Recorded: Sept. 2, 2022 Duration: 1:10:42



Hey there I count good morning good morning you guys know the drill we're gonna allow our other members a little bit of time to join us good morning good morning
Good morning, good morning.
Hope everybody's doing wonderful today. We're going to be starting in a few minutes.
We're going to be letting the rest of our team join in.
We're gonna allow everybody a couple of minutes to join us. We'll get started around 10.05 as usual, you know?
Hope everybody's doing wonderful. Hope everybody's, uh...
having a wonderful day. If not, I hope your day gets better.
Good morning, good morning, good morning.
Let's see who's all here. Let's see who's all here. Good morning. All right. I have a few announcements to make in a few new rules that will apply to our winning situation with our Twitter spaces guys. So hold on.
Well, we'll get this started as soon as we let our people so as we get our people gathered we'll get this started
Alright guys, alright guys.
gonna let a few more people join in and we're waiting for our guests currently as well.
All right, all right, all right. Let's see. Let me check and make sure that our guest is joining us.
Give me one second, guys.
Give me one second.
Alright guys, so we're gonna get started. We have our guest on board. I'll be bringing them up now.
before doing so, I have a few announcements to make about our new updated rules and tasks that you'll be following. So we're going to do things a little bit different than before. So if you sent in a question via Google Form Sheet, we will be drawing your names of all
the members out of a hat. And we'll be selecting those questions to ask. And we're only going to ask one question per member. We want everybody to have a fair chance to win. You know, it's unfair if somebody's asking multiple questions because that takes up the time for somebody else. Also, on the
Twitter floor will be doing the exact same thing. So if you request to speak, I'm going to take your name down and I'm going to put it into a hat and I'm going to draw it out and read it all, you know, announce it live here once the questioning begins. So I hope you guys understand that. We just want to keep it fair. And then afterward,
Stay tuned and we'll announce the next tasks for those of you who didn't attend or couldn't attend you may have a chance to win But it's always better to be here alive because it won't always be guaranteed So hang tight. We're gonna bring up Michael So I'll be reading about right now
All right, the floor is yours, my friend. We're gonna be talking here. I've added you as a speaker. Hey, thank you very much for having me.