MEDIA EYE SPEAKS EP. 12 with Ashley France

Recorded: Nov. 7, 2022 Duration: 0:57:24



Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, icon. This is your host, thank you. And we're here today with media eye speaks episode 12 with our wonderful guest Ashley France. Good morning, everybody. I hope everybody
these don't wonderful. Hey, Ashley, how are you? Good morning, good morning, everyone. Well, it's afternoon on the east coast, but good morning to all my west coast folks. I'm doing well. So happy to be here. How are you doing today?
Thank you so much, Ashley. I'm doing wonderful. So you're over in Atlanta. Miami.
Miami, oh, you're far east. Lent's time. Yes. Thank you so much for joining us during the lunch hour. Of course. I definitely appreciate it. Of course, of course. Thank you so much for having me.
You're very welcome. So we're excited to have you here, you know, media. I didn't really explain it to you because I always wait to talk to our guests about it when they get here. So essentially what we are is where an ecosystem of different tools and resources for Web 3 creates
We want to keep creativity alive by offering fully automated services for NFTs and any type of NFT ecosystem. If that makes any sense. Yeah, no, it does for sure. On a single platform. So we like to say people time, money and the cost, you know, cost effects of
in the hassle of having to cause because you know that kind of kills creativity when you think about it.
For sure and it definitely could kind of discourage a lot of people to want to get involved because they think things have to be so technical Absolutely, we're trying to make things a little easier for the common creator. We want to keep creativity alive, you know, so we're building we're taking advantage of this very
market before we launch to just you know build connections and introduce not only our community but ourselves to the web 3 and total and I always see you posting on LinkedIn I follow a lot of your posts highly and I thought you would be a wonderful addition
You know our episodic podcast here media. I speak so enough about us Let's jump into everything Ashley France. We want to hear about you. We want to hear everything about you So open up if you can share what you like. Let's tap into your world
I love that. Well, yeah, I guess I'll just give a little bit of background about me. I own a marketing consulting company where I help Web2 brands bridge into the Web3 space for my business development and marketing side as well as helping current Web3 startups and projects with all things digital marketing.
community branding, etc. I'm also a subject matter content creator so across my socials from LinkedIn all the way to TikTok I provide educational content in regards to breaking down the fundamentals of Web 3 as well as just providing the latest like news and information in the Web 3 space.
Wonderful. So as far as consulting and marketing you help people get noticed that have a hard time doing so. So can I assume that you help technical people resonate with the general public? So yeah to a certain extent so mostly now I work with as I mentioned before like corporations and
startups, but before I was working in the Web 3 space, I was working a lot with small business owners and people who have personal brands. And basically, understanding who their ideal target audience is, what their goals are, and how to position themselves online to be perceived as a subject matter expert.
Wonderful. So you tie in a lot of the missing pieces that they needed to address, you know, the public market and whatnot. So that's amazing. I love the aspect of marketing. You know, we've done our fair share of research and development and trying to brand something as comprehensive as our platform.
I'm pretty sure in Web 3 you run into a lot of people who didn't know how to break down their goals.
What is your power? What is your key to getting web 3 to the general public? What is something that you like to do? So every strategy and concept I have, I tailor it directly to my clients needs. So I'm very
good at curating a strategy that is relatable to the audience that they are trying to attract. So as I tell people, if you don't know who you want to market to, there's no way that you'll be able to reach them. You're only going to be reaching just basically a random group of people.
people that you necessarily didn't have in mind. So I have conversations with people all the time saying, you know, who are you trying to interact with? And people say, well, you know, Web 3 space on Twitter, where that's thousands and thousands of people, like you need to be more specific, especially when
it comes to integrating more people into the web 3 space like what type of audience are you trying to attract? Who do you want to party your community because that's super important when it comes to the marketing branding of your product all the way from typography to colors to tone etc.

FAQ on MEDIA EYE SPEAKS EP. 12 with Ashley France | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the podcast host?
The podcast host's name is not mentioned in the recording.
What is the name of the guest on the podcast?
The guest on the podcast is Ashley France.
What is the podcast episode number?
The podcast episode number is 12.
What is the purpose of the podcast?
The purpose of the podcast is to provide tools and resources for web 3 creators and keep creativity alive by offering fully automated services for NFT ecosystems.
Where is the guest located?
The guest is located in Miami.
What is the guest's profession?
The guest is a marketing consultant who helps web 2 brands transition into the web 3.0 space and assists current web 3 startups and projects with digital marketing, community branding, and more.
What is the guest's focus when developing marketing strategies?
The guest's focus when developing marketing strategies is on tailoring them to her client's specific needs and goals, as well as identifying their ideal target audience.
What is the guest's advice for effectively reaching a target audience?
The guest advises that in order to effectively reach a target audience, it is important to first identify who that audience is and tailor marketing strategies to their specific needs and interests.
What is the guest's area of expertise in marketing?
The guest's area of expertise in marketing is helping small business owners and individuals with personal brands, to position themselves as subject matter experts online.
What kind of educational content does the guest provide on social media?
The guest provides educational content on the fundamentals of web 3, as well as the latest news and information in the web 3 space, across all her social media channels from LinkedIn to TikTok.