MetaCene: Next gen blockchain gaming

Recorded: Jan. 31, 2024 Duration: 0:52:09
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hey, Jeezy Good morning. How's it going? It's going. I'm sorry you hear a little bit of an echo here. I've got two phones running. So yeah, just let me know it. Let me know if my sound is okay and that's some dedication towards running some spaces.
Yeah, I've got the whole Twitter space console over here for sure.
Thanks everybody. It sounds pretty good. Cool. Sweet. Yeah, thanks everybody for joining us early. We're just going to wait for the speakers and for some more folks to roll in and we'll get started. So we'll just hang out here for a bit.
All right. Looks like we've got Henry here. Henry, could you just do a quick mic check? Make sure we can hear you. Yes. Can you guys hear me? Yes, we can hear you loud and clear. Awesome. Hello, everyone.
How's it going? It's great to meet you. First time chatting with you. Excited to do this space today. Likewise. Likewise. Thanks for the invitation.
Absolutely. Let's just give it one more minute. We'll send out a final push and get some more folks in here and then we'll get started. Sure.
All right. Why don't we just go ahead and get started. Have some more people filtering in as we make our way through introductions and such.
So thanks everybody for joining. We've got in a super exciting space today with the Medicine team. And Henry, please do let me know if I'm mispronouncing that. It is Medicine. It's correct. It's correct. Yes. Yes. Great.
Yeah. So we just recently announced on Twitter this week that we're going to be giving away some assets and NFT whitelist and allow list related to the Medicine game. So we'll talk about that a bit in addition to just getting insights about the team behind Medicine.
Also, you know, what inspired the game, sort of some of the game mechanics, what stage we're at in the game and such. So we're just going to do a deep dive today on Medicine with GZ, who's here from the Mansel team and with Henry, who's here from the Medicine team.
GZ, I'm going to hand it over to you. Do you want to just give us a quick intro on yourself and then we'll hand it over to Henry as well.
Sounds good. Yeah. So I'm GZ. I lead up the gaming vertical here at Mansel. And really my goal here is to provide the Mansel audience and our users with some really fun and engaging experiences and really provide them with some high quality assets through gaming.
And what I mean by high quality assets when it comes to gaming, it usually comes with kind of two forms. Number one, the game needs to generate revenue. The game generates revenue. It's fun.
People are spending money in the game and then people are willing to purchase these assets. And that's how they kind of gain value over time. That's what the phi of game phi or phi of NMT phi really comes from.
And my background really comes from games publishing. I worked on League of Legends, Ragnarok, lead publishing for Game of Thrones game and a bunch of different titles that reached anywhere from 100 million to over a billion dollars in revenue.
And so, you know, medicine was one of the games that we really identified as one of the highest potential gains in the Web3 space today, has immense quality, has all really the right tick boxes and the right checks to really have that potential to be that next billion dollar game and really take over this new industry.
And so today, if we are really, really proud to announce this partnership with Mantle and these kind of exclusive opportunities for us to really provide a lot of the value and love the kind of, I guess, share of the medicine success or future success with our audience.
And that's what I want to explain today.
Henry, would you like to do a quick introduction of yourself?
Sure, sure. Thanks, guys, for the invitation. So I'm Henry from Mantle Scene, the symbol from Mantle Scene.
Regarding myself, I've been working on the gaming industry for the past 10 years. Being the last company, Web2 company, I was working at Tencent, where I was doing mainly things related to overseas publishing.
So, yeah, I mean, I entered Web3 space in 2017, and I have always been very fascinated by the new technologies and everything happening on the space.
So I decided not too long time ago, maybe also like less than two years ago to jump 100% into Web3 because before was just like a sighting for me.
So, yeah, it's really happy to be part of the medicine team and to have this new partnership with Mantle. I'm sure we're going to build a lot of things together.
Yeah. So, yeah, that's it from my side.
Sounds good. I guess today I just really want to give you guys a chance to really highlight all the things that I saw in medicine and, you know, the I think maybe share some alpha as well.
But really, I want to give the ways for our audience today in terms of some insights into how the Mantle team looks at games, how we tend to choose what kind of games you want to tie ourselves with and how we choose the type of games that we work with that have extremely high potential or how we see and identify the potential.
So with that in mind, you know, I think one of the first questions off of that is we would like to talk about the team, the development team behind medicine.
Who really developed this game and what was their background? What kind of experience did they have? Would you be able to share some insights there?
Yeah, of course. First of all, so medicine is an MMORPG, right, that has been under development for around two years. And regarding the team, most of the team comes from Web 2 gaming companies, such as Blizzard, Perfect World, Tencent, and our CEO in particular, Alan, used to be the CEO of Shanda Games.
So Shanda Games is a public gaming company from China and Alan was leading the company with projects such as Legend of Mere and many other MMORPG projects.
So for Alan, he has been developing and working on MMORPG projects for the past 20 years, right?
And the development team also is a very experienced team that, like I said, come from all these various Web 2 companies.
And of course, we also have people in the team that have worked on Web 3 for quite some time and are supporting us.
And yeah, so this is kind of like the brief introduction regarding the main team, right?
So the brain behind the project is, after working for so long with Web 2 and MMORPG projects, Alan saw this opportunity to bring this concept, this gameplay into Web 3 and that's how medicine was born.
Yeah, so that's kind of one of the first things that we looked at is the team that came behind this project, who really came to develop it.
And as you guys have heard, the development team comes from some of the top gaming companies in the world.
Many of the ones, Blizzard, Perfect World, that were named have this market cap of over a billion dollars or several billion dollars in some cases and have developed some of the most iconic games.
So having that experience in the back end was definitely something that was very exciting.
And the second is that this team took its time.
It's something that's great, especially in the gaming industry, tends to take time to develop.
You don't see the next generation of MMORPGs or the next generation of FPS shooters being thrown together in six weeks.
It's something that players, people have to have concepts, perfect, and it takes a lot of experience to create.
So that's definitely one of the most exciting parts to be heard.
The second thing that we really want to know is the purpose, you know, why they want to make this game.
What is it in the kind of industry that inspired them or what they wanted to make better in terms of game developers?
So, Henry, what was the big inspiration behind Medicine?
How did the developers really choose to work on this game?
Yeah, first of all, we appreciate the understanding regarding the development time.
We really took our time into developing this game.
And for the first nearly two years, we were only working on gameplay, improving the game.
We ran a few tests, right?
The first test was for 100 users, and then we did Alpha 1 that was for 3,000 users.
And then we did Alpha 2 that was for over 5,000 users.
And until up to Alpha 2, we never sold any assets.
We didn't release the token.
We didn't ask the players to invest anything in the project.
We were only offering opportunities for the players to come discover the game, play it, and together with us, like, help us to improve it, right?
So based on player feedback, we improved the game.
We found bugs, right?
The players broke the game during testing, and that's why we do testings, right?
And yeah, so regarding the reason why we decided to make up this game, I think it's Alan's background.
It's from an mRPG gaming developer, right?
With, like, 20 years of experience.
And then when you look at mRPG games traditionally, you see that there are lots of features on these games
that they're very suitable to be brought into Web 3.
For example, there are many mRPG games where you have trading of assets, right?
You already have in the game, you have, like, market.
You have, like, assets that players can trade and can sell.
But normally, this was all, like, centralized, right?
Because these were Web 2 games.
So we saw the opportunity of, like, utilizing the blockchain technology and all these features to bring, like,
a new depth into, like, mRPG, right?
So how we do that, right?
So, of course, first of all, we are talking about NFTs.
So in the traditional mRPG games, you have the assets, you have equipments that normally they are centralized.
The players, they can't take them off the games.
Some of the old games, if they close the server, the player loses everything, right?
They lose their data, they lose their equipment, they lose everything that they played for.
Of course, there are projects, Web 2, mRPG gaming projects that have been on the market for many years.
But there are many that have died, right?
And they closed, and then players just lost everything.
And then you have all the interaction and the opportunities that Web 3 brings, right?
In a Web 2 game, you have certain limitations, right?
The community can participate, give you feedback and so on.
But the way that the community participates is very limited, right?
And on Web 3, you have all these opportunities of players being part of the project.
Because when they are investors, they are part of the project, they are holders of NFT, they are part of the project, right?
And then when they are voting, when they have the governance rights, they are taking part of the project.
And in our case, we also thought that we could take advantage of AI and allow players to be more involved in the game as well.
So this is like how basically it started, right?
How can we bring an mRPG game?
I mean, mRPGs have been around for so long, right?
Most of us have played before, right?
The first mRPG that I played was probably, I think, more than 20 years ago.
And so this is a genre that people are very familiar with.
So how can we improve and give a new experience to players, right, on the Web 3 space?
So that's why how Metascene came and the inspiration, right?
To bring a project, bring a type of game that already has so many opportunities for being integrated with blockchain
and then adding these new features and these new player interactions and participation, right?
So this was kind of like the inspiration and how it started and how we've been building up to this point, yeah.
And 100%, I think one of the key things that I want to really highlight from what Henry mentioned there
was that there was a purpose behind using blockchain technology in this game.
And that's one of the, I think, biggest pitfalls that we found when looking to, from my personal experience,
when investing into different game fight projects or when trying to brand or work with different game fight projects
that a lot of times these games would try to focus on building a narrative of using blockchain technology in game,
but there was no real reason.
It ends up coming out with a token that crashes or NFT crashes because there was no real utility and no purpose.
And I think it's really amazing that this is a team that actually came in here and had a really clear mindset of why they're doing this.
And that's another reason that really gets me excited about this game and makes me really bullish.
But no, given all this put together, given kind of the excitement around this game, what is the development like right now?
And when can we expect to start seeing some tests or open beta tests or actually be able to get our hands on the game?
Yeah, so we did our second alpha was maybe it was less than two months ago, if it was in December, if I remember correctly.
And this one was the last big test that we did right for was like I mentioned earlier, was around 5000 users.
Right. So but the thing is that we have been only pushing PC versions of the game and the test so far, they have been focused only on PC.
So the next test that we plan on doing is going to happen in March.
And this test is going to have mobile and PC at the same time. So meta scene is a game where players, they can cross play.
Right. So they can use their phone. They can use their PC to play with the same characters, have the same experience.
Right. So the players are able to take their phone and keep playing the game or checking the money or and so on.
So these next tests, it's what we planning to do. So the development that we have so far right now, right.
So we are approaching the CCQ collection means that we are going to talk about today.
And then after that, we're going to work on some tools and things related to CCQ.
And then in March, we have these mobile tests with the PC version as well.
So these are things that are coming very soon. Right. And then after that, I mean, we still have a lot of other things like the realms. Right.
It's another NFT collection connected to our server system. Right.
The servers in meta scene are compromised of 1000 NFTs and the holders, they are able to earn revenue share, to vote, to create content and so on for servers.
We're going to have decentralized servers and so on. So this is all coming on the pipeline. Right.
So right now it's we are focused on the launch of the next collection. And then after that, the main main point would be for the next test. Right.
In March. Yeah. So this is this is kind of like the development so far. But the game itself has been pretty complete.
We have Quest system, PvE, PvP modes, Guild system. They have been there since the first test, I would say.
And we have been only like improving and working on these features, getting player feedback and making them work better. Right.
In the last test, we opened more map areas. We have bosses in the game, so we brought more bosses. Right.
So every test we are bringing new content while we are improving the gameplay that we offered in the previous test. Right.
So there's a lot of feedbacks that we received in the last test that there are things that are already in the version that we're working on.
We're already bringing a lot of the improvements based on the player feedback.
So, yeah, these are kind of like the next steps for medicine.
So for those of you in the audience that don't know about this, medicine has already released one of the series of NFTs already.
It's called the Apostle. And it actually reached about a floor price of almost two each.
I think the current floor price is hovering about one point five each.
But as you guys can see, it is something that there is high demand for.
And there definitely was quite a bit of excitement around it. And there still is.
Given this and given that we have this kind of new CCQ coming out, Henry, would you be able to share a little bit of explanation in terms of how these different NFTs will interact both with each other with the game and how they potentially are different?
Yeah, of course. So the medicine Apostle NFT was our first collection. Right.
It was around July that we launched. It was a three-minute collection. So it's the 500 NFTs. And this is like the path from medicine.
So this is the top collection from medicine that gets the air drops from the other collections that has access to all our tests and a lot of like governance rights in game benefits as well.
So this collection was pushed really early on. And I think that through the testing periods when users start seeing that how this is something valuable.
And this is like a core path of medicine with such a small quantity. And then it was just natural that the collection floor price started to grow.
And that's why it reached so such a high price. Right. And then we have we have holders from this collection since July last year that they just believed in the project.
That time was a free means. It went up to, I don't know, 0.1 or something. But when you have a community that believes in the project and that sees the future of the project, it's a no-brainer. Right.
You hold on to the assets. So this was the first collection. Right. And then the other NFTs that we have, we have like in game, we have weapons, we have the equipment as well.
We have schemes. We have mining machines where the users are able to they mine ores. And these ores that you can be converted into tokens. Right.
So we have a full fledged NFT ecosystem and CC cube. It's a new collection. Right. And this collection is the one that's that we're pushing right now.
And I mean, it's it's a state to learn collection. So it's a collection that's not only a past and the way that users can interact with this collection doesn't necessarily need to be directly related to the game.
So holders of the CC cube collection, they'll be able to join the metacine NFT ecosystem, even if they don't go and play the game. Right.
So this is something kind of different. Like for a first collection, a lot of the benefits, of course, we have all the NFTs and everything, but a lot of things are also connected to the game itself. Right.
And for CC cube, it's a collection with more and more NFTs with the staking opportunity. And then the users there, they'll be able to take part into the metacine ecosystem, even if they depending on the way that they want to participate. Right.
Because we understand that on this market, there are people that are investors, there are people that are players. Right. There are people that are greeners, there are people that want to just join the NFT part.
So we're trying to, with our collections, to bring all kinds of different user bases and needs for users so they can participate. Right.
If not by playing the game, by staking NFT, by, you know, there are many ways of taking part into our ecosystem. So this is kind of like a quick intro regarding our assets and also the metacine and also NFT.
I see. So if I understood correctly, Apostle NFT is much more about in-game utility, about how players can actually interact with the game and providing various ways for players to interact, new ways for players to interact with the metacine game.
And then in contrast, the CC cube is much more about giving players a chance to take part in the success of, or future success of, metacine and giving them the ability to get involved in the NFT system without having to actually play the game instead.
So do you understand that correctly?
Yeah, kind of. Yeah. I mean, the metacine, Apostle NFT, the users, they get a lot of air drops, right? So even if they don't play the game, they're still getting so many things.
For example, they're getting the CC cube air drop to them. So this is already like something very big, right? They got access to all the tests that we are doing in the future ones as well.
Every test that we do, the main holders, they get also in-game, they get some items and things like that that they can claim in the test as well.
And it happens the same when we have the official launch. And we're even probably going to launch some special events only for main holders, some special NPCs and things like that.
So it's our top collection, right? It's only 500. It's very limited and it brings a lot of benefits. But at the same time, yeah, it is kind of like there's a lot of connections with the game itself.
So yeah, CC cube, like you said, it's something that even the people that are not going to jump into metacine, they can participate as well.
That does kind of sound like the perfect thing for me. I'm pretty fucking excited. Excuse my French. So if I kind of given this the most natural I could think next step or next question is how do we get our hands on one?
Like what is going to be the process for the CC cube, the mid-team process and potentially even whitelist process? And I think Mantle might actually have some special kind of allocations as well. Would he be able to share some details on that?
Yeah, so regarding CC cube, guys, as I mentioned, it's a state-run collection, right? So the users, they'll be able to stake CC cube to earn our governance token, our in-game token as well.
They'll be able to get blind boxes that might have NFTs, so weapons and so on. And they will have also some governance rights as well.
So it's a great collection where there's been a lot of hype because people see the value, right? It's not just an NFT collection that we're pushing without purpose, right?
So for the collection itself, it's not a free mid collection. It's a collection that users will have to spend a little if to meet. And the users, they need to have whitelist or an alo list, right?
So the meeting day, I don't think we have directly announced this on our community yet, but right now, it's planned for the 4th of February. And yeah, the users, they need to have a whitelist or an alo list in order to meet, okay?
And yeah, mental has spots. So yeah, take advantage of that, guys, because we have treasury and we're interrupting this collection to our main holders as well.
So even though it's a 2,997 NFT collection, the spots that are being given out there are limited. And even for the alo list, we are not, we didn't distribute a lot of them.
We don't want to do like a big overall location doesn't make sense, right? We think that it's a decent collection. There's a lot of value in it. And everyone that's getting a spot doesn't matter if it's an alo list or whitelist, we want them to have an opportunity of getting it, right?
So yeah, I think that's kind of like it.
Hi guys, you heard it here first, February 4th. Be very careful. Do not announce this outside of the circle. Keep it between us. Don't get Henry in trouble for making announcement a little bit too early, but February 4th, my friends.
And yeah, as you heard, no, you'll need a loudest thought to try to get involved into this mint. So, and mental does have some so do stay tuned. I think Albright will be announcing some of the ways to get involved in the alo list and maybe even a whitelist of free mint if or two.
But yes, Albright, I'm going to pass it on to you in terms of the specific details on the campaign.
Yeah, for sure. So like you said, we've got whitelist and allow list. We've got five whitelist spots and we've got 20 allow list spots which are allocated.
And actually, if you look at the top of this space, you'll see a tweet there. If you click that, you'll find the galaxy quest link. So we're running a super simple quest. Actually, it's really easy to get involved.
Complete a few tasks on galaxy, become part of the medicine community, share the share the tweet, become part of the mantle community and that's that's kind of it.
We're going to do a drawing at the in about 21 hours, it's going to close and we'll do a drawing. We'll have all 15 winners, five of which will be whitelist winners and 20 of which will be the allow list winners.
So do click that link at the top there and check out that galaxy quest. And if you have any questions, you're more than welcome to join us on the mantle discord, or, you know, once you've joined the medicine discord after you've completed the quest.
I'm sure they'd be happy to answer all of your burning questions about.
All right, and we do have some community questions, Henry open to answering some questions from community.
Of course, of course.
Cool. And on this note, if anybody has any questions, do feel free to drop them in the comments as well and I'll, I'll try to go through some of those as we're talking here.
So, I mean, even if you guys want, you can request to speak, ask a question to me, or to Henry. Totally up for that as well. Just saying, okay, anyway, so go ahead.
Yeah, for sure. Hit that request to speak that and we'll put you on stage.
Cool. So we've got a question from Alan.
Kranowski here. So this is a bit in the weeds maybe but he said, can you tell me where I can get more info about the mechanics of the NFT like in particular, he's interested in
metadata updating and how it's implemented through smart contracting so essentially like what's what's the behind the scenes here on this NFT what's the sort of technical spec and innovative sort of edge with with any of these in game assets.
Yeah, guys, I'm already sharing information firsthand as I said.
So, regarding the specific details about CC cube, we're going to have our website going live soon. It will be announced on our Twitter and our Discord. And there you'll be able to see all the details regarding the benefits from this collection and how how interacts with the game, right, but basically, it's a collection where you can stake on that platform.
And then you'll be able to earn blind boxes. This time boxes might have again NFTs and other things like that. And then you're also going to have get the teammate tokens. What what is the teammate token so our governance token is a make a right so we haven't launched it yet.
So when we launched the staking, the users will be able to earn this teammate token that's like a test test make right and then users will be able to exchange this this test make into the official token when we launch.
Right. And then there are lots of other features that I'd like to keep a little mystery for now that these will get you know but our website will go live soon in the next few days.
So, go to our Discord, follow us on Twitter, and then you'll be able to know firsthand when that happens, and then you'll be able to get more information about this collection, but basically, it's a collection that allows users to earn these assets, even when the game is not online right live, such as now.
We don't have a test version working right now. So, we already have a platform where users they can stick NFTs from the that they earned in the last test because we distributed over 1000 NFTs in the last test and we also had mining machines and so on.
So, for this next collection is going to be something kind of similar but we have a special staking system for it with all these rewards and so on. Yeah. So this is the information that I can share at the moment.
Amazing. Yeah, yeah, there's a lot to be interested and there's a lot to get involved in and I guess that leads sort of leads into another question here. So how can the mantle community and anybody else who's interested maybe listening into this space.
Get involved today. And I know just, you know, exploring the website and exploring your discord that there's quite a bit of activity on your guys's discord so maybe there's an in there to get involved.
Yeah, so right now I would say, yeah, join our discord, right, but I mean the users that join met a scene before, right, and they got, we do a lot of, we distribute a lot of rewards to the supporters from our project.
And that's what happened with the first NFT collection and the users that were around were supporting us they end up getting spots for NFT that's not worth nearly to eat right so the way that you participate is just joining the community right for us.
The community from at the scene is really like a core area of our project, myself, I, my first job in the gaming industry 10 years ago was as a community manager.
The team takes a lot of, like, really takes it really seriously regarding like the community itself. So I'll say like join the community, right, see how you can participate in the events and so on.
And then when someone we're going to have to start pushing the next test. And then you can see like the opportunities they'll be there you'll be able to provide also feedback.
Join various events right and we're going to do things with men who as well so stay tuned for both communities and that I'm sure they'll be. I'm not sure I can say there will be a lot of opportunities for you to get involved.
Amazing. And for anybody I just saw rudius was requesting to speak so do feel free to request to speak guys if you want to jump on stage and GZ also please feel free to jump in if you see a compelling question in the comments that you want to ask or if you want to add to the discussion here.
Another question is, so, is there a social element to the game you mentioned guilds earlier but generally like how are players interacting coordinating and playing together on medicine.
Yeah, so the guild system in medicine is very important. Right. We have a good system where users they can get together into a good of course, but then the good thing is that we have a lot of events that are connected to the good system for example we have during the alpha 2 we had an event where every Friday,
you would battle in a special area in the map for words right for dominating like the area there. And we have a lot of like things in the game related to PV and PvP where when you have people playing together with you.
It makes the total difference. Right. So medicine, you have mining machines, as I mentioned earlier, where you can mine or send this force you can merge them to generate tokens right users, they can attack these mining machines.
When they are finishing like the production of this force. So, this is like one example where you're having like people playing together just playing together protecting mining machines from each other and then you have like the PvP right so users, they can.
There are areas in the map where PvP is just open the users can attack each other. Right. And then during the last test we had over had around 80 gifts from all over the world on the two servers one server was in Asia one server was in Brazil, and they were all like playing as each other, we have the guild ranking in the game.
Right. So, the top the top guilds during the last test on each server they got rewards as well. We have this special events, we have bosses where when you play together with friends, it makes total big difference right because sometimes you're playing alone against a strong bosses it's going to be really hard and then you can get some drops from there. Right.
Right. And yeah, we have like also in the game we have like the trade system. So, during the alpha 2 the users they were playing with the guilds were playing, and then the users they would be like, they would get some items and they would trade between themselves right.
So, it was was really nice. I think that this part of meta scene is one of the things that made users more excited by like getting together with friends and playing together, joining the guilds right even making new friends and making them getting a group playing into the game or dominating a certain map area and fighting against the bosses and so on.
So, this is something that many players that were really happy about and they gave us really good feedback telling us that reminded them from like some really old mrpgs where they love playing with their friends when they were younger. Right.
So, this aspect of playing together and the guild system and so on meta scene is really really important and we're going to bring a lot of more features connected to the guilds as well in the new future. Yeah.
DZ I'm curious, have you had a chance to play the game.
Yeah, pretty fucking fun. I gotta say, I'm, you know, right now I think one of the things I really wanted to.
I want to highlight firstly before I kind of go too deep into what you just mentioned is, you know, as the kind of head of gaming here at mantle, and with kind of my background of having investments into games and generated and done over a billion dollars worth of investments
in gaming and generating several times of returns. I really hope to be able to share some of the ways that we think or the ways that I look at gaming, not to share as investment advice but to help users in general to be a little bit more informed
I think, you know, once more informed people start investing into the right games and the right type of projects and then we essentially see more fun and more engaging experiences in the world and that's really my real goal is I just want to get more fun things out there and I think that makes it, you know, the world a little more fun makes it more entertaining for everyone.
And I think one of the big things that we saw today in terms of medicine that I really liked was that he actually talks about gameplay.
Henry goes in describes how girls interact with each other talks about the kind of in game item system talk about the different worlds and there's also this beautiful narrative craft or plot and story crafted surrounding a game as well.
I don't think we had too much time to go into it, but that is something I would love to have shared as well. But, you know, you look at this, it's really about passionate game developers making fun experiences.
It's not a kind of just coming out here and hoping people buy a token off of some game that was maybe kind of quality of like a twenty two thousand and two like a kind of game that kind of shows my age.
But yes, I have been around for a little bit while as well. And yeah, it's much more about, you know, making innovations, making better and more exciting experiences.
And, you know, there's that degree of passion there of the developers or the team talking about the gameplay and all the fun stuff that they're implementing.
That's definitely one of the most exciting parts. And when I played the game myself, I felt that I felt, you know, this traveling all around the world, seeing all these different types of enemies.
It was, to be very honest, it's not the type of game I like to play. Like the theme, it was a little bit more sci fi themed with a little bit more, you know, high tech gadgetry.
I tend to like, you know, a little bit more like mythological and a little bit more less about kind of that techno theme. But even then, you know, I had so much fun actually getting engaged into the project.
I think I played probably at least like 16 hours in the first week that I had the game, that I had access to the game. So yeah, I like that. That's probably my sum for summation of that.
Really, let me just mention something that really appreciate for your feedback is that, guys, in the end, games have to be fun, right?
It doesn't matter if it's a web3 game or web2 game. If the game is not fun, what's the point, right?
In the beginning, when the web3 game started to get popular, I think that the to earn part was the only focus from everyone, right?
And most of the projects that haven't survived because of that, we have a very strong tokenomics system, we have a dual token system, we have an NFT system, everything in the game is connected.
So, of course, we do the to earn part in our game as well, very hard. But I think that before even thinking about that, you've got to have a good game.
So that's why the team spent so much time developing this game. Yeah, I just wanted to mention that.
Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, I mean, personally, I can't wait to play the game. I've seen, you know, on your Twitter, you've got videos of people playing the game.
I even saw one on mobile. I was trying to find it to benefit me when you were mentioning that mobile testing was going on because it looked like you guys had some play testing on mobile and that just looks incredible.
Yeah, it looks just so seamless and beautiful playing there on mobile.
So another question here is why Mantle? So why work with Mantle and why build in this sort of ecosystem?
Hey, guys, I think that as game developers, right, when you work with blockchain, you need to have partners that have a strong technology that are able to support the games and bring valuable value to the game.
So for metacine, it's an MLPG game that requires a lot of transaction speed, the fees part are very important.
And I think that Mantle ticks all the boxes in this sense. You guys have really like a low fee interactive chain and all this ecosystem that's able to support gaming projects.
So I think that's kind of like why and how we have this partnership and that we're going to use Mantle to build some of our features.
So for any game in the market, you've got to work with ecosystems and so on that are able to support and give a good experience to your users.
And of course, Mantle is able to do that with its technology. And then that's how and why we have this cooperation and we are having this AMA tonight.
Oops, that was totally my fault. Sorry about that. But mentioning on that side, I think one of the big things about Mantle gaming, I think, really supports well on is actually one is our TPS cap and the second is our block speed.
And at the end of 2023, Mantle actually was the top L2 in terms of transaction volume. And we are still in the top ranks in terms of transaction volume reach about 65 TPS.
No slowdowns, no gas hikes, nothing. It was everything ran perfectly smoothly. And I'm not going to name any other chains, but a lot of cases where reaching about 25 TPS, you saw some collapses, you saw some kind of things going down.
So on that note, I was definitely something I think, you know, one thing is Chase talking about it. One thing is actually showing improving that they have that scalability.
And that was something I was really excited to kind of take on this role as head of Mantle as well in terms of to head of gaming at Mantle as well to kind of work with game developers and providing this infrastructure and tech over to us.
And the second, I think it's just a big thing is we actually come from a gaming background. You know, me, Henry, actually both had spent some time with a 10 cent side.
I spent most time, more time with a K-16, which Henry probably knows better there, might know what that means. And also on the 10 cent strategic investment team, we have spent, you know, we do work with some of the biggest gaming companies in the world before.
As I mentioned, I kind of had my whole career in gaming. And this means, you know, we it's not just about coming out and providing, you know, some tech, but actually providing experience based support, whether it's publishing development advisory to actually support beginning projects that work with us.
And hopefully that also has been kind of helpful in terms of bringing these kind of fun and great experiences to the users on Mantle.
Absolutely. And just on that note, whenever you whenever you bring up or I hear you talking about a game project in Mantle, I can sense, I can feel the excitement that you have for it.
And that's just energizing for me. And I think everybody else who's involved in either supporting, you know, the supporting, bring that project onto Mantle or talking about it here on the spaces.
So, yeah, everybody, we've got we've got some deep knowledge, but also we've got some some team members who are just fully in on gaming and extremely excited about this space, the blockchain web three gaming ecosystem.
GZ Henry, do you guys have any final announcements, any any final thoughts that you guys want to drop before we start to close out here?
Well, on my side, really just appreciate the opportunity to talk with the Mantle community and should be on the space. I'm really happy about this partnership.
I'm sure there'll be a lot coming out of it. So thanks Mantle for the trust on the on the on the project and our team. Right.
And yeah, guys, for the ones interested in knowing more about Mantle scene, just join our social media channels. Right.
Take part in the Mantle event for getting an analyst or whitelist. This is going to be a very nice collection with a lot of benefits. Right. So hope you guys can participate. And thank you very much for the opportunity and the support. Yeah.
Yeah, I just want to share a little bit, I guess, more thoughts and just not more thoughts, but closing remarks I want to mention a little more piece of a kind of perspective that I have been based on my experience in the gaming industry.
And that really is about how we look at games. Games fundamentally are, as Henry mentioned, it's about fun. It's about engaging fun experiences.
Everything else that you kind of add into it, whether it's blockchain technology, cloud gaming, AI, if it can contribute to that core goal of gaming being more fun, then it's worth it and it makes sense.
And if it can't, then you might be kind of stuck in this situation of looking at a more of a kind of speculative and narrative kind of built on the kind of empty house or empty kind of system.
I'm not giving any financial advice. I'm just saying, like, in terms of gaming, whether you are a gamer looking for fun, engage experiences or even like more of an investor side looking to find the right places to put kind of your investments just to understand that gaming is always about fun.
And that's one of the best things I kind of look for or the top thing I look for when I speak to game developers is, you know, what are they doing to make it fun? Not what are they doing to make more money or more narratives or whatever it is for their games.
And yeah, the Miocene team definitely is one of those ones that tick the light box and been very excited to be working with them so far.
It's amazing. You guys heard it, bullish on fun.
So yeah, everybody, please do join the Miocene community, join the Vantel community and sign up for that whitelist and allow us by clicking the link here at the top of the space where you'll find the link to our Galaxy page where you can do a few simple tasks to enter that giveaway.
Actually, let me just look this up really quickly. So yeah, there's there's less than 21 hours left to enter the raffle. So don't wait. Go get involved and we'll see you guys in the community. Thanks so much, everybody.