Mr. Dersh, good afternoon.
It's all going well, except for the very weird weather they were having in southern Brazil
Yeah, we're in the cold northeast, just outside of Philadelphia.
It's a beautiful, rainy, cold Monday.
You know, it's a very overcast, cold and rainy Monday for me as well.
But hey, this is Brazil and this is summer, so it should not be like that, right?
That is part of the game, I guess.
So how have you been since I last saw you at Decipher a few months ago?
I mean, we were really excited about Decipher.
You know, a lot of great people.
You know, tremendous event by the foundation.
And then, you know, we were able to make some major announcements.
So that was, you know, that was pretty good.
And then, yeah, coming, you know, coming into the new year, we're, you know, we're really
excited about, I'll even probably give you a sneak peek on one of our announcements, Fred,
And you know the community loves that.
I know, I know, but I'm going to hold you till the end, so.
And then, you know, over the holidays, I think, you know, I'm, you know, big Penn State fan.
So we were able to go out to the Rose Bowl with some of the family.
So now we're, you know, we're all locked in, you know, coming into the new year.
You know, really excited about what we're showing in the marketplace.
You know, given, you know, given still the, you know, the deep negativity around, you know,
the whole digital and kind of crypto space.
But I, but I think, you know, we're, we're poised to continue to show folks, you know,
real use cases, real utility, you know, real professional business models and technology.
So, you know, and then we have the, you know, the token launch, which, you know, we'll probably
talk about it in a little bit, but, but yeah, all good, man.
Well, I have so many questions for you, Dersh, including obviously, you know, follow-ups
and a lot of stuff that you announced.
You made some, you know, groundbreaking announcements at Decipher that caught everybody by surprise
and everybody's super happy and have been basically talking about it nonstop for the
last, what, two months now almost.
So, yeah, I have lots of questions for you.
But hey, let's get started because there's so much to cover and I know you have a lot to
So, you know, just so we can get started, well, I'll go fam, you know, GM, GA, GE, good
morning, good afternoon, good evening to all of you, wherever you are in the world.
Thank you very much for joining us live today for another fantastic conversation that I'm
very much looking forward to with Dersh, the CEO, founder of MAPay, which has recently made
a groundbreaking announcement live at the main stage of Decipher that they have just recently
signed a deal in India to bring 100 million healthcare NFTs to Algorand.
So, obviously, that is a topic of our conversation today along with many other things I'm going
But community, you know, the rundown of the Twitter spaces will be simple, you know, as
So, I'm just going to give you all a brief introduction on Dersh, you know, who he is,
And, of course, I'll let Dersh do a little pitch of MAPay as well for all of those of
you who still don't know who they are, even though you all should know by now.
Then you're going to jump in right in the conversation.
I have lots of questions planned for Dersh today.
And, of course, as always, we're going to open the floor for community questions towards
the end of the Twitter spaces.
So, you know, if you have any questions or during the conversation, if you can think of
any questions or any follow-ups, you know, it's easy.
Just hit the mic request button and it's going to be a pleasure to bring you to the speaker
So, to get started, just a brief intro on Dersh.
So, Michael Dershom, aka The Dersh, is a seasoned business development entrepreneur who has
assisted multiple ventures and attracted millions of dollars of capital.
He has an outstanding track record in strategic business planning and development, capital and
finance and sourcing, multidisciplinary problem solving, and technology development.
Dersh has a strong technology transfer background from government and university research to private
sector commercialization.
Dersh began his Syrian entrepreneur career over 20 years ago.
His first faraway was as the co-owner of Rx Returns, which grew to become the largest
pharmaceutical returns company in the USA.
He later helped them, he later helped form a niche banking company, which became one of
the fastest growing private companies in New Jersey.
Serving as a founder CEO of PharmaAsset, or PharmaAsset, I don't know, can you correct me,
What is the proper way to pronounce?
PharmaAsset, fantastic, thank you.
An Emory University startup company, successfully raised over $25 million in private active funding
and executed a $30 million research R&D development agreement with DuPont.
The company has subsequently gone public and was acquired for $11 billion.
Dersh has graduated with a BA in economics from Dickinson College and holds an MBA as well.
So, Dersh, I think I hopefully did some, you know, slight justice to your amazing background.
But is there anything that you'd like to add first about your background, anything you want to capitalize on these things that I just mentioned?
And also just, you know, give to the Algo family that is still not aware, you know, who, like, what is MAP?
Yeah, yeah, for sure, Fred.
And thanks for that, you know, that kind introduction.
Now, you know, I think you covered it, you know, you know, one of the, I think one of the things that we look at here at MAP,
so we're a global healthcare fintech company, and what does that mean?
You know, we look at, you know, those crossroads of payments and data, wherever that happens within the greater healthcare and pharma space.
We're looking at both B2B opportunities and B2C opportunities.
And our U.S. headquarters is just outside of Philadelphia.
Our global headquarters is in Hamilton, Bermuda.
We wake up every day now, you know, thinking about, you know, all things digital.
We think about digital identity, digital payments, and digital data as it relates to personal health information.
So, and that's, you know, really what drives us.
And the applications and use cases around, you know, either isolated within one of those,
or sometimes, you know, you'll hear me start speaking about the MPs flywheel,
where we're bringing all of that within digital identity, both payers, insurance payers, patients, and providers,
digital payments, whether that happens within a jurisdiction or cross-border,
again, as it relates to healthcare encounters, and then digital data.
How can we finally drive interoperability, you know, in healthcare data,
as well as, you know, provide a platform for the context of your data that isn't locked into,
like, electronic health systems, but things about, you know, that are unique to yourself
that drive the outcomes of your healthcare.
So, yeah, that's how we look at the world, Fred.
Fantastic. And I have a lot of questions about data, right?
And I think this was probably the main topic of our previous discussion, right?
Sometime, I think, in mid-December, where we even had Simon, our head of BI, join us this conversation.
So, we spoke a lot of data, but, you know, since then, I've been thinking a lot about the solutions you're bidding,
which we're going to touch upon in a few minutes.
So, I have a lot of follow-up questions on the data side.
But just so myself and the whole community get an understanding,
can you talk just a little bit about the MAPay team?
Like, you know, how big is the team?
If you can just have, like, some rough numbers on a total headcount,
roughly the size of the tech depth side, is everybody based in the U.S.,
or also have more operational people in Bermuda?
So, anyway, just wanted to get a clearer picture on the composition of the team.
Yeah, yeah. You know, we have a really solid team,
and a team that's worked together in other ventures.
And so, you know, that's important when, you know, when, you know,
you're building into this new frontier, you know, that you have, you know,
trust and confidence in those different team members.
The management team, we have John Parker, JP.
He's our chief managing officer.
He's been around me for years in different ventures.
And, you know, he comes, you know, from the legal background,
banking background, as well as then private equity
and operational around venture-backed startups.
You know, Salim's just, he's just great.
He's one of those guys that now, you know, can straddle, you know,
he grew up in the big four, you know, started his own boutique firm,
has been involved in a number of startups and fundraising.
He has, you know, what I love about Salim is that, you know,
he straddles both, you know, traditional-type finances,
as well as all of this around our token economics,
some of the DeFi models that we're bringing to pharma,
and is able to straddle both of those, which is, you know,
really, really important, whether or not we're talking
with other stakeholders or potential investors.
So that's, you know, you know, again, Salim is just, you know,
Our head of digital is Mahesh Shan.
Mahesh is, you know, you'll hear me say this about Mahesh all the time.
You know, he's just a rock star as he relates to it.
We've been around each other probably for, I don't know,
eight or nine years, developed some interesting payment apps,
and now, you know, Mahesh has 30, you know,
he has a development community called C Sharp Corner,
where he has 32 million developers across the globe
that, you know, that kind of chat about,
and he was a founder of that, and, you know, it's, you know,
and I think the relationship that Mahesh has now built
with, you know, some of the technology folks
at Algorand Foundation, well, primarily Algorand Inc.,
has just been, you know, has been tremendous,
and I'll maybe touch on that a little bit later.
Our chief of staff, Maria, she makes things,
makes sure that everything, you know,
everything that we say out there, you know,
I call her, you know, our chief, our chief glue officer.
You know, she's, she's just tremendous.
We have, and then we have, you know,
we have boots on the ground in, in Bermuda,
Again, great, you know, biz dev guy, account guy,
He was formerly with the Bermuda Development Authority,
and now we're building out our account team
because of the deployments that,
that we're putting in place.
We have now good boots on the ground in Paraguay,
We have great, great team making in, in Brazil.
I know you'll want to go into that, Fred.
Happy to, you know, talk, talk about Dr. Sabine Kapesi,
who is just, you know, she's just tremendous.
And then, and then our, our tech team,
you know, we have, oh, and then we have Greg up in Boston.
Again, senior strategic guy,
knows healthcare, knows payments, knows digital,
and he, he really brings strategy to us.
We, we just, it brought on a, another,
another tall order, a guy named Rob Metz.
He was the number two guy at Horizon Pharma.
Built that from its early stages,
as, as the new, second guy coming in.
Yeah, we were joking about it last week.
He gets, he gets where we are because,
you know, they started, they started that company.
Their office was Panera, Panera Brad, he said.
And then, you know, on the, on the tech side,
we have about, I guess, about close to 15, 20 people in India
that, you know, are just cranking,
cranking stuff out every day.
And then we have some, you know, some, you know,
off, you know, one-off relationships
with different contractors or providers of different things.
But yeah, that's, that's who we are.
And that's just, you know, that's what we look like, right?
You put together an A team for this, Dersh.
And there was a few people that I still haven't met.
So, you know, I'm going to hold you accountable afterwards
to connect you to, to the rest of the team
which I still haven't met.
But I have two comments regarding your team.
I appreciate her, you know,
her infinite patience with all my requests.
So Maria, if you're listening to this,
thank you very much, all right?
And second, I think, you know, from your description,
maybe for one of our upcoming Twitter spaces,
it should bring Salim to the conversation.
I think it would be really nice to ask a few questions.
You know, we've done, you know, with a couple other,
of course, not Algram, but other, but other spaces.
And yeah, happy to bring on Salim, you know,
happy to bring on Mahesh, talk more about, you know,
the tech side, you know, whatever,
whatever you think, you know, your audience.
And, but yeah, we're, you know,
we're pretty, pretty willing to go on
So, Dersh, you know, at the Cypher,
this was almost two months ago, right?
I had the pleasure of be sitting,
I think in the second row of your main stage panel
on public sector, you know, meets public blockchain.
And over there, of course,
you made a fantastic announcement,
but I'm going to hold that up for the second part
But over there, you mentioned that, you know,
maybe the idea, and please correct me
if my understanding is wrong,
but maybe the idea really started, you know,
coming to reality when MPA became basically
the first company to sign a deal with Bermuda
to look at healthcare spending payments,
cross-border payments, settlement,
And then from that, like, from that,
from that panel, you also mentioned
that maybe one of the big,
like an even bigger challenge
was basically building a Rails
that is transparent, immutable,
trustworthy for credentialing,
permitting, and licensing of providers, right?
You mentioned, if I'm not mistaken,
that this solution is already live.
So I'm just wondering if you can tell us
a little bit about, you know,
how the whole Bermuda thing came about to be,
what has already happened,
You know, just give a general status update
before we move on towards the India project.
Yeah, so if, you know, going back,
and the Bermuda story's, you know,
really critical to our success
and how we're putting this together
and using that as a real microcosm
for, you know, what is possible.
But it goes back before the pandemic.
and I was asked to speak about healthcare and pharma,
where I thought blockchain and AI
and some of these things could really go.
So, and after my talk, you know,
this statesman-like gentleman came up to me
and introduced himself as Sir John Swan,
a former premier of Bermuda,
and started telling me about, you know,
he said, Dersh, are there things that you spoke about?
He said, I'm very intrigued.
And then he rattled off some numbers
about Bermuda healthcare and Bermuda itself
and asked if I thought some of the things
would be applicable within the country.
And, and so it was funny.
I, you know, he said, Dersh, if you,
if you come down, I'll, you know,
I'll introduce you to some of the people.
And, and, you know, again,
maybe there's something here.
So as, you know, as an entrepreneur,
I, I had honey, I had honeymooned there.
You know, my wife will kill me
if I don't know this number,
but about 20, well, at that time,
it was about 24 years ago.
And so I thought, you know what,
maybe I'll take a long weekend,
bring, you know, bring the wife down.
And, and that's what we started.
And I started to get introduced to,
you know, ministers of health,
bankers, insurance companies,
doctors, providers, hospital,
And, and, and over the course of about
four or five months, you know,
it, it became very apparent to me
that you had, you had a situation in Bermuda,
not only were they friendly as it related to,
you know, the digital asset licensing
and what Premier BERT was doing,
but also too, that, you know,
all this quote unquote stuff
and where we could be impactful
of less than a hundred thousand people.
They have four insurance companies,
but, but they have a, you know,
a regulatory environment,
really strict and stringent.
that bodes well for us now as well.
So, so it kind of interesting.
So then we, we signed an MOU
to look at healthcare data,
cross border as well as within,
you know, the jurisdiction.
and, and I say this all the time,
you know, whenever you're introducing
and, and new solution sets,
you know, who's going to be
Who's going to be engaged in it?
I mean, you can give somebody,
but if there's, you know,
if there's no utility in it,
you know, we didn't set out to,
and are utilizing blockchain
We didn't set out to build
a blockchain based company,
that wasn't our intention.
especially when we talk about
in, in, in medical commerce,
So who's going to go first,
with some of our solutions
of the Bermuda Health Council,
still trying to figure out,
a great thinker in healthcare.
another problem that I have
and permitting of doctors.
that this is a royal pain
in the neck for everybody,
in nearly every jurisdiction.
I about leapt over the table
we just solved that conundrum
kind of clarity of vision
because I knew if we were able
one third of the ecosystem.
It then provides a vehicle
which gives us the two thirds.
and then once we have that,
all those patient populations,
we've created this market,
what I call this marketplace
and that's what we were able
start deploying this stuff
the personal health information
but now I got to tell you,
But now that we can show it,
that we're bringing forth
healthcare global platform.
it's just totally broken.
There's so much to digest
from what you just mentioned,
on the size of this market
of this specific operation
or will you run on Algorand
to the next topic of India?
what's interesting for us,
we sort of do some modeling,
over the last five years,
they'll do the same amount,
that historical precedent
over the last three years,
they'll do it the next three,
from a projection standpoint,
somewhere in the neighborhood
given the transaction counts
what would that look like,
looked at our transaction counts,
the M-Pays network projections.
given some level of growth
just of Algorand transactions,
is thinking that right now?
but I thought I'd give it
we were just charting that
when you do these things,
see some of those things,
I don't want to say it's,
but it's pretty simple math.
let's jump into the big project,
you made that groundbreaking
sitting on the main stage
that you had just signed,
healthcare NFTs in India.
caught everybody by surprise.
then there were a lot of PRs
and everything around that.
But I think this is probably
the first time that we get a chance
to truly talk with the community
about the project at large?
basically the entire spectrum
implementation next steps.
I think one of the funniest things,
funny may not be the right word,
when we made that announcement,
people couldn't believe it,
they still can't believe it,
some people thought it was like,
an onion headline or something,
whatever you want to call it,
crypto thawing a little bit,
we put it on our shoulders too,
as a company and management team,
cures and currency should,
We believe in data interoperability.
a hundred million in one state in India is,
that's really their proof of concept,
a great advisor over there.
She's part of our team now,
she's just total dynamite.
she's a clinician by training and OBGYN.
she did her clinical work in the States.
She has her master's in it from case Western.
She sits on like the policy health committee of,
She consults to the UN on,
even around the vaccine rollout.
I think it's about six or eight family offices to direct their,
their healthcare and pharma investments.
She's a great thinker and she just gets things done.
that the government of India,
with trying to build these,
these registries of different disease classes.
we had extensive meetings with,
some of this baseline that,
that we're developing in,
in Bermuda could then be trans,
transportable into these applications.
and that's how it came about,
came about relatively quick.
And right now we're in the midst of,
doing a total scoping on,
So probably the next time we speak,
provide some more detail on,
exactly where we are and,
bring those first proof of concepts out of there.
the opportunities within the other states,
as well as the government of India itself,
some of the private sector folks that,
that we're also looking at,
is a great marketplace for us.
there's also other things that,
that are going on in India,
there's a study or white paper that came out recently that I read,
with all the migration that's coming from the rural areas into more urban areas in India.
of that leave behind from a,
from healthcare access standpoint.
how can we do that given that,
that exodus or that migration.
being able to use web three applications and meta and,
and what that can mean to delivery and access points.
we're going to announce knock on wood.
probably within the next 30 days,
we're going to announce another huge project with,
which might trump the a hundred million NFTs.
That is way too much offer.
You're dropping here today,
Are you positive about all this?
Always dropping offer for the algo fan.
I have quite a few follow-ups,
but I know we still have a few topics to cover and I'm already getting a lot of
recall requests from the community to come to the speaker board.
And of course I want to give them the opportunity.
I'm just going to ask you a very quick question on the India project is that,
for the 100 million NFTs,
just what kind of personal data are they going to contain?
And obviously this is all going to be encrypted.
it's not going to be visible to the average user who,
happens to see one of these transactions on chain,
but just what kind of data will be,
encrypted inside each one of these NFTs.
let me lead it to this because I,
I don't want to go too deep into that,
there's certain data sets around certain disease classes that,
that's what we're going to,
And then we're going to take,
that individual NFT holder,
that data wallet vault in,
when we monetize the data or monetize the data sets,
we'll be able to bring that back into,
into those individual wallets as,
it's really democratized,
is where I start talking about,
where we're democratizing healthcare data.
people are making money on,
it's not really a technology issue.
I think we talked about this on the,
people are able to make incredible amount of money on,
And none of that seems to come into,
your wallet or my wallet.
we're going to change that.
we'll have the most robust data set,
and the most efficient way,
and monetize that data and,
and bring that back to those that,
And is this monetization,
at length in our last Twitter spaces,
If you can talk a little bit about that.
we're very excited right now on the,
on the MAPAZ token launch.
we're in the midst of our private sale.
the private sale is a 70% discount to the public launch.
final approval from the Bermuda Monetary Authority.
then we'll set date certain,
that launch date's probably going to be,
toward the latter part of February,
put together our kind of,
so that we can coordinate the launch,
we've already signed with CoinStore,
and a couple of the big ones,
we want to get this launch,
although it's kind of rekindled from the last couple of years,
service offerings around it.
headquartered in jurisdiction through,
the senior management team,
we were on calls late last week,
talking about strategic things that,
that we can do together in,
take a look at the white paper,
Everything's there or shoot,
we're pretty active there.
you and I've talked about this,
for all of the Algorand community,
to come into our telegram group,
the M P A's community group.
we're posting stuff in there all the time.
we're pretty excited because,
whatever you want to call this,
where we are right now in,
in this whole crypto environment,
I think it gives us an opportunity,
that have been driving these types of things over the last several years,
to stuff that is real business models,
the solutions in healthcare that benefit us,
not only from an individual perspective,
but societal perspective.
who looks at that goes and they see,
kind of these growth rates and,
we're about ready to announce,
probably announce that formally,
within the next couple of weeks.
build it and hopefully something will come.
ours is the other way around.
we're building into these use cases that,
bring the in pace token in,
every day when people are coming on to the Telegram group or hitting on LinkedIn or other social media,
I thought it was going to be hard to top up that India announcement so quickly,
but it looks like you and the team are nowhere near stopping,
we can already put something in the books for us to chat in a couple of weeks,
cause it looks like we have more announcements to discuss.
And I was just going to say,
Algorand Inc and senior management team up in Boston,
just talking about some of these things.
from a technology standpoint,
we were talking because as you know,
the initial Decipher conference is when we announced Bermuda and we had,
talked about what was going to be happening,
and so that we announced at Decipher one,
we announced the hundred million and we were laughing up at Boston like Dersh,
what the hell are you going to announce?
I still have several follow-ups for you,
we're going to keep having the student spaces in a frequent basis because you guys don't stop building.
I want to take some questions from the community.
So I have added both already Eldor and Algonaut.
you were the first to request.
the floor is yours to ask Dersh a question.
great intro and really impressive team you have assembled.
I have been following you since the Decipher one and obviously Bermuda announcement was great.
it's also great to hear that since then,
but I have counted at least from what,
you have six countries that you're covering at the moment.
so I have a few questions.
are you exclusively building everything on Algorand rails?
I'm assuming that obviously token will be,
so that would be one question.
What is your expectation when it comes to,
How frequently they will be updated?
obviously depending on patient,
how frequently they're going to see a doctor,
you have already thought about that.
in this kind of field of digitalizing data.
So thanks again for your,
for your interest in your question.
the first question was about,
about Algorand and what we're building on,
second question was around NFTs and how we see those updated.
the last question was around,
what was your third question?
See how easily I forget competition.
we are exclusively building,
it's going to be imperative that we have,
as well as when we are able to support,
maybe they built something on,
over to the M-Pays network because,
as the de facto for healthcare and,
and pharma applications where they're being driven,
by M-A-Pay or whether they've been driven by other third parties that want to use our rails.
and we're talking to a couple of folks right now that,
we'll give you on-ramp and off-ramp,
that kind of interstate type of,
some of the other chains have it,
private chains and shared chains.
I think that's going to be an important piece.
a particular health system or,
application done in a private chain and,
in some of these things that we're,
talking to pharma about around value,
value-based drug pricing and,
kind of stakeholders that are going to have to be,
we'd look at more like a shared chain.
speaking about the NFTs and we have,
good patent filings around this from,
and I think what you were bringing up is,
that your healthcare data has most,
and that's one of the things that Mahesh and I talked about early on.
And we talk about this on stage all the time,
because when I first brought it up to him,
the basket that we should be using.
let us stick to the tech.
You don't understand the NFT,
and so we kept on driving it.
what we developed was a way that,
but then point to on chain and off chain data sources,
that are dynamic and continually updated.
So we use that same strategy,
and my personal health information will be,
depending on that data source and,
export that data back in.
so hopefully that answers the question around,
the NFTs and how we see that,
kind of dynamic data and how that flows.
I'm trying to figure out how often,
ultimately you're going to use Algorand Rails to,
at the name of the game is to have as many transactions as possible.
And I understand you touched up on this already earlier in your
obviously you're expecting a lot of transactions to happen,
on Algorand on back of what you are doing,
this is just a pilot to what you're doing in India and,
the point here is if you,
you have 1 billion people on your,
if they're updating monthly,
that is quite a lot of transactions on Algorand.
that is kind of my question where,
I think those projection counts are right.
is continue to build them on,
I guess we would look at the individual,
and make some decisions around,
and how often is the importance of certain data elements?
one data element updated,
is sufficient where others might be,
on a really dynamic daily basis.
that answers my question.
I'm assuming this is a question about competition.
and I don't want to sound flipping about this stuff,
I don't know if I said it at Decipher,
I've said it on other places.
we could actually give some of the major players,
in the healthcare revenue cycle space or healthcare data space or,
we could actually give them our playbook.
And I don't think they could run a play.
we will see pockets of competition from,
in these applications that we're doing today.
but I think I'd be naive to think that,
that we won't see either,
either from the solution standpoint or pockets and areas from a geographic
when we go into these different geographies,
we're not looking to rip and replace,
we're looking to be more of a,
with what's going on locally.
tech folks in a particular geographic area that we can,
we want these countries or companies that we're working with,
when we talk about these applications in Bermuda and,
and the Bermuda health council or the minister of health or,
or the business development agency or the premier himself,
that we're building account management and tech development in Bermuda.
And we'll do that in every country that we go to,
that's not only helping collapse the cost of healthcare,
real economic opportunity for,
maybe final question for me,
I'm assuming due to the fact that you are talking to governments and,
this is not kind of a simple application,
which you potentially can white label.
Is that the right way of thinking?
white label for a company in,
doesn't want to deal with you directly,
but they're happy to use your tech.
we haven't done that yet.
I think it is possible to do that.
I think the best way I can,
is because like I said earlier,
are not unique to those individual jurisdictions or individual private sector companies.
our philosophy as a management team is if,
in a particular pocket and,
and we can leverage that,
just like we're doing in India today.
We haven't white labeled it,
a good tech team or business team in a particular geographic area where we would,
white label certain solutions.
I had to ask one more question and that's,
to protect somebody else,
basically just copying what you are doing?
we have a deep intellectual property process,
not only in the U S but also through the PCT.
those patents and filings are,
people can infringe them.
I think it really comes down to,
is really just within the team ourselves.
I built my career in healthcare and pharma.
nearly every aspect of it.
that three 60 vision that I think others would have to play.
art to the marketplace and art to the tech itself on,
on making sure that you can execute on it.
And that's where I would challenge others,
some of the things that we've announced,
we put a little bit more detail around it.
we hold closer to the vest,
some of these things that we're talking to,
Lord pharmaceutical companies around,
I could give people our deck.
they wouldn't know what the heck I'm talking about.
It ultimately is about your background,
and your team's background.
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my question.
you've got a track record to back you up,
I think we have time to take a question from Algonaut,
who has also been waiting.
I'll try and keep these questions as quick as possible.
Dersh to all the success you've had.
appreciate you putting on these spaces.
I think there's a lot of excitement to the community.
I just have a few questions around a,
first it's going to be for the MedSpeedia.
I was just wondering if you could give any updates on where MedSpeedia currently is at.
I've kind of been doing a little bit of research on them,
what sort of success you've had in the space.
I think from you guys back in 2020,
hoping to do around 11 billion in transactions and something like 500 million in revenue.
So I just wonder if there's any updates in regards to that and how that might play into the M-PACE token and as well as what Algorand will have to do.
kind of another half question or maybe a request in regards to that is I did notice that MedSpeedia also, they accept Bitcoin and Ethereum.
So an iconic question will be when Algo.
And then for my last question too,
I'm sorry if I missed it at the beginning of this talk,
but is there any timeline for these NFTs to go live on Algorand?
Thanks again for your interest in,
some of the research that you did around,
we had a pandemic in between us when we,
when we announced that and,
the pandemic when it comes to,
healthcare transactions and bringing those together,
it was a tough time for us as a,
So the update on MedSpeedia now,
the patient facing brand,
And so that's the brand that we will launch under,
the personal health information for,
we're going to use that as also the,
we have a whole service stack on MedSpeedia around,
we look at it from a communication standpoint,
and a clinical standpoint of somebody's healthcare and,
how that engagement happens.
And then the service levels that,
we have the MedSpeedia itself now in the States where people are making
our launch plan on that is probably,
a full service launch is probably second quarter of this year.
we're focused on getting this,
getting this token launched and,
some of these other kind of larger type applications as,
as we bring that quote unquote MedSpeedia brand to the market.
that will also feed back into your MedSpeedia,
Your MedSpeedia wallet will also be linked to things like HSA accounts and other types of stored value.
and the M-Pace token will,
will be used as reward mechanisms,
to those MedSpeedia wallets.
does that answer your question there?
we think MedSpeedia is a cool brand and,
I think I mentioned earlier,
we'll know probably better within the next,
I would say two to four weeks when,
and we'll probably put out an announcement on that just to keep everyone aware,
a regular press release or whether it's,
within the communities or give it to Fred to show to the community that says,
POCs in India around this NFTs,
by this end of the second quarter,
beginning of the third quarter,
beginning of the fourth quarter,
it's too early for me to tell,
and the Hessian team to say,
this is when we think we can,
at least tell the community that,
we're holding back or anything.
better lineup site into it.
And we're working on that.
within two to four weeks,
we'll probably give some,
I appreciate all the answers.
And thank you all going to ask for the very thoughtful questions.
our conversations always fly by,
it's already been over an hour and,
it's about time we wrap up.
I just want to ask you one last thing is that if there's anything that you want to cover that we didn't discuss today,
for us to look forward to that you want to share with the community before we wrap up.
we're talking to some folks now within the veteran community,
of the veteran and in the U S and,
and how we might be impactful in those areas,
this NFT construct look for,
with that set are in and out of the,
the veteran healthcare system,
as well as private sector and how that can be pulled together.
so not ready to announce anything publicly yet,
when we look at projects like that,
a good piece of business for us,
but we're also being impactful to,
or patient population that,
if we can help in our way,
wake up a little bit early every day.
And that's a beautiful mandate,
casual you are about all these amazing projects and leads and prospects I'm working on.
I already know that I'm going to have to host you again in a couple of weeks or maybe a month,
So we can discuss the upcoming stuff.
truly appreciate you taking the time to talk to me in the community.
by just doing all this amazing business development that you and the team were doing.
I truly appreciate you taking the time,
just to connect with our community,
clear some misconceptions and doubts.
And I'm very much looking forward to our next conversation already.
what we're saying out on other social media.
if anybody wants to reach to me directly,
if anybody wants to reach to me directly,
happy to answer any questions and any,
anybody who needs more information on our private sale,
hit the site and somebody will follow up with you.
please tell Maria that I'm her number one fan,
Because I know I'm going to bug her in a few days already again.
Looking forward to the next chat,
thank you very much for joining in today,
both live here in this conversation with Dersh,
catching the recording afterwards as many of you do.
this was an exciting conversation.
I'm already very much looking forward to the next part,
the next session of this meetup with Dersh.
make sure to follow Dersh,
make sure to follow MAPay on socials to stay in the loop of everything they're building.