MemeFi Morning ☀️🔮💎🐸 $Dyl $PSYOP GANG 🟧 #DYLUMINATI

Recorded: June 10, 2023 Duration: 5:52:21



All right GM GM friends welcome to another day of meme-fine morning
Let's set this day off right guys We're just getting it started up so everyone come on up come on up Let's vibe out man what's gonna happen today?
You know, we were talking to Ben for a while last night.
A lot was said.
Some good things. Some maybe questionable things. Go.
some questionable things. But let's talk about it. You know, Ben announced stuff about the SideX launch pad and all that. I'm pretty interested to be on the SideX launch pad. And I'll tell you what.
He basically announced that the launch pad is going to be decentralized and we'll drop on it if it's totally decentralized. I'm thinking about putting 5% of dill into it and it may be worth it to be listed on Ben's launch
So I'm kind of thinking about doing it quick. Like if he drops the launch pad and it's decentralized, we'll just toss 5% of the deal into it and sell it out so that we get on like the front page or whatever. And it's cool because
that any time we could in theory, you know, manage the treasury or partner, do official partnership and swap. There's a lot of cool things we could do. But, uh, yeah, guys, GMGM, let's talk about meme 5.
Let's talk about Web 3. Let's talk about Sciop Gang. I haven't even taken a look at OpenSea yet. Are we still sending them Sciop Gang? I mean, we have a pullback. What's going on? Sciop Gang. 0.02
Still up like 8x from the mint price not bad not bad So come on up guys, let's get some people up on stage to hang out vibe out for meme 5 morning and
Let's see what happens today. We never really know what's gonna happen, but there's excitement every day. What's up, Monty? Hey, what up? Good morning. GM to the group, man all day all day. Hey, I got a question, right? And the open sea, right? Go ahead. When I go to my account and drop down, I got it. We're say hidden.
Yeah, I got two hidden item down there. Right. I want I want to know these real bro. I want to know. All right. So it's probably not. Bro, people send fake stuff and it goes to hidden usually. Really? Because what is saying? Say fashion female ape. Yeah.
I mean, there's a chance that it's something harmless, but there's also a chance that it's something harmful. You know, I did not got a, um, they, um, what don't talk to it unless you know what it is. Like unless someone sends you an NFT that you know it and you know that it's not a scam.
But usually scammers can send those and sometimes they can be like a virus so you don't want to touch them. Yeah. I'm trying to figure out a way how to get these shit out. Don't get them out. Just don't touch them. Everybody gets them.
big wallet like mine that people can see on the blockchain they're just gonna spam your stuff because I mean there's a chance that they don't mean any harm it could be an artist just trying to get their stuff out there but sometimes it's a hacker yeah cuz I got whipped three bucks by
box, past, genius, maestri box, QS QW5. Yeah, I don't know. That stuff sounds like it could be just something random, but it also could be a happy, you just never know. So I'd stay far away my friend.
Yeah, staying far away from it man. That's a problem with the blockchain. It's like, it's like, it's like, it's a public address. So it's like getting spam mail, you know, anyone can pop something in your mailbox there because they can see you active on the blockchain. So
when something blows up like the collection that we're talking about like the Sci-Out gang yeah they see it blowing up so they just see it on the front page and they go all right I'm gonna spam everybody in this collection with an NFT so there's a chance that it's not
not harmful but you can't be too careful. Yeah because when I cooked on the name and and going to the ether's network you can see there's a dude on it he only had one follow on Facebook so I don't want books. That's it. You want to be careful.
man. Yeah. All right, man. Yeah, we're going up to the family, man. GM GM GM. Everybody's coming in. What have we got? 29 people now. Man, it's good to see the room filling up. I haven't even replied to anyone yet.
Guys, Ben Dottief was going crazy last night on Twitter. He's not gonna lie. He was saying some crazy shit. So, yeah, it was, it was interesting. He was like, he was like talking to the Amazon iced tea guy.
He was uh, let's see. I mean we're talking about this eat on musk guy man dude like Man anyone who listen to that whole thing you should know that Adrian Dittman is likely a lot of musk. I know call me crazy
But I know what I heard. I've heard this man speak for hours and hours on end. And in all seriousness, that guy is Elon Musk on a fake account, on a throwaway account. It's not a throwaway account. It's what's the right way?
word for it. It's a second account or whatever. I'm blanking on the right word for that. But that, to me, is likely the man himself. So I will not say anything more on that before I seem like too much of a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. But if you know, you know.
What's up airplane GM GM GM man, hey, I saw you come in I was in the space Right before you came in with Ben. So did you hear him talk about the psi op gang how they offered him the project No, no, so what did he say about? I missed it. Yeah, I was I was like I
I can't DM him right now. He's listening. Dude, there's so much juicing is about the Syop NFT right before you came in like you did it later all out. Yeah, so like so it's totally legit the founders reached out to him. So days when it came out and offered to have him like
like, you know, lead the project to give it to him, to sell to him, so whatever. And so it's totally legit, like they are in contacts with him. He is totally cool with it. He says he loves it. He supports it. Yada, yada, yada, and then he went in about the orange. So it was a big like little, you know, couple minutes that I see.
that he was talking about that specifically and then he went into the orange NFT and then from that it just snowballed into you know Twitter politics and you came in said then it snowballed it's viral it was it was a both it was like a somebody threw a spiral into the snow and then it snowballed man
That was a great... Charles through a fucking spiral into the snowman, hit the Yeti in the space. Well dude, that's good. I kind of knew yesterday. I've seen some DMs from Bitking who's kind of on the inside a little bit who had the information
that the project was essentially offered to Ben and that they were open to it. But now, I guess now that Ben revealed it last night, we can mention that. But yeah, it wasn't confirmed yet, so I wasn't really going to publicize that.
I did get some information yesterday during the show to say that the project was offered to Ben. So as far as we know, they didn't create it, I guess. Correct. So now it's collaborated, at least that your info was, I heard it from his mouth. Yeah. I'm still not convinced. Totally.
But uh, I mean, you know, the the sly op is real, dude. You could hear it in his voice. It's just he's got it's a game to him. I mean, he even said this is his hobby and dudes is smart, calculated. Maybe one of those like, you know, idiots of on like your thing. Let's not
You're rugged, so I... Yeah, up, now I can hear you.
Yeah, I'm going to my car. It always rugs you. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, Bann is his own unique individual. He's definitely not, uh, you know, traditional clean cut business CEO, let's say, but he's got good ideas and he's
game changing and you know think what you want but as far as I'm concerned he was talking directly to the CEO of Twitter about how to fix Twitter and getting all the all the positive response so I think all right listen I'm just gonna suspend
all disbelief right? I think that it's pretty amazing that this guy dropped this orange box and then three weeks later he's in a room talking to Elon Musk on his stand account or whatever fake account man that shit's crazy but someone tell me if I'm out of my mind for believing back
guys Elon Musk, but dude, I'm almost sure of it at this point. And it's not just last night. I've heard that guy for many hours on stage. And I just don't, it's just when all signs point to one thing. And there's so many signs. I'm just like, all right, it has to be that one.
thing. So you know, say what you want, but I know what I think. What airplane, what do you think? Well, you got a you got all. He's wrong. He long goes into the road.
Yeah, you could in here. All right, well, airplanes, rugged. Yeah, my, my rugged stiller. Oh, I hear you now. So what did you say? No, I said in some of Ben's drunken space rants. I don't know if that could be. I think Elon doesn't touch the, the Hooch.
doesn't touch what? I'll go all. Oh yeah yeah yeah but um yeah so I think Elon doesn't touch alcohol but it was funny how Elon Mott or Ben said last night if you think Elon Mott doesn't have fake accounts that he comes on crypto twitter but everybody in there knows
He'll say stuff that only someone at Twitter would fucking know. Continuously. It's so funny. It's all a sia just so that nobody can clear him and say it's Elon Musk and he makes up this story. Whatever the shit he said. Oh, I'll tell you guys the story about why I'm not Elon Musk.
mask again and you'll get more convinced. The story makes zero cents. The story he told about why he's not Elon Musk makes zero cents. So that guy is Elon Musk. All right, Jeffree. What's up, man? GMGM. Hey, GM.
I think you may be right about that Adrian because he has the same speech pattern and then when we do our SpaceX launches, I can hear he
him when he comes near the console that he talks with the same inflections, the same pauses, he just really staves.
Like you can't really hear too good over the phone here to speakers on the phone, but yeah, now It's crazy though the richest man in the world is hanging out with us on Twitter spaces on a Friday night like seriously is crazy
Well, he posted so much. He just he he's constantly he's doing Ted takes it once all the time no better. What a great that he was also listening intently like even when you thought he wasn't listening or I don't know intently but like even when you thought he wasn't listening he didn't talk for
like 30 minutes last night he would like throw emojis to something Ben said and I'd be like holy shit like Elon is literally like still listening to this random shit like oh you're you're talking about somebody in the space was Elon Musk I thought you know that Ben was you know no no you can't get that okay good and agent is totally
internal activity of Twitter, it's just beyond what some guy who's pretending to be Elon for fun could say. Like it'd be one thing if he was like pretending to be Elon and he just said like stuff about Twitter to sound knowledgeable but like it's beyond that. It's like clearly something
someone who has knowledge of the inside workings of Twitter. And anyway, that's my conspiracy theory for today. Hey, there's one way to find out, give me a talk about SpaceX. I mean, then we're no sure. We already sort of did. We're in Alex's space, Shullen Mullen.
And someone asked someone mentioned the fact that that the Tesla what's it called the car the Why am I blanking on the what's the Tesla supercar thing Tesla Roaster
No, no, not the cyber truck right I'm blanking the one that looks like a fucking tank like the crazy one that he's just cyber oh yeah, okay, so yeah someone mentioned him the cyber truck window breaking in that demonstration and I swear
Adrian Dentman got like personally like like affected he was like no no no it broke because of the structural integrity I can't do an impression of him but he's like it broke because of the structural integrity of the window and but it actually became the most you know great marketing for the product and you could probably
was all because of the structural integrity of how the outside of the car was built. We had to modify it because of that. And I'm just like, yo, like, or he says, they, he must, I was thinking about it last night. He must like, it's a skill, right? Like putting yourself in the mindset of like, I'm not me. I'm going to talk as someone else.
It's like a skill and he's pretty good at it now. Like I can just see him sitting there smiling laughing when he tells the story about how he's not Elon. He's like, "Oh, I'll tell you guys again why I'm not Elon." I just see him smiling there and just becoming this character of like, "I'm not Elon. I'm just some guy named
Adrian Dittman who's an artist like I just feel like he programs that into his head and then just start speaking from that perspective so Call me crazy tinfoil hat wearing out of my mind, but I'm telling you guys I don't know if we'll ever find out for real, but that's Elon Musk That motherfucker is
Elon and he was sitting there talking to us about Twitter and the orange box and whatever else last night. That's why I kept saying stuff about what I could do. I'm like McDonald's, McDonald's badge. So, I happen to be on that space.
I joined it late and not and briefly you know I'm gonna listen to it again to catch more of it but I joined it right before I guess WB was funny you know he's talking about you paid 50,000 for a 500 hours worth of work or something
And I was like, what the hell was that all about? I don't know what WB thinks he knows everything Well, yeah about what Ben's doing. I don't know. That was my take It was just crazy and then it kind of spiraled first
from there, then it got interesting and then I need to go back and listen to that whole thing from the beginning of driving today, but like it was, well, it was, it was a wild space, I mean, really. Yeah, it sure was, it sure was.
Anyway, well I gotta get ready for the day. I'll listen in and see y'all later. Thanks my guy. Always a pleasure to have you, Jeffrey. Let's keep it pushing. Keep it going. I see we got up.
got my friend Ben in the room Ben the beast he got a little bit of Dill OTC supporting the market shout out to you my friend let's keep it growing that's keeping going shot who's that who's got my knoses what's going on
What's up guys? I'm good, I'm good, good, bad to be here, yeah, a lot of good information here in these spaces. I was tuned in yesterday, today, I'm gonna be tuned in every day. Man, this is crazy what you're doing here. Hey, thank you my friend.
Yeah, for real real talk. Yeah, we're gonna keep grinding. Man, we're gonna keep pushing growing this community. I appreciate you coming in. Yeah, of course, I got a question. Um, did you guys saw the spaces yesterday you were talking about it, right? Yeah, it was, uh, bad.
Yeah, with Ben in brov did you see in the like the last question the last last last question that they gave to Ben was like what does finale has to do with orange and they shut the spaces before Ben answers did you notice
Yeah, I do know. Yeah, it was kind of weird. I wasn't weird. Boravik, they just wanted to end the space and that was a perfect question to end it on, you know, yet to win. Yeah, of course it was a big hit, but it was kind of weird. But it wasn't like
I don't know if you guys know what I'm doing.
I think it was anything other than a random question that was just a great time to end it. And Borovic, he likes to play the game, so he just ended it. It was well thought about it. Yeah, but that's what's up. No, it's just thanks for coming in and coming back.
And we'll keep growing this show my friend every day. We just been showing up. Yeah, let's go let's go. I bought your coin as well man. Let's see where it goes. Hell yeah, let's go. Let's get it. I see we got Ben with a hand up. What's
anti hero of web 3 and he's very innovative. I don't know if he's just trying to really try to push the the the holders to try and shake out some more. I mean I think he's I don't know if he's trying to shake this thing down to the ground and then build up you know
But I still love what he's doing, you know, and the coolest thing that comes with us and these projects and your project is that man NFTs are back and that excites me that meme coins are bringing NFTs back. That I mean that's amazing, you know, with your coins
you have something in your plans to drop NFTs and that's awesome. And I think you got to support those who support us, man. And if you haven't taken a look at Dell, you could be missing a very big thing. You just got to look at support those who support you.
and the potential is unlimited here. We're in a very important time in Web 3. And yet, I'd fake Elon Musk, he's definitely Elon Musk. He knows too much about Twitter. He has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he has too much, he#
God knows us.
was in the spaces like Bench would be way more alleviated with the orange thing in Twitter and he seems kind of worried about it still. No, I don't know what I think what you want but he was the conversation was what it would be in my opinion if that was Elon but
In order to get that guy Adrian to not to keep it listen if it's Elon and you want Elon to stick around You're not gonna call him out too hard for for being a fake you Okay, okay, you just you just like it's like a philosophy thing
Right instead of would calling him out for Elon you just pose questions and play the game Because he loves that here's what Twitter should do Elon's great. You know what Twitter should do here's what listen I wouldn't say I wouldn't tell you guys it was Elon
off just last night. I've been in the room with that guy for five times as long as last night. I was in the room with him three weeks ago. I had that experience where I was like, this is just a guy who sounds like Elon. There's no way Elon would be here.
It's gotta just be a guy that sounds like Elon, but then I don't know the more I heard him talk like I heard him a couple weeks ago. He got so mad. Not mad, but like he was triggered about the the cyber truck window breaking and it was just like that's one of Elon Musk's like biggest like media
moments where like something kind of went wrong and he probably does like he's just like man just a random guy wouldn't just get triggered like that about the cyber truck and then last night the way he responds to questions about Twitter like he doesn't even hide it like if you just if you just think about it
from an unbiased perspective, he doesn't even hide the fact that he's Elon. He doesn't even try if you catch him off guard. But if you ask him, are you Elon, then he's going to tell this whole story that makes no sense. But there's times when if you pay attention, he doesn't even try to hide it. When he talks about Twitter,
like he does a good job of not of not using the eye perspective and saying from third person, but like I said before it's it's a scale. You just start talking. Yeah, it fits. You know, after you talk, if it's he sure can do a lot of psychological and talking tricks because he's smart as fuck man.
So if you want to get like not notice he will get not notice, you know But as well like if it's even in these spaces man, this is fucking you bullish as fuck man as fuck man. It is bro. Uh-uh look you don't have to believe me guys do your own research but I'll
tell you I wouldn't I wasn't gonna say this at first because I don't want to seem like a complete idiot but I'm no longer I'm no longer thinking it's unlikely I think it's likely him and if you listen closely he'll say stuff about
Twitter and stuff, but it's a skill right once you start talk like if I tried to talk in the third person like I would fuck up the first couple times but like if you do it long enough I feel like it becomes a skill where like he won't fuck up so he's good he's good at talking in the third person yeah he's good he's
good. But like exactly, he goes on spaces all day so he's probably gotten pretty good at it. Anyway, I'll tell you what, go look up Adrian Dittman. Tell me if you can find any information on Google about this man, Adrian Dittman, okay? The only
thing I could find. That's the guy that was there, right? Yeah, the only thing I suppose to be you. I'll tell you what happened. You can go look for yourself. But look on Google and you'll find no Facebook account, no Instagram, no information. Let's just be real here for a second. If that was actually Elon, don't you think the
all the complaints about the orange NFT account and all that crap and all the money and figures being thrown around would have been fixed much much much quicker considering how much Twitter is absolutely bleeding cash in Elon really needs the rest. No no no no I don't think it says dire of a situation
I think Ela and here's the thing. If that's actually Elon, he doesn't want anyone to, he doesn't want to be officially exposed as Elon. I wouldn't even go as far as to say he tries to hide it because he doesn't. He tries to, he tries to leave a reasonable amount of doubt and then talk to people.
people to get real community feedback without the pressure of being, you know, called out for being Elon. So parts that would be a good strategy. It sounded like Elon. It was similar, but I've listened to enough of that. Like the cadence wasn't exact. How long has how many times it occurred to you?
I'm not the smartest guy ever.
But I heard him talk like three weeks ago and I felt the same way as you like, oh, that's just a guy who sounds like Elon. There's no fucking way. Three weeks later, I no longer think that because I've heard him talk so much, but dude, don't believe me, you know, it's crazy theory, you know, think what you want.
Man, I think everything he said was in alignment with it being Elon. Like he wanted a big meme. He asked for a big meme to get super viral and reach Elon or whatever because like he wants the news to go viral on Twitter so that he can respond to it.
as Elon in my opinion. Like he can't just, if he sticks his neck too far into this shit from the official Elon account, people are going to call him a scammer and all the other people that are connected to it are going to be pissed because of the way this technology is going. I don't know, he kind of explained it last night.
He was like there's just so many different parties that Don't want crypto to be successful basically So you know that SEC being one of them, but yeah, it's a crazy theory guys call me a tinfoil hatch and conspiracy theorist You know see what you guys think
Hey, bro, just one thing I think that it may be Elon it might not be Elon but one thing for sure I do think Elon heard I don't know if that space is if the one before but Elon is up to date that is for sure with the space is not what is going on it with orange
of course he knows but with the spaces and what they are talking I do think he knows that what is going on you know he knows now. Daisy what's up? Hey I just wanted to agree with you too I think it's him for sure it's his voice and I've heard him enough to
time speak it's him in my how many times how many times have you been in space with them? I heard him on TV I heard him everywhere on space here on TV right on a radio on the show's episode. I was talking to the time you were hearing Adrian did men last night.
Yes. Yeah, I'm just saying. And that's when I heard him. It's like it was so hard to not think of Elon. I just could not. If I was picturing Elon when he was telling, when he was telling the story about how he's not Elon, I just had a picture of my head
like Elon's sitting over his phone and like smiling and telling this rehearsed story about how he's not Elon that makes no sense first of all. Totally agree. And also you know what? I'm not Elon, okay, because I just do art and I'm here. Exactly.
And you know what? It's true. I'm sure it's true. It had no there was nothing in the story that proved he wasn't Elon. It just sounded like what Elon would say. He's like, I'm not Elon because I'm just an artist and I'm here to make money. I'm not here to make money.
But it's all a sigh of is it? Well, are we supposed to believe that if it was Elon, he would be here to just make money on crypto like Elon's the richest man in the world obviously
he sees the social implications of this and the reason he would come in is not even barely to learn about crypto. If so much as he kind of likes crypto and crypto is the biggest topic on his app. So he's trying to figure out what's going on with one of the biggest topics on his app. Like the other.
Other big topic is like Mario and the falls news show like that's easy to understand. It's just current events. It's just Whatever social media platform has but like what goes on with crypto is something else. So anyway, I'm crazy guys. Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but I'm with you daisy. I think so
I agree and you know what it's even if just a business owner just sitting and watching this thing takes up Twitter by the storm and let me go and sit in the space and here with these people are talking how does this happen right I mean don't you think from the business of
perspective. Yeah. I want to I want to learn more about it. But we're talking about Syop. So sure, you know, it's all a Syop. So why weren't we be Syop by him saying I'm not. Go Google Adrian Dittman. You don't find anything like what kind of real adult what kind of adult with a
a name goes through life and has only a queer picture like come on any adult you type in their name if it's an uncommon name then maybe they'll you'll find their Facebook I supported I supported yeah I don't know but when you look up Adrian Ditman this man doesn't have a Facebook he doesn't have any like reference on some kind of website
where he worked, like absolutely nothing. And like clearly he says somewhat, if we're supposed to believe that it's not Elon, he's clearly somewhat successful of a person in some way. So, you know, none of it makes sense. The only thing that makes sense to me is that it could be Elon, but I'm not going to go.
I wouldn't put my life savings on it being possible, but I certainly think it is. Anyway, so I just wanted to say that and thanks so much for letting me have a chat. I appreciate it. Yo, they said that that guy that sound like Elon, like he
these last tweets and retweets before all of these interactions with spaces were about Tesla and stuff. Yeah, but they just skipped over that because when they started to get to the real, you know, no one wants him to feel so much pressure that he's gonna be, I don't know. Yeah, I get that. You know that because when they
got to that he was just kind of like oh well uh no well that's what I was like go on my never say anything that Elon wouldn't say like he said oh I was just interested in SpaceX before like probably because it was just his side account and whatever he probably used it for something
else before there is going on spaces. You know, like whether that means just like commenting on stuff. I don't know. I mean, you know, I have we got in bro. You we got him. We catch them. Yeah. I don't know. We a little crazy to say, but think what you want to think. Ben, what's up?
Yeah, I've heard him on space is like a couple weeks ago and he was saying something that he was like Eastern European and it has a similar accent to South African. I don't know. I just thought that was funny. And yeah, I mean this disarrange boxing really like it really did break
Twitter. So I believe that I think that he would be there listening to try and figure out what this movement is and you know Twitter has to catch up with this. I know I'm in I'm in to mind on mint day and I still don't have the orange box on on my profile. So I definitely think he could be there listening in and trying
see what's going on. From hearing what I hear last night, it's actually, if anything, it taught me something of use. Like what we're doing here is a big deal sort of, but it's not a big enough deal that the product manager for the affiliate badge is going to like
call or email Elon Musk about it, right? We have to keep in mind that whoever does the Twitter affiliate badge at Twitter, they probably are just as disconnected with directly messaging Elon as you'd think.
other words it just seemed like Elon didn't even know about what was going on to a deep level but like that makes sense he's like super busy he's the CEO he's not like the product manager you know like they're not gonna contact him unless it's like a big fucking deal and like honestly Ben's little
thing that makes them like a couple hundred thousand per month right now. It's not like that big of a deal. It's like a product team issue and a dev issue that like maybe would like make it on a report that goes to Elon or something. But like it just made me realize like probably Elon had no idea what the
Orange box shit was about and like I think last night was was like probably the information that will cause a quicker change but yeah, oh wait and I know you know like Elon Elon loves crypto and and you know like that's his side passion I mean you know that he is him talking about
I believe he'd be listening into the spaces, especially to see what's going on and to stay on top of the crypto game in his time. He definitely has a passion for crypto currencies. Yeah, man, for sure. I think honestly, the discussion last night was probably
one of the more eye-opening discussions about the implications of, you know, crypto freedom and how it could work with Twitter. So, I mean, yeah, I'm out of my mind, but I believe what I believe, but I also learned the last night, like, all right, like Elon, he didn't know about the orange box really.
just thought it was some kind of weird scam. He probably saw something with it, said oh it's an affiliate thing, but it's not like it affected his life. You know, like it's not like we like really broke Twitter that much, but but but like last night was it like now we had like been
to him right there. I don't know. This is just going to go down in the history books one day. I was like this guy releases some NFT, breaks the internet in three weeks, then he's on stage talking to Elon Musk about how to fix the future of financial freedom like Jesus. Blazo, what's up man?
Yeah, what's up, Dill? I almost shit my pants when Adrian Dippman went into the chat with Ben Eath because I've been following Adrian for like probably like maybe two weeks or more now like when I first heard Adrian in a spaces like I was like probably most of you guys like I was just like that's Elon Musk like there's no
There's no question about it. It's like everything is so similar. He's interested in everything. He knows about rockets. He knows about this. He knows about that. Literally everything that Elon knows about, he's somehow an expert on. And then, like, why would he be invited in to talk to Ben?
So if Adrian is not Elon, like just through some way that it's not him, that it's just like a friend or maybe somebody that he just knows that it's like holy shit dude, you like have a voice that's really like he must work with him or be connected
In some way to to Eli if it's not him I still I'm still not sure if it is or not like it sounds like him But the more I listen to him and like maybe I'm just like would Elon have this much time to be on spaces because he is on a lot Adrian dipman is on space is a lot and that's the only thing that makes me think
like it might not be Elon because he's like maybe not have the time to be on spaces like he's like almost every night but if it's not I think he's definitely connected so when he went on the space of Ben.Ethman. Stupid, cringy-ass jokes all the time to be Elon. I'm sorry.
What was that? Yeah. I said he doesn't make enough stupid cringy ass jokes all the time to be an e-line. Like the guy who did help himself. He can't. I'm sorry. He's related somehow. He's got to be connected to Twitter and Elon somehow.
There's just no way that it's that there's too many coincidence like that guy just shows up I don't know how that happened who invited him and like how did that how did that happen? I mean he's connected the board of it, right? But You know I I kind of I'm with you, but
So what to me it's just like our fall signs point to it. It may be but hey, it's just as crazy as Dgen 0X is saying so you know call me crazy and You know don't don't just don't shoot down my all credibility because I thought that a
Did man could be Elon Musk guys. I don't really are man enough to keep enough people are joking with him all the time that he sounds like Elon. I would if I were him if I were Adrian, I would probably lean into that and and try to play it up a little because I
I would personally find a fucking hilarious.
just a self-aware Elon Musk clone that is just trying to keep the mystery and play it up. But also if he wasn't Elon Musk and he was really an independent guy, don't you think he might post a video or a picture or be
Like here's my like Facebook or like here's something about like I don't know Dude just look let me look again Adrian dipman on Google Adrian dipman So all you find is a Twitter
What is this? Aegean Dutman Jr. Consultant?
I swear none of this looks like Adrian Dittman, let's see Facebook, I found a Facebook. No picture.
Germany. Yeah. Yeah, I started, sorry, I started searching same as you like the first night that I heard them. I was like, I was messaging with my friend and I'm like, dude, like, I think I found like the undercarriage.
However Elon Musk account like but yeah the more I listen to him I think it might not be him but he's definitely connected in some way I don't know man. I don't know there's definitely a lack of pictures but there's
There's also, I don't know, there's a Facebook account here. I'm trying to determine when this was created. AdrianDitman.1. There has to be a way here to see
I want to just find something like that this account was created recently. I don't know. Adrian, he's pretty smart. So I don't think he would fall for that one. Adrian Dittman. All right. Maybe this is him. Maybe this is him. All right. No.
away. Put on your tinfoil hats and get out your conspiracy theory books because it's meem 5 more days. Yeah, I don't know man. I don't know. Let's talk about an after some crazy
I think it would be really cool
with every brand could have their affiliates and just like that. And then they'd be able to set it up so that you could wrap a certain brand and get the best deals or discounts when you go in or use that brand or who knows, even get paid. Like
What if you could like, all right, I have the orange box right now. I paid for it. Yeah, but in the future, maybe someone would pay me to rock their company logo. Like, and maybe if it gets set up the right way, you could just like choose a bunch. There'd be a bunch of companies and they could just give you a rate.
they pay you based on your impressions and it could just be all as simple. I don't know. So what's up, mood? GMGM, yeah, I just want to give a footnote on this nature and mystery. I have interacted with him one time in a space with TalkWeb 3 to me with Marianne.
And he said he was a photographer. He said he was a professional photographer and he has one of the biggest art collections out there. That's all the hints that I got. I'm not going to say more. Yeah, yeah, really well.
Where is it, Mude? Where's this photography collection? Exactly. The Mone. The biggest photography collection of pictures of SpaceX, Rocketships, and Teslas.
He's got so many photos of bars. It's unbelievable. Haha! Man, man. I don't know. Well, the world may never know. The world may never know. Which is true, you know. If it is real.
I have a feeling it may never get exposed or at least for a long time. We can't let him get exposed. We want him to just... it's honestly fucking genius. If it's true, it's probably one of the most crazy things a leader world leader has ever done.
As far as I know, there's never been the opportunity to do something like that. It's crazy to think that a world leader would come into a conversation anonymously and talk to the people. That's fucking...
Honestly, game changing, the fact that you can get a room of people with a more concentrated focus by suspending this belief about who you are or creating disbelief about. I mean, I don't know. It's pretty crazy. I wonder if you guys would know if I came in on a fake account.
But bro bro if there was any any like a public high guy in the world that would do that Would be Elon and you know without a doubt it would be him He's a man of the people for real. I think he's
I think you stayed up too late watching LAG one too many times and then he just woke up with that idea. He's genius. I'll tell you what one day if I get big enough I'll come into a room in a fake account. That's a funny idea. It's good marketing. It's good marketing.
You got to get big enough you got to get really big so that everybody else is talking about you It would be really funny if Ben. Eath did that that would be so funny Imagine if Ben. Eath came in here on a fake account That would be actually funny so funny like people would it would probably blow up
Like just the idea that even Ben has enough attention that I think people would go kind of crazy if they imagine if he came in here with like a siop gang on a random account. He needs to buy like a a crown siop gang and make it his his stand his fake account.
Like imagine Ben bought a crowned siop gang from the collection, put it on a fake account, and then went around saying he wasn't Ben, but answering questions about the project. Man, that would be hilarious.
I would be on board. I think he would, I think people would talk about it. They'd come in here and they'd everyone would be like, that's Ben. He'd be like, no, I'm not. I don't know how good he would be at that saying he's not Ben. I personally would be really good at it. I'll tell you.
I could do it perfectly after a little bit of practice. I'll just tell you guys I'm not deal No, no, not deal. It would be hilarious. I don't know. It's definitely hard to do if it isn't you learn so what's up Martin
Hey GM Jim can you hear me? Yeah, what's up? How's it going pretty good pretty good? I missed the show yesterday, but I totally want to jump on that 10 foil hack and spare suit Elon would would be the guy to do this if anybody To that last guy's point about him messing with the jokes or whatever
That's like totally him constantly and he's like If you want does this I'm gonna not do that you know what I'm saying Yeah, yeah, just what's going on with the all the red signs on my crypto today?
want to talk about that. Yeah, let's talk about that man. There's a good topic. So yeah, if that took a dumb last night guys, small dumb, hopefully, I mean, hopefully it doesn't continue further, but not gonna lie, I feel like the news with the SEC is not
Good. It doesn't surprise me to see a little bit of dumping and yeah, that's that. I quite honestly think that you know that SEC News is a little bearish and this may be a response to that. I don't know.
What do you think? I think it's a time to buy. I think we're gonna see a lot of geats but They're probably is gonna be some consolidation and some of the you know real shit tokens, but Some I think I have some stuff going green. The ladies pretty good right now
That's appearing like NFTs are the only green things out there right now. The only yeah the only gainer yeah I will say that yeah um Deal coin was a good investment. I've been hit a lot getting a lot of offers on that one. Deal token I should say. Hey, how do you
man the NFT or the coin the token or the NFT the NFT went up 100% with the first day yeah to it like I bought a lot of NFTs recently and that's the one that's gotten offers can success consecutively hell yeah man I appreciate you supporting
So people underestimate how important that is. Like you can even see it with all the projects that are in Ben's ecosystem. Like you kind of need like a frontman or woman leader for each project. Like you need somebody that's going to like man the hell. Like if Ben, you know, Ben can
have a few projects, sure, like he can have, you know, siop gang and loyal and siop under his wing, but there's like a lot of these other projects that as far as I know, they might just be one dev like whether it's someone's from Ben's team or not, I don't know, but yeah, so there's all these other projects
I would like to see the project have a kind of a leadership and yeah, so you know I'll keep showing up here every day on spaces. This is my career. This is my job. This is my business. You know, I don't have another job or career or anything and not saying that's a bad thing. You can do
crypto and NFT as a side hustle as long as you show up and make a little bit of time for it every day. Not everybody has to be here for 12 hours a day to be successful like me. But point is, if you bet on deal, I'm here all day every day. This is my career. So it means a lot to me to have your support and likewise I
I'll give 100% of my effort to make this successful. So yeah, appreciate the love. Sure. Sure. Okay, take it easy. Oh yeah, man. Thanks for coming in. And man, it is tough to see some red across the crypto markets, but I'm also kind
of feeling confident that some of these meme coins might do well. I guess it's never good if Eve's going down because it kind of scares people out of the meme coins as well. So yeah, we got a lot of stuff to look out for. Hopefully we see some positivity, some upside. Who knows?
But guys, I got a lot of people in requests. I want to get some of the requesters up to the stage if anybody wants to drop down. We'll bring you back up. What's up, Charles GM GM? Good morning, guys. Good morning. Good morning. Hey, I'm going off about three hours of sleep, man, but I feel like I had about 12.
I just want to let you guys know man. It's this is crypto. Okay. This is crypto. This could be a shakeout. You don't see these big tokens move fast. You know, move down fast like this without there being a re- So whatever the reason is, I'm going to stick with
crypto because I know that usually when these things happen, maybe the boom market's getting ready. You know who knows? But I'll tell you guys this, don't sell your crypto right now. You don't sell when it's red like this. When there's blood in the streets is when you buy. That's your discounts.
or your discounts guys. This is like crypto saying, all right, the SEC want to fuck with us, we're going to give everybody discounts, let everybody get a chance and get in and let's take this thing to the moon. That's what I'm seeing, guys. So get in. Now is a good, you know, good time to buy when it's everything's red like this. Now is not a good time to sell.
Yeah, man. I think that's valid for sure. I'm holding steady in my cryptos and it's always good to have you here Charles GM GM. What were you up late? Were you on that space with Ben last night?
Did you hear me?
Okay, I guess Charles made a gut and rung out there. All right. Well, let's say what's up to Dino. Dino, how's it going?
Can anyone hear me? I can hear you now. Yep. Yeah. Okay, Charles, you got Rudd there. Sweet, thigh-op gang.
What someone swept or no, I'm saying somebody should sweep it. Well, the day is the day is young and it's Saturday
So, let's have a big space and maybe people will be sweeping the side up yank. Shhh! It looks like, let's see, one more solid a minute ago.
Yeah, they're still selling and let's see how fast is it? Are we still in the front page with this shit and not quite? Still front still front page Trending up up that volume
Yeah, we got us, we got to get more volume than that. Man, board apes. Board apes are selling fast. I just came back from picking up.
You're out, you're out, you're out well.
He's rugged. All right, well, let's go to, uh, let's go to mood angel. Let's up mood. Hey, quick question. Um, what is, is there a, a link or recording to the space that y'all are referencing? Yeah, it should be on board.
I think I've spent a page I believe. Okay, thanks. Yeah, but it was a good space for sure. It was a good one. It really was. I felt a sleep again. I got to start falling asleep on these spaces, bro.
But now you can fall asleep with one eye open look at you What's up guys good morning. We hope oh, yes, I did take a DM real quick, man. It's not scary, man
Good morning. Good morning. Who is that? Good morning, John. What's up, John? How you doing, man? What did you guys do about that space yesterday? I didn't just give in the room not too long ago. Well, we were people saying, yeah, I mean, it was pretty crazy.
crazy. I mean, could that be Elon? You know, hot topic is it Elon? Is it not Elon? And of course Ben was talking about a lot of interesting stuff, you know, I think he mentioned Sciop gang before I got in there. But yeah,
I mean, a lot of interesting discussion, you know. I don't think you should go on spaces like that, Bill, to be honest with you. I think as a community we need to protect him as well in a way. I'm not saying it was all negative, but there was some awkward moments, if you guys know what I mean.
Yeah, I mean, I mean I hear you what what um you mean I shouldn't go on spaces like that to protect who protect no, not you Ben Ben Ben yeah, you know Yeah, I mean I don't
I don't know if that was the spaces for there. He did, did he not do it himself? Yeah, man, we got to look at it. It's a lot of people want to ask big questions. It's a lot of people don't understand what being is doing right now, which is good. It's a lot of people that that's not
see in the vision. You know, they're not, they say they're loyal. You know, they rep loyal, loyal, loyal, they rep all these tokens. But really, like this is crypto. I've seen my Bitcoin go up to 60,000 and go down to 25. I mean, it's, it's crypto. But at the
same time you gotta understand how this works and if you're gonna get in don't get into heavy don't put please don't put your your your mortgage and crypto that you gotta pay for your mortgage don't put your card note don't put your insurance don't put any bills that you gotta pay don't
gamble on it with crypto guys. If you already have that bill money set that bill money to the side see what you have in the reserves of your reserve. Like do not do not put all it come in like the best thing to do with crypto guys is to what they call DCA your way in.
And how you do that is you buy the dips. Like if you're going to say it for instance, if you're going to come in with an ETH or two ETH, right? You come in first with .5. And you watch how that chart moves. If it dips,
pretty good amount, put another point five in. And you know, watch how that chart moves and catch those dips guys. Don't just put the whole like, hey, I'm on a gamble, put the whole two eat then hope it goes up where I can pull out two and a half eats that that right there alone, especially if that's money that you need is a bad idea guys.
It's a terrible idea. It's a terrible. I mean, it's a gamble at the end of the way. Some people like the gamble. But hey, it's not a good idea, guys. It mess with your psyche. It'll mess with your psychological. It'll have you psychologically thinking wrong because now that you have the money that you need in there, you're thinking on impulse, you're thinking on a
Oh man, it's going down, it's going down. I got to pull it out, you know, and that's what really hurts you. And that's so this is not financial advice guys. This is just me telling you how to how to how I protect my finances. I don't just ape in the things anymore unless it's you know Bitcoin or something.
I don't just eight into things anymore. I slowly DC a my way in and by doing that I see my way get to the top
of wallet, you know, get the top of token, be speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, at a time. And I think that that's my strategy, you know, you're not going to see me go into a D5 project, you know, Charles A.B. and Bam through 10 Ethan, know I'm not going to do that. But eventually, I'm on the court
or maybe a month or two or two months or three months, I may have put ten teeth in that project, you know, but I have put it in in a way to where I'm not just losing my money by just following FOMO or things like that. That's one of the worst things you can do in this space is chase FOMO because
those people that's creating that FOMO have an agenda and it don't be mostly it's not the day of it's not the team part of the team it's the Jeets they create FOMO for people to put in so they can pull that money out real quick so just don't chase FOMO invest with strategy
Having exit strategy having strategy to get you know to pull from your profits So you're not watching the chart every day and you know Invest with strategies guys just like you would say you're gonna open a business You're gonna strategize how are you gonna open that business? You're gonna strategize how that business is gonna maintain with profits how that business is gonna
maintain with overhead you're going to do all of that before you create that business hopefully for your business to be successful so treat it the same way this is your bank guys this is your bank you don't just follow FOMO CX to charge going up all my throw in and try to catch some of this FOMO next thing you know you
dropped 5% from where you put in on one sale. So be careful guys out there. Vest with strategy, have your exit strategy, have your profit strategy and also have a strategy if you really believe in that token, have a strategy to DCA your way in at the right time so where you're constantly seeing
and gains. Like when you catch the good dips and you'll eventually learn how to catch those dips by catching those dips. It's like muscle memory to the brain once you see how those charts move and dips are created. You'll eventually see how to catch those dips and you catch those dips and start at the top when you catch that dip.
And the charge starts going back up that money that you put in in the dip is going back up along with the money you put in in the previous dip is going up. That's how you want to try to invest guys. And that's not a financial advice, but it is a strategy that I use and it's working for me. So take it how you want it.
That's what's up Charles definitely we gotta you know have proper risk management stuff like that and You know we're gonna keep building these communities so you know the drop in the crypto market It's just a drop in the pan and it's just you know, it's the
early stages for crypto still and hopefully this will give us some more clarity on regulation and what's coming to Web 3 truly for the long term. So yeah guys, the also the true thing is the meme coins and some of these other coin markets are still poppin. I mean despite the market
sentiment and the SEC think we're still going to have opportunities here. There's opportunities every day in crypto. So let's go to blazer. Yeah, I just want to say it was definitely a tough day for the Salata King, my third biggest position behind Bitcoin and Ethereum. But
I've been in crypto since, well, just Solana was named as SEC by the SEC and yesterday Robin Hood denlisted announced that they were delisting like Solana, Cardano, all
basically all the names that Gary Gensner said was a security. Which I was hoping didn't happen because just because they say it's a security doesn't mean it is one. So I thought that but like Robinhood is so in bed with all those guys anyways Robinhood is a bank owned kind of thing. They're not really like true
crypto. So I could totally got it while they did that. But yeah, I just wanted to say, so just remember the four-year schedule and you always have this like shakeout period. And what I was going to say is that what happens if the XRP case closes and
And they win. Like what happens, like my prediction is this was the desperate move by the SEC knowing that they possibly might be losing the XRP case. So this was like their last swing of the bat. And then if that news comes out that like XRP wins that case against the SEC,
Like that's going to be a catalyst for this next bull run to get started and everyone that just got shaken out to probably the elites and the governments that are all or whatever, you know, big buyer orchestrated, you know, with the SEC to, to, you know, to buy in lower, you know, the institutions, they always bring
the boat back. You know what I mean? And this happens every four years. There's always a shakeout. Look at the four-year cycle. There's literally always this big news shakeout before the bull market, before the having its like clockwork. So yeah, I wouldn't get too frazzled by it, but it is obviously it just sucks when you look
it a lot of red, especially if you were in Solana seeing like down 20-25% it's like, "ouch that hurts," but again, it's crypto, that's what happens. You know, you should, like Charles said, you know, never put more, you know, if you're putting your rent money or whatever, then it gets difficult because you're like, "oh no, then you've got to sell it a loss," and then#
your scrooed. But if you have a long-term horizon, like you said, this is a drop in the pan. And you're from now, we'll look back on it and say, wow, what a time that was to accumulate. Yeah, man. It's just news. And exactly right. It's a little bit of fun.
And hopefully the rift, I mean, yeah, if the ripple case ends up not a security, it'll probably send the market. So who knows then this case could turn bullish by them being like, if this is going to get the market into regulation, that could be bullish for the market. So you never know, there'll probably be some other lawsuit then some other fud. But you
Yeah, it's just like coordinated and you know that's that's kind of how it is. I think all the big banks and institutions are actually investing into crypto and getting involved in this space and they have blockchain trading desks and they have crypto trading desks and so like those big asset managers that are
Probably billions of dollars deep in crypto. I don't think they're gonna let it just fail I Want to just give a kind of popular, but unpopular well, it's to me. It's a popular opinion for crypto Think about it guys Bitcoin wasn't named right ethereum wasn't named
Right. Think about this. Bitcoin is an ETFs. It's part of the stock market now. It's like a crypto is not going anywhere. Stop listening to these people. Oh, crypto is dead. Oh, crypto is dead. NFTs are dead. NFTs are dead. Guys.
We know how these big whales work right they sent out their little ponds which these which are some influencers some big influencers some small influencers they sent out these ponds to drop the price get people scared you know the fear index created everybody scared you know but big coins not going
anywhere. Crypto's not going anywhere. As long as Bitcoin is at the helm of crypto, it will never die. Trust me, it will never die. It's already been put into too many ETFs. It's already been put into, you know, it's part of the market. And I think, you know, it's part of them trying
to move it into their market where it doesn't belong. And I think that's where most of the heads clashing with the SEC and crypto because they want to own something that's not meant to be owned by them. So it's as long as Bitcoin is at the helm, we're not going anywhere, guys. Just understand that.
I just want to touch on the top of it that you was saying about that local savagery and I think that's a great strategy especially for the big coins for the mainstream ones. But I'm just going to show for a second. Yeah, like if you're trading meme coins or whatever, like
For me, I want to invest, I'm investing in the person more so than a coin. So like, like you see Dell out here grinding every day doing his thing and, you know, you know, he ain't going nowhere. He's hustling every day grinding. So to me, like, I would like to invest in a person like
who's doing that, doing that work, putting in these hours, took eight hours in a row on space trying to do his thing. Because you know, to the core, he's a hard worker and he's hustling. And you know, this is the real deal. So I look at like meme coins kind of like that. Obviously, he's still dollar-course averaging. You know, I think that's a great strategy.
You don't want to, you know, not financial advice, but you don't want to go broke up because because the project failed, you know, you still got to live and, uh, part with with with, uh, with mean points and everything. Yeah, you got to look at you, you know, in any business, you want to work with somebody or, or you want to have a point or you want
to invest in somebody who does big things and who's doing things and who has the tenacity and who's a hard worker. So I mean that's I'm bullish on Delcoin I'm not gonna lie and if you like NFTs and you like music I mean you get one of those get one of his NFTs man and support those
to support you, you know what I'm saying? There's a lot of fun in the community but we're here basically to support each other, you know what I'm saying? And it's the community's only growing. So my only advice, not financial advice, if you're going to get into a mean point project,
Invest in the person who's behind it whether it's Bendabi, Dill or whatever or those or the crazy Sonic eat like those Bitcoin guys if you if you like that thing Invest in that invest in them. That's what really you're looking at more sort of than the token value and and
way you think it's going to go. In my opinion, like I said, that's not financial advice. But you know, let's get it up to 100. Hit that button down at the bottom right where it's about 78 or 77 right now. Let's retweet the room. Get it up to 100. Great information in here, guys.
If you're not up in the morning and you're not in here with deal and deal just to let you know one of my burner accounts that I went ahead and put a dot-eat on it probably shouldn't put well it that's not gonna be the main dot-eat but that burner account did buy some deal this morning I sold it NFT yesterday I think all these all these old two
And I sold them for a good reason. I put some money back into deal. And I'm going to look at either possibly grabbing another NFT with that account so I can put some money back into deal. So that's man of GDH human and Ben, Ben put in an ETH last night to support our
liquidity appreciate you Ben and yeah guys it's great to have support you know go buy some on the charts okay if you want to talk OTC let me know we can get you in some for liquidity and that's just going back to the charts as well you know given some by pressure thickening up that liquidity
I think. And so that's that's the key is people are going to keep building in the projects they believe in. Even if the market takes a swing this way or that way, there's still big opportunity here as a builder in Web 3. So I think that's what we got to pay attention to. And we're going to be around here no matter
What we're gonna continue building so yeah guys go up to the top you'll see some information so Syop last night they announced that the Syop launch pads probably gonna be public so as of now my plan would be to lock if we have to I'll lock a percentage of this
and then we'll do a drop on Syob Launchpad. So it would be interesting. I can lock like 5% of deal, drop on Syob Launchpad, even if it has to be its separate contract address, it wouldn't hurt us at all. Like there's no way it could hurt. It could only
help. So what we would do is we put it on Syop Launchpad, let's say 5% of the coin, or even less. Then we get everybody to buy it up and sell out the pre-sale, right? Then we have a coin on Syop Launchpad that's basically free marketing for the Dill token and it's backed by Dill token 1-1.
And then we can hopefully integrate some way or if we want we could even buy out that token and swap them for real deal coin. So for example, if you guys buy into that and we'll see how it goes. But the point is let's say Charles buys a million deal coin on Syop Launchpad, right?
We have a million dill coin in our treasury. So if Charles ever wanted to go back to the main dill chain, it would be very easy. Just okay, Charles, just swap your dill coin for coins from the treasury. It would be funny because if we want everyone to get back to dill chain, we'll just buy it all up and swap it all back. And then it'll just be
a successful launch pad. Like literally, it's just a successful launch pad. We used a launch pad to get additional funding, bring new people into the project. It's completely valid as a one to one representation of deal coin. And then if anybody wants to swap back, which I think is probably good long term
But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's a reason why it's actually good that we stay as this on the launch pad, right? But the point is Charles could buy it. I could buy it. Blazo could buy it. And we could just swap it back to the main chain one to one. I mean, we get about how about we how about we swap Deluminati for deal.
I don't understand what you mean deluminati for deal that's the name of the discord right make it a token so so well well, you know I like the idea you know I'm kind of with I guess like kind of like bit boys like
a strength if we prove not only to Ben but to everyone that we're going to use his platform for the best reasons and we're also going to back it by our real token. It just shows so much confidence. Here's the thing Ben was saying last night. All right.
I asked him about the launch pad. I don't know if you guys heard. But what I got was that first of all, he was just like every question he was answering as if it was like kind of like a negative thing against the launch pad. So like I don't know if that's kind of just the mode he was in. Like even you can see when he was talking to the air.
on an iced tea guy. Like that guy was literally trying to use his product and he was literally like acting like that guy was saying something negative. So like I feel like he was just a little bit tipsy and like in a mood where he just felt like everything was a little bit combative. I don't know. You guys read into it how you want. I was like can I say something?
Please go ahead. Yeah, sorry to interrupt you Somebody that look I'm bullish on side up on all his tokens on Ben just in general But yesterday gave me a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I'll be honest as an investor. I'm not gonna sit here and bullshit them
And I heard you talk about the launch pad and he kind of just brushed you off. The Arizona IST guide fumbling. You're in a position you have $20 million of people's money.
You know, you need to be a better example. You can't be on spaces drunk as fuck and talking gibberish. You know what I mean? It's crazy to me. It's crazy. I'm really upset about last night in that spaces. You know, I'm not in emotion like Charles, you did mention
I'm not talking about the charts right now like Ben said I'm invested in the person and I didn't like that person yesterday Yeah, go ahead deal go ahead. No, I'm just gonna say yeah, that's valid man like I'm super biased by just wanting Ben to support the project because of the
potential implications, right? But yes, I agree with you. Other than that bias aside, I agree with you. Go ahead. Sorry. Yeah, I was just going to say, then is becoming a big entity right now. And I think
A spokesperson would be great. A CEO even better. I think that as a business structure where he's going, he's going to need help guys. He's going to need help. He's going to need support.
And he's going to need people like Johnny that can bring up these issues. So one thing about me, like that's why I love being in this room. I love to be around people that can teach me something, people that I can learn.
Okay, I'm trying to get in the NFT space. Where is the better place to learn than mean five morning with deal? And I think that uh, that's like that to make it short and not so long. I think that uh,
we have to show strong solidarity through the good times and the bad times because we have seen a lot of great qualities in being. He answers the tough questions, yes, but a spokesperson would probably be better at answering those questions, you know, just to keep being busy doing what Ben needs to do
and to keep things flowing. But you know, Ben is whoever he is, he's that person that he is. We're going to have to accept that. Everybody else is going to have to accept that. I don't want him to change. I don't ever want a person that who
you are to change. If you drink and have a good time, go drink and have a good time, have your spokesperson. You guys have, you know, hour, long 30 minute meeting before they go in and that speaks for being and just to keep being, he's already got, like he said, he's getting attacked by bots. He's been attacked by
communities, you know, and the last thing he needs is for his inner community to start attacking him instead of, you know, and which I'm not saying you're doing that, Johnny, I promise you I'm not saying you're doing that, you're doing it the right way. But instead of us attacking him, we need to approach him in a different manner. Like,
You know like it's the way you approach people sometimes that gives them a sour taste and like you said that guy could have been following somebody that was giving them a hard time and it automatically put them into defensive boat okay now I see I'm gonna have to get defensive which I you know you have to do that when you're when you're out in the public but uh the
whole thing I'm getting to is he needs a spokesperson to speak for him and he can enjoy his life. Yeah little does he know that I'm damn near being a spokesperson right now it would just you know but uh shit I'm damn near being a spokesperson I don't know if I'm going to really
I don't necessarily think that he needs a spokesperson, but I think he needs a number two advisor that tells him, "Hey bro, shut the fuck up!" and he actually listens to him. Because last night, legitimately heard his brand.
Now did like a complete idiot to the owner of a national worldwide brand that was just trying to be a part of what he's building. And the control was trying to like real and... He was. And did not listen to him.
At one point he was like this is why we're business partners, but then like four seconds later. He was like a back at it, you know Yeah, he was just going in and out Yeah, it's just it wasn't good somebody in the room, you know somebody in the room like man. I'll take this but he needs someone he needs someone ahead of time like he should have never come
came into that space. Period. Exactly. He should not have came into the space. He needs someone to advise him like, "Hey man, you're out having a good time." This was not the Yeager Bomb Space where it was all funny games. He's gotten to the point where he's built a real brand here and people are going to start hitting him with hard questions, hard partnership
offers stuff like that and you can't like he's gonna wake up this morning probably remember like a quarter of what part but remember before when he it was like before he was drinking then like Adrian was saying like oh it's good to talk to you when you're not drunk which like he probably was already drinking or whatever
But that being said, there was a good part in the beginning before it started going negative a little bit. But yeah, I'm with Heroblemat. I don't think it was the best look in a lot of ways, especially towards the end when the Arizona iced tea guy happened. And like honestly, the whole thing was a little bit combative too.
like man I asked him about the launch pad and and he kind of just responded to me as if I was someone that was trying to like game the system but I don't think it was personal I think he was just responding to everybody in a like a kind of combative way so I don't think he was really saying anything negative by that state
But he wasn't like very open and welcoming like oh yeah like like yeah come use the platform like try something out He was like so focused on like if someone's trying to cheat the system or whatever and I'm just like damn like I've been you know supporting him in a big way I'm just it was a little bit off-putting to see his response to it be like
like that instead of like, oh yeah, like you know, you've been around and you're doing good stuff. Come try out the launch pad. It was more like people are trying, if people are trying to game the system, we're gonna know. And I was like, bro, I'm just trying to ask if like, can we do something creative and innovative with it? And like, he didn't really answer my question. And also, I kind of#
I don't agree with him. I get wanting it to be decentralized. I process that and my thought is like, "Okay, I'll play his game. We'll get all of our people to buy into his shit and if it's decentralized, we'll throw 5% in there and we'll prove that we have the attention economy." I know we can do that.
We can throw 5% on there, tell everybody to go run it up, get it sold out with the community, and then we'll be one of the biggest ones on there and hopefully we'll have to pay attention or support it in some way. But also on the other side, I'm like, "Dude, Fitty has over $15 million of sales
on the apocalyptic apes. I don't understand why Ben couldn't just say, "Oh, Fiddycoin, that seems like a good idea." Fiddy has over 15 million sales on his NFT collection, has built real products, and hasn't rubbed anyone. So the idea that it should just be decentralized doesn't make that much sense to me either
Because like what about the projects that just like go viral and are a complete shit coin and they might get like $10 million of volume But it's like nobody that's actually there for the long term like with Fitty at least you can be like this guy sold 15 dot million dollars NFTs like he's not gonna drug. He's not gonna like get he's you know what he's not gonna have
a fucking mental breakdown if his coin gets $10 million. Like bro, how many of these fucking shit coin devs have a mental breakdown when their coin gets $10 million? Like bro, that's fucking nothing. Like, like, Fitty, me, like, I'm confident if my coin went to a hundred mill, I'm not gonna have some kind of fucking like shit.
mental breakdown. And like I can say the same about Fiddy. Like Fiddy's been grinding his whole life. He's done 15 million and NFT sales. Like Fiddy by all means is a guy that deserves to like have his coin go to 100 mil. And if he does he'll rise to the opportunity because he's a fucking 40 something year old man who's or
you know, whatever, 50 something, I don't know how all these runs, who runs a legitimate, uh, business, legitimate in real life business too. So it's exactly. Yeah. So I mean, Ben said it a couple of spaces ago. I mean, we are also investing in a D Jen gambler. He's said since 22, he's made
$8 million and lost it twice. That is someone that is taking big financial risk, big swings to make big money and with. So he is a gambler in a sense. So we are betting on a gambler here. I think he's a really smart guy but again he needs an
to tell him like win and win not to speak because I think he should be the face of the brand. I think he should be the one talking. I think that's who all the holders and all the people they want to hear from him. I think that's but not in that light. Yeah, I was trying to talk when WB was talking and
and I don't know. Ben also wants to say that his platform's unrugable and I don't want to be the one that really dives in deep on all the ways that you could potentially rug it just because he says it's unrugable right? I don't necessarily want to do that on a giant space right but I was trying to get at
the stuff like, look, you can either use quantitative data like who does the most volume in trading and shit, right? Which it sounds like Ben wants to do. It sounds like Ben basically wants to see who's going to do the most volume and who has social media activity alongside that. But all that shit can be gained in a way
that's not made for the long term. Like someone can just wash trade a lot and like pump a coin and like get people involved and like manufacture hype within one to two days by spending money and like gaming the system right and there's not an easy way to tell even though Ben says it's so easy to tell it's not
not so easy to tell. So like, I really think there needs to be a balance between curation and elevating projects that have a valid, at least a valid person and a founder behind them at the least. Because if not, you get these anonymous DGen drops that are just going to figure out how to do a viral tweet
get a few influencers to retweet it with a giveaway that is connected to some kind of, you know, mechanism to get people to buy in that's connected to an airdrop to a couple thousand wallets so that it looks like it has thousands of holders and then you just start washing the volume, pump it to 5, 10 mail daily volume wash trading
And then you just come up at the top right and then everybody buys your shit weather and then you'll come up at the top of deck screener right so Like it's cool. It'll be good marketing for Ben when people do shit like that because like a coin launched by Ben will go like on to other sites too But it does it doesn't
support, I don't know, it leaves a lot of room for manipulation and I don't know if Ben was correctly acknowledging that and I'm just a little concerned about the fact that he doesn't want to curate at all. I feel like that's a disappointment. Yeah, this is the this is the last negative thing I'll say about it and then we could definitely move on. But
But the one thing I he kind of walked back decentralization when WB was asking him about it. He's like yeah, it'll be decentralized when I want it to be Like no, yeah, it made no sense. He's like it I was like what are you talking about? Well, dude those guys a lot of those people don't even know what to say
say if they want to have a good argument, right, they should say, well, then how's the centralize you own 90% of siop until you fucking revoke it. It's not decentralized at all. You know, yeah, all right, let's let's think about the real aspect is the of the reason why he want it to be decentralized now. And it's for the simple
We got to look at the big picture of what's going on. Ben's name is getting big. His name is ringing bells. Probably people that have an approach to him yet are now approaching him. But the space is recorded. We kept hearing him say the main thing that I noticed that he was on point with is
I wanted to be decentralized because as soon as I make it centralized, I have to deal with the SEC. I have to deal with those people. And I think it was one of the reasons why he and I was listening well in at that point. And I think it was more of the space is recorded, right?
people want him to say that it's centralized and the minute he does, the minute he does, he incur tons of problems, tons of tons of negative problems, the moment he does say that it is centralized, okay? So let's keep that in mind and on top of that, you know, the thing he's saying
what's keeping it decentralized is he's not picking friends right he's not picking friends and putting and and and he's not soliciting you know people and picking friends and hey come to come get on sidex right come get on you know he's not doing that that's kind of what's keeping it centralized it's bad
I'm not giving honest take on that Charles. All right. I know I know a lot about securities regulations like curating the platform picking who's on there literally has nothing to do with whether or not these are securities like I hate to say but
With all my knowledge that makes zero sense like just cuz you don't pick Curate projects like it doesn't mean it's not a security and it doesn't mean it's centralized or decentralized like I get it It means it means that like the team of the platform is decentralized, but I don't know I see where he's coming from but like to me
me it just doesn't make a lot of sense and like whether or not it's decentralized. I'm trying to find a reason what I saw him trying to find a reason to say it's decentralized on the recording so people can stop trying to say it's centralized. I think it's more of that but yeah you're right. I don't know bro. I don't know that.
with it. That was that was that didn't make sense to me. That was just like something that didn't make sense. I would rather hear him say something that makes sense. Like yes, it's de it's centralized now so that we can launch the platform correctly and then we're going to move to a more decentralized infrastructure as the project builds the way he the way he
put it out was it'll be decentralized when I want it to be. That's kind of how he said it. I was like, all right, that's not the right wording. Well, I get that, but it's also not the biggest problem if you're consistent. Like, for example, Dillcoin is not decentralized right now. It'll be decentralized when I want
it to be and you should be happy that I have control of it so that a bunch of jeets are out there controlling it, right? And so that I can do OTC Dales and make the right business deals. But I also think that just because of that, it doesn't mean it's a security. I'm selling a product and service
through a token. And I really don't think that it implies that it's a security. So I would like to see a more reasonable stance that was along the lines of like acknowledging the truth. Hey, there's elements of this that are centralized now. I'm creating a business, right? And that business is to support a decentralized
ecosystem. But I think it's valid to say Ben is creating a business around a product to support a decentralized ecosystem. I mean, I think you can talk around it without needing to say it's centralized, but like also acknowledging that like right now it has elements
of centralized control. But if the point is, yeah, we're doing this so that we can launch a decentralized ecosystem and protocol. And this is just what we needed to do because I'm an entrepreneur building a business alongside of it. I just think there's a good case to be made there. But hey, I'm no expert.
then might be advised by lawyers or something. That's just like my two cents on it is I would have liked to see a take that makes a little more sense other than just trying to argue that it's decentralized. But honestly it did go over pretty well. I think most people gave him a little leeway to say all right like to understand what I just said which is
that people kind of let him slide and said, "All right, he's building something decentralized." I do think it's totally great and reasonable to assume, yeah, he's building something decentralized, right? But yeah, I mean, a little more consistency in acknowledging the truth that right now it is how centralized elements would be nice.
That was a real piece of man. Yeah, I agree.
But it, uh, yeah, definitely needs to be, uh, properly planned before you, uh, before he steps on out on stage again and, uh, Ben's a smart guy. You can tell from the hard questions he was answering last night. He's a smart guy. And maybe he, like, like Dill said, maybe he is being
you know informed by you know lawyers that know these statutes and know where to cross and where not to cross and maybe that's one part of it of not crossing it is the whole uh bringing your friends on situation who knows uh you know I'm not a lawyer
I don't think anybody else is, but I think last night it just proves that I, hey, we're all human. We're all human. Sometimes we do things that people don't agree with. And it's hard to get the whole world to agree with one thing. I'll say that. And at the same time, it's, you know,
You got to put it up on yourself. Hey, I kind of messed up. I hope you know, the best thing that could happen to be in is for him to wake up this morning, listen to the recording and be like, dang, how can I fix it? He won't though. He's very arrogant. That's the he's very arrogant and self absorbed. So
I he won't come out with an apology no chance. He's learning and he's learning. I'll say that he's learning. It's a learning process for us all and especially for for him because he has his hands. Well, that's why he have the dives, but he has his hands into a lot of things, you know what I'm saying? And I think that
It's showing, but it definitely needs to be one of those things to where you know, the community showing the weak spots.
a bin pick up here and he picks up there. You know where the ones you know supporting him as a community and hopefully he listens to us.
I can't. Full tent well had here on on band. He said from day one he want he's going to teach web three patients and he only wants the most loyal holders. It's possible that he could be doing saying some of the wrong things on purpose to get people out
And then because you hear him on different spaces sometimes he talks different than other times right well He's drunken. I'd it is possible that he's trying to get people to cheat and I don't know whatever his number is Of so many people and then turn things around. He said it's a sigh out He said he's gonna teach you patience. You got a hold now
You could hold this thing down to zero the same financial advice. I'm not saying that anything could happen I mean, I still believe in a project I believe in Ben, but I'm just saying that he could maybe some of the stuff is intentional You know there is a tin foil hot and spirits
this guys I want to make an example. Please listen everybody in the room listen if you care about regulation and securities. Now Charles if you open the Charles Stackhouse Art Gallery and you got you're having an art gallery where artists can put up their art and maybe even get their work so
Now, you decide to put, that's your business, right? That's your business. You own that business. You decide to put your friends' art up on the wall because those are your friends and your family and you want to help them sell their art. Does that mean that the art is illegal security? No, it wouldn't.
I'll tell you honestly why I'll tell you honestly why because I would I would approach it the right way first of all this bar all right hold on stop let me stop you there please just go ahead go ahead listen there's no way in hell you are there everybody can open an art gallery and put their friends art up and help sell it that does not make it a security
Security, the securities regulations do not apply to it. If you are opening a site that allows you to create a meme coin and meme coins are not securities, then none of the securities regulations apply. Therefore, the idea of curating and choosing your friends has zero implications.
the only reason that you would be restricted in choosing your friends would be if you were operating a securities exchange. Do you understand why this makes zero sense? Because unless Ben is saying all these things he's launching are securities, then if that's not true, you don't need to or
want to follow any of the securities rules. There's no reason to, unless you are vying to get identified as a regulated securities exchange. Now there are things that you should do to avoid being a regulated securities exchange. But my impression is I thought this platform he's making is supposed to be for meme
and coins that are not securities. So therefore, why would you try to follow regulations that apply to regulated securities in the United States? You know, this is like an art gallery and the art is a coin. The art is a coin. It's not a security
It's a product or a service right does anyone get mad at Amazon for allowing you know partnerships and deals and payment that puts products at the top No, that's just advertising like that's just part so I'm I'm also you know, I'm not an expert in legalities
But that's why it doesn't make sense to me. You don't need to avoid things that securities regulations avoid if you're not running a securities exchange. So that's my two cents on that. I wanted to use the example of Charles Art Gallery because my impression is that Ben
is trying to create a exchange for assets that are not securities. So if they're not securities, then do not follow securities regular. The more you try to follow securities regulation, the more it can be like, you knew these were securities. You were vying for things
that apply to securities. Why were you vying for things that apply to securities if these are not securities? You were actually a problem. If you LLC didn't pay your taxes, it wouldn't be a problem. So I would rather see Ben say, this is not a securities exchange. These are not securities.
I'm starting a business that's a decentralized ecosystem for meme coins which are not securities. Therefore, I'm not subject to these regulations of the SEC and until a court of law proves that we are operating a unregistered securities exchange, I have no reason to apply
all laws of securities regulations to my assets. Like, guys, does that not make more sense than just whatever went down last night? No, and we're supposed to view these technically, I mean, am I wrong as commodities? It's the same thing. We don't actually
have and I propose this, we need, just like in the Bill of Rights, we have freedom of speech, we need financial Bill of Rights where, you know, like, we shouldn't have KYC, just like my kids can take a $25, like a dollar to go to a 25 cents, $2 to go buy a candy bar, and they don't need KYC, they don't, they're just
shop owners not like hey I need your KYC where's your wallet? That's going to be the future if we allow them to strip away our natural financial rights and that would include trading like you said Pokemon my kids love Pokemon they trade the same thing they trade shit in roadblocks like yesterday they were trading within themselves like
They like they got like two legendaries on roblox and they were flipping out dude. I heard them screaming and They were trading with them each other like I'm gonna trade you this I'll trade you this like dude there was an OTC floor in my living room last night For real seriously dude we use eyes to play runescape. That's where I first did it
trade this for that. And you know, and then that even has a real economy behind it. You can sell them gold for money. So like not that I ever made enough to do that, but people farm it, you know, in the Philippines or somewhere they're using World of Warcraft.
Venice where they teach these people to play the game these people oftentimes don't know anything about the game outside of the one activity they do as a job right so they don't know the items they don't know they just know how to click the right shit to do this one gold farming job it's really interesting so
You meet these or whatever. You get these. It's just like a pay to earn gaming guys. Pay to earn gaming is always just gonna pretty much get redirected to cheap labor. And then any rich person is just gonna use whatever system gets designed to not actually play the game as much. So it kind of gets
I'm walking the store right now. I sound out of breath. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, man. Yeah, man. Out of shape, man. I've indeed
I'm going to the store right now. I have to grab something. Yeah, no, dude, it's good seeing that you're an actual human and you do have to eat and go places. Yeah, I have to get my organic whole milk from my coffee man.
You know, I have to have a good little bit of milk quality shit, you know? Coffee's got to be right to run eight hour spaces. Oh yeah, I'm I'm brewing up a pot at the house checking out of the store now and we'll be ready to go all day. Man, I wish I could just chew the espresso bean. I like it black though.
Sorry, I need to interrupt you. Did you see it pay? Did you see the number zero? It's revealed by now. It's the one for Ben. If you go on OpenSea and look, Sci-OpGain just retweeted it.
It looks fancy golden ducky with a big S-Cron. Oh Shit! He even tweeted, he even tweeted, he should update his prototype picture and would be insane at the...
Hey, good morning, everyone. You might have I jump in real quick. Of course. What's up, Brad candle? What's up, Dill? Good morning, everyone. So I listen to I think I've listened to every single one of them in spaces that he's been in. You know, a couple of observations. I mean, first of all, you know, I love that I
of it. Those good guys. Fitties really riding into the camp of, I'll call it big corporate, big brand, big box. He started to kind of spread his little bit and kind of read
outside of the DGen community and in the kind stream that's fine. I think that's what he wants to do. It's very apparent very obvious to me that that's the path he's already bark on and again that's fine. You know when when Ben goes into these these spaces
You've got a lot of hostility towards him. It's unwarranted. There are clearly people that are just after this guy. I've been in a professional. I'm semi-retired now. I've been a professional for, you know, was a professional for 30 years at a very high level.
corporate environment. So I recognize these things immediately. So, you know, Ben is one of a kind. There really hasn't been anyone like him in the three years
that I've been in crypto, not even close. And, you know, I'm not sure what everyone's, I'd like to know what people are referring to about what was so true or the about him last night. Much of the conversion was actually, I thought very inspiring and
really brilliant. I'm wondering if people didn't wake up this morning to see their bags down 20-30% across the board. We're not just talking about SIOP or loyal. We're talking about blue chip coins to slant end.
If we were in a bull run and Syop was fucking moaning, would anyone be talking any shit about Ben at all? And my hunch is as I doubt it. So again, is it his wanted to talk about, forgive me for
for referencing this, but the N word, okay, that he said, the soft N word. Yeah, that can offend people. I get it. Many of us won't use a word like that, but that's one of the most commonly used fucking words in today's vernacular. Okay. I mean, if you hear it,
still we don't know we don't know him really and I'm I'm I'm with Fiddy I need to hear Charles's take on this right cuz look like I'm a white guy I would never say that um and I you know that's like just common sense I don't know Charles what do you have to say I would say it depends on
you know his whole background who is as a person if he grew up around rappers and guys that use that word all the time or if he you know was just being rude there's two different types of ways to look at it now if he was just being rude and just saying it which it didn't come out that way
If he was just being rude and saying it like man, you know in a bad way then yeah, of course, it's a problem But I look I have white friends that use the word guys. It's just it's all about how you take it how to I hate for people to be stuck on a word when
You know as a bigger person and all you know you can get past that if you just see what type of person That person is because that person has a spirit that person has a soul and you know Whether it be he used it, you know, we don't I don't know what he used it for why he used it Maybe he used it because people gave him so much flex for you
And we don't know if Ben's white Ben could very well be a black man like we have no idea right but I think I can confirm Ben is white Okay, I think Ben is probably white, okay, so like for him to say that is like it's not the worst thing in the world I'm kind of I hear you Charles like a
It's just a word, but it's also just like on a public Twitter faces like come on like like yeah, yeah, I don't agree with it like I must have been sleeping at that time, but I don't know was the last night, bro, was before he okay to make it worse he kept bringing it up last night without like apologizing or anything and like I
I'm honestly like I don't even know what to say like I don't want to stick my neck in that situation personally like right right, right? Fitty did a good job of like Manning up and like handling the topic from a reasonable point of view like everything Fitty said was absolutely true like look I You know I'm a white guy. I wouldn't really go around
I'm not going to say it disrespectfully and Ben didn't say it totally.
totally disrespectfully. But the fact that he would say it on a public space is already kind of disrespect, I'm assuming he is a white guy which we probably think he is. So it just like, come on, it's just blatant disregard. Could I forgive it? Maybe, could some black people forgive it? Maybe. But like it's not
not a good look and like I wouldn't say it, I wouldn't expect anyone. People are going to get mad, right? There's no good excuse for saying it. I heard him say it originally in the space. It was in no way shape or form. It was used in a slang term. It was in no way disrespectful number one. Number two.
Um, he got roasted. Yeah, but come on. I'm a rapper. I'm a white rapper. Like I'm around people saying that and where, you know, look, I'm in a chisel away all the time. Like I'm not just fine. But let me, let me just finish if I may please. Um, you know, so he got roasted for it the next day all over Twitter. Okay. That's number two.
Number three, he comes into the space and he wants to have a dialogue out it. You know, it's important that we do have a log about that word and how it's used. Okay, I mean, it's a prolifically used word. Is it okay to just throw that word out if you're a rapper or anyone else? Is it okay?
Okay, for for black folks to fucking use that word like it's just part of their everyday language. Okay, maybe he just wants to talk about some of this stuff. You know, what's wrong with having a dialogue? You know, I just don't see the the uproar, you know, and he was trying to and trying to dialogue it.
Fair take in the easy way out. Okay, he was just taking the politically correct way out to cover his ass. That's how I read it. I could be wrong. But politically correct for a reason. Yeah, you can't you can't try to dialogue it when you're freaking black out drunk though too. That's exactly right. That's it.
They were the last night. It was the night before they say it. I'm actually gonna dig into that. But I saw it on Twitter the next day. And I knew if he did say the word in a self way that it was gonna be a problem. You know, and that's just how it rolls.
Yeah, that's a problem. We don't need right yes. Yes. That's why I say he needs people to and you know what I like about Chris's face Chris his face asked him the you know, but he allows them to ask him the questions while you know he's there You know and ask him the questions and they ask these are questions and they answer them and you know professional
manners. And that's why I think it needs to be, you know, to end it all. People need to ask the hard questions. Why are you doing this? You know what I'm saying? Why are you like, I'm a supporter from day one. Why are you doing this? You know, we got to, we got to get you on a better path for us and you, you know,
It's something that needs to happen, but we got a lot of, we got two hands up. I think there's, I think we'll go to Kuzlinkinasek. I just, I think there's certain things that are politically correct for a reason, and then there's other things that are ridiculous. Like, some people would probably think it's politically incorrect
I say, "Oh, Charles is a black man." Or, you know, whatever, like that, that's not offensive, right? But some people in this world would think that I offended Charles by saying that he's a black or a brown man, right? Like, some people are that disturbed in their head, right? But there's other things like a white guy not saying
the N word because it's just like culturally a thing that like, "Okay, I can vibe with that. Like, I'm a white rapper. If I started saying the N word, I might go viral for a day, but it would ruin my career. Like, it's just not a good thing. It's just not a good look, right? So that's not something I would ever say, right?
especially as a white rapper. But you know, and so then anyway, that's my end of my opinion. Like it would be one thing if we thought Ben was a black man. Like if he's a black or a brown man and he's sioping us all and that's that. But that's not even, that doesn't seem
to be his attitude either. He's not like, "How do you guys know him?" You know, he did actually say it for a second, but I don't know, man. This is a silly conversation, but yeah, to me it's obvious, like, if you're... there's no reason the founder of any project needs to be saying that word. You know, we haven't
We haven't really seen much of that you know if you know a big rapper drops a great NFT and no maybe that'll be different but you know as of now It's not something that anyone says in a professional setting and I would argue most most rappers even that do say it in their songs. They're not gonna
Always you know say it in a business setting, but anyway, this is it is stupid It was it wasn't set in an offensive way. I don't think it hurt anyone and there's one thing is for sure is that people are engagement farming off of something that probably didn't hurt anyone But uh, that's what happens though. There's whole there's social justice warrior
people that their whole thing is to call out socially injustice and they have a place in the world too and they have power in the world too. It's not really my thing but I also am with Fiddy in the sense that this is something that's pretty obvious that Ben didn't need to say.
Yeah, I think it's a it think it's a man Let's not fall deep into too much here guys yesterday was a good day every day is not gonna be a great day and
But it's up to us to change the trajectory. I would love to as a black guy state that you know
Look, everybody knows it's not what you say is how you say it. A lot of the time it is what you say, but most of the time it's how you say it. And me personally, I've had some white friends that just was, and I'm not saying that in a racist
way. I have some white friends that really use the software because they're laughing. I'm not around them all the time, but when I am around them sometimes, "This crazy." I'm saying like that.
It like it comes out of the mouth and you know what I don't look at it like that because I was raised in a racist, you know, place where I was raised in the South, you know, I did ride my bike from the, you know, boys and girls club down one street and you know, God actually came out of my house out of his house, you know, with a shotgun. I was a teenager. You know,
a bike with one of my white friends, my best friend at that. You know what I'm saying? And we were riding down the street and the guy was like, "Hey, we don't allow no inwards on this street. That's totally different. That's racist. That's very, very racist." And the guy that was with me, my friend, he was coming out of the house
He was a pitcher. We were all in high school. He was a pitcher. And he was being looked at by majorly baseball teams like the A's and different teams. And he stood up and he was like, "Hey, I don't see no only N word I see out here is you." You know what I'm saying?
And he was just a teenager, you know, and the guy cocked his gun. I was like, look, bro, just let's let's go. You know what I'm saying? We not wanted around here. Let's just go and we got on our bikes and we left, you know, that's an experience of racism. Okay. That's an experience of that word that word being used in the wrong way. Now, I've also been around some#
So I do have white friends and that you know our artists, you know, and I hanging out in the studio and he's rapping, you know, and he's like, man, that's different, you know, that's his coat. That's different, you know, that's not him, you know, using that word in a way, but you know, we have to understand
that the way the culture has moved into this whole, the way the culture of rap had moved into this whole what they call the drill scene of music, you know, that word was being thrown around a lot by, you know, all cultures, you know what I'm saying. So it's, you can't look at what he said as a,
negative thing even though most people will you know I like me personally I don't look at it as a negative thing until I know like and which he didn't use it a negative thing from you know listening to it now it wasn't used in a negative way guys come come why are we even talking about this
Well, dude, the reason we're talking about it is because a lot of people are really upset by it. I was even called out for being on the stage and people called me out acting like I should be the one to pipe up and be like, "Ben, how could you say that?" Like, "Man, to me it is a little bit like, oh, he should
probably say that but like I'm not as fucking manager or you know fucking father like I lived in New Orleans for five years like Charles is exactly right like I've met people who are actually racist like you know and even even if they're not there's people that are actually like racist that like
say the N word in an offensive way. And you know, they probably wouldn't do it publicly either, right? So that's the sia up in and of itself, I guess. But yeah, like Ben is not a racist individual. That is clear. Like he set it himself last night. So it is
that we're even talking about this because like at the same time there's a line to it like if I'm singing a song like I'm not gonna avoid like mouthing or saying the n-word but like motherfuckers think like that seriously like but there's a line to it where it's like all right like it's a fucking song we're just having fun with the homies like no one is getting hurt by
people do get a little bit, you know, disturbed in their thinking. So there's a line, right? There's a line for sure. All right, man, we got some hands up deal. Let's go to them. That because it's going with something. I just want to say that if you guys want to understand bin better,
learn more about the Malady's if you haven't already I don't want to get too deep into the subject either way but that's the angle he's coming at this from and you should know that if you don't already yep
The lady called. Yep, yep. I mean, hey, any attention is attention, right? That's what you're getting into here if you're riding along. Yeah, and if anybody knows the controversy behind the Malathees, yeah, it's
they deal in some suspect content. So yeah, if you don't have thick skin, I wouldn't fall to my ladies. Yeah, I mean, here's the thing. I like it because I didn't do anything wrong. And if anything, it makes me look good facilitating a conversation.
like this where for every one person that saw that and thought bad about me there's a hundred people right here who actually know what the fuck's going on. So I don't care about these people like you have to keep in mind. There's people whose entire Twitter account is dedicated to farming off of
social justice warrior stuff so like kind of like how I I've been successful like you know I've gotten a lot of traffic posting about sci-fi okay so like I post about sci-fi a lot because like it gets a lot of engagement now there are other people who built their following posting about whatever social justice were
are happening, issue is happening, right? So like, you got to understand there are people whose entire page is going to be farming off whatever the social rights issue of the day is. And it's just like how I'm going to be, you know, farming off of whatever the NFT and crypto hype of the day is.
It's just a style of account. So yeah. Man, hey, I had to go down and come back up and every time I go through that freaking tunnel, man, it throws me everything off. Oh, man, Charles, yeah, that happens once
you get disconnected at all, throwing everything off. No problem though. So let's go to Cookie and then let's say hi to Ali. Good afternoon. It was in the UK anyway, suns out. The conversation about the use
language isn't necessary. I don't think we have any conversation in the right frame of reference. I think that we need to look at it displays a lack of emotional intelligence and Charles coming from a professional sports background, emotional intelligence
intelligence is something that I've been talking very early when dealing with media and it's something I think that people in Web3 just don't have in the main don't have the training for people get called out very very quickly because it's very very easy to say the wrong things in a space in the moment and
it's just a demonstration that you can't have it and you look at all the key players in this space and they do have this this floor in that because they're constantly in the in everyone's eyes and ears it's very very quick for them to slip up and they do need to be on their A games when they're not
it's very easy for them to say the wrong things and for it to be taking out context. The security's conversation deal, I write your content here greatly, but the security's debate around what you were saying earlier. There was a lot of stuff associated with mean coins in
and in particular with certain meancoins we discussed, they could very readily be described as securities because there is some expectation profit for owning those securities regardless of what they're tackling. But it's about having a really, really clear understanding in the same way as if it was a dead based conversation around the intricacies of blockchain.
I would politely step to one side and let the expert and I feel disgusted more data. I could not build a contract and it saved my life. But one thing I can talk to is emotionally intelligence. One of the other things I can talk to is actually sort of security and investment contracts because that's my professional background.
Yeah, I mean I hear you I think there's some things about it like the expectation of profit and that stuff that's applicable but I don't know I guess my sentiment would be like it's I don't think some of the stuff that was said last night It doesn't necessarily help like I
I don't know. It just seemed like some were you there last night listening? I mean, I'm not sure if the things that Ben was saying actually have any implication to make it less of a security. I don't know. What do you think? I think my view on ecosystem is like, you know, the entire soil.
it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure it's secure#
digital Pog or digital Pokemon card. It's essentially it exists because it exists and people trade it because they want to trade with each other. They want to trade those Pokemon cards because they see value. Well hold on Pokemon cards are valuable because the company Pokemon
on build them out as products that they sell. As product agreed. Okay. So when you talk about a mean coin, you've produced the mean coins, the products. Okay. When you have a product that then do divulges, you know, I advise several web free projects and the biggest thing
they can never decide on what to call it. So let's say for example you have a coin that gives you a passive income, some projects will call it passive income, some will call it share reward, some will call it drip. There's no consistent nomenclature for what actually it is that project
to divulge it because the project is giving something above and beyond the mean. It's that's what creates the security here because you're not just trading it because it's a card. You're not just trading it because it's a mean coin. You're trading it because it's a mean coin and it does this other thing. So when you
look at the ecosystem that CYOP is based around. There's three different tokens. They're all in different interact and they're all going to do all these things. It's slowly but surely looking like something that could be deemed security because it does more than one thing and you're buying that
because of those things that it does. Yes, that's a product, but it can become at that point because you're participating in the income in the ecosystem. That's no different to a share, especially when you talk about projects that then confer down voting rights. That's about as close to as an A share in a business as you could get. It's a vote
team share. That's a doubt. A doubt token is the exact same thing. You could get a share of profit from it and you get the right to vote on the direction of the project. Yeah, I mean, I think yeah, that's a good case, right? That's the case that the SEC will make. And I think there's various levels
to it right and I do think that there's hopefully going to be more guidance and more regulations that can help guide these projects to be done in the correct way. We hope that the SEC doesn't just go try to shut down every crypto, instead hopefully there will be a way for these to become
registered correctly with the SEC or take a fine and be allowed to continue with their business model and something like that, right? But, but yeah, I mean, I think it also, it also just depends, you know, how the projects are built. And like you said, I think it's about delivering
the product and to me there's certain use cases that make more sense through like a video game lens maybe where it's like look if you can collect enough of these items they're going to give you other items that are part of a game right like if you collect enough of the right
Pokemon cards you can you know redeem them for other products and stuff from Pokemon which you know is true It's it's kind of like how the Pokemon games work like if you buy the different games and stuff you can trade between the games like even before we had the internet we were able to use our Nintendo's to like trade
trade with our friend, a Pokemon that we caught in another game. And like, there wasn't a means of exchange to do it, but like you could pay your friend to buy like a Pokemon or like you did something for your friend. So to me, it's kind of like the next step of that is like facilitating these
kind of games through NFTs and products and services, right? So I also think that it does matter how closely you integrate the product and service with the item that's being traded. Like, do you agree or do you say that just no matter what, it's going to be a security?
I agree where there's where the end again I kind of feel like this is Ben's take on it is there's a lot the style gang is what is is a really really good window in some maybe his mindset his mindset here is you guys build the economy
around these three core pillars. Whenever you look at any effective financial system, there's three core pillars to it. So he's done these things deliberately and he's effectively encouraging us to build the ecosystem around it because it allows it to become decentralized. It allows it to be very hard
to prove that it is a security for US law. I think the real issue here, and this is what I've said on several spaces, as well as spoken previously, is SEC regulation is only one country in the world. I work in the UK, I work in the UK financial services sector. So when I
I run a regulator firm and if I want to do something I can speak to the regulator and I can get the regulator opinion on things and I can actually get to a stage where I can brief the regulator. This is what I want to do and they will say yep that fits within our regime or it doesn't the US doesn't have that.
And that is a real problem. The regulation by enforcement is the biggest issue here. It's not whether something is a risen security. It doesn't fuss me that something is a security. I actually think most stuff should be deemed a security because it will give investor protection. You won't see rugs anymore. You'll see a lot less rugs anyway.
Okay, so what is your opinion of an entrepreneur like like Ben right who who may who launch something that's in a gray area may constitute a security But like what what was it? What is your recommendation don't do that at all or like do it and try
doing it at all or do you try your best to follow within the guidelines? I think all you can do is try your best to follow within the guidelines but then it's like everything it's balanced with risk. I'm very deliberate in my online identity when I'm talking in the crypto space because
to currency in the UK is an unregulated investment. So myself as an investment professional, I can't talk to my clients and I can't talk to the wider public in detail in my financial advisor guys. So I know if I'm speaking in spaces I'm speaking as me the investor which is always going to be cookie crypto.
that's time as the regulator are comfortable with our ability to deliver consistent outcomes for clients. So I think people need to take risks. That's how that's how advances are made. The biggest issue I have within the cryptocurrency
world is there is zero investor protection and that until we can do that ourselves then we kind of have to sort of you have to pace and create into the regulator where they do it right or not they do
have this overreaching responsibility for investor protection and they have to, they have to, they have to teach to the lowest common denominator and the majority of investors in this space that are new are wet behind the ears and don't understand what they're getting into.
I've been in the space three, four years. I started meme-quaint trading this year and it was all a new experience for me, despite me being experienced in crypto. I had to learn things very, very quickly and I can see straight away that being a new entry into the space, a retail investor for one of the better words, there are no protections
So, SEC is involved because investor protection, right? And I'll tell you this, this space is growing. These developers and these companies are getting smarter. Like for instance, I know this, this company, Lloyds of London, pretty much the,
fiduciaries of insurance, right? And they're really working to get insurance to wallets and liquidity that's a million plus, right? So it's, there's steps and foundations being made, say for instance, like
of Binance was to get insurance if they were, you know, a exchange with people money invested into it in for situations like this SEC thing. If they had insurance on their funds like a company that they're running to be and trying to be, then, you know, insurance will cover the investors because they're looking
paying one for one right and this is like situations that need to be talked about in the space and from your aspect I try to be careful when I say things from your aspect it makes a lot of sense being a financial advisor and advising people why they wouldn't want you to go out and say these things
and say certain things and you do definitely have to be very very careful and the things you say being a financial advisor so they don't try to accuse you of being certain things. So I think the approach is people's money needs to be insured if it's so in case another FTX you know people's money needs to be insured
in case another dope one, you know, and those situations. And I think when those situations cohabitate with the people that are trying to be securities, then they have no other choice but to come to those guys and be like, hey, you guys are legit, your people are covered.
your reporting, your taxes, as long as they're doing it right, right? So, I mean, there's remarkable things being done in the space behind the scenes that I know of, in particular, being in some of the meetings. And it's definitely, man, it's going to change, but it's going to take what's going on now.
by an answer have to fight with the SEC, Coinbase to have to fight with the SEC to see what they're considering what, you know, so it could, you know, somewhere along the middle of the line it could be, you know, settled. Yeah, I mean, I've nothing I'd like nothing more than for my entire business model to be moved over to the crypto space.
I'm so I'm a full-on crypto-maxe. I talk with clients on a regular basis and they know that I have a crypto portfolio and they talk to me about it candidly when I'm sort of just chatting around as friends. And they'll ask me, you know, why is it you're into
crypto and then I'll pretty much ruin the meeting because I'll spend an hour talking about the different utilities of the 100+ different tokens and projects I hold because their literary is a use for everything. The amount of times I bloody talks about the chain with my shipping clients for example and it just blows their mind.
the fact that they can track assets and smart contract payments. Like it is the future, like there's no two ways about it. I am supposed I'm doing a mini-beneath in that I'm trying to create a web3 brand so that when the chance arises
I can be there and be in a credited or a pseudo accredited crypto advisor. Like the person that sits on the space and doesn't have to tag the, this isn't financial advice because if I hear that one more time, I think I'll screen. If I sit here, it's a sign up.
I mean, it's like going to the doctor and the doctor saying this is a medical advice. That's my problem if I open my mouth is financial advice. There's no two ways about it because that's literally my profession. If I open my mouth it's gibberish and nonsense. Never find answers. This is Wendy.
Yeah, no, I'm just shooting for four for four on alpha calls guys when I say alpha calls. I mean Wendy's for four for four menu. No alpha. Yeah, no, we're all just trying to go for the five for five biggie bag. We're gonna get there. We'll make it. Do you have a good point?
I totally hear you and I'm right there with you. The reason I'm here right now is to build that Web 3 brand so that hopefully one day Dill will be a pseudo regulated crypto asset if that's where this is going. But I think you do. It's not just going to be as simple as
everybody who did this is going to get shut down by the court order of the law tomorrow. It's hopefully going to be like these leaders that are getting accused in the case right now will start to set some precedence about how to operate in this space within the right regulations. So I do think
that you have to build stuff. But it's the same story I heard when I started NFTs. Nobody talks about it as much anymore. But when I started NFTs, everyone was like, "Oh my God, music NFTs, it's a security. All NFTs are a security. You're going to jail in the SEC." But still, years later, it's not really in the discussion.
as much for NFTs being a security. So it just shows that people come around, but there's always hype when new things happen. Like, oh, this is a security. Everybody's going to jail. Like, I remember when I started NFTs, it was like seen as risky and it just seems a lot less risky now because there's so many people doing NFTs.
We know that a lot of them are products and services and not a security. And it's the same situation now, I think. And hopefully in the future, there will be guidance so that we can do this without feeling like we're in the Wild West. But that's the thing. You have to take your risk and every business is a risk, right? Every business is a risk. And so
If you go out and raise money from 10 friends and family and they're in a business with you, that doesn't mean you're running an illegal security's operation. So there's lines. There's different limits and we're entering into a new era of being able
to transact and engage with each other online and support each other. So I think it's a lot more like a community buying each other's products and services. Some of you might know about Etsy. Some of you might even know about Facebook Marketplace where people just buy each other's art and creations on Facebook Marketplace becomes like a community.
There are people that are deep in Facebook communities that are leaders in a community. They can make an earning from Facebook communities because they're active there. They buy from other people who buy from them and then other people support them. Seriously, I bet you, I could do it to prove a point. God damn it. Go into enough Facebook communities, buy a product from
100 people and then ask all of those people if they could engage on your product posts in that Facebook group. Okay, now that you've bought all of their shit from all of them, even if it costs five bucks each, you spend $500 buying from 100 people, then you ask them all at once to like your posts about a big product release and
and you probably in one week get a viral in that group and sell out your product as long as it wasn't as long as there's a good product right so like that doesn't make it a security and just like you know it doesn't make it a security if you that that's anyway that's what I see going on here the Facebook market
place example. I buy hundreds of art from other people who want to support me and they buy my art and my projects and my products and my services. So I do think there's always going to be the question of the line between art and collectibles and securities. Even without crypto, that's always been a question, right? Yeah, I think you need different
I mean, people coin phrases in this space and they become canon. So just change the name. Create an MNFT like a music non-fungible token and start referring to them only as non-fungible tokens that creates.
is just a name for technology. It doesn't have anything that's really regulated. It regulates the struggle and particularly lawmakers struggle with any concept that involves them having to read anything in detail and this is the issue. Maybe we need new lawmakers. Maybe we need new lawmakers. The same thing can be said about crypto.
Everybody has a bad idea and they're head about crypto. And so maybe we should change the name of crypto so that they think of it differently. Like, I don't know. It's just like NFT is literally the name of a technology infrastructure. And like, it's very, it's easy to facilitate a security sale on there or a non-security's product sale. Like, to me, I'm selling digital
It's very similar to what happens on Bandcamp. It's just a facilitation for crypto sales of a product. You can also use the same infrastructure to facilitate a security sale. How else you can facilitate illegal securities offering using Excel?
Does that mean Microsoft Excel and Venmo? Like you can do cache app and Microsoft Excel and facilitate a security's offering. Does that mean that cache app is a securities platform because you're using it as a payment gateway? Like that's how I see crypto. Like I'm using Ethereum as a payment
payment gateway for my products and services. And NFT is part of the tech that's delivering my product. And so I just, I think it's just like selling art. Like if I use cash app to sell my art to someone, does that mean that like something is illegal about cash app, the payment gateway? That's kind of how I see it.
know, I'm I'm I'm passionate about this stuff. And it's always going to be a topic of conversation. So hopefully we do see it trend in the right direction with some clarity and regulation for people like me who are trying to build a product and a service using NFTs so that I can understand what the government wants me to do to be compliant.
Because I'm certainly not facilitating some kind of fraudulent illegal securities offering. I'm facilitating product sales using crypto. So whenever Mr. Government comes to me and lets me know what I can do to make sure that I'm properly insulated from any securities allegations, I will take that action.
So, man, I love the conversation, Cookie. Thanks for coming in. You definitely know your stuff. And I think it is like we're making connections now that could go for a long time. You know, we don't know where this whole space is going to go, but I do think it's going in the direction like you said. There's going to be advisors and people like yourself that, you know, there's going to be a crypto
So, it's a good idea to have a good time.
certain entities or individuals or conspirators, I would even call some of them that essentially are very powerful and want to always have their way. That may not be something that
You'd want to just accept, right? So you always have to look at it from a critical angle as well and understand the different perspectives and the agendas and all that and don't always just accept what they say without questioning. I mean sometimes you have to fight back, right? If something is unjust,
just. So, you know, keep that critical thinking aspect in the mix as well. Because I hear too many people, yeah, holding immediately to whatever the government says, do not do that. Your fundamental freedoms and rights are at stake. And remember that.
Yeah, that's kind of, man, I want to speak on that from that personally being a point of me. The simple fact that, you know, if you look at my page, guys, I don't have many followers, right? It's because I love to speak my mind. I don't care, you know, I'm never going to change. I'm going to be me.
And a lot of people don't like that, right? And even if it's, you know, even if it's an opinion that's very unpopular, I don't mind talking about it. I've done it all my life. Nobody's going to silence me, you know what I'm saying? And that's how my dad was built. You know, my dad was an old world. You know, he was an old Vietnam veteran.
did several tours in Vietnam and he distilled into me to never back down to what people want you to be always be what you want to be God rest his soul my first year without him. But you know it's something that's been instilled into me from day one you know like never let anybody dictate what your future is.
you are the one who control your future in a quick story. When I was in high school, well, I'll give you this story. It's a tough story to talk about. When I was 13 years old, I was on the front of a bicycle. And one of my friends was riding the bicycle really, really fast. He turned the corner too fast.
My leg got some kind of weight caught into the handlebars and make a long story short it broke my femur. The biggest bone in my body right and I was always running around playing football with the kids. We had like fields beside us with a car in the middle and we always play football and everybody was like man he's gonna go to the NFL you know me speaking of me he's gonna go to the NFL.
I broke the biggest bone in my body. I had to spend six months with the weight in the hospital, even during Christmas, six months in the hospital with my leg and the air, you know, with weights holding it up for six months. And even after that, when I went home, I went home in the hospital bed, 13 years old, went home in the hospital bed after the doctors had just
told me you'll never like I told him I was like I play football every day I'm I ever gonna be able to play football again and the doctor kind of broke the bad news to me no no sign you'll never be able to play football again it'll we'll have to teach you how to walk again and you know that whole situation there and and my heart just broke you know how I'm saying that's why this is always a tough story
And my heart just broke. I'm 13 years old. You know, my dream was always to, you know, follow Bo Jackson and be in the NFL. You know, one of the greatest athletes that because I played multiple sports, he played multiple sports. I always wanted to be that, you know what I'm saying? And man, to make a long story short, you know, I'd say,
maybe like a year after the injury, I was doing back flips guys. I was running in my front yard, doing a cartwheel and doing no hand back flip and people was like, what the heck? And you know, it was because every day sitting in that hospital bed, every hand through my mind that I would never play football again.
right. And I could have easily gave up and never tried to play football again. Instead, I had already, and those time being in their bed, I had reconstructed my mind like this doctor's lying. You know what I'm saying? Like, ain't no way he's going to tell me I'm not going to play football. I'm going to hold on. I, you know, didn't get drafted for certain reasons. You know, I
got called during the draft the whole time and I had certain suspicions why but to make it all said you know the New York Giants called me you know the third round of the draft you know if we don't go defensive we're gonna draft you here in the fourth round but in that fourth round they ended up going defensive they did running back coach called and told me look
I'm fighting to get you in and the fourth round, but they are fighting to get defensive players. So if we don't get you son, understand you have a job here, you will be our only fullback. So I felt content that I was going to go to the NFL, but it was like things happened for a reason, right? The Giants went defensive.
So the Dallas Cowboys, which is why I'm not a big fan of them now, they drafted a second fullback. And to make a long story short, that was my first touchdown was against them, bastards. But that one was called back. But that was my first touchdown. Anyways, but
You know, the doctor told me I would never be able to do this, you know, at 13, but you know, lo and behold, I fought, I scratched, I clalled, even in high school, people said, man, you're not good enough to make it to the NFL, you're not going to make it to college, you know, you know, going to a division one college where
I now have a statue there up in the on top there where the players work out they have a tribute to the players from there they went to the NFL they have their you know the Jersey though the first team they went to and the other teams they went to under it on us on like a statue type thing and you know being able
to be, you know, I'm in the high school hall of fame. I'm working my way to the college hall of fame now. I was deemed in the high school hall of fame a couple years ago, so now I'm working my way up the ladder, you know, high school college and hopefully one day pros. My career ended early. I had to tour my labor and then my shoulder.
The Vikings gave me another year with you know the laborman the shoulder I did well there, but I had to retire So that's a little bit about the guy you're talking to right now. That's my like never give up guys That's why tell these young ones the the young ones that's you know coming up having a hard time trying to cope with a
being in school, playing football, and adapting to the streets. So, you know, and that's why I do it so much because I was there. You know, I come from a small place, you know, I come from a small town, but there was a lot of violence there. Still is a lot of violence there. And, you know, I had to adapt to get out of that place. I left
I left at 18 never look back, you know, and that's just like people telling you you can't do something never let nobody tell you you can't do something I wanted to give you all that that's a true story right here in the God never let no one tell you you can't do anything because they're not the ones that dictate your story like I like I have a new saying now
that I was taught a while ago what they eat does not make me poop you know what I'm saying so you have to kind of look by the people that's being negative and and pass them by guys and let me tell you something man that is an inspiring story and your a legend and dude you just have the right
community now. Like you are going to be growing so quickly here. I don't even know where you started with followers. I'm sure everybody's following Charles God's if you're not following follow yet. But the point is this community web 3 crypto and FT's we always love to amplify voices that need to be amplified in the space. You know,
I've been doing this a while. For example, I've seen my friend NFT kid Keith Berry. He blew up from like probably a couple thousand followers like you to like 200,000 just during one NFT blue market. He's a great dude. I got to hang out with him in Miami. I've seen him
Here in LA and yeah, we met through crypto and NFTs but the point is like dude a year or two in this space with the right community We can amplify that voice and opinion. It's not because of what you say bro I will say the most ridiculous takes when I get on a Twitter rant Ali Bianchi knows
Sometimes you'll see me tweet some fucking off the chain shit. It's usually a good take. I have a better community now. Now that you guys actually understand me, I could probably get more engagement. I will tweet shit that is off the chain and get like five likes, but it's like an important point about music NFTs or something that
If you read it, it makes fucking sense. But people won't even engage sometimes because it's a little bit of a hot take. But now I have more people that are like realists that support me for like my logical business sense. Whereas like sometimes I would tweet off the chain business, you know, shit, artists, they're just like, yeah, I'm
I don't care about that a lot of artists are just like that so like complicated or just Financial business eats shit But anyway the point is I think it's about building the right community who knows you and supports you and dude always keeps sharing your opinion I think that's what makes you great in here and it's just you know soon you're gonna have a
You know a thousand people and then 10,000 people and then a hundred thousand people who really understand where you're coming from and Your your voice will get amplified man so because I feel you well now that I've had a couple years of solid growth under my belt guys I'm growing faster than ever around
here. It's crazy and it's just from being myself. I haven't compromised just like being myself and saying whatever I want. I'm up 5k followers this month. Guys, that's like almost 10% of my entire following. I've been on Twitter for years. Years. Do you know how crazy it is to be up 5k in a month? Like I'm going to be at 100k
followers in like a few months and then it's gonna go to like a million who knows it seems to be accelerating so we don't even know it might go parabolic but yeah it's pretty crazy so I'm not gonna ever compromise who I am I can see the path clearly now it don't matter like I know
I know that I give good takes and the community is realizing that. So, you know, at times I felt like maybe I'm not getting followers because of my takes or something. But it also has just been about finding the right community that really understands me for genuinely who I am.
Yeah, that's it. That's what's happening right here right now Charles man. You're a legend. Let's go to Red candle. What's up, bro? Hey, yeah, thanks Charles. That was inspiring You know, not not to be a downer, but you know getting back to sort of our little piece topic
We talk about red quote unquote, "regulation," you got Gensler coming out, regulate, regulate, regulate. You got Janet Yellen, you know, you got all these elite who quote unquote run the United States of America coming out with this rhetoric.
Everyone needs to understand that the global financial system, which America leads the way in, the global, the financial system of the United States of America is the most corrupt.
a question industry and system. Iberal.
Okay, and nobody should be disillusioned by that. One thing that cracks me up is I hear so many influencers say, you know, over and over and over again, this isn't financial advice. This isn't financial advice. Who in the hell tells
me read, then I can't give anyone financial advice. I mean, what's the deal with that? Okay? Why can't I say, hey, deal, you should
You know, hey Charles, you should buy that NFT. Why? Why can't we have that freedom of speech? You know, so when we talk about regulation, you know, why on crypto is because I am sick and tired.
After spending 57 years on this planet of having my government tax the shit out of me, okay While they're gaming, you know each and every major
bank in case you guys don't know. They have tens of millions of dollars a piece in super computer systems facilities that trade securities.
against us the little guy. Okay, I mean, and I'll get off of my soapbox, but you know, crypto is, you know, the spirit of freedom for me. And, you know, and I'm tired of, you know,
these governments and people like so just to wrap it up be clear. Can this sort of come out and say whatever the hell he wants to say? But in the United Stavica a law must be passed in order to come into effect and
For that law to be passed, that has to go to the House of Representatives. It has to be voted in the affirmative. It has to go to the Senate. The Senate has to vote in the affirmative before the president can sign that into law.
So let's keep that in mind. CBDC, clearly pushing it just to expand the Ponzi even more. Ladies and gentlemen, we are tens and twenties of trillions of dollars in debt. While we send money
overseas to the tune of hundreds of billions. Mind you, anyone in the stock market who is in the stock market?
Did everybody hear Dill? Yeah, yeah, could you go to me? Yeah, you were rugging a bit. I'm rugging. All right, hold on. It's like it's improving now though.
Yeah, definitely improved.
Well, thanks for letting me rant, guys. I'm pulling for each and every one of you. And yeah, I'm just tired of being told what you with my money.
We take the biggest risks with our hard earned capital doing what we do. It's getting a little irritating to me.
Yeah, no doubt, man. Can everybody hear me? Hell yeah, I can hear you, Tom. All right cool. Now. That should be good. Perfect. Perfect. All right. Good morning, gang. Yeah, we're just saying before you know, um,
Yeah, people talk about stocks and trading all the time and I think crypto is no different, you know, as long as you're giving people solid advice and not like deliberately getting people over invested or like, you know, completely lying to people, Jordan Belford style.
like we keep it real in here we're like yo these are gambles like we don't know what's behind a lot of these coins I mean that's the difference between fraud and and not fraud right like I feel like the difference is if you lie about it and mislead people then you're gonna get people who are pissed that we're
defrauded. But I mean, I think that the fine line, but that's it. Man, they do it all the time. And if you see on the stock market, when you see a ticker on hold or ticker, take it, you know, take it down where people can't pull their money out of, you know, it's done all the time in Wall Street.
I've seen it all like I said a long time ago. It happens all the time, you know what I'm saying in stock market, but you know you don't see them throwing the red flag or trying to destroy the stock market because of that. You know it's something we have to all like really use that third eye.
that the sideop has given us and pay attention. Don't use your influencers as your trading tool either. Don't be a T-Moth. Those people are just deliberately running rugs. I don't know about that person's
But there's so many people that are deliberately running rugs and Man they literally make a community just so they can use them as exit liquidity I wonder just how deep it goes. They just launched the shit coins themselves all the time and just rug them or what I don't know
I mean we're in a paid influencer era now so I mean they're all getting paid to pump these coins and it's just there's no due diligence no research behind it so yeah just don't don't follow your neighborhood influencer yeah guys unless he's
Unless he's giving you real alpha. That's right. Don't don't follow anyone's alpha unless you really know that they're reliable people do actually use their followers for exit liquidity. I thought it was a meme for some time. Then I started to realize it's definitely
real and man I've seen it I started to see it on Solana honestly a bit and then it opened my eyes and I started to see it more and more as meme coin season took off so yeah sucks you know sucks but people do that
What's up? Yeah, it happens all the time man. I was like yeah, it happens all the time man. And that's why I don't follow influences guys. Uh-uh. Pay attention. I go I even have a day of that I could send the contract to and he could check it thoroughly if there's any tricks and any you know anything to it.
And just you just got to be careful out there, bad. It's endless and endless and endless amounts of ways that, you know, these guys get their ways in. But yeah, SV, how you doing, man? Good morning, guys. Good morning. Good morning. Jill Charles, Ali Robo, how's everybody doing? It's me. Five morning.
First time I've been up this early in the minute so I figured I'd pop in to see what the gang's up to today. Hell yeah man we're just vibing I don't know we're chilling we're talking it up and you know I guess I'm kind of
to watch in to see if the sia gang floor is going to send or what's going on but it seems like you know just another day another meme five morning all kinds of stuff to talk about you know ban was on the spaces all night we were talking about that
So how you doing my friend? I'm doing good, bro. I'm doing good. It's a beautiful day. I think I'm going to go out and do some adulting and go to the farmers market in a little bit. Nice. Everyone loves a good farmers market. Right, right.
Man. What is, uh, so, uh, film me in on what I most likely missed last night. So, uh, I try to pop in and see if there was, like, a space is going on, but Twitter has been crazy with the spaces on my phone lately, and I can't even, like, pull it up, pull up spaces half the time now.
Well, depending on how you view the world, you could say that Ben talked on spaces about some of his projects and the launch pad and it was an intense discussion with all kinds of different people. Another interpretation might
be you know Ben talks to Elon Musk about the orange boxes and what's going on with Twitter. I don't know it just depends how you want to interpret it but I'm going with the second one but I'm a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. With our with our boy A. Yeah.
He talked to Adrian for the first time and Mr. Adrian, if that's his name, he was like very much like, "Oh well, I didn't know that you were, I thought you were a bad guy and then I talked to you and actually realizing what you're doing
pretty innovative right so even Adrian thought that this was Ben was a bad guy and didn't know shit about the orange box and you know so to me it was like eye-opening to be like first of all to see that
happening live right there, but to also realize that what Ben's doing is big, but no one's calling up the CEO of Twitter yet. It's probably the product manager trying to figure it out. But now, it may have gotten some more attention.
Yeah, I don't know. We'll see. Yeah, Adrian's pretty new in the space. Man, he's learning a lot every day. So he knows a lot about a lot of things, but there's still a lot that he doesn't know yet. Yeah, I mean, definitely like he definitely knows about crypto Bitcoin like ETH like the use cases of it. What it does
but I think like it Ben is Ben is very smart and intelligent and well spoken and arrogant at times and and doesn't really care what people think you know almost to a fault but he is very convincing and interesting and like
It was very interesting to hear Adrian go along with Ben's logic, like fully, which is also to test him at Adrian just spending disbelief and just being open-minded, right? To be a powerful person and whatever. It's all about if you believe in
But, regardless, it was a good conversation where Ben was really talking about not only what the orange box represents and what he's doing with Twitter, but how crypto actually can impact social change and how Twitter itself can impact
social change. I mean the entire conversation was went deep into the depths of Twitter because like everybody was just on the same page that like let's just talk to this guy about Twitter who just you know sounds suspiciously like some guy related Twitter. I don't know. You know I'm a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist.
But you know, it was a good conversation. Yeah, bro, every combo with Adrian's usually pretty good. I was talking to him the other day. I think we're going to try to do some sort of like educational series for the newbie coming into the space. And so,
talking with him and some other Sigma members about trying to do some sort of like onboarding for the newbie. So like these random scams don't keep happening. I was on some spaces yesterday and there was a scam orange box type project that they tried
to run on a big coin world, like one of the most prevalent in the launch pads recently is LumenX and that is literally only because of the OXBT launch that they did that went on
off absolutely flawlessly. They had immense amounts of traffic and no system shut down. Nobody got errors. The mint went off flawlessly. It was beautiful. So everybody's expecting like damn all of the and then that $3 that you put for that transaction turned to $1,800 the next day. So I mean
like just ridiculous gains that were had by a lot of people and some people didn't want, some people meant to like a hundred times so some people were sitting on huge bags. So that made them targets for some sort of scammingness and then all of a sudden a few days later there was a Twitter thread that got sent out about
a project launching on not Lumen X but Lumen Knox. And so of course people, same situations in all ecosystems, click buttons real fast without you know reading any sort of thing and people would connect their wallet to this scan website and two minutes later their entire wallet would be drained. And to the point
where because in the Bitcoin world, you have multiple addresses. You have an address that holds your actual Bitcoin and you have an address that holds your ordinals and your inscriptions. But your inscriptions and your ordinals, right? They're actual just Satoshi's. So the information is not stored. It's stored on the blockchain points to a specific Satoshi. But they
this scammer drained his wallet and then used his inscription satoshis as fee payment for the transactions. So he had some like sub 100,000 inscriptions and they just got spent as gas fees to transfer out his Bitcoin and then
it got eat up by one of the mining pools and now it's in one of the coin-based wallets as just fees, not even as a sub-hundred thousand inscription, just because of this scam that happened. So yeah, pretty fucked up things that are happening in this space. So if I could do anything to kind of help people avoid those kind of things, that's kind of my goal right now.
Yeah, me too, man. That's fucked up, actually.
Man that is nuts bro geez these people never like they don't sleep trying to find ways to take your money So be careful one thing I would say though, you know any link you click on it like you see in here like deal you don't just click on links, you know He's very skeptical you have to be that way even you know you have to check the very the spelling of
it. You know, even if you're downloading a wallet on your PC, go to that, there's a way for you to check to make sure that that day of created that wallet by going to the signatures and making sure the signatures and all those numbers in
everything coincides with the numbers that's given from the direct site. So it's a lot you can do to protect yourselves. There's a lot of steps I know and unfortunately the scams go through web too as well, you know, through the website. So it's you have to be very, very, very careful. Yeah, always very part of your link.
sure if they got any type of you know PGP sign messages for links man you guys really should check those out because I actually felt victim to this one time just beginning I'm good at like watching those things as far as like looking at my links before I open them actually open it and actually looking at the link before I open the link and make sure it's not what it doesn't look like it is you know what
I mean, but yeah, you're right, man, that people should really start looking more of what they click on these days and just randomly clicking on the wall and just like letting people drain their money. That's just shitty to hear. So that this is shitty. I want to chime in here. GMG. I've ever read GMG. Yeah, just don't click links. It's that easy.
If someone sends you a link and says it's for this, just go figure it out. Look it up. Find the real link. That's exactly what I do. Bro, it gets so bad for me that I get so sketched out that I won't even try it because I never remember the name of some of these swap platforms like pancake swap and like the actual thing that you've entered in
the URL. I will go to CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap, go to the K-coin, go to the correct links that are linked in the actual
web platform and if I'm not confident with that then I'll go to the Twitter make sure it's the actual Twitter like there's so many ways that you can verify other than just the things that I've explained right now. Honestly, that's all it comes down to do your due diligence and any of this stuff like it's your
money. You work for that, you put it in your heart earned whatever time, sweat to get that money. You're doing all that and then just randomly clicking about it. Do your job any time, even especially in the best and community period. There's going to be scammers today, tomorrow, and
rest of our lives. Like there's scumbags out there all over the world. There will be scumbags. So the easiest way to not lose any of your assets money, time invested in this space whatsoever is to segment your devices and to have multiple hot wallets.
And it can literally be as simple as your main hot wall be on like your main computer. Buy a shitty Chromebook laptop for like $100 or whatever. Make another hot wallet and use that as your exploring computer. And if it gets hacked and you use your $100 on it, you would fucking care. Just delete your wall and make a new one.
Yeah, I mean I hate to say it. I want to have my click to link in my wallet, which I thought I was safe because I was in my wallet and I got you know I got liquidated and I think really the only way I mean you talk all this I thought I know you know this happened a few years ago I think
I thought I was taking for caution, but you really only get it once you take a head. And once you take that head, you learn quick. Don't go any shortcuts. I think there's three points I want to bring up. One is that
We all should take some time and really read the transaction for a reason that's that's a given to a highly recommend people to get I don't know what you want to call a safety buddy or something somebody else brought this up before but just somebody in the space whether it's a friend you invest with that you got in a crypto with that you don't know
from Web 3, that's your IRL friend or whatever, somebody that you actually trust, trust, trust. I mean, like, hey, can you take a look at this real quick for me? Like, would you think it's sketchy? Someone that you can actually take their opinion of. And so it's not just you by yourself. That might be helpful. Not all, you know, you can't always rely on that, but that might be helpful#
you know, keeping yourself safe. And then the last thing is, if you're ever in an environment, these Twitter spaces online, Discord, and you hear about somebody getting scammed, don't just be like, oh man, that sucks and go on about your day, take a minute and actually listen to how they got scammed and try to learn from their mistakes. So that does
happen to you because these scamming methods are getting more and more complex, more and more creative, and you will help yourself stay ahead of the game for the scammers by just listening to how people are actually getting scammed and to try to avoid that and yourself in the future.
Yeah, very good advice there. That's very good advice. I've gotten beaten up in this space and that is very good advice man. I've got to be up so bad in this space that it made me pay more attention to what the hell I'm doing. You know what I'm saying to every single aspect like now is to the point where I'm sending contracts to devs before I buy them. You know what I'm saying? So it's it's#
to be like that though and that's like one of my I would say security steps to where I don't get myself into poop that I've gotten myself into the last year and the defy space you know so it's it's crazy that we have to do it but I mean not even us have to do it you got to think about it happens in so so so
so many ways in our regular everyday life, even to the elderly people that get the phone calls, that the people get into their bank accounts and get their money and all kinds of crazy things. So it's something that's going to go on. We just have to combat it with knowledge, learning and really just figuring things out.
out on our own like I've taken a very, very expensive lesson this last year in crypto. So it's in defy space, I would say. And that's why you know, when I can't hear I feel comfortable. So I'm like, okay, now I'm letting somewhere I kind of do feel comfortable, you know, I'm diabolized into the NFT world here, you know,
Thanks to you guys and I've really bought my first NFTs. And I bought them because it was significant patterns or significant like the one I have on now. My dad was in the military. So I saw that when I had to get it. I jumped right on it before somebody snatched it before me. And I'm not going to sell it.
because it means something to me. And you know the little two things up top that's the angels you know what I'm saying so it really means something to me so I'm going to keep that you know that's art to me you know so it's you know something that's never you know don't even offer on that one okay guys it's not going to happen so no matter where these things go don't even offer on that one so
You know, it's things like that, you know, that really brought me into this NFT space like these like NFTs are really art, you know what I'm saying? And it's so art deco, you know what I'm saying? It really like These things can mean something to some people that people don't even understand, but it really means something to them and that's that's you know, yeah up
time example me.
making some bullshit billion dollar model and I can say bullshit with confidence because nobody doing that did well right it was all bullshit it was all fake okay they weren't doing anything innovative for music and they didn't have any fucking innovative plan for music because Spotify is better than them there's too many people that are coming around
how can we sell this music to people in crypto? So when I saw crypto punks, I was like, holy shit, art is doing volume. Like that's all that mattered to me because I understand how the market works. Like what we needed is some kind of art doing volume in crypto. It didn't matter if it was NFT or a coin like right
But that set off the green light for me like holy shit. This is gonna be the way to get my music into crypto and sell my music for crypto So like I've been around before the thought of an NFT was seemed like the most relevant thing like everybody used to talk about a deal social token in 2016
I'm not kidding like you know people would bring that up like oh do a social coin But like who would have bought it back then? I don't know I was a lot smaller with my community too I wasn't like big on Twitter and shit so Point being I got sucked in for the art and and really got deep into NFTs and focus on only NFTs and I understand how to tie
it back together with a coin beyond what a lot of NFT artists understand. But you know, just I always focus on probably like the coin inside in here and stuff. But people don't, if you don't realize guys, I'm making like a trading card game for music like Pokemon for music connected to Spotify with
with my albums and everything. It's fucking innovative. Go look through the different cards and the different rarities. This is just one album. Imagine when there's 5 to 10 albums and you collect them all and you can get set bonuses and stuff and deal rewards. That's what I'm going for. If you guys don't see it,
I've been doing this for years and so with the right community and the right support I can move a lot quicker too but I'm already pretty deep into making a really cool Pokemon style trading card game connected to music but still having elements of music and fts with the music in it and all that right but
Most music NFTs are not doing any types of trading cards. And trading cards are going to be a part of what I do always. But my next drop is going to be more like a generative PFP for my next album cover. So if anyone's seen the internet legend album cover, it's going to be like a generative PFP style of that. Maybe I'll post it and pin it to the top so you guys
can see. But point is like I'm also going to have trading cards available for that. I'm not sure how many or how it's going to look, but it's going to be really interesting. Once you see the ecosystem with the different music NFTs, the trading cards that you can get, how can you be used together for set effects? I got one up here to hold Dill.
app where you connect and you can use your different collectibles on a dashboard. So I have some really cool ideas about how this can work and I don't know, I don't talk enough about that side of the lore but really look at it for what it is because it's going to be cool when the Dill NFT is revealed and people start to see
some of the rare and you hang on to those and you start earning deal coin but that's also just kind of the the shorter term vision like the longer term vision is going to be a lot cooler than just NFTs that give you deal coin rewards and I think it's pretty clear when you actually look at everything that's created and look at the assets like look at the different trading cards and rarity
I'm going to show you guys a little bit of the content that I'm going to show you guys.
all of these things are available to our community. If you have a million deal or a deal NFT, right, this is the type of stuff we offer. You know, if you have a VIP or 10 million deal, it's all included and all free. And if you have a regular collector or a million deal, then you are first come first serve. It'll be free or
discounted for you.
a multi million dollar business with thousands of people will just have to scale up accordingly. So that's what we're doing. We'll have our own events. I've done my own events. I have Webstock. You probably probably see Webstock up here sometimes. I run that. I'm a co-founder of it. Brian Stollery. He's the main
founder he runs everything. I'm more of like the artist partner co-founder. So yeah, I do a lot of real things here in Web 3 and people have to look into my website and see what's behind it and see what we're really creating here with the deal NFTs. But sometimes I just try to keep it simple because
because people don't, if you say too much, people just get confused. It's a lot simpler to say, like, I pinned up to the top. It's a lot simpler to say, hey guys, go support my music. It's $100 to buy my album. Like, that's enough to sell it. Like, you know, if I say too much, people might get confused. People like to hear it if they
know me and they actually care. But on some level, I've seen people sell NFTs easier by just being like, "Hey guys, I'm an artist. My name is Dill. I'm an artist from Philly and I just moved to LA to chase my dreams as a musician and you know I'm trying to fund my music career and get support
So go buy my album. It's a hundred dollars. Just a little more than a hundred on OpenC guys and it's really cool NFT. There's going to be a reveal coming soon and it's connected to Dillcoin. Right? Like that's easier to understand than me going in deep about my whole fucking insane, you know, crazy trading card game and all this shit. But if you
guys are crazy enough to still believe me and still be on this space. Then you probably might realize there's something special coming out of this with the cards and the game and everything I can make. It's going to be beyond what most people understand. And yeah, I'm happy I have enough D-Gens actually listening to me to explain this without
I'm not gonna be a cool guy.
I love your vision man, you're on point that that's why I'm so bullish on you I'm bullish on you personally and I think you have a great vision I don't see how anybody can't be bullish about this about what you're doing and your vision for your projects man, it's amazing
Thank you my man. Thank you. You know, I love I'm just blessed to have the community here of people that actually care that want to listen that want to hear it and and you guys are awesome too because Here's a thing man. I would host all these artists sharing spaces. I love artists sharing spaces. I need to get back to doing it some
more and I definitely want it as a part of my schedule. But man, you just get all artists who are looking for an NFT sale and you don't get enough real people who are, you know, buying crypto on a daily basis supporting projects and NFTs. So it's kind of like the classic thing. If we can build a strong community
of people that are finding good DJN plays and winning together, it becomes a lot easier to support artists with our community, right? But if we're just all artists trying to make a sale, then like, it's tough to support anyone. Like, you know, I would have spaces where I'm the only one buying NFTs from artists.
because I'm out here grinding to make a little bit of ETH and building so I like to buy from artists but yeah I see it now we need to start you know we need to have D-GENs we need to build D-GEN plays find the alpha and then also support artists and we'll support a lot more artists in the long term because we'll actually have
some east to buy their art. She's Charles and you want to say something? Man, we got a long line of requests. Oh, everybody. She's just in it. All right, I got a little distracted. Let's get everybody up here. What's up? Zach, GM, Zach.
see there. GM GM GM GM GM GM a I'll play that song in a little bit. Alright let's let's start
We may have to swap people out or if you're not here or if you don't mind going down step down just request back up and we'll get you back up but Zaka you there.
Yes sir, what's going on GM my friend welcome What's on the docket today weekend?
We can't investments right now or what? Everybody's buying deal coin or what? She's, I don't know, Charles, what song? Oh, Charles had to drive.
I don't know, what's the D-Gen play today? I mean, everybody buy and deal. That sounds good to me, but I'm a little biased.
How's the side-back gang in this looking?
I would say they're holding up showing a lot of strength. That's my opinion, but I'm interested to hear what someone else might think other than me, but to me they're showing some good strength. I mean, what's not to like right now?
Anyone else have thoughts? What do you guys think? Realize gain. Realize gain cleared five-eat. There's something yesterday. Clear. Like, cashed out, right? Realize gain here.
Yeah, I ended up cross on my wallets in total 6.2 E. -Croffits. -Dude here. -Fuck it's legend man. -That was definitely one of the best definite for sure.
my best NFT play ever. I got to thank Allie and this space mean five mornings bringing the alpha to Wendy's drive through as well. And yeah, I got to say that I definitely was 100% being in this space and being a part of this community that allowed me to
to get in on that play and basically my contribution to Dill is probably around, you know, between the NFTs and the coin, maybe like, five or six years, and I got to say that I've covered that just from that, not counting all the giveaways for being a NFT holder, not counting, you know, the other little, you know,
There's just a lot going on in this community and there's a lot of value here and it doesn't take a blind person can see it. And I think there's a lot of stuff that goes unnoticed and I mean just the community as well.
I think they're really something great building here. So I just, I gotta say that I haven't had a chance to look at the open sea or anything like that, but I'm assuming that, you know, even though with the pullback, the side up gang, and if T's still holding strong, is that correct?
Yeah, I think so. I mean, do you still have some left? They look good to me. Like to me, they may have slowed down a little bit, but like, I don't know. They look good to me. What do you think? Did you just have some? Yeah, so did you just have some crazy like, uh, realize gains with your men's
got her did you just hammer it and get a shit kind of mess so I actually didn't even get in on the mint I'm by the time I got my shit together I was like literally 30 seconds of me having Ethan my wallet ready to go on the website connected ready to mint soon as uh 30
The last thing that passed the mint ended. It went from 60% to 100% in about 30 minutes or so. I missed out on the mint but I was able to actually sweep the floor because for some reason
They were being dumped on to the on to the OPC for Actually almost half of what mint cost was so I picked up a bunch for like zero 0.0017 to you know to mint price ish and picked up about just around 90
All in all and then maybe maybe a few more after that if you count rares sounds like The Salonan boys were creating on Open Sea that day then Yeah, I don't I'm not really sure what that means, but I'm out there. They were freedom in
And by all by my best knowledge, it looked like it was bothering so probably somebody was creating You know true transactions to mint it on wallets and then minting fresh wallet for
The mint on the cost was probably like half of the pre-sale price if that makes sense. Oh yeah, yeah, now now I'm with you. I get it. Yeah, sorry. Select they were probably still making something off of those less than pre-sale listings.
No, certainly. Yeah, I just for some reason I forgot about the free ones that I just had it at point 003 that was mint price. But yeah, I mean, I just you know is it pretty impressive being some of the first people for sure to get into that project, this community
I don't know if we would have noticed it or been a part of it had Ali not brought that alpha after you know turning her brain into mush. Was there any alpha to this last night on the space?
still I was still anybody that was there that he said that he say anything about the uh sayop gang because I was still here with deal in the guy so if anybody heard of him or her. I think we missed it being here apparently he said something about it though.
Yeah, so I mean it's holding a pretty sturdy floor at almost point 0.02 as you know the floor right now as we
speak but I see some pretty good traits out there at point 0.02 though man it's some some good traits out there for real. You know well at least I'm happy with one thing that I'm consistent and I always buy the top.
Well, you know what? I don't know. We'll have to see what happens. I feel like it's still early.
I feel like it's still pretty early in this whole thing, but we'll see where it goes. I mean, Realized Gain still has some of his rares, I think.
Yeah, I've got about I think five or six I think maybe yeah five or six in the top 100 And then I've got that number eight crown and Then I've got I think a couple in the 600
Mark and then you know a couple of floors. Hell yeah man that's what's up guys I got to swap out some people. Alright we're gonna get more people up on the stage if you guys want to say something raise your hand and we're gonna have to swap out a few people now but
Don't worry we'll get you back up. I gotta go into a little while anyways guys. It was good to chat but I'll catch you all a little later. Take care everyone. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend. Yeah, much love my guy. I appreciate you. Always good to hear from you guys. Follow SV Dub. He's a crypto rich VIP holder.
and a VIP collector shout out to SV Dub and realize gain. They're both holding a crypto rich VIP NFT on OpenC. That's our elite gang of rare NFT holders and it's innovative pricing model on those NFTs. Definitely worth checking
All you do is go to open C sort by status. It's a trait. It's called VIP and you'll see right now There's one at 1.5 ETH the next one's 1.85 ETH 1.95 ETH So yeah, those are dope. They're gonna give you more deal rewards of course than the you know more affordable
trading cards. You get to be a rare holder, you get a VIP partnership within our community. So it's pretty dope. Check out the VIPs and you can pick one up and it'll definitely be worth it long term. We've seen the growth of those. They actually started out around .1 Ethereum starting costs. So
They're definitely up over 15 to 20 x. This didn't happen overnight. This happened over the last two years. But yeah, in addition to that 15 20 x, they also got trading cards and all kinds of other stuff that they could have used for liquidity. And now we have deal coins. So it's going to be on a new level, guys.
So get your deal VIP all right, and if anyone gets a VIP today, I'm actually gonna send you a bonus little bag of deal coin. That's what I'll do if you pick up the VIP I'll just Just a quick TA on the side up gang. This is a great consolidate
for anybody who's new to NFTs or the space. We've held the .02 floor really strong. Anything that gets dropped under it is pretty much getting swept up back up to around .02. So this is a good consolidation area to try to pick up some more rares on the
next leg up. So I think we definitely have another leg up here. Like I said, Ben continues to endorse it. I think it's a bad market day in general, so everything's taken a pull back. Good time to buy. Not financial advice, but I think it's a decent time to buy. And like I said, the consolidation around points
is very strong. Yeah, I think we got some big people in here and you know we're always just another Ben tweet away from another send so we'll see it's also Saturday maybe people are home from work today you know so if Ben gets the tweeting who knows what's gonna happen
Yeah, people are touching grass. Let's go to some hands. Blaza, let's start it off with you.
Yeah, what's up man? I was just going to share like I was just having a vision for like deal for your website because I know you want to connect your coin to like some game-file stuff and we've talked about it before but like I was just having an a vision for like an experience bar that's like represents like your deal coin so like
like as you buy more del coin, like you're basically leveling up and you have the levels of like, you know, one million deal, two million deal, whatever, 10 million deal. And then it just shows you like what you're unlocking at those levels right on the website. And then that's just like the start of like a visual.
representation of as you buy your dill and what you get. So I just wanted to share that vision with you man. Dude, yeah, that's exactly, you know, sort of what we're trying to build and I like the idea of including like an experience bar with it. I definitely didn't think of that. But what I'm imagining is you come to the website
connect your wallet, which we already have a DAP if you guys are interested. It's a swap that it's is what we use to facilitate the swap of the old NFTs. It's pretty simple, but right now, right? But, you know, the future vision of it is connect your wallet and you'll see your status, whether you're a collector or a VIP, like in the
the top right, you know, it'll say collector, it'll say VIP. If you're a dill millionaire, or if you have 10 million dill, you'll get the status. It would be cool to put something in Discord, like a little like a little ticker next to your name that helped so how much dill you had in addition to your status, because like
Right now, green is collector and gold is VIP. So if you get a VIP, you come up gold in Discord. There's a special separated chat and everything. But yeah, next step could be like maybe we could have a little marking to show like in your name or something who has how much deal coin you have.
even if it was just like a little marking comma that people could see to see and we kind of track your deal bag. It'd be like a little rep progress bar like you're almost like a financial reputation or like a collector's reputation, you know. So that's an interesting idea.
for sure. But yeah, I mean, on that DAP, I want to put all things for a portal to Dill. So like music links and, you know, opportunity to watch music videos and stream kind of like a onboarding experience for collectors. Also ticketing system. I want to have our ticketing system built in there. But there's all types of integration that
that I'll use like third party integrations that are great for ticketing as well. So I already have the tech that we need. We just need to continue building out the platform. But yeah, we're gonna have a whole dapp that's a collector's experience portal where it has more than just music but everything from ticketing to merch claims and stuff.
like that, you know, I'm getting to the point where we're pretty close to where we can have like a Shopify merch claim too. And that's not about technology. It's just more about having enough funding to front the orders to give people credits because like what we're going to do is VIPs are going to get like
free credits to the Shopify store and then everyone else will probably be able to get like a discount. I think I can offer a pretty solid discount for anyone who wants merchant stuff and we'll probably do some giveaways but yeah if you're a VIP you're getting like some credit whether that's like a hundred bucks, 200 bucks, whatever it is.
Collectors are gonna get those credits on the store. So yeah, that's just a little bit about How it'll work and I appreciate that blazo like definitely let's talk and see you know if there's a way that you can help out or design it We definitely need all the help we can get an input we can get from the community. So appreciate you mentor
Yeah, thanks. So just one other thing that I wanted to mention is that when you do get into doing any of the stuff and I guess I won't talk about you I'll just talk about like the space in general Like once they start getting into the gaming side like the hardest part Ultimately once all the ideas are out and you know you kind of know what you want to do
is like the balancing of the rewards and the levels and everything and just like the balancing of everything so that the experience is just like enjoyable because there's like a lot of like really good games and they just don't balance them properly and it basically makes it so it's not fun. But if you ever do need help when you get to that stage should
just let me know.
up. There will eventually be something a little bit bigger, but I just think that it's also about the culture that you build. You don't just want a bunch of people who buy and they're like when staking, dev, when staking, you know, dev, when, uh, when rewards, dev, when sex, like all of that shit is, uh, the bad, the
bad part. I want people who are here to hold the NFTs, they're here to buy the music, buy my album because you like to support music and you'll spend a hundred bucks to get a potentially a legendary grail of crypto music connected to the Dill coin. That's why you buy it and don't worry about the staking
rewards. Don't worry about the reveal. I'm in no big rush to reveal. I'm already working on my next album, NFT. So don't worry about this reveal. There's literally nothing bullish about the reveal other than Jeet's wanting reveal so that they can get on with their life. Just leave it in your wallet, man. One day
you're going to wake up and it'll be revealed. If you missed the reveal party, that's okay. You know, we're going to do the work to make sure when reveal happens, people know, and it should result in people getting in. And I'll tell you now, there's going to be a snapshot pre-reveal, okay, and there's going to be a deal coin air drop pre-reveal. And then after
reveal there's going to be another snapshot. So you don't want to just sell it before or after the reveal because there's going to be a snapshot before the reveal immediately before there will be no time to game it. I'm going to take the snapshot immediately upon the same time as doing the reveal.
Okay, and then I'm gonna take another snapshot after the reveal and I'm not gonna tell you when and I'm not gonna tell you how many snapshots will be taken. After reveal, I'm gonna take several snapshots over the course of a few days to a few weeks and everybody who makes it through those snapshots is going to get deal coin.
but you're going to get Dillcoin based on which snapshots you made it through. So if you decide to jeet out after the reveal, okay, you don't know if you're going to make it through one snapshot or five or ten, you don't know how many I'm going to do, okay, but we're going to just use all of them in a big algorithm.
them and then determine your airdrop. So if you jeet out, you'll still get some coins, but you have to be there. So I'm here to play the game. I'm here to make interesting stuff. I'm not going to tell you guys every single piece of the business, but in the final end game, it'll be really transparent. We'll just show you the data from all the streaming
sites on a dashboard and then you'll see how that data results in a deal rewards and you'll see the multiplier based on which NFTs you have. So that's what it's going to look like in the end game, but in the beginning it's a little bit cryptic and I want to incentivize people to stick around. So let's do some interesting shit. All right.
What's going on? I know it's up Eddie. How you been Eddie? Not too bad. I was just going to say from the meant price to the floor price right now just from holding it. It's already doubled for the deal NFT. So I got the mystery trading card. If anybody wants to buy it, mine's at five ETH.
Let's go. Oh yeah, Eddie, let's go. You're a goddamn legend and you did you check your wallet and add the deal coin because you will have some deal in your wallet. No, I have it yet. Bill, I've been kind of diginning around in several
spaces. So I've been missed so much. So I need to get you didn't miss anything just by holding it and getting in the mint. You got a little deal already when you add the coin to your wallet, you should see a very small amount. And like I just mentioned, there's going to be more coming. And also what you should know is that currently the deal air drop is
bigger than the whole value of the mint, which means that there's a good chance that the delayer drops alone will be worth more than that. So yeah, see what's coming, man. Eddie, it's always good to have you, man. It's been a minute. How's everything going? It's going all right. Still grinding in that factory on third shift. But
I'm still collecting NFTs and buying from the community and trying to uplift artists. So I'm still here still grinding just missing a lot of spaces because I have to do in real life shit. No worries man. No worries. We're happy to support you and you got some great poetry. Do you have a poem that you want to do right now for the community?
Not right now because like I'll have to go to my fucking notepad and you know it's a cluster fucking there, but yeah I do have poetry but not available I just came in to say hi did a lot didn't even come into shill or try to sell y'all some shit. Yeah man we always need a little break you know we're here
talking about DGen plays and meme fine stuff but Eddie, your friend and you're always welcome to come in and say a poem just to give us a little break entertainment. I think everyone would enjoy it. You have some great poetry and man you're a Dylan FT collector so you're always part of the community whether you're working every day and you can't
make it. Even if you have a few minutes, just come in and say hi, it's always good to have you, my friend. I'm a pleasure to be here. I started calculating how much NFTs I've bought with my income and I need to start paying some fucking bills. So I'm going to have to start selling artwork instead of like buying artwork.
I keep DJing in and I'm like, "Oh, that's only three tezos. I'm buying that." Oh, wait a minute. I got 13 pages of fucking tezos in FTs. I need to slow down. I feel you, man. I just spend all the tezos I make in my tezos and FTs back in the other ones. I got so many, man.
Man, we need we need more artists to understand how to build their secondary market up as well, you know, it's important but That's just that's the discussion for another day Eddie always good to talk to you man. We're gonna get to some of these hands. We got raised up here So let's go to tales of the frog. What's up my friend?
Hey, I'm good. I just saw this on side up gang and I just had to shout out to crypto-politin. This guy is this week like madman.
The flight now is no not right now, but but it's every every hour like he's nearly at 400 on the whole of this
So that's the huge. Oh, it wasn't up like this. Who else is buying the official account? The official side up gang account is sweeping right now. Oh, what? There's a lot should have gone on.
They're bullish on the project. I mean, last night we heard from Bitking and we also heard from Ben and you know, basically this project I guess was launched by someone else
but they have been blessing now. And also there's a chance that they may work together officially now. So that's kind of what Big King said is that they're talking about it. So who knows, it's good to see that the team is buying. Maybe they know
know something that we don't on the team. I agree that's a that's a good point. I actually think it's a good thing to see that you know they are invest in back you know and you know
Whatever they use them for however they do it. That's a good sign. Yeah, that's great news. Both of those things. That's awesome news. We needed some good news this morning. Not too bad. Hey guys, good. I was gonna say I'm about to jump off. I gotta go. It's brunch.
30 now. So, um, it was good talking to y'all. I'll be back on a little later on this afternoon. I'll see y'all later. Later my guy. Later have fun. Shabrunch and joy. I hope you have some delicious food. You deserve it, my guy. After a big one. Well, no, I plan on, I plan on coming back on space as
later night, uh, sauce up and uh, and uh, we'll get into some debauchery. Sounds good, man. Sounds good to me. I don't know where we'll be live in. I never freaking know. But we're here to go. We'll keep it going. So let's go to dog.
Go do a good morning or GM I guess I should probably say right GM my friend Yeah, I'm kind of buttered that I missed the side up game thing, but you know what?
you covered it. I was too scared to click on to mint so that's my own my own loss. You know I didn't want to get freaking drained but hey you took the risk you guys won big.
Yeah, I guess that's yeah, yeah, that's true But uh, yeah, I wanted to bring something on your radar as far as like getting drained and all that There's actually something being developed right now to try to eliminate draining across the board
and it locks down like you're cryptic. So every time you do a transaction it's going to require a one-time pen. So say you go try to mint that from the side up game and you know you approve them to spend all your tokens.
Well, the next time that they try to go in and drain all your funds, it's not going to let them. Every transaction requires you to actually have the key to it. So just wanted to bring that up to you. It's being developed right now. Pretty insane.
It's always good, man. That's a good thing. By the time we get that one figured out, that figure out something else and those developers will be back on top of it again. So it's good to see, though, that there is developments out there that's kind of
trying to protect wallets. That's where it all comes down to protecting that wallet. So that's good to see. Yeah, exactly. That's why I'm so hyped about it. That's what we need. We need protection from all these guys trying to
trying to steal funds from people. You know, just people clicking on links, approving all their funds to be taken away. But that's what all these guys in here with the keys are. We're trying to build this thing to help people out, but it's insane.
Yeah, man, no doubt. That's what we need, though. That's what we need to help this space, that's what we need to help this space, the innovations, you know, to protect the wallets, the innovations to help the exchanges, secure the funds of its users, you know, all of those things are
all play their parts in this revolutionary crypto phase that we're going through now. So it's good to see you, man. Yeah, I'm sure. And I was here in the story, man. And that was super inspiring. I'm not going to lie. That was pretty awesome. Appreciate it, man. That's a true story, man. It's something
that I went through in my life as a true testimony to never give up no matter what anybody says you know so that's that's a true story man. Hell yeah Charles you're a legend man and it's time to turn you into an internet legend sheesh
Let's go guys follow Charles as well and look up at the top guys I put my internet legend album if you haven't seen the album cover just take a look We're gonna probably turn this sort of into a pfp NFT. I'm pretty sure it'll look cool if we put some you know traits on it
different background colors, you know different stuff on the dill. So it's just an idea to combine PFP and music NFT so that it's something you can rock with the hex or rock as your PFP that'll have different traits and it won't obviously in this one it's not limited to the face. It's all the different things and quite honestly
I didn't make this design to be a PFP project, but I feel like it'll work. So anyway, don't think that's coming anytime too soon, but that is my second album. It's out and if you like the music, get excited for it. I think the music can come first. That's fine. If you enjoy the music, it's every reason to buy the NFT. So just go check out the music.
because all of those streams are going to go back to the Dill rewards, right? So I think it'll be cool because it'll be like, all right, if we get a million streams before the album drops as an NFT, then maybe there's going to be like a cool system linked to that, you know, when the album drops because we already have streams on it. And then it'll go from there after the initial
So it's pretty cool. We're unlocking. Think of it like you're gonna unlock the album as an NFT and like unlock the deal coin that's like locked behind the album. So like maybe on the app interface that I make it could look like that. Like here's an album that's out. Go stream it and you'll just
watch the balance go up. Imagine like seeing the internet legend covered, great out. It's like locked right now, not released as NFT, but then you see the pot of deal growing behind it. Like deal, deal generated like 10 million deal just generated by this album. And then that kind of as a fun figure. Okay, go ahead Eddie. Is that
Yeah, I was gonna say what kind of pot and then I was gonna say I got 1200 dill coin in my wallet now. Let's go. Let's go! Well, maybe the kind of pot that you smoke one day could actually be, you know, bought with Dill. That's really not that far off. There's dispensaries around here. Here's the thing also dispensable.
the app there it'll say so it'll say how much deal is locked behind this album to be released and generated through our deal NFT holders and then everyone will be like oh my god we need the mint now deal there's 10 million deal generated and I'll be like oh I'm not
minting I'm a fucking Chad let it go to 20 million and then they'll be like no we need to go stream on Spotify to get 20 million see we're gonna we're gonna have fun with it and we're gonna run up the Spotify I'll be like I'm not minting till we're on billboard and then we'll
be big and I'll be like number 10 on billboard. I'm not mending until we're number one on billboard and then everyone will be like running that shit up. That's what I'm saying at the bigger levels. It could be really interesting because nobody else has this reward system. So like at the bigger it gets the more you can be like calling out like, oh,
Taylor Swift's number one on billboard the deal treasury is gonna crush Taylor Swift We're gonna come out Taylor Swift. I'm calling you out. I'm gonna you know donate a hundred thousand dollars from the deal treasury to the charity of your choice Taylor Swift and we're gonna crush you on the billboard God
It's gonna be fun. I have just gonna be I'm just gonna be crazy and we're gonna do cool stuff with Dale Cohen and we're gonna call people out in the music industry and Change the game. That's that's gonna what I'm focused on so Let's go shit All right, so
Dog my dog Dude always good to see you my friend. Let's see what what my man tricky has to say What is your name now D5's just defy space donkeys club. We got tricky Buddha D5 space donkeys. What's up, my man?
Hey, it's tricky Buddha with D5 space donkeys. Yeah, fam. This is my backup account. I decided to repurpose my old account. They finally let me in here. So yeah, it's D5 space donkeys club. So yeah, follow my backup account, but you know, follow all these legs.
I'm having a great time. I'm actually over here in the Dominican Republic right now on vacation. But I figured I'd stop in and see what's going on at the Deluminati. You know, it's always a hot place to be. I figured I'd kind of just pop in. Well, I'm getting my drink on, hanging out by the pool.
Oh, dude, I'm jealous. It's raining here. It's gray. The sky is gray here in Los Angeles and I'd like to be having a drink just vibing out. That sounds like a real nice vibe, my friend.
Yeah, man, I got a complimentary upgrades in my room and then I got upgraded to the club level. So we have Patron and Don Julio and all the high end liquors are now included for free. So I'm just, yeah, I'm trying to make that worth it. I mean, it was a free upgrade. So really didn't cost me.
What did you do? I booked a 9 day vacation and then also I'm allergic to everything so whenever they didn't have a lot of food options the first couple days so they felt bad and they started hooking it up with basically
basically whatever I wanted and whatever they could give me. So yeah, and I've got like full access to like all the club access, everything. The view for my room is fucking epic and yeah, I mean I can't complain now. I got another like almost a week of this. It's gonna be great.
Hell yeah man, that's sweet. Nine days, well, you'll, I'm sure you'll have to hop on Twitter spaces sometimes. So we'll get the live updates from tricky Buddha's vacation there and man, that sounds like a good time.
So, glad you could make a little time here for the Web 3 community, my friend. Oh, yeah, man. You know, I couldn't stay away, but yeah, I'm just gonna hang out and I'll post up some nice little photos here. I took of my backyards.
Let's go, let's go. All right, guys, we'll come on up. Everybody, let's hear from everyone who wants to share. We have on the show. I see we got a chinky minke. What's up? How's it going?
GMGM what's going on? Oh what's that? Yeah doing good man doing good. What's going on my friend? I said you a DM GMGM when I wake up
Good morning. I checked my dams. That's not the word. No. All right.
I'll have to download the lyrics from Google. Bro, you just almost made me spit my coffee everywhere bro. Damn, you almost made me spit my coffee everywhere. Bro, I had to hurry up the swallow that hot shit.
I don't think I don't know I would never miss lead you guys in a song I do not check my DMs every morning You're supposed to slide up into my open sea and then slide into my DM Yeah, right I just answered your DM and I'm fine
I didn't know I wasn't even following you. I've been part of this community, man. I know, I know it takes me time to follow everybody and get back to everyone's deans. But yeah, man, we can definitely talk. You know, I'm gonna do more builds for artists.
and projects as much forward as it's been a busy time of change right now so adjusting to that you know. Cool man that's really cool. Yeah if you're interested let's partner up, settle up. Hell yeah man we'll get to work on something
I have a few things I need to continue working out and a few projects I need to push forward with but yeah, we're gonna try to set up some more systems to onboard more artists as well awesome working on it awesome awesome. Yeah, man What what a blood blood bath a couple of hours ago with a Ethereum big
corn all the all the all the all the coins going down by 20 plus percent man there's a lot of soil bombs today that's for sure everybody got raped yeah it wasn't so good
It wasn't so good. Hopefully we have a comeback. Double your bags and double up when it comes back. I was trying to do some research to find out what actually happened.
With about 1.0 billion of crypto liquidating because they were going bankrupt so that was the initial Rumours it came out. I don't know how true that rumor was Then after that another rumor came out that Robin Hood had to get rid of their
They're all coin bags. Yeah, they're all coin bags and Essentially is a forced forced sale and they send out an email to all their users of Robinhood to say you know in two weeks if you're still holding the
those altcoins, we're gonna have to force sell you. So, you know, people are selling ahead, ahead of the force sale. If you know what I mean. Yeah, man, it's so crazy. It's always monkey's been thrown in a wrench.
I mean, oh, how it goes, but you know, it's a process, man. Like I said, for some people though, I've noticed for some people, it's a great buying opportunity for them. That's one thing about it. So we'll see who comes back. We'll see who stays true to the space and don't get shaken out.
about a race, you know, and keep going. Exactly. And all those punters that were trading on 10X leverage, all go wiped out, all go liquidated, people that are on 5X leverage also go wiped out. So yeah, I mean there's a lot of people
crying into the into the beer tonight. Man I'm so bullish on crypto with all of it I don't know man it's like it it's I think definitely man like when there's fear you know I feel the opportunity to you know pretty much grab up some of that fear yeah yeah exactly when it
when there's blood on the streets, time to buy. Oh yeah, that's that was you know what's crazy man like a long time ago I wanted a group so I was in man maybe like six years ago or something like that but that was their saying when there's blood on the streets it's time to get you know and man they pump those rooms when those streets give when those
Token to go down like that man. They pump those rooms and those guys fill up and then next thing you know it goes up in those guys and they're celebrating with them bottles of champagne and you know it's like man Like crazy man is this it's crazy what we go through in this cycle You know what I'm saying and that's what I'm seeing this this this this cycle it's
man never fails. Yeah for sure. I'm bullish about a side up because I was on spaces sometimes today, night your time but but but morning my time or afternoon my time and Ben.Eath was on the call. He said
something he should have said is I think he mentioned the end word or something. Got a few people upset. But he did say that the launch pad is ready. Tech-wise, it's all done, ready to go. He's got some philosophical
issues with his dev teams his dev teams want to Kick off the launch pad with a couple of selected project like for example, I know you know Ben Ben might know deal or JC or something like that and just sort of launch their coin
only. But Ben said no, you know, his philosophy is about Darwinism. Anybody that wants to launch a coin on the launchpad, they can. But there are some safety locks. They're going to hold back the LP and you know
projects at the contributes and level of coins into the watchpad. But basically he's going to monitor, he's going to let the community decide what projects are the good projects based on their buying or
or investments and what projects are not so popular. So obviously the popular projects will be bumped up in terms of the algorithm and not so popular projects will be brought down to the bottom. So essentially, you know, let the
community decide where they're going to be putting their money. Yeah, I did hear that and he didn't want to pick friends. He wanted to communicate. That was his big words that he was using. He wants the community to be able to participate.
And I think that's it. That's you know, I don't know man either way either way you put it is gonna be a turmoil from one side or the other side is gonna be turmoil from people who think you know that just understand this guys when he says unruggable he's meaning the liquid
you know, will be locked in his care. Okay. So it's, it's doesn't mean that there's other, you know, people that's creating tokens that don't have, you know, mischievous things on their mind, like buying a lot of what's on there before anybody else does it, you know, things like that.
That's a lot of stuff that you know you have to Look at with these people. So it's like that there's no there's no end all to this But it is a step towards you know more security for lunches which I like and another thing that you know I like about it is the fact that I don't you hear being
constantly saying he doesn't sell the tokens that he buy and get you know he doesn't sell it so that means that he's not going to pull you know one of these big March pad moves and you know they see the they see the that is slowing down that everything slowing down with the token so
they actually just pull all their tokens out and you see that long red candle that looks like somebody just wrote the project and people start panicking and people start selling like oh my god oh no this this that and the people that really put their money in they're they're they're they're saved much saved
money that they were relying on to do something they see it go down all because you know these big lunchpads decide to pull their tokens out. So I think it's I think that's another benefit of something that's you know it's it's not like I said it's not an end all be all but it is a step towards well that's that's
a thing. I mean, we're all invested in the whole Ben universe, right? So it's about trust. We trust this guy is, yeah, he might be a bit arrogant now. Now that he's got 20 million in his wallet, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you know, maybe his behavior in the last last week has been stellar. He's been
is drunk, you know, pissing, you know, kind of stuff, and we can hear pissing. But, you know, we trust that he is not going to do the wrong thing by his own projects, but also the projects that come on his launch plan. Hey, hey, doh. I think you asked the question during
spaces to bend about what happens if the coin is already launched like the deal coin, how you can participate in the launchpad? I think the launchpad right now is set up only for new tokens, right? Well, I would say he
didn't really give me a good answer to a good question. But my point was like we want to be on your lunch path. I can I already know that what I said earlier, we can take a percentage of Delcoin, let's say 5%. We sell it
on his launch pad as a new token and it back one to one in the track. And then people can buy it and if they want they could even swap it back to the regular deal coin that we have locked one to one. So to me it's like let's use the platform either way. I'll be the first one to do
that if that's only option, right? But I would love to do it a better way. But I say let's do it. Like what's what's to lose? Let's just launch it on there at a reasonable price. Maybe you'll get it in at a little bit of a discount, slight discount. It won't be transferable immediately back to the other chain. So it'll have a life of its own.
over there like it might pump over there but if it pumps over there it'll probably pump on the regular one too you know because people will arbitrage it and like it's a win-win so like I was just I don't think he really gave me the time of day or thought about it he immediately went into people trying to game the system it's not getting this system
You know, it's just the innovative use of his platform to get additional liquidity and exposure. So like, as far as I'm concerned, if he guys like hear me out, anyone who believes in the deal coin, if he launches, let's immediately do a deal coin percentage on there. And I need you guys to just ape into the pre sale that
We do or whatever and let's get it sold out. Let's make it happen and it literally it'll be transferable back to Dill one to one and it'll be a discount so like we'll do like let's say Let's say pre sale price will be a 10% discount from the current deal market price but you have to keep in mind if it pumps on his price
I'll tell you what, for someone who's trusted in the community will be the first ones who could ever transfer it back. But yeah, it'll just be a fun trading mechanism on another site and it'll be another liquidity pool. It'll almost be creating our own, we're creating our own
scammer copycat imitator. You know, like we're gonna have a third liquidity pool for Dill that's gonna be real. It'll come up as a different token. It'll almost look like someone trying to imitate our token and we'll just take another spot on DexMuner. So if anything it's gonna be like an additional like thing that
that looks good for Dill because it will be another lot. It will be a fully liquidity locked, Dex tools approved thing. Anyway, long-winded explanation, but I was trying to explain to Ben, but he seemed to jump to the idea that someone doing what I'm saying would be doing
something delicious. But like in no way is what I'm talking about delicious. It's just using the platform as intended. Yeah. Well, I guess if you can't use the launch pad for for deal coin, you have to wait till the decks come out and then launch it on his deck. No, no, no, there is no, there is no possibility where I can't use it. He said
It's going to be decentralized. If it's decentralized, I will be the first one to make another deal token on there. It'll be Bats 1-1 in the deal treasury. We'll come on here and we'll try to get it. We want to buy it and everyone should buy it because we're going to give you a discount. It's going to be backed by the deal treasury and all the debt. Guys, this is the same thing.
As like a centralized exchange partner. Yeah, you guys got to understand when you when you go on a centralized exchange, they'll want like a couple percentage of your coin and like a huge cash payment. So this is like basically a free version of that. We're basically get think of it like an exchange listing. We're taking a percentage of our treasury that's
We're putting it into Ben's sia launch pad and then we are getting the result of increased liquidity increased exposure and proving this to Ben because he is I mean, I don't know how much he thought into my question. It seemed like it was not really that deep. He was just like a little bit combative.
I don't know if he really understood my question that much or whatever, but yeah, the point is, let's just jump right on the opportunity and take over on the platform as best as we can and then get some credibility and then it can always be swapped back to the original coin.
if that's what we want to do or more than likely, let's just keep it there as a different product. Now we have a Dill Syob Launchpad product. What's wrong with that? It's just great. As far as I see it, it's great. No, I see what you're talking about now. It's doable for sure.
for sure. Yeah, but yeah, it's, it looks like the launchpad might be shipped maybe today, maybe tomorrow. So I, and you know, being a DJ and that I am, I fucking sold everything. I sold my loyal, I sold
some other shit coins and put everything into the the side up token because I guess that is going to be the first token he is going to pump because that is the first product he is going to ship. I think the decentralized exchange is going to take a little bit longer because there is a more complicated
product to fuck around with. So I don't know, I'm just like speculating right? Yeah, when I hope you launch this it I'm ready to move with our strategy for using it will be one of the first ones to go live and honestly if you guys support will be one of the
first ones to sell out. And you know, he's the he's Mr. Break the Matrix. Like what I'm talking about is honestly like in a way breaking his matrix of what he's building. But no, it's not like it's what it's supposed to be used for. It's just probably unexpected. He probably wouldn't expect
Because like, you know, I think we have the right community that'll make it work. So like hopefully, the first one's to get in there, sell it out, and then we can work from there. So how do you just have a little product? How are you going to lock your liquidity with the side X?
How? Yeah. So, so let me explain the process. The first thing we do is we take, let's say, 5% of dill corn, which is 50 million dill. We take that from the dill treasury and we can transfer it to a new wallet that's called Side, Sciop Launchpad Locked Wallet. Okay. So then that's
Launchpad locked wallet with 50 million dill is kept on chain in a safe secure lock that won't be touched. So then you know that every single, you know, Dill's Iop drop is backed one to one by Dill. Right. So that's there. Then we just sell that same thing in
in a launch pad on Sia, and when it goes live, all the liquidity gets locked into that. But now we just have a product that's available on the Sia launch pad. So let's say, and I thought about this too, let's say we want to dissolve that product. Then we
have to basically buy it all back, which isn't that hard, right? And that doesn't have to be me. For example, let's say Charles supports the CYOP launch pad. And then in two weeks, we decide that we want to go back to the main chain. Charles is a close friend of the community. Let's
Yeah, yeah, two million deal over there. He can actually swap his two million deal over there back and then we'll send him two million deal on the main chain. So it becomes it becomes a bridge, right? Yeah, but it's all about it's all about you know, a trusted trusted community because it's jeez. Like I think you get it now, but it's like a genius.
value exchange system and a product that we can easily bridge back and forth. There's nothing wrong with it. I think you can definitely do it because as a decentralized exchange, you don't need anybody's permission. You just get the backend sorted out and all said to go.
Right. If it's decentralized and there's no rules, then I will do what I think to gain access to the system because I think he's building something cool. And honestly, I feel like what I'm saying is a little bit unexpected. Yeah. But it's going to work. Like there's no reason it won't work, I think. So let's show them.
the power of this deal community by making that succeed, you know. 100%. Sheesh! That's why I'm also thinking maybe we do a smaller 2% of deal just so it sells out immediately. But we have to judge the demand. Maybe I'll do a
Who knows maybe we can do a presale now. It's not gonna be a maybe we can do a well Well, maybe we could do an open-ended presale We have to see what if it what if it allows us to do that or if it's a hard cap But look if we if we don't do a hard cap We couldn't hear you just let everyone contribute do the
the math at the end, lock the liquidity before telling anyone. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So, so basically you get commitments from everybody in this community. Hey, you know, give us a rough rough idea how many eight you're putting in and then you do the math and then, you know, just to make sure that it sells out when it launches.
Exactly, exactly. You totally get it. I appreciate that. And, and even further as like, perhaps we don't have to just estimate, we can like let people send in the eith. So then it's like, if we get five eith, we do five eith words. If we get 20, we do 20 eith words. If we get 100 eith, we do 100 eith words.
And then the thing is that liquidity is going to go into the other pool, which adds to our liquidity and like, then honestly, like, as far as I can see, you can then go buy them the other one because you're like, wow, we just raised 100 eth over there. Like it's, you know, it's, it's going to be a self-fulfilling.
and it's an arbitrage opportunity, honestly, because the people that believe in the original deal chain will probably be able to arbitrage, because there's going to be new people that don't even know what the fuck's going on, and they're going to buy it and they're going to buy it because they see it
Because we're gonna here's we're gonna do we're gonna do this shit and get on the front of sci-op Launchpad or else or otherwise make a bunch of noise and there's gonna be people that just buy it because they see it Yeah, and and they're gonna be in and you guys are gonna know better and so if you guys want to play the arbitrage you'll be able to and
Yeah, it's pretty interesting. It'll be fun. It'll be very interesting to see the the parlay back and forth and see what people do. But it's totally valid use of Ben's platform and I think it's kind of like hacking the matrix breaking the matrix a little bit. Yeah, that's clever man.
It's definitely a workaround. It's not a straightforward as like a new coin launching and that kind of stuff But yeah, but yeah do it do it do that nothing to lose So all things to gain nothing to lose from it. It's just additional liquidity just just roughly how much is 50 million deal token?
in US dollars terms. One 25-E. So that's probably too much. 25-E. Okay, that's probably too much now. Yeah, okay, yeah. But something like 5 to 10-E might be more reasonable. I mean, Delcoins kind of worth a lot, so but that's, yeah, you know, it doesn't
It barely even matters. I mean shit, but yeah, I feel like 25 youth would be kind of a lot to get but who knows I feel like we're better off starting small and just sending it and then letting people buy it on the exchange and let it go. Yeah, but yeah, we just have to figure it out exactly how to make it work and
It will be very interesting. It's almost a little bit of a sion because anyone who doesn't pay attention and just apes into the deal coin over there, they're just not going to be knowing everything that's going on. I think it's nothing wrong with it.
don't research it, there's going to be people that ape in. It does, in a way, it's a little bit of a sia because people won't know the full background. But that's how crypto is. You never know the full background of these coins unless you research. Yeah. Look, and when people see that a project is selling out, they'll
I want to jump in. It's just like the the the side up gang and a two thing when when when you guys saw that you know it's been eaten up everybody was pulling it. Hell yeah. Nice. Okay man. I think I've said enough. I'll turn off my mic and let's
somebody else speak.
and just pumps tax. That might not even be bad. You know how the loyal orange box is worth more? Okay. The loyal orange box is worth more for almost no reason other than the fact that there's only a thousand. So like who knows?
maybe Dill on Syop Launchpad just pumps and just stays at like 3x more than the other Dill because it's on Syop Launchpad like that's not even that ridiculous and then I I can use it here's what I could do I could literally make a different thing for that where it's like if you have the the
It's usually one million deal, but we'll say okay special deal with the siop launch pad you only need you know 500k deal there to get your role so It's just fun right it doesn't hurt anyone to have more collectors all these people are gonna be collectors anyway pretty much, you know, so it don't hurt anyone so
Yeah, we're gonna do it Zag love love the conversation Go ahead and tricky one more thing man. It's mean five morning It is mean five morning Yeah, everybody this is an awesome space just retweet the room and I put up in post right
right there. I'm actually doing a little raffle by the end of the week hopefully. If you're interested in the raffle let me know but if you retweet that pin post there I pin on the jumbo tron for the raffle. I will pick a winner and give away some free NFTs. For every 10 people we get to interact I'll give away another NFTs.
Yeah, just retweet that out. I'm in a good mood and let me know if you want to join the raffle it's a dollar a ticket $10 plus guarantees you a win plus you'll get a little 10% bonus on tickets Yeah, we got some pretty cool defy space drunk the donkeys rolling trays. We're gonna give away so yeah check that out
And you guys have a great day. I just had to go somewhere quiet so I can tell you that real quick, but I'm going back to the pool. All right, you guys have a great one. I'll talk to you later. We did just retweet it and supported keep it up man. Happy to support you. So red candle. What's up my friend? Hey,
Still because you're an expert in liquidity, I have a question for you. Sciob, you know, there are two market caps, probably around 20 million or something, even though it says several hundred million. Their current liquidity is at $3,500.
What does that mean? Seems awfully low. It means almost nobody can sell. That's what I understand. And that's fine. I've never sold the token. I'm one of those ride or die. I go to zero with Syop or I go to the promised land.
So good to know, you know, I was curious about that. What was it at last night before the space? I don't know. Was there volume? There wasn't much volume in. There's been more volume in bars. Somebody did post that to sell right now.
Now you incur about a 50 or 60 percent slippage. Yes, it's pretty big. And so, Dill, what is there strategy that Ben is employing? Obviously he could probably put in more liquidity. What is your take on this, if you don't mind?
Hmm. Putting more liquidity in is like giving away eith to everybody that holds sigh up. Yeah, that's a valid take, right? But also another someone on the other side might look at it and say, well, Ben has
know what right to hold on to that ease. But I don't think that's true. He didn't say, he didn't say send me eat for a freestyle so I can put it all back in the liquidity pool. Like, did he say that? Like, I don't think he said that. I don't remember him saying that. So
Right? Like I don't blame him for holding the eith. Like he's the founder. We want him to have the eith so that he can keep going. We don't necessarily want to just give all the eith to the jeets that want to sell it on the LP. So
I see both sides, but let's see about let's see if there's been any add and removes from the LP. So what I was going to say real quick is, you know, again, we're below pre sale right now, which is fine, you know, whatever.
We know that he wants to shake people out. We know that. That's like top priority for him. I've heard him say it a dozen times now. Is this a sigh-off? Is this a sigh-off?
mind game because when I as a layman when I looked at that liquidity I go oh shit let me tell you something about how to read this stuff so all I had to do with this on deck screener I sorted by type add and remove just to find liquidity pool first thing I saw when I look here is someone
adding tenies to the liquidity pool. Now, a check who's adding tenies to the liquidity pool and it brings you directly to Benny's public wallet. So he added tenies to the liquidity pool yesterday at 4.43 pm. Now, let's see all the trends.
of people adding to the LP. Is this person Ben? This person does not really look like Ben. This looks like a person adding to the LP. Let's see what else we can find. 3.7 ETH added. Could this be Ben? 130 ETH.
This looks like Ben's ape coin staking wallet or something. I could not be Ben. I got no fucking idea. I'm just shooting out random stuff. That's an ape coin wallet that put in three East. I have a couple hundred East. And here's that same wallet adding in three
15.6 East and now let's see. Can we find any more? 1500 East was added to the Sa'apul on May 26th, 1500. So he did put 1500 East. He put
1500 ETH into the LP.
And it's kind of a lot. Is it not? That's like 10% of what he made. He probably like feels like that got rug. The whole community just took that. Right? Like that, the community took that 1500. Yeah, 100%.
I get it. He's just doing risk management. If he adds a thousand teeth, it will also get taken. He did say that he's actually wealthy from other business ventures, not just
the side up thing. So he did say that he kept emphasizing that look, this 20 million that I've raised, they are project funds, they're not my funds, I'm not going to be using them for my personal use. So project funds mean
He might spend that on development, he might spend that on marketing, he might spend that on putting in some liquidity. Yeah, but that's what he said over and over again. Is there a way to tell from a board-ape Kennel Club which kind of ape they came from?
No idea. I'm mutin' it.
Interesting. That's a lot of apes. Let's see, whose crypto punk is this?
That's interesting. I'm finding interesting stuff over here guys. His script up on his list.
Mutant serum How many serums are there remember when these things set sold for so I guess M1 is the really really one M1 wait here's an M1 mutant serum so in essence what Dill's doing is dealt with
into the psi-obliquidity pools and in an alley is finding out that it's been funded by a bunch of what NFT-8s. This is crazy. Well, okay. I already found Ben putting into the LP and actually I know
I have an idea. I have an idea. I'm tracking someone that may be Ben or connected to Ben. I don't know. I don't want to say it until I confirm something. 'Cause I find proof. But it might not be here.
Well, there's someone supporting that's connected to Ben. It could be anyone though. It could literally be anyone. So we have no idea whether this has been. But there's some evidence and interesting stuff
on chain. I mean this guy just participates in multiple liquidity pools. So perhaps this is just anyone. This could be just about anyone
They have some nice NFTs, so shout out to their collection Community Past Series 1. They have some doodles.
I think there is a tool where you can track the connections of the wallets. I can't remember. I think it's called something grass. One is bubble man. Yeah, that's it.
So you can sort of see, you know, Ben's wallet. What's connected to Ben's wallet and that kind of stuff. What is it? Bubble maps. Unless this subscribe
and order to get like lifetime access. Oh. But you can use it for free as long as someone who has the access has already like looked up that wallet.
Right, right. And I'm pretty sure that somebody has looked up Benzwala. Yeah, most likely you can also look up token addresses, by the way. So any smart contract address will also work. But that bubble map thing is really useful because it's
graphically shows from Ben's wallet where else who else is connected how is it connected and then you can click on each of those dots and you can see how much or what's in that wallet yeah it is the best way to
I actually wrote a similar tool myself because I actually ran a NFT project that was going to do a free mint and I noticed there was a lot of bots signing up for the white list and when I built
this tool, I discovered many, many connections that would have been pretty much impossible to, you know, discover by hand. And I actually went a few steps further than bubble maps and like integrated on chain and off chain data.
in order to discover connections that would not be purely visible from just on chain because a lot of people use like mixers or like dispersed applications and they will sever those connections. Some people will even fund wallets from their exchange or from an exchange
and yeah. It's way too quiet in here. So anyway, it's it's an interesting way to discover a lot of information that graph you. Yeah who said it's too quiet in here? Somebody just said it's way too quiet in here. I guess they couldn't hear me. I did.
I don't know if I was getting rubbed. I was like, "Man, I don't hear nobody." Yeah, I think you're getting rubbed because I heard it. I know I heard that, so. Yeah, sorry to buddy, but go ahead, guys. I heard somebody say that and I was wondering if they were being rubbed on the stage.
Hey, Kazooink. This is rad. How you doing, man? Doing well. How are you, man? Good. Thanks. Yeah. I just read a little article regarding being successful in playing
meme coins in particular that highly recommended that an application such as you're describing is utilized by any one of us prior to making a decision
into, you know, aping into any particular project. What it wants to make sure of is one of your criteria is that the project has some of these whales pre-deployed, you know, within the project. So a tool like that helps
someone like me or anyone else, you know, look at a coin and go, oh yeah, there's some gullets in here. Right? Absolutely. Anyways, if that makes sense. I mean, I would say probably the majority of tokens and even NFT projects have these sort of whales
that get in early and they use automated tooling to do it. I mean, in NFTs especially, I have discovered several tools that they use to automatically white list from hundreds of wallets. So one guy will like get in there and like get thousands of a 10,000 mint, right?
wrote tooling to prevent them from doing that. I discovered a lot of bots, the majority of them were bots. Poo, for example, that Ben recommended to his followers.
that one got botted as a token pre sale as well. I mean, and don't ask me how I know, but it was not them doing it. It was third parties. And yeah, so it's just rife with this kind of crap.
I mean check out my site if you're interested in this sort of thing or if you need the services because I am providing those services to anybody that's interested. And I hope to also improve my tooling to make itself service but right now
Now it's just like I have to intervene manually to trigger it and what not for those that need it. I basically provide a report and data in return for like you just have to provide like a Excel spreadsheet of your white list or any other kind of data you might have.
It could be a token pre-sailer, it could be an NFT sale, and I can crunch that data and provide visuals as well as stats and whatnot to show you who the bots are, basically.
Hey, I wanted to ask too if I may, do you have the ability to actually sort all of the wallet addresses that were involved in the SIO and like kind of see
I've got to gauge how many people are still holding their presents. I could definitely do that. It would take a little bit of time, yeah, but not really a big challenge to do that.
There you go. See, I was noticing that the, you know, the holders are capitulating right now. I think it started at 14,000. That could be totally wrong, but now it's down to like 11,000. So it'd be interesting to at least see the data. Yeah, I know Ben is crunching that data.
He has said the last time we got an update anyway the Presail holders were down to a thousand you probably already know this but and then he hinted at there being a target and He said look at how many Nakamegos I have
and I looked and it's 513 so the target is you know somewhere under that number I would say maybe 200 I don't know what he's going for but we shall see you know and I mean I'm pretty sure we're getting close to that at this point especially after today
I was wondering because I'm one of those ones that hasn't sold and a pre-sell buyer. So what I'm wondering is I'm not steeped in any kind of programming or understanding even of what goes into a conversation.
contract, but it seems like it'd be easy enough for a lot of people to just simply run something on the holders and to know who hasn't sold anything out of their wallet. That's just to a lame-in-life me, it seems like that shouldn't be
very hard to consider out. Yeah, absolutely. It's easy. I mean, I could probably get that done in an hour or less. That's amazing. Yeah. I might even just do it just so I can like update you guys on a regular basis and know for myself too.
Yeah, let me. What if eight, because I think what if what if you could run and if it were automated, I mean, I wouldn't expect you to want to do this manually right now, but if you could automate and put up a, a, a fucking wallet watch, you know, like no sale wallet watch or a toddler wallet watch for friggin' sia op, that'd be so cool.
Yeah, yeah, I would love to have that. So let me see what I can do. I'm not going to promise it because I've got this game I'm working on too, but yeah, it's most likely going to happen. I mean, I'm certainly not even suggesting
you'd actually do it. It just it'd be a fun. I wonder how Ben would react suddenly there's a wallet tracker for the hot version. Because that is. Oh yeah, you'd have eyes. Yeah, you dig it. But you know, that is. I want to, you know, this is crazy. I mean, yes, last night I couldn't believe it. I was sitting in my
my computer and man the markets just got rocked within a one hour candle it was you know like someone said earlier all sort of 20 30 percent yeah it'll be so it was gnarly so Ben says he's going to stop doing
Wow, are you serious the latest? Yeah, well It's a sigh of way Let me get in there we ain't stopping that sounds like something delivered right though for attention. They'll stop me
I'm pretty sure he needs he just needs a break. I mean, I don't know. He got in trouble. I like Zags take, you know, yeah, he's brash and arrogant and can say the wrong thing, but you know, even last night's space
in my opinion I thought Ben was to hit it out of the park with he was doing good especially you know earlier on too at the end it got a little weird but uh so I blame it on the Yaga bombs, blame it on the
I mean, I thought he was very sharp and articulate towards the guy this one guy got on there and he's you know he was just fighting you know so when you get on there in a space and you just start fighting band
or anyone else for that matter. Is that really the place to do that? I see Ben just defending himself a lot when he needs to. I think he did a valid job defending himself. He did great.
especially and you know for the first few hours before the eager bombs started kicking in but uh guys go reply up there if Ben's not gonna do spaces I'll do spaces go engage on that tweet above let's get some more people in here hit that like button hit that reach we button let everybody know to come on in for meme five more
So guys if you want this tracker thing here's what I'll do I'll just make it put it out there and I'll just say you know if you can afford to send me a tip that's cool you know it's gonna take a little bit of time to do this but don't
I feel obligated that that's the arrangement I would say I'd be comfortable with. I'll make it public. Yeah awesome sounds good. What you got, Ali? I'll see you hand up. Well I just wanted to just share my
see theory and looking at the SIAP gang OpenC Profile has changed. Dr. SIAP is no longer on there as the creator and the bin.eath has now officially
I had Charles come with me on the DM so like his opinion
Okay, first of all, look at the profile of the open sea. It's changed. It's no long member before and this is how I got scammed because of originally you could see the profile of the founder of the
creator of the collection member, Dr. Syap. And then I went into Dr. Syap's wallet and I found this collection I bought. And right now I'm not convinced I actually got scanned because right now I'm looking at the collection like now Dr. Syap's thing has completely been deleted.
they're gone. So the founder is gone off of OpenSea, the leaded gone and Ben.Eath is the owner of the Ben King and the whole OpenSea profile has changed and Dr. Slapp has disappeared. So that's my conspiracy.
Okay, so go down to rarities or Hold on What you look like somebody tweeted it out of band.eath is now the owner of the golden they beat me. Yeah, oh
maybe look yeah because somebody tweeted that so go to rare or own all hold on I think the site is that alley is an insider to the whole NFT project. This collection is not owned by Benz wallet as far as
I can see the golden band was offered to Ben the band of the golden was offered to Ben yes was revealed in offered what's the golden one and how do I find it's so big the name is on the name tree name tree golden band golden band
Yeah, it was hit. Yeah, it was hidden then he unhitted the next thing you know it went to bend and next thing you know the that team started sweeping the floor whoever whoever the owners of it. He said last night in the space
that they approached him vigorously. Okay, wait, but are they guys? Are they that is transferred as one NFT to Ben? Yes. Come on. Ben was cleaning the space last night. This is the official official
or if you would like to say an official official collection of SAO. But look at the profile, it's different. It's a little bit shy of it. Yeah. It's longer than the founder. Because Dr. SAO, because of this scam, probably was banned from the from from the OpenC?
I don't know why would they have been banned like I didn't because he's a camera. Well the scammer he's definitely not a scammer Dr. So whoever it is is still there because the link where I bought the NFTs from is still there and it's actually starting to go
Up and found you so it is they're really cool. They're so cool guys. I mean they were worth what I paid I'm not gonna lie. I don't know guys it was that was transferred to the wallet Was not bought all right. That's the thing. That's why I asked if it was purchased by me and if it was purchased
No, it was transferred. It was transferred. Yeah, so that's still something now. No, no, no, because I think the I think what is something is the doctor Sya name not own the not on the collection anymore.
Yeah, it's a see it's listed differently whereas before you could say you could see created It could say collections and that's all gone now Nice I think you have been so you could see Dr. Sip was the creator you could see what they created and then you could see I don't understand
I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that I'm not that#
My take is I op gang that he created this contract my take is that in listening to ban is that this collection has become so good and has been so successful I feel like
You know, I think Ben's gonna take it. I mean, he's already liked the gentleman said earlier. He said it's officially unofficial, but it's unofficially official is what he said. Last night. Yes. And nice. Now we're gonna wear my team foil hat, okay?
I really? So I've been thinking about this. Let's go back. Let's go back in time. Not long ago. When first, Ali and I don't remember the two other people that came and found out this website.
This was very silent. No one tweeted about it. We mean it. No one did. No one did. We mean it. Yeah. Yeah. So no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,#
this official quiet then the first tweet oh I like the side of cake then from I like it it was it moved to this is really good this is really good I like it a lot then
It evolved to it's the official and official or an official official collection. I think we are looking at another CEO, definitely this is a CEO and sooner or later it's going to say this is the official collection then it's going to provide an utility for it.
The level of the warding evolves. The warding evolves from being nice, something I like to officially official and that's theoretos. But I think this is going to be something that Ben is going to grant. It's too good to leave it outside the ecosystem.
Yeah, I agree with you. If it wasn't so good, if it wasn't so spot on to the brand, I mean that's that's the tell for me. You know, like, and we were talking about this yesterday that, you know, Ben wouldn't want to come out with an official quote unquote NFT collection right now because
this one's just got everything going for it, right? He wouldn't want to dilute anything. So I think you're right. I think we're all going to find out that this is the one. You know, and you know, make like he kept referencing board eights, board eights, board eights. He wants his own board eights.
is this going to be it? I don't know, but it could be. You know, it's a beautiful, beautiful collection. And I'm new to NFT. So, you know, this one struck me though. Thanks, Ali, for the alpha. I got 20 sub 100, or 1,000 rather.
got 20 sub 1000 rarity so I'm pretty excited thanks Ali. Yeah Ali was the queen. How the absolute queen. Yeah she's on it man. Well my my discord name is crypto princess but maybe I need to change it to princess
And guys if Ben changes his PFP from the board they put to this one then it's gonna be it's gonna be insane man that was all I got it
I gotta admit the glasses, the body, that's a sick rule. I've been trying to get to do that on the back channels, because I think that'd be huge for us all. And him, I mean, look, this could turn into a blue chip if we play our cards right here.
But that's what he wants. I think it was Red candle that said he wants to have his own board there.
Well, Siop gang just transferred this to Ben 8 3 hours ago. You guys made a deal 3 hours ago. And they started some bodies to up the floor. Where did that what wallet did they sweep the floor from? Siop gang wallet. Alright, I'll tweet it. I'll tweet it out, but it doesn't mean that.
much they transferred it to him I feel like but I mean they saved one for him and they sent it to him. Let's deal deal. Let's start like a Twitter rate to tell Ben to change his profile to this one. Good idea. I mean I just I want to try that out. I'll make
I'll set up the tweet right now. What Mr. X was saying, um, if what? What you do, Ellie? Okay, I'm at the side gang eat open sea profile. And those ones are still
their wallet. Go look at the side of King Eath. Follow it from where it says they transferred it to Ben. You can click on their profile because I was looking to see what they bought.
They have, they've got the collection of the Siaap gang that we are buying into and then they have another Siaap gang. Yeah, you gotta be careful because make sure that that other Siaap gang didn't send those to them to make it look legit. They did, they did. That one is fake.
made it one is completely a fake scan that's trying to get people to get scanned. But I keep telling them and they don't take it out of their wallet. I'm like it's filling your wallet like get rid of it and they don't they don't maybe scare the move it maybe
Yeah, guys never interact with any of these type of NFTs that you find that someone had dropped and you know who was it or why just item and never touch them.
Yeah mine are hidden in a different wallet but just in case it's a swipe, it's still got them. Yeah that's true I got a pretty cool one that's hidden too I ain't gonna mess with it but I think all you and deal know is one of his I ain't touching it yeah you know I'm not even dealing with it.
I'm just gonna hold on to them. They haven't caused me any harm. They're in the wallet by themselves. We'll see. Yeah, hey, Ali, I just want to say also thanks. Yeah.
I love that everyone minted this. I missed them mint but I don't care. I just started buying yesterday because like that's early enough. And I honestly think that that Ben Eath is going to buy this. He buys stuff that is
the community loves this. This collection is sick. I love this collection. I've gotten really into it and it's pretty deep. I love the traits and I love the rarity and I love how you can mix on-rare traits with the rare traits and make rare
like NFTs that aren't necessarily like the lower rarities like I like the depth and complexity of this collection. It's like super interesting. So I think the community is going to love it. I think community is going to love it and then he's going to buy it. I think it's just destiny. So that's my opinion. Maya Toler, agree on me too.
And that's why I was trying to tell you, Jill, if you really look at the traits all together and you can find rareities that even though they don't show up in the numbers, they could be worth something. Yeah, guys, go it up. I see it.
Great post above and go ahead and tell Ben to buy it. Tell him or whatever, tell him to put it as PFP. I mean, tag him, tell him to put it as his PFP. Let's see what happens. That would be huge. If he put that as his PFP, it would send it. Tag him, tell him to
do it. Go ahead. And post your rare siop gangs post because it says do you have any rare NFTs so post your post your siop gang your rare ones your rarez
Post your rarers here here is my rare. Sign up gang. I'll post mine too. And you guys can reply your your rarers. Let's see those rarers baby. Let's see what kind of what kind of rare
and I have teas that you have in your wallet. I want to see them. Wow, a lot of people are coming in hot on this post with their rare ones.
I should have said make this up
But hey, maybe I'll answer me. Yes or no, we need it now. Even if you're not gonna talk on Twitter spaces, you can still tweet. That's true. We need to know and we need this to moon today. Like we need something big like this today. Oh the guy who owns that
Super rare one is following and he's in the room I think he owns that it's super rare one that he got for point eight eight Which one is it? I wish I bought that so bad I didn't have the Thin my wallet I was gonna pull the trigger because I recognize this collection was special and I'm like Ben's gonna buy it and this thing's gonna be worth a ton
It was just worth the risk at the time, but I didn't have it. Ah, yeah, I feel you. We've all had the same with you, though. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure everybody did. And it does take a lot to pull the trigger on like almost an eat. So it's not like, you know, it's like there's going to be hesitation. And then plus if you have to transfer to your wallet,
there's always that time and it didn't last long it wasn't up there long any time I've I've hesitated it's been gone damn everybody's blowing up this post got him ha let's go send it
see what we got. 37 likes in what? Four minutes? That's a good looking side up gag. Oh, Zee Niu has the predator. The predator body is my favorite body, I think it's too. Yeah, the predator body sick too. Yep.
D-Ritch, what's up man? I see you up here on the speaker stage. Talk to us man. What's good?
You may be busy probably trying to get to some perhaps. Yeah, what about uh, what about Chinky Minky? What's up? Chinky Minky are you there?
Hello, hello, hello, going on my friend. Well, you're doing good. Do you want to want to share anything? What do you think of these NFTs? The size of
So these NFTs are offbeat and represent with 3 realties. So legendary reality and one that I have not listed is still on OpenC that will soon listed on OpenC.
sharing. Speaking of sharing, please share the room and Iraq with what's going on in here. Get more people in here you guys in. Let's support the room guys. Let's go. And let's go. We're going to get some more people on the stage. We have some people. Guys, guys.
Sorry, there's another I actually sent a treat before replying to bad DC. It's sent a data reply. It's a good day to change your profile picture to say of gang right then and then put the golden one and the side of gang just retweeted it. So guys, if you want also read that one, let's go. Let's read as many as you can. Can you pen it?
Mr. Axe. Yes, I want to be the self-game. They were 3.0. They just wanted to give you guys an update on this transfer. So in the-- Yeah, thanks, Ramrod. Thank you. Yep, so in the Siyab gang discord, they actually posted about this at 3 a.m. Eastern--
Pacific time and they said they're trying to get their blue chip on OpenC and so in order to do that they had to reveal the zero token. So this was the zero token they called it before the number one and so they didn't want to reveal it and
just keep it so they revealed it and sent it to Ben. Who knows if he's fully accepted to do anything, but that's what they were trying to do. There's a lot of conspiracy theory in there that Ben's looking to buy it, but nothing confirmed.
You're you're tweet. Well, let's see. Yeah, yeah, your your tweet was spot on. You know, all they did was transfer it to him. You know, he's made no indications that this is going to be his project for sure. Just just fully endorses it. So yeah, yeah, I mean, it's good.
it's good he'll probably be excited to see that they thought of him if it truly wasn't connected to him so that's a good thing he might tweet it we already tweeted at him he'll see it he's tweeting now guys go up to the top and engage it's Saturday Saturdays are for meme five go give it a like give it a retweet if you want tell Ben to join me
meme 5 warning up there. But Saturdays are for the meme 5 guys. Let's keep building. Let's get new people up here onto the stage. Shout out to everybody in the room. Thank you for coming in. And let's see what we got. It could be bullish. It could be bullish. I hope that I hope we get some more tweets about the side up gang.
Look at this. There's definitely still some sales going. I mean, it's a couple of teeth per hour. It seems crypto-politin still scooping up and sniping up the floor. So you never know there's big whales. There's whales around whale watching. So let's see where it goes. Let's see where it goes.
Let's go to and ram route. It's good to see you man. Thanks for coming to share the alpha. Of course appreciate that and Let's hear from Steve. What's up Steve? Hey, it's been a minute man. I had a pretty busy week
so I missed out a lot of this but I did go and mint a few of them. I mean not mint by. And I do think you guys are heading down the right road because he did say that there would be NFTs in Cy-Up but he's extremely busy with the launch
bad with the decks. Somebody meant a really good collection. Does it honestly supports his project? I absolutely see him going, "Eh, why make a new one if I can get my hands on this one?"
Yeah man definitely I mean either that or it was somehow made with his guidance or blessing I don't know. At this point I feel like it's kind of 50/50 but it doesn't seem like someone else has made this project but it's very interesting to see the quality of the
art and stuff with it. You kind of tend to think, well, who would put all this time and effort or whatever into it? But maybe it was a smart calculated gamble by that person who's like, I know how to make it a dope project. So yeah.
Yeah, I'd agree that it basically to me, I wouldn't say it was just a random person, it was probably somebody connected to him. It might have been as simple as, "Hey, I got this idea for launching a PFE project." And Ben just said, "You know, show me what you can do."
Yeah, man, definitely possible. I guess we don't know. I guess we won't know. If he tweets out that golden thing, we could send again though. That would be nice. One thing I do know there's never a boring day of sob, laying. That's a fact. Not yet.
Every day something going on. I need that the mind blowing emoji on my this one's not good enough.
man. So where we at I noticed that we had moved up to three where are we now on OpenC with the Siop gang let's take a look. I think I should tweet under Ben's tweet like it's a good day. Here's the link to OpenC to buy some Siop gang.
Yeah, tell him to sweep the floor. That would be so good. Well, I should be swept before. Yeah. That would probably cause them to be like half an e. Come on. Right. You do it. Point one. Point one. Half an e. Hey, I'm already getting a lot of
a lot of his attention that we need everyone else to tell him to go to open singing by the... I'm the link. I tweeted at the other day and it's got a lot. I tweeted it yesterday. Here's the link if you're looking for... I guess I could just retweet that one. If you go to my profile
This has got a lot of traction because I just said if you're wondering where to buy the Siop game collection, here it is, it's at .03 floor but it's not that .03 floor now so I can't retweet that. Hey Ali.
Yes. So if you tweet Ben to sweep the floor in every single person in the space, which is what? A couple hundred people or it's about 120 something now. We all engage right? I bet you he'd go.
gonna reply okay cuz it says Saturdays are for meme fire this week is a banger the one that just says it's Saturday and Ben's gonna get a lot of likes on that so do you think that'll look under your replies because I could post it in both places
I think there's a high probability that he would do that. It's nothing to him. It's everything to his community. Let's see where it goes. What's their hashtag for?
at, uh, side, side up, what's their new hashtag? Side up, gang, East, right? Side up, gang East. Yeah. We need, we need, uh, we need, uh,
reply at least so we can run it up. Oh my god. D Gen Zen you might be onto something bro. D Gen Zen is this
Alright, I did it. I'm pinning it to the top. Alright, go guys, go. Interesting.
I want to also put it I just told set dot east to come in here. Oh yeah. He's been looking for somebody to show him some work. Everybody that's that's raid set dot east too and get him to come around. You know, Finn said he wasn't going to come anymore but set
Oh yeah, maybe maybe we can just get set in here guys, you know Ben's really busy Let's let's get a let's get set in here, right? Everybody pin to the top and just reply cash tag deal meme fine morning. Let's sigh up. Let's be a sigh
up. Alright, listen up everybody. This tweet from set.eath. Everybody reply #dilmeam5morning. Oh, you guys are already blowing it up. Changing the PFP tonight, bro. After party, man. After party said changing the PFP
the night,
it. What? You got to leave a little bit up to mystery, Mr. Axe. Come on. You got to see who this guy is. I'll believe it when I hear him. That's why I was seeing it's the worker. Let me take my team for your head. Sorry, sir. Yeah, yeah, bring your tin foil.
I removed it was on the table saying that I missed the rest of the rest for such a conspiracy theorist mr X You know what we should we need a meme with one of the side up. I'll make it I'll make a meme I have a meme
I'm gonna make one with my my crown. I've got yo, I've got our first side up gang meme, okay? I know what to do. Urshay, use the golden one. Nah, I just tweeted the golden one. Fuck it. Branding. We're using mine. I'll show you
you guys. Dammit, how do I get see all? Alright, here we go. Alright, just did the other one too, under the actual Benzwee. I put it in both places. JC put fixed loyal LP bro. JC was going
off on Binda E plus night you guys. Not like in a rude way just to vary like you know. Questioning. I didn't see that. I'm not sure. Alright.
So yeah, I put it under both. I pin the both to the top. Okay, so now I need to go to set.e. Okay. Did you pin the link to the group? So the space? Anyone pin the link to the space yet?
Oh no, he can find it. I think he knows how to find it. Mr. Bill, make your meme. I got one for later. So let's start with yours. I got one for later. I have a good one. It's really not complicated, but it's gonna, I feel like it's a good one.
one. It's a good one. So I put a little cash tag deal in the bottom right like a watermark. Hell yeah why not? You know property of deal god damn it.
I'm definitely gonna I'm definitely gonna sign my creation here, you know for the good of the Dill community obviously Who's breathing into their mic like a goddamn dog?
You know what you're doing red? I hear birds. Sounds nice. What's raining here to tell the west coast? The birds don't, they don't come out in the rain, right?
What are they where they go? Gotta be West Coast Yeah West Coast I Don't know man even the UK today was like 30 degrees so pretty cool Well, yeah, there that's hot Well, here
is usually cool but today it was like summer, it was amazing, that's why I spent most of my day outside, it's no rare to have proper sunny day that when there is a sunny day everyone goes outside, no one stays in the house. Well yeah, it's proper raining here in Seattle.
Yeah, I think Seattle competes with the terrible weather of London Yeah, it's good and hot here. I'm cutting up some watermelon and some canelo Oh, no Suns fire, bro. Damn Charlie
share some of the fruits my guys got the melons. Oh I love that my. There's my first meme. It's not really that good but hey it might be something kind of funny. Go like it if you like it. I have gang nose.
Let me know what you guys think. Let's see your sia gang memes Let's see your sia gang memes. Hyop gang knows He just put a whole bunch of brooms boom boom boom boom
I was thinking about how awesome it would be to use these to generate content the other day and we should get on that guys. Well there you go. There's their first meme. The Sia Pgang knows the Sia Pgang knows.
No, oh we know Ben said he especially loves video memes so for those of you that know how to do that get busy The CYOP gang knows
Alright, let's play GM. Let's listen to a quick song, guys. Let's vibe out to a banger. Let's go. This is GM.
everybody it's barely even the morning anymore it's not even the morning anymore but here's a here's a song to wake you up this GM all day GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM just let up
I'm gonna go to my home and see the slide into my dm, dm, dm, dm, dm, yeah, wake up to my baby girl, and stand there, girl, at the end, dm, dm, dm, yeah, my way better, you know I can't even see them, wake up in the morning and I gotta post my dm, I could live a song in an agala and I'm#
I'm the artist on hardest because I got it leanin' I can move it by myself, GM, everybody
♪ I need some ♪ ♪ GM not a great, great day ♪ ♪ Not about hard, but we gotta get paid ♪ ♪ GM GM GM, GM NA ♪ ♪ The button is on my set ♪ ♪ I don't wanna meet him ♪ ♪ GM GM GM GM ♪ ♪ Just like for mom, but see this ♪ ♪ Like for my GM ♪ ♪ GM GM GM GM ♪
Let's go.
Go that's GM GM guys go get it on Spotify Apple music YouTube TikTok Instagram real soundcloud anywhere you listen to music just search dill GM you'll find it we appreciate the support it goes back to helping generate dill coin rewards for the whole country
community. So it's very cool. It's kind of like a process of mining by listening to the music. So get your Dill NFTs guys. I've been looking at the Dill NFT markets and we're having a few sales every day. I hear that some people are taking some of their profits here and they're sliding it into some Dill coin or Dill NFTs. So I love
to hear it. We've been consistently having a few sales every day, but guys, go pick up my album on OpenSea. It's only about $100 to get your deal NFT. And it includes a full album with 19 songs once we reveal. So get in before the reveal so that you can get one of our upcoming deal coin, Air Drops.
And as I mentioned before, there's going to be a series of air drops around the reveal. You're not going to know exactly when the different snapshots are taken. And those who hold through the reveal and through all the snapshots are going to be rewarded the most in those, you know, a couple days to a couple of weeks after the reveal. So pay attention to that.
guys get yourself some deal NFTs get yourself some deal coin and you're gonna be able to use deal coin to buy some deal NFTs so that's something that we can set up pretty soon and it's pretty exciting stuff guys there's deal coins gonna have a lot of utility not just buying NFTs of course dev services and stuff like that
But hey, having that ability to buy NFTs with it certainly helps. You know, it's not an all-in business plan, but it's definitely an additional utility for Dillcoin for people that are looking to get some more Dill NFTs and stack up for the long term. So that's what it's about. Guys, go up to the top, like, retweet, and
engage if you're in the siop gang, if you have any questions or something you want to talk about, come on up to the stage. But we're going to keep growing, we're going to keep going. And let's get it. You know, maybe we'll even get set that east to come on in here. Who knows, who knows what's going to happen. Very interesting to think of
very interesting. Can you tell me more about explaining me again who set that ethos? So many characters so many characters around. There is no doubt it has been he has signaled several times it's such
But all you have to be following them closely to pick up on it, but I mean there's kind of a messages to elevated set to be like his number one favorite to try to signal this. Yeah, he told people to follow.
And a tweet so that I mean he hasn't told anybody to follow anybody That's true. I was there. Okay. I remember it's it's been a crazy week my mind can't remember everything. Thank you. I remember now. So that's following 60 people. You're one of them. That's my question. So I've only followed 69
What was the question again?
I said Seth follows 69 people. That's right. Are you one of them? Yep. But besides that man, I'm just I'm stoked about like I feel that NFT movement is back baby. But yes, I think I think I think Seth is the real deal.
Yeah, for anybody who doubts just kind of go through the messages and that includes Ben's messages about set and just look at the tiny
stamps, look at what's been said. Yeah, I mean it's it's almost a certainty. I mean I couldn't say 100% but I'm convinced.
Well, we'll see we'll see the rooms growing guys. Let's hit 200 plus go to the bottom right retweet the room if you already retweeted it on retweet and retweet again We only have 56 likes that's crazy click that purple box in the
bottom right and reach wheat the room. Let's get some more people in here. Make sure you all are following me, Dill. I've been hosting meme five morning every day just building something positive for the community. So hit that follow button. Make sure every time you see meme five morning you're coming through to vibe. We've been talking about this.
So shout out to everyone that's been coming in supporting day after day. Let's keep pushing. Let's keep growing. Damn, after party shared a pretty badass NFT. That's a rare one. He has a blue check and those cool glasses.
That's a rare for sure. So guys, keep sharing your NFTs, keep it vibing out, keep coming in. We're going to keep building and growing the room. And yeah, go ahead, Mr. X. I just tweeted the MM very provocative one.
very, very provocative. I show you guys already for it. This is very provocative. This is
rights, treated, bans, court beliefs. What? Like I said, you got your bomb? No, check it on the top. I think I see what you're talking about.
Yeah, yeah, I just looked at it. That is good. This one is like it. So is it true or not true? I love it.
I don't know how he can resist at this point.
Right, this I was thinking about. I was thinking about doing a meme. And I, because I've been doing memes using an application that's developed a lot of templates already that you can just play around with the words. And I thought, come on, we wanted to change the profile pic like
like so let's do it let's provoke him let's let's poke the lion or in this case I spoke to monkey that's a good one Mr. I just saw really it says if Elon Musk is
Diedry and Dittman then East Ben is set East I Love the mouth. That's awesome. Hey, don't eat the white stuff. Okay She's going to my daughter's going in on these watermelon. Sorry about that. I Thought you were making a white you can get that kind of today
He was Elon. He was Elon on the spaceways a guy that has similar voice. Did you see Ben's tweet? That is not unconvinced. That is not Elon. Yeah, I agree. Listen to the stutter. That's all I'm going to say. It's identical.
too many too many tag words that Elon uses a lot. I'm telling you man it's so strong. Can you imagine Elon taking a boat sail? What? Can we imagine if one day
Because of everything that is going on in the background between Ben and Twitter, it decides to creep about Syop. Okay guys, that's every tweet that we do from now on, we need to also tag you on. It's common. I mean, he elevated the ladies for crying out loud. I mean, do you think he's not gonna elevate us?
Yeah, well, we just have to attack and we were never happy for I Mean we're not as edgy as that, but I Mean we got something good going on here. Yeah, I mean we need to reach more than just our small circle and Twitter
Yeah, we're doing good. We're doing pretty good. I was listening to some of that stuff and breaking out and all that stuff and it is kind of tough. But at the same time, we're doing it here with this show. We have people with the way
that the tweets have been blowing up recently is crazy like my my tweets have been blowing up like crazy and I love to see that. So you know we're winning and and I think we are kind of breaking out of the echo chamber a little bit. So yeah.
I agree with you there, Dilla. Definitely breaking out of the echo chamber. I mean, here you hear some of everything here, man. Good plays, good, I don't say plays, but good investments that, you know, being early on, you know, at any time you're in an investment, you're the early you are, the better you are.
I think that it's really becoming a movement. You can see it becoming sci-op becoming a full blown movement in the web 3 space. And that's where it all starts. You know what I'm saying? Who knows where it goes after that, but that's what it all starts. I guarantee you know, Eli's on Twitter a lot. I'm pretty sure he's seeing
lot of what's going on, whether him strolling by it or him following somebody under one of his alter counts that's connected and really big on it or you never know. So it's a toss in the air but who knows, he may have already talked to him and just don't know it.
Yeah, but underdog No, he said he couldn't come in to that. I think or something Okay, so he's actually sent me this
He sent me a side up game with the bend.e thing and he just tweeted it under the what you call it and there bends bend.e thing. Nice nice. He said perfect day to sweep and he put the one that he sent me in there.
Well, people are buying in. I see more people getting in some buzz. Jill, there's only 37 Bend.Eat tattoos. That shows. That's why I was telling you last night about the one that was on the floor at Lake Boyd no one, something before I went to sleep.
Yeah, they were selling so fast yesterday that was so crazy today they're selling quite a bit slower but I mean who knows one bunny tweet or changing his pfp Somebody needs to sweep the floor it's such a good price might just send it I bought three
I'm not even so I can't yeah right we need a sweep from Ben's wallet I'll be anything you guys pick up on the floor hopefully will be worth that soon we need a back-point Ben's wallet
Oh my god. So I know that there are people that have more than me and deal with, but they have a different world.
for the people who have them on the single wallet, Crypto-Politan as the most, 391, the guy had like 210 or something yesterday. So the guy is so many men. Wow. Yeah, then there's another guy, I don't know who he is, he has 199 and then it's me.
177 I know that it's he's here. He's in the community Just blanking on his name. Yeah, well, you just makes you wonder what's his crypto policy now? Is it then? Who does he know what does he know? It's crime. It's crime
Well, I tell you one thing if that's what you want in your NFT project the guy who owns all those board apes. That's for sure. I mean, I know who that guy is with the 199th this guy crime. His name is true crime. Yeah, he was the one that was in my my space when we all figured that out.
together and he's someone that bought from my space. I don't know. I don't know. I mean Ben might have some but I would love to see Ben. New think crypto, crypto, crypto, politics and his band. No he thinks it's the crime. I thought I was.
- Do you have time? - Crypto-polletin? - Why do you think Crypto-polletin is-- - No, no, no, no, no. Mr. X asked if I think Crypto-polletin has been, and I said, I was going to say, I don't really think so. I have no reason to think one way or the other, but--
I also just don't think so. What I will tell you is that crypto-pilotin has connections to some really big wallets of NFTs. So I don't know what it means, but he's also a mega whale and I suppose it's possible. Anything is possible.
But yeah, it doesn't connect it enough that Slyop gang sent it to him and Ben and all the top names. And that's how we found these. He bought so many of these things, holy shit.
You know what I mean? Like S.I.P. came, and he knew to send it to his wallet. When they sent it to Ben's wallet, so that tells you something. Well, he's probably just one of the top holders on S.I.P. or something.
Oh. Oh, see. We have so many classes. All right, we'll get some people up. Let's get J.C. up here. Yeah.
CYAP KING NOSE! What up Dell how you doing bro? Doing good man, doing good, another day just building, how about you? I mean I'm just here, I'm like a light of you.
just woke up like, uh, once they like 20, 30 minutes ago, but it's the weekend. So I mean, I think I hope it's myself to take a little break. Yeah, man, I feel that I feel that while I've been a week for sure. Yeah, after everything that I heard yesterday, I mean, damn, I just want to, I just want to sleep.
Man, what do you, uh, what do you think I guess about yesterday? I saw your tweet where you're sharing a hot take. What are your thoughts? Let's hear. Bro, like, alright, like in my eyes, honestly, like last night was like a complete shit show. I mean, there was just a big
of like unprofessionalism, like coming from Ben's side and I'm not like fucking Ben or anything like that. It's like not what I'm saying at all. It's just I feel like he's thinking that he's kind of like king in this sense right now and he needs to just rally behind like the community. The community start
rallying behind him as we already are and we've been doing but it doesn't seem like he cares like honestly that much and I don't know like he can fumbled like a couple big big things last night in the space he fumbled a bag with that with that Arizona T guy I don't know how legit that
guy was too. A lot of people are saying that he was also drunk. I don't know. But a lot of shit that was going on in that space was just not cool, not good for the brand, not good for any of the fucking tokens that he has out. I feel like Ben just needs some guidance to push him in the right direction because right now this
direction we're going is not too good. I definitely think within the next day or two, hopefully today or tomorrow he needs to come out with some sort of statement or something, talking to the community because a lot of people are starting to turn on him and I'm not turning on him. I think a lot of people think that I'm turning on him because of my tweet or
because of what I said last night, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying he needs to be more professionally, better himself in the way he talks in the way how he proceeds with things moving forward. Last night it was a shit show, man. I don't know if any
But he doesn't agree with me. I don't alley was in my space last night. I held a tiny space of like 30 40 people Nothing crazy, but Yeah, so like some people are Yeah, I was there. Yeah, some people are there till I fell asleep. I woke up and it was like this space isn't it? Yeah, I went to sleep too. It was pretty late
But I think like I think you know you presented what everyone was saying and the thinking probably but in the most respectful way so I did appreciate what you had to say you know and I like how you you know you're just you you were respectful in it and you offered a solution
I don't feel like you were fighting him, but yeah, it was a good conversation. I appreciate that, I don't know, I just I feel like things just need to change a little bit. I don't know how I can't see a project being successful and moving forward with the founder kind of acting like a bit douchebag.
on stream or on space, whatever you want to call it. But I mean, I think Ben's a beast. He shook the space, he made things different, he changed a lot of the way that people look at the space and how projects are launching now, they're looking, oh, how the fuck can we do it like the Ben.Eath way.
I mean, I don't even know what to say at this point. I'm gonna hold my loyal bag honestly because I can't really just sell right now. I'm not gonna sell for this big of a loss. And it's not even really about the money at this point. I just think he needs to change a lot of things.
I think he thinks that just tweeting some bullish news is just going to change everything, but I don't think that's going to help that much. Sometimes you see in his tweet that he's not going to do spaces anymore. He said that, I didn't see that. Well, I mean that's kind of why. Maybe it's because of you, T.C.
somebody else. No, no, it doesn't. They didn't throw that. They wrote a reply to someone saying don't do spaces drunk because I didn't hear the part when he was drunk until you thought I'd the study got drunk in the end. I fell asleep. But up to then the space was really good. He was very clear about everything. Yeah, I'm really good.
So yeah, I think he needs to stop being drunk in spaces. I agree on that bit. It hurts the bread. Yeah, he's super intelligent. Like he's a super intelligent guy not knocking him out all in any way. Just going up on the stage like that after having a bunch of drinks is not a good look for anybody. And I know for a
Who just muted everyone? I think Tracy they mean it. It wasn't me. Watermelon fell on the fell on the phone. Sorry guys. It's all good Charles. Watermelon though. Oh, man, it was too juicy. It just slipped right on the way. Wait, can you say
Can you send the watermelon through the internet please? I got you I got you I'm kind of what most of it's like like with the lithium, you know, like Not the lithium Oh man, that was funny
But yeah, Jay-C, I think it's cool, you know, you're not fun or anything or you're not doing anything like that. I think you're expressing the concern of a holder and I think this is what Ben needs to hear from his holders to maybe change things up because you know he seems to be
a guy that's in it for the community, you know, and the best way for the community to rally around him is to let him know when he's making mistakes. So, you know, and in a good way, not, you know, let him know, I wouldn't say make mistakes, but let him know, you know, not just always being, you know, being, you're doing great, you're doing great.
Yeah, I've been but strengthen his weaknesses in a way, you know in the right way. So it's a Appreciate your JC for coming up man. I Didn't take it in any kind of way it's for it but I took it as concern which Everybody should really take it that way and really moves that way like
trying to help the situation in a good way. Yeah, of course, right? I just think he needs some guidance to push him in the right direction. I mean, if he had some people around him who were telling him, "Yo, don't help on this space," or, you know, cut it off before he got, like, pretty bad. A PR manager. Yeah, then
None of this would be happening right now, or people wouldn't be raising these types of concerns if somebody would just help him out or tell him when to say this and when not to say things and try to give him a good... Okay, Charles, you were in that afel, you're all about
in that scene and stuff. So don't they, you guys like have somebody to, I mean, I don't know exactly, but I've just said my thought, but don't you guys like have somebody around you, like helping you guys to speak to the media, to help you guys talk to the media and, you know, you can say certain things and you can't say certain things. There are certain things
I'll help the brand to sort things that will hurt the brand. You can't really say every single thing that's on your mind. I just think that goes the same thing here. Personally, for me, I got my start in the web 2 space. If I spoke with VC investors or
other people who are trying to sell my e-con models to because that's how my star starts selling e-con models and putting them in putting different strategies on e-con stores. Then I don't think if I was acting the way that Ben is or talking to investors or anybody like that who's trying to invest in me or trying
give me money to push a project, then I don't think I would have gotten any deal at all because you can't talk to people like that. You need to talk to people with respect if you want to be respected. I feel like Ben needs a little more guidance to push him into
right direction. He definitely needs us to like start rallying behind him as we've been, but he needs to start getting behind us also. Jay, I know you're, I know you're a huge holder in in loyal and dude, like do you think that he
He has too much rubis right now. Do you think his come up was too fast? Because I don't think he's going to change. I mean, personally, I don't think he's going to change his ways. But like, do you think it got to his head? The speed that he came up or anything like that? I mean, I don't know if it got
his head but he has pushed out a lot of projects in a short amount of time. I've never seen anybody who's been, I guess you could say docks or being open to being on so many projects at once. But yeah, everything he was saying was
sound like he was a bit ego-tistical about. I mean his ego was high last night. I'm not gonna lie. That's just what I think. But yeah, for sure, I'm pushing all these projects out once. It will probably do that to you because they were doing well. I mean, I would
for a little bit, they're not doing so well now. I mean, you can see it shows on the charts again, like after the space, sigh up like 30%, low, low, down like 30%, 40%. It's going to be hard to break all time highs when the founder is doing this on, you know, talking in spaces and speaking like this.
I mean, I don't think he's going to change. You think somebody will get in his head and he'll have a lighter approach or something like that in the future. I mean, control last night, he was trying to help him out. He was trying to, you know, turn things from a different way, try to take the attention a little bit off then.
and you know try to like shed some light on some of the actual things that they're doing but then bed would just come in and interrupt everybody and just keep saying what he was saying acting like he was like king pretty much and yeah I think things definitely need to change if these projects are going to go forward and be successful
I mean, not saying that they're not successful already, but it's not successful for the holders because most people are down. I know everyone's down on loyal. It's not just me, like even pre-sailers. So you got to reward those people who believed in you and he just hasn't really been doing that.
I don't know and also he just he pushes so many projects like he pushed so many projects out once like I think that's a big part of why BitBoy and him didn't really work out because BitBoy wanted him to you know Figure out what he was doing with with uh with siop
or loyal, I don't know which one, like either one, until and then he moves on to the next project. So I just feel like he's moving on to the, he's hopping, hopping, hopping to different projects, just pushing projects and I don't think that's a good idea because, you know, people, people
Yeah, GM JC, I did one of the half of you and say, yo, we got one of the greatest spaces host though. I'd say fucking Twitter point blank period. You allow us to have this full open conversation and I mean, if there's a face available, I gotta say Dale.
Yeah, we were talking about it last night. Dill's a fucking legend. Like, like, honestly, I think Dill could do what Ben's doing to be quite honest with you. Yo, I appreciate you guys. That's hell of love. And, you know, I try to stay, you know, unbiased, but I'm also biased by like seeing the potential of
like getting on Ben's platform and stuff right so but at the end of the day it was an intense discussion and I feel like Ben, Ben felt like he had to like defend everything and like was a little bit combative when even when people were just trying to talk to him like normal about the platform and then it definitely spiraled out of control
with the Arizona guy because at that point Ben was just like not really paying attention maybe a little bit drunk and like was kind of felt like he was like he was trying to defend when the guy was literally like I like the platform I want to use it and he'd be like no no no it's good it's good
He speaks his mind, you know, that's got some good side and some bad side to it But yeah, I would say JC, you know, it's valid. You're saying what a lot of people are thinking and I think a lot of us are just kind of in limbo like, you know, so yeah
But at the same time like I would love to you know be a little bit closer of a collaborator just connected to Ben You know, I've never really talked to Ben other than in a few spaces So like I admire what control is doing as someone like partner with him that actually speaks like controls do does a good job
of representing the orange project for Ben. And he controls Ben in here for hours when Ben wasn't here. And that was great because we talked to him all about the project. Ben is lacking trusted people that are actually a talking face that are like, "Talk." So if Dillcoin was a
officially working with Ben, I'd be able to talk about partnership more. And so yeah, that's like something lacking, you know. Dylan, I kind of want to touch on that too. So everybody guys haven't been around today. I'm kind of busy. I got UFC in my hometown today and kind of missed the technical analysis on what happened a little bit earlier, but to pick
back on with what's going on with Ben. Yeah, you know what, the thing I am seeing that I don't really like with Ben so far is that like look for us for example, we've been promoting him for multiple weeks on end and it would like to I would like to see him shine a little bit more light and you know give that gratitude to the other
people that have been supporting him so much, not so much just these indirect hints of something that we're holding that will essentially blow up in a different manner. But I think you do also close a lot of doors when you're not susceptible to what
other people are saying and he was being a little bit rude with cutting people off yesterday and I think that is just going to be a little bit detrimental to his growth. And when we take a look at like let's just take a look at the example for artists sometimes they say the wrong thing to the wrong person and you know what that will just pretty much blackball
their career entirely. So you do have to be careful with how you speak to other people and I would like to see him show a little bit different manner next time we do see him. But overall I do like what he's doing. Yo yo yo. Okay. I don't want anyone to be scared because when everyone's like sitting here questioning this
back and forth left right, I see an opportunity. There's a team in connection set here that's way bigger than any of us could even comprehend. But just within the team here, I'd say we got a, I don't know, Dell. So it might be at the end.
Phil's the Beast man, he's been hosting these spaces forever now and I know this is the first place I'm always coming in on the morning. It doesn't even matter where else is going on with with everybody else. This is kind of my home and you know a lot of people are starting to see that and see the benefits that come in in here.
blazo what's going on buddy you got your hand up yeah yeah yeah yeah we can hear you man okay yeah yeah I'm your legend man I appreciate you
I'm just rugging a bit. Yeah, I can't hear anything. All right, no, no, he was just talking about. He says you're gonna come back in a second.
Yeah, yeah, so I'll shut up when he comes back, but I just wanted to say something about Ben and It's not that I I relate to him a little bit when I was younger like in my 20s and I don't know how old he is, but I
I do want to say that we should appreciate that a founder comes on spaces and talks and I totally get all the points you guys are making and getting drunk and maybe being disrespectful or just like the comment that they'll mention sometimes if you're not on point and you sound dumb.
like, yeah, that's never a great look. But at the end of the day, I just want to say that if he's building decentralized products, really the product is going to speak for itself. And if he builds a sick product that there's a market for, like it doesn't even matter what he says on spaces, people will use it. And ultimately,
people and I think what he's probably pissed at is like the blowback that he got and like because like ultimately when you're under such a microscope it's annoying as hell and you're just like you know what guys like I don't have to be here on spaces so I just want to
Warren a little bit about that and that's probably what you're seeing but at the end of the day it is good for people to to say what's up, you know, the bothersome the things they say they should definitely say it like it shouldn't just have a lot of yes men around them that's like yeah yeah you get them you get them bad you say that you know what I mean it's just something wrong like bring it up he can you know I
I think it's just over time he's going to be who he is and if it makes sick products that's all people are going to care about. But yeah, I think I think what he's doing is awesome and actually the more I listen to him the more I'm actually thinking that like he is a legit builder and you know so it's kind of funny like the more I listen
into him the more I'm getting into what he's doing. We'll see where it goes. Action speak louder than words. That's all I'm going to say. So, you know, none of this matters at the end of the day. Let's see what he does. The other thing I want to say is we
We should all encourage him to only go to friendly spaces from now on. I used to think that was fiddies and a Borovic space, but not anymore. They are out of touch. They have not followed along enough.
Drift apart, the less friendly it becomes and they allow people to basically take control in places where they should be intervening. And I think that was partly a failure on their part as hosts. You know, they're not normally responsible to run coverage.
for Ben. But I mean honestly, Ben's just trying to be real raw, whatever, and maybe he shouldn't. I personally don't have a problem with it. It's not necessarily good optics for a certain crowd, but I mean he's part of the
He's among us.
behind a screen and literally you'll never see the guy and he'll message you when he wants to but he's been very transparent with everything. I think Boravik and Fiddy, they're not really obliged to have an opinion more so kind of just giving us the platform to speak on but I see Chris as his hand up Chris