MetaTalk Episode 8: Accelerating Cross-Chain Asset Liquidity

Recorded: April 27, 2023 Duration: 1:20:30
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Thank you everybody for joining. Please do just bear with us a little bit longer. We're just waiting for one more speaker to come and join us and we will get started. Thank you all for your patience.
Okay everyone we're just having some difficulty getting the last speaker on I'm just going to try for another minute if not we'll get started and see if she can join shortly
Okay, thank you for your patience, everybody. What we're going to do is we're going to get started and if Lexi from coin swap able to sort out the technical issues and get involved in the questions, and that'll be brilliant. So hopefully we'll have Lexi join us as we go through the AMA today. But of course,
Hello and welcome to all of our guests and listeners. Before we get too much into it, actually, can I just get a little microphone check from the speakers that we do have with us today? Make sure we're all good and no further technical problems. One, two, three, sound check, can you hear me?
I'm talking on behalf of Lotus from Multichain today. Nice to talk to you guys. I'm talking on behalf of DoaSwap. Can you guys hear me?
Thank you so much for the testing the mics there. Yes, as I was saying, hello and welcome to all of our guests and listeners. My name is Alex and I work with the community team here at Caduceus. So I'm delighted to be here today. Thank you all so much for joining for our speakers and our
Now we've got a lot of questions to go through today or a few questions which I'm really interested to hear in the answers. We've got some great guests to go over them all. So before we get into those questions I will allow these guests to introduce themselves. So if we could actually maybe
go in that order and start with multi-chain, that would be brilliant. My name is Jason and I'm the integration developer of multi-chain. I'm talking on behalf of our business lead Lotus today and nice to talk to you guys.
That's great. Thank you very much. And if we can then pass over to XP Network, that would be brilliant.
Hey guys, I'm Dima Broke, the city of Xpinatwork. We are a non-fungible token bridge between about 30 chains right now and many of those are non-IVMs. So we'll talk about that later today. Thanks. Okay.
My name is Jakub. I'm talking about behalf of ToaSwap today. So ToaSwap is the first decentralized exchange on CardiShot blockchain. So we are trying to bring in different VM compatriots of users to us. Thank you guys.
Okay brilliant stuff and also we made at some point, I will mention now as I did before, we made at some point also have Lexi from coins who are joining us if we can sort out some technical issues there but if not we'll continue as we are. So just in case you're new here I'll do a brief short brief about coducius. So coducius is a layer one block to
The chain dedicated to metaverse development offers up to 100,000 TPS and non-existent gas fees, all powered by the centralized age rendering. Of course, to find out more about Caduceus, please do follow our socials, join in our community and look out for the latest news and updates. Now, today we've got a really interesting discussion. The topic
for today is accelerating cross-chain asset liquidity, cross-chain bridge technology and liquidity mining. So, you know, very relative to, obviously, everything that's going on in the fiducius and VAR speakers and their projects here. So, again, we're really looking forward into getting into this one today.
Let's have a look. We're multi-chain. Maybe if we could ask you to start off with the first question and go in the same order as we did before, that would be brilliant just to keep things nice and easy. The first question that actually came in is how does cross-chain asset liquidity affect the free flow of assets, market efficiency and use
user experience in the DeFi ecosystem. So if I could pass that over to Jason Multichain and again I will mention sometimes the answers are quite a long, if anybody needs me to repeat the question please just let me know. Yeah thank you so much for the question. I briefly answer this question in two aspects.
the free flow of assets and the market efficiency. So these two questions are quite tricky. As like a cross-chain bridge operator from Multi-chain myself, we know that the free flow of asset is very important for a new chain or any
change to get developed. For example, if Ethereum is only available on Ether, versus it's available on Ether, on Ethereum and BSE, the difference in utility and liquidity will be huge. So
The free flow of asset is very important. The emphasis is on free flow here. As in, there's a decentralized way to bridge the asset through to another chain to provide liquidity. And in terms of market efficiency, the more these free flow methods
and decentralize changes are bridges allow the assets flow through each chain the more efficient the market would be. To achieve a truly efficient market we need natively multi-chain swap and multi-chain assets on all chains so that's my two cents.
That was brilliant, thank you so much. Damage, you have anything that you can add to that.
from the XP network perspective. Yes, sure. Well, we are not a fungible token bridge. So the question of liquidity in terms of a fungible tokens is not applicable to NFTs because they are all unique. But in the other meaning of this word, liquidity
as flexibility of the token to be moved between owners. There it is applicable and we view the situation like this. Every market and every blockchain is a market. It needs at least three things to be successful.
So first of all, it's the solvent demand for goods or services. And NFTs, even though in the beginning of their career, if we can put it so, NFTs were used for speculation, for just creating an asset and then trading it and hoping that somebody will buy it for a higher price.
In fact, the meaning of NFTs is much deeper than this. It is an instant registration of ownership rights for something, for goods or services. So NFTs can be treated as goods that are traded in the Web 3 markets. And aside
They can represent something that people need and then if there is a demand for this something that is represented by this NFT, then this is the first condition that the market can flourish having it in the market. So first of all is the responsibility of the NFT product.
projects to create something that is valuable to people, either because it gives you an entry to a game or it gives you some features that others don't have without this asset, or it can be something from a physical world. For example, some
companies start selling tickets for events as NFTs. And there is a unique use case, for example, Austrian Post, which I just am mail service. They instead of printing out stamps, they create NFTs and you can buy an NFT. And then with this NFT, you can
actually email, not email, you can send a physical letter and they will accept it as a payment. So this is something where we all should go to and so for a good market we need a solvent demand for such goods or services represented by NFTs. So the second it should be
the sufficient supply of what is in demand, meaning the goods or services. So there should be suppliers such as NFT collections or projects that mint the rights for their services or goods as NFTs. They should supply something that the market needs and it should be of high quality. And what the bridge adds here
is it adds the third part which is healthy competition. So if an ecosystem like Kadoosius for example has several projects, they can be pretty reluctant because there's no competition and whatever they do will be consumed because there's nothing else.
But with the bridge, they have to think, "Okay, what do we have to do to be better than our competitors?" Because now we are open to the entire market, to the global ecosystem. And on the other hand, they can view the situation differently.
They can say, "Okay, we have better ideas than people have on other chains." So we can repeat our success in caduceus and take it elsewhere and we can multiply our success by as many chains as we can reach with the help of the bridge. And that makes the question of liquidity.
like it raises it to the new level. Now they are talking tokens become liquid not only within the caduceus ecosystem but globally and vice versa. Some cool projects from other chains can now come to caduceus ecosystem and can boast
So this is the two ways stream. Besides every NFT that we bridge, it always has the name of the chain where it was initially created, initially minted. So when an FD is from Caduce, it's a new chain.
The name of caduceus will be in every market place where this NFT exists and it will spread the word about caduceus and everybody will see, "Ah, so there is this ecosystem. There are cool projects there. Why not go to caduceus?"
natural or organic advertisement of the ecosystem itself. So this is how the bridge makes everything more liquid. Thank you, dear. That was really a really insightful answer actually and you mentioned some points there that I haven't even thought about before.
so it just makes me more excited about obviously the future of all the possibility of cross-chain and bridging and where everything's going. So thank you, thank you very insightful. To all of our listeners, Lexi has just joined us. So Lexi, what I would do is I would ask you to speak next. I will let you
have a little introduction of yourself and I'll read out the question for you again. The question was how does cross-chain asset liquidity affect the free flow of assets, market efficiency and user experience in the DeFi ecosystem? So yeah, let's see if you want to introduce yourself and then have a go answer in that question, that would be brilliant.
Hello guys can you hear me now? Yeah can hear you? Alright alright sorry guys sorry how about late yeah be be problem of my internet before yeah so let me hear with us now yeah sorry guys yeah let me just briefly introduce myself hello I
My name is Lexi and I'm the community manager of the I'm free to be here today to participate in this discussion. Cornsweb is the first DeFi OneStop services platform on cadetures and we commit to build the first decentralized
one-stop financial services platform in Metaverse, as someone who works in the decentralized financial space, I'm very passionate about exploring ways to improve cross-chain inter-powerability and enhance liquidity for different assets. I believe that the topics we'll be discussed today are crucial
I'm looking forward to sharing my perspectives and learning from all of you. Thank you. And for the questions, like I think like in the DIVA ecosystem, asset outlayization is essential and the product competitiveness.
from increasing the optimization of user assets so like today, with the emergency of multiple chains and the prosperity of the ecosystem, the optimization of cross-chain asset liquidity is a highly potential arena. So firstly, cross-chain asset liquidity enables
users to move assets, you know, like seamlessly across different blockchain networks allowing for greater flexibility and access to a broader range of assets. This creates a more open and connected DIVA ecosystem, which benefit both users and, you know, like
project by increasing the numbers of potential transactions and users. And secondly, cross-chain asset liquidity enhanced market efficiency by reducing the risk associated with limited liquidity on individual blockchain networks. It provides more significant liquidity pool for asset.
which can help reduce transaction fees and, you know, like this kind of things, make in treating more cost effective and efficiency. Lastly, cross-chain assets liquidity positively impacts users' experiences by increasing the numbers of assets can be, you know, like a
comprehensive range of assets possible. Like regard of the native blockchain networks as an ecological partners, as the DEX, we are also very happy to see the grand launch of the Cadiz Teore Bridge and look forward to the
establishment of more cross-chain asset trading pairs, you know, like to build a healthy and robust DeFi ecosystem. Thank you. No, thank you. Thank you so much. If you're an introduction to your answer to that question, again, another great answer.
And Jacob from Tower Swap Apologies, if you've got anything to add to that, please, please do. Okay, I think let's see, I've actually said most of what I wanted to see. So he gave you a bit of answer to all those questions. So let me just add to that as
We all know cross-stream 3G technology actually plays critical role in promoting cross-chain asset equity. So there are several types of, can you guys see me? Yeah, we can hear you just fine. Okay, yeah, yeah, okay. So by any ability, simple as transfer
to asset between different blockchain network. So as we all know, our crosschain is also allow us to move from one chain to another without the without the users using decentralized exchange or other intermediaries. So probably in the future, we can expect to see for the advanced meetings, crosschain
technology that we continue to promote development and innovation of blockchain asset liquidity. For example, we may see the emergency of new type of pretty technologies that are more efficient, that are more secure, that are more scalable than existing solutions. So we may also increase the collaboration
between different blockchain network like CMP, Passos, all these EVM compatible networks also which actually include to lead more into opportunities and standard across different blockchain. So talking more about that, we can actually say question bridge technology is very
very important and essential for promoting blockchain and security. And also we can expect to see continued development and innovation in the areas. For instance, people like our users actually do need to use, to use, was to use decentralized exchange. So they can
Instead of using it, it's a little bit strange for like we all know what's up to FTS the last time. So a lot of users are actually afraid of using decentralized exchange. So instead of that, the innovation of using the creation of using a central decentralized exchange like CoinSwap, like to uswap actually bring in
and more opportunity for users to save their phone. So we all know that they may find the challenge to engage users from, which can end up developing their needs and resources. So using a cross chain can actually bring in more trust, more scalable to the ecosystem as a whole.
Thank you very much. That's what I can't add for now. No, no, thank you, Jacob. That was a great addition. It's always hard to go last on a question when you've got such brilliant speakers in front of you as well covering a lot of the points. So now you don't really well there. Thank you. And we can move on to the second question actually. That would be brilliant. And you know, multi-changes#
multi-chain record maybe start with yourself and go in the same order. What role does cross-chain bridging technology play in promoting cross-chain asset liquidity? And how can you see it developing in the future? For example, how might these advancements promote the development and innovation of cross-chain asset liquidity?
And that's for you, Jason, so yeah, I'll take this question. Yeah, so I think like cross-chain bridging technology in the future wouldn't just be a
connected it would be like a nabler so it would allow for things that's like never possible in these few years so with like any call it's like
our cross-chain messaging protocol. It allows for like, um,
contract invulction from chain A to chain B. So you send a message on chain A and then the contract on chain B will trigger. With these kind of technology, bridging wouldn't be like sending asset from chain A to chain B anymore.
your asset can be at train A and B at the same time. You can stake your ease on Ethereum and then you can have the stake is available on another chain for like landing purposes. So I feel like
These kinds of advancement and push off faster confirmation, the reduction of chain reawak, which is a big problem of current chains at the moment. If we eliminate all this, the instantaneous
experience users will have, will change their mindset and UX when interacting with DeFi protocols in the future. So more and more liquidity will flow in from the UX improvement.
Thank you very much. That all sounds like very exciting stuff. Deimos, do anything to yourself and XP would like to add to that? Well, yeah, sure. So I can agree with the previous speaker that a cross-chain bridge is an enabler and it really enables all
lot of things. Well, first of all, projects can seamlessly migrate from one chain or even one protocol to another by a protocol. I mean, a whole type of chains, like EVMs or chains based on Cosmos or chains based on
So what is the bridge, at least without bridge, if you want to migrate an NFT collection, you don't have to build anything on the other side as a project, which saves tons of developer hours, tons of money. You just bridge your collection there and
the bridge does all the job. It deploys a contract according to the rules of the target scene and it means NFTs according to the standards of the target chain regardless of where you're coming from. So it works like an adapter. And what it gives to the community and to the chain is that first of all, that
The team of caduceus can now speak with the projects who started on other chains and they can almost effortlessly migrate to caduceus and start developing there. At least there are NFT collection. Of course, if they want to build something around it,
like a game or something else, then they would have to do it because it's not part of the bridging process, but the collection will already be there. And they will be able to list it in the marketplaces, they will be able to start selling it, they will be able to already communicate it to the ecosystem.
And that actually raises the bar for the projects that are already residing in Kudusius. So if anyone from any other team with very high quality projects can come, then it's a push for the residents to improve
themselves to improve what they're offering to the community in order not to lose the market. And there's again another side to this metal. Now the native projects shouldn't be intimidated that our community is pretty small so why create a huge collection nobody will ever buy it. So now there's no such problem.
You can create collections with thousands of tens of thousands of NFTs or hundreds of thousands. And then because of the bridge, you can always be sure that you can move part of your collection to other protocols and then sell it there. So that's what the bridge gives you.
Thanks, it definitely gives you a lot of options and even as you are speaking through there there's a lot of things sort of going on in my head with some of the projects that I hold and things and ways that they can expand and really take advantage of this. So nice from some really cool points there. Lexie do you have anything to add from that or from CoinSwap perspective?
Hello, luckily you want me to let me try and mute you, maybe that all.
Okay, I can't unmute if I can't really send.
Ok, Jacob, do you want to jump in on this one and then let's see if you can go last if it's just sorted out the microphone?
Okay, I think demand has actually said a lot. So the future of cross-the-prussian bridging will be for chose people bridging from one, let me just say, Ilya wants really out too, or from bridging from
So in the future it might just be the work of the smart contract. So people with just all it doesn't to do is just do what to do to provide the liquidity or do what to do and get really the smart contract actually do that for you. So that's just what I see and there will be a
lot of you know it would be more scalable than more security and the more decentralization from the crushing preaching so that's actually what I can add because my other guys like Dima and the other guys are actually selling lots about seats so that's what I'm going to add thank you
No, no, not a problem at all. And again, a great addition. Thank you so much. Let's see, are you with us? Would you like to add a leaf into that from CoinSwap or your own perspective?
Tom, but wait, it's okay. Let's leave on. Before we went to Farn and there's a room for a question since the speakers can't actually say something. I have a question to the previous speaker. Is it okay? Absolutely.
Yeah, the speaker said that Fudgeable token bridges as far as I understand will enable people to have tokens on both chains simultaneously, but doesn't it contradict the principles of non-asset duplication and the double spending if not
Maybe I just misunderstood something from your speech. Could you please explain that because it's really an interesting concept. I just wanted to understand it better. Yeah, so what I mentioned is like let's use the example of stage
So if I want to interact with Venus on BSE and I have state ETH on ETH chain, so with cross-chain messaging protocol you can state ETH natively on ETH chain, get some sort of breadth asset and then use like
use the proof of that asset, lock it in a contract, and then enter get, and then let's say land from Venus on BSE. So that's what I mean, like you can utilize asset from chain A, even though you're on chain B without actually moving the asset across.
right and while you're ether is locked there you're getting some API or APR that looks like liquidity provider coin somewhere else is that correct? Yeah you're getting the native native validator
reward, but you can use the asset on BSC as well. That's what I am. Okay, got it. So it kind of is like as a duplication in like if you think about it from the banker's perspective, let's say, right, but they also do the same like they give you a loan.
And then the because you gave them an obligation in return, which is a contract that you will pay it back, it kind of creates an asset for the bank and then they can show it to the central bank and say, look, we have this obligation from this guy, right? And they can borrow more money for this obligation and this is how they make
more money out of nowhere. So basically it's pretty much the same here. Okay, thank you. Sorry for a nice, nice question. I know I massively encourage it. It's always nice if the speakers have a question for another speaker. Encourages a little bit more conversation and a bit of a deep dive into it.
So no need for apology at all, Deema. I think you're having a little bit of an un-muting microphone there. I saw you were back in the room with a couple of emojis pop up, but you're back with us, so still having some technical issues. I think still having some technical issues.
So that's okay, hopefully you can get it all sorted out and jump in in time for the next question. So Jason again, I can pop this to yourself. So as we go through the questions and again our speakers have been sort of going through it in quite a lot of detail, there may be some points that come up which are somewhat similar you've already touched on, but you know,
just feel free to go over them again or touch up on it. So the next question is how can economic incentives and risk management be designed within cross-chain liquidity against potential manipulation and malicious behavior in cross-chain liquidity mining? If I can pass that to yourself, Jason, that'd be good.
Yeah, um, this question is quite broad, but I answered this question with like an example. So, uh, what we're doing with our, um, any call system is that they are even though all the curve is staked on
Ethereum, they are using any code to send the votes of those curve to other chains, which means if I'm like a curve locker, I can use any code to allocate my votes to chain B, chain C and chain D.
and then those chain B, chain C and chain D would change their emission accordingly. So this is one way of like cross chain, it's like an example of cross chain liquidity providing. So but in terms of like potential manipulation,
Again, we have to watch out for chain reog that's the biggest problem. And as we get more decentralized and more people are staking for their notes, the chain reog problem will be improved. But right now it's still like a serious problem we need to talk about.
Thank you, thank you very much. I will actually pass that straight over to Deer. I thought I had a question myself, but I passed over to Deer where maybe I'll get my own answer as we go through. Have you got anything to add to that Deer? From yourself or XP networks point of view? Well, yeah sure, sure. So with NFDs, there are also many
types of scams and different things that happen exactly because of the possibility of having multiple scenes. Like for example, not so long ago, OpenC, which is the biggest marketplace in the world yet, according to statistical
example, they are responsible for 87% of all the NFT sales in the world, at least whatever is tracked by the Tista and all the rest of the markets and all the other chains, they have like 13% which is left from the OpenC. Okay, so these guys, the OpenC, they have on every chain that they supported.
And they support they had a smart contract of their own where people could discount and mint and if these without even knowing how to code everything was done from their UI and then eventually they had to close this Which happened quite recently and the reason for that was that they figured
out because of the complaints of different collections that 80% of all the NFTs that were minted in their contracts were fakes or copies of collections from other chains. And when OpenC started supporting more chains, including the ones from which those collections
were stolen, they figured that out. And in NFT world, it's a very common thing that scammers, they think that if I mean the same collection on another chain, especially a different protocol, the protocol I already explained, I mean another type of blockchain, they hope that nobody will ever notice or at least they will
get a lot of money until somebody does. And that really happens. So when there is a bridge, there is actually this opportunity for the native collection of NFTs to spot those things, especially when you start bridging a collection
collection to a foreign chain, you will find out that there is the same collection that you already had somewhere. Like we recently had a collection bridging from Elrond, which is now called Multifersix. In non-IVM, we bridged it to Polygon, I think. And when they started
setting their collection in the UI of OpenC, they figured out that this name is already occupied by someone else. And when they opened that collection, it was exactly their collection, stolen from another chain. Of course, we opened a ticket, and of course that collection was banned, but this is something that happens. And had we not break
their collection, we would never have known that this happened. And so the bridge, it is itself a remedy from those camps. So the collections of NFTs should interact with the chain teams, especially the ones who want to develop their ecosystem, and with the bridges.
And actively market the fact that there NFTs are bridged from there here or there. And the users have to know where the real collection is and where a fake was minted. And of course the best tool to know is the address of the smart contract.
So fake collections cannot have the same address as the one published on the official website of the collection. So this is one of the ways that they can how they can protect themselves and bridging and communication is the best remedy for this. So if there
There is the real collection which is promoted by the website, then the users will not be tricked to buy the same NFTs from people who did not create it in the first place. Especially it's a problem if this collection belongs to a game. So people think that by buying this NFTs they will get access to
game they will get a character but in return they get nothing but lost money. So this is how we help solve the problem. Thanks, Tim. I'm getting a really insightful answer that got me thinking of a few things there. Really brilliant answers all around
actually but before we go into it Lexie let's just do a quick mic check again are we back in the room we're here we've gone away we've come back. Yes thank you for having me again. Welcome back. Welcome back my friend. Okay so do you want me to read the question for you again? Please yes please.
Yeah, absolutely. So it was how can economic incentives and risk management be designed within cross-chain liquidity, you know, against potential manipulation and malicious behavior in cross-chain liquidity mining? How can we mitigate against that?
Thank you my tears. So I mean for the Deema speaking that was very inspiration and was like excellent insight. So it was like giving me inspiration as well. So as long as I concern I think you know to start with this it is essential to establish a set of well designed machinism you know
for liquidity mining such as adjusting the balance of attribution conditions, Russian lighting, the Westing period and the like Pannotty and the design locking machine items along other things.
to achieve, you know, like a long-term positive feedback look. So in the addition to considering the rate of precise calculation release, under the dynamic balance of the entire system, perhaps we need to think about, you know, capturing the value of the native token, such as
like implementing VE token architecture to increase the stability and aid more stackable financial. We must be aware that designing a sustainable incentive model is very challenging.
have many intrigued considerations that need to be taken into account. The key is to focus on the practical of the functions, which may be closely related to the development of the industry ecosystem.
The ability of mechanisms necessary for malicious behavior to mitigate against potential manipulations and malicious behaviors in cross-genliquity mining is important to implement transparent and robust
governance structures. This can include virus such as communities voting, voting like a system which allows you like users to participate in decision making and help to prevent centralized control of the liquidity mining process. There may be a war for liquidity but
But, you know, competition determined by the market will be more reasonable, fair, less problems, you know, for the like monopoly, like manipulation, these kind of things. Risk management also, you know, like can be designed by using mirrors such as like,
Inpernament loss protection, which provide a safety night for liquidity providers against potential loss, because by market volatility, additional like implementing fee structures are trading limited,
also help to manage risk and prevent potential losses. Furthermore, implementing security measures such as smart contracts audit and ongoing monitoring can also help to identify and mitigate against potential risk.
relations. Thank you. Thank you very much. You guys have given us a lot on risk management and staying safe out there with this technology in mind. Yacke, again, sorry, you've had quite a good few answers before you. Have you got anything to add to this?
I have listened to everybody so I guess demand actually talked about the open seas which explain a lot to us so what I can actually add to that
is just we just need to put some some lines and some guidelines to make sure that there will be any manipulation, there will be any managers' behaviors in designing an incentive and management in the cross-chain, equity mining.
So first of all we can actually do for a way to identify the honest guys what actually in the actually stick and we try to provide liquidity in the industry. So we also need to know that we need to implement some penalties for anybody who actually tries to
We try to wait days to lose, which I try to do some first running, strategy, some puts in, in just in going ahead of first ahead of all those other users. So we can actually put a way to use the professional system. You can look for a way to require and
I'm telling everybody to use a provided speaking platform and also to perform a regular audit in the sense that several of course change the quality of my name mechanism can actually help to identify and prevent potential vulnerabilities and malicious behaviors.
So, all these can be to ensure that the economic incentive is properly aligned and that it is actually the least appropriate knowledge. So, providing a regular audit, maybe by the owner of the platform, shows that they need to know what is actually going
on in the ecosystem and to make sure we are going to incentivize those that are not doing any malicious, those are not involving malicious doings in the blockchain and those that are actually doing the right things in the blockchain. So that's actually what I can add. Thank you.
No, thank you again, a great addition, Jacque. We've only got time for a couple more questions today, but on the last question I'm going to ask you to answer first. I feel like going last for everyone. I'll give you the opportunity to have a first answer. We'll move on to the penultimate question.
The question is, like I put to yourself, Jason, that multi-chain is liquidity pools can provide better liquidity for different assets, thereby promoting cross-chain liquidity. However, liquidity pool design and management faces many challenges, such as liquidity asymmetry, the risk of asset
asset price fluctuations, liquidity pool security, how do you view the advantages and challenges of liquidity pools and what relevant solutions can you propose? For example, are there any new models or mechanisms that can better address these challenges? So it's quite a big question, that one, multiple questions, if not, I would say about that.
Okay. Okay. I'll focus. I'll put my focus on. Sorry. Go ahead Jason. Yakubo, let you have the first go on the last question. Sorry for the confusion there. Go ahead Jason. Okay. I took my order but now I can't.
I talk about this in terms of like Uniswap V2 and V3 architecture and I wouldn't discuss too much about older books structure because that's not a area I'm confident in. So in terms of like V2 and V3 structure
The problem of like a V3 structure is biggest complaint is like the user managed liquidity problem. So, V3 is very efficient, but the managing of the liquidity is quite complicated.
So in the future, if people are still building on the V3 structure, some of the management solution will get better and better, and this management solution will essentially be cross-chain. Let's say you give me 10 easer and I deploy it on 10 different chains for you with different
and V3 range, allowing the most optimal ranges for each chain. So that's how I view the future of liquidity providing a management goal. It's V3 architecture or multiple chains managed by protocol.
In terms of new models and mechanism, that's my vision for the future. And I have to end my presentation here tonight because it's 12 here in Auckland.
New Zealand and I'm sorry I have to leave a bit early but this was a great space and I had a great time with you guys. No no problem at all thank you so much for all the time you did put in today and yeah really appreciate it
everything you had to put in. So thank you so much, Jason, and I'm all to try. Thank you so much. No problem. We look forward to seeing you on the next AMA. Right. So if we can just go with that same question to yourself, Dean, maybe you've got anything to add to that.
Of course I do. So for non-fungible tokens, there's usually no such thing as liquidity pools because NFTs are unique. So you cannot pull them together into some liquidity pool because there's nothing like it.
At least that's what it's supposed to be. So of course we never experienced anything like your guys have just been describing. But we experience things that you also have no idea about if you haven't done NFT bridging and I'll tell you about that because
I think that would be more relevant to what we are doing and that would also inform you of something you probably haven't heard of before. So when you bridge NFTs, you know that different NFTs inside one collection, they have different rarities.
and what qualities they have here and there. And some some ifties are more rare than the others. And rarity, like the more rare the NFTs, the higher is the price of this NFT in this collection. But what happens is when you bring
only a part of the collection, then the marketplaces, they don't see the entire collection, which in statistics is called the population. They only see a sample of this collection. That sample is also a statistical term, which means a portion. And it
There's no guarantee that this portion will be representative representative means for example you have Three super rare NFTs in the collection you have 20 rare collect NFTs and then the rest right so there's no guarantee that the bridge denifties will
will be present in the sample in the same proportion as they were in the population in the entire collection. And then the marketplace starts calculating its rarity in a wrong way. So for example, if you send the most rare NFT,
to a foreign chain, the marketplace on the foreign chain can think that it's absolutely not rare. See, that is the problem that NFE bridging has. It hasn't been solved like in a universal level. There are two solutions to this. It kind of relates
to what you're talking about liquidity pools, but it's very different from it because we're bridging different tokens. So solution number one is marketplaces shouldn't rely on the sample that they're viewing. They should go to the chain of origin, in our NFTs and the
data in the rapid metadata, there's always a link to the chain where it was originally minted and even the smart contract where it originates from. So if marketplace has access to this type of protocols, they can go and compare the rarity of this NFT with the NFTs inside the collection
where it was originally minted. And then the rarity would be correct. Another way to solve the problem is to change the standard so that every NFT holds its rarity as a property. And then whenever you bridge it, you don't even have to recalculate everything.
the team that initially created this collection, they already saw the entire population and they can accurately calculate the rarity. Of course there's a third question because there are different methods of calculating rarity, but then maybe we also need a standard for calculating rarity and then once it's
commonly adopted, everybody will know how to calculate it correctly and then that solves the problem. Well, right now because of course nobody wants to bother, we are thinking about calculating the variety ourselves and then adding this field in the RepDNFT that would
actually show its rarity in the original collection, but it's also going to take some time because we have many obligations. We received 20 grants from different blockchains and we're still in the middle of several of those. So once we are done with our obligations, then maybe then we'll think about solving this problem. Well, I hope
I told you something you didn't know before. You've been doing that all evening, actually, for myself, dear. And it's very interesting to hear. Obviously, as an NFT collector myself, you know, crypto investor, I've been for some years, maybe not quite as deep, enruted into the tech side of things as some of our speakers today, but it's
really nice to hear some of these things and see what's happening and hear some of the problems that are emerging as the tech sort of grows and we develop and get further. So yeah, I'm really insightful again, Deer. Thank you so much. Lexi, do you have anything you'd like to add to that? Yes, yes, I appreciate the questions here.
So from my perspective, I think, like liquidity, pools are a crucial component of the DFA ecosystem, like which providing a means to agreement and provide liquidity for different assets across multiple blockchain networks.
Well, liquidity pools offer many advantages such as greater access to liquidity and lower transaction cost. This is why most people like the concern about lower transaction cost is about fees.
There needs to be addressed to ensure stability and sustainability. One of the most significant changes like facing liquidity pause is like what we mentioned before.
for is like the liquid asymmetry. This one, you know, occurs when one asset in a pool has significantly more liquid than the other leading to sleep and the sleep page and the reduced trading efficiency to address this, some liquid
pools have like implement like dynamic pricing mechanisms like adjusting price based on demand and the supply to prevent liquidity asymmetry. Another challenge is the risk of asset pricing fluctuation.
As answered in liquidity pools, as a subject to market volatility, there is always the potential for the value of the pool to decrease, which can cause loss in liquidity providers. To address this, some liquidity pools have like implement measures such
such as impermanent laws, protection and dynamic-free structures, which for help like a "matigate potential laws", liquidity pool securities also are like a crucial concern. As liquidity pools involves holding assets in smart contracts, there are, you know, like
many cases happened in Hikings and other security box to addressing this, liquidity posts should like implement robust security merrists such as the most well-known smart contract audit and ongoing monitoring.
This is what I like considering like according to the questions. Thank you. No, amazing. Thank you so much. There's a lot of information there again. And of course, last but not least, Jacob, do you have anything you'd like to add to this? Please go ahead.
Okay, I think everybody actually had that so Dimash talk and the other guys are actually a slim sum things that I need to see so what I'm going to add is I'm going to add is
I'm just going to talk about the challenges and I'm going to talk about the solution to address these challenges. As we all know that the quality club many advantages, both are the also face from significant challenges. So such as the dynamic pricing, security, and both
most of all these can actually be solved by each centralized governors. So for the challenges to be solved. So we need to know that every project or every token out there which actually creates an
and wanted to provide liquidity also need to know that they need security. That is very, very important. So we need to check the last time that at the class peak this week or so. And the easy platform on ZKZ, which is called Niche. Niche actually
is a lot of money but during the apricy the auto smudge contract was still with auto smudge contract the stick codes attack so they lost all of what they raised and also the lose of
or the liquidity pool which was actually drained out. So I think we just need to make sure even after we audit our smart contracts, we also need to make sure that the company like the project also have an internal auditory, we can actually read this smart contract even using
using some tools to audit the smart contracts. So does a solution to address the challenges of liquidity. So I can also use a decentralized governance. So it says that additional governance can help to ensure that the pool of money in the
So as we all know that the civilized governors reducing the risk of manipulation and also it promotes a greater community involvement because we actually what you know put in the civilized governors they we actually want our community to interact with whatever we are building so we are seeking advice
community we are to us what this is what we do it takes some response from our community we give them an option to choose so whatever I decide on is what we do so this are what are some of this solution that actually puts in place to address scalability thank you very much
No, not a problem at all. That was really good actually. Now, I'm just thinking we're going on to our last question here. Jacob, as soon as you've had to go last all night, would you like to take this one first? So I'm going to pitch the question directly to you and then we'll go to Demand to let's see the wrap things up.
The last question is that recently some cross-chain protocols and defy platforms have introduced new features such as cross-chain lending and cross-chain trading. In this new cross-chain environment, what are the advantages and prospects for cross-chain lending and trading? And that is to yourself, Rebecca, from Tower Swap.
Yes, of course I can. So recently some cross chain protocols and defy platforms have introduced new features.
such as cross-chain lending and cross-chain trading. In this new cross-chain environment, what are the advantages and prospects of these cross-chain lending and trading? That is.
Okay, so I'm going to talk about the advantages. I'm going to talk about advantage of cross chain landing. And I'm going to talk about the largest with some little trees to two advantages of cross chain landing first. We need to talk about the interest interest rates. So it's an advantage to a cross chain landing.
For instance, close-chill ending can provide users with access to better interest for it as they can actually leverage the assets across multiple change to secure more favorable terms and also to secure more funds for their own platform as well. So it also reduces counterpart risk.
So we are going to reduce the benefits by allowing users to learn and also improve from the product level of the expertise. So that's part of our advantage to them. It's also a probability in a cross-chill ending. So when we talk about the cross-chill ending, the probability is
We can say, "Cos you need a new user support, and lend us a call to the French, which can significantly improve the liquidity for this asset. For instance, now you can actually put some liquidity from... Let me say, you need to go to...
and actually what's the position, maybe you'll notice that there's some interest, a good interest on if, but actually what's deposited and then getting some interest from it. So that's part of the advantage is, so I can talk about it diversification. So question-led in allow users to devise
has provided a portfolio across multiple channels using the exposure to any other particular change risk. Also, I'm going to talk about the advantage of cross-chain trading as well. So, in terms of cross-chain trading, so we can actually talk about it, increasingly, in opportunities, it gives a better liquidity
it gives reduced transaction cost as well. So the prospects for cross-chain lending and trading are positive as they have the potential to significantly improve liquidity efficiently to flexibility for users as more difficult platform that talks cross-chain counterpart. So we can expect to see
increase the numbers and value of course chain lending and trillion opportunities. So we may see the advantages of new model and mechanism such as the life course chain market place and order we can also talk about the improved users experience for cross chain lending and trillion. However, there are also different challenges associated with cross
Chilean trading. So, such as the risk of liquidity that I've mentioned, the price, location that I've mentioned, the security gives us. So, all these actually need to be put in place. So, that's what I can say. That's a little bit I can actually say for now. Thank you.
Great, thank you so much, Jakob and all the answers today. Thank you to yourself and Tower Swap for representing, and honestly, brilliant. Demo as well, I could pass. I won't ask if you've got anything to add, as I know you always do, so please do. Well, you're an at-mistake in this time as well.
So we as a bridge do not offer lending or borrowing NFTs because they usually don't belong to us. So what we do is we have a UI where people can just bridge their tokens, but we also have
TypeScript library that can be installed in front end or back end as the project wishes by the project coming in a game on marketplace and metaverse and then bridging can be done in the background the users won't even
have to know that this project is using Xpinat work bridge. And then this project can offer lending or for example a marketplace with this tool can allow buying or selling NFTs from a foreign chain like a marketplace on Caduceus can
enable trading NFTs from near, for example, or Solana. So if somebody buys this NFT, they can potentially even buy it with the native token on caduceus. If the marketplace accepts that, and then the marketplace buys this
same token there on Salana, bridges it to caduce and delivers it to the customer. So this is how we add to the topic. This is how people can use us to do what you're just talking, describing.
also have a widget that anybody can also embed in like 10 minutes and then they can do bridging inside a game inside their website and even get benefits for hosting this widget meaning they can get a share of the transaction fee
for bridging assets. And this is also something that can be done very quickly, very easily. And this also allows for freedom of moving assets between chains. And this is our impact. So basically we allow everyone to earn using our infrastructure and with things
building the infrastructure that we are building is better done by professionals because as you all know, we all heard about bridges hacks, including this year and usually millions or hundreds of millions are stolen.
And when professionals build a bridge, then they make sure that it works as it should, while if a blockchain game or metaverse or marketplace starts doing something that they haven't done before, there's higher chance for them to be hacked, then
by someone who for whom this is a core business. So this is our impact into lending and cross-chain trading. Amazing. Again, another great answer for me.
So thank you so much and Lexi, do you have anything you would like to add for the final question? Yes, please. Thank you. I think this one is a really good question. I think you know like cross-channel and cross-channel transactions actually provide like user with like
like more simple and more efficiency like asset management tools. So which you know make like we can enrich asset allocation method and you know like improve asset utilization. This is a real demand in the current multi chain environment and it's also a
approaching, you know, like real-value applications. So firstly, cross-chain lending enables user to borrow and lend asset across different blockchain networks, allowing for great flexibility and access to liquidity. This can help to reduce barriers like for the user, like to
entry, someone may have previously been limited by the liquidity available on a single blockchain network. So the top lending project, like Abe, will also support cross-chain lending in version V3. But this feature is not yet
online yet. So just like you know everyone know like Uniswap W3 will be deployed to the BMP chain. The choice of wireless cross-chain bridge is also like a controversial topic. So cross-chain trading also offers like a significant
benefit by like enabling like user-to-treat asset across multiple blockchain networks by providing by the price discovery and reducing the risk of market manipulation. This can help to promote the more like efficiency and the transparency
market, you know, everyone in the market they want, you know, like transparent, as same as the efficiency as the same time. So allowing for greater like participation and investment in the defied ecosystem, additionally, the introduction of cross-chain lending and trading features
can also help to increase the interpropability between different blockchain networks, promoting great integration and collaboration between different protocols and platforms. This can help to foster innovations and development within the DeFi ecosystem.
develops as developer can leverage the benefit of different blockchain networks to create more sophisticated and robust applications. So moreover, cross-chain lending and trading also enable the movement of asset between different blockchains, promoting greater
and reducing fragmentation within the DeFi system. This can help to reduce the risk associated with the investing in multiple blockchain networks and provide a more like seamless experience for users who may wish to move assets between like different
platforms. This way is like a pinpoint for like a majority of the users like the days in the market. Yep, thanks. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you to all of us because actually that's all we have time for today. Great answers
for absolutely all of our speakers and that definitely deserves a round of applause. Thank you so much for the opportunity to host Pat on one of the next AMAs in the future. Again, thank you everybody for attending. If you haven't already, please do remember to go and check out all of our socials, press that
little bell for notifications, make sure you don't miss out, join our community for the latest news and updates and of course be sure to go and check out all the projects of our speakers today that obviously doing some really amazing and great things. We look forward to seeing you all on the next episode of Metatalk and have a great day. Thank you very much everybody.
Thank you for having us. It was a real pleasure and you're a very nice community to talk to. So just thank you. Thank you everyone for like, you know,
of the insetful discussion today is very inspiring and really appreciate it. We had a good time. Thank you. Really happy to have me. Thank you.
Thank you guys. Thank you. Peace. Thank you. Bye bye.