MAX IMPACT EP 295 Part 2 (Post-Rug) #AI & Decentralised Social

Recorded: May 26, 2023 Duration: 0:17:12



For Twitter I was actually excited to see Ed Ed come in the space. He's really knowledgeable. I saw Ed in there Yeah
What's his? His handle is not Ed though. It's like e and then his last name Twitter really is not good at seeing
searching for profiles unless you know exactly. There's a really good question on shadow bands and the algorithm. I was in that the one of the most popular spaces I don't know if I forgot his name. Borough something. Yeah.
going in depth on algorithm and like the shadow ban algorithm and how there's so many details that it's like pinned against like really active users because like if you're trying to like get bots to like stop doing but the same time
I'm really active users that almost seem like bots or whatever, I guess. It'll shadow ban you. Twitter has got a long way to go, too, on trying to make us all really the UX really good.
Yeah, um, definitely a lot to learn there are around shadow banning and what's going on with behind behind the scenes. There are so many things. Apparently if you pin something on your profile, it, uh,
it no longer shows up in the feed or at least the four you feed once you choose to pin it so definitely don't like tweet and then pin straight away. Food for thought there. But let's see if we can get at and the other folks in their back we might not be able to
survive this one folks. I don't think that's a scene between what was his thing. Man usually spaces allows you to revive if it quits the space that is pretty abnormal.
I think I tried as much as interesting as I can be during like a space or be on the stage and get people to like view my profile to see my pen image. I think that's the only way to really like get that engagement from the from the pen tweet.
Yeah, once they actually go to your profile right? Yeah, all right friends. Sorry about that. Space is rugged us badly and okay, here he is. Fed rug.
PFE the pure gene. Let me just tag him real quick. We didn't get the
All right, oh good. Well friends, thanks for oh, there we go. Ed made it back.
Sorry about that, Ed. We got riggedy rugged.
Part two.
post rug. There we go. I'm mod is back. Welcome back. I'm more. So you know what I'm going to do? I'm just going to play a minute of a tunnage while we get warm this space
back up here. All right, all right, let's grow. Um, here. Okay. She went back up here. Ed. There we go. He's back up there. Post.
rug bam okay so we're talking about I think I was just updating the title AI and decentralized
Bam, bam, alright, here we go I'm really glad we have a re-fi-minded people like in the space because I think AI actually really needs AI space needs this like the regenerative the re-fi part of it um
Yeah, yeah, man. I feel a very strong like purpose to try to shift these things in the right direction, right? Like we live at a time where technology has never been so
powerful and it's really just the beginning like things are going to get super next level very quickly. And you know some people might not use it for good purposes. So if you if you are aware of these technologies, if you are able to
implement them in a way that is significant and actually work with the tech, then you must do it and do it in a way that's going to make the world a better place because it might not all be sunshine or rainbows in the future.
future and we need people to use it for good to counteract to balance that out. I'm going to send coast invites for those of you who want it. Come back up here Mr. Penn save before we can conclude this space. Ed, how are you doing brother?
doing good Jimmy until we got robbed it happens it happens I wanted to I missed the early part of the show I was on another space with a bunch of farmers but anyway what I am a little
I mean, I think there's a lot of advantages for AI in the future. A lot of good uses as long as maybe we keep it as a tool. But I hope it doesn't conflict with because it's really just recently that we've really started to understand nature
natural intelligence. It was something that we really didn't pay attention to until of course it became sort of a crisis even though it's been happening for a while but I guess it really got serious recently and so getting people, getting
that nature-based or natural intelligence, again, connecting with holistic environments and putting that into, you know, how we even think about our societies or our cultures or how we connect with people is
just something that was missing and has been so exciting in recent years and it's something that you know is we don't I don't think we want to lose because that's how we get our dreams and thoughts of the future and when you've got a
machine that's basically dealing with information from the past. I mean, it can tell us something about history if it appreciates history, but whether or not it can really, you know, think out our future for us. I kind of question and
plus worry about that. So I'll leave it at that. Thanks. Thank you for sharing that. And thank you James, Mr. McGee for retweeting everybody where it is reviving the space here. So if you could head to the comments section and retweet the room, let's let people know
that we back up, we're alive, we are alive, and we are going to have one final segment here, which is where the wisdom can't end this session without going through words of wisdom. This is where we can go in a once-around circle to just share one core message
message that we want people to know. One thing you find useful information, one final thought, let's all say something. And then I'll send you off on your weekend. We are live tomorrow as well. We have a really cool region space coming up tomorrow. So make sure you ring the bell and the profiles you don't miss out on.
Also, by the way, there are like social bees schedules that come out. I don't know if you guys know about this, but yeah, sometimes I retweet those. They're from my crypto adventures. So there's like a bunch of cool spaces that are pretty much every day someone's doing a space.
or a livestream of some sort. Alright, much love. Welcome back, Kaipi. Alright, so we're just gonna do our final segment here. Welcome back, Star Blue. And that is Words of Wisdom. So let's hear from you, Patel, and then we'll do a once-around circle. And I'll send you off to your Fridays.
What are your words of wisdom? I've slightly mentioned my environment and the sound does work well. I'll try to be sure to try to save your consciousness.
So my words of wisdom would be to actually think about the technology and how it can be misused, right? And to approach it more from the ethical perspective and moral, then perspective of short-term financial gain.
That would do the biggest part of the technical adoption. Thank you so much. Alright, thank you, Reddough. Curtis, hit us with the words of wisdom, my friend. We are more like nature than we realize.
beautiful short and succinct just like Ed's naturally loves to delve deeper into that but go ahead and hit us with your words of wisdom
Thank you. I love it can't avoid that in max impact. I love these discussions Mr. McGee send us off brother. What do you wear the wisdom? Do what you can with what you have that said I have all you
you guys here today with me. Please consider helping out with my efforts. Start composting today in Claiming Crypto for it. If we get enough people involved, a little bit of luck, a little bit of traction, we can win up to 50
million dollars in grant funding. We'll use that to lock liquidity into impact projects and for petrily fund these efforts around the globe. That's basically the plan, but I can't do it alone.
Let's grow, my man. Absolutely. So what do you need to get that grant funding and what is this grant? It's the XPRI's carbon capture and sequestration contest. Basically, my assertion is that it makes more sense to reward people.
to process it where it is rather than to ship it all to a centralized location and process it there. It just cuts out a huge section of the problem and it allows us to make direct payments to people who are in the most need instead of wealthy people, you know, running bureaucratic systems.
I know you've had a lot of these spaces. You know that low end you're looking at 60 grand to start a carbon credit system. So if you really want to make a change we can make this available to anybody and everybody. Everybody eats, everybody poops means everybody can make a difference.
There you go. Alright mate. Yes, so let us know however we can support you in that. I know that'll be a game changer. We put the funds to good use and make an impact with it. Thank you so much, friends. I want to leave you on this song which contains words of wisdom that's only the sky is the limit.
And yeah, keep dreaming, friends. Keep thinking, keep pushing your minds. Keep thinking outside the box. Much love to all of you. Thanks for coming back. Off to Be Got Rud. Till next time.
Much love, Regent! Much love, Begins! Much love, Treesgins!
(upbeat music) (upbeat music)
Let's go!
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪#
♪ The spiritual artist art from that money ♪ ♪ He's right there making money ♪ ♪ We can make the money ♪ ♪ This is where we start ♪ ♪ We can move faster ♪ ♪ We are the stars ♪ ♪ We are the stars ♪ ♪ We are the stars ♪
Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll. Let's roll.#
Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it! Let#
(upbeat music)
Alright that was that was guys
a limit by loss frequencies deluxe at case you're wondering. Much love ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming back even though we got rubbed. Much love, much love. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I hope to see you tomorrow on max impact. Till next time ladies and gentlemen, keep doing what you love, keep spreading love and make