MEMESPAD: Your Gateway to The World of Memecoins!🎙

Recorded: Feb. 21, 2024 Duration: 1:13:40



Just a quick mic check. Can you hear me all right? Can you unqueue? Let me see if everything's fine.
I see the 100% sign, so I'm guessing you can hear me. Is that so?
Oh yeah, that's my answer. It's totally fine. Good day, Moby, in the app teaser.
Good morning, good morning. Yeah, it's actually active behind the Moby Media account. I just
co-hosted my main account, but it's easier for me to just host from this one. I have the other phone
in the other room, so welcome everyone. Grab a seat. We have about an hour here. We're going to
dive deep into MemesPad. We're going to talk about some of the benefits, some of the securities
involved with having a decentralized launchpad. We're going to talk about what the procedure looks
like. Of course, we're going to dive into the tokenomics, the fees, and all the jazz. On the
second half of the AMA, after we go through token holder benefits, roadmaps, marketing,
and all that, we'll open it up for some questions from the audience. If you do have questions,
if there's something you want to say, if you want to come up on stage and ask a few questions
yourself, I'll save some time towards the second half of the broadcast here. Without further ado,
welcome. First off, it feels weird to call you MemesPad. Let's start with a small introduction
of yourself, your career trajectory, your background maybe, and how you ultimately ended
up in the Web3 space. I'm Cassie, and I'm representing MemesPad today. I've been in the space
for a couple of years now. It's just basically just me being an investor as well as just assistant
team sometimes. It's been going smoothly. I joined MemesPad for a couple of months now.
It's just been since just before the V2 was actually MemesPad, and it's been going smart.
Well, welcome. Cassie, it's a pleasure to meet you. Without further ado, let's jump right in.
Let's start with an introduction for everyone in the audience. What is MemesPad? Maybe try to
explain some of the core missions of MemesPad, how it tries to differentiate itself from other
launchpads and all that good stuff, and then we can dive a little deeper.
Right, thank you. I can always say in every space before a particular product has been created,
people want to check what use could it be, why you're bringing stuff like this. Is there a need
for it? That's the basic idea. That's the main reason why we choose MemesPad. That's a launchpad
for MemeCoins. And yes, of course, a launchpad can never go out of trend. It's something that
would continue to be in the trend, but in the bull run, in the very season, in all season at the end
of the day, because I mean, there's definitely going to be fundraising mechanism, and we cannot
go back to the traditional way, because there's still some formal traditional ways. Obviously,
you've got the VCs and so many other firms, but all of these traditional ways are literally coming
in under a decentralized way. MemesPad is a decentralized platform that's designed to
foster innovation and adoption by providing developers and founders with essential tools
and resources and a marketing opportunity. Basically, we are a launchpad that's focused
on the meme side, and we tend to make things easier for devs or future devs, people who want
a launch or talking on the space, MemeCoins actually. And the reason why we had to say,
okay, we want to do it this way, we want it to be on the meme side, is because there's a bit of
criticism, and it's quite not a constructive one, because there's so much of memes in the space,
and yet people are not looking into us having a launchpad that's fully coming out to say 100%,
we support MemeCoins, and we want to promote MemeCoins. There's been so much of productive and
long-lived MemeCoin in the space. I mean, we can talk the likes of the
Doge, the likes of Shiba, and so many of them. So this is basically the idea that we decide to
expose and say, yeah, we want to claim it as a tag, that we are the major launchpad for MemeCoins.
So the mission actually is to be a launchpad for MemeCoin by providing low fees
and zero lock-in fees, easy interface, transparency in Meme exposure, basically. So
we're not just out saying we are a launchpad, but we are having a focus and targets. I always say
this is a particular public, you know, it was like a public experiment. It was done by one
Jennifer. She said this in a talk where she said, you know, she came out and she was gazing
up and just looking at the stairs. She just gazed fiercely up to the sky and she was literally
looking at nothing and people passed by and they come to her and they wondered what she was stirring
up. And just like that, one, two, three, and then she started pulling crowds and they all started
stirring up and trying to see what she was stirring up. And the reason why all of this
is, there's been this, you know, she got to say, look down. There's been this look down,
regardless of how trendy it's been, you know, when people, some people just hear MemeCoin
like, oh, it's a meme, it's a meme. And it looks like, oh, it's not so serious, but that's not
true. Lately, we've had so many even more serious memes in the space and they just keep coming up,
they just keep popping up in all the chains. So this is the reason why we choose MemesPad.
And I think your other question was basically your mission. Like I said, it's to be one of the top
launchpads is focused on MemeKines and providing, you know, cheaper launchpad fees and zero lock-in
fees, easy interface, transparency, security, memes exposure, you know, basically just promoting memes
in every way that we can. And okay. Yeah, sorry, I thought I thought you were taking a break there.
But I wanted to say I completely agree with a lot of things stated here, because for sure, there are
there's a need out there for people to engage with different launchpads and try out different
ecosystems. So I know everybody has their own favorite launchpad, their own favorite whatever,
but try to keep an open mind and see when somebody is building something very specific,
it can be very beneficial. And another thing you said kind of resonated with me, you know,
sort of like everyone's a critic when it comes to memes, fan tokens, community tokens, and all this
sort of stuff. But for being with Moby Media for almost like three years now, we don't knock
anything because memes have been some of the best performers in the space. And some of them even did
well where it was a complete downtrend for the rest of the market. So memes and fan tokens and
community owned tokens and all this sort of movements that people just flock around like
you gave that example with the lady looking up, you know, it's sort of build it and they will come.
Right. So I love that sentiment. And you also touched on the longevity of memes, you know,
talking about Dogecoin and the likes. I wanted to ask you, like, how will you support this ecosystem?
How will you support the memes, the teams, the people that are coming on and onboarding to the
launchpad? Is there any plan to give these projects potentially some long term support
or growth or provide some stability for these projects on your end?
In a more generalised way, the common way is when you are like having a fundraising mechanism
on a path that has a community, the first thing that you've done and that precedes you is exposing
your token to the particular community that's involved or that knows about the path. So
this is basically one way that we have, you know, or rather, it's a general way.
Coming to the meme spot is coming to where there's like minded people, people who are
involved in memes, because obviously, like the name, it's a meme spot, your community are meme
lovers. And this is one way that we've given exposure of this particular meme coin or meme
projects launching to the meme swatch. And of course, we would definitely be given supports
whatever, as long as these teams come to us personally, if there's any need for any kind
of support or shout out or, you know, you know, that's the basic thing. And also,
we always advise that all the meme, yeah, all meme pod orders would always decide whether or
not to participate in a particular idea. And that's literally why it's decentralized,
no one is forced and you also have to do your own research in a way. So yeah, and
I think that's it for the support.
No, it sounds good because, you know, basically what you're saying is we'll bring awareness to
these projects, you know, we'll direct the community there. But I also know you guys have
some tools on the website that can also help these builders, like token creation tools,
like liquidity lockers and all this sort of stuff. So maybe we can dive a little bit into that side.
Yeah, so for some of those tools, they're all very, very important. And some of them are not
like live at the moment, we got the liquidity locker too, for example, it's not live at the
moment. And what's the other two again, the one you mentioned the token creation tool as well,
they are all under development. And we've been updating our community if just if there's anyone
from a TG, we've been updating our community as we're building in, it's just been going
hand in hand and we've literally been given this update and they're all coming in as the roadmap
we have given to them what their particular time frame we've given to them. So we hope that
the token creator as well as the liquidity locker tool would be live as soon as possible. We'll
definitely update community once this life. But for now, you can, I mean, create your own token
and then come launch in the launch part is fully live and ready. So yeah, but so much more to be
added, of course, and that's why it's, that's why it's a project. And of course, we are very
open to much more development in the future. Definitely, definitely. And of course, you know,
being a decentralized launchpad, everyone is free to participate. I wanted to ask you if there are
any benefits for people that are holding the token? Also, is there a requirement to be a
holder when you're participating in these launches that you're featuring on your launchpad? Or is it
sort of like first come, first serve? What kind of launches can people expect to see on the launchpad?
Well, obviously, it's open, it's decentralized, and it's always a first come, first serve,
but then it depends. I mean, everyone has equal rights, of course, but just like anything,
the people who come in first will definitely buy first, but it's not special, especially on the
eats and the BSE side, everyone can buy in as long as the cup is still open and it's not filled yet.
And also, of course, the project can also decide to set their own, you know, what's it called,
the max buy or the mean buy, whatever they can decide to set all of that themselves. It's on them
to, you know, to decide how much of, you know, token allocation power they want to give to their
community after the launch, the pre-sale rather. And also, there's some TS system, which probably
would definitely explain better when we get to that part, but it's on the Solana and the ERC 404.
And we have a three TS system, yeah, so this literally gives some people, the people they're
definitely going to buy a Memes card, and of course, we found it very, very necessary to have
this on to give some benefit to people holding, you know, certain amounts of the Memes card token.
And the way we've done this is given three tiers, and these three tiers are the Weave tier,
that's the Weave army, and then there's also the the Bank army as well as the Dodge army. And
these three people have different buy powers, which is like Sea Soul, 12 Soul, and Techie Soul as well.
The Weave army can buy up to Sea Soul if they hold about 0.045%, and then the Bank army can also
buy up to 12 Soul if they hold about 0.79%, and then the Dodge army, which is like the largest
and the biggest tier, can, you know, buy up to Techie Soul if they hold up to 0.18% of the Memes
part total supply tier. That's basically beside that, I mean, we give equal rights to everyone,
we just give special rights to people coming under Solana IDEs section, which of course,
you have to hold their token to participate in the Solana IDEO. Solana or, you know, ERC 404,
other moments, ERC 404 is still under development, and of course, when it's fully developed,
we give whatever information we want to give about that and what you probably need to,
how much you can buy on that side as well, so that's it.
Yeah, it sounds good. I like that you're on track with the current trends. We've seen a few ERC 404,
you know, projects popping up here and there, people developing on it, people creating
DN 404s and all the sort of variations on the 404 tokens, which is pretty cool, you know,
for anyone listening and has no idea what we're talking about, it's basically tokens that you can
trade via an automated market maker, like a token, but you can also trade it as an NFT,
so you can trade it on NFT platforms as well, but that's like a completely different topic,
I don't want to take us on a tangent here, and I like the tier system too, so basically,
that's one of the benefits that token holders have if you're holding certain percentages,
and by the way, for everyone listening, if you want to follow us along or if you want to dive
a little bit deeper, the official website is, so either click on the memespad
profile right here, and you can find all the links there, or just go to the official website,, and you can navigate to the white paper, to the socials, there's a lot more
information, we're trying to give just a general overview here, and sort of keep things high level,
not dive too deep, but if you're curious about the exact percentages that Casey here was mentioning,
and the tiers, and everything like that, they're all outlined in the white paper, but I don't want
to spend too much time on that, I also know that now you guys are planning to offer some staking,
and there's going to be a revenue share model involved there, so that's another benefit that
we can talk about for the token holders, maybe we can dive a little bit into that side as well.
Yeah, just one really good thing about Decentralized Project is always room for more development,
it's always room for additional benefits that can be added, and the staking part is,
what we're doing is, we'd set 80% of whatever revenue generated from the memespad actual,
would go to token holders, the staked token, so at the moment the staking isn't live,
and that's because the token itself isn't live, and so once the token goes live, we'll definitely
give information, but everything's literally under development at this point, so holding 80%
of this token gives you, rather, staking the memespad token gives you a share in 80% of
the revenue being generated on memespad, and this way we are literally encouraging people to hold
memespad instead of making the token, the network, everything more secure, because of course people
do not want, like, you know, having token prize fluctuating, but of course they also wouldn't
want to hold if there's no benefit coming from it, so this is one way we are encouraging people to
hold a token, and also, you know, giving benefits for holding this token, as well as benefiting our
own self as a project, I mean, the whole ECC stem, but making it more stable and secure,
because of course when people come and see a very secure project, they definitely want to buy it in,
and that's why it keeps going up and keeps doing better. Sounds very good, and it is a good way of
keeping token stability, you know, offering people some incentives to actually hold a token,
and I was reading that, you know, by being in these staking pools, up to 80% of the revenue is
going to be shared with stakers, so maybe we can talk about how you get, how you collect fees,
what are some of the fees on the platform, how do you plan, what are some services that people can
actually access, and how will that get put into these staking pools for stakers to benefit from it.
Other main time, people can actually, you know, launch the token, and there's also a token
creation side of things, which of course I said on the actual token creation is in life, but
with the life as soon as possible, and the fee for actually launching, you know, creating a token
itself is two, three percent of the, on the BSE network, it's three percent of the BNB raised,
and also two, zero point two BNB, and that's pretty low, like very, very low compared to
what you say in this space, and of course every other features that comes with it
is free, like the token lock and the liquidity lock, all of that, and on the each side of things,
there's also zero point zero five each, as well as three percent of each raised, so it's,
these are the fees that people can benefit from up to 80% of it, and of course there would also be
fees on the sole side, here is under, you know, ERC 404 side, these fees are not fixed yet,
because, I mean, we just fully developed the, you know, the sole, the sole DAP, and we're trying to
like integrate it into our own websites, but totally life, we have the website, the link to the sole
ideal, you know, DAP on our TG, I think we were supposed to do it here on our tweet first page,
so you can check it out, so fees will be coming from these, and also on the token creation side,
and even more fees, and whatever more feature we decide to add in the future, but although,
like you said, the token lock and the liquidity lock would always be free, so yeah, that's it,
and in the future we decide to add any more kind of liquidity, not liquidity per se, but utility,
and the needs to probably attract some fees from people making use of it, all of these
also consist of revenues, and of course we'd go to Stakers, and you know, investors in our ecosystem.
That, yeah, that sounds good, and I'm guessing there's more tools, I mean, you mentioned it,
as more tools get added, if those tools have fees, the revenue shield will go to the Stakers,
which helps to stabilize the ecosystem. You also mentioned you don't have a token yet,
it's not yet live, is there any info regarding your presale, have you set a date,
are there any figures we can go over, a soft cap, hard cap, anything like that?
Uh, we set a date, so there's going to be the launch, the actual launch,
so Memispot is more like a v2 project from a token, a previous project called Poichi Inu,
and the starts in market cap for the Memispot actually token will be for, there's not going
to be presale, sorry, I think I need to just answer that question, there's no presale,
so it's strictly launch, and the start in market cap would be for 420k, yeah, that's the start
in market cap, and it's pretty low, so regarding the actual tokens, like you know, church supply,
and you know, allocation, whatever, all of those details would be live, just right before we go,
we go live on our actual decks, and the reason is because we're trying to, you know, make sure
that we get rid of people who might want to try to, you know, snap the contract with
mutually keeping everything about the token private until that day, but just the market
cap being 420k, and the launch date is 20 towards 6pm UTC, and that's in two days from today,
so stay tuned guys, and just join OTG and get any info that you need to get about the Memispot.
That sounds good, you know, 420k is not very small, it's still good, I was confused because
there was a presale button on the website, but it actually talks about presale participation,
and how presales are going to be handled on the website, it wasn't for your actual token,
so sorry for confusing everyone on that side. Now I know you also have this kind of multi-chain
expansion plans, how do you see this rollout happening, are you starting on just a few chains,
are you going for the more, I don't know, popular ones when it comes to memes, is there like a plan
to go over, or as soon as you have one live, it'll just, the other chains will just keep on coming.
Yeah, we actually do plan to, you know, expand in the multi-chain, it's much multi-weekend day,
and if you've been, I mean, community members have been following us, when we started it was
strictly on BSC and EAT, and you know, we just decided to add Soul, because of course we can
not overlook the fact that Soul's just been trending, not just trending, because we are
actually checking note of, you know, chains that has, you know, really good meme waves,
and if you've been following the space closely, you'll notice how much, you know, memes on the
Solana side of things have been doing really great. They really don't pop off often, like they don't
really come up like every day, but the ones that do come up, they always do really great, and we
want to support people who have great ideas and want to launch into Soul side of things, so
that's the reason we decide to go on Soul, and also ERC 404, of course we have to be in the
trends, we have to, you know, go with what people like, especially when it comes to things that can
be really meme-able, it can have memes butting them, and we're very very much open to, you know,
expanding and adding more chains in the future, but for now we just have the EAT and the BSC,
and the EAT live, and the Solana is also live, just yet to be integrated into our actual launchpad,
but we have a site ready, so you can check it on a testnet phase, so everyone can literally go check
out the Soul, you know, ID or DAP, and just see how it works, and also the ERC 404 is still under
development, and yeah, more chains as well in the future, so very very open to adding a smart
chains that will be very beneficial, and you know, that people really want to buy tokens on,
or want to launch tokens on, especially meme tokens, yeah, so that's it. Yeah, it sounds good,
of course, you know, it does make sense, you know, you're supporting memes, you got to follow the
trends a little bit at least, you know, you got to be where people are going, so I can certainly
relate to that, I was also reading, you guys have had this on the testnet for a while, I'm curious
in how the tests have been going, if everything's sort of like right on, right up to code, and
everything is going well, and I also was reading about some audits, so I think that went well as well.
Yeah, we have the testnet, and for over two weeks, I think, we have the testnet for the EEC and the BEC
site, live, I mean, the actual launchpad, not just the chain thing, but the actual launchpad,
we have a testnet live, and we have people just, you know, go through them and check and see if there's
any bug, we literally allowed suggestions from community members, and of course, all of this
came in, and it was that for two weeks, and of course, it's smooth, it went well, if there was
anything to be fixed, it was fixed during the testnet phase, you know, so yes, on the audit side,
we are fully detailed, we got, we did audits with contracts, both audits, and of course,
we have the audits reports live as well, on our CG, as well as our Tweet for Space page,
so you can just check and see for yourself, it's fully detailed, we have testnet live,
and people literally tried it, and just after that, we went on the launchpad mainnet, etc, so.
Sounds good. I wanted to sort of go through, say, somebody in the audience wants to onboard to them,
maybe they have an idea, maybe they have a small team, maybe they're trying to,
they're trying to handle creating a fan token or a community-owned token, what are some of the steps
that they should take, or should they just contact you, is there a form, is there a way for people
to get in touch, if they choose to use your launchpad, what's that process looking like, is there
a vetting process involved, is there KYC involved, I'm more curious from the side of the builder
that wants to use the launchpad, how does that process look like?
Okay, so just like every other launchpad, we have the normal procedure where you can just go on your
actual launchpad and just create a cell, but we also have a form that you can fill,
if you actually need guidance, you can also come to our admins, reach out to any of these admins
in our actual group, and of course, it's just similar to paint cell, it's similar to
every other launchpad in the space, you can reach out to these admins, you can also just go directly
and create, but if you need any form of support, if you want to go on the KYC side of things, of
course, you can, for the idea, especially for the idea, we have a form, so if you want to do
things on the idea, there's a solanar under the solanar, as well as the ERC 404 coming up,
there's a form for it, so you can fill that, and of course, all sorts of
systems, the image would definitely be given to you, so that's it. KYC would definitely,
it's usually KYC's notes of first term, it's based on a particular project owner,
if they want to do KYC and you're ready for it, we'd definitely go through the process, and
have the KYC done, and team would support the project, project with KYC back would have our
three AMA with your community, and this is one thing that we're offering them, so of course,
this might kind of promote projects to have a KYC badge that want to do KYC with us as well, so
that's basically it, we're not fussing KYC, but if you want to do KYC, you should,
of course, contact the team for that as well, and get the KYC badge, and also, it gives you three
AMA with your own varied community, and that's obviously more exposure for you as well, and
I think that's a really, really great way to start. Personally, we'll do a KYC if I don't have
anything too hard, but yeah, that's it. Yeah, I love that, and just reminding everyone, you know,
if you're using the platform, you're using the token creation, you're using the locker,
everything should be pretty much safe. I was reading that there's the liquidity deployment
that's automatic, so teams even now without the KYC or like known members or anything like that
could create these product and projects and be completely safe, which is interesting, and a
pretty good way of going about it. Now, I have, I know I brought up some people from the audience,
but I just have like a few more short questions for you, and then I'll pass it to some of these
people on stage. They've been patiently waiting, so first thing, you have an extended roadmap here
outlined on your website. What's the most exciting thing that we should look out for? Is it the token
launch? Is it the DEX integrations? I don't know. What are you most excited for, and what should
people look out for in the next couple of months? If I have to pick two, I'll just say
the actual token launch in our own memes, but in development and integration of more features.
These are things that we're really excited about. The actual launch is coming up in two days, of
course, we cannot overlook that. We are really, really excited about the fact that we'll come
this far, not just moving without aim, but rather actually having some stuff on hand,
develop some stuff, and being ready for launch is something we're very excited about. And also,
yes, the actual, the whole ecosystem as a whole, the fact that we definitely have the potential
for the betterment. It's probably really useful in this space. These are things that I can say
we're very, very excited about. There's no specific tool, but the whole ecosystem as a whole is
something to really be expected about. They all work hand in hand. It's a launch bug. You come in,
you want a service, you want to launch a token, you definitely want a successful launch bug. So
every feature that comes with a launch bug is definitely to make a successful launch for whatever
projects launching. So we're really excited about all the features that we can add to this launch
bug to make such launches very successful. It sounds good. Yeah. I like it. Okay. Last thing
from me for now. What are some of the marketing plans that you guys are using? Oh, sorry. Cut you
off. Go for it. Oh, yeah. So I was just going to add the fact that the launch bug mainnet is already
live and the audit is done. There is so idea that it's live on a testnet. And also what's coming is
the Memespot token create tool as well as the token locker and the staking, which would be live
once we, you know, staking would be live once we actually go live. So these are things on the
roadmap that we're really excited on and even more features in the future as well. And mostly
to literally aid launch part. Well, sounds good. Yeah. I was going to say the last thing from my
side is what are some of the marketing plans that you guys are using to sort of get the word out
there? Are you approaching communities? Are they approaching you or are you pushing out a lot of
marketing on Twitter or using Telegram or what are some of the more lucrative ways that you guys are
engaging with everyone in the Web3 space to sort of raise awareness for what you're building?
Yeah. The first thing is we're actually doing community way. And like, this is one way that
we are raising awareness by, you know, coming in and having this image on and we have had so many,
you know, we actually have plans for banners. There's also going to be partnerships and also
of trending that comes with it. Partnerships with colors, you know, banners, also of trending.
I mean, I think that's the basic way in the space of the moment. All sort of marketing would be put
in place once we are, we're live. We actually, we got people as well because all the Christian
was basically on if we have people ready to launch here, we have someone, okay, I'm not supposed to
disclose, but it's going to be launched on the sole ideal soon. So everyone stay tuned and definitely
want this to be a really, really good and big launch because of course, it's going to be like
the first on the sole idea side for all stuff. And of course, there's also going to be a suite
for trending, that's to trending at launch. There's all a few I can mention. There's so many more,
of course, all of them would definitely roll out or sort of marketing would definitely roll out
as we go on the launch. Great. Awesome. I love that. And well, the only reason I asked the
marketing question is because I know it will come up. So I might as well get it out of the way now.
Thank you for waiting patiently guys here. I believe Aisha was the first that had her hand
up that came up. So Aisha, I'll throw it over to you if you have a question here for Cassie.
Yeah, I have two questions. Okay. First, in terms of marketing services, can you elaborate on the
specific types of services Memescoin will be offering to the projects? And does Memescoin
have collaborations with influencers from various regions to provide market services?
Yeah, so the first question then, how the kind of marketing services we would be, you know,
rendering to those people is, if you listen closely, I literally talked about the, you know,
generally most basic way that we can be exposing and giving marketing,
you know, to do particular kind of on Memescoin. And that's one way, which is affects
context with our own community. And of course, on the other side, there's definitely going to be
partnerships with callers. Yes, we definitely have partnership with callers that can also help as
well. And on any more specific marketing that we would be going on with that would probably be
something that we want to, you know, announce. But like I always said, the projects launched
with KYC would have three AMA or community and that's one marketing way. And if there's any sort
of, you know, personal marketing we want to give for whatever kind of reason, all of this would
definitely be announced. But yeah, all kinds of support that they need as long as there's a
mutual understanding between this of means and our admin would definitely give the support. We
of course want projects on their Memespad to do really well. So we want to support them as much
as we can and make sure that they make these waves and people come to know that, oh, they actually
did launch the Memespad. I think that does also some sort of marketing for us as well. You know,
when people here come for this project or hear about the sources of this project and, you know,
get to know that this really did launch on Memespad and it's doing well, definitely want to, you know,
look into the Memespad actually. Checking out all the projects on the Memespad as well as
probably buying up our own tokens because it literally gives you access on the sole
IDO and the ARC for all four IDOs. So I think that's it. It's like a symbolic,
is it a cool symbolic relationship? I don't know, I think a mix of the one. But yeah,
a relationship where we're marketing for you, but at the same time,
it's beneficial to everyone. So that's it. Awesome. Okay. Are there any plans to implement
on-ramping solutions on the Memespad platform, allowing users to easily purchase cryptocurrencies
using fiat and directly on Memespad to participate in IDOs?
Not at the moment. Such features is not ready at the moment. But if there is need to actually do that,
we'll definitely look into it. Of course, we understand the fact that people, I mean,
it's a decentralized space and there's so much regulation coming up in different countries at
the moment. So for now, not yet. If there's need in the future, that definitely would be
considered. I don't really think it's that important, especially the fact that we're
literally trying to leave their traditional way and come into the decentralized space. But
anyways, probably one thing we can consider is, I don't know. But for now, it's not important.
It's an all for now. It's no such features. And if there's ever a need for that kind of features,
we'll definitely make community aware and probably look into it as well.
All right. It makes sense. Okay. Last thing for me. Will you also be implementing any notification
alert system so that users can receive alerts for a particular presale they're interested in
when it starts? So investors don't miss out on anticipated presales on Memespad.
Yes, of course. I think if you just go check, that's something that we already have on. So yeah,
that's a very, very good question. I do like it. We have it at the moment and you can
check it out on our Action Launchpad website for ideal on the sole side of things as well.
Yes, we have it. Sure. I'll check that out. Thank you. Thank you so much for answering.
Thank you for the questions, Aisha. I believe next was Mr.
Rahmat that had his hand up. Rahmat, you have a question here for Cassie? Go for it.
Thank you, Ekti. I also have a few questions. Okay. You talked about KYC process. So I was
wondering, have you guys developed your own in-house KYC process or have you
collaborated with any third party KYC partners?
Oh, my God. I was speaking to my mic muted. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. Okay. So for the KYC
first staff, we would be having some, for now, we haven't done with some tech party. So it's
just going to be in-house at the moment. So no partners yet. And until then, we'll definitely
try our best to handle such KYC in the most appropriate way that we can to make sure that
the KYC is actually done well, swiftly, and get the actual details that we need to get
to make sure that such KYC actually fit into the KYC standard, actually. So for now,
it's a no for the partner side. But yes, on the in-house KYC. So that's it.
Got it. Got it. Okay. I was also thinking if any project creator or developer after going
through your KYC process at the mainpad, maybe later scans the users or they are involved in
the fraudulent activities. So will your team only going to release their identity information to
the community or you will also maybe report them to the concerned authorities in their respective
countries? Yeah, so for an actual RAG, an outright RAG, I'm really thinking how
possible that would be because we also want to, you know, look into when it comes to KYC projects
and projects that have, you know, they've come to the AMAs in our community because it's like one
of the benefits that we have. So we have a community members at heart. So of course, we
would definitely report this once. We are definitely going to report them. And I think
that's one way that we can, that's one major thing that we can do. And of course, release their
identity to our community and just release it publicly as much as as much as we can report and
get anything out of which would definitely go to that extent. But I mean, we can only do what we
can do. Just report them and release their identity to the community. That's one thing
that we can do. We're very, very willing to do that as long as they do KYC because, of course,
you definitely cannot make people trust you but going through a KYC process and then just come
and, you know, try to mess with people as well. So we'll mess with you if you try to mess with
our community members. So we're definitely very, very ready to open up and open up your identity
to everyone and report them as well. Great, great. Okay. You talked about token creation
tool. So I was wondering, will it be only exclusively be available to the developers?
Or does Memepad also to maybe empower users who don't have any experience in the contract
development to create the token easily on the Memepad? As long as you are
ready to pay the fee that come with it. I mean, anyone wants the token creation banner in his life,
it's open to everyone. Everyone that want to, you know, create the token. You want to learn how to
create a token. You are actually creating a token for a particular project. It's also
open to everyone. So as long as you're paying the fee that comes with token creation, you know,
one is restricted for creating a token as long as they're ready to pay the fee.
Understood. And will users only be able to add predefined functionalities to the smart contract,
or do they also have maybe the option to incorporate custom and complex
functions into the token contract? I don't think I've got your question,
clearly. Can you just go about a question again? Yeah, I can reference that. So I was saying,
when any user is creating a token and using your token creation platform, so will they
only going to be able to add already predefined functions to the smart contract for the token? Or
will they have the option to maybe add their own custom functions
or complex functions to the smart contract for the token?
It's basically a simple contract. Of course, there are meme coins. So it's just a simple
contract predefined, of course, and then maybe just a space for one or two, of course,
they can add their own, you know, how they said they can define your own, you know, what's it called,
token allocation, and how they want to share the token, whatever. But it's basically predefined
in a way, because we said, you know, you just literally go in there and you're,
this is already predefined. And this is the most secure way you can actually have their token
creation panel, because it doesn't give some, it wouldn't give room for some malicious coding
or whatever, you know, ways to hide some token. I don't know, it's just a simple contract,
obviously going to be predefined and maybe rooms for any leads you just meant if this,
if that's, until then, once it's live, if there's any additional features, we'll definitely
get that out for the community to know. Understood. And thank you so much for your time.
Thank you for the questions, Rahmat. I think next it was Mr. Captain Levi.
Captain Levi, you had a question here for Cassie. Go for it.
Yeah, thanks, Akshay. It's really impressive what you guys are, a dedicated launchpad for
meme coins. But why did you choose to isolate and prioritize meme coins? For example,
I know launchpad, I usually support, you know, real world projects and projects with real world
utilities. There might be discouraged, you know, seeing that this is a dedicated-
So my connection, or is Captain speaking? Is it my connection? Because I can hear nothing
from Captain's end. Akshay, can you hear me? I could, I could hear him. Maybe try again
to ask your question, Captain Levi. And if Cassie cannot hear you, I'll rephrase it for you. But
yeah, if you keep it short and let's see if she can hear you. All right, sure. So since it's
the launchpad dedicated for meme coins, I just wanted to ask him.
I just wanted to ask him, how about for that real world projects, projects with
real world utilities? Okay, yeah, I don't think you can hear him. He was asking about
why you chose to go only towards supporting meme projects. And if because he's saying basically
projects that have other real world utilities might be discouraged. So what was sort of the
idea of just going for the meme aspect of it? I think that was the question. Yeah.
Yes, Akshay. Thank you, Akshay. Okay, we actually, we do support every kind of project, okay. But
we have a focus on, you know, growing and expanding meme coin in the space. And
we also support utility projects as well, like you said. But the fact that we are called memes
part is because we have a goal and we have a mission. And of course, there's so many other
launchpad in the space that are mostly vague. But we are very particular about meme coins,
but that doesn't literally limit project only with great utilities and want to come launch
and meme start from coming. It's totally open. But just mostly memes. And we are very, very
very particular about memes as well. That doesn't mean we're not going to support some projects.
Obviously, we're not going to be very particular about supporting memes. It means they're
literally tapped down on, but they're doing really great. It's like having things going opposite,
you know. But I mean, it shouldn't be that way. They're doing really fine. But then when it comes
to when you hear people talk about memes, like, oh, it's a meme. It's a meme. It's useless. That's
how it sounds like. Nah, it doesn't worth it. But that's not just that's not really true. That's
the reason why we go. We're going this direction. We want to make meme great. We want to make sure
that all the meme coins are actually memeing. And that's it. So we support all kind of utility
projects. So very welcome on the memes part, which is very particular about memes.
That's that's really cool. So concerning your KYC process.
If you ask me some question, I don't know why I can hear Captain. Nothing from my end is totally
silence. I'm really sorry. Yeah, I think so you can just help me with the phrase.
Well, I think this is next thing he was getting ready to ask about the KYC process and everything
like that. But Captain Levi, since Cassie cannot hear you, I'm sorry, I'll have to jump to Venice.
And you can you can ask some of these questions and their TG channels and along with their socials
and everything. You can just click on on the icon here and navigate to the socials. But thank you
for coming up. Anyway, Captain, you know, great question there. So let me let me pass it over to
Venice. Let me know, Cassie, if you can, if you can hear Venice Venice. You have a question here for
Cassie with with Newspad. Yeah, I have a few questions. Can you hear me, Cassie?
Yeah, I can hear you clearly. Yeah, that's good. Okay. I have a few questions regarding Newspad.
I was wondering that if you guys have any plan to use AI capabilities with the advancement in open
AI chat, and everybody is using AI capabilities. So are you guys have any plan to use AI
capabilities to enhance the user experience for investors on MePad, such as integrating AI-driven
boards to automatically participate in pre-sales on behalf of investors, eliminating the need for
constant online monitoring or help them to make informed decisions with AI?
I would say yes to that question. We really at this moment haven't integrated any of those,
like you mentioned the AI side, but it's something that we might possibly look at in the future.
For now, it's a no, we don't have it. We don't have any form of AI, you know, helping people make
some form of informed decision, whatever. But if there's need to integrate that in the future,
we'll definitely look into it. It has just been making trend. It's also a good side of things,
but for now, we don't have it. There's no AI anything on the MePad right now. It's literally
you just going and making an informed decision based on what you can find under the pre-sales side
of things. You could find the KYC badge. That's obviously can help you make some informed decision
like all these people are KYC, and you can find the token information. You can also go over to the
TG as well and check out things yourself and see how the team is, how they've been coming,
how they've been working, whatever. Everyone just does the research in different ways. Everyone has
criteria, what they look after in every project just before they go in. So for now,
it's a no in the future. We might consider that.
Okay, and given the tier systems reliance on holding percentages of MePad total supply,
how do you guys prevent participants from inflating their holdings temporarily to qualify
for higher tiers only to sell off their holdings after participating in the IDO?
One way is by keeping the max buy at a cap, which is a taxi, so no one can actually buy
more than that. So it's literally capped. It's not like you just keep going higher,
higher, and just keep accumulating some memes to keep buying higher, higher. So it's just
basically three tiers. And of course, we cannot really avoid certain things. Like you cannot
avoid, you know, people, you can stop people from selling if they buy with petty soul,
you can control people's back, certain things cannot be controlled. Just basically on a
particular project in how much they, you know, the narrative, the community, they're invested
in the kind of people that came into the particular project. And well, I mean, it's
some things cannot be avoided that you can tell people when to buy or when to sell, but you can
just do the basic things about making them know what they probably would lose out fun if they sell
by having some great utilities that would make them hold this tokens and you know, so many more,
you can still, I think that's it. Yeah, I can predict. Yeah, it's like if they sell after the
idea, it's your choice. If they decide to hold is also their choice. But now where the choice
would actually or rather what probably could actually influence this choice not could
now brought down to a particular project that they buy into. So if you're buying into a very,
very good memes that you feel like, oh, this team is a really good team, and they've been doing well,
they've done these, they've done that, you have so much bother theme, you definitely don't want
to sell you want to hold this tokens, because of course, you know, it might really blow up in the
future. So it's basically about the narrative around their particular token, and you really
can stop people from buying from selling naturally after the idea. So you can just under the cap side,
we we have a cap, so no one can buy on their sell side on the tier, the salt tier side,
no one can buy more than that. So it's not really something that you just keep accumulating and keep
buying higher, higher, higher now, it doesn't work like it doesn't work like that.
Okay, yeah, I completely agree with you. And one more thing that I wanted to ask,
that by tying ID or digibility to memes pad token holdings, it may unintentionally create
barriers to include for newcomers or investors who are not already holding memes pad tokens. So how
do you guys address concerns about accessibility and inclusivity, especially for these individuals
who may be interested in participating in ideas, but do not currently hold spare tokens?
I'm sorry, I was talking to my mic. I'm sorry. So can you just rephrase the question? Because I
didn't get it clearly. And I was just trying to follow through. But I got lost at some point.
Yeah, I was trying to ask that you guys have tied ID or digibility to memes pad token holdings. Like,
if someone hold memes pad token, then they can, they're eligible to participate in the IDO. So I
wanted to know that it might create barriers to entry for newcomers or investors who are not
already holding your tokens. So how do you guys address these concerns to
to make it accessible and inclusive for these individuals who may be interested in
participating in ideas, but they do not hold memes pad tokens?
One thing that everyone want to do is when creating particular projects, you want to
you know, create some value for the actual project itself. And not just while you give value,
you create value. Now people want to buy into IDO, they definitely see the need to buy into
the particular IDO, I think you should prompt them to want to buy or hold some tokens.
If you have funds to be able to, you know, buy into some ideas, then I think you should just
try to get get into one of those tiers. But also there's also the presale side of things on the
eat in the BSE chain, where you can participate, you literally don't have to hold the tokens to
be able to participate in those presales and they're eating BSE chains for the ideas. I mean,
I feel like it's something that you see, you just can change when you're coming into a particular
ecosystem, they have a rules, a preset rules and regulations, and you should dance to it,
you should act according to it. It's like coming to say, oh, because one person doesn't have this,
then we should change or we should, you know, give them to those people. Now, if you want to add
value to the memes part, then you should hold this memes part to be able to participate,
to also get value out of it, because it's like we're given value, well, this ain't fine,
you need to hold this memes part. And it's not like some, what's it called? Will you say some
prison thing? No, because just hold the memes part, you can also stake your memes part token,
and, you know, get benefits for just staking this token. So holding a set in the mountains,
staking it is like having two revenue stream at the same time, you're able to participate in the
sole idea, and at the same time, you will also get some benefit from the revenue side coming from
the memes part. So it's a two way thing. And if they're interested, it's simple, they just buy the
token, that's it. If you're very interested in buying into one of these ideas, you'll buy a memes
part and hold and that's where you can buy into this idea. Okay, yeah, that's really a great
answer to my question. And thank you so much for answering my other questions as well.
All right, thank you so much. Venice, I really do appreciate the questions as well.
Thank you. Yeah, thank you, Venice. Thank you everyone for coming up and asking questions
here. Thank you for everyone for participating. Thank you, Cassie, for being here with us. I want
to throw it over to you in case maybe I've missed something or maybe there's something you feel
that's particularly important to highlight here for the community before you head out. So I'll
throw it over to you for some community call to actions and then we'll wrap things up here.
All right, guys, some call to action would be the actual launch is coming up.
20 towards 6pm UTC. All the information would be on our actual TG channel. We'll definitely want
to post on Twitter as well. But we literally encourage everyone to just be in the chat.
And if you're one of the community members, we always keep saying it that there's definitely
going to be people come in and say, you know, real life, whatever, also of kind of, also of,
you know, what they call is cam techniques. They want to come with just don't fall for it. The
contracts, actual contracts will be pinned in our chat. And of course, there's no presell for people
wondering, just make making things clear. We're actually stopping with 420 KMC. And it's I mean,
obviously, it's pretty low compared to so much so many more in the space. And it's very,
very easy to fly from 420 KMC. So be in the memes, but TG follow our Twitter. And then don't forget,
we're literally check your meme group again, you're in the other day, you're literally in the right
place. We've got you covered. We're not even when it's not just about the meme spark book in itself.
It's also about giving you premium meme launches, where you can buy into easily. And also on the
dev side of things, we're given all the dev assistance that we can offer as much as we can.
And also, you know, just like giving them value, more value for a lesser fee. So you can just come
launching a meme spot. And you're launching for a cheaper fee, you're launching for assistance,
you're launching for just everything that we can offer as well. And for KYC as well,
if you are willing to do the KYC with us, then you get the free community AMA with us as well.
That's something you should consider if you want to launch on the meme spot. Gosh, it's
2020 February 6pm UTC will be live. Come join us on our TJ, follow our socials as well to get all
the updates that you need. And I think that's it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Cassie,
for that outro and that breakdown. And I want to thank the team for being here with us. Again,
the official website is There's a lot of information there. There are links
to the social accounts. You can just follow them on Twitter here with the official account. So
don't get lost along the way. And thank you everyone for participating and everyone coming
up for questions as well. And as always, remember that everything you hear on this broadcast is
meant for educational purposes only. Nothing is financial advice. So we don't provide any
financial advice whatsoever. What we can provide you with is some links. And the one you need to
remember today is Head on over, see what the community is about, see what they're
offering and get engaged. So thank you. Thank you everyone for participating. Once more Cassie,
thank you. And everyone take care out there. Stay safe. Cheers. We'll see you all in about an hour
from now. We got another cool AMA hosted by my colleague, Glenn. And then at 5 p.m. UTC,
we got our aquarium session coming up. And of course, later on tonight, we got
AD Finance coming around 9 p.m. UTC. So a full day here at Mobile Media. So stay tuned everyone.
Take care out there. Cheers.