Meet the NFT Artists of Evolua

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2023 Duration: 0:47:48



Hello everyone, welcome to our Twitter space just testing my audio. Um, Tito, are you there?
Hello, hello, hello, I'm here, Titori Nerves. Hello. Awesome. Great. Well, let's just wait a couple minutes for folks to stream in and we'll get started in a bit.
Okay, I think we can go ahead and get started. I see some artists are joining. We have a couple more still joining. But yeah, we can get started. So welcome to the Twitter space. My name is Beverly and I'm with
the Cell of Foundation and really excited to talk today about Evalua, the NFT collection curated by Cell of Foundation and hosted by our partner Ari Gallery. And with us today, we actually had
of Tito from Ari Gallery. Alex unfortunately had a family emergency so could not join us but we do have a great representation from Ari Gallery from Tito and yeah Tito would you Tito would you do a quick intro of yourself?
Yeah, sure. First of all, thank you so much for having me today. And it's a pity that Alex could not join today. I think that if anyone gets the chance to listen to Alex, you will see
how powerful he is while he speaks. But nevertheless, I'm here. My name is Juan Linares, but you can call me Tito. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm the community manager of Hopefully
our gallery and I have been working with Alex for almost one year and a half super excited about what's coming up for us and of course for the Cirocos system so thank you so much very early
That's also great. And following along with introductions, we have some of our artists from the Avalua collection on the call. So I'd love to just go around and have them introduce themselves. If you could say your name, where you're based,
And the name of your piece and then maybe we'll talk a little bit later about what inspired it, but start off with your name, where you're based and the name of your piece. So I think we can go and order. Don Lee, would you like to go first? Looks like you're the closest.
Hello. How's everyone doing today?
Sorry, okay, I think I missed a little bit because I was just joining but so art my name and the artwork name and a little bit of ourselves is that right?
Yes, that's correct. So my name is Don Lee and my artwork in this collection is called Celis.
and I've been teaching art for the last many years and recently I think 2001, early 2001 is when I

FAQ on Meet the NFT Artists of Evolua | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the NFT collection curated by CELL OF FOUNDATION and hosted by ARI Gallery?
Who is the representative from ARI Gallery on the call?
What is the role of Tito at ARI Gallery?
Community Manager
Where is Tito based?
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Who had a family emergency and could not join the call?
What does the abbreviation NFT stand for?
Non-fungible token
Who is on the call from the artists of the Evalua collection?
Don Lee and others
What is the name of Don Lee's artwork in the Evalua collection?
What has Don Lee been teaching for the last many years?
When did Don Lee create his piece for the Evalua collection?
Early 2001