Market Talk: #BITCOIN above 43k! Range highs next? February outlook

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:18:21



Hey, Bobby, you hear me well?
Loud and clear, brother. Loud and clear, man. I'll just give it about a minute or so, and then we'll get started. We'll let some people come into the space, man.
What is Orange Juice doing, man?
To be honest, man, I guess we can just talk now and we'll just let people come in as we speak. But, man, that's honestly insane, dude. Orange Juice, what it was doing in Q3, and just looking at this chop, man, it really reminds me of that time period, which is why I'm not really so excited to just be as fully allocated as possible.
And, I mean, you know how loud I was on things like, say, and Celestia and Neon. And it's like, when you have such a crazy parabola happen within a couple of weeks, there's really not much else to do. And, you know, I did get some new names, but there have been some even, you know, fresher charts that have launched over the last 48 hours.
And it's like, now the entire market just sells anything that they have. And they think, oh, man, I have to catch the next Celestia. I have to catch this next fresh chart. And, I mean, just take a look at what's been happening with some of these airdrops.
I won't name any names, but, you know, they're just being so heavily shilled on the timeline. And then they're down, like, 40, 50% from their listing price. And I just think that, like, at this stage of the market, you just want to have patience, right? Like, you don't want to fully miss out, but at the same time, you don't want to be, like, so overly exposed that you're chasing the next shiny thing.
And then, you know, you just get chopped up to bits. And it's like, oh, I have to catch this. I have to catch this. And, you know, if history is any indication, I'll bring up Matt, you know, and like right now, because I know today's earnings. I know he's been paying attention to that over the last 30 minutes.
But, you know, you kind of want to, as I said, wait until post-having. And that's when, like, you'll be able to catch that next set of parabolic gains. Kind of like the Q4, right? Q4 of last year was something that I didn't even expect, right? And I was bullish.
But, you know, we hit over 45K last year. And my expectation was, you know, we'll probably try to hit 40K. But if you told me that you would have some names in the market go up by over 500, 700%, I would have called you a crazy person, you know what I'm saying?
So for now, I just think, you know, we just have to wait until the next news catalyst or whatever ends. I know Matt is here. He was talking about earnings. I know Amazon beat earnings. I know Meta beat earnings.
You know, as expected, I know tech after hours is somewhat catching a bit here. We just need some more cooperation from the equity markets for crypto to really kind of replicate what it did from mid October to late December, where IWM was just rallying like crazy, right?
So those are my initial thoughts, man. And I'm kind of expecting for the month of February for more like probably the first half of February to be bullish continuation. And for now, probably just a bit more chop, to be quite frank, right?
Like we need at this point, for Bitcoin to cooperate, right? Because even some newer names, right? Like an Alt layer, like a Manta, right? Like, at the littlest width of a newer name coming out into this market, people would just dump anything that they have to go chase that token.
And if that token doesn't perform, you know, as they think it will, then, you know, you're just going to continue getting chopped a bit to the market's going to do its thing. And that's why like, I just got this gut feeling that we're now officially back to, I've said this for a minute too, man, like we're kind of in that time period of Q3 of last year where we had a dump, right?
And I consider that tap at 38k to kind of be the same resemblance of when we tap 25k multiple times in Q3, I kind of compare the two in a very similar fashion, right? And in that timeframe, it was very, very PvP, right? And now the market is just kind of chasing new tickers and going back and forth with a ticker that listed last week, a ticker that listed two weeks before.
And it's like, kind of kind of crazy where it's a PvP market in the altcoin space, and it's a PvP market in the Bitcoin market with Larry and Barry going at it over and over again, right? So I'm just thinking chop, man, some chop with stuff with some bullishness in mid February, man.
But Jack is what about yourself? What are your thoughts on how February might plan out for the crypto space?
Yeah, I think the most convenient look is really at total two. And all you really need to do is just put on the weekly. And I think the range is pretty damn clear there, that we have reclaimed a hard time frame range or at hard time frame support, basically.
And really, do not fuck this up, because this is once in a many year opportunity. Like, yes, I think, you know, we could, we could drop lower again on the total to like locally to really fully retest that support.
But all in all, it's looking really amazing. And as I've been saying, you know, on this basis, Robbie, I do expect the DXY to continue to fall to like 96, the USDT dominance to keep falling.
And basically, you know, my opinion, Pablo will stay rate post till till at least July. And that just gives enough enough opportunity for the market to further risk to really flourish.
And BTC is looking very healthy itself. Yeah, again, as I said, that the reclaim of 40k was super important on the weekly. I said many times that that's my benchmark that it needs to hold.
It did. Now, obviously, you know, it may spend some more time ranging BTC, but, you know, after that, I see no reason really to not expect further continuation higher.
I think there are so many people still, whether it's a crypto market or TreadFi, right? They are still waiting for BTC to to come back and give them the certicary test.
They still believe that they are hoping for a black swan now, basically. And to be honest, it's quite desperate out there.
And, you know, the same thing is in TreadFi. People are still hoping for the recession. Like we hit the new all time highs.
And if you got, you know, you guys should remember it, that come here to the spaces regularly, how I was talking in July and forward past year, where I said that equities will head to new all time high, but not just head there, you know, we still need to create, we need to do few things.
And that's because back then, you know, last year we had the most hedged market in history. I said the market simply doesn't, you know, take a deep dive when you have everyone betting on it.
It simply doesn't. And you still have so many people. So we need to make everyone. I do not know what the current positioning is, to be honest.
But I could still see many being hedged for the downfall. And we still have so many people. This I know. We still have so many retail folks still being scared of the recession.
Still, you know, even Paul himself said that he is not confident to say that the soft landing is here. And I said, again, we need to create three things.
They need to admit that soft landing has been achieved. They need to make everyone close their hedges and they need to make the retail come back from the money market funds.
And basically for modern top. And how do you do that? You basically add above all time highs on equities. You need to create many weekly swings, higher highs and higher lows and spend some time above there.
And this is all nicely lining up for about, you know, about in my opinion, half a year, you also have the presidential election. Again, I would not look at any of these as a single metric.
I look more like, you know, about the context overall. But I think with this overall, you know, what this is telling me and what I said in the past year is just, guys, stay positioned long.
Do not close to early, just as long as the weekly market structure remains to be bullish. Keep sitting on your hands and write the trend until something changes.
And anyone that has taken this advice has done amazing since then. And it's still I still don't see any reason to to get your bags or anything, to be honest.
So, yeah, things are looking good, Bobby. And I think the money will start rotating more towards the risk, especially as the X, Y will probably cheat the bet.
And and then the money will flow into the risk, both small, both small caps in in trade and shit coins in crypto.
Now, what about yourself, man? What are your thoughts on the market going into February?
Well, today confirmed it. I'm not able to hear today. Absolutely. Oh, yeah. Oh, let me let me leave and come back, Bobby.
Yeah, he said Matt said he will Matt said that he will leave and come back.
Space is working us again. It is what it is. Yeah, it it it happens, man.
I actually switched my network back to 5G earlier earlier.
And like things are working a lot faster, whether as last year, if I was a 5G, things would just be a lot slower.
So I'm not sure what's up with that. But now are you good enough, brother?
He's back. Yeah. How's this? You got me, Bobby?
And loud and clear, man. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah, it does seem like a month after month X seems to take care of a couple more bugs and it seems to be a little more reliable anyway.
Wow. Yeah. Today confirmed it. I mean, the Dumer Bears got 2023 completely wrong.
And this was in this these last fourth quarter earnings by your your biggest blue chips and your tech companies. I mean, they blew it out of the park.
They they knocked they blew it out of the water, whether you're looking at Amazon or Meda and even Apple with its China exposure.
They still beat across the board on their earnings. But the the the numbers that these companies beat by are massive astronomical.
Amazon's talking about they had a record breaking holiday season ever in their existence ever, you know, and this was supposed to be the Christmas where consumers pull back and make some hard choices.
Like, oh, their covid money's all gone or like whatever bullshit narrative that the Dumer Bears completely got wrong all year long.
But this just this just encapsulated it. This just put a fine bow on it.
There was no part of 2023 that they can hang their hat on. Labor market was strong throughout the year.
All your all your S&P 500 companies were meeting and beating earnings all year long. Your blue chips, your best in class.
They had they had one of the best years they've ever had in existence. Bar none. The only laggard, the only dog is Tesla.
And you can explain that simply with, you know, they've they've got a lot of China exposure and interest rates are really high.
So car loans are expensive. That's it. Like, that's it. The end. So it's kind of what I was saying, like, so how does this relate to Bitcoin?
Well, all of these, quote unquote, blue chips, they're all over a trillion in market cap.
Now, you know, Microsoft's over three trillion apples right underneath it.
Even meta today is is consistently over one trillion market cap. So, you know, investors, family offices, hedge funds, you name it, institutions.
Now they're going to come farther out on the risk curve and Bitcoin at what is it, 800 billion.
But it's significantly off of its all time high. Now Bitcoin gets more of a look.
Now some of your mid caps and small caps equities certainly get more of a look because they're playing catch up because no one wants to buy an all time high ever of, say, Facebook meta.
Facebook meta in the last four hundred days, excuse me, in the last four hundred and forty days is up four hundred percent.
Like, it looks like a goddamn Burj Khalifa for me. Like, no one wants to buy that, even if they have the earnings to prove it.
And I'll talk on Facebook meta specifically, but they really aced this last earnings.
They they're making so much money that they they announced their hiring. Again, they're going to hire more workers, more workers on to meet demand.
And they're introducing a dividend, which means like they're making so much money that they don't have enough places to reinvest capital into the company.
So they're just going to they're just going to start a little dividend and give it to the shareholders, which also insinuates that they they're so confident in the future that, OK, we're going to introduce a dividend and we're not going to rug pull you on the dividend next earnings.
We're probably for the rest of the year. That's how confident they are in their cash flow.
Like, yeah, so I mean, broader markets look healthy. They look damn bullish.
And if you're not interested in buying some of these these names that let's just face it, they've had one of the best years ever.
They're just up and to the right. Well, here comes the money to farther out on the risk curve. It's coming to Bitcoin.
It's coming to these other mid caps. It's certainly going to eventually come to your small caps in your in your risky plays.
It's just inevitable. But it's coming. So I agree with the jackets like I don't know, you know, maybe you got scared and you sold thirty nine K Bitcoin.
All right. Lessons learned. You better get back in now because specifically for Bitcoin, you're less than 80 days out from the habit.
And Bitcoin is one of the most misunderstood assets on the planet. And now you've got trad fly that really don't understand the having.
But they have all these easy access ETF buttons to play in it like that. That hype is going to be irresistible.
You will see a run up into the habit guaranteed. Will we see a sell off on the backside of it? Probably.
Yes, guaranteed. But like you're still going to get that froth. You're still going to get that FOMO.
So I mean, it's up to you. You want to you want to be smart about it and anticipate it or or just deny it and, you know, be a spectator.
And bread on that. Bring it on. Are you still expecting for us to trade in the early fifties?
I know you had revised your target from your prediction last year where you had said 40 K. I mean, yeah, we into that.
Yeah, well, I mean, we aced that. So it's not like 40 40 K by having day. We aced it and we aced it early.
So absolutely like I'm looking for the cherry on top of this ice cream sundae.
Man, I hope so, brother. I hope so, man. You know, it's it's so it's so automatic.
I'd love to share this with you. But, you know, why is it right in a bull market when you say that, hey, you know, I'm taking profits.
You know, I'm going to be, you know, 50 60 percent on stables. Some people are like, man, you're selling too early.
You're selling too early. And it's like, brother, this thing went up 1000 percent. You know what I'm saying?
In a bear market, they say, oh, man, you know, next time you're in profit, you got to take profits.
And it's it's and it's so crazy, Matt. And I mean, you've been familiar with me in the way I play this market for about two years now, man.
Right. That's that's crazy, man. We've known each other for two full years, Matt. That is beautiful.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's really smart. Well, I think it's really smart in the bear market.
You really got to take a hard look at what you own and figure out, like, all right, what what is just the trade?
What am I just what? What am I swinging? And where am I going to invest my long term profits?
Like, OK, great. I made an excellent trade on XYZ token. But do I actually believe in this in the medium and long term?
Hell no. So if that's you, stick to your original thesis and know when to pull the record.
Me personally, I take my profits no matter where I make them. I take my profits into Bitcoin.
That way I'm still exposed to the upside as this asset keeps growing larger and getting market adoption.
But I mean, you know, to use their own. But you're right. Like the once you're in the bull market, especially a year into the bull market,
it's so easy to slip to start, you know, drinking your own Kool-Aid and slip into the narrative.
And like, no, no, no, this is the reimagining of DeFi 3.0, you know, in the metaverse or whatever.
And and before you know it, you've round tripped. Yeah. And and with these all sued like if you take a look at twenty twenty twenty twenty one man,
just take a look at something like an avalanche. Right. And then we'll get to you. A trades crypto.
I know Matt follows you. So that's why I brought you up. And Mr. Spread, I'll send you an invite to speak. Max as well.
Snorlax as well. I'll open it up to the broader community. If you guys want to come up and talk shop, feel free to do so.
No pressure at all, guys. We will be having Rob from Digital Asset News.
So I won't really I won't really be able to bring up a ton of people during that space.
So it's going to be one of these spaces for today where I'd like to include the broader community.
So if you've been here before, feel free to request and I'll bring you right up.
But Matt, as I was saying, right, in a bull market, right, we think everything goes up, everything goes up.
Right. But I mean, take a look at TradFi as well. Right. In twenty twenty one, we had small caps peak out by February.
Right. And they basically bled out against things like Tesla and MicroStrategy and things like that for the rest of the year.
Right. And, you know, with crypto specifically, it's very rotation heavy with narratives.
Right. Like after he won, he defiled and peaked out.
Then in Q2, it was game season. Q3, it was all about, you know, all ones and on forks and stuff like that.
And Q4, it was all the metaverse and NFT hype. And I don't really think much is going to be changed.
Right. I think it's going to be really rotation heavy, but I think this market cycle might be a bit more lenient.
And have some twenty seventeen flavor where everything just goes up continuously instead of, you know, having this crazy sort of PVP style market.
Right. So but where I was getting it as well, dude, is that in a bull market, you still have alts dropped by like seventy, eighty percent.
And, you know, when your alt does that, you'll see other alts run and then you'll start chasing a bag.
And before you know it, you know, you've gotten chopped up to pieces. You know what I'm saying?
So I think that like the benefit from being active in bear markets is that when the bull market comes, not only do you create a lot more capital in a quicker, more efficient way, but you develop a skill in keeping your capital.
And I think this market, right, is it's so easy to make capital and then round trip it and then make it all back.
But actually, you know, keeping your capital right and having your net worth consistently making higher lows and higher highs, that takes some skill.
By the time you get into your second, I think you should already apply everything that you learned into it very, very aggressively because I'll tell you what, like I'm getting some messages on my personal profile saying like, man, why don't you talk about this ticker anymore?
Like, why are you saying you're bearish on this ticker the immediate short term? You know what I'm saying?
It's like, what are you talking about, brother? Like, it's not to say that I think it's going to go down 90 percent.
I just think, you know, against the overall market, I think it's just pegged to Bitcoin, right?
And that's the thing with altcoins in general. Your altcoin is special until it starts to cool off against the majors.
And at that point, right, once you've had exponentials, it's officially tied to both BTC and ETH.
So I'm patient, man. And, you know, I'm just grateful to be here with you guys talking markets.
But let's go on over to this guy with his hand, man. A-Trades Crypto. What's going on, brother? How are you?
What's up, my dude? How are you? I'm good. Thanks for having me on the show.
Excuse me if you guys hear noise in the background. I'm an E.R. mental health provider.
So just if you hear some beeping, but I just want to touch base on Matt and what he was saying about Tesla, because there's a lot of fun going around with Tesla.
I keep up with like trends and stuff. And as of recently, you know, there's so much bad news coming out with like EV.
And then just recently, you know, they blocked what they call that a screenshot real quick.
Yeah, the Elon Musk, 55 billion Tesla company package overturning. So that's huge.
And then, you know, I have an EV car, so it's cold around and I can't drive it as far.
And, you know, I'm seeing the problems with the EV as we have increased the adoption.
So as we know, just like anything, the longer it's out, the more you realize what's wrong with the product.
So I think right now, EVs are taking a hard hit because, you know, gas is still keying.
As of right now, EVs have major issues that need to be fixed.
And, you know, I think that's what's going on with Tesla and why the blue hits are not part of blowing up right now with the blue chips, honestly.
And then to touch base on Bitcoin, that guy did a lot. And I'm sure no one expected him to do that.
But as far as Bitcoin, yeah, the hash rates increasing on the charts, guys, that only goes up right now.
It looks great. I'm looking at it right now. Long term holders are not selling.
And short term holders have been selling at a less aggressive rate than they typically have been the last two months.
So in the last three months, the short term sellers have been dropping significantly.
So when you see these correlations in the market, it just just shows you that people are getting smarter with the narrative.
And I think the host touched base on it.
You know, like maybe these guys were max paying the past two years like me.
I mean, when you feel that pain, this is there's absolutely no way this is going to scare the smart investors because we know we're close to having in six months after having his payday.
So I just think right now is too bullish for anyone to say anything about Bitcoin.
I know on my page, if you guys look, yeah, I've been a little bearish on Bitcoin, but only bearish to buy my retrace at thirty eight thirty nine forty button by no means in my bearish in the long term.
I mean, I talk about, you know, I'm a T.A. swing trader, so I love entry.
So a lot of people confuse my bearish narratives with my with my, you know, confuse it with me being a bear and I'm not at all.
I'm probably the biggest Bitcoin bull here.
You know, I'm just all about price action.
And I know as a trader that Bitcoin will retrace because he is the king of volatility.
And this is one thing I know since being in the market all these years.
You know, this is my second cycle. I lost a lot of money last cycle and, you know, got really good at T.A. work and I'm ready to absolutely murder Bitcoin this year.
He owes me a lot of money and I'm coming for coming for my check, basically.
But I'm excited, guys.
It's going to be a bullish year.
Another thing to touch base on is the stock market.
I'm not sure if you guys are familiar, but eighty three percent of election years.
And I have these screenshots.
If anyone wants to fact check me, shoot me a message and I'll send it to you.
But eighty three percent of election years are bullish.
Guys, then all the S&P 500 spy Nasdaq, they typically break out on election year because the money printer is turning on.
Guys, you think the president is going to have a bad election year, a bad year?
Absolutely not.
I think what we're seeing right now with, you know, the stock market and everything rallying is only going to continue because if you look at the Fed balance sheet, it's only going up.
And what does that tell you?
The Fed balance sheet going up means inflation going up.
Inflation is great for people.
You know, inflation, rich, get richer, poor, get poorer.
So unfortunately, you know, an inflationary period is hella bullish for stocks.
And that's exactly what we are in right now, an inflationary period.
And I really just don't see this momentum dying this year.
I have options and calls with expiration dates, you know, early December, because I mean, obviously, what goes up comes down, common physics.
So who knows if we end the year bullish, like for the candles.
I pay attention to the monthly closes and, you know, very analytical.
So last year, you know, December's close was pretty decent.
So do you guys anticipate a strong this two thousand twenty four close?
Probably not, guys. But this year will be bullish.
So I still think Bitcoin's got a long way to go from here.
Thanks for my two cents, guys.
Appreciate you hearing.
Yeah, no problem.
Something else goes for the next few years.
If you take a look at how it performs, you want to be a bit what be what be a bit robotic, like sometimes just fix your mic a bit.
Yeah, a little way, a little far away from the Wi-Fi ground.
Am I good?
No, no, you're really you're pretty far away from the Internet connection.
OK, I'm outside now.
There we go.
All right. So if you take a look at the way Q3 performs, usually in the election years, that determines whether the current running president most of the time, I think it has like a 90 percent like like guarantee if Q3 performs well.
Current sitting president gets reelected.
If not, then there's an exchange in power.
But either way, man, we'll see how it plans out.
Mega bullish going into Q4.
I think that's when we have the rapid expansionary phase where BTC and eats break all time high.
Although I do think something like a Solana and some of these other newer names will probably break their all time high going into the summertime.
For now, I think I just think Chopfest, to be honest, and PVP with some of these new names, I think a lot of the money has already been created for the immediate short term.
From, you know, December, late November, with things like say, and Tia became blue chips.
But, you know, let's talk more short term.
Let's talk about how we think that this month may play out.
So, Mr. Spratt, I'm going to pass it over to you, man.
How are you, brother?
Welcome back to the show.
Hi, guys.
We're all good.
I just relaxed a little bit.
It was my birthday a few days ago.
Whenever they can.
We thought without kids does not matter.
So welcome.
I'm really happy to be back, Wabi.
Even if I was away, you know, that I posted that these retraces that we had on the stock market, I really think that they were good.
Whenever we have a retracing a bullish trend, it just means that it allows other people who are sidelined or who just want to jump back in to also join the trend.
And this gives more power to the current trend.
This happens also to the bearish trend or bullish trend where we are right now.
So when you have a pullback, you know, in a dominant trend, it just gives more opportunity for other people to join the dominant trend.
That's why I posted.
A lot of people were against fear mongering a few days ago when we had that pullback on S&P 500 or on downjones.
And I was like, guys, come on.
We are doing this since when?
Since October, November, you know.
So these pullbacks are really, really good.
And you just saw what happened today with downjones.
And I think it's going to hit another all-time high.
S&P 500 again, another all-time high.
Unfortunately, 14 consecutive weeks, I believe.
That's absolutely insane.
I mean, it was a classic.
It was a classic breakout retest.
Now we're going to have the follow through.
Breakout looking all the way back at the 2021 all-time high.
Go ahead, Mr. Spratt.
But you're very valid with what you said.
And on top of this, since we broke out above 4600, I don't know why people were still bearish.
Let's say that was your last peak from June 2023.
But if you were bearish since then, I mean, since the beginning of December, you're just pissing money in my opinion.
Sorry for my language a bit.
But what's even more crazier to me is that we are in price discovery.
And if you're a technician or if you're not a technician, if you've been in charting for a little bit of time, you know that in price discovery, you don't have natural resistances.
So trying to call tops without proper formation.
And tops, by the way, Max said this a lot of times, and I also spoke about this, but he emphasized that tops don't form in one day.
Tops form, like, it takes times, at least one week, two weeks, or a monthly proper close, some breaks of structure.
But until now, we didn't have anything like that.
What's interesting for me is, again, what he's going to call me, Captain Kehari.
I've seen the regional banks being very strong since October.
But now with what happened with the bank corp, I saw that they're pulling back again.
I don't know if people remember what happened the last time when we had this kind of behavior inside the markets.
The last time when we had this kind of behavior inside the markets, well, Newsflash Federal Reserve just stepped in.
They introduced the BTFD program besides the discount, even though, and guess what?
People loaned their fucking loans, and people went, where is the strength in the market?
So I really think that this can be the same.
People were going to rotate away.
They had some nice profits since October until now on the BKX or on the KRE, so on the regional and the main banking ETFs.
And now if these are falling, guess where they're going to retreat?
Nobody wants to miss out on these rallies.
So imagine if you're a money manager, right?
United States, Asia, Europe, et cetera.
And you see your fellow peers that they're still investing, and they are still inside the market, right?
So they're deploying capital.
And your clients are calling you, and you're telling them that you're being just, I don't know, sidelined for the last one year and a half.
All in this time when Nvidia, Apple, Amazon, and the major indexes have just started performing.
So when you see this, you have two options.
Either look like a fucking dick and not get your commissions like it happened for the Christmas bonuses,
or again, miss out on another quarter of growth with all the other natties behind.
Now, this does not mean that we should be absolutely degenerates right now, and we should get a second mortgage or a third mortgage
and just go max long right now on, I don't know, some shit coins.
But Mr. Sprint, I mean, to that point, I don't know.
If you personally know a doomer bear, you better see if they have to liquidate their house in the next coming weeks or month,
because you might get some fire sales on their houses.
They have to cover those emergent calls with something. I'm just saying.
I don't want to. This was cheeky. I have to give it to you. This was a cheeky comment.
But if there is something that I learned, it's like, I don't wish anybody harm, and I really hope that everybody's safe.
I know that this was sarcastic, but I've been in a lot of pain in my last 14 years of trading.
So it's not nice to be on the right side of the trade.
But what is not even like weirder is to still stick to your doomer kind of narratives, right?
I mean, what else do we need? For example, a lot of people were talking about cuts that they are bearish.
Well, cuts are bearish if it's a recession, because if it's a recession and we have cuts, yes, it's bearish.
But if we have cuts and there is no recession, newsflash, that is bullish.
OK, so you also have to understand a little bit of the narrative before you take on some trades.
And a lot of people, I think that especially in the last few years, myself included, last year macro was too much in my framework.
I'm a price action trader. Eighty five, eighty to eighty five percent, I rely on price.
I don't care about what the news are saying. For example, a few days ago, I just shorted oil when it rejected again from eighty.
Regardless what was happening on the Red Sea with the Houthis, mutis, mutis, and United States Navy and United Kingdom Navy.
I just shorted. I saw a level. I saw a swing. I took the short time in profit. I'm going to close it in profit right now.
So the same thing, like I was saying, last year I was a bit too heavy on the macro.
So 15 percent of my framework was macro. And I just made the promise to myself that starting January 1st, it's going to drop to 5 percent.
So it's going to be a holistic approach with a bit of a macro backdrop, of course, to understand what's happening with monetary policy, with fiscal policy,
to understand what's going on with some important indicators like housing, employment, what I'm going to rely on, the most important thing.
And that's liquidity in the markets. That's why I did also that post with Japan.
And Nikkei is leading the markets. And Nikkei is going to lead the markets, as I'm seeing.
And because Nikkei is also leading the markets, I think that was like something that was flying out and under the radar.
People Bank of China was introducing liquidity to the markets, as we all know.
Until March, we still have the BTFP. And even after that, we're going to have the quantitative tightening program, which is going to be on a lower pace.
So with the PBOC, so People Bank of China and BOJ, Bank of Japan, still printing large quantities of money.
I think that the offset of liquidity was kind of neutralized globally, and we're still in a fairly relaxed environment.
So now when United States and Federal Reserve are going to start cutting, I think we're going to be even in a more relaxed space.
The last thing that I'm going to end this for now, I'm just going to jump in on the discussions.
But I'm going to finish my rant with nobody can predict a black swan. That's why it's called the fucking black swan.
So until then, just focus more on the price, focus more on liquidity, and be present in the market.
Because I can tell you from experience that if you go too much into the macros, at least I don't think that anybody here, I don't want to offend anyone.
We are at that level to be on our narrative for years and sustain.
Nobody is Michael Boyd right now, you know, in this call in order to still sustain your theory for years and years until you're going to make money on the macro.
There is so much lag now in the global economy because of the Bazooka ultra-loose monetary policy, which we had since COVID, that the lag effect can last until 2025, the second or third quarter.
So what you're going to do, you're going to be out of the market and then praying for the market to crash because of a black swan. My two cents.
As well said.
Something else that he brought to my attention with like, you know, the black swan event and all that jazz, but something to take into consideration that, you know, I'd like to pick up trends and we know that the feds want the stock market to go down.
Like, there's absolutely no way that they're going to say they beat inflation or start lowering rates until some event like that happens so then they can take the credit for the market going down.
I don't necessarily think it's going to, you know, it's not going to do what they want to do, guys. So the black swan event, I've been thinking about this heavily because, you know, we're at all time euphoria.
We're like, you know, this is the part, this is the point of Bitcoin where he looks exhausted on the charts to me because I'm a huge like, you know, volume looks funny.
Things are just not adding right, adding up. And this is typical for the bull market. You know, everyone that has been around Bitcoin understands that like its volatility and its moves sometimes don't make sense.
But the only way I see this going down is like a black swan event. And that's why I'm super cautious. I mean, I don't need to buy any more Bitcoin. But, you know, if we did get that event, I definitely will eat it up for sure.
But the one thing I've realized is a lot of them, I bought a satellite phone and the weirdest thing, literally, you guys didn't know on Netflix and Barack Obama or the Barack Obama and Michelle released that weird cyber security thing.
Right after that, you know, I noticed the prices of all these satellite phones going up and, you know, just something to keep out, not conspiracists or anything but then the China balloons.
I've just been keeping up or this would be like I feel like that would be a black swan event like if they did some type of cyber attack.
Right. So not. Let's go ahead and change the topic, brother. Yeah, my bad. Yeah. Yeah. And speaking about euphoria and all that stuff, I don't see any euphoria anywhere, man.
Quite Frank, to be honest with you, man, it's not euphoria until Tai Lopez comes back to the timeline to show a new crypto project and, you know, a few other indicators as well, which have always flashed, which is Coinbase being the top downloaded app.
The exact microseconds at Coinbase becomes the most downloaded app I am selling at all. I'll come back, you know, 12, 13 months after that, because anytime that's happened, you know, prices are down six months later in the altcoin space by over 80 percent.
And this time is not different. And I'm kind of already bracing myself to be ridiculed for, you know, selling near the top. That's already happening. That's already happening.
Like with DMS and all that stuff with things like saying Celestia, because I'm not really tweeting about them as much, which is kind of crazy because like, you know, these trades have produced incredible amount of gains.
And I think that like when you have an asset go up that crazy to a blue trip status, there's really not much left to give until BTC and ETH break all time high.
But yeah, it's just crazy, man. The fascinating behavior of humans when you get into such a trending market, right? And I'll be honest, man, I don't see myself partaking in the next bear market.
Like right after Thanksgiving, dude, of 2025, I'm going to just withdraw everything and, you know, I'll be back for the 2027 yearly open.
You know what I'm saying? I don't think this time is different at all.
Skipping the bear market, that's the mistake. If you want to skip anything, skip the long bull.
Like the best prices are in the bear. Yeah, it's a mistake to skip the bear.
No, no, no. If you look at 2022, right? If you sold the top, right, and you just went by the four year cycle theory, give me one second, guys. Hold on, one second.
Oh, okay. I see what you mean. Like, I see what you mean. Like, okay, after, after...
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I'm, I don't care about what you're saying.
You're, you're one thing, Wabi, Wabi, Wabi, you're breaking open.
Yeah, inside's bad for your connection, Wabi.
Okay. No, no, no.
I'm good.
You sound like Mr. Robot. Anyway, in the meantime, until Wabi fixes his connection to what you said, I really, I really appreciate the word of caution, but I think that the word of caution.
I mean, to be thinking about the change of trend, we can think about, I don't know, under 32. And until then, Euphoria is going to come also on Google Trends.
And we are nowhere, I think we are in the middle of the highs of 2022. Like we are very, very low when it comes to Bitcoin and Google Trends.
So retail is not even here. And we know that retail is going to come near the old time high.
So when Bitcoin is going to be near 60K, maybe then we're going to get a drop of 25, 30%.
It goes back about 30%, 35%, about three, four times. So that's nothing new.
What's really interesting for me is that how well the selling from the grayscale motherfuckers bury in that grayscale, all that fun.
How well that was absorbed. Yeah.
Yeah. Look at the whole ETF. They've almost accumulated more than Saylor did his whole entire career.
I think like, OK, I'm not I'm not calling conspiracy. I just think the timing was was excellent that I mean, for these larger entities to get a position of size, they need insane volume, like 500 million clips of Bitcoin being sold a day off Coinbase.
They need that kind of volume day after day after day to fill positions for their clients. That's what that's what that's music to their ears.
And then to get it all in between, let's just say, I don't know, average of 39K to 42K or 39 to 44, like that's perfect for them.
That's why right here I'm I'm more on the bullish side.
Not only do you have the very obvious having narrative coming in less than 80 days is going to drive price and attention, but you've been consolidating this range now for almost two months.
And quite frankly, if price is holding above 42K, that means the bulls are in control.
You're in the top half of the range above 42K. We're not flirting with 40K anymore.
We had that little wick down to 39K. And if you blinked, you missed it. No, this is not.
And then I don't want to go on to my spiel again about, like, just look at the broader markets.
But it but it is true. Like, look across broader markets, get get outside of Bitcoin.
And you can't find anything to be bearish about so that some money is going to find its way to Bitcoin. It's going to bid.
I still see Wabi that he's he's still fixing his connection on top of what Matt said. I just got to bring back what they were saying.
Yes, yes, I think it's a little bit better now. I'm going to finish the idea. I'm going to pass it to you back, Wabi.
So to what Matt was saying, I'm going to bring an idea was what the Joe was saying two weeks ago, if I remember correctly.
The fact that a lot of people are really angry from the traditional markets with Bitcoin because one of the properties is that you cannot either buy or sell in large quantities without moving the market.
So even sailor had to buy in like small increments. And right now, like Matt very well said, you know, I was angry a little bit on grayscale because it was a sell the news event.
But the kudos to them because they found the perfect counterparty to fill their themselves. Right. And in the same time, these big boys, these big boys had the perfect counterparty for such a big fire sale in order to not skyrocket the price and, you know, have huge slippage.
So I think it was the perfect neutral storm, if you want to call it like that, for grayscale to sell large clips and these big boys who enter the market to still fill their bids for their clients at fair prices without paying, I don't know, huge premiums to the market makers and big slippages, etc.
So I think it was a fair discount for everybody.
I agree. In fact, yeah, well said, Mr. Spread. In fact, I went ahead and penciled in 39K, I think is support for Bitcoin throughout 2024, quite honestly, just the sheer amount of Bitcoin that was being traded, the volume that quickly found a home.
This this you can't tell by just looking at lines on the chart or candles, but just try to imagine like you've not seen this type of dump from GBTC to then immediately find a home across the street in all these new Bitcoin ETFs from weak hands to strong.
This is not a flash in the pan. I think the support you might. Yeah, I think it's going to hold for the rest of the year. You might we might have a run up into the having, you know, whatever nice bullish uptrend right into the having and then sell the news and then come right back down to this range.
But again, I think this is the range. I think this is support.
I should be good now. I'm I'm outside again. So yeah, you know, come out loud and clear. But Mr. Spread, I know you're an associate of yours day. Want to come up to speak day. What's up, brother?
Finally, thank you for bringing me up on the stage. I'm trying this since a long time. I follow you almost half a year ago.
Almost half a year ago. And thanks for bringing me up on the stage. And thanks for for all. I wanted to say that I'm feeling that we are kind of in the price action from September, October, 2019.
I want I guess that I'm or maybe I want to say this to see this sort of this liquidation a little bit like in like in September after September, 2019.
We had that in in February, I guess. Yes, that's kind of like that. And after that, I guess we will see only the real running out because it's for me to obviously that it's kind of in a sideways move and it's too easy to go.
In both of the of the direction. So easy. It has to the market has to bleed a little bit to go in a direction. We saw that so many times. And I guess that we will see it again. And this kind of bleeding that we had until now, it's not.
It was nothing compared like that we have in the in the past and
How can we say we can take only the information that we have in the past and present that we will have it also now.
What I wanted to say also about what
Another one said earlier in the in the beginning of the space is that we kind of
Our structure kind of easily. I can give you a simple example from beginning of the 2021 with I guess it was blocked opia. I'm sure it was blocked opia.
We made then
80 KX since since the idea.
After that all the projects that are listed after that if they are making 5 10 15 next
Let's say also 100 X that were not even pleasurable because we had that kind of
Project that brought us a lot of X's earlier and our mindset was
Kind of focused on on that kind of gain. Sometimes it's hard to take a step backwards and and see and calibrate our mindset to
So so that we can we can go between this this kind of
Changes of bears bulls or let's see gains versus losses.
I guess that's the main main problem of us because we were speaking also now on this topic that Bitcoin goes there and there and there. But after
I guess the main focus of all of us is to see and to take all that this price action step by step and prepare the the strategy.
In so many small steps that we can to that we can achieve our main goal. If we are looking directly on a goal and don't consider the main steps and
And the price action that can can impact our our vision. I guess that our vision is too far for the achievable one.
So basically you're just saying that we need to be a bit more disciplined when we're going to have the gains. Thanks for that indeed for bringing him on stage.
Interesting fact about how little effort it takes to drop Bitcoin real quick. So for example, guys, I'm sure everyone's familiar with the term slippage.
So for example, 1% slippage is only equivalent to 93 million Bitcoin. That's all it takes. Okay. They say it takes 3 to 5% slippage to cause the panic selling.
So if you look at the top 100 wallets, I keep track of like the top 50 myself. You know, these guys have way more than 93 and I brought it up. Funny enough, me and crypto 2024. He's in this space. We were talking about like what can cause this event to go down.
And then I posted some of my charts in there for you guys to see how we look, you know, from a TA standpoint. It's the monthly. It's the monthly chart.
You know, if Bitcoin retraces, you know, it definitely is going to retrace. But one thing we have to take into consideration is if the buyers do not show up when the slippage does, this thing will drop very fast, which I'm not saying it'll stay there.
But I anticipate to catch some cheap price action because it does not take much. It just takes one billionaire to be mad at his wife to just piss the whole market off and he can't yell at his wife.
I'm going to sell my Bitcoin. And that's I'm I stole that from crypto 2024. But yeah, just my two cents. So I'm a little cautious right now just because I mean, we have BlackRock. We got all the top alien alpha traders in the space now.
So these guys, regardless of what we think, I'm sure they have their own wallets, you know, and there's absolutely no way that they're getting in at these premiums right now. So I'm just anticipating some drop because of that.
Slippage. And I've been in this game for a long time. And the chart itself, look at all the greens we've been putting out. And every time we put out that green, we almost retrace 20, 30 percent every time. So just I'm not trying to be bearish or anything.
Like I said, I'm just a very cautious TA trader. I love Bitcoin. I'm bullish as hell this year, guys. We're going to 100K. Not sure, but we're going far.
So what's going on, but I did not expect you to join us. I think Twitter might have a lag effect, man. It's like you send someone a request to speak and instead of it just like, excuse me, I just got a I just got a text message.
That's pretty funny, man. But I thought that when you send someone a request to speak, you have to keep on doing it. So a little notification of accept or deny pops up into their screen. But either way, Snorlax, what's up, bro?
No, what's up, guys? I just kind of wanted to talk about kind of what you all were just addressing, like the possibility of I mean, yeah, there are like a lot of players with a lot of or a lot of big players with a lot of Bitcoin.
They control the market, yada, yada, yada, the cartel. But I you know, while I am personally expecting lower prices myself on Bitcoin here over the next few months, I wouldn't say that I think it's you know, I'm necessarily expecting like a cataclysmic selling event in the same way that I thought was possible.
Maybe at like twenty five, twenty six K. I think the situation there was a lot more precarious, right? Because you had you had the finance fund. We didn't really know what that meant. Was that going to lead to the force selling of assets?
But I will say generally speaking from a big player standpoint in crypto, there's a pretty concerted effort by pretty much everybody with real money at this point.
I mean, not just to necessarily prop up Bitcoin, but I think the correct phrasing would be more to mute volatility. And we could see this on a historical basis.
The ETF is probably going to make this even more so you're going to see Bitcoin trade with significantly less volatility every month, every year going forward now.
And what that will also mean is, you know, we're probably not going to have these just super aggressive black swans in the same way that we have before. Are they possible? Of course.
Just out of curiosity, how are you monitoring volatility? Like just out of curiosity, like what is the objective data to beg that? I'm just curious.
The Bitcoin, I look at the bit next historical volatility data. I mean, it's pretty much been down only for I mean, since like 20, the beginning of 2023, it's been I want to say we got that spike in the beginning.
But every time we've had a jump in volatility really since like the 2022 bottom up, you can probably back test it even further than that into like 2021.
Anytime we get any volatility, it just gets immediately slapped back down. The long term trend of historical volatility in Bitcoin is one that I mean, at this point, it's kind of it's kind of trending like super, super negatively to the downside, which, you know, will lead to.
Obviously, the flushes will probably be weaker on a higher time frame, right? Like we'll still, I'm sure, have liquidation cascades in the way that crypto is famous for. I would never rule those out.
But I think you're going to need something like really, really big and unexpected at this point, given how I think not just how Bitcoin volatility is trending, but also in the way that big players mute volatility in general, because muting volatility allows for speculation.
The entire space, it's not just the Bitcoin thing. It allows you to speculate on all coins more freely. And we see whenever Bitcoin has significant volatility really over the last year and a half, all coins have have really not performed that well because a lot of that liquidity that that Bitcoin needs to be able to move
voluntarily is coming from all coins. So you want Bitcoin to be moving. If you're a big player, right, a fund that has a lot of assets, you're holding a lot of different digital assets. You want Bitcoin to be moving essentially with as little volatility as possible because you're going to probably be having beta exposure to it that's going to be pumping.
And then I will also add one more thing before I quit here that I think is probably the biggest plunge protection in the market. It's Tether, not just the fact that they are buying Bitcoin on a regular basis.
And, you know, we can talk about the health, like the actual health of, you know, buying Bitcoin for your reserves. I mean, we saw how that worked out for Luna, but Tether and really their ability to manufacture liquidity out of thin air.
You can call it illegal, whatever you want. Feature not a bug. Ultimately, what it does is you're always going to have some semblance of plunge protection on Bitcoin. And we saw it at 25K.
So who set the low at 25K? Go look at Bitfinex open interest, guys, back in June of 2022 when it absolutely skyrocketed to form that bottom.
They did not puke at all when we revisited 25 or 26K in August, I think it was. They didn't puke a single bit. But they did protect the market. They held it up.
So Bitfinex, Tether, plunge protection. As a whole, Bitcoin is trending towards lower and lower volatility. And I think it's in the best interest of big players to ensure that that's the case and that that trend continues.
That was a clinic. That was a clinic, brother. Thank you for that. Thank you, man. Can I touch base real quick on what he said? Just real quick.
Yeah, we'll run it. We'll run this for another five minutes. But you're welcome to come back on for one of our other shows. We have one tomorrow. I'll run that one a little longer. But just out of the sake of diluted content, I'll wrap up in five minutes or so, man. But go ahead.
Yeah, just what you were saying about the ETF bringing us volatility. On the contrary, brother, I think it's bringing more volatility because now we're questioning what these big players are doing and on the volatility indicators because I'm a that's my favorite type of any asset.
You know, in crypto, volatility is going to be there. And if anything, I'm seeing the volatility indicators on every time frames actually increasing to the negatives and the flip side, which is something I did not ever see before in pre having.
And that's something you see in the bull market. So that just shows that the fear and the greed and the uncertainty is definitely there. And if anything, I think it increased more with that big players. And that's all.
Oh, no, I agree. We definitely had a lot of like the rotations have been awesome to trade. I mean, the volatility trading standpoint had been amazing, man. I mean, like we can finally trade Bitcoin again, which has been awesome.
Yeah, but from a historical volatility standpoint, like all that metric essentially tracks is, you know, your distance away from the mean, more or less like you could you could over complicate the idea of volatility more than that if you wanted to.
But for the purpose of, you know, bit next historical volatility, it's going to track distance from the mean. And so when we had the huge pump in Q4, you know, the mean we pumped way above the mean.
So you saw volatility rise. We distanced ourselves away from the mean. And now, as we are kind of coming back down to earth, returning to the mean, you're seeing volatility start to lower as a result.
And I will say, like, because of that, because historical volatility will only truly gig a pump on, you know, from leaving the the mean, essentially, it means what that means is that you're only going to see historical volatility from Bitcoin truly skyrocket again from asset appreciation
or from like just an insane black swan like a covid.
Love the explanation, brother. Thank you.
Spread what's up, brother?
One more thing I want to touch upon because they're speaking about volatility.
I think that since listen, I don't trust Fed. I don't trust bankers. I don't trust in general. I don't want to offend anyone if it's anybody's a banker here.
But I don't trust the classical banking system. That's why I'm also crypto punk. That's why Bitcoin, et cetera, et cetera.
Well, one thing that I want to touch upon is when it comes to volatility and all these black swan talks.
I think that there is something that I've learned since two thousand twenty two covid crash when everything that I learned about trading and investing up until that point had to be rewritten because I've seen the future prices of an asset with with real world utility like the oil going to negative.
It was minus something. The contract to deliver in May was minus thirty bucks, if I remember correctly.
And at that point in time, I said to myself that I need to relearn everything I knew and accept that everything is possible.
But since then, also, I've seen that although they had stupid too much ultra monetary lose policies, I also learned that Federal Reserve have actually a set of tools and they put in place a set of tools that they didn't have before.
And I watched all of this unfolding since last year. I really thought and I was on the backdrop of that.
And I was on the wrong side of the trade after Silicon Valley and after first Republic Bank.
But Federal Reserve showed everybody that with the BTFB, they stabilize the system.
They stabilize the banking system. The economy was doing very well.
Housing was doing very well. Job market was very resilient.
And until now, they did a pretty good job. Yes, it's going to stop in March, most likely, because it was done for it was used for arbitrage.
Another thing by the bankers, no figure. But I really think that you can give a little bit more credit to Federal Reserve.
And I don't know if we're going to achieve a soft landing or not. But I think that go ahead.
So I said, does anyone think that, you know, they intentionally pushed it?
Because from my understanding and like I said, just strictly speaking from the charts, every time we get the rate cut, there is a significant drop in everything.
I don't know if anyone's paid attention to this correlation. So they kind of just continued me in my trading, essentially, because the market now we hit the reaction.
And now we don't have to worry about that rate cut till, again, a few more weeks, months, whatever, but just something cool.
Yeah, it's it's it's kind of like, it's sort of like the way I look at is kind of like hikes, right?
Shortly before the first hike, we had peaked at 48k. And for me, like, when they start cutting, I'm going to wait until the second cut to get back in the market.
I don't think this time is different. And if you just look at when they started hiking, if you got into the market,
like right after their second or third hike, you pretty much caught damn near the bottom for majors, right?
You said under a thousand BTC at the teens, Matic at like 30 cents.
So you were able to ride that massive rally for like two months.
So I think I think, you know, that first cut will probably be in distribution. And by the second cut, I think the market will be close to bottoming out and rallying.
But I'm definitely not intending to like hold the majority of my net worth like as they start cutting.
You know, and, you know, truth be told, like, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
I just want I just want to it's a chart that I'm looking at. Right. And it belongs to Carson.
And it's Ryan Dietrich from Carson Investment Research on to give props to him.
Not all cuts are very again. We have three types of cuts. And it happens. That's why I said that is very important to add this kind of context.
If it's a normalization like it happened in 84 in 1989, 1995 or in 2019, I'm looking at what happened with the S&P 500.
And in these periods of time, six months from the first cut, for example, we had 7.5 percent increase, 11 percent increase and 10 percent increase.
So we have normalization, panic and recession. If it's a panic, yes, we're going to have a we're going to have a swift drop in recovery.
If it's a normalization, most likely it's a short term drop. And after six months from there, we're going to be higher.
If it's a panic crash like it was if it's a recession like it was the 1990 or it was the 2007 or the crash or the the recession like it was then.
Then, yes, but it's the context is very important. OK, so if the economy is going to be good, if we're not going to have a crash, so panic cut or a recession cut.
I don't think that we should be worried about that. But yes, I agree also that if until then we don't get any any problems on a macro side, then we're going to be above all time high.
I think it's going to be very smart to at least take profits from the table. But please have this in mind, because there are three types of scenarios to keep in mind.
Normalization, panic cut and recession cut. And the worst of all over, it's a recession cut.
So if you don't get the recession and we get normalization, I'm still going to take some profits also.
Like you said, very well, Robbie, but I'm not going to take a lot from the table because historically and I have the chart in front of me.
Tradified does very good if it's not a panic cut or a recession.
So before I end the space, I want to do an exercise given it's the first day of February, Mr. Spread, I'll start with you, man.
What do you think the highest point of BTC is going to be and also the lowest point?
I'll start first. I think lowest point thirty six thirty seven, highest point fifty K gun to my head.
I think we retest the highs at forty nine, perhaps even fifty going into East Denver.
So those are my expectations. But you know, outside of that, probably just chop in the mid 40s.
So what about yourself, brother? When is it Denver? Sorry. So how many months we're talking about?
So you've done for it's kind of strange, right? It's two weeks.
But the first half is like just for dads and the, quote unquote, like conference and all that stuff for the general public is from the twenty eighth to the third of March.
So it's about basically about a full week, about a full week.
Yeah. So it's in about one month and a half from now. No, no, no. It's February 28th. February.
Yeah. February 28th through March 3rd. So I don't see I don't see it under thirty eight, to be honest.
So maybe another deep under thirty eight as strong as it looks right now.
And I still think that we have to fill that week that we had in January 8th.
So fifty to fifty two. This is my my basic my base case target.
Until then, with a low around the thirty eight area. Strong. What about yourself, brother?
Sorry. Ask me a question again. Yeah. For the month of February. Right.
What what are your expectations for the high and the low for Bitcoin?
Yes. For the month of February. Yeah. For the month of February. It's an interesting one.
I'm going to say my prediction on the high for the month of February is probably. Well, that's tough.
You might have to ask me in like one or two more days. I know that's not a great answer, but I'm not expecting too much more from Bitcoin in February.
I'm going to I'm going to keep it safe for the high, say like forty five forty four K and then the low for February will be maybe like thirty seven thirty eight K.
I mostly think in range for Bitcoin here for a few weeks. Hey, what about yourself?
Yeah, I sent my charts for everyone to see, but I think we retest our job on positions. I'm ready to buy again at thirty five thirty five thirty five guys.
And then I think the high, there's a lot of liquidation within at forty nine. So forty six and forty nine.
I'm just going to give a range just because I feel like that's a safe bet. But when I start seeing those that liquidation in those areas, that means someone knows something we don't guys.
And typically that's is that's where I'll like pull my profits if I enter along from here.
You know, February can be a good month, though, in my opinion. I mean, look at Bitcoin right now.
Cool day. What about yourself, man?
As about my vision, I see Bitcoin like it is right now because also in the past, we don't see such strong moves in in this kind of period.
And I don't see it making making great moves. I see it only in this range this month because we had that also in the past.
And I don't see that we will see something other that like the best.
All right. Awesome, man. So for day chop for a retest of forty nine Snorlax chop between thirty eight thirty seven to forty five forty five to forty four.
Yeah. So chop. And then me and Mr. Spread are practically on the same page, basically the high being a deviation above our current year to date high of forty nine K.
And I ate a test of fifty to fifty two K. I believe the last time we were in the fifties in the early fifties was during Christmas of of twenty twenty one.
And I think at some point, fellas, I think at some point, first half of this year, I think we'll probably retest the December twenty twenty one high, which is at about fifty eight fifty seven K, which was the high before that destructive nuke that started the bear market.
Tommy, I'm sure you remember that one. And we crashed all the way down to forty one K. There has never been a drop that aggressive since not during the FTX crash or during the Father's Day crash of June of twenty twenty two.
So maybe once we break all the time high, we'll start seeing drops like that, man. I think I think that would be pretty juicy.
Get some volatility and volatility in this space. But either way, I want to thank you all, Spread, Matt, Sralax and everybody else who contributed.
Thank you guys so much. We guys enjoyed what you've been listening today.
We're because Bitcoin, we're a crypto financial media company that produces two daily life streams for you guys, one here on X and one on YouTube.
I'm your host, King Wabi. I host these spaces throughout the week at four twenty four thirty p.m. Eastern time.
Kind of depends how long our Discord calls run, honestly.
But either way, if you guys have been joining, have been have been enjoying what you've been listening to, the space is recorded and you can catch all of our shows under our highlights tab and our YouTube show called Market Check.
Tommy's actually the host. He's here as Snorlax and that show is more of a technical analysis shows, charts, graphs, all that good stuff.
If you guys are into that, that's hosted Monday through Friday at 11 a.m. Eastern time.
And yeah, if you want to get in touch with myself or Snorlax or anybody else, a part of the Because Bitcoin team, our community links are in the bio.
So also don't forget to check out B.B. Terminal. The beta will be starting in the next couple of weeks.
So be sure to check that out. And yeah, I'll see you all tomorrow at the same time.
And we'll be having on Rob from Digital Asset News. So I'll catch you guys in the next one.
Thank you all so much. Take care. God bless you all. And may the candles be in your favor. Take care. Bye bye.