MetricsDAO #TerraV2 Prop - Data Curation | OC & Bites | $LUNA $LUNC

Recorded: July 22, 2022 Duration: 0:42:51
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Howdy folks, thank you so much for joining. Gonna let people come in here and get the guests up in here into the Twitter space.
Okay, I've sent over the link to our our friends over at Orbital Command. They'll be joining us as well Inspiration for this week's Twitter space by digital usually does a happy hour We kind of cover everything that's going on in Tara and or just in general all of crypto
But lately there's been some more hustle and bustle with TerraV2 with a recent prop that the metrics doubt has pushed specifically trying to get or hasn't gotten live just yet. So I misspoke there, but it is a prop that will be coming live in this coming week and it's going to be focused
focusing on bringing data information onto the TerraV2 chain. I am a huge major fan of data curation and just being able to access all the different types of analyses. I'm excited to be able to have metrics Dow joining us for the conversation this week to kind of just chat about their proposals.
see what's going on. And I'm glad finally have. Is this Edwin from Orville, Cban team? I sent you an invite to co-host. Yes, sir. Yeah, I'm right here with you guys. Thank you for joining, sir. How are you doing? Doing great, man. I'm definitely excited to
I've been in the discord for a long time since they started actually, but I got a little bit away and got into the NFT scene, so I forgot that I wanted to learn data analytics. So I'm excited to just
learn more and hopefully the community comes up and ask questions as well. We would love to support what you guys are doing and give people the opportunity to learn data analytics to explore the blockchain and I think transparency is very important in this space so I like what you guys are doing.
Absolutely, and I want to just give this chance to the metrics Dow team. Thank you so much for joining me. It seems like we've got the official metrics Dow account, and then we also have danner.e. Thank you guys so much for joining. Feel free to introduce yourselves.
Sure thing. I'm joining from the official Twitter account. My name is Megan on the forums and discord. I go by catching. Super psyched about the proposal that we've been cooking up for the past little while here and psyched to talk about it today.
Yeah, super, super excited chat about this. Talk a little bit about what we're doing and answer any questions. My name is Drake. I also work in metrics now. And I work with a lot of different operational groups just to make sure that they're getting access to the right resources and that things are moving forward.
also see a Sui here in the audience. Sui is our project manager at the curation so it might be cool to get him up on stage at some point. Sounds good. I just shot over a request to speak to Sui. Thank you so much for joining. I want to just kick off with what is metrics now.
I know that a lot of people aren't familiar with the, basically the conglomeration you guys have formed in terms of being an analytical firm. And it's very new age and I'm excited to be able to just kind of dig a little bit deeper. But yeah, who are you guys? What do you guys do? What have you been doing in other blockchains?
Yeah, we are a Dow that's by Analysts and for Analysts. And so two main things that we do, one of which we are hopefully excited to work with Tara on, which is data curation.
So we scrape raw blockchain data and our team of awesome data scientists and analysts led by a sui turns that raw blockchain data into curated snowflake tables, which can be accessed in the public snowflake app.
or through any data provider that allows for basically community curated data like flipside crypto. And the past our team has curated data for harmony and near. And so our data actually powers
the Harmony Block Explorer and we've done a bunch of data curation that basically was a zero to one concept for a year as well. And had a lot of success built a great community around data curation. The second thing that we
What we do is analytics bounty program. So we have three steps. Analytics program starting with community brainstorming where the community submits topics that they're interested in learning more about followed by analytics where those questions are turned into bounties that are
submitted back for review followed by the third step peer review. Vetted experienced analysts take a look at all of the bounty setters submitted and verify that they are correct and legit. No spam.
So that's my spiel. Thank you so much for giving that. I know you guys have had involvement with different blockchains specifically with Harmony. What kind of insights do you expect there being like to help I guess average investors kind of guide through? I know that typically a high-level investor likes to see
the average transactional volume. But I guess my main question is, if this prop goes through, what can the end user for the TerraV2 be able to expect and what would also a protocol be able to use and tap into here? Yeah, it's a great question. So I think important to call out here that
to be able to do those types of analysis and really get into what's going on on chain that data needs to be made available. And what this proposal is about is the work that's required to make that data available and to do this curation process. So as Kajam said, we need to take the data off the nodes, run it through data pipes.
lines that's where a Sully and his team are running different DBT snowflake jobs to make sure that the data is flowing through to a final version that is queryable by end users. Once that data is ready to go, you do really anything, Joseph. You can start to understand how many users are using the chain, what they're doing on the chain, which proto-
calls are getting high volume, but definitely want to be clear that what we're proposing and looking to do for Terra here is to make that data available. I know back in the past there was a, basically a data curation that was set up with Flipside Crypto.
And I've seen it a little bit of confusion in the community that a lot of people believe that this is a very similar implementation. What's key difference here from the TeraVee 2 situation as opposed to what happened with Flipside back in the TeraVee 1 days? Yeah, great topic.
So it does look a little bit familiar. Metrics Dow vs. Flipside because Metrics Dow was incubated by Flipside to if the eight Genesis council members that formed the Dow were from Flipside and Flipside contributed a lot of knowledge around how to run a successful analytics bounty process to help
get metrics down off the ground. What we're doing for Terra in this example is again really focused on data curation rather than bounties. And so really looking to make the data available and then bounty programs could be run
Through metrics down we have a small kind of pilot budget set aside in the proposal to do that or through any other provider like flipside Okay, that's interesting and I know I know Edwin I know Edwin you you actually reached out to me not too long ago about doing some NFT analysis
I want to give lots on what you can see how this can synergistically help the Terri ecosystem in terms of projects getting to be able to rebuild from here. Because I feel like a lot of projects in Terri V2 are going to need this data to be curated because clearly it's a technical base.
you're there. Just from your own experience at when, how do you think that this is just basically going to help us all of us be able to be more educated with the way we build? Yeah, so I'll ask you a question and then I have a question for the team here as well, but in Territory,
classic, there was very little support or very little development around data for NFTs, but we were starting to see different people in the community use the flip side data to create things
I remember specifically, Eric Wolf, the NFT project, for example, one of their founders was doing an NFT analysis on a spreadsheet, and it was super valuable. We all used it because we were able to look at the four prices and the changes, the percentages,
It was very important for us, but again, he did it on a spreadsheet. There wasn't a place to go to where we can find that data. None of the marketplaces had that data available either. So just wanted to make that comment that we were still missing that
kind of infrastructure, uh, material classics. So I'm looking forward to seeing what the committee members in Territu do in the anti projects now that everything started starting to ramp up here as well. Um, so that was just to kind of answer your question, Joseph. But
I did, like you mentioned, reach out to you. And, you know, I, again, being involved with NFTs, I would love to be able to learn how to find that data on my own and then maybe share it with the community, right, that way they can also do it on their own.
if they want to for their favorite projects. And so with that, my question is in regard to let's say two different personalities, two different people. One will be myself. I'm new to data analytics. I know how to use to find their and how to enter the wallet addresses and look at
transactions and understand how that works. But if I'm fairly new, is there a process that you have or is this community fun? Will there be something developed for new people to join metrics now or flipside crypto? And is there a pathway for us to learn?
learn how to do your software, your data, then the second question will be more for advanced data analytics people. How will they be able to use your product? Okay, so I'm going to take the newbie question because that's where I match up in terms of skillsets.
And then I'll take the all let Drake handle the advanced one. So on the newbie question, I'm actually so glad you asked because the timing for the tariff proposal is actually really perfect with some of the initiatives that we're running at metrics down right now to on board a new crypto analyst. We are actually launching
a six week blockchain analytic basic that is going to teach people who are maybe web to analysts and are crossing over to web three for the first time or people who are you know excited and skilled in web three but have I broken the analyst area yet. Our goal is to train and on
them into doing crypto analytics and becoming future Drake's or maybe that's still aspirational for people like me. So education anyway is a very core piece of our community and our programming at Metrix now when we
We run these workshops. We try to educate people on a really wide range of topics too. So this includes the data that we curate going deep into some of these datasets like we would with Terra and across all analytics providers too. And so we are
data provider neutral. We educate on how to use flipside, we educate on how to use dune, we've run many workshops with our friends at footprint analytics. So really excited about the possibilities here of onboarding new analysts into the new Terracas system. Autosite over the Drake to answer
expert question. Love the love the education push that we've had. It's been super amazing. On the expert side, once this data is available, you can use it to, you know, be an analyst and do analytics and data science. That's some of the obvious stuff, right? You have access to a query editor
You can use SQL, access the data, pull the data down locally, run some models on it. Some of the really exciting things are actually enabled more so through the API endpoints or direct access and snowflake or usage of, say, an SDK from a data provider that's hosting the Terra data or making it accessible.
From that point, application developers can start to use the data as a backend or do automation around post-query processing. So as you, again, what we're really looking to do here is build a foundational layer of value. And on top of that, the possibilities are truly endless.
Awesome. Thank you guys for the answers there. I am excited about the six-week thing that you have planned for you, but you say I am definitely going to be looking out for that and join. I think one of my great parts about blockchain technology is
It's the analytic, it's the numbers. It's just seeing where there are trends and seeing how I can use the data to my advantage wherever I can. It's a market that we're creating here and so there's always going to be winners and losers and I feel like I have a little bit of an edge because
because I educate myself, I'm looking at data, that's going to make me feel more confident about trying out different projects and looking at NFTs and which ones are pumping and which ones are dumping and all that stuff. So yeah, I'm excited for that. So I look forward to learning more about the six week program that you guys are going to develop.
So we feel free to speak. Thank you for coming. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, so I just wanted to add on to what Edwin mentioned earlier about NFTs because I think a key distinction that we're going to have for being a community curated
table set for 2.0 is that say someone was really interested in NFT analytics and they found themselves like constantly using the same table expressions. They could actually, you know, contribute by, you know,
making a table and then we can have it as part of our data set. This was something that when it was on Terra Classic, it was flipside, it was managing it so they would have to do it themselves, like somebody from flipside, but with like
metrics now, like anybody if they wanted to could make a table and contribute it. So I think it really kind of like shows like the power of, you know, just having a community curated like table set. So yeah, from like a
project management perspective, how does the DAO work with that? Because it seems like it's almost an open sourcing of being able to have access to data, which is sick. That's awesome. But how does the organization really manage that and reach out to the different projects and develop that?
So in terms of the management side, we do have a couple of people who are really in charge of reviewing PRs on our GitHub and making sure that everything is in place and everything looks good before we make a serious commitment.
But we do work with a bunch of people who maybe they're just starting out and they want to tackle different projects. They could come up to me or we have people from Flipside who has also experienced. And in terms of different projects,
projects, you know, we like they could reach out to us too and like if maybe if the protocol wants to have some tables built out for that. And currently it is like a pretty small like number of people who are like actively contributing, but we're looking as like we expand the team.
I see that you have a galactic punk profile picture. I'm curious. Were you or Luna take a run? Luna classic time? Yeah, of course. I still keep the profile picture.
I want to briefly touch on the community's ability to interact with the prop.
It's not fully a bounty system. I know that the original flipside proposal that came into ecosystem was strictly for like kind of a bounty system that flipside would handle. But I do know that there is a slight portion of the budget that would go through. If anyone's wondering what the amount or what's going on with the proposal, I do
had it pinned to the top of the session. Just scroll over one tweet and you'll be able to find it. But the recent proposal is actually trying to only outline 250,000 worth of United States dollars worth of Luna, I believe, but a hundred thousand of that would be distributed through the community.
How do you guys plan on going through that or did I just completely misunderstand the purpose? No worries. No, this is proposal land is always slightly confusing. We have we've applied for $250,000 through the proposal of that we've set aside $200,000
$30,000 for data curation and $20,000 to a pilot of the bounty program, which is kind of similar to the flip side program that you were just referring to, Joseph. When we look at how the grant will be spent and distributed, we wanted to call out
the portion that will be paid out to the community through bounties or for their work doing curation. All of the hard work that is so we just described and we anticipate that that'll be around a hundred thousand dollars going directly into the hands of the community in Luna tokens. The
The remainder of the grant covers data infrastructure costs. So that's things like snowflake, AWS, Node Hosting. We use a service called Hibo for data pipelining. Unfortunately, all those things that have to be quite expensive.
That's unfortunate, but I do think that when it comes to in terms of a blockchain proposal, this is a rather humble, humble sum to be requesting here. And I'm glad that you guys are requesting it this early into the roadmap of TeraV2. I think it's going to be rather pivotal with projects
being able to build from here. What are the next steps from data from your guys' perspective? If the proposal goes through, what happens very first thing and what's kind of the timeline that we're looking at here for people to start doing the bounty system and then for people to actually start interacting with the data?
Yeah, I mean the proposal goes through and we get a Sui on the line and We are looking at approximately as six to eight week initial period for curation where we start to be able to show some proof of life with the data Some core tables and initial metrics
After that, we'll continue the process of refining some specialty, what we call higher level tables that make querying easier for people like myself and Edwin a little bit lower on the SQL scale.
Process is complete. That's when we'd look to run our pilot of the bounty program. Excellent. Yeah, that sounds great. I just want to take a little bit of a different look here. If for some reason the grant proposal doesn't go through,
What would be the next step for you guys there would you so one thing that you know we've noticed is that with the award proposals there's very little engagement from the community right like I'm looking at yours right now and there's one comment and it was similar to the Hermes protocol that went through last week
you know we had them on a Twitter space as well to share the reasoning behind their proposal you know but but I'm I we're we're hoping that this goes through but in the case that it doesn't go through I'm just curious about where are you guys in in that process yeah I mean we're
down too, so we're very familiar with the highs and lows of governance. So if the proposal doesn't go through, it really will depend on the feedback and our ability to understand why you didn't go through. If it's something that we feel like we're able to solve for by offering additional details in
the proposal, maybe changing the schedule a little bit, things like that that are in our control. We're really psyched about this and we'd love to take that feedback in and reapply. I'd much rather get that feedback live before we proceed from temp check to proposal.
But you know, feedback in any form is welcome. And we'd really love to adjust if we need to make this work. We're psyched about the possibility. One thing that I've noticed in the past as well, like I remember in Terra Classic, we were helping out the Tix project as well.
walls when they ask for their community for grant. Like when it comes to the money part, right, I do feel like adding as much detail as possible helps us understand where everything goes to, right? Like for example, today here, you've explained a lot of it will be
for the infrastructure. And so I think giving out those details of like how much that would cost will be helpful so that way the community, you know, it's not really questioning where all of the money is going to. And then another question that I have here is, will this
Grant, like once this is done, let's say it goes through. This will pretty much get everything set up so that we always have data to mess with in Terra in the future, right? Like you guys are not going to be constantly asking for this kind of grandpa puzzle and the future may be for bound
help or something like that, but it's not going to be specific for the purpose of this proposal. Oh, I'm in two great prompts to talk about data infrastructure. So your first comment on putting some more detail on the spend in the proposal is fantastic and I just want to call that out and say
Thank you. That's something that we can include when we go live. And this is the kind of stuff that we love to hear. It just helps us submit a better proposal and be a good citizen. On your second point, we have budgeted about $250,000 to cover a period of hopefully
9 to 12 months in terms of data infrastructure and data warehousing costs. To keep the data live does cost us every single month. It's not like we pay once or we pay upfront and we can just keep the data live in perpetuity. So at some point we would come back to the
community and say if you value this data I hope it has an exceptionally high ROI for the terror community then we'd like to request an additional grant to keep it live and hopefully keep building it out too as more and more projects come online for terror too.
Understood. Yeah. Thank you for the answers there.
I want to ask a question in terms of, I guess for the complexity of being able to allow for community access to this, I know that you guys are, I believe you guys are going to be partnering with Flipside Crypto to provide access to this or is this going to exist in a
separate window or separate app of sorts because I've interacted with FlipSize Velocity app but is that the place where people will go to to interact with the data once it is live or is there a different location? That's a good question. So the way, you know, again, kind of data infrastructure here,
Metrics DAW works in its own snowflake, you know, warehouses and databases. Flipside follows a similar infrastructure in snowflake. So because of that, we're able to easily expose anything that we do in snowflake from Metrics DAW to flipside. We can also be exposed to anyone else with a snowflake account.
So while we're in the curation phase, it's going to be a lot of snowflake and a lot of GitHub and working locally and pushing toad up. But once the data is in a place that it can be shared and made available to end the analysts, that can be made available to anyone with a snowflake account or on Flopside Crypto.
Okay, that's great to hear. And will this data synergistically work with the SDK that Flipset is recently launched? If anyone isn't aware, but Flipset has developed SDK access, it's called ShroomDK. And I'm super excited about it because I can't wait for the Python one because that's the only coding language that I actually
relatively now. I can't wait to interact with it, but it's programmatic access to the SQL tables. Will we have programmatic access to the TerriV2 here? Yes, yes. So again, this is like maybe the TLDR is just a simple yes, but anything that's made available in
and the flip side would be accessible via the SDK. And since we can make this data available, thanks to Stoflake Share, it should be accessible. So as Joseph mentioned, the Schrooom detail allows anyone to programmatically query the flip side crypto databases and then to do anything they want with that data locally.
That's awesome. I'm excited. Okay. Is there anything you guys would like to share Edwin? Do you have any other questions? I think I've hit all mine. Yeah. Just last question in regard to the community, right? So again, this is coming out from the community fund from
from Terra and so did you guys have any I guess like proactive Events planned for the Terra community are you guys going to be doing your own data analysis
to share a little bit of the data curation experiments that we can do in what you guys are providing. So just around community, do you guys, anything planned out in your roadmap for the third community?
I'll give you an honest answer, which is no, but what a great idea. I would love to hear from yourself and anyone else in the terror community, like what kind of events would be valuable to you? We, as you can tell, like, we are a community oriented organization.
We love working with the community. We're so open to doing things like this. Just give us a tap and we'll get our act together. Okay, so if we're opening up the session to a brainstorming here, I would love to see some coaching here. Some coaching that like gives it a flavor.
of focusing in on TerraV2, focusing in on the protocols, the D apps that are launching, how they're launching, maybe even some kind of like tutorial guides on how to just create basic dashboards that monitor our favorite apps on the TerraV2 ecosystem. Stuff like that, I would ask
I'm trying to learn as much as I can about SQL. Like Edwin said earlier, it just gives you an edge as an investor in this space. Basically, in general, anything that helps me apply the knowledge to the protocols that I care about within Terra, that's incredible.
And that's invaluable to me because I will have the drive to go through and learn the code because I'm going to be finding answers and finding information on things that I specifically really want to learn about. Okay, Joseph, I told you this this morning, but we've got a get you in that blockchain analytics class and anybody else who's been the same way that Joseph is right now.
right now. We've got to get you guys signed up because that's going to do exactly what Joseph described, like take you from staring at a SQL table to being able to do something with it. And that's just so powerful in this space. >> Okay, that's that's thoroughly exciting. I'm done with brainstorming on my end.
Yeah, so yeah, thank you. I think I've definitely learned a lot more in regard to what you guys will be doing with the community fund here. Yeah, like I said, we've definitely been supportive of FIP side crypto and so
You guys have a strong relationship with them, so I think this will be good for the community. One of my team members, Tara Watcher, he uses all of the offerings from FlipSize, so I know he's excited about this as well.
But yeah, I hope that you know the community supports you guys. If they don't, then I will be sad because we're giving them the opportunity to come up here and ask you guys questions, right? That's the reason we do these Twitter
And everybody is a bit scattered right now, still trying to recover. But what I like about crypto is the ability to pivot and experiment and try new things. I'm happy to see you guys start
pushing forward and hopefully the community comes in and supports you guys as well. But if it does go through, I would love to continue these conversations with you guys, you know, and checking in seeing how the community fun has supported you guys on your mission.
That sounds amazing. Maybe we'll subject ourselves to like some sequel pop quizzes to Edwin. We can see if we're actually making get in our promises to learn sequel here.
but absolutely love that sentiment. We'd love to stay engaged. If we get any pop quizzes, I'm going to appreciate them because we're going to teach them, but I hope there's like no obligation to actually score well on these pop quizzes.
Yeah, it's a task fail course. Oh, no, okay, so that's not good. I Do want to ask you guys where do people go learn more? Where should people go find out more about metrics now how to get involved if anyone in the audience wants to come up and ask questions. It's the not
the time to do it. But yes, where do people go? Where should people engage with you? And I guess, yeah. Yeah, so I mean, find us on our discord. The link is in our Twitter profile and our Twitter is metrics down. I'm speaking from it right now.
our website is at We're around, like you'll see Draconine and Sui all in the Discord channel if you guys would like to chat if you have any further questions. Let us know.
Okay, perfect. I think we don't have any takers from the Terry community right now. I don't think anyone is ready to take the quiz right now. It's rather unfortunate, but oh, we have Mojo requesting. Thank you so much, Mojo, for joining. I want to get you up in here.
Hey, Mojo. Thank you for joining. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the, I guess this is for the metrics now. I was interested in the course a little bit and I was just going through the
So it seems like it's mostly centered at least this course around SQL. And maybe you kind of use examples of how SQL can be used from on-chain data. Is that right?
Exactly. It's the application or the intersection of analytic skills so concentrating on SQL for this one and how they're applied to crypto data sets. Right. Okay. And I didn't see is there a cost to it or is it part of the Dow?
I didn't see that. No, it's 100%. I keep telling people that's they're all like, how do I pay or where do I sign up? And I'm just like, anybody can join and it's totally free. You actually just joined by signing up for the event in our discord. Awesome. Yeah, I like the format.
I think it's great to you guys are doing live sessions, but also give the flexibility to record the content do it later and Yeah, I get help from other folks, so I'll probably be signing up Looking forward to joining Amazing looking forward to ask
with us. And yeah, we, I mean, our Discord is full of really smart active analysts, so feel free to drop a question in any channel. You'll usually find someone that can help you out, and you might hear from me as well, or I'll point someone towards you. Awesome. Yeah, thanks, guys.
Thank you, Mojo. That was incredible. I'm so excited.
We got another request here. Yeah another one Hey everyone. My name is Vishal. I'm actually a faculty at a business school and I'm using Flipside as a platform for an analytics course and I was wondering in
In terms of, you know, does flip side have some kind of a roadmap on when the metadata for, you know, your tables gets stabilized or is that sort of keep, going to keep changing over time or any insight into that?
Yeah, I do want to be clear that we're a separate organization we were incubated by flip side, but it's a separate organization and unfortunately I don't have insight into the flip side roadmap. Okay, thank you.
Thank you, Vishal. Do you have any questions for the metrics style proposal or anything that they do? I've been following. I'm in the discord. So I keep encouraging my students to sign up for the upcoming course as well. Perfect. Yeah, I'm going to be signing up for the course of myself. I'm the one in
charge of piloting the streaming environment. I get a front row seat to the actual action there. All right, well, I want to thank everyone for joining this Twitter space. This has been incredible. If anyone else has any questions in the audience, please feel free to join. But yes, if anyone is interested in this data blockchain
Let us of course be given August 1st at 4pm Eastern Time. It is completely free. And for any tarot lunatic of this bear market, I absolutely recommend that this is the best time to pick up different skills. Here I am I who literally just got into the crypto industry by making YouTube videos and making weekly tarot roundups.
advantage of this little dead period of not having to doom scroll twitter all the time to actually learn how to code and actually imply some of that Python knowledge that I got and actually learn SQL. So I think that there's a huge opportunity here for any kind of investor in the space if you're passively DCAing here and obviously no financial advice but here at Bites Digital
We care about the people who actually watch our content. We do not want you guys to just completely ape into whatever we are covering or talking about. Do the on-chain analysis yourself. Go learn research. And I think that metrics down is greatly aligned with that focus as an organization. So definitely recommend and encourage anyone
someone else to go check out metrics now, attend that course and engage with their proposal. I hope that the proposal goes through. I know Bites Digital as a validator will be voting yes on this. I don't know Edwin's reaction to this. I believe Edwin is a complete now from this today's Twitter space. Yeah, we already expressed
on Twitter that we will be voting yes as well. Oh, that's great. Okay. Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you. Orbital Command for co-hosting this space. We should definitely look into hosting more spaces about these validator discussions and proposals and grants and stuff because I think people need to be reminded that when it comes to the terror chain
and when it comes to a lot of Web 3 things, it takes time to build. It takes time to have discussions and it's not all that, like fast and flashy. And so I think that having these spaces and opening up the forum for discussion for the governance props will just be a nice way to highlight actual groups in the community building.
Yeah, I'm completely with you. I think especially right now that people are still not around as much. This would be a good opportunity to try and bring them back with some of these conversations and try to get them involved as much as we can because this is super important.
The way that it looks right now, there's a lot more community opportunity to get involved. It's not centralized as it was in Terra Classic. The delegation is spread out a little bit more in Terra 2.
So I'm waiting. Okay, continuing to do these. Okay, but then we will definitely circle back on that. I want to thank you for joining. All right, thank you everyone. I hope you had a great little Twitter space session here. Have a great weekend. Take care. If you guys want to check out any of the content.
I know Orbital Command has got a YouTube channel that they're kicking back up and they are doing focus content and I know I know a lot of the people are upset with us for taking a cross-chain focus, but if you're interested in Terra focus content, I can not thoroughly recommend the Orbital Command team. Edwin is a very
very kind, pal of mine, and great content creator, and I can't wait to see what Orbital commands YouTube channel can really do with TerriVee 2, and they're the only ones that I'm aware of that's consistently covering TerriVee 2 only. So thank you so much Edwin for keeping the chain alive and keeping all that content flowing, and if you guys are interested in
incredible stuff. It's really incredible. It's shocking footage. You have to check it out. Fatmanteira is a known, known individual. And so if you need compensation for all the money that you lost in the TerraV2 crash or the TerraV1 crash, please at Fatmanteira, Fatmanteira has
found the missing Luna Bitcoin. So definitely go check it out. But Fat Man Terra, he has it all. He has found it. He even has inside resources to identify where it is all located. It is in some Egyptian pyramid. Please check it out. With that, everyone take care. Have a great weekend.
Take care, everyone.
Thanks y'all.