MEME CONTEST #11 - Winner reveal, and dank submissions review

Recorded: Jan. 26, 2024 Duration: 0:26:00



What up, what up, what up, um, I'm just,
hosting the different submissions and stuff so people can check them out. So stand by for a
sec, but thanks for coming through. Just give me a, give me about a minute. Almost said.
We had some pretty dank submissions, man. This is turning into something dope. Like this kind of
revived my resolve, but this is worthwhile. I wish we could have a way to, I don't know,
put them all together and make it where the artists who contributed and made dank submissions that
didn't necessarily win are also able to benefit. I feel like down the line, we're going to figure
a way to do that. But yeah, in the meantime, it's pretty dope that so many people showed up and gave
it their all. I see animated down there. He had a sick, sick submission, man. It was really dope to
see. So yeah, bear with me a second. Let me just put the final touches on this stuff.
Get this, get these motherfuckers up here so we can just take a moment to recognize
all the artists that are turning this into a fucking real contest, man. It's like it's been 11.
Been like a year. It's crazy. It's full vibe, but I feel like if we just keep figuring out a way to
make dope opportunities for motherfuckers, artists, motherfuckers to win or to have incentives to create,
it's fucking dope. And I haven't really seen that being done much.
As a reminder, I'm not, there's nothing that I'm, I don't have an objective here, besides just kind
of bridging a cohesiveness amongst different artists that I love and respect or just am a fan of.
And you know, I try to try to put forward a prize that's significant.
It's cool to see that like when we started, when I started and posted this prize of the Bitcoin
puppet, it was worth like a thousand bucks and now it's at like 2300. And then also some of the
artists gave, they donated their own art. So we were able to give some prizes for second and third
place. And the wallet for that is frogcouncil.e. If anybody wants to float some stuff there for
future prizes for artists, 100% of that stuff will go towards the artists. I did want to recognize
I mean, there's a bunch of really sick artists that contributed here, right? But
man, Claire, that piece with the Bitcoin puppet and Pepe, I don't know why I fucking love it so much,
but it's just, it was so dope to see that that piece was like, what went into that piece,
I just can tell how much you put into that. And I just, even though it didn't win,
it's one of my favorites and it's memorable. And I'm not sure, I mean, obviously every artist has
the ability to do what the fuck they want, man, motherfuckers do what they want. So you can feel
free to mint that or whatever, but you know, I would love to eventually figure out a way to
take some of the greatest hits from these meme contests and find ways to make them available
for people to purchase it for the proceeds to go to the artist. Because ultimately,
the entire intention of this contest is to, as I said, just build a cohesiveness amongst artists
that may not have come across each other. And also just like, based motherfuckers that are
on the Frog Council that are able to, that maybe didn't know about the artists,
or like to introduce people to new collectors. And also just to encourage a fun way to amplify
these memes. Because I'm a real believer that these memes are the fucking, the sauce that
perpetuates all of our prospering in this space, man. Like, they are a powerful weapon when
harnessed by an artist that fucking has their own heat to bring to the table,
their own interpretation on it. I mean, they can be used as a fucking surgical weapon for expression
in a way that is just unmatched in any other medium.
Yeah, so I see I've got a request and after one's requesting, I'll let you up here, bro.
If anybody else wants to come up and chop it up, talk about these dank
submissions. There's so many heaters. I mean, animated have this fucking this Elizabeth Warren
with the fucking long ass neck. Oh, dear, I think I need to throw up.
Are you fucking kidding me, bro? Like, I got out of my seat, fucking cackled when I saw that shit.
This is fucking dope. So much fucking dankness that is here. And like, obviously,
there needs to be an incentive for people to participate. So I try to like, you know,
put out what I can. Hopefully, someday, the frog council dot eat wallet will have some other
motherfuckers that may have some resources to be able to help ease the burden and keep this
meme contest going because like, I don't know, I just think it's there's a lot of potential here.
Man, but on the back channel in the frog council chat, it was fucking mayhem, dude. This was not a
normal voting situation. Just just for context. I don't know what the fuck Elon was smoking last night,
but the motherfucker was not watching the frog council check to make sure that everything was
copacetic posted, you know, like I go through each of the submissions and I put them in order.
I don't put who the artist is in the voting, because I want to just keep it as even a playing
ground I do in the thread. But that's after it's posted in the in the frog council chat.
And I also don't post the tweet thread in the frog council chat. One thing that is
like really frustrating is like, no matter how many times I'll write like, do not comment,
please, just let's give these fucking artists the fair shot. There's always the fuck coming in
there. Fucking sound enough. It's actually mind blowing to me. It's like I literally
write it 100 times before and it's like still there's got to be a motherfucker that comes in
there. And this is after 11 contests. But whatever, you know, motherfuckers are,
you know, have some, some motherfuckers are just kind of on, on fucking full speed all the time.
And it's okay. That's why I love my, you know, I got a love for that too. There's,
there's a lot, there's a lot going on in all of our lives. So I'm not, I'm not expecting
motherfuckers to be fully dialed in, but it is frustrating because I know how much each of the
artists puts into it. And then when you have somebody saying like, Oh, that's dope. Wow.
So, so fucking cool, whatever. And there's like five lines between their submission and the other one.
It's a little bit fucking, I kind of want to throw my phone at the wall when that happens.
Um, but I, I, I resist so I can continue to fucking compile the list. But last night, man,
I put down this fucking list. You know, you got to make sure that you don't put the duplicates
and whatever the title, all that. And then it just disappeared. Like a bunch of people
fucking were able to vote and then it just, it just disappeared. So I'm looking at this
fucking chat, but a bunch of people had already voted and, you know, I'll, I'll reach out to
people in DM and be like, yo, you know, cause I'll, cause that chat does get spammed with a ton of
like tweets. And I know that like, obviously artists want to share their tweets, but I feel
like a lot of people tune out when there's just a constant flow of people sharing, you know,
their work that's minting or whatever. And again, that I love to see that,
probably it's great that there's a venue for it, but it's just a fact that some people
kind of tune out, um, when there's just a lot of that going on. When, and when I say some people,
it's just like a lot of the, you know, either they're really busy or like, just, just
their attention is, is limited or the bandwidth that they're, they're able to lend is, is limited.
And so I'll reach out to some people and be like, Hey, just FYI, um, the vote is live till,
till 10 o'clock tomorrow or whatever. And so when I had already done that and then
they voted and then the fucking chat just disappears. It's not great. It's not great.
Uh, luckily Shia has some fucking weird-ass non-Apple phone. Uh, you know, there's always a
motherfucker that's got to live different, uh, and has some, some fucking, I'm sure,
I'm sure soops, I see soops in there. Soops strikes me as a motherfucker and that spawn
strikes me as a motherfucker that isn't only on the Apple phone. I might be wrong,
but that's just my instinct, but Shia is one of those motherfuckers too. Thank God. All right.
Thank God for the different motherfuckers because apparently it was showing on his end.
So I had him screenshot those. So everybody, I want to make sure it's fair and transparent.
So he screenshot who voted and we did that as like batch one and then I put the thread in.
Oh no. Then I tried to add the fucking submissions again. I did all 18 again,
fucking glitched again, bro. I'm in demon hours. I fucking
go back to check the chat. It's empty, dude. Fucking empty.
So then I was like, all right, this is, this is getting to be stupid. Like Elon
really doesn't want these memes to fucking proliferate, I think. And so I was like,
all right, don't put a fucking, we'll put the, the tweet thread and just the numbers
to correspond and we'll fucking cross reference those to make sure that there's no fucking
duplicate voters. Cause we got shy of the screenshots. So look, there's a, there's
an asterisk there, but I think like, I think everybody, everybody is happy
to see that this piece by our boy filthy, filthy, my fucking bro
is the winner. Like it is so fucking dope. It's, it's, it captures motherfuckers and
Jungle Bay on Jungle Bay Island. You got the fucking like three pearl piece. You got the
fucking seasonal motherfuckers on the, by the palm tree, by the ocean, just like that.
My first flag that those motherfuckers somehow got into Lowe's. You even got the,
the fucking ape looking at the Bitcoin puppet. That was the prize for this fucking thing,
man. This dude goes so deep. Then of course you got that beautiful brick queen Alice there
taco. You got hammocks myself and the fucking, the Jungle Bay,
newly acquired Bitcoin puppet for the treasury. Of course the bricks connecting it all.
And then Filthy's eight and much more, even in the corner, the motherfucker hid the, the ooze
from the lore of Jungle Bay. That's like going to be whatever turns them into the fucking
Dominic gave whatever TBD on that. But there's, there's, there's a lot of shit under that surface.
This motherfucker went deep into this. So I'm personally really happy that he, he won this.
But I also, there were so many other pieces. I mean, most notably to anime piece, clip piece
where I was just like fucking stunned that they were able to put together that sort of heat.
Um, and for once I didn't mean to talk the stage, feel free to come back up. I just kind of
wanted to give the context of how unique and mind numbing this process and for mean contest number 11.
Anyways, feel free to come up. Anybody else, I'm not going to make it a long one. If, uh,
if no one's coming up, it's all good either way. Uh, I just wanted to give a, give a chance to
post all of these submissions so people can swipe through and enjoy, um,
the myriad dank pieces that were submitted here because
it's just, uh, it's just crazy. What gets put together when people know there's no guarantee
they're going to win. And they also know they're going up up against some, some motherfuckers,
bro. They're going up against fucking filthy, bro. Against B sometimes against Claire against
fucking MX animated bro. And for once, like there's so many pepi chiller. Hopefully we get
one of them from, from that fucking animated beast too, bro. There's so many fucking dank
artists that have contributed to these past 11 contests, man. Claire, it's so good to see you.
I honestly can't emphasize enough how, how incredible your piece was. And for, for reference
for everybody, um, if you swipe to number six in the, in the top of the mountain, um, that's her
peer with the Bitcoin puppet and the Pepe, just like this lovable fucking Pepe with his little
bellowing bro and the, and it's just like, I don't know. It's just, it captures such a fucking
vibe and he's got, he's holding a little fucking Bitcoin puppet bunny in his hand too, man. It's
there's layers to this shit. Uh, but Claire, how are you?
Yeah. Hi, I just came up to congratulate you all, especially, um, you see Casa and, um, filthy down
there. Um, your piece is so incredible. So much detail. Um, yeah, there's a lot to discover just
looking at it and it relates to so much stuff that's going on. So yeah, really cool to have
you then in the Bitcoin puppet family with your naked new shiny Bitcoin puppet. Um,
yeah, my piece is more, I think like, uh, I tried to make it like an oil painting,
like more of something rather dark where the Pepe is kind of, you know, the puppet is the
thing that's brightening up his life kind of thing. So that's why it's kind of dark
scene, but yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do with it. I was kind of thinking of maybe
putting it on, on, um, Bitcoin, like inscribing it, but who knows? Like, I don't know.
That could be crazy. That could be crazy. Um, I, I did want to also point out like,
when I was looking at this piece, I'm like, Oh yeah, you even snuck that fucking,
the signature, like the signature fucking savage heart 666, like, um, doodle, not doodles,
but just like that. The way that you draw is so recognizable. Like I remember one of your
submissions with the, um, I think it was probably me in contest number two. It was an earlier one
where you had the, the, the like female Pepe on like, like kind of in this really dope
O's and all of these types of like very distinct doodles around her as well as like different,
like your version of these different means and stuff. And it's just like, it's such a recognizable
combination of like the writing and the way that they are all kind of, uh, clashing,
but also separated. So I just, it's, it's, it's dope to see those, those touches, um,
that are so distinctly yours. And even just like, if you look at Pepe's belly button
and around it, you got some, like you got this little fucking, this little sad, this, this sad,
I know you got the tats and stuff, so it's just, it's, it's like this savage heart fucking
finesse that you put on it. Um, that's just so distinctly you, so distinctly your style.
And, um, the way that you've also made this like the fucking throw up,
like glist, like glistening behind the fucking, it's such a, it's contrasted with the share,
the shades on Pepe. It's so, it's so clear that like what you're trying to, to convey here,
I just think it's super dope. Thank you. Really appreciate it.
Yeah. Well, thank you as always. Like you've, you've contributed to several of these meme contests.
Um, and honestly, like I was kind of on the, on the fence. Um, because it's a lot dude,
like there's, I'm literally like, it's just given, given stuff away. And there's nothing,
there's like a measurable benefit other than just kind of building a group of motherfuckers,
but it is, it is like, when, when, when, when bags are down, right? Like when it's like my meme
bags are down sitting on, right? And so when, when that's the case, it's not as enjoyable
to cough something up, but it just, I had a sidebar with Filthy. Um, and he just reminded me
how important and kind of impactful, um, some of these contests have been for him and also for
some of the other artists. And I was like, man, we should probably, like the last one that I did
was in October. We should probably spend one of these bit, one of these up just cause,
just cause it felt right. Um, and I'm going to do another one too. But I think like,
as they continue to develop it, like using these different types of like options for scenarios
can be, can be harnessed in a very cool way. Um, like we've been able to add jungle bait to the mix,
which is kind of like a passion project of mine. Um, and some, and just Pepe and Bitcoin puppets,
obviously now. So like these things, when, when we're kind of merging them all together with like
the OG memes, it's solidifying them in a way. And it's kind of establishing a, like a,
a permanence to the, the cohesiveness, but you know, between the newer additions and
the ones that are the roots of all these memes. Um, so yeah.
But anyways, I'm gonna, um, I'll probably rug this bitch unless any of you guys want to come up or
anybody wants to say anything else. I just, uh, you know, I'm fucking, I'm hyped about this one. I,
the submissions were mind blowing and there was so much work and, and love that went into these
pieces. Uh, so I'm just, I'm, I'm looking forward to the next one. And, uh, yeah, if anybody wants
to contribute to the prize pool, frogcouncil.eth, I can send whatever and I will make sure that
we include them down the line as prizes for second and third place winners. Um,
and, uh, you know, depending where that goes, we're gonna fuck around and find out. That's for sure.
We are definitely fucking around and finding out. This finding out ended up pretty positive. Like
I was, I was taken aback by some of these pieces. Um, so anyways, congrats to
all of the, uh, the artists, um, but filthy man fucking, I don't know. I think this is your
fourth out of 11 that you won, bro. That is an insane fucking stat. I mean,
you will bring the heat to these things. And, uh, you keep that bar raised, Claire, you too
animated as all I've been doing. You guys, you guys are, are some of my favorite artists,
period, not just motherfucker artists, but my favorite artists. And, uh, it's, it's an honor
to try to be able to find ways to make you excited to create new shit. Um, so with that
filthy, send me your ordinals address, my bro. I got a new fucking thank puppet for you
and, um, much love to you guys.