Memecoins x Meteora

Recorded: Feb. 8, 2024 Duration: 2:33:12



I need the mark swing
you guys are awesome man
you guys are awesome man
what I really meant to say was fuck youth
is this the kind of space
is this what this is
is this how we start off
let's go let's go
media is way better than radium
media is way better than radium
let's shit man
dude dude there's too much war going on
I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding
I just want my LPs to be strong
yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah
quick programming update
Mert had a thing to do
so we're gonna have to get him another time
But uh, um, actually I think maybe we should do uh, I was chatting with him that maybe we like do uh, uh
Maybe should maybe there should be a meme coin battle royale or something
You didn't know merch the one who launched fucky what
Well, let me tell you this let me tell you this the goal the first IRL event for fucky
We're gonna be providing security for him at East Denver. So that's just what we do. Okay. All right, man
Yeah, cuz he he he's pretty um, I would just say he's
I don't know. I feel like he's it's cool to see as one of the star like the
The guys that are kind of trying to say no to tokens
He leans into the tribalism and stuff, but you know, I think it's good to have some competition for the space, you know
obviously not
Good if we're at each other's necks all the time
But you know, there should be there's always gonna be that little tribalism and kind of identity factor
with whatever your
network, you're in
You know, I have to say I have to say it because a
Few tokens have co-opted me and my dog
I don't know how I feel about it. I I I I've actually been trying to stay away from the whole thing because I think it's too
The the the shill is too strong for me. So so like I don't know how
You focus on building we'll focus on onboarding
Please dude, don't don't loop me in don't loop me and I'm already
I'm already I don't know like
The spaces already is getting me like a little like
Now I'm just kidding
All right, um, dude this should this should be a pretty fun spaces, you know, the goal here is to
Like really deep dive actually, you know, I I feel like we're bringing together like defy and meme coins and
Deejans together. So so I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna try to have like a pretty open space. I
Know I am I can go really defy nerdy. So so, you know like
Like we don't have to go there
You know if you guys
You know, like my thing is like there's some really great projects
I feel like the rise this whole rock this whole new wave
there's something different and something really cool about it that would love to explore and and and and
get your perspectives and and
obviously, there's
like insanely cool shit going on with Meteora and a number of folks on here and
You know people should know about that like this is like a really unique time
but like I also would love to hear more and share more about like what um
What you know, like like what what each of the projects like, you know
We're like what your perspectives and takes are but and then we could do all
whatever else you guys want to do because I I don't know maybe maybe I'm just too
However you guys want to roll, all right spoon a kiss yo
Yeah, I just know that
You know going around the ecosystem in the last couple weeks introducing people to dynamic pools
And then of course, you know a few of the tokens
Have the LMM pools with Jupiter pairings and stuff like that
And I just know there's a lot of questions because people are new to
DeFi and due to look pretty pools
and so I think like a number of the
questions from like use car community other communities and I'm sure the guys from from gecko and
Win and all the others and
Are getting the same kind of questions is you know number one?
I think the number one most asked question is I created a dynamic pool
How do I track how much I've made in fees and number two is?
What's the difference between a dynamic pool and a dlm pool? Oh
Wow, all right, we're gonna get to it. Okay, um
I'm happy to share share this stuff. I mean, you know, like well, I don't know that I'm just throwing out there
I don't know how you want to kick it off. Like I don't know what you're playing it
But I just know that people are in it. They're just jumping it like they're just making the stuff and so
Dude, I mean well now's the time man, so like like
Met met points are live now. They've been live for one week and and and especially if they if they're you know
Also helping into your your pools up here. There's bonuses plus rewards
So it's it's now it's the time to figure it out, right?
All right, I'll do I'll do I'll answer a few quick questions here
But definitely want to also like highlight a lot of the great projects up here and and get your takes to I'm I'm I want
To learn you know, I'm I'm I'm here to learn to you about me points. I'm not DJ enough, but
alright, so
Just I'll go real quick like so with with dynamic dynamic pools versus dlm, right?
dynamic pools are your classic amm pool, right so you can
You don't really have to actively manage it you just deposit and withdraw
the one really cool thing about that that
is kind of it is unique to Solana is that you earn if you LP into the dynamic pool you earn from lending and
Trading fees. So if you pair with soul so like
So so it's a soul pair, you know
I don't know like say like chonky or soul or gecko soul or use car soul
The soul side gets lent out right to lending protocols and you earn whatever comes back from that as well as the train fee
So that's kind of cool
Right now it's kind of hard it's
You know in terms of tracking what you make
We don't have any easy thing right now
Just because we've we've been prioritizing like the dlm and the juke launch and a whole bunch of things
But but they the the best the simplest way for anyone to do it is
You know, and it's pretty low low like a low-tech here
But like when you deposit into the pool take a snapshot of what you deposit, right?
like it'll tell you what you know the amount that you deposit and then all you have to do every now and then is
go and go to the withdraw tab if you want to check you go to the withdraw tab and
Like withdraw all and then you don't have to withdraw just look at what you get and you can you can compare your deposit from
The withdrawal and it should be more like whatever the differences is the fees that you've earned, right?
It's gonna take us a while to get to a point where we could show the P&L
one thing one thing I'm
I'm suggesting is that people talk to sonar or step finance
To add that kind of capability because then you can get it on any protocol not just meteora
And I might ping those guys to to help out
Actually, hold up. Let me let me invite a few other folks here
so the the
The thing to note between the okay, so that's a dynamic pool the DLM the DLM is is a new kind of concentrated
Liquidity and
Where where you it introduces like dynamic fees so that the fees that as an LP you earn
Can go up as the price volatility goes up, which is great for mean coins
You know when your price is pumping or going like that that
You know as an LP your fees increase
So you make more and then the other cool thing is like you can if you LP into it
you can see all these like
Liquidates organized in these bins if you've seen some of the tweets you see these crazy shapes
Like waves and whales and stuff like that. Like these are like really cool ways to
Organize your liquidity, but anyway that the main point with the DLM is that in a dynamic pool?
You have to share the fees with everybody, right?
So if you've got you know, a hundred bucks in that pool and that pool there's there's a hundred thousand dollars in that pool
You know, whatever fees that pool makes you get a small percentage of that, right?
You have no control like whatever the pool does the pool does right?
But you could take that same hundred bucks and in the DLM
You can you have you can you know fully concentrate that so all $100 like that entire hundred dollars is being used to earn fees
right and
You have more control over how much fees you earn with your with your with your hundred bucks in the DLM than you do anywhere else
then the dynamic pools and because our
The met point system is a thousand points per $1 of fees
You can earn a lot more points, you know towards the met token
On the DLM. So like if you have like a limited amount of capital, maybe it's a hundred maybe it's a thousand
Maybe it's you know, ten thousand or whatever, you know
You can take that put it in a DLM
You know put it put a tight range and like really reap both print fees and print points
Right, but you have to be more active like you're you know
Like with the dynamic pool you it's just deposit and then withdraw whenever you want with the DLM
You have to like manage it a little bit more
Is it hopefully that was helpful
Yeah for sure and I know some other hands are up so I'll wait some other stuff there, okay, cool
Spoon this is pretty crazy. Well first and foremost. I miss you. We don't talk nearly as much as we used to but uh
spoon and I would hold spaces the OG when spaces to think that uh
We're sitting here now
Quite the journey over the last four months
But yeah, no spoon. I think on that front you're probably referring to obviously the DLM mm, but then the triple stack
And then you were touching on that too. I think the biggest I
Wouldn't necessarily call it a concern but consideration is that when you enter into these Camino vaults, right?
so that triple stack where you're earning all of those points and you're earning the
rewards that you know, gecko chunky
Need max win and I think a couple other projects are
Giving out throughout the month is that people enter into those vaults on on a single side, right?
And they usually they're they're typically looking at the meme coin as a single side entry
And what happens is is that a lot of people I think we're unaware just as they go into it that you are essentially
You know market selling half of that coin into juke
Upon entry, right?
Which I think it's just more of an awareness piece and not to say I think initially that's
Probably not a great thing because you're in essence selling your coin
But it is allowing for more stability as the job price moves and do whatever moves
Then that's obviously going to have an impact on your on your share of whatever meme you're you're entering it on
But Ben keep me honest on that
I think that's just something important for people that have this triple stack opportunity to understand
Yeah, I've seen that too
I think a lot of people
Who are new to this
Which is great by the way, it's so so freaking cool
Like to get a lot of people who are so curious and want to learn but they think it's like staking
You know, it's like I put it in here and I get I put X amount of token and I get X plus Y back
You know and that that's totally not how it works, you know when you LP
you know you are offering your assets up for people to swap against them and
Which is like an essential thing, right? Like if you're trying to you know, buy or sell Jupur or any token, right?
someone has to provide that liquidity
to allow you to move in and out of a token and
And that that's what you're doing when you LP you're you're you're putting up your assets and say, okay
Anyone can trade swap against them in exchange
You you earn fees, right?
and for for like this period now like you can triple stack like
basically points on Camino points on met and
Token incentives so you're getting real token incentives plus actually the the both Camino and met are offering bonuses, too
So you're you're you're getting like, you know
More wards than you would get ever and so
And and the goal there by the way is
Not not just be like hey, this is like free money
But like this is an opportunity, you know opportunity to free to learn because you know
obviously if you do something new you can make a mistake and maybe you have less token than you want to and this is
supposed to help help like
Help you offset that you don't have to worry about
Making mistakes while you're learning, you know, this is a chance for you to learn
And and then you know get ownership and a whole bunch of stuff
And then once you get a sense for how it all works, you know, you can really take advantage of it, right?
Which is I mean, this is I probably I think this is this period right now is like
Like right now I mean you're me to our Camino's like the craziest time right now. Like this is some crazy
Crazy incentive so this is the best time to figure this stuff out
For sure. Yeah, I think that
Talk about meme coins. Typically people will want to see kind of these
these certain metrics right as it relates to and spoon feel free to jump in or really anybody else, but
You know how much liquidity you have backing that versus a market cap, right?
And typically the higher the leverage the more they can run
I you know sitting here now
Having this triple stack opportunity and thank you Ben for for that opportunity and spoon for coordinating
What we're seeing is this, you know rotation where these older coins and I say older meaning, you know, two months, right?
I think that's old in mean coin terms
Some rotation into some newer coins. What would that allowed us to do was and speaking specifically about chunky
Was we had we have a fat LP now, right? So you kind of see some of these older memes bleeding
So that was able to allow now if we were kind of highly leveraged in our in our ratios were
More prime for a pump we could have just dumped even harder, right?
So those are some of the more the things you consider as you manage a token
So it's it's hard right because the market changes on a day-to-day basis
Yeah, here's how I look at it like from my perspective is
you know before
before you know
You know from the east side you would have you know, I would say sort of your your DeFi smart people
understand how to use like v3, you know swap pools and
You'd see market makers use them to hide their order books or you see people use them strategically for certain things, right?
Think what meteor is introduced is it's reduced a lot of friction
to creating and using
Pools, especially the dynamic pool
I think is attractive to a lot of people because they could just go and create one and
They can they can they can if a new token launches they can rally together and say hey, you know
Let's let's throw some in the dynamic pool and you can even pair mean coins with mean coins and get all sorts of DGN
but the the cool thing I like about it is
traditionally with mean tokens is
You know like a lot of people would just rotate rotate rotate rotate, you know, and
Or you know a lot of times
You know, maybe most most of these these tokens
they don't go anywhere and so that liquidity is kind of just gone from the ecosystem that people lost or whatever and so
This is kind of a cool opportunity to keep liquidity cycling
Like especially for for top mean tokens that are here for the long term
to help trap liquidity in the ecosystem, right and
and encourage people to you know earn off that instead of just
you know, this this liquidity just constantly exiting the ecosystem and and
Hitting these dry spells and I think like keeping that liquidity in the ecosystem using it for yield
Using it for things in the future for like lending with texture finance where people could do like seven-day lockups
and you know, it encourages people to
I think to to sort of keep keep that liquidity in the ecosystem, which is healthier for for all of us
You know long term, right? So I don't know. I just I'm looking at from like sort of a macro perspective as well
I love that. All right. We've got a couple of hands up. I think
You guys are gonna get my get me get me going with this kind of talk
Maybe maybe I'll ask them digital financial market since so they had the hand up
I actually have been learning and specializing in liquidity since I learned a lot of the radium farms and everything that's been going on
In Solana in the last few years. First of all,
Meteora has been an awesome platform. I know it's been newer. I discovered it in 2023 and
Had no idea how long it was out, but it's awesome. I like it in
Better interface than radium. I mean radium works great when it's not this slow
There's a lot of people on radium and a lot of bots on radium. So it's very slow and meteor is working great
Seeing the total value locked grow with the Jupa airdrop. Awesome to find out that
Meteora has a great
Routing that hooks up through many aggregators including the bird eye aggregator Jupa aggregator
it's like phenomenal and it's cool because
What became was really complicated in radium and took some barriers like to launch a coin takes ten soul and you know
Right now it's a thousand dollars, but in other times that was closer to like two hundred dollars
But Meteora does not have that it's just creating the token accounts and swaps and that's usually about
$3 worth of soul and so I've been I've been going at it. I learned from uncle Eddie fast Edward
How he ran liquidity as well as him and Anzam with the whiff token and did that blew up on meteor
I remember seeing that as one of the most traded tokens and
You you can literally create your own tokens your own pools fill up your own liquidity and set your own fees
And that is phenomenal. That's not been seen on other platforms. And that's a truly awesome thing of Meteora
I have built out as many as like 12 plus pools
Usually token to token I sometimes stable toy in our soul to token to add some liquidity because it's amazing
Like I can add liquidity that still routes through with as little as 20 or 40 dollars to a token
So if I have a very small token or a token where everything's been drained
Like meteor is a platform where you can do a community takeover
You can build it out and like east to be really complicated with just radium and there's projects like serum
We all know serum without the drain
But like meteor is awesome
But I do have some questions because I know that we are has an awesome
Routing system and I feel like people get confused a bit with the dllm. We did say it does take more
Management and I would agree and what I've researched. I did a bit of an experience
of course with the the middle of the Jupyteri airdrop of
Staking into the dllm when they first made the mock Jup and mock
USDC to literally just see how it worked and I opened a couple positions that kind of saw over time and I will tell you that
It is very high-risk. I had three different positions
the first the each one was about like seven or ten dollars each and
They caught with the ways of it going up. You know, I saw the value go up. Awesome. The rewards were there and then
It was actually the funniest thing. I even said this on Twitter
It was my car battery died and I I had to pull some of my Solana
And so I was I guess I got to pull my mock Jup and I pulled that one
that was like half that was like $80 or something and then I
Still had some in like seven dollars in a different position and I saw that as the chart changed
as I put the same amount just seven or ten dollars like
Putting it in at the top had liquidated it completely to zero
But putting it at the bottom had gotten me such a great reward
so there is risks on risks on the dllm and you have to understand things like price range and
Understand things like you probably want to keep it in there temporarily
But if you are not really interested in that kind of risk or you just I thought it would be cool to just do it
because I thought I would get more qualifications for the airdrop and
It's cool that meteor is saying it very clearly that the MET token the MET points is for the dllm
and they're pointing it out because I I
Was a little confused as to what could did qualify and didn't qualify because I wanted to use so many different platforms on Jupiter
Before the Jupiter are airdrops
But I didn't realize that you had to do the Jupiter DCA just to get the first mock Jup airdrop
Which is only like 20 bucks
But I love that tool and I wanted to use that for like three days in advance and I was like, oh I should have just
Set it up
But I mean really even just trying it because you can put as little as like three dollars or seven dollars into these pools
And things but it can get liquidated to zero and specifically in the concentrated and dynamic
Liquidity pools when you go to the regular pools, that is where you can set up your own
Your own patterns or you can catch what's really catching volumes
I mean like GameStop is going crazy with volumes
and if you do one of those token for token pairs and the liquidity fees like four percent sometimes six percent and
Like bought our perchargers or sometimes even like the aggregator just does it for you if you're on bird eye or on Jupiter
It will route through the pool that you've made if the price is like you'll start market making
Get the price range and then you if as a liquidity provider can get that four percent that
Usually it's the the first step that's bringing it in. Usually it's the first
You know liquidity providers or ones who are willing to take that risk because it is a very high risk
I mean liquidity can be drained and that's what a lot of scammers are doing is they set up
These fake meme tokens and it looks like great liquidity and then they just drain it
And so it's awesome to see look meteor Jupiter airdrop like just pumping liquidity and incentives to
Meteora now with incentives the triple dip. I do want to mention another airdrop is soul blazes
if you go on to
temperature there are pools like stuff on Camino and Meteora and they double down like they
This is a time to
Check these things out and please understand. It's high-risk. This is not financial advice
a lot of these pools is just like a couple dollars like
Okay, and sometimes I get lucky but I'm not putting any large amounts in these pools
Sometimes if I like token for token and the cool benefit is you can get if you do token for token
Let's say with and bonk
Then even if it keeps trading around that 4% fee or whatever is always building it up
So you're always getting more token
but the reason why it might be controversial the dollar value is that if the dollar value of both tokens are
Sinking you're gonna end up with a lot of the tokens in the liquidity pool, which is awesome
if you like the token, but uh
It's not gonna show up as dollar value on those dips. And so that's why the risk is there and sometimes I
Put my larger liquidity in the ones I believe and right now that's obviously a game stop. Oh, yeah, but
Yeah, they mean they're complex topics
I'll leave it over to the meteor because I want to understand the DLMs a bit
Better or maybe you just put it in simple terms because you have such a like large audience. Yeah. Yeah
Well, first of all, thanks for the love and thanks for thanks for some of that alpha. I definitely think that the
One thing people should take away with from what you said is like if if you LP the tokens you love
You're just gonna have an easier time of it, you know
But I just want to clear something up
One all liquidity earns points. Okay, you don't have to be in the DLM
You can be in the dynamic pools and earn points towards token
It's just that in the DLM
You have more control over the amount of fees you earn and thus you can really earn points
Right because a lot of a lot of the points will come from fees
so if you're really interested in maximizing like how many points you get from
Whatever capital you have the DLM is great for that
So but both both earns earns points
So if you don't want, you know, you just want to chill out and be in a dynamic pool. You can do that, too
The other point I would just want to make the DLM itself is not
Is not more risky or less risky
You know you can be in a DLM pool that's pretty chill
Like you know, there's like a lot of the pools that Camino is using
So if you're in Camino are like designed to be very wide in range
Meaning that you can deposit and you don't have to check it all the time
You can just hang out for days and and you're fine, right?
so like what the DLM really does it gives you the ability if you want to to concentrate and
And and like really print fees, but you don't have to
Alright gecko coin
Yeah, what's up, Ben? Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you
Listen, first of all, thanks for for having us on here. This is real cool to get everybody
especially all the tokens that are that are giving away a lot of rewards on
on midi or up here and to get people talking about dllMs and
and really trying to to get a lot of
Liquidity going on not only on midi or Camino, but just within the Solana ecosystem in general, man, I mean
To to Spoons point earlier like that's one of the biggest things that we have been trying to to get across
marketing and branding side of our token is that you know, we we dropped eight figures of US dollars to over
50,000 wallets and we didn't do that
Accidentally, you know our our goal is to continue to grow
DeFi on Solana and and make a true community token
similar to to the things that that Bonk was able to accomplish to be honest
but the way that what we're doing here today is I think really
gonna be defining Solana's DeFi moment that hasn't happened yet in my opinion at least and
The speed at which transactions are able to to run on Solana to me make it a lot more
speed and
lack of fees
Make it a lot easier to participate in stuff like this
To the previous speaker digital, sorry, I can't see your full name but
When it comes to dllMs what what the way I like to think about it
At least is you can go as easy or as kind of like aggressive as you want to
You can DCA in and out of different tokens
Say that you wanted to sell Jup. If it you know hit whatever X X amount you load up
Very little to zero
Solana into a Jup Solana pool and you know target your liquidity towards the high end of that range where you're making
You're selling the most at the highest price point that you want. Is that a good way to?
To look at it Ben
Yeah, I think that's a really good way
You know one other thing that's interesting to
for people
You know is it is if you want to use the dllm to DCA
What's cool is like you are acquiring the token
And earning fees at the same time
Whereas if you use Jupyter DCA or swaps or anything you're paying fees to acquire
That token right you're paying it to the LP. So this is kind of a way to
Both acquire but then also make money on fees and not have to pay fees
The the trade-off is that it's reactive. So you're not getting the
You know the token
You're not getting the token
You're normally getting the token when the market is moving the other the other way
But if you love the token, you know, you know presumably it doesn't matter, you know to you as much
No, exactly. If you're just trying to build your stack, right? Yeah or decrease, you know
Like that's the thing is is it gives you a lot more choice. At least that's been in my
experience personally
Like I tend to to look and shift my positions in dll
Excuse me dll
Around I know Jesus Christ
According to according to market fluctuations like I look at it from a trader perspective, right? Like I can be earning fees
Capturing upside and downside if I manage those positions
Appropriately or if I want to kind of set it and forget it. That's you know, that's the the other options that you guys have
Know when when I look at my positions, right like in terms of when you go to add liquidity
You've got the volatility strategies already kind of laid out there for people right like just on a simple one two three thing
right you can spread it evenly you can build curves in either directions and stuff like that and maybe
Maybe you could explain the strategies behind those a little bit. I mean
In case people are are still confused about how that they can optimize for more volatility less volatility, etc
Yeah, well man you you guys are tempting me on the defi
Which by the way, I brought mark you over I I
I thought this would be more degenerate, but everyone here is like like kind of a pro man
Just to put a plug look for anyone who is like, all right, yo, this is a lot of info
The simple answer is go to Camino
pick one of the vaults
One of the vaults you you know
If you're into juke one of the juke vaults where there's tons of rewards
There's the met rewards the Camino rewards and the token stuff
and just deposit and they'll automate and take care of everything like that's like
This is the TLDR shortcut. You don't have to like, you know, like figure all this stuff out and it's I think a good way to just
You know learn or get started, you know, so you can you can try it out and then and then kind of
Read up or figure out figure out things on the way
For like for the more advanced stuff
Where you want to use meteor dlms directly
You know definitely I
Mean there's a whole range of strategies
I guess like it kind of and it depends to also like are you a project or are you an LP?
Like what where do you what do you?
What are your goals, right? I
like being an LP is going to be a major major meta in this in this in this new wave and
That's because Jupiter's launchpad is
going to democratize
LP, right
for launches
So so I think this is a big thing this this is why I think like we should
We're gonna push this pretty hard and everyone here should take this time to learn
Because before right someone would launch a token
Usually if you're buying the token, you know either either if it's on a sex it's a market maker LPing
if it's if it's um
Or the sex itself offering the token or if you're doing an on-chain launch
You know, you're buying the token, but there's no liquidity, right? And so the only you know, the only people making
You know money is the the project selling the token or something but now
With you know these bigger launches and everything
Like you're getting the token and you have a few, you know, if you're getting the airdrop, right?
Like you could take that token and start printing fees, right? And so
And you know have token and also make money and yield off that token
Which is why I think this like this is such an important time now like to figure out this new way of doing stuff
I mean it, you know for a lot for launches, you know
And I think one of the most powerful ways to do it is on our deal. Um, oh
Shit, okay. We've got a whole bunch of hands
All right
Let's let's say some questions. Yeah
Oh, yeah, let's get way too technical for me. Let's let's kick it back to the DJ. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So let me
This isn't this isn't necessarily forbidden, but just other mean communities like what's what's stopping people from?
What yeah
What's stopping people from kind of taking their liquidity locked out of radium and trying to go farm these incentives and Miura?
And you're also kind of positioning your meme project as like a new meta who's testing out these new products and with the shits
So just curious to hear what you guys think about that
So I think a lot I'll go ahead chatting
No, you got it. I'll piggyback. Yeah, so I think a lot of people these mean total communities
Don't even know like how to put money in a radium pool. I think those that do
You know are I talked to some people that have been using radium pools and
These meme tokens are racking up volume quick enough that often upon launch
They're on Jupiter within 15 minutes because they're getting enough volume to be listed there
and and so they're picking up dynamic pools very quickly that people create so I know that a
TLDR for me
Was as a meme token guy
If there's a meme token that I have a pretty high conviction in I think it's gonna run
And I did this with used car. I bought it at a million market cap. I
think I opened the first dynamic pool and
I threw in like I don't know like five thousand bucks on
Solana five thousand bucks worth of used car. I just threw in the dynamic pool. I had a feeling it was gonna really blow up and
I caught the run-up to like 30 40 mil when it was doing like 30 40 million daily volume
And I was sick. I was 60% of the pool
So I raked in a lot of money and then when it sort of hit the Pico top, I started to DCA out
Some of that out of the pool because other people were starting to add to the pool and and stuff like that. So
So yeah, so like like dynamic pools for me like are a great opportunity to capture early
Volume on some of these especially when they're when they're popping off and get those fees, right?
That's that's the first thing I kind of shy away from the dlmms
I'm still learning about like providing liquidity to dlmms and then like as a TLDR for me
Camino vaults are sort of the other next like dynamics like easy for me if a tokens first popping off
Capture that volume capture the run-up and then if I start to get a little antsy
I could start to DC out of that pool
If I'm concerned, it's gonna go down or whatever and then the second part is the Camino vaults
Give me a little more comfort zone because they're sort of dynamically managing it for me
versus using the dlm pools directly, so
You know as a beginner the Camino vaults have been helpful as well
So I kind of take it as perspective from that. It's like if most of people in here beginners, you know
That's kind of a strategy. I've been using I I only use the dlm jupiter pool
You know because initially I had some tokens that were really just going sideways both mean tokens and and
Jupiter was kind of just ranging so it was a good opportunity to
Set an easy range and and capture some some points that way but but like on the more volatile stuff
I've been I haven't been really doing anything with the dlm
Yeah, I think I just think meteor for me
It's just the user experience getting on there making a pool and then depositing it was just kind of piece of cake compared to radium
Yeah, I would agree with you spoon on that and I think I was just gonna comment kind of generally here on
you know so much liquidity talk right in meme coins and
Then we were on a space maybe a month or so ago, right
Talking about kind of how you
Differentiate between like we're seeing this like this
You know meme coin just come onto the scene and there's so many at this point and just this thriving ecosystem
Like they can't all be meme coins, right?
like when I think about just speaking on behalf of myself and not on behalf of chunky like
We don't want to be too heavy on the d5 side of things like we want to give people opportunities
ie the triple stack right but like get go and
And what they're describing like are they technically like a meme 5 token right where they are heavier on that side
Whereas in the need of max win
I don't want to speak on behalf of them is more of a like, you know pure meme, right?
That's that's based off of something that already exists
So I think what's important in all of this is understanding is as we're kind of building this out
Which coins are like, you know and and they're gonna be kind of put into these different categories by the market
But also like how do you actually market them yourselves, right? I do have to drop here
And so maybe there's some dialogue around that but I think what's the allure behind meme coins in general
Why it puts so much time and energy into you know
The last four months is because like we have a real opportunity to kind of define or set the boundaries around
What this looks like moving forward and obviously been what you're supporting me do or and all the work every coin is putting in right
It's awesome to see really but Ben if you wouldn't mind I got to jump here for another call
I'll hop back on like 45 minutes if you could just let the main chunky account up
That would be great
Yeah, yeah, I agree with that
So so essentially like the the main thing I preach to people that are jumping into to mean tokens is like listen
you know, I think there are certain tokens like guac and get go and and things like that that are that have
more of that
That feel of like, you know, they're they're the the tokens are have a wider
distribution across the ecosystem whether through air drops or or just being around longer and and they have
Sort of defy strategy in place
Traditional mean tokens for me. It's really just preaching to people like listen, like, you know
If you show a little conviction in some of these tokens, obviously, you know, it's it's it's a lottery
It's a casino in a lot of ways
But if there are ones that you think the teams are gonna be around long-term or it's gonna make a run or it's a new launch
There's gonna be a lot of volume. There are ways to just use those dynamic pools to capture
Capture those fees and make it some additional income, right?
Initially at least and you don't have to keep them there forever. And in fact a lot of them mean tokens would prefer
That you don't because if they're at smaller market caps and their LP gets too fat
They feel like you know, the the token has a harder time pushing up in price
And so I wonder Ben if you could speak to that
You know, like if people are adding lots of liquidity to the dynamic pools
Is there a downside to the mean token?
Like is that gonna slow down price action in any way or is that only with the DL men pools will that happen?
Yeah, that that is
I mean, it's not it the DLM you could think of the DLM is like just more customizable like it doesn't have any like
permanent attribute or anything like if you the cool thing about the DLM is like
I mean you can make it look like it work like a dynamic pool, you know, it doesn't have to necessarily be
But but you can make it do anything right like if you're a project you can use a DLM pool
You see this actually on the juke launch pool, right? You can you can put a buy and sell walls
like if you if you want to sort of
If there's a
price action you want to encourage you can do that right so with with the
the juke launch pool
You saw that they they kept a lot of the USDC in the pool
you know to allow anyone who is you know is you know, I don't feeling buyers remorse or whatever to like
To sell back but selling back isn't going to drop the price because there's a lot of liquidity there
But they removed the the juke side of it at the higher end
like at the higher end of the price range like I think from maybe from like
60 cents and above or something or like it's like 50 something and above but like and that that makes it easier for if anyone
Wants to buy juke for the price to move, you know, and you can do those things if you want to on the DL
You know, you have more of that control
on the dynamic pools, I
think it's it's a
Actually, I just wanted point out like yeah, and then this is like digital
Pointed this out and maybe also to restore but like
Yeah, we don't charge any fees really for for anything
Actually right now we have no fees for no protocol fees
So and the only fee we'll probably end up doing is um
either like take a cut of the LP fees or
Any of the lending yield stuff, but but by making it, you know
pretty much all you have to pay is for gas and any soul rent to create dynamic pools and and
or any pools really I
think the really cool thing is like
It's kind of like salon itself. You don't have to think too hard about the cost of spinning up a dynamic pool
Like instead of thinking about oh, I need to put this main liquidity pool for my token and pair with soul
You could spin up all sorts of pools for your token like you can do a juke soul pool
You know, I'm sorry a juke pool. You can do, you know pair with another meme coin. You could pair it to anything
Maybe there's some hot new token that's coming up or or a new launch coming up
You can pair it to that. It's not gonna cost you anything and then you can capture the the volume
That's coming from that trading demand, right?
That's actually part of the reason for all these other juke pools is like I everyone wants to you know trade juke
there's a lot of great volume on there and you can take your project token pair it to that and
that gives
Your token holder is a way to earn yield on that trading volume and also like, you know something to do
They can participate in DeFi, you know, and it's not just
And you don't have to think too hard about oh man, it's gonna cost me a thousand bucks to create this pool or whatever
It is right. It's it's it's not a
You know, it's it's super cheap and it and it spins up in a few minutes, you know
like you're yeah, I think my point was like for example, I think
There's this whole concept especially around mean tokens, right when they first launched the launch with a very small pretty pool
Which gives like big fat green candles and people love the big green candles that go up and then as as the market cap goes
Up, you know a lot of times they like to start having to look pretty pool
to attract whales and stuff like that where the price isn't as volatile and I think sometimes people are like
Wait, do we really want to have people adding a ton of money into?
Dynamic pools at a low market cap or will that sort of like dull?
The ability for the price to move up more quickly
Is there any effect that the dynamic pools have on on on that that you're aware of?
And you read it I think
Yeah, it's all right. If you add more liquidity to the dynamic pools, it will take more trading to move the price
And the DLM you can you can configure that
You know in a better in a more fine-grained way
Anita max win has their hand up. So want to give them some time
Yeah, just I just want to say thank you for having me on the space
But I think in general just the way meme coins are launched
They're not like set up properly with these liquidity pools like they're like meme coins are too centralized
For this kind of stuff and it's tough to it's tough to get like the right the right mix
I'm curious. I'm curious what you mean by like
Centralized like like the projects have
Yeah, the product the projects have too much power in terms of like
LP supply
Like they're not enough community oriented and there's there's definitely a solution for it
I have some ideas, but I it's right now. It's it's a little it's like too difficult for
For a community to like work around that stuff
Because all the power is really in like the developer
Well, it's also the supply as well because everything that the developer does when it comes to these scam rug pulls type things is because they're
Arbitraging the supply so when these community takeovers happen like they can be real like the USDC
Upside-down cat with tees. I mean
It's a little inappropriate as last parts tag
But uh, he's legit and he just took like a ton of the supply
Which I and I talked steady tokenomics usually want to get like 50% or more and then you can do things like air drops
LP and then build it out from there
But yeah, yeah
There's a there's a good point and especially if you come that's coming from Anita max win like major project on Solana
So there's a good point in that and so there is a good questions about that and they're very interested here media
New York state
Sure, just just a heads up. I'm gonna
There's a lot of people who have questions or want to talk
So I'm gonna also bring up a few and I might cycle a few people down
Because just to give more more space for questions and stuff. So
By the way, I I just want to say you don't want it for those who don't know like
Meteora you don't have to actually you shouldn't burn the LP token to lock up liquidity. I actually highly recommend
Using stream flow to to lock up the LP token for a certain period it could be six months it could be a year and
rug rug check is gonna track that and and and and and and monitor it so you don't have to permanently lock the liquidity and
And I think this is a great option for community takeovers and and community run tokens, too, because
Basically, you could if you can get gather enough of the community holds be like, hey, look, let's just lock it for six months
Or something, you know
Or whatever during actually to be honest, everyone could pick their own duration, right?
so so as a community like you decide like what your conviction level is and if but you know
If most people lock it again, like it'll it'll come up, you know
It'll be tracked on rug check and stuff. And so I think that gives a community run
Token more options
And you can be less reliant on
Sort of the devs like burning the token and rate for burning that radio Melpy token or something
I have a great example for you then so use car right they have they burned
Most I believe most of their
Look what you pull but they have a percent
All right, they have a percentage that's still locked in stream flow until February 13th, right and
they've been around now for five weeks or so and
So a lot of people, you know
they have these perception like now it granted from the grand scheme of things when you look at the size of the amount of
Tokens in that liquidy pool that compared to like what's distributed now
It's like such a minute amount but people are still like oh, you gotta burn it. You gotta burn it
You gotta burn it like, you know
what what are the advantages of just like setting a new lock period on that or
Versus, you know burning it you think for for a for a community like that, you know
And then the dev is obviously still a bit around for this one
You know to be honest, I'm not sure
Don't think you need to permanently lock liquidity. I mean I guess I guess I guess it's cool
You know, but
But I mean to me as a as a founder or you know
Like I think optional I always look to preserve
Optionality, you know and so because you never know what you might want to use that for and if you permanently lock like it's definitely
You know, that's it. You can't do anything with it. Right? So I feel like time locking
Gives you the benefits of both right? You can you you?
You give people the confidence that the liquidity will be there, you know when when
Whenever right really really that's what people are looking for, right?
It's like look if I if I need to get out or something or on a buy I want to make sure that there's always liquidity there
And you're giving them a time frame too, you know
Which I think is good and then and then you give yourself optionality you you like, you know
Okay, maybe you need to do something with it down the road, you know and or or maybe not and you just relock it
so so yeah, I'm not I
Guess I guess people are just like this burning it is simple. So I'll just do that or something. But
And then just just to clarify sir, I think I've missed it, but were you talking about the dynamic pools you can set these
temporary block periods for
Yeah, the the the I mean which stream flow you can lock any token for a period of time
So but if you if you use the dynamic if you lock the dynamic pool LP token rug check
Will track it and it will come up, you know
It'll come up like, you know, like whatever like percent liquidity locked or something
So so you're you get all the benefits of burning the LP token, right? Plus you you can
actually the other the other benefit to
With getting the time lock is that all the fees are in that pool, right?
So if you burn the LP token, you'll never be able to get those fees
With the time lock when it unlocks you can you can collect the fees and then relock, you know
the the original liquidity
So you you know, that's an option for you
Yeah, so I think the reason why like the reason why most of these projects burn liquidity is because
It's like really the problem like I mentioned before is that that launch method
If there's like a way you could change the way these coins are launched
Then I don't think you'll have that burning problem. Most people will probably just lock liquidity
Because if there's there's like a trust issue most people have
When when they see new coins, so they need to have that that burn just to know that the the dev won't unlock it
Within a month and it's and the coin gets destroyed. Oh
Yeah, that's that's what he's kind of saying though, right? Yes that using stream flow you can do you can accomplish the same task
Without having it while while being able to capture
Fees that are therefore revenue for your project that you can continue to use to develop and and and do better things down the road
Yeah, it seems it seems a quite an odd thing to do this
Yeah, sorry, what I'm trying to say is like
It's it's if there's no trust you even though like a developer could say they're doing that
When people see new coins
They don't know the developer at all. So it's tough to actually trust them unless they burn liquidity
So if you it's on shame though
That's what that's what I did that it's it's on shame
That your your tokens are locked in stream flow. So you don't have to have it burned you can have it, you know
Yeah, instead, you know
Yeah, I'm aware of that
But people are feel more secure when it's burned. Oh
That's interesting
Yeah, this is a cultural thing guys need tokens if you're if you're unfamiliar is
Because so many people been rubbed by people, you know
Pulling the liquidity pool even down the road, you know
But like the thing is like, you know, if I feel like now with with the aura
If if people are adding
If the community is big enough and there's enough liquidity added to these pools
And like let's say a portion of the liquidity pool is burned
But a portion is unlocking a month or two months down the road
I do feel like like even if that that that that remaining percentage got
Pulled out for to use for something like there's still
Like cross all the look pretty pools that people open there's like the original burners to play liquidity
But yeah, it's a cultural thing for sure. Like people
People just don't feel safe. They're always paranoid that with meme tokens that the the devs gonna pull the liquidity
Kill the token for whatever reason but yeah, it's a it's it's it's just part of the culture
I hope that's been fortunately been created by
By the negative influences in this in this market
one solution that we've been doing and what projects have been doing is is getting the token in the hands of
in the hands of the community by
offering it out on platforms like
Camino, we've we've been doing a lot. So actually that gets
you're not just reliant on the protocol to have the liquidity but
The community comes in
provides liquidity and get something in return like it's the token and
That's mitigating that risk, right? It's much harder to be rubbed on
When the liquidity is is shared between the community
So I like that in the content
Yeah, but I'm gonna I'm gonna say a few things and then and then
Get I think cloak cloak right cloak crypto
Just just one second and then um, yeah, I think I think I need a max win and spoon
You guys bring up a really important point about the culture and and what maybe the trust issue around
I wonder I I
Think the Jupiter's LFG platform will go a long way to do that
I don't know how many meme coins will launch on that but maybe they're something similar needs to be done for
for for meme coins as well where it's not just
in the hands of the
But there's there's a way to balance it out where like people can have trust but then there's still also like
Like options for the project, you know in terms of how to grow this thing
All right, but cloak crypto
You first and then Tom desert
Oh, I think there's something wrong with your internet man like you you're
It's really choppy and and hard to hear you man
you want to do you want to try to
Disconnect and come back and then let me move to let me move to Tom first
Hey, thanks for having me so
Y'all were talking about liquidity and and pools and all that stuff
So I guess my question is is as far as people buying into a token and feeling comfortable and all that stuff
That's really what it's about right like them feeling like they're not gonna get dumped on so
Depending on which coin it is and how it's set up. Y'all are talking stream flow. So what what number?
What number of days do y'all think is probably like or amount of time
that's like a strong amount of time and do you think like to lock up the funds and do you think that it
Should be like half burned and like half locked up or is that even possible?
I don't know to be honest about stream flow. So that was my question
Short answer. Yes, you can do both. We did both
When we launched we our first liquidity pool was in
Radium which we see. No, what's what's the average lifecycle of a meme? It just depends like three days. I
Mean it does depend but we when we were 30 days would probably be appropriate 90 days
Wherever those fees go back to if they're burned go ahead get go down. I don't know. I can't
this guy talking over
When we launched we we like I said, we did both so we started with radium we burned that pool
You know looking back on it
We did that because that's what
That's what we knew with every other
Mean coin that that we ever knew, you know, like okay burn the pool
That means dev won't rug people will be cool with that. So that's what we did first
split our
remaining Treasury after we you know airdrop to a bunch of people and
We locked some of it in stream flow for six months some of it for 12 months some of it for three months
So it's just kind of like what?
And the way that we made those decisions based on time is kind of okay. Well, we plan
Eventually to be able to give grants to different communities, but that's gonna be down the road
We're gonna need to see a price appreciation. So let's lock that for a longer amount of time and then
Okay, we're probably gonna need some marketing dollars
Three months down the road, but we can lock that away so that you know again people feel comfortable
I mean, I think that's the
spoon and
Sorry, I forgot his name we're talking about earlier though. It's I'm sorry. It was an e-max win
It's it's about the the visual it's about the the people's sense of of safety of
With with toke with small-cap tokens like this. So you just kind of have to make that decision for yourself
It sounds like used card did it for like a month or so something like that. And that's also totally fine because they need
When it comes to trying to get listed on exchanges and stuff like that
So I think for each project it's gonna be kind of a personal decision and how you communicate that to your holders is what?
It's gonna be all about. Yeah, I agree. So question on that
How how did how did y'all do that because the bots kind of eat eat it up right away start they start eating at it
Right. So you have to like do it so fast
So did you have it all set up and you were just able just to do all that and line it up
Did y'all have people and bots kind of attack it at the start or how did that work?
We did we did get bought attacked a little bit at the start
but not I
Honestly thought it was gonna be worse
We started we had a large amount of liquidity that we could tap
We started very slowly
To add that in add that in
As we saw that like real people were trading not just bots
but honestly, man, it was
Like we just didn't sleep for a couple of days. Yeah, I just monitored it at all times and we're just like extremely reactive
Out of USDC, yeah, yeah at least
50,000 if I remember correctly and Wow, maybe twice that
Total y'all so y'all loaded like 50k or 100k of LP and then you just burned it first
Yeah, that was yes those early on. Yeah, that's crazy cuz recently like that
I saw got mail did that and that's why I got in early with that is cuz I saw them burn up like
8200 bucks and I jumped in there
because there's a lot of mystery and stuff behind it too and
I thought that was the most I had seen I didn't know y'all did that much
That's yeah, we did we did a lot
now, you know would
Would I do that again? I don't I think probably slightly less
I think probably right gone the route that I probably would have done it even more
Segmented. I mean the best I
Think early on the best thing you can do is get a bunch of liquidity out there
So that bots can't chew through it as much, you know, right?
But I think that as we're learning there's just like no real perfect way to do it
but I do think that the way that that Jup did it was certainly like
Provided an amount of stability now if you're launching a meme token is stability that you something that you want early on
That's that's a question that you got to ask yourself, right? But
You know, sometimes people just want to see big giant green dildos so that they can ape into stuff and that's you know
That's that's cool, too. It really just depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I think
Yeah, thanks for answering that yeah, that's pretty much all I had was I was curious about that and then y'all's take on
like the amount of liquidity burn and then
The stream flow timeframe based on comfortability of like a regular investor. I
Probably what six months is real comfortable
I mean, like you said somebody said this earlier most of these died like in three days or I think rooster said that so like
Yeah, I was just curious what y'all y'all's take on that
Yeah, I mean personally just from my perspective it's it's really about are you trying to build something that's
Gonna be around for for a while or are you trying to build something? That's funny and catches people's attention
For a shorter period of time and and maybe you know, maybe it just started as a joke, but it becomes something bigger
You know, like that's always a possibility. So I don't know
I would say that access to liquidity for a newly launched coin is
Extremely important, especially if you are trying to be listed on on
Centralized exchanges it costs money. It costs money to get listed by coin
Gekko, it costs money to get listed by coin market cap. It costs money to get
listed by any
centralized exchange
Cost money to work with market makers. So you need to balance that ability to
Keep your holders confident in what you're doing
but also not
not give away all your all
Your your money because you're going to need it if you plan to pay around for more than three or four days
Hey guys, sorry, we got a lot of requests I have to I'm gonna cycle people out so apologies if I'm if I'm
Cycling people out just just I'm just trying to get as many, you know people who want to ask questions a chance
Hey, hey Ben, I actually got a run man. So okay, you can cycle me out
Thank you so much for for having us up here
Appreciate all the good questions and
Hope everybody has a great day
Yeah, thanks, man. This has been great. Honestly, like always impressed with
Everyone I keep thinking like these faces are gonna be more degenerate than then then they end up being but uh, I don't know like
All right
Who else had a question sash
so I invited sash if you have other if you have questions, just please wait raise your hand and also a request to be up and
Can you hear me
Nice. Yeah, I was just wondering about the one tingles as um
Um, the LMM or other pools is super important for the market liquidity
Because if they are not they can be any market. I was wondering
about impermanence loss if
There are any way or is it planned to have it more efficiency in terms of less
Implaneness for the user or
something like this
That's something I'm interested into
But so so so say it again about the impermanent loss like you you're interested in in the
Yeah into knowing if it's possible to have it more efficient. Let's say they like this for the for anyone providing liquidity. I
Would I would say hi, it's mark here from Camino
There's there's no free lunch, right? It's
with with the decks you can have
Especially with dlmm, which is like hyper hyper kind of adjustable
you can optimize for
fee capture as an LP and
by doing that you have a
like a trading range, which is
Narrower rather than wider
And or you can optimize to like reduce the impact of of
Of yeah, what what what somebody called impermanent loss you can have a very wide range and
That means that
You know it will take you longer to go from say 5050 assets into a hundred percent of the other one
So you can you can experiment on on the decks
but you can also think really also about like what what your
Strategy is right because impermanent loss sounds sounds scary and it sounds like it's always I need to I need to avoid this
at all costs
LP strategies to
to kind of convert one asset to another right now if you've if you've if you want to take profit on on the meme coin and
You set a range where you're a hundred percent back into soul by a certain price
Actually, that's that's impermanent loss, but that's what you want because you've decided to
to take profit
So I wouldn't be I wouldn't just see like, you know this kind of scared of of this
Thing, you know lost it sounds like you've lost something
Maybe it's another one of those crypto words, which which is like not really appropriate for what the phenomenon is
Yeah, so a few things to think about, you know, there's no silver bullet so if you if you think the price is gonna
Chop around
Then lots of people go like to go very tight range
Or yeah, like I said like super wide and they'll be less less of that impact
But you can you can do all of that on matiora
what we try and do in Camino is
We build the strategies right that a lot of people deploy into
So you don't have to think too much about the strategy and we try and be fairly robust. So there
There should always be trading going on but we also don't want to be
Chopped up and we know that these most meme coins especially can be very volatile
So we usually have like a very wide wide range, which you still get decent fee capture
but you're not completely
chopped up by this this kind of phenomenon of
Rebalancing and locking in impermanent lost too much
Yeah, okay, thanks. Thanks. Yeah it did. I mean, uh, I know yellow sounds a bit scary
I need a minute to I didn't mean in that way
I was just wondering about
Maybe strategy improvement to reduce eel me. I think
some decades such as
Which we cannot access
If some developed some sort of strategy to avoid
Yeah, so I find it pretty interesting. I
Feel I feel like we're not done yet with this
Yeah, yeah, definitely there's always always more
Research for me done. Yeah
You know just I'm gonna take I'm gonna take a shot here and try to explain it. So it's simple to understand for folks
One is like yeah impermanent laws doesn't mean like like you lose everything, right?
I mean you do you are exposed to
You know the price action of the token, right?
But it would be no different like if if that token went to zero
If you put it in your wallet, it would still go to zero if you're holding it in your wallet, right?
like you're not it's not
It's it's it's a you know, it's the same it would be kind of the same right so
and permanent loss in general is sort of like
another way to think about is like maybe you missing out on what you could have
made if you were to hold it instead of
LP it right and then
Simply like to the what you're trying to do when you LP to
Reduce the impermanent loss is just
You're just looking to to make make fees. So so basically all any strategy anything you do
What you're trying to do is make more money on the fees than you would
be missing out on
then then then you'd be
Say like incurring with impermanent loss, right?
So if you're in permanent loss was like maybe oh I could have made $100 more if I just held it my wallet
You need to make more than $100 in fees
If you know and so you want to pick a strategy where you just make that amount of fees over a period of time
I mean it can get very complicated, but really it just boils down to you know, can I can I can I?
make enough fees
Right now to overcome anything and what I've been telling other people by the way is like look
You don't have to be scared about this thing, right?
Like if you see like like, okay
Like one of these tokens you want if you like bow tokens, then it's just really easy, right?
Like even if the price goes up or down you're like, I I love this token
I think it's gonna pump eventually then it doesn't you're gonna be more chill. You're gonna be like, alright, it's cool
All right, but the other the other way I've been suggesting for people who are new to this is like, you know
Don't think of it as a big deal or a big thing, you know
Play around with it for like a short period right like like say you're it's a Sunday and you got a few hours to kill
Right like and the price doesn't seem like it's moving around a lot. All right LP for a few hours
Print some fees and then withdraw and get out and then and then you're good
You know, like you don't you probably didn't get in permanent loss as long as the price didn't go
you know sideways or you didn't go out of range and and and it's a nice way to like
You know like get your feet wet right without being like, alright, I got to go all in on this thing
You don't really have to you if you've got some time to chill out your hangout a cafe have a cup of coffee
You know watch, you know LP whatever you want like into like a pool and and and you know
Be active for a few hours and then and then when you got to go and do something withdraw, you know
Yeah, I just kind of wanted to circle in on this just cuz um and permanent loss was like something that always confused me a
Lot of times but one thing that I had a friend like kind of tell me like when he was explaining to me is
it's better to term it as like a ratio change or ratio loss because
the the best way I like
To put out I don't mind be wrong on this but basically it's like to not look at it as
the amount of coins you have but just like keep track of the USD value because
When you when you pair two assets together
You know ideally you want those to kind of stay at the same price and not like, you know
Fluctuate or like have high volatility because then you're farming more fees
But if one coin goes up then it sells and you get more of the other coin. So I guess the
the main point of
Doing the LPs, you know, like you said is mainly getting the points
but also making sure you pair two assets that are either gonna go up together or
Kind of like stay the same
But it's not really like you're losing anything too much because you know
Like you said if the coin goes down then you just get another coin
Yeah. Yeah. Well if the coin goes down you get more of that coin is really
relative to the other but but but yeah, I mean I I think
I also try to explain it that way too. It's kind of similar like if you put in say 10k worth, right?
You know if the price moves, you know
Let's say it doesn't totally go one way or I mean like fully like 10x one way or the other right like if it
Let's just say it just moves it a bit, you know, you should still be able to pull
Your 10k 10k worth of that pair out, but you'll just have more of the lower price token
Than you then you would have had before this doesn't cover all the cases
But you know like like that's another way of looking at it, right?
Like so you'll have you know, and now if that price continues to go down, right?
That's this is where people get like oh, hey like shit. It keeps going down and down right like then, you know
This is where people can be like, oh my gosh, like I'm maybe losing here, right?
But yeah, but but it depends on how you look at that token. Some people are like like, you know
Like I mean like for example, like I mean, you know, if you're bullish on that token, you're like man
I'm gonna keep buying if it goes down. Like I want more of that token, right?
It depends on how you feel
So if you think like oh, wow, this is gonna be a deal like like yeah
I want more of it because I know that later on it's gonna go up, right?
So so this is why I think like if you're new to LPing
It's just way easier to be like alright pick two tokens that you love like you pick two tokens you love holding
Then your life is just gonna be super easy. You're not gonna be all freaked out. Be like if the price goes down or anything
Yeah, cuz you need to be happy either way, you know
If you got more or less of of the other token because you're bullish on either
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Go on I just want to say cuz in the DLM and any concentrated liquidity
Though the worst case scenarios you're holding a hundred percent of one token or the other token
Like that's the worst case scenario. So you have to say
If I'm holding a hundred percent of this one token, am I cool?
Am I fine? Do I like it or or you can be like, oh, you know, I hate that like I'd I gotta get out, you know
But I think another good thing too about like doing the pair is is like
Let's say if you have like a bunch of one token, you know, you pair it with jup or something
It's also like a good way to kind of let go of some coins without having to like affect the market as much
Because it pulls from the the pool instead of just like going straight to you know
The decks and then dumping, you know X amount of tokens
Which could affect the price a lot harsher than if you were to lose those coins inside of the pool
Yeah, I think that's a great point right like say you're holding a lot of chunky and you want jup
You know like you could LP into the into the juke chunky pool
Right put most of your chunky in and then you know as the price moves around like that that'll convert over
right and you're not
You know, you're not
Buying and selling from the market and and affecting the price. You're not paying fees on that, you know
and then at the end whenever you decide to withdraw you'll have some ratio of jup and and chunky and
You know plus fees so, you know, maybe maybe you're like in a happier place, right?
You know when when when all around?
Another one of the price where to go up and down maybe you could end up with a lot of chunky instead
Let's say like I mean, but if you had all chunky to begin with so you end up with just
all chunky again and
Any fees that you made so so it's not like you're anything changed that much for you
So and this is this is where like you'll have to want to understand how the DLM works a little bit more
Tooth, you know to give yourself a better shot if you want like more juke or whatever token actually that's the cool part
Right like and I think this is the cool part for anyone any holder right is like
Oh like I can use this to get to other tokens that I like
All right, I'm gonna push I'm gonna let's see a few folks have some questions
Crypto Luffy
Hey guys, thank you so I'm gonna let you down by the way
Sorry, am I good to go? Yeah, you're good. Ah
Awesome. Thank you for letting me speak. I bought a question. I've been listening to you guys and I've learned a lot
Thank you for that. I
Looking at these LPs and everything and I started learning about this very I mean like two or three weeks ago
I know the basics and everything but then I came across a project who did something unusual
So I wanted to ask you about how it would affect so let's say this there's a project I came across
Lately what they did is they paired
25% of their LP this produce product is called diamond. They
They put 25% of their LP against one percent
LP of Anita Wayne max at bottom
Let's say if Anita when max pumps maybe goes two three four X
How is that gonna affect to that token? Is it gonna be just like normal LP?
Just the way they would have put in solar. Is it gonna be drastic move or how?
How's they're gonna affect it because that's something I you know, and I can't really get
Uh, yeah, let me let me I guess I could so basically
If it's a dynamic pull the ratio in a dynamic pull the ratio of the tokens
Determines the price in the pool and sort of the relative value, right? So if
Forgot if you said the name of the token, but like, you know, if any if it's paired with Anita max when
Diamond if it's diamond win, right
like and and when pumps 3x, right then
basically compared to diamond, right then
Basically the amount of wind in that pool is gonna shrink
Because it's more expensive. Right? So the price goes up. So the the ratio is gonna change where
It'll it'll and you'll get more diamond in that pool and less win, right?
By that by that sort of equivalent amount of price movement
You know, and so so if you're LPing in that pool again, like whatever you have
Whatever you amount you put in like maybe it's 1k or $100 or whatever it is, right? You'll
Get that amount back but a different ratio, right?
And so so the the IL for you is that like well if you had just held win
Right, you would have you would have you your win would have been worth like, you know 3x, right?
but instead
You get out the amount that you put in
Plus whatever fees you earned
Right. And so so it's not this is why I think in this scenario
It's like, you know, it's not like you lost you you didn't whatever money you put in you didn't lose all that money
You you you got it back
Plus fees, but you weren't you didn't participate in the 3x pump, you know, like like
so so normally when you're LPing right the thing is like you're
You want the price to not go one way, right if it goes one way up or down
That's where you incur the IL
And if it's just chilling out like it's going up and down like it's just chilling out within a price range then
This is it like normally a good time to take your assets and make some, you know, make some money off of it
Through the fees right through the yield
Does that answer your question
Yeah, it did. Thank you so much. Another just follow up on that. I
You just cleared for that one of my doubts the other one I wanted to ask was that if
if we know like we diamond and when was paired and
25% of supply of diamond is paired with 1% or half a percent of
When starts going up, let's say two three four five ten whatever X amount and
How would that affect?
diamond because in normally in normal
As per my understanding it's gonna be because LP ratio is
because it when it goes up it is going to suck all the liquidity out of
Diamond soul cool. So the pump is gonna be extremely high even without anyone buying at the chart
For example, if if if there's no buyers at all on that in the chart and if when starts to going up three four five
X then that when pool is going to suck the whole liquidity out of
Diamond Solana pool and that alone will you know, maybe it it will be you know
So diamond will be going three four five X. That's my understanding of how it might work. So the I was because you guys are the expert so
Is my understanding right? Well, it's not how it works
Okay, I'm curious what other guys think but I'll take a stab at this, you know, it's I again I I don't know if
You know whether a project
token pumps
Like again, it just it just affects the ratio right of a token so you you will end up
So so that the the diamond the diamond
Token, you know product it has a lower market cap lower number of folders
Probably in general right like if there isn't a lot of people buying and trading off of it, right?
You'll end up with more of that token in the pool and you'll have more of that, right? So
Like if a lot of this is also personal if you're just early and you think this is like diamond is awesome
This could be just a good opportunity for you. And if later on down the road a lot like diamond grows and everything you
you know, like
Like things can change right?
but at that moment right in time, I mean if there's
you know if most of the
Liquidity in diamond is
Like if 25% of it in that pool, you'll just it'll just keep adding more into that pool like it. It'll
there'll be more of the diamond in that pool right and less and less of
You know that
That'll be I mean again, it'll be your perception right like or the market percent rate when is clearly more valuable
That's why there's less of it and
you know it
again, I think it speaks to like whether or not like look if you're if you're
If you're a long diamond, then you and you and you like diamond then you don't you don't
Like this this, you know
It shouldn't matter to you as much right or maybe you see this an opportunity for you to acquire
Diamond right at a good price
But you know if
again, I think
Something I recommend like if you are freaking out about the price of a token you may not like it, right?
So as much as you think you do you just really like the price action
So so, you know, I think the the thing to think about is like, oh man
Yeah, if I'm not excited when the price dumps, then I might maybe you should not you shouldn't be LPing that that token
right you should be
At least in the beginning right like pick something you're like, you really like holding, you know, so I don't know
Oh, got you. Thank you so much. Yeah, cool. Awesome. All right, let's let's move on
Yeah, yeah, yeah, holy shit I caught a cramp I started waving my
Not so good I'm trying to understand all this nerdy talk but uh, I like the vibes and everything
I see we got the legend max when we got spoon
Okay, we got rocks. We got all mucky chunky. We got you meteor. Thank you for letting me speak. I
What's it called I
Really don't got much to say I just like the vibes. So I thought I'd spit a little something for you guys
Good for it, man. Love it
You know like I'm just trying to
You ready?
Yo, meteoros on the mic spaces ringing the bell spoon and Anita max wing coin. They buying it
Well, we're riding the charts
parabolic in motion
Flushing out the Jeep like a potion in the ocean
Skippity toilet swirl where the losers be dropping while we in the spaces. Our meme coins are popping
Meteora's the captain spoons got the plan
Anita and the wing coin flying to the moon is the clan and in the Twitter sweet sphere with a kings and queens
Talking meme coins collecting those greens
So let's keep it tight as we ride the crypto wave and meteor space. It's the fortune we crave
High-five grace
You in America
I'm in New York
Like 11 a.m
It's 11 a.m. Yeah, I'm keep no sleep though. I'm all over the place. I'm in every single fucking project
I'm trying to make it out there, you know one way or another
Dude, we should have you just spit it out at the beginning man. You could be our
Welcome or welcome all day hit the follow every day any day at work at home
I quit my job originally back in December 1st almost off myself
Cuz my nationality is Albania when I quit my job, my family stopped talking to me and all that
my wife almost left me, you know what I mean, but
Cuz bow they don't understand the crypto space. They don't understand it, you know, and I said, fuck it
Let me I see how Twitter's going. I see all these cryptos. Let me see what I could do and
I'm trying but I'm trying with no knowledge. No experience zero money zero nothing to my name. I'm trying, you know, I'm trying
Fuck it. Whatever happens happens. I love it, man. I love it. Thank you so much. That was so fucking cool, dude
You come come to our discord come to our discord and
We'd love to have you like got a really cool community
Awesome by the way, by the way. Yeah, it's morning in New York, Marky
11 a.m. I just want everyone to know for breakfast
Jeet's eat cockwaffles. I
Have no idea what that was. Okay. All right, bro. That was awesome
All right, let me let me let's let's let's let's uh, maybe this should be a talent show
Now I had to switch the vibe of it was too nerdy
You know what I mean? It was to LP diamonds this that I say yo
Let me get in here cuz I saw some big names coming in and out
Let me yeah
Yeah, do you think guys do you think I'm here? Thank you. Thank you. Um, yeah, if anyone else wants us wants to throw down
please please
please uh
Please come up. All right. I'm gonna add a few more folks
Let me know if you guys
Yo, yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna step down here and give up this face
But I think having us up here. Appreciate you. Shout out everybody up here
Yeah, thanks. Thank you. Have a good one. Cheers
All right, I also need to leave thanks a lot Ben
Hey, thanks for my theory, how are you guys doing?
Good good. Good. Good. Thanks for allowing us to speak
First of all, thank you everybody for you know, like being here like this is a great space
Thanks material for holding hosting this meme coin
Meteor space it's a great thing. If you guys are not familiar with us
We're I'm here representing the bird token the bird community. Are you familiar with us or have you heard about us? I
Haven't but I'm I'm pretty
I'm I'm I'm more of the defy guy. So gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah, like so
Basically, we're like a meme token
That's the lives on Solana
We launched on the 26th of December, you know, we have a very unique
intellectual property and narrative branding, you know, like we're like a little
Chick with a knife and our narrative is that we're gonna stab all the meme points all the way to the top
Like I said, we launched on the 26th of December. We have so far
achieved many milestones and
Many things that we believe
You know like happened with a lot of work we have so far reached an all-time high of 8.8 million
Right now we're trading between
One to 1.5 million. So it's a good very good entry point, you know, like we have close partnerships with got bit
You know, we have close partnerships with the back with mirror world, you know, all that kind of stuff
We have also like we have amazing ambassadors as well
We have like, you know, we have calipsoas and as an ambassador
We have an crypto and right now we are working on some utility
Like basically a week ago. We launched our birthday is are you spreading the the
Vibes about meteora camino and dynamic pools. That's the question. Oh
Okay, could you repeat the question please? Yeah, like what do you got you guys doing stuff with dynamic pools
Are you spreading the gospel or what's going on? Oh
Yeah. Yeah, we're definitely looking into it like right now
We're not but like we're definitely looking into it that we plan to do it soon
Like right now we're more focused on what we're building right now, which is like our lottery system, which was already launched
And yeah, two seconds two seconds. Let's put up a dynamic pool, bro. Let's get your people in. Let's go
Don't do it educate, let's go. Yeah, let's go. Let's go
Thanks, man. Really appreciate it. Dave has his hand up. So I'm gonna I'm gonna
Give him some time, but appreciate the appreciate the love man. Cheers
Yo, what's up, Ben?
Jim spudicus on time. Let's go guys
Yeah, I just wanted to know like
Do you think that there's there's things that should be built on top of meteor to to help with?
Meme coins and help things, you know stabilize in the meme coin world
Maybe I came in too late and you had some ideas
I understand, you know, just using meteor in general and DLMM s to do this
But do you think that there's something that should be built?
And if so, kind of what do you think should be built on top of meteor to help?
You know in the meme coin world
I'm gonna throw out an idea
I'm curious what like spoon or I need a max win or something or anyone doing a doing a token
Care like kind of cares about but I think one of the really cool things
Being able to use the DLM to like support or encourage a price action. I mentioned it before like, you know, dupe
What you know what you can set your price curve and your liquidity in a certain way to encourage something, right?
You know and it doesn't necessarily have to be like this binary like buy or sell wall. It could be it could be different things
but it requires like
like advanced knowledge like right like I think it'd be cool if
There was someone I mean in the same way like Camino has these strategies for LPs
Someone had and like a really automated vault that did
something for like a project right like you put maybe that actually could be like a really cool other way to
Instead of like time locking in stream flow you lock your LP in this other vault
But it it's designed to do something for your token like to encourage a price action in your in your token
Instead of just you know, like an LP like instead of just having liquidity. I don't know but curious what everyone else might think
Yeah, it might be interesting if you guys maybe set up a
Either record a video or a demo of something like that where you could show an example
at some point in the future of like, you know, how would
How would a team or a community go about?
using a DLMM to encourage certain price action, right like
You know, like what is that? What does that mean? Because I think people are still learning about limit orders on Jupiter
they're learning about bird eye that they could see buy and sell order floors and ceilings and stuff like that and
You know, I think that's sort of the same idea
using a DLMM to encourage
You know certain certain, you know floors or whatever or certain price action. It'd be cool to see like
Maybe a quick video go out and say hey, okay
You have you're currently at you know, X X
Market cap or X price, you know
And we we kind of want to you know encourage people to to buy at these levels whatever like this is how I would set
Up the pool. I don't know just an idea
Yeah, I mean and for people listening, I mean just it's you know, it's not it's not that complicated either
If you want to support a price at a certain target
Let's say your meme coin gets you know, you're a price where you're like, I'm happy. It's here
I don't want I don't want this price to move
I you know, our team has made some money what you can do is just you know throw in a concentrated
LP position using the DLMM
You know in a close bound just in into in a tight range around whatever price it is now
So there'll be a lot of liquidity in that range and it'll take a lot of sellers to move from that range
Yeah, I like that idea especially right now as a lot of mean tokens are in accumulation phases right now
It's probably a great opportunity
those capabilities especially for
a number of the
mean tokens that were up here earlier that do have like Jupiter DL M's or
Or things like that where they can actually
Use use that more advanced capability with their with their actual token. So
So yeah, and then if as a reminder could use meteor you remind us which tokens do you have?
DLMM Jupiter pools right now that are getting sort of the triple stack rewards
For people that are looking to venture into that world
Alright guys, so so look again, like it's really simple
Actually, let me we'll post a link in a tweet thing
But this the easiest thing to do is go to Camino and there's some juke pools in there. We've got like
Juke Arab juke used car right both those things
Juke echo juke chunky all of these
Actually also juke punk all of these get gets at least
1.5 x points from meteor and Camino
Plus token rewards from the respective
Token so you'll be getting used car you get you'll be getting Arab actually the the liquidity mining on those things are
It's pretty sick right now to like get go chunky
The crazy thing is like you're you're getting the token words plus the points, but they're also
printing fees too, so like you're actually making money on
On the fee so even if the rewards go away and the and the bonuses go away, which they will after a period of time
You're gonna be making money on the fees and that's the cool part is like you can learn you can make your mistakes here
But for example like use car right now is making
Like 1.5 percent per day
Per day right so that so you're you're you're you're a PR on that is
What is that? That's a
550 around 550 percent
Apr right if you if you look at a PR right so that's pretty huge right so even if all the rewards and points and everything
Go away, you're making that on fees like
And that's actually the cool part about this right it's not
Like using the DLM and everything is like you know you know take advantages of this to learn
But like it's not just like hey
The only cool part about it is that you get these free tokens and rewards like the cool part about is like even
When it's gone, and you learn how to use these things
It's it's a good it can be like a good
Source of yield for for you as a holder, and you said you're gonna post a link to those vaults that people can get too quickly
Yeah, yeah, give me one second to do that. Yeah
Like I think I was talking to somebody who put a lot of money in a used car
vault and with Jupiter and
because they're both kind of ranging between you know a couple price ranges is pretty easy to set the range right now and
Yeah, like they're just actually making a killing like it's it's crazy right now
Especially with the with the the fact they're getting used car tokens for at least another week here. I believe
Yeah, there's another week of it for used car and Arab
Dutter yeah, I mean I think
The time is now, and you don't have to actually settle if you use Camino
That's the thing too like I think you don't have to
You don't have to set the range or anything right that I think he was in the dlm
Correctly be if you're right if you use the Camino vault. It's managed for you
It's totally managed for you
Camino does a great job of
Taking care of everything for you, and they actually have nice graphs so you can see your how much money you're making right?
We haven't built out that side of it on the dlm that said if
like once you understand the power of the dlm you will make more doing it directly because
Like the what Camino does is kind of like the diet Camino is sort of like the dynamic it uses the dlm
But you can treat it like a diet are dynamic pools
so you only make as much as
How much you put in like like if you only own like point one percent of that pool
You're only going to earn point one percent of of the fees there right just like in the dynamic pool, right?
So it's automated. You don't have to think about it. You can you can stack points and everything
And and and you're gonna do great
But if you under if you take the time to learn the dlm you can take whatever capital you have
Like if it's a hundred bucks if it's ten dollars, whatever it is
right and you can totally concentrate that and and use that to really
Max out your met your met points and the fees like
So the you that used car yield of one point five percent per day is
On average of the cross the whole pool
so that means that anyone who's
Lp'ing directly on the dlm and knows what they're doing is
Making more than that like can be can be making way more than that
and so that's sort of the trade-off like
You can make let me um
All right. Let me tweet out though
like Dave you got your Jim
Yeah, I just wanted to to add that just so people know like one point five percent per day is is nuts
I mean you have to be careful because you know with mean coins is it can be serious and permanent loss
But if the price of used car kind of maintains
you know their price
one point five percent a day is
You talked about APR, but in terms of APY what you could yield if you compounded that daily
Taking your rewards is like twenty two thousand nine hundred APY, right? Just a just to throw that out there
Yeah, that that is just crazy, dude
And two two hundred and twenty nine X in a year, right if you uh, you get one point five percent a day
Yeah, and that that's not even counting the rewards. So that has nothing to even do with
You know getting getting the getting more used car or any of the tokens plus like, you know access to two
Tokens that are coming out later this year like from from you know, like obviously I'm biased with meteor
But like a big fans of you know Camino like we love them. They're great, you know
so this is such a crazy time like I think anyone should be just
doing this right now like
Yeah, like and and this is to me also
I don't know if I'm this may be philosophical, but like I feel like
Because I see a lot of people trying to like air drop farm and do all this stuff
Yes, please do do that, but really take the time to learn this stuff because
Like if you learn if you learn if you figure out the deal and that pays you back forever
Right like after the air drops after the token after the incentives are over
Like you can you can you know, you know, if you learn how to use it well, then, you know
You you know, this is something that will just be like this is leveling yourself up, you know, so
I'm gonna jump but then I'd love to chat about like what can we build on top of minior in terms of new coins?
I think you're right. I think there's there's something there to be to be done. So
Yeah, yeah
We'll chat more we do we do have some we have been talking about plans just I
Hate teasing but I'm gonna tease a little bit but we we are we have been
We've had so many really awesome projects come on and there's there's been you know, a lot of people have been talking about different things
So, you know, we we are thinking about like what we can do to help this space, you know
And so so we'd love to like grab everyone who cares about this and see what we you know
what what are the most important things to try to solve and
You know happy to happy to like, you know
Work on it together with everyone. So so I think it'd be cool
Although I think already like, you know, maybe people don't still don't know like we're already like I think the easiest cheapest way
To for any meme coin to have liquidity
Oh got mail go for it
They was just waving goodbye, oh he was waving goodbye shoot
You need to get the meteor a team a
2001 gently use 2001 Honda Civic in rapid and
Meteor and you guys need to travel the country spreading the word about Solana DeFi. I think that's gonna happen
We need a mini documentary of you guys packed into that car going to college campuses and opening up wallets
Well, we'll get fine we'll get fast I need to drive you guys around and then
You know, he can he can break the ice for you guys
but something some but so we get somebody a big personality that's you know, boom Bastik and
You know, you guys you guys can be the nerd nerd support the help desk. Yeah
Yeah, I'm cool. Like I'm down
You know to be honest, I actually do these things because I'm one of our more
I'm a blend actually but
Introvert actor, but like yeah, everyone else is uh, I love our team. They're so great
They're really really amazing good folks super talented
But yeah, we're we're kind of the
I don't know
Some of us are most less. All right homeboy. No homeboy flicks. You have a question. Yeah, what's good, man?
How you doing? Yep
I'm good. I'm good, bro. Yeah, bro. I just I just wanted to it's not more of a question
I just wanted to say man. I love meteora and
You know, I used to be a pretty decent liquidity provider on the ETH chain and
I'm so fucking happy that you know
I'm I'm in some really really nice like solid meme coins and I'm providing some meteora
On meteor like at first like I was on radium and I wanted to freakin hang myself and I was so fucking happy
I found you guys like your guys's setup is so
Amazing like it's seamlessly easy
Like the fees are just like not even there like eat. Don't even get me started. I'm just so freakin blessed to
You guys are doing what you're doing and it's it's honestly amazing
And yeah, like good going to your point you have to be obviously careful with meme coins
But when you find the really legitimate ones with you know, correct, you know dev and backing and all that
It's it's extremely lucrative, especially to be with you know, like with you guys meteor. It's amazing. So I'm just really blessed to
You know find you guys and I was able to and I'm recommending
Everybody like, you know, especially in the one I'm in one of the meme coins and men right now. That's doing really well
I'm just like I pretty much on boarded like 40 people yesterday on meteor pool
So man, like really appreciate what you guys are doing. Holy shit, man. Thank you. Thank you for that love
and 40 people is
freaking insane, so
Maybe maybe we need to do these kind of parties
like I would be down to do onboarding parties man that that sounds like
crazy man and
Yeah now and now's the time to
Let let let me know how we can help
make that a thing or help help with your onboarding or whatever like this is this is a
The the the bonuses incentives going on right now are just you know, a spoon mentioned like the shortest one is like ends in a week
The other ones will also end so now is a great time to just get people in and and because you can know like it
Always when you're learning something right like this is where like you can make a mistake and maybe have aisle or something or whatever
But but you know, this is this is the this is why the incentives are there
It's like it's it's a nice soft cushion or or even I mean honestly better than that
but but so, you know, you can figure out how to use these things and and
After they're done like like you can be a pro at like really, you know
Taking advantage of it
All right
Biocoin you have your hand up
Hello, hello GM GM
Technically the Chinese Pepe is what?
But we go around doing is one of the biggest memes on we chat in Asia
I actually had a question on terms of like launching because they're new tokens and like LP detection
Because a lot of these tools like
And some of the bots they only detect radium pools at launch and stuff like that
But if you could just launch with meteor
Uh, is it it could it is it detected in the same pools or does it kid it or is it like more stealthy?
I mean does bonk bot and all these other
Bots that people trade on get connected to meteor pools if you have the contract address
Yeah, good question
So by the way, I don't want to hate on the radio too much. I like the team
I think they've done great work and and they've you know, they've
Like have like carved out a really good needs for meme coins. We have been working on
Integrations to support meme coin launches. So so so so
We're already we're already in so Dex greener and Dex tools have already integrated
At least our DLMM pools and then also
Our dynamic pools
The bot integration is also happening so
A number of bots directly integrate with meteor flux bot is one of them
Bonk bot is doing it through Jupiter
But is also working on direct integrations
They a lot of it is
A lot of it is folk may be focused right now on the DLM, but the dynamic one should be coming soon
And also the the the thing that one thing that Jupiter is working on
is having a
Specifically for token launches and meme points, you know, which applies to meme coins as well
In case you didn't know this it doesn't really matter
what Dex you're on in terms of because most
volume and trading happens through Jupiter and
so, you know, you should really pick a Dex that has the feature sets and
Maybe the costs and and the UX that you really enjoy
Or you find fits for you, but no matter what Dex you're on
Most everything colors through Jupiter. So you're you know within minutes, you know, you'll be plugged in if you have enough liquidity
The one thing is that Jupiter hasn't been focused on is token launches
So and that's where like radium and its bot integrations have been really good
for the most part Jupiter tries to protect people from
Like really low liquid low market cap markets to make it an easier trading experience
But there's going to be a new API targeted, you know to serve
Uh serve people for launches. So
So when that comes out it won't matter
It won't matter again
Like where if you're in radium us or even you know orca or any of the other Dexes like, you know, you'll have one place
Where like you can get access to all the new
Token tokens that come up
And be able to trade them
so this will take probably a little bit more time, but but um,
um, uh, this is the kind of stuff that we're
The lfg launches are are the like the testing ground for all this
and um, and so like like actually I think with the jup launch, uh
you know that that was part of it like um,
like, you know testing out how these things work and
And and actually and eventually those things will be like really really really powerful, right?
So we'll build in the same level of infrastructure that you see in jup, right?
Because a lot of these launches, you know can you're fighting bots other bots you're fighting salonic congestion
You know and even if you use bots, by the way, it's not guaranteed because salonic congestion they themselves need big infrastructure
So if we can bring that to if jupiter brings that
same level of infrastructure to all launches no matter where they are like
It should be easier for anyone to to to snipe and and get in
Uh, and you know meteor will play a big role in that
Shoot, I think I shilled it
went into like
Marking shill or something. I don't know. Anyway, hopefully that answered the question. It's okay
I actually have a I got another question on on uh, this because you just mentioned that there's a liquid
Situations and being protected from them. What is like a minimum liquidity experience?
To be like considered on meteor and jupiter
Uh, you don't need you don't need like how much is
Yeah, yeah, there's no minimum for
Meteor you can have as little or no or as much as you want
Uh jupiter has minimum liquidity requirements and they apply to everyone meteor radium orga
uh phoenix any any index
And uh, there's there's two main ones. One is that you need at least 500 worth of liquidity
For a market a pool to get listed
The the price impact between buying and selling that token. Um
Cannot be more than 30 percent
so this this
This is one reason why it's not as suitable for launches, but um
like way back in the day
you know, we saw a lot of um
Really funny open book or like actually I think serum markets where people would put a one-sided market
They would promote the hell out of the token everyone would buy the token and then they couldn't sell right? That was like a um
There was no there was nothing on the um
on the other side
um, and so
So to help protect I mean to help like, you know, just make it easier for folks
Jupiter checks that you can sell back, you know
So so it'll list a market like if you can't sell back into the market, it won't list it right
So you need the minimum liquidity and the ability to sell back
to buy and sell um
Um, so you need those two things basically
I mean now I mean there's all sorts of ways really to
For people to rug to be honest they can they can you know have
Freeze authority they can you know, it's freeze tokens in the wallet and there's a whole bunch of things
which is why like tools like rug check are awesome, but
But anyway, uh, those two are the main things
You can be anywhere on any decks and as long as you
Fulfill those two things jupiter will will list you it may take some time. It's not instant
so to uh, um
I think it's it's quicker nowadays, but but uh, there's a lot of tokens and markets. Um
That that are popping up on salona. So
In general that everyone is trying to improve their infrastructure and their scalability because of it because of it
Some of the there's so much activity going on
Um, sorry homeboy you had a your answer up great. That's a great answer
Yeah, I had a quick question. So like, you know, um
Like when you so when you said 500, so yeah
So if you're owning like, you know at least like four percent of a pool it's getting like listed on jupiter is what you're saying
If you if you have at least
It's not it's not about it's just the pool itself the pool all the pool itself. I yeah. Yeah not not uh, I see
at the pool level, uh
if the pool has
And you can buy sell buy the price to buy and sell is not greater than 30
Um, then then it'll get listed
Got it. It's it's automatic by the way, too
So if you don't meet those requirements, you will get delisted
and when you
when it when you
So if your price if the if the price drops in the pool and you go below 500 you'll get delisted automatically
and then you'll have to like
um, you know, uh
Uh when it comes back above 500 it'll automatically relist which is why for meteor we give guidelines like look don't put it at 500 put it at
600 like create a pool with 600 worth liquidity in case there's some trading action that happens that dips you below
um, you don't want to be like kind of moving in and out of
Of of juke, right? Like
Okay. No, that that that that kind of makes sense
Yeah, I mean I I guess I and then I was just thinking like, okay
Because I know like you do you earn like points with jupiter if you have 500 or more in the pool
Is that right or am I is that right? Yeah, there's no there's no juke points
There you know, there's no juke token
Incentives or anything like okay
Anyone who's doing that is probably buying the juke token off the market and providing it themselves the product juke isn't providing anything
Um what there is is like if you're on meteor you're getting
Meteor points for our upcoming token. Got it. And awesome. And if you if you if you're in kamino
And you use our kamino's juke pools
You're going to get kamino points for their token plus
Uh points for our token, so that's like the triple stacking people are talking about
Got it. Like like it's not
Not a lot. I don't I think we're one of the only projects that are doing this
Collabing in this way mostly like if you go on margin phi and you earn their points
You're not earning anyone else's points, right? You're just whichever protocol you're just earning their points
But on kamino
You can actually earn kamino points and our points. Oh, no
Which is crazy
So wait, yeah, i'm i mean i'm definitely earning meteor points. I'm happy about that. That's cool. You guys have a token coming out
Yeah, it's gonna be sick man, it's I I can't I can't uh, I don't know like we've got lots of stuff in the works
Got it. Uh
Beth jesus just want to make sure we get everyone here
Hey, thank you guys for letting me chat up here. Um
I uh come from e and and it's hard not to get excited about stellano what you guys are doing
In general like what jupy's doing and that what your is doing
Um, yeah as a builder like my mind is kind of spinning right now. So I definitely want to get
presentation on some things
Uh, so two two questions, uh one regarding the dlm or dlmn
Um, a lot of the chatter was about how you guys can change the range
Uh with like when to use liquidity from my understanding. So let's just say
The price action is like, you know around four mil market cap between two
Um, and then you know, you think that it might go down. You're not, you know, sure
There's some there's some funds and whatnot
Could you stick your range high?
and and would that mean that
Essentially the the token that you uh, or the liquidity provided stays around that price range
And you wouldn't essentially essentially like lose the tokens that you buy liquidity from or regardless what happens if price goes lower
Um, you know, it's gonna take the token to add out liquidity
Yeah, great question, um, and by the way what i'm gonna
So i'll i'll explain it. Um, but
Just just to be clear too like this happens with any concentrated liquidity
Dex, right? It's not unique to the dlm not unique to meteor. Uh, whenever you have a price you have liquidity in a price range
This is going to happen
If the price goes both outside like if the price of the the the token
Goes below your price range, right?
You will end up with 100
of the token
That is that where the price is falling, right?
And and that's it like basically you have a hundred percent of it
And that value of that hundred percent is this is whatever the the price is right?
So if it's if it keeps dropping the the value of your
Of all that token that you're holding will continue to drop, right?
Now right, but you take a hundred percent of of the actual supply that use that's be
Right, right of the supply that you put all of it will convert to the to the token that is dropping in price and
And and basically because it's out of your range you're no longer earning
We call it impermanent loss because you haven't realized anything yet, right?
If the price shoots if you do nothing just do nothing and the price shoots back up in range
You're you're you're fine, right? You didn't
You're back to where you were, you know, nothing nothing happened, right?
It you only realize that loss if
Say you you're like you freak out or and you think oh my god
I think this is going to zero i'm not gonna i'm not gonna it's never gonna come back
And then you withdraw
And then you swap out, you know, you're
You decide to swap out
Your token at that lower price
To something else, right?
Then you realize that loss, but if you chill out and this is why I just recommend like people
like lp tokens that
They love you know because it's just easier like you're not gonna freak out like oh shit
You know price is dropping i'm like I need to get out right you'd be like, yeah, that's cool
Whatever like it'll just come back up and then you just you could if you wanted to just ignore it and then wait for it
To come back up
Then like you're fine, right?
What other people like more advanced people? I mean people who are
Looking to earn, you know earn more fees or they're managing their fees
what they do is
reposition their liquidity or they may rebalance like
Just you know because while it's out of range, you're not earning anything, right? So so you can
You can you can rebalance and put that liquidity in that lower price range if you want
incur some of that
Impermanent loss right because you'd be acquiring and like buying and selling at a lower price range
but you'd be earning fees and then
Basically, it's what I said before
Your goal as an LP is to make more money on fees
Than you would the impermanent loss. So
So some people decide to just uh, okay, let me let me move it down range
Make some more money, you know, like
Again, it's like if you know your impermanent loss might be a hundred bucks, right?
And you have you've earned eighty dollars in fees, right?
You're like, okay
I just need to earn 20 more bucks in fees and then then i'm break even and everything else after that is is profit
And you might be like, all right. Let me let me move it down here. My impermanent loss will be x, you know
And but if I if I hold it, I think it'll hang out there for a while and if I make another 20 bucks
um, you know i'm fine, right
like that's the kind of thinking you have to
Think about if you're managing it directly again, if you go to camino camino
Kind of does all this stuff automatically for you. You don't have to really
You don't have to think about all this stuff, right? So
So definitely if this is a competitor to meteor or is it building on top of meteor?
They're building on top of meteor
That's why you you can stack points. So if you're using
Camino meteor faults
There that liquidity is in our pools
All they're doing is automating it for you. So all this stuff that i'm talking about is like
Hey, you got to think about this. You got to move this around you got
You know, like they're doing it for you
You know, and you don't have to think about that
So it's really easy for any for anyone where this is like, whoa
This is too nerdy for me or this too crazy. Just go to camino deposit and you're you're you don't have to think about it
This is where like you can take whatever, you know
It can be worth it for you because you can take whatever capital you have
And do more with it, right?
you know like
You know and then so so and and that's what I said before if you if you have a little bit of capital
You know you're stuck with you know, you're you're basically stuck with whatever the you know
The pool is doing and if you're a small part of that pool, you'll be a small part of whatever it earns
That's just how it is, right
So so for people with you know, a limited amount of capital
And more time to learn these things
You can take whatever capital you do have and make more of it like do do more with it earn more with it
Uh, but the trade-off is you have to learn how to do it and you have to spend the time doing it
um, so, you know
Yeah, okay
No, I appreciate that. It's that close up a lot of things that
questions about that because that was periods and
documents and
I just want to confirm that so I appreciate that. Yeah, um
And I actually
Don't think this is correct, but maybe i'll just understand it correct or not understand it correctly. Um, you mentioned like, you know, uh
providing two
tokens like two mean tokens, but you guys use when and use car as an example
um, are you saying that that ask provides liquidity to
You know the markets like it when let's say you're trading swapping soul for win
is the market
liquidity out of the used car and win
Full or am I misunderstanding that?
You don't really take liquidity
Like taking liquidity out usually means like withdrawing liquidity, right?
So I I met like I met like swapping, right? Because like yeah, I think it was like providing liquidity pools
Like let's say radium for example and I trade on radium and or necessary him
But that's like liquidity Jupiter chooses as a lowest price action
Yeah, um, so they so they use Jupiter uses radium for the flop
Uh when you swap soul for let's say used car
Is meteor provide opportunity?
Um as another set of pool like the radium pool for example
to uh swap soul
Let's say you want to solve for win
But it's now taking the supply out of that wins last used car
Full or am I misunderstanding that?
So Jupiter does some really advanced routing
Uh, which is why it can be beneficial by the way to have multiple pools. So if you're a token project
Uh, you may want to consider
Like and and this is why it's cool to do it on meteor because you can it's cheaper so you can open up multiple pools
Jupiter does a few things
And this is why everyone should use Jupiter. Don't don't trade on DEXs
I I don't really recommend going directly on any DEX really like um, just just use Jupiter
But what Jupiter will do there's two things. There's two fundamental things it does it splits the trade
So say you have like you want to trade a thousand dollars of used car to soul, right?
It'll it'll it'll put like it could put like 500
Through a radium pool and 500 through a meteor pool or it's maybe 70 30 like it'll find the optimal mix
of splitting right
Because a smaller size in that pool you get a better price get a better deal, right? It's always the case
um and and and by the way
I'm doing a very simplistic version of this usually like it's splitting all over the place like the Jupiter routing is like insane right now like
Like it splits at every hop. It's like there's tons of splitting going on
And then the second thing it does
Is it hops through?
markets that have um
Like like that can give you a better deal, right?
So like maybe you're going from used car to soul
Right, but it hops through used car to juke first. So it might do like
Okay, i'm gonna take my used car
uh trade it for juke
And then take my juke trade it for soul and then I get my soul right and a lot of times
You know through those hops like you get a better deal you get a better price
especially on solana because the the transaction the the fees
are so low
To hop through things that like it allows you to open up that opportunity, right?
And this is cool for for token projects too, right? Like the reason why?
Like juke juke pools are getting a lot of volume
is is because of this right like
It's not that people want to necessarily
You're not just getting the trading for
Like juke and used car, you know, there's people who want to go back and forth
They're like, oh, I like both tokens. I want to move back and forth, right?
but there's also just people who want to go from used car to soul or usdc or juke to
usdc and juke to soul or something
Jupiter will hop through the like the juke used car or the juke judo soul or whatever these things if it offers a better price
And like and then and then uslps and and you know get money whenever like fees whenever it does that
And and this is why you see some some really good
Yields like like that 1.5. We said on the used car thing, right? Like it
Like it's because of this this flow, right?
Um, so everyone wins right traders get a better price
Lps get some extra volume and more fees, you know, like
uh tokens, uh, you know get get like, you know more liquidity and and and
More people holding, you know and and more ways for their holders to earn
So it's like win win for everyone, you know
And you guys don't have to think about too much like you you know, jupiter takes care of all this crazy shit beyond the hood
You know, you don't have to really you know, it just gives you the best price, right?
Sorry, uh, that's that's pretty 50. Thank you. That's that's it for me and thank you for letting me chat
Yeah, man. Thank you for coming up
Uh, I feel like uh, we've gone on pretty long. So i'm gonna i'm gonna um,
Uh, i'm gonna homeboy you've got your hand up. So i'm gonna maybe we'll make this the last question
Yeah, yeah, just kind of like it's just really kind of going over what you said
So, I mean, I think you know, I mean because i've been I was taught by og's about liquidity
So essentially like you can't you know, you can't it doesn't work for every meme token, right?
So it has to be like these tokens have to go into like the multi millions to where you know
You really want to because obviously it's an impermanent loss if it doesn't ever go back up
So essentially like it depends on what you get into
You're gaining tokens, but then it's like a slingshot effect when it flies back up
You're you're earning soul
So, I mean, I think the whole goal here is like you eventually want to run out of your tokens
On that token and have that soul like what you just said to have that capital
And to be able to do what you need to do
Yeah, yeah, I mean
Again, I I think it's just the easiest way to think about these things is just like if you like holding both tokens, right?
And you you don't know the time frames on these things, right? Like like, you know, sometimes it could take months sometimes it could take a while like
you know, so that's what I think it's just easier if you guys if someone is
I mean look I I get like people are are like meme coins are more speculative people are definitely speculating a lot more but
uh, but I think it's important yeah, like I mean for for people to pick the things that they
Like they just like oh, yeah
This is I I'm just like bullish on this thing for years. I'm gonna hold this thing for years to come, you know, like
And it just makes things easier at least to learn this stuff like just just take this time to learn
Like and figure this out, you know
And and then when you know more you'll know you'll figure you'll you'll be able to do more like you you can do some of
There's some crazy stuff you can do man
uh crazy crazy stuff
and the the
New token launch is coming off the lfg platform. I think
If you really figure out this deal around things
really insane ways to
to make money
I mean just for some stats the juke launch the launch day
By the way, you in general when you lp you make money the more volume there is
Right, you just make money the more volume. So you always want to find ways where there's tons of volume
and then the juke launch
launch day, uh
I think meteor alone
like half a billion in in trading volume, right
You know, I I think probably a good chunk of the maybe there was a billion total maybe
from just juke liquidity
you know, I mean imagine I mean some of some of the
Like some of the trading fees are like, you know, the high end is like one percent
You know people are charting 0.3 percent of that, you know, and so capturing some of that
Volume is insane like being able to participate in capturing the fees off. That is is crazy
And I think a lot of people were complaining about the price action. It was like, oh the price didn't pump like normal launches, you know
But everyone who was lping on the dlm is like, holy crap. I am just printing on lp fees, right?
Because there's just so much trading volume
and so anyway, I I think like
You know, this could be a new medic kind of way to like participate in launches
Maybe this is something that meme coins will do more of like, you know
I mean we saw some of the things with the wen launch as well
so yeah, I think take this time to figure this stuff out because the
New tokens will be launching this year
And and it'll be an opportunity for anyone to like really
um take advantage of the
You know being able to lp on launch day
All right, cool, um
All right
I think we should call it man. It's it's been a this is like a marathon one for me. So i'm not used to these things
uh, but thank you everyone for coming up and and um asking questions and showing love and
Or or rapping. Holy shit. That was like crazy
This is what I live for for you know, like that never happens on defy spaces. So this is like so cool
spoon, did you have any last words or anything or um
I know it's you know, I don't know maybe you already paused
But well, I just think it's great that we're introducing people, you know, these tokens are bringing in a lot of new blood
And so people that
Are unfamiliar with liquidity pools i'm familiar with with all this stuff. So I just think it's a great way. It's a process
I know it's like drinking from a fire hose guys
Um, just be sure to follow me to euro camino. I think you mentioned
Uh, you guys will get a tweet out with with some of those vaults that people can use if they're a little more beginner
And they want to be somewhere self-managed again, you make lessons. Yeah, you'll make lesson fees, but you'll get more in points
So there's a trade-off
um, and then uh, just a reminder that
Yeah, what is it chunky gecko?
Uh a few others have uh bonus rewards going on for the entire month
Uh, you know car and arab on their jupiter deal on pools have 1.5
X rewards for another week
So if you're gonna try to snatch those you can get those and there's also camino vaults built on top of those pools as well
So yeah, that's all I would say
Yeah, awesome. Yeah something for everyone. I
I just replied a really quick one, but i'll i'll i'll we'll post the link as well, uh for all the individual ones
um and and um
uh, so so
Uh, if you if you're not following me to euro
Uh, please follow us. We'll we'll we'll post the links right after this so that you'll be able to
Get direct access to these things
Um, and otherwise, thank you everyone
Yeah, thanks for bringing me up man appreciate you
Yeah, appreciate everyone
All right. Have a good one. Cheers