MetaGame’s Twitter Hangout

Recorded: April 25, 2023 Duration: 0:51:58



- Hello, peace.
I just added you as a speaker. Hello Bobcat.
- Hi, Har.
Bob, yeah, your speaker now as well. Vanessa.
Hello, hello. Good morning. I was wondering who
was in Medicaid. Yeah, I joined the run like two or three minutes after the hour and noticed that it was targeted so figured just log into the Medicaid account and started myself.
I was having internet issues. You know, I figured I could have been the case. Sorry for that.
I was listening to an interesting podcast with a linguist who was talking about why and like
And you know all those steps of words, why they're useful and how they evolved. And maybe we shouldn't try to take them out of recordings.
Really? Yeah. What was the juice? The juice is that this is how a language has evolved in the same way that we don't talk with
the same kind of the evil language anymore. And so this is like the next generation. So we're kind of like trying to block progress. And also sometimes, you know, we
judge people according to how they talk and she was saying that that's not good because the way that you talk is an indicator of your past so we shouldn't be so judgmental.
It really depends on the amount of amps. I mean that's a big part of editing podcasts, removing the winders' excessive amps and stuff like that. But it shouldn't be completely removed.
Great. There's an app that she mentioned that she used on her podcast that removes all of the us and us. And if you pay extra, it removes the likes and the you-nose.
She did say that too many us and arms
is an indicator of uncertainty. So depending on context, like if you have like a job interview, you're saying a lot of us and us, the person on the other
and we'll perceive that as uncertainty. So it depends on context. Like a job interview definitely wants to minimize your O's and O's.
[Clock ticking]
>> Yes, welcome.
I just invited you to speak if you want to unmute yourself and say a couple of words.
or a lot hair.
Oh, building battery money. I was reading that somebody tweeted like, oh, these people are developing a really cool, engaging governance model.
James, why? That's it. He was reading about you the other day.
I'm sorry, Keith, I'm not saying who are you referring to? The project that lies jar or how we're going to pronounce it is working on.
Oh, buttery money. Oh, yeah, butter. So we actually met at Eath Porto and I invited him. I realized this was his username.
Hey there.
Hey, welcome. I'm sorry about that. For a moment, I didn't recognize you. How are you doing? Great. Thank you. No worries. I just had to turn my mic on. Yeah. So indeed, I'm not off from a better working on dog governance.
building a coordination game for the governance and yeah, I was interested in joining to learn more about meta games today. How did you pronounce it? Lajor.
It sounds friendlier. It sounds it is indeed. Cool.
Let's share the way this is Breaka on the Neta game server. We've only talked in person, so you might not recognize my voice at the moment, but this is Breaka. Yeah, this is your game. Likewise.
Since there isn't so many people here, maybe I'll be able to learn about your project as well. I was really nervous thinking maybe we should invite you to one of our community calls to present.
Yeah, I'll be happy to show.
I will let you speak. There you are. Meta-golder.
(clippers clinking)
I was just waving high.
Good morning Mike. How are you? Good. I'm looking on these things in the Twitter spaces. I hear you.
I'm more than happy to help you guys all of these two like getting you guys some hype and you know having people show up and all that stuff.
I think we should go ahead and just started 15 minutes past the hour. You can do an intro and then we can open up the floor to questions.
Yeah, that sounds good. I don't think many more people will show up. There's the git going around just kicked off. I'm seeing like a bunch of spaces going on right now. So there's a lot going on.
Yeah, and fortunately this is a popular time for spaces. So there's a lot of different ones going on right now. Yeah, that was the reason why we actually wanted this time, the popular time, but on the other hand, there's a lot of options for people to pick.
Yeah, definitely. So in terms of marrying him, I'm gonna make it super brief and as we talk yesterday, like instead of doing like a full presentation, just make it like a very brief intro and then get some
questions. So, merrigame is a coordination game that's aimed at addressing the problem of onboarding and navigation mainly for the Dallas space right now. So, we see Ethereum and like a web-trial like Ethereum. This technology that allows us to build new kinds of financial systems
new kinds of organizations and like all kinds of new things that we like infrastructure for building new kinds of socio economic systems. But ecosystem has these huge problem on boarding people and making it easy to like join the ecosystem and continue
a little bit across multiple organizations and newcomers don't understand the philosophy. They hear about the number go up, they hear the make a lot of money here but they don't know why the people who have been here for years.
are actually here and so this need for like first of all explaining we explain to people what this technology means to us and then like helping them join the ecosystem in a more productive way rather than just speculation so basically what we're doing is streamlining this whole process
process of onboarding starting with the bigger picture view and how to join different dollars and how to work in dollars and that sort of stuff. So we built a bunch of different things for onboarding like
The onboarding game, which is a dialogue that talks you through joining the ecosystem or understanding what it's about or what meta game is about, will be like a decentralized courses, sort of system for onboarding, for like courses, the profiles will be linked to
with a bunch of different pieces, but the whole idea with the platform is having this modular dashboard that makes it as is possible for people to integrate the different web-tri-building blocks and to aggregate information and like,
use from across the ecosystem to make it as is possible for people to work across different doubts. And like I'm producing a bunch of educational content podcast organizing events so we have a community calls every week with projects joining us to present with
Organize the few conferences a hackathon. We're currently organizing another conference That's going to be Croatia that's focused on Dallas and region projects and you're building like a network of Service Dallas and project Dallas That's yeah, basically all is everything all of that is focused on
Help people join the space or if they want to start a DAO or if they're working a DAO make it as easy as possible to find the things that they need. The services they need, tools they need, people they need and whatever else they might need to build the DAO that they want to build. And the long-term
vision is really to have this general purpose coordination game that's helping people level up find others in sole real world problems so it's not just about sole interpreter problems but more so like we are using this technology to build the basic platform and this is like this is
were trying to solve the first problems of onboarding and the navigation but the long-term idea is way to have this whole decentralized society that's built around the maximizing impact and well-being and helping people in whatever they want in terms of building stuff.
That's really the basic idea.
Thank you, can you share a little bit about yourself and your relationship to have that again? Sure, I see a bunch more people joining, so that's nice. Welcome. So yeah, like before getting into crypto before starting that again, I was always
interesting this sort of alternative socio economic systems eco villages health sustainable living and all that sort of stuff and then when I found Ethereum like my mind was blown like oh this is the technology that allows us to actually experiment with building these new kinds of
new kinds of societies, new kinds of organizations, whatever. And then, yeah, I got into Ethereum, then, yeah, I was in space for a few years. And then after a few years, I joined the Merak Ritaldau, where I was very confused as to like how to actually join, like I joined
But yeah, like I didn't understand like what the people what are the projects what's going on what can I do to help and all that sort of stuff and then I saw like a lot of other doubts struggle with the same problem of onboarding people and then again like the ecosystem as a whole has this same problem and then I started working on this solution
to that problem which like in the beginning we're just supposed to be an internal project to do it for the Meracartel but then the more I worked on it the more it made sense to make it a general platform that any other dog can join rather than make it like make the whole thing for this one specific dog.
Thank you for that.
Yeah, is it anything else you want to add or if not then I'll open the floor up to speakers or to listen or to speak and ask questions.
Yeah, let's see their any questions
All right.
Yes, I want to ask a question. Pith, you've described Metagame as an onboarding machine. I would like to ask you how has your experience
Parents in the space. How has that been and why do you want or why do you think it is important for more people to work? Well, it's been hard like when I first joined the
I just bought some meat, but then it took me years to actually get involved in the ecosystem. And like many people I was like, okay, so I'm not a developer, there's nothing for me to do. Like, since I can't code, I just can't do anything, which is a huge
concept misconception and something you wanted to help address again with Madagame but by making it so that like making it clearer that like no matter what your skill set is there is some way for you to contribute maybe you can write maybe you can make videos
if not maybe you can just help around the community, help organizing stuff, there's infinite ways to contribute, so that's something, that's that answer the question.
Yeah, so basically Metagame helps people to find their place in this space, right? Yeah, this is the idea. So like people are joining Metagame.
And they don't necessarily have to end up in a game like working in a game, but maybe they just like find other projects that they want to work on or be a part of some other community. Yeah, because that's a player.
metagame, there's several different paths you can take. In fact, there's even a rogue path if you don't fit into the other path. So there's plenty of different options for people to find their way.
Would love to hear from the audience if anyone has a question, please ask to be invited as a speaker, Leher. Yeah, so do you guys hear me by the way, just make sure.
Yeah, you're again. Yeah. Then I guess my question is more like, is there any like incentivization mechanism? So like, how do you expect people to participate in the game basically to join?
I guess it depends on what way they want to participate but the way we started is like we didn't want to and like yeah, Merrigan came after the whole ICO boom where I was pretty annoyed by the whole thing and I wanted to do things differently so we started like with
no funding and the initial incentive was like we started minting this token that had no value on the market but people were able to earn it by working on a meragame and so they were earning this token that like a should gain value at some point
And then, yeah, like a few years later or like a year later, he did. And there were getting reputation. So they were getting XP by contributing. And then so, so those are two basic incentives, which like people joining the space, they join, they start earning some reputation.
tokens and that makes it later on easier to join other projects. So there were a lot of people who started their journey in Merrigain that Merrigain was like the first doubt that they joined or like they got their first NFT inside Merrigain and then they went on to contribute to other projects where like
It helped that because I was in a very good mood. I was contributing there and you can check out my profile. That's one of the incentives for people who want to join, like, break into the space to come and get some reputation and get some practice.
And now we are about to start fundraising so we can pay people properly because they have people getting paid in this token but they are not getting paid a lot. So that will be a big next incentive once we have a
enough funding to actually properly pay people and not just like give them some tokens. Yeah thanks so make sure I understand so you are also saying that the tokens produced by MetaGame are kind of a proof of
I want to say work about proof of involvement that is relevant to other doors. So they get both like they earn XP and the seed token.
But yeah, it's pretty much proof of work. I could say because yeah, like we didn't want to start like all the other projects which was by doing a big token sale and just sending a lot of selling a lot of tokens and then
And like the idea with seeds was that this token can only be created through labor. So every seed that's in existence, in existence, is like a reward for past work. So first contribution that already happened.
and that means you can sell there token but they keep their reputation.
You're welcome.
can they see another hand?
Who is that? Who's that?
Thank you.
I'll come, should we speak her now?
Still see only Lisa there. Yeah, I invited him to speak in his to accept. Hello.
Maybe it's just me but I didn't see his hand up.
Okay, in the meantime, are there any more questions? Sorry, I was just clapping. I didn't mean to raise and then I kept like losing the invite for Twitter.
I'm not going to waste this man. [LAUGHTER] Knowledge, yeah. It's all good.
I guess it might be good to kind of explain the my best profiles and what they all what they entail. Yeah, that's a great idea because that ties in to XB and value that people can bring to other
So the My Meta Profiles are one of the first products that we build. So they are these decentralized profiles built on top of ceramic. When we started it was called Trebox or
the first version of ceramic whatever. But the idea is basically to have these decentralized profiles that are sort of like LinkedIn profiles except decentralized and fully owned by the people who create them. And yeah, then people
people can use them to show what the doubts they are members of, what NFTs they have, what skills they have, and there are also a lot more missing the word but they are modular.
the profile is composed of a bunch of different blocks that are displaying the basic info and then other people can arrange these blocks however they want and they can also create new blocks so they can embed links or write
but the idea is that anybody can create these custom blocks that can then be whatever they want to build so they can be like a micro front end for a depth interaction or they can be really whatever else people want to showcase on their profiles.
Thank you, big. You're welcome.
Anyone else have another question?
Okay, can you talk a little please about questions?
Yeah, so questions came to be first because we had a need to have this onboarding quest. So we wanted to make it again. This is possible for people to join and we had these quests that were on notion. We had like the builder's path, designers' path, inkeeper's path, so that we
a bunch of these different pets for people who want to join using different skill sets. So like if you want to join as a builder and there's a different quest line basically for joining and then you want to create a proper UI for that because yeah, going
like reading quests in like a list of quests in Notion is just not very nice and not a very engaging experience and so some of the members from Merrigan decided to build a thing called quest chains and they went on a hackathon they actually they won a prize and that's
hackathon and they built this tool basically for what what what exact technology is using and what's partly on IPFS but it's a decentralized thing basically for allowing people
to create these quest sequences that can be used for creating like these on-boarding quests or courses or anything like that where people can complete these quest sequences, they'll regain some knowledge or they gain access to the community and they get a snowball
on the NFT which can be used for either getting the community or using a skill or knowledge attestation or whatever people want to use it for. Another cool thing about questions is that it's built as a protocol so people don't
have to use the questions website to create to have questions, but they can integrate questions into their own website into their own platform to like using their own design UI to make it fit into what they are building and then the same
QuestChains are available through as many interfaces and websites as people integrate them in. This is the basic idea really. I can test it at QuestChains.xpc.
Yeah, they are pretty neat the fact that they are sold down and so they they definitely they stay with you.
Any piece? Anyone else have another question?
- Oh, chair, welcome. - Good to see you. - Yes, I will add you as a speaker. There you are.
Many GMs. Good morning everyone. GM Chair. GM.
What are we burning on? Snow the tickling, anybody?
Just finished talking about questions and what their relationship is to medagame.
We also talked about my meta profiles and the reputation system that we're working to develop on ceramic.
Very fun. I don't know if anyone else feels the intensity cranking up a bit here even as the bear rolls on. There's something in the air. A suction cup has attached itself to the glass.
glass of the aquarium. Yeah, I definitely think there's something with decentralized media and decentralized social media, personally, I've been experimenting
along with our castler and mastodon and lens. So yeah, there's definitely something with decentralized density and reputation systems that's really gaining a lot of traction now.
going to need to make some playbooks and questions getting into those alternative social medias.
Yeah, definitely.
can you talk a little about what sort of skill sets we are looking for now and how people can add value to meta game?
So we're always looking for builders obviously and TypeScript is much needed language in Meragin. So most of the platform is written in TypeScript.
And other than that, we are looking for anybody who wants to actually do shit. So we have people organizing the community cause, but we're always looking for cool guests. So we want to
do that, like a lot of outreach to cool projects to bring them on to Merrigain, to have them present their project and like, we have to build bridges between Merrigain and different projects, so to like see which project makes sense to integrate into the Metagames platform.
We are looking for content producers, so that's a major thing that's needed currently, people who have at least some knowledge in Web 3 and they're willing to write these playbooks. So that's what the question's enabled.
have the actual technology for building these playbooks. So we have the UI and now we need more people actually writing these playbooks. And these are meant to be like a short guide for helping people either join the DAW space or just like do different
use full things in the Dow space or web tree in general so it can be anything from like 10 steps to join the Dow space as a writer or like how to build your own Dow or how to choose your Dow's tech stack or like explain different Dow frames
frameworks or anything. Any educational content is welcome. So builders, community people, content producers, it's all needed.
And would that be the rogue path that you're talking about with writing and content creation?
I mean the writing really deserves it some playbook like we need a playbook on writing playbooks but it kind of fits into the road road
as well because yeah I think it's like the sixth on-boarding pad we need more specific ones as well but yeah
So let's say someone was coming today Sunday, they want you can tribute what is a good way for them to get involved.
I would say just start at and then you scroll down the landing page you go through the onboarding game which explains what is metagame and like what how metagame got here or depending on how deep you want to go
it can lead you down the rabbit hole and then after that you create a profile and you start going through this onboarding quest and then it sends you to the Merrigam's Discord server where you can get more involved. It sends you to different quests we can see
exactly what's needed and how to do it. So yeah, and the people who are willing to help, we have multiple weekly calls, so we have the content called the content align, the technology align, so in a few others for people who want to
working these different domains inside Meragame. So, but yeah, it really all starts with going through Metagame to WTF and then you're kind of guided through the experience based on your level of understanding and based on what you want to learn on what you want to get out of Meragame.
Awesome, so where can they find more info about meta games?
It's all really on so you then get directed to the wiki or the newsletter or all the other places or the podcasts so you can find all of that through the main website.
I want to mention extra incentive for people who want to contribute to playbooks for example. So besides getting seeds and earning some reputation, we also have a newsletter that has
like 12k subscribers currently so whoever is getting started writing and they're trying to gain some following by writing stuff we can also make that easier like people who write good playbooks with
publish that through our newsletter and you can publish it through wherever you want to publish it but you definitely gain some readers and followers through our newsletter.
There was a question from the right recommendations. Hi you guys. Thank you for bringing me up. It was more so much, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you guys for everything that you do. I'm super passionate about Web 3 or entire community R.
and I just wanted to give a big shout out to Mike Smart from MetaBuilders for basically bringing you guys to our attention because me particularly was one of those people that came into crypto initially first and then learned about NFTs and just only saw the value from NFTs from
the GaryVee type perspective and then from meeting Mike and learning about him and his ecosystem, he opened my eyes about just how much deeper it goes and introduced me to what you guys do which is I've got to say absolutely belong
my mind in everywhere imaginable and I think you guys are doing absolutely incredible things and it's been amazing learning about it and I'm really really passionate about where you guys are going with it and eager to get involved in the community and learn more about the ways that the community that we're building can
I just wanted to say a massive thank you because I was already passionate about the level of understanding that I had for Web 3 but when I realised it was like 10 layers deeper, you know there's so many more amazing things to learn and the way that
NFT technology can really be utilized is absolutely blown. I think the world wide open in regards of how you know just to see cost systems can be utilized. Money layers can be added into everything and yeah super super grateful to what you guys do so it was mainly just a big shout out really.
Thank you appreciate it and shout out to meta builders for spreading the word
which is done so perfectly by the way. You know, I know you guys will probably never see it because obviously you're not there when he does it but yeah magnificent fashion and what I've learned from what he's shown me is yeah, sent me down more rabbit holes than I think I can live long enough to go down but I'm definitely gonna try.
So yeah, thanks for getting me up and yeah appreciate what you guys are doing, keep smashing it and you know the side of the community that we come from, you know, we want to do everything we can to help spread that word to after the back of what Mike's blown our minds with so cheers guys
Is this a much of a lie?
That was very kind. Thank you. Do we have any more questions?
I see a lot of hearts. That's cool.
Any more questions? Are you using a typewriter? I'm using a keyboard that
That plugs in. It's very loud. It's actually yes. So it's a mechanical keyboard. That makes sense. That's the big typewriter key.
Yeah, Peef, do you want to talk a little bit about Mochi and how we have been using it? Mochi. Mochi is very cool. Yes, for people who don't know what is Mochi. Mochi is also a coordination game.
helps people stick to their goals. So people create these teams and then like invite friends and then they have first the group accountability because like they said their goals and they have their friends in there so it makes it more likely that they will stick to their
goals, then people can take some eat on their goals, which makes it even more likely that they will stick to their goal because if they don't then they will lose their eat. And another cool mechanic is that if they fail to complete their goals then the
people in their team also lose their eat so that's another incentive for people to stick to their goals and yeah we just did a journey through that they got a grant from optimism so they air dropped a bunch of OP so we
I think about $1,000 per journey. So that's been pretty cool. And I think I was doing it from Erdogan and got the air drop.
So we shielded our newsletter. So that's been I guess another incentive for people getting involved in the space through merrigame. Because this hasn't been the first time that people got some air drops because they've been a part of merrigame.
And they have also taken the opportunity to shield mere a festand. I'm not sure. I mentioned it briefly actually, when I was first talking about what we do at Merrigain. So again, one of the things that we do is organize events. And then the big one that's coming up is called Merrigain.
DAUS and regenerative projects, but we're also trying to make it not so crypto. So we're inviting not just DAUS, but decentralized organizations before the DAUA came into existence and like non-crypto regenerative projects.
So to make it really like I want to make it an invented brings people together across these different ecosystems that are in necessarily crypto, but they're all sharing like these Common goals and yeah, it will be at that three day event there will be a lot of
talks, panels, workshops and everything you would expect from a conference, but there will also be like other random activities in and around the venue. So in the like the local area, people can do all kinds of stuff like quad biking, jets,
painting, paintball, whatever else is available. There's like a whole list of activities. And then you know, he said what's on the venue itself. And then the venue itself is this 200 years old fortress near the sea, which is a pretty epic venue.
So it will be a pretty cool event. It's happening in August, so 16, 17, then 18 of August will be like the main event. There will be a few days of warm up events before that, so like random activities and then the main event and then after
the main event will probably be a week long bus trip down the coast of Croatia. That's like optional for yeah like a set group of people I mean anybody can sign up for that but it's not part of the main program.
And I think that's pretty much it from a meta-flaced. So we did an announcement a few weeks ago and now we'll be at another Twitter space on Thursday.
2pm UTC that's going to be about global and local regeneration. So there's going to be four speakers from Metaphase will be on the Twitter space.
and we will be doing a lot more announcement of different speakers and things that people can do with MereFest. So yeah, whoever wants to learn more about that, you can go to
Awesome. And I would just also add that one thing we're working on as a community and as a team to use DeFi is we have a savings pool on good ghosting, which is now called Halo 5.
So anyone who wants to participate can put up a little bit of ETH every every two weeks and It goes into a savings pool and so it's a way to save for MetaFest and then we're also going to be sending three players who cannot afford to
attend via the savings pool we are going to be sending them to MetaFest. So if you join our discord then you'll get access to all of this information and these sorts of activities that we're working on that can really earn money.
So we're coming up to the end. We have about five minutes left. Does anyone have any more questions?
Go on once, go on twice.
three times. Okay. Yeah, we can wrap up just really quickly. Wanted to add if anyone has any questions, comments or feedback or if you need help, we'll
getting onboarded, please shoot us a DM to our Twitter. We watch it and we respond. So if you have anything, please send us a DM and we will get back to you.
Thank you all so much for attending. As Pete mentioned, there's another one Thursday at 2 and then there should be some more next week as well. So keep an eye out on our Twitter and join our Discord.
Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We're hosting and thank you everybody for coming. The ends are open. Bye bye. Yeah, I'm so open. Right.

FAQ on MetaGame’s Twitter Hangout | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of MetaGame?
The purpose of MetaGame is to address the problem of onboarding and navigation in the DAO space by streamlining the process of onboarding and helping people join the ecosystem in a more productive way.
What is the problem with the current DAO ecosystem?
The problem with the current DAO ecosystem is that newcomers don't understand the philosophy and the ecosystem has a huge problem with onboarding people and making it easy for them to join and navigate across multiple organizations.
What is the long-term vision of MetaGame?
The long-term vision of MetaGame is to have a general purpose coordination game that helps people level up and find others to solve real-world problems, with the goal of building a decentralized society that maximizes impact and well-being.
What is the onboarding game?
The onboarding game is a dialogue that talks you through joining the ecosystem or understanding what it's about or what MetaGame is about, and it is aimed at helping streamline the onboarding process.
What is the purpose of the decentralized courses system?
The purpose of the decentralized courses system is to help people onboard into the DAO ecosystem by providing courses that teach them about the technology and how to work in dollars.
What is the goal of the modular dashboard in MetaGame?
The goal of the modular dashboard in MetaGame is to make it as easy as possible for people to integrate the different web-tri-building blocks and to aggregate information and use from across the ecosystem to make it as easy as possible for people to work across different doubts.
What kind of content is produced by MetaGame?
MetaGame produces educational content, podcasts, organizes events, and community calls every week with projects joining us to present. It also organizes conferences and hackathons.
What is the main focus of MetaGame's network of service and project DAOs?
The main focus of MetaGame's network of service and project DAOs is to help people join the space, start a DAO, or work in a DAO by providing them with the services, tools, people, and other resources they need to build the DAO they want to build.
What is the relationship between the speaker and Ethereum?
The speaker was interested in alternative socio-economic systems, eco-villages, and sustainable living before being introduced to Ethereum. The speaker became interested in Ethereum because it allowed experimentation with building new kinds of societies and organizations.
What is the problem with too many 'ums' and 'uhs' in speech according to the linguist mentioned in the podcast?
Too many 'ums' and 'uhs' in speech are an indicator of uncertainty, which can negatively impact how the speaker is perceived in certain contexts, such as job interviews.