MetaTalk Episode 12: Impacts of the Regulatory Storm

Recorded: June 22, 2023 Duration: 0:54:31



Hello. Hello, Andrew. How are you? Good, good, good. You're working all fine. Lucky job, Michael. Do you want to just do a quick mic test for me?
Yeah, I'm good. Hello. Perfect, perfect. Michael's saying for you.
Yeah, hello brilliant stuff. Alright guys, let's just wait a couple more minutes to see if Lucas is able to join us if not we will get underway
I never know how to restart the music once I've turned it off again. I have to have a couple minutes of silence there guys, I'll be with you shortly.
Okay, just got confirmation and glory Lucas is on the way so we won't keep you much longer and we will get going I think he's just joined in right now. Let's get him up as a speaker.
And once Mr Lucas is up as a speaker we can get going.
Hi everyone, I'm really sorry to be late. I was just going to meet in and had to quickly rush down here. No, no, no problem at all. We've got everyone we need now so we can get started if everybody's ready to go.
Hello and welcome to all of our guests and listeners. My name is Alex and I work with the community team here at Caduceus. Delighted to be here today and thank you all
so much for joining him. So before we get started, just to say a special thank you to all of our guests for joining. We have some guests from Archer, Skamehub and OpenFabric AI today, who I will allow to introduce themselves in just a moment. However, before we do that, just in case you are new here, we will give you a brief
intro about Kadoosius. So of course, Kadoosius is a layer one blockchain dedicated to metaverse development that offers up to 100,000 TPS and almost non-existent gas fees, all powered by decentralized edge rendering. To find out more about Kadoosius, please do follow our socials, join our community and look out for the latest
and updates. So today's topic discussion, very exciting one, one I'm actually really looking forward to and listening to the expertise of our speakers. So the topic today is impacts of the regulatory storm on the cryptocurrency market and balancing strategies. So
very excited to be joined by some great speakers today. Like I say here, I will allow to introduce themselves. So maybe if we could start off with the Archer's team, John and Michael, if you'd like to give yourselves an introduction a little bit about Archer's, I know this isn't the first time with you guys on Metatalk, so welcome back.
Yeah, good day. Good day everyone. So my name is Loki John and the product manager for actress. So actress is a decentralized
So we are planning on building an ecosystem whereby users can actually monetize the applications in a very unique way. So you can actually come up with your
your app on our app store and you get rewards. So a user can actually purchase your app more of like a premium feature of
our regular app list of. So you can actually come up with your decentralized app on Actress monetize it for your users and your users can also get rewards from actually making use of your apps.
So they can actually resell those apps to maybe the hard access to your app and they feel at the moment they don't want to use that access anymore. They can actually resell it to someone else on the markets and
We also have a right to the terminal on the dumpster.
Thank you very much, Michael. Do you want to give yourself a little bit of an introduction and what is that you do at Artrus?
So, I'm currently the, I'm continuing to leave as a choice and also the business development. So, in addition to what my colleague did, so here I chose to review it, centralized list so just like our traditional Google Police card, Apple Store.
This time around we're beginning those upper store, good list go to the world 3 space. So just like it's so much what we are doing. There's like so many what we are doing here at our foods. So yeah, we're also being an ecosystem of food out whereby users can be able to
to purchase the Fiboite games, game assets, games, and also a decentralized and up-to-market police. So that is like somewhere where we are getting yet, at least.
Amazing stuff, thank you very much guys for explaining a little bit about that. And of course, I look forward to hearing a little bit more as we go through the AMA today. So if I could pass over to yourself Lucas, so at Game of Heart, if you could do the same, let's go in about yourself and Game of Heart that would be great.
Oh, yeah, hi guys. I'm once again. So basically game I hope we're doing something very simple. We're connecting game ours to Web 2 and Web 3 games and how we do that I mean for Web 3 games is we have access to a lot of like games that have been viewed by you
various adventures to use and we you know sort of have a deal with them where we get the games you know on game out and you know game ask and you know just play them directly and you can get two ways you know to actually use the game out like for either like you know by the game and on them you know for life or
We have a subscription model which you know we're currently building we currently have you know the game the version of the product that is life is you know the ability to just buy the games and and and play them but and then you own them for life but but right now we're building you know subscription model where and basically because
because this is the only solution which we've figured that can work for Web3Games. And we're building a subscription model where you can subscribe, maybe monthly or yearly and then very liking affordable at $9 from $10.
$15 monthly and then you can have access to playing a lot of all the web 3 games that we would have on the game-ahob platform. And right now we currently have over 60,000 users. We have the
I said the first version of the app which is the buying the ability to own the games we currently have that life you can download. It's just only on the Windows app we're working on building mobile app also. It's like a whole lot of work you know we're currently doing. So just imagine
us as the team on steroids, Web 2 and Web 3, basically. Very cool, thank you, Lucas. It definitely sounds like some exciting stuff there. I've often thought about how these things can work in the Web 3 space. I think the subscription method is a
It's quite a cool idea and it's even something that we started to see obviously more recently in the traditional Web 2 games on sort of like, or on your consoles for PlayStation for example they've got like I don't know if it's PlayStation now or something the subscription feature it gives you a library of games and I think that's a really cool idea and a great way to look at the sort of Web 3 gaming industry
and I'm very cool, thank you so much for hearing some more. Andrei, last but certainly not least, and again welcome back to methodore, nice to have you here again, but for the people that maybe didn't hear you last time you were here, you could do an introduction about yourself and open 5Ki, that would be brilliant. Thank you, thank you very much for having here, so my name is Andrew Tara, I'm just
So we are building a new layer one which is special designed to scale up artificial intelligence. So in a way we're pushing the limits of what web3 means today. So we're bringing together to very powerful technology blockchain and AI in order to let people to make use of
AI technology in a simple way. So yeah, that will be in the natural world you're working on. Amazing stuff. Thank you so much. Sorry. Yeah, as you can see from the introduction, some brilliant speakers here today. I've got some questions for all of you. So, you know, let's just get straight into it. Now,
Obviously I've got a few questions here. We've got two speakers for Mattress. So generally I'll ask Archer's first question and then between you Michael and John you could decide which one of you or if both of you want to add something to it. Now yes I'll pop this question towards John and Michael. So of course recently there's been a lot going on with the SEC
USD, US, SEC, filed lawsuits against prominent figures in the industry, CZ, Binance, Coinbase, even your Cardano's and polygons, they do a magic to name a few. In the face of regulatory pressure, what risks will cryptocurrency market face, or will the cryptocurrency market face?
Yeah, all right, let me answer that. So for a very long time, I think we've faced series of situations like this. I think in the past we had some projects where you know, suit by
and there was actually a downtrend. I think the market was actually strong. The overall market was actually stronger at that moment. So there was a negative downtrend to that. So many project hard to actually close down. It affected also
So the markets also affected a lot of investors and even builders. So builders couldn't actually get enough confidence to actually build because they were afraid of the fact that, "Okay, what if Sec comes for us at this point?" Why don't we
weights and see how this how this particular project actually comes out of this problem so that we can actually take dressing. So for me what I actually noticed is that it slowed a lot of things down that was then let's say like three years back but now I don't
I don't think the fear actually still stands because the market is actually more stronger than it used to be. A lot of people have confidence in the blockchain ecosystem. So people just have to maybe look for a way to gain more
knowledge about how to avoid being sued by a sec or how to avoid being going against the regulations by sec. So I feel then it's already negative down tone but now I think the market is actually more stronger than it used to be.
Yeah, that's just my brief. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,#
say it definitely, I'm not sure if there's more reasons behind it but one thing you can definitely say is that it maybe didn't have the same effect as it might have done in the past but no, it's a good outlook and you know if I passed that over to yourself Lucas you know what's your opinion on this do you have any different opinion or anything you'd like to add maybe?
I mean, I would like to ask as a log he said, I mean, right?
I'm just literally, so I'm looking at it this way. Ghana does this when maybe the US or one particular country would decide to affect the global cryptocurrency market.
Right now we are stronger, I would say. And I like the fact that even while they were going after a lot of these bigger companies, they decided to stay together. And I just sent a sign of confidence.
to normal retail investors, because majorly retail investors at the once get hard the most by some actions of a lot of these regulators. So at the end of the day, I mean.
I mean, it makes sense. I mean, it is very brilliant to see that the market is stronger. And then the effects on the global market is not going to be as maybe 2018 when everybody was still trying to
a make sense of what was going on at the end of the day. We have to, and that's the thing, we have to, the United, if we want to send push-ah-goals, that's the only way, I mean, we would be, I would say, you know, the regulators.
Thank you, because again, some great points there, some great points and I don't tend to disagree actually now. So, and Andre, do you have anything you'd like to add to that from your perspective? I know quite a lot's been covered by Lucky John and Mr. Luke as well. Yes, so most of the important things were covered. What I would add about that
So I think like you know this move from a set against like you know crypto crypto Space is mostly aimed to distribute to feel like you know Unstability in a way you know people when just cared
they get the act like in a way that it affects the market. So I guess as long as the people from this space, they don't get scared about that. I guess the space, if we really keep going to grow and to be more prospering the long term. But of course,
a lot of people get scared about that and they just try to exit the market. Then of course it's great to have some really, you know, maybe not good downsides. So yeah, I guess the main thing is that it's all about, you know, the two main things that, you know, are driving any market.
the grid and the field. So if the field is bigger than the grid then of course we have a problem. But if there's an equilibrium and there aren't many people afraid of what will happen in the future, I guess we have safe and we're building something that it will last around for a lot of time.
Thank you Andrews, some great points and as you were speaking there before you even got to the point of mentioning fear and greed you know I could tell that's where you were going and I pulled the fear and greed index up in front of me for for Bitcoin and yeah I think you made some really good points there I mean we're definitely moving more into the greed phase and the fear now from last month
We're about neutral. Last week we were in fear yesterday and greed and obviously today even further into the greed and I know that fluctuates quite a lot but I think the general sentiment is like you say there is less fear as more people are becoming more educated. But yeah that's a great addition.
So that moves me on to my next question. And this is what I'm really interested to hear answers with. So again, you know, to Archios, maybe Michael, if you want to take this one or lucky join up to you. But why does the SEC classify certain crypto currencies as securities?
Okay, yeah, great. So I kind of think like the other or could the coins actually from it's own so there was some of your investment kind of kind of I compared to all that
I think that was worth it.
outside of the SCC. Yeah, I said that the SCC also have some other interest. Some other interest is like what it for three for binners.
Yeah, so this is part of many people have lost a lot of money from the good to space and I think that's the reason why it's just kind of trying to come up with rules for us to safeguard
the investors for the same time coming up with supposed to be a tool to a rule or law that's going to save the founders and leaders of the cryptocurrency coins and also the laws.
So I think on Timoy we can have the imbalance between both the investors and the viewers. I think the crypto space is very easy and very safe. Very much is equal people to adapt to it.
Thank you very much Michael. It's a strange one isn't it? It is a strange one. I would like to know a little bit more myself into what sort of makes them go after the exact cryptocurrencies and exact assets that they do and sometimes I wonder whether they're actually just trying their luck with
certain crypto currencies or tokens or coins or entities that they go for. But I'm open to learning a little bit more as we go through. Mr. Lucas, do you have anything you'd like to add to that? Maybe a different view. I mean, I have something to say. I'm not trying to be an alarmist yet, but at the end
And I just think the sec is going about it the wrong way. And secondly, I mean, I just buy, I mean, it still boils down to the fact that I mean, they want to have control over the market. And that's the beautiful thing. We're such a very
decentralized industry that it is going to be so hard for just one buddy to have just utmost control over what we're building. At the end of the day, we still beat the purpose of what we're trying to achieve. So for me,
So looking at the SEC, they see you know fool themselves. I mean at the end of the day it's just you know to get control. That's how I see it. Yeah, they would obviously play it. So you're trying to protect you know users and while you know there's some truth to that. I mean because
obviously, there's still a lot of, I mean we can still do better in keeping off terrible projects, but that should not be decided by my opinion. I mean we should do more in terms of education. If less in the SEC we're
going about it's like trying to educate investors on how to probably invest in a lot of these tokens. Then at the end of the day, I would say, "That's like a good start." But going
after the global they're not even going after like the guys that are terrible going after like you know Coinbase going after Binance is just ridiculous at the end of the day so I think my opinion I think the only reason why they are doing this is just you know to to power to
to be able to control the ecosystem, which they've been trining directly and then they just can't. And also, you know, just for the US, I mean, the US also, you know, is bothered about like, you know, the dollar, I don't want to go into that, go into that, you know, I'm field put at the end of the day. I mean, that's just what I think.
Thank you very much. It was against some great points. I am really interested to see how this all pans out. Control or keyword used there. I think it's a very good word to describe the situation. Andres, anything you'd like to add to that?
I guess a lot of things were already covered, but I guess the main thing is that in a way those governmental institutions, they kind of fear they're losing the control. So imagine what it means they lose the control about the monetary system.
same time with the AI, right? They just started, you know, creative regulation for AI, even it's just started to emerge. So, in a way, the government don't want to lose control over the important things. So they will act on that trying to keep their control over you know.
It doesn't matter if it's blockchain or AI, so imagine how challenging it is to build at the intersection of those two when you can find new regulation day by day on each one of these two words. So yeah, in a way, say try to, try to, of course,
It's important to make sure that people are protected. But at the same time, they are posing their regulation and their weapons to the -- as Lucas just mentioned, to the good guys. So it doesn't make any sense.
Thanks Andrew, some great points and that it doesn't make any sense and it's interesting to see with obviously AI and all the technology that's coming if, as opposed to certain instances, it could be easier to stay on top of and easier to control in and in some cases it could be the everywhere around as Lucas was pointing out that you know blocked
for example, when everything that we're building in this space, somethings can be, maybe not as easy to control. So yeah, but very interested to see how all of this sort of pans out over the next couple of years. So moving on to the next question, again if I could pop this to yourself at Arterus, maybe Lucky John, if we're taking it in turns, then you'd be up. So
In the past, when the SEC have initiated lawsuits against certain tokens, major exchanges usually delisted these tokens. What impact does this have on those projects? I've currently got XRP in my mind when I'm reading this question out, but I'll pop that to yourself at Archer. So what do you think?
Yeah, I don't actually have I just have like a general idea So I think it actually had the positive and the negative impacts So when it comes to Okay, can you hear me? Yes, I can
Okay, so let me start with the positive impact so it was positive in the sense that People a lot of people were able to know okay what was actually happening happening inside the projects So sometimes a lot of investors don't really
know what really happens inside the inside the particular projects and it might actually make it might actually keep them in a position whereby they take road decisions and also they are actually responsible to you know giving out those informations so when they
actually stood by sec there were a lot of information that came out somewhere good somewhere but so it wasn't really good so it affected the project in a way that okay if you as a project you were actually maybe misusing users phones you would let
Now, it did not suit you yet. You just have to take dressing from the previous person that I was sued. So on that particular project, if you were actually defaulted, maybe you went against most of the rules, then you might actually have a negative effect.
So a lot of people would dump your token and so on. You can actually get the listed from a lot of exchanges and so on. So to a point, it was good for the community to actually know what is happening in the project. Then from the project perspective, I think,
I think if you had cookruches in your cupboard, it would definitely be bad for you. That's just my general opinion. Good analogy at the end. Thank you for that. That's very good. Luke, if I can pass over to yourself, if you have anything to add there.
I mean, in terms of, you know, the positive, I mean, I think like, you know, as I'm lucky said, I mean, that's, you know, another, you know, positive thing. I think my biggest problem with this is, you know, is the fact that
they are not actually going after the real people. It took a whole lot before FTX to actually crash before they even thought of going after FTX.
I don't want to go through the pieces on the relationship. The chairman has the FTX founder. But at the end of the point is, if less,
are going after the bad guys, the real, they are actually scrutinizing, a lot of visible, I would say fraud. I mean people would obviously, if
It's a thing of perception. People would obviously see that, okay, I mean, this guy's actually mean well, you know, for the industry. But at the end of the day, they, you know, failed every time to go after like, you know, the bad guys and, you know, they come and come aflag and go after
like the people that actually you know have been keeping their books right. I mean I'm not you know saying that you know some of these guys could not be fraudulence but all I'm just saying is I mean so far that's how it's you know it seems that that's how it looks and that's how you know it seems and another thing is
So realistically, if you talk about the positives, the positives would obviously be a lot of luck. You said if they actually do it the right way. I mean, everybody had to lose money before we found out how FTX was operating. I mean, that shouldn't have happened.
If they were doing that jobs right, or if they cared, they truly cared about investors. And it's also the negative is like a lot. I mean, you're putting fear, you know, creating a lot of problems, you know, for people that actually mean well. So yeah, I mean,
That's just all I have to do regarding this. Thank you, again, some great points. What really sits with me in these situations is the one that I guess is in most sort of investors' heads is what it does to the price of the token when it's dealing
And I know that it depends on how you look at a project if you've bought it for the long term fundamentals and you really believe in it. Then you know the current price action shouldn't pay too much difference. But I think when the SEC are chasing maybe your favorite asset and you know the prices over half the bull cycle comes and you never
reach your previous all-time high and years and years past and you're still in this battle with the SEC. It's very disheartening and discouraging maybe for the holders of that asset. But no, yeah, go ahead and some amazing points. Andrea, if I could go and pass over to you, I'll do a switch over for one of the last questions to make sure that you can go first.
Okay. So I guess of course it's all the speaker before we kind of clashed out with all the major thing. So when you know somebody you see you know it's like it's at the attack field project right. We have a project you work a lot you have big community.
So in a way, when somebody is attacking, of course, there will be a damage. And of course, it will take some time to get back. And it might be that some project will never get back. So in a way, it's a bit unfair because there's like a selective way or you know,
getting on on certain project, but there's isn't right now very clear who will all very clear you know set of set of you know rules that make sense for everyone so yeah
Thank you, Andrew. Thank you. And because obviously the speakers we have have been so brilliant and answered the questions in full so much, unfortunately by the time it's come round to you, Andrew, as you say, a lot of the key points have already been hit. So I'm going to put this next question directly to you, Andrew, and then we'll go the other way around. So the cryptocurrency market already faces regulatory risks.
How have investors reacted to this? Has this response contributed to the prolonged downturn in the cryptocurrency market? Of course, being an operating and unregulated market, it has no risk. But at the same time, it provides people
opportunity and flexibility to build things to create things that normally you could not create in WebTrue or in other in IoT ecosystem. So I guess it's something that makes sense especially for emerging technologies.
This is similar with the AI. So everyone is building larger model, powerful model. And of course, there's a lot of people trying to find out the way to regulate that, make sure that they are. Their potential is useful, good maybe. But at the same time,
When a new technology is appearing, it is like fire. So when fire is being discovered, it's being used to cook meal, to hit a new, but also you can burn housing. So in a way, we have to keep in mind that, you know, anything that is new, anything that is operating in a
In innovative way, because in a way you know blockchain and cryptocurrency are something which are aimed to innovate how we utilize money, which is our relation with money. So of course such innovation is very hard to be regulated.
and find the balance between you and all the freedom and how it's been used by high people. So yeah. - Thank you, thank you, Andrew. I know, very good, very insightful answer. So thank you so much for that. Lucas, does there anything that you'd like to add?
I mean, no nothing for now. So here's just me one. Yeah, no, honestly, absolutely fine. André came in a pretty pretty full answer there. So that's not a problem at all. I will also encourage you.
anybody wants to sort of bounce off the back of one of the speakers and what they're speaking about feel free to you know. Are just, is there anything you'd like to add to that point there? I can read out the question again if you'd need to.
So Michael or Lucky John?
Yeah, sorry. I actually missed the question because he said he were actually directing it so he impersonally No, no, no, no, I just went the ever way around because poor andres had to be the last of the questions recently well for the rest of the AMA and you guys have come of such in debt behind
It's left him a little less to say so we just went the other way round for that one. So the question for you is the cryptocurrency market already faces regulatory risks. How have investors reacted to this? Has this response contributed to the prolonged downturn in the cryptocurrency market?
Okay, yeah, I think I I talked I've made a few points about it on the first question Yeah, I think we've all gone into it so in depth that on the fourth this question and the final question you may have actually touched up on a lot of the points already So you know feel free to even repeat them or just mention it was previously previously spoken about
Okay, so I think it's still going it's we'll still have cases like this. It's not going to stop because
I think we lost you there. John needs to go with us.
Hello. I'm not sure if it's just me or if it's just John at this point. Can one of the other speakers confirm it's not me? Yes. Cool, don't worry. So you said that you repeated a lot of that answer anyway.
what we'll do is we'll go on to the next one, we will start with Andrea again and we'll come back around for the last question for you. So Andrea if I can put the final question for you so we've got time for today. In the future how do you think cryptocurrency regulation will develop? How should the balance between regulation and supporting innovation be made?
And again, I know a lot of you have touched up on this a little bit in previous answers, but feel free to go ahead, Sandra. Yes, so in a way, the regulation and all this system makes sense in a world that didn't have computers, right?
It's about bringing the rules of node system and apply it in a new environment. I guess in the future the regulation will be like coded at, not to say the smart contract level, but it will be coded in the protocol of the, in of themselves.
So trying to protect people by using lawyers and laws and things like that, of course, is something that is currently happening. But I guess in the future we're going to see some new technologies, of course, like blockchain and
that will basically be the gatekeeper. So instead of relying on people to protect people, we could have system that themselves will ensure that everyone is protected. So from my perspective, if it's about to look on the future,
And I guess the way the technology evolves right now. I guess it will be pretty soon when we're going to see people, you know, protect it and by protocol, by technology themselves, not by lawyers or so, you know.
regulation on some laws. So yeah. Thanks Andrea, I think considering the space we're in and the way we want things to go that would definitely be an ideal solution wouldn't it? So amazing thank you so much. Lucas do you have anything you'd like to add or maybe a different opinion on this the final question?
I mean, obviously, we that you know, it can be balanced. I mean, I am, I am in for regulation. I mean, I am in for regulation.
But also, I'm in for regulation the right way. I mean, if, if, for instance, I mean, you know, they are sort of like, I would say,
I'm de-seed, obviously, the lawyers, so you know, they're not even elected officials, you know, find a way to maybe communicate, speak directly with you know, founders in the ecosystem and then you know, we can come up with you know, something
that actually works because at the end of the day, I mean whatever they're doing is not working. I mean it's still like crazy guys out there still trying to, I would say still from
people. But at the end of the day, I mean, if it is done the right way, I mean, regulation is a good thing. I mean, it would prevent bad actors at the end of the day. But how do you do it? That's the question. And so far, I mean, they've not figured out how
to do it. And they're just doing it the wrong way. And I think that the way the crypto community is sort of pushing back on these type of things is like it should be a learning curve
Or the regulators to look back and say, "Hey, maybe we're doing this the wrong way. It's time to engage. It's time to see how best we can actually make these things work." I mean, the person that was even pro-regulation and how are you in your regulation?
It's one of the people that I actually, you know, scammed a lot of people. I'm talking of FTX. So at the end of the day, I mean, it's like, you know, I would say to you, I would say to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you, to you,#
investors and at the same time you also need to protect founders and the founders that are like building these great companies and how you do that I mean it's up to the SEC to figure out and make sure you know they do the right way
Thank you, Luke. It was very exciting for me. I definitely agree with a lot of the points there. One thing for sure is it all needs to have a good hard look at it and come up with the right solution. But I suppose that's easier said than done, isn't it? And for the archers
to Michael or Lucky John. I will pop the question to you one more time and you can decide who would like to answer it. In the future, how do you think cryptocurrency regulation will develop? How should the balance between regulation and supporting innovation be maintained?
Lucky John Michael. Are either of you there. Hello did you hear the question Lucky John?
Yes, I did. I think I would pick out picks from what's the other speaker said Mr.
So finding the balance has to do it, you know, regulate it in a way that it favors both parties. But you don't go after the good guys and leave the bad guys.
So if you want to go after projects, you need to have a lot of reasons to go after them.
So I don't think I know much of regulation to give a very standard response to this but I would say they should do this in a way that it favors all parties. I know yes, they are trying to kick out bad actors from using the blockchain as an opportunity to learn that.
money and do great harm damage actually damage a lot of countries economy. So, but still, they should actually do more research on a particular company before going after them. And I still feel they're actually doing a good job at the end of the day.
I would like to add to this. I mean, the reason why I think that you're doing it the wrong way. Because I mean, take take for instance, I mean, I saw an article in Nigeria where the regulators there actually released, I mean, they released a disclaimer on how
Binance limited, you know, is fraudulent and you know, they should you know stop trading. I mean, that was a misleading Let's out or information at the end of the day because they didn't even do their research and and and it took you know Binance to actually come out to say okay, hey, this is not a
company. I mean this is like a different company and then they went for that to say you know you don't stop trading and stop using their P2P platforms if you I mean doing that is illegal. And then this just shows how you know they don't even do research like they don't I mean so add to
I still 100% insist that they're not doing it the right way. If you want to solve a problem, you have to hear from both sides. Both sides are against what's
the solutions you're trying to create. So at the end of the day, I mean, you have to go back and see that one, you know, rethink how you're going about it. It's not just about sending lawyers to like, you know, having people have court cases unnecessary waiting for
for the Supreme Court to make decisions on things like this. I mean, go back and see how you're affecting founders and your also affecting investors. Amazing stuff. Thank you so much, guys. That's actually all we have time for.
today but there's been some absolutely amazing answers from our speakers so let's definitely give them a round of applause well deserve and thank you so much for everybody for attending if you haven't already please do remember to follow our socials press that little notification bell to make sure you don't miss out and join our community for all
all the latest news and updates. Of course, be sure to go and check out all the projects of our speakers. Make sure you drop them a follow on their socials. They've obviously got a lot of cool things coming up that you don't want to miss out on. We look forward to seeing you all on the next episode of Metatalk. Have a great day everyone. Bye bye bye. Bye guys.