Memory Blocks community space + random Ordinals chat

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 2:00:13



What's up guys GM GM
So I'm what's up, man? Good to see you Eric. How's it going? I?
Think I'm getting sick, but I'm getting over it. I'm like
four on sick today
You've been like I managed to defeat it all winter and then the humidity hit and then
It's fine
I'm getting roughed up. Did you get a chance to mitt? I
Did I did I was I was I was there like right when it started like oh my god
It won't work and then five minutes later. They got it fixed
Picked up picked up one on secondary early feeling good about that. I
Was on a work call. I forgot with who but I didn't get to see when it listed
And so now I was I was hoping to grab another one off secondary because I figured
People wouldn't know who dahlia was so
Honestly now I need to go and buy more frogs because the price parity on these isn't right
No, no, no like his like, you know, I was anxious to see how like how dollar was received on
BTC and like
His stuff and it looks good man. I like to start a lot. I
Don't usually like yeah, I mean I actually really like
Tiny bass frogs still too. I mean, that's the the ones I have left over there just kind of in the long-term hold
Once once bass does an airdrop here, you know six months or whenever people are gonna say
Hey, I want the first I mean Eric we do that play all the time, right?
Like people always want the first NFT on every new chain. Yeah, I mean look at Mingo's look at
Can't go long next all that so it's almost like art has been like my most like successful meta
like like on chain art specifically as like as a traitor everything else was pretty much wrecked me but like
Consistently being early to on chain art from like individual artists
Not like, you know BTC funks or somewhat derivative
But like the first unique like I just said like long necks or the bass frogs or like even this
but this was weird man, cuz like
This is kind of like
The first of its kind and on BTC like I probably this is like the most colorful project
And it's like yeah, I mean some of the generative art has had a lot of color, but not I mean
This is the first one to me
That brings me back to like 30 years ago being on a computer for the first time
I mean like cuz I I'm a huge fan of generative art. That's on Bitcoin. There's some great projects
Fair amount that I've collected. I still have but yeah, this this like instantly when he sent it to us
In that chat. I was like I'm like six years old again. I guess it's just I
Look down. I was like you should embed like a fax noise sound in it or like a ROM speed up or like
the sound of like a floppy
Yeah, you know something that like
You know like clicks, you know with that so
Yeah, that would be cool. I mean hey a real quick slime farmer polymath businessman peach soup
I mean anybody out if you guys want to come up just uh, just request. I'm not the best spaces host
But I will pay attention best I can
And bring everybody up. I just I felt bad. I missed the spaces
that he ran, you know like an hour ago or whatever that was and I just wanted to
Start one back up cuz I haven't been on the computer most of the day. I've been out and about running errands kind of doctor's appointment
Just excited as hell had a little bit of a rockiness there with
With did he talk about that at all? Eric?
I mean like with whatever happened with him getting like hacked on inscribed now or I
Think he talked a little bit about it
Welcome up
So tell me more about this memory boxing like
You know, I had a whitelist and I still don't really know too much about the project
But it sounds like it's a big deal. Obviously, you know secondary
Volume is proving out to be quite successful
And and with like small supply collections, I tend to run pretty hot. I also think the art is
It's really cool. Like
Yeah, the whole abstract block art exe file kind of gives me
Windows like 96 type of throwback vibes, which actually
Almost reminds me of how the D gods mint launched with the whole terminal
Thing so I think it's neat. It's cool. I just I just don't know too much about the artists and
If he's tapped in and and you know, like is is is he someone from each community before or what's the story there?
Yeah, so yesterday, you know was sharing
Let me speak to everybody. It was so Eric was a farmer. Hey, huh?
I don't want to come up and support you boss
But no, he came he came by our show yesterday was talking about
You know how he was launching it wouldn't spot his art
He definitely wasn't he's artists at first and he's uh, he just now moving over to Bitcoin and it's his first project on Bitcoin
And uh, you know, I like the same sentiment as all you guys. I love the art
It reminds me of like like, you know, just getting to the computer back when the computer, you know
Took forever, you know to for the internet to work, right? So so yeah
It's great welcome up polymath Eric, I mean Eric you've known him for a while from you know
I mean you were the one who was like, hey, don't make tiny base frogs. We launched him on base
So yeah, sure way with his backstory and then I'll I want to answer apartment. Yeah
So Dalia, I met him in August. He had his generator project tiny base frogs, which is the first on-chain art collection on base
And it's like he was generally supported by like the coinbase team and like Jesse and stuff
And so I I'm I old like 50 of that. I've just because we were talking about earlier
I'm like to be early to on-chain art the first it's just typically been a good met and then through the past like six months
Just like chatted with them. He's a unique artist, right? He doesn't believe in discords or Twitter's
He's never hyped up his art
So like he's kind of relatively flowing underneath the radar to just kind of collectors
and it's not I would say been like in in the traders facing realm and so
But he's not he's not unknown he's just you know new to new to ordinals directly, but
Yeah, I think like some of the people that he even like I like the VP for Kraken, you know
Like I don't even know that's an ordinal person
But I know that like there's some other people there
So like he's he's just like he's an artist, but he's also a dev to like he codes all of his own front ends
He's highly technical like
So he's also a BJJ brown belt so like you can trust him because he's legit on that front too. So
He's running to grab some food. But yeah, just probably like one of those sleeper artists and I'm glad his art did well because I
know sometimes
Ordinals, you know if they don't trust who it's coming from can be a little bit untrusted
Well, I guess every community is but you know
Grifters got it go
Yeah, I mean it's farmer to answer and I mean just my background with him a little bit I mean I met him through Eric but
What I like about the lady I wanted to approach this
Was like he actually wanted he was so thoughtful and wanting to be an
ordinals artist creator like
He wasn't just like oh, you know because we've already seen some right like random ass shipment that just comes over and pops around to like oh
Aptos is hot. I'm gonna launch a mint there like see is hot. I'm gonna watch them at their ordinals, etc
We saw some of that over the summer and then even on this last wave
but he was like, hey, I want to do this, right like let help me understand like I am attracted to the
The theory or the you know, the the providence of having your art fully on chain on
Bitcoin not being IPFS pointer stuff. And so then it just started becoming okay
How do I need to do this and he started talking a lot of people and asking a lot of questions and making sure I mean
He borrowed a little bit from like the ocm of like the child parent, you know
Making sure you have that providence and having that all set up through one
One parent and then I'll admit I don't know enough about the the metadata stuff
But he made sure that he had all the metadata actually like lined up the right way
And because I know a lot of people haven't done that with the seaboard data stuff that maybe somebody smart room
He can talk to but no, he's just awful. He asked questions. He wanted to make sure
Know that he he was doing a fair mint price, which I think he did
I think 0.05 was very fair for this as more of a relatively unknown artist to the ordinal space
You know, he wasn't trying to charge 0.05 or 0.1 or anything like that
But he also said hey, I got my art has done. Well, I'm not gonna make it a free mint
And so I think he just kind of nailed it and I think that's why you're seeing that success
On the secondary already plus I will say I mean just being privy to some of the DMS and stuff
I'm not gonna stand up here name names
but like the amount of people and
the people like the type of people in
Ordinals that we all know and read and listen to and talk to and hear every day that were clamoring for this whitelist
It was a definitely a who's who order portals
Want to say this he said he hid something in the metadata
They built Easter eggs inside of them that if you could look at the HTML text
That their stuff I'm too dumb for that stuff
But I know that like it not only is Dalia like an artist. He's a game theory artist, right? And so like
Hiding Easter eggs building in puzzles and like other camp dishes like it's like pretty common in his art
it's some of the things that like he iterated and tested on like on base about and I know that like he had mentioned it and
Like our dams to have like hey because I was showing him
What was it like our sick or something and I was like, hey, how do you like build some of these components and
Yeah, like that stuffs too. So I think that's really good stuff too. Like and I
Something about dollars like he's been in the space a long time
And you can tell that from like his art and like the people have fallen and stuff too
I think this was like the perfect type of art for this type of BTC audience a more mature older crowd because
this might not make sense to any newer type of collector, right because they don't have the nostalgia of like growing up and
And like having it take seven minutes for your PC to load or to boot Duke Nukem through MS Doss
Right or any of those things
Yeah, absolutely
Hey, if anybody else I was saying a couple times while we're on here
If anybody wants to hop up and just vibe if you want to talk about memory box great
You want to talk about something else ordinals related? Great. If you want to talk about something
Theorem, you know, whatever related. Let's let's all right
Are we pro our six or runax? Cuz I don't know who's who but I see like there's like sides being taken
I'm pro both of them. Okay
Pro both. I mean, I personally I go about ours. I mean, I'll go about it with the Arctic. So I'm ting your six
So, you know, but hold on. Hold on we we have a new contender now because
Leonidas just announced team runestone. So
he's launching a
third contender to this
To the social consensus
hype token
project and
Yeah, well
What's your take there? I I think that there is going to be a team supply on runestone with Leonidas. I I
Hope not, but I suspect there's a little bit
Yeah, a little bit hidden from from
I thought all the fun was
Project keeping a team supply like what I thought I thought I thought the flood was related to the distribution being on fair
Yeah, I mean which both the way it was
to the groups but then also a 10% supply held back for our six, but I mean I I would just go by
My boy t quile what I saw he tweeted a little bit ago. Just buy them all like just don't be fucking stupid buy them all
my opinion obviously
could be wrong could be right, but
Reality is is none of these are by Casey, right? So they don't have that actual
Providence or significance, but first is still first and first sometimes isn't the actual first first
Sometimes is what the community deems the coolest first. Yeah. No, I I agree with that
I'm like we're just rereading Leonidas post
Because he he doesn't allude to anything that that that there is a team supply, right?
He's he's talking about how you know a hundred addresses evenly or sorry a hundred K addresses evenly
He's talking about inclusivity. He's talking about transparency
Yeah, like I I don't know if there's gonna be a team supply and then have a fair drop
Again, like I mean, but the thing is killing me lately
Even like, you know, like even with like runes and did our rest like we don't have to be like tribal
I mean like they all
We're here
Really enough to learn about these things
Some of us, you know would take advantage and you know an opportunity some of us won't but you know
I think I think the space needs to you know, like mature to where like, you know
You don't have to be a artsy maxi or you or a no monk maxi
Like you can enjoy the Wizards and you can enjoy no muck and you can enjoy a OMB and you can enjoy
You know any project so, you know, I don't I I don't like that
Some of the tone in the space is like, you know
Trying to pick winners and losers and this must be done this way or done that way or like, you know
It's just a it's a new space. There's no right or wrong, you know
You know Bitcoin started off as being used from the fairest purposes. Everybody knows that and so I mean, you know
I just I hope them the space can mature past
You know placing, you know typical judgment on things. I think it's awesome
I think it's great that they you know air drop the token and I hope what Leonidas do is dope as well
And like, you know, like the hawks I plan to participate in it all
Yeah, I mean I've just I've always believed in this stuff when
When when you're trying to bet on horses on a horse race
if if you can bet on all three or four horses and
One of them is going to yield you a 20 or 50 X
Who cares if you lose on the other three? I mean, it's just that simple. It's not
Traditional gambling odds in this we know one of them is going to win so massively
I mean hell our six already has
But no, no, I don't think it's gonna be one if you if you I think was good thing
They said a good thing said that we're about to see pretty much anything happen with you know
Like the ICO craze now can actually happen on Bitcoin. I think it's gonna be a lot of winners, bro
I don't just think it's gonna be yeah
Yeah, don't just bet on one. I'm just saying one of them's gonna 50 X
Yeah, exactly. So I think sometimes like it's just the probability of
What's first is I mean there's an unknown upside and I think when there's risk
People are scared and then people weren't scared when there's no more risk and things get priced in over time
of course, because there's more volume and interest but I
Think like having more players in this game is obviously in that positive
But with that being said like, you know, I was reading what
What Leonidas mentioned to me and he was saying that you know
The first etched rune is actually gonna be withheld by Casey to be somewhat of a fair long true
and I don't know how I feel about that to be honest because
you know, then there's a whole complaint that you know, the
Casey and team basically had to create a design that feels free and
How do you how do you do that right like the moment that it's coming from Casey as rune number one
there's going to be a significant amount of sidelined capital and I'm ready to punt like 5 BTC into this like on day one because
It's obviously going to be a winner like it and and so is that fair or is it just you know?
Recreating the existing system where it just gets swallowed up with those with capital on the sidelines
For something like this and have been kind of stacking their stats for for something like this in general, right?
so I actually do think that like we cannot recreate another or D situation because
Already only happened because we didn't know tokens on Bitcoin were going to be real people were inscribing them blind
There was no indexer
Like it was a big big gamble where no one took a significant portion of the supply and even as things were progressing
We didn't even know if these tokens were real
So people end up selling like 1% percent like 1% of their orty like some of these whales
Ended up selling 1% of orty which at this point in time would be would be worth like, you know, 10 10
10 to 15 million maybe maybe 17 million and people were just throwing that bag away for
You know 2 grand 3 grand at the time because of this unknown risk
But by having BRC 20 tokens and already almost D risks the token landscape for us
we know that runes is going to be the next big thing and
Things are going to be artificially, you know overpriced at least at these levels
Like, you know what when already just announced on day one
It wasn't a 20 million dollar market cap
But you know our sick is already at 30 million dollar market cap for the promise of being maybe first
but I just feel like it's very difficult to
Make a fair launch here. Like I think I think we just can't have another orty like it's one-of-a-kind
You know, the first rune token is going to be
Centralized to those who have the most thoughts. I strongly stand by that
No in the irony of all this like
Fair launch and all like all this kind of conversation when you know, you know, I talked to
You know Casey multiple times in Miami
We talked a lot of Nate at like late night at like a house party and he's making it for people
So people can DJ like it's clear like
Like so the token mix to him don't even matter. It's it's a way that people can
He created a more efficient way of BRC 20 for is how the you know, the protocols elegant and how you can trade individual, you know
You know rooms without having to buy like a block like, you know, like the way you got to do up on the
Unisack so it's cool
But you know, he's making it clear this is for people to DJ and so if we if we DJ in and what is the purpose of doing?
All the fair launch and it is and and that it's like it don't matter like let's you know, I mean like talk said we at the horse race
It's better to pick five horses one of them gonna win. Let's just let's enjoy it
Let's enjoy this opportunity we all have because everybody on the stage here and everybody in our space
We we have that like super like lead on everyone else in the world. We have a major advantage
We know what's going on. We have opportunity and you know, let's enjoy it
So let me ask you guys this farmer. I'm really curious your opinion on this and I
Know this is spiraling into a ruins conversation, which is fine with me because that was not up here
So we'll talk about my memory. Oh, yeah, my bad. Okay. I don't I don't care
I want to just talk about anything more. No, I don't want to just I like memory blocks and I will but I mean
Let's be honest. I don't want to just sound up here. I'm a you know, whatever a jerk or offer guy. So
farm if runes
Well, let's say it launches at the habit
Would our six
Have had the flash success so far that it's had if it was called
Bar six or
Random XYZ and had nothing to do with runes and was just an air dropped
Ordinal that mind you a new token in the exact same manner and the name was just different
No, I think I think it just wouldn't have the same from upside cuz like I think at that point people
People would be like, okay. Well, it's just another BRC 20 token
I think the upside in that is, you know, what 10 20 30 million dollar market cap
So I really don't think it would have the same
level of hype like
The the reason why people are speculating on such a high value is because they have this billion or ten billion dollar number
That businessman actually throughout today, which I which I thought was was great. It's businessman is back, baby
Wait, he brought a ten billion. I was making fun of your one billion the other
Please I got if it gets to ten billion, but I love it
I love yacht yacht party on me guys, right? I I'm holding you to that cuz I know you I mean
Go ahead farm. Yeah, I'll do it. I promise go ahead farmer and then let's get the good things
No, no, I just wanted to pivot it a little bit too
Like, you know, I think there's a lot of outside here with with any first-room. So can if we even have a first-room token
But we'll see like I think we'll see like we're all we're all kind of gambling here on on this outcome that we were all
Kind of anticipating for I think everyone was waiting for the having to get excited for it
But here we are our six kind of front-round the whole
Excitement process and I think that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's a good thing for runes tokens in general
But then also just on topic on the memory blocks out of things. I think I think the artist is great
I also think the collection size is very small too
And if we look at like heart oh and some of the other really attractive
Art artists on Bitcoin itself. They tend to do quite well
And I will say heart oh is launching a new collection as well
So i'm very much looking forward to I believe it's called flora
Which is going to be a 10k collection of really unique pieces
So I think in the grand scheme of things, you know, there's a lot to look forward to
You know, look we just keep getting you know, wins on wins and people that got airdropped free money
If you didn't get in on that list, well, you know, I do feel bad
But we can't make everyone happy at the end of the day, right?
But that being said like at the time that that things do announce they do get listed in florida for very cheap
And it's really up to the person to make that judgment call at that point in time
Are they are they you know buying in on on and being someone else's exit liquidity at point zero one?
Um, maybe right like memory blocks, too
Like it launched very low and you were able to basically be someone else's exit liquidity at 2x or whatever
Whatever it launched that right? So it's all about making, you know, smart decisions
But you know, you really have to zoom out and see the potential of something
You know to really see the the bigger picture and I think those who
capture that
quickly enough
Tend to do very well in this space and that's that's a very difficult skill to to have for most people
You know, I think you know in the in the ruined stone
Forum that leo made, you know, there was a lot of people that were just like, you know
It's not fair that those that were early in ordinals in march, uh have so much information advantage and
You know aren't making money on memory blocks and and other things
Meanwhile other people are kind of left in the dust learning
But but I think that that's just that's just how the world is right it it at
It's it's it's not a level playing system on any chain if you've been here early enough you do reap the reward of understanding
narratives interest and what people do enjoy and like
And and you know, some people pick up on those things very quickly and some people don't
Um, but at the end they were just trying to have fun, you know
I think memory blocks bring something unique to the ecosystem. You know yesterday was was arctic today is memory block. So
Yeah, just just i'm all for more exciting things to keep more discussions in the space but
Also to entertain people and uh, yeah
Hopefully give them a good outcome from a financial point of view too if if they're here for a trade
I just want to touch on something you said farmer like
You know that that's the whole point of being early though, right? If if you're early enough to a meta
It's a ghost town
Right, like like there's nothing right and and then part of that is is all the people like, you know
You know early like I was early to canto and we minted
I miss mid 150 of these damn canto long necks for 15 bucks and for months
I was giving them away to people because like it was seven months and then all of a sudden
Canto's narrative caught and they all ran to two weeks
Right and like yeah, no that that that sounds like bitcoin frogs to yeah, there's a bunch of people just handing them
Yeah, like Satoshi Joyer and they just hand it out. It's yeah
I mean eric to your point though in in farmer, I get what you're saying it
But this is where I take issue with leonidas's thing
We're not a communist society. We're not everything's hunky dory. Perfect
We're here to fucking make money. Okay. Yeah, there's other narratives
But at the end of the day most people didn't join bitcoin because they're like, oh I love the technology only
And i'll just give away every single bitcoin ever get because I love the technology. No, you're here for the money, too
People didn't go mine gold in california almost 200 years ago
And then be like oh here. Let me just give it to you all. I mean that person risked
Crossing half the country going over mountains. They took the risk. They took the initiative. It was dangerous
I'm sure a ton of them died
Because they saw the opportunity and they were man enough or woman enough or whatever to just go fucking attack and take it
And it's the same thing with being early to ordinals or early to kanta like eric saying or whatever you had to take risk
Initiative, it was lonely. There weren't that many people here
So when people come in
A year later and and I don't want to be elitist about it
Like i'm the last person to try to be elitist about stuff
I'm sorry if you came here yesterday
I'm happy you're here
But don't get mad that people have connections or you know have a leg up on you because they started a year ago
I agree with all those points like I think you know web3 and crypto in general is
It's a free market society, right? And I think
If you if you truly see what a free market
Really is at the end of the day. It's a place where information asymmetry. It's it's a it's a place for
An unlimited amount of opportunity if you if you capture it if you if you seize it
If you really chase after it and get up to speed into it
So I think like yeah, there's gonna be winners and there's gonna be losers and this is not a perfect game
But you know, hopefully you can enjoy it
And get yourself up to speed as quickly as like as you can right like, you know
Some people are upset that that that that people like myself have this advantage, but dude i've been
literally grinding in the trenches in crypto since
20 or you know late 2020 december 2020
I failed miserably last cycle because I didn't get up to speed fast enough
So so just like look like hard work pays off and you can't expect yourself to perform
The same as as other people or at least see the opportunity other people do so quickly if you just don't have
The battle scars, you know, like
A lot of my my learnings or mistakes have been just been
painful financial mistakes from
You know bad trades or bad experiences
But you learn from those and you don't give up and and I think over time you really
You really start to educate yourself because you paid the price
And and you eventually find a trend that works like for eric
He said that he's just early on to any new ecosystem minting the first nft year with the coolest nft on it
And that's you know, let's try it for years, baby
Hold zero and walk away come back seven months. That's I
Do do what do what works for you at the end of the day, right?
Um, and and for for for some people it's it's not going to be trading nfts for some people who might be
Airdrop farming and and there's just so much opportunity, but you just got to find out like what feels easy to you
Um and and just follow the path of least resistance rather than swimming uphill
Like if it's if it's not working out for you for the last three four years
You got to switch your strategy. Like you got to change. You got to change the action plan
You got to stop doing whatever is not working for you because you're just bleeding out
Like you're not going to be able to survive and I think in this game it's about surviving. Um
I think I I think
I think ordinals just gives that new opportunity for for individuals to get up to speed because I think
This is really early days of opportunity and I keep saying it
But I generally do feel it like bitcoin is is not necessarily in a full market right now anyways
Um, but people are still finding ways to create opportunities in this environment. So
I mean, what does that say when things get hot?
Like I I really do think that that just makes me even more opportunistic opportunistic on on-chain opportunities at that point in time
Yeah, well said hey good things welcome up what's up, man, how you doing? Sorry. Oh, yeah
No, I was just going to say you guys should change the name of the space to uh,
You should add on to the end of it make make people wait, you know, 10 minutes
And small farmer joe just encapsulates everything and then
Good things you're rugged man, wherever you're wherever you're at in the world traveling right now your internet sucks
See there I'll do that
All right, yeah, I know I had trouble bringing you up earlier i'm sorry, but come back on up
King arff, what's up, man? Give me a second to uh, let the audio catch up
But uh, I saw king arff wanted to come up business man. Just came up to i'd love to hear business man's 10 billion dollar
Uh price target on uh on runes that that has me a little excited
Yeah, I just had to put a little disclaimer under that original tweet that that assumes like full-blown bull market and
The launch is flawless
Preferably free and fair minted also preferably launched by casey which
Quite frankly is an unknown at this point if he's going to be the one that
Takes the reins and pulls a domo
I think that has a major impact on kind of future valuation of the first runes token
However, you know you see what what runes is developed to do which is pretty much simplify
Fungible tokens on bitcoin. I just think that all the liquidity is going to move
Not all the liquidity but a good chunk of it
the utxo based model
And if casey is the one that is first to launch
I think you're going to see some pretty insane evaluations come from that first token
And 10 billion in a bowl is probably
Not too crazy. I mean it sounds crazy now, but given
You know if it becomes kind of that the must-have token built on bitcoin
You can can get some crazy valuations there
Yeah, I mean i'm i'm i'm here for that 100 I think too many people still
Uh i've seen this argument hashed out in group chats basically every day for the last three months or so
Because I mean, you know farmer just said we're not in a bull market yet
I mean, I would argue that you know, we've been in a bull market
Basically for a year by true definition, but it hasn't felt like a bull market
Until really the last couple months. Um, maybe thanksgiving or so
For well i'll say november for all you non-americans
Everyone has like
PTSD still like every single person like oh, it can't go to that. I can't I mean including myself when
Tia launched I was like, oh it can't go about five or six bucks a piece that valuation's
Way too high for right now. No way and then it goes to 17 or 18 or whatever
I think we all need to put our moon boy hats back on a little bit
Left curve and just get excited for it
I fucking agree bro. Uh, yeah, i'll be real like i'm i'm the guy who's like sitting here like why not?
uh, forty thousand dollars per
Uh r s ic is like why the fuck not one billion dollar market caps like I watched it happen on brc20s
And everybody is just sitting here
Like we can't get like silly gains and like you said like left curve
Like I like I right curved this shit a year ago and was like trying to learn absolutely everything and now this shit's coming out
And it's possible so like
It makes no sense to me to fund it or at all like i'm so bullish on rs
I see i'm so bullish on leonidas doing his own thing
Uh both of them, okay, like I have wallets that are going to benefit from both
So like I don't care dude, like the divisiveness the fucking fighting all of it is bullish
And yeah, you saw what brc20s did like runes are going to be on binance runes are going to do all the things
so doing anything but like
Participating is absolutely batshit crazy
um personally, like I I will not sell these like uh
Rs. I see like i'm just going to farm it and i'm honestly in the camp that like if a team can put this together
They know what they're doing and then also like I think there might be value long term when it comes to partnerships or
Whitelists or anything else down the line and to be frank
It's like take the fucking risk like do you need the money take it cool?
I don't so like i'm not going to do that
I'm going to participate and i'm going to have faith in the teams that have the money and the know-how
To move in this space upon new protocols coming to ordinal, right? Like when you have runes coming that's going to be
Insanely better than brc20 is not to shit on them because like it was a great thing for the first year
But now we're progressing as a platform like as ordinals in general
It's everything's progressing. So like it's going to get better faster stronger more usable and less friction
So higher is just my thesis probably i'm not going to overthink it. I want all the runes. Uh pups. I saw actually
Uh, they were commenting on like rune x saying that they want to do a rune
So like yeah, I want the bitcoin puppets rune. I want like butoshi's like I got into that ecosystem
So i'm hoping they do something there and even if I don't have the main collection
Maybe as a sub collection you get an allocation. I don't know
But like these are things that i'm thinking of is like accumulation mode
How do you get all the runes and then yeah later higher, right?
And that's that's great arf and I agree with you
I I wonder what the guidance is for people because this is where I struggle is I get questions from people that have
you know their bag is
2k or 5k or
And they're like where do I deploy this?
Because yeah, you you and I can sit here and say that and you know farmer says he's going to deploy five btc into
Into runes and I might be right along with him
I mean, I agree with him if he's that bullish i'm that bullish if you're that bullish i'm that bullish
You know we can diversify
Have 10 of this and 10 of that and 10 of that. So what do you do if you didn't get dropped the arstic?
So your risk is it because i'm like you why would I sell this?
When it has so much tremendous upside I bought more than what I got airdrop
So I have a little bit of cost in this but
I'm sitting so comfy because it was just a free drop
But how do you explain it to somebody who maybe would be taking 50 of their bag?
To go buy one right now
Is that the play for them?
So it's tough to it's always tough to make these calls, bro
And like I have people every day asking me questions like is it time to buy a puppet?
Are they gonna dip is it time to do this is time to do that and it just depends on your positioning
So like if you don't have that much and you're trying to get into runes to me
It makes a hell of a lot of sense
If you can grab one of these to just hold it and then farm it in that wallet
And that's guaranteed runes, right? So if you're trying to get in there, that is a cheat code to me
It's like the first distribution method that makes any sense
So like you can do that or you can go on runex and you can like runex is more like nothing against it
It's like more degenerate ponzi type situation in a discord. That's very confusing. So it's not easy to do
So you could throw money in there. I've thrown some bitcoin at them, you know, and it's more trust me, bro
Give me the coins later
But with this it's also kind of trust me bro, but it's easy and you just buy the thing and hold it
So I think that's bullish and I think like two to three weeks before the drop
You're gonna see a bunch of capitulate tours because like they're gonna be like, okay
Well, I accrued all these points
I could sell them and I still get the drop with whatever wallet that they're in
It doesn't matter if you sell them whatever you accumulated you're getting those
So, I don't know that's one thing i'm thinking about like we're probably gonna see a drop which to me
Is accumulation mode again like by the blood type situation that's what i'm looking at it as but if you don't have that much
Yeah, man, like if you can afford one in my opinion
Probably bullish to get one and then just sit on it and then you don't have to worry and you know
You're getting runes and then try to find other
Upcoming runes to get into earlier. I guess if you don't have that much liquidity, right?
Yeah, it's it's great advice for it and I what I love about it is the game theory
Of what you just mentioned, you know, okay right before launches. Are we gonna see a huge dip on the actual ordinal?
Um, what I love about their ponzi nomics is how they have it where it's boosted in that last phase
Don't quote me. I think it's the fifth out of five phases or whatever it is that
You basically everything that hasn't been mined
If people didn't activate theirs all of those extra allocated runes then go to the people mining them at the end
So really i'm with you if if the dumb money says oh i'm gonna paper these at
You know 50 to 60 on the way to april, you know call it late march
Maybe a bunch of moon boys will need money to pay off their gambling debts with march madness or something
With nca basketball, maybe there'll be some paper handers then
Um, but yeah, I mean I want to accumulate during that because I think that's going to be the best phase to actually stack more tokens
Yeah, it'll be curious and I you know, I I want to uh, I had some questions since it's a relatively small space even though i'm
Recording it. I just want to go on recorders. I am not going into runax much
I'm not going to fud them. I I like dante. I like the project i've been in it since day one
I've escrowed like 200 orders in there
But I don't like the trust me bro. I'm going to send all my bitcoin to one address
And my bitcoin is sitting in the same wallet as king arf's trading bitcoin and polymath's escrow insurance and businessman's staking
Amount that's just not my uh, i've learned my lesson with the trust me bro
Letting someone else hold my sats and that that doesn't fly anymore. It's not comfortable at all
No, I had the same problem with like liquidity when I was first messing with it
But now i'm really bullish, uh after messing with it and getting some like defaults and shit
But like uh with the runax, I agree. It's like it's almost too trust me, bro
Right, like it's it's very very ponzi and degenerate which like might pay off
But like so i'm very low keyed in that i'm not same with you like I messed with it
But i'm not going hard on that i'd rather go on other things that are like less risky
And I don't have to throw them all my sats exactly. Yep
Yeah, and by all means guys throw like what I told the group i'm i'm in uh at a closed discord earlier today
Was take an amount that's not that meaningful to you
And throw that in by all means whether that's 50 bucks a hundred bucks five grand. Whatever's not that meaningful to you
Throw that in but do not go heavy. And again, I don't i'm not doing this
Take the name runax off of it. It has nothing to do with him
I believe him as a founder
But it's still just one guy
And so I you know, it is what it is. I'll move on but
Um that being said one thing I want to mention to people
Uh because I am an airdrop farmer by by trade
If you have if you're in the audience today and you have a reasonably
I don't care what size bag you have if you have 20 bucks to your name or 20 bitcoin
You should be using multiple wallets
There's just no reason not to be and by multiple wallets. I don't just mean x-verse and unisat
I mean, yes, you should have both of those but you should have multiple x-verse wallets
You should have multiple unisat wallets if you see people handing out magic eden wallets ordinals wallet
I mean eon's in the crowd
Hey, i'm not shy to say eon and I have had our differences
Doesn't mean I don't respect him as a person and I respect ordinals wallet
I've just had some differences that I still appreciate what they've done for this space
And then you're talking about airdrop farming. I mean shit the the the pepe's that they are dropped
I mean, what were those worth at one point like 0.15 or or more?
So just from a standpoint of try new wallets have multiples
Because if you if you're talking about the airdrop from leonidas
If they're saying it's going to be a fair drop and it goes to everybody
Then have 10 wallets and you might get 10 allocations of the airdrop. It's just common sense. I think
Good things that I don't know if you're you're back buddy
I added you back up like three or four times. So I don't know if your internet's working yet or
or what but
While he's trying to get that sorted out businessman, you got anything else to say king r polymath and you know, any other stuff to add
Higher bro higher. I like it. I like it
Yeah, i'm just interested to see this leonidas thing. I think it's kind of funny that he's coming out with his own
ruined stone project seems kind of retaliatory to
What we you know, we just saw want r6. So love to kind of elaborate more on that
Talk about that because I think that's going to be all the rage the next couple weeks
And so i'm in the github, right?
He's like posting the github making comments and stuff like we need to do a fair launch this this and that I I I really do
Think it's bullish for both. Uh
I just think it's bullish for runes in general that there's any device in this like whenever you see that stuff
I've noticed that it's just it's always bullish like it doesn't matter if people are fighting they're mad
They didn't get an airdrop. This guy's like we need a fair launch. Like I think they're both going to be bullish, right?
Um, I like i'm in the discord for leonidas. He dropped that today
I'm like, yeah the handbook or whatever the fuck and he's got the general chat. Everybody's in there
It's super hype
So like whatever he does with that it's going to benefit anybody who's here and go through the wallets and on-chain data
Will determine things. I don't know exactly what that means for airdrops, but i'm i'm here for it
I think it's I do think it's funny that he immediately was like no
But that's to me. That's that's more bullish. I just like it
I want more more people fighting more drama and like louder because that brings more people in and uh,
I just think it's bullish. Yeah, i'm gonna left curve it and go for both for sure
Yeah, so it's bullish. I gotta say though i'm kind of confused on
Reading case he's github. So these
These aren't technically going to be first dispersed tokens
You know, maybe i'm wrong and arsenic has some master plan or they're going to be first that i'm not aware of and that's kind of
My foot towards r6 specifically
And you know, I'd also like to talk about you know
The chinese seem to only support kind of the first dispersed tokens
And I don't see him. It doesn't seem like they have a ton of interest in arsenic at the moment
And from my discussions in wechat everyone's kind of just waiting for that
First token to drop before they pour liquidity in and maybe that's not maybe that's why we're not seeing a ton of chinese liquidity
Come into our sick right now on you know magic eat in there. Okay x
Well, the the first is first is just I mean, it's literally been an age-old question
Of what is first is first and yes, we say with the blockchain first is first is on chain, right?
And and it's that clear, but it's not right like
Why are some tokens valued more than others? Sometimes yes, it's first is first
Sometimes it's something has a better story. Sometimes it's something has a better team. We've seen plenty of early things
I mean hell I can I can rattle off 20 different crypto projects that I was early in
2016 17 18 19 20 on and on that end up failing because you the founder sucks
The team sucked or they had some bad execution or bad luck or whatever
So the the key is yes first is first
If if let's say you're starting up a country and you're starting a new currency and that currency is going to be minted
In denver at the national mint and it's going to be certified
It's got casey stamp of approval and this is casey's currency and it's what's going to be used
But while casey's currency is being tooled up and the factory's being built
Somebody comes along and says fuck. I need to be able to trade
I need to be able to trade first for gold for wine for whatever and i'm gonna make my own
Ramshackled half-ass currency that gets traded
Well, then fast forward and the real currency comes out people have already been doing business with the other currency
Real or not. It was made real by people believing in it
And that's what makes currencies currency people have to believe in them. We all talk about it us dollars backed by
Oil and the military the u.s. Government
So that's all I just I I i'm gonna be bullish on casey's runes
But that doesn't mean there's still not a place for these other ones if people want there to be a place for
Yo, ha, can you hear me?
Yeah, you're good now. Good thing. Awesome. Hell. Yeah, jesus. Finally, um before polymath interrupts all of us
Um, it doesn't matter, you know, like I I respect everybody here, but it really doesn't fucking matter
Uh, what you just said is exactly the truth
Reality in our world like as a human being is social consensus. It's everything is ruled by social consensus
And so what actually comes first doesn't fucking matter. It's what people are buying. That's what people are selling
And so, you know with with r6, like I know that there's gonna be people who don't like it simply because of who's most likely behind it
Um, there's gonna be people who don't like it because they didn't get it in their wallet
Uh, you know i've been on the other side of that as well
Um, but like what matters is it is it is like the number one trading
Thing on magic eden like since it launched pretty much like I mean it fluctuated a couple times
But it did like 6x the volume of node monks yesterday in the 24 hour period
prior to yesterday, so
It has adoption and it it also has a lot going for it. Can you mute dude?
Get weird feedback. Um
But yeah, it's
Dude, it's it's it's got a lot going for it beyond just like claiming to be the first like I think I think
I would imagine
Whoever's doing the marketing for it
Like they knew that they were going to get a bunch of you know
People angry that they were claiming to be first like frankly, that's that's a smart marketing tactic, right?
It might be a little bit disingenuous a little bit trolly
But I mean this is fucking crypto dude
Like if you're not trolling if you're not a little bit disingenuous, you don't understand the market you're operating in
Um, because frankly that's that fuels things but the technical uh layering, you know the technical um
Things that have been achieved with this are are definitely innovative, right?
Um, the fact that there
Is an is an early inscription that is most likely going to be the parent that is provenance
Like that's very important provenance. Nobody else has access to that inscription except for the people
Behind r6 if in fact they do I haven't like gone on chain and verified this
Um, but there's a lot to it
Like there's a lot more than just claiming to be first and frankly
It doesn't matter if somebody deploys a token before this one
If nobody knows about that token and nobody's been tracking it for months, right?
Like they have done an incredible job of getting the attention of the market and right or wrong
Like whether you you know, this is you know, if you're in the market trying to make money
You have to take this into account, right?
Um, so yeah, I just I want to say those things because I I really respect everybody in this space including leonidas including you
businessman and we're you know, we're gonna have disagreements here and there but the fact is like
We all respect one another and we all are participating in a market
We all are trying to seek, you know positive roi as well as you know
A lot of us are actually trying to influence the industry and and make it, you know something that we can be proud of but
You know money is involved here and we we can't you know, we can't look away from that
I am told money is involved. You're absolutely right. I mean it's uh
It's that dirty word that half the people don't want to ever talk about and just want to be righteous and
They forget that that is the common bond that has most of us here
Like it or not slick. What's up? I didn't see you hop up going on hak. How's it going?
Thanks for hosting the space. I can't bring farmer joe up. He's been requesting forever, but it's glitched. So like joe hopped on it
Yeah, i'm gonna speak before farmer here. He had his moment. Yeah farmer farmer had his time
I'll try to get him back up. I mean how it took me 20 approvals to get good things up
I thought I was doing something wrong
Yo, no, no fella, but I gotta go I would just say my last, you know, like two sash five go
But I was just going to add to your point. Uh hop that
It it it's going to be winners and I think that 113 said it
Um that if you're leading
That the value of whatever you create should be viral because you're first that it's just not that valuable
So I just want to leave that, you know a nugget in everybody's mind that i'm not looking for what's first
I'm looking for what's innovative what does have social consensus? What does you know create value for others? So
I just think let me let me chime in here. I just don't think there's as much as everyone wants it
There's not gonna be like this. There's too many eyes on ruins right now
Where there's not gonna be I know everyone wants a free and fair mint like already
It's just I don't think it's gonna happen with ruins unless casey does something on his end where he reserves the first ruin token
but I think there's gonna be like hundreds of teams trying to get first and
At the end of the day like it's gonna be the token with the most social consensus
It's just I like I I personally don't think there's gonna be
A front end where everyone mints and you know
They hope they can mint a huge bag and they become billionaires. I don't I just don't think that's gonna happen in this case
You know, I think you know leonidas says he's making his
Obviously, you know, we have risk
But yeah, I I think it's it's gonna I think there's gonna be multiple winners to be honest with you
I don't think you can go wrong
And the thing comes down to whatever team executes the most
In my opinion it gains the most social consensus
Well, yeah on the notion too of like an open source thing if anybody knows about open source software
It's incredibly like it's a much more complex development cycle right to do open source development
No matter what it always starts centralized like somebody starts the fucking github github repo, right?
Like it's like bitcoin was centralized between satoshi and how finny for a very long time and before
Even how became involved. It was fucking satoshi who designed everything, right?
Ordinals essentialized dude farmer joe he's running the whole fucking thing this whole time. It's all been just farmer joe is raccochi
We already know this
Yeah, but but the point is like i'm i'm rooting for what leo is doing like I joined the discord
I'm telling him the room stone me, baby
Like i'm i'm definitely excited for that, but I also know what it's like to manage it just like
A a quote to centralized community. It's it's a fucking nightmare
um, so it's going to be really interesting to see how how that project goes because
Frankly, it's a lot easier if you're somebody like a rock toji or somebody like, you know, whoever farmer joe whoever like
Uh a casey right like to to actually like implement and execute your ideas
Instead of like what's going on in that discord right now is like a whitelist, you know
Grind moment where everyone's just like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, everyone's super excited because they think they're gonna get rich
But when it comes to actually fucking doing work and and actually organizing like let's see how it goes
That's why I respect the fucking rsic team so much, bro
Like you can look at it and see it and it's organized right and like you said
It's like a fucking like the parent inscription like all of the things point to they know what the fuck they're doing
So yeah, there's like catch up to be done already, right because there were already first movers on that
I will say though. I will say though. Our sick would have had
A significant upside if they were doing it purely altruistically with zero team supply and said fuck it
This is it. This is the first token. It would have been a no-brainer billion dollar market cap token at that point
Especially if they were willing to punt
punt big money
Um to to get it over the hump, but yeah, I mean
It's tough when when you have zero incentive from a financial point of view and you leave it up to chance
Yeah, I mean I I I just I can't understand why anyone takes
You know fault or is upset about the 10 allocation 10 percent
Is a reasonable number
Every collection that launches in my opinion for the most part should take an allocation because you're not earning royalty fees
And if we expect you know, take take our sick out of it, you know, whether it's them or anyone else
But how the hell do you expect a project on these fair free attempts at launches?
On on bitcoin or on ordinals if you can't have a token amount
For the team to then provide liquidity on exchanges to give any kind of incentives to pay future developers
To to incentivize the team like you just said farmer. I mean you have to have some amount
I mean, I've worked on enough teams and enough tokenomics
You have to have a war fund and a war chest to be able to take care of stuff
You can't just say oh, here's everything we're going to give it away because we love the space
And hope it does well
Another part of this too is like, you know people are underestimating how much it costs to get listings usually
Like how is an exchange supposed to get enough liquidity?
If if the if if you are forcing them to buy open market, basically
So I mean in the case of like track for example, I think it was tracker one of these tokens
It was actually the community that gathered together and said hey, you know, like we have this opportunity to list on gate
But you know the whales amongst us here have to give up like 30 40 50 grand worth of tokens each
To get this over the hump and do we see it as a net positive or a net negative to to get it listed on gate for
You know for liquidity purposes
I mean, this is kind of the reason why some of these teams apply they do make sense
And I don't know how domo was involved in the exchange listings
But I want to argue that he likely funded the liquidity on some of these exchanges
Directly from his own inscribed supply like I would be surprised if that wasn't the case. I could be wrong
Maybe there was enough momentum and hype that these exchanges decided to just acquire it on open market and have enough liquidity
to get things uh
far along, but you know if we if we do see something like that happening with any
any anything really
I mean look like it's going to be hard for leo's runes rune stone to be listed
because um
Yeah, like it's it's it's they don't really have a war chest to market to the exchanges which
Do require two three four percent of tokens to to get it listed and I think the value proposition
Or the dilution always comes from the team and the treasury
Um, and in in the case of our sick, you know 10 percent sure
Maybe they give up half of that and the left with five after all exchanges are
Kind of dealt with um, maybe maybe uh, and like
We'll see what happens. It might not be far. There might not be any tokens
Well, it might not it might all might just be a big rug
Like we we never know that's the risk we take with this stuff. That's you bring up a great point people don't realize the amount
That it takes and people just think these exchanges just list
for shits and giggles
And and once they see a token that has just so much volume
that they
Absolutely have to get in on it. The team is paying anywhere from 50 to 75 to a hundred thousand dollars worth of
either tokens or tokens and a pair or
Stables to even just get it listed
Besides just putting in the liquidity
This stuff isn't free
Projects need to be able to have that potential to do it on ethereum or any other evm type chain
Obviously, that's easy enough for a smart contract just to say, okay
We're gonna mint 20 to the team's wallet half that's going to be for liquidity whatever
Bitcoin when we do these free and fair mints, you can't do that. Uh golden go ahead. Sorry
Thanks, yeah, I don't trust any influencers in this space including ones that are actually on this space right now
So, let me get this right I don't have like the highest technical abilities but
Leonidas is going to launch his own coin
Or rune coin and rune and he criticized the r-stick launch is supposedly not fair. Is that basically this?
No, no, hold on. Let me let me just try to clarify it
So what leonidas is doing is trying to open source effort
In a community setting like he's trying to get a bunch of m-efforts together in terms of funding and like human resources capital
To launch a rune so he's literally trying to open source like a like a team. Yeah, but he benefits from that
just developers but he obviously
The reason he's doing it is because of all the pushback of our sick, right?
Feeling not so he thinks yeah. Yeah, right, but
The point is is like it's though, right?
Right. This is not just well, I mean
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make that judgment. I mean i'll make the judgment then don't worry. I'll do it
Yeah, sure
No, I mean
It's it's more. I just want to be clear like it's
It shouldn't be his token if he's so everything he's saying i've been reading, you know
And what he's saying in discord what he's saying on twitter, like he's not trying to launch a token for himself
I want to trust leonidas as far as I could throw him which probably isn't very far
Wait go you mean to say that he's gonna give every wallet x amount and he's not gonna go make
700,000 new wallets himself to get a big chunk. Absolutely. You're saying there might be some dirty business behind the scene. Absolutely
Dude, oh my god, what a shocker. I would not believe that
Here what did I walk into there you're too much of a cynic man
No, you're exactly right. I mean, nobody just does this any like farmer. I don't know him
I don't know his pure motives, but nobody does that stuff out of the goodness of their heart
Yes, everybody's just catching fire now. What do you guys don't get me wrong? I'm still gonna buy it like i'm
Clear eyes is not you know, this is not like rocket science guys
I mean he probably was planning a coin to launch on runes and is taking advantage of the current situation
And you know the the moral grandstanding of criticizing anything is not a fair launch
Oh, let me go cry and see my tillers made of you know with with hundred dollar bills in it, you know
Like there are other stats or stats like oh no
Poor leonidas and his comrades, you know, they they didn't get the the token dropped to them
Oh, let me go cry for them instead
No, they're big people they can do their own thing and they've taken advantage of the space
For a long time and they'll continue to do so
And it's not fail. Yeah, damn golden. Damn
That's wrong
That's wrong golden isn't a fucking gangster. You don't want to fuck with listen, man. I could go on
It's not like again. It's so easy to see through all this bullshit
It's like you know, it's like these people are making these posts like you know, please don't be so obvious next time
It's like they they think that because the average iq in this space is like 75 the people above the iq level won't actually
Actually, it's lower. It's 40 according to businessmen
Probably lower than as though like we want to actually, you know notice things
You know like really, you know, it's like just open your eyes
Don't trust any of these influencers
They're all playing these games. They have their own personal motives and in financial incentives
And oftentimes they're not even disguised. Well, they actually think they're smarter than they are
It's like there are so many questions that you can raise without actually judging someone but actually protecting yourself from the process
But I I don't have any problem with saying that something like leonidas was probably building a coin and then took advantage of the situation
Like really is that like such a stretch to come up with does that take some great imagination?
Or you know like detective. No, no, of course not. No, I mean it's yeah
It's it's all all i'm saying is what he said publicly and what i've seen so far
is he is trying to open source it which which i'm saying is like a
Pretty pretty crazy idea because like the nature of how hard it is to open source a successful fucking I mean
It's as crazy as when he made a website about so-called historical nfts on ethereum where he hand picked what he thought
Were the historical nfts and omitted certain projects actually had more historical relevance
Not to mention his constant confusing of the term
provenance with you know cringe historical significance
He's one of many influencers in this space that lack basically any credibility by their prior actions
But are actually like chameleons of them just blurred into this
This this new this new being to take advantage of this new space
Like you know fool me once you're not going to fool me twice and it's not like he's unique in this status
There are multiple chameleons like this
So don't trust them by what they say publicly especially when it's in the writing and can be tailored to how they want to best fit it
Actually listen to them and question them there and question their motives
No more more than that golden. Don't listen to them. Watch what they do on the fucking yes
But even then your walls can be disguised you can have multiple non-public walls. Yes
Agreed but I mean like are you telling me crypto skulls aren't the most historically don't even get me started
Oh my god, don't get me started on that
That what about the domain molden? It sounds like you're not a fan of leonidas attributes. Um
That's a whole different conversation. And that's actually bullshit
That that whole thing is like one of the biggest reasons why I didn't even get into the ordinal space most of last year because
To me it just does not stick but that's a different conversation. It's horseshit
It's consistent with you know prior dealings among other things crypto skulls, but let's yeah
Do you have a question though from like the casey casey rata more rarity perspective does that make more sense to you?
I don't like it from any perspective
But when it's propagated by certain individuals, it even makes it worse
And also, I don't think that casey is somehow infallible like the pope in the roman catholic church
You know, I think it I don't like the idea from a practical common sense
Position it doesn't stick with me regardless of who the actual proponent of that is
But certainly that would lend more credibility if it comes from casey. No, no question
I just don't like it. Yeah, that's personal
Yeah, yeah, totally cool. I I appreciate your time to jump up on a speaker in the
You think there's a financial incentive there to hold back 10 of the supply of course, of course there is
Just like if it's you know, the node monks holding back 10 or whatever the supply if it's the same person, of course there is
Do you have an issue with that?
I I don't really care either way
You know to be perfectly honest
You know, I I hold node monks
And I I didn't actually get dropped any of the arse but I bought on secondary when it was
You know cheaper prices. I always give full disclosure to assets that I have when I talk on spaces
So at least I can be more credible. Although everyone has their own, you know buy season here
So ultimately, yeah, duh the people have a financial incentive to hold 10 percent of the collection
Partly because there's no royalties right at this point in time. So
What's no, I don't know. Yeah at the end of the day if a project discloses what they're gonna do and they do that
No, nobody
Nobody should ever have a fucking problem with that
They said they're gonna take 10. They took 10 now
I I don't want to get this into node monk shitting and let's move on from the reunited stuff unless it's
Let's talk about ratoshi. How about that? No, it's just the the back and forth with the the
The donation and the whitelist and the all that was garbage
But at the end of the day if a project says like if I launch a project tomorrow
And I say i'm gonna keep 50 for myself because i'm the hawk and that's what I want to do
And it's my project people can either go the fuck away and leave me alone and not partaking it
Or they can buy it because they believe in whatever i'm selling. That's it
i'm not being dishonest or uh
You might be able to call be greedy
But if I say i'm going to take 50 because that's what I want to do
Then that's what i'm going to do. It's a free market to be able to attack me for that free markets
Yeah, free market unless someone makes certain promises
And doesn't fulfill them then they can do whatever they want, you know, that's probably what happened here
You know that that's you know, most of this stuff is just like
Or unnecessary drama, you know, like water cooler talk like oh my god
Like this guy said this and this person said that I I don't care about that. It's not even entertaining to me
I'd rather watch the actual entertaining television program or an mba game
But I like to be aware of it because I like to actually evaluate what the ulterior and obvious motives of these persons are
Particularly the influencers when there's cracks beneath the surface or in their relationships or when they feign cracks
I want to even go so far as to think sometimes they create drama when they actually don't even have a problem with each other
in a lot of these situations
But you know, that's all speculation and i'm not someone who likes to entertain, you know taking another level of conspiracy theories
I just like to keep my eyes open and and unfortunately most people in this space
Um do not have a good read on people
uh, do not question things and um
and and get misled by you know, silver silver tongue charlatans
Uh, that's a conduct that will continue. No, no question as the market continues to heat up
But what about gold tongue charlatans? What's that?
What about gold tongue? Uh gold tongue charlatans too, and I guess I would qualify as one because my my name is
Orange orange tongue orange orange tongue is probably okay
Um, that that's probably no, I mean golden you're you're a g man
Like I I've really appreciated
You know all your takes every time you come up on the spaces because this stuff needs to be said like
A lot of people don't know about the history that you're referencing. You know, I certainly do
Um, but yeah, it's it's good for people, you know, it's just good for transparency and people to know
You know what they're operating in but yeah, I mean basically everyone here is a financial actor
Everyone's acting, you know in a self-interested manner
At least they should be and the ideal state for any market or you know organization
Whether it's decentralized centralized or somewhere in between is is that you align incentives, right?
They're like, you know
If it's a trade between me and king arp like each one of us should be expected to try and you know
Trade in in our own interest
But there's enough like alignment between us that like i'm sure we could work something out and in general
We want to get into groups of you know, we want to put ourselves in situations where we are aligned working towards the same thing
Um, but yeah to your point like it's it's a minefield out here and it's it's going to get worse, right?
Like we're in the quiet times like here we are talking about a protocol
That's going to launch in like two to three months. Like this is the quiet time. This is the time for
Everybody to figure out who you should be watching, you know to take cues from
To the positive and the negative and you should be you know
Like like we're doing having these spaces, you know
Thanks to hawk and eric for hosting like have these kinds of conversation where we can learn from one another and I I agree with
Good things also that I don't I don't really care if arctic or token x or token a
Is technically the first, you know, like that like in this category of tokens
It doesn't really that that so-called provenance doesn't actually carry any any weight with me. I look for where
Where is the liquidity currently and where is it going to be heading?
And I would then focus on on those on on those tokens where the action is
And I don't I don't care if one was technically launched first or you know, there's a first mover advantage
No, no question with arctic if you actually look at the volume, but you know competition is good
So maybe there'll be another token that will come in and take a market share and no doubt that that will happen
So, you know the the more the merrier and people will benefit from this you should want this this level of competition
But I think I honestly I I saw that post by the other token account
There was it rune x or whatever and they they went on this they had this post about um
I only say this because not because I don't really
Care about I don't have any personal opinion on the token. It's great that there's another one out there
But they had this post that was really self-sabotage in my opinion about you know
We are the first like we're the first ever deploys like I as a consumer don't really care
Like you know create something cool try to get a market share build up some hype
And if you if it's emerging or if it's you know viable i'll buy into it or or i'll hold it if it's you know
Drop to me and and having like this this panel of judges
Including a bunch of it, you know, I just like you don't need that stuff, man
Just like just focus on your coin
Like don't don't engage on on things that are futile and pointless over
Technicalities that for something doesn't even like matter just like
it doesn't
Whoever wrote that needs to get their head check because it just makes you look like you're focusing on the wrong
Things and if you're focusing on the wrong things then my assessment is if you can't figure out your your actual
Your communication level then why should I actually trust that you're going to execute on your framework?
For for the token in the future. And so you already have a story already had you already have one strike against you from my perspective
I'm already losing faith based upon your lack of communication or marketing skills and focusing on the wrong things
So they're really doing a disservice to themselves. Uh, i'm gonna drop down and I gotta
Just I gotta get back to work, but yeah, no problem. Yeah. Thanks for coming up. And I mean
Your comment about the runect stuff
I've just always looked at it and said if you need to remind people that you were first
Maybe there's a reason they don't know that you were first already
Um, you know, I always look back to like the 1984 NBA draft like nobody really remembers Michael Jordan wasn't first
He was third
You you might remember Oajuan, but nobody else remembers number two
And then and then I go like to even more recent
applicable to us
Okay, ortee was first great, right? We all love ortee. What was the second most successful brc20 token?
Sure as hell wasn't number two or three or four or five or six. It was like nine or ten
And sure meme and a few of the other ones were in there
But there's a bunch in there that nobody gave a shit about so why was sat successful?
as the number ten
When the other ones weren't
Was it because of the meme with the name sat so was it because of the huge supply and the the fair distribution?
We don't we don't know
But it all goes back to this point that we've all kind of said that it's what the community decides is what what matters
That's what's relevant. Everything else
Who gives a shit?
Yeah, that's true huck
You know to also point out, you know, I do think that you know as we've seen with these protocols, I mean
There is actual value in being first
Um, you know like we've seen with ortee. It's the number one
It's the highest valued brc
Um, you know with with track and and pipe and tap and gib and all those
Are adam all the first tokens on each protocol is typically the most valued
So think there is value in being first
But I think you know right now with runes because it hasn't launched yet, you know, I think this is kind of just
You know banter back and forth right now
As far as the first token on runes I I personally think it will matter
And whoever is first and I think it will do really well
But then again the token, you know, it seems like there's a lot of a lot of teams trying to front run this
so I think who who can ever you know, rally the most troops behind it and
Um have the most social consensus will will do well
um, but I do think that
First is first and I do think it holds a lot of value as we've seen with the first of of these other protocols
Yeah, it's a fair take I just I keep wondering I thought this I think we've talked about this slick like
I obviously bullish on runes, but like how many first new protocols?
First is first. Are we gonna have I can't keep track of them? I know we're having like first of first derivatives now
It's like all right. Well at some point it just becomes
And trust me. I'm not saying runes is this but at some point some of these are just pure vaporware
You know, I created the brc 69 69 420 and it was the first token on it like
All right
Let's let's get past it. Yeah, I agree on that. I think when you have like these like sub
Protocol, I mean these protocols that aren't really popular
Uh, yeah, they're not I think it gets ridiculous
But I think like the top protocols that are actually legit and have a good team behind them and good builders like, you know
Benny and them, um, you know
They've got the first token has done well, but I don't know it's hard
It's tough to say what's gonna happen with runes because you you have a hundred teams trying to be first. So
It's I guess we don't know yet, you know, I mean things can be made drastically in the next two months
I mean who knows?
She just abandons runes too, I mean not not gonna happen
Mean, you know who knows maybe a month from now case
He comes out and says that you know
He's reserved the first token is gonna be you know reserved and it's gonna be fair minted who you know
Who knows and will that affect the value of risk? I mean probably but yeah, it's just there's so many unknowns right now
That's why we basically
Yeah, if casey changes course though, like that's that's a massive
Reputational risk. I I really don't see it happening
I you know a lot of us have probably been watching casey and publicly and probably talked to some of us privately as well and
And um, you know, I certainly I observe people
I think it's very important to understand like golden was saying like who you're dealing with right?
And that is alpha like that's why I say people are the alpha if you understand all the players in the game
you become a very formidable player yourself and
Casey is a person of principle
Like if you know casey at all, you know that he is a person of principle
And there's no fucking way that I see unless he becomes deranged or you know
Like something fundamentally changed about his character that he's gonna he's gonna switch course on what he said about how he plans to launch runes
like he's and also
Casey could have printed at the generational wealth for himself
30 to 100 times over if he would have just been inscribing shit
Um, but he didn't do that, right?
And and he let other people around him do that
So he's casey's not here for money and and he's not here even for fame like the dude is an artist
this one thing I really come to um
Appreciate about casey. He really is an artist like he's art
He's also an engineer which makes him like a unicorn because usually people who are very good at technically, you know technical engineering things
Or designing products like they're one or the other but he's like this guy's like he's truly is like a special human
But yeah, I don't see him
Jeopardizing the reputation that he's built as well as the industry
Like I think he's more acutely aware now than he has been ever in the path of
The role he's playing in shaping this industry. It's it's going to be a multi-billion dollar industry
So good things I could I could take
85 of the snippets in soundbite of what you just said
Take casey's name out of it
And I could say that exact same thing has been said about nearly every fucking founder in crypto for the last 10 years
And I can promise you that 90 of them pivoted or changed or
You know waffled or made a made a drastic change to what they decided to do
So i'm not saying casey's going to
He's a human at the end of the day. He's not a god
And he created a very fucking cool thing. That's why we're all here and I respect the hell out of him for it
Let's just all remember we're still gambling
Okay, just
Casey may launch the baddest fucking shit ever in three months or he may not i've seen plenty of founders
That sound exactly like how you just described him launch shit after shit that nobody likes
Because they were so focused on their principles and not doing what the market wanted, which isn't a bad thing
I respect people with the principles. No, it's a great point, dude
But but we did watch him that's the reason i'm saying this more with more confidence
I wouldn't have said this last year, but we saw him with the renumbering debate, right?
We've seen him with several things where you know, like he he has actually listened and i've watched them grow
Like I actually said this to casey in miami when I you know, we were hanging out at the hacker house
I think that that neuro and a bunch of uh, you know legends put together
And casey was leaving for the end of the night at the same time as I was and we just talked briefly
Um, you know by the front door and I just said, you know
Honestly, like i've watched you this whole time, you know
I met him february 2023 last year the first meetup you had and I got to talk to him then but
I watched him the whole time and there were times where casey I was like like what the fuck is this guy saying?
What is he doing, you know, like but i've watched the dude grow, um in real time and I think you know the best humans
That's what we do. We learn from
Experience we adapt to the positions we find ourselves in and i've seen him become more of a leader
Like that's my personal viewpoint
So yeah, I I told it but that's a very good caveat and everybody should be thinking that way like at the end of the day
Yeah, I just I just want to make sure people in the crowd hear that disclaimer because i've seen plenty of uh
Founders that were uh
Made to be legends and gods in the eyes of their their communities
That the community just falls apart because stuff didn't get delivered. So
Um, but what I would say
And I don't know how many people agree with me, but memory blocks is the new order
I mean just hands down
I've heard the same thing. I mean slick i've heard it in a couple of alba chats i've seen
Uh been getting some texts from people that memory blocks is the new order, but uh jokes aside
Um, I saw in a chat just a minute ago someone dm me
The uh memory block that bit god pulled
And it's just it's number 79. I mean some motherfucker rolling. They're actually
I'm i'm i'm pissed that he got that one, but they're super cool. I was really impressed with
Dalio and how he did this project
Yeah, I like how it how it was pretty organic too. It wasn't like this. He wasn't like engagement farming for
Weeks, you know up to the launch. It was kind of just
Teased the launch date and it was going to be uninscribed now and that was it
Um, it was pretty organic, which is what I like to see in
Low supply the mint price was fair. So, you know, i'm not surprised that's doing well in second day me right now
Yeah, I mean he uh, it was like 72 hours. I mean, I think he tweeted on monday
Like introducing it officially and I was talking to him about it over the weekend
I was like begging to be able to tweet about it because I wanted to tease it because it was just so fucking cool
And he's like no, no, I I don't want to do all that. Just let me
Announce it this week. It'll be a couple days. We'll meet be done with it
Yeah, the way the way he launched it was was nice
Yeah, I mean I was a fan of how he did it, you know
A lot of these projects. I mean nothing against him and a lot of them are good projects
But you know, I think if you have a good project and the art is cool and people rally behind it
You don't need to engagement fun for
Six months, you know to get people going, you know, if it's good and everyone likes it it's going to do well regardless
He's got history too. That's kind of my take on the market
I mean like he's I have a question on the on the collection
I I was lucky to mint one and I haven't actually had a chance to look at it
I'm looking at it right now. Like is there there's there's definitely traits here. Are there like rare traits or more valuable traits?
I don't question. So
Eric, do you happen to know that by chance from from the space that I had earlier?
If there's actual rarity or no, it's it's eyes of the beholder really. I mean there's like
Generations like that are similar but no, there's no like trait based rarity
There's no like one of ones or or I guess they're all one of ones. Yeah
Yeah, I guess they're all cooler than others obviously and I guess there's value in that but
Yeah, I tried to look through the different traits on magic even and seemed you know
It didn't seem like there was any rarity to any of them
Yeah, these things are just
Oh, sorry
Yeah, these things are just these things are as cool as fuck like
I actually dm'd him and had him on the show on everything ordinal show I think two days ago and um
You know, he was just talking about the inspiration behind it and it was literally just it's just a disc defragmentor from windows
I don't know if you guys ever used that I certainly did because i'm a boomer
But it's just like it's this element of um
Like it brings me back to one of the golden ages of the internet for me
Which was like when I first started using the internet and so
Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what people think from an art perspective, but I just I I love the whole concept of it
Yeah, I don't know. This thing's dope
Yeah, they're pretty cool
I mean, I guess too. I mean you could kind of tie it to
You know ordinals kind of being you know, what is it windows 95 or whatever kind of just starting off
So I guess it could be symbolic of you know being so new like that but
Regardless, I just you know, it's cool that you know
More artists are looking at ordinals and wanting to launch collections here. I mean
I think we're gonna see that more and more moving forward
And it's cool too it didn't you know
Wasn't here just to take a bunch of cash either, you know
He was he didn't come here and launch a ten thousand dollar hundred piece collection
It's you know, it was low supply low mint price and you know, it was the first one here
So, you know, that's pretty cool on his part
Yeah, the I mean he's
He's not nude on chain art
I mean his he's the original on chain artist the first on chain artist on bass chain
And so he has a collector bass that comes from over there
um, I could say like a few of them got whitelist within there, but I mean most of his
holders come from come from that
So I mean he's he's he's not unknown
um in the space he's heavily supported on base chain and around there and so
Um, I think it was cool that like and there's a thousand I think in tiny bass frogs within that and so this was even less
And obviously completely different. He's made it clear that he's not trying to be like
A one genre artist like and I was like, oh well, he can make frogs, but he can't make something else or or vice versa and so
He's he's a legit guy. No, he's by the book. He's also
Yeah, like he's practitioner bjj brown belt
So like he's he's not a grifter at all. It's just probably he's very unknown in the ordinal space
But not in like the on chain art space. Um kind of on evm. So it's just cool though because
it's funny how one artist can be known and like
In like somewhat be notorious on one chain and then is coming into a completely different ecosystem
And they're relatively unknown, but it was cool that like the reception that he got
Just from that but he's he's a legit guy
It's slime welcome up, what's up, my man haven't talked to you in a week, you know, what is up my guy
Sorry, i'm nice bfp slime. Oh, is that uh ordinals eggs? Oh, yeah, this is ordinals. They're 10k collection
That's coming out in a few weeks. Yeah, nice
First off banger space goddamn. I mean
We know this right you put hawk on on stage
No, not seriously. You guys got to do this more often
Um, eric, what is up my guy?
Um, all right, so I i'm not gonna sit here and just
Drown in star about how I miss dalo's drop that art's just spectacular. I mean I got into the space
regretfully, so in tezos which led me to fx hash so gen art is like
I'm just a sucker for some gen art
So i was picking his brain I was like dude, there's no shot that you are not on fx hash
And he basically does have a collection on fx hash. He didn't tell me under what artist name
But um, i've been looking for it all day
Not sure if I can find it because fx hash is just fucking crazy
But I thought that was pretty cool that there's a secret dalo
Look for it for me. I'm not saying uh, you're gonna make money off of it. It's fucking tezos test those nscs fucking suck
If you pull the memory block what a goat what a sick project what a cool guy
And if eric says he's good at black belt
Or whatever the hell jujitsu and that's pretty legit because I know eric is a beast at that and eric is legit as fuck
So, um, I had to come up here pay my respects because you guys actually killed it
I'm on spaces all fucking day. Some of them suck and I still listen to them for hours
But this is an absolute banger should I give away a memory block?
Oh eric kind of like infamously known for giving away art
Um, but lastly before I go sauce that pfp is just sexy as hell cordavante yours as well
Um, i'm gonna finish my dinner with my wife. I love you guys so much. Wait, wait, who's who's who's pfps? I want to go
Oh sauce is note. Yeah, that shit is killer. Who's the other one?
Um, all right guys, uh much love
Hey, so i'm going to come back up. We'll do a little uh
Cluck cluck spaces with ordinal legs. They keep on sliding my dms and they they they want hawk
It's not gonna happen if hawk isn't there. Uh, so let's do this eric
Yeah, they're good guys i've chatted with them too. They say when so i'm i'll i'll rock my honorary
All right, brother much love to you guys. Have a great night
All right. See ya
I want I want anyone's opinion that's willing to give it and doesn't need to be the people up here
And if you guys are shy if you've never been on a space this stage before
Just come up like who cares? You can say five words. You can cluck like a chicken
You can you know
Arf you can ribbit whatever you want. Like I won't judge. So just come on up
But i'm curious what people's thoughts are on the bitcoin trumps
Oh, dude, I didn't meant them but they've been they've pumped. Holy crap
I sold most of mine between like one eight and two five last night
And I didn't buy the dip when it did back and i'm only holding a couple and now i'm like looking at them
Like yeah, I left that and I sold the top a few of them and bought back in because I just I don't know
I think long i'm pretty bullish on trump doing stupid shit for a year. So I think that that's gonna like pump it
He's gonna be all over the
Anyone actually do the trump ordinals deal like the hundred thousand i thought that was a scam
I'm gonna be honest. That's a cash grab like I think that'll pump these though
I think that'll pump the 10k trumps, which is why i'm bullish on them long. Yeah, I mean it could
Did so in respect with the election coming here? I mean, obviously, you know, trump is gonna be all over the news and stuff
I mean he is
Yeah, i mean
Free so like but that's where i'm at with them. They're not that expensive. So it's like why not wait
They're like what 80 bucks. I mean, they're just some of them are pretty funny. Some of them look pretty dumb
But was it a free mist? Yeah, it was free. It was like 10 bucks apiece with fees
Give or take was that an order and scrap now
It was a custom website. Oh, interesting. Yeah, I missed that one
So I woke up at like two in the morning
And I see a text from my buddy steve cubes and he's like, hey, did you see the bitcoin trump's?
Minting i'm like, oh no, so I grabbed my computer. I meant 10 i'm like half asleep
And then like 20 minutes later, I haven't gotten him yet. I'm like, what the fuck did I just rug?
You know get rugged on and then i'm like, whatever i'll deal with them later
Well, then I look at like two hours later. I still don't have them. I'm like, all right
Well, I just wasted a hundred bucks. So then I get up at like seven and they're not minted out
They're like not even 50 minute out
I'm like I finally get mine. They're garbage
I mean not that mine are garbage. It's just they're they're not gonna be worth anything
So I didn't meant more than the 10 and then like two hours later. They're minted out and mooning
It's crazy. This shit works, but I need somebody to make a bitcoin biden collection, please somebody on this space
I I don't
I'm gonna be honest with you. Well, I don't think it's
And i'm partial to trump. I won't hide my politics
The the thing I think would be funny about it is think about some of the ones we could do with bitcoin biden's
He could be like falling asleep. He could be real confused looking he can be tripping and falling over
I mean, I think we could have some really funny traits
Yeah, me and yalla were talking about this down there, bro
And like imagine if they did it the same way like the same exact way same type of website, dude
The same exact drop they could even whitelist the trumps, bro. Uh, but there's things to do there. I think
I mean do it and then the beauty of it is let's get some game theory into it over the next 10 months, right?
Like how do we I mean, we know basically those are gonna be the two unless biden decides to drop out of the race
But I mean you could almost have like battles like many votes between biden's and trump's and you give the collection holders a vote
To say in different things and you basically on chain votes. Yeah on chain votes based on how many you're holding
When uh 10k biden
Hey somebody in this space make it happen. Give me 50 for the idea, please
And and let's do it
Yo hawk when you launch it you can just host spaces and and just be like
Just like not make sense, you know, it'd be awesome. Oh, I love it. That's a great idea
I heard the bitcoin trumps are actually working on the first ruins token, too
It's gonna be huge
I heard runes token allocation the actual one from casey is only going to holders of bitcoin trumps memory blocks
frogs eggs
Fair lines
Hey, what do you guys think of quantum cats, you know, we've kind of touched on all the recent ordinals news
Love to hear what you guys think about that mint. Like how do you mainly for a price performance standpoint?
How do you think that will do?
I mean, I think udi and the boys will pump it. It's i'm not really uh
Taking in all of that. I'm looking for more like lower entry things personally, but I think that they'll probably send it now
I'm sure I mean, I don't like the price obviously, but I I wouldn't be surprised if two to three x's off of mint
in the first week
Yeah, I mean i'm not gonna lie. I mean I was
Critical the other day of it a little bit. I don't like the games for whitelist stuff on any chain any any time
But that being said i'm gonna mince it if I can right?
I mean, I was offered a whitelist spot from somebody earlier today
So i'm gonna take that and just pay the 0.1. Even though it's stupid
And I my money's on what those guys are saying that it's gonna pump. I don't think we have a
you know a situation like uh
shadows or
Uh seize control or any of that shit where i'm gonna regret paying 0.1 for it
At the end of the day duty and the guys have done a lot for the space
Um that they have the connections. It's gonna pump
I agree with that. I I love far. I mean far's art
I mean far is top couple artists in my opinion in ordinals
The dude's just a giga besides even just the art and some of the stuff he's done. So
In the meantime i'll gamble on the rats as a proxy play
I thought it would do better than it has
Should have gotten none of trumps
Yeah, I probably should have gone harder than trumps that's a big regret
I think I think we launched the biden's just to help pump the trumps. How about that? It'd be pretty funny
Business man, what do you think of the whole uh, the cats meant
Yeah, i've obviously been very critical for the same reasons, you know, most of the people in space have been just
I I just think it's kind of bizarre that
Everyone's accepting this four thousand dollar mint price
I think it's the second highest raise in ordinals history and I get it udi and eric. They've done
insurmountable things for the ordinals space
But I just I feel like they marketed for the last 11 to 12 months on this
You know, we're about the culture. We're missionaries on bitcoin and that's why we're here. We're here to
make make bitcoin better
and it seems like that message is
You know not as credible when you turn around and you know have this high price mint for something
That's not even your you know genesis collection, which is the taproot wizard
So that's been my concern with it. But from a price performance standpoint, I agree. I think
They're gonna raise the money. It's gonna mint out and it will probably
You know at least 1.5 to 2x on secondary
In the short term. I'm not quite sure how it does long term, you know, we kind of saw with the
Trevor's ninjas it had a quick pump and then it's kind of reverted back to the mint price
So that might happen here just given kind of liquidity concerns
But yeah, I think people that mint if if you go in there looking for a quick flip
You'll probably be able to get it and profit not financial advice, of course, but
Yeah, we'll see. I think I think it will affect a lot of other collections across space
I just think 13 million dollars to one collection drains quite a bit of liquidity and ordinals
in a place where it's relatively fragile to begin with so
We'll see man, but
I guess i'm i'm excited to see how it plays out
Yo, can I just say how fucking incredible i'm just having that moment where like web3 just doesn't get fucking old
Especially with ordinals. I love this
Bull market dude new drama every day. I love it
It's better than tv show
Yeah, it's paid on tv watching tv netflix all that shit
I'd rather be here watching this crazy shit and then capitalizing all of the fucking tokens
Exactly just as much entertainment yet. You make money off of it
Not only the entertainment, but have you guys ever just kind of like thought like
Like something dope comes out like let's say node monks, right?
And you're like, man
What's gonna be the next thing and you kind of like will there be a next thing and then something like memory blocks comes out
Or something just random comes out. You got runes coming. It's just like I can't
I you can't I don't know. It's just addicting as fuck man. It's kind of wild. Oh, so swine my chiropractor is like
He used to be a financial analyst before he went into medicine. He's he's into the market, you know
He dabbles in crypto, but he's not like right. He's still ignoring me. But every time I go in he's like
Intrigued and he wants because he knows I do this full time
And so one day when when social five's popping off I walk in there. He's like, hey, what are you trading lately?
I'm like people he's like
What the fuck do you mean you're trading people?
I'm like i'm literally trading shares of people like that's what we're doing today and this week
And it'll be something different in a month
But this is what we're doing and so every I was just in there today and every every time he's just like so what?
What are you what are you trading this week? Like what's new? Like what's the weird thing?
Because it's just crazy how trying to explain this stuff to people what we do
We're either geniuses or idiots
Plot twist of the century your chiropractor is Leonidas
Heard it was not Toshi, huh?
Yeah, it is. Actually, that's why I get all my alpha
I'm getting my back adjusted
That's why x welcome up. What's been good, man? Long time
What's up guys? Good to see you guys and the hawk. Thank you for always responding to me through your gms
I always appreciate it always
I'm just like your fucking chiropractor. I'm always
Looking for the alpha. I'm sorry for bothering you
Good to see slime and everyone else on stage. I met half of you at least
During my me our basil
Um, I was just hearing what you guys were talking about and decided to hop up
Yeah, welcome, I mean, uh, it was good to see you as always down there and
Looking forward to the next one. Uh, I don't think i'm gonna be at a well
I'll be at east denver, but I don't think i'll be at any bitcoin religion called nashville
Um, are you gonna do new york?
No, i'm gonna be in ireland. Um, I got a bunch of trips coming up. So i'm
All with the family. So it's gonna be a lot harder to try to make it a couple of events
I'm trying to make it to dubai actually
Token 2049 is going on in dubai like mid to late april
Have you ever been to that i've heard great things about 2049? No, i've i've heard amazing things and I can't share anything
But there's some even better amazing things about token 2049 that that make uh
Some of the people on the stage very excited
But uh, I will say that it's just a great conference from what i've heard. I want to go to singapore
Um, my brother might be going to dubai which is why I might go with him. He's
heavily into the ethereum side, but
Um partially I just want to go to dubai and then you know, make the connections and network with people so
This space is sponsored by travel swap
Yeah, I was waiting for it. No. Hey, i'm i'm uh, eric knows this so i'm no i'm a soft shiller
I don't I don't hard show
My bags too much other than memory blocks or the new orty but no, the whole team is dope
Dj is amazing. Oh my god
Actually, I heard because pretty soon you'll be able to pay with order you so it is
Somebody DM me the other day like when travel ruins. I was like, I will stab myself in the fucking neck
It's like not happening do let's do it
All right travel travel hock's gonna be pan. Uh his trips with his arctic bags
Yeah, I got so i'll be paying with wianitis this project
What about his?
I'll be paying for trips with uh runestone
Well, I mean that's why I I get so worked up over this stuff when everyone wants to fight about it because at the end of the day
It's like thanks for the free money. I appreciate it like the the alt airdrop this morning and I know we're talking ordinals, but for
Non ordinals related airdrops. There's still plenty of them
Uh, yeah, every time I get one of my all right, what what where are we going? Like what who's sponsoring this trip like
Celestia's sponsoring hawks trip to
You know wherever
It makes it fun. So if this meta's coming to ordinals now
You know r6 runestone runes rug. I mean we haven't even talked about rug
I mean rug's gonna be a massive airdrop next week. It sounds like now
Archon saying or saturn saying so then they just announced their moon gonna be the second one
Uh, the rumor with that was that it's gonna be tied to people that hold the fomo token the the dollar sign fmo
But I still
Some of you might know I got booted from that discord
so I don't know any of the news so if anybody can share the news since
I saw they were posting a drainer discord link and brought it up to the founder and promptly got
booted which seemed a little weird, but
So, what do you think of rug I you know, I think given the airdrop meta, I think that will have some
definite attention next week
Yeah, I mean there always seems to be a flavor of the week
I mean, you know, there's always like we were just talking about like 10 minutes ago. There's always something new to look forward to
And I I think rug next week will be the talk of the town
Yeah, I mean I think it's the largest airdrop to ever happen on bitcoin and the distribution is
dozens of projects versus five or six
But yeah, I mean, you know, I I think saturn's put together. I know there's some people don't like it
But you know, I think the the decks that they're trying to put together is actually pretty cool
And I I had a call with with hex, I don't know probably two or three months ago now, but I mean his goal is to
For saturn to be you know, the main decks for all of these utxo protocols
He says if I understood right, you know, I think he said he could you know, kind of mesh them all together where you know
You could trade runes, you know pipe
And all of the other utxo adam all those all on on saturn
Yeah, we'll see. I mean
I think he's put together. I mean as far as the competition a pretty good product
That worked so we'll see I think it'll be it'll be fun next week
Yeah, the the the telltale sign will be whether
When if everybody gets the airdrop is that good or bad and then that leads into whether leonidas would be good or bad a little
bit too, I mean saturn is going to be dropping this to so many people like you said
And I mean how like node wizards shids like projects that were hot for a minute that aren't
And they should still be because shids are just amazing. Um, I still say I don't give a shit instead of shit
At the end of the day, nobody can argue that that distribution isn't so much more fair
And your point slick they just the sheer amount of wallets that are going to get the distribution
Um, i'll be curious to see how many people are whining
next week
if this airdrop does well
That they didn't go and register their wallet
And then they're whining that they had to go do that and missed out and then they're coping. Oh a hundred percent. I mean people
you know, they they never funded their wallet and then they're going to say it was a scam because they had to send money to
Their trading account address, even though it's just an address generated by your you know, your taproot. So
It's not being sent to saturn
Um, but I don't know. I think it's it's worth the risk. I think it's like 35 40 bucks just to fund the trading account
Um, and who knows it might do really well might go to zero, but you know
We're gamblers. We're here just here to play the game. So
Hey, hi, good question
Oh, go ahead next
Oh, um, there are a few wallets where say I had like 10
Node wizards, uh that I didn't fund just because I whenever I did hear like the token allocation breakdown it
Maybe didn't seem worthwhile. There's a few different wallets that I haven't done
Is it do you really think I should send 40 for all the?
Little ass collections that they did
Say that i'm gonna be honest
I yeah, I kind of have I have a few wallets like that too where I have like one
I don't know like a node wizard or something like that
I i'm not going to um
I've heard that the distribution is going to be based
More upon the market cap of the projects
So like, you know your ombs and node monkeys and all of them are gonna
Have a more weight as far as the airdrop and then also like the ordinal rugs
I know they're getting 10 of the supply. So
Um, i'm not
Yeah, i'm not planning on funding, you know
I have a wallet with one node wizard. I'm not i'm not gonna fund that. That's not right. Thank you so much
Yeah, I got a question about drugs
So it's 10 of the supply goes to the rug holders
What does that put the opening market cap of rug token based on you know
What the rugs are trading for right now off the top of your head? Yeah, so I had a tweet yesterday about this. Um
I think it was like 10.4 million or something like that, which
I mean, you know, I think it's you know
I know we were kind of talking about the first
tokens, I mean it is the first token of
The the the rings protocol, but you know if you compare them across the board to the other
You know first tokens of other protocols. It's I think it's pretty undervalued. I mean
Like I said, I don't know it might go to zero, but I think
You know if you're looking at it as a bet, you know
I think the odds are more likely than not that it will go higher than 10 million
But then again, I could be wrong and it could crash straight to zero
I mean if you look at like alt the alt og holders for their airdrop today
That that pass that og pass, I think i'm rounding here, but it was like 20 grand
uh for the
Worth of ethereum for their og pass and they got airdrop 40 grand worth of tokens
It's insane and and so, you know, we've seen hundreds of examples of that stuff
Occur so it very it's it's going to be one of the other in my opinion
It's either going to be a flop, which I don't think I don't hope but I do have bag buys towards that
Or it's going to be you know, the the rugs are currently worth 0.2
And you're going to get 0.5
Worth of tokens if it just massively goes off well and hits a reasonable
25 million dollar market cap for a newer token
Um, but I agree as far as with uh, what xs and slick said
I if it's not a doxed wallet
Like if it's a doxed wallet where it's already like messed with your other wallets if it's one or two
I'd probably move it
To the one you already have if if fees are well it costs like two or three bucks to move it
But if they're not doxed wallets and they're completely side load wallets that you have
I I wouldn't do it unless you had
Reasonable assets on there. Yeah, I just didn't know if there was a snapshot that was already taken, you know where
You know if we moved it, yeah, I mean that's that's a risk, right? Yeah, so I don't know within a week. Yeah
What's up beans?
Let's let's take a question from beans or whatever and if anyone wants to say a final say my
I mean my daughter needs help. I wanted to ask uh, what's going on. Thank you for bringing me up
Um, make it quick. I don't want you to
um all up layer the
It's an airdrop for bitcoin. No, it's
No, nothing to do with bitcoin. Uh today's airdrop was for
Pass holders of theirs people that did their like testnet stuff and then people that were eigenlayers stickers with ethereum. Got it
Yeah, it's like what is like a an l2
Essentially like an elastic. Do you know where do you know where to check if you qualify?
Uh, just go to all layers twitter, I don't know the exact address
I'll talk ahead if you didn't have eigenlayers staked or celestia staked and the celestia stakes claims not even alive yet
Odds are if you if you don't know about it, you didn't do the testnet stuff
So it basically comes down to if yet. I got it. There was like steps to do before
Yeah, yeah, it's not just uh to anybody got it got it. All right, cool. Thanks guys
Yeah, no problem
All right guys that that being said i'm gonna end this
Uh might hop on later and do another one if you want to keep chit chatting
If not to slimes point i'll try to make a more regular habit of this
Um, I was hoping dialogue could come on for a minute. I know he was busy tonight and he was already on some spaces earlier, but
Uh still super excited for the memory box drop. I just love the way you did it. Love that it was done tastefully
Um, looks like it's uh, you know as people saw the the hefty price after the secondary collection
Seems like we got some paper handers coming in
Uh see some professional trade doors that are already taking an l that
We're hoping to flip and now panic dumping, which I actually kind of love to see that
That uh that wasp horn gets me going get some exciting because i'm probably going to buy the dip from them and then
Sell it on the next pump. So
Appreciate you guys stopping by business man slick as always. Thank you. Thanks. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for putting this together, huh?
Yeah, that was fun. Appreciate it guys. Yeah, thanks. This is great. Yeah
All right, have a good night guys