Milan & Joey to EARTH: Web3 Gaming Economics - Not just for degens

Recorded: May 3, 2023 Duration: 1:12:19



Okay, let's find out a invite with this one.
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I'm going to tag the video, we put the video up top and then we'll start chatting.
Well luckily it's recording guys so everyone in the space don't forget to share the love and retweet so yeah I see you Milan I'll get you up the stage our contact meter
I'm back. Yeah, we're just speaking to mate from legends. Hey guys, can you hear me? Yeah, your first.
Thank you very much for having me here. Having a great day so far. Let's have a look at our side. Let's have a look at the project. Good updates regarding our team meeting.
Regarding some updates, we are reading the game design more importantly and so how to tweak some aspects related to the prototype. I bet you have good stack on that. We are also discussing with a new potential game designer. We have some more interviews to do with him, but that's interesting.
Anyway, I won't speak too much, but they're very good days of fun. That's awesome. So we kind of go, and you've been here before in our spaces. We're kind of just a panelists chat. Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about
the Webtery Gaming Economy, mostly in-game economy, what's happened in the past, what's coming up. So we can go into details from each product and business,
But more so of what we think is coming, what we know is coming, what might be uncertain. Just some fun talks about our individual projects, but the space is a whole, as eventually people
will start to migrate over from Web2 gaming and not just be- not just be Deed Gen, Moon people hoping to make a quick buck and exit games and jump to the next one.
specifically talking about what are the long-term plays and how tookonomics and the economy might work into that. Pretty exciting. A lot of people jumping into games, we say,
A lot of good games to be in built everywhere, but I really like to focus on Hedera. I think it's going to be gaming is probably going to be a key element to retail adoption for Hedera.
And we haven't even really scratched the surface yet.
Tell the people while we're waiting on some more to join. Based on a little bit about legends and I have a question for you. I've listened to your spaces and watched your great video content participating in the project. What I want to tell you is
talk about today is how people will be able to convert NFTs or tokens or whatever the projects are offering into actual financial resources. Some gamers are
going to be in it to make a living. Some are going to be in it to swap NFTs or sell NFTs. We really want people to understand how each project intends or hopes to create that for their holders in the future.
So basically there are two ways in which players, gamers or even investors will make actual money thanks to the end of the past. So one way is through NFTs, the other way is through token, the LOP token. Our start will be through the LOP token.
the LOP token, and we have played to arm the regular coming of wealthy games. Our specificity is that we are not, we are rather, all players and orders based on the arrival of new players that usually enter by buying an NFT.
in the past only very few players will earn some LOP. So it's the legend committee members of the committee that performs well during the event and also the representative that plays for the committee. And I think you should think of the rewards in LOP as esports rewards. So you have
like legends, owners that are like the investors of the gaming esports team, sharing the price pool with the prop players. So the idea is to reward only a few players during event, so like through like minor event quickly and one major event monthly, but with an interesting cash price. In comparison,
to some games that choose to reward every player with a small cash prize on a daily basis. And so after Game Launch we are releasing part of our total supply every month through those minor events and those major events to have a reward loop that lasts for a while.
We have to have those reward sponsored by WebtoGaming.
will be sponsored by Web-3 brands whether it be related to hedera or other chains. Like that, by having brands sponsored the rewards, these allows us to buy back the LOP in case of clear cashier. Incentivizing the strong token for the first way of making money is through those
weekly rewards and monthly rewards for the Legend Committees and the pro players. So to say, of Legend of the past, first aspect and the second aspect is when it comes to NFTs. So people who will make money out of the NFTs, I think there are two kind of of players of people. There is like investors,
people that are purchased, like either the Infinity Jars or later on the legends when we do the legend private and public sale. So people who are invested in the game will make profit because it's a limited and fixed supply. People will make profit by selling NFTs later on while the game is live at the
higher price. Those are the kind of people that are not gamers, more like investors, relative to like NFTs. And then you also have still players that feel progressively in the game earn some charts, some fragment of artifact. So objects within the game, the first lever
So, the tools of those artifacts are only tradable in our soft currency, in our utility tokens. So, they will not make money out of it. It's like to keep gaming utility based on those trading. The players trade, for instance, Excalibur for what it's forced within the game. However, the idea is
If you are skillful players and progressively you manage to level up your artifact to reach a certain level, when you have reached this level, this artifact is becoming very powerful, very rare, and then you can later on send it to other players. Just like I think also a bit, as you know you were like selling your
all of our craft accounts. It would be pointless to sell it on secondary sell if you only have level 1. However, if you reach level 100, it has a lot of value and people are willing to pay for that. Same goes for our artifact. So most of the gamers will not make a lot of money based on trading artifacts because they are
Artifacts won't be super rare, but when you've reached a certain level, you artifacts will be very powerful and then it has a huge value in HVAR on CircleDermark Place. So to sum it up, three ways of making money. First one is by being a member of the Legend Committee and through those weeks.
clear most events, first way by earning LOP that you can cash out against Piat or Auto Cryptocurrency. First aspect, second aspect is by buying and trading our NFTs that we are now selling while we are building the game. So, Infinity Jaws and then the Legends. And last way is by selling NFTs that have reached a certain level within the game.
I hope this answers with your question. Yeah, so.
I was just set up kind of like you can be a holder in earn. You can be active and earn more. Is that a possibility with legends?
that goes in the category of Legend Committee member. You don't need to be a gamer, you don't need to play the game to earn weekly rewards. Like if you have Cleo and if Cleo performs well during the Weekly and Mostly event, you as a member of Cleo Committee, you learn
If you only have one NFT of Cleo, you are only one of 1000 NFT of Cleo, you are only 1000 of the price pool. So you don't need to play to actually earn a loop here in the weekly basis. However, if you play an perform well, exactly
If you are engaging with the game, you are also receiving some booster in a way. Whether it be related to the game, like our golden gem or chance of artifacts, or related to Elope. And one last thing or so regarding how to make money
with LOP is stacking. We are implementing some stacking mechanisms so people who decide to buy the LOP. So this is for a second category of players. You have the gamers that play with Cleofer 3. We have on top the Web
players that have an NFT of Cleo that are member of the committee and are receiving the weekly earnings whether they be playing or not. And in between you have gamers that want to enter an experience this web-sweb approach and they will try to become legend followers of this like it's an
In between states, to create this progressive web3 experience that players buy LLP and they decide to stack it in a legend committee. So for instance, you are free to play user, you enter for free, you start to play, you earn some artifacts, then you buy some LLP.
That's how you're discovering the world perspective and you stack it in clear vault and like this we are earning a yield. So both some LOP so your LOP is giving you a query you know some some some earning as like passive incomes progressively but you're also receiving some in game currency.
Where were the hello pb available? When?
Where? How are you buying? So right now we're in discussion with a famous exchange that support Hedema and so that can list our tokens when we release it. We're currently in the due diligence, the technical due diligence with them. So in 3G
of the technical questions on how we are developing that and how they can support us, technically, market, and financially. So it will be like on exchanges. And yeah, privately, when we do the private and public sales, there will be one of the LOP.
through this will launch pad, like a DEX so people who buy directly from the DEX. So we have like 7% of our supply of LLP are located for liquidity pool. So when we release it, you can buy the LLP directly from the DEX and later on through exchanges.
Nice. I'm a line go ahead. I always enjoy listening to you, Basel. And so glad you could make it. It's really great. I just have to mention something else and then we'll go right back
back. Just would like to mention to everybody here, give you a warm welcome. Thank you so much for joining this space. But also I would like to say, and I'm going to repeat this several times probably in this space. So we are celebrating
that we're one year old. Well, you didn't hear from us one year ago, but one year ago, the idea started. So to celebrate this, we made a recap video, which is spent above and you can watch it.
But most importantly, just click on it right now. Yeah, go ahead, click on it. Okay, click on it. Yes. Go on and then click on retweet on quote retweet and go ahead. Add the
attack, earthlings and aversory. You might have a chance to win a heartbeat. And then once this space is finished, you can have another look on the video. It's personally, I think it's a very
nice video and really, you know, get get captures what we've been doing last year. All right, back to you Joey. So I know you've been developing for a while.
at legends. Is there anything you saw from games that have already tried to release and tried to create an autonomy bit or either great or red flags for you? Yeah absolutely. I think what
One of our source of inspiration is the game that we actually know because our art director knows the art director. That's how we know them. It's called Illyvian. I'm sure you're all heard about it. It's one of the biggest games that is currently being built. The game is not live yet. However, I think we've learned
the lot from their tokenics and how they are creating and incentivizing a strong token. That is exactly the thing that we want to achieve with LOP, whether it be through the ICO strategy relating to the total supply, the idea of it incentivizing a strong token
only rewarding different kind of players with different kind of token to create this kind of mechanism. So yeah, we are really like Illyvjom project, however the game is not live yet. So it's still, but what's important is we can present to many games that have created and launched a token before the release
most of these games often have a peak, like I think the two months after the ICO. And then I turn on the token drops and the drops and never go up. And on that aspect, in the game, token is performed very well because it's still a great
a good price relative to like this, it's ICO price. So like earlier adopters, early investors are still making a lot of revenue based on what they did. So yeah, I think our, we are highly, yeah, now we said I will take influence, but I really enjoy the economics, I spent a lot of time analyzing it. But Milan and Ashvar Joa, please, well,
I can see some materials that I found online about them, but yes, it's very interesting to economics. So I like them, I do. And also, I said from then, I should find the name again because I haven't figured out how to do it right now. But it's a game that is implementing also a different kind of token of implementing
like, it wants to create a new, like some stable coin and collaterals as the way of rewording their players. So that, again, if players cash out, it doesn't jeopardize the overall ecosystem. But I need to find the name of this game. Yeah, yeah.
>> Our flag are welcome. How are you? >> Hey, what's up? Sorry for coming a little late. I've been having a pretty crazy morning. How's everybody doing? >> I don't know. That's great. Glad you joined us. We're doing well. We're just listening to a base. We'll talk a little bit about.
some of their inspirations for their tokenomics. I'm glad you joined. I had a couple of questions for you specifically because you've been involved. I see that nice PFP you have. The question I have been diving into a little bit.
talking about projects that have already tried to release some tokenomics or economics for games that have already been launched, talking about red flags or things that have been inspiration for what may be
be to come as far as trading, selling, NFTs or tokens for a project. And I know that the other sides got some big plans and they're going to be a trend set or just kind of get yours.
or feedback on what you've seen or what's influencing your guys' decisions as you develop. That's a good question. I think it's an evolving ecosystem. I think a lot of people are trying a lot of different things. I know early on everyone was talking about play to earn, which
which I think played to earn in its core as an idea was like the right idea of wanting to help gamers get paid for their time. But I just think the implementation of it was just all over the place and then you're dealing with people that are bad actors as well. This last cycle
cycle of everything was like the bad actor cycle. And so it's really hard to pick and choose the winners when you pick and choose a winner that's a bad actor and you don't find out until a year later. So we have to flush out all these kind of scammers and bad actors.
and kind of figure out, okay, who are the real teams that are building things and who are the real projects that are trying to actually move the space forward. And that's what we're kind of discovering now. I think in the next year, we're going to discover a lot of legitimate teams and projects that may be launching a total
or maybe launching a NFT that actually has a plan. It actually has fits in the ecosystem and it makes sense. At least that's what I'm hoping for it. Because this last cycle was really, really rough. It was all about number go up and make a ton of money and then it just exploded.
It's all part of the process. Yeah, I feel like there's kind of a decision to be made now and it's finding a balance. Somebody we were talking to and have been talking to and working with. It's a simple question, but it's probably the most important
What's going to drive your success is that gamers and the actual game and bringing in Web 2 to Web 3 players if you want to use those terms or is it going to be driven by
growing the web3 and crypto and speculation side of it. And I think that's something that has to be delivered in clarity and transparently amongst the team before you can even decide a way to move forward.
And I think we've kind of decided that we want it to be game driven and adoption driven. I think everybody's chasing that what's the rate and what $3 right now, which is such a small market comparatively that
I think big part of the reason we're on Padera is because that Web 2 to Web 3 gaming adoption can be much smoother and more enjoyable for players as they come in in the future.
Definitely like it's The the thing that we have to realize is gamers have plenty of games coming out for them and it's a very easy pipeline for them to just install and play the game so it's like What what is the reason for them?
They're not seeing a reason to go through all these hurdles of learning how to use crypto or make a wallet or accidentally click the wrong button and lose all their money. That's what they're really thinking of behind the scenes. This is kind of a scary.
Even if I wanted to dive into this, it's such an insurmountable task for me when I just want to play a game. And so this drive to adoption has to be with the games, have to be seamless in how they're using the technology.
So it's like the technology can't be the hindrance for the game. The game has to be easy to install, easy to play, easy to get rewards, and all of the blockchain or blockchain is handling the tech on the backend. And the people who know, like
like all of us will be able to like take advantage of the tech right away and will be trading our assets and using a secondary marketplace. But there's going to be a whole group of players in the same game that won't even know what's happening. They'll just be playing it and collecting rewards in their inventory and trading them and
within the game. And at some point they'll realize, "Oh wait, I have some money in my account. What is this money?" And that's when they start to figure it out, and because they want to figure it out, because it's actually beneficial to them now. But we're like 18 steps away from that, right?
they need to get into the game first and the game is the key, right? People will go over many lengths and and and troubles and difficulties if if what they're trying to get to is what everybody else is looking at and it's fun. I ever a great a great example of this was when I
requests first came out in 1999. You had to go to the mall to buy a video card just to play the game. First of all, you had to have a PC and then you had to have enough money to go buy this $200 graphics card which would 1999, it was a lot of money to spend
200 bucks just for a graphics card just to play this video game. So like the hurdles isn't the thing for me. It's really it's like if the game is compelling enough people will go through the hurdles. And so that's where that's the secret in my opinion is it starts with the product. Yeah, I think that's pretty good.
They are like entering entering and playing your game for for the gameplay because they see like this feel like an ads or teaser of your IP or just the gameplay itself Then they would stay for the core loop for the the probation systems and what's making fun to play again and again and again and again and again
And then progressively, as you were saying, some of them, not all of them, but some of them based on, well, depends on your game specifics. But some of them will experience a real digital ownership, whether it be related to NFTs or actual phone jubal token, or maybe some governance or other stuff related to it.
And those people would be fully engaged and would stay and create, you know, like those, yeah, in-depth community driven mechanisms that would stay so again, it's really important to start with the content. I have a sentence that our like one of our investor and advisor always tell us is content is king and
Publishing is a queen. Publishing is usually for web2games. But I think those can be the mechanics. Start with the content, drive people for what you are actually building to create a firm and engaging experience. And then the other step is to create long-term retention and engagement. And that's what I think will happen with successful web3games.
100% agree. Content is king. Content is king is such an easy line to remember, but I can tell you it's the most truthful statement out there. Yeah, it's funny because sometimes I discuss and I read some pitch deck of some Web 3 games, but all of them they always have
a very complex token of mixed strategy, whatever road map, business model, revenue streams, whatsoever. And it's always a copycat of I do some things. We're going to do another clash for YAL. We're going to do another, we're going to do another, something like that that may have worked in the past, but it's not the
something different. I think it's really difficult. I think that's why many of the games won't succeed because it's so hard to have skilled game designers
knows how to create a call-up that knows how to, and are creative enough to create new ways of engagement and to create the fun, something that may not be fun in the past by merging different ideas, different concepts, and that's how you can create something that is actually fun and engaging.
Yeah, I think that's key. Just talking to gaming family and friends from age. Yeah, I mean, I think I think we're speaking the same language here. I totally agree. Yeah, you guys
or spot on on that. And I've talked to friends and it's a common topic why don't gamers like the idea of NFTs and Arc you hit it perfectly just speaking to friends and family that are
There's a perception that it's difficult and the fear of loss and you hear a big thing is pay to play, gas fees. It's too difficult to get involved.
the seamless transition to the point where people that join a game are going to do it because it's fine. A few will do it once they're friends telling them to take them by themselves and items in the game.
For the most part, people aren't going to fight to learn how to create a wallet, manage that, enter your wallet into the game, manage that. It's got to be seamless where they jump in, they're playing, they don't
realize they're earning. And the next thing you know, like you said, Ark is say like, oh man, what's this? I can sell these things now or I have this much to spend in the game just by playing. And that transition is going to be crucial.
Yeah, I think I lost Shark of you back.
Hey, can you guys hear me? Yeah, sorry about that. Yeah, I don't know why Elves and I just stopped hearing all sound. I had to reconnect. But yeah, it's it's a I think we're talking about the same thing. Basically,
You know I when I play my games on steam I don't know if steam's using like a cloud or if they're downloading it straight to my device or how they're giving me the games I don't need to know what they're doing all I need to know is that I click play in the game goes right
So Web 2 has already figured out how to utilize its cloud tech and data acquisition without telling anybody about it. And so Web 3 just has to figure that out on the wallet creation and the itemization.
Yeah, and that's something that is a big focus. Getting the players in is going to be the fun part, keeping them in and having them use the technology is great.
I think it helps with our team. I don't understand the technology. I was a crypto hater. I was a wallet hater. The reason I got in at all is because of Hadeira and
and then I had a little bit of H bar and then I saw the NFT market rising. I bought one NFT, flipped it for about 20X in two weeks and I was hooked. But instantly I realized that
we were a long, long way from any kind of mass adoption because it was difficult and I don't feel like I'm dumb. I felt like I was naive to it, but it was scary and confusing and before I was trading NFTs, I
There I saw that gas fees were rip off and it joked and I didn't understand how people were spending thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars on NFTs when you could try to make a transaction and lose $400 because it didn't go through. So there is a lot to be done.
Yeah, thank you. Yeah, and then, you know, to continue on that. The thing is, you know, with Hedera, it's actually the only one in my opinion, and many opinions here, I believe, is the only one that
make sense to be able to focus on the game only because as Hedera is scalable as the fees are predictable as it's ABFT security. There's so many reasons I can keep on going mentioning. It actually makes sense
not to advertise you know that is built on hadara because it works it's it's it does what it needs to so you can focus on building the game and then the backbone or or not maybe not necessarily the backbone i but i like to
to believe that, but to leverage the experience of the game by using Hedera, by using distributed ledger technology, instead of what was done previously and still being done is just, yeah, let's have gaming and Web 3, you know, but it's completely not scalable with the
theory or more other other change. So that's why I'm so excited and you know just as you I mean the only one that made sense for me was Hadeira is that that you know it's scalable and you can actually build something on it and make it a
the back end of the game and exactly what Arc is saying, who cares about what's running behind? I do care, but if you're a gamer, you just want to play. And then your
On the long run, you're discovering ownership through DOT. Obviously ownership is a key word. We keep saying that. But I think that's definitely one of the key things. But people will discover it themselves. They will find out themselves. And that's really the power behind it.
Oh, sorry, Joe, I know you're going to say something, but just a quick, quick reminder again. At the top of this space, you see we pinned the tweet again, well, maybe you've already done it. If you haven't done yet, click on it and
quote retweet with the hashtag earthlings anniversary because if you do so you have a chance on winning a heart pin and what's on the tweet? Well on the tweet there is a recap video of one year of earthlings because one year ago the concept of earthlings was screwed
by Marcel Patrick and Jorgo. So don't watch the video now because you're listening to the space but in the meanwhile quote retweet that tweet it also helps to drag more people to the space. You have a chance of winning the bin and
And after the space, have a watch. It's a very nice video. Just wondering what is, because I participated. I recently just retweeted and quoted with the ash cake. What do you remind us? What is the utility associated with the earthlings?
So is your question what the utility is of the earthlings pins or the specific heart pin?
both. So yeah, let me just go back a little bit. So we have several NFTs, right? So they have utility within the game, not all of them. But for example, you've got the airship which definitely allows you to have a airship within the game.
And the earth bins are one is an NFT that people got robbed in the early days. It was a free ad-drop. And each of those, I think there's Joey, maybe can correct me because I think you have a lot more bins than I have. There are three.
37 now 37 okay there are 37 different pins and with different rarity And also each of the pins they have like the classic variant and then you've got you've got the denim you've got bronze silver and gold so the gold ones obviously the most rare
one and each of those pins they have a utility somehow. For example with the sun pin you can recharge your tools or help me out here Joey. What kind of utility do we have more? I was going to go to last
in our discord, but you know there's the wetherpins they all have utility some of them are for rare rides like we have a Pegasus in the game that's going to be you can mount the Pegasus and get
to our floating islands. You can ride them around the game or you can jump on an airship that we have and go to the floating islands. Some of the pens will be used to protect you from other animals. Some of them will be used for transportation. Some of them will be used
for extended life or for protection. So they all have different utility. What we didn't want to do is create the utility so strong that somebody coming into the game
a year after it's launched is at a total disadvantage and can't compete. So although they are utilities, we want to make sure that it's not an unfair advantage to anybody coming in. Some of them are some of them are fun, but everybody will have access to the utility.
I'll jump in here because now it's quite in between so I'll make use of that. We've got many use cases for a fence, for instance the beep in there if you use that one and you're in a big trouble with a hangry pack of moose.
What kind of animal moves or whatever, then your little bee helpers will come and help you out. But we've got more than that, of course. We've got the the jump in. If you find something in the game, but you don't have the tools to bring it with you, just you should jump in, you secure it there and no one else can touch it.
we tried to diversify the opinions in a lot so that it's fun for people who have them, who buy them now at the latest stage, but even the gamers will like them a lot so they will be actually quite, I think they will be collectibles as well because if you have a lot
of games, there won't be enough pins for everyone of course, but we dropped them for free to reward the early community. And yeah, I think that's that went well. So you'll see just come and join and play. It's going to be a while, but you'll see that there's a lot of different pins to use for
So I'll kind of switch gears and ask everybody up here. We don't know what regulations are coming. All three of our games already have
people from all over the world participating and joining and holding our NFTs, which is fantastic. What are
some fell say or stops that you all plan on having so that everybody can participate no matter what regulations come.
I can jump in here. I think on the game side, it doesn't matter what the regulations are, we can still all make really fun game loops in good game design, in good art, right, in good storytelling, good character building, all of that stuff isn't.
So as regulation comes down, I think it's going to be more on the ownership privacy finance level. And there's going to be some hurdles there for sure. But I think at the end of the day, digital ownership is just a moving
behemoth that can't be stopped. And so regulation will come and change and adjust, but I think if we look at a long enough time frame, and we look at the next five years, 10 years, digital ownership is going to look very different and be more widely accepted and understood.
and appreciate it. So I think focus on the characters, focus on the story, focus on the game design, and you know, it should, everything else should kind of follow. I wanted to kind of follow up on what was said earlier, and I think we
to step back and realize how deep we are through the looking glass. Like we are very, very integrated and we're very, very deep into this tech. And so people don't need to know H bar, they don't need to know hash pack, they don't need to know any of this stuff.
They just need to play a fun game and they'll learn they'll learn all these things like we didn't know we didn't really know Paypal or what it was But eventually we just he started using it because it was so convenient so that's it's kind of we have to get to that level first. Yeah, I agree
I had laptops all the way through college and after and every one of them had the Intel sticker on it, but I promise you until I had my 4th or 5th laptop, I never even knew, you know, I knew what it meant, but I never even looked to see it.
see what were actually in the guts and what was making my computer run. I just would read the reviews, find the good one and get it. And I think Haderra and HBAR maybe a little bit like that, that it'll be so commonplace and that people can see that they're using it but it won't really
effect most of the day to day users as far as that's why they're using it. And yeah, let me just respond that. So if what you are referring to as like legal environment and context is maybe with the duplicification of some
I said some tokens as considered was called securities. And well, in some case, yeah, gaming token will be considered securities no matter what we do about it, no matter how it can be, that's the regulation is going in that direction. So like if people will push a
and hold token for investment purposes to provide a return on investment or to trade it on the secondary market. That will be considered by securities, no matter what you do about it. But in other case, if the tokens are like solely used and yeah, yeah, solely used and
and the pro-shade and used in a four in-game purchases. In that in that you know like a category which will not be considered securities. That's why we have for instance speaking about my game that we have tokenomics that involves different kinds of tokens. The strong yellow piece of kind that will think eventually be considered a securities or we have to
to be compliant about this, but we also have, again, this, Eropito Cunnet, only to reward a few through the delayed gen committees. However, all the tokens at the top of the gold and the gen would be used for in-game purchases, so they would not be considered securities. So, overall, I think the
The regulation is going in that direction. It's not going to be as easy as it used to be in the past to like issue tokens and you'll have to provide some KWC for like know your customer. So to provide them like press ability or so and that's good for like on Timonial under me. And so I think the regulation are going in that direction, but there are many
like technical like providers and legal and technical providers that are helping gaining students such as ourselves to deal with the suspect and see with a lot of stuff happening. And also I think that some gaining students would be, you know, with
the world responsible for the use of the attack and there will be a third party helping them and also taking the guarantee that these have the proper regulation and they have the right and the legal criteria to do that. And so I think the regulation is going
that direction it's going to be more difficult but there are technical providers that will support us in the long run and as you said our focus would be regarding building the game and this will drive the aspect and the legal aspect of this has to be organized and will be done but there will be ways for gaming to do such as ourselves to do it properly.
Yeah, that's so true. Hold on, I'll be right back.
Yeah, the, the main thing here that I think we have to realize as well is because it's decentralized tech that we're working with. Everybody's connected even when they're not connected and what I mean is
that when something's happening, everybody comes over to go look at it. So while yes, it's on a different chain or if it's over here in this part of the world, like the internet, there's no such thing as this part of the world in the internet. Everybody goes there and you kind of think of it like a stadium. You know, if I looked at a football stadium right
now I'd be like oh my god it's empty this place sucks why would I come here there's nobody here but that's because there's no game happening and so as soon as the football game starts it's a 60,000 person stadium that's filled and crazy so you just people will go to where the action is
people are going to go to where the fun is. So, all this talk of like, which chain and which coin and which, like what's the best, it's like, none of that matters to me. It's like, who's delivering the best content and who has the best product, and that's where people will go.
Absolutely, I'm just taking over. I don't know if Joey is back on up. I'll jump back in. That's a very interesting comparison. You made there. I've never thought about it that way. But yeah, absolutely. That's a very interesting one. Absolutely.
So the fact is that, again, I'm always preaching about Adara, but that's me. The fact that he won't really have, obviously, Adara still has its genesis, right? It's new attack. So sometimes you are discovering things and maybe we need a new hit.
or whatsoever. But the thing is that it's built to be scalable. It is scalable. And you can utilize it in such a way that it doesn't really matter anymore. It's just the stadium has been built. And now all you have to do
is create that match to start that for Bombak, so it's to create the content. And that's amazing that we've arrived here, that we can focus on the actually gaming enough, having to worry about the web three side of things of implementation.
I was banging up my door and I had to talk to them. They were covering some things. Are you going to buy that solar or what? I'm actually
My IRL business is in Energy weatherization and solar so that's funny you asked that Well, I think the last five people that have knocked on my door have tried to sell me solar panels so It's funny because people come here and do that my house was actually built solar
are ready, but we don't have panels because we don't know how long we're going to be here. And the state of Georgia was dragging their feet on it. So we haven't put it, but it's funny when people do come to our neighborhood because our whole neighborhood's built solar ready. And I think there are only two houses and 120 that have solar. So they do it all the
But no, that was one of the guys who works for me and he's dropping off the check and asking a bunch of questions. So I had to tell him to take a hike and I'll see him in a little bit. But no, so let me go back to what I was saying, following up on what Basil said. Yeah. Last year,
in November we had what we thought was the perfect tokenomics plan. We have our steam token, we were all geared up and ready to launch it. We started to reconsider and reevaluate our strategy through outside legal advice
through watching the landscape of regulations and what people were being targeted and what was possibly to come. And one thing that ARC said that I really like is digital ownership is
not going away. I look at NFTs a lot like any other collectible and I don't see a time where they're going to go hard after NFTs as long as they're not being used unscrupulously.
I think that there's a huge benefit and future to that NFT market. So in game, that's perfect because that's the focus of most gamers is to get the skins, to get the cool collectibles, to get the new tools and items and weapons if that may be what they
need and the players in the games, the actual characters. So you develop those and give ownership to people. I think that'll maintain a long, long future. As far as the token side of it, to give a little bit of alpha for what we are going to do,
We're gonna have the steam watch and it'll be on The Texas to fight any other token and you'll be able to use it and trade it and take it in game, but we'll also have a rewards program that's gonna work a lot like
credit card or hotel points rewards. So if you make a purchase on your card you earn rewards those rewards can be used in the game to purchase items to do other activities and you'll be able
to our players will be able to join the rewards program and collect those rewards in game via playing or other activities. So it'll be a dual token that Steam will be able to use for everything that it's
always was going to be able to be used for but now we have another outlet for rewards for our holders and players that the rewards token will act as another currency inside the game which we're pretty excited about.
I want to try something about legal aspect that I'll get on that later. You have a question about what you just said regarding your token, the team. So what you're saying about this reward mechanism is
that when you're comparing it to critical rewards, so basically when you are spending some steam token, you are getting an other token as a reward, is that it or did I not properly understand?
Yeah, so whether any purchase works for credit cards, you know you get rewards and you can spend those on travel or back on your credit card. You can do all kinds of things with those reward tokens.
purchase whether it be with Steam or hypothetically a credit card in game if you buy an NFT from Earthlings that go into a shop and make a purchase you'll earn the rewards token that we're going to have in game and that rewards token
from all purchases can be used additionally in the game. Just like you can use your credit card rewards to purchase many different things through the credit card provider, we'll be able to do the same thing in our Slinges with rewards. So yes, if you purchase an NFT with
theme, you will get some an additional reward as long as you're in the rewards program in a different rewards currency that you can use for the same type things in the game. Okay, that's interesting. Yeah, that's what we were saying about like
the legal evolution of this space. I think it's important that we are all something to get ready to be like compliant with like new lows and security lows and regulation. I think something that we haven't said is also, I think we can also take
a little bit of some other events and start to focus on investor protection. Like since people, whether it be related to NFTs or the offensive of the token, people will actually invest in our token, in our gaming token. It's important to protect investors by asking to
to ask some information and we are straight forward with the financial risk, the condition, all of that aspect, things that people are not like they are fully aware of what they are doing and what they are informed but they are buying, selling, trading, how it's okay. And so it's important to
Take a step of like within the game when you start you usually have like your CGU or CGU at the beginning include those kind of warning and explaining the different aspects and also when it's inside because like right now when you purchase an F.C. on external like a website people may not be aware of exactly
I think the same goes for our future like shops, whether it be like in your actual game or online, people should have some forms of protection making sure that they are not doing it and misclicking and not doing something that would jeopardize their actual wallet. And the last aspect is
something that I've already explained, but it's really important to end that a good way to like fight anti-pro, then like AML anti-monial underings through those evolution of regulation. And this is good because in the past, this has driven a lot of people on Web 3 and for instance,
At the moment, it's crazy what you can do and how you can easily get investment for people that are very shady and converted into fiat without people noticing it. You need to have to do some KYB or KYC but sometimes it's very easy to go against it. Having this strong and I agree difficult evolution
of the legal aspects is difficult, but this will get through progressively of the scammers of the shady people that also want to, yeah, money laundering and stuff like that. Yeah, and I have a background in banking, so I'm
A lot of people don't want to hear it when I say we do need some regulation, but I think the regulation needs to be exactly what you just said. People need to be informed on the risk of their activity before they make it, and that's going to
be key for adoption as well. You know, you've got to let people know that here's what you're about to do and here's the explanation of what you're about to purchase or transact to help people with that and
I don't think KYC definitely necessarily needs to go as far as knowing my mother's maiden name, but there does need to be a little bit of that just for protecting other consumers within the ecosystem. So I agree with that. Go ahead, Archie.
Well, I just wanted to say it's even more simple than that. We have a trust issue. Like nobody's going to come here if they think they're just going to get scammed like the people who invested in FTX or the people who invested
in Luna or Celsius. Like let's be honest we were we were on the road to mass adoption. We were full steam ahead like arenas are getting bought like super bowl commercials are all over the place. Make no mistake that
that all got forwarded by bad actors. There's nothing wrong with the technology. It's the same tech. It's not a failure of the tech. It's a failure of regulation and bad actors and dragging our feet. So if we want to create that much momentum
them again, we need regulation and we need people to trust that their money is safe. That's purely what it is and we're not going to see another, in my opinion, we're not going to see another mass of crypto bull run until people feel like they can invest safely.
correct Patrick I agree so much on that I actually believe it's more even failure or not being regulated enough than bad actors because bad actors you have everywhere I've been well a lot of our team members have set up businesses for years and doing business outside of web for you
of course, and man, there is bad actors everywhere. But if we have more regulations, then yeah, it will be safer in this space. And they always seem to highlight the bad actors more in this space than in regular business. There's this crooks everywhere. But yeah, I agree 100% of what you said there.
Sometimes you see these YouTube movies where they say, "Oh, regulations are coming." I love regulations. We need regulations because it's going to safeguard a lot of people. And then projects will know what they're up to and what's coming. So it's going to be easier to build as well. Okay, that's enough of me.
That's great and I've seen you tweet recently and I don't tweet a lot about it but it blows my mind when people say meme coins are great for mass adoption and I 100% disagree great for people making
on a great for people getting rich overnight. But the perception from the rest of the world is that it's making crypto look more like a joke. It's not great for mass adoption of people that aren't already de-gins. It doesn't do anything for the optics.
for the industry and I think personally I think they're detrimental and people can say what they want and support them how they want but I hate them. Yeah I've just been like it's just it's just turning crypto into a casino and it's like is that what you guys want you guys want
everyone to just like massive it would mass adoption for all the degenerates. Yeah. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. If you want to be a degenerate, go be a degenerate, you are responsible for your own decisions and your own money. But like that's not the way to get everybody on board. You're not going to turn everybody into a D Gen. And it's
and get them all into your slot machine. So it's just, I think people are having a hard time right now because they all lost a lot of money. Nobody really made money unless you're like the 1, the .01% of the .01% that knew to short the market right when it turned.
like that's that's you know that's just where we're at like you can't you can't have it's it's okay to to have high-risk moon bags like I'm I come from crypto trading like that
That's how I started. I started with speculating on Ripple and Xlm and Cardano and all the old coins. But don't turn your entire life savings into a moon bag. That's the fastest way to go broke.
Yeah, and it's, it's, um, and that's the thing we're getting. Getting retail to come over, um, we're such a small segment now. Um, if I'm going to get, um, my friends that think crypto is terrible to participate in something
it's got to be something that they feel safe in, something that they feel like. Okay, I see the benefit in this and I have gotten some to hear Adara and I have gotten some into H. Bar when it was a quarter who wrote it to 50 cents and now they're
wondering when it's gonna go back up but none of them have freaked out because they felt like they got scammed by Hadeira or H. Bar they feel more like what you were seeing earlier the industry and the bad actors have really turned things out
not Hadeira in H.Bore as a project which is a reason most of us listening here and people in Hadeira are still holding strong with that and we've been going about an hour even even with the delay
If anybody has some questions, please jump up and feel free to ask any questions or make a comment. I really appreciate everybody coming out and joining and talking about this. We do it every other week and on our off weeks it's Patrick.
in Marcel, a twin talk, and it's the same time every Wednesday and they dive into some different topics than we do. Milan, you want to jump on? Yeah, yeah, I want to remind that we want to.
guess what? To quote Retwee the tweet that's been up top on this space and you know you might make a chance on winning a heart pin so click on that
tap on that tweet up there, yes go ahead and then go out and retweet and use the hashtag #urvelingsaniversary and then once the space is finished go have a watch it's three minutes full of
of nostalgic history, one year history of Earthlings. Yeah, back to you Joey, I don't know if we have someone coming up, otherwise we're on the top of the hour.
I just want to say thank you guys for allowing me to come up and talk with you. It was nice. Yes, same for me. Thank you very much for having me.
First, bursting in the region of the past. Always a pleasure to discuss what we are going to make games overall and what's happening on the head of our space. So thank you very much. And happy, I think that is a wrap.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I don't want to talk about one second. I think Christian had a comment on the connection. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. So I was trying to figure out the what is the purpose of a dual token if they if they accomplish the same thing.
and then kind the end game reward token be converted with great liquidity with the end game token with Steam. Yeah, that's a good question. So the reward token works just like a credit card token.
or hotel points that it can't be converted to anything else. So it can be used inside the ecosystem, but your rewards can't. The rewards token will never end up on a deck. It'll just be an end game. Like I said, rewards token just like
If you're spending your hotel points, you can go to the hotel and get rooms with that. You can buy more of our award points, but you can't sell those for cash on a market. I guess that's the best explanation for the rewards token.
And what we're also looking at is, and this is, we're just trying to figure out the legal side of it, an ability to do a revenue share back, but that's down the road and that's something that's not promised at all because it's just
so difficult to do it. We're not going to be one of those businesses that just throws it out because everybody is doing revenue here and we're not following the legal steps to get that done. And then my follow up would be, will the end game
Rewards token, DAHTS token. And I think around two weeks ago you said there would be an update or release of tokenomics. When can we expect for a tokenomics to be put back into the next white paper update? Thanks.
Yeah, thank you. So, one of the updates will say is that the big thing that the community wants to know as far as the steam goes is that
The community share will be 10%. Now the exact divide of that between general founders cards and landholders.
We still aren't quite ready to say that yet, but it'll be 10% to the community. They reward token.
It's going to have to be determined and it's just a matter of seaguring out how to if we can do HTS without it being able to be moved to a day.
because that's not the intent of it at all. If we wanted that to happen, then we would just have steam, but we wanted there were awards to be a true, or awards only for people to put back into the game. So that'll have to be answered as far as the full tokenomics still
waiting on some things from Head Starter to finalize the numbers and the exact drop. Another thing that we know for sure will happen is that the Genie, like Q3 or like Q4 of the mini games, supposed to
launch is progressing nicely and steam will be incorporated into that. So we know that by then at least people will have have their steam in their wallet in the drop, but as far as having any more specifics on that, I don't
today. Thanks. And my last question would be, can you buy the same items with Steam as you will be able to with the new endgame token? Yeah, just like the hotel rewards points I did it yesterday.
I've booked a night at Hilton and I used Hilton points and US dollars to purchase a night for an anniversary trip in August and the intent for the rewards token is to
to function very similar to that in credit card rewards so that you can spend either or possibly a combination of both in the shops and for men's and NFTs. Great, thanks for bringing me up on stage. Yep, thank you.
Okay, that being said, I'm going to wrap it up. Thank you all for coming. Thanks for participating. We really love to have involvement all of them self-inhabited, especially we like
to be involved with the other games and get it in sight from you all. And we do appreciate it. We appreciate the community and thanks for being patient with us, everybody, as things do change and willing to adapt and adjust with us.
Thank you so much for having us for the pleasure. Thank you guys. Talk to you later. Talk to you all later. Thank you so much. Goodbye.

FAQ on Milan & Joey to EARTH: Web3 Gaming Economics - Not just for degens | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of discussion in the podcast?
The topic of discussion in the podcast is the web 3 gaming economy, specifically in-game economy and what is coming up in the future.
What is the name of the project being discussed in the podcast?
The name of the project being discussed in the podcast is Legends of the Past.
What updates were discussed regarding Legends of the Past in the podcast?
Updates were discussed regarding the game design and how to tweak some aspects related to the prototype, as well as discussing with a new potential game designer.
How can players make money through Legends of the Past?
Players can make money through Legends of the Past by earning LOP tokens through weekly and monthly rewards as a member of the Legend Committee, buying and trading NFTs such as the Infinity Jars and Legends, and by selling NFTs that have reached a certain level within the game.
What is the Legend Committee member and how do they earn rewards?
A Legend Committee member is someone who doesn't need to play the game to earn weekly rewards and these rewards are earned through the performance of the committee's NFTs.
What are the two ways in which players can make money in Legends of the Past?
The two ways in which players can make money in Legends of the Past are through earning LOP tokens and through buying and trading NFTs.
What is the significance of leveling up in Legends of the Past?
Leveling up in Legends of the Past allows players to reach a higher level with their artifact, making it rarer and more valuable when traded in the game's marketplace.
What is the purpose of stacking mechanisms in Legends of the Past?
The purpose of stacking mechanisms in Legends of the Past is to incentivize players and allow them to earn more if they decide to buy LOP tokens.
What is the expected role of hedera in the gaming industry according to the podcast?
According to the podcast, gaming is expected to be a key element to retail adoption for Hedera, and Legends of the Past may contribute to this adoption.
What are the potential sources sponsoring the rewards in Legends of the Past?
Web3 brands, whether related to Hedera or other chains, will sponsor the rewards in Legends of the Past.