🧩Metopia time

Recorded: Nov. 8, 2022 Duration: 0:09:33



Welcome back guys. Now we'll be joined by the Meetopia team to speak about their project. I will give a little bit of background on the Laura Grant out program. So the door grant out program is a community driven program to fund the Hacker movement, explore and assist hackers with innovative ideas and eventually help them build important
products for the future of multi-chain web three ecosystems. At Dora Hacks we support the Hacker movement and strongly encourage our community to participate in helping select which startups they believe in by voting for the projects. So we do have 15 finalist projects for this round of Dora Grandel. The voting has commenced and we'll close
on the 13th of November. So please, if you haven't already, stake your Dora to receive Voice Credit Dora and then you can have your vote on which projects you would like to receive funding from Dora Grant down. So that further ado, welcome to the Metopia team to talk about their project a little bit more and the incentive for the voters. So welcome guys.
Hey, how you doing? Just testing my mic, seeing if everything's all good. Yeah, all good, all good.
Well, first of all, thanks for having the team at Meetopia on the space. It's really an honor and a pleasure to be a part of this panel of 15. We've been working on this project for a while, so we're very excited to showcase the product and talk about a bit about what we do. So thanks for that. So I'll get into it.
So actually, you know, when we're talking about with three and the opportunity for governance, there's over $60 billion captured in the top 10 DeFi protocols. $60 billion, despite the downturn in the market. And when we're looking at NFT communities, there's over $5 billion captured.
and the top 10. There's still a lot of money around despite the bear market. But there's a common theme amongst these types of communities. Number one is the member standardization. Communities lack the membership tools that offer insight into commitment
and contribution of their members. The number two problem for communities is, you know, after contributing to communities and dowels, the issue of these things called credentials or power ups or OATs or something like that really lack the utilities and services that continue to generate perks and
benefits to its holders. Number three is the incentive systems. Communities and Dows lack the tools and the instruments really encourage governance participation. They lack the tools to continue incentivizing contributing members. What is our vision at Meetopia? Our vision is
to provide Solbound tokens as a dynamic reputation passport for all Web3 users. And so what are these solutions to the problems that I spoke about earlier? I guess the most important thing for us is the Solbound Protocol. So we're offering communities their services to really create an issue and manage
the ESPT's as a result of this. Number two is using on-chain and off-chain data as your Whip3 passport. So metopia is actually in the process or have already integrated with the likes of discord, tally, mask, iris, just three, morales, cane and three,
and we're working on a couple more. So we're aggregating data from on-chain and off-chain services to create the same code of Web3 Passport. We want to turn that data into metadata for governance and membership incentives. Number three, governance space. So customizable governance strategies based on metadata. So what does that really mean?
When we look at NFTs for example, and it comes to governance or something like that, most communities have more of an NFT based system or more of a token based system. But what we're saying is we should be using those traits, right? Whether data that we collect on Metopia, teams are going to be able to say, okay, let's say everyone that has a rear
gold skin is going to be able to have maybe like a 10% voting power in terms of governance and proposals and stuff. Not only that, you're going to be able to look at the holding periods of each NFTs or each user so you're able to create all these incentives as a result of it. But on the other
hand we are going to, well we are allowing this thing called a non-financialized contribution. And what does that mean? You know, with the integration of discord and discord roles, we're going to be able to provide communities that don't necessarily have NFTs or don't necessarily have tokens to really govern
So we're kind of evening out that playing field because the barrier to entry right now when it comes to communities is inequalities right around the world You have communities out there that may not necessarily have the capital to invest in NFTs or tokens hence why they can't have
a voice when it comes to having a voice in the direction of the community. So that's what we're trying to do and that's what we're trying to solve. Number four and five is I'm creating a launch pad and a Treasury service for these communities. So I'm just going to wrap it up at this.
Sobhound tokens. There are actually a few reasons for Sobhound tokens in Web3. Number 1. They're actually not purchasable unlike tokens or NFTs, right? Sobhound tokens are earned through participating and collaborating and building and I guess that's the beauty
of the time that we're in now, we have a lot of the builders still around and we're creating this infrastructure. Number two is actually having, well, giving communities the full autonomy to operate the distribution of the SBTs. And number three is traits and use cases that admitted data at

FAQ on 🧩Metopia time | Twitter Space Recording

What is the Dora Grant Out program?
The Dora Grant Out program is a community-driven program to fund the hacker movement, explore and assist hackers with innovative ideas, and eventually help them build important products for the future of multi-chain web3 ecosystems.
When does the voting for the Dora Grant Out program close?
The voting for the Dora Grant Out program closes on the 13th of November.
What is the problem with membership tools for communities?
Communities lack the membership tools that offer insight into commitment and contribution of their members.
What is the solution that Meetopia offers for membership tools?
Meetopia offers the Solbound protocol to create and manage ESPTs (dynamic reputation passports) for communities.
What is the problem with credentials or power-ups in communities?
Credentials or power-ups lack the utilities and services that continue to generate perks and benefits to its holders.
What is the solution that Meetopia offers for credentials or power-ups?
Meetopia turns data from on-chain and off-chain services into metadata for governance and membership incentives.
What is the problem with incentive systems for communities and DAOs?
Communities and DAOs lack the tools and instruments to continue incentivizing contributing members.
What is the vision of Meetopia?
Meetopia's vision is to provide Solbound tokens as a dynamic reputation passport for all web3 users.
How does Meetopia use on-chain and off-chain data as a web3 passport?
Meetopia aggregates data from on-chain and off-chain services to create a dynamic reputation passport for users.
Are Solbound tokens purchasable?
No, Sobound tokens are earned through participating, collaborating, and building.