Making Time for @DocHollywoodNFT

Recorded: March 7, 2023 Duration: 0:53:30



Hello, hello welcome on stage doc. It's awesome to have you are you on two counts or their two review or what are things? Look at my it's yes me myself and I We're here live But yeah, not just it's just me That's my thumb right there harding
Alright, I got you, brother. Yeah, let me send you a quick co-host to invite. I'm going to send out some more promo in just a second. Also get this space pinned up. Not sure why I haven't gotten this out yet. But yeah, how is your David and Doc? It's awesome to have you. A good. We've been working like crazy, like 24/7 on all the
new art, like just taking in a sane amount of time, completely like making new designs and new characters, we're going cross-chain, so it's a really big lift, but you know work-wise, you know, we've never been
more excited, especially with ordinals coming up, you know, and that's like a brand new breakthrough. And breakthrough it is, I will say, like diving into it and taking a deep dive, it's pretty amazing to see
You know, what's out there, you know, and like the different communities that are out there and the different collectors that are out there and what they want and what we're used to on Salona is extremely different. It's actually polar opposite. I was telling a group of ordinal
collectors and whales that our NFTs got cannabis and they literally said that they didn't like that because that's centralized and that they weren't interested in that right and and I was like well I don't have to add the cannabis and
And they were like, "Okay, well then we're interested." Like, "Well, we'll buy that." Can we look at the inscriptions? And I'm like, "Wow!" You know what I mean? Like, the exact polar opposite of what we've always been used to, right? Which is like, when this or when
when that, you know, like these guys, they just want art, they just want art on the blockchain. That is what they're looking for and they're looking for rare pieces as far as numbers, inscription numbers and like different types of, you know,
like what blocks are this block was from 2009 right those types of things oh this block was from 2017 and the crypto crash or whatever you know like they're looking at those types of blocks is collector items and then when you and then it's then a lot of it is about like block size and like how big the
files are, right? That's going to be like a really be like determination on how much money it's going to cost to inscribe. So like another thing and the reason why I'm choosing to bring our community into Ornals is because it's so expensive to inscribe
right? It onto ordnals that, you know, to do like a few hundred pieces, it could cost up to like a hundred grand, depending on how big the file is up, right? Or more, like way more, like cost over $10,000 for one file. We just inscribed one for my friend John Norlander, I helped him with
it. He's just my friend and he's an incredible artist. He's a brilliant artist and he called me and he said he was interested in the world. He saw me tweeting about it and we kind of had fun. We just put one up and I think one of the inscriptions
was like 10 grand or 12 grand or something like that. Some insane amount of money. And that's because of how the file was. The file size was gigantic. And it was a GIF and it was a video. And that's really big for Bitcoin. On Bitcoin
You want to get the file size like a lot of these file sizes for this pixel arcs like five kilobytes, you know 10 kilobytes right if you look at a picture of best buds and our art you're you're looking at megabytes right not kilobytes you're looking at five megabytes is usually
what it would be. And why the fuck do I know any of this? It's kind of ridiculous. But I know this now because we've been tirelessly not just creating new art, but figuring out how to create that new art and make sure that the traits and the backgrounds and the
file sizes or small and as dope as they possibly can be. This is added a whole other layer of creativity to this whole entire process and this entire collection where we were in the first day we were making trade
that were a little bit too detailed and on the second you know and then when we started seeing how big the file sizes were we started kind of tweaking them, taking them out, replacing them with other ones and really manipulating it to get it to the point where we could launch a
and Ft collection and not go into more debt. I was saying more debt because we've been on Salana and it's not been fun. Going through the FTX crisis and going through no royalties and going through one after another of hit after hit from not just the token
going from down 90% or whatever it is, but also just like the morale and not in our community, but in other communities. And it makes it really hard to vibe and get new members when all these other NIT communities are kind of just
like, I'm not competitive at all. I'm only competitive with myself. I don't have one competitor in Web 3. Not one. There's not one person in this entire Web 3 that I'm competing with. Other than myself, I'm not competitive.
That's it. That is my greatest competition. So I look at everybody as a chance to collaborate and work together. And how do I, me, plus other members of this community add value to each other?
And then what I really see the value in Web 3 is like like-minded individuals coming together to attack something, to do something together. Like what are we doing? Like what are we trying to accomplish, right? And we have a lot of purpose. We have a lot of purpose especially in the
And to me, we're an art project and a community project first. And then very secondarily now, at this point, we're a cannabis brand and a company. But what I've really come to realize is that if you want to be successful,
successful on web 3. You can be in a Metro boom in in future music video and have a cameo be number one on YouTube and and somebody go okay cool but when when you know upgrade when I'm just like what
What? It's like, what are we talking about? We're just in this future and Metro Boomin music video, but we're trending. But yeah, yeah, yeah, but when, when it's like, all right, you don't get it, right? So there's a huge division between culture and bad pumping.
And I'm not in the business of bag pumping. I'm in the business of culture. And if we continue building culture and building a culture and that's also part of this brand. Right. Because like at the end of the day, that's the culture and brand
is very similar. And we are building both in that sense. But what I found is if I can really focus on what people want in Web 3, which is either
free NFTs or cheat NFTs or a chance to get really great piece of art for kind of like a lower value right in traditional art you know you can like if you want to if you want like a piece like an ibuy actual traditional art to funny enough because I'm just
I love art. That's what I am. I'm an artist at the end of the day. I'm spending thousands of dollars on art. Now what I love with NFTs is that I could buy a Sillana NFT for 100 bucks or whatever it is.
and put it on a TV and literally put it like I have these flash screen TVs just like you guys like I literally put art on them you know and I just have that in the background just just vibing you know and it makes me feel great like I got I got our best buds on my
my phone. That's the background of my phone. I don't really wear my Apple watch that much, but that's all my Apple watch. So my point is, the art is around us, and what I love is that this is digital art. In a sense, we were first. There's no other
especially in cannabis, like this was the first, is the first. And it's historical in that sense. And what I'm trying to do is kind of like push this brand, push this culture, and push it to people in real life. And then at the same time, give people in Web 3 what they
What they really want because what I found is a lot of people like in the ordinals They don't even want weed. I'm like dude. I'm giving you weed for free, right for free It's like for free California if you're in California get it for free if you if you mint this I don't want that I don't want that and that's that that goes to show me everybody wants something different and
So how can I add the most value to everybody as much as I possibly can and that's kind of where I'm coming from. That's really why I'm here. I want to make people rich. That's like I had her like and it has nothing to do with like my project. It's not like oh you're going to buy my project and you're going to make no no no. Like I just want to educate people. I just
Everyone in our community not to get scammed. I want everyone in our community to have alpha, right? Like know what's happening, right? Oh, this is probably not a good, like we did Twitter spaces every single day in the bear market and I said every day that these are very, very risky investments and please don't look at it like an investment.
And and then at the same time we're in where the the the Fed is raising rates and whenever that happens right everything else goes to shit special especially risk assets. So we talked about this I Feel like nobody in our community. It was surprised other than like SBF like that took me for
surprise that really took me for surprise. I knew that like it was going to be a bear and things were going to be difficult. I didn't know like how difficult things were going to be when SBF rubbed you know and really kind of in my opinion destroyed Salona. Single handedly still to this day. I don't
know if Solana and I'm being real and I want to say that because I want our community to do well and I want a diversifier community and I want to put a bunch of different tokens and a bunch of different NFTs from all these different blockchains into your wallets and I want to do that either for free if I if I can.
If I can, I will do it for free. I will do it where I go in debt to do it, where I'm paying out expenses and still putting out a free mint. I've done it many times, guys. We've already done this, but we're going to continue doing that. What's actually exciting me is that I get to do more of that. I get to give
people more stuff. You know, and that's kind of where I'm going with this is I want to diversify everybody's assets. I still love everybody on Solana. It's no slight to Solana. It has nothing to do with like the builders. The builders are my favorite in the business. Like the Solana people are my favorite. There's no
no doubt. The communities are incredible. They're so, they're just the best, right? And that's no sliding against any other blockchain. But there's something we have something really special here. The problem is, is we put our eggs in the wrong basket, right? Where we did bet on
on the wrong course in a sense where that horse was a VC chain controlled by SBF and the founders sold 12% of all the tokens to SBF and to venture capital to go dump. So it's a VC chain that's very centralized
because it's very centralized, the network goes down, and all of our assets might be securities because the head of the SEC Gary Gensler came out the other day. Just this week, this week, and said, "If it's not Bitcoin, it's a security." And that includes Ethereum, and that scares me because I love Ethereum too.
So what I'm doing here to be completely real and honest with you is I'm protecting all of us as much as I possibly can, right? Because it is a really crazy, you know, kind of world we're in and we have no like oversight, like we don't
know what's the, we're not clear. We don't know exactly what we can and can't do. So we're playing within the rules that they've given us. But I don't want to set our community up for any failure. So if I have the power to diversify everybody say, yeah, you minted on Solana, but now I'm going to figure out a way to
You want Bitcoin right now. I'm gonna figure out a way to get you on a theorem now I'm gonna get it figure out a way to get you on fucking AppTos which is a Facebook chain right that's like literally face that's the meta Facebook team right but you know what hey they might have something there so guess what guys you're getting right and we're gonna go to avalanche and we're gonna go to Cardon
We're going to go to Polygon. We're going to go to as many blockchains as we possibly can that makes sense. And we're going to figure out how to give you a PFP or a piece of art from this from from our studio and from from this best buds IP, right? That's kind of our mission here.
And I realized that what I have, I realized I had to do that when I saw that, you know, pretty much so on is completely compromised. And most of these chains are probably going to be securities, which means the NFTs are going to be securities. And that would kind of compromise everything.
I know one thing and we know one thing. The one is not secure. So if we can take this community and figure out how to get ordnals in their wallets, and it's a learning process for everybody, it's learning how to inscribe them, how to do the file
size so we're not spending a little fortune. It's a whole learning process and I really haven't slept in the last few weeks. Barely maybe a couple hours here, a couple hours there. I've been up for 24 hours at least right now.
on and I'm just being like super super super super duper real with everybody because like I don't I don't want to like I just I just want I just want to tell people like what I feel and and my thoughts exactly how they are and then everybody can kind of like take that for what for what it is and you know guys don't have to agree with me either like
I've had a lot of people disagree with me on all this stuff that I'm saying, but these are just my opinions and this is where I've come to in my whole entire journey. Because that's all I can do is be real with you guys and be like, "This is where I'm at." And everybody might be at a different place.
You know, but I feel like I've been burned enough for all of us, you know over and over and over again that is in my crypto journey And I don't know why that is, you know cuz like I come from like a really really really difficult business in the music business and it's very cutthroat But I feel like crypto and web 3 is 10
and it's more difficult. Because I can operate in the music and entertainment business and I can trust people a lot more because their reputation is everything in the music business and the entertainment business, your reputation is everything. So in crypto business
people just switch their PFP and their Twitter handle. So there's no accountability. Everybody has five different identities. It's just really hard to navigate and at the same time people don't want to work. So it's like people literally just want to like, you know,
you know, mint their NFT and then just like work maybe two hours a day and you know, chill, right? But like that's not how anything gets accomplished, right? And that's the problem is that even when you're creating art, it doesn't matter. Like your utility doesn't matter. Your utility could be anything. But let's just say this is an art project.
right? Because at the end of the day, that's what this is. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be working. We're killing ourselves, making art. Like, I'm making art. I'm literally drawing traits and then I send it to our team and I say, "Make it better." Right? This is the idea. Like, I literally drew that Bitcoin that orange Bitcoin
coin mask. Right? I was like, "Yo, let me draw this. I got the idea from Frank." I was like, "Yo, let me do this kind of mask or this kind of back." I literally was like, "I did all that stuff." If you're like, "Yo, we'll make that a one-on-one." I'm pretty much doing art now with
with the team. Obviously I'm not the genius by any means, but we're all putting our work into it. We're all contributing. It's very much like music. I was not the best music producer.
but I was good because I knew how to work with others. I was good at what I did and then I brought other people in that were good at what they did. And then together, we made a hit record or a really great song. And it's not one person who is
like the star, right? Because it is a team sport, music, and basketball is very similar. You really do have to pass the ball. You know, like, okay, that guy's gonna program drums, right? You're gonna do bass, right? You're gonna be doing, you know, hats, you're gonna be like everybody has
has their kind of thing and like that's why if you look at a song there's like 10 songwriters, 20 songwriters. Because everyone's kind of a specialist, right? We're all good at like really good at one thing and we kind of focus at that. I was more of like I was I started as a producer than I started
the songwriting and then I really started just writing songs and that's kind of what got me successful in the music business because people needed that. People needed that help in the studio. They needed that that guy to come up with those lines. So I was able to fulfill that and that was my life niche.
And now an NFTs is very similar. It is a team sport and it takes a lot of work and just the art alone takes a lot of work. I mean an insane amount of work and that's the thing that's like nobody should be chilling is is everybody should be figuring out how to make as much art as a possible. And this is kind of like what I figured.
out in NFTs is everybody needs to figure out how we can make the best high quality art we possibly can and then offer that back to our community for as free or cheap as humanly possible and if we're charging you know charging just as much as we need to keep the project moving forward to create
more stuff to add more value. So like that's where I've come to. And if it's Web 3, the best utility is more NFTs, which is funny, but it's true. You know, that is literally the best utility because what we've seen in NFTs is like, we'll talk about like D-GOTS
Why was there a gigantic run-up? Because of the use, everyone's buying dust or everyone's buying this. Everyone's really excited about new NFTs, a new PFP, a new community. That's valuable and that has excitement. If you can do that on a small scale,
You know, imagine if Frank was doing that every month, right? Not not every year or every but like no, turning out Amazing art and just giving it to their community. Here you go. Thanks for holding right? You were on so on and it's cost nothing, you know, we're rich, right? Or
If it's Bitcoin, yeah cost 100 grand to inscribe so we're gonna raise a hundred grand for this man. Whatever, you know what I mean? Like that's where we can crush and I think and it's hard and it's like really hard That's that's that's why it's not being done because it's like damn near impossible it takes
probably over five people and you're working probably 16 hour days to be able to turn out high quality you know art like this this is how long it takes there's no way to cut it I've done it too many times now and it's been so hands on with it I know like you know like how long each each step takes
And what I'm trying to do now more than ever to be more efficient is to take traits that already exist and kind of finagle them where they can fit on a new PFP character because I'm interested in making
making brand new characters outside of just bud characters. So like, I'll get, I'll drop some alpha here. Like, Abdoz, like, bruh, bruh bears, you know, they reached out to me. Um, and I said, yo, that's bears. Let's fucking go. You know, like, that's where my head's at. And now we're designing bears.
I absolutely love a dog. I think it's very apparent how much you care about your vision and what you're doing with best buds. A question I have for you is what has been your favorite memory with best buds so far?
I think the Metro Boomin and Future Music could have been real with you because that's like the epitome of everything I worked so hard for with this project. Which to make a cultural was to get it to break through, was to get it to be trending, was to get it to be, you know, have like the masses look at these characters. I think that was a really big thing.
You know, we've done some products. The cannabis business is really tricky. There's like a lot of laws. You know, we've had a grow that we invested in that got robbed. Like just shit like that you can't control that is just crazy. You know, and that
the business. It's like, what are you going to do? But I mean, very recoverable stuff. The thing about cannabis is like, you know, we could always grow more. It's not a big deal. And you can always kind of keep it moving. And there's like a lot of deals to make. But it's just a very interesting new
kind of business that's just becoming legal and kind of playing out right in front of our eyes. And I think that where I've had the most fun is just seeing this art project blossom into something even more than what I thought it could be when we start
it. Did I hope it was going to be a music video like that? Yeah, of course. But when I saw it, I was like, holy shit, yeah, this is real. And then when I see the products, and I want to see, we did the Soldier Boy party where we handed out wheat to everybody at the party through best buds, packaging, and all that kind of stuff. And everyone loved it and going crazy.
Like when I see that kind of stuff in real life and activations and we did like a big 420 event on sunset and we had best buds all over sunset You know, we've done like all these different types of you know events and things like that did one in Miami for our basil like a lot of fun cool stuff, but like you know nothing's
better than when you see the best buds go trending on YouTube and you get to see new people go, "What's that? Metro Boomens wallet?" I thought that was really cool. I'm hoping to do more. It's just money. I'll be honest with you. If this was a bull market and we were
and things everybody's making money, I would just buy ads. I would literally just go, "Yo, universal or public, I need 10 seconds in the next post-molone music video. Here's 100,000, here's 300,000, whatever it's going to cost." That's what I would do.
Because I think that's money well spent. It's not like buying a Super Bowl commercial for $6 million to be honest with you. If that's me, I'll be in a position to do this one day, I believe, if we just gotta stay alive. But if that's me, I take $6 million and I give
about 6 million people a dollar. That's what I do with that money. That's how you're going to get people to go, "What the fuck is this?" Let's give 6 million people a dollar NFT. It's redeemable for a dollar. Go run that ad.
and run it on Twitter for free. Go take, you don't even need six million people, 600,000 people. Now we're going to give them whatever, ten bucks. I'm not good at math. You tell me whatever that amounts to. But if you do that, you will maximize value.
And that's where it goes back to giving people either free or cheap NFTs or affordable NFTs as much as you possibly can. That has better art than anything on the blockchain because at the end of the day what I've learned about in art, right? Because I come from art, I come from music, it's art. I've been creating this since I was a kid.
cream rises to the top. I looked at one of my songs the other day. This is a real story. I put out a bunch of random songs in my career, right? And a lot of songs I put out did nothing, right? Like did nothing. We're complete sleepers. And I looked back
a total sleeper song. I've had like 100 million stream songs and I've had no million stream songs right not like zero streams nobody cared on that song so all right whatever and they just keep going right can't they I guess they can't all be hits but this is what was fun
I went back to a random song I did, you know, 10 years ago, and I saw that it had a million streams on Spotify, right? And I was like, wow, that's crazy. Like just this random song that, you know, I just threw out there, just, it found its way.
I don't know how it got there right I don't know how it picked up and got streams I have no idea but it was a good song right and that's what kind of showed me where it's like wow if you just make good music or good content good art and you just let it sit people will
find it. Right? If people, it's like everyone loves music, everyone loves art, everyone loves cannabis, everyone loves characters, everyone loves sharks, everyone loves bears, everyone loves apes. Okay, those are all like characters, everyone loves and if you're the dopest of those characters,
Over 10 years people will find you and that's what I'm in this business for I'm in this business to be forever right our art is forever. It's eternal So my job is to make the best art that adds the most value
value to our holders and to anybody who has that art over a long period of time. Because what I've realized is we're not a flash in a pan, we're not a pump and dump, we're not even really just like any of these Web 3 projects that are all based on for price, right? You know, we're token, you know?
And I think everybody's going to find out when you take all that shit away, all you have is the fucking art and the people that like it. That's it. So that's, I'm just more focused now on perfecting that. That's kind of my mission here.
Yeah, it is quite difficult right especially whenever you're trying to make art that everyone can resonate with and quality art in you as an artist you kind of have that higher expectation You know that higher level of quality that you're looking for but doc a question I have for you is in your opinion what makes a
a good artist. It's like what makes a good athlete, what makes a good, honestly anything, it's determination. You don't even have to have the best talent.
natural talent. Like the best players and anything, if it's sports, music, or if it's art, it's always going to be work ethic. That's going to be the number, that's what I look for in anybody. It's work ethic. I don't even care if they're good. If they work hard, I can make anybody good.
They just need a path. They're going down the wrong path. But anybody, and I mean anybody, can be a goat, can be one of the greatest of all time, you know, the greatest of all time. And they don't even need talent. A great example for this is Kim Kardashian.
Yeah, absolutely. And I think you know that sense of-- I was making a joke, man. I saw no laughing, fuck. No laughing here. I was making a fucking joke. Not a great example. Kim Kardashian is not a great example. I just want to make that clear.
Now you're going to get my bad, my bad brother. I was running down my next question for you, but you know, I think that's since the consistency makes sense for sure, right? And as long as you're putting in that determination, you can find coaches and people who might train you to be more talented, quote unquote, or more
But yeah, you know, I definitely think it's an interesting concept and I think it's something a lot of people can learn from but doc on your artistic journey on curious who is the first person that truly believed in you?
That's a great question. Well, it depends. My family definitely believed in me first, right? They were the closest to me and they backed me and they let me quit school, which is a big deal in my family because my family is from Dominican Republic.
they killed themselves to get off that island and to make it to America and to go to school and that's all they care about. School school school school school school. Well I was not interested in school in the least bit. Never was. I just didn't care. I thought I was a waste of time and I thought I don't like what
they were teaching us because I wanted to learn how to make music and how to make money and school was not teaching me how to do anything. So I thought as a child why am I doing this? I never understood it and what that forced me into
was this being rejected by school and always getting in trouble and kind of like falling into that, into one of those kids, right? But I was not a bad kid at all. I was the bully to the bully
I was always protecting the little guy. So I was just a kid who just was misunderstood. And then as I was being, you know, as I was misunderstood in school, I just took it upon myself to have fun because I was bored. So we would just, you know, always constantly be playing, playing pranks.
and you know, fucking around, but I had a principal in high school who I failed out of my freshman year. And I got kicked out. I got it. It was funny. I'll tell you this story.
I was a baseball player. You know, to make her public everybody plays baseball. It's in the blood, right? And I was a baseball player for the school and kind of just went to the school for baseball. I didn't care about anything else. And a football player was picking on me one day and tackled me and it was an all-boys school.
school and I was watching a lot of Oz at the time and I knew that it was like prison and I had to go pretty much destroy this guy or else I was going to be, you know, I was going to be, you know, targeted. So I got up and I went out to this guy, right? And ended up like breaking his hand
and or something like that. But I was attacked. I was not, I was a self defense at that point. And I ended up pretty much getting kicked out of school and I had no grades. For all of my freshman year I had zero grades. And in my high school my
principal ended up being my mentor and he let me make up that entire, he first of all let me get into the school with no grades which is unheard of. So he let me into the school and then he let me, didn't make me repeat the grade. He let me take those courses in a summer school
program and then to be completely honest with you, he forged some of the classes that I went to and there you go. And here I am. And here I am a high school graduate and I wouldn't have been until that one person and you know what his name was?
You know what this one person's name was? His name was Doc. That was the first person I believed in me and he passed me through high school and he was the reason why I finished school and when I finished school I found a rapper. He was my friend.
It's a really funny story, but this rapper was my friend's bodyguard and I ended up getting this guy a record deal with Dr. Dre. As a kid, I just went on to this journey where I didn't go to college.
out of college and I followed my artist onto his journey, you know, on his record deal. So he got signed and then I started going into the music studio every single day with Dr. Dre's team and I, my first gig was working with Dr.
Drey's engineer, his sound engineer, Segal. And Segal is the one who taught me how to produce music. And he was the first guy, you know, to, so from my family, my grandpa to my doc, my principal, all the way to Segal.
who put me on as a producer. And from there I discovered Kendrick Lamar. I discovered a lot of artists as the first one of the first people to find these guys. Post Malone was the first guy to help post Malone.
I had a chance to help artists really early and I did and I had a lot of fun with it So yeah, those were like the first people to kind of believe in me and and now I've just got a fucking proven you know believe in myself now that's where I'm at just keep going
Yeah, and this kind of wraps back around to what you're saying at the beginning of the conversation, which is right like you're only competition is yourself Right the only person you should be comparing yourself to is who you were yesterday Right and it's up to you to kind of take the reins and
Make your life what it ought to be. And doc, another question I have for you is, you know, you've gone through this tumultuous journey, right? You've kind of seen the ups and downs and I'm curious. Would your 12 year old self be proud of where you are today?
Yeah, my 12 year old self Yeah, for sure my 12 year old self wanted to be a rock star That's all I that's all my 12 year old self wanted to do and I got to do that Multiple times in my career right from having hit records to being a hit DJ to that
touring the world to producing all these artists and all that kind of stuff to Dating a bunch of models not kidding, but but not really kidding, you know, but you know I got to do everything I I wanted to do and now I got it all out of my system and now I'm a happy, you know
family guy and I'm just interested in helping people and putting people on like I made a career of helping artists like that's how I made my career like looking back all my successes were helping somebody that doesn't matter about getting paid so many times I help people and
got nothing in return and I wouldn't change that. I don't care. I've made people literally like hundreds of millions of dollars and I love that. I would love to make people more money. So I think it's great and in helping those people
it's all come around 10 times stronger, better for you know like it really has come around so much more than than with any commission I could have ever taken on any introduction or any deal I set up. You know so that's one thing that I can I can really say is if you
You can genuinely help people without expecting anything in return. I believe that all say Jesus Christ will send the energy bright back to you. But God or whoever you believe in, I really believe in that. If you do good things, good things will happen.
the day that's what I'm doing here. I'm just trying to add as much value to people and it's really hard in these circumstances, right? In these market conditions and all that kind of stuff that's completely out of our control. So I just go back to what can we do and what can we focus on and what can we
What's in our power and our power is to work our asses off and to make historic art You know art that's better than anybody else could do because we put our heart and soul and everything into it and we're not doing it and this like music you know in music The anytime I try to make a hit record
Any time I try to make a record that sounded like a hit record, right? Oh, that's hot right now. Let's make a record like this, right? Flop. Anytime where I just went into that studio and I just did what I felt that day, you know, sometimes smash, like super smash, like holy shit.
That's how you fuck make a record. And you do it by being relaxed, not caring about the results. Like now when I create art here, I don't care if it's like, "Oh, this piece is going to sell for this." Or this song is going to get a billion
I don't care about it. I don't care about it. I don't care about it. I don't care about it. I force myself not to care about it. That is how you fail.
that in my career I have failed. So I have trained my brain to not do that. Do not look down. If you look down or if you look to the side, it's like baseball. If I'm stealing second base, I'm not looking back to the catcher to just go see if he's going to throw me out because then he's going to throw me out. I'm going to run
done. It's fast as I can and not look down and fucking dive headfirst and then I'm going to make it. That's really how this shit is. I've just been doing this for so many hours. It's not even like I'm that old. I'm not even past fucking 30s. I'm not even that old.
I've worked way more hours than probably anybody in my age. Like that is true. Because I started when I was a child and I probably had been working with 16-hour days since I was 15 years old. I've never taken data. That's not how we do it. We're Latino. We don't do it like that. So we go hard.
Absolutely. And Doc, I think we are coming pretty close at times, so this will be my last question for you. And I'm interested to know, what do you think is the best part of getting older?
Is learning what matters? Money doesn't matter at all. I'd make money to give it away. That's what I've realized in my life. I literally make money to give to people. That's the only reason why I try to make money. To donate as much as stuff as I possibly can.
That's my mission in life. I want to put a VR headset in every hospital room because people are just in a hospital room all day. Just rotting away, giving them a VR, they're standing, they're moving. I want to do those things. That's my mission in life. How do I help people?
How do I add value? How do I see like, oh, that's not good or that's broken. How do I fix that? And it could be in anything. So if I see something that I see that, oh, that could be fixed. I try to fix it. So I have a million things I want to do in my life. Still, I'm nowhere close to completion.
So hopefully I got many more years and in these many years I'm just going to focus on how do I contribute to the best of my ability to the greater good and to others. That's my personal mission and everyone's different and everyone's in it and here's the truth.
I can actually afford to do that. I'm actually in a position where I can do that. Not everybody can do that. I'm in a position where I don't have to go to a 9-5 job. If I had to go to a 9-5 job, I wouldn't be able to make art, I wouldn't be able to even
think like how am I going to give back because I'm in survival mode. So I'm in a very fortunate position to be able to even think or say or focus on others. And that's I think the hardest part is like everybody and most people would be doing
exactly that in helping others, but they can't help others because they can't help themselves because the system is broken and it's made where you can't get off that island, right? You're stuck on that island. You can't get off. So you have to kill yourself to get off that island. And that's kind of like where
my brain will always go. So yeah, I'm just trying to figure out like how do I add value to people and right now it's really shitty because everything is going down and everyone's just losing. And the only stuff that's doing well is a bunch of pump and dumps or stuff that's based off of bullshit.
It's nothing real or tangible and I won't do that. I don't play that game. So whatever we say we're going to do, we're going to either do it or kill ourselves to try to do it. Some stuff is out of our control that we've learned. Some stuff is out of our control. But the stuff that's in our control, we're going to make it happen.
happen because we're just completely focused on doing it. So like what I can't say is I haven't been this excited in NFTs and now like a year pretty much since we started right that's like the last time I was this excited since we started I found these big coin orders
I've given it's rejuvenated me. It's given me artistic, you know, creativity, like a brand new life. And honestly, I think we're just scratching the surface. So like, yeah, I'm just very thankful that I've got so many, so many
great incredible people that are on this journey with us. And yeah, I won't let us down. I'm going to make this shit happen. I'm going to have a lot of fun doing it with you guys. And I think that's if we just focus on that and enjoying ourselves and creating really sick art that you do
I'm going to drop the dopey shit you've ever seen. That's where I'm at. Where I'm at is you can have founders go on Twitter spaces and pump their bags or you can have founders on Twitter spaces, you know, fucking pump their art. So let's just pump each other up. Let's pump ours up. Let's pump up the little guy.
Let's pump up the community guy right let's pump up the guy who's trying to make it on Twitter space. We have we have we have You know such an incredible community and people that have taken you know their best bud and you know made an entire brand out of it
Right or or or career out of it or they're they're taking it and then they've met people in the community and you know and then end up into The youths or the D gods or that but they they came through the best buds, right? So like the you know, we've had a guy
talk that everybody knows as a best bud. Tuck is streaming live on Twitch and he's now like a successful Twitch streamer. Every single day he's with Barc and Alex doing really great stuff. So that came from here.
No, did he switch his PFP? Yeah, of course and I want him to be able to do that like that's a great thing He can he can go on he can now be a part of another community and now bring that back to best buds and now and now it's best buds and this other community together It's all the same stuff and that's what I'm looking for
You know, I'm looking to bring people together, I'm looking for collaboration, I'm not looking to be the one and only anything, I'm not looking to compete, I'm looking to say, "Hey, how can we work if you're dope, how do we work with you?" And I'll figure it out, you know, that's really what I'm good at.
Absolutely, and thank you for coming on today, Doc, and telling us a little bit more about your story. It was really interesting seeing kind of the stories that shaped you to be who you are today and kind of have the values that you have. And I think it's super awesome that you stand for your community and the way you do, and you've really stuck through all the bullshit and
are still here to this day because not very many founders can say they've done the same. So Doc, it's been an absolute pleasure of having you guys. This is making time. A show hosted by me, HV Socrates on the Syndicate Network, where we learn more about the creators of Solana and why they're building in Web 3. If you enjoyed this show, I will be hosting another one at the same
time tomorrow and I will be interviewing Jet Launcher, the founder of Neckoszuma. So if you guys are interested please go to the top of the space and set a reminder for tomorrow and I hope to see some familiar faces around for that show. But Doc, before we go ahead and look to rug this space, do you have any kind of closing thoughts about what was going on here?
Thank you for having us. First and foremost, and thanks for adding this value to the space. A lot of probably even people on our team don't know some of these stories that I shared. I think that's a lot of great value that you're adding and getting to know people.
That's going to be the biggest value in Web 3 is the people. That's what I'm the most bullish on. You know, it's everybody in this space. You know, so I just want to thank you for that. And it's all of anything we can ever do for you and your community. Let us know. Yeah, dude, we're in this together.
Absolutely doc, and I appreciate that and you're definitely right, you know the people are what make this it's a blood, you know, it's definitely the blood of web 3 and what we're building here and one thing I think about a lot is the loneliness epidemic we're going through right people as we move more remote there
Not connecting with people as they used to and I think stuff like best buds is a fantastic opportunity for people to meet like-minded community members and make bonds that matter right and make have experiences that matter and if we're not like people like you doc, you know
We would not have these kind of communities. So definitely thank you for what you're doing. I really appreciate you coming out here and talking and you know keep keep doing what you're doing man. But once again guys this is making time. A show hosted by me HV Socrates on the SINNICAN Network where we learn more about the creators of Swana and
why they are building in Web 3. Our today's guest was Doc and I really truly appreciated learning more about him and learning some of the stories of which led him to be who he is today. But thank you guys for being here and I hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your night. Bye bye.