Meet Octavia: Your Web3 Assistant🎙 $VIA

Recorded: Feb. 17, 2024 Duration: 0:59:48



Hello and welcome to Mobi Media.
I'm Glenn Yehopes. Today we've got joining us Octavia, AI Assistant and Avigia Token.
We'll delve into that more shortly. So I think it's our second spaces we had here on June last year,
so maybe you could give us an introduction and tell us a bit about yourself.
We do two things, building tools to do two things really well. The first one is crypto
moderation. So moderation for crypto communities in terms of telegram and discord. So we've built
an AI that can determine the intent of any message that comes in through a telegram and discord and
then moderate based on that. So if someone comes in and they're like, ah, devs are rugging trying
to stir up some fud, we can determine that that's fud and delete it within 150 milliseconds. But if
someone comes in and they're like, oh, don't worry devs won't rug. That's fine. Because it's not
based on words, it's based on AI and intent. That's one side of what we're building. And the other
side is AI is the crypto assistant, which is a lot more interesting for B2C users. And that's
basically being built in three stages. The first stage is read. So being able to get information
from the chain and from the web and do really good research, sort of like a tat dpt. Then we're
focusing on write, which is making actions on the chain. So being able to ask Octavia to buy some
tokens, that kind of thing. And then automate, which is the whole idea behind that is pairing
those two things together. So doing research and then trading based on it. So say you really
want to buy the fan token of where we'll wins the World Cup. You go Octavia, whoever wins the World
Cup, buy me their fan token. And then Octavia will go out and then constantly monitor. And as soon as
we know, it'll go out and do that action. And that's really going to be killer because you'll
be able to say things like, buy me $500 worth of Bitcoin when the ETF gets approved or
buy me or sell my BNB if any negative regulatory news comes out about Binance,
that kind of thing. So we're really excited for that.
Sorry, I was on mute. Yeah. So can you explain how Octavia differentiates from other AI
assistants in the crypto space? I was playing with it last year. It seemed really advanced
and really cool. And what you sort of been building over the last six months with Octavia AI.
Yeah. So we've been building over the last six to nine months, depending on what specifically
we've been building. But the system has been improving over time in terms of being able to
get information off the chain. So you can ask it a thing. You can ask it a full question about
three different tokens in one question. You could ask about 14 different tokens in one question.
And that was to give you an accurate answer for all of them. So we're really excited about how
we're building that out. I'm sorry. I didn't catch a whole question.
Yeah. The first one was, can you explain how Octavia differentiates from other AI assistants
in the crypto space? Yeah. So I guess I don't want to talk too much about competitors. But one of
the things we're doing that's completely unique is that automation. So being able to pair research
with trading. So as I mentioned, all these other examples, but can you sell me enough of my Ethereum
so that I can buy this car or whatever needs to happen to be able to actually execute an action
and be your assistant? And how does Octavia ensure the accuracy and reliability of the
information it retrieves from the internet and blockchain? Yeah. So what we do is we have a list
of websites that are approved. There's a million on them. Basically, the list of popular websites
that are more or less reliable. And we're basically whitelisting those in terms of
reliability. So if Octavia is actually taking action, make sure that it's based on one of those
websites having that information. I was reading the white paper, and I was wondering how Octavia
personalizes its assistance based on user preferences and interactions over time.
Yeah. So Octavia has a memory, and there's three types of memory. So when you're using your
system, there's a global memory, which is kind of like if Octavia goes out and just does some
research on, for example, Binance, and then finds out that CZ is no longer the CEO of Binance. It'll
save that in its memory so that it knows that for any relevant future conversation that it might not
need. It might not be doing specific research on CZ and notice that when it's doing its research
elsewhere, so it needs to have that in its memory. So we have global memory for that. Then
we have the user's local memory. So if the user says something like, I really prefer it when you
write my tweets with these specific emojis, it'll save that into memory. And then whenever the user
is talking about tweeting, it'll recall that from memory so that if the user asks it to write it
some tweets, it'll have that sort of memorized. And what we're working on and building out is
memory decay as well. So being able to replace memories with other memories and also having like
a decay over time so that more recent information is obviously
preferenced. Got you. And can Octavia provide real-time updates on blockchain transactions
and crypto market trends? Yeah, so we get instant prices. You could ask Octavia,
if I bought a hundred dollars worth of Bitcoin three days ago, how much will I have now? Those
sort of questions. So we get instant information from the chain. And how does Octavia interpret
and explain complex blockchain transactions to users who may not have technical backgrounds,
sort of you've got educational resources for people new to crypto or using the Octavia AI?
So the AI understands the transaction itself and then is able to explain it.
However, the user needs to explain to them. If they want to deep dive explanation, then they can
ask for a technical explanation of transaction or they'll just be able to ask for, explain
this transaction to me simply. I'll put this in simple terms and then send the transaction
hash through. We're activating that module in the coming weeks.
Great. And so how does Octavia's inbuilt AI memory work to improve its service over time?
Can you provide like an example of how it adapts to a user's needs?
Yeah, so like I mentioned with the Twitter example, being able to tell it your preferences
will make it recall those preferences in future whenever it's doing things relating to what you
prefer. So if you like your stuff styled a certain way when you're getting information,
it'll continue to do that in the future. That's really what we're building, being able to
customize Octavia and also have it remember those things over time.
Are there any limitations to what Octavia can learn or adapt to in terms of user preferences
and behaviors? We don't let your version of Octavia affect other people's. So if you try to
interject in someone else's conversation and things like that on public groups, we make sure
those conversations are wholly separate. I guess that's a big limitation. It's mostly for security
and privacy. I wouldn't say there's too many limitations. It's more in how effective it is
and we're making it more effective over time. Got you. And could you provide examples of how
users have successfully used Octavia for research, trading or other crypto related activities?
Yeah, so when it comes to the research, Octavia is able to get the information really fast. So
I've seen people go like, hey, why did Bitcoin just dump? And then Octavia goes out and does the
research, comes back, gives you the answer. So I've seen that happen quite a few times.
Usually when market moves or there's some big news and not everyone has it completely covered,
Octavia is really good at visiting multiple websites to get the information. So it kind
of gives you a clearer picture and a more comprehensive picture than just visiting one
site would do. Great. And so Octavia, does it have capabilities for tasks outside of the crypto?
Yeah, so we're not explicitly limiting Octavia to crypto. We're not building any non-crypto
specific features for now, but web research is very generic. So you can use it for any kind of
topic. We're not trying to limit you in any way. If our DAO and our governance decides that they
want to add, for example, Etoro support through an API or something, then we would offer that.
Okay. And sort of what measures are in place to ensure user data privacy and security,
especially when Octavia is connected to users wallets?
Yeah. So we're going to make sure everything part of Octavia is fully audited before we start
allowing people to connect their wallets directly. And in the interim, between then and now,
I will allow people to connect their wallets via like a Binance API. So Octavia will only be able
to trade on your behalf. That's just making sure we ensure security for our customers.
Additionally to that, as I mentioned, your Octavia is yours. It separates everyone else's.
So you won't see cross-pollination of chats or anything like that, which will keep everyone
secure. And is it free to use? Do you need to have some of the via token? How does it,
is it like a free and paid version or a subscription? How does it work for users?
Yeah. So it's a freemium. The assistant is a premium model. And the moderation AI is a
pay-to-use model. So you'll be able to access Octavia, do research with Octavia for free.
But if you want to use the automation features where you'll be able to say,
buy me some Bitcoin if this specific event happens or those sort of queries,
that'll be a premium option. You'll be able to pay that for that with a VR.
I see. And how does Octavia handle authentication,
especially in environments like Discord and Telegram?
Yeah. So you'll be logging into the Octavia web app for the first time. You can use Octavia
for free without logging into the web app. You can always talk to Octavia on the Discord and
Telegram. But once you want to actually use some of the more advanced features,
Connector Wallet, that kind of thing, you'll need to log onto the Octavia web app,
which then you'll be able to sync your accounts across. And then Octavia will not see you
regardless of where you're at. I don't know whether you'd finish there or cut out.
So how does the VR token enhance the user's experience with Octavia? Can you explain
the stake in governing some premium features in more details?
Yeah. So we have what's called the Octavia Flywheel. And it's essentially a system that
brings VR into the ecosystem, like new VR that has just been purchased,
and also distributes amongst the holders and the stakeholders in our community.
Basically, we have with the paid product in terms of revenue, a portion of that revenue
goes to the DAO, which gets distributed algorithmically amongst our token holders.
Additionally, we have the premium features for the Assistant, which will also have a portion of
that distributed, which is 50% for the first year. Beyond that, we have our train to earn program,
which basically you can assist in improving Octavia's outputs. And by doing that, you can
earn VR tokens. There are a few more other programs, but it basically all contributes to
this Flywheel effect that drives demand, ultimately drives demand for the token,
which we're really proud about.
And you mentioned a train to earn, so how does that benefit both the user and Octavia's
AI development?
Yeah, so basically, you'll be able to log into our system and vote on what the best
response would have been in the situation. So say we're trying to improve our moderation,
for example, we might give you a really, really weird edge case where like someone's message like,
um, where someone misses something, and then basically we'll determine whether that would
have violated a rule or not. And then that will be used to improve the model. In other cases,
we'll say, you know, if someone messaged this, and then we saw this information, say we found out
that this happened on the web, would the appropriate response be to do XYZ? So these things,
those sort of feedbacks will help us improve the models, and also ultimately lead to more
usage of Octavia because Octavia gets better over time,
and also reward the users who participate in the programs.
Great. What are some creative ways users have interacted with Octavia?
AI, could you share any interest in stories or use cases?
Yeah, there's been some funny ones. I guess for the moment, we're in alpha. So
um, it's been very interesting watching people interact with a new AI that can go out and get
information from the chain. People have also been getting it to do, it can generate images
and do all sorts of different things. So people have been having a lot of fun having it generate
images for them, based on things that it does research for. So they go like, go research this
and draw me an image what you find. So those sort of interesting, like, things that I wouldn't have
expected people to do. Yeah, we've been watching people try to break it, and then finding out how
they've broken it, and then like, improving that specific feature, because we never intended people
to use it that way. So yeah, just improving it over time has been really, really interesting for us.
Okay, and how can the community get involved with Octavia's development? You sort of touched on
it there, are there opportunities for users to contribute feedback or participate in beta testing?
Yeah, so come visit us on forward slash Octavia AI, or on our discord, which is forward slash Octavia. And that, that, yeah, so Octavia is active in the chat,
you just write the word Octavia, and then whatever your question is, and Octavia will
chat to you. Octavia also moderates the chat, so you can't fard or send spam,
they'll send like a shilling message or that kind of thing. And then we also have a moderation
rolling out, which is for communities and for crypto projects, and they can sign up at
Octavia.1 forward slash moderation, and that will allow them to try Octavia within their actual group.
Got you. And sort of what future enhancements are planned for Octavia,
how will these improvements expand its capabilities or user experience?
Yeah, so we're continuing to build out moderation, we're getting better at moderation. So we'll be
doing sentiment analysis across the whole ecosystem, and then we'll also allow,
so for communities specifically, we'll allow them to see how the community is performing versus
other communities, if it's more bullish or bearish, if they're getting more support requests than
usual, that kind of thing, which will help them allocate resources and ultimately provide better
services to their customers. Secondly, Octavia is an assistant within a group. So Octavia is
constantly able to answer questions based on your knowledge base, which is basically a
documentation. So we're improving that over time as well to make that an even more seamless
experience. Now, in terms of assistant, really getting trading out and being able to be able to
do those conditional orders for real life, which we're really excited about is like key for us,
that's going to be our priorities. And how does the Octavia team plan to stay
ahead of rapidly evolving blockchain technologies and maintain its quit and edge status?
Yeah, look, we have a first move advantage. That's definitely true. And taking advantage of that
and making sure we move fast, not just move first is important to us. So that's basically our main
strategy is to move fast and first. Great. And is it linked to chat GPT? Is it built standalone
on itself in the AI? So there's different. So when you talk to Octavia, there's multiple models
that get involved. Sometimes it will be chat GPT that gets involved, but it's not the whole
process. So if you had a message like asking for a price from Bitcoin, we have a blockchain AI
that goes and fetches whatever you need from the blockchain that isn't built on chat GPT. It's
completely our own model. Moderation is entirely our own model. At the moment, we're using chat GPT
just for a few things. We use llama2 to construct a response. So there's lots of different parts in
the process. And you sort of mentioned trading. Is it going to expand into a trading AI bot as well
in the future where it will track coins and try and make investors money early into new promising
projects? Look, at the moment, we focus on doing what you ask of it. So if you ask it to go and
watch something and then buy it as soon as something happens, that's what we focus on
in the future. Who's to say? I mean, our roadmap is only out to the end of this year because for
the exact reason that AI changes so fast, if it becomes reasonable for us to do that, then yeah,
we'll start doing that. Got you. And sort of how do you market the Octavia AI through Telegram,
through Twitter, through marketing campaigns? How have you been promoting it over the last six months?
Yeah, we've been... Sorry.
So yeah, just how have you been promoting it in the last six months and into the future?
Yeah, so we've been on Herbie campaign and that's kind of shown in our audio results.
One of the big things, like all the traditional stuff, Twitter KOLs, influencers, advertising,
just like general stuff that you would do for any crypto project. But additionally,
getting Octavia into multiple groups has been really instrumental for us. Getting Octavia to...
We're in 50 groups right now in terms of... So that's reaching about 150,000 members.
So we're really excited to get that to about 200 by the end of the month.
Got you. And sort of, you know, how are you expanding the AI, Octavia AI into the future?
And sort of how is its learning capabilities attached to the AI? Because it's got a memory,
you were saying that. Could you dive into that a bit more?
Yeah, so the memory basically allows us to keep up to date with what everyone in the world.
So if someone does some research and Octavia finds out something that it didn't already know,
it saves up the memory. And then it's able to recall those memories. So this is how we're able
to be absolutely up to date all the time. So as more people use it, the memory gets better.
And how up to date and how fresh it is on every topic is even more improved.
So it's kind of tied to usage. Additionally, we'll be making the memory system even better
over time as we learn the best ways for it. And can you tell us more about the team at the Gotlight
backgrounds in AI and blockchain technology? Yeah, so we've employed two blockchain developers,
sorry, AI, machine learning developers who have specific backgrounds in it.
One thing we're not doing is boxing our team, because it's a very competitive market in terms
of hiring. And we want to be as competitive as it can be. But we have excellent people working on
this. And I mean, it shows in the product. Got you. And how do you ensure Octavia's secure
connection to both the internet and blockchain and what measures are in place to protect users' data?
Yeah, it really comes down to audits and making sure that the methods we use are
are the correct methods and not trying to be fast or quick about it. That's why we're not rushing to
releasing training. We're building everything as we need to, and then we'll go get it all audited,
the whole process, all the AIs, the entire connection, and then we'll be confident enough
to start connecting that up and then releasing that. Got you. And do you have like a governance
model on the token for the community and what sort of things are they able to vote on?
Yeah, so the community will be able to vote on the ability, like on proposals in terms of
our development. So you'll be able to say, I want this feature sooner rather than later.
And then we'll adjust our roadmap, but our development priorities for that.
So there's a lot, so the community will definitely be, is already really a big part of our project
and making sure that we're always listening to the community because ultimately Octavia is
only good if you use it, right? So making sure that people want, you get some features that people
want to use is super important to us. Got you. And on that note, so can users request custom
functionalities or integrations? And if so, how does that process work?
So yeah, by our governance, they'll be able to request specific, they'll be able to raise
a governance request for development towards something and then we'll either accept it as
possible or save it as not possible. And then provided it's possible, it'll go to vote. And
if it's accepted, then we'll focus on that. Got you. And what support and resources are
available for new users to get started with using Octavia effectively.
Yeah. So it's important for us that like any AI, it's very, what's the word?
Self-explanatory in terms of how to use it. But we do have documentation at
to make sure that everything is well-documented and that any functionality is easy to understand.
Okay. Let's go to a couple of questions. Let's see, we've got Captain Levi here,
you had a question for Veer on that. Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah. Thanks, Glenn. I'm really precise, high precision answers to the questions.
I just have a couple more on my end. I'm looking at your white paper now. And I am seeing that
you made a statement that said you combined different models when integrating and building
this awesome particular application. I wanted asking, for starters, if you're concurrently using
these heavy language models for fine tuning Octavia, which I must say, I'm with a couple
of committees that are using the app. And I think the committee members find it's really fun
interacting with it. To tell is the API is because from my understanding of using large language text
models, there is a problem of tokens where payments are made based on how many tokens are done.
And I understand that Octavia usually has, I observe rather, that Octavia has a cup,
so how many sentences and how many words it uses to answer each conversation, depending on the
prompts of the questions. Please, could you tell us how this works and how is it that you guys are
able to integrate using those two language models as well? You're coming out a little bit, but I
think I understood your question. How do we choose what models to use? That's a good question.
And the answer is we use a smaller model to determine the models we should use. So basically,
we train this model, which is called the classifier, on about 20,000 examples of messages to Octavia.
And it basically instructs the system to use different models for each thing. So if it's
different sets of models, sorry. So if what we determine is you just want to do a... You're
having a good day and you just want to send Octavia a message like, hey, draw me a picture of a car.
And it's just a basic thing. We determine that's just a drawing request and we send it to
two models. One, chat dbt for the response. And then two, a custom model we have, which generates
the prompt for the image and then stable diffusion, which generates the image itself.
And then we send it all back to the user. If they are something more advanced, they're like,
hey, Octavia, what's an all-time high Bitcoin and the price of Ethereum? We have a...
We know it's a price request and then we go out and we actually activate a few different models.
So one, we activate the model that determines what to fetch from the chain,
which will determine what to fetch from the chain. And then we activate our llama2 model
to generate the response. So yeah, to put that all together into an answer. We also have a kind
of like an escape hatch. So if we, if the classifier got it wrong and more advanced,
that model can catch it and try to send it to the correct place. And it works pretty well.
That's really awesome. As a matter of fact, my current profile picture is completely generated
but I wonder how some people keep thinking that. I use Glenda to do it myself. So it's really
innovative. It's kind of pretty awesome, I must say. The next question I actually have is still
regarding use cases in the communities. Now you did make mention of something a while ago that
Octavia can actually fine tune to the community's perspectives.
Asides, crypto enthusiasts communities can project communities half and integrated
in custom version of Octavia and what requirements must be missed first. Everybody can think of doing this.
I'm sorry, you're cutting in and out. I can't catch your questions in full.
Do anyone else catch that? How do you want to repeat that, Venice?
Okay, my check. Can you guys hear me?
Yeah, I'm cutting in a minute. All right, sorry about that. I'm on cellular.
Why the Wi-Fi isn't really reaching. I was asking, making custom versions of Octavia
for different types of crypto communities. Of course with the blockchain thing and the crypto
thing, we have different grids of crypto communities and it can be so categorized into two.
The first being crypto enthusiastic communities where people learn about different projects
and even the project communities themselves. Are there custom versions of Octavia that
can be made for these two categories of communities and what requirements must they
meet before they can integrate Octavia into their system?
Yeah, so I didn't catch your whole question again because you are cutting in and out but
basically we have the ability to customize a knowledge base for Octavia. So you upload your
documentation, any white paper, any information at all really about your project and your project
name, the ticker, the websites, all that kind of thing. And Octavia is able to remember that.
It's not entirely a custom version. It's still the same version. It's just that its memory has
been replaced. So its global memory has been replaced with your project so it knows everything
about your project. That's kind of how it works. Would we want to go to another question?
Yeah, yeah. Since I'm actually having a problem with my connection,
I think that'll be all the questions from my end. I only wanted asking about
that personality cause that you guys are building. Well maybe I'll need to ask that in your groups.
So I really hope that I get the answers there. The personality cause, sorry you are cutting in
and out but I did hear personality cause and I did hear you're curious about them. They're basically
just a fun thing that adjusts the personality a little bit. It's an NFT for some of our early
supporters. So I think there'll be one last opportunity at some but yeah, it's just a little
bit of fun. Okay, let's move on. We didn't actually touch on in what ways can users interact with
Octavia is a voice commands text input and which platforms are you on. I know you're on
Discord, Telegram, what she integrated with. You're on me. Sorry, it's been funny.
Yeah, so we're in Telegram and Discord at the moment. We'll add more platforms as required
and also API access for communities to be able to integrate into their platform. So I'm thinking
games might want to in-game chat. It gets moderated. They might want to support bot on
the website, that kind of thing. Additionally, yeah, so we'll have the Octavia web app. We'll
eventually have a mobile app and beyond that, it's really up to the community.
And I was sort of interested in understanding the server infrastructure of Octavia. Could you share
insights on the servers Octavia is deployed on such as whether you utilize AWS servers?
Yeah, so we're deployed on Microsoft Azure at the moment. We'll be migrating
across to a different option for our GPUs, but it's all hosted on the east coast of the US.
Are you looking to sort of expand to different regional servers to optimize performance and
reduce latency for users around the world? Well, the issue is more...
AWS is pretty central. It's 150 milliseconds to Australia. It's about the same to the Europe.
It's only about 70 milliseconds to the western US. So latency is more caused by the fact we actually
have to run these through multiple language models. Yeah, so it's more a thing of just making sure
efficient spending invested money correctly and wisely on efficient hardware.
Got you. And what's the scalability of how many users you can have? Would you expand into
more sort of expanding the servers as it grows Octavia AI?
Yeah, so we will expand servers within the data center. Probably one called
international or anything. I don't see a real use for having multiple countries.
Okay, let's go back to the audience. Let's see if we've got Venice here.
You have a question for Xavier AI and the show can go ahead.
Yeah, thank you so much. Okay, I have been listening and I must say that Octavia,
you guys are doing really great because I didn't see the bot training. Everything you guys have is
really impressive. Okay, I have a couple of the questions. While I was going through your
roadmap, it mentions plans for AI auto ban to detect and ban paid for it and shell accounts.
It caught me thinking that how does Octavia differentiate between genuine concerns and
legitimate discussions from fight or shilling attempts?
Yeah, so that's a really good question. Basically, we have Octavia deployed into 50 groups,
so we can see what people are doing across 50 different groups. Once we get to 200, 300,
well, then we start getting a number, right? So if you come into a group and you send your,
if you start spamming your token in there and then you come into another group and you start doing
that, then we kind of can build a pattern. We can say, oh, this person's just a shiller.
If you come in and you're fighting a token here and then you're fighting a token over there and
then you're fighting a token over here, and you're not doing anything else and you're not having
normal conversation, well, we can probably tell you a paid product, right? So we can kind of
develop models for how people act. Okay, that's really impressive. And one more thing. Will users
who consistently provide valuable feedback through that train to earn program have the
opportunity to establish a profile showcasing their reputation? I think this profile could
serve as a reference for other projects interested in collaborating with experienced users,
inviting them to participate in activities such as beta testing new features or offering input or
on future roadmap discussions? Yeah, so that's a really interesting idea. But I don't want to
reveal everyone's score because we'll determine the score and take action on people based on
score. So say, for example, if you came into a group, you're accusing someone of
ragging, but we know that you're a really respectable and reputable person. You spent
years in the communities. You basically never break the rules ever. And you've done it once
this time. We're probably going to let you slide, right? We're going to be like, oh, maybe something
actually is going on here. So we don't want people to like, I don't know, I don't know,
I don't want people to be able to game it or try to like, change their scores, because we'll
obviously not want that. Okay. Because I think that some projects might need some experience or
they might need some people with experience or knowledge or so that they can make an informed
regarding the feedback. That's why I thought that idea would work. Okay, now moving to my next
question. I was also wondering, how do you guys demand abuse or exploitation of the train to
earn programs such as spamming or submitting low quality feedback? And what payers are in place to
address instances of misconduct or violation of program rules? So can you repeat the last part
of the question? Yeah, I was saying that if you guys have any measures in place to address
instances of misconduct that people want to exploit that train to earn program to earn more
money from this program. Yeah, that's a good point. We don't want to trust people too much.
So basically, we'll give you a reputation on that as well, based on how much,
how likely you are to agree with other users. And we'll also have new users be on a bit more
appropriation. And anyone found to be abusing it will be caught more or less. And then they
just won't get their tokens. We'll also have any tokens in the train to earn to be on a delay.
To say you earn some tokens today, you can't withdraw them for about a week. That means that
that means that we have time to moderate. Make sure you weren't just like clicking,
clicking, clicking without considering the options.
Yeah, that's really impressive.
Can you hear me? Yeah, I think you could sound better, but you're back now.
Yeah, okay. I have a question regarding the repair option of the NFTs
in the scenario where a user cannot find another personality core NFT of the same quality and
condition to repair their core. What alternatives do they have to maintain the integrity and
functionality of the NFT, considering the potential risk of burning the repairing core
or reducing its quality if not burned?
You're on mute there on the Adobe account. Sorry, sorry. The NFTs are just a fun. So if you want to
risk it for the risk and try to earn something cool, you're more than welcome to, but it's just
a bunch of fun. I wouldn't think about it too hard. Does that make sense?
Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. I was muted. I was talking. Okay. I have one last question.
I want to know that can users set specific parameters within Octavia's NFT tokens feature
like you guys have mentioned multiple case studies for Octavia and one is a pin to tokens for the
pre-sale. So I wanted to know that can users set specific parameters within Octavia,
a pin tokens features such as defining a soft cap or target amount to trigger automated token
purchases during pre-sales? Yeah, so that'll be possible, but that will obviously happen
once we release those features. So I'll have more to say about that later on.
Okay. Yeah, I agree with you. And yeah, thank you so much for answering my all questions.
Thank you. It's been really play talking to you. Yeah, no worries. Have a good one.
Thanks for the questions, Venice. I was wondering, we didn't sort of touch on
the business model of the via token Octavia AI. What will the profits be used for in the future
from Octavia AI? Would it be like buy back and burns on the token? Would it be for marketing?
Yeah, so it's a it's a good thing you brought that up. So basically, our focus is making sure that
the heart of all profits go back to the ecosystem in the first period. Yeah.
Okay, let's go to another question. I see we've got
I wish you still speak to sorry. Yeah, it puts out there. Sorry,
I meant it was 12 months. Beyond that, we'll end up for a governance vote. We'll make sure that
it's all it's all appropriately managed. Okay, let's go to 90. You had a question. Go ahead.
Yeah, thank you, Glenn. You guys offer personality core NFTs with varying attributes. How might the
concept of NFT driven personality customization extend beyond AI assistance, influencing user
interaction and experience in virtual worlds, gaming and social platforms?
I'm so sorry, you cut out a little bit for me that
can you repeat that?
Yeah, can you hear me? Yeah. Okay, you guys offer personality core NFTs with varying attributes.
How might the concept of NFT driven personality customization extend beyond AI,
AI assistance influencing user interaction and experience in virtual worlds, gaming and social
platforms? Hi, can you hear me? Are you there? I'm not sure if Octavia, did you hear the question?
We could have might have lost our connection there. Let's see. We've got Asha here. Did you
have a question? Ask it and then we'll see if the Octavia accounts back online.
We seem to have lost the Octavia account and maybe if you reconnect, it's not coming
through for me. Can anyone else hear on the Octavia account? It seems Twitter's
no plane. I can't hear Octavia as well.
Oh, Twitter lately has been quite buggy. Oh, we've got the Octavia account. We're
questioning getting our lab done as a speaker. Are you coming through now on the Octavia account?
Twitter's really buggy today by looks of it. Did you hear Nida's question or should I ask her to
repeat that? Not a lot now. Okay, Nida, do you want to repeat your question?
How could the idea of using NFTs to customize personalities extend beyond AI assistance
impacting interactions and experience in virtual worlds, gaming and social platforms?
Yeah, so it's important for us to remember that the NFT that we're offering is specifically for
just for fun. It's nothing too crazy. We're not trying to go
do any personality aside of anything we're doing long term. We just focused on
promoting our users to come early.
Did you get that Nida? Yeah, I have another one. Okay, go ahead.
With the concept of train to earn, users can contribute to Octavia's development
and earn rewards. Could this model be expanded to incentivize collaborative
AI research and development efforts fostering innovation in the broader AI community?
Yeah, look, our train to earn platform is very specifically just for us. We're not trying to
Yeah, we're not trying to build anything that's multi usable for anyone else really,
it's just trying to make Octavia better.
Okay, one last question from my side. Octavia's AI memory allows it to learn about users and their
preferences over time. How do you guys ensure that this learning process remains transparent
and user controlled? Also, is there any more more that if people don't want Octavia to remember
their commands or interaction? Yes, we do have a privacy mode. It's very important to preserve
users' privacy. So if you ever want to, yeah, if you're concerned about it, you can always use
incognito mode and incognito mode, we won't be saving any of the tasks.
Okay, thanks for the questions, Naid. And I was wondering, are there any upcoming features
or updates for Octavia that users can look forward to?
Yeah, so we're coming up to our TVA, which is our second generation event from Octavia.
We've just done our idea with Octavia, which was hugely successful. So that was in six seconds.
So yeah, we're coming up to IDO and past IDO, we'll just be focusing on development. So
everything I've kind of talked about. Okay, and how do you envision the evolution of Octavia
in the next few years, especially concerning advancements in AI and blockchain technology?
Yeah, it's really hard. It's really hard to sort of predict the future with AI.
I think if we could, it would make a lot of money.
Yeah. So that's why we're our roadmap is only one year long. Look, I really want to be able to
say to Octavia buy me this token when this thing happens by the end of the year, that's my ultimate
goal. And then past that, we'll just be making Octavia better. And obviously, I've come up
with more things between now and then. But for now, our focus is that one's in your goal.
Got you. And in terms of the wallet integration, does Octavia support a wide range of cryptocurrency
wallets? And what steps are taken to ensure compatibility with various wallet types and
protocols to accommodate a diverse user base? You're on mute there.
Yeah, so we're focused on at least supporting Binance as our main option
for trading. And then we'll ultimately offer more protocols as time goes on. So we'll then
bring it to Ethereum as our time. So the first one is API for training, and then Ethereum,
and then DSC, and then other chains are EVM, and then more in the future.
I see. And what projects or partnerships do you have in the crypto space? So I was reading about
BlockVerse Capital could provide more details on the nature of support. Octavia is receiving from
BlockVerse Capital. Yeah, so we have a bunch of advisors, a bunch of VC Capital. I believe
BlockVerse Capital is mainly providing VC Capital. They provide us with a bunch of useful advice,
though. I think all our advisors are super useful in terms of getting us a good picture of how
the market works, how the market should work. Yeah.
On your pitch deck, I was seeing you looking to extend Octavia's moderation services to
non-crypto communities. Is that to feel wider adoption and revenue growth?
Yeah, so making sure that we're getting more communities and then now
expand the services we offer within those. So we'll be offering moderation if it still is
month-first, and then we'll be offering more advanced moderation and more advanced analytics
stuff for a little bit more. So really, we'll try to capture the majority of the crypto market,
and then we'll try to capitalize on our market share to try to increase the revenue per user.
And sort of around crypto with Octavia, I can scan smart contracts and analyze projects,
social media accounts to proactively identify and prevent fraudulent activities in the crypto market.
Yeah, and that's really where we're really powerful in terms of getting all that data and
getting all that data from all those different groups. We're able to determine,
sort of detect issues across the ecosystem. So if there's issues where there's a group of people
who are engaging in negative behavior, we can detect that across the whole ecosystem,
instead of just trying to spot it on an individual basis.
Got you. We'll call it a lot today. I don't know if there's anything we haven't discussed you wanted
to tell the audience about today, or we can do a recap over everything we've discussed today
about Octavia token and Octavia AI. Yeah, so I think the main thing I want to reiterate is our
downmaker sale is now open, so come check us out at It's the first
sale there, Octavia, and that is currently a stronghold for us. We need downmaker tokens for
that. We've got Decubate going live tomorrow. Decubate sale with 150,000, I believe an allocation
of 200, I think it's 150. And then we have our Pools Finance sale also going live the following
day, and you can register for that now on, and you'll just need between
one and 250, between at least one pool x token. And yeah, you can get involved in the other way.
Hello. Thank you for having me. Yeah, sorry. Triples and IP. Yeah, you had a question. Go ahead.
Yeah, please. My question is, I want to know what are the challenges that Octavia is
facing in this project? Thank you.
I mean, we face every challenge that the normal group of players face. We're also facing
obviously AI-related challenges, but we're reaching those where, as you can see, our product
is excellent. I'm not sure this is coming on. I think we're good to wrap up.
Okay, well, thanks very much everyone for coming today. There's a lot involved with Octavia AI.
It's very powerful. So if anyone wants to check it out on Telegram or Discord, you can get to the
socials from the Ontario account here. It's been great speaking today. I'm looking forward to the
future for the team and community. As we say, you know, well coined talks for research and
education. It's not financial advice, but if you want to find out more, talk to the team or go to
the website or go to the socials and learn more about Octavia AI. And thank you very much for
coming today. Yeah, thanks so much for having me today. I really appreciate it. I'm so sorry
about the delay. It's so many issues to expect. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, Twitter has been quite buggy
today. Take care, everyone.