles
that I frankly just don't,
I don't think the IP is all that strong.
I just don't and Oney absolutely has it.
Even when you look at,
what's the differentiator between something
like Azuki and Oney for us?
I don't think Azuki has the same IP that Oney does.
Yes, Azuki has cool art.
It's got a strong community.
It's got hardcore collectors.
It's got good execution.
It's got a lot of things,
but I don't know that it has the lore,
the background, the storytellers,
I just don't know that it has the same quality IP
or potential to turn into a comic book
or film or movie the same way.
I'm part of the Azuki and I've gotten Azuki.
I agree with you that the main project,
Cheer Labs hasn't really shared anything
as far as lore and where it's going
or anything like that,
but they have created this kind of supreme
feeling kind of brand.
And then yesterday,
I don't know if you saw,
but there's a DAO called the Spirit DAO.
It's a group of very wealthy people
who own some very wealthy Azukis
put out their first comic book
that's supported by the Azuki.
So much so that if you go to
and you put your wallet in,
connect your wallet,
they give you all these different things
you can do with that.
Most of it's just like badges and stuff,
but you can actually change your Azuki
to hold the comic, the spirit.comic.
And so that's how they're,
partially how they're supporting it,
but these guys wrote
and are producing a high level comic
that I haven't read yet,
but they sold out pre-reveal yesterday.
You know, again.
All right.
So Azuki is trying to do comics too,
but like, yeah, dude.
But what's interesting is this,
Azuki didn't do this comic,
Spirit DAO guys did.
It was just supported by Azuki.
It's interesting.
So I, yeah, I still feel the same way then, right?
It's like, I think Azuki
obviously is a very strong project right now,
but like even when I'm analyzing the IP
and what's differentiating Oniforce,
I feel like Oniforce has stronger IP.
And more potential to build that out
in different ways.
And, you know, again,
the team yesterday shows up.
But anyway, all right,
we're gonna keep it going.
Pinned up at the top, fam.
Couple of big things,
but new episode alert of Wild Wild Web.
That is the new podcast,
the one-on-one deep dive with leaders
in the Web 3 space,
exploring the digital frontier
with amazing conversations.
We just got an interview.
NiftyQ just interviewed
one of the Cyberkong's
core team members, Henry the Grape.
And that's a fantastic conversation.
Has a lot of alpha about
what's happening with the Cyberkong's.
And we are actually working
to get Henry the Grape
on this show, GM Web 3,
probably next week
or sometime soon.
He's traveling right now,
but he said he'd come on soon.
So, but check that out.
Link is pinned up at the top.
New episode alert, Wild Wild Web.
That's exciting.
And some fun art from Beeple
about the clowns on crypto Twitter.
Stoods and humanoids
all ready for their closeups.
What will you be?
Initial info here.
More coming soon. slash FEWO.
So I'm guessing this,
I mean, this must be the first.
Yeah, this must be the first
sort of sneak peek.
So that's the music
on this little video up here.
But yeah, this must be
the first sneak peek
of what these look like.
So if you go to the top,
check it out.
You can see.
So these are the humanoids
misunderstood and Frankenstein's.
It's like three different kinds
of characters that will be
in this 20K collection.
And yeah, I'm going to go
actually to the
FEWORworld website here.
And so we can dig in
a little bit more to the details
of what's going on.
But any initial thoughts
from y'all up here?
Have y'all looked at this?
Do you have any thoughts
on what's happening here?
I'm not up to speed.
All right.
Well, that's why we're here.
Help keep everyone up to date.
Get up to speed together.
So let's dig into this a little bit.
So FEWO-cious, very famous
young artist in the space.
Probably one of the biggest
NFT artists out there.
If we're being honest,
like I don't know how many.
How many artists in NFTs
are actually bigger
than than FEWO-cious, to be honest.
He watched his FEWORworld
with the paint drops
and some maybe the canvases too,
but paint drops like
maybe a year ago.
I don't know.
It's been a minute.
And to be honest,
it's been kind of radio silent
as far as I can tell.
It's why I ended up
I ended up flooring
my paint drop recently.
And I regret it now.
Of course, I fucking sold it
right before all this news
was going to drop.
That's how I'm doing.
How are you doing anyway?
So I don't currently
have any paint drops,
but I did initially collect one.
And but again,
it's been kind of radio silent
for a while, to be fair.
It's been a shit market.
And he says he's been
doing a lot of work.
So here's the info
that we now have
finally on this big update
around what's happening
with FEWO-cious and FEWORworld.
And it does look
like another collection,
but it's a PFP collection
for FEWORworld.
20,000 watching August 21 to 25.
So it is almost two months out.
So again, it's kind of interesting
on the timing perspective here.
And maybe they're just making sure
that they've got enough time
to really market it,
get the drum roll out.
And that's fair.
And also, I mean,
if I had to guess,
I think they understand right now
is still a horrible market.
And they're hoping that
by late summer,
the market starts to turn around
a little bit.
That's what I would be thinking
at this point too.
So August 21 through 25th,
apparently is the minting window
for this.
So we're still a little bit out,
but here's the details
that we have so far.
FEWO-s is the name
of these characters.
FEWO-s are the inhabitants
of FEWO-world.
20,000 unique characters
created through
the cosmic explosion of paint
very much on brand for FEWO-tious
and his paint parties
and the paint drops.
It's all about painting
in FEWO-world.
However, FEWO-s are not
your typical PFP project,
you see, of course not.
The three species.
Okay, so they're calling them species.
There's three different species
of FEWO-s.
Frankenstein misunderstood
and humanoid.
Every FEWO- has its own unique set
of traits and characteristics
that come embedded
in their DNA.
From squiggly eyes
to line work bones
and everything in between
these creatures were born
from the mind of FEWO-tious
with every trait hand drawn
then converted
into beautiful 3D art.
Well, this is pretty wild
looking at this process.
So on the website,
again, FEWO-world,
excuse me, slash FEWO-s,
if you go up there to the top
and you're just scrolling
through this following along,
you can see some hand drawings
and then the process of developing
these FEWO-tious hand drawings
into 3D models.
It's a pretty wild process
because they're chaotic drawings.
Like most of these are drawings
are pretty chaotic.
So trying to translate these
I can't even imagine
how difficult of a task this was
for whoever the 3D artists were
that worked on this project.
I mean, props to you
for doing it
because this looks like
it would have been
a very difficult translation
from 2D to 3D here.
Because these are complicated,
strange looking characters.
There are many ways
you can get FEWO-s.
Paint holder pre-sale.
So if you hold a paint drop,
which I previously did,
of course don't anymore,
you can use it to redeem a FEWO
in the paint holders pre-sale
with a free mint.
So this is primary utility
for the paint holders
at this point,
which is why I've been watching
the floor.
It did pump up over half an ETH.
Floor is now sitting at 0.534.
But it'll probably
dip between now and August.
So I'm going to wait
like a week or two probably.
But we're going to be watching
this floor because I am interested
in getting some of these paint drops
ahead of this launch if I can.
So if you hold a paint drop,
you can use it to redeem a FEWO
in the paint holders pre-sale
with a free mint.
Felocious art holders pre-sale.
If you hold any FEWO art, canvas,
or previously released wearables,
you can access the FEWO art holders
pre-sale at a discounted price.
Felocious art collectors
don't get a free mint,
but they get a discounted pre-sale.
And then there will be the public sale.
So the general public
will have access to the public sale.
Date and ETH amount, TBA,
gas and other fees may apply.
So they're not sharing the price.
Yet, I'm sure they'll be watching the market.
And as we get closer,
they'll establish a price.
Your FEWO's backpack.
So here's a few technical details
about the projects and these NFTs.
FEWO's will come with
their own individual ERC6551
backpack wallet.
So this is actually fascinating.
We were discussing this yesterday
about this new token standard ERC6551.
And what it can mean,
what it could do.
Where could this possibly go?
So here they're calling them backpack wallets,
which I think is actually a useful term.
Because wallet gets confusing at this point.
There's now going to be
a lot of different kinds of wallets.
Because basically what ERC6551 tokens
allow you to do is to treat
an individual NFT like its own wallet.
It can now hold its own assets.
Obviously, this is going to be huge
for video games, for inventory.
But you can also treat it
like its own bank account,
like its own wallet.
You can hold ETH and other assets
within a specific NFT.
So this is going to be fascinating
what this can all do.
But so apparently FEWO's
are going to be ERC6551 tokens,
essentially backpack wallets.
And so here,
they're going to be using this
for different items apparently.
Once minted,
FEWO's will be eligible to redeem flowers
that will be used as mint passes
to bloom into FEWO fashion,
digital wearables and accessories.
Kind of sounds like a doodles move here.
Not going to lie.
But maybe this is a better execution
than theirs.
I don't know.
As far as I can tell,
the doodles to situation
hasn't been super successful
the way that it was rolled out.
But I do know that they have
their like Pharrell packs
and things like that
that some people are excited about.
Anyway, I digress.
So FEWO's will be eligible
to redeem flowers.
So I guess flowers are going to be
kind of their own digital currency
in a way,
like not a cryptocurrency,
but that's going to be
the point system or currency
that lets you mint
FEWO fashion digital wearables
and accessories that will be items
that live I guess on chain
within the backpacks.
FEWO's plus backpack.
So here we go.
Paint drop holders will be eligible
to redeem one free flower
for every unit of paint
in their paint drop.
Once their FEWO is minted,
non-paint drop holders will be eligible
to redeem one free flower
once their FEWO is minted.
So there you go.
That's basically all the info
that we have.
I don't know, Mel.
What do you think?
Are you there?
Do you have any thoughts on this?
On FEWO's just this drop?
I think he's awesome.
I can't wait to see what he does.
Did you look at it?
Did you look at that video?
Like what do you think of that?
I saw the video this morning.
What do you think?
I think it's cool.
I think his website's cool.
I'm excited for it.
And I love the idea of tangible items.
What do you mean tangible?
You mean physical?
Yeah, physical.
But I don't think that these are physical.
What are you talking about?
Didn't you say,
didn't you just say something about fashion?
These are, but these are,
these are the dress your FEWO's
in the backpack.
These are not,
as far as, I mean,
maybe these will,
I mean, okay.
I wouldn't be surprised
if they also tie digital
like merch into the reveal here
at some point.
But I think these are digital items
that can be worn by your FEWO
that live in the ERC 6551 backpack wallet.
So it's like, again,
like I don't know how much
you were like engaged
in the conversation yesterday
about these new token standards.
But it's like,
your NFT is its own wallet
and can have these things.
So you could just like,
just like we were talking about
with ArtSnitch about updating your Izuki
to be holding like a magazine,
you could actually do that all on chain.
Like you could change
what your FEWO was wearing
based on what's in its own wallet.
Yeah, I did catch part of that yesterday.
I find it really interesting.
I might dive into it a little bit more.
So I'm not sure
that these are actual physical items,
but they might be like,
again, I wouldn't be surprised
if they did watch,
you know, some of these items
as physical options.
Sorry, there you go.
That's the update on FEWOCIUS.
Does it get you excited
and interested enough
to pay half an ETH for paint drops?
Are you gardening?
I am outside, yeah.
I don't have half an ETH,
but if I did have half an ETH to spare,
I would definitely do it.
All right, okay.
There you go.
All right, let's hop into more.
Again, I'm going to be watching
the floor on the paint drops.
I'm hoping that it comes back down
a little bit though.
I don't want to spend half an ETH
to get back into it
after I already lost money.
Flipping, trying to flip.
So who knows?
Maybe it'll go up from here,
but I'm going to be watching the floor
and we'll be following up on that one.
The grapes sold out yesterday
and they were pumping.
We talked about that one,
but of course I was busy
with the shows or whatever,
or maybe the public sale
just went too fast
because there's only 3,333 of the grapes,
but this was an open sea drop.
It was a sea drop yesterday
and the floor is now already at 0.17,
almost 0.2.
So 0.1774, Mo.
So you're the one that called that one out.
Did you get in on that, Mo?
Am I bugging you?
Am I bugging you while you garden?
No, you're not.
But I'm going to be watching this one.
So I think I told you,
I did the math on exactly
if it sold out how much they would make.
Not counting secondary.
I'm curious to see how far
with the experience that that team has,
how far they can,
it's just it reaches to
just under half a million dollars,
which isn't a lot to launch,
like the kind of company
I believe that they're aiming to launch.
So we'll see what happens.
I'm curious.
Yeah, and these are currently unrevealed.
So I'm not sure when the reveal is.
Let's see if we got details here.
I don't see any details here.
Let's see if we can find it on
Twitter real quick.
I'm not seeing
anything yet.
So if yeah, if you got any details
on when reveal,
let us know in the comments.
But yeah,
they sold out very quickly.
I was trying to get one,
but there's only 3333 of them.
It's an animoca backed project.
Grapes are advised by some of
web three's most recognizable
industry leaders,
including Yatsu and Robby Jung
of animoca brands,
extreme Tom from cool cats.
Keith room John founder,
all of X and meme land advisor.
It's a bastion board from the sandbox.
Yeah, they got a bunch of names on here
saying basically that this will be
another family friendly entertainment
IP transcending with three
with gaming TV products
and licensing at the heart.
So there this is definitely trying
to go the IP direction
and create family friendly content.
Maybe and game.
Yeah, maybe some kind of games again.
Animoca brands is all about gaming.
So, you know,
maybe this is like a mobile game
or something like that.
It's kind of what I would assume.
I don't know.
I'd like I'd like to get somebody
up here that has experience.
How much does it actually cost
to make a game for mobile?
Yeah, is it under half a million dollars?
I think it just depends
on the quality of the game
and everything that goes into it.
But yeah, VGF if you got
if you got insight on any game development.
Logistics that you want to share.
Feel free.
Yeah, I mean, it's not crazy expensive
to like build a mobile app at this point.
Like you can find teams,
you know, in like Romania
or Russia or whatever
that you can hire online for like,
you know, and get it.
Get a probably pretty solid app
for 40 $50,000, I'm sure.
But to develop a actual
like really good game.
That's that's much more complicated, right?
Like, like how good is the game?
How do you get it distributed?
And then the marketing,
like the marketing is just as big
as the content, if not more.
That's where like you could spend
a shit ton of money
and then it either like does well
or doesn't.
But yeah, so just under 250
eth on secondary volume so far.
I do expect that when these reveal
they will drop.
So that might be the point.
No, we could be sitting, you know,
we could watch this one.
We could follow up on it
and look for that reveal.
And maybe when it reveals
the four will come back down
a little bit, which tends to be
pretty common in the space.
So yeah, there you go.
There's that one.
That's one to just follow up on
from yesterday that just minted
and that we also will be
keeping our eyes on.
All right, we hit doodles.
We hit oni force.
We hit ferocious.
We hit the grapes.
Let's find some other news
to talk about here.
Yeah, I don't want to go back
into the cancer situation.
I don't want to go back
into the drama around moonbirds
and Kevin Rose.
Are there any other headlines
or projects or things
that you've been seeing
that you want us to hit on?
I mean, I could talk about.
I don't want to really
talk about Starbucks here again.
Um, I could talk about Yuga.
The star map update
we haven't really hit yet,
which I think is interesting.
I don't have nifty
queue up here though,
so I feel like to do
the Yuga show properly.
We need a nifty queue.
So okay, here's an update
that I wanted to hit on this week
that I haven't hit on yet.
Let's talk about this.
So Solana has launched
a chat GPT plugin.
This is interesting
and definitely speaks to Solana
trying to keep pivoting
or finding new ways to.
To build, given that they've been
kind of struggling, I think lately
to find themselves a little bit
as far as I can tell, you know,
since FTX and since a lot of,
you know, the bear market and
Utes and the gods leaving
and like just a lot of things
have not been necessarily
going in Solana's favor lately.
I feel like they're, you know,
they're kind of soul searching
a little bit trying to figure out
how do they differentiate
and stay relevant.
And it's not that they're not doing fine
or that they won't do well.
It's just I don't,
I get the sense that they're kind of like,
you know, throwing stuff at the wall
a little bit trying to figure out
what's going to stick.
So here we go.
Here's an update.
Solana, a layer one blockchain
known for its fast
and cheap transactions
is embracing the nascent world
of artificial intelligence
in a bid to reverse
its long-standing downtrend
and bolster adoption.
I mean, that's the smart move, right?
That's what we're doing too, right?
Everybody just,
when the market's bad,
pivot to AI,
pivot to the new hot tech,
whatever the new hype cycle is,
that's where you go.
So anyway, that's what they're doing.
On Tuesday, Solana launched
a chat GPT plugin
that lets users purchase NFTs,
transfer tokens,
and analyze on-chain data.
The plugin can be downloaded from GitHub.
So here's a quote,
every developer building
consumer-oriented apps
should be thinking about
how their app is going to be
interacted with through an AI model,
because this is the new paradigm
for telling computers what to do.
Solana makes Solana more usable
and understandable.
So this is the CEO of Solana Labs,
by the way, Anatoly Yakovenko.
Yakovenko said he expects
that the future versions
of the plugin will be available,
will be able to write smart contracts
and deploy them on-chain.
Solana's AI offering
follows an extended downtrend
for the project
and its broader ecosystem.
The network's sole token
is up 80% this year,
but remains 92% below 2021 highs.
So this move comes
as the rapidly growing sophistication
of chat GPT
and rival large language models
dominate headlines.
The technology promises
to significantly disrupt
the labor market,
unlocking new productive capabilities
while leaving widespread
creative destruction
in its wake.
that is what AI is probably going to do.
Solana was an early winner
in the layer one boom of 2021.
All right.
This is just getting into
kind of history of Solana
and how we got here,
but this is interesting.
I actually think
that this could be
super, super powerful.
I mean, the way
that they're describing it too,
like if it's almost like having,
you know, basically like a Siri,
like a super sophisticated
Siri AI bot built
into your blockchain
as like a DAP.
So like what if you just had like
chat GPT was just like
an Alexa for Solana
and you're just like,
Hey, Solana, write me a smart contract
for 20,000 butt faces
and then create the art
and set up a mint price for 0.69
and yeah, create a landing page
with a front end
that shows off the rare butt face art
on the landing page
and has a mint function available
and yeah, set up a whole marketing campaign
and go ahead and start marketing it.
Now, I've got a budget of $420
to market my 20,000 butt faces.
So use the marketing budget
to allocate funds across Twitter
and yeah, specifically Twitter,
Target Twitter, Solana.
I don't know.
Like what if you can literally
just like dictate to a Solana AI
and all this shit would just be created for you.
That's pretty wild to think about,
but I think that is probably
the future that we're moving towards.
I guess the marketing budget
would probably be in Seoul
instead of dollars.
That was probably the thing
I really fucked up there.
I don't know.
Any thoughts
on AI being directly integrated
into a blockchain like this?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know, man.
I'm putting plants in the ground
in an accident or something happening.
Are you buying my 20,000 butt faces on Solana?
That's what I want to know.
No, I'm not your target market.
All right, fine.
So glad you're here.
Appreciate you being here.
No, I appreciate you being here.
Keeping me company up here
on Thirst Shot Thursday.
Last show of the week, fam.
All right, we're having fun.
We're getting into it.
We're covering off
on some of the latest things happening.
But yeah, I don't know.
I'm going to have to sit
with this one for a little bit
and learn more
and think about like
what does that do?
I mean, obviously having the ability
to create smart contracts
if it can do it securely and safely,
which I believe it can.
I believe people, from my understanding,
experimenting with applying chat GPT
to like coding
and smart contract development
have actually found
that it is remarkably good
for these types of applications.
So I believe it can do this successfully.
So in a world that AI can basically
just write, you know, spin up
different types of smart contracts
that are probably pretty sophisticated
for you on a whim, you know,
and it's all like directly integrated
and ready to go.
I mean, what does that unlock
the capability to do?
Where does it go from there?
I don't know.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to think
about that one a little bit.
All right, here we go.
Here's an interesting headline.
BRC721E tokens.
So we've been talking about
there's a lot of new development happening
just in general,
a lot of innovation happening
around new token standards.
Obviously Bitcoin has been
one of the biggest trends
of the year so far
with BRC20s, Bitcoin ordinals,
the whole ordinal protocol.
A lot of innovation happening,
which is really exciting
because even though
the macroeconomics still suck
and the market's down,
all of this innovation
and all of this development
that's continuing to happen
is what inevitably, you know,
gets us to that next place,
you know, gets us
to that next bull market
when things do shift,
when there's more liquidity.
This is where the innovation
comes from.
It's these new token standards.
It's these new developments
that have all been happening.
It's the new infrastructure
and lending platforms too
with things like Blend
and Binance, which is now
All these different things,
this confluence of infrastructure,
development, liquidity,
new interests, you know,
Web 2.5, big brands,
new utilities, use cases,
new success stories,
all of these different things.
New IP, you know,
like global IP,
like, you know,
Web 3, crypto native global IP,
like Oniforce maybe,
you know, being at Comic-Con again,
watching Comic Book,
all of this stuff,
these are the things
that come together
and make the next bull market
make it really take off
in ways that maybe
you didn't even expect.
So anyway, let's hit this one.
See what we can understand
about BRC721E
token standard
for Ethereum migration
is what it says.
So Bitcoin NFTs
just took a giant leap forward
thanks to BRC721E
token standard.
The TLDR here
is that this enables
Ethereum-based ERC721 projects
to migrate to the Bitcoin network.
So created by,
and Xverse Bitcoin Wallet,
they have this new standard
and it represents
the continued push for Bitcoin
to gain NFT market share.
So this is something
that I didn't necessarily
like we, okay,
we've talked on NFT Live,
we've talked on shows
about do we see Bitcoin
at some point ever overtaking Ethereum
for NFT market share?
Like if you had even posed
that question in 2022
you would have been fucking
laughed out of the room.
Like it just doesn't even
really make that much sense.
But how quickly Bitcoin
has taken on large market share
and become the number two
blockchain for NFT volume.
I think just in May alone
it did like over 150 million
in total volume
on ordinals.
you know,
standards like this
and there's like easy ways
to basically bridge
and migrate to Bitcoin,
what does that do?
Like does this mean
that a lot of Ethereum projects
are all going to say,
you know what,
we want to be on the granddaddy chain,
we want to be on the thing
that feels even more secure
than Ethereum for some,
you know,
I mean, I don't mean for some reason,
but I mean like
Ethereum is pretty secure.
Like that's one of its
major value,
strongest points.
But you know,
you could still argue
Bitcoin is even more secure.
It's like,
you know,
the most rigid blockchain.
So is this enough?
You know,
does this standard BRC721E
create a bridge
that is seamless
and friendly enough
that a bunch of Ethereum projects
want to basically
migrate and jump board
over to Bitcoin now?
And then what does that do
for volume?
Like this is definitely interesting
and something I didn't necessarily
factor in yet
was the ability to create
new protocols
specifically to bridge like this.
So this is a new standard
that allows users
to bridge ERC721 tokens
to Bitcoin.
the protocol sends the ERC721
to a burn address.
it inscribes the NFT
onto the Bitcoin network
after the bridging
is complete,
the NFT becomes visible
on website
along with corresponding metadata.
This procedure greatly simplifies
migrating NFTs to Bitcoin.
aspiring Bitcoin NFT collectors
face the somewhat steep learning curve
when trying to bridge NFTs.
Now, however,
users have a seamless,
to move their digital assets
over to Bitcoin.
this will be really interesting
to follow
just to see like
how many projects
actually do this.
I assume,
I assume that there will be
some high profile headlines
Like if I was going to guess,
I would think even just
for like the marketing stunt
of it right now,
I wouldn't be surprised
if some project
that's kind of been like dead
or not very interesting
or not getting a lot of attention,
some big, you know,
ETH project
that hasn't had a lot of attention.
I wouldn't be surprised
if they do this
as almost like a stunt,
you know,
if it's like a well-known project
and they're bridging
and moving over to Bitcoin.
I don't know,
but I'm predicting
that there's going to be
some people that do this
and that there will be some headlines
around, you know,
well-known projects
moving to Bitcoin ordinals.
Anyway, what do you think?
Let us know in the comments down there.
Shout out to the homies
hanging out with us
on a lazy
Thirst Trap Thursday.
We see you Cam, Shaya,
Josh, Squash Man, Phil,
Swerve, all y'all
and you know what?
Shout out NFT Go
for sponsoring
the Web3 Network this month.
We really, really appreciate it.
Makes a big old difference
and if you don't know
what NFT Go does,
well, check out
It's the best place
for all of your analytics,
all your data,
all of your insights
around what's happening
in the market
and we use it
pretty much every single day.
They just did a new report
on board apes.
They do project specific deep dives,
which are really cool actually.
Hey, looks like we got a new friend
wanting to get up here.
Let's see what that's about.
I don't know how to say your name.
So I'll wait for you to get up here.
Okay, yeah, of course it is.
What's up?
What's going on?
I'm good.
No, just listening to what you're saying
about projects kind of moving over
and I was thinking
well, it wouldn't seem to make sense
unless they were doing it
for some type of just like fund raise.
They needed to raise more funds
and this was another way
for them to do that.
But as we're thinking
about some of these companies
and I think we've talked about
in other spaces too,
what's the next evolution?
Do they have an actual business plan?
Are they an IP play,
which Oniforce seems to be.
Or are they a tech company
where I would say maybe
Artifact is fashion, tech,
Maybe 90cc might be in that too
with G Money's fashion brand,
messing with tech.
What's their identity as a company?
And if bridging over to Bitcoin
fits their company identity
and what they're doing
as a future company,
then it makes sense
and people should support it.
But if it's just them
putting out a project,
like I'm not saying anything
negative about what was it.
What d-gods.
Like I know they did one of that.
I think they were might have
been one of the first.
Okay, maybe they were after
Like for me, I would think Yuga
because I think Yuga
has plenty of money.
I could be wrong,
but I feel like Yuga did it
just so that they could say,
hey, we did it.
And Bitcoin is the granddaddy
and we want to be legendary or whatever.
But I feel like for d-gods,
maybe they were doing the same thing,
but I feel like it might have been
more of a fundraise for d-gods
than it would have been for Yuga.
So I think you have to look at,
yeah, what's the purpose?
What's all of the above, right?
It is a fundraise when you do it well
and you're able to extract value
and new revenue as a new revenue source.
It is that, but it's also marketing.
What they're doing is very clever marketing.
They're staying relevant.
When a new trend pops up
and everybody's moving on
to a new blockchain,
you want to be there.
Because if you're one of the biggest projects
or ecosystems in the space
and you're not there,
then you're kind of missing,
you're losing relevancy, right?
So it's marketing as much.
And that's what I'm saying.
I agree with you
that you should look at the intention
and analyze why is somebody
making a jump like this?
Does it actually make sense?
What's the reason?
But to me,
I think people are going to do it
specifically for the marketing
and to what you said,
makes you more interesting,
more relevant, gets you back
in the conversation
and then can drive to more sales,
more revenue, more volume.
So I see some people doing the jump.
It might happen.
But yeah, will it all make sense
or really matter in the end?
I don't know.
I think right now,
I just expect to see some people try it
to see if it gets them more interest.
But anyway, thanks for hopping up here,
sharing your thoughts on that.
I've been picking up more dead fellows.
I talk about dead fellows a lot.
I'm very, very bullish.
Have you been sweeping the floor at all?
Are you buying at this price?
I work for them.
So I'm not going to talk about them.
Oh, shit.
So yeah, like, I mean,
obviously, I'll be bullish
on who I'm working for.
But aside from working,
I mean, I'm certainly excited
about Oniforce and what they're doing.
Well, I'd love to get,
you know, I don't know
if you're the right person
or who the right person
from the dead fellows team is
to really come and talk
about the project and updates.
I would love to get them on
GM up three or NFT live
or one of our shows
and do like a deep dive
and like a special guest spot
because yeah, again,
I talk about dead fellows
all the time, and we haven't
really had anybody from the team
ever come on.
So yeah, I mean, have you gone
to any of their because I know
like they I mean, I don't go
to their spaces again.
I try to keep the divide
between work and having fun,
you know, on Twitter.
But I know they do the.
Was it Fellows Friday?
I don't know if they have it tomorrow
because, again, I don't follow
the schedule.
I don't even follow the project
because I just really don't.
I mean, I know enough.
Well, so what do you do with them?
You said you work with them.
What do you do?
I'm the lawyer.
Oh, interesting.
So yeah, so I don't.
So yeah, I just try to not be.
Yeah, I'm not as active, you know,
just on on Twitter with them.
I don't go into their spaces.
Yeah, I just I don't I don't.
Yeah, it's it can be nerve wracking.
And then I don't want a bunch of DMS,
you know, from from people
that are in the community.
And so a lot of people in the community,
even though I have it in my bio,
they don't know who I am.
And because I've used a clone.
And so yeah, just people just don't
for the most part don't know.
But but but yeah, that's what I do.
But yeah, but I mean, I would say
I'm really hot on like only fours.
I'll say that much.
Yeah, I'm I like comics.
And and so I'm interested to see
what they will be able to do.
Because I think it's still difficult.
What they're trying to do.
Because they can hide whoever they want to
hire to write the stories and stuff.
But you still need an audience.
And web three is not a big enough audience.
So you need the people like, excuse me,
you need people at Comic Con
to really be interested in want to buy in
and for them to ignore, you know,
damn Marvel and DC and the shiny stuff
and look at this new, you know, project.
So it'll be interesting to see how they
yeah, kind of make their mark
or try to make their mark
within the traditional comic book world.
And an anime or manga, you know, kind of fandom.
Because if they can get a share of that,
then they won't be as reliant, you know,
on on on web three and needing to do rewards
for trading on the new marketplace
and whatever ordinals they're going to do
that he that on Sturlordi announced yesterday.
Yeah, we talked about all that earlier in the show.
We actually had Art Snitch up here
chatting with us about it.
You know, I've been trying to figure out,
you know, what, what I should be doing
if I should be buying more at this price.
Like, is it going to be one of those things
that you look back a year from now
and you're like, you know,
Ethan a half was a steal?
Or is it going to come back down?
I don't know.
But you're right.
I agree with you.
Just because you've got this world class team
does not make a global brand.
You know what I mean?
Like, you cannot buy a brand.
You cannot buy loyalty.
You cannot buy resonance and actual,
like, you know, interest in your IP.
You can't buy these things.
You have to actually create something
and then put it out there.
And people like the people have to love it.
Like, they have to adopt it.
They have to make it their own.
And it's got to transcend, you know,
out of this space.
And to your point,
there's really not a lot of Web3 native IP
that have done that yet.
Yuga has in certain ways
definitely crossed over
into sort of mainstream awareness,
mostly people flooding it, you know,
just like, oh, these fucking,
what are these monkey pictures?
But at least Yuga got outside
of Web3 for a while.
I feel like Doodles was like,
had a lot of potential to do this.
And maybe they still do.
Again, they just announced this camp collab.
But I feel like maybe Pudgy Penguins
is the only other one
that I can think of right now
with their new toy drop on Amazon
that did really well.
There's just really not a lot of
Web3 native IP
that have successfully transcended.
It is so it's very difficult.
And yeah, but I think it's possible.
And again, the thing
that makes me more bullish
isn't it's not just the team,
it's that the reason why
they have the team that they have
is because they have high quality foundation.
Like the IP itself
is actually good quality.
Like if you're trying to analyze
like what makes IP good?
What is good IP versus bad IP?
What projects actually have the potential
to build and transcend
versus other projects?
You can analyze them in different ways
and Oniforce definitely has
much better, much stronger,
or an artwork and art,
you know, like the artist behind it.
I'm complex and his history
and what he does
and just all the different people in it.
And the way that it started,
it was the first OG anime project,
you know, the theorem project.
So it's got the provenance,
the history with the high quality foundation
and the art, the original assets
and the art and the characters
and the story behind those and the enclave.
Like all of that stuff,
it just makes it actually strong IP
and that's what all of those world class
storytellers and comic book artists
and film producers,
all of them see that.
They all get it.
They all say,
shit, this actually has legs.
This can actually go the distance.
And so that's why it's like,
yes, it's hard,
but I'm a believer.
Like, I think it can happen.
I think they can do it
with the team that they have,
with the vision that they have,
with the leadership like Starwardy.
So I don't know.
I'm simping super hard.
We're simping hard for Oni right now.
But no, I agree with you
because when I think of what I think
what Oni has going for it,
it has a very unique style
with the colors.
And so as long as they
were to kind of just stick with that
and that they can release
and I was talking about
on another space last night,
it doesn't take much for them
to be able to put,
yeah, to pay an anime studio,
an independent one out in,
you know, Japan out in Tokyo
to put together a decent trailer.
I was out in Tokyo
when earlier this year
end of last year
and met with Kush,
the guy that they have added
to their team as an advisor.
And he took me to a studio
because I did a comic book
and the prices that they were quoting me
to do a trailer were low.
You know, it's about 8 to 10 grand.
I see that as low, sorry,
for the talent that they have.
And I walked through the studio.
I saw the animators
working on very well-known projects.
I couldn't take pictures
because they were like,
no, you can't because of IP.
But, like, they're, like, legit.
And there's so many independent
animation studios within Japan
that you could get one
that's independent
that looks just like what's on,
you know, like, on regular TV
or Netflix.
So as long as they're able
to kind of keep
what's unique about them,
I could see and obviously
have a really good story
that can speak to,
you know, an international audience,
more likely maybe a Japanese audience
or just Asian audience.
And I think Americans or Westerners
will come in anyway
because we seem to like that.
I think they really do have a chance.
It's the uniqueness of the characters
and the different, you know, colors.
I don't even know.
They have very bold colors
that I haven't seen any other anime have.
And I think that's going to be
the thing that helps them stand out.
They just need, you know,
a really good story.
And I think they have the potential
for that.
So I'm rooting for them.
Well, I don't have mine on,
but I may change it next week.
At least for a week,
I'll put on my own.
I have a gas mask with like,
what is it, a half buzz, you know,
like kind of, yeah,
just the half buzz like look.
So I'll change it.
And I don't change my PFP often,
but I'll change it next week.
And it's, you know, you kind of focused
in on the color theory
or the colors of it,
which is interesting, right?
It's all part of the design
and the branding and the brand design.
And again, all that goes into the art
and the design,
the quality of the foundational product,
the way it was developed
from the ground up.
And again, to me,
I've been saying this since day one,
like if you don't have high quality art,
if you don't,
if your original project,
if the original assets themselves
aren't unique enough
or interesting enough
or original enough,
if the quality isn't in those original NFTs,
I don't think that you've got
a strong foundation.
I just don't think you've got
what it takes to actually like have
a project that accrues value over time.
Those are the original assets.
That is your foundation.
And so this, you know,
only force has it.
And, you know, you brought up
some interesting points
around the Asian market
and what they did in Japan.
I think that that's actually fascinating,
like how strategically
they are aligning themselves
with Asian markets.
I think is also like we didn't
really talk about that earlier
when we were talking about
only day and the things
that came out of that.
But they were talking about
their trips to Japan
and Asian market partnerships
and plans over there.
I think that that shit's
going to be like payoff in spades.
I think the Asian market
is going to be driving
a lot of the next bull market
and making sure,
especially for like an
animated project like this,
which is authentic.
Again, like I'm complex.
Like Brian Lee lives over there
in East Asia.
Like he is Asian.
This is his style.
He's been creating.
He's known for this unique style.
He is an iconic artist.
You know, when you talked about
how unique the art is,
it's like, yeah,
it's Brian Lee has a unique
iconic style that he's
been creating forever
and the collectibles aspect
of it is totally authentic
to this as well.
So, you know, it's not like
they're like oni force
is just straight up
like what's the culturally
appropriating anime
or something like that.
Like they are very, very much invested
in the culture
and aligning themselves there
and making sure that they
have roots and partnerships
and all that stuff in place
and that they're keeping.
That they're keeping, yeah,
that they're keeping
that at the forefront as well.
So anyway, I think that that's all.
It's really important.
I think that again,
it kind of makes me feel like
maybe even at these high prices
right now,
it might still be a good move
in the long term.
Anyway, let's go ahead
and hit this one more time, fam.
This is not financial advice.
The information was found publicly
on the internet.
Opinions shared on this episode
are solely of the Web3 team
and all information
is public domain.
So please, DYOR,
do your own research.
I know you're probably not going to
because nobody apparently does
in the space,
but we're not financial advisors.
Y'all know that.
So Shikaina.
Did I say that right?
All right.
Well, cool.
Thanks for coming up
and hanging out with us,
not being shy.
We appreciate you
and great to meet you.
Again, I'm a huge fellas fan
and I talk about them
on our shows, like almost daily,
like all the fucking time.
I've literally been sweeping the floor.
I think I just bought five more last week.
So anyway, if you do know anyone
on the Dead Fellas team
that might be interested
to come and talk to us sometime
would love to.
But you're also welcome.
Anytime you want to come back
and hang out with us.
We do this show GM Web 3
here on Twitter spaces
Monday through Thursday,
starting at 8 a.m. Pacific.
And then we usually hop straight
out of here over to YouTube
to keep it going on NFT live.
However, quick announcement here.
Housekeeping wise.
There is no NFT live today
because NFTQ is still traveling.
So he just let me know.
Last minute, no NFT live today.
So you know what?
That means this is the last show of the week.
We did it.
Another interesting week.
I have to say it was started off
kind of dark, but you know,
kind of pull it out at the end
with some interesting new updates
from some big projects,
creating some more hope and optimism.
After some really, really ugly,
gross things happening earlier in the week.
So all right.
Ending on a positive note.
Not too shabby.
We will be going out here
with some music in just a moment.
If you haven't followed web three
or followed me to get gifted,
your humble web three Sherpa.
Go ahead and do that.
Follow Shekinah.
I followed you and yeah,
we're going to go out with some music here.
I hope you have an amazing day,
an amazing rest of your week.
I hope you touch some grass.
Hope you sniff some sky.
I hope you do whatever weird thing
gets you off of your screens for a while
and reconnects you with the people
around you and nature or whatever.
All that good stuff.
And all right, this song
that we're going out with
is advanced the remix
by call me Stevie Ray and Melkin.
Hope you like it.
Hope you have a good one.
And yeah, we'll be back Monday
with more GM web three.
Let's hecking go.
You fucking crazy, man.
You sound insane.
Do you realize that?
Pushy little niggas.
Some niggas.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I'll get it like this.
I just don't work in the Saturdays.
Every day.
They tell I get pops like a piece
and it's for the fans.
Started with grams.
I get us a Grammy.
I put that on mama.
The crew for the keepers.
I ain't for the drama.
The chat for the stream and
to come with a comma.
Let's make it fast.
And I'm just dancing out the
plans on a digital quote.
Niggas that rich one in person.
They broke.
I took it personal.
We didn't spoke.
I've done what you did
and I double the vision.
I got it.
I get it.
You gotta be mad.
A dog in my past.
It's hard to look bad,
but I'm getting better.
That's all that I care about.
Boy, my mind different.
My heart bigger.
Big water.
Got lost in it.
Thank God that I'm hard headed.
Been all finished.
It's just possible.
I'm back with it.
Get the back flipping on the track.
We've been like a drag race.
We're cash cow with a cap now.
And that motherfucker started lactating.
I'm gone.
In the song.
I'm about to bubble like it in a bomb.
I'm in my zone now.
I won't smoke.
Now you get a whole pound of yo.
Look, I told you I need me a crowd.
It's screaming my name.
Bitches supporting the dick to the fame.
They pickin' moves like a video game.
I got a scope to defend me on hand.
I can't be working for minimum wage.
I need to get my ego versus stage.
Open the thoughts and I'm flooding the page.
I'm better than the ocean.
I'm makin' no ways.
I ain't gon' play with you neither.
I stay with the heat like I'm you donna's.
Every track is spit truth on it.
Flow sick like boob on it.
Who want it with the cap now?
Been had gas but we lit now.
Over fast cash, they switch now.
Them boys bout to solid as a paper towel.