Meet the all-star Hollywood team behind the SuperCrip NFT project

Recorded: April 13, 2023 Duration: 1:04:10



Michael's saying, "Hey to everybody." - Hello, hello, we're just getting everybody up on stage. Just bear with us and I'll kick off in about a minute. Thank you. - Great, perfect, thanks.
All right, this is amazing. Twitter space that actually is going to start on time. Fantastic. So thank you all for joining us. I am coming at you from Miami Beach today, home of Bitcoin 2023, which is a mere 10 minute walk from my place.
Today is super-crip NFT edition of Crypto is community hosted by our best friends here at the Diffinity Foundation. If it runs on a blockchain, we talk about it every week in this space. And we are a blockchain inclusive space. That means, although we do give preference to people and projects, building on the Internet computer
protocol. We do love to feature folks building across the entirety of Web 3. We want to get Alpha from all chains. So remember to follow the Firmity and follow our feature guests. They're going to be speaking today. If you enjoy the space, also please show us some love. Retweet it, take your friends. We love replays.
All right, back by popular demand in the co-host space is ICP Jesse. He is the creator of the almost famous but certainly infamous taco NFTs which can be collected on the ICP blockchain. Jesse, how are things in Los Angeles today? Hey, you fake it till you make it. It is the world
The world's largest taco NFT project. The competition is little tiny tequitos and unfilled tortillas. We're very proud of our accomplishments here over at Taco NFT Land. But I'm doing great. I am thrilled to be here. I am super excited to talk to our guest today. But let's jump right into it well.
Yeah, fantastic. Well, speaking of Los Angeles, we definitely have a Los Angeles connection. We are joined by the founding team of the SuperCrip NFT project. SuperCrip is creating NFTs that propel those with disabilities to the big screen. So we're going to explore the projects I would say groundbreaking NFT utility with our distinctly
And that includes Drumroll, please. Randall Miller, who is the founder of the SuperCrip NFT project. He's a well-known writer/director/producer of feature films. We have with his actor Tobias Forrest, who's also an actor in the project, Anna Producer, Michael Davis, who's behind the Art of the NFT collection. I think we have Jody Savin,
with us who is the producer of Super Crypto Movie and last but not least we have Steve McGyber who we affectionately call Mac. He is the head tech advisor and co-founder of this amazing project so please hit that heart or fist emoji button as we welcome each guest to the stage. But let's start out saying hi to
to Randall Miller. Randi, a huge, huge portion of the population has some sort of a facility yet 1% of our performers in movies are persons with disabilities. What's going on here and how can NFTs help fix it? Well, we know it's a problem that's been going on for years and years.
know, and the problem is that you have 26% of the population today has some form of a disability and yet less than 1% of the people portrayed in movies have some form of disability. And of those, it's something like, I mean, Toby can speak to it, but it's very small
portion of people that actually have disabilities that portray characters with disabilities and movies. So we thought let's do something a little different. Let's create this NFT project to not only help support this movie that we're trying to do, but also to sort of see if we can create scholarships and other ways
to help fund other productions, to maybe consider people with disabilities, or to try to create more awareness for the fact that this is something that in today's culture shouldn't really happen. So that's kind of the basis of it. That's where it all came about.
But the other thing is this also Randy has written this great movie called SuperCrip which basically is a great entertaining movie buddy comedy, but it also highlights this problem dramatically and comedically It's a story about a disabled actor played by Toby
who wants to go up for this great part that could win Academy Awards, but there's another guy like a big action hero guy who wants to be seen as a legitimate actor not an action hero who wants thinks this is big chance to show off his acting chops and he ends up going up for the part even though he's not