MAX IMPACT EP. 429 Ultimate Routine

Recorded: Feb. 24, 2024 Duration: 1:12:31



GM everybody
GM Will and Sunny
my bread is from Matamata's
what's growing on today?
we're doing things a little bit different
on Max Impact
we are growing over
the ultimate routine
alright so
I'm gonna be playing some really nice things for you guys
and you can come back to this recording
at the start of your day or take notes
I'm gonna set you up for the rest of your day
and you try to inject positivity
into that first hour
it will have a completely
different effect on your day
compared to what you do if you just go
straight to social media
straight to the news and all these crazy things
it definitely makes a massive difference
so no matter what time of day it is for you
let's grow
and get into some
alright happy days
we're gonna get things started
with some metatation
but I might as well do the intro
and they designed a time
when their plan would go into effect
these beings are you
and that time
and each of you knows
in the deepest portions of your being
that you have come here for a purpose
you are beginning to feel
what may be coming
hello and
welcome everybody
to the Max Impact show
this is the live spaces show
that is all about empowering
you, the changemakers
to maximize your positive
impact in the world
by leveraging the latest and greatest
of technologies
pretty web 2 technologies
that we're covering today guys we're growing over
the ultimate routine
so I'm gonna be basing this off a book called
Morning Miracle
so Morning Miracle is a book where
they have this amazing acronym
and if you got a pen and paper near you
or something to write this down
write this acronym down it's called Savers
okay so the S of the
Savers Morning Miracle routine
stands for silence
aka meditation
alright welcome to meditation station
you just pulled up
the A is affirmations
and there are different variations on affirmations
some are more for mental health, some are more for success
manifesting things, there's also something called
incantations that Tony Robbins covers
those are also really great we could
potentially do those ones though it does require some
moving around exercise type of things
and then the E is
sorry the V
is visualization
so visualizing what you want and that's a really
great Tony Robbins routine by the way apparently
Will T knows someone who coached Tony Robbins
back in the day, super cool
and then the E of the Savers
routine is exercise
the R is reading and the S
is scribing we do
reading and book summaries
on Sundays
for the Sunday Grow Day
alright so
we might go straight into scribing and do the
first view as well
so let's get some more people
in here we need more positivity
you were hoping to ask for smoke of papa
you know to each their own
to each their own
but no we're going to be doing some meditation
welcome you just pulled up to meditation
station if you just joining us
Will T what's up buddy
I need to go over and help
with the other space so I'm going to drop down to the
audience is that okay since it's kind of
okay sure what's Anna doing
she's done the glow dollar
oh snap that's happening right now okay
alright alright alright yeah go ahead
go right ahead
duties call
alright yes I got this yes
and you can always listen back to this as you wake
up in the morning in the future
as we grow through these these wonderful
things alright so
happy days
okay I'm going to grow live on
video as well
just give us one second
routine alright so
everyone type let's
grow in the comments and make
sure you're in a comfortable place
alright so you could be in
your favorite couch you could be
on your bedside but make sure you're
sitting in like a nice posture
and ideally
with headphones
for the optimal audio experience
utilize the headphones
let's forever grow
alright welcome Kim B
welcome crypto
and blockchain Kenya
just followed you back happy days
here we grow
so hope you're all ready
let's grow let's grow
welcome everybody if you're just tuning in
we are going to be growing over
some okay so by the way
I encourage you guys for the next 14 days
to try to meditate every day
and you know making a habit can be a challenge
alright but this wonderful
human called boho beautiful
she has a 14 day
meditation challenge okay so
I will be you know
linking to all these wonderful things
in the show notes and such
but also on the video
you can see
on the video you can see
so if you just
thank you
sorry I just got to set this up a little bit
gosh coming back here thank you so much
alright oh by the way we also have an amazing
yoga teacher in the building right now
perhaps we could even do a live yoga
towards the end a bit potentially potentially
let's see how she feels
first ex live stream
going down but
okay happy days so
hope y'all are ready
we're about to start
jamming plugging this in
okay make sure you got the thing
okay if you're listening
on spaces right now make sure you type let's
grow make sure you're retweeting so more people can
do this and more people can have
really positive starts a few days
oh whoops
bam and bam okay
also by the way you can also share how
you normally start your day if you
do anything to infuse positivity into your day
you know this morning routine was like
a best seller a lot of people swear by it
the same as routine
but you know there are many
there are many options out there
that one can do
and you know
if you feel something else is great for you
whether that's dancing or whatever it may be
I want to hear about it so
so share that in the comments section
and maybe we can integrate that into a future one
of these that we do
okay so bam
we got the video rolling
alright cool
cool beans
alright here we grow now
now we koochie
alright I hope you all are ready
we're starting off with meditation
welcome to meditation station
the 20 minute meditation
show you're in a
here we go
welcome Laura
thank you for joining me today for this mindful
let us begin by finding a
comfortable seated position
allowing your body to relax
and settle
placing the hands
at Anjali Mudra
prayer position
as a gesture of gratitude to yourself
and for this present moment of peace
take a deep breath in
feeling your lungs with the fresh air
and as you exhale
releasing any tension or stress
from your body
and exhale
let it go
as you place your hands
in a sacred lock
of Yana Mudra
your thumb and index finger connected
closing this
energetic circuit
allowing you to receive all the
wisdom and guidance of the universe
through your own heart
and intuition
and exhale
now let's bring our attention
to our heart center
the area in the middle of your chest
visualizing a warm
radiant light
glowing within your heart
seeing this
light begin to spread a sense
of love and compassion
throughout your entire being
seeing this beautiful radiant light
spread through every cell of your body
within every finger
your legs, your arms, your body
your heart, your lungs
seeing this light moving downward
from the crown of your head
all the way down
through the spine to the root
of your spine
rooting you down into the earth
rooting you into this present moment
into this breath
into every beat
of your heart
feeling the energy become grounded
inhale deeply into your body
and exhale gently and softly
allowing yourself to sink a little deeper
into this present moment
into this present awareness that you're in
allowing your breath to guide you deeper
into a state of relaxation
and inner peace
taking this opportunity right now
to connect with your breath
with each inhale
drawing in love
and warmth
and with each exhale
releasing any negative
or stagnant energy within
and exhale
as you continue to breathe
imagine a gentle stream of light
flowing from your heart
and then expanding with every breath
this light representing
the love and wisdom within you
and exhale
feel it expanding
enveloping your entire body
in a cocoon of love and healing energy
seeing this energy in any type of light that you wish
any color or formation that comes to you
seeing this colorful light
as a sign of protection
protecting your energy
protecting your heart and your soul
from any external disturbances
and allowing each breath to anchor you
into your own being
into your own light within
and exhale
now I'd like you to bring your mind
to a situation or aspect of your life
where you may have felt disconnected from your heart
allowing yourself to fully acknowledge
any emotions or thoughts that arise
as you bring yourself to this point in your mind
creating space
for all emotions and sensations to come in
without judgment
without regret or guilt
with compassion and gentleness
observe these feelings and energy that may arise
be kind and patient with yourself
and just sit in it for a moment
feeling everything that comes
and then with love
letting it all release out of your body
out of your mind
all negativity, all stagnant
heavy energy that is weighing you down
exhale it out at this time
and exhale, let it go
as you hold space for these emotions to come and go
let's welcome the following mantra
that will be the guiding force for the mind as we continue to go deeper
coming back to this mantra whenever you notice yourself drift out of the present moment
or when thoughts and sensations become too distracting
repeating this mantra silently to yourself as much as you need
through love I return home to my heart
I am loved, supported, and guided
through love I return home to my heart
I am loved, supported, and guided
through love I return home to my heart
I am loved, supported, and guided
as you repeat this mantra to yourself
feel its energy resonating within your heart
bringing clarity and a deep sense of connection
allow any emotions or insights to surface and be acknowledged
knowing that this right here is a safe and nurturing space
allow the energy to come through
and to cleanse you of any negativity or heavy energetic frequencies that may arise
and exhale
through love I return home to my heart
I am loved, supported, and guided
now silently in your mind
see you in the first place
I am loved
I am loved
I return home
I return home
I return home
I return home
I return home
I return home
Slowly begin to bring yourself back to the breath at this time.
Inhaling gently.
Exhaling softly.
It is now time to release the mantra.
And slowly begin to bring your awareness back into the physical body.
Coming back to the breath.
Coming back to the physical sensations within.
Continue to be present with your heart.
Feeling its gentle rhythm and the warmth that emanates from within.
Bask in this loving energy that you have cultivated
and embraced the infinite wisdom that resides in this sacred space.
And as you continue onward with your day, remembering that you are the light.
So let your light shine.
Let your light shine without dimming out for anyone or anything.
Because now more than ever the world needs your light.
Your love.
Your grace.
Your peace.
May you carry this sense of connection and love from your heart with you throughout your day.
Knowing that you can always return to the space of inner wisdom and compassion whenever you need to.
You can always return home.
From my heart to yours.
I love you.
Copyright ยฉ 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this recording may be reproduced
without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
All right, namaste everyone.
So yeah, if you're just listening towards the tail end of that, remember, you can always
wake up and type these words into YouTube, boho, beautiful, that's B-O-H-O, beautiful,
followed by meditation.
She also does great yoga, but in terms of meditation, you can, in the description of
each video, find a 14-day meditation challenge.
And she'll email you those videos, or you can just search day one, day two, et cetera,
for 14 days.
So I challenge all of you guys right now to do the 14-day meditation challenge.
She's really amazing with those, those, she calls them mantras.
Some people are a bit like, you know, purists in terms of what can be called a mantra, but
I think it's really nice to say those words over and over again as you meditate as well.
All right, next up, okay, so we've done S, which is meditation, and we're about to move
on to, okay, so there's different versions of this, okay?
This is Tony Robbins' priming slash gratitude exercise, and there's like a 20-minute version
of this, which includes incantations where you're saying things out loud.
It's usually to be combined with exercise, like, as you're walking around and things
like this.
So I encourage you, if you have 20 minutes tomorrow morning, or any other morning to
search Tony Robbins' gratitude, you just have to type those three words in there, Tony
Robbins' gratitude, and you'll find this 20-minute version, which includes the incantations,
which are similar to affirmations and things like that.
So this one doesn't include affirmations.
I'm gonna do a 15-minute one, which is also really great, and it has great visualization.
We could also do the traditional affirmations as well, so it's not doing that one.
Let's do some affirmations, okay?
This is more around success, and look, if you just type, if you go into SoundCloud and
you type in affirmations, you can find some wide variety of cool things.
So the different ones, one is more around, like, mental health, kind of brain reprogramming,
it's called.
That one's actually really nice and makes you feel real good, and there's another one
that's, like, more around success.
So why don't we do a quick little emoji poll right now, okay?
If you want something that's a bit more, like, mental health, positivity, do a heart.
If you want something that's a bit more based around success, do a clap, all right?
So something that's a bit more about, like, manifestation, abundance, and success, and
things like this, do a clap.
If you want something that's a bit more based around, like, positivity, do a heart.
Hearts versus clap.
I saw a heart just a moment ago, night owl, I think it was a delay from speaker to listener.
So we'll give it a sec.
Okay, you know what, we got the, all right, we just fill in the hearts.
These are the good vibes, all right?
And look, not everything here will apply to you, like, it mentions, like, uh, mentions
things that may, you know, oh, we're gonna clap now, all right?
Sunny's giving hearts and claps.
Uh, I mean, uh, night owl is, okay, we're getting more hearts from Sunny and Kim.
All right.
So this one should make sure you're saying this out loud.
All right.
It doesn't matter if it's someone around you.
All right.
I'm gonna be saying it out loud.
I'm gonna turn the mic off though, so you can just hear high quality audio, uh, say
this out loud.
All right.
Night with your chest.
All right.
And, uh, and yeah.
Happy days.
This, um, 99.99999% of this will apply to you, but some, you know, might be about a
specific mental health, uh, situation, which, which may not.
So just, just keep that in mind, but 99.99999% does okay.
So happy days.
All right.
So this is going to be right after this for the finale.
Um, but this is going to be affirmation station.
You just pulled up to affirmation station.
You can see on the video, there are so many of these.
Um, so yeah, amazing.
This is what we're going to do.
Self-worth, self-worth goes up, uh, you're not worth goes with it.
It's what it says in the image here, but it says brain reprogramming.
All right.
Being me, life is fun and rewarding.
Amazing opportunities exist for me in every aspect of my life.
There are no such thing as problems, only opportunities.
I love challenges and they bring out the best in me.
I replace, I must, I should, and I have to with, I choose, I choose to be happy right
I love my life.
I appreciate everything I have.
I live in joy.
I am courageous.
I am willing to act in spite of any fear.
I am positive and optimistic.
I believe things will always work out for the best.
It's easy to make friends.
I attract positive and kind people into my life.
It's easy to meet people.
I create positive and supportive relationships.
I am a powerful creator.
I create the life I want.
I am okay as I am.
I accept and love myself.
I am confident.
I trust myself.
I am successful right now.
I am passionate.
I am outrageously enthusiastic and inspire others.
I am calm and peaceful.
I have unlimited power at my disposal.
I am optimistic.
I believe things will always work out for the best.
I am kind and loving.
I am compassionate and truly care for others.
I am focused and persistent.
I will never quit.
I am energetic and enthusiastic.
Confidence is my second nature.
I treat everyone with kindness and respect.
I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
I am flexible.
I adapt to change quickly.
I have integrity.
I am totally reliable.
I do what I say.
I accept myself for who I am without judging or criticism.
I accept myself for who I am without fear of rejection
from others.
I accept myself for who I am without fear of judgment
and criticism from others.
I will no longer give my power away
to those who try to control and manipulate me.
I own my own power and take responsibility
for the choices and decisions I make every day.
I respect myself.
I honor the essence of who I am as my light shines brightly
for all the world to see.
There are no limits to what I can achieve in my life.
I release all negative thoughts and will only
focus on the positive in my life.
I will be an inspiration to all of those around me.
I am able to see each day as an opportunity
to make things better.
I let go of the old me and welcome my new figure
without judgment or criticism.
I honor the wisdom of my soul, and I am consciously
aware of the choices I make.
I honor the wisdom of my soul, and I
will trust in the guidance I am given.
I believe in myself.
I have a great vision for my future,
and I will no longer allow my fears
to interfere with my success.
I believe prosperity is possible in every area of my life.
I am open to receiving all that is necessary for my success.
I love what I do, and I'm doing my best to succeed.
I am able to easily locate what I need when I need it.
Nothing or no one will keep me from succeeding.
Self-discipline is important for success.
I am motivated to meet every challenge
and view it as an opportunity to succeed in life.
No one can give me all the answers.
I understand and accept I must go within myself
to find the answers I need to succeed.
I know I'm capable of making things happen.
Success in life is being happy with me.
I take the initiative to bring about change in my life,
and I believe I am worthy of success.
Transformation is necessary for growth,
and I am ready to change my attitude and beliefs
about success.
I am determined to succeed,
and I trust I am supported by the universe.
Success comes to those who are patient and wise.
I am taking the proper steps necessary to achieve my goals.
I am intelligent and capable of passing this test.
I clear away the clutter to make room for success.
I appreciate the effort I put into my work,
and I believe I am worthy of success.
I welcome success into my life.
I welcome prosperity into my life.
I am ready to accept all that is available to me
without guilt.
I deserve to be prosperous.
I open the door to prosperity,
and I believe all things are possible.
I am worthy of all good things.
I welcome all forms of abundance.
I let go of my resistance to wealth and prosperity.
I appreciate what the universe has given me,
and I trust my needs will continue to be taken care of.
I am open to accepting opportunities for abundance
every time they knock on my door.
I quietly listen to my inner voice
and trust my soul knows what is best for me.
Abundance comes in many forms,
and I am open to accepting what is appropriate for me
without limits or restrictions.
I welcome abundance into my life.
I release my fear,
and in the process I let go of my depression.
I surrender my fears
and allow my true feelings to come through.
I will reveal myself to the world
without fear of judgment or criticism from others,
as well as myself, and my anxiety will disappear.
I let go of my sadness and surrender to God's divine plan.
I choose to forgive and let go of anger.
I choose to be happy.
I will no longer allow fear to keep me from enjoying my life.
I deserve happiness.
I am strong and competent,
knowing I will come through this challenge
with a greater awareness of who I am.
I release all of the ties
that bind me to this anxiety and depression.
I honor the unique soul that I am,
and I am expressing my feelings from the heart.
I am ready to express my thoughts and feelings
without fear while opening to my soul's mission.
I love and accept myself unconditionally.
I approve of myself and feel great about myself.
I radiate love and respect,
and in return, I get love and respect.
I am a well-respected, well-loved person.
I am a cultured and wise and yet a humble person.
My high self-esteem enables me to respect others
and beget respect in turn.
I am free to make my own choices and decisions.
I am a unique and very special person
and worthy of respect from others.
My high self-esteem allows me to accept compliments easily
and also freely compliment others.
I accept others as they are,
and they in turn accept me as I am.
It matters little what others say.
What matters is how I react and what I believe.
All is well in my world,
and I trade love and acceptance with the world.
I have high self-esteem as I respect myself.
I deserve all that is good.
I release any need for misery and suffering.
I release the need to prove myself to anyone
as I am my own self, and I love it that way.
I am solution-minded.
Any problem that comes up in life is solvable.
I am never alone.
The universe supports me and is with me at every step.
My mind is filled only with loving,
healthy, positive, and prosperous thoughts
which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.
My mind is full of gratitude
for my lovely and wonderful life.
I consciously release the past and live only in the present.
That way, I get to enjoy and experience life to the full.
Today, the doors opened for all opportunities for me.
I really am very special.
I like who I am, and I feel good about myself.
Although I always work to improve myself
and I get better every day,
I like who I am today, and tomorrow, when I'm even better,
I'll like myself then, too.
It's true that there really is no one else like me
in the entire world.
There never was another me before,
and there never will be another me again.
I am unique from the top of my head
to the bottom of my feet.
In some ways, I may look and act and sound like some others,
but I am not them.
I wanted to be somebody, and now I know I am.
I would rather be me than anyone else in the world.
I like how I feel, and I like how I think,
and I like how I do things.
I approve of me, and I approve of who I am.
I have many beautiful qualities about me.
I have talents and skills and abilities.
I even have talents that I don't even know about yet,
and I am discovering new talents inside myself all the time.
I am positive.
I am confident.
I radiate good things.
If you look closely, you can even see a glow around me.
I am full of life.
I like life, and I'm glad to be alive.
I am a very special person living at a very special time.
I am intelligent.
My mind is quick and alert and clever and fun.
I think good thoughts, and my mind
makes things work right for me.
I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and vitality.
I am exciting, and I really enjoy being me.
I like to be around other people,
and other people like to be around me.
People like to hear what I have to say
and know what I have to think.
I smile a lot.
I am happy on the inside, and I am happy on the outside.
I am interested in many things.
I appreciate all the blessings I have,
and the things that I learn, and the things
that I will learn today and tomorrow, and forever,
just as long as I am.
I am warm, sincere, honest, and genuine.
I am all of these things and more,
and all of these things are me.
I like who I am, and I'm glad to be me.
I can do anything I believe I can do.
I've got it, and every day I get more of it.
I have talent, skills, and ability.
I set goals, and I reach them.
I know what I want out of life.
I go after it, and I get it.
People like me, and I feel good about myself.
I have a sense of pride in who I am,
and I believe in myself.
Nothing seems to stop me.
I have a lot of determination.
I turn problems into advantages.
I find possibilities and things
that other people never give a chance.
I have a lot of energy.
I'm very alive.
I enjoy life, and I can tell it, and so can others.
I keep myself up, looking ahead and liking it.
I know that I can accomplish anything I choose,
and I refuse to let anything negative hold me back
or stand in my way.
I am not afraid of anything or anyone.
I have strength, power, conviction, and confidence.
I like challenges, and I meet them head-on,
face-to-face, today especially.
I am on top of the world, and I'm going for it.
I have a clear picture in my mind of what I want.
I can see it in front of me.
I know what I want, and I know how to get it.
I know that it's all up to me, and I know I can do it.
Roadblocks don't bother me.
They just mean that I'm alive and running,
and I'm not going to stand still for anything.
I trust myself.
I've got what it takes, plenty of it,
and I know how to use it.
Today, more than ever, today I am unstoppable.
I've got myself together,
and I'm getting more together every day,
and today, look out world, here I come.
Limitations, I don't even recognize them as limitations.
There is no challenge I can't conquer.
There is no wall I can't climb over.
There is no problem I can't defeat
or turn around and make it work for me.
I stand tall.
I am honest and sincere.
I like to deal with people, and they like me.
I think well, and I think clearly.
I am organized.
I am in control of myself and everything about me.
I call my shots, and no one has to call them for me.
I never blame anyone else for the circumstances of my life.
I accept my failings and move past them
as easily as I accept the rewards for my victories.
I never demand perfection of myself,
but I expect the very best of what I have to give,
and that's what I get.
I never give myself excuses.
I get things done on time and in the right way.
Today, I have the inner strength to do more than ever.
I am an exceptional human being.
My goals and my incredible belief in myself
turn my goals into reality.
I have the power to live my journeys.
I believe in them like I believe in myself,
and that belief is so strong
that there is nothing that diminishes my undefeatable spirit.
I know that greatness begins in the minds of the great.
I know that what I believe about myself
is what I will become.
I know that what I believe about myself
is what I will become,
so I believe in the best for myself.
I am practical and realistic,
and I keep my feet on solid ground,
but I also give myself the freedom
to live up to my fullest expectations.
I never limit myself by the short-sighted beliefs of others.
Instead, I open myself up to the broad horizons
of unlimited possibility.
When someone says I cannot, I answer, why not?
When someone says it's impossible,
I answer that nothing is any more impossible
than I believe it to be,
and I truly believe that with my individual fortress of faith
with me, anything is possible.
I have drive, spirit, stamina, and endurance.
I have a good strong winning attitude about myself
and about everything I do.
I am practical and realistic,
but I also believe in the best possible outcome
of any situation.
If I've ever had any doubts about myself in the past,
today is a good day to put them aside.
It's a good day to throw out any disbelief
that ever held me back.
I know that I am headed in the right winning direction,
and I look forward and never look back.
I have the ability to focus on one thing at a time,
so I concentrate my attention on the job at hand,
and I get it done.
Today is one of those days
when nothing can stand in my way.
When I need extra determination, I've got it.
When I need more energy and drive, I've got it.
I've got the power to get it done
and the patience to see it through
no matter what the job or challenge may be.
Right now, even while I'm telling myself
these truths about me,
I know that I can succeed and I am succeeding.
At this moment, if I think of any challenge in front of me,
I know that I will become even more a winner because of it.
I keep my chin up, my head held high,
I look, act, sound, think, and feel
like the winner that I am.
Anytime a problem starts to get me down,
I get myself right back up.
I tackle problems and I solve them.
When frustration or defeat threatens me,
I just become that much stronger, more positive,
better organized, and more determined than ever.
Right now, today, this very moment, I am comfortable.
Absolute self-assurance, self-belief,
and powerful nonstop confidence in myself.
No matter what it is that requires the very best of me,
I can do it and I know I can.
Today is a great day and I've got what it takes.
So I choose to do it right and do it well.
I choose to live today with joy and love.
I know it's all up to me, 100%.
Every bit of it, all of it,
is in how I look at it and what I do about it.
That's what winning is, that's why I am a winner.
I set my sights, I keep my balance,
I don't hesitate, I don't hold back.
I know that the world is full of opportunities.
Look what I can do, look at where I can go,
look at what I can do just by saying yes to myself.
Just look at what I can do today.
I am incredible and today is a great day to show it.
Remember, you are everything that is.
Your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true.
You are everything you choose to be.
You are as unlimited as the endless universe.
Oh yeah, love that.
So yeah, that one you can find just by going to YouTube
and I mean, sorry, going to SoundCloud
and typing in affirmations
or specifically brain reprogramming affirmations
for self-worth.
So like I said, they mentioned depression
or whatever anxiety in there.
Not everything might apply to you,
but 99.99% of that is really great stuff
to be saying out loud in the morning
and feeling it with your body.
And yeah, do check out the 20-minute version
of the Tony Robbins gratitude
because it's like 26 minutes or something like that.
It involves like just going out for a walk
and like doing that incantation.
It's really like taking affirmations to a whole new level
because you're saying it, feeling it
with a lot of confidence
and the way that it's like rhythmic as well.
So incantations we could do
in a future ultimate routine episode,
but I have to figure out a way to be mobile
while we do that.
Actually, you know what, we could
because we've got your phone.
Okay, you know what, we're gonna do this a second.
We're gonna do this on another Saturday,
another tab, another tab.
Okay, we're gonna do the 15-minute version.
And so yeah, all right.
So I encourage if you guys have a laptop,
you can check out the video.
I'm live on Jimmy and Tree Gems right now, I believe.
So you can see this or if you can't do that right now,
it's fine.
I'll just describe to you.
Okay, so when we do this breathing exercise, okay,
you're gonna stretch your hands up
to like touch the sky as high as you can.
And then you're gonna snap your elbows down
so it's like your hands are just to the right
of your ears kind of thing.
So you put both hands up to the sky
and then bring both hands down
where your hands are to the side of your ears kind of thing.
So it's like you're pulling down a bar,
an imaginary bar to the left and right
of your ears kind of thing.
If you wanna see what it looks like,
just check, I'm also live on video right now.
So you can also see.
Okay, I'm about to play this, but y'all, let's grow.
I'm gonna...
Our expression is coming on this.
Sorry, hold on one sec.
Let me grab this band.
All right, here we go.
This is Tony Robbins' priming exercise.
Remember, you are the creator of your life,
not a manager of your circumstance.
Prime yourself, decide what to focus on.
It all starts with your physiology,
the way you use your body, your physical state.
That's why we're gonna start with you.
You're gonna bring the center feet up on the ground,
back straight, uncomfortable, nothing on your lap.
And we're gonna start by three sets of 10 breathing.
Close your eyes, hands come up, here we go.
Stop, hands flat on your lap, put it up.
Just notice what you feel.
You feel some tingling anywhere in your body.
You feel relaxed.
Maybe a little sense of peace.
Just notice what you feel and appreciate it, whatever it is.
Little or big doesn't matter, little is ideal.
All right, your eyes stay closed.
We're gonna do three more sets of 10 and here we go.
Stop, palms face up on your lap, relax.
Just notice what you feel.
Feel any tingling, feel relaxed, maybe a sense of peace.
Three more sets of 10, eyes closed, here we go.
Breathe hard out the nose, up and out.
And stop, palms up on your lap, just feel good.
And now it's time to give ourselves three gifts,
three moments of our life we could feel grateful for,
one at a time, and relive them.
Feel the beauty of it, the joy, the gratitude.
Think of a moment now you could be grateful for,
a little moment or a big moment.
Could have been years ago, could have been today,
could have been weeks ago.
Step into a moment you truly could feel grateful for.
That's it.
Step into your body as if you were there
and see what you saw then now.
Hear what you heard then now.
That's it, that's it.
Feel what you're feeling,
just fill up with the gratitude of that moment.
Breathe the way you breathe and it feels so good.
You might even have an inner smile
that may show up on your face, you never know.
Just take it in and feel so grateful.
Give yourself the gift.
Think of a second moment now
and you could feel deeply grateful for it.
Step into that moment, you should think of it.
Maybe a little moment or a big one,
but anything you could feel really grateful for.
Experience it like it's happening right now.
I feel so grateful for that moment,
the blessing of that moment.
The beauty of it.
Think of a third moment now,
think it feels so grateful for if you really wanted to now.
It's a special moment.
You're grateful for it.
That's it.
See what you saw, like you're there, hear what you heard,
what someone said to you, or what you said to yourself.
Breathe and feel the way we're feeling then now.
Fill up with the gratitude.
Give yourself the gift.
That's it, perfect, perfect.
Just enjoy it.
And revel in it.
Feel the inner smile and joy and appreciation and love.
Now, we're gonna take three minutes
and do that little blessing or prayer.
Imagine, as you breathe, you're taking in white light,
or gold light, or ice blue light
through the top of your head,
like coming out of the universe
through the top of your head,
like coming out of the universe
through the top of your head,
like coming out of the universe
through the crown of your head.
As it comes down, as you breathe in and it goes to your brain,
and it cleans, as it washes, it heals your mind,
your body, your emotions,
your relationships, your life.
As it comes down through the chest,
down through the stomach,
your legs, into the earth, and then back up again.
Leasing it back into the sky.
And bring it down again, that energy.
All the way down through the leg of the ground,
back up again.
Bring it down, filling it up,
making the best part of you stronger, more alive,
more love, more joy, more gratitude.
Bring it back out.
Healing, strengthening the best parts of you,
your courage, your love, your passion.
No way out again.
Down the head, neck, chest,
and back up again.
Down the head, neck, chest,
head, neck, chest, shoulder, stomach, legs, feet,
into the ground, to the center of the earth,
and coming back up the legs, through the chest,
up the top of the head.
One more, do one more.
Enjoy it.
Now bring it down into your heart,
and this time send it like a circle out.
Pour it into those you love most,
and feel them healing their mind, their body,
their emotions, their fears, their anger's healed.
The best part of them being strengthened,
their love, their courage,
their compassion, their joy.
And you feel it fills them up,
and you see the light fill them up,
and you see them smile or feel their joy.
Now the circle expand,
bring it back down through you into your heart again,
and then send it out further, family, friends,
partners, co-workers,
strangers that are lit up by you sending energy
into the middle, you have to know it.
Bring it down again.
Put it through your whole body,
get all the way through your legs,
into the earth, back up again.
Another one from the top through you,
you healing your mind, your body,
your emotions, cleansing it, strengthening you.
The best parts of you, your passion,
your love, your determination, your joy.
Bring it back out again.
Bring it to your heart and send it again
to those you love and those you know
are beginning to love now.
Healing them, strengthening them,
they don't even know it,
it feels so good to give to them,
to see them feel joy, see them heal.
Take in the joy that you could give to them,
they don't even know it.
And then one more time with your whole body,
yourself, into the earth,
and back up through you, up into space.
And then one more time with your heart,
and then one more time with your soul,
strengthening the best parts of you,
really without fear, without worry.
Now we do the third step of priming,
three to five.
What are three outcomes, three goals that you,
no longer goals, you're gonna experience them as done,
and you're gonna celebrate the victory,
see it, feel like it's done,
giving thanks and gratitude that's happened to yourself,
to those that helped you to the universe or God.
Start with one and step in like it's already happened,
and you feel the excitement and the joy in you,
and you're celebrating it, it's done.
Yeah, that's it.
Take in the whole victory, feel it,
breathe it.
If you think for it, and it's done, it's happened,
and you're living it, it's not a dream anymore,
it's a dream, you're living it.
That's it.
Great, great.
That's it.
Think of the second victory now,
a second goal or outcome that's no longer a goal,
you're gonna experience it as done,
full of excitement and gratitude,
you're celebrating that it's done,
that you made it happen, whatever it was you're after,
a significant goal you wanna achieve
in the next six, 12 months, three weeks.
Next week, you can pick anything,
but something that will be a great victory,
and you're not wondering, you're not hoping,
you're not asking, it is done,
and you're celebrating it with gratitude, joy.
Enjoy it.
Yes, give thanks for it.
Finally, one more, the third to thrive.
It's the third outcome, goal, result,
and now it's a result, you've done it.
You're in it celebrating the victory as it's happened,
and you're seeing the impact for yourself
and others you care for,
and you're so grateful for it all,
that it's done, that it finally happened,
that you made it happen,
that you were guided to make it happen,
and you did your part, and you were guided.
Feel how great it is for you and for others.
Now with your eyes closed, reach out with your right hand
and grab any moment in your life you are proud of,
any moment, a little moment of being proud,
or a big moment, bring it into your heart
as it touches your heart, yes!
And feel it explode in your heart like you're there,
that proud moment, once again.
And feel it connect to the things you're grateful for.
So you feel it all at once.
Think of another moment in your life
you could feel proud about, a little moment, or a big one.
It's a proud moment, grab it,
bring it in, have it touch your heart, say yes!
And feel it stacking on all the other great moments
you've already put in your heart today.
You've awakened in your heart, they're already there.
Think of a moment of love, or romance, or sensuality.
From your past, grab a great moment,
bring that into your heart and shout yes inside.
Feel it, enjoy it.
Think of a future moment of romance or sensuality
that will come, a future moment
that will be so exciting and beautiful.
Grab that future moment of intimacy, of joy or love,
bring that in your heart and say yes!
Feel it explode in your heart with all its beauty,
all its joy, all its love, all its excitement.
Yes, that time is coming.
Think of an exciting moment in your life
that's already happened, a moment that was really exciting.
Grab that moment and relive it, bring it in your heart
and say yes as it touches your heart and feel it.
Step in and feel the excitement of that moment,
all over again, enjoy it.
Grab a sacred moment from your life, a sacred moment,
a moment you felt guided, a moment beyond your mind.
Bring that moment in your heart and say yes!
Grab another exciting moment from your future,
one that's coming that's gonna lift you, excite you,
make you feel so alive.
Bring it in to touch your heart and say yes!
Now you have 20 seconds to get any moments
in the past and the future, proud moments,
sexy moments, loving moments, sacred moments, laughter moments,
any moment in the past and future,
bring them in as fast as you want, as fast as you can,
say yes each time it gets there, go!
Stack them all together!
Now just feel them all.
Feel them all in your heart and your soul,
your spirit all at once.
What if life was always happening for you and not to you?
And it looks like it's happening to you,
but it's all happening for you.
What if even the pain and problems were gifts
and you found the meaning and you're free of the pain?
Even if today was a difficult day in your life,
meaning yesterday or days before, weeks or months before,
today is more compelling and tomorrow,
because of this today well-lived, will be a magnificent one.
Find yourself opening your eyes when you're ready,
rising up and stretching slowly when you're ready.
And start to feel the energy you build up,
the energy of all these experiences,
the joy, the happiness, the love, the excitement.
Bring it into your heart!
Feel it, breathe it, experience it, own it.
It's in you, as you, this is the real you.
This is your true nature.
Unencumbered by the survival mind, free to be you.
Free to be the real you, breathe it,
feel its joy, feel its love, feel its excitement,
feel its unlimited nature.
This is your spirit, this is your soul.
This is you unleashed.
All right, so that was the, oh, there we go.
That was the 15-minute version
of the Tony Robbins Priming, aka Gratitude Exercise.
And, oh, here I'm back in, hey.
So like I said, there's a 26-minute version
that involves exercise.
You can do that one while you're doing exercise.
Our yoga instructor of the day is going to pass,
so we'll do that a future Saturday.
I might be doing some, might be a thing on Saturdays.
All right, might do this.
Or other days of the week.
So look, sometimes the schedule can change,
but so make sure you're ringing the bell on the profile
so you don't miss out on future live streams.
Though tomorrow, we are gonna be doing Let's Grow Saturday.
So, or Saturday Grow Day, actually.
There's different names for it.
So now, I think what we will do when we do that one
is also include some form of exercise
and then the reading part,
and then the ascribing activity.
So we're gonna continue this routine.
Yeah, if you can carve out two hours for yourself
in the morning, that is ideal,
but then you can also have a one-hour routine
that we just did, which is getting all the positivity.
So if you can just do one thing,
I recommend that Tony Robbins thing, or a meditation.
But if you can do those three, great.
If you can also involve exercise, reading and scribing,
even better, right?
And what do you scribe about?
I mean, you can write about,
journaling is one thing where you're just getting thoughts
out of, you know, you're sharing,
like getting your thoughts onto paper
is one great way to not repeat those thoughts in your mind.
Because often, you know, we have to like,
our mind thinks we have to remind ourselves
of something over and over again
to repeat those same thoughts.
But if you just get it out of paper, boom, that's one way.
Another great way is like, writing down your goals.
Like, if you spent, you know, 15 or so minutes
just writing down all the different things
that you want, all the goals,
usually there's gonna be one that will pop out at you.
One that like, okay, one that would change your life
more than all the others, right?
So then take a new piece of paper,
write that one goal, you guys can do this right now.
So write that one goal after you spent
like a solid 15 minutes writing down
all the goals you might want, right?
Put that new goal, the one that popped out,
the one that's most meaningful to you
on a fresh sheet of paper, okay?
And now on that piece of paper, write a date
to where you wanna hit this goal.
And then write down all the different things
you would have to do in order to make that happen,
the task list, right?
So just write all the tasks out to hit that goal.
And then every single day, do something towards that goal.
If you do this, your life will change.
This will make a big difference.
This has been strongly recommended
by some really brilliant people.
So try that out for a scribing routine.
You can also write out three things you're grateful for,
for example, I love that like, gratitude,
like reliving the moments, but you could also be
like the little things, you know,
like that you're grateful for,
things that maybe you may not have had in the past,
or the little things you might have now.
You know, there's some depressed billionaires out there,
but if you can find joy and gratitude for the little things
as you're going through the journey and enjoying that,
then life will be all the more meaningful.
Much love.
That is the ultimate routine that I wanted to share
with y'all.
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend,
same time, same place.
I'm gonna be live tomorrow doing Sunday grow day.
So we're gonna be going over the best books
on leadership and marketing.
So if you wanna learn about either of those topics,
then we're gonna be doing book summaries.
I'm gonna be reading out the different chapter
by chapter summaries of some of the best,
most empowering books in the world.
So I'll see you same time, same place tomorrow.
Much love, everybody.
Much love, Nida.
Much love, James.
Much love, Dowsko.
Much love, Chris.
Much love, Will T.
Much love, Kaipi.
Much love, Web3 Plug.
First step, Ja.
And everyone is watching on video
on the various social media platforms.
Much love to you all.
I hope you have a great rest of your days.
But until next time, friends, keep doing what you love,
keep spreading love, and make an impact.