‘Marketing in Web3’ with Kristof from RDX Works 🔥

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:02:10



okay everyone hi hi thanks for um joining so far we're gonna give it i
think a couple more minutes we're also waiting for out of a guest christoph
from rdxworks to join so we're just giving it two more minutes
christoph welcome to our ama
connected hello hello hi yes perfect thank you so much for joining no problem
okay do you want to give it one more minute do you want to get going what
how do you guys feel just give it one more minute
okay i think we can make a start so welcome welcome to this um oc swap ama with christoph
from rdxworks so we're trying a slightly different format today with a topic and a host which in
this case is me and there will be future co-hosts i believe and also we will continue with the
different topics so if you have any feedback please tell us in the osyswap channel um or on
twitter wherever you feel like sharing that and yeah so let's get going um so welcome to the ama
my name is lily i'm the head of marketing and partnerships at osyswap and we've got our two
marketing experts with us today um lucas if you would quickly introduce yourself sure first
thank you so much lee for hosting this time so you're very well i don't need to do it
yeah so i'm lucas uh co-founder of osyswap um yeah started quite for quite some time already
and yeah during this time made made a lot of uh interesting experiences good and bad and therefore
also happy to share some some alpha um this time around so what's what what was successful
and what not so much in web 3 and therefore yeah we're looking forward to this great and thank you
so much christoph please if you would also introduce yourself hello hello so i'm christoph
i'm head of marketing at rdx um i'm now for over two years already at radix i did a lot of different
things um i basically met every founder already in person which i'm really grateful for also lucas
more than once um and i see also timon a lot of people here who are known faces uh welcome um
yeah so i'm really happy that you invited me and maybe we can share some wisdom today
sure so as mentioned thank you so much christoph for introduce yourself as mentioned we do have a
topic today which is marketing in web free um i believe we have some yeah real veterans here
christoph and lucas myself i've also worked a while in marketing so i'm actually quite excited
to be hosting this one now mostly we're going to be discussing the differences between web free and
web true how strategies approaches an audience differ and the questions we have loosely fall
into a couple of topics so yeah i think we can get straight into it i believe you're ready to go guys
so we're going to start with web 2 and web 3 audiences as we know obviously a lot of work
goes into building and making audiences and there is a lot of difference in actually having those
audiences so lucas question for you to start with um how do you target the right audiences
in web free and especially for a dex because obviously it's quite a complex you know topic
and place have you seen things that work well what don't work well anything that works particularly
well yeah so my prior experience uh was like in it says and also in traditional online marketing
so to speak and therefore the switch to to web free index whatever marketing was like
day and night to all the traditional approaches that let's say so for instance email marketing
is still like the most powerful tool and web 2 to this day even and in crypto it's usually not
not heavily used or leveraged that much because people don't like to share
their email address or something like that so they like to stay more like
teaching and anonymously and therefore you really have to shift your um way to approach
to people that have very different mindset a very different approach to to things um also that
took me quite some time to get used to that uh to that new world let's say and so um yeah we
started with oc swap in end of 2021 even already quite some time and uh launched our oc token
and yeah to stay still air drops uh are very very powerful uh tool uh to to raise awareness
but also to have a sort of a a brand that people like for instance our oc cats uh branding really
helped us to to be to stick out of the of the crowd basically and also um to have a very
dedicated community around uh like to share cat themed memes and stuff like that so to really
um embrace this the theme around oc cat oc swap has worked really really well even
created a well bought an own oc cat mascot costume so then real life oc cat also had helped
in that regard yeah and what has not worked that well uh i guess specifically of course we we have
to deal with something very unique with the with the radix uh ecosystem it's like we had a
sort of first start like the first beginning before babylon uh started with a sort of
centralized stacks and also that sort of marketing around that and now uh after babylon it's like a
completely different different approach again and therefore uh i guess uh you have to restructure
now uh because like the very first hyped very first initial spark is now uh like a few years ago
uh so it's really important now to get uh to get a new uh narrative new hype around what's going on
now uh what we want to achieve next with oc swap with radix ecosystem in general um so yeah that
that's definitely a challenge now to to get everyone excited again although we are around
for quite some time already and yep that's uh some some first alpha i can share yeah definitely
you know really reigniting a spark once you've had that initial hype is uh difficult at times
but i would like to think that we have some pretty good plans in place absolutely so christoph um a
little bit of a different angle than obviously a dex um obviously you have different things that
you have to be careful of different things you have to be aware of so how do you approach audience
engagement differently in web free compared to web 2 so i would say yeah obviously community
building is a key is key for layer one as well right so you need to make it attractive to be part
of the community with a lot of different incentives um grants and so on you have to have good projects
and you need to support them so for example as we do right now um runs on radix is a huge part of
this um probably most of you have seen already the videos where we bring defile a little bit closer
to the user where the founders themselves explain their products and you can get a feel of the
individual dapps before you even have to interact with them um a huge part of it is also to always
give an outlook on the next big thing that is about to happen as we all know most of the time
the rumors are worth more than the actual news so and i would say for us it's in front of you
we have this pop analogy when you have a community um the community needs to be your like your favorite
pop that you enjoy going to when you go there and everyone is friendly and they all like to
direct with you and you have a question and everybody is happy and to answer this question
then you will come back to this pop right you you will be probably there every friday and have
a lot of fun with your friends and you will bring all your friends and you will tell everyone that
it's really amazing to be there um and that's what we are working really hard on the whole team
all the time to make sure that we keep the the good vibes going so to say nice i think that quickly
leads us into the next question actually just while she's touched on that what strategies do
you employ to build a loyal and active community around radix so i would say it's important to
have a constant flow of good content going out and this is where i'm really lucky to have a
big team that is working on a lot of content all the time written content video content
both about radix itself tech content as well as also more hype stuff about the devs
um i would say this is one of the most important things yeah and obviously then we come to all of
the other things like influencers paydads and so on but this is not as interesting i think
yeah there's quite a diverse range of things that you need to do you know both as kind of
the layover and then also as the decks i yeah i can really um think of all the different things
that you need to do yeah so and also what i see from our position yeah so for us it's also we
have so many activities going on at the same time that are often overlooked by the community because
they are not aimed at the community so i would say um when you when you target new audiences
you always have to strike the middle that you that you see that the community also sees that
we're doing something because very often we have we're facing criticism that we're not doing enough
where we actually are targeting new audiences to come in so to say and then the the existing
audience if it's targeted right the existing audience shouldn't see it yeah i mean that makes
a lot of sense right you you want to create you know new ambassadors or interested people or
target new audiences but you also have to do something in the middle ground for your current
audience and i think it's always a really hard balance to strike i think we definitely see this
at OC as well you know we have some of our kind of veterans who see and who want some of our old
style competitions and so on but at the same time you know it's also really essential for us to get
people using you know our products and and so on so i don't know lucas if you have any comments on
that but i definitely think it's a longer topic that we could discuss on as as you know marketeers
more often and for much longer but i don't think we have enough time for that so lucas any comments
on that specifically which aspects um so striking the balance of finding those new audiences versus
the current audiences that you already speak to yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's that's
interesting question i think it's uh important although you really have to separate like existing
audio existing community members and attracting new members i think especially now um it's also
important that those existing users uh getting some insights or feel that this is happening
right even if they are not targeted i think at the moment uh we should even leverage or use this
more so like invite people that's already uh deep inside the radix ecosystem i'm also using it and
also deep diving all the tech and the great stuff what's happening all around that they're seeing
yeah now we have the next big next big campaign uh basically also um inviting them uh for these
next steps and narratives strategies we want to roll out and i think um yeah that's definitely
we can do uh more also working together obviously uh rdxworks is not like a one-man
core dev show uh everyone has to be part of it every single uh dev project building and
obviously every single team member and community member needs to be part of it and also um yeah
and i think for instance uh also what what's constant constant team is doing right now
is also really helpful um driving weekly campaigns uh getting um new uh achieving new milestones
like for instance with coin market that was really helpful that we are now ranked properly
so that we like have like one one big big news or big positive impact every week i think that's
also very important for the future it's a massive joint effort i guess to get you know a layer one
and its ecosystem out there it takes many many people and many many projects so i mean yeah i
would say so on this one i have actually something really interesting to report which will be
both for new audiences as well as for the existing audience um we just announced our
25 million xd ecosystem fund um this just went out in 10 minutes ago um so oh i believe yeah
so i believe a lot of people will be very happy to see that this is not uh just seeing it yeah
okay it was it was like five minutes everybody's not thinking yeah that was very sneaky
yeah so christoph what does this exactly entail um did i hear it correct it's one million it's
one million usd um aimed to growing the so basically 25 million xd that are set aside
for the ecosystem um this is in existing initiatives it goes into new booster grants
it will go in the grants for two and all these things are about to be announced everything
individually but we we decided to make one big announcement where we share that this is
all currently in the making and most of it will come in q1 even so um feel free to to open our
blog and for everyone who's interested um there is more information it's uh it's a 25
million xrd yeah total uh not not too bad yeah not too bad at all we give it a read
yeah so that the well thanks for sharing that that with us sorry christoph no problem no problem
it's just um i would say it's a it's a flywheel thing right we we start off with small grants
and bigger grants and bigger grants and everything takes its time to do right right
very much very much okay well some nice news i guess on the ama um i believe lucas or we
no i believe we definitely do have some news right at the end of the ama from our side as well
um you may have seen the teaser yesterday on our twitter you may have not so yeah we will get to
that at the end of the ama so okay let's jump back to some of our questions maybe we move on
to our next topic which is narratives and storytelling it's really a kind of highly
discussed key and key item in marketing and i think a lot of businesses overlook it actually
in their kind of digital and non-digital strategies and i sometimes you know see this also
inside we're free that this is a really overlooked thing that could actually be extremely extremely
helpful so i guess let's have a look at what people asked uh one for lucas how and what role
does storytelling play in building a dex what does that look like if it looks like anything
yeah definitely very important because dex is like one of the most um let's say basic or first
depths that will arrive in every new ecosystem and therefore there will be also plenty of them
and it's also always a question how you stick out of the crowd or what what makes you a special one
and therefore storytelling is really important not just branding not just a mascot aspect of it
but also having people or a team around that cares that is out there it talks
making amas and stuff like that is really really important as well so it's just
showing that that that you're around that you are close to the community you listen to listening to
to the feedback and also want to engage with them and also try to find out the next story we can
we can go forward to so not like sitting there inside your room and thinking about what could be
the next big narrative or story there no just be close uh daily active on on x for for myself is
very important so i scrolling uh the the x twitter feed all the time and checking out what's what's
going on uh what what uh other ecosystems are doing what what's what are their narratives what
is successful successful and uh also be part of those conversations all the time um so i i gather
feedback uh what could be the next big story the next big narrative for oc swap but also of course
for for radix so it's it's really tied together of course so it's um especially radix is like a big
l1 ship um so you can can look from it from so many perspectives so many people coming to radix
because they're looking into something different uh so some people are just into the scale
scalability part for instance some just want to ape in because there's now the suck coin and they
want to uh play with meme coins right so there's very very different parts of people coming and
joining radix and how to get them all together with one story that's really really difficult
and it takes a little bit easier because you can um actually start with um yeah smaller
campaigns what we're doing for for instance right now is with the with the token creation contest
so leverage this uh let's say meme coin uh hype at the moment and that more people are getting
used to um our tools and playing around with it uh uh trapping more on-chain activity and yeah
also that more people trading also getting maybe even a developer or starting their own
projects so getting there even to a higher role basically so that's that's also what we want to
achieve yeah definitely i feel like the challenge is maybe almost a little bit easier on the deck
side i would say you know absolutely how important do you see it in conveying the value proposition
of a layer one or web free product it's obviously maybe a little bit less tangible or
yeah less tangible is the definitely the best thing from my point of view um how do you yeah
how do you do it so i would say there is there's look as i already said it there's many different
layers to it um on the one hand you have layer one narrative right that we are directly working on
and then you have project um narrative that is also worked on by us by helping out projects on
on getting the news out there um making sure that they get what get all the right connections
and there's there's a lot of different activities that we do on the one hand we are shaping new
narrative for example with our um better ux but also a lot of it is watching the market and also
and just seeing and going with the flow on what people are currently talking about and then looking
for avenues to to find projects that are that fit into this narrative and make sure that they
are amplified so to say because i think it's it's hugely important because most of the people that
hold tokens are not spending day and night researching everything um and those who are
immersed they are always looking already for the next narrative and what everyone everyone is
trying to achieve so to say to to see where should i put my money and what is likely going to pop off
next yeah that makes complete sense i guess i guess like the layers approach is always a
good way as you're able to identify different ways of approaching each layer and i guess move
moving on to the next question very much relevant for both um you christoph and you lucas how maybe
lucas if you want to go first how how do you use storytelling to make technical content simpler for
maybe someone who you know is starting to touch the surface of defi yeah i i sometimes really
like to share just my own perspective or my own story how i got into crypto or how i got involved
in all that stuff because it makes it much much more easier for people just joining uh to get a
better better sense uh what's actually going on here right just sending them the link here like
don't know theoretical relics wallet and uh open or open our decks and and do some swaps it's like
okay and now what's what's what's the bigger what's the bigger picture what's the bigger why
why why should i do it what's what's the yeah the reason for all of this um i think um starting
with a big why this is super super important um what uh because it's very very personal level
right so everyone um from every team member of rdxworks or ocswo or whatever project has a very
unique story to tell and very different why as well and some people are more relating to
the story of of christoph or of lily some are more maybe closer to my personal story as well
and this could help um to to get people more also emotionally involved into what we're doing here
so it's not just like okay there's hark now i need to buy it blah blah blah so there's a deeper
level of commitment that we can shift with that and that's also what i always try to achieve
it's like yeah i i came to radix like three years ago and i will never leave again uh at least
until uh yeah maybe everyone else already gone i'm still here because i'm really committed to it
that sounds really good i'm really committed to it i really believe in it there's no one else
believes in it i don't care right that that's my story and i think that's very powerful i feel
like your story is definitely more inspiring than mine i will share it one day um christoph and lily
because i think you both know and probably some of the other uh people on this ama who know me
quite well may know my crypto story but i will save that for another time um luke uh sorry christo
also for you how do you use storytelling to make technical concepts concepts apologies simpler for
um potentially you know audiences that are familiar audiences that are not familiar with
technical concepts so um there is often also concepts that in the first place i don't quite
understand because i'm confronted with them for the first time um but once i get into it i'm trying
to figure out what was my issue to actually get it so to say and when we put out any piece of
content i'm just always asking myself um why would anyone care and when you can answer this
question so to say why why would the community member care why would an external person care
this makes it already much easier than to to build something around it to to make it more
understandable and make it more um for everyone valuable so to say because even the the hardest
technical concepts can be understood so to say yeah i i agree i guess it's always breaking it
down into that that into the small pieces and yeah when when we put out something in let's say
runs and radix is a big part of my day um both on the video side i'm trying to i'm looking first
of all at community feed like i'm i'm reading comments i'm reading the chats i'm interacting
with people and i'm asking also um is that is that a good video is it a bad video and and before we
put something out i'm always trying to make sure that i explain or everything is explained every
concept is more or less understandable and and repeatable as well right for example when i showed
with lucas the the token creative process looks scary at the beginning but once you've seen someone
go through it it makes it much more accessible yeah so yeah i'm just trying to to bring it
closer to you by showing it the whole process and running you through it and making sure
that i understand everything and once you explain it to me you explain it already to everyone else
i think that makes complete sense i think that makes complete sense and i think the runs and
radix videos are very useful and clear way to explain very technical you know dfi concepts to
let's say average people who might not have a particular interest in dfi yet so yeah so useful
i always enjoy watching them yeah the only problem i'm fighting there is uh these videos always get
so long and and i'm trying to also create a little bit shorter form content maybe one to three
minutes um but it never so because every run from the radix video starts the same i'm telling the
founders hey this video is maximum five minutes okay and then in the end it's again 17 minutes
someone showing his entire platform and i felt so rushed yeah showing every single feature
and we've been working on this and we've been working on that it's like okay okay at which point
can we make a cut here i just wanted to start the talk and everyone already wanted to finish it
everyone is just mega excited i completely understand that when you get a stage you try
and make the most of it so i don't blame anyone for showing all of their products so okay let's
move on and i just wanted to say if any of you have any questions please use in the chat we'll
address them at the end of the main questions um we'd love to hear from anyone who has anything
to say on any of the topics that we've discussed and so on so we're going to talk a little bit about
branding strategies obviously i think one of the main key things in web free is to have an
instantly recognizable brand um yeah there's nothing else to say everyone wants to be recognized
at a blink of an eye so um lucas what are the key things that define the brand of your
of the decks um how do they differ from traditional finance from where two platforms
yeah anything that that you would say really is different to maybe a standard web 2 or even
traditional brand yeah it could really not be different uh like day and night it's really
uh interesting right to to observe that so in traditional finance and web 2 uh so a bank
and institution needs to be as serious as possible uh sleek ui like as minimum as possible and
also their logo design needs to be like yeah it's like a letter or something it needs to be as simple
and bare-bone as possible and weirdly enough in web 3 although also personal funds uh people
it's involved so it's really important to have also this serious aspect in it of course
and also this security aspect but people expecting something more more playful like playing with
yeah there's like even food exchanges pancakes and unicorns whatever is going on right
also yupitas started with with onsolana it's now like a universe themed stuff so people expecting
this playful aspect that's definitely where we went with uh with ossicat it's just just making
sense uh but yeah it's like okay what was what was the initial reason that people are uh resonates
so much with it in web 3 although they are uh completely different minded on web 2 i would
say it's still the case that yeah yeah i think it's because we're still yeah i know i have to
say the meme as well early in the all in the in this um time frame because uh at the moment we
um speak to people that are highly risk uh not the worst uh they they risk takers they
they like to play to game to to uh explore and it definitely makes sense to have also this more
playful explorer type of of branding um until maybe things are getting more mature over time
that could be also the case at the end maybe we have like we're the deutsche bank of uh of web 3
uh with a very minimalistic that design and could also lead to that in the end we will see we're
looking forward to that i mean i wish i wish we and d-fi as a whole kind of moves into that ideal
that d-fi and crypto was made for um but i definitely think that's still a long way off
as much as we would like it to be here today or tomorrow so christoff um would you say there are
key components next to you know the meme culture and the the fun aspects of things of building a
web 3 brand identity and do you see you know is there a specific thing that caters to the web
3 audience or is it just the culture that lives within it i think both it's already both types of
businesses already exist right you can see it even in on the red x platform that you have the
very serious ones and you have the less serious ones and for everyone as a place
institutional customers will most likely prefer what brings them highest returns
um and biggest security and the the front end so to say is not that important um but i would say
for the regular audience you can build it basically like um like you would put an ad
like you would build an ad um first is you have to ask yourself who is actually your audience
and even in in web 3 there are huge differences between individual audiences there is
an nft audience there is a default audience there's a shitcoin audience so you have you have
a lot of different types of people and some of them are overlapping and some of them are not
and then you have to look at what do these individual audiences like and what do they
expect and do they fit into my uh into that what i'm trying to sell them set expectations and then
you have to cater to those expectations and i think the better your product is
the the less important the the front end becomes if you're solving a problem of your customer
it will be much more likely to to forgive you any mistake you do in terms of design so you can see
don't that the most successful ones um for example uh curve the front end of curve is is atrocious
but the the volumes they are just waiting for this example yeah but but i would say that the
the volumes they are pulling are staying and yeah and obviously don't you think sorry
don't you think it's a stylistic thing this is definitely playing into the meme culture so yeah
so i mean this this windows 95 look has something to it for sure and as long as it contains all the
information you need doesn't matter right i think interestingly enough it's like more than 90 percent
of of the volume traded on curve is like not even why are there a front end it's like completely
api back end so it's like people not even using these front ends exactly and the same goes for
for uniswap and one inch they all the biggest volumes are traded through through api calls anyway
and yeah so um and obviously on top of all of the the branding efforts you do incentives are still
a huge part of of crypto culture right airdrops everything is is that that brings people in
is money related i guess that's you know sometimes the core audience that you have to pull on right
in in crypto and in default you know ultimately people are looking for that next to all the memes
and next to all the other use cases and also very much that audience that maybe core audience if you
could say that is there for the tech and is there for the use side of things
so okay let's have a look at other questions that we received um let me have a look lucas
i think you basically answered this question anyway in your previous answer i'm sorry no i
mean it's fine it's fine talking too much no not at all not at all um maybe christoff you also
kind of hit on this but maybe you want to expand a little further um how do you make sure that your
branding resonates with both crypto savvy and crypto newbie to to say like this audiences um
i would say it very much depends on on which part of radix we're talking about you know
uh even within um our layer one we have so many different sub products already so
and depending on the product so to say um if i want to to advertise the the radix engine
and i'm talking to a very different person than when i'm talking to the radix wallet
whereas on the radix wallet it might have overlapping audiences so i would say the the
deep part on of the tech side the white papers and all those things they they are more for the
aficionados and and the easily accessible ones and the shiny ones are more for the normie so to say
and how do we ensure it um i would say it depends very much on on on the audience again
if you have a tech tech deep audience so to say longer form content and more bigger explanations
that that lead to a conclusion are a huge part of it and on the hype audience shiny and exciting
and very profitable so to say is is the key i would say
i guess at the point i mean makes complete sense i guess at the point where people
are already used indexes they're already kind of beyond the crypto new introduction type person
but maybe lucas do you see anything around around these things you know the more the
crypto savvy people the newer people anything to add to that uh sorry i was just a bit out of you
because i got a great news
distracted me a bit i'm sorry i want to share this later later this uh
was like pop up okay this is great sorry okay no problem it all it happens to the best of us you
know you never know when the postman comes or when you get a great great message so yeah you know
just anything whether you see um any you know how do you ensure that your branding resonates
or products even resonate with crypto savvy and crypto newbies um i don't particularly like that
word but it's the best way to describe the person that we're thinking of um so yeah anything to add
to that um to crypto savvy people um yeah it's most of the time quite a raw a raw approach even
um they uh like this even face-to-face conversations uh basically
uh yeah that's that's not really they they usually don't like this very um corporate
style of of communication um so that really resonates also with me personally so really
also like to communicate with everyone like uh nothing nothing special right even if you're
maybe founder or developer of some some project uh i really like to be raw um direct uh be
responsive to all these questions on x twitter wherever telegram um and just being around um
i think that's really resonates with most um crypto savvy people um because they like i said
they're risk takers um they are going out there uh in all these chats and uh seeking for information
and just be raw to them as well and don't make some shiny um flyers or whatever it's not really
what people want to see they already that are already used to this crypto game so to speak
yeah i think you hit the nail on the head there don't don't go try and reinvent in the wheel for
there were uh crypto savvy audience unless you as per christoph's earlier answer on targeting
different audiences you know are looking to target someone else yeah definitely less less
crypto savvy people it's like also day night approach yeah so yeah um because they need to
look a lot more why an introduction into this whole world new world uh why why why it's here
what what's what's the reason for all of this and so it needs way more uh explanation and also maybe
more shiny info infographics and with videos and stuff like that is needed for them
um but yeah not for not so much for already teachings and i think that actually takes us
quite nicely on to our next topic you know we all as business as being involved in business
potential business owners between us um we all would love that a business um has organically
sustained growth however you obviously want to make sure you're consistently getting new users
and i guess in the case of you know radix and osiswap we also want to make sure that new people
are coming into web space and we do that through campaigns you know with marketeers we campaign we
have all our different initiatives so i think lucas can you share an example of something that was
a very successful campaign for osiswap on this occasion yeah but also most of them are
definitely related to the um previously done air drop campaigns we we did especially where we
had heavy community endorsement uh like i can remember this uh we started um with our
for our merch store if you could buy oc shirts and take a selfie with the oc shirt and stuff
like that so that was that was really uh got at the time we uh throw a lot of attention to us
because people were even around in real life with with the oc branding it's also very powerful
to be also sometimes even it's very digital it's very uh digital only even
sometimes really really important to also be there in real life with even if it's just a t-shirt
like or what we did with uh obviously also together with ardixworks being at conventions
was also very very very powerful um because these uh read one-to-one conversations with
people at the booth or at the after events are so so so useful uh so powerful because you can
really deep dive into stuff and also maybe find your interesting partnerships with people that are
somehow convinced to to radix the day after just because uh i said this and that because yeah
because it's uh like a way way deeper conversation i think i lost a little bit the initial question
no problem so it was a successful marketing campaign for oc swap or index in kind of as a
whole but i think that's also i'm sorry no problem you've you've kind of um alert to a couple of
different topics which we've already discussed such as branding outside of you know the internet
and also having building community seeing those people in person i feel like that's still you
know even to this even to this day it's it's still uh like um i thought maybe
classic adrops are more less and lesser important but we just saw it with jupiter on on solana
and even congested their their blockchain yesterday uh it's still to this day very powerful uh to
so to speak yep definitely definitely and christoph i guess at this point radix or
rdx works apologies has done um many things now especially been along for the time around for the
time that has been so in your opinion what's been your most successful marketing campaign so far
did you gain any shareable insights from it i know sometimes things are you know hard to share
to into the public domain um so as you know a huge part of my day is analyzing data and and
we track a lot of data across all the channels to make sure we get highest return on on all our
spends and the question always is there how do you measure success and the success is is very
easily measured if you run for example uh an online shop or something because then you can just
run a beta and see okay conversion rate x and once you have this conversions you can see if this
ads are performing the way you want them to and this is on for layer one not that easy because
even if someone clicks on our ad okay he has seen us now and further down the rabbit hole
i cannot really track him to see okay did he now go to um any of the big exchanges and
buy a lot of xd or did he become active in the ecosystem this is all due to data protection
and other things very hard to track but that's why we internally run a system that is based on
key indicators of success um more rather than a kpi based approach where we say okay um we said
five key indicators of success and if three out of five or four out of five are fulfilled we say
okay this was a successful campaign uh if all of them failed it was a not successful campaign
and i'd say personally recently obviously our events are always hugely successful um
thousands of leads thousands of new people onboarded um we we get a lot of emails after
um all these things but in terms of more recent i would say runs on radix and obviously ratify
campaign was huge for us i see that you have a very systematic approach that i believe when
ratify 2.0 wait for it many companies could be jealous of your measurements maybe they need to
take a leaf out of your book um lucas anything to add to that and yes radify v2 or 2.0 when yeah
measuring success is really important also on on the text sites uh also to find a big
important kpis for yourself so for some it's maybe uh on-chain volume or tvl or certain
metrics right even even to decide what's what's really important to to look out for or like social
media stats follow accounts or how much uh messages and chats or people responding to your
posts and stuff like that so there's a lot of things you can track even although it's
lesser goods than on traditional online marketing because like i said a traditional marketing is
more like email marketing or seo stuff like that that's really really much less important on web
free therefore it's also harder to measure certain things because also people don't like to share
that much about them themselves that's totally fine uh but therefore you have also more struggle
to to get good data out of it uh maybe the persona uh system can help us with that regard
in in the future because that's us we may be powerful to leverage some some more
insights but yeah it's it's too early to to have more advanced uh tracking opportunities
yeah and attribution is you know an issue that you see across basically every industry um you
know from my own experience fintech e-commerce um and business support you know every business
wants to measure the success of all its different campaigns um but it is very very difficult even in
the sectors where you are able to track almost everything so yeah we we uh we definitely have
this discussion that lucas and i a lot regarding tracking and metrics of what should we check and
what what is going to be clear indicators so yeah definitely definitely always difficult and i think
just on that um for both of you you know i know that again lucas and i have these discussions
often but christoph you know you in web free we have kind of the standard channels that are always
leveraged but do you ever go out and identify new martin channels how do you pick the channels
that you're going to use for certain campaigns is there any kind of process you use is it more
we've seen this done well you know maybe you can talk a little bit about that
could you repeat the question i'm really sorry i was it was really somewhere else at the mall
no i'm really sorry how do you choose your
small channels how do we so um that's that's a fairly easy one so um we first of all we we try
on every channel that we have access to and we see which channels are resonating the best with
the stuff we put out and then we go deeper into those channels or we analyze why it might not work
as well on other channels and then we decide if we change our messaging on the individual channels
so um i would say it depends very much on which channel are we talking about for example um
there is obviously a clear path on on on twitter there is there's a lot of crypto interested
people on twitter so this is a must-have but uh different topic is for example tiktok is tiktok
really event even though there is a lot of crypto content on tiktok is this really a viable
um channel for you to put a lot of money behind and and get a lot of ads there or get a lot of
influences there um and this is this is i would say where it gets hard and where would you have
to start measuring um do influences actually bring roi there and do ads bring roi there because the
audience is most likely not the one you actually need in order to drive tvl or on-chain activity
make complete sense to me lucas any comments on that um how how do you identify marketing
channels for texas i feel that we probably within ocswap have a little bit more freedom
potentially what's your view on that yeah we tried tried certain certain uh places we've been
quite active for some time also on Instagram and Tiktok um sometime even with the live streams
on YouTube um yeah it's it's uh too early to say uh what resonates the most uh so still
still the radix ecosystems like heavily into uh telegram you need telegram whatever you do
you need telegram so get get out of this uh this whole like black box would be quite cool
to be honest because nobody uh listening to the text on telegram just people that are already
inside the bubble and um i think i i really want to to look into reddit next i think that's like
heavily underutilized uh overall yeah i think we can do way more to to be more visible on reddit
because there's still to just a lot of uh teachings around and people a lot of narratives
throwing around and like XOD is not is not in it and that needs to change i agree i very much agree
so just exactly on that point so as we know webfree is still a developing industry and the dynamics
are very different the way of marketing is very very different um so on exactly reddit and other
channels what innovative marketing tactics have you found to be most effective have you seen
anything really make a huge impact that's maybe very different than um web 2 environments or
traditional marketing environments anything you've seen that worked extremely well
should i start again if you want okay uh so i think uh most uh the best approaches i saw is like um
you have uh these these personas these uh figures uh very vocal figures so i'm thinking about merit
for instance um from from the solana ecosystem he's like out there and he's like driving everything
every narrative and fighting a lot of battles and campaigns and doing doing a lot of things
to drive an awareness um also tackling all these typical um uh topics as well
um that was and he was really really good in it and i think um this this uh we we really need
to do that more and more like people like like murt and the relics ecosystem like five six uh
very vocal very visible um key opinion leaders let's say um that driving certain narratives
that also uh catching all these bullets all these fat bullets and making even even making a story
a positive story out of any fat what's going around that's really that's what you would like
to see more and that's really effective i would say yeah definitely an interesting standpoint on
that and i think that also kind of relates to um to you christoph you know you have very unique
challenges i guess that you have when marketing a layer one anything to to say on that i guess
very very different from our point of view um i would say yeah thought is a very good topic um
obviously we'll have always people who are who are very unhappy with whatever you're doing and
there's always a lot of criticism around every activity and it doesn't matter how much money
you spend we could spend more on marketing or we could do more um but i would say i very much
agree with lucas that having more excited people and more ambassadors than fathers is hugely
important and for example a very good um very good tool to create more ambassadors and to get
more people excited is something like for example the uh the many or or galaxy or these community
engagement tours which are not really common i would say and web 2 so where projects can themselves
onboard people and reward them for positive messages for for being active in the ecosystem
and web 2 just doesn't offer this
yeah okay yeah and i saw the many was here really unfortunately they've headed out but definitely
you know we as osu!s hopper you can be many actively and we're definitely seeing some
positive results so yeah very very much a unique thing around the community so it's like one one
quest per week at least one new quest yes yeah so keeping engagement as high as well
not very much very much week over week
okay i'm very conscious of the time it's already been an hour and it for me has literally gone
by in minutes so we have a final announcement from osu!s and lucas in this case um in a second
but if there is any questions from the listeners please drop them in the chat we have two more
minutes to address them and whilst you guys ask any questions lucas please the announcement
just see one question or replies it's like when the liquidity incentives can
uh is expected i think to see 10 million ignition about that they're different
at the same time i don't think they're talking about the ardex works
christoph any any updates anything you can say uh no i can't say anything on this one i'm really
sorry okay but very soon very very soon soon soon yeah so i also have one one more announcement
that was why i got a little bit distracted earlier so two out of five uh ordered pieces
are now 10 out of 10 uh we will also share this officially uh later on with the hecken
this is related to our script to math it's already open sourced so this is also now happy
to announce this uh the next big ordered pieces are uh relevant to our next milestones like the
concentrated pools so happily looking forward to that uh to ship as soon as possible and
what else i the the announcement you mentioned lily it's about the pyro nfts
and still to this day so we have this sale of pyro nfts and still to this day there's one special
oc pyro nft and nobody uh was the lucky one to grab this and so this is like a call to action
so if someone receives this legendary oc pyro uh there will be extra pyro for free and also we
will share this announcement uh yeah very soon and if you retweet this uh tweet you're also eligible
for a free pyro so yeah that's what i can say to that have i missed something note that is
everything so krista thank you so so much for joining us we're very very grateful that you
took the time out of your very busy day thank you always enjoy and thank you lucas uh and thank you
to everyone who joined i believe we already have our guest lined up for next week um which will
come in the announcement on monday and we will see you all next week so thank you so much for
joining and have a great evening and upcoming weekend see you bye bye thank you