Recorded: March 24, 2023 Duration: 0:25:49



Good, how are you? Very well, I'm on the road actually, going to another transport right now in a batteries plux in week. But I couldn't leave you guys in the space without joining and I'm saying hello.
I have you in the Airborne and I'm currently rushing to catch my train to the next destination. So yeah, I hope you're doing good and blockchain is going great. You are missing here. You are very missing here James. No, like I should say Shannon.
That's our good name. You are very missing here, because I'm seeing every day like the utility of your up-and-not-tru building and how relevant it can be for this crowd. So I hope to see you with us and with me next time in this edition up.
Paris is a bit also from a meta game up territory building already so yeah I'm happy to get you. Yes absolutely. Are you ready now? Paris. Oh Paris okay I hear it's very nice. Yeah yeah you are the only one missing and it would be
completely nice. Yes, now I know how the people are there. How are you guys going? Very looking forward to the launch event, to what you guys have been working on and prepared for so long. So I'm excited to see everyone in the space together.
Of course I see some people joining. I have a couple of people I'd say I also would love to be part of the launch also, but yeah.
And as you know, he's in another time zone, and I can sing up for the moment. So maybe like a deeper later in night, but it's more fun when we're like a scatural and round the grove and being on the same time here, which is also one of the purposes on what you're working on, right?
Exactly, exactly. The Brink people together. Of course. Yeah. Do you want to share anything about what's going coming next? What are we going to do actually now to enlighten the people who joined the space? Sure. Yeah. Sure. I'll tell a little bit about who we are and what we're working on.
So I guess the place to start is just to tell you a little bit about Zone as a company. So Zone was co-founded by myself and Elisa Molito, who is on the call here. So Elisa is my wonderful co-founder. And together we're very passionate about the music
industry and specifically about building 3D tech, 3D immersive technology for musicians. We feel that it's a really important step that the music industry kind of started really looking into during the pandemic and has since really adopted it as like a marketing tactic.
And I think that's a great way to get to that. And I think that's a great way to get to that. And I think that's a great way to get to that. And I think that's a great way to get to that. And I think that's a great way to get to that. And I think that's a great way to get to that. And I think that's a great way to get to that. And I think that's#
collectibles and NFTs, it's also kind of a revenue strategy for them as well. What we saw, we actually ran a creative agency for two years before starting Zone and we were building, using other people's technology, building 3D experiences for artists and fans. And what we saw, which was really interesting, was kind of this evolution
of how content gets created. So it used to be created and consumed. So if you think about how we used to listen or download or consume music, it was all very passive. We'd watch videos, we'd watch music videos, we'd watch MTV if anyone is part of the MTV generation. I love
MTV and then we start to get a little closer like when it was actually see when it was actually music yeah exactly when it was actually music and not whatever filth they have now I'm just kidding I still love MTV yeah pimp my ride 16 all the pregnant
My ride was a good show. I liked it. But it was just one energy. It was just one energy the entire time. It never changed. But yeah, so then you get a little younger, you get Gen Z kind of like content creators and then it becomes music and content is being co-created by
the musician and the fan. So they're both making this content together and both of them are part of the marketing campaign. And then you look at what's happening now and it's all about these social 3D worlds where people are getting together not just to listen to music but also to play games and to socialize.
That's essentially the biggest metaverse platforms right now are not called metavers. They're called games. They're called Roblox. They're called Fortnite. They're called Minecraft. Those are the metaverses that are actually really seeing success. And because they've married music, gaming, and social interaction together in a really, really
really fun way. So what zone is doing is it's really building on all of those trends. So we see an opportunity to let all types of creators, young, old, Gen Z, Millennial really mean into this idea of building 3D content together. So what we've built with
is a mobile game for social music experiences. So it's a way that you can create venues, you can create spaces, you can create NFT content and do so with and alongside some of your favorite artists. And so what we've done in the last six months to eight months is we've actually
We went through an incubation program at Abbey Road Studios, which is where the Beatles recorded, which was incredible. They helped us build our tech for musicians specifically. And now we're about a month away from launching our tech publicly with universal music.
And it's really, really exciting. And today we're actually going to give you guys a first look at a beta of the product. So this is one of the first times we're revealing what the product looks like to anyone outside of our community, our discord community. And we've got-- - Hi, guys. - Can I join me? - Is that Nicholas?
Yes, I can hear you. I think he couldn't hear us. So they don't mean to do to endure. Yes, I heard. Yeah, we've got this cool community world. We're going to be showing you. So I'm excited to do so.
Perfect man looking for yeah, I hear it also like someone jumped on the on the count finally I'm trying I'm hearing this in in in in in my mind I say like if you were here in the past two three days It was at least at least three guys. I'm sorry for these technical problems
I can't hear a thing of what you're talking about. I will try to fix this problem and try to log in on your what you can do is try to log in maybe for another device on your personal accounts and then you hear from the personal accounts and talk from this one inception.
I think he didn't hear this anyway, so I will continue talking while I texted him. The most interesting thing is, of course this was, let's say, theory, but we are now reaching the point where also we see this in practice, right? Because we already built this and we
We prepared the, and we have, let's say, a launch that we can see with our own eyes, right? So much looking forward to see this in, let's say, a re-world. It's in the digital world, but it's real. So to speak. Of course.
Yeah, and then tell me a little bit about I know we spoke a couple of weeks ago, but yeah, what's going on in your world? You know how it is here also like now we are a bit scattered a bit a bit in different parts of the world at some strategic places or events
or like for meeting people in the purpose, like our mission has always been, you know, aggregating metaverses and creating this gateway for the open metavers, bringing people where they belong in this digital world and that's how we also then came, of course,
And of course in contact with each other, like for that common mission and the past weeks have been the continuation of what we are pulling through at the moment, which is digital avatars, the inter-probable avatarmodules, the loyalty programs.
a lot about instantivization and an experienced user experience at the moment continuing with launching the the metaverse events of course then these being one of our favorites and they are super proxiel week for for for our side
was quite strong now. I say it again, I wish you were with me. Next one, we try to go to it together and we, yeah, I just see that, yeah, the more we work on this, the more I realize we need more people like us, actually,
working on the same topics because some pieces are missing sort of thing and that's what you are trying to like bring now with zone like entering the music world I was two days ago actually met like this
American rapper, Marty Boller, maybe if you know him. He's actually with Asap Rocky. And him and the friend of him are like one willing, let's say, getting to fashion. I'll send you also the link having like a decent fashion branch.
little bits and just launch the variables right the ones that launch the variables in the metaverse and they're looking at it look man we haven't found or haven't found like a virtual world or a metaverse that enables everything that they were wished for especially like from from from
a music label perspective that fits their brand, that fits their image, you know, and it was not some other metaverses. And yeah, so just saying that the needs is there and shouting for what you're
guys are building. I'm listening to everything but I have to run to the cab now so I might be a little bit heavy breathing but I'm with you still. I really didn't want to miss this.
Awesome. Well, thanks for joining.
And what are the next steps now? So what do we have prepared for here? So people who have the opportunity to... So everyone here, we will direct you to actually... We're going to continue this event inside
of the zone app inside of the specific community world that we have built for MGH. So the first thing to do is that we're going to go download this application. The download link can be found on Twitter from MGH's Twitter. You should be
to see it in one of their most recent posts. There's a link that will send you to our beta test flight link and it will automatically direct you to Google or Apple stores. So that will be the first step and that will take maybe a few minutes. You'll have to just download something called test flight. And then the second
The only thing I'll mention is that the reason we're doing this right now is that we would like feedback. So we're looking at this event as like, this is one of the first times people are seeing this and we want to know from real people, real users what they want to see within
a immersive kind of community area. So that could be anything from like a game style features, it could be voice chat, it could be a performance, you know, some type of persistent artist or concert performance, it could be spatial audio. We'll be releasing a survey afterwards.
words so that we can gather some feedback. The other reason we're releasing a survey is that for everyone who's attended the Twitter space and who completes the survey is eligible to receive a free digital collectible from us which can be used to build and create worlds
inside of our application. So that's what's happening next. So I believe Felix is going to stay on this call so that we can support. I think I might stay on as well just because I'm not sure he's here.
So I will push everyone to now go download the application and so again that link is on Twitter MGHs page or on Instagram again on MGHs page and then we'll head over to the MGH community zone First step though is to build an avatar so make sure you create your own avatar
Felix, are you nimble here on your side?
I texted here but I'm following now your instructions also to
to do this, actually I haven't had the chance to create my avatar yet, so I went going as you said, okay to the link.
I found it and they're away we can actually we share it we share it again here right so I could let me see if I can put it in the chat here
Um, yeah, give me a sec.
Yeah, okay, I can actually put it in the chat. That might be better.
Okay, cool.
I think that should work.
Yeah, I see it's.
Let me feel free to react also anyone listening the space Make reactions that as if it worked it didn't work leave leave comments on the tweet itself perfect I see it's yeah
>> I haven't downloaded it in full. >> Are you doing that through testflate or are you doing it through the app store? It's very important to be through testflate. >> Okay.
I had the zone apps like download it's not test flights. Yeah, so but when you hit that link does that send you to test flight? If I hit that link, Twitter app store, let us check.
because it should send you to the test flight. But I'm just worried because now it kind of looks like it's sending you the app store.
I'm going to delete it. I don't think that's-- I think for some reason when I put it on Twitter, it sends to the app store itself. So yeah, so if you just go on MGH's page, I do see the link right here.
It should take you to a little landing page that says, "Welcome to the MGH community world with a QR code if you're in desktop and if you're on mobile it'll just be a link." Like it'll be a download link.
[Clock ticking]
(keyboard clicking)
And then for everyone you might you might get kicked off of the spaces if you even if you're on a mobile and you open the app on your on your phone So just be aware of that and that's that's totally fine. But yeah very curious to hear thoughts
about the community zone itself. So yeah, if you want to share some content on Twitter, go for it. There's a little record button in the top right hand side of the MGH community zone. You can record content with.
All right, it seems that our co-founder, Alisa, is currently inside the NGH community zone, so please go join her.
whenever you can.
I think Twitter space is being like really buggy.
So guys, we could also just continue...
We could also just continue this inside of the app itself. We do have a chat feature in there.
So if you're cool with that feel like maybe we can go in there, which could be a good idea since Twitter spaces isn't working, which is also kind of cool that we might now have to go to the app to chat.
If you're able to respond blink twice.
I literally don't know if anyone here makes
Okay, everyone, we're gonna head over because of Twitter space is being absurd and Elon has refused.
refused to fix this.
We are going to head into zone and continue our chatting here. So go download that app and we're going to chat inside of the MDH community zone.
Thank you everyone for being here and I feel like I hope you have a screenshot of everyone who attended. I'm just going to take a quick one just in case. There boom okay heading in.

FAQ on MGH x XONE LAUNCH EVENT! 🌟 | Twitter Space Recording

Who co-founded Zone?
James and Elisa Molito
What is Zone's mission?
To build 3D immersive technology for musicians.
What trends is Zone building on?
Social 3D worlds, gaming, and social interaction.
What did Zone build during their incubation program at Abbey Road Studios?
Their tech for musicians specifically.
Who is Zone launching their tech with?
Universal Music.
What will Zone's mobile game allow users to create?
Venues, spaces, and NFT content with their favorite artists.
What is the purpose of Zone's mobile game?
To let all types of creators build 3D content together.
What is the focus of the biggest metaverse platforms currently seeing success?
Music, gaming, and social interaction.
What will Zone be revealing in the podcast episode?
A beta of the product.
What has been the recent focus of the podcast hosts?
Aggregating metaverses and creating gateway for the open metaverse.